#Mystical Kaleidoscope
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chasingcoyotes · 2 years
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My room as seen from my bed :]
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limonmelon · 2 months
armandaniel reclist
Because I really have to start putting these somewhere and because I need everyone to read these and give them the love they deserve:
outcast of all this night by gaypiratedivorce - "After a month in Dubai, Daniel Molloy is back home and miraculously alive, eager to get to work on his first draft. The vampire Armand has other plans." first in an insanely good (and complete!) series.
two truths and a liar by andrealyn - "Facing down the press junket for his book, Daniel Molloy is prepared to hype up his hit novel. He's less prepared to have Armand crash the tour to play bodyguard and doting assistant and he's definitely not ready to have his secrets spilled on a world stage because Armand wants to play games. The longer he sticks around to torment Daniel as he chases him across the country, the longer he stays. So, who's really winning this game?"
to the edge of the earth by andrealyn (you can tell I love her Daniel voice) - "There's nowhere that Armand can run where Daniel won't find him. Using the Talamasca's information, his own dogged determination, and eternity sprawling ahead of them, Daniel's going to find his maker and figure out why Armand keeps running. When he catches him (and he will), he's going to prove that it's going to be the two of them, forever, and that he's going to love Armand the way no one has before."
and then what? by andrealyn - "The droning hum of Louis' boredom is going to drive Armand mad. Instead of accepting it, Armand seeks out the kaleidoscope chaos that is Daniel Molloy's mind to learn why he's so special, so fascinating, so interesting. Every city he finds him in, he learns more before he makes Daniel forget. Every city, Armand grows a little more addicted. And every city, Armand does something he's not supposed to do -- falls a little more in love and eager to give Daniel the memories of who they are together."
his thoughts were red thoughts by spqr - "Daniel’s barely thirty; he can’t fathom one century, let alone five. It’s probably a wonder Armand doesn’t spend his time skulking in a cave somewhere, muttering to himself, covered in the blood and muck of his innocent human victims."
care and keeping by katplanet - "Louis shakes his head. “And now he's got you stepping on him.” Daniel picks his drink up and necks the last half of it. “I have not,” he says, “stepped on him, as of yet.” “But you want to.” “I think so?” Daniel puts the empty glass back on the table and scoots it out of their immediate limb radius. “I think I could want to. I want to want to.” “There you go,” Louis says, “tell him that. That'll set the mood.”" With some really great Louis/Daniel friends who love each other and also fuck too.
Endearments by Nothing_But_Paisley - "Daniel never compared him to a Botticelli angel or a Bernini cherub, never called him a demon or an imp. Such images scarcely existed within that wonderfully secular modern brain of his. Daniel was entirely a creature of the flesh."
open up your skull, i'll be there by typefortydeductions - "He shakes his wrist free and brings it to his mouth, licking up the trail of blood, his eyes never leaving Armand’s. He turns, and walks away, and spends a restless night in his own bed with his dick half-hard and the memory of Armand’s blood and Armand’s hands and Armand’s final whispered words before he upped and left Daniel sprawled newborn on the floor." this series floored me it's so good please read it.
mystic seaport is that way by exastris_scientia - "Daniel should really get more sleep and stop getting himself into these situations..." this series has it's boot on my throat. written pre-Season 2.
bend your dream with the road | VOTE TO END OTW RACISM by meronicavars - "Daniel is asleep dreaming of his own unreliable recollection of Louis at Polynesian Mary's all those years ago and Armand wants to dive into his dream and wrench Louis out, shake him until he realizes that Daniel is his, Daniel has always been his. Isn’t this something Louis should know? That Daniel was his gift to Armand. Why must you torture me with his presence? He wants to ask. Why would you bring him here if not to punish me?" also part of great series and written pre-Season 2.
the man who wasn't there by obstra - ""I just couldn't bear to lose you and Louis in one day.” Armand is looking away from Daniel now and picking more ferociously at the edge of his sleeve, like he's avoiding something big. He's almost afraid to ask, somehow he can tell this is going somewhere significant “Why would losing me be the same as losing Louis Armand? Just some kid you met decades ago in San Francisco, tortured a little bit then threw aside? Explain to me why. Does this have anything to do with the fact that my memory of the 70s has more holes in it than swiss cheese? I thought it was just drugs but I also thought San Francisco was just drugs and look how that turned out.”"
a haunting just for company by valkyrisms - ""I know what a breakup looks like," Daniel says. "The better question is, why are you coming to me about it? I'm the one who broke up your little sham." "This is what humans do, don't they?" Armand asks, letting his voice drop. "Crashing on their friends' couches when there's a blip in their romances?""
Simplicity by WendigoDreaming - "Daniel's memory is a gaping hole morphing slowly into the shape of Armand." also part of an ongoing series!
The Beginning Is the End Is the Beginning by trinityofone - "He should have left when he had the chance. But he wanted to see how it ended. His mistake. Because the story wasn’t done with him. All at once it was grabbing him by the throat. (A version of Daniel's turning featuring visions, sex, and sexy visions.)"
forever's gonna start tonight by trinityofone (actually just read all their IWTV fic thank you) - "I’ve lost my mind, Daniel thinks, still lavishing kisses to the chest of the creature that killed him. He says the next part out loud: “I fucking hate you. And you hate me. So something is making us do this.” “I don’t hate you,” Armand pants. “You mean nothing to me. Don't stop.”"
more to come!
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hwaightme · 2 years
Safe and San
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THIS IS 18+ ONLY, MINORS DNI FOR MOUNT'S SAKE (nsfw tags under the cut) (masterlist)
🟡 pairing: san x afab!reader 🟡 genre: smut, pwp, fluff, established relationship 🟡 summary: in the coolness of an early morning, choi san reveals to you what it means to love in a quiet timelessness, where all that exists is you, him, and the sunrise. 🟡 wordcount: 5.3k 🟡 warnings/tags: fiance san, falling asleep in the living room reading together, sharing hoodies, just loving each other, summer season - yes it is spring but now it is summer because san said so, hoodie san, cuddles, hugs and kisses, sort of edited sort of not (lmk if there is intense chaos anywhere) 🟡 taglist: @doom-fics @legohwa @acciocriativity @justhere4kpop @honey-lemon-goose @byuntrash101 @shakalakaboomboo @starillusion13 @hongthoven 🟡 a/n: seriously idk where this came from, all I know is that I have been occasionally mindblanking and... here we are. Much love and all reblogs, comments, notes welcome <3
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🟡 nsfw taglist: the petname content is intense in this one (sun, moon, stars, summer, honey, darling, love... nicknames...), all the praise, lazy sex, no protection (wrap before tap c'mon), cum inside, cockwarming, sex while in a state of semi-dress, fingering, the softest dom san, basically a service dom
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The early morning haze entranced you. An ever-changing palette, the walls of your living room appeared to take on a different hue every time you languidly blinked, still fighting the heavy remnants of sleep. After having forgotten to completely draw the curtains, the luminescence of the cheerful, expectant sun crept across the cold wooden floor in a shy line, barely caressing the cream wall on the other side of the room, centimetres away from producing a kaleidoscopic scene by hitting the glass inserts of the shelving unit. The soft cushions that lined the l-shaped couch, and the woollen throw that hid you from the chill, were a cloud suspended in a tranquil bliss. You studied the familiar, adored surroundings as they metamorphosed from a lilac wonder to a glowing mandarin masterpiece, the brushstrokes of a pastel pink, coating the awakening sky, peeking from the other side of the window, capturing your bleary attention.
Not a sound, except for the level breathing of the man beside you. The man who had your love so fully, so deeply that you were not sure if the slow thudding in your chest was real, or was simply an echo, a comfortable illusion that you had agreed to settle for just so that you could give the heart away for him to keep. He would most definitely keep it safe. Find a neat little box for it, and, if you were lucky, find a place for it somewhere between the books and the video game DVDs, and admire it whenever he would walk past. Or perhaps he would be crafty enough to find a way of putting it in his pocket and carrying it around with him wherever he went – that way, you could miss him less than you normally did when you were apart. Shame you only had one heart, because you would give Choi San the universe if you could.
Your fiancé was like the grand starry expanse in the night, paving the way for explorers, lovers, and mystical creatures alike, and the radiant manifestation of Apollo in the day, bestowing upon the earth a hope, a heavenly brilliance, a magic the secret to which only he knew. With each moment that passed, you had come to understand that there was always more to San. Be it hidden in a sigh, in an enchanting glimmer in his eyes or in a simple gesture, he was an ethereal enigma that you were shocked, and infinitely grateful, existed.
Careful to not disturb him, which was a challenge in its own right considering that you had used his broad chest as your pillow, you lifted the throw ever so slightly and rose into a seated position. You gingerly adjusted the material back, and twisted yourself to be seated on the edge, and facing the literal sleeping beauty before you. You let your eyes travel across his resting face. From his forehead that was obscured by adorably ruffled onyx locks that poured out from underneath his grey hoodie. To his eyelids and lashes that showed the tiniest movement, making the soft light occupying the room land onto the little hairs and turn them to white gold. Down to the perfect line of his nose, the tip of which you liked to plant a quick peck on when you wanted to see your fiancé get flustered. And to his alluring lips which were parted ever so slightly. In the somnolent daze there was an angelic quality to him, a peace that you wanted to sink into and never depart from.
This was one of the first mornings in a while, that you had all the time in the world to keep on staring. For the most part, it was either you or San, or both of you having to get up and rush out of the door for work after having snoozed the alarm a ‘healthy’ number of times. Which is why it was surprising that you were even awake – five o’clock was not exactly your usual territory, and if not for the summer season blessing you with longer hours of sunshine, it was likely that you would not have distinguished between dream and reality, and dozed off lulled by the rise and fall that came with San’s every breath. But your wakefulness had its beauty: there was no stress spurring you on, and the sight of your love beside you, serenity written across his features, made you grateful for the surprising perkiness. For this short while, your personal heaven could be committed to memory, and serve as a transformation for every future when you would need to ‘rise and shine’.
You spotted San’s reading glasses lying, discarded, between his body and the back of the couch, inches from being squashed, while the books you and him had been reading were lying in awkward positions on the floor, much to your amusement. Careful not to damage the pages any more than they had been, you reached to pick the novels up, momentarily studying the covers before marking the pages with what turned out to be a folded receipt and a post-it with the glue segment torn off, and placing them on the coffee table. You settled back into a seated position, tucking one of your legs under you and pulling down the base of your oversized tee. A shiver passed down your back, reminding you of the fact that the air conditioner, your saving grace after the summer heat kicked in, rendering natural ventilation impossible if you wanted fresh air not laden with pollution and unbearable humidity, had been running at full power all night. Only now that you have removed yourself from the human radiator that was your fiancé did you realise this, and began to construct an escape plan that, hopefully, would not break San's peaceful slumber. If you were lucky, perhaps you could snatch and save his glasses.
These small troubles, trivialities of daily life were what brought a smile to your face. Endearing dilemmas that left you confident that what you were experiencing was a continuous blessing. Tongue between your teeth, poking ever so slightly out of your mouth, you concentrated on stalking towards the spectacles. Having stood up from the sofa, you were in a half crouch, bare feet sinking into the soft carpet, with only the rumble of the air conditioner to accompany you. When you were already hovering above San's chest, arm out reached to fish out your target, your breath hitched as he shifted and smacked his lips, following the adorable gesture by placing his arm, which previously was your only line of defence against falling off the sofa, over his abdomen, which in turn made the glasses fall a little deeper, just out of your reach. You mouthed a 'now what', contemplating your next course of action - you were getting cold, but too stubborn to accept a so-called defeat in this miniature game of capture the metaphorical flag.
The only way out was to summon the powers of feline agility and hope that San decided to be a deep sleeper today. Knee sinking into the edge of the pillow, the stitching digging into your skin as you inched forward while trying to keep a toe still on the ground, a peculiar source of security for the case that a quick retreat might be needed. Fingers flittering across the material, reminiscent of the pitter patter of rain - every effort to blend into the dormant landscape, an accidental echo of a season recently culminated. Closer and closer, your leg was a mere few centimetres away from San's torso, and you were arched over him, checking for any sudden changes in his position. But he was still. Almost too still. You narrowed your eyes and scanned his face, but could not detect any difference, aside from his mouth now being pressed together, however he did that in his sleep on occasion, so you paid it no mind. Suppressing a shiver, what used to be careful manoeuvring turned into risk as you took one final look at what you determined to be the sleeping form beneath you, and made a reach for the glasses, quietly hissing out a congratulations to yourself as soon as you felt your fingers touch the frame. Just a little more and you would be able to go get a sweater. Or turn the air conditioning off. Perhaps, since you were still occasionally blinking away the remnants of dreamland, you would get a cup of morning brew ready, and properly greet the sunrise by lounging on the tiny, but nevertheless welcoming terrace encased in shimmering glass. Or so you had hoped, until, as you were making your so-called journey back, a strong pair of arms snaked around your waist, and sharply pulled you in, so you now found yourself pressed flush against your sleepyhead love.
“Hmm… where are you going?” San mumbled, voice deep and groggy, resonating right above you as you wiggled to nuzzle into his neck, triumphantly holding onto his specs with one hand, pleased with yourself for having accomplished your initial task.
“‘s cold, so I need something warm.” It always took some time for him to register what you would say to him as he was waking up – on a number of occasions, he had not been able to recollect a single thing. So you kept your words simple, but even that made him give an exasperated whine as he hugged you tighter and rubbed the side of his face against your head, resulting in his hood being pushed back to reveal more of the heavily ruffled locks of jet black hair.
“But you have me… Y/N…” while answering you, San had managed to kick away the blanket fully, so that it now formed a dark grey heap at the other end of the sofa.
“I didn’t want to wake you, love,” you whispered back, shutting your eyes and relishing in the sensation, “you looked so cute and so peaceful.”
“What?” the sudden question made you raise your head momentarily, only to find San squinting right at you, “Nah… no.”
“No? My Sannie isn’t cute?” you asked, voice tinged with playful disappointment as you let your head fall back down, and took a deep breath.
Much like the early morning light, the mixture of cotton and San’s cologne was unequivocally captivating. It was the scent of the lazy days, the moments when you would allow yourselves to fall asleep, much like today, on the living room couch, legs intertwined after having spent the entire evening reading. An aroma of an embrace, a slow dance and a humming of a tune that only you knew, the notes that carried with themselves the melody of sweetest memories. The interplay of hemlock and bergamot, accompanied by heliotrope and mimosa – when you had pestered San enough times, he had read the profile out for you, the brief paragraph now forever imprinted in your mind in his timeless timbre.
A hand travelled underneath your t-shirt, trailing up and down your spine a couple of times before settling on tracing random patterns on the small of your back. You stifled a gasp as your fiancé took to toying with the waistband of your tracksuit bottoms, and, still laden with sleep, grunted and uttered his short, gruff retort.
“Not when I’ve read what I’ve read… ‘m surprised I even fell asleep.”
“Oh? And what was it you read?” a soft grin settled on your face as you sank into the feeling of San’s hands moulding you to his heart’s content. Unable to settle for one place, they roamed your body, worshipping every curve.
“Mm… too sleepy to explain…” he leaned into you, and upon nudging you to lie down a little bit higher, trailed a series of kisses down from your jawline to your neck, nipping at the sensitive skin, “…but I could show you.”
“Is that so? Well, I’m more than interested.”
“Wake me up a little bit more and I’ll give you a spoiler.” One of his hands travelled to meet your chin, and tilt it forwards so that his dark, glowing pools of adoration could meet yours, pupils trained on every micro expression despite being cradled in a blur, contained by relaxed lids and wispy eyelashes.
“Such a tease, Sannie.” You whispered, and gave into San’s guidance towards his soft lips, closing the space between you.
The infinite gradient of the sky’s spectacular hues exploded in your vision, as love’s intimate caress ignited a radiance within. With every passing moment, just as the cherry blossoms twirled to the ground in a muted waltz, giving way to flamboyant hydrangeas and mystical lilies, you too, fell deeper and deeper only to bloom once again with a new evolved adoration. A love that grew day in, day out. A love that motivated you to go on until tomorrow, for you knew that you would love even more then, and come to understand the naïve emptiness that you had trusted to be infatuation in the past. Fuller and fuller the soul became. The fuelled up inner fire that contained and protected your safe haven and your eternal paradise. While lilac skies and lavender fields blended into a heavenly unity only for a season, gifting natural beauty for a fleeting appreciation of its temporary existence, the reality that you and San had crafted was evergreen. It was, of course, expected to waver, much like any flowers that were meant to bloom, but together, you would sway and intertwine, two lifetimes turned to one harmonious duet in an everchanging landscape.
New leaves and blossoms replacing those that wilted, but to inexperienced eyes, devoid of recognising the impeccable, intricate details of time, it meant continuity. It meant immortality and a youthfulness that did not know time. This was how life with San had been and will continue to be forevermore. Each tender gaze and caress, the sweetest sigh into your ear was a rekindling of something greater, and left you in an ecstatic daze. The invisible paths of his strong hands exploring every inch of skin left behind a budding desire as you thought back to the transforming garden of hues outside the apartment, now turned to a colourful prologue for the beginning of your hazy summer day.
“Tease… I’m very polite, I’ll have you know.” You giggled as San broke away from the kiss, revealing his lovable pout. Unable to resist, you pushed your free arm up and cupped one side of his face, running your thumb over the cheek, poking his nose with your own as you broke into a wide grin. The action had an effect on San as he moved and tightened his grip to your hips, not once breaking his gaze, while the expression changed entirely.
Like a traveller who had finally found their oasis after an eternity of roaming the scalding hot sands, persevering through madness, he revered you. An unfiltered, unabashed, quiet love that could only be felt amidst total tranquility emanated from him as he resisted the urge to never let go, instead relishing in the beautiful, fleeting instances that you could spend together. Timeliness had taught him to treat each moment with special attention, but with you, he need not try. You were the moment. You were the one who shared his rhythm. You were the meandering river that he would forever prefer and worship over a roaring, cacophonic ocean. Elegance, grace – an identity that could never be replicated. In the rolling tides of strangers, he would always search for where the river met the sea, and would marvel at just how quickly he gravitated towards you. His priceless love and life, the one with whom he wanted to see every sunrise and sunset.
“Well then, gentleman, care to warm me up? Since I have been so politely intercepted.” The attempt at a joke flew over San’s head, but nonetheless, your wish was rapidly granted as he propped up his left leg so it was bent at the knee and his foot was steadily positioned on the couch. Arms still wrapped around you, he gave you another peck and inquired, voice low:
“Y/N, may I… roll you over?”
“Yes, you may. See? Such a sweetheart.” Words of praise always found their way into your responses when it came to your fiancé. Sometimes to obtain his shyness – a breath of spring, or relief – to last the autumn and the biting winter, or, like now, to lie down, impressed at the evoking of the blazing, sultry summer.
He encouraged you to give up any balance you had, and with impressive care switched you places, so that you were now the one resting on a fabric pillow, enveloped between the echoes of San’s body heat on the material, and the man himself, who had one arm on either side of you, and a goofy, proud smile adorning his features. Unable to contain yourself under his intense scrutiny, you raised the glasses you had been securely keeping, and unfolded them to try place a barrier between San and you. But to no avail. Reading your intentions, what used to be a pure cheekiness suddenly gained a darker colour, that of an intimate dusk, and lifting a hand, he hooked the spectacles right out of your outstretched hands, and raised an eyebrow.
“I can see you pretty well, darling. I am more than awake and focused now.”
He tossed the glasses onto the coffee table, sighing in relief as he saw them stop their sliding journey right before the far edge, which earned him a rolling of the eyes from you.
“All these efforts to get them, and you are ready to throw them into oblivion, yeah?”
“No idea what you mean, all I see is that everything is how it’s meant to be.”
The strength of his glances as he brushed your hair out of your face was reminiscent of the sun at its zenith, while the kisses he peppered on your forehead, flushed cheeks and longing lips were the rays of sunshine that would trickle down from the skies through cloudy barriers. The contrast in his light touches and their intentions as he slid a hand under your t-shirt and found your bare breast was immersing you in your personal summer. Your head fell further back, and you let out a satisfied sigh as San took the opportunity immediately, searching for the sensitive spot on your neck.
Taking his time, San nipped at it, while sending your mind into a disarray once his hand pinched your nipple and began to rub languid circles over its very tip, sending an electrifying shock to your core. One kiss after another, he was soon sucking on the sweet flesh, proudly giving life to a garden of unbridled lust spurred by a desire to show closeness. San wanted to melt into you. Melt with you. No embrace was close enough when souls could be together, and so through intimacy and the approach of ‘a small death’ did he strive to express his adamantine devotion to you. Any evidence of your harmony was nothing but heavenly music for him, and it was with pride that he claimed you, and was elated when you claimed him, be it in gratitude, in bliss or in frustration for your yet to be released high.
Your hands snaked themselves around San's perfectly sculpted torso, pulling the hoodie and the black tee underneath, higher and higher, until you could slip beneath, and your cooler skin touched his. The action made San stop his teasing and chuckle against your neck, while his body reacted automatically to roll his hips against yours, member concealed by layers of clothing growing more prominent and pressing against the material of his bottoms.
"Cold." The comment, uttered hoarsely though holding nothing but excitement for what is to come encouraged you to tilt your head and kiss San’s jaw, preparing to return his little, colourful favour.
"Told you."
"Mm, I know a way to fix that." Alas, you were not fast enough, and he lifted himself off you, the loss of contact making you whine. To remind you of his proximity, one of his legs remained between your thighs, knee too close to your core for you to interpret his steps as unintentional, innocent, serene.
With one final smirk in your direction as he caught you eyeing his body voraciously, San took off his hoodie, and motioned for you to sit up – only for him to grab your hand, and cautiously pull you towards him, grinning once you understood his mission and raised your arms above your head. It did not matter – the design, the colour, the cut… any item of clothing that belonged to him, in his opinion, looked better on you for the simple reason that it could hug your form, be an extension of him if he was away and could not wrap you up in his arms. At times, when you were showering, he would purposefully replace your clothes with an item of his just so the scent of your favourite shampoo could linger, and your image would be even more easily imprinted in his mind. Not that it was much of a challenge in the first place, but having all of his senses being preoccupied only with perceiving you was a state he wished could turn into permanence.
“Ah, but there’s a catch, my love.”
“Come on…” you whined and fluttered your eyelashes.
“These,” he grabbed onto the waistband of your tracksuit pants, “off.”
“Yes sir.” As soon as you uttered the phrase you noticed a lustful darkness flash in your fiancé’s gaze, one which he, much to your surprise, suppressed and shook his head.
“Y/N don’t do this to me, or you will not get up ‘til sunset.”
“If that’s your plan, would I even be able to get up?”
“And that’s why I want to make love, Y/N. I want to love you quietly… lie down for me, darling?” he requested, interlacing his urge with the words of one of your favourite poets. A tenderness in his directing you, how he reduced the bottoms and panties he had hooked along with them to a mere accessory on the floor, and how he caressed your thighs, revering every detail, was leaving you breathless. But, just as he was approaching your exposed, aroused sex, you called out to him, reaching for the hand that was resting on your leg.
“Then look at me.”
“I want to see your pretty face, love.”
The dimples that fell into his cheeks as he beamed at you, crawling up to be right by your side much like a cat would, and letting you roll over so that you were nose to nose, sharing hot breath, made you fall in love again. Or perhaps it would be more accurate to say ‘rise’ in love, for when you were like this, vulnerable, and yet so totally safe, you felt like you were soaring.
San took no time in finding your lips, relishing in the stifled moan that escaped you as his fingers teased your moistened labia. A leg resting over his, you were enamoured with the gentleness of his worship of you. The tip of his tongue begged for entrance and elicited a muted sigh as it entered to explore you. With an approving hum, San curled his digits and let your walls clench around him, as he proceeded to set an unhurried pace, knowing you, knowing how to coax out every feeble mewl and build you up to an unforgettable ruin. You had the luxury of time, every worry replaced with the opportunity to connect and combine into one.
There was an added pleasure that came with the surpassing of the excitement of your relationship’s novelty. The intricate mapping of your fantasies had now taken on a new level of complexity, and the sequences transformed into a language only you and San shared. Delighted in the lewdness of sound that was produced by the relaxed pumping of his fingers into you, the gorgeous man further deepened your kiss by taking the strings of his hoodie, now adorning your frame, and drawing you in. Whatever illusion of space between was now entirely gone, and all that existed for you was San’s touch, San’s fragrance, San’s body heat, and the knot in your stomach that was getting tighter his thumb ran circles over your aroused clit.
There was no urgency in his movement as he unravelled you, even though, as you adjusted your positioning, you became aware his stiff erection. The sudden friction caused San to gasp, and, when you brushed your leg against his again, to test the waters, he pleaded, voice ragged and airy:
“Let me take care of you, honey.”
“But San-” you protested, hand palming his length, but denied as he kissed the response away from you.
“You’ll help me out with that later.”
“But I can get an early start.” A final attempt, only spurring San on to push his fingers deeper into you, massaging your pussy until he hit your most sensitive spot, earning a yelp and an approaching tender pulsation.
“Needy for this cock, huh?”
“Ah…What happened to… mfph… sentimental lover boy?” you joked through shallow breaths, choking out every word as you clung onto San’s t-shirt for support in your approaching high.
“I’m still here. Still here… You look beautiful, Y/N… taking my fingers so well, dressed up in my hoodie…” he praised, emphasising his role in your unwinding. Gazing at the love bites he had left on your soft skin through hooded, lust-filled fog, he was motivated to give you any satisfaction you could possibly desire.
“Sannie, please… ah that feels so good…”
“Please what, darling? Hm, tell me.”
Continuing to relentlessly abuse your g-spot, San sweetly took in your writhing form, enjoying the power that he had in this moment, while a ray of the morning sun crept across the floor towards you, traversing the territory of the living room like a foolishly courageous voyeur.
“Faster, please…”
“But it’s so early sweetheart, don’t you want to take it easy?” he inquired, knowing full well that you would not give him a well-structured response, intoxicated by the intensifying arousal, climbing closer and closer to a climax.
“Ah… please… Mm… I need…”
“Elaborate, or I cannot heed to your caprices.”
“I need you inside me.”
“Is that so? Well, I can’t deny you anything, my love.”
Reduced to a whimpering mess, you waited with bated breath as San shuffled to finally push down his trousers and reveal his throbbing member, now adorned with rivulets of pre-cum after having been left abandoned while his digits satisfied you. In a matter of seconds, you could feel its tip against your folds, gliding up and down the slick until you inadvertently bucked your hips towards him, unable to hold on for any longer without a stronger stimulation. Luckily, San was in a loving mood, and submitted to your silent begging. Soon enough, he began to drive into you, so agonisingly slow so as to not force how perfectly your pussy accepted him, and once his pelvis was flush against yours, embraced you. He strived to have you entirely, as if, even when you were with him, he missed you.
Overwhelmed by the fullness your head tilted forward, your forehead meeting San’s as he barely withdrew his cock, and re-entered you, mumbling fuzzy words of praise at how well you were taking him, and just how heavenly your soaked cunt was as he went deeper, rocking his hips upwards to drown himself in your heat.
The world on fire, skin lapping against skin like waves of a mountainous current, painting the landscape in the hues of a blazing sunrise, much like how hedonistic desire washed over you. It grew at an alarming speed until it was threatening to bloom, a crimson rose of undying attraction and adoration for the man who was offering himself to you as your cunt clamped around him. San was entranced by you, and wanted more than what ‘more’ could signify, lifting your leg and throwing it over his to bring you to your sensual demise. Your grasp of his tee tightened as the pounding became hungrier, and you dropped the act of being able to contain a portion of your moans, letting the salacious melodies go right by San’s ears, interlaced with expletives and your beloved’s name.
With every affirmation to roll off your tongue that he had only recently confronted with his own, he would grind harder into you with ease, now that you were propped up just how he wanted you. San could never get enough of your flushed cheeks as the ripples of pleasure ran through you, with his cock rendering you speechless, muscles tightening in anticipation of a crashing orgasm. Only feeble, high-pitched gasps bounced around the walls of the living room, blending into the warm ambiance as your climax hit you – a monsoon, the season controlled by none other than your fiancé, who kept up his flow, mumbling barely coherent phrases:
“So gorgeous, my love, that’s right. Come for me, come over my cock-”
It was not long after your orgasm that his thrusts lost their steadiness, San’s grip on your thigh grew unbelievably tight and he dived to find stability in the dip between your shoulder and neck, leaving feathery kisses and biting the area to suppress his low grunts, now turned to helpless moans that served to prolong your own high.
The erratic motions of his hips culminated in a series of deeper thrusts as he buried his dick as deep as he could inside you, groaning as ropes of cum painted your still-pulsating walls, that seemed to be pleading for more, greedily taking every drop. You rolled your lower half a couple of times, ecstatic from the dizzying fullness that his cock and thick release provided, causing some of the cum to ooze out, threatening to coat your inner thighs. San had no plans on moving, at least not until mist lifted from his consciousness, and he could conjure up at least one thought that did not relate to having you again.
While his dick twitched inside you, you attempted to remain as still as possible, regaining San’s attention by whispering his name. Through half-lidded eyes he gazed back, sending you a shy smile so endearing, and so much brighter than every star, contrasting the remnants of earlier intimacy in the form of a bead of sweat that concealed itself under the hair that fell over his face, and the reddened, plump lips.
“I’d say I’m very warm now.” He chuckled, making you bashfully glance off to the side, catching the reflection of the sky in the coffee table. The simple ability to hear San’s husky voice as he drifted with you in post-coital bliss, an arm lazily resting on your waist, was a blessing.
“Anytime, my love.” He matched your lightheartedness and squeezed your side.
Your precious sun and moon. The one with whom your heart beat in unison, the one who had read you like a novel, front to back, back to front until he could recount every detail better than you ever could. Time stood still as you lied there, on the couch, sharing addictive nectar and basking in the afterglow. The day only beginning, the room decorated in a light gold hue. Unwilling to part just yet, you shared another kiss with San, in adoration for how the early morning haze entranced you.
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hisui-dreamer · 11 months
ode to the spontaneous eel
Pairing: Floyd Leech x gn!reader
Synopsis: though he came off as intimidating, you quickly learned how much warmth he held
Tags: drabble, fluff, slightly poetic hehe, reader is a simp for floyd
Word count: 604
Notes: double posting!!! eel birthday fics let's goo!
yes it's been a few days but im still celebrating (⁠ノ⁠≧⁠∇⁠≦⁠)⁠ノ⁠ ⁠ミ⁠ ⁠┻⁠━⁠┻
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Your lover has a tendency to grow bored easily, leading to the abandonment of activities that had previously caught his interest. His mood swings are like the changing seasons, each one bringing a new facet of his personality into focus. Yet, there's an endearing quality in his restlessness, a constant quest for novelty that keeps your relationship dynamic and exciting. Despite the occasional frustration, you’ve learned to appreciate the spontaneity that he brings into your lives, knowing that the next adventure is just around the corner.
Your lover’s protectiveness is a steadfast presence, an unwavering shield that surrounds you in both sunshine and storm. In the face of adversity, he stands tall, ready to defend with a fierce determination that sends a clear message to any who dare threaten you. Remarkably, you've never sensed a hint of fear tearing through him. Nestled in his warm and tight embrace, you discover solace and reassurance, understanding that, while he can wield formidable strength when necessary, he approaches you with a delicate touch, treating your heart as though it were the most precious of treasures.
Your lover possesses a charming childlike quality that adds a touch of innocence to his intimidating exterior. There's a playfulness to him that often manifests in the most unexpected moments. His ability to switch from seriousness to childlike wonder is incredibly endearing, like watching someone rediscover the joy of simple pleasures and curiosities. Whether he's enthusiastically exploring a new interest or playfully teasing those around him, there's an infectious energy that lights up the room. In those moments, you find yourself captivated by the genuine, unfiltered joy he radiates.
Your lover can be surprisingly tender in moments that catch you off guard. He has this endearing habit of always being ready to run up to you for hugs. His arms wrap around you with a sincerity that transcends his usual aloofness, and in those moments, the world seems to fade away, leaving only you within his warm hold. You’d be lying if you said you disliked the hug attacks that come from him throughout the day.
Your lover’s eccentric genius never ceases to amaze you. Witnessing his remarkable achievements when he dedicates himself to a task is a testament to the depth of his genius. Yet, you've also observed that when motivation wanes, his performance falters. In those moments, his intellectual prowess shines even brighter, revealing the untapped reservoirs of his mind. Endearingly, he has every one of your likes and dislikes committed to memory, a clear indication of the potential for incredible success. Content to be by his side, you play a role in providing the motivation he needs to persist, knowing that with your support, his brilliance can continue to flourish.
You love how his forgetfulness allows you to see him in his true, mystical form. Sometimes, it's subtle, with his human ear transforming into delicate bluish fins. Other times, the enchantment is more profound, catching you off guard as you discover him too late—his human legs seamlessly morphing back into the sinuous beauty of his long eel tail. Though they may be troublesome, you find yourself treasuring these moments where you can admire his full beauty, though you do keep some transformation poems on hand just in case.
In the tapestry of your love, every strand is a contradiction, a juxtaposition of lazy charm and frenetic enthusiasm. It's the unpredictability that keeps the flame of passion burning brightly. He is a living kaleidoscope of emotions, a symphony of contradictions that you hold dear with every rhythmic beat of your heart
Your lover, is none other than Floyd Leech.
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You will need:
An MLB Kaleidoscope or Wizard Marshall (or a normal one of those plus Magical Energy Loading append skill)
Two Koyanskayas (or any two servants with a targetable NP battery with 50% or more charge if they exist)
Oberon (or any servant with a targetable NP battery of 60% or greater)
One of the Order Swap Mystic Codes (preferably Decisive Battle for the attack up skill)
Maxed KP skills (or at least 1 and 2 maxed)
Round 1:
Activate KP’s 1 skill for a surprise tool that will help us later!
Use KP’s 3 skill and both Koyan’s 2 and 3 skills for Damage
Gao (use NP)
Round 2:
Pop both Koyans’ 1 Skills.
Unlike the video, remember to actually use KP’s 3 skill again (though were it not for Class Resistance it’d’ve probably worked fine without)
Round 3:
Swap a non-KP Servant for Oberon (or a servant with 60% or more targetable battery)
Pop KP’s 2, if it works the two stacks of Growth should give 40% NP.
Use Oberon’s skills (mostly 1 and 2 for the NP, for non-Oberon whatever the battery is. 3 is mostly used for damage)
If more damage is needed, use Mystic Code steroid skill.
And Kingprotea Loops.
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twentyeightif · 1 month
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The Invisibles: Issue 1 Page 18 (art by Steve Yeowell) ©Grant Morrison
"On October 9 1993, which would have been John Lennon’s 53rd birthday had the Arch-Beatle not been shot dead by Mark Chapman in 1980, I performed a ritual intended to incarnate Lennon as a god." - Grant Morrison
"I wanted to make a dedication at the beginning of what was a whole new life for me in many ways. I wanted to summon a spirit of pure psychedelic inspiration into a Lennon-shaped environment. I sought not to manifest the real man; the troubled, cruel and violent Lennon with his flaws and contradictions but instead evoke Lennon the twisted mystic, the pop star intellectual, the elemental Air of the four Beatles as stripped back to their cartoon archetypes.
To get in the mood, I wore a Paisley shirt, skinny jeans and Chelsea boots. I sat at the centre of a circle made of Beatles albums and had Tomorrow Never Knows playing on a loop. My new 12-string white Rickenbacker stood in for a wand. As sacrament, I took a microdose of LSD, not enough for a full-blown trip but sufficient to soften consensus reality.
People sometimes misunderstand when I talk about what happened that night – I was not possessed by the ‘spirit’ of Lennon. This was not a mediumistic example of ‘channelling’ the alleged dead. This was magic. Intention Willed into Form.
I altered the temple environment using sounds, smells and images as powerful triggers, to push out of my consciousness all associations that did not relate to Lennon.
This overload of environmental cues was organized or compressed by Will into a singular, visible compound idea of Lennon-ness, so that everywhere I looked reminded me of John Lennon, everything I heard was Lennon, until all other qualities the space around me may have once possessed were edited out and replaced by the Lennonsphere!
This total possession of the ritual space by a coherent manifestation what I was looking for and it expressed itself visually and audibly as a 4-foot tall head that fit inside my temple space but felt much bigger, made of thousands of intricate multi-coloured and chiming shards of what resembled musical notation as rotated through a higher direction – intense flashing colours, digital high fidelity, shimmering musical glissades and drones.
I bathed in an electric fluorescent creative kaleidoscope – searing yellows and electric pinks, UV blues – receiving a download of powerful effervescent excitement and creativity. It felt most like the imagined Lennon of Revolver and Sgt. Pepper. A psychedelic god on acid.
As a more minor side effect of the ritual, I found myself with this song I’d strummed into life, composed almost automatically, complete with lyrics and music. It always sounded to me, at best, like a throwaway B-side from 1965 as imagined by the Rutles but that’s why I’ve always liked it. It’s a very authentic scribble of the moment…
It is emphatically NOT a communication from beyond the grave."
- Grant Morrison, "John Lennon Like You"
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katerinaaqu · 2 months
Gone with the Wind (Part 1)
Odysseus remains awake for 9 days guarding the sack given to them by Aeolus in order to reach his home faster. However soon he finds out that sleepless nights take a toll on him and the consequences are severe...
Bruised eyelids weighted a ton each. He had trouble even keeping them open yet alone holding his head upright, which kept on dropping and if it weren’t for the seer shock of gravity, he would have dropped it possibly all the way to the floor so far. The wind was favorable. Perhaps way too favorable thus making the ship way too steady and whatever small rocking was happening from the natural waves of the Mediterranean were as lulling as the cradle of one’s mother or nursemaid when one is a baby. The sound of the sea was worse than any lullaby a human could invent. The sweet heat of the sun was bringing the mind to sweet oblivion, making it impossible to resist just leaning down and enjoy the sun’s kiss on one’s cheek and slowly fall asleep. The first couple of days had passed like a breeze due to his tension and his burning need to see his home as soon as possible; adrenaline giving his mind an unknown alert he had probably faced only in battlefield. However now, three days after that, Odysseus was feeling the consequences of a week’s sleepless journey. His eyes were blurry and his mind was constantly swaying. If it weren’t for the help of Aeolus’s promise, he knew he wouldn’t be able to steer the ship. One arm was constantly clenching upon the steer while the other was either holding or constantly feeling the puffed sack, filled with all the winds blowing over the sea, making sure it was still there…that it was still closed. He had to blink repeatedly to make sure his eyes wouldn’t close.
“Just a bit longer…” he was thinking trying to encourage himself, “Endure it just a bit longer…we’re almost there…we’re almost home…”
He drowned yet another yawn behind his hand. Yeah, it would be yet another tough day, he fathomed. Quite frankly, the nights were the worst. During the day he could talk to his comrades, distract himself a little or listen to something but at nights just the rhythmic sound of the occasional oars and the howl of winds was enough to drive him crazy, especially if combined to the snoring of so many men on his ship that didn’t have the night shift. He would try to distract himself by gazing at the torches at the bows of the ships or try to make eye contact with the pilots at the other ships that were coming behind and sometimes around his own but the darkness was thick and the moon was not always shiny. He wouldn’t dare to look at the stars apart from telling his course because quite frankly their blurry images made him feel like he was staring through a mystical kaleidoscope. Yes, Odysseus hated the nighttime the most, although now it seemed no real difference. He yawned again and immediately shook his head violently to shake himself awake.
“Focus!” he scolded himself, “Don’t lose grip now, we are almost there!”
Polites had arrived close to him. When had he arrived? He thought. He hardly heard him coming! He noticed a ceramic bowl in his hands containing some salted meat and bread. There was some hard cheese too. Aeolus had graced them with good provisions before they started this trp.
“It is lunchtime” Polites noted as a matter of fact, “I brought you your share”
“I don’t want it!” Odysseus mumbled dryly
“But…” Polites mumbled, “You hardly ate anything the past week…”
Yes, Odysseus knew. His stomach was tied in a knot from hunger. He would only eat dry bread and possibly some cheese the past days. He knew how heavy stomach brought sleepiness and drowsiness. And he needed to stay bright awake, if he wanted to continue. Naturally he didn’t even touch the good wine that was also given to them for the trip either for the same reason. He looked at the bowl again. The sight of food now almost brought him nausea.
“Take it away from me!” he ordered harshly
Polites’s large figure made half a step back at his sudden yell (even a few men turned to look at him in wonder). He seemed baffled but he pushed the bowl aside anyways.
“Please, you need to rest” he insisted
Odysseus felt his brain boil in anger. Damn him, he was persistent. He played the same card the day before, and the day before that! It had started getting annoying.
“Please” Polites said again, “Let the pilot take over after lunch and take some break”
“I’m fine!” Odysseus growled
He wasn’t in the mood for small talk. Especially such useless one.
“But you haven’t slept-…”
“I SAID I’M FINE POLITES!” came the yelling response interrupting him
Now it was certain that even men from the surrounding ships turned to look at their king and leader who had snapped so fast at his best friend. Odysseus gasped in realization and rubbed his pained eyes with his hand.
“I’m sorry…” he mumbled half-heartedly, “But no need to worry. Go to eat Polites. Just give me the water…”
Polites looked at the sack he had brought with him under his arm. He sighed but obeyed anyways. Odysseus opened the cork with his teeth and sucked a few sips greedily but he poured plenty of it over his head. As the cool water contrasted his warm from sun skin, he felt waking up a bit. He returned the skin to Polites.
“Thank you…”he mumbled again, “You can bring me some bread later. Go and finish your own meal. I shall be fine.”
“But I-…”          
The glare he received though made him stop and just sigh. He took the bowl away according to the instructions and he went to the other eating men that did not have a rowing duty at that time. Odysseus, even in his blurred vision he could tell they would often look at him wondering what was wrong. He grunted in annoyance and he felt the precious sack one more time. He gasped soundly as he didn’t feel the cork! Frantically he searched again and sighed in relief, realizing that the sack had just rolled a bit to the corner. The cork was still there; it was closed as it should be. He took a few breaths hoping his already racing heart would stop beating, no, hammering his ribcage so violently.
“Endure…just a bit longer…don’t derail now…endure…”
He moved his cracking neck in a circle hoping some blood circulation would return to his sluggish brain.
“You are almost there…you can do it…do not falter on me now…endure my heart! Endure, my mind! Just a bit longer…you’re almost there…”
The hated night came and Odysseus had to find so many things to distract himself; the stars? He counted them so many times. The waves? He could hardly see them in the dark and in his doubling vision. The creaking of the sail? Impossible. And yet for some reason he endured…and the day after it…and the night after it… The day that followed his eyes had pretty much sunken in their sockets as the black bags under them made him almost seem like a shadow. He had managed to endure so far and yet the game was getting lost. He had to constantly check now…check if his eyes worked properly for he could often see double. His ears were buzzing and he had to constantly wet his face with salt water from a flask he requested by his side for he would be completely rolling on the deck. The voices of his men were distant to his ears. The day before he had yet another attempt from his men to approach him. He had pretty much sent them away. The talk that used to relieve his sleepiness now seemed as annoying as a horsefly constantly biting his leg at the beach. His heart would often beat irrationally; sending him signals he was getting close to his limits. He didn’t need to have his infamous intelligence (which now faltered him further and further) to realize they were talking about him at this point.
“They are right, you know…”
The sweet voice made him look at the side. Sure she was there. Penelope, with her beautiful crimson veil covering her long hair like the last day he remembered her. Her snow white skin glowing in the sunlight, her eyes resembling the waves of the sea reflected the sunrays… His heart leaped in his chest. She was sitting there on the edge of his ship like a neriad, looking over to the waves. That face turned to look at him as youthful as ever and smiled almost maternally.
“You always do that; putting yourself in impossible situations like that. You do not care of yourself well, love…”
“Penelope…” his voice escaped his chest before he could stop it
It was a whisper; a prayer. But he shook his head and lowered his face back to the deck.
“No…” he mumbled, “Not real… This is not real…”
He had experienced it before; somewhere between his blurry and double vision he could see some shadows and shapes dancing across the deck. Sometimes they resembled humans and sometimes they didn’t. Even now he could swear he could hear a distant giggle somewhere he couldn’t put his finger on.
“You figured it out”
The voice had changed. It was now deeper but also more unworldly. He looked up and he saw his guardian mentor sitting in the same spot. Those eyes that resembled the moon shining unworldly; armor shining like gold and yet wouldn’t make his eyes shrink away; colors and patterns upon the magnificent plate on her chest and the aegis she wore. The magnificent double-plumed helmet adorned her head; a snake-shaped golden armband adorned her upper arm. He scoffed in defeat.
“Athena…” he whispered, “Stop playing games with me! Don’t test me like that…”
“You were always too clever for your own good, Odysseus…” the Tritogeneia Pallas replied, her pore-less skin resembling sometimes ivory, sometimes taking a light color as if tanned by the sun, “And a bit foolish too. That was part of your charm…”
“What would you know of my soul?” Odysseus said in a snarky manner, “You weren’t there when that monster was eating us!”
“Now, now, Odysseus” her owl-like eyes shone warningly, “It doesn’t suit you to be blasphemous to me! Remember what I told you when you saw Aias the son of Telamon in his tent; I can do this and much more, Odysseus…”
Odysseus blinked repeatedly fighting off his head falling again. Her voice had a weird lulling effect on him.
“Then why…?” he whispered almost tearing up, “Why weren’t you there?”
“The gods do not require explanation for their decisions, Odysseus. You should know that more than anyone”
“Why are you playing with me, Athena? Aren’t we tormented enough?”
Athena’s face suddenly lit up with a wide grin; it was a grin that could easily belong to an owl before she rushed at the mouse she got her eyes on. It was a toothy ear-to-ear grin.
“You know it more than I do…this is hardly over Odysseus…”
Her voice had grown suddenly distant from him, like fading mist over the mountains in the morning. Echoing repeatedly, as if in a cave; it was slowly fading. Instead her voice had transformed…again…into something much more worldly.
Much more familiar…
He nearly jumped out of his skin coming back to reality. He recognized the black hair of his second-in-command, Eurylochus, who had come at him. Apparently it was him who was calling him.
“What?” he asked weakly
“Who are you talking to?”
“What?” he asked again like a drunk man
He looked over to the rim where Athena used to sit and there was nothing there; just the endless blue of the sky. His mind got a second of clarity as he realized if Eurylochus had heard him talking to Athena then Athena was never there. Usually she would conceal them both from the world so no one would be aware of their conversations.
“It was not real then…?” he thought bitterly, “It was an illusion? Athena really abandoned us…? Was this because of what happened to Troy…? Is Athena still crossed with me…?”
He sighed in misery.
“Oh gods…I might be losing my mind! No, it is because of the trip…”
“You don’t seem okay…” Eurylochus said as a matter of fact
His blood-shot eyes glared deeply into his brother-in-law’s and that glare might as well intend to kill if it could.
“I am fine! I have said that a thousand times during this damned journey!”
“So you say but look at you! You now seem to talk by yourself in things that are not there. You need to rest”
“What I need is you go back to your duties and leave me in peace, Eurylochus!”
“Captain! This can’t go on, you will crumble like this! Just…lie to the side and get some sleep, we’re close…”
His hand went to make a move to slowly remove Odysseus from his sitting spot but as it happened he also touched the crimson sack Odysseus was clasping under his arm. He might as well have poked a lion awake.
“DON’T TOUCH THAT!” Odysseus bellowed, violently pushing Eurylochus away
The stunned man fell down on the deck; completely unprepared for such a reaction.
“Okay, sire…okay…” he mumbled once he found his breath
He had held his hand out as if he was trying to calm a wild dog, struggling back to his squatting position.
“I only wanted to help…”
Odysseus rubbed his eyes again, as if trying to find his composure or at least reduce his murderous anger. But even the fact that Eurylochus talked to him like a simpleton or a madman irritated him to the ends of it.
“Then leave me the hell alone and go about your damn business!” he snarled at him, “I won’t say this again, Eurylochus! Do not test my patience!”
Eurylochus raised his hands in defeat.
“Okay, captain…okay…”
Odysseus leaned back against the deck as if trying to recover from the shock. It was close… Eurylochus had nearly ruined everything…! He nearly had opened the bag! No, he couldn’t let that happen! He had to make sure none of his men would accidentally damage it! He WOULD assure that! They were getting close! He would have sworn he recognized those waters. They would make it there. And THEN he would be able to finally rest…and think what he could do to counter Poseidon’s anger. He WOULD make it!
“Athena… She is not here…I cannot feel her presence…then I am alone…I must do this alone…I have no choice…”
He felt once more the consequences of sleepless nights. Once again he shook his head. He would refuse the blanket or the shawl tonight. Perhaps the night’s chill would assist his effort to remain awake.
I write this after @adrift-in-thyme encouraged me to in this analysis to write the scene with the sack of Aeolus in a fic. Quite frankly indeed I intended to make it a one-shot but as usual it turned out bigger! Hehehe! So this will probably be a 2-part thing. The next part is under construction.
So if you remember this other analysis of mine I am analyzing on the consequences of sleepless nights being partly the reason his men were distrustful. So yes no mystery here I am afraid. Just a small thing that came to my mind! Hahaha and I was also kinda sleepless while writing it so the annoyance was real hahahaha!
So yes since poor Odysseus didn't have access to coffee or energy drinks I had to figure out what we do to remain awake so some is to blink or shake the head or distract oneself and then using water or avoiding eating too much so that stomach will not use up blood from the brain for digestion. Hehe so yeah I tried to figure out what the guy had to do to remain awake on a freaking ROCKING ship!
So another is the difference between hallucination and delusion.
Halucination is seeing or hearing things that do not exist
Delusion is believing the things that do not exist are real
So the first things Odysseus gets are hallucinations both visual and oral but then comes Athena. Athena is a delusion. For a little while Odysseus TRULY BELIEVES she is there. I chose Athena because technically Odysseus is familiar with Athena appearing to him so the idea of her suddenly appearing wouldn't be a surprise thus believing she is truly there. But she isn't.
Athena's appearance was inspired a lot on her attributes (owl-eyes or blue/gray/shiny eyes) and partially on her description in Iliad and some sculptures of greece like Pallas Athena (double-plumed helmet is described in the Iliad) and her armband/bracelet was a random adittion. Maybe a touch of femininity? But also because in Titanomachy Athena was also associated with snakes and there are sculptures that show her fighting Titans with snakes. Her skin being poreless and marble-like is basically a thing of mine when I describe gods and goddesses for some reason! Hehehe (I use the same trope on Calypso in my story Survivor's Guilt and Survivor's Duty P2 ). The fact that I made Athena have almost iridescent skin was a random adittion to show that she is a higher being than Calypso! Hahaha ignore my random imagination! XD
And some "Philoctetes" reference here. You know me I try to incorporate parts of the Epic Cycle but I try to keep it "Homer-centered" hehe
And again I have to remind people that I imagine Eurylochus be around average sized man close to Odysseus and Polites much bigger and stronger based on some older representations of the character! Hehe!
Cheesy title obviously chosen by the famous film! Hahahaha! Sorry guys! XD
What do you guys think? Do you like it? What would you do differently? Let me know to your comments and reblogs below! ^_^
Also a shoutout to keep eyes open for my friend @artsofmetamoor and her amazing art! Especially recently we have some mythology-themed stuff plus some more AUs on our art exchange and collaboration!! You can visit her latest works with our OCs created like Apollo and Artemis and you can expect some Odysseus and Athena inspirations for our OCs and many many more!!! Please stay tunned!
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trinalwilliams · 1 month
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In the heart of the Sea of Colors, a mystical realm unfolded. Dreams and wishes swirled like vibrant currents, carried by the gentle waves of Pure Love.
Aria, a curious mermaid, dwelled in the shimmering caves, surrounded by glittering treasures and secrets whispered by the sea. She longed to unite with her Merman counterpart, Echo, whose harmonious voice resonated deep within her soul.
One day, a radiant gateway materialized, beckoning Aria to the realm of Twin Flames. As she swam through the shimmering portal, time and space dissolved, and she found herself in Echo's embrace.
Together, they danced amidst the kaleidoscope of colors, their love sourcing the waves. Happiness overflowed, and generosity filled the sea. The mermaid and Merman duo unlocked the gates of unity, welcoming kindred spirits to join their celebration.
In this boundless ocean, creativity flourished. Dreamweavers crafted vibrant tapestries, and musicians composed symphonies that harmonized with the waves. The Sea of Colors became a sanctuary where love knew no bounds, and imagination soared.
Aria and Echo's love continued to ignite the sea, inspiring others to find their twin flames. As the mermaid's song echoed through the waves, she whispered:
"In the Sea of Colors, dreams unfold,
Wishes bloom, and love never grows old.
Time and space entwine,
Pure love fuels the waves, heartbeats align."
And so, the enchanting realm remained, a testament to the transformative power of love and creativity, where the Sea of Colors forever shimmered, awakening hearts and imagination.
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mantrabay · 3 months
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Earth Part 2
Extra Lines Between Apostrophes
Environmental sumptuous symmetry uniquely resplendent,
kaleidoscopic kindling of the visual nirvana,
spiral rapture enshrouded stimulant,
sapphire dawn first light purr nectareous,
a mint ice tinged mystic morning mantra,
that pearl stud morph to fortify a lifelong gumption,
my refrain when I turbulently wade,
through the gust blown fronds of moisture beadlet grassland,
parsley scent haze a blissful hover,
companion piece to a crystal ball air float,
exotic bird flock hymnody chaotic,
invigorating sonic feasts caress green tree copses,
natural world refuge from the algal bloom of toxic menace,
when disruption, demonic and destabilising,
suddenly impinges like an incandescent meteoric charge,
spewing ashen vomit with brutal oscitation,
without a shard of qualm, twinge of scruple,
or even faint scintilla’s rueful finger,
earthly pulchritude’s grandiloquent cocktail unfurls,
like a gallant rapid rescue mission from the elements,
to brandish freshwater lakes so alluring,
sea star tidal pools, azurite strewn rustic ripple tides,
I am endowed and emboldened to an enduring advocacy,
of this behemoth planet so boundless in its beauty,
“I’ll be unflinching in my unrivalled zealousness,”
“stoic in a guardianship relentless in its orbit.”
Dear earth my shelter
within grasp now under siege
still I “dwell” in hope
Photographs and piece entirely mine
Dedicated to my amazing sister,
Jay A Pallen, that most inspirational of figures.
I’m most grateful to everyone on tumbrl for considering and viewing this post
Please enjoy to the maximum
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luminiamore · 4 months
a stefan salvatore love story.
𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝖙𝖜𝖔
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"Freesia, would you kindly refrain from playing in that man's dreams," Came a soft, southern, silky voice amid an enchanted forest.
A beautiful forest it was. Majestic oak and towering pine trees stretch towards the heavens, their branches glittered with clusters of shimmering dewdrops and flowers that glint like precious gems in the soft light. A chorus of bird song fills the air, accompanied by the gentle rustle of leaves and the occasional flutter of wings.
"Ah! S'il vous plaît, Bella. I am not playing. I am merely teasing," The goddess giggled, a delicate smile adorning her features. She opened one chestnut-colored eye to take a peek at her sister.
Belladonna stood stoically, her captivating face betraying no emotion, clad in a cream-colored strapless gown that gathered slightly at the forest's edge. Meanwhile, Freesia was adorned solely in vines and a kaleidoscope of blossoms, her usual attire in the confines of her woodland abode.
"You're well aware we're seeing him tomorrow, hun. Why such teasing antics-" A melodic voice cuts the ancient witch off.
"Is Freesia inserting herself in Stefan's dreams once again? You're making him doubt your existence, sweets. That is if he hasn't already. You know-" The fairy addressed her best friend, a soft fluttering accompanied her statement.
"Yes, thank you, Fi. That's what I was just telling our lovely best friend here." Belladonna quickly cut off the fairy before she could start rambling. A habit of hers. She only gives a sheepish grin before she settles down on a log a few feet away from the pair.
Freesia gives a pout to the two women. Did he really doubt she existed?
Her voice trembles, "I just want to give him some hope. He's been burdened for so long, and it pains me to see him like that."
There's a soft whistling the trees emit at the end of her statement as if comforting her. She gives a sad smile.
"I know, sweets. And he won't feel that way anymore because we're headed to Mystic Falls tomorrow, yes?
The ancient fairy quickly utters. And almost as if the goddess was never down in the first place, she gives a bright smile, birds tweeting around her at the sheer aura it gave off. "Yes! Oh, I'm so excited. Is Nea coming with us?"
This time, Belladonna answers, the green leaves moving in a tornado-like motion under her whim, "Of course, she wouldn't leave us alone in that supernatural-infested town. She's feeding right now, so she'll likely meet us tomorrow at the house."
The house, a beautiful one it was. It was abandoned when they first stumbled upon it, vines and leaves taking over its walls. Freesia saw the perfection in it, and so she insisted on renovating it. It wasn't too far from the Salvatore boarding house; besides, it couldn't be viewed by any non-human creature. Thanks to a lovely spell by her sister.
It was simply a way for them to blend in, they didn't really need it. Selenea lived in the ocean, and the other three girls were found solitary in the forest. It was the source of their power, and they never felt more safe. They figured that since they were newcomers to the small town, a ball seemed suitable to introduce themselves. And that's precisely what they were going to do.
"Allons-y, d'accord? After all, we have a ball to prepare for; we haven't even gotten our dresses yet." Freesia abruptly stands, her vine dress still holding tightly onto her skin.
"I know a wonderful dress store in Italy." Is all the ancient witch says before she opens a portal with a wave of her hand.
The tiny fairy squeaks at the prospect of shopping, and Freesia enthusiastically claps. They both follow her into the shimmering light, giggles and laughs following after them.
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chapter one. chapter three.
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cannibal-nightmares · 5 months
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"Meet in the Dark Land
That’s my home
Dig me as I am, man
Read it in a postcard
Coast Guard, church yard
Send it in the post:
I can’t leave home
Where do I gotta go
To find me some peace of mind?
Who do I have to sue
To get my piece of pie?
Thought you were born to burn
Thought you were the voice of reason
You’ve abandoned reason now
You let the madness in
You’ll have to show me how
A cupboard full of noise
To keep away the storm that rolls on softly
We know nothing is a miracle
It’s all explained, it’s all we know
(How mystical, our ritual)
Something else gives me pause
“Paranoia” under your breath
Please believe me
Nothing you say can stop me if it’s true
If I’m living trapped inside a head
I could be forgiven for feeling alone
And if I’m stuck behind a face
I might try to replace myself
My mind is on my mind
An eye within an eye
Fear within fear
A wheel within a wheel
Moss grown on a sundial
What is and what will be
Sweat of desperation
Tears of ecstasy
The stench of human nature
Kaleidoscope for me
Jasmine in bloom
Ylang ylang
Angels trumpet tea
Mirrors in the darkness
Candles in the sea
Purple admiration
Yellow jealousy
Yesterday, I felt like a lucky guy
Now it's all gone awry
Chasing down a rainbow
Is all life seems to be
All life seems to be"
[ x ]
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ecliptiz · 1 year
Including ➛ James Potter, Regulus Black, Remus Lupin, Sirius Black, Severus Snape & Peter Pettigrew 
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James Potter ➛
( ʟᴏᴠᴇʀ ʙᴏʏ - Qᴜᴇᴇɴ )
0:56 ━❍──────── -3:07
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ᴠᴏʟᴜᴍᴇ: ▁▂▃▄▅▆▇ 100%
— The haunting notes of the music filled the room, an ethereal melody that seemed to emerge from the depths of another world. The scent of coffee hung in the air, intertwining with an enigmatic fragrance, as if an ancient secret was concealed within it. A gentle breeze whispered through the slightly ajar window, causing the crimson curtains to dance mysteriously, hinting at unseen forces at play.
The music player, seemingly of its own accord, played the song at a tempo that defied time, as if tapping into a forgotten rhythm from an age long gone. The lyrics, soft and almost whispered. In the midst of the room stood a figure wrapped in an red sweater – tufts of curly brown hair framed a face adorned with round glasses and a sly, enigmatic smile that seemed to hold untold secrets.
˗ˏˋ ★ ˎˊ˗
Remus Lupin ➛
( ꜱᴛᴀʀᴍᴀɴ - ᴅᴀᴠɪᴅ ʙᴏᴡɪᴇ )
0:58 ━❍──────── -4:17
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ᴠᴏʟᴜᴍᴇ: ▁▂▃▄▅▆▇ 100%
— Crickets ceased their chirping as the haunting hoots of owls pierced the night sky. The eerie symphony of nocturnal creatures echoed through the air, enveloping the Hogwarts courtyard in an otherworldly ambiance. Bathed in the ethereal glow of a half-crescent moon, the once shrouded grassy expanse now revealed its mystical charm.
Amidst the nocturnal enchantment stood a figure shrouded in a tattered brown sweater, the sleeves rolled up to reveal weathered forearms. In his scarred hands, he clutched an ancient book whose pages seemed to whisper forgotten secrets.
A music player, seemingly out of place in this magical setting, perched silently on the ledge of a fountain. From its depths, a haunting melody filled the air, its soft voice cutting through the night like a siren's call.
˗ˏˋ ★ ˎˊ˗
Sirius Black ➛
( Qᴜᴇᴇɴ - ʙᴏʜᴇᴍɪᴀɴ ʀʜᴀᴘꜱᴏᴅʏ )
1:12 ━❍──────── -6:00
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ᴠᴏʟᴜᴍᴇ: ▁▂▃▄▅▆▇ 100%
— The vast common room lay deserted, imbued with an eerie stillness, the only sound a faint echo of a music box's calm but rushed melody that seemed to linger in the air like a ghostly presence.
As the fire crackled in the hearth, the rain outside gently tapped against the windowpanes, adding to the ambiance of mystery that enveloped the room. The night moon cast a dim glow, its faint light seeping through the large window, casting elusive shadows upon the floor.
Party streamers sprawled haphazardly, their once vibrant colors now a faded, chaotic mess. Red solo cups lay strewn on the ground and tables, some still bearing traces of spilled alcohol, while others stood empty, their revelry long spent.
Amidst this post-celebratory scene, a solitary figure reclined on the crimson couch, his body sprawled in a relaxed manner. A black leather jacket hung nonchalantly from his shoulders, accentuating his striking collarbones. With eyes closed and mouth slightly ajar, pulled into a peaceful slumber.
˗ˏˋ ★ ˎˊ˗
Peter Pettigrew ➛
( ʜᴇʀᴇ ᴄᴏᴍᴇꜱ ᴛʜᴇ ꜱᴜɴ - ᴛʜᴇ ʙᴇᴀᴛʟᴇꜱ )
1:34 ━❍──────── -3:10
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ᴠᴏʟᴜᴍᴇ: ▁▂▃▄▅▆▇ 100%
— In the heart of a breathtaking flower field, a gentle breeze danced among the vibrant wildflowers, painting the landscape with a kaleidoscope of colors. Amidst this floral splendor, a boy found his place, nestled in a flattened haven surrounded by the bloom's delicate embrace. His blonde hair swayed like strands of golden silk, mirroring the playful rhythm of the wind.
Beside him, a music player spun gracefully, emanating an enchanting melody that blended soft lyrics and ethereal instruments. The music seemed to weave a spell, harmonizing with the serenity of the scene. As the sun neared the peak of its descent, its warm rays enveloped the boy, casting a golden glow that illuminated the blossoms and breathed life into the entire field.
˗ˏˋ ★ ˎˊ˗
Regulus Black ➛
( ꜰᴀᴍɪʟʏ ʟɪɴᴇ - ᴄᴏɴᴀɴ ɢʀᴀʏ )
2:28 ━❍──────── -3:37
↻ ⊲ Ⅱ ⊳ ↺
ᴠᴏʟᴜᴍᴇ: ▁▂▃▄▅▆▇ 100%
— In the dimly lit room, the soft caress of a breeze rustled the dark green curtains, hinting at a world beyond the shadows. A crumpled black blanket adorned the bed, while pillows lay scattered, bearing witness to an unknown turmoil that had unfolded within these walls.
Amidst the enigmatic ambiance, a haunting melody played softly, its origin concealed like a whisper in the wind. The figure of a young boy, his hair as dark and curly as the night, sat perched at the edge of the bed. His slim, pale fingers tangled together, a mystery in their own right, as they gripped his head, shielding it from prying eyes. His shoulders hunched, and subtle tremors ran through his body, like the echoes of secrets yearning to break free.
˗ˏˋ ★ ˎˊ˗
Severus Snape ➛
( ᴛʜᴇ ɴɪɢʜᴛ ᴡᴇ ᴍᴇᴛ - ʟᴏʀᴅ ʜᴜʀᴏɴ )
2:28 ━❍──────── -3:37
↻ ⊲ Ⅱ ⊳ ↺
ᴠᴏʟᴜᴍᴇ: ▁▂▃▄▅▆▇ 100%
— Within the hushed confines of the classroom, a symphony of subtle sounds played in harmony. The occasional scratch of quills, the gentle creaking of chairs, the soft bubbling of cauldrons, and hushed whispers created an atmosphere of focused concentration.
In one corner, a boy stood, a mysterious figure obscured by long, greasy black hair that veiled his face like a curtain. His dark, intense eyes remained fixed on the bubbling potion before him, a cauldron filled with secrets waiting to be unlocked. Methodically, he stirred the concoction, his movements deliberate and purposeful as he added ingredients with quiet precision.
Amidst the ambiance of academia, a soft song played discreetly in the background, the student having sought permission from the professor. The melody floated through the air, its gentle rhythm blending seamlessly with the subdued sounds of the classroom. Soft lyrics whispered in the boy's ears.
PROBABLY WILL Add as I go on, just things that remind me of these characters, there story’s and things.
Ps. The links are to the Pinterest board, not the song.
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help-an-alter · 1 month
we have three alters who need help with their identities.
one is very cutesy, hyper femme egirl. she's been here for a little while. she wants things related to lovesick, gorey, and video game themes! she would like names, pronouns, and things she would enjoy.
the one is a bit confusing. they're not a human, they mimic humans. they don't talk often. they're very much connected to liminal horror. they want names and things to do. neutral names preferably.
the last one is connected to the umbrella academy. they're sourced specifically off of klaus and five. they want neutral or feminine names related to mystery, tarot, spirits, and time travel. they also want things to do, comforts, and pronouns.
Hello! I did my best with this one, and I hope it can help! However, I highly recommend googling the trigger warnings for the enjoyment recommendations. Particularly with the first alter, many of the things listed are either quite heavy, gorey, or just generally has potentially triggering content. Be safe and have a good day! :]
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NAMES: love, aimee, cerise, cherry, cordelia, vevina, esme, carina, adora, amorette/amoretta, avila, carwen, amara/amora, cher, venus, kaira, evie, maisie, lottie, lacey, mimi, rose/rosie, rosanna, winnie, minnie, treasure, admire/admira, willow, veil, annette, ameri, aerith, mercy, mei, sora, techna, mochi, bunny, blossom, evangeline, eleanor, clementine, vivienne, juliet/juliette, nadine, arachne, ariadne, circe, calliope, ambrosine, narcissa, melancholia, grimoire, bite, minerva, miriam, mana, mania, crave, desire, passion, wrath, ophelia
PRONOUNS: ei/eir/eirself, love/loves/loveself, love/sick/lovesickself, heart/hearts/heartself, gut/guts/gutself, rot/rots/rotself, blood/bloods/bloodself, sla/slash/slashself, exe/exe/exeself, vi/vir/virself, vae/vaer/vaerself, do/dove/doveself, ro/roes/roeself, ro/tic/romanticself, cu/pid/cupidself, er/eros/eroself (alt. eris), cru/crush/crushself, stab/stabs/stabself, yan/dere/yandereself (can be done with any archetype), rip/rips/ripself, fle/flesh/fleshself, joy/stick/joystickself, ga/me/gameself (alt. gaming), gli/glitch/glitchself, vid/video/videoself, cli/click/clickself, pix/el/pixelself
THINGS TO ENJOY: doki doki literature club, yandere anime’s (mirai nikki/future diary, happy sugar life, etc), classic horror movies, just cutesy but darker anime’s in general (when they cry, made in abyss, higurashi no naku koro ni, etc), omori, one shot, yume nikki, irisu syndrome, you me and her: a love story (steams version has tons of removed content, but there are sites that provide the full game), katawa shoujo, danganronpa, pony island, school-live, fate/stay night, muv luv (the first is relatively normal, the second is where it gets interesting)
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NAMES: scratch, scream, ghost, hyde, corner, ephemeral, mystic(al), surreal, dream, evanescent, kaleido/kaleidoscopic, cthonic, cthulhu, hypno(tic), eerie, vapor, vaporwave, anomic, dim, nocturne, null, veld, nim/nym, nox, quill, carbon, vale/veil, peregrine, sal, maris, lux, poet, cove, vesper, rook, elixer, glow, soul/sol, naren, endelian, viridian, aether, zenith, shrike, heath, crypt, hex, styx, dread, vex, howl, fable, hale, shade, vaughn
THINGS TO ENJOY: lots of roblox games (evade, doors, 3008, apeirophobia, etc), studying the backrooms, looking into architecture related to older buildings, found footage, lost media, the movie don’t worry darling, the movie skinamarink, short films on youtube, learning about folklore, exploring google maps, weirdcore tiktoks, weirdcore games, superliminal, mirrors edge, scp, stanley parable
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NAMES: leto, haze, enigma, veil, rune/runa, mystique, wulfrun, calypso, calliope, raven, aradia, blair, sloane, genesis, maze, mazikeen, lilith, medea, elspeth, tamsin, lydia, shiloh, tatiana, lucina, anima, banshee, sybil, cerelia, neander, signe, evening, millennium, lustrum/lustram, sunday, mist(y), gloom, seraph, sera, shade, gargoyle, loom, moon, paige (page of ___), ace, empress
PRONOUNS: tar/aro/tarotself, arc/ana/arcanaself, maj/major/majorself, my/ster/mysteryself, haunt/haunts/hauntself, spi/rit/spiritself, ti/ime/timeself, clo/clocks/clockself, er/era/eraself, dec/ade/decadeself, year/years/yearself, hour/glass/hourglasself, ma/gic/magicself, mana/manas/manaself, gho/ghost/ghostself, sand/sands/sandself, thon/thons/thonself, card/cards/cardself, div/divs/divinityself (alt. divineself, divself), coin/coins/coinself, cup/cups/cupself, wand/wands/wandself, pent/acle/pentacleself, sword/swords/swordself, tar/taro/tarotself, ture/future/futureself, pas/past/pastself, ca/calen/calenderself, cen/centuryself, ve/ven/venself, a/ages/ageself, eni/enis/enigmaself, cry/crypt/cryself (alt. cryptic)
THINGS TO ENJOY / BRING COMFORT: practice several forms of divination (tarot, runes, bone throwing, even playlists can be divination, etc), look into witchcraft and/or paganism, watch time travel related media, explore a graveyard, respectfully clean gravestones, leave offerings to your ancestors (i recommend doing research into this first), create a way to show your identity (ie. bracelet, necklace, etc), cleanse yourself/your home, read mystery novels
divider by strangersgraphics-archive
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verefex · 2 years
Short story (17 pages) of Lark meeting Sky, the titan. Featuring the most clever ship name ever
SFW, giant/tiny interactions. Read under the cut!
An electrifying, booze-filled night full of loud music and stumbling drunks is how a true rooftop party goes. Nearly every Friday night, you can hear the hum of cheers combined with the boom of the bass at the top of the cityscape. Strobe lights dance on the neighboring windows, reflecting a kaleidoscope of glimmering colors. These parties are all the rage, not just because the liquor is so abundant it flows like water, but patrons are often dancing in close quarters to none other than a colossus of a person; a titan.
Why else would these festivities be held on the summit of a tower? Standing at over 100 feet tall, with footwear larger than a bus, being at ground-level while a massive man steps to and fro with no notice of other party-goers is just asking for someone to be flattened.
Fortunately, titans are more than just giant humans; their origins date back for centuries where humanity revered them as powerful gods. Nowadays, their presence is more casual, mingling and merry-making with their tiny human friends. Supposing a human did get in the way of a titan’s foot, they will live to tell about it so long as the giant wills it. How great their size, strength, and mystic talents are.
No one is really sure just where the giants get their divinity from, and collectedly their origins are mysterious. Even the titans themselves are incognizant of their genesis, which has prompted earnest research on the subject.
One such titan enthusiast, a vivacious scientist by the name of Jung, often attends events with various titans to become more acquainted with them and the humans they associate with. While it may seem flippant to relate research to drinking and dancing on a giant man’s hand, Jung has no doubts that his methods of obtaining research material are impeccable.
On one such occasion, in the city of Horizon, Jung was going about his usual business. Drinking, dancing, flirting, the tall dark-haired man was having a great time. He had brought along a friend as well, an old classmate of his by the name of Lark. While Jung was off socializing, Lark stood in the corner of the boisterous rooftop, sipping a cocktail while she faced the opposite direction of the majority of the patrons. This was not only her first time going to such a party, but also her first time being in the city of a titan. Indeed, she knew about their existence and had caught glimpses of the giants in the distance as they traverse the landscape with lengthy strides, but never in very close proximity.
The titan that inhabited Horizon city, and who was also present at the party, was named Sky. Standing at 130 feet tall, this friendly colossus of a man was often eager to interact with humans. His fair skin with barely a blemish contrasted handsomely with his black hair, and dark sideburns lined his jaws. The color of his eyes matched the inside of his mouth, as blue as his namesake. He was quite a spectacle, towering over the boisterous rooftop of dancing, singing humans no bigger than his finger.
Not one of the humans batted an eye when Sky’s enormous hand hovered over them, gentle fingers spreading as he picked up an unconscious drunk and set them on a comfortable couch. The presence of a giant was so commonplace in Horizon that this was no extraordinary feat, and the other party-goers paid no heed. Except for Lark, who couldn’t even muster the courage to move closer to the railings lining the roof.
Jung, in the thick of his merry-making, eventually noticed his wallflower friend and sauntered his way over to her. He sat himself on the couch beside Lark and threw his arm around her shoulders, pulling her into him as he held a drink in the other hand.
“Hey girl, you not having fun? What’s wrong?” He blurted as he gave his timid friend a firm squeeze with his forearm.
“I’m having a lot of fun.” Lark lied, wincing at her tactile friend’s embrace.
“C’mon. Didn’t you want to finally meet a real live titan? He’s literally standing over everyone.” Jung said as he craned his head back and pointed at the looming head of Sky.
Lark did not follow his gaze. Her cheeks became pink as she clutched her drink in both of her hands, which was mostly just ice by now.
“I know…” Lark murmured as she fiddled with her straw. “He’s hard to miss.”
“Yeah, especially if you don’t even take a shot! C’mon girl, I’ll introduce you to him.” Jung gave her shoulders a squeeze as he stood up a little too quickly.
“N-no, that’s okay… I’m sure he’s busy with everyone else.” Lark whined as Jung beckoned her off the couch.
“Naw, naw, he’s just chilling with us, he’s cool. C’mon.” Jung snapped his fingers at the fair-haired woman as she reluctantly followed him.
“I-I’m not even dressed up for this place…” Lark peeped as she was led through the crowd by her gregarious friend. She looked down at her red zip-up hoodie, khaki shorts, and black high top sneakers; more street wear than anything to her. She would have dressed up, but her visit to Horizon was rather spur of the moment, and the party even more so.
As she looked up, through the booms and cheers of the crowd dancing in the middle of the rooftop, her eyes widened at the sight of the giant. His head was tilted back, a perfect side profile before her as he took a couple swigs from a can larger than a phone booth. Lark felt her heart drop as she took in the size of him; the mere height of him from the shoulders on up was dizzying already. She couldn’t even think about looking up at him from ground-level, over 100 feet of mountainous man towering over her.
Lark’s blue eyes couldn’t get much wider. She found herself transfixed on the giant as he downed several sips of his drink before leveling his head and slowly turning his attention towards her and Jung.
It was then that Lark realized she was afraid; very, very afraid, of giants. Seeing them from a distance was nothing compared to the terrifying reality of being so much smaller than this colossus of a being. Glowing, blue eyes fixated on the pair as Sky studied Jung, leaning in just a little closer to see him, before softening his expression and smiling.
“Hey, Jung. How’s the party?” Sky said, though his voice boomed nearly as loud as the music blaring over the speakers.
“Oh it’s bumpin’. I got a plus-one this time, me and her studied together back in undergrad.” Jung stood underneath the giant’s gaze as he gestured to Lark, who lagged behind him as if using her friend as a place to hide behind.
Lark jolted as Jung turned the giant’s attention towards her. His gaze stupefied her, and she stood motionless as Jung stepped to the side and introduced her.
“Lark, this is Sky. Sky, Lark.” Jung beamed as he gestured from enormous face to quivering body. “Hey, Sky, Lark! Skylark! How cool is that?” The man laughed out loud as he stepped behind Lark and squeezed her shoulders affirmingly.
Lark’s head started to spin the more this interaction went on. Just looking up at Sky’s expansive face was making her dizzy. And then he looked right at her, and raised his enormous hand over the railing. Long, log-like fingers stretched towards her as Sky turned his fingertips upwards.
“Nice to meet you.” He boomed.
This was nothing more than a friendly gesture, a handshake on a colossal scale. Ordinarily, a human would place their hand on the titan’s fingertip and the two would briefly shake, one with just the finger and the other with their whole arm. However, to Lark, who was not aware of this gesture, vastly misinterpreted it as a motion to snatch her entire being off of the ground.
“N-no!” Lark shrieked as she backed away quickly, bumping into Jung as she tumbled backwards in recoil. Jung and Sky both stared at her in shock as she tripped backwards, regained her footing, and ran hurriedly back inside.
Sky brought his hand back to his face, watching the scared woman run from him. He examined his hand, brows furrowing quizzically.
“Oh… goodness.” Jung sighed as he nervously ran his fingers through his hair. “That didn’t go as planned.” he uttered as he glanced up at Sky, who was still looking at his hand.
“Sorry, Sky. She’s new here…” Jung said as he leaned on the railing in front of Sky. The titan put his hands in the pockets of his jeans and gave his small friend a smile.
“It’s fine… I didn’t mean to scare her...” Sky rumbled as he carefully glanced in Lark’s direction, catching no sight of her.
Lark, meanwhile, was huddled in the bathroom. Sweat and tears moistened her pink cheeks as she ran her fingers through her short, blonde hair. She shuddered as she recalled the looming, giant hand of the giant. Though it was terrifying for her, she caught a glimpse of his confused face before running away in abject terror.
“Oh no…” She whimpered, balling her hands into fists as she rocked back and forth in the bathroom. As frightened as she was, the titan’s feelings were also hurt. How could she possibly go back out there and face him, now?
Later that evening, the party was starting to wind down. Several daredevils jumped into Sky’s glass from the balcony, which was more of a common occurrence than one might think. Putting their full trust into the towering titan that oversaw the party often led to trouble when it came to mind-numbing drinks. Luckily, Sky fully expects these things to happen, and is quite relieved at the end of the night when everyone is too tired to jump off the roof into his not-quite-ready hands.
The dark-haired giant waved goodbye to the last of the patrons as he headed home, treading carefully through the dimly-lit streets. He walked cautiously, stepping one foot in front of the other in the empty roads, the width of his sneaker nearly the same as the asphalt strip.
Despite his careful way of moving through the city, his immense footsteps still rumbled nearby windows and quaked scattered debris into storm drains. If it weren’t for the residents of Horizon city being quite accustomed to having a titan around, there would undoubtedly be screams coming from the lofty apartments.
The night was still, the city slept, and the giant yawned. His home was not far off, especially for his long stride. Sky’s residence was an enormous concrete bunker, nestled in the hillside covered with leafy trees. Building a living space for a giant was no easy feat, especially one that was above-ground. Many years ago, humans built these bunkers for the titans to shelter and live in if they so chose.
Sky walked up to the door of the bunker and punched a few numbers on a keypad. Heavy metal pins within the frame released, and the door swung inwards, revealing a dark, cave-like interior. The giant man entered his home and shut the door, taking care to watch the floor as the gargantuan door swung shut. While he enjoyed the company of humans, he has had too many close calls with little enthusiastic fans trying to sneak through the closing door.
The titanic titan was beat. He winced as he sat down on the ground and started to untie his shoes. “Ugh… I have got to start sitting down more at these things.” Sky muttered as he took off one of his shoes, sighing when he realized he had been on his feet for hours, standing next to the rooftop to be with the partying humans. Ordinarily standing for long periods of time would be less of an ordeal if you’re not like Sky, who happened to weigh over 2 million pounds.
Sky started to take off his other shoe, but not before noticing something moving in his pant leg. He gripped the end of his pants at his ankle and tugged on it. A small object brushed the back of his bare leg, which prompted the giant to shake it out.
None other than Lark fell out of his pant leg. Astonished, Sky froze as he watched the little human tumble down the back of his shoe and onto the ground. Lark floundered on her back before scrambling up onto her hands and knees, eyes wide as she trailed her gaze up the giant’s body before meeting his. The two locked eyes for a moment, and the room was silent.
Sky did not speak. He felt shocked, annoyed, and the lingering buzz of alcohol swirling in his head. The giant merely narrowed his gaze and waited for the trespasser to say something.
Lark couldn’t believe it. She did not intend to be seen or caught by the titan, at least not until morning. She had such a brilliant plan earlier, in her drunken stupor, to hitch a ride on the man’s massive shoe until he reached his home. Well, in actuality, it was Jung’s idea. He claimed to “ride” the titans in this way often as a means of quick travel, and he was more than happy to urge Lark to do the same.
As it turned out, it was more of a bumpy ride than she anticipated, with thousands of pounds of mass quaking every footstep. She had no choice but to climb into his pant leg, which was slightly less tremulous than his shoe, but did not give her the visibility to keep an eye out for her stop.
Now she was sobered up and faced with the terror of staring up at the monolith of a man, who sat on the floor with one shoe on and one shoe off. Her limbs shook under his gaze, and she had half a mind to prostrate herself and beg for forgiveness.
“I-I… I…” She stammered through chattering teeth. None of the words she formed in her head were coming out of her lips. Her voice came out like a little squeak, further emphasizing her mouse-like nature and size in comparison to the giant, shuddering in his shadow.
Sky took notice of her trembling, and his gaze softened. From the look of her clothing, she seemed to be Jung’s friend that he met at the party. Well, ‘met’ was an overstatement. His reaching hand sent her running before they could exchange words.
“...Hi there.” The titan uttered as he placed his palms on his thighs. He leaned over her just slightly, mindful of his movements, keeping them slow.
Lark watched his movements from her vulnerable position at the base of his foot. The giant’s loud, yet gentle voice filled her ears and caused her to sit up, rocking onto her heels in a low kneel. There was no hint of anger in his voice, yet she dreaded what might come next.
“...Hello… um…” She breathed, chest heaving as if his looming body above her was suffocating her. Her words became lost and she just stared up at the mighty man.
Sky tilted his head slightly at her. He had never quite seen a human so deeply affected by him in this way. Perhaps this was how all humans were when they first met the titans, he thought. He breathed in deep and exhaled before speaking again.
“Did you mean to hide in my clothing like that?” Sky spoke lowly, gently. “You could have gotten really hurt.”
Lark glanced around her. Sky’s leg arched over her, the crook of his knee almost directly above her head. A dizzying sight that made her want to turn heel and run, but the giant’s polite manner of speech kept her somewhat calm.
“I just… wanted to apologize to you personally.” Lark gasped, forcing herself to cease her trembling. “But I didn’t know where you lived… so I just climbed on… I didn’t think you’d notice.” She half-laughed, realizing how foolish she sounded.
Sky looked at her with an amused grin. “Apologize? For what?”
“Oh… well, for getting scared, I guess…” Lark peeped, feeling even more foolish. “I shouldn’t have ran from you. You’re Jung’s friend, after all… I…” She stammered as she lowered her gaze, then fumbled in her pocket for her phone. “I should call him, h-hang on…” The nervous woman said as she patted her pants and jacket pockets.
“Shoot, my phone!” She blurted as she looked along the ground for her cell phone. Crawling on her hands and knees in the dimly-lit bunker, Lark searched with no luck.
Sky leaned down and scanned the floor for a sign of a tiny phone. He let out a puff of breath as he realized before she did that her phone probably fell out before he entered his home. He reached into his back pocket and pulled out his own phone, a rather dated design with modular buttons and a small screen, a billboard-sized device.
“It’s fine. I’ll text him.” The giant said calmly as he flipped open the keyboard and typed on it. Lark stopped her searching and looked up at him, even more astonished at seeing the enormous gadget.
“...I, oh… you don’t have to, I’m sure mine’s around here somewhere…” Lark said as she watched him tap the buttons.
“I got it. He’s probably worried about you.” Sky said as he glanced down at the curious little woman at his foot. “You look exhausted. You can stay here for the night, if you’d like.”
Lark’s eyes were wide. “Stay… here?” She said rather quietly, looking around the enormous bunker. It was very dark, except for two rod light fixtures on either side of the room. She could barely make out a row of cabinets, a sink, and a table with two chairs from her position on the floor of a giant kitchenette. The rest of the interior went on further, but the lights didn’t illuminate that far.
“Yeah. I can’t really bring you anywhere right now, not at this time of night. And roads don’t come up to my place, so if you have a ride… they’d have to walk quite a ways.” Sky said as he slowly swung his leg away from Lark and took off his remaining shoe. He stayed seated on the floor as he looked down at the confused little human on the concrete.
“I… well, that’s… very kind of you.” Lark said, still in shock. Admittedly, she didn’t quite plan for what she would do after apologizing to the giant. Especially not at 1 AM.
Sky nodded at the polite little woman. “Yeah, it’s no worry. Sorry for scaring you earlier, by the way. If I had known that you never met a titan before, I wouldn’t have gone for a handshake.” The giant chuckled, flexing his feet in his socks.
Lark realized she was still sitting on the cold floor as Sky apologized to her. She stood up suddenly, shaking her head with an embarrassed blush. “N-no, it’s fine! It’s uh, it’s more of a me thing. I’m not sure what came over me… I just thought for sure you were going to… grab me.” She bit her lip.
Sky raised an eyebrow at her. “Oh?” He mused as he leaned closer to the shy woman. “Don’t like the thought of being in my hand?”
“Ah… t-the thought didn’t even occur to me. I just saw something big coming towards me…” Lark gasped as she again stared up at the looming giant. She could tell that he was amused by the situation, and she did her best to hide her fears. The sheer height of him just sitting down was dizzying to her.
“Hmm. You know, I’m so used to humans being… used to me.” Sky rumbled as he tilted his head at the tiny woman standing on his floor. “So I don’t want to traumatize you, Lark. Are you going to be okay if I stand up?” The giant said as he nodded towards the wall behind him. “I need to turn on the lights.”
Lark was quite thankful that Sky was so accommodating. She almost forgot what she was even scared of, until he mentioned standing up. She looked down at her own feet, then up at him, realizing that she would be at ground level, looking up at a towering titan over 100 feet tall when standing.
She started to feel dizzy at the thought of it, but it’s not like she could tell him what to do in his own house. Lark nodded and brought her hands up to her chest nervously.
“O-of course. I’ll be okay.” She lied, thoughts racing as she scrambled to mentally prepare herself for what was coming.
Sky took her words at face value and slowly stood up, drawing his towering legs towards him as he rocked forward and planted his heels on the ground under him. His titanic form was now hunched over Lark, who didn’t dare move from her place on the vast concrete floor.
Sky couldn’t help but smile to himself as he looked down at Lark, who couldn’t peel her eyes off of him. Even from his lofty position he could tell that her eyes were as blue as his, wide and wavering in his shadow.
The world shrank as Sky slowly rose up on his legs, standing at his full 130 foot height, nearly reaching the ceiling of the enormous interior of the bunker. Though he stood still, Lark could feel the weight of him through the ground. Micro-tremors pulsed underneath her as the giant’s mass settled onto his heels, and she felt her head spinning, spinning, until everything was black.
When she awoke, she was no longer on a hard, concrete surface. Lark groggily lifted her head, feeling her body sink into something soft.
She had been laying on Sky’s bed, tucked neatly under a blanket. More specifically, she was on one of his pillows, and beside her rested the giant himself on the other side of the massive bed.
“...Sky?” Lark said as she sat up, cheeks reddening as she looked at the massive, sleeping face of the titan. He was resting with his head on his forearms, still dressed in his jeans and hoodie as he laid on his stomach, facing the pillow that Lark was placed onto.
Lark leaned forward, studying his sleeping face. He looked as if he had just nodded off, though she had no idea how long she was out for. She stiffened up as she realized that he must have picked her up and carried her here after she fell unconscious. Her heart fluttered as she imagined how that might have gone, him bending down and plucking her off the floor with those massive fingers.
The woman bit her lip as she glanced around her, utterly dwarfed by the giant’s pillow. Much like a wedding ring in the middle of a silken cushion, her entire being was encompassed by soft, white fabric. She couldn’t imagine a bigger bed, save for the actual mattress Sky himself was laying on adjacent to her.
Suddenly, the giant’s eyes blinked open, and an immediate look of relief came upon him when he saw Lark sitting up, awake.
“Oh, thank god.” He said as he raised his head up to look at her. “I wasn’t sure how long you were gonna be out for.”
Lark’s breath caught in her throat as she stared at the no-longer slumbering giant beside her. His face was close, very close. She could almost feel the warmth of his body emanating off of him.
“I… did I pass out?” Lark asked.
“Yeah. About oh… 20 minutes ago.” Sky said as he glanced at the clock. “I’m sorry, I had to pick you up to bring you here. I couldn’t just leave you on the floor.”
Lark bit her lip and looked to the side. With the main light on inside the bunker, she could see more of Sky’s place. The inside looked like a large-scale studio apartment, built with industrial-grade concrete and rebar. Not exactly homey, but at least the bed was comfortable.
“It’s okay… thank you, Sky...” Lark said as she turned back to face him. As she looked up at his hulking face, she remembered why she blacked out in the first place. “Ugh…” Lark groaned as she pinched the bridge of her nose. This giant must really think she is hopeless.
Sky let out a short laugh. “Do you have vertigo?” He asked as he tilted his head at her. “You looked up at me and just… kept going. Fell flat on your back. Would have had a nasty bump if I didn’t fix it.”
“I might have vertigo.. that would explain a lot.” Lark replied. “Wait, what do you mean ‘fix it’?”
“When I picked you up, I healed your head.” Sky said matter-of-factually. “Yeah, I don’t know how it works, either. I can heal humans by my touch.” The giant shrugged, then covered his mouth as he yawned.
“Huh…” Lark mumbled as she watched him yawn. She felt herself tire as well, and couldn’t help but yawn in succession.
“I think it’s time for bed. Is this comfortable enough for you?” Sky smiled as he nodded to the pillow that surrounded her little body.
Lark blinked and looked around. She certainly was comfortable, but this meant that she’d be sharing a bed with a titan. “I… yeah… is this okay?” She blurted. “S-sharing a bed?” Her face blushed.
“It’s hardly sharing a bed. You’re on my pillow.” Sky rumbled as he leaned to the side, pulled the blanket out from under him and shimmied underneath it. “Not like you take up space, you know. Don’t worry… I won’t bother you. I’ll stay on my side.” The giant grunted as he rolled over to the other end of the bed and settled under the covers.
Lark was too tired to argue. She was quite comfortable on the giant’s pillow, covered by the thick edge of a huge blanket. It had been such a long night of travel, partying, and riding in a giant’s shoe. Sky’s gentle yet assertive way of speaking gave Lark no reason to complain; she was just happy to have a safe place to rest after a night of drinking.
“O-okay!” Lark peeped as Sky reached over to the bedside lamp and switched it off. Suddenly the room was almost completely dark, and only the sound of Sky’s breathing reminded her that she wasn’t alone.
“Goodnight.” The giant rumbled, and Lark replied back with a hasty “Night!” before settling down under the covers. Sky rolled onto his side, his enormous back facing Lark. He had shared his bed with humans before, so the situation didn’t bother him. In his mind, as long as he stayed still while laying on the bed, she would be safe from getting crushed.
Lark, on the other hand, found it difficult to sleep. As comfortable as the gigantic pillow was for her, she couldn’t get over the fact that she was in bed with a giant man. She glanced over at his hulking, sleeping form, and sighed wistfully. She laid her head back and looked at the far away ceiling, longing for her own room that wasn’t so vastly oversized. The huge underground room was cold, even with the blanket covering her.
The woman shivered as the night went on. Sky seemed to be in a peaceful sleep, completely unmoving aside from the swelling of his breaths in his enormous lungs. His massive body did not seem bothered by the chill of the air, much unlike the little human on his pillow.
Lark, unable to sleep or to get warm, decided to crawl closer to the giant. She figured it would be warmer, though how close she was daring to get was still to be determined. The shivering little human slid off of one pillow and started climbing onto the next one, upon which rested Sky’s head.
In the darkness, Lark could make out the large, dark form of the back of the giant’s head. His sleek, black hair was hard to make out in the darkness, but it looked soft and warm; perfect for Lark to snuggle into.
The woman hesitated, however. As she scooted closer to Sky’s head, she looked up at the top of his skull, which was easily twice her height. Though he hadn’t moved at all tonight, what would become of her if he rolled onto his back? She’d be completely smothered, flattened against the pillow.
Lark nervously glanced around, scooting backwards to see more of the massive man. Any other part of his body would be just as dangerous to cuddle up against. She tried to imagine the best place to be on the sleeping giant; there had to be a place for her to get warm and also be safe from getting crushed.
As she was brainstorming the next step, she was startled when Sky suddenly spoke.
“Are you cold?” He rumbled without turning his head.
Lark scooted herself backwards. Was he awake this entire time? Or perhaps her small self woke up the giant by pitter-pattering around his head?
Regardless, she replied with a resigned “...yeah.” It was late, she was tired, and frankly had enough of scuttling on the oversized bed.
Sky smiled to himself. He had a hunch that Lark would eventually scoot her way closer to him overnight. As timid as she was around him, at least this meant that she wasn’t as terrified as their initial meeting.
The giant kept still as he reached up to his shoulder, bringing his hand into view of the little human beside his head. He beckoned her with his finger as he spoke. “Come on over here.”
Lark stared at his huge hand, fingers draped across his wide shoulder and steep neck above her head. Did he really intend for her to climb over him? His mountainous frame? The small woman opted to skirt around his huge head instead. Sky waited patiently for his little friend to make her way to his front, wobbling her way along the indents of the pillow. He laid still on his side and soon the blonde woman stepped in front of his vision, pushing her way past the fringe of his hair.
The two made eye contact for a moment, and Lark awkwardly looked away, taking in the length of his body laid out before her. His frame seemed even more vast, covered in an enormous, thick blanket.
“I’m sorry, I guess it is pretty cold in here for a human.” The titan uttered as he lifted his head up, adjusting his view so he could see her more clearly. “I just wasn’t sure how close you’d want to be to me.”
Lark hugged her shoulders as she stood under the giant’s gaze. She looked down at her feet as he spoke to her. “No, I appreciate it. Honestly, you’re… a lot more accommodating than I expected you to be. Like… not only are you huge, but you’re so… popular? It’s like all the people here know you, and here I am… a total stranger in your house.” She said quietly, unable to look the titan in the eye as she spoke.
Sky couldn’t help but chuckle. This was the closest look he had of Lark so far, and to him, she was quite cute. He liked her shy personality, even if it meant going slower with her than the usual humans he interacted with.
“Aww. I’m not really that popular, humans just like to be around titans.” Sky smirked at her. “Well, some do. Are you still scared of me?” His blue eyes were focused on the little human on his pillow.
“I… I don’t think so.” Lark said, still averting her gaze.
“Then…” Sky chuckled. “… feel free to come closer, and get warm.” The giant said softly as he raised his arm and gestured to himself.
Lark finally looked up to see the titan gesturing to his huge body, and her cheeks flushed. It was as if he was offering himself to her as a luxurious, heated bed.
“Um… ah…” She stammered, hesitating at the sight of his vast being. Where to even begin? She felt so vulnerable before him, and yet he was just laying there, presenting his huge and warm body. Her arms gripped her shoulders tighter in hesitancy.
“It’s okay. Just think of me as a big teddy bear.” The giant giggled and lowered his head back down on the pillow, watching her in amusement.
Lark nodded slightly, daring to take a step closer. She eyed his face, his chest, both so broad and imposing. If he truly was a giant stuffed bear, this would be no problem. But the fact that he was indeed a towering titan of a man made it hard for her to picture it.
Sky could see her hesitating, and had to stop himself from reaching out and pulling her close. He could tell that she wanted so badly to huddle up to him and warm her little body up, but having never encountered a titan so close before… perhaps she didn’t even know where to begin.
“Do you want a suggestion?” Sky asked her softly. “Crook of the neck.” The giant smiled as he tilted his chin to reveal his neck to the little human. “You can also just crawl into my shirt collar from there.” He patted the base of his neck invitingly.
Lark’s face got even more red as he did so. Never did she expect herself to be so close to a giant; even though she was really just getting warm, to her it was becoming something more than that.
“O-oh, um… okay.” She peeped and slowly made her way closer to the giant man’s neck. He was wearing a black hooded sweatshirt, with a thick collar that hugged his neck and kept it very warm. Admittedly it all looked so comfortable, and Lark’s exhaustion and lack of warmth made her stumble forward and lean against Sky’s throat.
All was quiet as Sky practically held his breath, keeping himself still as his tiny friend adjusted her position. Lark’s curious little fingers touched his bare neck as she sighed happily, feeling his body heat permeate her senses. A smile crept on the giant’s lips, the fluttering of her bashful self against his sensitive throat made his chest warm.
“You’re so small…” The giant uttered in a breathy tone, mostly to himself. But Lark’s proximity to his larynx made her jolt.
“Excuse me…?” She squeaked, feeling the gentle rush of his breaths through his neck upon which she rested her head.
“I just. I dunno. You’re really small.” Sky uttered, her little body against his neck making him acutely aware of their difference in size.
“Are… are you just now realizing that, Sky?” Lark half-laughed, feeling very sleepy. His gentle breaths were very soothing to her ears.
“Kinda.” Sky said as he smiled and pulled his blanket up closer to his chin. “As much as when I picked you up off the floor earlier when you were an unconscious ragdoll.”
Lark’s eyes widened at his words. She suddenly imagined how she must have looked, limply draped across the giant man’s palm. The fact that she wasn’t even awake for that gave her mixed feelings.
“Ah…” She muttered, feeling her cheeks continue to warm. She was glad at least that he did pick her up, or else she wouldn’t be with him on his bed.
Sky giggled at her shy response. “I hope you can get some sleep at least. It’s really late.”
“I know… I’m really tired, but… I guess cuddling a giant is too interesting for me to fall asleep.” Lark admitted, taking care not to move around too much and tickle him.
“Aww. Well I couldn’t just let you freeze.” The titan chuckled. “I’m glad you snuck your way in here, though. Still not sure it was the best idea but...all things considered, I appreciate that you were so dedicated to setting things right.” Sky said sleepily. “Not that I was upset or anything to begin with, but I was hoping to get to know you after Jung introduced you to me. Especially after he told me that you’re new here.”
Lark listened to him speak, blushing a little when she realized that he was interested in her in some sort of way. She grabbed the collar of his hoodie and pulled it closer to her, pressing her back into his neck for warmth.
“Do you… bring humans into your bed often?” She asked timidly.
“Sometimes.” Sky chuckled, tucking his chin down and touching the top of her head with the bottom of his jaw. “It’s nice to have a little snuggle buddy. I’ve accepted the fact that being a titan means essentially becoming a warm bed for tinies.”
Lark giggled. This giant really was like a big teddy bear. She couldn’t believe she was scared of him before.
“Tinies… is that what you call us?” She asked softly, feeling her fatigue getting to her.
“Mmm, yeah, collectively you’re all just tiny little things. Tinies. It makes sense to me.” The giant yawned. “But tonight, you’re my tiny.” Sky uttered to the shy little woman in his collar.
Lark’s face, previously pink, suddenly turned red. His words of possessiveness caught her off guard.
“I… uh…” She stammered, gripping the edge of his collar tight. Never had she felt so small in her life. Despite being shorter in height than most people, the difference in size was nothing compared to this man’s mountainous form.
“Sorry, I’m mostly kidding.” The giant laughed. “I don’t want you to think that I’m trapping you here. I am enjoying your company, though.” Sky said as he reached up and stroked the edge of his collar beneath Lark.
“I-I am too…” She replied, feeling the rustle of his finger against the fabric. She took note of how careful he was being with her, especially with his hands. “This is all just so new to me… but I’m having a good time.”
“I’m glad… you know, I don’t know if you have any plans after the morning, but you can hang out with me if you want.” The giant uttered to the tiny human snuggled against him. “I got nothing going on. And again… you don’t take up much room in here.”
Lark gripped the end of his collar tightly as he spoke. She was having a hard time believing her luck. After having traveled all day to get to Horizon City per Jung’s request just to meet a titan at the party, only to end up in his massive bed with him at 2 in the morning. And now that he was asking her to stay longer, she had no reason to refuse.
“Wow, uh… that would be… that’s very nice of you, Sky.” She stammered.
“It’s no problem.” The giant rumbled sleepily. “Knowing Jung, I’m sure he’ll be busy anyways.”
“Yeah… admittedly it was his idea to get in your sneaker after the party.” Lark bit her lip, recalling their conversation after her exuberant friend found her in the bathroom.
“Of course. I knew it.” Sky sighed with knowing smile. “He would be the type to convince someone to climb my shoe. He’s done it himself multiple times.”
“Really? Yeah, that seems like him… but I don’t even really know what he does for work...” Lark peeped from the giant’s collar.
“Oh, he just… gets to know titans in ways most people wouldn’t.” The giant rumbled in amusement. Sky was surprised that his little friend hadn’t fallen asleep, yet.
“Wha…” Lark yawned, feeling her eyelids flutter, too tired to comprehend his words. She fought herself to stay awake, but the comforting heat of Sky’s neck coupled with his soft sweatshirt collar and rumbling breaths practically lulled her to sleep.
“I think it’s time for bed.” Sky chuckled as he slowly reached his fingers up towards his collar. “Are you comfortable where you’re at?” He asked the sleepy little person huddled against his neck.
“Mm… I am…” Lark mumbled as she glanced up at the vast expanse of the giant man’s neck. She couldn’t imagine a more pleasing amount of warm body heat around her, coupled with an endless expanse of clothing to snuggle into.
“Well… I’m not. I’m gonna roll onto my back, so just stay put.” The titan said softly as he pushed the tips of his fingers into his shirt collar where Lark was tucked into, gently securing her in place as he carefully angled himself from his position on his side to his back.
Lark blushed as she was gently but firmly held in place against the giant’s neck. Soon she was laying directly on top of him, rather than leaning against that expansive wall of flesh. She laid there, frozen in place, hearing Sky’s breaths rush through his windpipe as he sighed in satisfaction.
“Alright… that’s better. You just get yourself comfortable… I won’t move.” The titan rumbled as he laid his head back on the pillow and draped his arms across his stomach. Ideally he would have laid like this in the first place, after picking up the little human and placing them on his chest. But Lark was different… she seemed to have an aversion to those giant hands of his. Though it was tricky, Sky had no problem changing the way he interacted with Lark. The last thing he wanted to do was scare her, and to him, having her snuggled under his collar without picking her up was a job well done.
Lark’s tired eyes started to close. The giant’s words reassured her that she would be safe, and it had been such a long night. She reached down and grasped Sky’s jacket collar and pulled it up to her chin as she settled down on his neck and drifted to sleep without another word, pacified by the sounds of his low, deep heartbeat.
The two of them slept peacefully. As Sky promised, he slept on his back through the night, and by morning, Lark was still snuggled up where she fell asleep. The titan was the first to awaken, blue eyes flitting awake in the dark bunker.
“Mmm…” he mumbled as he blinked himself awake. He became aware of the tiny, warm body in his jacket collar, and realized that Lark was still sound asleep in the crook of his neck.
Sky smiled warmly and laid his head back gently. His chest rose and fell as he breathed, allowing himself a little more time to wake before turning the light on by his bed. He glanced down, trying to get a look at Lark. He could feel her tucked under his shirt, just above his collarbone, where his throat was softest… not moving, still very much asleep. The titan couldn’t see her from his point of view, as much as he tried.
He was quite pleased that she was still sleeping. The giant reached over slowly and flicked on his light, then decided to get up. Sky reached up to his collar and picked up the edge of it, folding it lightly on top of Lark. He pushed his fingers into her from the outside of the fabric and pinned her in place as he sat up on his bed.
Lark made a soft little noise as he did this, but still did not wake. Her tiny hands balled into fists and she nuzzled her face into Sky’s neck, which made the giant smile. He found her to be quite cute when she was asleep. His fingertips gently pushed against her middle, the two of them nearly half of her size.
The titan swung his legs over and stood up, feeling the need to stretch. However, with one hand keeping Lark in place, he could only alternate between the two arms as he raised one over his head, then replaced his hold on her in his collar before stretching the other one.
Sky then walked over to his countertop, which was quite bare. In fact, the giant did not have for himself food or dishes or silverware of any kind. He did, however, keep an array of human food on hand for his tiny guests.
The massive man kept his hold on Lark in his shirt as he bent down and glanced at what was essentially a miniature kitchen on the expansive countertop; fully functional with a fridge, stove, and cabinets.
“I wonder if I have anything that’s good…” Sky muttered as he peeked into the little fridge, spying some eggs, a carton of milk, and various condiments. He would have loved to cook breakfast for his little human friend before she woke up, but the ingredients were simply too small for him to handle. With eggs the size of pinheads, there would be nothing left of them if he decided to crack them between his fingers.
As he was looking over the miniature space, it was then that Lark finally stirred awake. Completely covered up by the giant’s collar, the little human awoke in darkness. Confused, she pushed out at the cloth surrounding her, feeling Sky’s enormous fingers on the outside securing her in place.
Oh, right. She was in a giant’s shirt. She had nearly forgotten this glaring detail, but just hearing the man’s deep breaths around her brought it to her attention.
“S-Sky?” Lark squeaked, flailing in the darkness of his hoodie. She was completely covered up, unable to see what was going on.
Sky glanced down and instinctively removed his hand from the collar, giving her room to breathe. “Hey, Lark… woop!” The giant exclaimed suddenly as the tiny woman, unaware quite yet that he was standing, started to slip down underneath his hoodie.
Lark let out a yelp of surprise as she slipped down, quite quickly, past the giant’s chest. The light above her disappeared as she was enveloped in layers of clothing, trapped between Sky’s hoodie and t-shirt. She felt like she could fall endlessly along the titan’s expansive body, but eventually a solid object came down upon her and halted her descent.
Sky clapped his hand against his belly, stifling a laugh as Lark nearly managed to tumble halfway down his jacket before he caught her. “Geeze!” He uttered as he cupped his hand around the wiggling little woman under his shirt. “I got you…”
Lark’s eyes were wide. “T-That’s one way to wake up…” She squeaked as she flipped herself upright, steadying herself by bracing against the titan’s stomach. Her heart pounded in her chest.
“You okay?” Sky asked as he held her in place, not daring to move. The last thing he needed was for her to fall further down and come out of the bottom of his shirt.
“Yeah… uh…” Lark uttered as she looked around. “How do I get out of here?” She asked timidly,
mind racing as she realized she was pinned in place.
“That won’t be a problem. As long as you let me hold you…” Sky said as he looked down at his middle. He kept his hand in place, doing his best to keep Lark calm. After all, she was quite literally trapped in his jacket.
“Oh… um, that’s fine.” The tiny woman could feel her heart pounding as she leaned forward against Sky’s stomach and gripped his shirt fabric. She wondered if the titan could feel her own, tiny heart, nearly jumping out of her skin.
He could, and the woman’s nervousness put him on edge. He took a deep breath to steady himself as he carefully reached under his shirt with his other hand, cupping it below Lark. He removed his other hand and let the little human drop down and land in his bare palm.
And just like that, Lark was in the hand of a giant. She tumbled down shortly and landed on her rear in the middle of a man’s hand that was easily twice her size. Her breath caught in her throat as Sky removed his hand from under his jacket and held her out in front of him. The giant looked down at her tentatively, watching her movements closely.
“… there you go.” Sky uttered cautiously, holding her as steady as he could. The little woman in his hand felt so warm, so light. One precious little life.
Lark shuddered, looking up at Sky. His chest filled her vision, a massive wall of a body spanning before her. Yet beneath her, the man’s hand was steady. The woman’s hands gripped Sky’s palm as she glanced around her, with the giant’s fingers at her back and his enormous thumb beside her.
She was utterly speechless. This weightless sensation, her entire being suspended in the air, held aloft effortlessly by this titanic being… it was overwhelming, to put it lightly.
“U-uhhh…” She shuddered, blue eyes as wide as dinner plates as her whole self was laid out before the massive man, who eyed her closely. She had spent the night sleeping on top of him, and yet… in his hand, all she could feel was small.
“It’s alright.” Sky uttered suddenly, making Lark jolt. “I won’t drop you.” His face softened as he brought his other hand up and cupped it underneath, securing his hold even more.
Lark bit her lip as she took in his words. His gentle, reassuring words… though she wasn’t even sure if that was what she was afraid of, or if she was truly afraid at all.
“It’s just… you’re so big…” The woman uttered as she covered her face in her hands. She was starting to feel faint again, just taking in the sight of Sky from his palm.
“I am…” Sky said in agreement, peering at the nervous little lady. “Does it scare you?” He asked, unsure of what kind of response he was expecting. She was clearly apprehensive about the whole situation.
Lark peeked out at him through her fingers. His face, though gigantic, was gentle. He looked as though he enjoyed holding her in his hands, despite her uneasiness.
“Well… no…” She uttered, gazing up at the titan. “I’m not really sure what to think, to be honest… I’m not scared, I’m just… wow.” Lark said with uncertainty. “Like… you’re just holding me... everything I am fits in the palm of your hand.”
Sky tilted his head at her curiously. “Oh? I suppose that’s true…” the titan moved her closer to his face, cupping her in his hands softly. “But that’s just what it is… you’re like a little treasure.” The giant said quietly, unable to stop himself from smiling at his own mushy words.
Lark stared at him as he spoke, feeling rather touched by what he said. “A treasure…?” She uttered softly as she returned his gaze, feeling her chest flutter. She couldn’t quite tell if this was the titan’s way of flirting, or if he meant it more literally. Nevertheless, as he lifted her up closer to his face, Lark couldn’t stop herself from blushing. She just hoped that she was too small for him to notice it on her cheeks.
Sky could feel her tense up in his hand as he said this. He let out an awkward chuckle as he narrowed his gaze. “Y-yeah. Something delicate, yet priceless. You being so small only makes it… makes you more of a precious little thing.” The giant rumbled as he attempted to explain his choice of words.
Lark’s face flushed even more. It was clear that the titan had a fondness for her and her tiny self. She averted her gaze now, looking down at her feet as she fiddled with her fingers in the giant’s palm.
Sky could see how shy she was getting, and he couldn’t help himself from smiling. He brought her even closer to his face, studying her features. Her bright golden hair was cut short, but it came down around her cheeks and framed her face. She was small, with thin arms and legs. She looked to be shorter than a typical adult, as much as Sky could tell. And her shyness made her all the more adorable to behold, the way her blue eyes fluttered as she looked down at her feet and up at his face.
The titan tilted his head at her, his own bright blue eyes seemed to glow on their own. Lark returned his gaze shyly, tensing up as he stared at her.
“You’re cute.” Sky said to her suddenly, and Lark’s fingers immediately gripped into the giant’s palm.
“Wh… huh?” Lark stammered, feeling her face flush even more red. “I am… I mean… you think so?”
Sky nodded, closing his eyes as he did so. He gazed at her fondly, the adorable little woman in his hand. “Yes. You’re adorable.” The giant chuckled.
Lark was speechless. Never in her life did she think she would be in this situation, held so close to a giant man’s face, complimented by him. As she dared to look back at him, she realized Sky was rather cute, too.
She fiddled with her fingers a little longer, speechless. She wasn’t sure if she should accept his compliment as it was, or assume that this was him coming-on to her.
“So…” Sky said as he looked directly at the little woman in his hand. “First off, you should give me your number, so I can call your phone and help you find it again.” The titan quirked his brow at her. “Secondly, you should give me your number anyways. If you want. I’m thinking we go out for lunch later, what do you say?”
Lark bit her lip as she looked up at the giant. She had completely forgotten about her lost phone in the midst of all… this.
“Y-yeah… I would like that, Sky.” She said, blushing, still not quite comprehending all of this completely. Did she really pull a titan by being a ditz who literally fell down his shirt? The giant smiled, blue eyes shining with delight at her response. He then leaned forward and stretched out his cupped hand, showing his little lady friend the human-sized kitchen on his countertop.
“Great! Feel free to make yourself breakfast, though.” Sky said as he tilted his palm so Lark could step off of it. “How are you feeling, by the way? Sleep well?” The giant asked as he peered at her and the tiny kitchen.
Lark stepped off Sky’s hand and looked around the countertop kitchen. She was amazed that he would even think to have such a thing installed in his house.
“I’m good, actually… I thought maybe I’d have a hangover this morning but… maybe sleeping on a titan fixed that.” Lark replied to Sky half-jokingly as she peered into the fridge.
“You’re right about that. I can heal you just by touching you.” Sky beamed as he leaned over and watched Lark look around the kitchen.
Lark looked back at the giant, then touched the back of her head. He was right, she had almost completely forgotten that she had fainted last night and hit her head on the floor. Sky must have taken care of it quick enough for her to even remember getting hurt after passing out.
“That’s really handy, I gotta say… does it work for everything? Like, hereditary diseases?” Lark asked him curiously as she took out a loaf of bread and some butter.
“Um. I’d have to test that. You don’t happen to have any hereditary diseases, do you Lark?” The giant had to stifle a laugh as he asked her.
“No… I don’t think so.” Lark giggled as she made herself a plain piece of bread with butter to munch on. She was too excited to eat much else.
“That’s good… well, once we find your phone, I should get you back to your hotel so you can freshen up, huh?” The giant said as he leaned in close to Lark, a big smile on his face as she stood beside the fridge and clutched her bread with wide eyes. “If you will let me hold you, that is.” He winked at her.
Lark stared up at the giant’s face, feeling the warmth of his breath as he leaned close to her. She nodded at him, taking another bite of her breakfast. “Mmhm! T-that’s no problem.” The little woman said bravely to her 130 foot tall date.
She knew this was going to be the most memorable first date she’ll ever have.
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the-ninja-legacy-whip · 2 months
In the source tournament when the power is transferred from one person to another about the powers recipient eyes change too? What about the person whose power is taken?
For the person whose power was taken, it'd work just the same as in the original tournament: when too much power gets absorbed from them via a Blue Crystal to the point that they can't naturally regenerate the element anymore (i.e. "losing" the element), the absorption drains the color from the iris, making it black, but the pupil remains colored, signifying that they're still the current designated Master of the element, even without the powers (...with an exception or three I'm not going to go into right now wheeeeee). This is also what allows the powers to "return" to the right person when released from the Blue Crystal.
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Freaky, right?
(legit S2P2 spoilers under cut)
Now, as for the twist on people being transferred what was lost and thus gaining these extra powers...under normal circumstances in my lore, this is just OUTRIGHT IMPOSSIBLE GRHGFDGHFDHFGD—?!?!!?!??
Lloyd's Element cannot be transferred into another random person THAT frivolously (people would DIE if they tried—think of it like trying to hold all four Golden Weapons at once when you're not built for it. And doing that on top of hoarding every other element and then some???? INSANE)
You can't have more than one Element in sync with your soul at a time (Essence is something different; Lucina is the exception that proves the rule)
AND if your soul is currently or previously has been synced with a specific element, you CANNOT take on a new one...let alone like A DOZEN MOOOORE LMFAOOOOOO (Descendants nor Dual Descendants do not count under this as they've never actually possessed an element so they're free game for inheriting anything)
(And remember losing powers via Blue Crystals doesn't count—otherwise the above-mentioned pupil thing wouldn't apply)
...............but let's just say. For argument's sake. For the case of the Devil's advocate. That since the Tournament of the Sources is an ~ancient~ tradition and it's regulated and they have mystical ancient source-ways to get around these caveats SPECIFICALLY for the duration of the tournament (maybe that's why Roby's crystal is red instead of blue; it acts a stop-gap or something, or its just a special ceremonial crystal) and apparently all elements somehow came from Source Dragons anywaaaaay??!!?!.........which would temporarily and safely allow such egregious taking and giving of elements...........SOMEHOW.....
...then your pupils remain your innate Element color, while the irises turn into a kaleidoscope—with at least a little bit of the color of each element you wield being present. Similar to how they did these rainbow hands when using multi—powers, imagine that in the iris (which also differentiates it from Time's innate variegated color gaaaAAAH):
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...but who the fuck knows what color Surface Tension is?!?!?!?!? CLEAR?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
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