mythologygirlfanfic · 7 years
Phoenix Down: Chapter One
Summary: Her parents must have really wanted a son if they named their only child - a girl at that - Marco. (OC Reincarnation/Rebirth story) OrAn obsessive gamer girl is reborn and now has to navigate the world of One Piece as a female version of Marco the Phoenix. Shenanigans ensue as she drags everyone around her into her delusions do to the trauma caused by the loss of her precious games. So what if she gives her so called brothers a few heart attacks when she pretends to be dead until one of them yells, if not a little dramatically, “PHOENIX DOWN” with an accompanying eye roll, before ‘reviving’ along the way. That's just part of the fun. The poor Whitebeard Pirates are in near constant exasperation with their sister’s sure, but that doesn’t mean they love her any less. Now, if only she could convince Ace that MMOs were a real thing.
Rating: T
She had been a gamer.
Had being the key word here. This crazy ass land she had been reborn into didn’t seem to have any games unless she wanted to play pirates and marines with the other island kids. Which she didn’t. She really, really didn’t.
Still, the look on her new mother’s face when she had asked for a Playstation 4 for her fifth birthday (because 5 was old enough in her last life to finally convince her parents video games weren’t poison sent by Satan) would have been hilarious, you know, if she hadn’t been holding back her own hysteric tears when she realized there was no such thing in this life. (Her new parents had thought she was suffering from delirium when she begged and screamed that it couldn’t be true. That particular trip to the village doctor hadn’t been fun.)
How the hell did these people live!?
She found out the answer to that desperate question the hard way. They farmed. No kidding. She was reborn into a family of farmers and let her tell you, real farming was not as fun as virtual farming. It couldn’t even hold a candle to the former's blazing inferno of hours spent cultivating crops bigger than her character’s head. Seriously, what the hell was this shit?
Not only did she have to wait months for any of the hard labor to bear fruit (literally), the food they cultivated only went for a few measly beri! (Which was apparently the name of the currency in this world.) How was she supposed to afford all the gifts for birthdays and such to give to everyone in the village in order to make them love her if her family was hardly making ends meet as it was? She had tried giving the Mayor a weed from the fields one, the sour look the old man gave her was enough to say he wasn’t pleased out all. Marco couldn’t help but think he should get inline with that displeasure though because she felt cheated too.
Very, very cheated.
Thank the lord that has otherwise forsaken her that she got her new mother’s normal shaped head instead of her new father’s egg shaped one. That would have been a particularly hard curse to break. She still got his droopy as fuck eyes though, which may have been more from her soul slowly shriveling and decaying from lack of any high graphic stimulation than it was hereditary.
Give her a break, she never said she wasn’t dramatic .
She also kept her light blonde hair long in this life, where in her last she had cropped it short. No matter what anyone in the village said about Mom 2.0 being a sweetheart could ever shake Marco’s feelings of fear when the woman brandished a pair of shears, threatening to cut off Marco’s fingers, if her daughter so much as even thought about cutting her locks any shorter then just below the shoulder. It was a pain, but Marco would suffer having to wash her hair more than once every three days if it meant the woman would would just put the shears down before she took out an eye. She liked her appendages where they were, thank you.
As Marco grew older in this new world, her wish that a restart button so she could remake her avatar existed grew with her. Sure, it wasn’t as if her avatar wasn’t cute - she was adorable, thank you! - but she wanted something more exciting, some sort of feature that would really make her stand out among the NPC villagers around her. She didn’t want to be just another two-bit character that was easily forgotten in this life - not again.
Problem was she didn’t know how to be anything but a side character here. In the last life she lived, that blissful technology induced wonderful life, she had been able curb her inadequacies and discontent with her games. She could be whomever she wanted whenever she wanted. Here she could only ever be Marco, the daughter and only child to a pair of farmers, and she wanted to make the best of that - would make the best of that.
The young girl nodded proudly to herself, possible crisis averted. She had a new life goal, a new mission: be the best damn girl named Marco that ever lived!
Mission title: Make the World a Game.
When she finally realized where she was, who she was, everything changed.
She was Marco the fucking Phoenix. Future 1st division commander of the Whitebeard Pirates and overall fiery badass. She hadn’t been reborn as some random NPC with cognizant thoughts, that had been born purely to cause havoc upon her new home village. No, she had been reborn as a significant part of the Whitebread crew, she had been reborn a pirate. And, despite the fact she felt a little bad for taking Original Marco’s place, she was just as thrilled she had.
It had been her tenth birthday and her withdrawal from the world of 21st century geekary was starting to have adverse effects on her when she had finally figured that tiny piece of information out. She blamed her slow uptake on the fact that she didn’t follow the anime that closely, instead she mainly liked to play the games. Though, she does supposes that adorable verbal tick of ‘yoi’ she had randomly developed in this life should have been a major hint of just where and who she was.
After her discovery had actually sunk in, she did what anyone one would do when they found out they have taken over the life of a fictional character - she screamed like a fangirl. The loud shrieking - akin to a particularly annoying bird Dad 2.0 would grumble fondly - escaping from her tiny body had startled Mom 2.0 so much she had dropped the cake she had painstakingly baked. Marco did feel a little guilty about that, after all, the older woman’s cakes Marco was certain come from food heaven.
Wait. Stop.
New life goal: get the Whitebeard Pirates to play a live version of Plants vs. Zombies.
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openthingsatrandom · 5 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Magi: The Labyrinth of Magic Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: None Characters: Tess, Alibaba Saluja, Anise (Alibaba's mom), Anise (Magi), Tess (Magi) Additional Tags: Rebirth, Tess has no idea what is going on, flash fanfiction, Tess has been reborn, jumbled memories, Reincarnation, Suddenly gaining memories of a past life, Alibaba is confused, Tess is confused, Anise is just worried Summary:
Tess was scared. The last thing he remembered was the pain of his burning flesh and the faint voice of his mother as he called for help. Now here he was, alone with a strange woman, his parents nowhere in sight. And why was this woman calling him Alibaba?
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lizziemack · 3 years
Fics Where Jason is Transformed into an Animal
Boof by strikeyourcolors- this one is ridiculously cute. Bruce finds Jason transformed into a dog and proceeds to have a dad moment. and there’s a surprise ending. Gen and rated G.
Cat Dad by Nanimok- Civilian Tim Drake finds three stray cats. On an unrelated note the vigilantes Nightwing, Red Hood and Robin haven’t been seen in a while... preslash JayTim, rated G.
Tim’s Tiny Cock by WeirdAlterEgo - Jason is a Rooster, a very small and very angry rooster. Tim is unaware and adopts him. Pre-slash into full JayTim once Jason is back to human. Rated T. So You Better Run by Cryptoad- Jason is a Dog and he can’t figure out how to get back. The longer he’s stuck in his animal form, the more of his humanity he loses. Very tender and lovely gen fic and the writing is phenomenal. 
satisfaction brought him back by Valkirin- one of those titans tower fics but this time the twist is that Jason gets stuck as a Cat after beating the shit out of Tim. Gen and Rated T. When is a Cat not a Cat? by ZeroMonster- Jason and Dick are working a case when Jason gets turned into a Kitten. Dick is allergic to cats. Pre established JayDick rated T Just Another Dog in Heat by MythologyGirl- holy shit guys this one. Zatanna/Jason rated E, dead dove do not eat, read the tags etc, etc. But holy cow.
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setsailslash · 3 years
Rating: Explicit Relationship: Jason Todd/Bruce Wayne Word Count: 55000 Tags: Choose Your Own Adventure, Choose Your Own Ending, Top Bruce Wayne, Bottom Bruce Wayne, Top Jason Todd, Bottom Jason Todd, Dom/sub, Minor Roman Sionis/Jason Todd, Getting Together, Established Relationship, Porn with Feelings, Rough Sex, Anal Sex, Daddy Kink, Topping from the Bottom, Multiple Orgasms, Love Confessions, Possessive Behavior, Non-Consensual Drug Use, Praise Kink, Fluff and Smut, Angst with a Happy Ending, Hurt/Comfort, Dubious Consent, Captivity, Overstimulation Summary:
Jason has been deep undercover with Black Mask when Bruce calls him home. What happens next is up to you.
A brujay/jaybru choose your own adventure styled story with multiple paths for you to pick from, all brought to you by the Brujay Discord Server!
Involving a total of 13 contributors, the Brujay Discord Server presents a Choose Your Own Adventure project just in time to celebrate Jason’s death day! 💖
There are 11 endings in total, and there are endings for the good, the bad, the heartbreaking, and also the more elusive surprise (it’s porn, it’s all porn if we’re being honest). Click through now to play! ☝️ ☝️ ☝️
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What would be your current fic recs? Like 5 or some odd fics that you’re reading right now (or just read) and would recommend? If this is an ok request!
Definitely an ok request! And because I’m reading absolutely a million things right now and have so many fantastic things on the brain, you can have 10 recs instead of 5 XD
Check Yourself by meaninglessblah. A hockey and ice skating Jaytim AU. Normally I’m not a Jaytim person, but Blah’s writing and storytelling and characterizations pulled me in deep and now I’m hooked on every word, to the point that I even wrote them a spin off fic!
How Far We’ve Come by thenightwingfan. After Damian dies, Dick decides that he has to get revenge for it, and enlists Slade’s help to do so. The plot is really interesting and Dick’s mental state during all the shit he’s making himself do is So Rough in all the absolute best ways.
I Wish We Were Birds by epistemology. A Batfam Inception AU. This fic is just getting going and it already has me on the edge of my seat in every moment. Engaging and excellently written and shaping up to be a really badass plot.
Hitchhiker’s Guide to Murder by bokunojinsei. A Hannibal series where Will is also a serial killer, and he and Hannibal encounter each other. This fic fits the vibe of the show Perfectly and expertly keeps their dynamic in place even while changing Will to be an established killer.
Hunk of Porcelain by fanfictiongreenirises. While shopping for a gift for Bruce, Dick gets abducted by a man who wants to preserve his beauty forever. This is a chilling and intense story, everything beautifully described with wonderful characterizations.
How-To’s For Ex-Assassins by Sassaphrass. Where Dick is a Talon instead of the first Robin, and he and Damian bond over similar pasts. Heartwarming and heartbreaking all rolled into one, with so much lovely growth it’ll almost make your head spin.
An Extra Shot by Skalidra. Instead of shooting Slade’s eye out, Adeline dies in the event that takes Joey’s voice, leaving Slade as single dad of three. A really really cool AU, all the characterizations are stellar, and the writing is wonderful.
The Best Path by EudociaCovert. A:TLA AU where Zuko ends up with Jet, Smellerbee, and Longshot during the events of “Zuko: Alone”. Some of the best ATLA fanfiction I’ve ever read, just stunning in every aspect. I wait with baited breath for each update!
Retributory Shroud by meaninglessblah. Can’t describe this better than the way the author does: “New bodyguard gets hit on by his bosses, a bratty mafia don and his tired babysitter, who are maybe definitely involved in a murder plot. He's trying his Best™.” So damn good.
Sex Shop Talk by MythologyGirl. Dick and Adeline go to a sex shop together and discuss Slade. This is hysterical and without fail makes me smile. I reread it whenever I just need to grin. I rec it to everyone, and just reread it again, so I figured it would be a good thing to end this list with XD
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scandalsavagefanfic · 4 years
Last Line of WIP
Rules: Create a new post and post the last line you wrote, then tag as many people as there are words in the line [[or however many you want lol]].
I was tagged by @primeemeraldheiress.
Sorry I haven’t been around much. This... isn’t going to be much food lol. (Also, the last line I wrote was for a zine fic which you’ll be able to purchase HERE when pre-orders start [should be soon, they’re waiting on people like me who needed extensions 😔]. So this is the last line from a non-zine fic.)
“Obviously, I’m into it.”
I was also tagged in something similar? exactly the same? by @meaninglessblah-writes and I’m not sure if I’m supposed to share seven sentences or one but since I haven’t been around much... have 21 😂
“He always uses the faux-heat herbs for you,” Vandal muses idly, not removing his eyes from the “show” on the dais.
Dick, on the other hand, is trying hard to look anywhere else. He’s even less fond of public mating ceremonies than he is of Vandal talking about the heats he’s shared with Tiger. 
Those herbs must have affected Dick more deeply than he knew. He can still smell Jason. And not just the subtle scent of him Dick was used to around Gotham Palace, not just the way the forest after a rain will remind him of the lost omega. The thick aroma of Jason’s heat, so unlike any other omega Dick has ever met, is clinging to the back of his nose and sticking in his throat. 
He tries to subtly clear his throat. Vandal chuckles. “You missed the whole ceremony, Prince.”
“Apologies, Emperor,” Dick manages to force out through the thickness. “You understand how distracting he is.”
Vandal’s eyes dart to his face briefly and he sounds almost amused when he says, “Indeed.”
Dick scrapes his teeth over his tongue. Gods it’s so overwhelming. Especially mixed with Slade’s grating alpha arousal. Stronger than mere memory; almost like Jason is in the room with him.
It’s impossible. Jason is dead. Has been for two years. But Dick’s stomach drops out from under him anyway. 
I guess I’ll tag @firefrightfic, @daemoninwhiteround2, @gavotteandgigue and @setsailslash. And MythologyGirl if you see this, I can’t, for the life of me, remember what your tumblr is because it’s not the name I call you every day lol!
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ao3feed-toukenranbu · 7 years
So You Wanna be a Saniwa?
Read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2sgCq7q
by MythologyGirl
When you had been a little all you ever wanted was to be a Pokemon trainer, not the master to a bunch of handsome anthropomorphic swords. Still, you supposed you would just have to ‘catch’ theym all anyway.
Words: 730, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: 刀剣乱舞 | Touken Ranbu
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: Gen, Multi
Characters: Yamanbagiri Kunihiro, Saniwa (Touken Ranbu), Reader!Saniwa, Female Saniwa (Touken Ranbu), Other Character Will be Added as They Appear
Relationships: Saniwa (Touken Ranbu)/Everyone, Saniwa (Touken Ranbu) & Everyone, Reader!Saniwa/Everyone
Additional Tags: Harem, Anthropomorphic Swords, Romance, Eventual Romance, Romantic Comedy, Friendship, Drabble Series, Drabble, Randomness, I've Never Played the Game, I've Only Seen the Hanamaru Days Anime, Slice of Life, Reader-Insert, Reader Saniwa, Reader's Dream was Crushed, She Will Catch 'em All!, If She Can't be a Pokemon Master She Might as well be a Saniwa, Possible Yaoi Relationships, Fluff, Crack, Varying Chapter Length, Chapters are all Most Likely Going to be Less than 1000 Words, Plot? What Plot?
Read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2sgCq7q
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ao3feed-timdrake · 4 years
A Lesson in Apologies
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2SjKEZB
by MythologyGirl
When Bruce got home from a day of tiring meetings he expected to suit up and head out as Batman. Instead, he finds himself over Alfred's knee, pants down, and ready for the spanking he's been gunning towards for awhile. To add to the humiliation, Tim and Jason are there to watch his punishment, finding out a surprising secret along the way.
Words: 3033, Chapters: 1/2, Language: English
Fandoms: Batman - All Media Types
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Bruce Wayne, Alfred Pennyworth, Tim Drake, Jason Todd
Relationships: Alfred Pennyworth/Bruce Wayne, Tim Drake/Bruce Wayne/Jason Todd, Alfred Pennyworth/Tim Drake/Bruce Wayne/Jason Todd
Additional Tags: Dubious Consent, Spanking, Cock Warming, Age Play, Age Difference, Verbal Humiliation, Situational Humiliation, Corporal Punishment, Small Penis, Bottom Bruce Wayne, Oral Sex, Anal Sex, Blow Jobs, Bruce says sorry, Nudity, Sex, Explicit Sexual Content, Other Additional Tags to Be Added
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2SjKEZB
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ao3feed-wondersteve · 6 years
It Was Only Just a Dream
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2LzvgSt
by MythologyGirl
When Diana gave her son up all those years ago, she never expected to see him again. Now here he is with in her reach, but will Hal, the independent Green Lantern, want anything to even do with her once their relation is revealed?
Words: 338, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Justice League - All Media Types, DCU (Comics), Green Lantern - All Media Types, Batman - All Media Types, Wonder Woman (Comics), Wonder Woman (2017)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F, M/M
Characters: Diana (Wonder Woman), Steve Trevor (Mentioned), Bruce Wayne, Jason Todd, Hal Jordan
Relationships: past steve trevor/diana (wonder woman), Diana & Hal Jordan, Hal Jordan/Bruce Wayne
Additional Tags: Hal Jordan is Diana and Steve Trevor's biological son, Mother-Son Relationship, Protective Bruce Wayne, Protective Diana, Hal has issues, Hal has been frozen in time
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2LzvgSt
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ao3feed-dianasteve · 6 years
It Was Only Just a Dream
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2LzvgSt
by MythologyGirl
When Diana gave her son up all those years ago, she never expected to see him again. Now here he is with in her reach, but will Hal, the independent Green Lantern, want anything to even do with her once their relation is revealed?
Words: 338, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Justice League - All Media Types, DCU (Comics), Green Lantern - All Media Types, Batman - All Media Types
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F, M/M
Characters: Diana (Wonder Woman), Steve Trevor (Mentioned), Bruce Wayne, Jason Todd, Hal Jordan
Relationships: past steve trevor/diana (wonder woman), Diana & Hal Jordan, Hal Jordan/Bruce Wayne
Additional Tags: Hal Jordan is Diana and Steve Trevor's biological son, Mother-Son Relationship, Protective Bruce Wayne, Protective Diana, Hal has issues, Hal has been frozen in time
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2LzvgSt
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mythologygirlfanfic · 7 years
Life Gone By - Plot Bunny (Naruto & One Piece Crossover)
Title: Life Gone By
Fandom: Naruto & One Piece
Pairing(s): More than likely gen. Though, I kinda want Tobirama to have a harem.
Tobirama lived a life full of grief and death. When he passed on he would remain known as either a murder or a hero depending on who you asked, but one thing people could usually agree on was that the Nidaime had been loyal. To his village. To his students. To his brother. However, what happens to that loyalty when the Senju is reincarnated into a world unlike his own?
After leading enemy combatants away from his team,a team full of students he had basically raised (I have a headcanon where most, if not all, the shinobi working under Tobirama at that point where orphans that he took under his wing and became a father to.), Tobirama was killed in action, yet in his death he was lead to his next greatest adventure. Born in a new world where pirates and marines reign supreme, he must learn to navigate in this new life without chakra.
I am undecided of where the in the One Piece timeline this would start or if Tobirama would be related to any of the characters, but these are some of the ones I am leaning towards:
- Tobirama is the younger brother or just ends up really good friends with Monkey D. Garp. In this the former ninja would become a marine and work from the inside to reform the cruel ways of the world he finds himself in. Still cold and calculating, he tends to be misunderstood and it comes to a surprise to many that the man is related/friends with the laidback Garp. The story would mainly take place way before the series actually starts.
- Tobirama is a pirate and joins up with the Roger Pirates. Whether he is related to Roger or Rouge, I don’t know, but if this is the path this ends up taking I would like for it to be one of them. If he is related to Roger, the Pirate King knows from the beginning that his brother is different - that he has live a life before - and tries to understand the former shinobi as much as he can. The problem is, Roger reminds Tobirama a lot of Hashirama and things can become a bit tense between the two due to this.
- The third idea is that Tobirama is about the same age as most of the Straw Hats, possibly related to one of the supernovas, and gets swept up in the canon plot.
Possible Tobirama genderbend.
None right now as I have to get ready for work and couldn’t think of anything to actually write. :P
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openthingsatrandom · 5 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: K (Anime) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Munakata Reishi/Yata Misaki, Munakata Reishi/fem!Yata Misaki Characters: Munakata Reishi, Yata Misaki, Totsuka Tatara Additional Tags: Fem!Yata, Genderbend, This idea just wouldn't leave my head!, Mentions of Fushimi, Meddling Tatara, Yata is adorable!, Reishi is a gentleman, Yata has a potty mouth, Munakata finds her adorable anyway, He better hope Fushimi doesn't find out, This went in a completely different direction than I thought it would Summary:
Yata didn’t know what to think when the King of the Blue Clan, Captain of those Scepter 4 bastards, asked her for a date. (Munakata/Fem!Yata)
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ao3-onepiece · 7 years
The Art of Lying
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2tkNlPd
by MythologyGirl
I was reborn as a coward and a liar, yet I was alright with that because that is what I had been.
Words: 806, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 5 of Reincarnated with Sea Legs (One Piece OC reincarnation fics)
Fandoms: One Piece
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M
Characters: Usopp (One Piece), Monkey D. Luffy, Banchina (One Piece), Nami (One Piece), Kaya (One Piece), Franky (One Piece), Mugiwara Kaizoku | Strawhat Pirates, Nico Robin, Going Merry, Thousand Sunny, Roronoa Zoro, Vinsmoke Sanji, Tamanegi | Onion, Piiman | Pepper, Ninjin | Carrot, Brook (One Piece), Original Character
Relationships: Kaya/Usopp (One Piece), Banchina/Yasopp (One Piece), More pairings to come, Possible yaoi and yuri pairings later
Additional Tags: Reincarnation, Rebirth, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Original Character(s), OC is Usopp's Sibling, Semi Self-Insert, Action/Adventure, Sailing the Seas, OC has Memory troubles, OC Joins the Strawhats, Family, Nakamaship, Other Additional Tags to Be Added
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2tkNlPd
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mythologygirlfanfic · 7 years
The Eggplant Conspiracy: One-Shot
Summary:  Kakashi will never look at food the same way again.
Rating: K
When Kakashi awoke he noticed something was off right away; his skin felt more leathery, his muscles more stiff. Reluctantly, he rolled off his bed, padded into bathroom and flicked on the light to prepare for his morning routine of shower, brush teeth, and get dressed in the clothes he had hung up in the bathroom closet the night before. However, he froze when he went to get undressed when he noticed that his skin was no longer the pale shade it had been, but a dark purple and that his body was also oddly shaped; his ‘belly’ protruding so he could hardly see his feet - which no longer had toes, appearing more as thin sticks in a ‘L’ shape - making him quickly rush to the mirror to get a look at his reflection. The Copy-nin barely contained an internal scream when, instead of where a human should have been standing, there was an eggplant with a face-mask (that looked more like something a bandit would wear) and mussed silver hair.
Kakashi instantly tried to dispel the genjustu before checking the mirror again - he was still a vegetable. He attempted three more times before giving up with a mumbled, “What the fuck?”
In a daze the human-sized eggplant continued to get ready for the day. He figured it was either a strong hallucination from lack of sleep due to consecutive missions and having to deal with his hyperactive students. He was sure that it would eventually wear off given time. If he knew how bizarre the rest of day would be he would have never have answered the door when an the overly insistent knocking sounded, the wood of the front door shaking with the force of the hits.
“Gai,” Kakashi began slowly in greeting, after he opened the door, blinking down at his now very short, bumpy ovalish comrade. “You’re a potato.”
“Rival,” the tan colored potato (a Kennebec?) yelled out affronted. “How could you say such an unyouthful thing?”
Kakashi watched in morbid fascination when a river of tears started to stream out of Potato-Gai’s creepy peeled out eye sockets. “...I’m sorry?”
Potato-Gai’s tears vanished just as quickly as they appeared, replaced by an overly bright smile - a shine pinging off the pearly white’s (since when did potatoes have teeth?) - and his black hair blowing to the side dramatically when he performed one of his ‘Nice Guy’ poses that he was so famous for - a beautiful sunset appearing behind him. “No worries my rival!”
Kakashi brought up one of his ‘hands’ to scratch the side of his face, nearly flinching at the odd shape of it and the reminder his hands were more sticks than actual, well, hands. He pushed those thoughts aside as he got to more pressing matters, “Why are you here?”
Potato-Gai blinked, startled out of his sunset backdrop by the inquiry, eyebrows scrunching together (Kakashi took comfort in the fact they were still huge, rectangular, and bushy) as if he were trying to recall why exactly he had come to his 'Most Youthful Rival's' abode. It didn't take long before Potato-Gai once again struck a ridiculous pose - one arm in the air and the other on his hip area as he leaned his bumpy body out to the left - announcing, "Hokage-sama, has requested our most Youthful presence!"
"Saa," the silver-haired eggplant made of sound of agreement. He moved out into the hallway, after grabbing his pack, which he had left by the entrance, closing the door behind him, "we better not keep Tsunade-sama waiting."
“Yosh! The perfect chance for another challenge,” Potato-Gai declared, probably waking more than half of Kakashi’s neighbors with his loud booming voice. “The first one to the Hokage’s office shall be considered the most youthful!”
And with that the eggplant and potato made there way out into the sunlight.
Potato-Gai burst through the window off the office, shattering the glass as he leapt through first, rolling on the ground several times before stopping on his knees, hand on chin and a large smile across his face in victory. Kakashi leaping through the threshold on a second or two behind.
Kakashi’s first thought upon entering the Hokage’s cozy work place for an apparent mission briefing only to find more human-sized consumable items surrounding the room was, ‘How is this my life?’ His next was that he really shouldn’t be surprised with how many walking, talking foods he saw on the way here or that all the carvings in the Hokage Monument where also various food products. His last thought was why he was the only one actually wearing anything besides a headband… Kakashi shuddered.
“You’re late Kaka-sensei!” The narutimaki shouted, pointing a stick like arm at them in accusation Kakashi didn’t even need the messy blond hair and familiar whiskers to know this was his ramen loving student. “Bushier Brows-sensei was supposed to get you here on time!”
The sakura mochi whacked Narutimaki-Naruto, making the white, pink spiraled topping fall to the floor with a pain yelp, whining out, “Sakuuuura-chan!”
“Stop shouting!” the pinkish mochi, Sakura, screeched.
“You are the loser of this Most Esteemed Match, my rival!” Gai shouted dramatically completely ignoring the two ‘youthful’ ninja before him. “That means you must take upon you a punishment!”
“Maa, laps around the village,” Kakashi said uncaringly.
“No,” Gai said, a glint forming in his eye and his voice taking a sinister tone, making Kakashi start to sweat nervously. Gai and everyone behind him pulled out sharpened peelers, eyes shadowed and evil grins.
Kakashi shot up, hand on his chest, and gasping for air. When he finally got his breathing under control he examined one of his shaking hands and nearly sighed with unrestrained relief - it was human, not a stick, five fingers and all. He lifted his hand to run through his hair, damp with sweat, from the horror he had experience.
“…. A dream?”
One thing was for sure, he would never look at food the same way again.
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mythologygirlfanfic · 7 years
So You Wanna Be a Saniwa? - Chapter One
Story Summary:
When you had been a little all you ever wanted was to be a Pokemon trainer, not the master to a bunch of handsome anthropomorphic swords. Still, you supposed you would just have to ‘catch’ them all anyway. .
Rating: T
                                                                                                   Chapter One: Not a Squirtle
The wind howled outside the thin, shoji doors as if it were trying to mirror the force of your agitation. You mainly ignored it. There were more pressing matters to attend to then a brewing storm.
“You promised me a Squirtle.”
Pressing matters, indeed.
“I promised you a starter.” The old man stated calmly, the regal air around him never once faltering in the face of your… oddity. “Yamanbangiri is one of the swords that all potential Saniwa have chosen from.”
That was true. He had promised you a starter and, perhaps, you shouldn’t have assumed that he was talking about a Pokemon. Still, this conniving dude had taken advantage of your innocent, slightly unrealistic, dream! What were supposed to think when the well dressed stranger approached you saying you had the power to change the world and the he would help you achieve your first milestone by granting you the means of obtaining a partner to help you on your journey.
You glanced over towards the young man sitting next to the lying codger. He was a quite one, having yet to speak a word to either of you since he manifested from the sword you had sunk your spiritual energy into, his features remaining hidden beneath the ratty cloak he wore besides a small sliver of blonde hair peeking out. You quirked an eyebrow. “He’s not a Squirtle.”
“I am aware.”
“You promised me a Squirtle.” You asserted once again, more forcefully as your gaze turned back to the aged man. The wrinkled bastard wasn’t going to get away with tricking you like this, not if you had anything to say about it.
“Does the fact that I am a duplicate bother you?”
The voice was light, barely audible and filled with such self-loathing, that you felt your heart constrict. It made you feel like the Grinch before his heart grew, selfish and mean. You’re head tilted again towards the young man, once sword, and spoke just as quietly. “It’s not. It’s not that you’re a duplicate or whatever. It’s just, well, you’re not a Squirtle and, hum.” You floundered, voice trailing off as the cloaked man, lifted his head to finally give you a few of the saddest, puppy eyes you had ever seen.
You quickly turned, the kimono you had been forced to wear stretching uncomfortably across your lap, to plead the older man who had gotten into this mess for help, only to have the words caught in your throat when you saw his face. He looked victorious. You had the sudden urge to punch his brittle nose in. The dick probably planned on this.
“Well,” The oldest in the room started, not even bothering to hide his smug look. There was no doubt he knew he had won, that he just had to put one final nail in your coffin before you caved and agreed to be a Saniwa. Whatever that was. (Certainly wasn’t a Pokemon Master.) “I suppose since you don’t want to do this Ms. (your name), you will just have to send Yamanbangiri here back to whence he came.”
Before you could have reply, the sword turned man, Yamanbangiri, caught you off. “Don’t worry, Saniwa-sama, it is always like this.” His body seemed to curl in on itself, even has he peeked up at you under his hood, a slight sad smile gracing his face. Another stabbing pressure shoot through your heart. “Duplicates are something people lose interest in quickly. I just... I just never expected it to be straight from the start.”
Goddamit! There was no way you were a match for this guy, sword, whatever. He was just too cute and making him feel like he wasn’t wanted was like kicking a thousand, cute and fluffy baby animals. You just couldn’t do it.
You sighed, “Explain this Saniwa business to me again.”
You refused to admit the small sense of satisfaction when Yamanbangiri’s eyes light up, listening intently as the dream crushing liar began his explanation once again of what would be expected of you. Here’s to your future life as possibly one of the most loved and admired Saniwa in history - at least by your anthropomorphic sword army.
"Saniwa-sama," Yamanbagiri called, hesitantly as you both walked out of the meeting room, only continuing when you gently coaxed him. "What's a Squirtle?"
You started regretting all your life choices.
Author’s Note: Some of Yamanbangiri’s dialogue is from the game.
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mythologygirlfanfic · 7 years
Phoenix Down: Chapter Two
Summary: Her parents must have really wanted a son if they named their only child - a girl at that - Marco. (OC Reincarnation/Rebirth story) Or
An obsessive gamer girl is reborn and now has to navigate the world of One Piece as a female version of Marco the Phoenix. Shenanigans ensue as she drags everyone around her into her delusions do to the trauma caused by the loss of her precious games. So what if she gives her so called brothers a few heart attacks when she pretends to be dead until one of them yells, if not a little dramatically, “PHOENIX DOWN” with an accompanying eye roll, before ‘reviving’ along the way. That’s just part of the fun. The poor Whitebeard Pirates are in near constant exasperation with their sister’s sure, but that doesn’t mean they love her any less. Now, if only she could convince Ace that MMOs were a real thing.
Rating: T
That is what the old biddies in her village called her at least. Well, everyone in the village called her that, but they were all pretty much old biddies, so fuck them.
(Well, not really ‘cause that would be gross. Marco shivered at the thought.)
Who knew that trying to engage this dreary town in a riveting game of Splatoon would lead to her immediate and irrefutable exile from the only place she knew in a world she knew was much more vast and dangerous than most people could even comprehend.
She regretted nothing .
Nothing except maybe not being able to beam the mayor in the face with a balloon filled with pink paint and glitter. Marco had been stopped by the villagers before she could chuck that particular balloon, one of the bastard having snuck up behind her and tackling her to the ground before others jumped on her as well in some sort of impromptu dog pile. It had caused the young woman to be the one to get a face full of the mixture instead of her intended target. It had been a bittersweet defeat.
Now, here the pale blonde stood, not even a full day after what the fiasco the villagers irritably had started calling the ‘Day of Reckoning’ under their breaths, loading the little dinghy her parents scrounged up for her. She was so sure that Original Marco had lived a childhood of bloody strife. Her she was though, getting the boot from her home for simply throwing one too many paint balloons.
True, it had technically not been her first offense. Also true, that it hadn’t really been the worst thing she had done either, but for the people of her home island, it had been the last straw. Marco was pretty sure it was just because the sticks they all had shoved up their asses, that they were all just allergic to fun. The kids of the village could at least appreciate her genius, some having even thrown a mini protest over their favorite playmate’s severe and unjust punishment. Well, until they were threatened with dish duty. That had gotten Marco’s followers to disperse rather quickly. The little traitors.
(She carefully did not look into Mom 2.0’s tearful eyes and decidedly ignored the fact that Papa 2.0’s own looked even more droopy than before, like a basset hound whose favorite bone was being taken away. Marco even ignored the small pain in her chest when she thought of leaving them, that she would miss them.)
The farming life hadn’t been for her anyway. Her boobs made her back ache after all and the physical labor of tilling the land just didn’t justify that pain. Honestly, why did nearly all the girls who spent more than five minutes with Luffy have to have huge tits? (And the original Marco had, they had fought a war together. Screw the fact Original Marco had been a male.) Sure, they weren't as large as say Nami or Robin’s, but they were still annoying as fuck.
She was looking for a quest to complete anyway.
Quest objective: find Whitebeard and join his crew.
This quest sucked. It sucked balls. Hard .
She had been randomly sailing around the seas of North Blue for months. Months . And the teenager couldn’t even say it hadn’t truly been random sailing as she was in no way a navigator. She had slapped herself multiple times for not studying maps, but she hadn’t been planning to set out to sea by herself either. Honestly, Marco had thought Whitebeard and his band of jolly sons, more akin to a massive raid party, would be the ones to find her. You know, at home. On the island she had been born on.
Marco once again cursed the mayor and the citizen of Uptightville. She would have preferred they all would have left themselves, like all the potential critter friends she ignored in Animal Crossing , then have had them figure out the best way to get rid of a shitty neighbor was just to exile them from the town. (She briefly found herself lamenting who her virtual town had more than likely gone completely barren by now, before the thought become to unbearable and she had to shake it off. Sort of like the one Taylor Swift song.)
It hadn’t been all bad. If Marco ignored the fact she had almost starved, dehydrated, gotten nearly eaten by various sea monsters, and other things that had caused some minor bodily harm, the young woman could think of a few things to be grateful for. She finally got to update her appearance!
On the first island she had unceremoniously crashed into (Seriously, she didn’t mean to fall asleep! The sailing had been so boring to the point she had started talking to her own reflection on the water’s surface.), she found herself chopping off most her long, blonde hair. She had cropped it into a sort of mohawk, with the sides of her head shaved and a strip of slightly longer locks remaining on top. Of course, she only did this when she was certain Mom 2.0 didn’t have some sort of radar that would let the older woman know what her daughter was doing. Marco liked her limbs where they were and she wouldn’t put it past the lady to somehow find her due to some sort of messed up need for vengeance.
She had also acquired (Maybe, sort of stole) some new clothes. Nothing against what she had been wearing, the overalls were as comfortable as hell, they just weren’t exactly the best clothes to be traveling the wide up sea in. Marco now proudly donned a light blue corset and with blue shorts that rode maybe a little too low. The young woman had decided to forgo shoes, more so because she had been chased from the store before she could grab a pair. And, hey, this outfit was probably even less practicable than overalls, but if she was going to be a pirate, a pirate in the World of One Piece at that, she was going to looks bad fucking ass while doing.  
She was 18 and partly delirious when she found him. Found the man that had been Original Marco’s Oyaji. The man that would be her Oyaji too. Or at least, she hoped he would as she pulled alongside the massive, whale shaped ship. She was a little surprised that the Moby Dick had already been made and set sail, for whatever reason she was sure Edward Newgate would have had another ship, at least up until Gol D. Roger’s execution. She was happy to see it though. The large whale always looked so happy in the series and it looked even more so in person. If a just a tiny weensy bit intimidating. That and it also brought on the age old question of why it was blue? Had the gigantic man never read the novel? Did the novel even exist here? Wait, she had never read the novel, so this was a moot point.
Marco didn’t waste anytime.
“Make me your kid-yoi!” Her load exclamation caught everyone’s attention as they stared down from the large whale shaped boat at her little dinghy. It had certainly caught Captain Whitebeard’s as she could almost feel the older man’s gaze piercing through her. He was younger, his hair not completely white and his mustache just a tad less magnificent. It was like Mario and Dr. Robotnik’s facial hair had a baby. How much time did the man spend styling it?
“Eh? What was that brat? I didn’t hear you.” Edward Newgate was an incredible man, for that the young blonde girl was certain. His voice carried all the way down to her as if the roaring wind and crashing waves against the hulking vessel he rode upon allowed it passage. The captain before her didn’t even have to yell. Marco admitted she may have been a tad jealous at that.
Marco set her shoulders back further standing as straight and tall as she possible could. Her posture was so stiff it was starting to hurt, yet she had to make this man, the one fated to be the strongest on all the seas, this man with such an enormous legacy, take her on. “I said, make me your daughter-yoi!”
“Why should I?”
Okay, now she was sure the older man was messing with her. Still, she responded, “Because you’re like the final boss after a particularly hard dungeon that one has to level grind for like hours to beat-yoi.” At the confused silence that greeted Marco, she decided to take pity on the poor uncultured souls that would never really know the joys and sorrows of dungeon crawling and elaborated. “I think you're badass-yoi.”
Whitebeard threw his head back and laughed.
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