smallidarityfan · 3 months
Theyre scheduling dates with joel guys this is a soap drama AHHSHGSSBS
Jimmy: I am also imagining Joel is gonna log on soon enough and die instantly—
Lizzie: Wait Joel is coming??? You want him to play Minecraft with you???
Jimmy: He's got access to come on, I just— I wish I could spend some quality time with him y'know?
Lizzie: Yeah me too! Me too man.
Jimmy: Yeah I think—
Lizzie: Watch out there's someone behind you tryna push you off a cliff
Jimmy: stop— right now
Sausage: I'M BACK I got kicked out!
Jimmy: That's alright— yeah lemme um lemme give him a message
Lizzie: Wait— Can I— How about you get him Thursdays, I'll do Tuesdays, Hermitcraft can have him... every other day of the week
Jimmy: Wait what— What day's their meeting?
Sausage: Are we talking about Joel?!
Lizzie: Yeah oh maybe Sausage could use a day too
Sausage: Oh can I have Joel too?! Can I have him on like a weird day like a Tuesday, on 4:30 in the afternoon or something...
Lizzie: Okay how about one of you gets him half of Tuesday; someone takes him on the Tuesday morning— But someone's gonna need to feed him as well...—
Jimmy: Uhh...
Sausage: Oh I'll feed him!
Lizzie: —He likes steak...
Jimmy: *laughs* he likes steak...
Sausage: You know what, I cooked a lovely Filet Mignon last night. He can have a piece
Jimmy: I don't know what that is... What is that?
Lizzie: You could probably have him 3 days he'd probably go willingly—
Lizzie: *laughs* You'll learn?!
Sausage: You'll learn to cook a Filet Mignon?! You know what I do work a Sous Vide machine too!
Lizzie: OH MY GOD Stop talking Sausage you'll summon him!
Sausage: UHUH! All I have to say is Sous Vide... Medium Rare... Filet Mignon...
Lizzie: Oh you know just what to say! to steal my man!
Sausage: Hell yeah! Well I do butter basting as well, yup!
Jimmy: —I don't know what any of these words mean but annoyingly I know Joel would know? So that makes me angry...
Sausage: He would definitely know, I'm going to win all of Tuesday— Tuesday's mine, man
Jimmy: Oh gosh *laughs* "I'm gonna win all of Tuesday..."
Lizzie: Well as long as I still get to do his laundry then that's fine.
Sausage: Oh you do— I don't do laundry, you go ahead.
Lizzie: *laughs* "I don't do laundry"
(thank u for the correction i have never cooked a steak before if you couldn't tell LMAO 😭😭)
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exymybeloved · 1 month
Dazai: Alright bye guys, I’m going out
Kunikida: What’s rule number one?
Dazai: Anything is legal as long as the police don’t find out
Kunikida: nO-
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Rule One of Spotting Genocide
If you’re debating the semantics of what does and does not constitute genocide, you’re in the middle of a genocide.
Rule Two of Spotting Genocide
In the midst of debating the semantics of genocide, you can tell where a news outlet’s underlying bias lies by checking the headline to see whether ‘genocide’ is in quotes.
This also frequently applies to individuals.
Rule Three of Spotting Genocide
Use your fucking eyes. When shit like this goes down, it will be heard on the internet. Even a competent military will struggle to hide the evidence of an ethnic cleansing.
To uphold the integrity of Rule Three, ensure you strike down any and all internet censorship laws with extreme prejudice.
Rule Four of Spotting Genocide
Word of mouth and community service are your friends. During a genocide, protests will break out in public spaces, and political discussions may seem divided to an abnormal degree. Keep an ear to the ground, and both eyes on the streets.
Rule Five of Spotting Genocide
Check news sources from more than one country. In fact, check from as many different countries as possible. Even the ‘developing’ ones. Especially the developing ones.
I’m talking to you, ‘United’ States.
Rule Six of Spotting Genocide
Posts like this will be in heavy circulation across the web.
Open your eyes.
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martyryo · 1 month
2017 Tyler that produces homemade slime instead of soap. Obviously no borax and no glue
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d1gnan · 9 months
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fungi-maestro · 1 year
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Questionable Images 1/2 - The Question #8 (1987)
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norttinson · 1 year
it’s like tyler durden always said everyone’s a squirter if you punch the right artery
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isthatacalzone · 1 year
fight club is a wild movie bc before you watch it all you hear is it's about fighting. maybe you know soap is important for some reason. it's apparently the ideal guys movie. but then you watch it and it's like. this movie is queer as shit. these mfs are gay as hell for each other. all the fighting is steeped in homoeroticism. but if you mention this to any film bro they get so angry about it.
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ace-and-ranty · 5 months
Finishing up the 3 Body Problem and my thoughts here are: this bunch of physicists could have REALLY used ONE (1) humanities specialist in their midst.
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reddieswift · 1 year
so. i just listened to the entire 21+ hours of losers: a love story on spotify in the span of two & a half days. and WHEW i am feeling Emotions!!!!! this is the most fun i've had in a GOOD while,,,, it's basically like one big IT adaptation/fix-it fic but voice-acted, and just. bshdkhdjfkdk!!!!!!!!!! go listen to it it's a lot of fun!!!!!!!! i miss it already!!!!!! <3333333
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ananke-xiii · 15 days
Form and Void... and Hands and Hearts.
I really like "Form od Void" from S11. It's one of my favorite episodes and it enrages me to no end that it was Andrew Dabb who wrote it. Sometimes a girl just wants to be a hater. But I don't have it in me :(.
Talking about H-A-T-E...
The episodes starts with this word:
H-a-t-e. It was with this left hand that old brother Cain struck the blow that laid his brother low. L-o-v-e. You see these fingers? They're arched. These fingers has veins that run straight to the soul of man. The right hand, friends -- the hand of love. Now watch, and I'll show you the story of life. These fingers, dear hearts, is always a-warrin' and a-tuggin', one against the other. Now watch 'em. Old brother left hand -- left hand hates a-fightin'. And it looks like love's a goner. But wait a minute. Wait a minute. Hot dog! Love's a-winnin'. Yes, siree. It's love that won. And old left-hand hate is down for the count.
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This little monologue here is taken from "The Night of the Hunter" by Charles Laughton, his first and only movie. Laughton was bisexual and I'm telling you this because it's relevant to the usual queer stuff happening in SPN and to the point I want to make in this post.
The title of the episode, "Form and Void" , refers to the Genesis but it contains a meaningful omission. The King James version reads:
In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.
Earth is without form, and void. This changes everything because the subject of the sentence is the earth but here we're talking about "form and void" as nouns, not attributes. It's a brilliant call-back to the Genesis (therefore to the beginning of time and the beginning of SPN) and to the dichotomy of God and Amara but it's a smokescreen. The episode abounds with biblical references but there's more, at least to me. There is a secret.
If we look a little beyond Christianity the terms "form and void" are used in one of the most important sutras from Mahayana Buddhism. The Prajñāpāramitāhṛdaya, "The Heart of the Perfection of Wisdom", or simply called "The Heart Sutra".
I think you know where I'm going with this. The heart of the Heart Sutra is the following: "Form is emptiness (śūnyatā), emptiness is form". Sūnyatā is such a vast concept that I cannot possibly even IMAGINE of summarizing it here. Just for the sake of my argument I'll say that it's often translated as emptiness, vacuity, void... without form. Very broadly (and I'll go to different kinds of Hell in different religions just talking about this stuff in relation to fucking CW Supernatural LOL) it means that ultimate reality is EMPTINESS because there is no FIXED reality, no STABLE self and EVERYTHING is connected and dependent on something else. Therefore form is emptiness and emptiness is form.
You undestand that in this light "Form and Void" is no dichotomy, thefore the episode is telling us to subvert how we view things. And it starts with that quote from "The Night of the Hunter".
Little useful background: the movie is about a fake preacher who preys on two children to get to their father's hidden treasure. He's the big wolf in disguise, a hunter wearing a preacher persona. So we need to take what he says with a grain of salt and he says a lot.
Right hand vs left hand: the preacher/hunter says that the right hand is the hand of love and the left hand is the hand of hate. This follow a well-know misconception regarding everything associated with the left as "sinister" and satanic. It's a Christian view of the world. He also says that Cain killed his brother using his left hand while the right hand has "veins that run straight to the soul of man". This man is conning people.
Notoriously, the hand that has veins that run to the heart is the left hand. This is the reason why people put their wedding rings on their left hand's...ring finger. It's an incredible old assumption that has been debunked by science but we don't care about science here. We care about symbols. And symbolically-speaking the left hand is the hand of the heart and love, not the right hand.
Now where in the hell does this idea of right and left hand? And am I crazy for seeing hints of Buddhism in a story about the Christian God? No.
The left-hand and right-hand paths are two approaches to magic and Western esotericism in general. They're called this way because people in the '800 got interested in Tantrism and translated the sanskrit terms "vāmācāra" and "dakṣiṇācāra" respectively "left-hand path" and "right-hand path". I'm not gonna go into details but I think you understood by now that the "left-hand path" was the "evil" one, the one with sex and other Very Bad Things, while the "right-hand path" was Good and Sexless and Serious and Real. In other words, the right hand represents White Magic and Controlled Sexuality while the left hand represents Black magic and Uncontrolled Sexuality. Practitioners of black magic were evil AND gay.
Let's go back to the serial killer preacher: he says that Love wins and that it's the right hand that triumphs over the left hand. All these fingers connected to the soul that are always tugging and warring and getting entwined and hot dog! it's hot in here! But, remember folks, he's conning people. So what he says it's the opposite of what we should understand.
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the preacher shouldn't be talking about this stuff in front of children. but then again, he's a predator.
Wait there's more: do you want to know if you're left-hemisphere dominant or right-hemishpere dominant? All you gotta do is to weave your fingers. If your right thumb goes over your left one then you're LEFT-dominant. If your left thumb goes over your right one you're RIGHT-dominant.
Confused much? As you know left emisphere controls controls speech, comprehension, arithmetic, and writing while right hemisphere controls creativity, spatial ability, artistic, and musical skills. It's the opposite of what we might think (because of the stupid assumption according to which left is Bad and Evil. Well, ACTUALLY left is rationality and control so the joke's on you, stupid assumption).
The dear preacher over here is right-hemisphere dominant. It may possibly mean that he's LEFT-handed and thus this image is a huge foreshadow of his "evilness" and his eventual demise. It also means that what he's saying is bullshit.
So to sum it up: in this episodes there are hunters and preachers that aren't really hunters and preachers, there are innocent children who might be seen not as innocent, left hand and right hand are subverted and they mean the opposite of what they should mean thus actually meaning what they mean, the title refers to something AND to something else and this something is very much related to hands and love and hearts...
In just one fucking scene we are told the whole episode and I H-A-T-E-that Dabb wrote it, have I mentioned it?
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homoeroticvillain · 3 months
i keep wanting to draw geist selfcest so bad, the disease
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gayjayce · 9 months
fight club rules but "fight" is replaced with "sex"
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hmsmilkbone · 1 year
honestly. I don't really have a lot of interest in jjk anymore, which is super frustrating as the story foundation is really interesting. I have my favorite characters, and I'm not really interested in reading beyond this point.
As a whole, I'm not a huge fan of dropping stories just because they don't go the way you want. In general I personally try not to do this, but stories where the author clearly hates the material or the audience so much they're willing to destroy the story to do so are not enjoyable. I really don't think gege even really likes writing jjk anymore.
There may be some change that I hear about months from now where something worked out one way or the other, but in general I feel like this story is not going to resolve in a way that feels like reading it was a worthwhile experience. And like, for good OR bad. Not every story has a happy ending, but this is really not particularly interesting and I don't feel the need to continue a story where the writer isn't even interested in what happens or how it advances anything outside of their personal pettiness. Feels very much like grr Martin. All the meaningless death and abuse without any real redeeming qualities.
I'm trying to remind myself that not every author wants to be a storyteller. Not every story is good. It's ok to read stories that aren't the best simply because you want to see where it goes, but gege isn't superior in some way, and i dont 'trust that he's cooking'. Even if the story turns around in an interesting or strategic way, I really am not particularly impressed. Ordinarily I would stay along for the ride, but I can't bring myself to care about something even the author doesn't care about. :/
#jjk spoilers#idk i really just dont have any expectations anymore#i love reading books apart from manga and ive had to put down a few because they felt like this#and i have almost always found that in the end my perception of the author and their story was accurate#it makes me sad seeing this unfold in this way#but the shibuya arc which is apparently the least ljked arc in the series#is stretching on forever and people arent enjoying it#anecdotally ive seen a lot of people drop the series#and eventually its just gojng to be all the grimdark losers who unironically love shit like this#it just feels very much like a story for men who hate people#it feels like all the weirdos who made the joker their personality and all the dudes who cant breathe without talking about fight club#or like.. say shit about how the liberals are ruining media like thats the kind of person i see talking about jjk most of the time now#using slurs and not even having intelligent conversations about what's happening#the conversation is usually 'sukuna mid no cap' 'are you stupid gojo is mid stop copium'#and that exchange is repeated over and over like. you have nothing else to add at this point?#i mean i know its primarily bc honestly there really isnt any depth to the story beyond that but my god#what an insufferable way to write or receive a story#and honestly!! i really dont feel like jjk fits into a kids story category at this point#so i do actually feel ljke it is reasonable to expect better writing#not that stories aimed toward kids are bad but one piece is a good example of a story geared more towards children or young adults#adults CAN enjoy it but oda intentionally does not make the story so upsetting that kids cant read it and feel reflected in the events#but jjk is very very different and i think the drop in the quality of writing is reflected in the growing toxicity of the fanbase#anyways.. if you read jjk & youre feeling upset its ok to step away and check in once a month when you can mentally / emotionally prepare#i had to enforce a no read/watch accountability pact with my friends because it was making their depression worse again#no story is worth your health. gege does not give a flying fuck about you. you need to take care of yourself.#im just enjoying my sandbox with the characters and when the story is over ill check back in#theres no right way to experience the story but if its not healthy for you#you wont miss anything by unplugging#and you may find that you really dont want to get back into it when you read it again to check on the story every once in a while#jjk 237
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teabookgremlin · 2 months
my roommate and i have decided to co raise for the hopefully upcoming puppy and he’s gonna be the primary raiser and today he said to me how he really excited to love a dog like how i’ve loved the ones i’ve raised and it made me so emotional
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I hate liking "edgelord guy shows" that have a mostly male fanbase because any possible discussion is available only on reddit and it's always the most braindead media illiterate takes your eyeballs will ever read
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