#NONE of them have names because i suck at naming things/ocs
fizzing-saturn · 7 months
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hes practically an oc at this point
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hunn1e-bunn1e · 3 months
Did I Make Another WHB oc? Yes, yes I did. But this time it's a demon, so yeah.
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(Yet another picrew that I ended up editing in ibis paint, because I still couldn't be bothered to dig out my art skills from the attic.)
𝕭𝖊𝖍𝖊𝖒𝖔𝖙𝖍 - The devil who values Freedom above all else
Behemoth has no role. He was not created for any purpose nor has he found one to serve. Regardless of his old ties and commitments to Asmodeus and the role he played a bit too well back then, he is a wanderer now. Drifting along with the tide and figuring it out as he goes.
Despite living in Abbadon under Asmodeus' rule, Behemoth much prefers to abide by his own rules. While he'll certainly show up whenever his king calls for him, he usually does things for his own best interest or to satisfy the burning desire deep inside of him.
Behemoth was made around the time most other demons were. He wasn't one of the first nor one of the last; he was simply somewhere in the middle.
Despite living in Abbadon, Behemoth's personality is a lot more reminiscent of someone who would live in Niflheim with how laid back and seemingly uncaring he is. He prefers to simply go wher the wind takes him, unbothered by morality, order, social norms, or the many attempts of others to befriend him. Behemoth is a free spirit, a very permoscuous one, but a free spirit none the less. He is a both a friend and enemy to none, not bothering to tie himself down by the weight of the responsibility and commitment it takes to have friends and loved ones.
Scratching at the base of his horns, impulsively offering himself to strangers as a form of relief, biting the ball of his right palm when deep in thought, scratching patterns into his skin when bored, and mismanaging his money because he an impulsive spender.
Spontaneous sex with strangers, cloud watching, wandering the streets of Abbadon, dodging potential relationships, embracing freedom in all forms, weaving, and teasing Phenix.
Behemoth follows the notion of freedom; valuing any and all types, but personal freedom is what he cares for the most. From the moment he stepped out of Abbadon's prison as a free demon, the path of freedom and independence is the one that guided him. He is not tied down by, morals, choices, duties, relationships, responsibilities, or commitments, he is simply free.
Asmodeus: Due to his past with the lust devil, Behemoth has made an effort to avoid unnecessary contact with him. He will come of he is called, but other than that, they have little to no interaction.
Dantalian: Behemoth has seen Dantalian in passing on many occasions, however they've never once spoken. They acknowledge one another with a simple nod if they see each other, despite not even knowing each other's names.
Ronove: Ronove is actually the one who gave Behemoth the harness that he wears all the time; it was an offer of friendship that Behemoth reluctantly accepted.
Phenix: He and Phenix are acquaintances with benefits. They don't spend enough time around each other to be friends but they've done far too much with each other to be strangers.
MC: Honestly, to Behemoth, MC is not hot at all. Why is he suddenly a part of this human's enterage? He never made a contract with Solomon, so someone make this human stop trying to put their hands in his mouth.
⛧𝕮𝖔𝖒𝖇𝖆𝖙 𝕱𝖚𝖓𝖈𝖙𝖎𝖔𝖓⛧
Brutal front line attacker:
Behemoth wields the chained leash of his collar as a weapon; whipping his chain up into the air, around the wings of attacking angels and yanking it back down with enough force to pull them from the air, ripping the wings from their backs. While he'd rather be lounging around in some rando's bed or sucking someone off, he'll still fight if he has to.
Performing most of not all acts of the sexual nature, persuasion, weaving various items, fighting with rope or chain like weaponry, body modification, and stress relief.
Most acts of sex, getting new tattoos and piercings, inflicting pain on himself of having other do so, inflicting lasting injuries (bites, nail indents, scratches), all kinds if personal and impersonal freedom, shitty junk food, being used by others, and going with the flow.
Being tied down in the metaphorical sense, having to sleep outside on the sidewalk, being asked about his incarceration, making serious or deeply important choices, making connections with others, sacrificing his freedom, and things that are 'not hot at all'.
Exhibitionism: gaining sexual gratification and excitement from the act of exposing oneself or one's genitalia in a public or semi-public space or in front of consenting or non-consenting parties; usually during intercourse or and act of foreplay.
The base of his horns has started itching again, he spent the last of his money so now he can't buy any snacks, the human that suddenly showed up won't leave him be with this whole contract thing, and his leash was cut from his collar by an angel.
Hypengyophobia: the intense or irrational fear of taking and admitting responsibility.
Soteriophobia: the intense or irrational fear of being or becoming dependent on another individual(s) or item(s).
Gamophobia: the intense or irrational fear of making short or longterm committments to actions, choices, or relationships.
Morality is not something Behemoth concerns himself with. He walks to the beat of his own drum, marching down the path of freedom he's chosen for himself with no worry of whether or not his choices, words, or actions are socially acceptable. But this is hell, so really, anything goes.
⛧𝕮𝖚𝖗𝖗𝖊𝖓𝖙 𝕽𝖊𝖘𝖎𝖉𝖊𝖓𝖈𝖞⛧
Behemoth has no home; he is a wanderer, never staying in one place for too long. While his days are spent walking the streets of Abbadon, his nights are spent in the beds of fellow horny strangers. It's a pretty good cycle, honestly.
Faux Leather Collar & Chain Leash:
The collar and leash that Behemoth seemingly never takes off. It's rumored to be a gift from Asmodeus himself, but Behemoth has yet to confirm or deny if it's true. If you ever come across absentminded demon wandering the alleyways of Abbadon and want to have some fun, give that leash a good tug, he won't mind at all!
⛧𝕱𝖚𝖓 𝕱𝖆𝖈𝖙𝖘⛧
⸸ Behemoth is one of the demons that hadn't made a contract with Solomon. The sorcerer had offered but was declined, as Behemoth would rather keep his metaphorical freedom and autonomy instead.
⸸ Originally, Behemoth's appearance was that of a very tall and muscular demon that put even Mammon's figure to shame. Towering over most of the population of Abbadon; he was given the name 'Behemoth' by Asmodeus after stumbling upon the lust demon one day.
⸸ Not long after Solomon died, Behemoth was incarcerated in Abbadon's prison. The reason is only known by his Majesty Asmodeus and Behemoth himself and what went on in the prison during his years locked away is too a mystery.
⸸ Despite not having many friends, Behemoth is actually rather infamous among the dingy backstreets of Abbadon. Not for his free use, free stress relief policy when it comes to hookups, but for his terrifying strength that he displayed in the past. Before he was imprisoned, he was known for exacting the Asmodeus', wrath unto his enemies. Using his terrifying strength and abilities to level an entire block in one swing.
⸸ An innate talent that Behemoth has is his ability to change his bodily construction at will. Changing his size, shape, height, musculature, scale, etc. with only his thoughts, allowing him to take any shape he wishes.
⸸ Weaving is one of Behemoth's favorite hobbies. Usually its weaving together strips of leather to make into a fun toy that his flings can use on him, but he's also woven together several different tapestries and baskets, usually dismantling them after he gets a good picture.
⸸ Behemoth may or may not have slept with every demon in Abbadon; even he himself doesn't know because of his tendency not to pay attention to or bother to remember who he's with at any given time. Although, he's probably slept with even more people than that, but it's not like he's keeping count.
⸸ Behemoth's 'free use, free stress relief' policy is applied at anytime anywhere to anyone; he doesn't care if some stranger just walks up and has their way with him. He encourages it actually. It's a good way to relieve the build up of overwhelming desire that grows with each moment he spends under the influence of Asmodeus energy.
⸸ The dingy backstreets and alleyways of Abbadon is usually where you can find Behemoth. Because he has no home, he wanders about the cramped paths between buildings, looking for his next fling. When he finds them, he goes home with them for the night, having a nice warm bed to sleep in and a sometimes even a nice breakfast in the morning.
⸸ A good way to bribe Behemoth into helping you out is to offer him some sort of cheap junk food. None of that fancy healthy stuff, no, he wants the dirt cheap, super processed, incredibly unhealthy kind. He likes the feeling of the heartburn it gives him after he eats a lot, the masochist.
⛧𝖁𝖔𝖎𝖈𝖊 𝕷𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘⛧
Lobby Interaction 1: ❝You're looking at me... You can touch if you want to. I don't mind. Just make sure you're prepared to finish what you start.❞
Lobby Interaction 2: ❝Contract? I didn't make one of those, remember? This is the fifth time you've asked... that's not hot at all...❞
Lobby Interaction 3: ❝His Majesty... he's alright. We don't talk much anymore. His energy is annoying though, just look at poor Phenix.❞
Lobby Interaction 4: ❝Hm? Oh. I went out for a while, don't worry about it.❞
Lobby Interaction 5: ❝Should I get more tats...? Eh... maybe I'll get a trampstamp this time.❞
Lobby Interaction 6: ❝Hey, do you want to play with me? I can see you staring, so don't try to pretend. You don't have to though, you can just watch. I love when people watch.❞
Lobby Interaction 7: ❝Ugh. My horns... so itchy...❞
Lobby Interaction 8: ❝I wonder if Ronove has another harness for me? One with studs... yeah, that's super hot...❞
Lobby Interaction 9: ❝Ah... the bites are starting to fade again... that's not hot at all...❞
Lobby Interaction 10: ❝I kind of want another piercing now... should I do my bellybutton or my lips...?❞
First Meeting: ❝Huh? Who're you? Ah, wait- actually, I don't care, so don't bother. Anyway, how long do you want to go for? You can be as rough as you like, I don't mind.❞
Level Up: ❝Shit‐! Do that again!❞
Evolve: ❝N-ngh! Th‐that's— that's so hot!❞
Death: ❝I feel... so free...❞
Ultimate Skill: ❝Let me show you what it's like to be truly free... in death!❞
Victory 1: ❝Good, it's over. I need to go and play for a while, so don't go looking for me.❞
Victory 2: ❝Winners are the ones who are able to live the freest lives, aren't they...?❞
Defeat: ❝Whuh? I lost? That's... not hot at all...❞
A while ago, Behemoth got into an altercation with another demon and ended up sustaining excessive damage to his horns, so he decided to cut them off down to the root. Currently, they are growing back at a steady pace, but due to how low he cut them, the skin of his scalp around the base of his horns stretches as they grow, causing them to itch. Behemoth's horns, originally glossy black in color and reaching 45.72 centimeters long where they curved backward around his head, have a tendency to continue growing even after reaching the previously mentioned length. He's made a habit of grinding his horns down to a more manageable size as a way to deal with it.
⛧𝕴𝖓𝖙𝖎𝖒𝖆𝖈𝖞 𝕴𝖓𝖋𝖔𝖗𝖒𝖆𝖙𝖎𝖔𝖓⛧
4%: His constellation is... Taurus. 36%: His favorite food is... Cheap Junk Food. 64%: His ideal type is... someone who's down for whatever.
⛧𝕴𝖓𝖙𝖎𝖒𝖆𝖈𝖞 𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖙⛧
👤 <「H͟e͟y͟」
👤 <「W​̲h​̲o​̲'​̲s​̲ ​̲n​̲u​̲m​̲b​̲e​̲r​̲ ​̲i​̲s​̲ ​̲t​̲h​̲i​̲s​̲?​̲」
👤 <「I​̲t​̲ ​̲w​̲a​̲s​̲ ​̲i​̲n​̲ ​̲m​̲y​̲ ​̲c​̲o​̲n​̲t​̲a​̲c​̲t​̲s​̲ ​̲b​̲u​̲t​̲ ​̲I​̲ ​̲f​̲o​̲r​̲g​̲o​̲t​̲ ​̲t​̲o​̲ ​̲p​̲u​̲t​̲ ​̲a​̲ ​̲n​̲a​̲m​̲e​̲ ​̲d​̲o​̲w​̲n​̲ ​̲o​̲r​̲ ​̲m​̲a​̲y​̲b​̲e​̲ ​̲I​̲ ​̲j​̲u​̲s​̲t​̲ ​̲d​̲i​̲d​̲n​̲'​̲t​̲ ​̲c​̲a​̲r​̲e​̲」
Choices: 「Y​̲o​̲u​̲ ​̲f​̲o​̲r​̲g​̲o​̲t​̲ ​̲m​̲e​̲ ​̲a​̲l​̲r​̲e​̲a​̲d​̲y​̲?​̲ ​̲I​̲'​̲m​̲ ​̲M​̲C​̲,​̲ ​̲w​̲e​̲ ​̲j​̲u​̲s​̲t​̲ ​̲t​̲a​̲l​̲k​̲e​̲d​̲」> or 「I​̲t​̲'​̲s​̲ ​̲m​̲e​̲!​̲ ​̲M​̲C​̲!​̲」>
👤 <「O​̲h​̲」
👤 <「W​̲e​̲l​̲l​̲ ​̲m​̲y​̲ ​̲b​̲a​̲d​̲ ​̲t​̲h​̲e​̲n​̲」
👤 <「A​̲c​̲t​̲u​̲a​̲l​̲l​̲y​̲,​̲ ​̲n​̲o​̲w​̲ ​̲t​̲h​̲a​̲t​̲ ​̲I​̲'​̲m​̲ ​̲t​̲a​̲l​̲k​̲i​̲n​̲g​̲ ​̲t​̲o​̲ ​̲y​̲o​̲u​̲,​̲ ​̲I​̲ ​̲h​̲a​̲v​̲e​̲ ​̲s​̲o​̲m​̲e​̲t​̲h​̲i​̲n​̲g​̲ ​̲t​̲o​̲ ​̲a​̲s​̲k​̲」
Choices: 「R​̲e​̲a​̲l​̲l​̲y​̲?​̲ ​̲T​̲h​̲a​̲t​̲'​̲s​̲ ​̲u​̲n​̲e​̲x​̲p​̲e​̲c​̲t​̲e​̲d​̲」> or 「S​̲u​̲r​̲e​̲ ​̲t​̲h​̲i​̲n​̲g​̲,​̲ ​̲w​̲h​̲a​̲t​̲'​̲s​̲ ​̲u​̲p​̲?​̲」>
👤 <「C​̲a​̲n​̲ ​̲y​̲o​̲u​̲ ​̲l​̲e​̲n​̲d​̲ ​̲m​̲e​̲ ​̲s​̲o​̲m​̲e​̲ ​̲m​̲o​̲n​̲e​̲y​̲?​̲」
👤 <「I​̲ ​̲s​̲p​̲e​̲n​̲t​̲ ​̲t​̲h​̲e​̲ ​̲l​̲a​̲s​̲t​̲ ​̲o​̲f​̲ ​̲m​̲i​̲n​̲e​̲ ​̲o​̲n​̲ ​̲r​̲u​̲b​̲b​̲e​̲r​̲s​̲ ​̲a​̲n​̲d​̲ ​̲I​̲'​̲v​̲e​̲ ​̲g​̲o​̲t​̲ ​̲a​̲ ​̲h​̲e​̲l​̲l​̲ ​̲o​̲f​̲ ​̲a​̲ ​̲c​̲r​̲a​̲v​̲i​̲n​̲g​̲ ​̲f​̲o​̲r​̲ ​̲s​̲o​̲m​̲e​̲ ​̲s​̲h​̲i​̲t​̲t​̲y​̲ ​̲s​̲n​̲a​̲c​̲k​̲s​̲ ​̲r​̲i​̲g​̲h​̲t​̲ ​̲n​̲o​̲w​̲」
👤 <「Y​̲o​̲u​̲'​̲r​̲e​̲ ​̲f​̲r​̲i​̲e​̲n​̲d​̲s​̲ ​̲w​̲i​̲t​̲h​̲ ​̲T​̲a​̲r​̲t​̲a​̲r​̲o​̲s​̲'​̲ ​̲M​̲a​̲m​̲m​̲o​̲n​̲ ​̲o​̲r​̲ ​̲w​̲h​̲a​̲t​̲e​̲v​̲e​̲r​̲,​̲ ​̲r​̲i​̲g​̲h​̲t​̲?​̲ ​̲Y​̲o​̲u​̲ ​̲s​̲h​̲o​̲u​̲l​̲d​̲ ​̲h​̲a​̲v​̲e​̲ ​̲m​̲o​̲r​̲e​̲ ​̲t​̲h​̲a​̲n​̲ ​̲e​̲n​̲o​̲u​̲g​̲h​̲ ​̲c​̲a​̲s​̲h​̲ ​̲t​̲o​̲ ​̲s​̲p​̲a​̲r​̲e​̲」
Choices: 「I​̲ ​̲g​̲u​̲e​̲s​̲s​̲ ​̲I​̲ ​̲c​̲a​̲n​̲ ​̲l​̲e​̲n​̲d​̲ ​̲y​̲o​̲u​̲ ​̲s​̲o​̲m​̲e​̲」> or 「O​̲h​̲,​̲ ​̲s​̲u​̲r​̲e​̲,​̲ ​̲M​̲a​̲m​̲m​̲o​̲n​̲ ​̲d​̲i​̲d​̲ ​̲g​̲i​̲v​̲e​̲ ​̲m​̲e​̲ ​̲a​̲ ​̲l​̲o​̲t​̲」>
👤 <「G​̲o​̲o​̲d​̲」
👤 <「I​̲ ​̲w​̲a​̲s​̲ ​̲t​̲h​̲i​̲n​̲k​̲i​̲n​̲g​̲ ​̲t​̲h​̲a​̲t​̲ ​̲y​̲o​̲u​̲ ​̲w​̲o​̲u​̲l​̲d​̲ ​̲s​̲a​̲y​̲ ​̲n​̲o​̲,​̲ ​̲s​̲i​̲n​̲c​̲e​̲ ​̲y​̲o​̲u​̲'​̲r​̲e​̲ ​̲n​̲o​̲t​̲ ​̲a​̲l​̲l​̲ ​̲t​̲h​̲a​̲t​̲ ​̲h​̲o​̲t​̲,​̲ ​̲y​̲a​̲'​̲k​̲n​̲o​̲w​̲?​̲ ​̲B​̲u​̲t​̲ ​̲I​̲ ​̲g​̲u​̲e​̲s​̲s​̲ ​̲I​̲ ​̲w​̲a​̲s​̲ ​̲w​̲r​̲o​̲n​̲g​̲,​̲ ​̲y​̲o​̲u​̲'​̲r​̲e​̲ ​̲p​̲r​̲e​̲t​̲t​̲y​̲ ​̲h​̲o​̲t​̲ ​̲a​̲f​̲t​̲e​̲r​̲ ​̲a​̲l​̲l​̲」
👤 <「O​̲h​̲,​̲ ​̲t​̲h​̲a​̲t​̲'​̲s​̲ ​̲r​̲i​̲g​̲h​̲t​̲」
👤 <「I​̲'​̲m​̲ ​̲n​̲o​̲t​̲ ​̲p​̲a​̲y​̲i​̲n​̲g​̲ ​̲y​̲o​̲u​̲ ​̲b​̲a​̲c​̲k​̲,​̲ ​̲s​̲o​̲ ​̲d​̲o​̲n​̲'​̲t​̲ ​̲e​̲x​̲p​̲e​̲c​̲t​̲ ​̲a​̲n​̲y​̲t​̲h​̲i​̲n​̲g​̲ ​̲f​̲r​̲o​̲m​̲ ​̲m​̲e​̲,​̲ ​̲I​̲ ​̲p​̲r​̲o​̲b​̲a​̲b​̲l​̲y​̲ ​̲s​̲h​̲o​̲u​̲l​̲d​̲'​̲v​̲e​̲ ​̲m​̲e​̲n​̲t​̲i​̲o​̲n​̲e​̲d​̲ ​̲t​̲h​̲a​̲t​̲ ​̲b​̲e​̲f​̲o​̲r​̲e​̲」
⛧𝕴𝖓𝖙𝖎𝖒𝖆𝖈𝖞 𝕮𝖔𝖒𝖎𝖈⛧
Sorry guys, no link on this one.
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Ok here’s my two cents that no one asked for on the current (sort of?) debate going on in the Creepypasta fandom on here rn.
For starters, I grew up with Creepypasta. I also grew up mentally ill. I am also autistic. So I know my way around good and bad mental health rep at this point. And to be honest? A lot of the original stories DID suck balls at representation or just horror writing in general.
However, nowadays I see other people on here, often mentally ill or any other social outcast, taking these characters and reshaping them as their own to fit their own feelings and experiences, and I don’t think anyone has the authority to criticize things like that. Cringe culture is supposed to be dead anyways, nevermind the fact it’s inherently ableist at its core.
We also need to take into account kids still exist in the fandom. Pre teens who got tired of shit like scooby doo and wanted something more “mature” or “edgy” to get into without fully going off the deep end into full blown horror movies. At least that’s how it was for me. Not everyone, especially someone who’s younger, is gonna be comfortable with the grit and gore a lot of Creepypasta “purists” are pushing for these days, and that’s okay! When a fandom gets popular it’s always inevitable and unavoidable to have the popular characters get two dimensionalized.
There’s also the whole mascot horror thing that I don’t wanna get into, but I’m 90% sure that also plays a part in the old favorites like Jeff and slenderman being brought up again. They were and still are recognizable characters. Recognizable characters aren’t a bad thing. Making horror more approachable for younger audiences isn’t a bad thing. People having their own interpretations based out of their own experiences isn’t a bad thing.
Some of us grew up and wanted the more edgy and reality based content, and that’s also not a bad thing! But neither side should be dictating or policing how the other enjoys content in this fandom. If you personally don’t like the way something is written, characterized, depicted, or drawn, no one’s forcing you to look at it. No one’s claiming it as canon. No one’s asking for you to accept it as the end all be all.
At the end of the day this fandom was built on OCs and personal depictions of stuff. I can’t name a single character or story in this community that was created by some outside party like a movie or TV studio FIRST (because I know some got so popular they breached the fandom and got their own shows/movies/comics/etc). Everything here was created by someone who wanted an outlet for their creativity, or their pain, or their coping, or whatever else.
Realism and dark headcanons aren’t bad, and neither are any of the headcanons out there who just wanna make a goofy found family of social rejects as a form of escapism.
A 13 year old drawing a fictional layout of a fictional mansion where these fictional characters live isn’t going to suddenly invalidate the horror, I promise, it’s not that deep and it never was.
A 22 year old making a dark comic on the realistic origins of Jeff who is a fictional character in a fictional world isn’t going to suddenly invalidate the more softhearted side of the fandom.
Sure, there can still be a split if people are so adamant about that, but as someone who personally enjoys both the brutal horror side and the “haha Jeff is 15 and gay” sides equally, y’all need to at least learn to be civil to anyone who has a different headcanon than you. And if that seems like too much still, the block button exists for a reason.
TL:DR this fandom is based entirely off OCs and headcanons and people can do whatever the fuck they want because none of it is real and horror comes in many shapes and sizes and intensities and no one should be bashing anyone on their headcanons or views or rewrites or whatever else.
Actually wait I think I have more to say-
Horror, like any genre, has NO AGE LIMIT. And by that I mean, if someone younger wants to delve into scary stuff, they should be allowed to do so without criticism. I personally grew up on “child friendly” horror media like Scooby-Doo, and the older I got the more horror I wanted to experience.
There’s no right or wrong way to “understand” horror, and I frankly think it’s ignorant and stupid to say if you don’t fully “understand” something, then you shouldn’t be involved in it at all. Horror isn’t always about gore and unspeakable violence and the eldritch entity that wants everyone’s skin inside out. That’s why horror has sub genres for fucks sake. Gut wrenching brutality against innocent people isn’t everyone’s cup of tea and that’s okay!
However, bashing anyone’s tamer headcanons, or calling anything anyone interprets differently than you “stupid”, that’s not okay. God, I feel like an exhausted parent giving this lecture to fellow adults, but this really needs to be said and stressed.
I am an adult. I like when stuff in the fandom takes a dark turn. But for nostalgia’s sake, I also love the fanon so much, because that’s what I was exposed to.
And for fucks sake if it comes down to picking sides, I would rather stick with the part of this fandom that gives zero shits how you see a character as long as you’re having fun.
You can have your serial killer 30 year old Jeff and your canon-accurate-to-that-one-image eyeless Jack, but don’t shit on other people if they don’t want the same thing. Your interpretation isn’t canon, and neither is anyone else’s for that matter.
Realistic, dark, gritty Creepypasta isn’t a new concept, and neither is “adult” Creepypasta. And by the way, Creepypasta was never stated to be for adults. That’s like saying kids and only kids can eat trix cereal. It sounds that stupid on paper.
Let people interpret things the way they wanna interpret. No one is infringing on YOUR character ideas. Creepypasta has no age limit, nor a set way the horror has to be presented. Those who do continue to claim that just sound like pretentious assholes.
Very small side note, I personally think it’s inappropriate and rude to keep using Toby as a “bad example” of mental health rep when the creator has stated multiple times the character is old, not researched, and not even in the fandom anymore. Leave the poor guy alone.
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bluewhale52 · 1 year
Little Black Book: The One You Return To
Summary: There are a seven names in your Little Black Book, and you have lost all of them… or have you?
Pairing: can’t really reveal who the pairing here bc spoilers! So I’ll just say member(s?) x female oc
Rating: Explicit 🔞
Genre: e2l, S2L, established relationship, fuck buddies
Warning: mention of masturbation, mention of sex toy, a bit of angst, 69, oral (m&f receiving), fingering, ass eating, unprotected sex, mmf threesome, multiple orgasm, multiple partners
A/N: This marks the end of the series, as well as the beginning of my hiatus. Real life hasn't been kind time wise, and writing- once a way to escape- has become more of a burden and it's been very hard to put my thoughts into words for the past few months. I will leave this account open, albeit inactive, and hopefully one day I can come back and share my horny smutty ideas with you again. Love you all. Be kind to everone. Borahae.
Series Masterlist: Little Black Book
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You tossed your vibrator away in frustration.
This was maddening. You used to have seven- SEVEN!- men at your disposal, and now... you had been reduced to a battery operated toy.
And it sucked.
It felt nothing like the real thing. It carried none of the musky scents of your partners. It simply whirred and made mechanical noises that were so far from the desperate groans and lusty moans that used to fill your ears. It produced no sweats, it carried no weight that could pin you down, it was just.... pathetic.
Pathetic. This was what you were.
Seven men, and none was within your reach.
After the breakup, a chasm broke out, something Jungkook liked to compare to the Avengers Civil War, with Jungkook and Yoongi taking Namjoon's side. You did not blame them for it, you understood why they were there. Jungkook obviously were dating Namjoon's little sister, and although that did not last long, it was clear where his loyalty was. Yoongi was more guilt-ridden- having your ex-boyfriend as his song writing partner would make things very awkward if you and him went back to your old schedule. You got it, you really did, and in a way you felt grateful that Namjoon had such good friends by his side, even at your expense.
Because you figured, you had Seokjin and Hoseok, right? The two who had been with you from the beginning and who had been with you through your ups and downs. The two who were the least likely to ask for any kind of commitment from you, and the most likely to give you the kind of fun you wanted without any questions asked.
Only... you seemed to have ruined that too.
It was interesting that soon after Namjoon and you called it quit, the lust came back with a vengeance. The post-break up sex you had made up for the weeks and weeks you both had gone without. It was angry, it was rough, it was as if you were reminding each other what you would miss, a lustful taunt to be the first to grovel and beg- for what, none of you knew exactly, other than you both needed to fuck each other's brains out. One last time. Over and over.
Post sex however, you went into a spiral. Showing up at Hoseok or Seokjin's apartment, body sore and heart aching, many a night you spent on their sofa, either crying or staring into space, while Seokin gamed or Hoseok monitored his dance videos. You always woke up the next morning in their spare bedrooms with your eyes swollen, they patiently fed you breakfast, waiting until your grief stage moved to anger stage. Only you were never able to move on, being stuck with your ex-boyfriend in an unhealthy loop. Seokjin finally had had enough, and so it was one afternoon in the office, Seokjin sat you down, glared at you until you blocked Namjoon's number, then called Yoongi to check if your ex had done the same with yours. When your boss got the confirmation, he patted your head and invited you to dinner at his place.
"To make sure you're okay, and that you don't unblock him."
And somehow Hoseok got in on it too, taking turns with Seokjin to watch you like a hawk until you finally moved on. You were grateful to them, but regretful too because things changed then. You still found them attractive, very painfully so, but... that was it. Nothing more. Them caring for you had erased any desire once harboured for each other. How and why this happened... that was something you were not willing to psychoanalyse.
And thus, here you were in your predicament. Naked in bed, with your toy discarded and hopefully, soon forgotten.
You unplugged your phone from the charger and scrolled through your address book. From seven, reduced to five. The last two candidates... well, that was harder to deal with than then five you had just crossed off. Taehyung, you would guess, would never talk to you until you sorted your shit with Jimin. Jimin, you would guess, would slam the door in your face if you even dared to show up at his place. And that also if you could ever swallow your pride and unblock his number.
You bit your lip.
The two blocked numbers in your phone were the two who would most welcome you, regardless where you stood with them now. You just knew it, you had a gut feeling, either Namjoon or Jimin would not turn you down. But, to make the proposition, you had to first unblock them. Just one of them. Which one, though?
Going back to Namjoon scared you- you did not want to be reduced to that crying mess again, and you were worried of Seokjin and Hoseok's reactions. Would they be angry? Upset? Would they leave you the way Jungkook and Yoongi did?
But Jimin... there was so much pride and ego you had to swallow to reach out to him. And then you'd have to explain why you ghosted him all this while. Taehyung no doubt would have updated him after you and Namjoon had watched his band play all those months ago. You knew Jimin could be petty, and you probably- no, definitely- deserved whatever anger Jimin had towards you. But you did owe him a massive apology, and maybe this was time for you to put your big girls pants on and show him how you had grown?
Namjoon or Jimin... how would you choose? Flip a coin? Just walk out and see where your feet take you?
You screamed into your empty bedroom. This was too frustrating. You just wanted a dick for fuck's sake, why was it so difficult?
Huffing, you got out of bed and went to your wardrobe to get dressed. Something casual, easy to take off but not that easy because you were not that desperate. No, no. Not desperate. Not at all. Your everyday underwear, at home bra, an old tshirt, hoodie and pants. Yes, perfect. Casual. Understated sexy. Good.
You picked your phone from the bed. Back to the main question- who would you call. The ex or the who could've been. Pick one. But how? Don't think. Just pick one for fuck's sake.
And so you did. You unblocked the number. You shot him a quick message. Hey, can I come over?
The reply came as quickly. Sure. Still the same passcode.
Same address. Same passcode to his door. Your heart clenched. It was too late to back out. There would be a lot of explaining to do, but you were going to get that dick. Hopefully.
You grabbed your bag and walked out of your apartment.
He moans shamelessly as you take his cock whole, the head pushing against your throat, your lips adjusting around his girth. Laying on top of him, you readjust so you can take him more, but he pulls you back so he can continue eating your pussy. Both your mouths and tongues working on each other's ex, drawing out muffled moans and groans that only add to the pleasure.
A finger enters your cunt, then two, the pace frantic and hurried, making you unable to focus on sucking his cock. Your hand takes over, stroking his full length, wet and slick from your saliva.
"Ah, fuck Princess, you're so wet," he hums against your sex.
You arch your back when he dives in again, his tongue and fingers pulling screams out of you now. His cock forgotten, you lie helplessly on top of him, surrendering your body to him, for him to take you to your climax. He pulls you higher, to finger fuck you faster and harder, while his tongue whirls over your clit. Your body writhe, your legs shake. He removes his fingers and focuses on your clit now.
Close, so so close.
Then you feel it. His hands on your ass cheeks, groping and squeezing them, parting them. Your holes clench tight. A cool liquid drips and slides down in between, sending you into a mad frenzy. Then another tongue touches your rim.
Wait- another tongue?
You jerk at the realisation and attempt to look back, only for a hand to press your head down against your lover's crotch. Mind hazy and mouth hanging open, you could only stick your tongue out to lick whatever part of his cock you could reach. The tongues behind you keep going, wet squelches and slobbery noises fill your ears until they are all blacked out as you cum, hard.
Your body spasms through your orgasm and still vibrates when you are flipped over to lie on your back. Your eyelids are heavy, but you force them open.
Jimin sits between your legs licking his lips, a satisfied smirk on his face. Next to him is Taehyung, all puppy dog eyes as he slithers up your body, kissing your stomach, breasts and then against your lips, he murmurs, "Sorry I'm late, darling."
Whatever response you have turns into a moan as Jimin slides into you. Taehyung swallows your moans, then peppers your jaws with more kisses as his best friend starts fucking you hard. He watches you sliding up and down on the bed, large hands grazing your pert nipples, his mouth never far from your neck.
"Feels good, Princess?"
"Yeah," you pant, "so good."
Taehyung chuckles and nips your neck. You yelp. "Sorry darling, I can't resist. I'll mark your tits later, okay?"
Before you can answer, Taehyung moves back so Jimin can bring your legs up to your chest, practically folding you in half. He fucks you even harder now, the sounds of his skin meeting yours and the bed banging against the wall are ringing loud, competing with your moans that are slowly turning into wails, with how deep he is hitting you inside now.
"Oh fuck... fuck..."
"Gonna cum, Princess? Gonna cream my cock?" He goads you.
You whimper.
"Gonna make you all nice and wet for Tae, hmm?"
Your eyes start to roll back.
"Fuck, Princess, that's it, cum with me. Cum!"
You let out a soundless scream as your cunt clamps down hard, and with a few more thrusts, Jimin empties himself in you. He gives you a deep kiss, whispering what a good girl you are, before removing himself from you completely, moving aside to let his best friend take you now.
Taehyung pulls you up to sit you on top of him, guiding his cock into your messy hole. You squirm and tense, sore from Jimin's fucking but still greedy for Taehyung's monster dick. Slowly, slowly you sink onto him, until he is fully seathed inside you.
"That's it, darling," he praises you, "I knew you can take it."
You weakly kiss his neck. His large hands are holding your hips. "Now relax and let me fuck you, hmm?"
"Fuck me good, Tae," you sweetly beg.
And fuck you good he does. Slow long thrusts that turn into manic pumping, bouncing you like a rag doll on top of him. Jimin sits himself behind you, kissing your back and shoulders, then wrapping his fingers around your neck.
"Fuck, who knew you like being choked so much," Taehyung pants, "she got so tight, Min-ah."
"Good," Jimin nips your ear. "Let's see if we can make you squirt again, hmm Princess?"
His free hand snakes down and starts rubbing your clit, as Taehyung continues pounding into you. Your stomach tightens, your legs shake, and a heat explodes within you, you lose control of your body but your two lovers are there to hold you, to paint your inside further, to claim you.
When you gain some sort of coherence, you find yourself cleaned and tucked in bed, sandwiched between the two men. Taehyung has a koala hold on you, as he always does when he sleeps, but Jimin is gently rubbing your head, watching you. You blink, cheeks slowly heating up in embarrassment at the tender way he is looking at you.
"I'm glad you came back to me," he whispers, "to us."
You ignore the sudden tight grip in your heart. "Me too."
And you mean it. You are glad out of seven, you are able to save these two.
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The Visit
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Summary: With Natasha and Y/n being together for over a few months now it was time to make the visit. The visit for Natasha to finally meet Y/n's parents. Which could end perfectly, or horribly. (If your parents suck then the parents are OC’s)
Pairing: Natasha Romanoff x fem!reader
Warnings: None that I know of, but if I should add anything let me know! 
Word count: 1145
a/n: This is a request from the lovely @natsbaby, you can find the request here. Also for the parent name situation Y/m = your mom’s name and Y/d = your dad’s name. (Reblogs are welcome and critiques/advice are heavily encouraged, but please no translating.)
“Okay, we have a few minutes before we get to my mom and dad’s place let’s go over some ground rules.” Y/n pulls out her phone as Natasha drives up the snowy mountain, “Okay, number one keep the SHIELD talk to a minimum, please. Number-” Y/n’s cut off by Natasha’s laughter, “What? What’s so funny to you?” Natasha restrains her last few giggles, “Nothing nothing. It’s just kinda going to be hard to do that with the big-time Avenger thing we have going on.” 
“Alright fine.” Y/n groans tilting her head back into the headrest. Natasha rests a hand on her thigh keeping a tighter grip on the wheel with the other hand. “Detka, it’ll go fine. We’re just staying for a couple of days. There’s nothing to worry about.” Grinning to herself Y/n stares out the window on her side. “Save those ideas for the drive back to the compound.” 
Before Natasha can even park Y/n’s mom opens the cabin door excitedly. “Y/d! The girls are here!” Y/d smiles walking out of the cabin as he watches Natasha open Y/n’s door. Y/d inches closer to the car, “Do you two have any bags you need help with or anything?” Natasha opens the trunk of the car grabbing both Y/n and her own duffle bags. “Oh, no. I’ve got Mr. L/n don’t worry about it.”  
Walking into the cabin was strange for Y/n to say the least, nothing had changed in the years she’d been gone. “Where can I set these down?” Natasha politely looks over to Y/n’s mom. “Oh you can just set them down in the guest room, it’s down the hall second room to the left.” Y/n furrow’s her eyebrows, “You turned my childhood bedroom into a guest room?” 
Y/m moves to the kitchen stirring the pot of food on the stove, “Y/n honey that’s just what we call your room we didn’t change anything to it.” Y/d tries to reason with her, “Plus, Y/n the ‘guests’ are just your cousins when we have family over.” Y/n sighs walking away from her parents and towards her room. “Tone down the attitude ma’am. Just because you’re a little superhero doesn’t mean you can’t have manners!” Y/m retorts. 
Leaning against the doorway of her old room Y/n watches Natasha look around in amazement. 
“Your room’s cool. It’s so cozy.” Y/n flops onto the small bed back first. Letting out an exasperated sigh Y/n stretches out her arms, “Welcome to me.” With that comment, Y/n gives Natasha a sarcastic smile as she lies beside her. 
Natasha elbows Y/n looking up at the ceiling closer. “You really had glow in the dark stars on your ceiling?” Y/n scoffs playfully glaring at Natasha, “Don’t shade the stars, Nat.” 
As a few quiet minutes pass by Natasha suddenly springs up from the bed. “Come on get up.” Natasha has a hand outstretched to Y/n. Y/n groans, “Why?” Natasha grins pulling Y/n off the bed, “You’re gonna dance with me because you’re quiet. And when you’re quiet you’re nervous. Plus dancing usually cheers you up.” 
“Sure, that’s true. But there’s no music.” Moving closer to Natasha Y/n wraps her arms around her waist inching her lips closer to Natasha’s. 
The would be kiss was interrupted by Y/d clearing his throat, “Uh, lovebirds. Dinner’s ready.” The two awkwardly split apart Natasha making her way back to the kitchen first. “How much of that did you see?” Y/n looks at her dad timidly. He smiles, “Enough.”
With the dinner already plated on the table Y/n sits next to Natasha with her parents sitting directly in front of them. “So, have you two always lived in the mountains? Like before having Y/n?” Y/d looks at Y/m awkwardly before looking back at Natasha. 
“Well, I did. This was the house I grew up in. But I met my lovely Y/m in high school when I had to go down to the city for school.” Y/m smiles at Y/d as he continues to eat his food. “Oh! Natasha!” Y/m perks up. “Has Y/n ever shown you pictures of herself as a baby or in high school?” Natasha smiles at Y/n mischievously. “No, I can’t say I’ve had the pleasure.” 
Immediately Y/m jumps out of her seat, “Great! I’ll go get the scrapbooks!” Y/n nearly chokes on the food she had in her mouth. “MOM! Mom! That's not necessary!” Natasha laughs with Y/d at the family antics.  
Y/n groans as Y/m starts flipping through the thick scrapbook with Natasha. “Y/n.” Y/d tries to get her attention. “You do know it’s our job as your parents to embarrass you right.” Y/d has a cheeky grin as Y/n just slouches in her seat. “Dad. Don’t you have guns to clean or something before we go out tomorrow morning?” 
Y/d puts his hands up in mock surrender but Natasha perks her head up a little from the scrapbook. She remembered a few weeks back that Y/n mentioned she went hunting with her dad a lot. “I could help you with that.” Y/d looks at Natasha questionably. “You know how to clean a hunting rifle?” 
“Yeah of course,” Natasha replies a little overconfidently. “Good to know a famous superhero knows how to work more than a pistol. Come with me.” Y/d motions with his head to the basement. As the two finally leave Y/n wipes her head toward her mom. 
“Was the scrapbook thing really necessary?” Grinning Y/m turns back to a page with a picture of baby Y/n. “Yes, it was! Look how adorable my little baby is.” Y/m waves around the book holding it up to Y/n. As Y/m places down the book again Y/n starts to get nervous again. 
“Do you like her? Do you think Dad likes her? Honestly, I don’t know even know what-” Y/m takes one of Y/n’s hands. “Kiddo. Relax. I think I need to talk to her more but I do like her so far. And as far as it comes to your dad,” she pauses so Y/n can hear her dad excitedly talking to Natasha, “I think he likes her a lot.” 
Running up the stairs of the basement Y/d pops back into the kitchen. He looks toward Y/m with a wide smile, “Can we trade Y/n out for her.” Y/n scoffs looking at him almost offended. “Dad no! You can’t do that.” Y/d looks down at Y/n in a mock straight face. “Well, then you better marry her.”
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skaruresonic · 1 month
Remember me? To start off: I'm sorry about triggering some terrible and mentally painful memories when I went off about how I felt about the state of Flynn criticism. I never intended that. I wasn't defending or, heck, even trying to invite discussion about Flynn's rabid fanatics anyway. I could've chosen my words better, but aside from the detractors' mentalities, I meant to focus on Flynn ONLY. And I have nothing against your or their fan fictions. I do fan fiction, too. I just noticed what seemed like extreme shilling surrounding their exposure. I don't aim (and never did) to change minds about the dude, but I find the constructiveness of the critical discourse has been long lost.
Fitting that I received your ask on the first-year anniversary of my visual novel.
And I have nothing against your or their fan fictions. I do fan fiction, too.
Then why bring it up? What does "and your fics aren't even that good" add to the conversation about another writer's work?
I just noticed what seemed like extreme shilling surrounding their exposure.
Ah. There it is.
Look, I'm going to be brutally honest with you. But before I do, I want you to know I'm not angry with you, just annoyed - and perhaps angry in general at the overall situation we're in.
Honestly, the current climate is reminding me of the time antis gentrified Half-Life and caused the old guard to disperse. Everyone in our mutual circle is drifting away from Sonic in some form or another because it's such a toxic cesspit, and what's worse, they blame us for it. Would you want to stay in a situation like that?
Anyway, I have no patience for "you keep shilling your work" anymore because that standard only seems to apply to us. If we held everyone else to that standard, this entire Chili's would be revealed as hypocrites in an instant.
The fic mocking is not an isolated event. I've seen it happen over and over again, for years. Folks mocked Crusher's fic and OCs on TV Tropes. Folks mocked Darklight's OCs on Twitter. Folks sneered that we were too stupid to comprehend storytelling, and once someone said "none of them can even draw."
They can never leave it at "their criticisms suck." No, they have to make things so much more personal than they need to be. In the absence of an actual argument, they call you names, say you deserve all kinds of punishment, including but not limited to death and rape. Crusher had to delete hundreds of threats from his inbox. So please forgive me if my patience has waned paper-thin.
Folks feel the need to knock us down a peg because they think it's "warranted" on the basis of "we have egos." Which is a riot when, again, everyone on social media shills their work. That's what fandom does. You cannot throw a rock in here without hitting someone who thinks their AU improves on the games. I don't know why IDW is so sacrosanct that saying "I could probably do better" is considered blasphemy.
Whether or not my friends shill their own work as being "better" than IDW or whatever else is irrelevant. IDW staff are professionals (or should be, anyway); what do they care if some rando thinks they can do better? Besides, have you heard Flynn's recent grumblings about how he's tired of having the same conversations about his work since he was in high school? Why does he keep answering questions he doesn't want to dignify with a response? Why does he sound so miserable for someone who essentially Won the Game(tm)?
People telling you your work sucks a couple of times, yeah, maybe you can chalk that up to trolling. But when damn near everyone takes the excuse to hit below the belt, you start to feel less like "don't feed the trolls" and more like you're deliberately being targeted as a punching bag.
And I'm sorry, but I have no patience for that stuff. Take whatever umbrage you want with the state of criticism these days, but leave the fic out of it. That's all I ask.
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dreamypqulson · 10 months
— birthday girl pt.6
summary: april celebrates her fourth birthday with her new found family.
pairing: cordelia goode x misty day x april!oc
warnings: none
word count: 1600
note: i’m back!! had to start back off with my april fics OFC :) i hope it’s good i haven’t wrote in months!!
pt. 1 | pt.2 | pt.3 | pt.4 | pt.5 | pt.6
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Cordelia and Misty gazed lovingly at each other in their bed until April eventually stirred. That night, she had decided that she was going to cling onto Cordelia. It was one of the habits that they were trying to break. They were trying to get her to sleep in her own bed, but she was the birthday girl so neither of them could deny her that night.
Aprils dark eyelashes batted open and her thumb that rested against her cheek found its way back into her mouth. She smiled when she saw Cordelia. The older woman smiled back with her tongue between her teeth, and she brushed away the stray hair that fell against Aprils eyes.
"Good morning, birthday girl," Cordelia was the first to say, her voice merely above a whisper.
The little girl giggled at the name and it only increased when her other mother kissed her cheek and said the same exact thing. "Morning mommies," her voice muffled with the thumb still in her mouth. She was finally turning that age where Cordelia and Misty had to start breaking these habits. They knew it would be tough; the only time she wasn't sucking her thumb was when she were using her hands to play or eat. The only nights she wasn't sleeping with her mothers was well...never. They both knew that this had to do with a comfort and separation anxiety thing.
"Happy birthday, sunshine. Ya gettin' so old on me!"
"Four, mama!" April held up three fingers as she spoke and the women chuckled at her. The only reason she knew how old she was turning was because the girls had been bringing it up to her for the entire week leading up. Everyone was just so excited for her.
"One more finger, baby. That's three," Cordelia corrected with a laugh. April held up another finger and smiled the biggest she could at her mom. "There you go! Good job, my love." She kissed April's cheek.
"Cake!" April finally said. And both women knew it was coming. That was April's favorite part of birthday's. She loved sweets but something about birthday cake always seemed extra special. "Cake! Cake, mommies!" The little blonde continued when her mothers didn't answer promptly.
"Cake after dinner, sweet tooth. How about we have some of mommies amazing breakfast to hold us off?" Misty winked at Cordelia. One thing about the supreme is that she knows how to cook and Misty loves to eat everything she makes.
Minutes later and Cordelia carried the girl on her hip all the way down to the kitchen. Misty trailed behind them with a bright smile. They had both planned the day out ahead of time, specialized just for the birthday girl.
It was Aprils fourth birthday but first one celebrating it at the academy. Celebrating it with her new second mother. Cordelia just had to make it special for her girl. And she would for the many years to come.
Misty always tried to do the best she could in the swamp with no money. She would always find a way to make April a cake even if it was from scratch. She would make flower crowns with her and let her play in the mud for how forever long she wants. And as much as the little girl loved that, Misty was happy that her daughter was finally going to be able to experience a real put-together birthday.
When the three of them got down there, there had already been a happy birthday sign above the doorway, and a special pink balloon with a four on it tied onto April's chair. However, the little girl was more intrigued by the pile of presents in the corner of the room.
Later last night when April was asleep, the girls had willingly helped the two mothers with decorating. And had even bought April their very own gifts -Madison possibly going overboard.
"Mama look! Look! Presents!" April wasn't greedy but she knew those presents were for her and she so wanted to just rip them all open. She tugged on the hem of Misty's sleep shorts to get her attention when Cordelia went over to start breakfast.
"Look at all of those, little bug. All for ya!" Misty leaned down and gently tapped April's tinted-pink nose. She had spotted the presents and now she couldn't focus on anything else.
"Open now! Please." April stuck out her bottom lip because she knew nobody could ever refuse her with that look on her face. But Misty couldn't just have her open those when half of them were from the girls.
"How about we wait 'till all the girls wake up? I'm sure they wanna watch ya open 'em." April huffed and crossed her arms, she wasn't okay with that idea, but she seemed to lighten up when Misty started tickling her sides.
"Mama," April yelled with laughter, but to no avail would Misty stop. "Mommy, mommy, help!" The little girl finally ran away from the relentless fingers and went to hide behind Cordelia's legs. Cordelia laughed and placed the spatula down. She lifted her girl up onto her hip when April started to do grabby hands towards her.
Misty walked over to the pair, kissing Aprils scrunched up nose and then Cordelia's lips before going over to the pot to make herself some morning tea.
Cordelia started flipping the pancake mix in the pan with April on her hip, the young girl babbling about all of her birthday wishes. "Mommy, those all for me!" April pointed to the pile of her birthday presents. She couldn't get it off of her mind.
Before Cordelia responded, a groggy Madison and smiley Zoe walked into the room. April immediately began to wiggle out of Cordelia's arms until she put her down. Little legs ran over the the two witches, screeching their names with a big smiles.
Zoe picked her up and held April between Madison and her. "Aunties, It's my birthday!" The little girl squealed, always overly excited for even the littlest of things.
"Happy birthday, Rilly! Four already?" Zoe exclaimed with the same excitement that April shared. Madison on the other hand, was still grumpy, but she managed to smile at the interaction of her two favorite people.
"Happy birthday, April," Madison mumbled, because there was still many people here to witness her stone cold demeanor thawing. Nevertheless, the tiny blonde still heard her say it, and that was enough for her.
April giggled at the pair and eventually got passed into Madison's arms while Zoe went to brew her and her girlfriend a cup of coffee. "Auntie Madi, did you get me a gift? Mama said all those presents for me!" 
Madison laughed at her and placed her down in her booster chair. Misty, standing by her girlfriend at the stove, shook her head and smirked. "Bug, ya know ya don't ask people that," Misty corrected her manners.
"But Mama, Auntie Madi gives best gifts ever!"
Cordelia placed the plates of food on the table and everyone seated there. "Don't worry, I got you a gift or two," Madison finally said. She had so much money, so why not spoil her 'niece' with it? April squealed just at the thought.
Throughout the entire breakfast, she rambled about how amazing today was going to be. She hardly even focused on her favorite strawberry pancakes that her mom made her. She could hardly wait for breakfast to be over so she could open her birthday gifts.
Eventually she got to that, opening a bunch of toys; mostly dolls and stuff to draw with. However, Madison got her, her very own child makeup kit. She always loved watching Madison do her makeup, and even did it for her sometimes. It had to be one of her favorite gifts. Even if Cordelia had to grit her teeth knowing that the eyeshadow was somehow going to end up on her white walls.
Later that evening, Cordelia walks into the living room to find Madison doing April's makeup. Just some pink lipstick and colorful eyeshadow, but it's enough to make the little girl happy.
"Look at you two," Cordelia says, and it startles both of the girls. Madison rolls her eyes, but April giggles at her mom. Madison hates when Cordelia catches her hanging out with April because it shows that she genuinely has a heart.
"Mommy look! Madi did birthday makeup on me with my new stuff!" Cordelia walks over to the couch and picks the young girl up when she reaches her arms up. She places her on her hip and smiles brightly at her.
"You look so pretty, baby! I love the pink on you." Cordelia laughs at the fact that Misty would never wears makeup, and April absolutely loves it. Maybe she just really looks up to Madison.
"Thanks. Look like you." Cordelia could've cried. She could've, but she didn't want Madison to make fun of her. If little April is complimenting her, then she knows it's genuine. 
"You're just the sweetest, huh?" Cordelia leans forward and kisses the April's nose, making the girl scrunch it up and giggle. "Speaking of sweet, how about we go have some of that birthday cake?"
April's smile gets impossibly bigger. She's only been waiting the entire day for this, and has been very patient. "Yes! Please!"
Cordelia carries April into the dining room, Madison following behind them. Misty and all of the girls are already there, waiting for the birthday girl.
Cordelia brings the young girl front and center to the cake. The dining room lights are dimmed and the candles are lit on her alligator themed cake, of course. April can hardly hold in her excitement as the room starts singing Happy Birthday to her.
April blows out her candles and everyone cheers her on. Misty watches the glimmer in her little girls eyes, and she knew, this was where they both belonged.
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zexal-club · 7 months
It's time I talked about this major plot point in Zexal Club, as it's really important. It's also one of the first skits I did together with @yukii0nna , so I'm really excited to talk about it! For those who don't know, Zexal Club is a crossover between Winx Club and Yu-Gi-Oh ZEXAL, where Bloom is Yuma and Kari's mother.
Tagging a lot of mutuals and followers since this is pretty important to me, even the ones who probably don't follow this AU much
@yukii0nna @marrondrawsalot @kousaka-ayumu @gritsandbrits @soprinceblizzard @darkicewolfknight @bakawitch
Edit: I'm now also tagging @bibookdemon since you don't seem to know much about this AU or even that it's a thing, which sucks because this is my biggest and even favourite Yu-Gi-Oh ZEXAL AU
Warning, this is longer than I thought.
So basically, Yuma's been spending more time with Winx 2.0 (what me and Yukii call our OCs) recently due to still coping with the shock of learning the truth about what he is. He also starts spending less time with the Numbers Club since he hasn't told them yet because, again, weird way of coping. Tori and Bronk notice and decide to talk to him about it.
Yuma realises what he's doing and decides to introduce his main friends(Numbers Club) to his other friends (Winx 2.0). They happily agree.
After school, Yuma calls all of Winx 2.0 + Cathy if tomorrow, they can come to a place he picked so they can all meet each other. Everyone happily agrees. After the call, Yuma and Astral discuss whether or not Yuma should tell his friends his secret. Astral thinks he should, but Yuma's still nervous.
Unbeknownst to either of them, things won't go as smoothly as they hope.
See, other than Winx 2.0, Mari is friends with this boy named Aiden. And Aiden's father, Laurent, is, well, a control freak and a jerk, who thinks Aiden's friends are a bad influence on him and corrupting him. He's thinking of how to keep Aiden away from them, when he's approached by someone: Dark Mist.
Dark Mist offers to make sure Aiden never sees those 'bad influences' again in exchange for his help. He explains how there's this boy keeping secrets from his friends, and he needs said boy out of his way. If he uses his magic to help him corrupt said friends, he'll gladly help. Laurent accepts.
The next day, none of Winx 2.0 + Cathy are able to come, obviously, thanks to Laurent and Dark Mist. Jade's parents said no, Leo got extra training sprung on him, Kikyo had to go for a check-up, Mari got detention, one of them got sick, I think Casey-look, it's been a while, okay?- etc. Yuma has to go and tell his friends the bad news.
Tori, Bronk, Caswell, and Flip are shocked and a bit hurt by this, but are understanding. After everyone leaves, Dark Mist and Laurent get to the next stage of their plan. With their powers combined, they're able to make a corrupted card for each member of the Numbers Club, which they can now use on them since their negative emotions are at their fullest. They give them to the 4.
The next day, Kikyo is back and at school, so Yuma decides to introduce her to the rest of his friends at school during lunch break (Casey and Jason are still unavailable). He manages to actually do it this time, and things go alright enough at first, even if they're a little on edge thanks to the cards' influence (Flip the most). Then, Bronk notices Kikyo's pendant, and she tells him about it. After that, either Bronk takes it or she gives it to him for a bit, that part's a little foggy, but he turns it on, and it points at her. And also then bc of the cards, but I'm not 100% sure. Anyways, she takes it back and brushes it off as being broken. They mention how she should probably fix it, since she could be mistaken for a magi (what magical beings are called in this AU), and that would be bad because magi are bad.
Yep, the corruption made them racist.
Yuma is shocked by this, as none of them have ever shown signs of hating magi. This makes him even more scared to tell his friends he's a fairy, along with making Kikyo uncomfortable. After the whole introduction, he asks The Numbers Club what the hell's gotten into them, as they've never had anything against magi before. They just tell him magi are dangerous and evil.
After school, they wonder why Yuma was so defensive on what they were saying, along with why Kikyo seemed so anxious. They decide to spy on her.
They follow her, going into an empty and probably abandoned building, where she practices her magic. That's when they realise she's a witch. Since their minds have become messed up because of the cards, they decide to record and expose her as 'revenge' for 'stealing' Yuma.
The next day, everyone is looking at Kikyo weirdly. Yuma notices and asks her what's wrong. Suddenly, some jerk pours water on Kikyo, commenting on how she didn't melt or something, causing Yuma to get angry and ask what their problem is. The jerk shows Yuma the recording, and Yuma is shocked that someone found out. Jerk is like, 'You already knew?!' And they fight. Mr. Kay breaks it up and is on Kikyo and Yuma's side. They all go to class.
Throughout the school day, Kikyo is constantly bullied and harassed, with kids throwing spitballs at her, some girls hiding her skirt, so she ends up wearing pants, and some even get violent, with her having a bunch of marks on her face. One student (Cough Miyuki cough) even cut her hair. Yuma uses his magic to heal her, though I think Kikyo used her own magic to regrow her hair, and the two of them think of who exposed Kikyo. Then, a certain someone appears: Shark!
He tells them he knows who did it and will tell them. When asked why, he replies that even he thinks what they're doing is cruel. He then tells them it was Tori, Bronk, Flip, and Caswell, which shocks them. Yuma decides to confront them, and Kikyo goes with him. Shark tags along since, in his own words, he's got nothing better to do.
Yuma goes to the 4 of them. They ask him why he's still with Kikyo after she was outed, and Yuma replies, 'I already knew'. Tori shouts, 'And you stayed with her?!'. Yuma asks why they would do any of this, and once again, where this hate for magi came from. They try to convince him Kikyo's not worth it.
Yuma then asks, 'If I was a magi, would you still care about me?' They wonder why he would ask that. He tells them to just answer. They say yes.
Yuma then shows his magic, shocking them and Shark. (Originally he didn't reveal he was a magi until later, but we did a revision and liked this reveal better.)
Tori grabs Kikyo and asks what she did to Yuma, to which Yuma separates her from Kikyo, saying she did nothing. He finally tells them the truth: His mother was a fairy, and so is he.
Tori processes this for a bit, then starts laughing like any good anime villain. Yuma asks why she's laughing, but she doesn't answer and just keeps going. Frustrated and angry by everything, he slaps her.
I'm seriously considering changes that detail because HOLY SHIT I DON'T THINK THAT WAS A GOOD IDEA ANYMORE.
Tori stops and is quiet for a moment, then says, '...I see'. Yuma tells the Numbers Club he's transferring with Kikyo, and their friendship is over - again, considering changing this part- then tries to leave with Kikyo. Suddenly though, they're stopped by a vine.
Tori, Bronk, Flip, and Caswell have become fully corrupted, and the cards also gave them dark powers of their own. Yuma quickly uses his magic to destroy the vine and manages to escape with Kikyo and Shark. When they get away, they think about what happened. Kikyo remembers their eyes seemed different, and the 3 realise something must've corrupted them. They decide they need to hide somewhere and not their homes because the 4 could look for them their. They go to this abandoned house near-ish to the school that Shark knows about (fanfic logic, am I right?), and try to think about what happened. Shark gets supplies so they can survive. After a while, as they try to figure out how the 4 were corrupted, someone comes to help them: Aiden! Yuma's like, 'Oh, I know you! Mari told me!' He tells them it was his father who did it, but he had help from someone he doesn't know. Kikyo asks who could have a grudge against them and can corrupt people, and Yuma realises, 'Oh no, it's 96!!' And then explains the whole Numbers problem to Aiden. They decide to call Mari to help, since by now, she can come.
A while after, or even the next day, Mari arrives. She sends her pixie, Tika, to spy on the Numbers Club to find the source of the corruption. She goes and sees it's from the cards. She goes back and tells them.
They all decide to confront the Numbers Club head-on. Shark is told to stay back since he doesn't have any real defence against magic. He does.
Yuma, Mari, Kikyo, and Aiden go to The Numbers Club. Well, actually, I'm not sure if Aiden also went, but let's just say now he did. Of course, this leads to a fight.
Yuma and Mari dual transformation!!!
The two respective teams fight, and our heroes manage to win! Yuma uses his magic + the power of friendship to defeat the corruption placed on his friends. He then flies up and yells at 96 to reveal himself, which he does. 96 warns Yuma that this isn't the end, and Yuma warns him back that if he ever hurts his friends again, he'll tear him apart. 96 leaves.
After all that, Yuma manages to properly introduce his two friend groups, and they actually get along! The Numbers Club apologised to Kikyo for what they've done, and Kikyo forgives them since it wasn't really their fault. They all hang out, and plans are made to change schools since their current one SUCKS.
Whoo, I'm finally done!! That was WAY longer than I expected. It was also really nostalgic visiting this whole plot. What do you all think?
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plutos134340 · 12 days
hiii pluto :3 you wanna tell me about ur ocs sooo bad /nf (also is calling you pluto ok ?)
Ooooooh i feel like i wanna tell u about them soooo badly (and yes im ok with being called pluto, it technically isnt my name- that which is natalie, but i am chill with pluto as well)
Long text under the paragraph bc i dont feel like subjecting the random viewer to a long post:
Ok so some background for the way my aus work: i suck at making my own characters, but i can like give traits and personalities to existing characters that dont have much in canon, or just replacing a pre-existing characters personality, so thats what i do time and time again. Then i make random characters for funsies
First au concept and darias place in it: So basically i had made some cliche fnaf au where like none of the kids ever died- ig i wanted some happiness in life. And i then made Daria to go along with them and she was Henry's kid and an older sister to Charlie. They also had another younger brother but he is irrelevant. She is best friends with michael afton, and was also closest to fritz and jeremy (foxy and bonnie) She is like a random oc but does has a lot of my traits bc i found it easier to cope with myself through a character with fake friendships rather than actually think about myself and the people i know.
Traits (physical and personality-wise): She is white and has pale-ish skin, and shes got shoulder-length, curly, brown hair (like 2C); she is white, and she is pretty tall. She has hazel eyes (the green and brown being separate kind of hazel because i have that eye color and i like my eyes 💀). Shes queer, specifically being bisexual and ace-spec, and is a cis girl. She is pretty down-to-earth, and is mostly a realist. One thing that has stayed true throughout her many forms is that she often forms intimate relationships with people quickly but can end up starting fights with the same people quickly. Idk where that came from but thats her.
And now the second au and all that jazz. I know you dont know much at all about cccc but basically there are these characters Heart, Mind and Soul, who are all technically personified parts of the singer's (chonny jash) brain. In this au they are all human and like half related to their original identities. They go by the names Juno, Keene and Atlas, respectively, with the collection of their names just coming from random sources in the songs (juno and atlas) and then i just picked a random name i saw for the last bc i didnt want to pick two similar names (it would have been Apollo if i did). Bc i love music oh so much, they are all basically in a band. I loooove cliche little tropes it just soothes my mind ig, idc how basic it is and its also just easier for me to imagine. Anywho, this brings Max and Lily into the picture, along with another girl i forgot originally bc i forgot that i created her (that being Terra). Terra is the creator of this band, and Max and Lily originally come from their school's regular band.
Max: He is mixed white/southeast asian, and has tan, freckled skin and short black hair. He is around 5'11. He has a pretty chill and kind personality, and can come off either quiet or loud/intense depending on where he is. He often pokes fun at people but never really crosses the line. In their little band he plays most woodwind instruments, mainly the saxophone. He is bisexual and a cis guy.
Lily (full name being Liliana): She is a Latina and is 5'2. She has long, wavy, black hair, tan skin, and dark brown eyes. She is very sweet and is very in-tune with her own and others' emotions, just overall very emotionally intelligent. She can be the life of the party and lively, but is often the first person to realize if someone else is having a bad time, but also wont jeopardize her own mental health in sake of someone else's just to please them. As said before she came from a general concert band before, and plays the trumpet and the flute mainly. She is straight and cis, but doesnt really put too much thought into her identity anyways.
Terra, who i somehow forgot when answering the ask: She is 5'11 as well, and is a Black woman. She has curly hair, which she keeps at around chin length, and it is black with dyed brown highlights. She was originally more reserved than the others, but has opened up to all of the group members and is pretty talkative. As mentioned before, she is the creator of this little band, and plays the drums. She is a trans girl.
Ok so yeah those are them. I kinda just picked a few categories (that being how they look and basic identity things, some personality stuff, and any sexual or gender orientations) to talk about for each and i hope i stuck to that setup well enough. The other three from the second one are like technically not ocs but i like hijacked their actual personalities and gave them new ones but i did not talk about them bc i do not need to ramble THAT much.
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the-broken-truth · 1 month
This is my Leech brother OC.
Name: Loïc Leech
Gender: Male
Age: He’s actually a triplet to Floyd and Jade but he lies to everybody to hide his identity and says that he’s fifteen.
Height: Due to his abusive upbringing, his height ended up being 155cm or five feet and one inch.
Reason for leaving: Ever since he hatched, Loïc was firmly abused by Floyd and Jade for being the technical runt out of the three of them. His tails no longer long and shiny but folded in on themselves, bones breaking, sticking out and stabbing elsewhere into his tails forcing them together. He was forced to live in the cold basement where there were bars over the window and he slowly scratched his way out of his prison, breaking the bars and clawing his way out.
New family: He doesn’t have one. Loïc has not been shown kindness due to what species he is and who his family was. He lives on his own ‘two legs’.
New name: He only goes by Loïc. He no longer uses Leech as a last name.
Dorm sorted: Scarabia. Loïc’s intelligence and craftiness got him safely into Scarabia.
Unique Magic: Shell Rally. If Loïc is given a sea shell, his unique magic can turn it into either a shield, a weapon, a living suit of armor or other creature. An example of each would be: A clam shell becomes an indestructible shield that defends from all attacks, a turritella shell (The spiral ones) will be turned into a spiral sword to wield, if given a nautilus shell, a living suit of armor will be made and if given a piece of coral, Loïc can make a huge seahorse that looks like the coral that anyone can ride, in the sea or on land. Incantation: May these weapons and troops lead us to victory - Shell Rally!
Small Bio: Loïc Leech is the triplet to Floyd and Jade. His eyes are a mix of the two’s color in both of his eyes and he has two black stripes that go over his head and down his back. Those are very long and go down to the base of his back. In his merman form, Loïc can’t swim due to badly his tail is busted up and in his human form, one of his legs is facing behind him (So, imagine that your leg is turned the opposite way all of the time) and the other is facing to the left all of the time. He prefers his human form over his merman form and always makes sure that he has the human turning potion near him. Much to his chagrin, Loïc ended up being a huge fan of basketball and mushrooms just like Floyd and Jade have. Due to not being able to use his legs properly, Loïc has really strong arms and could scale a mountain side thanks to his grip strength alone. He also has a cane to help with walking.
Likes: Instrumental music, basketball, mushrooms, seashells, sea horses, hand held puzzles,
Dislikes: The sea, swimming, real horses, Floyd and Jade’s tricks,
Favorite Food: Anything from the land really.
Least favorite food: Undersea food from their culture.
Favorite Class: History of Magic (It’s nice and simple that he can enjoy.)
Favorite staff: Sam. (Sam always has the most interesting things to tell and share with Loïc about the world.)
Least favorite staff: Coach Vargas (Not because of his personality but because Loïc sucks at P.E.)
Best Friend: None. Loïc has a hard time making friends since for the first fifteen years of his life was spent trapped in a basement. So, he’s open to nearly everyone to make a friend or two.
Worst Enemy: His brothers. If Loïc sees one, he’s immediately trying to hide away.
Favorite Location: Sam’s Shop. He got a job there to his joy.
Broken: Whoa! The First Platonic-Yandere AU OC Offer comes not only as a Leech Triplet OC, but from one of my FAVORITE TUMBLRS! THIS IS AWESOME! I made his portrait so he would have a face, but I'm working on his fully body and profile! Without further ado, Introducing the 3rd 'Leech' Sibling: Loïc!
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Broken: How does he look, everyone?!
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jerrsterrr · 11 months
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hey guyssshahgahgahaaaaaaahhaaaa
obligatory silly posting about my ocs/sonas!!!!!!! and. me
and the amongus crewmates because i made a joke on insta that my followers were little guys and it was a silly "where do u wanna be on the drawing" w my mutuals over there :3
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those characters are like my sort of sonas in my little oc world, the mind, body and heart!! i have this lil goober with headphones to more accurately represent me ^___^
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Theres like a big biiiigg storyline as these three being main characters thats going on here with several different characters that i wish to update more accurately on my Toyhouse and i have several posts on my instagram but i decided to use tumblr as to rant and ykno fanboy about my own ocs aswell!!!!!!!!! lol
okay long infodump that probably makes little sense my bad
The way it goes is themed after infinite realities, death,, living and basically heaven? Which i came up with after having like several years of haunting dreams LOL
For the longest time since i was little ive had dreams of being in some sort of messed up apocalypse so thats what the mind is from!! His name is Xiety and he looks like me when i had those dreams, or like some fucked up bird thing heheh
After all that though i started having dreams where i was,, different people sort of?? Dreams with different povs or dreams where i lived entire different lives. Thats Jerri! the body.
The last little guy is called matthew and isnt based off any dreams but more based off the feeling i get when i realize im dreaming. Ive never lucid dreamed but ive always had like a moment to realize "this isnt my life" and im just like viewing whats happeining o_0
All together i made a story for when they get sort of seperated, Xiety, the mind is seperated from the two in a apocalyptic world they have control over and hides the heart (matthew). The body being basically a carbon copy of itself just wanders around this world. Jerri cant remember how they got there or where they are from, but they die, over and over and over. Until eventually, they find the heart, in some rubble, and they sort of gain concious enough to realize "um im stuck in infinite zombie reality hell and this is NOT my reality" they take the plush and try to survive, but xiety kinda catches on and feels betrayed by this. He cant comprehend why on earth the body would want to live knowing what he knows (news flash only the mind knows what he knows of their og reality) HENCE the breaking out and being stuck in a infinite inbetween of constant realities woooo. Jerri and Matthew try to find to find the og reality, going through different bodies, meeting different minds and dying in ALOT of them. It becomes kinda clear that in most realities NONE of them do they live or are happy LMAO
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that was like a shitty simplification BUT BESIDES ALLAT they litterally stumble into heaven and meet gods and Reapers and souls BUT they cant stay which SUCKS cuz imagine losing it it and one day people see you for yourself and you cant STAY cuz ur technically not dead just abstracted into peices and yaddah yaddah more ocs hehehe
anyways heres a silly video i made with all of em:
ALSO ALSO OBLIGATORY TAG @moenmomentsthemoe-en
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mastermindmiko · 1 year
Drunk (Part two)
Pairing: George Weasley + OC
Word count: 2907
Warnings: none but lmk if there is anything that I missed
Part 3
Requests are open and hey! if you think this didn't completely suck, maybe check out my masterlist.
an: maybe one day I'll edit this and make it better
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George Weasley is creating one of the products for his joke shop with Fred during what he thinks is his free period, he had failed to check if it was or if it was not; and quite frankly it didn’t matter.
They were making one of the love potions for their witch line, which they were yet to name. “So we had this last year in potions-”
“Did you two actually pay attention to anything last year in potions?” Lee cut Fred off, he was sitting on the couch watching them attempting -key word attempting- to do his herbology homework. He actually has a free period.
“No, we did not but that doesn’t matter because we already took Katie's potions book.” Fred said. “While dear Georgie here was getting all drunk with Miss Lore and after I finished detention, I made the first batch of the love potion.”
George flushed at the memory, and he asked “did it work?”
“Well that’s what you’re going to find out.” Fred said, with a smirk. “You’re supposed to smell something you love or that attracts you.”
George leaned into the cauldron and he took a sniff and he immediately smelled Coconut, Almonds, and Lavender. He flushed knowing where the smell is from and he leaned back from the potion.
He saw the smirk on Fred’s face as he cleared his throat and said “yeah, um yeah. It works.”
Turns out that wasn’t the first time that Fred attempted to make the potion, as a part of his twin’s instinct he knew that his twin had a crush; he just didn’t know who. This was the 11th attempt to make this potion, he now knew for a fact that George is besotted with someone, he just has to find out who.
“This letter came for you by the way.”
Juliette turned from her meal to look at Draco. “And you just decided to tell me this now!” she said.
Juliette snatched the letter that he got out from his pocket, it was from her parents. She opened it and read:
Dear Juliette,
We hope that your first day as a fifth year has not been completely torturous. Your brother has already written us a letter and we are disappointed to find that we have not received anything from you. You must be a great student and great prefect, you must do great in school this year; these are your OWLS and they must not be taken lightly. We heard from Narcissa that Draco is the other Slytherin Prefect, isn’t that delightful?
From your father’s connections from the ministry we will now be able to keep an eye on you from a teacher’s perspective. Umbridge is a great woman who shares our views in the wizarding world and will definitely be a great teacher. We expect you to write a letter about how fabulous her lessons are. On a much lighter note, considering that you only have two years left we were thinking about your engagement this year at winter break. Sadly I heard that many females have had their eyes on Draco, therefore you must go out on a date with him, somewhere public. Don’t think about avoiding this task Juliette, we will not appreciate it. We’re going on a business trip and your brother will be filling us in with all of the things you do in school,
Sincerely Christiana and Henry Lore.
Juliette pushed her plate aside, dropped her head on the table and let out a frustrated groan. She felt Draco tug on the letter and she let her grip loosen allowing him to read the letter.
She turned her head on the table to look at him, and hummed in acknowledgement. “Go out with me?” he asked with a sympathetic smile.
She gave him an appreciative smile and nodded. She hugged him tightly and said “thank you, you probably don’t even want to do this.” her words were slightly muffled from his robes.
He cleared his throat and said “no really, it’s not a problem.”
She let go of him and turned back to her meal.
Juliette is getting ready for her date with Draco. The month of September had passed with no complications, Umbridge was an asshole but considering that Juliette is a Slytherin it didn’t really affect her that much. Her grades were high enough to appease her parents, and she was able to meet up with the Weasley twins four more times.
She thought about the date and what Draco would think of her if he knew she was adopted, what if she was from a blood traitor family? What would he think of her then? She doesn’t want to lose Draco; he was her oldest and closest friend. Not to mention the only known friend and the only one from Slytherin. Should she tell him?
She pushed the unpleasant thoughts out of her head and started to get ready. She wore a brown tennis skirt with some caramel colored stockings. She wore a cinnamon colored sweater and a peanut coat. She applied some mascara and highlighter. She was putting on her boots when there was a knock on the other door.
She went to open it, and she saw George standing there. His eyes trailed her body from top to bottom and said “you look good.”
A blush was spread on her cheeks and she said “thanks.”
He entered her room, closed the door behind him and she went to sit on her bed. He stood there awkwardly as he said “you look a little dressed up for Hogsmeade.”
She shuffled her feet awkwardly on the bed-side and said “well yeah I have a date.”
His eyes went wide and his jaw clenched as he looked away. “A date?” he asked
“With who?”
There was a knock on the door and a voice was heard “Juliette are you ready to go?” she walked up nearer to the door and said “give me two more minutes.” They heard okay.
“You’re going on a date with Malfoy?”
“Yeah.” Juliette replied.
“You could do way better.” He said, avoiding her gaze.
“Well, if someone wanted to ask me they would’ve right.” She said, not quite getting where he’s at.
“Yeah, they would’ve.” They stayed in a somewhat uncomfortable silence, George seemed incredibly lost in thought, when she started shuffling in her place. He was taken out of his trance. “I should go.” he said. He didn’t wait for her reply as he walked out the door that led to the corridor.
Extremely uncomfortable from the encounter, Juliette walked out the door with a smile. When she reached Draco he smiled at her and said “you look pretty.”
Her smile widened and she looked at him with his black suit, and said “you look depressing as always.”
He smirked and looped his arm with her as he said “you adore it.”
“Yeah, yeah. You look as handsome as ever.” She said, rolling her eyes, but the smile never once fading. She watched as he tilted his head upwards slightly and puffed out his chest and her words. “and also as arrogant as ever.” she added.
She chuckled as his posture deflated slightly. They started walking out of Hogwarts, down the hill and around the shrieking shack and into the village; and all throughout their journey they were laughing and having fun.
“So where are we heading?” Juliette asked. She then saw his gaze go to Madame Puddifoot's Tea shop. “No, no, no.”
Draco rolled his eyes, and said “well, we’re supposed to be on a date.”
“Like hell I’m going there, and plus whoever said that dates have to be there.” She said arms crossed, and after a few seconds of silence she grabbed his hand with one of hers and she headed to The Three Broomsticks.
“There really.” He said with an eyebrow quirked up, noticing where she was heading.
“Well, I want some butterbeer.”
He let out a frustrated sound but followed her there nonetheless. They found a table where they both sat down and Draco got up and went to get some butterbeer.
They both enjoyed their drinks and then Draco said that he wanted to go to flourish and blotts. Juliette noticed a somewhat large group of people heading into Hogshead and among those people were George and Fred; and she thought that it would be a good idea to go see them. It was also an adding factor that none of the people in the group were Slytherins, or close friends with Slytherins.
Draco got up from his seat and offered her, his hand and they both excited The Three Broomsticks. As soon as he started heading, Juliette took a stop. He looked at her confused until she started talking, “you go, I just have to do something.”
“And what exactly is this something?”
“Uh, nothing worth noting. You go.” She replied.
“Juliette, I want you to come with me.” He replied with a slight blush on his cheeks. “And also your brother is over there.”
Juliette turned behind her to see where his gaze was and surely enough her brother was watching them with high curiosity. There was no doubt in her that if she left Draco he would tell their parents. She turned back to Draco and said “fine, but when we finish you have to let me do what I want.”
“Alone.” she added.
He let out a chain of frustrated sounds. Merlin, he’s a literal child, she thought. Then he stayed silent for a few seconds and then let out a forced “fine.”
They both went to Flourish and Blotts, where Draco bought two quill sets; one for each of them. He then went to skim through the book shelves, while she was following him around -having no idea what to do- she came across a cool looking book. Juliette was not a reader by any way, the only way she got any reading done was Draco reading her a story by the fireplace when they were little. She had never even gone to Flourish and Blotts before today except for the first ever Hogsmeade trip, also with Draco.
The book was about plants, Juliette liked plants for one reason and one reason only. That they could appear like something and actually are something completely different; that fact however wasn’t enough for her to take Herbology this year. The book was kind of barbaric. It was called : Flesh-Eating Trees of the World.
All of a sudden the book was taken out of her hands by Draco. He immediately went to buy the stuff that he got. Juliette followed him and began “wha-”
“This is the first time in my entire life that I have seen you touch a non-scholastic book, or any book outside of class for that matter. I honestly began thinking that you don’t know how to read. So I’m getting this for you, before you lose interest.”
Juliette made no further comment and watched as he paid for the quills and the books. He had bought for himself 2 other books, none of the titles were memorable enough for Juliette to remember.
While exiting the shop she started talking “I do read by the way.”
Draco let out a scoff and said “ you call those 2 erotic novels that you have reading.”
Juliette flushed at the words, the summer before this school year. While both of them were avoiding the people in one of their parents’ many parties, Draco had found both of the novels which he was talking about. He never stopped mentioning it the entire summer, she had hoped that he had forgotten but apparently he did not.
“Reading is basically looking at words and understanding them, it does not matter what the content of the book is.” Juliette said defensively, folding her arms over her chest.
Draco let out a chuckle at her statement and then reached out for her hand to give her the book. “I’ll take the quills, you go do whatever you want to do. Without me.” he said the last part of a sentence with an extreme amount of pettiness that anyone could have mistaken him with a child.
“What are you going to do?” Juliette asked not wanting to leave him completely alone in Hogsmeade.
“I’ll go find Zabini.” He said shortly and then left to go find Blaise.
Juliette started to head to Hogshead. When she entered the pub, there was a lot of chatter. When she reached the end of the pub the voices making some of the chatter were more recognizable; she recognized them as Hermione Granger and Harry Potter. She then heard a lot of noises and mumbling until she heard an Umbridge like ‘hem hem’.
She entered the small part of the pub, to see many faces looking at her like; Potter, Granger, all the Weasley, Longbottom, and Lovegood. There were many other faces that she did not recognize.
“That’s a lot of people for a small place.” She said, trying to ease the tension that formed when she entered the place.
She saw Potter look at Granger and let out a ‘humph’ and her comment. Everyone looked extremely suspicious and nervous at her arrival, so she added “you look like you’re doing something you should not be doing, but knowing these there-” she pointed at Potter, Granger and Weasley and continued “when are there aren’t.”
The tension in the room increased until Neville let out a small surprised sound and came up right in front of Juliette. He started saying, “That book was in the top ten best Herbology books of the century, it is practically iconic now.”
She looked up at the tall boy and gave a smile, “ you can borrow it if you want, I found it at Flourish and Blotts.”
His face brightened and said “really?” She handed him the book and then said “yeah sure.”
He then looked around embarrassed for some reason and then sat down back in his chair. She looked around once again and started thinking. She looked at the people, and she noted once again that there were no Slytherins. Meaning that it must be something in between them that no one should know, like something they wouldn’t want to get out. The fact that she’s a Slytherin and including the tense atmosphere just proves her point.
The chatter stopped after someone made that Umbridge sound. Meaning that they wouldn’t want Umbridge specifically to find out, so it must have something to do with either Voldemort or with Defense against the dark arts. It might be about the ministry but considering the Weasleys' presence and Susan bones’ ,it can’t be.
Granger is also here and it looks like she’s the one leading, so whatever they’re doing it must be smart. Juliette came to the weird ass conclusion that “you’re going to be teaching them Defense Against the Dark Arts, aren’t you?!”
The entire room let out a collective gasp that made Juliette let out a smile, she was right. “It’s actually Harry who is teaching.” said Ron Weasley, he then got aggressively elbowed in the side by Hermione granger.
“We should converse for one second.” A group of the people were huddled together talking about her.
George approached her, “well if it isn’t Snidget the detective. Ditched Malfoy already?” He said with a smirk and a chuckle at the end.
She let out a frustrated groan, rolled her eyes and said “please don’t make that another nickname.” She ignored his comment on Draco. “You really doing this?” She added skeptically.
“Well yeah, I think it’s a good idea.” He replied.
“It kind of is, but what if you get caught. You’re all definitely going to get expelled.” She said.
His smirk widened as he leaned down slightly to reach her height. “When are you going to get it Snidget that we don’t care about being caught.”
“Well you don’t but I can definitely assure you that Granger does.”
“She’s the one that came up with the idea.”
“What? No way.”
He only nodded. She then looked around skeptically, “you’re not going to obliviate me are you?”
He then started walking away, shrugging his shoulders, going to the group that was huddled up and said “no promises.”
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tired-reader-writer · 5 months
BESTIE I didn't know you had Arthurian inspired oc's! :D
Hellooooooo buddy! And why yes, I do!
This is an original story idea I've been thinking about for a while, it's set in a sci-fi fantasy world with mecha and stuff, but follows the cast of the Arthurian legends. Specifically, the protagonist is Mordred who Does Not Have A Good Time throughout this entire story. I don't have a title for it yet, nothing has clicked so far, though a placeholder name is “The Sunset Knight”. (Mordred does technically has an OC tag on my blog however I've been wanting to revamp stuff and the only two original posts about Mordred, I think I might want to go and change a couple things.)
This world has a source of power that fuels ships and mechs and stuff, I haven't named it yet but let's call it Phantasm. It can be utilized both by machine and living things, and the living beings who can manipulate raw Phantasm are dubbed sorcerers. Morgana is a sorceress and Merlin is a sorcerer, for example. Most others rely on sci-fi esque equipment to wield that power without backlash.
The mechs in the Arthurian-inspired world probably have different grading based on mythological beasts or smth, I need to expand on that, and dragon mechs are both the rarest and only a select few with “dragon blood” are able to pilot them, so the Pendragons basically? There might've been other dragonblood bloodlines in the past but they're dead now, dead at Uther's hand because that guy is a massive jerk who conquered everything and beyond. And Arthur... unfortunately holding up that paradigm even though he doesn't conquer, and is actively trying to make things suck less. Anyways, back to the mechs—
Bc the dragons put so much strain on the pilots (or “riders/dragonriders” as they might be called in that world) on energy consumption in exchange for bigger firepower, rare and unique powers, etc, dragonriders unfortunately tend to die quick save for a few who have extensive support and/or a hugeass powerful Phantasmic core. Not all dragonblood are born with such massive reserves! And theoretically, a sorcerer with a massive Phantasm reserves could technically try to pilot one, but... there's a compatibility lock of sorts, incompatible pilots must pour in more Phantasm, and that drains them faster than it would drain a dragonblood.
Arthur is a dragonrider, blessed with both intensive support from Merlin's end, and in possession of a large amount of Phantasm thanks to his maternal side.
(I'll get to the actual protagonist, I swear, I just gotta set the stage first)
So Uther... conquered Igraine's kingdom (planet?) (Igraine was the ruling queen, queen regnant, and her husband Gorlois was the consort, I forget what I named this place), killed Gorlois, took and wed Igraine by force, and had Arthur with her because he wanted his offspring and heir to have massive power. Igraine's line was that of powerful sorcerers. Morgana was Igraine and Gorlois' daughter, who is very much not happy about what Uther had done to her family and homeland.
Years pass, Uther dies, Arthur is revealed to be heir where before he was raised in secret, he becomes king and starts trying to fix and calm stuff down, and Morgana, fed up with Uther's bullshit, very strongly demands that her kingdom be given back to her. And Arthur, who's grown to be this cold, sharp, exhausted individual who's trying to put out the fires his father had started, says “no, absolutely not, I'm trying to bring peace and if I give in to you now others will want the same and it will be chaos all over again because the threat of you hovering over the horizon. just have faith in me, your home planet will be fine, I promise. also you're married to a lord, you have a domain, go and take care of that.” and Morgana's having none of that because she doesn't even like Lot, it was an unwanted marriage forced on her by Uther who wanted her as far away from her homeland as possible. She wants her birthright restored, for the wrongs committed against her mother righted, just... she wants justice. And she's not getting it from Arthur. So fed up, she books it, builds a faction of her own to rebel against Uther's legacy, the one Arthur is trying to uphold.
Morgana, with her extensive knowledge and resourcefulness and creativity, creates a dragon mech. So those things require a specific core, so to speak, harvested from true dragons, those impossibly huge, cosmic sort of entities, nebulous and so incomprehensibly large... Okay, you know whale falls, right? A whale's corpse falls to the ocean floor and critters feed on it, never having known a living whale? To them, a whale's body is just an impossibly large bounty? Yeah, kinda those vibes. Maybe the true dragons are dead, with their corpses floating around in the universe. I see them less as a creature with a body and more a... deity? a collection of stars and planets? I dunno, just incomprehensible. So Morgana makes one, somehow obtains Arthur's genes (I mean, in the myths they have incestuous sex and out pops Mordred from that, but this is sci-fi, and because it's me so many characters have a wonky gender axis going on so they might not even be cis, who knows), and creates Mordred for the purpose of piloting the dragon she created. Man that thing needs a name.
So the mech Mordred's piloting, it's... one of the more energy-intensive ones specifically crafted by Morgana's faction to be extra destructive, and yet Mordred is not terribly affected by it— they still are but not to the extent they should have, and everyone chalks up to the dragonblood genes. But there's something else going on under the surface. But I'll get to that later.
So Mordred's character is... someone who's been so intensely shaped by their surroundings and circumstances. They were born to fulfill a certain role. They are unable to see themselves outside of this role they play, this mission they have. The quote “you need the sickness inside you like a body needs a spine. you may survive without it, but oh, how deformed and misshapen you'd become” basically is their whole deal. Their loyalty is madness, and their madness is loyalty.
Still, though, there lies a hole in their heart, a yearning, a hunger, a want. What it is that they want, they can't articulate. They don't understand. They don't understand the hole, so they don't understand what would fill it. It is why they try to dedicate 110% of themselves to their role, in hopes that it'd fill the hole, or at least not make them think about it.
Still, they yearn.
Later in the story, it would be revealed that they're not actually Mordred, not the one Morgana created with her and Arthur's genes. That Mordred? Dead. Dead from the strain of piloting the dragon Morgana made. They were a child, and they've been long dead. Morgana uploaded their conscious into the dragon mech to assist the new pilot and help take on some of the strain. Serving the cause, even beyond their death.
So then, who is this Mordred?
From another world.
Yes, folks, this is an isekai. From the moment I conceived of this idea, I wanted it to be an isekai. The pain of being unable to return home. The realization that even if you got back to your home world, you would no longer fit into it. The horror of having been forced to change so much that your home becomes unrecognizable to you. And being unable to bear this world you're in as well. You don't have anywhere to go anymore.
The realization breaks something in Mordred (this Mordred, not the dead one). So in a fit of desperation to be away, away from the place that they can't see the same anymore, they leave. They leave Morgana's side, and enters Camelot to serve Arthur in the vain hope that they might be able to choose something for themselves, make themselves anew, be free and happy for once even if they can no longer go home. Maybe, just maybe, they could make a home out of Camelot.
(Remember that the earliest written version of Mordred wasn't really said to be against Arthur or a traitor or a villain, or even Arthur's son, it only describes the battle of Camlann as just “The strife of Camlann, in which Arthur and Medraut fell.”, not indicating at all if they were on the same side or against each other or if Mordred was responsible for Arthur's downfall. In fact, in early Welsh sources, he seems to have been described as “Arthur's strength, the good nature of Medrawd”. Kinda relevant to this Mordred, kinda not, just an interesting thing to keep in mind.)
This is when they meet Guinevere.
In one (or several?) version of the Arthuriana, Mordred weds Guinevere by force, in mayhaps another version she may or may not have gone willingly with Mordred? And in one of the versions (probably French, I forget which one, help) that follow that line of events, uh, Guinevere is slain by Lancelot for betraying Arthur and Mordred is either buried alive with her corpse or gets locked in a tower with her corpse. And he cannibalizes her body out of desperation, and still dies of starvation.
So, yeah. This version of Guinevere becomes Mordred's love interest and so the doom clock starts ticking :)
Also, Guinevere's gender is a big ol “???” by design. Male? Female? Cis? Trans? Who even knows, Guinevere goes by both he and she. Anyways, moving on from that—
Mordred meets Guinevere, this gentle-handed fella who loves plants. And they grow a close bond, which slowly but surely develops into romance.
In this version, Guinevere isn't in love with Arthur, though he does idolize the King, believing in his vision and wanting to support that. There might or might not be push from others for the two to be betrothed to each other, I don't know how such things would work in a world like this just yet but well this is still just a fledgling idea— Arthur takes one look at Guinevere and is like “that is an entire child” and refuses to wed her.
I... am not sure whatever the hell I want to do with the character of Lancelot.
Like, I know how the cultural context surrounding the Arthuriana shaped and influenced his character, his courtly love turned into adultery etc etc, but I don't know what spin I want to put to his character. Yet. Currently leaning towards a fucked up sense of codependent devotion towards his king. Like “my king only deserves the best and by the dragons I will fucking give it to him no matter what anyone else has to say about it” and maybe he sees Guinevere as something extraordinary and thus... by imposing his own view on him he tries to yoink Guinevere for Arthur and... hm. Still up in the air, honestly.
How long has this fucking post gotten?
Okay imma just try to rapid-fire the ensuing stuff bc it's not like I have the details yet anyways: Mordred enters the Round Table -> Mordred and Guinevere fall in love -> things are fine until they aren't -> some revelation breaks Mordred's faith in Camelot -> maybe Morgana is slain, she's out of the picture for some reason -> Mordred forms their own faction from the remnants of Morgana's, goes against Camelot -> it goes on -> CAMLANN -> in the meanwhile Lancelot gets to Guinevere, uh-oh -> Arthur vs Mordred, big showdown, Arthur dies and Mordred is seriously feeling the consequences of the strain + pretty sure the mech is barely holding together at this point -> an exhausted Mordred and broken mech get their asses whooped by Lancelot, probably -> entombed alive -> cue cannibalism -> Mordred may or may not get isekai'd again at near death -> now they have to navigate this while ridden with guilt and grief and truly having nothing
So... yeah! This is a gist of what this story is about! Many details are still yet up in the air, I completely omitted the post-cannibalism stuff, the broken traumatized mess Mordred becomes by that point, if you'd like to know more I'll tell you but for now... this is it!
Oh! Almost forgot— I've drawn little concept sketches for Mordred!
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Original Mordred on the left, the current Mordred before they became “Mordred” on the right, both as young children.
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Current Mordred, having lost their face and memories for a long, long time.
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yuikomorii · 1 year
// I usually don’t like writing stuff about what's going on in the fandom, but things are getting out of hand since too many individuals, including myself, have received highly uncalled-for asks, and I'd like to make a few points clear:
First and foremost, people need to accept what is official and what is not. Everything that has been confirmed by the developers themselves is official. You can disagree with that, be mad about it, and cry about it, but... after all, you have no power to change it, and that should be acknowledged. The creators know the characters best; they are fully aware of the roles assigned to each of them, and these are chosen for a reason. There's no need to quarrel about it and accuse them of "favoritism and mistreatment" when it's not even your story to begin with, and the creators have every right to have their personal preferences, regarding their own piece of work. Yes, you can dislike anything you want, but when the fandom enjoys something and you try to gaslight the stans into believing that their favorite character sucks and "ain't all that" (while bashing and mischaracterizing him/her), only shows how puerile you are.
Second, people need to accept that in a fandom you will be surrounded by fan-made content. As a result, I don't understand why so many people are opposed to OCs. As a huge Yui stan, I don't mind if fans don't include her in their fanfics/routes because everyone has their own world-building, timeline, and plot for their OC. You shouldn’t criticize others for creating their original story and characters because it is none of your business and it’d be very disrespectful to do so. Furthermore, @ those Yui stans , please refrain from bringing up Yui's name in order to start a fire and belittle/insult others. You're not demonstrating your affection for Yui, but rather you’re only setting her up.
To sum it up, I understand that it is impossible to get rid of all rotten apples from a fanbase, but let's start being kinder. The fandom is supposed to be a place where you can have fun and socialize with the ones who share your interests, not a battlefield.
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Before I reveal the contestants, I want to shout out some characters that didn't end up getting in, for one reason or another, but stood out to me
Prince Peasley (Superstar Saga): I mentioned him as a character I really enjoyed learning about, but since he won the Luigi ship competition, I'm unsure of his obscurity status and he may overpower the other characters. I'm sorry your highness, please know I love you
Francis York Morgan (Deadly Premonition): I was stunned to see not one, but 2 people submit this character. I'm endlessly entertained by his weird ass game. He would've been a shoe in had he not been submitted twice. Sorry buddy. Also if he was I would've put in my own propaganda, consisting only of this image
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and a video of the squirrels that make monkey noises
Crow T. Robot (Mystery Science Theater 3000): the only reason he's not in is because another MST3K I consider comparatively more obscure was submitted, but I am going to post part of the propaganda for him now because I really loved it and it would be a shame if I was the only one who got to read it:
i have to take a chance on crow, for he is my #1 blorbo and my favorite mst3k character since forever. i charted out a whole TIMELINE for him and there's like. 4-6 of him just existing in various locations. he's shaped like a friend. he can be folded into a torpedo. he has legs and i constantly forget this until he has them on-screen and i'm like OH SHIT this guy is mostly leg (he's around 5'4"). he managed to kill mike (the human guy he lives with in space) TWICE on accident and neither time stuck. all of his presentations are insane and completely factually inaccurate. he claimed women were myths like bigfoot in a short-film style black and white presentation. he's friendly/friends? with pearl, one of the main antagonists (and a woman, who he just claimed didn't exist). he can play the trombone. he just kinda bounces up and down sometimes and is so shaped. he spent 500 years alone because he got bored of being pure energy at the edge of the universe after five minutes. he wrote patrick swayze christmas, the only christmas song ever. he's constantly doing t-rex arms. he keeps falling from extreme heights. to a few ancient romans he's a spider-duck god. he's a bit of a pyromaniac. he went to thanksgiving in deep 13 and walked away unharmed (everyone else got poisoned). he causes an illusion in the theater where it looks like he's staring at you instead of the movie. he's an absolute menace. he contains so much gender yet none at all. he's different! he wants to decide who lives and who dies, and i think he should. he is simply so guy. ty for reading my crow rant sorry for the wall of text
Thank you for this. I love Crow and MST3K too, you are in good company
Mister Qi (Stardew Valley): In the propaganda section, the submitter wrote: "He sucks and I hate him. It'd be really funny if he lost." and it made me laugh
Chuck Cunningham (Happy Days): The submitter's dad told them to submit him and that was also funny to me
Vincenzo (kdrama of the same name): Submitter's dad has a crush on Vincenzo <3
Pioneer 9 (17776): This was the most submitted character, with a total of.....4 submissions! Wow!
Husky (+Anima): This is the second most submitted character, with 3 submissions! I'm sorry to you both but this means you are automatically excluded from being picked for the competition.
Less specifically, shout out to the many characters who were just barely well known enough to drop out of priority. And the major characters/protagonists of major series. A couple were clearly jokes, but several were not.
And all of the characters from albums, commercials, various Real Life Things, myths, some OCs, etc: I have a plan for you. It's not the main bracket, but you are not being left out here. More information on that when the time is right.
Thank you for all your submissions! The list of contestants and their matchups are coming soon!
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Use me
Gator Tillman x OC
Word count: 6565
18+ Minor's do not interact.
CW: Slow burn, future smut, swearing, violence, assult, smoking, drinking, Roy being roy. Don't know if i've missed anything?
A/N: I'm new, be nice!
Summary: A new criminal family has moved to Stark County, opening possibilities up for Roy Tillman, but only if his son can focus, which is difficult when he is intoxicated by the daughter of said family.
Part 1 - Diners and Dinner
This is a true story. The events depicted took place in Minnesota in 2018. At the request of the survivors, the names have been changed. Out of respect for the dead, the rest has been told exactly as it occurred.
“I just don’t see why I need to be there s’all,” Gator mumbled as he kicked a stone haphazardly under a nearby aging car in the lot with a heavy boot. He looked up at his surrounds, the sun hitting his eyes in a way that made him squint. The town was as quiet, as usual, nothing ever happened here. Gator resented that fact. He longed for the action he’d seen in movies growing up, for any opportunity to prove to his father he was worth something more than a glorified neighbourhood watch member.
“Because I said so son.” Roy Tillmans voice reverberated through the phone with a firm tone.
Testing his luck one final time, Gator took another hit of his nauseatingly fruity vape, which crackled before he let out a smoky breath. “Well I made plans for tonight, it’s kinda last minute to cancel don’t you think?”
“You’ll cancel whatever plans you have with your newest piece of skirt and you’ll be here ready for dinner at seven o’clock, you hear? And loose the fucking vape.”
Gator bit his cheek in annoyance, “yeah I hear ya.” He grumbled before hanging up, his finger ramming harshly against the red end call button with all of his built-up frustrations. His boot met with the tire of the car in a firm blow before he ran his hand through his hair in an attempt to regain some composure.
He looked back through the windows of the diner, the frames of which were flaking with old paint and in desperate need of a re-fresh, to see the men he’d been keeping company with, tormenting a new waitress as she tried to serve them. Poor thing didn’t know what she’d let herself in for, choosing stark county to settle in, he mused for a moment before focusing once more on his phone.
Gon be late tonight, wait up for me. Send.
With a final hit on his vape he trudged back to the diner, spitting to his side to clear his throat. Wishing his coffee to still be warm so he can shake the cold from the biting breeze he’d been standing in, he once again pushed through the brittle frame of the door. The bell above chimed as he entered and caught the attention of the men in the booth he’d left 5 minutes earlier.
His phone vibrated in his hand and he looked down to see the message flash on the screen.
RUBY: Boooo. You suck Tillman.
He sighed under his breath before placing his phone back in his pocket.
“All good Gator?” One of his associates asked, bringing his attention back to the booth.
“Yeah just family business s’all,” he slumped back down on the padded seat before testing the remnants of his coffee. “S’fucking cold,” he hissed.
Dan, who sat across from Gator, whistled sharply in the direction of the counter, “More coffee over here darlin’, none of that decaf shit!” He called over loudly bringing several rolling sets of eyes over to their direction. A devilish grin spread on his features. He was an overbearing man, large in every sense of the world with an attitude that dripped in entitlement. “Any excuse to get that little piece over here again.” With a few cheap smirks earned from his peers he turned to watch as the fresh pot was bought over. Gator was too lost in his own thoughts to acknowledge is friends’ attempt for approval from him. What could be so important his dad needed him back for a dinner? His phone vibrated once more and he retrieved it from his pocket to see another message.
RUBY: Don’t keep me waiting too long…
As he read the message another followed; an attachment of the attractive young woman in a red lingerie set, lounging across a barely made bed. He licked his bottom lip, frustration building in him. He hated when she teased him like this and she knew it. He’d make sure she wouldn’t get away with it later, that was for sure.
 He was bought back into the room by the rich smell of fresh coffee being poured into the cup in front of him, quickly locking his phone once more. As his eyes looked back up they were met first with a name badge, Rose. And then with the soft, slightly exasperated features of the young woman. For a moment her eyes met his with a slight quirk of an eyebrow. Had she seen is phone? He never had been subtle. He didn’t think he needed to be, he was after all, the prince of stark county. She was new, he reminded himself, she’d learn who he was soon enough.
“Anything else I can get you boys?” The mousy girl asked, refusing eye contact with any of the rest of them, already starting to turn in an attempt to get away sooner.
“How bout a number?” Dan practically growled through a wide smirk, this time he knew Gator was watching.
“My daddy always told be never to give my number to strangers,” She said in a surprisingly confident manor, patronising smile growing across her face. She really did have a lot to learn, Gator thought.
Quicker than a whip Dan clasped onto her small wrist with a vice like grip. “And did your daddy teach you not to be a little bitch?” He spat through clenched teeth, his eyes flashing a black that Gator was all to familiar with. He wasn’t in the mood for this.
“Dan-“ Gator started warningly, “I think your break is about over no?”
Dan’s eyes flitted over to Gator and the tense silence of the room enveloped them. Suddenly he became very aware that every pair of eyes in the room were on them in that small booth.
“Goes for all ya,” Gator added lazily to the other occupants of the booth, choosing not to give the patrons of the diner the time of day. If he couldn’t have a good time today, neither could his friends. He wanted nothing more than for the day to hurry up and finish so he could get to Ruby, remind her who was in charge in their dynamic. He shifted awkwardly where he sat before standing with a lazy stretch, tossing a couple of dollars onto the table.
“Boss.” Dan nodded curtly and the group collected their belongings to leave. Dan reached into his jeans pocket to pull out a wallet and flung down the money owed for the lunch, next to the mess of his half-eaten sandwich, before making a move for the door. As he moved past the young woman he tugged a business card from his wallet, Stark County Sheriffs Department, and shoved it roughly into the pocket of her apron. “You’ll call me wont ya darlin’?” he smirked before his hand met with her bum in a sharp smack, eliciting a small yelp. Gator rolled his eyes as his colleagues laughed whilst they left with a jungle of the sad old bell on top of the door, bundling back into their police cruisers. He followed behind them, boots heavy, sucking once more on his vape, leaving the fruity scent of it from the booth to the door.
“No tip. Typical.” Hayley, the older waitress on shift sighed as she looked over Rose’s shoulder towards the mess of half eaten sandwiches and spilt coffee, her voice heavy with the exhaustion she clearly frequently felt towards the young men that had just left. “You okay darlin’?” She asked with a hint of genuine concern.
“I’m fine. Met worse if you’d believe it.” Her response was met with a scoff from Haley before she helped to clear the booth.
“Hon, if that’s true, I hope to God I don’t cross paths with them.”
“you gon tell me what this is about then or?” Gator asked, scratching at his neck, his wool blend cheque shirt causing him a reaction along his collar bone. He moved further into the kitchen, his usual heavy military boots now swapped for worn brown leather ones. The warm smell coming from the stove beckoned him closer as he nosed his way towards the pots that were bubbling away. He reached for the wooden spoon sitting in the sauce but felt a sharp sting as Karen slapped his wrist, scowling at him. He returned the look with equal venom muttering barely a whisper, “fuckin’ bitch.”  
“Less of your damn attitude Gator.” Roy demanded from his seat at the centre counter. He’d been nursing a tumbler of sweet whiskey and taking regular puffs from a large cigar. He leaned back in the chair, not gracing Gator with a look in his direction as he pulled up a chair a little across from him. Roy took his time balancing the cigar in the nearby ashtray and swirling the remaining amber liquid in his glass before consuming it with ease and placing the tumbler back on the counter.
“Sorry I just-” Gator mumbled in frustration, unable to wait for his father to speak again. The silence filled the room in an uncomfortable way, leaving him fidgeting and on edge.
“It’s business son.” Roy drawled, finally looking towards his son. He didn’t want to waste energy on someone he deemed to be such a waste, but he knew Gator would never let up. He reminded him of his mother in that way. Roy bit the inside of his mouth in annoyance at the thought.
“In the family home? That’s-“ Gator started with an impertinent frown of confusion on his face. God Roy though he was an idiot, a fool.
“Personal?” He finished Gator’s sentence for him, not trusting him to find the words. “Well it is personal.” He finished before seeing the confusion and irritation spread over his son’s features. He sighed knowing he’d have to explain eventually so he may as well now. “There’s some people moved to town recently, people who I think we could build a mutually beneficial relationship with.” Gator slowly nodded starting to understand, though still not fully.
“Alright,” he leant in further, eager to know more now that his father was letting him in on some of his other business, not just policing. Maybe this would be his chance to prove himself to his father. “What kind of business we talking? Guns? Drugs? – Women?” He listed curiously.
Roy paused, catching Karen watching the conversation intently out of the corner of his eye. He turned slowly to give her his full attention before wordlessly motioning his head to the door. Without hesitation Karen quickly set the stove to simmer and left the room hurriedly, closing the door behind her. She let out a shaky breath once she heard the door click shut, before regaining some of her composure and moving to the dining room to make sure it was still perfectly set from hours before.
Roy waited for the sound of the door clicking shut before taking another drag from his cigar, twirling it between his rough fingers absent minded. “Drugs and weapons mostly.” He continued. “One of the biggest smugglers in the north. Says he wants to use Stark County as a through route and will pay handsomely for the trouble.” He smirked, rubbing his fingers together to emphasise the point.
“Sounds like a good deal t’me.” Gator smiled eagerly. He felt the phone is his pocket vibrate against his thigh, but refused to acknowledge it. This was far more important.
“Yeah it does.” Roy pondered, watching the excitement grow in his son’s eyes, wondering just how far he would go to earn his approval. “Son you ever wonder if something is too good to be true?” He asked after a moment.
“Suppose so.” Gator raised his eyebrows. “Why? You worried that’s what this is?”
“I’m never worried,” He took another puff as Gator hung on his every word. ‘I’m just thinking about what this could bring for us, in the future.”
“Beside money?” Gator grinned.
“Trouble son. Trouble. There’s no reward without risk. That not what I’ve taught you?” Roy retorted irritably.
“Right, risk and reward,” Gator nodded, cursing himself for not thinking of that.
Roy got to his feet and walked slowly towards the drinks cabinet, pulling out the near empty bottle of whiskey and another glass which he placed in front of Gator before wordlessly filling both their glasses. He sat back down heavily and took another swig.
“He’s bringing his family, only seems right mine should be here too.” Roy said, thoughtfully rubbing at the stubble on his chin under Gator’s watchful, admiration filled eyes.
“Okay.” Gator nodded in agreement before downing the glass in front of him and smacking his lips at the after taste. His dad frowned as he did so, his son had no subtly, no charm. But he was eager.
“He has a daughter Gator, bout your age I’d hazard a guess.” Roy continued, puffing once more and blowing the smoke upwards, choosing to ignore the confused look on his son’s face. Always so fucking confused, never had the brains to think things through. “I want you to get to know her. Might be needing some-“ Roy searched for the word, “leverage, soon.” Another puff at his shrinking cigar.
“Right…” Gator said, the frown of confusion seemed pertinently knitted on his brow. “Maybe even cement the partnership should this work out. Bring our families together properly. Under the Lord.” Roy continued.
Gator was visibly taken aback, leaning away from his father in shock at what he was implying. “You pimping me out?” He blurted out in a disgusted but hushed tone.
“You a whore now son?” Roy asked dead pan before rolling his eyes. Maybe this was the one thing Gator was good for.
“You can’t be fuckin’ serious,” Gator laughed bitterly, shaking his head at his father. He stood up agitatedly and started to pace, the complete opposite of his father’s calm demeanour.
“I’m damn serious Gator and I wont warn you again about your mouth.” Roy stubbed out the remains of his cigar purposefully as a warning Gator just didn’t seem to catch, too caught up in his own thoughts rushing desperately through his mind. His phone vibrated again against his thigh causing him to tense his fists.
“What if I don’t like her? Huh? She could be a dog for all we know,” He started to ramble aimlessly.
“Then you’ll learn to live with it.” Roy stood facing his son warningly eyes darker than usually, threatening. “Besides,” he continued after a moment, fixing his belt to centre, “Money can fix a lot these days son. Now get a fresh bottle, they’ll be here soon. Go on, fetch.” He laughed heartlessly waving his son away, who stalked off biting his tongue.
Gator placed the new bottle of whiskey down in front of his father’s place at the table. He’d made sure to get the good stuff from the cupboard, the kind that was always top shelf at the bar. He didn’t want to fuck that up to. The floorboards creaked under his shifting weight as he stood in thought for a moment, hands on his hip. He just had to get through tonight without any problems. He was on the right track, he told himself. His dad was finally trusting him with business other than the law and that meant he must not think he was a total disappointment. His phone vibrated again. He ignored it again.
A heavy knock reverberated from the front door of the ranch, cutting through the gentle din of the house that had settled. Roy passed by the dining room nodding curtly towards his son through the frame, as a silent message to follow him.
‘Karen, make sure the twins are sleepin’ then get yourself straight back down you hear?” Roy jibed to his wife who was straightening a small vase of flowers on a table by the door. “And fix your dress, got sauce on it for god’s sake.” Karen nodded in agreement before grabbing a wet cloth from the sink as she passed the kitchen. She patted at the small spots on her dress and sighed as she climbed the stairs to her daughters, contemplating locking the door tonight just in case.
Roy paused with his hand on the door handle tensing slightly, cracking his neck from side to side, as he prepared one last time for the possible outcomes of the evening. Gator nodded at him signalling he was ready as his father looked to the side towards him. Finally, the door opened to reveal the night outside and a small group stood together on the doorstep.
“Lovely piece of land you got here Sherriff.” Gator peered to the side of the large frame of his father, curious as to who they intended to do business with tonight.
A gruff, lean man stood before them on the front step. His wrinkles aged him in handsome way, as did the peppered stubble of his beard and soft, slightly unkempt hair. A worn corduroy jacket gripped his frame snuggly over a smart shirt. Crisp denim jeans sat over freshly polished boots. A surprisingly charming, crooked smile greeted them as he held out a callused hand for Roy to shake. Gator wasn’t sure what he had expected but it wasn’t this, the patriarch looked so… normal.
“Well thank you,” Roy smiled smugly, shaking the hand firmly before stepping aside to let the gentleman inside. “I’m quite the lucky man. Please, come in John.”
John stepped over the threshold allowing for a small draft to enter with him that pricked at Gator’s cheeks, pinking them slightly.
“These must be your boys, I can see the family resemblance from here.” Roy chuckled in his charming sheriff way, something many found quite sinister, but the group before him was new and yet to learn.
“That, they are.” John said proudly puffing his chest slightly. “This here is my eldest Charlie and that’s Sam, there in the hat,” John said. Both boys stepped forward to shake the hand of their host. Gator guessed they must have been slightly older than him. Bigger too. Both had several inches on him in height and muscles that where obvious even through their jackets. Gator tensed momentarily, subtly trying to stand taller, chin raised in an attempt at superiority. Charlie, introduced first, looked like a younger version of his father, longer brown hair tucked behind his ears and lips pressed together in a tight smile. Sam’s hair was more tightly cropped, and he wore a Stetson which he removed as he stepped through the threshold. His expression was much sterner, and his eyes scanned both gator and his father up and down before reaching out his scared hand to shake. Gator scowled slightly, as he mused his similarities to the younger of the brothers. Was he his father’s muscle too?
“My son Gator,” Roy said patting heavily on his shoulders almost making him buckle under the weight, but he smiled through it anyway.
“Hello again Deputy,” a much softer voice echoed from the front steps. Gator’s eyes snapped towards the door and widened in surprise. There she was, the mousy girl from the diner, but she looked different now. She wore a cream dress that fell above her knees and pulled in at her waist and her hair had been curled and was half tied up with a floppy pink bow. A denim jacket, slightly too big for her frame was draped neatly over her shoulders. She’d put make up on now and the subtle floral scent of her perfume drifted towards him with the next gentle breeze. Gator was slightly taken aback, he hadn’t noticed earlier, but she was – pretty.
“You’ve already met?” John frowned, looking between the two of them. For a moment his average joe demeanour slipped and Gator saw something much darker flash over his eyes.
“I- well, I mean,” Gator fumbled, annoyed that he could feel himself redden in embarrassment. Why was he embarrassed? His eye’s flicked to his father who watched with a quirked eyebrow.
“Deputy Tillman eats at the diner for lunch sometimes,” Rose smiled softly as she stepped towards her father, looping her arm through his.
“This the boy who marked your wrist?” John asked looking at the bruises that had started to form on the wrist that was looped through his arm. Gator’s eyes darted towards Rose’s wrist, mentally cursing Dan’s needlessly firm grip.
“N-no!” Gator Stuttered hands raised defensively, much to his fathers exhausted chagrin. “I didn’t – that wasn’t-“ All three men had now turned to face Gator, heads cocked to the side slightly. The pressure of just their eyes on him made him gulp, his throat now unusually dry.
“No Daddy,” Rose smiled reassuringly to her father, easing the tension immediately. Both Gator and Roy were slightly taken aback at the power she seemed to have held in that split second, her brothers noticeably easing back. “That was his friend.”
“Friend?” John scowled in disgust, still not happy with the answer from his daughter. “You make a habit of hanging around men who hurt women, Deputy?”
“I er-“ Gator blabbered once more.
“Gentlemen,” Roy’s deep voice finally controlled the conversation. “I was not aware of the – Situation.” He eyed Rose’s wrist and then glared at his son, biting back what he really wanted to say in front of present company, instead choosing diplomacy. “But I can assure you I will personally see that whoever did this-“
“Dan,” Rose interrupted casually, pulling out the business card from her purse and reading from it. “Dan Clarke.”  Roy’s blood started to boil at the nerve of the younger woman in front of him and it took everything in him to remain calm. Gator could see the pain Roy felt at having to remain civil.
“I will personally see to it that deputy Clarke is reprimanded for his actions.” Roy finished with a forced smile and a steady breathe.
John took a moment to consider as Roy glared at Gator unable to hide his resentment. Gator fidgeted under his intense hatred and looked at his boots intently, desperate for the silence to be broken.
“I’d prefer to deal with it myself Sheriff.” John said finally with an unsettling calm before placing a patronising hand on his arm, “You understand. Sometimes a message needs to be sent.”
Roy nodded before letting out a heavy sigh after an awkward moment of silence in which the house could be heard creaking slightly against the wind outside. “Please, come through to the dining room, my wife has made dinner, let’s not let this-“ He waved disappointedly in the direction of Gator, “get in the way of this new partnership ey? Gator take their coats and help Karen.” He ordered his son before patting John on his arm with a fake warmth. “Are you a whiskey man John?” He continued walking him towards the dining room.
“Of course. What kind of man would I be if I wasn’t huh?”
Charlie and Sam slid there jackets off and roughly handed them to Gator, still clearly unhappy. Gator muttered bitterly under his breath as he hung the collection of jackets on the coat stand by the door, taking childish pleasure in his roughness. Rose had stayed behind momentarily, taking her own jacket and hanging it carefully next to Gator’s sheriff’s vest. He noticed her hand brush delicately past his badge. Her nails were painted a soft pink, had she painted them since their last encounter? She pouted slightly as their eyes met briefly when they both turned to head in the direction of the others. Gator smiled tightly at her. He couldn’t work her out and he wasn’t entirely sure he wanted to.
Rose eyed the seating arrangements as she entered the dining room, Gator continuing through to the kitchen to help Karen plate and bring the food through. The delicious smell of something wafted through as the door opened and closed behind him. Rose caught herself watching him, eyes lingering on the toned physique in his jeans. She caught herself before anyone else noticed and blinked several times to bring herself back to the room. Her brothers had sat together and next to them was her Father, then Roy at the head of the table, already pouring substantial measures of whiskey in each glass. She presumed the seat on his other side would be for his wife, which left a further two seats for herself and Gator. She noticed the wine glass set in front of one of the left-over spaces and assumed that was meant for her. She struggled to stop her eyes from rolling at the overt sexism before setting her bag down on the floor and sitting daintily at her assigned seat, something that Roy had noticed out of the corner of his eye. At least he knew she was capable of being demure if needed.
“Okay?” Sam asked as his eyes surveyed the rest of the room.
“Always,” Rose smiled back at him. “Now take a night off would you. It’s just dinner.” Sam prickled slightly at her words but nodded and took a sip from his whiskey. The doors opened as he did so, and Karen and Gator bought out large dishes of beautifully presented food. They placed them at the centre of the table creating something which resembled a small potluck.
“How about that then boys? A proper home cooked meal for you, warm your bones,” Roy smiled, his pride growing along with his smug smile.
“Excellent,” John echoed, raising his glass in a semi toast.
“Gator, pour some wine for the women would ya?” Roy asked, digging at Gator with a task he normally left for Karen. This was punishment for already fucking up, Gator scowled to himself.
“Sure.” He mumbled, grabbing the bottle for the centre of the table and pouring a glass for Karen, who was now seated, leaving him the only one standing. He then bought the bottle to Rose’s glass. “Say when,” He muttered under his breath, focus remaining on the glass not noticing she was watching his face, now much closer to hers than it had ever been.
“When,” she said absent minded, not sparing a glance at the glass.
Finally, Gator sat, avoiding the looks from anyone sat at the table that he had assumed had been watching him, it was all part of his father’s humiliation.
“May I suggest a toast?” John asked.
“By all means,” Roy said sitting back in his seat, his belt buckle glinting in the low light of the lamps.
“To new opportunities,” John raised his glass.
“And partnerships,” Roy added, his voice gravelly through his smarmy smile. Six glasses lifted to the centre and clinked with their neighbours, repeating, “New opportunities and partnerships.”
Rose notice Gator had instead chosen to sulk into his glass and drink without toasting. Curious, she thought to herself.
Roy’s voice cut though the fading toast, “As a man of God, I think it only right we say grace now, for this wonderful feast made by my beautiful wife.” He squeezed Karen’s thigh a little too tightly as he spoke, an overbearing reminder of his control. With a nod of agreement from John, each person at the table took the hands of those sitting next to them and bowed their heads, closing their eyes.
"Bless us, O Lord, and these-“ Roy began.
Gator tried his best to re gain some kind of composure now that his eyes were closed, but found them opening quickly once more. A gentle stroke of fingers danced across his palm had bought his attention firmly back to the room. He looked to his side to Rose who was studying his features, a small smile playing at her lips. His eyebrows raised at her lazily flirtatious motions, before quickly checking to see all other eyes had remained closed. He allowed himself to smile crookedly back as his eyes flitted from her own to her glossy lips and back again. She bit at her lip in response, sending a jolt of electricity through his body. He sent a wink in her direction, playing into this game of hers she had decided to play before her lips parted in a sweet “Amen,” and her eyes finally left his, aching for more. It was then he realised where he was once more, loudly clearing his throat, which bought a few looks of concern his way.
“Please, tuck in,” Roy demanded after the odd awkward moment bought on by his son. He had already had enough of him that evening.
All around the table filled their plates happily, warmed by the comforting food which seemed an odd contrast to the atmosphere around the table. Everyone seemed aware that any wrong word or rude gesture might off set the trajectory of the evening so they remained civil, making polite conversation. John spoke sparingly of their lives before moving to Stark County but mentioned his wife had passed several years previously when his children were still young. He didn’t elaborate on the manor of death however, something he had always kept shamefully to himself, not even telling his children. Roy spoke lazily of the ranch and horses, one of his favourite past times and a humble brag. He was trying his best to feel out John and where he slotted into the grand scheme of things. Was he a horse man? A betting man perhaps? Did he have land? Hunt? What did they have in common other then that their dealings may be mutually beneficial. At one point Charlie received a call and excused himself for a few minutes. He returned, addressing only his father, “Shipment is due Wednesday evening, I’ll arrange a group to receive it.” John nodded, wiping his mouth with his napkin. “Good, take Sam with you but make sure you leave Connor at the house. Sorry Roy you were saying?” Roy continued where he left off but was sure to make a mental note of the small details forming from conversations, though he knew John wouldn’t be stupid enough to let anything pertinent slip. Gator however had been nowhere near as attentive. When he wasn’t hungrily devouring the food on his plate, he was shooting furtive glances to Rose, hoping to catch her eye again, chasing that electricity he had felt. Rose however made a point not to look in his direction for the rest of the meal, and she knew exactly what she was doing. Her senses prickled every so often, which coincided with Gator’s desperate looks, making her smirk slightly into her wine. As the final set of cutlery fell to it’s plate Roy adjusted himself in his seat and gave Karen a look who started to clear the table immediately without needing to be told.
“Shall we move to my office?” Roy asked, “There’s more whiskey and some excellent cigars in there, we can discuss our arrangement in there.”
“Lead the way,” John nodded as he stood, bring his empty glass with him. Charlie and Sam mimicked their fathers’ actions rising from the table. Roy eyed them cautiously, noticed by John.
“My boys come with me to all of my meetings, you understand.” He smiled.
“Of course,” Roy relented. “Please,” He gestured through the door and stood himself. Gator scrapped his chair across the floor as he made to stand himself, before being stopped by his father.
“Son, why don’t you show Miss Rose here around the ranch?” Roy half smiled.
“Oh, I just thought you’d want me there with you is all?” Gator questioned with a small laugh.
“I think I’ll manage,” Roy patted him on the shoulder heavily as he walked past him to the door. “This way gentleman-“ His voice could be herd walking down the hallway.
“I’ll stay dad,” Charlie said flatly before Rose cut him off.
“Oh I’ll be fine! I’m not made of glass,” she smirked. “I’m sure the deputy is more than capable of keeping an eye on me.” Finally, she looked up towards him again, her large hazel doe eyes staring almost into his soul. Gator wasn’t quite sure what to do with himself so just stood awkwardly above her for a moment.
“You think?” Charlie quipped with a raised eyebrow.
“Just go!’ Rose laughed as she finally stood from the table and collected her bag from the floor. She turned to face Gator, closer than she had originally thought she was, making her smirk slightly. “Will I need my jacket Deputy?” She asked, turning up the sweetness of her tone.
“We can go outside if you want, s’up to you,” Gator offered, not really sure what to do with himself now that they were alone and in very close proximity.
“Lead the way then,” Rose smiled softly. It took a moment for Gator to remember which direction the coats where in and he fumbled the door handle awkwardly. Rose couldn’t help but find him slightly endearing. He was a fool for sure but a fool that could elicit a very genuine smile from her. He held out her jacket for her as she slipped her arms through the sleeves. The jacket swamped her a little and Gator wondered if she had borrowed it from one of her brothers.
Outside the breeze from earlier had stilled and the stars where shining brightly against the pitch black of the night sky next to the crisp crescent moon. Rose watched her step as he stepped across the frosted layer on ice on the decking alongside the ranch. She almost slipped as she aimed for the swing seat, saved only by Gator’s quick reflexes as he caught her elbow. “Woah steady there!” He smirked as his breath tickled against her ear, sending a shiver down her spine which was unrelated to the cold of the night.
“Saving the day are we Deputy?” She quipped back as he sat down heavy next to her, his weight making the chains of the seat creak.
“You know you can just call me Gator right?” He rolled his eyes, still not able to get a read of the woman next to him. He pulled the lime green vape from his pocket and took a long pull from it, eyes burning into hers, before turning and blowing the vapor away from her.
“What kind of a name is Gator anyway?” She asked him sincerely, but he looked away at the question. His name had always been something of a sore spot for him. Something he could usually hide but for some reason he couldn’t around her. There was a pause as Rose started to root around in her purse, pulling out a packet of cigarettes and lighting one she had placed between the pout of her lips.
“I like it.” She stated simply through the smoke she exhaled. “It’s different.”
“Just saying that.” Gator smirked. “Reckon your trying to get on my good side.”
“I don’t need to lie to do that Gator.” She said softly, Looking out to the vast acres of the ranch. “What are all these buildings anyway then?” She asked nodding towards the various outhouses, lights glimmering from the windows and door frames of some of them.
“Well,” Gator shifted in his seat, “That there is the garage, and storage shed. The big one, that’s the barn-”
“No shit,” Rose laughed as she rolled her eyes.
“You wanna know or not?” Gator smiled, she wasn’t like any of the other girls he knew, there was a feistiness about her, unrelated to sensualness, that he found hooked him with each word.
“I do, I do! Carry on,” she chuckled through another exhale of smoke.
“Those are the stables and the tack room to the side there,” he pointed out.
“Oh a proper working ranch ey?” She asked with genuine interest.
“Of course!” Gator insisted. “’Fuck did you think it was?”
“A front for criminal activity.” She smiled at him.
“It’s both.” Gator said with a raised eyebrow and a chuckle, after a pause, finding her honestly refreshing.
“I mean you Tillmans don’t scream subtlety,” Rose said.
“We don’t need to be, we’re the law,” Gator said smugly. Causing Rose to scoff.
“No wonder daddy chose this place,” She mused aloud. Gator watched her as she finished her cigarette, stubbing it out on the ice on top of the arm of the swing chair.
“You should probably text your girlfriend back,” Rose said as she turned to face him, leaning her arm against the back of the chair.”
“Your girlfriend. She’s been texting you all night. I can hear your phone vibrating.”
As if on cue, his phone vibrated in his pocket again.
“Anyone who texts that often is either an angry girlfriend or, you’re a dealer and have a lot of desperate customers. Which I suppose is possible. You’re the law… But I did also see that message she sent you earlier. She’s very pretty. Great taste in underwear as well. I can’t pull red off, washes me out.”
“She’s not my girlfriend.” Gator shook his head, smile remaining on his lips. He was sure red probably looked beautiful on her.
“Does she know that?” Rose laughed easily, she almost felt comfortable.
“How come you’re working in that diner anyway?” He asked curiously, trying to disguise it with a scoff.
“Why not?” She mused, now searching in her purse for a lip gloss which she applied lazily before flashing him a sweet pout.
“You don’t exactly need to do you?” He persisted. “Thought Daddy would take care of ya? You’re lucky you don’t have to work.” He took another drag from his vape and stared out towards the land in front of them, trying his best to look mysterious. He wasn’t sure if it was the whiskey but something inside of him yearned to impress her. The only way he knew to do that, was be an arsehole. Women loved arseholes, right?
Rose quirked an eyebrow “’Course he does,” She paused. “Something to do I suppose. Being the little lady can be so boring sometimes. Slaving over the stove, hanging out the washing, making butter from scratch…” She teased.
“Didn’t mean it like that.” He did.
“Yes you did deputy.” She smirked back at him.
“Rose?” She heard a distant call from inside the house, her father looking for her, the meeting clearly having ended and presumably been a success seeing as she hadn’t heard any gun shots. She looked toward the source of his voice and made to stand before she felt a hand close around her wrist for the second time that day. This time however it was much more gentle, tentative even, making her whip her head back to the young man next to her in surprise.
“Hey um,” Gator asked, oddly vulnerable, giving Rose pause. “Would you uh, tell your dad to go easy on Dan? He’s a fucking shit bird but I could just have a talk y’know?”
Rose searched his face, “Why would I do that?” She smirked, walking away, her hand brushing through his grasp softly.
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