sapphicforsarahh · 2 months
Truth, dare spin bottles
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ship: young!natasha romanoff x fem!reader (high school AU)
word count: 800+
warnings: none total fluff
synopsis: At yet another Avengers party, spin the bottle is played and Y/N is secretly hoping they land on Natasha.
A/N: this is my first time writing a marvel/natasha romanoff fic. i hope you all enjoy!!!
this is the second instalment to my ‘So High School’ series, I hope you enjoy!!
It was June, meaning summer break had finally begun. And of course Tony was taking full advantage. Every weekend, there was a party at the Stark house and it was always huge. Because of his popularity, hundreds attended each time, and it was guaranteed that the house was trashed each time.
You always went because you were apart of the popular friend group and because of a very pretty redhead. Natasha, or as you liked to call her ‘Nat, had been your crush for a while. But you’d never say anything, she was way out your league. It was easiest to just stay friends and not make it awkward.
However, your best friend Wanda, knew about your little crush on Nat, and loved to constantly tease. Everytime that Natasha complimented you, sat a bit extra close to you at lunch or smiled at you, Wanda would smirk and pester you.
So here you were, in your room, with Wanda sitting on your bed whilst you decide what to wear. “This is. Eh,” you sigh and you toss the tenth dress that you’d tried by now. “Y/N, you look great in all them,” Wanda sighs and stands to look through your closet. You watch as she looks through all your clothes. “What about this?” She smirks.
Wanda picks out the smallest black dress that you forgot you even had. “No way,” you immediately shut it down. “Oh come on! Just try it, you never know,” she pushes the dress to your chest and sits back on the bed and waits for you to put it on. “Fine,” you give in.
As you stand infront of the mirror, Wanda whistles. The dress stopped mid-thigh with a slit in it, spaghetti straps held up your chest, with the perfect amount of cleavage showing. “You need to wear that!” Wanda gets excited. “That’s one way to get Nat’s attention for sure,” she says. You blush at the thought of Natasha staring and complimenting you.
“Ugh fine,” you comply.
The party was in full swing. Loud pop music blared through Tony’s advanced speakers and people surrounded you. Wanda led you to the kitchen, searching for the rest of the group. You nervously pulled at your dress, wanting to find Nat and see her reaction. She was there, standing next to Steve, engrossed in conversation. Her dark green dress hugged all the right places and complimented her red hair. You blushed.
“Hey guys!” Wanda exclaimed as she poured herself a drink. You waved at everyone including Natasha. Her eyes scanned you up and down, admiring how perfectly the dress fit you. Hopefully your blush couldn’t be noticed in this lighting. She leans in close to your ear, so you could actually hear her. “You look great in that dress Y/N,” she rasps. You pull away and smile, looking into her green eyes.
But Natasha isn’t done. Her hand wraps around your waist to pull her mouth back to your ear. The casual dominance has you folding, luckily your knees didn’t buck. “Can I get you a drink? Or a shot?”, she suggests and waits for your reaction. You lean up to her ear to reply. Her perfume wrapped around you, almost distracting you. “How about both?”
After a few hours, the party had calmed down and most had left. With the smaller group, it made it easier to talk to the others. “How about a game of spin the bottle?”, Thor suggests, lifting up an empty beer bottle and shaking it playfully. Everyone cheers whilst you look at Wanda and smirk. You walk up to her and whisper, “this may be my opportunity.” All she does is winks and nods.
As Thor sets up the bottle, you get settled on the ground. Natasha is sitting opposite you. It was Wanda’s turn first, she landed on Vision and gave him a quick kiss before sitting back down. Then it was Steve’s turn, it landed on you. As you crawled over to him, you could’ve sworn that Natasha had a glint on jealousy in her eye. The kiss was soon over and you returned to your spot.
It was Natasha’s turn. She reached down to grab the bottle and spin it. It fortunately landed on you. The green in her eyes lit up and you looked at her nervously, this was it. Everyone cheered as Natasha crawled over to you, her signature smirk appearing again. As she got close, you closed your eyes preparing for the kiss. Gently, you felt her kiss you. It was perfect. Soon enough, her hands were holding your face as the kiss grew more passionate. “Get a room!” Wanda shouted and everyone laughed.
Natasha pulled back and smirked, finally getting what she wanted. For the rest of the game, both of you couldn’t stop looking at eachother. Every now and then, you’d catch a glimpse of her laughing at the others kissing and couldn’t help but thinking of how perfect she was.
Let me know if you want to be added to the taglist!
Taglist: @mllkw33ds @isle-of-earle @chillinftladygaga @cordeliaswife @angelick1sses @gmtsu @ladysc @midnightlove30 @blanchettlovebot @bellasbaxters @just-going-through-the-motions @cateandveras-slvt
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lokiswifeduh · 4 months
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forever and eternity (angst, fluff)
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marvelnatswhore · 1 year
Natasha Romanoff ~ Masterlist
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Smut= 🖤   Fluff= 🤍 Angst=♡ 
✧⧗✧ Oldest fics are at the top
Phone call 🖤  Interrupting Natasha on a phone call
Above The City 🤍 Natasha proposes to you
I’m here now (always) 🤍   Natasha comforting you after a bad day
what words won’t say ♡ SH, hurt/comfort fic
Rainy days 🤍   hurt/comfort with Natasha
Hide and seek 🤍 babysitting with Natasha ~ confessing love
Series:Orders with a bell ~part 1 🖤  a mysterious woman can't keep her eyes off you
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crappy-writings · 2 months
NatashaxReader // Fluff
Summary: You admire her before going on a mission.
Trigger Warning: Suggestive themes
Word Count: 521
A/N: Rescued this from a scrap pile.
Main Masterlist | MCU Masterlist | Recced Fics Masterlist
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You sat on the bed while tying the laces of your combat boots when you heard the bathroom door of your shared room open.
“Are you all set?” she asks you as she walks out the door. She stands in front of you, her own boots coming into your view. “Just about,” you answer without looking at her as you finish tying your other boot.
Once you finished, you leaned back with your hands on the bed, your eyes slowly trailing her figure until you settled on her eyes.
She wore her usual black combat suit, her flaming red hair being tied back into a simple braid. Her arms were crossed over her chest and she was leaning on one leg as she waited for you. You were unable to contain the smile that broke out across your face as you stared at her in awe.
It’s in moments like these that you can’t believe that someone as amazing as her was actually with you.
“You’re staring again,” she says, a smirk overtaking her features. You feel your cheeks heat up, but you don’t look away from her. Instead, you send her a playful smirk back, “It’s a bit hard to look away from someone as breathtaking as you.”
Her smirk becomes a flirtatious smile as she steps closer and sits on your lap, her arms wrapping around your shoulders. “I’m breathtaking?” she asks coyly as her lips hover above yours. You feel her hands play with the hairs on the back of your head, sending a small shiver down your back. You wrap your arms around her waist, keeping her locked against you.
“Always have been,” you remark, leaning forward to capture her lips in a soft kiss.
When you break away from the kiss, you stare into each other’s eyes for a small moment. All you could feel was love for the woman before you.
“You’re a sap,” she smiles, placing her forehead against yours. You flashed her a goofy grin, “Aw, come on Tash. You love it when I’m sappy.”
She backs away from you a short distance and tilts her head to the side, pretending to be deep in thought. “Maybe a little.”
You bite your lip as you smile at her, your eyes flitting down to her lips before staring back at her beautiful green eyes.
“What are you thinking about?” She whispers softly in your ear.
“You know exactly what I’m thinking about,” you say in a similar tone. Her lips hovered over yours and you could feel her hot breath hitting your face.
You were about to kiss her again when she pulled away from you.
“Come on, they’re waiting for us,” she says innocently before giving you a quick peck on the cheek. She slides off your lap, her hands softly grazing your chest as she does so.
“You tease,” you say with a big smile, putting your hands back on the bed as you watch her walk away.
“I know what I’m doing,” she gives you a smirk before heading out the door.
You chuckled to yourself as you followed behind her.
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mothertoall2 · 1 month
Drama Queen (NatashaxReader)
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Description: Natasha woke up from a nap upset that you were no longer cuddling her and instead in the bathroom. She decides to take revenge by being dramatic for the rest of the day until you make it up to her.
Warnings: None
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Natasha's POV
I wake up from my nap expecting to see myself cuddling my amazing partner. I had a long mission and they told me to get some rest after so I fell asleep cuddling them on the couch. They are the only person I feel safe enough to be vulnerable around so I was more than willing to admit I was exhausted and wanted cuddles. I open my eyes though and Y/n was not there. I sit up confused and look around a little but they aren't in the living room. 
I hear a door open upstairs and Y’n starts to walk down the stairs and come into view. “Well good morning there sleepy head!” I just pout at them and cross my arms, they can’t just walk in here and pretend they didn’t do anything wrong. “What’s the pout for baby?” They walk over to me and try to kiss me but I turn my head. They gasp in shock and offense but I stay strong and keep my head turned. They left me so I have every right to be dramatic, and that’s exactly what I’ll do. 
Y/n’s POV
I stand there for a moment, shocked that she just dodged my kiss. “What was that for?!?!” I ask so confused at her behavior. “You left me!” She glares at me as I just chuckle. “My love I had to use the bathroom, I was gonna come right back!” I try to defend myself but her pout just deepens. “You left me all alone!” She falls back onto the couch and puts a hand over her head to add more flair. “What was I supposed to do, let my bladder burst?” She turns her head and glares at me before she turns over again. “You’re such a drama queen I swear.” I say with a small laugh as I sit next to her and start rubbing her back. 
“You don’t love me!” She mumbles with the puppy dog eyes. “Now you listen here woman I love you more than anything in this world!” Her mouth falls and she backs away from me. Oh boy here we go, I can tell that this is what is going to happen for the rest of the night. “So I’m just woman now?!?!” I start trying to defend myself but she just keeps shouting that she’s just a woman to me. I grab her face in my hands and have her look in my eyes.  “Now you listen here, you are the love of my life and my future wife, you are not just a woman but my woman okay?” She nods but continues to mumble something that I couldn't quite hear before she lays on my lap. 
I turn on her favorite show so we can watch a few episodes of it before it reaches lunch time. The whole time she makes sure to keep a grip on my hoodie making sure that I can’t get up to leave her. Once it hits about 1:45 I pause the show which causes her to look up at me with a pout. I always fall for those gorgeous green eyes but we need to get food. I start to get up and she is about to protest, no doubt by claiming I don’t love her, but I lift her into my arms and carry her into the kitchen. The whole ride she just says ‘weeeee’ until I place her onto the counter. “Alright lovey, what doth thou want for lunch?” She giggles this dirty laugh before kissing me. “Are you on the menu?” I laugh with her and shake my head. “Maybe later tonight but for now you need actual food.”
She pouts before I kiss her and then boop her nose with my finger. She tries to bite my finger before I pull it away which causes her to pout again. She leans down and bites my shoulder. “Ouch hey!” She giggles and kisses it before looking up at me. “How about some sandwiches?” I think for a minute before nodding my head. “Am I permitted to go and get the stuff to make them?” She taps her chin and pretends to think about it for a minute before nodding. I grab the peanut butter and bread from the cabinet and the jelly from the fridge. 
I set the stuff down on the counter next to Natasha and get the plates. I make her peanut butter sandwich and added jelly onto mine. I cut them both into two triangles and set them there while I tidy up the dishes. “Hey, it was my day for dishes.” I smile and kiss her lips. “Yes but you just got back from a mission and deserve to relax.” She roles her eyes before thanking me and taking a bite of her sandwich. 
After we ate we went back to cuddling on the cous as per Natasha’s request. Randomly she just asks me “Remember when you called me a bitch?” I can’t help but laugh because she constantly brings this up. “I did not call you a bitch! I said that you could be a bitch!” She sits up and glares at me. “Nope you said that I was a bitch.” I sigh knowing that this is going to be a long conversation again. “Didn’t you hear anything I said after that?!” “You mean after you called me a bitch? Nope.” I groan and fall back continuing to protest as she continues to say the same thing. “Will a kiss make it better?” I taps her finger on her chin pretending to think. “Make it two and we have a deal.” I lean up and kiss her twice and she smiles and lays on me. “All better?” She nods and kisses my chest before we go back to the movie. I love this woman more than anything but god she is a drama queen. 
(A/n- I know it’s short but here are real conversations between me and my boyfriend, I hope you enjoyed it!)
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stuiie · 3 months
Chapter 26 is out!!
Ducky's brain goes on vacation and leaves her behind.
Be ready for a short chapter, I had to cut the chapter in half so it's shorter than usual. But I promise I have a good reason for it! I hope you all will enjoy it anyway.
Song I was listening on repeat while writing these last few days to really connect to their love story is: Love You To Death - by Chord Overstreet. It's also added to my playlist.
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90smaximoff · 2 years
don’t take your eyes of me.
girlfriend!kate bishop x girlfriend’s best friend!yelena belova x you.
words: 2.7k (my longest work)
warnings: smut (+18), dubcon(?), exhibisionism, voyeurism, dirty talk, degradation, praise, fingering (r!receiving), dom/sub dynamics but not really(??), mentions of a threesome, mentions of strap on, drunk sex, kinda objetification i guess? kate being a bad girlfriend, yelena being an asshole.
summary: your girlfriend’s best friend is in the town, and kate wanted to make sure that she’ll have the better welcome possible.
notes: again, english is not my first language and i’m sorry for any mistake, if you find one pls lmk so i can correct it :)) requests are open and i have a natashaxreader fic coming soon!!
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Yelena was in the town.
That’s the only thing you’ve been hearing from Kate all week. Yelena, her roommate and best friend from college, was in the town again. Kate was really happy about it since they didn’t see each other in a while, keeping contact in social medias wasn’t really enough even through they talk all the time.
You were happy that your girlfriend get to see a friend that she liked so much again, you knew that one thing that she regards is her friendships especially one that she’s so close at.
So, when Kate invited Yelena to a visit to your shared apartment and she agreed, your girl was really excited about it, telling you how Yelena was so funny and hilarious and how she couldn’t wait for you both to meet each other. You almost got jealous, if wasn’t for the fact that you knew her best friend supported your relationship since the start, giving Kate advices when you were fighting.
Kate even bought wine for the chance meeting, but assured you that you would be drinking it alone, since they both would rather have beer instead, like the old times in college, and you dislike beer and always preferred wine. You was really grateful for that, so all you really wanted was your girlfriend to enjoy that time with her friend, she has been so stressed with work lately and you thought that she deserved a good time with somebody beyond you and your own friends.
When Kate opened the door for Yelena to enter, she already had a big smile on her face and in seconds they’re hugging each other while you watched from afar.
”Come in!” Kate said when they break from the hug and the blonde followed her going inside your apartment.
“You must be Yelena.“ you give the girl a smile.
She notice you and you notice her. She was really pretty, blonde long hair and green emerald big eyes, she doesn’t wear any makeup except for some mascara in her lashes, so her pretty features were completely natural. She was wearing jeans with a white shirt and completely check you out as smiles bright at you.
“Damn, Bishop, where did you meet a pretty thing like this one? In heaven?” she says with a strong russian accent looking at you like some pretty object, ignoring completely your greetings.
Kate just look at her and laugh.
This irritated you a little bit, but you’ve decided to let it go and keep being cool to your guest.
Soon enough they were talking in the living room drinking the beers that Kate brought earlier, the blonde sitting in the armchair and you and Kate close in the biggest couch, you were drinking your wine and they were laughing and talking about how their life was going, remembering the times in college. Almost all the time you were just watching their conversation, after all, they doesn’t see each other for a while.
Since you were not talking you spend most of the time drinking your wine, not taking too long for getting a little more drunk than the other two, that already had two or three beers. Feeling your head starting to get a little drunk and tired of hearing the stories of your girlfriend and her best friend fighting for girls in college, you’ve decided to get a little closer to Kate and telling her that you were going to bed.
You approached her arm and hug it, putting your head in the crook of her neck and whispered lowly that you’re going to bed.
“What did she say?” Yelena asks, looking right at you. The fact that she almost didn’t speak to you the whole time but also couldn’t help herself from looking right at your boobs or your uncovered legs in front of your girlfriend - and best friend - definitely add to your wish to go to your room.
“She wants to go to bed.”
You noticed from Kate’s voice that she looked a little drunk too, but nothing really out of her senses, you’re on a different state.
“Now? but it’s so early, stay a little more with us.” The russian muttered, drinking one more sip from her beer, directly from the bottle.
Kate agreed with Lena and caressed your thighs slightly with the palm of her hand, making you purr like a cat and sink even more your head in her neck, even sleepy you feel a little shy from have both of their eyes on you.
“Oh, she’s so cute, bet she’s needy, doesn’t she?” The blondie said.
You feel your cheeks burning from embarrassment and closed your eyes turning your head to the side so they doesn’t get to see your blushed face as your girlfriend’s body shake when she give a loud laugh. “Are you, baby? Uh? Are you needy? That’s why you want to go to bed?” Kate’s hand gripped your thigh as she said that, caressing it more and more close to the bottom of your short skirt, but until now her touch doesn’t alarm you more than she and her best friend laughing at you.
You feel Yelena’s eyes looking right at you like you’re a piece of meat even though you couldn’t see her face, you know she was watching as Kate’s hand get closer and closer to be under your skirt, you feel discomfort but still there’s something really hot about it, maybe was the alcohol in your body, or the way that the blonde had her eyes obsessed over you, or the fact that your girlfriend - who is a very jealous person - can’t seem to give a fuck even knowing damn well that her friend did nothing the whole night but check you out and drink beer.
When the brunette’s hand finally get in under your skirt, Yelena almost let out a moan, you look so small and fragile like this, Kate was about to touch you in front of somebody that you didn’t even know but still you were letting her, not making a sound about it, not having a care in the world but make Kate happy and satisfied, she thinks that if one day she decides to have a girlfriend, she wants one just like you, tiny and fragile, eager to please.
But she almost change her mind when you take out one of your hands from Kate’s arm and put it in her wrist trying to stop her hand from getting in contact to your panties, letting out a whine and shaking your head a “no”.
“C’mon baby, be my good girl, hm? Be a good slut and give a show to our guest, you know i’ll fuck you, you want it or not.” Her voice sound so passive aggressive, being rude but still sweet, you knew better than disobeying her when she uses that voice.
Slowly, you take out your hand from her wrist and bring it back for her arm, gripping tightly as she and Yelena laugh and she starts to touch you over your panties, just realizing at the moment that her caress on your thighs really got an affect, you were wet and just take one touch of her fingers for you to let out a tiny moan.
You couldn’t even believe that this was actually happening, that Kate was actually about to fuck you with her fingers in front of a friend that she didn’t see in years and yet was so close at, that she let her friend check you out and treating you like Kate’s trophy all night, probably they were planning it all.
But your poor drunk and fuzzy brain wasn’t even thinking about it as Kate’s fingers put your panties to the side and started with soft little touches on your clit with the point of two of her fingers.
“Fuck, Lena, she’s so wet, is it for me or for you?” The way she talks like you wasn’t even there and still had all of her attention on you irritates and turned you on at the same time.
“Does it matter? She’s gonna give me a show anyway, don’t you, pretty girl?” Hearing the blonde with strong accent talking directly to you made you even more embarrassed, but hot somewhat. Yelena definitely was attractive, she could get the attention from every boy or girl she wants and still, was there, with her eyes glued on your body and calling you pretty.
You heard both of them taking another sip of the beer and feel your girl put her bottle on the center table, now with both of her hands free to give you whatever she wants you to take. But you didn’t move at all, kept your face into her neck and both of your hands grabbing her strong arm.
She moved the other arm to open your legs, what she did without one single resistance of you. With your legs open, Yelena now had full view of your panties and the way that Kate’s fingers we’re playing with you, she smiled at that, feeling her own panties start to get wet and uncomfortable, taking another sip of the cold beer to distract herself of the feeling between her legs and focus on you only, she decided to tease you again.
“Make her look at me.” She said.
Kate gives a mischievous smile and turns her head to give your forehead a kiss, bringing her free hand to cup your jaw, turning your head to face Yelena.
When you did, and slowly opened your eyes, you face the most hungry look that you’ve ever seen in your whole life. The way Yelena looked at you the whole night it was nothing compared to the way she watched you now, with so much confidence and yet so devoted to your beauty, like you were untouchable and yet just a entertainment for her to enjoy. Never in your life you have feel so desired before, no one has ever looked at you like this, not even your girlfriend, whose fingers were playing with your cunt at the moment and was cupping your jaw keeping your head in place.
This certainly gives you all the confirmation you needed to know that this was right, there’s nowhere you would want to be but right there facing Yelena Belova while Kate Bishop’s fingers were playing with you.
You opened more your legs and stopped holding your moans, letting they go of your throat, making pretty sounds that both women loved to hear. The brunette take that opportunity and curled her fingers in the hem of your panties, bringing them down to your knees, completely exposing your shaved pussy for Lena to see.
Now, with a hand free to completely fuck your pussy and grope your tits, she didn’t waste time on that, now thrusting two of her fingers inside you without much playing, making you let out a loud moan as her other hand groped your breast over the blouse.
Even though all the touching for distracting you, you had your eyes locked with Yelena the entire time, knowing that you’re driving her crazy with every moan you let out, imagining all the things that passed through her head on the moment, wishing that some of them was true.
“She’s such a fucking little slut, you like being watched, Y/N?” That was the first time that she called you by your name and was probably one of the hottest thing you’ve ever heard. “Bet you want more than her fingers, don’t you? You’re imagining all the things that we could do to you?”
You rolled your eyes as your girlfriend’s fingers fucked into you at a slow pace, hearing the way her best friend was talking to you just adding to the overwhelming feeling.
“Answer her, baby.” Kate whispered softly in your ear, contrasting her smooth voice from Yelena’s harsh tone. You loved hearing both, but didn’t answer with words, just moan louder.
The fingers inside you began a fast pace, stretching your walls, reaching deeper, making you see stars and clench your legs unconsciously in Kate’s hand, who take her hand out of your breast for open them again, this time even wider, giving it a slap that echoed in the room.
Yelena keeps watching carefully every move you made like you were her own porn star, and this time you couldn’t stop look into her eyes, feeling the burn feeling of being so desired for someone, so admired to the point she doesn’t ever needed to touch you, just the thought of being the one who was fingers deep inside you seems to be enough for keeping her desires filled, at least for now.
“Bet you imagining us both having our way with you, uh? Maybe Kate pounding your pussy while you please me with your mouth? Is that what you’re thinking?” The russian accent dripping in her voice added to the thrill of it all, and now the image she mentioned couldn’t get out of your mind, imagining Yelena sitting in your face while Kate fucked your pretty pussy with her cock - her favorite strap on. You just nodded your head yes and let out a long moan, opening your mouth wide.
Kate, not wanting to waste that opportunity, bring her free hand - the one that wasn’t fucking your pussy so hard and deep that your eyes were rolling - to push two of her fingers in your mouth, wanting you to suck like it was a strap. You knew that and quickly closed your mouth around her digits, sucking harshly and putting your hand on her fist to put it deeper in your mouth. You looked exactly like a whore.
That was the only time that you looked away from Yelena, to lock your eyes with Kate’s browns ones, with bambi innocent eyes that screamed innocence and yet completely lust and submission, seeing her make a smirk to your naughtiness. But the look didn’t last much since Yelena caught your attention again.
“Seeing the way you suck her fingers like a fucking cock, i guess just one wouldn’t be enough for a slut like you. You’re imagining us both fucking you from both ends, uh?” The irritation in her voice for not having your completely attention in her own self was apparent and you rolled your hips in Kate’s fingers at that voice, imagining exactly what she said.
At that thought and Kate’s fingers buried inside you, you couldn’t help but getting closer to cum, ridding the brunette’s digits feeling them reaching your sweet spot, your eyes start to water from the pleasure, blurring your vision, but you still managed to look yelena in the eyes and suck Kate’s fingers so hard that the sucking sounds echoed over the room mixed with the sound of your arousal and the muffled moans.
“Are you getting close, baby? The thought of me and Yelena fucking you with our cocks makes you cum? Uh? Such a good girl.” Kate whispered to you with a heavy breath, wanting you to cum, intensifying her pace at your pussy pressing the palm of her hand on your clit.
With that, didn’t take longer for you to come undone on her hand, shaking and moaning like a bitch in heat, closing your eyes and let the pleasure take over you, but not before listening Belova saying something about how pretty you were when you’re cumming.
When your body stopped trembling and you catches your breath, you opened your eyes, feeling yourself being hold by your girl’s soft arms - now with both of them - and seeing both women looking at you mesmerized.
“You couldn’t give me a better welcome, Bishop.”
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thenerdnextdoorxo · 2 years
Hi! I have a request
I was going for natashaxreader
Nat was on a mission, and she was faced with a villian who has mind control powers. He searchers Nats mind for what she loves most, and it's her girlfriend yn. He mind controls her to be mean and unkind to yn for 1 day. Nat is still conscious, watching herself say and do things she would never do. Yn is sad and confused, but not angry at Nat, and keeps trying to make her happy. Maybe you make it even sadder yn has been sick for a few days 😭 The next day the mind control wears off and Nat apologizes over and over
If you write this, thank you ml!!
This is creative, I like it! <33
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Nat went on a long mission about two months ago, she told you you before she left that it was a short mission but apparently they faced some obstacles on the way. You were worried, the mission took way more than it needed and she wasn't replying to any of your messages, she usually takes her time to contact you on long missions but she didn't this time. So when you where informed that she has finally got back from the mission, you rushed to meet her immediately.
But when you go to her to greet her after all those months, she barely gives you a reaction. You tried to hug her but she just didn't put as much feelings into the hug as you did, but you just brushed it off as her being tired after being on a mission for two months so you gave her some space to heal from her wounds and to rest a bit and you were sure that she will be fine the next morning.
But she wasn't. She completely ignored you the first few hours in the morning, then she started giving you little to no response. She wasn't showing any affection at all. Your worry grew even more, but you felt like you should give her some time, so you gave her more time.
You felt hurt, but you didn't want to be self centered so you continued to give her more time but you couldn't help yourself but think that maybe she found someone better than you. You had huge self-esteem issues, even when you were little. You and Natasha agreed that you will try to heal it together, but all she does is making it worse.
What you didn't know is that Natasha was actually mind controlled to do all of this. She was seeing and hearing everything, but she wasn't controlling her body at all. She saw the way you were taken back by her harsh comments and demanding, she saw the way that you would flinch every time she was around you. She saw the way you looked so broken and it broke her even more than it did to you.
After a while, Natasha's actions reached the rest of the team and it concerned them a lot. Nothing in that mission can cause her actions to change. Soon, Wanda decided that she would search Natasha's mind for answers, and that's when she discovered that she was mind controlled by someone. They immediately informed you about it so you stop blaming yourself about the things she said to you and you suggested a plan. Your plan was to follow some sort of old spell that was about searching the mind for a fault and then fixing it by memories, and Wanda volunteered to do it.
Waking up the next day, Natasha had a terrible headache that felt like there was a hammer hitting her head, but what caught her attention that she was now fully controlling her body. She noticed that she was laying on the living room couch and wondered how she ended up on it, but more importantly, why is the place so empty?
She stood up trying to look for the team, but ended up feeling dizzy and almost tripped and fell if it wasn't for you catching her. When you helped her stand up, you looked at her carefully, wondering if the spell worked or not. Before you know it, she engulfed you in a suffocating hug while crying. That really answered your question.
"Y/N, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean anything I said, I was controlled during the mission, I was trying to not do or say the things that I was controlled to do-" "shh, I know Nat, it's okay, I already know, you don't have to apologize," You said before her apology turns to a panic attack. She had suffered from them because of her time at the red room and you promised her that you would help her through it.
She couldn't stop hugging you or kissing you for the rest of the month to repay for the days before, but if you were telling the truth, you were loving it so much.
I really am terrible at endings T-T sorry I was a bit late to upload this but I kind of got lazy lol, school is starting soon so I might be slower in updating so I hope you guys are okay with that
My requests are open
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'You look lonely, I can fix that' - [NatashaxReader]
You use the “You look lonely, I can fix that” line on Natasha Romanoff.
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The tower is in full party mode, and everyone is mingling. Just one person is not. You always notice Natasha when you’re in the same room. How could you not? Tonight, however, she looks extra hot. Her red hair always makes you legs wobbly. What is even more noticeable, though, is the fact that she is sitting all by herself. On a bar stool, staring into her drink. You saw Cap trying to talk to her earlier, but he quickly gave up.
You manage to keep up small talk with other guests for some time. Eventually, you cannot stand it anymore and walk over to her.
Your eyes wander over her back that is covered by a black, silk blouse as you lean against the bar. She acknowledges you by just slightly turning her head towards you, not taking her eyes off her drink. You drag your gaze over the side of her neck and down to her cleavage. The view of her partially exposed boobs makes you nervous. You knock back your own drink and put the empty glass down. Natasha sees it but still doesn’t say anything.
So, you do: “You look lonely.” After a pause you add, murmuring: “I can fix that.”
Finally, her head shoots up and she looks you in the eyes. Your knees almost buckle, and you have to hold on to the countertop of the bar a little tighter.
“What did you just say?” She asks you with a rough voice.
A smile tugs on the corners of your mouth: “I think you heard me just fine.”
Natasha fully turns towards you, and you can hear your own pulse in your ears. Fuck, she is intimidating. But that’s such a goddamn turn on for you.
Suddenly, she snakes her leg around yours and presses her heel into the back of you knee. You topple over, right into her arms.
She catches you, one hand on your shoulder, one hand on the side of your face. Wide-eyed, you find yourself right in front of her face. You can smell her perfume and the shampoo she always uses. You feel her palm on your cheek and lean into it.
Her eyes dart to you lips and back to your eyes. You give her the smallest nod and she finally kisses you. Your hands fly up to rest on her back, arms around her. You feel the smooth fabric of her blouse brush against your fingertips.
Her lips are plush and warm and taste of liquor. You sigh in relieve and step even closer, until her chest is pressed against yours.
You tilt your head to deepen the kiss. Then you gently bite her bottom lip. It makes Natasha break the kiss and playfully slap your cheek. Your mouth falls open.
“That’s what naughty girl get.” She quietly tells you with a voice so teasing, it is about to make you lose your mind. Before you can reply anything, though, she gets up from her chair and corners you between her and the counter.
She puts one hand on your waist, causing you to get even wetter.After pressing another heated kiss to your lips, she whispers into your ear: “You’re lucky we’re in public. Otherwise, I already had you beg for mercy.”
You gulp and lean back to look at her face. Then you look around the room. Tony is observing you, a bright grin on his face.
“Maybe we should go somewhere a bit more private then?” You propose.
Natasha takes your hand and replies: “I know a place.”
“Is it your bed?” You chuckle.
She simply winks at you before basically dragging you out of the room.
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annie-ahmelia · 3 months
Can someone please mentioned the author or the blog itself, a Natashaxreader blog, where the reader have family alcoholic issue's and Nat is preventing herself to drink, or whatever, but then the boys decided to pull a prank on the reader.
I accidentally click the back button of my phone and I'm using chrome for tumblr, and I havent have a chance to reatc on it. I tried to find it but I cant T^T.
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lokiswifeduh · 2 years
someone, please send in requests or oneshot ideas. I want to write but I literally am having the worst writer's block.
I'll write anything! smut included (though I prefer angst)
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yellonote85 · 1 year
Does anyone know this natashaxreader fic?
where r has superpowered legs and is french. i think they were in a accident that killed their family and the person that found r tortured and experimented on when younger so thats y they have superpowered legs. r also was a shield trainee at some point because when they went back they had the nickname “kicks” by another trainee. the story does follow the script of endgame mostly with r inserted in. it was a bittersweet ending with a cliffhanger epilogue so there was also a part 2 being written.
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crappy-writings · 8 days
Little Fic Update
Nobody asked for this but I thought I'd share an update on where some of the fics stand right now, so:
"Keeper of Shadows Ch 4" -[WandaxReader] - About halfway written, currently stands at 3,072 words
"The Run and Go Pt 1" - [NatashaxReader] - About halfway to 3/4th written, currently stands at 2,519 words
"The Run and Go Pt 2" - About halfway written, currently stands at 2,762 words
Sick Fic ["I'm Here"] - [NatashaxReader] - About halfway written, currently stands at 1,863 words
Hope to post The Run and Go pretty soon, but don't know when. Stay tuned!
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binxiboo · 3 years
High Cupboards and Hot Chocolate
Marvel Masterlist // Full Masterlist
Natasha Romanoff x Reader
The amount of time you spent at your apartment wasn’t worth the rent you paid to ‘live’ there. Any working day was spent on missions, where they weren’t you were training at the compound. From the earliest hours of the day to the latest, you were always working on your fighting techniques or expanding your skill set. So, when you received a text from your landlord informing you of a rent increase, your reaction wasn’t exactly quiet. It also didn’t go as unnoticed as you thought it did.
As you were leaving the compound for the night, you were approached by Tony Stark, and, behind him, Steve Rogers keeping his distance by leaning on a wall further down the hallway. For how long he’s been doing his job, the super soldier wasn’t very good at looking inconspicuous. In a very ‘Tony’ way, you were offered living quarters in the compound, ‘free-of-charge, no expense to you’. After the number you’d received from you landlord hours ago, you weren’t going to turn this down.
So here you are now. Boxes of your belongings finally all in one place, your, arguably, oversized bedroom at the Avengers Compound. Well, it’s more of a mini studio apartment due to the area between the bed and the door. In other rooms that you’ve seen—Tony, for some reason, decided that you’d need guidance on setting up your space—most people had some form of entertainment and seating situation. The best you could do to recreate that was your two-seater sofa and the tv you’ve had since you first moved into your own place. In any other space, that would be a great set up, however, in the size of the space, it looked pathetic. There wasn’t much to be done about though, and it was good enough for the one body that would be occupying the space. Plus, it left you enough room to neglect unpacking your boxes for a while. Carrying them in one by one, with the cold weather outside, had left you exhausted and, quite frankly, your fingers were struggling to thaw themselves out.
That’s how you ended up in the kitchen. Your container of instant hot chocolate, thank God, had been in the easiest box to access. Finding a mug, however, was proving impossible. It had almost been half an hour of you searching through every cupboard in there and all you gained was the knowledge of where to find baking trays, pots, pans and every item of dishware that wasn’t a drinking receptacle. Eventually, you registered, at the edge of your vision, someone enter the space, reach up high and place a mug down onto the counter, pour themselves a coffee and leave again. So that’s where they are.
Approaching the counter, you assess the best way to access that cupboard. You know that you’re not even going to reach it on your tiptoes. You huff, knowing that you’re about to gymnast this shit. You check for anyone else entering before you embarrass yourself in front of anyone important.
“Okay, lets do this. Before anyone can witness it.”
You place your hands onto the counter surface and lean onto them, hopping up high enough to get you foot up next to them. You swing around and raise onto your knees, shuffling down to be in front of the right door. You were almost there when a voice from behind stops you dead.
“What are you doing?” Natasha.
You can tell from her voice that this is entertaining to her. She leaves you no time to respond, though, as you’re gently pulled backwards, off the counter and feet flat on the floor.
“I just wanted a hot chocolate.” You reason, acceptance of defeat present in your tone.
“And you were going to make it with that?”
You scrunch your eyebrows confused at her disgust until you follow her point at your instant mix. You roll your eyes.
“It’s easy and quick, and I’m frozen and tired!”
“It’s not even worth the water, move.”
There’s no way you’re going to let her boss you around the space after those insults. You tense slightly and cross your arms, staring the widow down.
It’s her turn to roll her eyes now as she effortlessly sweeps you off your feet and seats you on the island opposite the surface she needs to work. You watch her silently as she pulls down two mugs, glides around to pull a pan out of one of the cupboards you practically climbed into earlier and retrieves both milk and chocolate out of the fridge.
“I can’t believe you.” She begins talking as she stirs the chocolate into the milk.
“You work with the Avengers, and you don’t even respect yourself enough to make a good hot chocolate.”
“You’re mean.” You pout in response, even if she can’t see it from where she’s standing.
A clinking of mugs distracts you from your eyeline into the back of Nat’s head. A turn of your head lets you identify Tony carrying, what must be, a whole shelf’s worth of mugs. In his journey to the kitchen though, one must slip from his grasp because not even seconds later, you’re left flinching from your spot on the island, closing your eyes in a wince.
“Sorry! I’ve ran out of thinking space.”
“You’re going to have to get used to that.” Natasha quips, now holding a mug in front of you.
“What, Iron Man smashes a mug every month?” You carefully wrap your hands around the mug, letting her slip her hands away. Nat chuckles and Tony rolls his eyes as he deposits the remaining mugs onto the counter space.
“No. But he does hoard his mugs and then dumps them all in the shared kitchen space!”
She’s projecting in his direction as he slowly makes his way back to his lab.
“Oh, and Tony?”
He stops and turns to look back at the two of you.
“Yes, Spider Lady?”
“We need to become more accessible for the shorter population.”
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marvelnatswhore · 2 years
Above The City 🤍♡
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WK: 800- its short :)
Natasha X reader 
Sum: A stupid morning hike, a promise, a sunrise, and a ring. The day your life changed.
A/N: Its been a minute since I wrote some fluff; I’m really not sure if this counts as angst? but I really only wrote this to cheer myself up so I don’t mind that it’s bad, but If you hear pathetic, lonely sobbing it's me :3 
You could be warm, safe and snuggled in bed right now. You could have woken up at a normal time. But no. Today was the day Natasha had the bright idea to wake you both at an ungodly hour, and drag you away from comfort, onto a hike. 
“Where…are…we..going?” you pant, eyes half shut trailing the redhead who dragged you out here in the first place.
“You’ll see, Detka.” Nat laughed, pacing up the hill with ease you envied.
The sun wasn’t even up yet.
Being up this early felt like a punishment, and your eye bags proved it.
Finally the summit was in sight, no less than two hours of walking, complaining, and nearly falling off a cliff got you here. But why? You still didn’t know. 
You shook your head, positive there were leaves tangled in your hair.
“Ok, we’re here. Now what?” you ask, meeting Nat at the edge of the hill. All that walking just to end up on a dark hill, over looking the sleeping city, it seemed stupid.
“Hey come here” Nat laughed, taking your arm and pulling you in next to her. 
“Watch the sun.” She said as you rolled your eyes.
The city was dark, not how you knew it. Loud, bright, a headache made of steel and glass.
The bustle of everyday traffic yet to begin, the shouts of people looking for a reason to argue, left quiet.  It felt strange seeing everything so peaceful, the scattered lights of apartments, people starting their day, cars moving though the streets, lamp poles littered with rubbish. 
You felt so small seeing everything like this. And then the sun came. 
The first few rays shot through the city like golden arrows, sparks that bounced off every building, every window and every street. The moment they shone, more would appear as the sun drifted higher, welcoming the new day with an amber hug.
“City of gold.” you breathe your mouth gaped and eyes wide.
“Beautiful isn't it?.” Nat says, “I used to come here every morning, before I met you, to get away from everything, the noise, the people..”  she trails off and you wonder.
“So that's why you brought me here?” you ask, your eyes still on the view before you. 
“To get away?” 
“Not exactly..” Nat whispers and you realise she's no longer next to you. In a moment of confusion you turn to see what feels like a dream. Your heart seems to gasp with you when you realise.
She’s on one knee. In her hand a box. Before you can speak she does; 
“Y/N. I’ve wanted to do this for so long. I love you more than air. I want to be with you forever. I brought you here to ask... Will you marry me?”
Tears fell before words, your instant sob of “YES!” came without a second thought, before tumbling into Nat's arms. 
You held her tight, as if she would disappear the moment you let go. You were so happy, nothing else mattered, the woman of your dreams, the love of your life, wanted to marry you. 
The sun covered you both in its light, the heat of its rays enveloping you in much more than a hug. you felt that nothing could ever go wrong, your sobs of joy into Nat's shoulder held a promise, to love her forever. 
It felt like hours before you pulled away, even if it was only minutes. You couldn’t seem to stop smiling. “I love you so much Detka.” Nat whispers cupping your cheek and wiping your tears off your sun lit face. “Can I give you the ring now?” she giggles as if you forgot. 
“Yes, god yes, I love you so much.” you say, still sniffling as you watched Natasha pick up the small velvet box. 
It opens to reveal the ring, she slides on your finger. It was almost too perfect. The hourglass ruby, resembling a widows mark, the gold band that seemed to wrap around your finger like love placed it.
Your eyes didn't want to leave the stone, and tears again fell from your eyes, not that you cared.  
“Nat.” you whisper, your voice so delicate it could shatter. ”It’s so beautiful.” 
“I’m so glad you like it, my love.” she says, placing a kiss to your forehead. 
“I love you so much Nat, I can't wait to marry you.” 
“Me too love, me too.” 
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widowbitessting · 1 year
Imagine…The One with the Great Brat Plan! 
646 words (it's a baby!)
Imagine: Reader gets a little too bratty when bored at Natasha's work. Natasha knows the perfect solution to keep her baby's mouth otherwise occupied.
Little rusty as I haven't written in months but we move! Hope you enjoy <3
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You’ve been in the most annoying mood of your life, whilst you sit on the comfy couch situated in Natasha’s office.
The red head is busy, obviously; typing meticulously at her computer without even giving you a second glance.
Which is where the boredom and brattiness comes from.
You don’t like being ignored.
Especially not by your super hot girlfriend. 
Even if she’s working.
You’re bored of your phone. 
You’re bored of the book you had brought. 
And you’re especially bored of the lacklustre company Natasha is offering you.
You let out yet another irritated sigh, throwing your girlfriend a glance.
She isn’t even phased. 
So you decide to annoy her. 
To make it even. 
Your first few plans don’t work and at your last attempt, Natasha even pushes you away with a smirk. 
So you grab a pen and paper and decide to write a plan called: The Great Brat Plan! 
Which quickly catches Natasha’s eye. 
When she asks you what you’re doing you quickly hide the piece of paper on your chest. 
“I saw two dangerous words. Brat and plan. Show me the paper.” 
When you say no, Natasha gets up from her desk and goes over to you. 
“Show me, please.” 
“Are you curious?” 
“I think it’s ridiculously cute,” You say, twirling your hair. “When my dom gets curious. You’re my curious little dommy, aren’t you, Natasha?” 
That was too far. 
The paper is torn from your hands and her hand wraps tightly around your neck.
You’re spoken to in a low, warning tone and she tells you to apologise. 
When you don’t, Natasha glowers at you. 
Instead, you decide to sprout some A grade bratty remarks with a smirk. 
It ends up with you trapped under Natasha’s desk - her strap on bulging in her pants. 
“Such a busy mouth, I think I need to find a better use for it.” 
When she takes her toy free, you instinctively move back but Natasha is quicker; hand grabbing the back of your head. 
“Suck it while I’m in my next meeting. Show me how good that mouth can be.” 
She doesn’t wait for you to reply, instead shoving the toy into your mouth. 
And smirks when you let out a startled noise as you choke on it. 
You struggle to find a rhythm at first, gagging every time it hits the back of your throat. 
Minutes pass and you get into it; sucking and licking at Natasha’s toy. 
Slurping on the tip before licking up and down the shaft. 
All the while Natasha talks on her Zoom call, completely unbothered by you on your knees.
She keeps you there, sucking her like a lollipop, for half an hour. 
Encouraging you when you lose interest. 
When you let out a loud wretch, Natasha grips you by the base of your neck and forces the entire length into your mouth.
Your cheeks and chin are soaked. 
Struggling against her crotch as you try to breathe through your nose.
Letting you go when she’s smugly seen enough. 
You’re dragged back on your feet when the call ends and flipped onto your stomach.
Natasha saying: “You have five minutes to cum as much as you’d like before my next meeting starts.” 
And then she’s rutting into you with so much speed you almost fall flat on your face. 
It takes you 1 minute to fall apart and Natasha doesn’t stop pounding through your orgasm.
She tears the second one out of you almost straight after and your legs shake uncontrollably. 
Throwing you onto your back so she can watch as your eyes widen and mouth falls open while she mercilessly turns you into mush. 
When she’s finished, she makes you promise to be a good girl for the remainder of the week. 
Now imagine this: Natasha never ended the Zoom call properly.
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