#National Herbs and Spices Day
murderousink23 ¡ 1 year
06/10/2023 is National Ballpoint Pen Day 🖊🇺🇲, National Black Cow Day 🇺🇲, National Herbs and Spices Day 🇺🇲, National Iced Tea Day 🇺🇲, National Rosé Day 🇺🇲, National Egg Roll Day 🇺🇲, World Gin Day 🇬🇧, Queen's Birthday 👸🇬🇧
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rabbitcruiser ¡ 3 months
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National Herbs and Spices Day
Add some zest and aroma to your dishes, and enhance your culinary creations with a variety of herbs and spices to awaken your taste buds!
A day to bring tons of flavor to everyone’s plates, National Herbs and Spices Day brings out the best taste in a vast array of dishes. From the daily salt and pepper to the more exotic saffron or black cardamom, herbs and spices offer the essence of seasoning to everyone’s table.
And National Herbs and Spices Day is the perfect time to celebrate!
History of National Herbs and Spices Day
People have been using herbs and spices to flavor their food probably since history has been recorded. Some of the earliest ideas guess that hunters would use leaves to wrap their meat in, and discovered quite by accident that the leaves gave the meat a certain type of flavor.
As time went on, more and more plants were discovered to be aromatic and flavorful, as well as often having other beneficial properties. Spices were discovered when the roots, leaves or other parts of plants were dried, then ground and used in cooking. Spices have also been used medicinally all throughout human history.
Ancient Egyptians are recorded to have used cinnamon, poppy and mint, while some early Chinese influences also mention the use of cinnamon (cassia), nutmeg, cloves and many other types of spices. Ancient Mesopotamian sources reveal that thyme, sesame, cardamom and coriander were important.
Throughout history, spices have been considered a valuable commodity and were even used as currency during some time periods. At one time, nutmeg was worth more than its weight in gold. Cloves were often given as bonuses to London dockworkers. And peppercorns were demanded as ransom in the 410 AD capture of Rome.
Beginning in 130 BC the “Silk Road”, was an important way for spice traders to get their wares from the East into the West, particularly between Greece and China. For more than 1500 years, this network of routes contained trading posts, thoroughfares and marketplaces strategically placed for travelers and traders.
Eventually, spice companies began to develop, bringing exotic and unique herbs and spices from far off places, first for the wealthy or royalty and then, eventually, to the common person. Today, just opening a person’s kitchen cabinet can introduce a collection of fragrant and flavorful spices and herbs that likely originated from all over the world!
Enjoying these and learning more about them is the perfect way to celebrate National Herbs and Spices Day!
National Herbs and Spices Day Timeline
2800 BC First mentions of cinnamon in Chinese writings
Native to Ceylon, what is now Sri Lanka, some mentions of cinnamon are made in the Cantonese language where it is known as “kwai”.
1500 BC Spices are used medicinally in Ancient Egypt
Papyrus documents note the use of fennel, caraway, coriander, garlic, mint, onion, poppy and peppermint in medical treatments.
1773 Spices replace black tea in America
With the political problems surrounding the Boston Tea Party, Americans begin making their tea from herbs and spices like lemon balm, sage, chamomile, spearmint, sassafras, and others.
1889 McCormick and Company is founded
This Maryland based spice company starts with door-to-door sales with storage in founder Willoughby McCormick’s basement. It will go on to become the largest spice and seasoning manufacturer in the world.
1897 Bram Stoker’s Dracula is published
With 21 different mentions of garlic, this novel brings to the forefront the legend that vampires have a deep aversion to this root herb.
How to Celebrate National Herbs and Spices Day
Observing National Herbs and Spices Day involves a tempting array of foods, whether cooking them, eating them, or both! Try out these ideas for celebrating National Herbs and Spices Day with the people you love:
Check Out a New Herb or Spice
Get healthier and more adventurous when you try out some new herb flavors instead. Some of these are rather versatile while others are very specific spices that work in certain dishes:
Turmeric. Anyone who has tried cooking dishes originating from India may have experienced turmeric. Also called curcumin, this bright golden colored spice is a relative of the ginger family that can be used to add flavor to curries, relishes, soups, pilaf, vegetables and much more.
Herbs de Provence. A blend of 5-6 different dried herbs, including rosemary, thyme, basil and more. This delectable combination of herbs brings out the full flavor of meats when used as a rub and also works well on grilled vegetables or meat dishes.
White or Pink Pepper. Most Westerners are familiar with black pepper, whether whole or ground, and use it fairly regularly in their cooking. But white pepper is a spice that is traditionally used Jewish or Asian cooking, and it changes the flavor of dishes quite significantly. Pink pepper is similar, but has a slightly sweeter flavor.
Get Healthier Using Herbs and Spices
According to a 2015 study, replacing salt with herbs and spices can cut a person’s daily intake of sodium by almost 1000 mg each day. This type of dietary reduction can help to minimize certain health issues such as high blood pressure, which is a major risk factor for stroke and heart disease.
Not only does substituting herbs and spices help reduce sodium, but certain types of herbs and spices can also help to reduce inflammation and minimize damage to the cells in your body when eaten on a regular basis.
Turmeric, cardamom, cinnamon, garlic, chili peppers and cumin are a few spices to get started with incorporating into a healthy diet.
Try Growing Your Own Herbs at Home
Whether outside in the garden or in some potted planters inside, growing herbs at home can be an amazing way to enjoy and celebrate National Herbs and Spices Day using fresh, homegrown items.
Some of the easiest to herbs that can be grown in the backyard or in a container garden at home include:
Basil. This versatile herb can be used in a variety of dishes, including pesto, tomato sauces and vinegars. Or it can be served fresh with tomatoes and mozzarella to make a caprese salad. Plant basil in a space that gets a lot of sun and has well-draining soil.
Mint. Useful in a variety of ways, mint is so prolific that many people like to grow it in containers to keep it from spreading and taking over the whole garden. With more than 600 different varieties, like peppermint, spearmint and chocolate mint, you’re sure to find one you’ll love to put in your iced tea or summer salads.
Parsley. This flat-leafed herb grows easily and is a delight to use for cooking soups and other dishes, as well as placing on dishes as a delightful garnish. Plus, even if it is grown outside it can easily be dried and kept to use over the winter months.
Rosemary. This one grows more like a shrub than a plant. It’s a woody evergreen that offers delightful aromas and loves to be in full sun. Rosemary is an herb that is also known to be healthy for the memory as well as being a mood booster.
National Herbs and Spices Day FAQs
Are herbs and spices the same thing?
Though they are used in similar ways, the difference is that herbs are the fresh part of the plant, while spices come from the dried fruit, stalk, root or fruit. Herbs can be fresh or dried.
What herbs and spices are in KFC?
While KFC’s 11 herbs and spices have been a “secret” for decades, the recipe probably contains salt, white & black pepper, thyme, celery salt, oregano, basil, garlic salt, ginger, dry mustard and paprika.
Do herbs and spices have calories?
Most herbs and spices have very few calories, but they can range from 1 calorie in Âź cup of cilantro and 3 calories in a teaspoon of oregano to 73 calories in a bulb of fennel.
What herbs and spices are good for dogs?
Basil, cinnamon, ginger and parsley are all safe and healthful for dogs, while onion, salt, garlic, cocoa powder and nutmeg should be avoided for canines.
How to use herbs and spices in cooking?
It’s healthy and delicious to substitute herbs and spices for salt. Add fresh herbs early in recipes to blend flavors, or at the last minute for more distinct flavors. Add ground spices and herbs at the end of a longer cooking process to retain flavor.
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juliehowlin ¡ 1 year
Turmeric paper, also called curcuma paper, is paper steeped in turmeric and allowed to dry. It is used as an indicator for acidity and alkalinity. The paper is yellow in acidic and neutral solutions and turns reddish-brown in alkaline solutions.
Today is National Herbs and Spices Day. 10 things you might not know about turmeric:
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todayontumblr ¡ 11 months
Friday, November 3.
National Sandwich Day.
In the 18th Century, a British earl named John Montagu, 4th Earl of Sandwich, visited the Eastern Mediterranean. Here, he was captivated by the sight of Greeks and Turks assembling, and then eating, sliced meats within two slices of bread. Montagu would replicate this marvel on his return to the United Kingdom, in need of a meal he could enjoy with one hand and leave the other free for 24-hour gambling streaks. Years later, the #sandwich became a gastronomic staple. And the rest, as they say, is history.
It is the TARDIS of food. Meats, cheeses, salads, vegetables, sauces, spreads, herbs, and spices all arranged with deceptive simplicity between two slices of bread. Join us this Friday, November 3, as we celebrate US National Sandwich Day—and doth our collective caps to the Greeks and Turks to whom the world owes so much.
Is a hot dog a sandwich? You decide x
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greenwitchcrafts ¡ 8 months
February 2024 witch guide
Full moon: February 24th
New moon: February 9th
Sabbats: Imbolc-February 1st
February Snow Moon
Known as: Eagle Moon, Horning Moon, Solmonath Moon, Bear moon, Ice Moon, Wild Moon, Raccoon Moon, Big Winter Moon, Groundhog Moon, Quickening Moon, Storm Moon, Goose Moon, Hungry Moon & Red/Cleansing Moon
Element: Fire
Zodiac: Aquarius & Pisces
Nature spirits: House Faeries
Deities: Aphrodite, Brigid & Nut
Animals: Otter & Unicorn
Birds: Chickadee & Eagle
Trees: Cedar, laurel, myrtle & rowan
Herbs: Balm of Gilead, hyssop, myrrh, sage & spikenard
Flowers: Primrose
Scents: Heliotrope & wisteria
Stones: Amethyst, jasper, moonstone, obsidian, onyx , rose quartz, topaz & red zircon
Colors: Light blue & violet
Energy:  Astral travel, banishing, beginnings, breaking bad habits, creativity expressiveness, empowerment, energy working to the surface, fertility, forgiveness, freedom, friendships, future plans, growth, healing, problem solving, purification, responsibility & science
February’s full Moon is a “Micromoon” this year. Think of this term as the opposite of a “Supermoon.” It simply means that the full Moon is at its farthest point from Earth (not the nearest point).
The explanation behind February’s full Moon name is a fairly straightforward one: it’s known as the Snow Moon due to the typically heavy snowfall that occurs in February. On average, February is the United States’ snowiest month, according to data from the National Weather Service. In the 1760s, Captain Jonathan Carver, who had visited with the Naudowessie(Dakota), wrote that the name used for this period was the Snow Moon, “because more snow commonly falls during this month than any other in the winter.” 
Known as: Feast of Torches, Feast of Waxing Light, Oimele & Brigid's Day
Season: Winter
Symbols: Besoms, Brighid's crosses, candles, candle wheels, fertility symbols, fire, ploughs, priapic wands & white flowers
Colors: Black, brown, Earth tones, lavender, light green, orange, pink, red, white & yellow
Oils/Incense: Apricot, basil, bay, carnation, chamomile, cinnamon, dragon's blood, frankincense, heather, jasmine, myrrh, neroli, red sandalwood, sage, vanilla, violet & wisteria
Animals: Badger, cow, deer,groudhog, robin, sheep, snake, & swan
Mythical: Dragon
Stones: Amethyst, bloodstone, citrine, clear quartz, garnet, green tourmaline, hematite, iron, lodestone, onyx, red zircon, rose quartz, ruby, turquoise, yellow tourmaline
Food: Breads, chives, curries, dairy products, grains, garlic, herbal teas, honey cakes, lamb, muffins, onions, peppers, poppy seed cakes, pork, poultry, pumpkin seeds, raisins, scones, spiced wines & sunflower seeeds
Herbs/Plants: Angelica, ashleaf, balsam, basil, bay laurel, benzoin, blackberry, clover, coltsfoot, coriander, dragon's blood, garlic, heather, lemon, myrrh, rosemary, sage, vervain, wheat & witch hazel
Flowers: Celandine, chamomile, iris, rose hips, snowdrop, sunflower, tansy, violets, white flowers & yellow flowers
Goddesses: Anu, Aradia, Arianrhod, Artio, Athena, Branwen, Brigid, Danu, Februa, Gaia, Inanna, Juno, Selene, Sirona & Vesta
Gods: Aegus Mac Og, Bragi, Cupid, Dian Cecht, Dumuzi, Eros, Februus & Pax
Issues, Intentions & Powers: Activation/awakening, animals, beginnings, fertility, healing, hope, illumination, inspiration, light, pregnancy/childbirth, prophecy, transformation, well-being & youth
Spellwork: Air magick, banishings, candle spells, divination, fertility spells, prosperity & purification
• Make & light white candles
• Clean/decorate your altar & consecrate your  altar tools
• Go on a walk in nature & look for signs of spring
• Make a Brigid's Cross
• Have a feast with your family/friends
• Give thanks & leave offerings to the Earth
• Set intentions, reflect & look deeper into your goals for spring
• Start a bonfire
• Find Imboloc prayers & devotionals that bid farewell to the winter months, honor the goddess Brigid, as well as seasonal blessings for your meals, hearth, & home.
• Pepare plans for your upcoming garden
• Craft a priapic wand
• Spend time with children celebrating Imbolc by making crafts & or baking
• Practice divination & fire scrying
• Draw a cleansing ritual bath for yourself
• Meditate, reflect & say your farewells to winter
• Cleanse & clean your house to prepare for spring
• Create a Brídeóg: a doll of Brigid made of straw
• Make Bride's bouquet satchets & exchange as symbols of good luck and fertility
• Set aside food & or drinks as an offering to Brigid to invite her in your home
Imbolc is a Gaelic festival marking the beginning of spring. Most commonly it is held on January 31 – February 1, or halfway between the winter solstice & the spring equinox. The holiday is a festival of the hearth, home, a celebration of the lengthening days & the early signs of spring. 
The word "imbolc" means "in the belly" and refers to the pregnancy of ewes at this time of year. The term "oimelc" means ewe's milk. Around this time of year, many herd animals give birth to their first offspring of the year or are heavily pregnant & as a result, they are producing milk. This creation of life’s milk is a part of the symbolic hope for spring.
Imbolc is mentioned in some of the earliest Irish literature and it is associated with important events in Irish mythology. It has been suggested that it was originally a pagan festival associated with the goddess Brigid and that it was Christianized as a festival of Saint Brigid, who herself is thought to be a Christianization of the goddess.
Some use Imbolc to celebrate the longer days which herald the return of Spring & The Goddess's recovery from giving birth to The Sun (The God) at Yule. The God & The Goddess are children symbolizing new life, new beginnings & new resurrections.
Related festivals:
• Groundhog Day-  Is a tradition observed in the United States & Canada on February 2 of every year. It derives from the Pennsylvania Dutch superstition that if a groundhog emerges from its burrow on this day & sees its shadow, it will retreat to its den & winter will go on for six more weeks; if it does not see its shadow, spring will arrive early.
While the tradition remains popular in the 21st century, studies have found no consistent association between a groundhog seeing its shadow & the subsequent arrival time of spring-like weather.
•St. Brigid's Day- 1 February. It was originally Imbolc, the first day of spring in Irish tradition. Because Saint Brigid has been theorised as linked to the goddess Brigid, some associate the festival of Imbolc with the goddess. St. Brigid is the patroness saint (or 'mother saint') of Ireland. She is patroness of many things, including poetry, learning, healing, protection, blacksmithing, livestock & dairy production. In her honour, a perpetual fire was kept burning at Kildare for centuries.
A recent campaign successfully established her feast day as a national holiday in 2023.
• Chinese New Year- (February 10th) the festival that celebrates the beginning of a new year on the traditional lunisolar Chinese calendar. In Chinese, the festival is commonly referred to as the Spring Festival,- marking the end of winter and the beginning of the spring season. Observances traditionally take place from Chinese New Year's Eve, the evening preceding the first day of the year, to the Lantern Festival, held on the 15th day of the year. The first day of Chinese New Year begins on the new moon that appears between January 21st & February 20th.
The Chinese New Year is associated with several myths and customs. The festival was traditionally a time to honour deities as well as ancestors. Within China, regional customs and traditions concerning the celebration of the New Year vary widely & the evening preceding the New Year's Day is frequently regarded as an occasion for Chinese families to gather for the annual reunion dinner.
It is also a tradition for every family to thoroughly clean their house, in order to sweep away any ill fortune & to make way for incoming good luck. Another custom is the decoration of windows & doors with red paper-cuts and couplets. Popular themes among these paper-cuts and couplets include good fortune or happiness, wealth & longevity. Other activities include lighting firecrackers  & giving money in red envelopes.
•  Candlemas- is a Christian feast day on February 2nd commemorating the presentation of Jesus at the Temple. It is based upon the account of the presentation of Jesus in Luke 2:22-40. 
While it is customary for Christians in some countries to remove their Christmas decorations on Twelfth Night, those in other Christian countries historically remove them after Candlemas.On Candlemas, many Christians also take their candles to their local church, where they are blessed and then used for the rest of the year.
•Setsubun- (February 3rd) Is the day before the beginning of spring in the old calendar in Japan. The name literally means 'seasonal division', referring to the day just before the first day of spring.
Both Setsubun & Risshun are celebrated yearly as part of the Spring Festival (Haru matsuri ) in Japan. In its association with the Lunar New Year, Setsubun, though not the official New Year, was thought of as similar in its ritual & cultural associations of 'cleansing' the previous year as the beginning of the new season of spring. Setsubun was accompanied by a number of rituals & traditions held at various levels to drive away the previous year's bad fortunes & evil spirits for the year to come.
Other Celebrations:
• Lupercalia-
In ancient Rome, this festival was conducted annually on February 13th through 15th under the superintendence of a corporation of priests called Luperci. The origins of the festival are obscure, although the likely derivation of its name from lupus (Latin: “wolf”) has variously suggested connection with an ancient deity who protected herds from wolves and with the legendary she-wolf who nursed Romulus and Remus. As a fertility rite, the festival is also associated with the god Faunus.
to purify the city, promoting health & fertility.
Each Lupercalia began with the sacrifice by the Luperci of goats and a dog, after which two of the Luperci were led to the altar, their foreheads were touched with a bloody knife & the blood was wiped off with wool dipped in milk; the ritual required that the two young men laugh. The sacrificial feast followed, after which the Luperci cut thongs from the skins of the sacrificial animals & ran in two bands around the Palatine hill, striking with the thongs at any woman who came near them. A blow from the thong was supposed to render a woman fertile.
In 494 CE the Christian church under Pope Gelasius I forbade participation in the festival. Tradition holds that he appropriated the form of the rite as the Feast of the Purification (Candlemas), celebrated on February 2, but it is likely that the Christian feast was established in the previous century. It has also been alternately suggested that Pope Gelasius I replaced Lupercalia with St. Valentine’s Day, celebrated on February 14th, but the origin of that holiday was likely much later.
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scaredpigeons ¡ 5 months
Venti smells like fresh apple wine and dandelions in a warm summer breeze.
When Venti is near you, it almost smells like you’re standing in an open field, you can almost feel the sunshine and see the clouds floating through the blue sky. He often smells of whatever booze he’s managed to pilfer, but the sweet smell of Cecelias always cling to him no matter how much he drinks.
Xiao smells like sweets and rusting metal.
Dichotomy of scents, of course, but true all the same. The weight of his karmic debt drips from him in droves, and to the untrained senses smells faintly like a rusted sword, with undertones of spice and black smoke. It’s a strictly… other scent that many struggle to place. But the scent of sweet almond tofu clings to his fingertips no matter how much he sins for the protection of his nation.
Gaming smells like clean sweat and ginger.
Always moving, always working, and when he isn’t, he’s enjoying dim sum, or other sweet and savory indulgences. The young man keeps himself clean and presentable, smelling like honey soap and the tea leaves of his hometown. But a hard days work will cling to the skin, heady and deep, mixing with the faintest traces of smoke and ash.
Baizhu smells like antiseptic and violetgrass.
His hands are always clean, from patient to patient his environment must stay sterile. The herbs he’s constantly grinding and sorting stain his skin with various scents, but the strong smell of violetgrass always clings to him. He smells of the tea he drinks to soothe his sore throat, and a vibrant smell of fresh cut greenery on his days of rest— though strongest when using his Vision to heal others.
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the-mortuary-witch ¡ 7 months
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Everyone is welcome on my blog, no matter your skin tone, body type, gender, sexuality, beliefs, nationality, and interests.
DO NOT interact with me or my account if you support anti-abortion, pr0shippers/or are one, bullying, climate change, war, poverty, terr0rism, fetishize serial ki!!ers r@cism, murder, r@pe/r@pists, hom0phobia, transph0bia, sexism, ableist, anti vax, Donald Trump, n@zi’s, any kind of abuse, besti@lity, arson, furries, therians/or are one (you make me severely uncomfortable), and just overall piss off if you can’t be a decent human being and if you have a nsfw blog, bc you will be blocked.
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My name is Grim. I’m 19-years-old, Icelandic, my personality type is ENFJ, and I’m an ambivert. I have been a Satanist since Nov 2023 and a witch since Feb 2024. I’ve learnt a lot so far, and still currently am doing research on Satanism and witchcraft. This blog of mine is dedicated to Satanism, Witchcraft, deity and entity info.
Currently Working With: Lady Aphrodite, King Asmodeus, Lord Fenrir, Mother Freyja, King Hades, Mother Hecate, Lady Hel, Lord Loki, Mother Lilith, Lord Lucifer, Queen Persephone, and Lords SkĂśll and Hati.
Will Soon Be Devoted to: ???
Magickal Interests: sigils, crystals, spell work, meditation, protection magick, deity and entity work, and runes.
Other Interests: metal and rock music, corpse paint, anime, manga, drumming, taxidermy, exercising, vulture culture, and collecting vinyl and CDs.
INSTAGRAM: @the.mortuary.witch
PINTEREST: @the_mortuary_witch
TIK TOK: @the_mortuary_witch
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chanaleah ¡ 3 months
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an personal narrative speech on israel i wrote for school
note that this was written for an audience who mostly doesn't know anything about Israel.
essay below if the images are not working for you/you have a screen reader
I was at Hebrew School, my legs against the cold plastic chair of the over-air conditioned synagogue basement, and I was bored. My eyes fell over the posters on the wall — the Rambam’s ladder of Tzedakah, common Hebrew words, and a large map, almost my size, of Israel.
I had looked at this map so many times, so many days. But I had never really looked at it. My eyes traced the coastline … Ashkelon, Ashdod, Tel Aviv, Haifa, Akko. In the center, Jerusalem. At the bottom, Eilat. And at the very top, the little tip wedged between Lebanon and the Golan, Kiryat Shmona. 
Israel is a small country, about the size of New Jersey, located in the Middle East. It borders the Mediterranean Sea and is home to almost 10 million people. It is the only country with a Jewish majority, but it also has large Arab and Druze minorities. Many holy sites for the main three Abrahamic religions — Judaism, Christianity, and Islam — are located in Israel.
As a kid growing up in the Jewish community, Israel was a common topic of conversation. We had Israelis come and visit us, a lot of us had family there, and most people we knew had visited Israel. We learned the Hebrew words for things like ice cream (glidah) and dog (kelev). We used the Hebrew pronunciation of words like hummus (huh-miss), which we said houmous (choo-moose).
We celebrated the new year of the trees in January (which doesn’t really make any sense in [redacted]) and we prayed for rain during services.
Really, whether or not we said it, we knew, we could feel, that everything we did… our prayers, our traditions, all traced back to Israel.
But here’s the weird thing… I’ve never been to Israel. I’ve never even really been close to Israel. I’ve never swum at the beach in Tel Aviv, never walked the cobblestone streets of Jerusalem, never felt the heat bearing down on me as I climbed Masada. I’ve never placed a folded up prayer in the Western Wall, never smelled the aromas of spices and herbs at a shuk, never read the ancient names on the graves at the Mount of Olives. And even though I’ve never stood on the grounds my ancestors stood on, put my hands where they did, and breathed the air they breathed, I can still feel these places. They’re in my DNA… literally. 
The traditions of the Jewish community connect me to my roots. When the kingdom of Judah, where Jews are from, located in modern day Israel, was taken over by the Romans, the Jews were forced out of our homeland, and we became dispersed throughout the word. As Rudy Rochman, an Israeli activist, says, Judaism “is a portable suitcase of a native people's identity that was created to preserve who they were after their forceful displacement from… Israel.” Every Jew throughout the world, no matter where we are; in the United States, Israel, or France, continues to carry this suitcase that connects us back to where we came from.
Today, when I celebrate Jewish holidays, I know there are people halfway around the world doing the same things I’m doing. They sing the same prayers, eat the same foods, and participate in the same traditions. They are all drawing from a suitcase that looks a lot like mine.
Today, about half of the world’s Jews live in the United States, and about half live in Israel. My traditions and culture connect me to all Jews, but my traditions also tie me to that land. I know that if I wanted to, or if I needed to, I could move to Israel. I could become a part of that country — the country I already love so much. 
But today, there are a lot of challenges with loving Israel — at least in the sense of the modern nation state. Currently, Israel is locked in a conflict with Palestine — a conflict you’ve probably heard about in the news — that has been going on for over a century. Today, neither Israel nor Palestine are completely innocent or guilty in this conflict. Israel, as much as I love it and feel connected to it, has done a lot of things I disagree with. And it’s hard for me to love Israel when I constantly see things in the news that make me facepalm, and when I know that the Israeli government is doing things I don’t agree with.
I love Israel. But love is complicated. It’s not black and white. I love Israel as my homeland, the place that birthed my people. And that love is paradoxical. I accept it as it is now, and I want it to get better. 
But now that I think about it, I realize that love means caring enough for something that you’re willing to work for it. Love means believing that peace, and a better future, is possible. Love means that a better way will be found. Because you don’t just walk away from something you love when it doesn’t meet your expectations.
So someday, I will go to Israel, and when I swim at the beach in Tel Aviv, walk the cobblestone streets of Jerusalem, and feel the heat bearing down on me as I climb Masada — I’m not going to be thinking about news headlines or military operations. I’m not going to be thinking about disappointment and failures. I’m going to be thinking about the three thousand years of history and tradition that led me back to the land of my ancestors.
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butchniqabi ¡ 2 years
god i honestly hate when theres an article or passed around statement (that may or may not be true) about how [really common food/ingredient] is ~secretly bad for you~ because like. god do yall really wanna die hungry and unsatisfied bc you stopped consuming anything that wasnt Three Specific Vegetables and bottled spring water? this isnt even like a "you MUST eat chocolate, wine, three loaves of bread, one pound of rice, and a pan full of bacon grease EVERY day" but like...dont you get tired of abstaining from shit completely bc it has the potential to cause problems in the future? like having a sandwich with white bread once a week will not kill you, i promise. and its just....hm...food is something people created because generally speqking humans like variety, different tastes and textures and the like. food constantly evolved because we Wanted to expand our palates, use new spices and fruits and herbs and meats, like its a very human thing! if our ancestors didnt on some level crave bread (and other carbs) they wouldnt have gone to the trouble to keep experimenting with the ingridients. additionally a large portion of cultures and nations on the planet have Some verion of bread so like...cmon now.
and before anyones like omg shut up youre literally fat 🙄 i did in fact do the rigid restriction, keto, no-drink-but-plain-water thing for a while and it made me feel physically and emotionally awful and is still affecting the way i view food to this day. i am so fucking lucky to have access to a wide variety of diverse foods, im not going to rob and starve myself out of some misplaced desire to assign morals to food groups. like idk maybe its just me but i honestly think there will come a point when almost every food will be slapped with a negative label by Someone, and obsessing about it seems needlessly stressful. like have some cornbread baby, eat your mother's homemade cookies, have some of your niece's ice cream cake, i promise it wont kill you!
(do not come into my inbox talking about x, y, or z diet created with the intent to lose weight bc i promise i do not give a fuck)
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exhausted-archivist ¡ 24 days
So I'm working on drawing food for the headnotes of the recipes I've concepted out and haven't tested or fully worked out the kinks. I want to post something to celebrate The Veilguard drop, especially something I can queue up because I will be avoiding you all and the spoilers for at least a week haha.
The poll is below and the recipe headnotes are below the cut if you want an idea of what I'm working with.
Boiled Eggs and Pine Nuts Sauce (Appetizer) A simple and delightful dish one would not particularly expect from a nation of opulence such as Tevinter. A sweet dish with the perfect touch of zing, nutty, and savory notes, while holding a compelling contrast of being both crunchy and soft.
Deepstalker Stew (Soup/Stew) An uncommon meal, one that most won’t serve outside the appeal for an ‘exotic’ dish or in times of desperation. This stew is more often one to be consumed should you be stuck in the Deep Roads or an isolated cave. Not, at a tavern when one has been on the road for several days. It should be noted that depending on where you’re capturing these cave-dwelling creatures will dictate the taste. Many of the accounts I have heard from the Legionnaires describe the taste and texture akin to chicken. Whereas if you catch them near water sources they garner a fishy taste with the texture of chicken. But, this stew is simple in and of itself. Usually with very little substance aside from the meat and whatever edible additions you can forage for. In this recipe we have tried to enhance it with herbs, potatoes, and salt.
Braised Nug with Elfroot (Savory) This salty, aromatic dish melts in your mouth with its tenderness. Nug is a common and popular dish for Orzammar dwarves. One that lingers in some surface communities with a twist of new herbs and spices. Though humble is the nug and elfroot, this meal is filling and delightful in its own right.
Exquisite Misery (Dessert) The Orlesians are nothing if not indulgent and extravagant. From wyverns to phoenixes, Orlesians have a tendency to play chance with their lives for whatever element of decadence is in the trends. While deep mushrooms are perhaps the least lethal thing one can consume, I do advise avoiding eating too many of these little cakes. That said, should one partake and find that they are able to get past the musky, earthy flavor; these can be quite a treat. Fluffy, soft, and a touch sweet, it is a dessert I find best to consume after a rather savory or spicy meal.
Roasted Fiddleheads and Leeks with Goat Cheese (Vegetable) A dish available during only a few short weeks in the spring, fiddleheads have a delightful crunch from the roasting as well as their natural snap. They have a sweet, but not quite grassy taste to them almost akin to beans and asparagus. When paired with the sweet, caramelized flavour of the leeks and the creamy, tartness of your favourite goat cheese. It pairs well with a protein or on a bed of grains.
Seasoned Mussels (Seafood) The exact origins of this dish are unknown, given that Antiva, Rivain, and Tevinter hold strong ties to their coastal waters and each have several versions of how to make this dish. Most scholars declare it was Tevinter in origin due to the age of the Imperium, but the question then lies what area of the Imperium and when? The version I have crafted is a blend of Antivan and Rivaini flavours, as I prefer the shellfish off their coastlines to those of Tevinter. A rich dish that can be eaten with a fine pasta or spread over a bed of rice.
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murderousink23 ¡ 3 months
06/10/2024 is National Ballpoint Pen Day 🖊🇺🇸, National Black Cow Day 🇺🇸, National Herbs and Spices Day 🇺🇸, National Iced Tea Day 🇺🇸, National Egg Roll Day 🇺🇸
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rabbitcruiser ¡ 1 year
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National Herbs and Spices Day
Add some zest and aroma to your dishes, and enhance your culinary creations with a variety of herbs and spices to awaken your taste buds!
A day to bring tons of flavor to everyone’s plates, National Herbs and Spices Day brings out the best taste in a vast array of dishes. From the daily salt and pepper to the more exotic saffron or black cardamom, herbs and spices offer the essence of seasoning to everyone’s table.
And National Herbs and Spices Day is the perfect time to celebrate!
History of National Herbs and Spices Day
People have been using herbs and spices to flavor their food probably since history has been recorded. Some of the earliest ideas guess that hunters would use leaves to wrap their meat in, and discovered quite by accident that the leaves gave the meat a certain type of flavor.
As time went on, more and more plants were discovered to be aromatic and flavorful, as well as often having other beneficial properties. Spices were discovered when the roots, leaves or other parts of plants were dried, then ground and used in cooking. Spices have also been used medicinally all throughout human history.
Ancient Egyptians are recorded to have used cinnamon, poppy and mint, while some early Chinese influences also mention the use of cinnamon (cassia), nutmeg, cloves and many other types of spices. Ancient Mesopotamian sources reveal that thyme, sesame, cardamom and coriander were important.
Throughout history, spices have been considered a valuable commodity and were even used as currency during some time periods. At one time, nutmeg was worth more than its weight in gold. Cloves were often given as bonuses to London dockworkers. And peppercorns were demanded as ransom in the 410 AD capture of Rome.
Beginning in 130 BC the “Silk Road”, was an important way for spice traders to get their wares from the East into the West, particularly between Greece and China. For more than 1500 years, this network of routes contained trading posts, thoroughfares and marketplaces strategically placed for travelers and traders.
Eventually, spice companies began to develop, bringing exotic and unique herbs and spices from far off places, first for the wealthy or royalty and then, eventually, to the common person. Today, just opening a person’s kitchen cabinet can introduce a collection of fragrant and flavorful spices and herbs that likely originated from all over the world!
Enjoying these and learning more about them is the perfect way to celebrate National Herbs and Spices Day!
National Herbs and Spices Day Timeline
2800 BC First mentions of cinnamon in Chinese writings
Native to Ceylon, what is now Sri Lanka, some mentions of cinnamon are made in the Cantonese language where it is known as “kwai”.
1500 BC Spices are used medicinally in Ancient Egypt
Papyrus documents note the use of fennel, caraway, coriander, garlic, mint, onion, poppy and peppermint in medical treatments.
1773 Spices replace black tea in America
With the political problems surrounding the Boston Tea Party, Americans begin making their tea from herbs and spices like lemon balm, sage, chamomile, spearmint, sassafras, and others.
1889 McCormick and Company is founded
This Maryland based spice company starts with door-to-door sales with storage in founder Willoughby McCormick’s basement. It will go on to become the largest spice and seasoning manufacturer in the world.
1897 Bram Stoker’s Dracula is published
With 21 different mentions of garlic, this novel brings to the forefront the legend that vampires have a deep aversion to this root herb.
How to Celebrate National Herbs and Spices Day
Observing National Herbs and Spices Day involves a tempting array of foods, whether cooking them, eating them, or both! Try out these ideas for celebrating National Herbs and Spices Day with the people you love:
Check Out a New Herb or Spice
Get healthier and more adventurous when you try out some new herb flavors instead. Some of these are rather versatile while others are very specific spices that work in certain dishes:
Turmeric. Anyone who has tried cooking dishes originating from India may have experienced turmeric. Also called curcumin, this bright golden colored spice is a relative of the ginger family that can be used to add flavor to curries, relishes, soups, pilaf, vegetables and much more.
Herbs de Provence. A blend of 5-6 different dried herbs, including rosemary, thyme, basil and more. This delectable combination of herbs brings out the full flavor of meats when used as a rub and also works well on grilled vegetables or meat dishes.
White or Pink Pepper. Most Westerners are familiar with black pepper, whether whole or ground, and use it fairly regularly in their cooking. But white pepper is a spice that is traditionally used Jewish or Asian cooking, and it changes the flavor of dishes quite significantly. Pink pepper is similar, but has a slightly sweeter flavor.
Get Healthier Using Herbs and Spices
According to a 2015 study, replacing salt with herbs and spices can cut a person’s daily intake of sodium by almost 1000 mg each day. This type of dietary reduction can help to minimize certain health issues such as high blood pressure, which is a major risk factor for stroke and heart disease.
Not only does substituting herbs and spices help reduce sodium, but certain types of herbs and spices can also help to reduce inflammation and minimize damage to the cells in your body when eaten on a regular basis.
Turmeric, cardamom, cinnamon, garlic, chili peppers and cumin are a few spices to get started with incorporating into a healthy diet.
Try Growing Your Own Herbs at Home
Whether outside in the garden or in some potted planters inside, growing herbs at home can be an amazing way to enjoy and celebrate National Herbs and Spices Day using fresh, homegrown items.
Some of the easiest to herbs that can be grown in the backyard or in a container garden at home include:
Basil. This versatile herb can be used in a variety of dishes, including pesto, tomato sauces and vinegars. Or it can be served fresh with tomatoes and mozzarella to make a caprese salad. Plant basil in a space that gets a lot of sun and has well-draining soil.
Mint. Useful in a variety of ways, mint is so prolific that many people like to grow it in containers to keep it from spreading and taking over the whole garden. With more than 600 different varieties, like peppermint, spearmint and chocolate mint, you’re sure to find one you’ll love to put in your iced tea or summer salads.
Parsley. This flat-leafed herb grows easily and is a delight to use for cooking soups and other dishes, as well as placing on dishes as a delightful garnish. Plus, even if it is grown outside it can easily be dried and kept to use over the winter months.
Rosemary. This one grows more like a shrub than a plant. It’s a woody evergreen that offers delightful aromas and loves to be in full sun. Rosemary is an herb that is also known to be healthy for the memory as well as being a mood booster.
National Herbs and Spices Day FAQs
Are herbs and spices the same thing?
Though they are used in similar ways, the difference is that herbs are the fresh part of the plant, while spices come from the dried fruit, stalk, root or fruit. Herbs can be fresh or dried.
What herbs and spices are in KFC?
While KFC’s 11 herbs and spices have been a “secret” for decades, the recipe probably contains salt, white & black pepper, thyme, celery salt, oregano, basil, garlic salt, ginger, dry mustard and paprika.
Do herbs and spices have calories?
Most herbs and spices have very few calories, but they can range from 1 calorie in Âź cup of cilantro and 3 calories in a teaspoon of oregano to 73 calories in a bulb of fennel.
What herbs and spices are good for dogs?
Basil, cinnamon, ginger and parsley are all safe and healthful for dogs, while onion, salt, garlic, cocoa powder and nutmeg should be avoided for canines.
How to use herbs and spices in cooking?
It’s healthy and delicious to substitute herbs and spices for salt. Add fresh herbs early in recipes to blend flavors, or at the last minute for more distinct flavors. Add ground spices and herbs at the end of a longer cooking process to retain flavor.
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peterrefur ¡ 5 months
The days we knew ⅏ Wilbur Soot x GN!Reader
Summary: Wilbur returns from Limbo. Reader reminisces about L'Manberg. Wilbur visits Reader's restaurant, and they recognize each other. Notes: Hey Mate!!! I’m Peter and I say right away that English is not my first language. I’m curious to hear your opinion about this work in the comments! Enjoy!
I am trying to get back to writing after a long break. This story is not the pinnacle of my abilities, but it is the beginning of my return to writing.
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𝒲hispers and rumors spread like wildfire about his return from hell. A hell that he referred to as Limbo .
𝒜ccording to tales, this was where every soul must journey after departing from the mortal world, each Limbo tailored to the individual's experiences and memories. Some say his Limbo took the form of an endless underground metro system, with never-ending tunnels and trains that always arrived at the same station no matter how many times he boarded them.
𝐻is screams were said to be so deafeningly loud and relentless that they would echo through the night and linger for weeks, until he inevitably started screaming anew upon waking. Each scream was like a violent eruption from his chest, tearing at his vocal cords until blood filled his throat and spilled from his lips. His cries were like a tortured symphony, haunting and unyielding, they painted a picture of his anguish as a tortured symphony, echoing through the corridors of his mind long after reality had fallen silent.  His knuckles, once sturdy bastions of strength, now lay bare, stripped down to the bone by the unyielding assault against the harsh concrete wall. The bones beneath threatened to breach the surface, a grim testament to his unwavering resolve. Deep furrows marred his palms, etched by the relentless barrage, a stark reminder of his unending battle. Deep grooves crisscrossed his palms from the repeated beatings, leaving behind a permanent reminder of his struggles. His nails, once neat and trimmed, were now jagged and torn off in places from desperate attempts to claw his way out. They bent backwards, painfully pulling away from the fleshy tips of his fingers. 
𝐹or years, he had drifted in and out of sleep, unsure if he was truly awake or trapped in the never-ending purgatory of Limbo. He had grown accustomed to the unchanging landscape of darkness and despair, where hunger and pain were constant companions. But eventually, he came to the realization that this was an eternal torment - a hell without end.  No matter how much he struggled or what he did, death would not release him from this cursed existence. His only escape was to endure and hope for some sort of redemption beyond this bleak realm. 
𝒩o respite, no escape - just an unending abyss of torment. 
𝒜t least that's what they say in town when Reader goes to get groceries from their quaint little restaurant. They fondly remember the days when their establishment was nestled within the borders of L'Manberg, a place where soldiers sought refuge after grueling battles and found comfort in the hearty soups and flavorful dishes they cooked up. Aromas of savory herbs and spices wafted through the air as customers eagerly awaited their meals, their spirits lifted by the warm atmosphere and delicious food. 
The memories flood back to them as they recall the prestigious guests who frequented their restaurant. The elegant President of L'Manburg himself had made special visits for diplomatic meetings, seeking the comfort and privacy of their establishment. And they always made sure to serve him their nationally famous dish - Noodles with meat.  The aroma alone was enough to make mouths water - a rich, savory broth simmered for hours, perfectly cooked hand-prepared noodles that they could tell were ready just by the color and texture, tender pieces of pork carefully placed on top. But it wasn't just about the taste - the presentation was just as important. Carrots, chives, and other fresh garnishes adorned the bowl, along with a sprinkling of sesame seeds and a dollop of fiery chili paste for those who dared.  
𝒯his dish had become synonymous with significant events in the history of this young country, and the Reader couldn't help but feel proud knowing their humble restaurant played a part in shaping its culture and identity. 
A very pleasant past that Reader misses. They remember those times with a smile. 
𝐻owever, amidst the comfortable thoughts in their mind, there are also haunting memories of Pogtopia. They can still feel the weight of poverty and fear that shrouded their daily life like a thick fog. The memories of living in the canyon for what seemed like endless months flood back to them.  Yet, as they try to recall the time frame, it all becomes a blur, the days and years blending together into one hazy period of turmoil. Such is the impact that time had on their memories of that place. 
𝒯he unrelenting grip of poverty, the constant gnawing fear of death, the monotonous routine of preparing potatoes day after day. They had so many potatoes that they ate them for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, struggling to find new ways to cook them - boiled, roasted over a fire, mashed into a purée. 
𝐵ut in the end, they always seemed to give up and serve them simply boiled. The bland aroma of boiling water filled their small ravine 'kitchen', as they resigned themselves to yet another meal of plain potatoes. 
𝐼t was a reminder of their meager existence, a symbol of their struggle to survive. 
𝒟espite not having a large customer base, they relish every opportunity to cook for someone and bring joy to their day. The thought of someone not having to worry about food at home and being able to come to them for a satisfying meal fills there with a sense of purpose. For a small fee, they serve up bowls of steaming noodles or simple dishes that they customize to each person's liking.  The aroma of herbs and spices wafts through the air, enticing passersby to stop and sample their cooking. Their humble kitchen is filled with warmth and welcoming energy, creating a haven for anyone in need of a comforting meal. 
As they enter the kitchen, their arms laden with fresh produce, they quickly tie a crisp white apron around their hips. They waste no time in placing the vegetables on the counter and rinsing them under a steady stream of cool water. With practiced efficiency, they pull out a large mixing bowl and various containers to store the ingredients. The cutting board is carefully wiped down, its surface gleaming beneath the bright kitchen lights. They run a hand over its smooth surface before grabbing their sharp knife and getting to work. 
𝒲ith a practiced hand, they reach for their favorite knife, its blade catching the sunlight and gleaming as they slice through the ripe tomato with precise movements. The crisp skin gives way easily and the sweet scent of the fruit fills the air as they carefully carve an even chunk and place it into the container. Moving on to the cucumbers, they expertly cut them into perfect strips, each one identical to the next, before adding them to the growing collection of vegetables in the container. Each ingredient is selected with care, from the vibrant red peppers to the deep green kale leaves and bright orange carrots. Finally, they add to earthy mushrooms their spongy texture completing the colorful array of ingredients that will soon become their customers' daily dishes.  As they work, a sense of pride and satisfaction fills their heart, knowing that these fresh and carefully prepared vegetables will bring joy and nourishment to those who eat them. 
𝒲ith the grace and ease of someone who has spent years perfecting their craft, they carefully wash their sharp knife before deftly cutting into the succulent meat. Every slice is deliberate and precise as they expertly remove any unwanted bones and gristle.  The stray cat that frequents their restaurant in the evening is the only customer who doesn't have to pay, so they always set out a small plate for it in appreciation. It's become a familiar routine, just like the comforting scent of freshly cooked meat that lingers in the air of their cozy establishment.
𝒜s the ten o'clock hour strikes, Reader interrupts their preparations and goes to the front door and pulls down the wooden covers that protect their glass window, with a sign that Tommy, one of the former members of L'Manberg, painted a few years ago. Reader opens the door wide and lets fresh air into the small room, which seats less than ten people. 
𝒜s the clock strikes ten, Reader pauses their preparations and strides to the front door with determination. They slide down the wooden covers that protect their glass window, adorned with a hand-painted sign by Tommy, one of the former members of L'Manberg. The aged paint peeling off reveals glimpses of vibrant colors from years past. With a firm grip, Reader pulls open the door, allowing a gust of cool air to sweep inside the small room. A cozy space, barely enough to seat ten people comfortably.  The scent of fresh air intermingles with the comforting aroma of food and freshly brewed tea. 
𝒯heir days pass, every so often consumed by thoughts and doubts of the rumors swirling about the resurrection of L'Manburg's President. Memories flood her mind- of the ravine where he had stood, surrounded by his people, pleading for them to stop calling him President. They remember the look of despair and desperation on his face, a stark contrast to the once hopeful and confident leader he used to be.  The transformation he underwent is etched in their mind, from a man filled with eager ambition and hope to one broken and desolate by the loss of his country. It's a haunting image that lingers in their thoughts, a poignant reminder of what once was and what could have been.  As they reflect on these memories, they can't help but feel a sense of sadness and disillusionment for the fallen leader and his shattered dreams. 
𝒜s the time for cleaning up arrived, Reader moved with swift and precise efficiency. Their movements were like a choreographed dance, each step executed with perfect control and purpose. Without a moment of hesitation or uncertainty, they sorted through the items on the table, placing them carefully on the cat's plate or in the rubbish bin. It was as if they had been programmed for this task, carrying it out flawlessly like a well-oiled machine. The clink of dishes and rustling of paper filled the air as Reader worked, their focused expression never faltering. They were masters at their craft, turning chaos into order with each calculated movement. With a sense of accomplishment, Reader stepped back from the neatly organized items in front of them. Their duties were complete, each task executed with precision and attention to detail. A satisfying feeling of completion washed over there, leaving a smile on their face as they surveyed their flawless work. It was as if each item had found its rightful place, creating a symphony of order and efficiency.
𝒲ith a poised and graceful step, the owners of the charming restaurant emerged from their kitchen, their faces glowing with a warm smile. In one hand, they carried a delicate plate, its contents arranged in an artful display that could rival any high-end eatery. The scent of spices and herbs wafted through the crisp autumn air, drawing in any nearby feline companions. Each carefully selected ingredient had been placed with precision, creating a feast not only for the senses but also for the palate of any fortunate cat. 
As they walked towards their favorite spot outside the restaurant, a small cat curled up under their legs and wrapped its tail around their thighs in grateful contentment.  It was clear that this furry companion held a special place in their heart for providing it with nourishment every evening. 
𝒯he frigid and forbidding darkness of the night hung heavy, engulfing everything in its path. The cold air prickled at their skin, heightening their senses as they gazed upon the lone figure standing in front of their restaurant. His silhouette loomed large against the dimly lit street, casting a daunting shadow that seemed to swallow up everything around it.  The glowing moon above served as a watchful guardian, its silvery light bathing his features in an eerie glow. His intense gaze locked theirs, and for a moment, time seemed to stand still as they stood alone in this deserted city. 
𝐻is voice cut through the silence, sharp and forceful. "Are you open?" he demanded, his words like shards of ice in the stillness of the night. 
The man's appearance is strikingly unkempt, emitting an aura of poverty and potential homelessness. His hair, a mass of shoulder-length brown curls, appears tangled and greasy, with strands protruding in all directions. Among the chaos, a solitary white strand stands out conspicuously, almost luminous against the disorder. It's as if he's aged a decade overnight. His eyes, bloodshot and encircled by a rim of red, convey a sense of sleeplessness that spans days. The profound, dark circles beneath his eyes surpass any exhaustion I've witnessed, even among the most fatigued hybrids or humans. 
𝐻e dons a tattered yellow jumper, its fabric worn thin and punctuated by tears. Draping loosely over his shoulders, a patched coat, once a lively brown, now bears the weight of dirt and grime, concealing any semblance of its former vibrancy. Wrapped around his arm, a bandage, tainted with a red hue, poses a mystery—blood or perhaps wine? Despite the neglect evident in his attire, one detail stands out: his trousers, meticulously pressed, hint at a pride in appearance amidst adversity.  Yet, they're juxtaposed with scuffed and grimy shoes, evidence of a journey endured with little regard for appearance. 
"Unfortunately, it has just closed," Reader says with a warm smile, their gesture directed towards the now darkened restaurant front. "But fear not, for I will be open again at 10 tomorrow morning." As they speak, they absent-mindedly pet the purring cat perched on the counter, savoring its meal of freshly prepared food. "The only customer being served now is this cat. You don't look like a cat, I'm sorry," they add, their hands gently stroking the animal as it enjoys its feast. 
At this, the man chuckles and responds, "I may not look like a cat, but I wouldn't mind meowing or snuggling up to your leg if it means getting some of that delicious food," he laughs.  "I wish I could help you," Reader says with a chuckle, "But I'm afraid my only clients after hours are of the feline persuasion." 
𝒯he man's hearty laughter echoed through the street, blending in with the soft purring of the cat. The tension from earlier seemed to dissipate, replaced by an ease that felt strange but also comforting. "Fair enough," he said, smiling at the Reader. "I think I'll have to find another place then."  "Just down the road there's an all-night dinner," they offered. They pointed towards the end of the street where a neon sign flickered intermittently. "They should still have something warm for you."  "Thanks," he said, his voice carrying a note of genuine gratitude. He turned to leave before hesitating and turning back towards Reader "Do you remember cooking noodles with meat in L'Manberg?" 
𝑅eader paused, a flicker of surprise passing across their face. Their eyes, which had been warm and inviting, cooled as they studied the man before there. "Why would you ask me that?" they said, their voices betraying a touch of guarded curiosity. 
The man gave a rueful smile. "It's a memory I've carried for years," he admitted with an odd sort of vulnerability, his gaze never leaving their face. "A chef who cooked the most delicious noodles with meat in L'Manberg."  Their faces softened as they listened to him, their initial wariness fading into curiosity. "That was a long time ago," they finally said, more to themselves than to him.  He nodded slowly. "Yes, it was," he conceded. "But for some reason, those noodles have always stuck with me. I suppose...I've been looking for them ever since." 
𝒜 silence descended upon them then, as they each absorbed what had been said - and perhaps what hadn't been said too. The cat finished its meal and hopped off the counter, brushing against Reader's leg before slipping out into the night.  "Have we met?" Reader said finally. Their voices were soft but resolute.   "Yeah..." he says and puts his hands in his pockets "I'm the one who let you open the restaurant and was the first to eat those noodles." says the man, at which Reader takes two steps backwards and only now in the man does they recognize the former President of L'Manburg. 
"Mr President..." whispers Reader. 
The man's expression softened at their recognition, a hint of nostalgia flickering in his eyes. "Please, just call me Wilbur," he said, his voice carrying a note of sincerity.  Reader's mind raced with memories of their time together in L'Manburg, the moments of camaraderie and hardship they had shared. They couldn't help but feel a surge of emotion at the sight of him standing before them, a stark reminder of the past they had tried so hard to leave behind.  "I never thought I'd see you again," they admitted, their voices barely above a whisper. "Not after everything that happened." 
𝒲ilbur's face took on a serious expression; his eyes seemed to be searching the ground for answers. "I understand," he spoke in a hushed tone. "Being brought back to life is just as shocking for me as it is for others.” 
Reader paused, gazing at their small restaurant with its quaint decor. "If you'd like, Mr. President - Wilbur, I believe I can whip up some delicious noodles with savory meat for you. However, it may take a bit of time."  A small, genuine smile graced Wilbur's lips at Reader's kind offer, the corners of his mouth turning up as if pulled by invisible strings. "I would be delighted," his bright brown eyes shone with gratitude, reflecting the warmth in his voice as he replied, a hint of nostalgia woven into his words. 
𝒲ith a graceful sweep, Reader disappeared into the kitchen to prepare their meal. Wilbur followed, sinking into a plush chair at one of the empty tables. His mind wandered back to the days when L'Manburg was a bustling nation, overflowing with life and possibility. Memories rushed in like a powerful river, each one bringing a flutter of nostalgia and longing as he waited patiently for the mouth-watering aroma of food to permeate the air once more. He could almost taste the rich flavors and feel the warmth radiating from the kitchen as Reader worked their magic. 
𝒯he kitchen was alive with a symphony of sounds, as Reader moved with dancer-like grace and purpose. The clinking of pots and pans echoed through the air, each utensil playing its own instrumental part in the culinary orchestra. The scent of simmering broth, infused with aromatic spices, filled Wilbur's senses, wrapping him in a warm and comforting embrace that made his stomach growl with anticipation. It was like being enveloped in a cloud of savory goodness, beckoning him closer to the source of its alluring aroma.  After spending years in the desolate realm of Limbo without any sustenance, the mere scent of these noodles sent a wave of hunger crashing over him. He could practically taste the savory broth and chewy strands as if they were right in front of him. The aroma was so enticing, he felt like he could devour liters of it without hesitation. 
𝒜s Reader emerged from the warm, bustling kitchen with a steaming bowl of noodles in hand, Wilbur's eyes met theirs with a mixture of admiration and longing. The aroma of savory broth and freshly cooked noodles wafted through the air, enticing his senses. As he took the first bite, the flavors exploded on his palate, each mouthful a symphony of tastes that transported him back to simpler times. With every swallow, he could taste the heart and soul that Reader had poured into the dish.  "You have truly outdone yourself," Wilbur exclaimed between bites, his eyes never leaving Reader's face as if trying to convey his gratitude and appreciation through their locked gaze. 
𝒯he words hung heavy in the air, thick with disbelief and awe. "I was at your funeral," Reader's voice trembled as they took a seat in the chair next to Wilbur. "And now I'm serving you noodles." The steam from the hot meal rose and mingled with their breath, a surreal scene unfolding before them. "You really have been revived," Reader marveled at the miracle of Wilbur's return from death.  "Believe me, you're not the only one having trouble adjusting to this." Wilbur says between mouthfuls of steaming noodles. He pauses to take a deep breath, then continues with a tinge of gratitude in his voice, "But thanks to my hero I am back alive. Dream."  He lifts his bowl up in a gesture of gratitude towards Dream, who is now behind bars in prison. Reader can sense the tension and unease between Wilbur and Dream. 
𝐼t's clear that something has changed between them, something that Reader doesn't quite understand or enjoy witnessing. 
𝒯he word fell from Reader's lips with a bitter tone, carrying with it the weight of past struggles and disappointments. The mere mention of "Dream" conjured up a flood of negative memories - the root cause of L'Manberg's seemingly endless problems.  "Dream? Eh, Wasn't he perhaps enemy number one in L'Manberg?” Reader asks. 
𝒲ilbur's gaze darkened at the mention of Dream's name, a storm brewing in his eyes. "Yes, he was," Wilbur admitted, his voice tinged with a mix of anger and betrayal.  "But he was also the one who brought me back from the Limbo." The conflicting emotions within Wilbur were evident in his tense posture and furrowed brow.  Reader could sense the turmoil bubbling beneath the surface, the unresolved issues and complicated history between Wilbur and Dream hanging heavily in the air. "I know it's hard to understand," Wilbur continued, his voice softer now, laced with a hint of sadness. "But things are never as black and white as they seem, especially in a place like L'Manberg." He took another bite of noodles, the warmth of the broth offering a momentary distraction from the weight of their conversation. 
𝑅eader watched Wilbur closely, the pieces of the puzzle slowly coming together in their minds. Despite the tension between them, Reader couldn't help but feel a twinge of sympathy for Wilbur. The weight of expectations and responsibilities had taken its toll on him, leaving behind scars that ran deep. 
𝑅eader smiles and refills the broth in Wilbur's noodles. 
"It's good to have you back." 
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the-umiran-amulet ¡ 4 months
What holidays do you celebrate in Octan? :D
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One of our biggest national holidays is Alliance Day, which celebrates the formation of our alliance with Cape Space. That relationship has sometimes been strained, like when Sirius' father held the throne, but it has persisted for nearly four hundred years now. There's usually lots of parties and food and fireworks involved.
King's Day, the day our kingdom was founded, is celebrated in much the same way. There's also a huge parade in Bricksburg, and the ruling monarch at the time- not always a king- will make a speech and pray for another year of prosperity.
We also have the Four Festivals, which celebrate the Four Gods. They are each held on the first day of each god's associated season and typically last for a week. For example, the Frost Festival which honors Arwil is on the first day of winter. It marks the start of the new year, and the season of rest. Gifts are often exchanged, and most people choose to spend this holiday with family and close friends. You can also find many candles and strings of lanterns decorating most homes as a guard against the longest nights of the year.
The Blossom Festival in spring is full of performances by musicians, storytellers, and acting troupes performing new plays. Graduating apprentices will show off their masterpieces in the hopes of attracting rich patrons to support them, or hobbyists will sell their works for a bit of extra cash. Farmers usually spend the week after getting their crops sown, weather permitting. It also kicks off the start of what we tend to call "faire season", in which there are any number of smaller celebrations and festivities where makers of any sort will sell their wares. It runs on through summer, and comes to an official end on the first day of the Harvest Festival.
The Makers' Festival in summer is the time for tradesmen and women to show off their skills. You'll find many beautiful and high-quality works on display during this time. It's also a good time for young aspiring craftspeople to find someone to mentor them.
The Harvest Festival is when we celebrate the bounty of the crops we have reaped, and another year of good health. As you might guess, there is a LOT of feasting during this week. It's also a good excuse to use up dried herbs and spices from the year before to make room for new stock. If any are still left over at the end of the week, they are burned. I think people used to believe doing so would help to ward off illnesses in the coming cold months. It's just a tradition these days.
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rejoicingtoday ¡ 7 months
National Margarita Day🍹: A Celebration of the Iconic Cocktail
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National Margarita Day is coming up on February 22nd this year. It’s a fun holiday to celebrate the popular margarita cocktail. Lots of people enjoy margaritas, especially in the summer. The drink is made with tequila, lime juice, and orange liqueur. It has a tangy, citrusy taste that people love.
National Margarita Day provides an opportunity for people to come together and celebrate this iconic drink. It’s a time to appreciate the Margarita’s unique flavors, versatility, and cultural significance. Many bars, restaurants, and cocktail enthusiasts participate in the festivities by offering special Margarita promotions, hosting Margarita-themed events, or crafting new and creative Margarita recipes.
History of National Margarita Day
National Margarita Day is all about celebrating this yummy tequila drink, but where did it come from? No one knows for sure, but there are two fun stories!
One says a bartender named Danny whipped one up in the 1930s for a customer who couldn’t stomach most alcohol. He mixed tequila with lime and salt for a smoother sip, and boom, the margarita was born!
The other story says it evolved from another drink called the Daisy, originally made with different liquors but eventually switching to tequila and adding orange liqueur for more punch.
So, the margarita’s origin is a delicious mystery, but National Margarita Day is the perfect excuse to enjoy this refreshing drink, salty rim or not!
How To Celebrate National Margarita Day
Celebrating National Margarita Day can be a fun and enjoyable experience. Here are some ideas on how to celebrate this special day:
Enjoy a Margarita at a Bar or Restaurant: Visit your favorite bar or restaurant known for their Margaritas and indulge in a delicious Margarita. Many establishments offer special Margarita promotions or menu items on National Margarita Day, so take advantage of the opportunity to try something new or savor a classic Margarita recipe.
Host a Margarita Party: Set up a fun bar with tequilas, mixers, fresh lime, and toppings. Let everyone mix their own masterpieces and hold a taste-off! Don’t forget fancy glass rims and yummy snacks to complete the fiesta!
Try Different Margarita Variations: National Margarita Day is your chance to get fancy with this classic drink! Don’t settle for the usual – try adding fresh fruits like strawberries, mango, or watermelon, or spice things up with jalapeños or habanero. Feeling adventurous? Freeze it for a cool treat! Find recipes online or unleash your inner mixologist and invent your own unique margarita. Cheers!
Attend Margarita Tastings or Events: Check if there are any Margarita tastings, workshops, or events happening in your area on National Margarita Day. Some venues or mixology schools may offer special Margarita-focused events where you can learn about the history, techniques, and art of crafting Margaritas. It’s a great opportunity to expand your knowledge and palate while enjoying the festivities.
Make Homemade Margaritas: Snuggle up and celebrate National Margarita Day at home! Grab some tequila, orange liqueur, lime juice, and ice (recipe optional!), and whip up your own delicious margaritas. Feeling creative? Play with the ratios or add a twist with fresh fruits or herbs. Cheers to a cozy celebration, margarita-style!
Facts and Stats about Margarita
Margarita reigns supreme as the most popular cocktail, with a whopping 60% of Americans favoring this tequila-based delight.
According to a NielsenIQ CGA survey, the Margarita reigns supreme as the most popular cocktail in the United States, with 60% of cocktail enthusiasts favoring it. This classic concoction is followed by the daiquiri (44%), piùa colada (36%), Long Island iced tea (33%), and the refreshing mojito (29%).
In the United States, annual margarita sales are estimated to surpass a whopping $800 million each year.
Frozen margaritas have indeed become a popular choice, accounting for approximately 80% of margarita sales at restaurants and bars.
To celebrate the grand opening of the Margaritaville Casino at The Flamingo hotel in Las Vegas, a massive margarita named “Lucky Rita” was created. It took a monumental effort, requiring approximately 300 hours and 60 people to prepare.
58 countries imported over 100,000 liters of tequila in 2023. Among them, 7 saw imports surge past 100%, with Ukraine (+421%), Switzerland (+176%), and Estonia (+131%) leading the pack.
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school56df ¡ 11 days
The Evolution of Packaged Food Products Ideas Convenience Meets Nutrition
Apples, bananas, oranges, strawberries, and berries are famous worldwide for his or her sweetness and dietary blessings.
Leafy greens like spinach and kale, root greens which include carrots and potatoes, and cruciferous veggies like broccoli and cauliflower provide essential nutrients.
Herbs and Spices
Fresh herbs like basil, cilantro, and mint enhance the taste of dishes while presenting medicinal advantages.
Grains and Cereal Products
Grains are a staple in lots of diets internationally. They offer electricity through carbohydrates and are often enriched with extra nutrients. Common grain merchandise include:
 A staple in many Asian and Latin American cuisines, rice is flexible and available in sorts together with white, brown, and wild rice.
Wheat and Bread Products
Bread, pasta, and pastries are crafted from wheat and are commonplace in many Western diets. Whole wheat options are frequently preferred for his or her higher fiber content.
Oats and Cereals:
 Breakfast cereals made from oats, corn, and wheat provide a quick and handy alternative for starting the day.
Dairy Products
Dairy merchandise are derived from milk and are an vital source of calcium, protein, and different nutrients. Dairy items encompass:
Available in numerous forms, along with entire, skim, and plant-primarily based alternatives like almond and soy milk.
A flexible meals product, cheese comes in loads of sorts, consisting of cheddar, mozzarella, and Parmesan, each with particular flavors and textures.
Yogurt is a probiotic-rich food that promotes intestine fitness. Varieties consist of Greek yogurt, flavored yogurt, and plant-primarily based options.
Meat and Seafood Products
Meat and seafood offer essential proteins, nutrients, and minerals like iron and zinc. There are numerous varieties of meat and seafood merchandise, consisting of:
Red Meat
 Beef, lamb, and beef are resources of protein and are broadly consumed globally.
Chicken and turkey are famous alternatives because of their lean protein content and flexibility in cooking.
Fish like salmon, tuna, and shrimp are wealthy in omega-3 fatty acids, that are beneficial for heart health.
 Plant-Based Products
With the upward thrust of vegetarian and vegan diets, plant-based totally food merchandise have grow to be greater prominent. These gadgets are designed to mimic the flavor and texture of animal products however are made absolutely from vegetation. Examples encompass:
Plant-Based Meats
Alternatives to traditional meat made from soy, pea protein, or mushrooms. Brands like Beyond Meat and Impossible Foods provide burgers, sausages, and more.
Dairy-Free Milk and Cheese: 
Almond, soy, oat, and coconut milk are not unusual options to dairy, along with plant-based cheeses crafted from nuts or starches.
Processed and Packaged Foods
Processed foods are the ones that have been altered from their natural nation for comfort, protection, or taste. These can variety from minimally processed items, like bagged salad veggies, to closely processed snacks and frozen meals. Some examples are:
Canned Goods
Canned greens, culmination, and beans provide convenience and a longer shelf life.
Frozen Foods
Frozen dinners, pizzas, and vegetables are popular for his or her ease of instruction.
Snack Foods
Chips, crackers, cookies, and other snacks are widely fed on however should be enjoyed carefully due to excessive stages of sugar, salt, and fat.
Beverages embody a extensive range of products, from water to complicated electricity liquids. Important classes consist of:
Still and sparkling water, flavored waters, and more advantageous waters with introduced electrolytes or vitamins.
Fruit and vegetable juices are popular for his or her clean taste, however they also can include excessive degrees of sugar.
Coffee and Tea: 
Widely fed on round the arena, espresso and tea are available in diverse forms, consisting of equipped-to-drink alternatives, ground coffee, and tea luggage.
Soft Drinks
Sodas, electricity beverages, and flavored carbonated beverages, even as famous, are regularly criticized for his or her sugar content.
 Baked Goods and Confectioneries
Baked items and sweets are liked across cultures and come in many paperwork, from simple to problematic. Examples include:
Bread and Rolls
 Baguettes, sourdough, and multigrain breads are staples in lots of houses.
Croissants, truffles, and donuts are enjoyed as snacks or breakfast treats.
Food Product Ideas merchandise encompass a wide variety of objects designed for human consumption, and they come in many bureaucracy to meet unique dietary wishes, possibilities, and lifestyles. From clean produce to packaged items, meals products play a crucial position in day by day nutrition, cultural traditions, and the worldwide economy. Below, we explore numerous classes of meals products, their importance, and trends shaping the enterprise.
Fresh Produce
Fresh end result, greens, and herbs are foundational additives of a wholesome food plan. They are rich in vitamins, minerals, and fiber, which can be vital for retaining suitable fitness. 
Sweets and Candies
Food Products Brands is  Chocolates, gummies, and sweets, while indulgent, have to be consumed in moderation.
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