#National Vinegar Day
nationaldaycalendar · 2 years
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murderousink23 · 11 months
11/01/2023 is World Vegan Day 🌎, National Stress Awareness Day 🌎, Day of the Bulgarian National Revival Leaders 🇧🇬, National Jealousy Day 💚🇫🇮, All Saints' Day 🌎, National Cook For Your Pets Day 🐱🐶🇺🇲, National Authors' Day 🇺🇲, National Deep Fried Clams Day 🇺🇲, National Family Literacy Day 📚🇺🇲, National Vinegar Day 🇺🇲, National Hello Kitty Day 🇺🇲
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ami-ven · 2 years
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Happy National Vinegar Day!
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orcelito · 1 year
I went on a war path against the gnats with my bug zapper & subsequently scared the Shit out of June Bug from all the snapping
Sorry girl
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thelcsdaily · 1 month
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Filipino Chicken Adobo
As the unofficial national dish of the Philippines, the most common preparation of adobo in the Philippines involves browning the meat first, then braising with vinegar, soy sauce, garlic, bay leaves, and black peppercorns; the proportions of these ingredients depend on your own preferences. I always enjoy this dish and prefer my adobo to be slightly saucy and savory, rather than sour. Filipino adobo is great with steamed white rice. And if there are any leftovers, adobo tastes better a few days later.
When we are with our loved ones around the table, something extraordinary happens. The charm of a good meal fuels a sense of belonging and connection, and the air is filled with the perfume of excellent food. My father would prepare a weekly batch of chicken and pork adobo while I was growing up. It's a memory I will always cherish.
 "I realized very early the power of food to evoke memory, to bring people together, to transport you to other places, and I wanted to be a part of that." — José Andrés Puerta
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copperbadge · 11 months
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Happy first day of National Clean Your Home Month! (National Novel Writing Month novelists, happy first day to you as well!)
[ID: Five images; top left, potatoes and chickpeas in golden brown sauce on a round of flatbread. Top right, Dearborn the Tortie is lying on a blanket in my lap, propped up by my legs, looking like a boomerang. Bottom images are, left and center, before-and-after of my front hall, first with a raggedy blue carpet and then clean and carpetless, and bottom right is my newly cleaned kitchen floor.]
Started this morning with what looks like a weird deconstructed apple pie but is actually flatbread topped with curried potatoes and chickpeas (lest you think I'm fancy, it's Trader Joe's Malabari Paratha topped with Tasty Bite Bombay Potatoes). Dearborn is unimpressed by cleaning but she is extremely Shaped. Still, after eating I gave her about half an hour of cuddles, then set to work!
I normally clean before showering because you do get grimy, but I noticed last year that my pajamas are not ideal for cleaning in, so I set aside an outfit to change into, which leaves arms and legs mostly bare and doesn't drape much -- yoga leggings tucked up above the calf and a tight tank top. I'm amusedly referring to it as my Slutty Maid outfit.
Anyway, this morning I put on 99% Invisible's "Devolutionary Design", about Devo's first album cover, and set to work. Polk has been destroying the hallway rug, and the kitchen rug was disgusting, so I pulled both up, rolled 'em up, and tossed them, then cleaned the floors. A coating of goo-gone for old carpet tape residue followed by a brief sponge scrub, then a spritz of Grease Lightning cleaner-degreaser and a scrub with the steam mop for both the hall and the kitchen, had them looking at least better.
Cleaning is complicated by the Kitchen Protocol I've had to introduce; the kitchen has a wheat weevil issue, which is pernicious but oddly benign -- after having mice several years ago, all my food is always contained in either a sealed jar/tupperware or its original packaging and they haven't actually ever got into the food, they just live under the kitchen linoleum. In any case, any kitchen cleaning I do in a day has to be the last cleaning I do, and anything coming out of the kitchen first needs to be treated with undilute white vinegar, then rinsed and treated a second time with bleach, to prevent spreading the weevils to other areas of the house. I'm also spraying down all the floors with dilute vinegar frequently.
Anyway, the steam mop is now out of commission until its freshly bleached fabric pad dries, but it did take me exactly the length of the podcast to set up, clean, and clear away the cleaning supplies/wash the sponge afterward, so I'm pleased with the day's work.
Disposable nitrile gloves used count: 1.
Tomorrow's tasks: vacuum all over, then figure out the carpet shampooer I was given, and if I manage that, shampoo the rugs.
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daemon-in-my-head · 3 months
As requested by @theannoyingurge let's take a detour from our regular schedule and talk food preservation in medival settings / before everybody had a refrigerator so you can write the bg3 fic of ur dreams and be realistic even with details that keep getting in ur way:
Underground cellars/basements. No rly. They can be incredible cool even in summer or even if they're not too deep, and they've been used to ripen and store food such as wine or cheese or meat since ages. Cooling and freezing has been no new invention, we've been refrigerating food (where possible aka northern regions and those with real winters) since forever. The only difference is that it's more convenient nowadays.
Your food can't spoil if you let it rot deliberately aka fermenting. Whether it's fruits and vegetables, honey and grape wines, beer, cheese, or soy sauce. People have been using fermentation since ancient times to preserve foods. Remember Surströmming? The canned fish that smells incredibly bad? Yeah that's just fermented fish.
My personal fav: The burial method. Foods would be burried in dry soil (the deeper u go the cooler it gets) to protect from, well, the sun, but also and very importantly, pests and that stuff. Sometimes the food would also be tightly packed in salts or some marinades to infuse some flavour and to dry it out even better, it's a method still used today for food such as Graved Lachs (lit. buried salmon) a 'delicacy' and yeah shit tastes awesome actually I highly recommend trying it.
Can't have fermenting without pickling. Even ancient Romans loved pickles. Everyone knows that wine can turn into vinegar, and guess what they took advantage of. Also you can pickle pretty much everything. Fish, meat, fruits, veggies. It's edible? You can pickle it. And apparently people will.
Boiling stuff with sugar or honey, aka, making jams and jellies. Sugar can preserve food, and while they didn't have those cute lil glasses we do, they still very much enjoyed their jam. Ofc this was used primarily for sweeter foods. Strawberry jam has been used as a treat for God knows how long. You wouldn't believe how old some cake recipes really are.
Curing and smoking: a method we still very much use to this day to make sausages and prepare other sorts of meat and fish. People have ever since loved the smoke flavour and dangerous amounts of salt. Jerky is certainly no new invention.
Drying: yep. Grain, nuts, fruits, veggies. Lots of shit lasts nearly forever if its purposefully dried. Just make sure you don't screw it up and treat the not yet so dry produces carefully. Garlic ropes may keep out vampires but the biggest advantage is that it'll keep it from spoiling so fast.
And most importantly; the take only what you need approach. You need only 2 tomatoes? Only pluck 2 off the vine. You need meat 3 days from now? Well, only get it on the day you'll need it. You need bread today? Bake it today. People we're very conscious about their foods and what they needed. Doesn't hurt to leave the apple on the tree for one more day if it's not close to overripe already.
Now for the fun part, the random trivia regarding food;
Originally it was a woman's job to brew the beer
Beer can be used as food and it often was used as a cheap tavern food or in times of need
Island nations and coastal regions love to eat fresh, raw fish. A lot of culture from this region somehow includes raw fish in their cuisine for a plethora of reasons. Coastal people love their raw fish. Also algae. They do love algae too
Not a single hair on an animal was wasted. Hair = brushes, fat = soaps and cosmetics, blood = can be cooked and eaten. Blood sausages and all that stuff. Lamb's intestines were famously used as condoms. I meant it when I said everything.
The 'trash' meat aka scraps and very non tasty looking stuff was mixed with grain and fried in times where food was rare. Great source of protein and very filling.
Meat was expensive, so it was rare to come by and very much valued.
Normal middle/lower class people would often only eat the "good stuff" once a week or on special occasions.
During outbreaks of the pest and other illnesses even kids drank beer. Water was too dirty and contaminated.
In fact the primary drinks were wines, beers, ales all that stuff. Water had to be boiled first.
Pretty much everything that wasn't poisonous would be eaten by people. Wasting food really didn't happen a lot outside of the upper class.
Religion was heavily influenced by food. Meat will spoil very quickly in the deserts heat, a sober soldier fights better than a drunk one, fish is rare outside of coastal towns so it's expensive and rare, cows are much more useful if they're alive rather than dead, you took a life to feed yourself so be responsible about it, that kinda shit. Food influences religion. Has always done that.
Hope this helps or this is what u were looking for. I somehow crave Graved Lachs now so I shall hunt some in the supermarket or smth.
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aniverse-x · 5 months
Random questions(Will not add more anymore bc I’m lazy)
If you could be anything in the universe(non-living)what would you be?
If you could be any animal, what would you be?
If you could have 1 superpower, what would it be?
What color is your toothbrush?
If you had 1 wish(it could be ANYTHING but not more wishes)what would it be?
What’s your zodiac sign?
What are your thoughts on neutron stars?
What is one of your worse weird phobias?
what’s your favorite planet in our solar system?
What’s one(or more)weird fun fact that you know?
What’s one(or more)fun fact that almost nobody knows?
Do you know what Tetration is?
What is your favorite number?
What is your favorite Color?
Do you read comics?
Whats your favorite kids show?
What kind of music do you like?
What are your thoughts on nuclear bombs?
Are you from North Korea?
What is your favorite holiday?
Do you like to draw?
If you could be any celebrity(dead or alive) for the rest of your life who would you be?
If you could spend a day with any celebrity(dead or alive) who would it be?
Who is your favorite historical figure?
How many fictional characters do you simp for?
What’s your favorite song?
Would you want to be leader of a nation if you could?
What is the weirdest hobby you have?
Are you a Night Owl or an Early Bird?
Introvert or Extrovert?
Are you a Cat or Dog person?
What’s your favorite book genre?
What’s your favorite movie genre?
What’s your favorite tv series genre?
What’s your favorite anime genre?
What’s your favorite anime genre?
What’s your favorite comic genre?
What’s your favorite music genre?
When taking a shower, do you prefer Hot or Cold water?
Do you like musicals? If so, what is your favorite? And why?
Who is your favorite song artist?
Are you a Brain or a Brawn?
Are you a Rebel?
Are you a Follower, a Leader, or a Loner?
What are your thoughts on AI?
Do you play Role-Playing games?
Do you like sports? If so, which one is your favorite and which one are you best at?
If you could write a book, make show, movie, etc. what would it be about?
Have you ever broken a bone? If so, what did you break and how did you break it?
What is your craziest life story?
Do you like to sing?
Who is your idol, or at least your fav
Have you ever been in love?
Would you rather Stay Single or be in a Relationship?
Antisocial or Social?
Speed or Strength?
Or you Stronger or Faster?
Sprinter or Distance runner?
Do you wear glasses?
What is one life hack you know that nobody else does?
What languages are you fluent in?
What language is hardest to learn(in your opinion)
How many different languages do you know?
Do you dwell on the Past, Present, or Future more?
In school, what were/are you known as?(athlete, quiet, class clown, weirdo, perv, dummy, etc)
Do you believe in Karma?
Do you think you have more good luck or bad luck?
What’s your favorite food?
What’s your favorite beverage?
Do you prefer to be outside or inside?
What’s your favorite kind of weather?
How did you discover Tumblr?
What is your favorite ship, and where are they from?
What is your favorite kind of food?
Sweet or Sour?
Salt or Vinegar?
Do you have strong will/do you have a powerful determination?
Do you easily give in to peer pressure?
If you had the choice to vent to someone, or not?
Is Bigger Better?
What is #1 your goal in life?
Are you a YouTuber?
What is your favorite thing about people?
What is your favorite thing about today’s society?
What is something you HATE about people?
What is something you HATE about todays society?
Sweet coffee or Bitter coffee?
Your house is gonna blow up. You can only save 1 thing. What is it?
Pancakes or Waffles?
Vegetables or Fruits?
When looking for a good song, do you pay attention to the Lyrics or how the Music Sounds?
Pillow or Blanket?
Hamster or Guinea Pig?
Mouse or Rat? Which one is worse?
Rabies or Zombie?
Do you like to read and/or write fanfic?
Is there anyone in your life that you feel you can truly be yourself with?
Do you Support giving chairs free will?
What is your biggest phobia?
Do you think was Math Created or Discovered?
What song best describes you?
What song best describes you personality?
What song best describes your life?
In your opinion, what is the most powerful word?
How many siblings do you have?
Do you think the Earth would be better without humans?
If you were given the power to end humanity, would you do it?
You are given the power to destroy humanity. But if successful in destroying humanity, you have to kill yourself, too. Do you do it?
You’re given the option to control death. Controlling death is your job. Do you take the offer?
You’re given the option to become Karma itself. Do you take it or leave it?
Are you a big Conspiracy Theorist?
Ham or Turkey?
In your opinion, what is the best combo?
In your opinion, who is the most iconic Duo?
In your opinion, who is the most iconic Trio?
In your opinion, who is the most iconic Squad?
I’m not adding more anymore :P
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sgiandubh · 1 year
Dear 'Hi, darling' Anon
You are so polite and I am so sorry. But I am not going to publish your ask here. The question has been asked before, in many different ways, which tells me a lot about this fandom's - maybe understandable - impatience. The reason I will not answer it in here is simple: as tempted as I might be, I will not write the damn script.
I am an optimist and I believe these two are good people. It is as simple as that.
However, what I can and will do for you, is to tell you a real French story I will try to sum up as best as possible. You take out of it whatever you want. I am just the narrator, here.
I suppose you are not very familiar with this guy, are you?
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His name was François Mitterrand, and from 1981 to 1995 he was the President of the French Republic. A cunning, even ruthless politician, he managed the feat of uniting a French Left in shambles and leading it back to power after more than twenty years on the opposition benches. He truly was the master of all combinations, with an almost diabolic sense of human nature and a cult for secrecy and privacy. So much so, that even in a country like France (where people are rather fond of gossip and backstage gaming, provided all of this is masterfully executed) he was nicknamed both 'The Florentine', in an expected parallel to Machiavelli, by politicos & pundits, and 'Tonton' (Uncle), by all the rest of the nation.
His only weakness was to have led a double life for 30 years.
A scion of a deeply Catholic bourgeois family of vinegar distillers from Jarnac, Mitterrand married the atheist and radical Danielle Gouze in 1944. They met in harsh times, while he was one of the chiefs of the French Résistance, after being an underling of Marshal Pétain's Nazi collaborating puppet regime, based in Vichy. They never divorced, even if the couple became increasingly estranged after the birth of three sons, in rapid succession. She found solace in the arms of a Corsican sports instructor and he, by now a rising star of French politics, went his merry way with probably hundreds of affairs. I bet you couldn't tell, by simply looking at his official portrait, but hey - never judge a book by its cover.
By the autumn of 1965, Mitterrand started his lifelong affair with Anne Pingeot, an Art History student at the fabulous Ecole du Louvre, hailing from a well-heeled family in Clermont-Ferrand. She met him in 1957, while vacationing with her parents in Hossegor, a posh summer resort on the Atlantic coast. Both families stroke up a polite holiday friendship, so when Anne went to study in Paris, Madame Pingeot naturally asked 'François' to keep an eye on her daughter. It took him two years to seduce her, with flowers, daily letters, books, midnight walks, art exhibitions, concerts, lies, stories, restaurants and drama - Frenchmen really, really are unparalleled at this cat and mouse game. They never broke up and if Mitterrand never was exclusively attached to her, she remained the love of his life until his very last day on Earth.
The only real crisis moment in this stars aligned story came in 1973, when Anne really wanted out of the whole charade. She wanted a younger partner, an easier plot and (of course) a child. He relented. Mazarine was born in December 1974, in the deepest possible secrecy, somewhere in Southern France (this is a well-known plot device in any good French Nineteenth century novel, by the way). Her father legally recognized her only in 1984, via a simple notary statement. From 1981 to 1995, the second family shared an apartment in a building reserved for the Elysée Palace top level public servants, on Quai Branly, in Paris. At the same time, Mitterrand kept his usual home on rue de Bièvre, steps away from Notre Dame cathedral, on the Left Bank and made sure he was regularly seen there by the press, the paparazzi and the odd passerby. Anne and Mazarine were always monitored by the President's security detail, of course.
Did people know? Many did and at least as many didn't have a clue. Mitterrand was a master at separating his social life into concentric zones, but even as such, lots of people in his intimate circle had no idea he was a new father to that little girl whose toys they sometimes saw in the trunk of his official car, or who happened to be around at political gatherings. They simply assumed the toys belonged to his grand-daughters, the fugitive appearance was a relative and in general, they knew better than asking questions. Sometimes, he joked in interviews, as in 1986, when he told, on a very relaxed tone, to French TV star journalist Yves Mourousi "a certain little miss of my acquaintance told me I have to be more chébran (slang for also slang branché - trendy) and as you see, I am doing my best". Nobody batted an eyelid. When Mazarine dutifully wrote on her first day at school, sometime around 1983, "President of the French Republic" under the Father's job entry on the yearly data sheet every pupil must fill in, the headmistress thought she was joking and never brought it up again. Some of her school friends were even invited for pajama parties at Souzy-la-Briche, at the time the week-end residence of the French President, and even met Mitterrand. Nobody ever spoke.
But some people did know and could not exactly remain silent. When Françoise Giroud, a legend of French journalism, published, in 1983, at the Mazarine publishing house (!), her roman à clef (novel with a key), Le bon plaisir (As He Saw Fit), heavily alluding to the Mitterrand situation, she was forced by her editor to write a very clear frontpage disclaimer. She also had to tinker a bit with details: it was a boy, not a girl, etc. But when venomous polemist Jean-Edern Hallier, disgruntled that his support efforts were left unrewarded, wrote a tell-all pamphlet  L'Honneur perdu de François Mitterrand (François Mitterrand's Lost Honor), in 1984, the manuscript mysteriously vanished without a trace (the book appeared, however, after Mitterand's death, in 1996).
All was revealed in 1995, by a paparazzi photograph being published by the reliable people's magazine Paris Match, with no intervention of the French Presidency administration to stop it. On its cover, a by now terminally ill with cancer Mitterrand was seen standing with Mazarine in front of the (wonderful) fish restaurant Le Divellec, in Paris, under the caption (I will never forget it): La fille cachée du Président (The President's Hidden Daughter). Body language was very clear (another caption: The tender gesture of a father):
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And the good people of France could finally see Anne and Mazarine mourning him, on January 11, 1996, after he let himself die upon finding out that the disease attacked his brain:
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First row, near the official family.
As I said, draw your own conclusions, Anon. I am not implying anything and I do not think, by any means, this is a copycat scenario. Two fifi la plume (= scoundrel, but also naïve) B-listers are not a powerful French politician, with a decisive influence on the country's society, media and secret services. The UK or the US are not France, never will be. The Eighties had no Facebook, no Twitter, no Internet and no cell phones, able and willing to turn just about anybody into a paparazzo. Mitterrand's fandom, if you want, was the Socialist Party and its army of ambitious technocrats, not the considerable mess that is the OL circus.
What I am implying, is that no secret, no matter how deeply buried, stays forever in the shadows. Have a little more patience and, damn it, faith.
I rest my case.
PS: Anne Pingeot is a Taurus. Don't mind me. I am just babbling, as usually. ;)
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Song of the Day - “Compared To What”
Today marks the 55th anniversary of the recording of this fantastic track.
On June 21st, 1969, Les McCann and Eddie Harris laid down their superlative version of this standard tune, in concert at the Montreux Jazz Festival in Switzerland. ...
Written by Gene McDaniels, “Compared To What” had been covered by some 270 artists…
But THIS is the version…
With Les McCann on piano and vocal, and Harris on tenor sax, backed by Leroy Vinegar on bass, Benny Bailey on trumpet, and Donald Dean on drums, they tweaked the lyrics a bit to reflect the current angst with the Vietnam War. … see the lyrics below in comments…
A great track… best played pretty loud…
Resonates profoundly today…
(Mary Elaine LeBey)
I love the lie and lie the love A-Hangin' on, with push and shove Possession is the motivation that is hangin' up the God-damn nation Looks like we always end up in a rut (everybody now!) Tryin' to make it real, compared to what? C'mon baby!
Slaughterhouse is killin' hogs Twisted children killin' frogs Poor dumb rednecks rollin' logs Tired old lady kissin' dogs I hate the human love of that stinking mutt (I can't use it!) Try to make it real, compared to what? C'mon baby now!
The President, he's got his war Folks don't know just what it's for Nobody gives us rhyme or reason Have one doubt, they call it treason We're chicken-feathers, all without one nut. God damn it! Tryin' to make it real, compared to what? (Sock it to me)
Church on Sunday, sleep and nod Tryin' to duck the wrath of God Preacher's fillin' us with fright They all tryin' to teach us what they think is right They really got to be some kind of nut (I can't use it!) Tryin' to make it real, compared to what?
Where's that bee and where's that honey? Where's my God and where's my money? Unreal values, crass distortion Unwed mothers need abortion Kind of brings to mind ol' young King Tut (He did it now) Tried to make it real, compared to what?!
Tryin' to make it real, compared to what?
Donald Dean, Leroy Vinnegar, Benny Bailey, Eddie Harris
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rabbitcruiser · 1 year
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National Poutine Day
In Canada, particularly in Quebec, poutine is a staple food, if not  also an iconic one. It has become a popular food in America as well as  in other countries, and we celebrate it today, on National Poutine Day.  Standard poutine is made up of fresh-cut french fries, squeaky fresh  cheese curds, and brown gravy, but there are many variations of the  dish. Among other possibilities, the name may have come from the word  "pudding," which is spelled pouding in French, or from poutine,  which is slang for "mess" in Quebec. It is pronounced "pou-tin" in the  French-dominated regions of Quebec and New Brunswick, but as "poo-teen"  elsewhere.
According to the most widely known and accepted story, poutine was  first served at L’Idéal (Café Ideal)—a restaurant that later changed its  name to Le Lutin Qui Rit (The Laughing Elf)—in 1957, in the small town  of Warwick, in Arthabaska County, Quebec, a town known for producing  squeaky cheese curds. A usual customer, Eddy Lainsesse, requested curds  on top of his fries. The restaurant owner, Fernand Lachance, supposedly  replied, "Ça va faire une maudite poutine," which roughly translates to  "That's going to make a dreadful mess." A variation of the story says  that Lainsesse asked for the curds and fries to be thrown together in a  paper bag, upon which Lachance looked into the bag and said, "This is  poutine." The dish started being sold in a bag and soon caught on.  Patrons began adding ketchup and vinegar to it. In 1963, Lachance began  serving it on plates. Customers soon noticed that the fries got cold  quickly, so Lachance added gravy to keep them warm.
According to another story, poutine was created by Jean-Paul Roy,  owner of Le Roy Jucep, a drive-in restaurant in Drummondville, Quebec.  He had been serving a dish of gravy and french fries called patate-sauce  since 1958, and in 1964 noticed that some of his diners were adding  cheese curds to it. He soon added a dish that contained all three  ingredients and named it fromage-patate-sauce.
No matter how poutine got its start, it soon could be found being  sold as street food in Canada. By 1969 it was being sold in Quebec City  at the Ashton Snack Bar food truck on Boulevard Wilfred-Hamel, and it  was being sold in Montreal by 1983. By the early 1980s, it had become a  widely popular street food in Ontario and Quebec.
It made its debut in Canadian chain restaurants in 1985, appearing on  the menu at Frits, a now-defunct Quebec-based chain. By the 1990s,  poutine had reached mass popularization in the country, after its  inclusion on the menus of other chains. It first appeared on a Burger  King menu in 1987 in Quebec, and soon spread to other locations of the  chain. The same happened with McDonald's in 1990. Canadian fast-food  chain Harvey's debuted it on menus across the country in 1992.
But poutine wasn't to remain only as street food and fast food. By  the early 2000s, it was appearing in high-end Canadian restaurants. It  was put on the menu at Aud Pied de Cochon in Montreal in 2002, where it  was topped with foie gras. Other high-end Montreal restaurants followed  suit. Garde Manger began serving an Iron Chef America-winning lobster poutine, and Pub Quartier Latin put poutine made with steak, truffles, and red wine demi-glace on their menu.
Some Canadian restaurants have made poutine their main focus. La  Banquise in Montreal began serving it in the 1980s. They started with  the standard version and an Italian version with bolognese sauce instead  of gravy. They have since expanded to serving 30 types. Smoke's  Poutinerie was started in Toronto in 2008, the first poutine-only  restaurant in that city. Other poutine-only restaurants that followed in  Canada are Poutini's House of Poutine, La Poutinerie, and Poutineville.
Poutine made its first foray into the United States in New Jersey and  New York, where a variation of the recipe called "Disco Fries" became  popular. This version substituted mozzarella or cheddar cheese for the  curds. Poutine has since become relatively common in the States, and  took hold in other countries as well, such as the United Kingdom and  Russia.
As mentioned, there are various types of poutine besides the usual  french fries, cheese curds, and gravy combination. Different types of  potatoes, cheese, and sauces can be used. Italian poutine may use  spaghetti sauce instead of gravy; veggie poutine is made with mushroom  sauce and vegetables; Irish poutine is made with lardons. La galvaude is from Gaspésie and is made with chicken and green peas. A variation in Montreal uses smoked meat.
Festivals devoted to poutine are held across Canada throughout the  year. Montreal, Ottawa, and Toronto are some cities that hold them. On  National Poutine Day, events are held and specials are available at  restaurants in countries like Canada and the United States. For example,  My Meatball Place in Toronto has given away free samples of meatball  and vegan poutine, and The Hops Spot in Syracuse has offered half-price  poutine. With so many types of poutine—and so many restaurants that  serve it in some parts of the world—there is no reason to remain hungry  on National Poutine Day.
How to Observe National Poutine Day (Canada)
Here are some ideas on how to celebrate the day:
Make your own poutine. You could make the original version or another variation of the dish. You could even make Disco Fries, the Americanized version of the dish.
Check if there is a place near you that serves poutine.
Enjoy poutine at a Canadian restaurant that specializes in the dish, such as La Banquise, Smoke's Poutinerie, Poutini's House of Poutine, La Poutinerie, or Poutineville. Smoke's Poutinerie also has some locations in the United States.
Have poutine at a restaurant in Warwick, Quebec, the town where the dish is said to have originated, or have it at Le Roy Jucep in Drummondville, Quebec, the other location where it is said to have gotten its start.
Eat some poutine at Harvey's or at another fast food restaurant in Canada.
Enjoy poutine at a high-end Canadian restaurant such as Aud Pied de Cochon, Garde Manger, or Pub Quartier Latin.
See if there are any specials on poutine today at restaurants such as My Meatball Place in Toronto or The Hops Spot in Syracuse.
Plan a trip to an upcoming poutine fest, such as Montreal's Le Grand Poutinefest, Ottawa Poutine Fest, or Toronto Poutine Fest.
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violetfugazzi · 11 months
It's National Vinegar Day! What's your favorite use of vinegar? I looove a balsalmic glaze!
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wowbright · 10 months
National Clean Your Home Month Day 13
I woke up very grumpy and low energy this morning thanks to overheating because I'd put my normal amount of blankets on, anticipating that the outdoor temperature would drop to near freezing like it usually does, but instead it warmed up overnight to 50°F. While overheating, I had this weird dream about seeing Chris Colfer at a tour appearance with @spaceorphan18. It wasn't a book tour, it was him going around the country talking about how making Glee was the worst 3 years of his life. (Yes I know, but in the dream it was 3 years.) Also he still looked 23.
I had more coffee than usual, did a shorter swim than usual, and then managed to do maintenance chores and tick some things off my list.
- in addition to washing my swimsuit, I used the rest of the vinegar solution left over from yesterday for soaking a shirt that had deodorant stains. The shirt's not dry yet, but from the preliminary inspection, it looks like the soak worked!
- called the bank to deal with the credit card issue I discovered yesterday, they said they would fix it and I shouldn't be charged for late payment
- Ticked off a whole bunch of financial related chores from my list. Ugh. But they're done. And I listened to my iTunes on shuffle while I did it. Top sing-along moments were Barbra Streisand singing "Where Is It Written?", "Steven's Last Night In Town" from Ben Folds Five and "I Want A Monster To Be My Friend" from Sesame Street.
- folded towels that were washed yesterday while watching "American Commune," a documentary about The Farm commune. I was super excited to find this documentary yesterday since I've had my copy of The New Farm Vegetarian Cookbook since I was a teenager and have never stopped using it. Some kids who were raised on The Farm talked about how they ate soybeans constantly, and this will not surprise you if you have read the cookbook.
- made tofu and nutritional yeast "cheese" sauce for lunch and ate it with homemade crackers. I promise, I had actually planned that for lunch even before watching "American Commune", but having watched it, the lunch seemed especially appropriate.
- put away the towels
- took a picture of some of the wool dryer balls I've made in hopes that people on Tumblr will want some because this is really too much for one household:
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They're made of clean wool straps from old wool socks, sweaters, etc. Let me know if you want a set! I can't guarantee particular colors, but you can let me know your preferences. We use three in our dryer. No charge for the balls and no charge for shipping in the US; if you want to pay something, I would gladly accept Tumblr rainbow checkmarks or other badges I don't have yet.
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harleychick91 · 11 months
SuperCorptober Day 28: Season
Kissing Booth
How? How did this happen? I know that National City has a yearly fundraiser in the fall season, and most businesses have a booth at the event, but how did Supergirl get roped into a kissing booth? Grumbling, I finished the rest of my ribbon fries. “I knew you’d hate this,” Sam murmured. “I bet they’re making a killing.” Glaring towards the brunette, she grinned. “I’m joking!” She paused. “Partly.”
During the lunch lull, I made my way towards the booth. Noticing me, Kara smiled. “Hey, guys!”
“How’s it going?” Sam waved to Alex. “If you want to get food, we can hold down the fort.”
“Oh, thank God! I’m starving!” Dashing towards the food area, Alex disappeared into the crowd.
“Aww. I was going to ask her to bring me something,” Kara pouted. Turning her attention back to us, she smiled. “Things are good. Are you enjoying the seasonal fundraiser?”
“Yes. I got a caramel apple, some ribbon fries, and a few homemade fall decorations for the office.” That jar is pretty full. I guess Alex needs to empty it again.
“You overpaid for everything, didn’t you?” The Super grinned up at me.
“Everyone is donating their profits. I wanted to help them reach their goal.” Folding my arms, I smirked. “Of course I did.”
“You’re such a good person,” Kara beamed.
“Not that good…” Sam muttered with her back towards us.
Frowning, Kara chose to ignore Sam’s comment. “I can’t wait for this to be over,” she shrugged. “I want food and to stop kissing random people.”
“Soon, hopefully.” I offered a warm smile.
Returning, Alex took her seat beside Kara. “I brought you some fries but no vinegar for you.”
“Aww,” Kara pouted. Before too long, nearly half of the plate was empty.
More people started to wander around us. “Guess it’s time to make another round.”
“Bye, guys.” Alex and Kara spoke in unison.
Leaning against a tree, I watched as an ever growing line continued in front of Kara’s booth. “Explain to me again how you ended up watching your crush, well, your crush’s alter ego, participating at a kissing booth.”
Running a hand through my hair, I sighed. “I honestly don’t understand how it happened. All I know is, I can’t wait for this fundraising event to be over.”
“Maybe I can do my part and-,” Sam laughed at my death stare. “Oh, stop.” She rolled her eyes. “There’s the choice to kiss her cheek or have her kiss theirs. It’s not like it’s a lip lock.”
“Thank God!” I grinned at the brunette. “You’d drop a couple hundred dollars if it was Alex who did the kissing.”
“Now you’re just being mean.” Sam stuck her tongue out like a child.
“Screw this.” Writing a check, I stormed towards the booth, shoved the check into the jar, cupped the back of Kara’s head, and planted a hard kiss on the woman’s lips. When she kissed back, it was hard to remember we were in public. Leaning back, I smirked as Kara giggled and slid to the ground. “The check is for three times what your booth goal was. Now, can you please, stop kissing random people.”
“I think you broke Supergirl,” Alex snorted.
Leaning over the table, I smirked down at the blonde. “Come by the penthouse after rounds. Two thirds of the check was for charity. I plan to get my money’s worth for the last third.”
“Okay…” Kara breathed. With that, I walked away triumphantly.
Kissing booth idea came from the (now) 5 part series done by heeevgracie on IG. Go check it out!!!
Fic is on AO3 and FFN
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wejustvibing · 11 months
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700 beds for 60,000
The United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) has reported that many of their shelters are between 2.51 times to 11 times over capacity, and the New York Times has reported that the Al-Shifa hospital, with a normal capacity of 700 beds, “is now housing more than 60,000 people.”
This was the state of the crisis before the blackout.
The heaviest impact hits the most vulnerable
"The people that live in these very highly crowded emergency shelters have no water to drink and to maintain their basic hygiene to their families, to their kids, to their elderly people and to their disabled people as well,” CARE Emergency Humanitarian Coordinator in Gaza, Saaed Madhoun, said.
“Due to the large number of people in these locations, we will be seeing a catastrophic result from water borne diseases and dehydration. Contagious diseases are now breaking out in a very scary way in the overcrowded shelters,” Hiba Tibu told DW.
Conflict is not gender neutral
CARE research has shown over and over that these vulnerabilities disproportionately affect women and girls. Gaza is no different. “The situation for children is for me, as a woman and a human, the worst. It breaks my heart,” Hiba told the Norwegian daily Aftenposten.
Emergency C-sections & vinegar for disinfectant
Pregnant women are being forced to undergo emergency C-sections without anesthetics, and that women are being discharged within as little as three hours after giving birth.
An average of 160 pregnant women are expected to give birth every day over the next month in Gaza. CARE’s latest Rapid Gender Analysis warns that the dire conditions are exacerbating the risk of maternal and newborn mortality, which are already disproportionately high in Gaza.
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accras · 2 years
A nine-year-old girl who had a neighbor call the police on her as she worked to eradicate invasive insects from her home town has earned honors from one of the US’s most prestigious universities.
The 20 January gathering also recognized Bobbi for bestowing her personal collection of lanternflies to Yale’s Peabody Museum, which entered the collection into its database and listed the child as the donating scientist.
Bobbi, who is Black, unwittingly touched off a national discussion about the sometimes mortal danger associated with racial profiling on 22 October, when a neighbor called the police on her as she used a homemade repellant spray of water, dish soap and apple cider vinegar to kill spotted lanternflies feeding on trees near her home.
Lanternflies are invasive pests which are native to Asia and harm trees in a variety of ways, including by sucking their sap and causing holes through which harmful substances can then enter them. Scientists – whose ranks Bobbi has long dreamed of joining – advise people to kill the insects to protect the environment.
Yet that day, police stopped and questioned the girl whose loved ones have nicknamed “Bobbi Wonder” after being summoned by a neighbor who considered the girl a suspicious person.
“There’s a little Black woman walking, spraying stuff on the sidewalks and trees,” the caller told police, CNN reported. “I don’t know what the hell she’s doing. Scares me, though.”
The caller later reportedly apologized to Bobbi’s mother, Monique Joseph. But, with research showing Black and Hispanic children are significantly more likely to be shot to death by police than their white counterparts are, Joseph said the neighbor’s call put her daughter in lethal peril.
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