#Natural lig
entitled-fangirl · 2 months
Cregan Stark x Pregnant!reader
Summary: the reader accompanies her brother and Cregan to the Wall to discuss an alliance. But the news of Luke's death causes turmoil among them.
Warnings: Blood, cursing, grief, death, miscarriage, Cregan fucking crying
A/n: based on this ask!
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She had to practically beg him.
"No. No, and you need to drop it," he said as he began to lace up his boots.
She whined and pulled herself from the bed, her hair a mess and still only in her shift, "Cregan."
Cregan let out a soft growl, "You dragons just don't see reason, do you?"
She smiled and neared him. Her hands rested over his, keeping him from lacing his boots. "I want time with my brother again. Is that so terrible?"
"It's a two week trip to the Wall."
"That's at least a month with him." She gripped his hands tighter, "Please, Cregan."
He sighed, "The prince will have plenty of time with you before and after. I won't have my wife and unborn child far from the maesters." He let out a forced laugh, "Or near the men of the Wall, for another matter."
"There are maesters there, Cregan. And we all know I am safest with you."
He stared at their connected hands for a while, a million thoughts ringing loudly in his head, but all unvoiced. 
"We still have a few months until the birth," she continued to reason. "And you know I grow cold at night when you're gone."
Cregan smiled up at her. He pulled his hand from hers to rest over her small swollen stomach. 
As much as he wanted to lock her away from the threats of the world, he knew doing so would hurt her more than letting her go.
He chewed at his lip. "If I let you," he began, "You will take no chances. On anything."
"None," She agreed. "Nothing at all." Her hand joined his on her stomach. "I'll stay by your side. I promise."
"Ready to go?" Jace smiled as his sister neared. 
She grinned back as she took his arm, "I've been ready since I heard you were arriving, brother."
He chuckled lightly as the two began to walk to the stable, "Must I say, you practically glow like the sun nowadays."
She huffed, "Do not lie."
"I don't," he said. "There is more color to you."
"That is only the cold nipping at me and coloring my cheeks."
He laughed again, "Maybe so. But either way, You are a natural, my dear sister. A healthy boy is on the way, I know it."
"A boy?" She asked with raised brows. "Oh no, Cregan and I think it's a girl."
He hummed in thought, "No. It's not. I know these things."
She laughed and playfully hit his arm, "You know nothing of this!"
He grinned and shrugged, "All the same. You'd raise a wonderful boy-"
"-Or girl."
"-or girl. Either way, I shall be a very proud uncle."
"Oh, you must wed Baela soon brother, please."
"So eager?" He asked with a smile.
"Our children would be such wonderful friends." Her eyes lit up and she squeezed his arm, "Or such a beautiful betrothal! Think of it!"
Jace look away in thought, "Perhaps so. I hadn't considered that."
"Only," she began again. "I shall pray your boy does not inherit your unruly curls!" 
"Ah, you're the one having a boy first. I said so."
"Oh. So, you wish to have a girl, brother?"
He bit his lip, "If the gods wish it, then yes."
"You'd be wonderful to a daughter, Jace."
His brows furrowed, "Let us focus on the baby at hand, please. And get you to the stables before Cregan has my head."
Cregan helped her into the lift at the bottom of the wall, pulling her to him to make room for Jace. 
"I sent a letter to mother before we left," Jace began. "About the child. Luke, Joffrey, and I will choose a dragon egg and send it to you upon my return home."
Her eyes lit up, "Thank you. That was… That was very thoughtful."
Jace looked up to Cregan, who looked at Jace as if he was going to explode any second. 
A dragon? In Winterfell? Around his child? 
But he said nothing. 
"Do have Luke pick it." She finally said. "He has the best taste in such things."
Jace laughed lightly, "I will. But I will not tell him you said so. I can't have him getting prideful."
A silence fell over them as the lift brought them further and further up the wall.
"So, what is this that falls from the sky and shivers my bones?" Jace asked.
"This is only a late summer snow, my prince." Cregan finally spoke, "In winter, it will cover all you see."
"It's quite beautiful, Jace." She smiled, "If you have a warm cloak, that is."
Cregan and Jace walked together along the ice halls of the Wall, the Lady Stark behind, making her rounds around the men at work, thanking them, and chatting as she moved. 
"Starks do not forget their oaths, my prince." Cregan began, "But you must know that my gaze is forever torn between north and south. In winter, my duty to the Wall is even more dire than the one I owe to king's landing. I need my men here." 
He looked behind him to his wife, who was in an intense conversation meters back, a hand resting on her stomach as she nodded along with the man that spoke.
"While your men guard against wildings and weather, the Hightowers plan to usurp the throne." 
The two began to walk up to the outlook, Jace continued, "If my mother is to defend her claim to hold the realm united, she needs an army. War is coming to the whole of the realm, my lord." He looked out over the wall. "We cannot wage it without the support of the North."
Silence filled the air, save for the sound of the wind blowing loudly. 
"Do you think my ancestors built a 700-foot wall of ice to keep out snow and savages?"
"What does it keep out."
A man approached the two, "My lord, a raven's arrived. Urgent news from Dragonstone."
Y/n's head perked up, and she immediately excused herself from her conversation to go to her husband.
Cregan unraveled the note, his eyes flitting across the paper hurriedly, and a furrowing in his brows formed.
She moved to Jace and his arm wrapped around her side, pulling her to him. "Cregan," she said. "Is everything alright?"
He looked up at the two Velaryons.
Then held the paper out to Jace.
Cregan then reached out and took his wife from the man, having a new sense of needing her near him.
When Jace read the note and his hand covered his mouth, she became worried, "Jace?"
He didn't answer, but Cregan's grip on her tightened and one hand rested protectively over her swollen belly.
"Jace. Please."
"It's alright," Cregan whispered into her ear, "We're alright." He looked up to Jace, a silent plea to keep calm in front of her.
Jace's jaw clenched, but he forced himself to smile with gritted teeth, "Just a slight hiccup, dear sister."
He gripped the note with an iron grip, not caring of the tears or crinkles it could bring.
He shook his head and began to storm off.
"Jace…" "-It's fine!" He shouted. "Everything is just fine."
He stormed off before she could get it out of him.
She turned around in Cregan's grip, "My love. Please tell me what has happened."
He shook his head and brushed a piece of hair from her face, "No. You needn't worry about these things. It's bad for the babe."
“Please do not ask me to bring you torment, my girl,” Cregan said with a tilt of his head.
“Cregan, you torment me by keeping me in the shadows.”
“Trust me when I say, I am not.”
She pulled herself from his hands, “No. You do. Now, tell me.”
Cregan’s jaw tightened and his voice became stronger, “I won’t.”
“Speak the words, Cregan.”
He stared back.
“Say it.”
Her voice grew desperate, “Say it.”
He simply stared, a slight tilt to his head.
“If you love me as your wife, you’ll not keep this from me.”
He immediately took a step and his voice lowered, “Do not use such words-“
She growled, “then fucking say it.”
He took steps to her, their faces not far, “You won’t hear it from me.”
“Then I will find it elsewhere," she sneered in his face.
She stormed off, Cregan left to stare over the wall.
He wanted to chase after her. Stop her and correct it all. But he just couldn’t.
This news changed everything.
She opened the door, finding Jace in the midst of a fit of rage, throwing his cup against the wall.
He looked up at her, forcing himself to calm. She moved to him and held her arms out.
And he collapsed against her, weeping into her neck.
“Jace. Jace, it’s alright.” She cooed lightly to him.
“He’s gone. He’s gone and I wasn’t there.”
Gone? Who? 
Her mind began to race and her heart dropped.
Surely not Daemon. Jace wouldn’t weep as if his world crumbled.
Gods, Jace hadn’t wept at all since the day Ser Harwin died.
“Jace. Look at me.”
She pulled his face to look at him, “What happened?”
“I promise you, I’ll kill them all. I will.”
“Calm yourself, dear brother.”
“CALM MYSELF?” He roared and pulled back from her. “Our brother is dead and you tell me to calm myself?”
Hot tears sprang to her eyes and she sniffled lightly. 
A hand shot to her stomach.
Jace brows immediately relaxed, “gods, you didn’t… Stark didn’t…”
“Luke is dead?” She whispered as a shaky hand covered her mouth.
“I didn’t mean to… please, come here.”
The two siblings embraced, Jace holding her tightly against him and brushing through her hair as she began to wail against him.
Her hands clutched at his cloak and it quickly became wet with her tears.
Cregan threw the door open and his entire body stiffened at the sight.
She turned her head against Jace’s chest. She spoke through broken hiccups, “Luke…”
Cregan’s eyes softened as he saw her puffy eyes, “I know.”
Jace tightened his hold, “Aemond hunted him down on his dragon.”
Cregan watched her eyes completely glaze over and her breath quickened.
She let out a low groan.
“Sister? Sister, please.”
She pulled away and a hand quickly moved to her stomach, her brows furrowed.
“Fuck…” Cregan immediately moved to her and pulled her into his arms. “My love, please steady yourself.”
A few more tears slipped from her eyes, “It hurts, Cregan.”
No. No. No.
He gripped her biceps in an iron grip, “No. No, you’re alright.”
She shook her head, “No. I’m not.” She gritted her teeth and her eyes closed. “I’m not. Please.”
“My girl.” He cooed, “Let us sit you down.”
She gasped at a sudden feeling.
“Sister…” Jace took a step towards her.
“Please," She begged and held a hand out, stopping him. “I…”
A low and pained groan and her knees buckled.
Cregan caught her with ease, holding her up. “My prince. Bring me that chair.”
Jace moved immediately, pulling a wooden chair across the floor with a loud scrape.
Cregan lowered her into the chair, cringing at the whimper that left his wife’s mouth.
“Perhaps a maester…?” Jace asked.
“-Yes,” Cregan nodded. “Yes. Please.”
“Cregan,” she cried. “I can’t. I can’t lose her-“
“-if we do not fetch the maester, then she will be.” Cregan’s eyes were set, as if challenging her to fight him on it.
“Fine. Fine, please.”
Jace quickly left in practically a sprint.
“It’s not your fault, you know.”
She turned to the Stark, “What?”
He looked like he was ready to cry. His bottom lip quivered, “if you do lose her.”
Her eyes saddened and her hand moved to his face, “I can’t.”
“You will, my love.” He forced a deep breath to hold back the tears and let out a breath, “She is gone now, I’m sure of it.”
If she wasn’t in pain enough, that multiplied it.
Four hours later, Jace and Cregan sat in the opposite end on the room, watching the maester work endlessly.
But they were silent. Their eyes were both fixed on the blood that stained everything.
She had fallen asleep long ago, from the pain or loss of blood, they weren’t sure.
But it gave their ears a break from her piercing cries that rang through the entirety of the Wall.
When the maester moved to the two men, they stood.
“My lord, my prince,” he began. “The Lady has lost much blood.”
“Will she live?” Cregan immediately asked.
“I…” he bit his lip. “She will, my lord, but…”
“That is all I need. You may go.”
“Lord Stark-“
“GO!” He growled.
The maester bowed his head and quickly left, pulling the door behind him.
Silence filled the room. Both men still stared at the poor woman who slept away the pain.
Jace had left not long after, wandering the halls of Castle Black in thought, so it was only Cregan in the room when she woke.
She let out a low groan, and he held her hand in his. "Lovely, how are you feeling?"
Her eyes studied him before a light sob racked through her.
He lightly kissed her knuckles, knowing that was the only comfort he could bring to her at the moment.
"I told you it wasn't your fault."
"But I…" She hiccuped and wiped her face with her free hand, "I pushed for you to tell me. I… I forced you to let me accompany you here."
"You did not do any of that," he reprimanded. "None of it."
Her eyes held a hollowed look to them, "I lost the future of Winterfell."
Her brows furrowed and his hand smoothed the hair from her forehead.
"A boy," she sniffled. "Would've been."
He felt a punch to his gut.
He'd seen battle before, but nothing caused him as much pain as this moment. 
He looked down at their intertwined hands, "It does not mean that all is lost, my girl."
"Then why does it feel like it?"
His eyes watered, and his nose scrunched in frustration. He wanted to curse as his bottom lip trembled for the second time today, "I don't know."
A single tear ran down the Wolf's face.
"But I promise you," He sniffled. Another tear down his face as he let out a soft breath, "You have not lost me."
"I couldn't give you an heir."
"And I do not know how to comfort you through it."
She pushed herself up and he shook his head, "No, you need to rest."
But she managed to sit herself up against the headrest.
Her hand brushed his cheek and he couldn't stop the tears that began to rush down his face.
"Oh, Cregan," she cooed.
His hand brought her other one up to his lips again, kissing her knuckles fervently this time, as if she would disappear if he didn't.
"Hey. Stop," she tilted her head. "Cregan. Stop."
His eyes looked to her through a blurry haze.
"It's not your fault either, you know." She finally said.
He forced a laugh and shook his head. "I fear I'd go mad without you, my girl."
"As I with you."
The two managed to catch their breath in the silence that followed, a promise that things would get better if they only let it.
He leaned forward to her, gently connecting their lips. 
She let out a whine, accepting his kiss eagerly. 
His hand moved to the back of her head, pulling her to him. He hardly cared about the salty taste of the tears on their lips.
He pulled away first.
"I'll promise our graybeards to the queen," Cregan stated as he sat back down.
She huffed, "Don't pity me and feel as if you must defend-"
His grip tightened on her hand, "I will have the head of that boy on a fucking spike." Cregan growled.
"He did not lose our child, I did!" She said with a raised voice.
His jaw clenched as his eyes bore into hers, "Aemond Targaryen lost the war the second he chased your brother with Vhagar. The graybeards will march when the time is right. In exchange for Aemond's head by the time the war is done."
"-He is why our son is dead. And the North will remember that."
She looked down to her stomach, rubbing a hand over what used to be there only hours before.
Cregan Stark's gaze became more rigid than the ice around them. 
"Winter is coming for the Greens."
A/n: Okay, hey, now that you're depressed from this fic, let's talk. I'm making a Cregan Stark tag list! Let me know if you want on it!
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lovelyney · 9 months
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IN WHICH: You accidentally whack Wriothesley in the nose during a training session and feel bad !!
PAIRINGS: Wriothesley x (GN!) Reader
SCENT: fluff but gets kind of nsfw towards the end ??
WARNINGS: uh wrio makes a comment implying masturbation towards the end? that and you guys just makeout, lol.
FLORIST’S NOTE: Reader is a mix between Wrio’s and Sigewinne’s assistant !! Also happy belated new years, blossoms !!
SONG: Bang! Bang! (K,NAAN & Adam Levine)
───────────2023 !! #©LOVELYNEY
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WRIOTHESLEY LAUGHS as you drag him through the Fortress of Meropide, drawing the attention of those around you. Though typically, you’d feel uncomfortable, embarrassed, or perhaps self-conscious under the scrutinizing gaze of others, this time, it’s different. Your attention is focused solely on Wriothesley as he holds his free hand up to his bloodied nose. Knowing Wriothesley and his job here, it’s easy to imagine it resulting from a scuffle with a particularly stubborn criminal or something along those lines. However, the truth cannot be farther from that. In actuality, you’re the one responsible for this bloody nose. . . Allow me to expand on the situation a little.
Around a week or so ago, he unexpectedly marched into your office and insisted you learn how to fight. His motives for the sudden declaration were not out of a lack of appreciation for your work at the Fortress but rather a desire for your protection while he’s away. On another note, he believes you’re too “reserved and gentle” with others—“too much like a frightened kitten rather than a fearsome lion,” as he blatantly put it. It was a comparison you found somewhat degrading, yet you couldn’t deny it did speak the truth of your nature. In the end, you decided to comply with his wishes, and from there on out, he started to teach you self-defense and train you.
Cut to the present: Wriothesley pulled you aside for your daily training session. Everything was going swimmingly at first, with you defending yourself from his attacks as usual. Then, amid it all, you accidentally hit him square in the nose and rather hard at that. The punch was neither intentional nor malicious, but it still managed to send him stumbling back and clutching his nose in pain. A tsunami of guilt and worry flooded your system as you frantically apologized to him, but he simply brushed it off and smiled. The look in his eyes was one of mild shock but also of something more. . . fond. He seemed amused rather than angry or annoyed, appearing to be impressed and even a little smitten.
Sigewinne enters the infirmary with the medical supplies you requested, stopping just inside the door to ask you a question. She furrows her brow in concern, noticing the panic in your expression. “Are you sure you don’t want me to take care of him, Mx. (Y/N)? You’re a bit pale. . . Maybe you should sit and rest for a little while,” she offers kindly.
Wriothesley observes you with a lovesick expression as you prepare a cotton swab, your tongue poking out between your lips from concentration. His heart singes when you take his hand that’s pressed to his nose and lay it gently on his lap; your skin is warm and soft compared to his, scarred and calloused, from his duties here at the Fortress.
When you assure her with that enchanting smile of yours—the same one that drives him wild—it feels like his entire body has been set on fire, and he’s certain you can feel that fire when you press your palm to his cheek to keep him still. “D—Don’t worry, Sigewinne. I’ll be alright. Thank you, though.” You answer calmly, despite your hold on him being slightly shaky.
With a brief nod of her head, Sigewinne slips out of the room, leaving you and Wriothesley alone. As you press the cotton swab to his nose, he lets out a sharp hissing sound as the disinfectant works its magic. “Ouch! Shit, maybe I didn’t give you enough credit. That was a hell of a punch. . .” he chortles, trying to lighten up your mood a little. But his amusement falters when you pout, your face a heartbreakingly adorable sight.
“I—I really am sorry, Your Grace! I didn’t expect to hit you so hard. . . In—In fact, I thought you’d move out of the way before I even got the chance too,” you lament and carefully tilt his chin up, making sure you cleaned all the blood off. “How badly does it hurt? Do—Do you want me to go get some painkillers or ice? Please, just—”
“Breathe, (Y/N).” Wriothesley’s tone is soothing as he speaks, seeming intent on consoling you. “I’m perfectly fine, sweetheart. I’ve dealt with far worse scuffs than this. So, please, don’t think for a second I’m mad at you or anything of that nature. I’m more proud than anything, really.” He adds, melting under the warmth and care of your gaze. He finds himself feeling a little selfish in this moment, wishing you’d always spend so much time doting on him. You’re always so engrossed in your work, and as much as he admires that side of you, he’s also become increasingly smitten with you without you even batting an eye. Your self-absorbed disposition has made you oblivious to his adoring eyes, and he can’t help but feel a mix of heartbreak and longing as he considers how blind you are to his affections. “Hm. . . Now that we’re alone, there is something I’ve been wanting to tell you for a while,” he admits, humming contentedly as your hand presses to his face once more, oblivious to the surge of adrenaline that shoots through his veins with every touch. Your affectionate actions result from your nurturing demeanor, but he begs silently for them to mean something more.
Your puzzled expression, bearing a resemblance to a confused puppy, only further softens the gentle smile on Wriothesley’s face. “Is that so? Is—is there a reason you’re only bringing it up now?” You inquire anxiously, teeth sinking into your lower lip. You hope that your unexpected punch wasn’t the last straw for him firing you or something like that. The worry in your voice and tension in your body language betray your deep concern, and Wriothesley finds himself smitten by your innocence and tenderness.
The duke pauses momentarily, seeming to mull something over in his mind. “It’s been harder to get you alone these days, with you always engrossed in your paperwork or helping Sigewinne. I can’t bring myself to tear you away when you’re always so faithful.” He acknowledges. His eyes linger over your lips for just a moment too long, his imagination taking over as he considers the softness of them and how they taste. His heart pounds against his ribcage as he holds back the urge to kiss those teeth away and murmur how he’s the only one allowed to ruin your lips.
You mutter the words, “My apologies, your Grace,” as you press the bandage to the bridge of his nose. Taking a step back, you freeze under the intensity of his gaze. “Well, you have my full, unrivaled attention as of r-right now...?” You try to sound confident, but your sheepish expression gives you away.
Wriothesley hums in response, amused and enticed by the sudden color that washes over your face. Clearing his throat, he slips one hand around your waist and pulls you flush against his warm frame. His eyes flutter shut for a brief moment as he allows the intensity of the moment to sink in. “Oh? Do I now? Good,” he purrs, his voice deep and velvety as it echoes in your ears—sending vibrations throughout your core. You shudder when the smooth of his fingers glide over the exposed skin on your waist, and he almost finds it a little sadistic with how much he’s enjoying you squirm when he hasn’t even done anything.
Your breathing becomes a touch erratic as you feel the lingering touch of his hand against your waist. You attempt to mask your growing excitement, skin prickling with electricity. Despite your best efforts, there’s a faint quiver in your words that you can only hope he doesn’t notice. “G—Go on. . .”
Sadly, nothing gets past Wriothesley’s gaze, and he’s able to take note of your trembling voice and hands; he isn’t the duke for nothing, after all. He can’t help but feel the boost to his ego when he realizes he has a tight grip over you at this moment. With a swift tug, you’re suddenly pushed against his broad chest, eyes blown wide. He chuckles as you choke over your words, swiping his thumb over your bottom lip. “You know, (princess/prince). . . I can’t tell if you’re just dense or trying to prove something to yourself.” The raven-haired male teases. “I’ve been smitten with you for weeks now, you know,” he presses, eyes trained on your expression to read any changes. “I can’t help but wonder if you’re as aware as your actions suggest—or if you have been merely feigning ignorance. Please, explain yourself.”
Your breath catches in your throat as the magnitude of Wriothesley’s words settles in; he’s so direct and brazen with his declaration that it sucks all the breath out of your lungs. Your mind races as you grapple with the sudden realization that he is just as enamored with you as you are with him. Your expression must speak louder than words because as you open your lips to speak, Wriothesley closes the distance—slotting his mouth on yours.
It sends all your senses reeling like they’ve been drenched in ice water after burning for too long. Like a balm and a spark, it’s both a soothing salve and a blazing inferno, comforting and ravaging you in equal measure. All the tension of your attraction has suddenly become a physical manifestation, the culmination of all the unspoken words and feelings that have gone unsaid for too long.
Wriothesley pulls himself even closer to you, his passion only intensifying the longer the kiss carries on. The feeling of his body pressing against yours ignites a primal urge within you, driving the kisses to become more intense. His hands slide further down the bare flesh of your back, tracing your waist in a possessive claim to your body. His tongue dives underneath your bottom lip; it probes between them, trying to gain access to the interior of your mouth.
A noise akin to a muffled whimper escapes your throat as his tongue pushes into your mouth with a feverish, nearly desperate need. The intensity of the sensation is overwhelming, and you feel yourself shudder with a sense of raw desire as his hand slides down from your hip to your thigh, his fingers squeezing and digging into the soft flesh. His touch is both tender and possessive, sending your nerves reeling.
When his fingers climb closer up your thighs, you plant your hands on his face and gently push his head away, his mouth chasing after yours instantaneously. You sigh softly, your face flushed scarlet from the heat of the situation. “Wriothesley. . . We are still in your office. Anyone can walk in at any time.” You chuckle, swiping the saliva from his bottom lip.
His body hums with contentment at the breathless sound of his name coming from your lips. He lets out a displeased huff as he nestles his nose in the crook of your neck, sharply inhaling your scent and drowning himself in the warmth of your body. He absentmindedly starts nipping at your skin, “And? I’ve had enough nights getting off—”
“O—Okayokay! As an. . . apology for keeping you waiting, how about after work, we fulfill those fantasies of yours?” You chuckle nervously and thread your fingers through his hair, smiling when he leans his entire body onto you. “Don’t think I didn’t see the way some of the inmates looked at me when I dragged you in here. . . I don’t think I could recover if they walked in and found out they guessed right.”
Wriothesley’s laughter is like a deep, thunderous rumble that soon after swarms your stomach with butterflies. His kisses pepper your face in response, the sweet scent of your skin filling him with a sense of contentment. He pulls away and smiles down at you, the heat and adoration in his eyes impossible to miss. “After work, then,” he repeats and holds up his pinky, signaling you to do the same. Rolling your eyes, you indulge him and hook your pinky to his—a cutesy gesture veiled in a not-so-innocent promise. 
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crystallinestars · 1 year
Kissing Headcanons Part 6 (Kazuha, Tighnari, Cyno, Dainsleif)
Previous parts: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7
(Reader's gender is not mentioned)
Kazuha’s kisses are as soft and light as the breeze. He enjoys kissing your palms while gazing into your eyes, spontaneously reciting a new haiku about the depth of his love for you or the feeling of your soft skin against his lips. He can be surprisingly very forward and bold about his affection for you, and lets out a soft laugh whenever you get flustered from his flirting, finding your reaction to his kisses and words to be cute.
He also likes to kiss your hands if you get upset with him or other things happening in your life. He tells you words of reassurance and support, taking both your hands in between his and bringing them up for a kiss. Such actions convey his devotion and desire to comfort you because he wants you to know that you can rely on him to be there for you. He also has a tendency to kiss your shoulder. If you’re hugging or are simply spending some alone time together in close proximity, Kazuha will use the opportunity to place his lips to your shoulder in a lingering kiss.
Despite his overall calm demeanor, Kazuha tends to get a little playful with you when the mood strikes. While kissing, he could gently nip your bottom lip, or lean in for a kiss only to kiss the corner of your mouth at the last moment. He tries to hold back his laughter at your indignant reaction to his teasing, but sometimes he lets a chuckle slip past. Overall, his kisses are usually soft, gentle, and exploratory in nature. Kazuha likes to take his time to explore your feelings for each other, both through words and physical touch. He wants to make sure you feel comfortable enough to open up to him in such intimate situations, which is why he takes it nice and slow. He feels really connected to you during such intimate moments. He may be a wandering samurai that travels all over Teyvat, but you are his home, the one he belongs with, and the one that makes him happiest.
Tighnari is not particularly into lots of physical affection, but he does like giving and receiving it when the two of you have some private time. He prefers to kiss your forehead opposed to your lips since he can keep the kisses short and sweet, especially as a way of saying goodbye when he heads out on patrol. He places his hand on the back of your head to pull you closer as he presses his lips to your forehead in a short peck, saying a word of farewell before leaving. It may not seem like much, but considering how he typically doesn’t engage in a lot of physical affection, these kisses serve as proof that he does love you and feels comfortable enough to engage in such intimacy with you.
Tighnari enjoys it when you kiss his fluffy ears, though he likes it more due to your happy expression rather than the sensation. He knows you like touching his fox ears and feeling how soft and fluffy they are, and the expression of absolute joy that lights up your features as you play with them amuses Tighnari. He chuckles and flicks his ear when you kiss it, finding the sensation a little ticklish, but he can’t help but smile at the delight in your eyes as you feel the fur of his ear. If you rub his ears while kissing him on the lips, Tighnari absolutely melts at the feeling, his tail swishing in pleasure. However, he doesn’t want you to know the effect your touch has on him, so he grows flustered and tells you off for touching his ears unprompted, but you laugh off his admonishment because you know he’s simply embarrassed for enjoying it.
Cyno isn’t shy about kissing you. In fact, he was the first one to ask if you could try kissing and deepen your relationship. When the two of you are about to have your first kiss as a couple, Cyno will instantly notice if you’re nervous. He’s trying his best to make the experience as nice and comfortable for you as possible, and if you’re uneasy or nervous, then he’ll try to lighten the mood with a joke. Whether you find it genuinely funny and laugh or think it’s awful, it does its job of calming you down. After all, this is still your beloved Cyno in all his regular, goofy glory, and there’s no reason to feel intimidated.
Each time he wants to kiss you, Cyno asks your permission first before doing anything. He’s very respectful of your boundaries and wants you to be as comfortable as possible being in this new stage of your relationship with him, and will only stop asking if you tell him it’s unnecessary.
Though Cyno’s expression may remain aloof, he is very careful with how he pulls your face in for a kiss. His touch is light and gentle as he tilts your chin up and leans in to press his lips to yours. Though Cyno’s lips are warm, they’re chapped from traveling through the harsh desert winds and heat. Even so, his sweet, slow, and tender kisses warm your heart as much as your presence warms his. He’s very grateful to you for accepting him for who he is—bad jokes, intimidating appearance, and all. To be accepted and loved so wholeheartedly means more to him than you’ll ever know, and he at least wants to express his gratitude through such sweet kisses that he hopes make you feel as loved as he does by you.
When you give him surprise kisses to his cheek or any other part of his body, Cyno will ask what you’re doing. His expression may be impassive, but the blush on his cheeks gives away how flustered he really feels. Your unexpected kisses make his heart skip a beat and make him feel like a young schoolboy again. He really likes receiving such affection from you, though he prefers it when you do it in private rather than in public. He has a reputation to uphold as the fierce General Mahamatra. He can’t be caught blushing and stuttering because of a simple kiss. But catch him like that in private, and you’ll be privy to an adorable sight of a flustered Cyno that none except you get to see.
There is something restrained about Dainsleif’s kisses when you first take that step in your relationship. They feel nice. Very tender, careful, and loving, but you can tell that he’s afraid of something. Each kiss feels like he’s kissing you for the last time, and it always make your heart ache to feel him act as if your relationship is already over. Dainsleif knows he’ll outlive you because of his curse, and there’s a part of him that’s already trying to numb himself to the inevitable day when he’ll lose you to time just so it won’t hurt as bad.
Underneath the fear of losing you, you can also feel that Dainsleif craves for more from your shared kisses, but he never asks for it. It's not until you confront Dainsleif about it that he confesses he feels an urge to be more aggressive with his kisses, but he didn’t want to ask for more since he doesn’t want to make you uncomfortable or force you into something you don’t want. Even when you tell him it’s okay, Dainsleif will remain stubborn and won’t let himself indulge in his cravings. It will take a lot of patience and convincing on your end for Dainsleif to finally loosen the chains on his self-restraint and give in to his desires.
Once he lets himself indulge, you’ll feel a stark difference in his kisses. Dainsleif is like a man starved. He deepens the kiss, kissing you with a hunger that burns you from the inside. You can feel that he craves you, desires you, longs for you just from how firmly he presses his lips to yours, melding them together and barely letting you have a chance to catch your breath. He’s lost so much, and lives with those painful memories every day of his immortal life, feels and sees the effects of the curse on his body. But with you by his side, he can forget about the curse and the pain he feels, if only for a moment. You are his respite, and he tries to lose himself in you by kissing you senseless. Though he knows one day he’ll be forced to part from you, you chose him to be your lover and he wants to at the very least express his gratitude by giving you all the love he is capable of.
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Hello lovely I hope this enough for a request but I was wondering if you would write a fic for Hunter x Jedi!Reader around season one. Hunter has the start of a crush on reader but once omega comes into the picture and he sees how good reader is with her he knows he needs to ask her out! Feel free to change whatever, I hope you like the idea!
I Will Protect You
Hunter x Reader
Summary- As a defective Jedi you are reassigned to The Bad Batch. How can you resist Hunter? Especially when he confesses after seeing how good you are with Omega.
A/N- Thank you so much for requesting! I LOVED this idea! I've contemplated doing something similar in the past, so I am so glad you requested this!
Word Count- 1,679
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You remember being assigned to Clone Force 99 like it was yesterday. The day you were considered a 'defective' Jedi. While you were skilled in the force and an expert in wielding a lightsaber- you got attached.
In a mission gone wrong, you sacrificed yourself for your Jedi master. She was entirely grateful. Even though you made a full recovery, the Empire was not happy. Claiming you shouldn't have those 'emotional tendencies.'
You understood the purpose of severing all relationships, trying to only be one with the force. Emotions just came naturally to you! Connecting with all kinds of people, acting motherly to the less fortunate, and trying to be there for all of the clones.
The final straw for The Empire was when you were caught holding a small ceremony for a few fallen Clones. A fellow Jedi, you once called brother, turned you in.
You were immediately reassigned to Clone Force 99- labeled 'Defective.'
That was the same day you met Hunter. The first thing you noticed was his face tattoo, how attractive it looked. The skull covering half his face tickled your curiosity. You never had the courage to ask him about it, the whole 'don't get attached or you'll get reassigned' circled your mind.
You quickly grew to love Force 99. They accepted you, treated you like a human being. Not just a force wielder, something you'd never had. Despite your vow and upbringing, you considered them all to be your family.
Just under a year had gone by when Order 66 went out. You noticed how protective Hunter could be. He fought off droids, clones, and anyone who tried to harm you.
Not many knew of your Jedi background, allowing you to go into somewhat of a stealth mode. You acquired new gear, matching your team's. With a helmet on around others- your identity and life were safe. Though, you and Crosshairs friendship wavered...
The weight of your life always being at steak rested on you heavily. You couldn't sleep anymore, having gone days with low or no rest..
"Hunter, can we talk?" You asked him in the cockpit.
"Of course, what happened?" He looked worried.
Tech, however, does not even look up from his position as pilot.
"Uh, Tech, can we have a moment?" You asked, feeling a little guilty for making him leave.
Now he does look up, pressing some kind of 'auto-pilot' button. "Sure."
Great, now you already felt awkward.
"Look, I think I should go.." You got straight to the point. It hurt too much to draw it out.
Hunter's face fell, he was not expecting that. Though, a little part of you appreciated he cared so much.
"W-what?" He stepped closer to you.
"I just, well I just think it's for the best..." You fiddled with your fingers. The force felt moody, like something was off.
"Did something happen? Did Crosshair say anything! I swear I-"
"No, no. Nothing like that I promise!" You took the last step separating you. You were inches apart now.
"Did I do something?" He whispered, knowing he couldn't forgive himself if he did.
"No, I don't think there's anything you could do to make me turn from you." You whispered back, like a secret.
"Then what?" He softly asked.
You looked at the floor, unwilling to face him now. "I can't be the reason you guys are attacked. The Empire is after all Jedi's. You are all at risk if I am here..."
He, with the lightest touch, listed your chin up with a finger. "That doesn't matter... You're safest with us. You can't leave. Damn if the rest of us are in danger, I don't care. We will protect you. I won't let anyone take you." His voice was husky, he meant every word.
You didn't know how to respond, you were awestruck. Your legs felt like jello. All of your training out the window. You hadn't a thought except for him. Everything was suddenly him.
You just nodded, leaning further into his touch. Almost in a trance. You desperately craved his lips on yours. Just an inch forward and they'd be yours. So close-
A beeping made you gasp and pull away. Tech storming back in to the cockpit, taking his respective seat.
"Sorry to interrupt. We are about to land on Kamino."
You panted still, the exchange leaving you flustered. He eyed you, searching for any kind of rejection from you. Neither of you spoke with Tech in the room, you just looked at him with your head in the sky. You were unbelievably happy.
Unfortunately, you and Hunter were yet to bring that moment up again. Things kind of went back to normal, as you all got increasingly busy. Losing Crosshair and gaining Omega was a stressful time, you didn't have a second alone with Hunter. Even if you did want it more than anything.
Luckily, you had a calling to Omega. She was the sweetest girl you'd ever met, her positivity was inspiring.
You spent a lot of time with her, bonding especially when there was down time in-between missions. You also picked up on Hunters defensive and protective nature with her. He was undeniably acting as a father would.
"Yes, bullseye!" You jumped up and gave Omega a high-five. She was getting better everyday with her energy bow.
She laughed and bounced giddily.
"Now, lets see if you can hit a moving object." You encouraged her.
The two of you were far enough from the city to be hidden. You moved a small cart and a few bricks with the force. It slowly moved back and forth. It was hard concealing the powers you learned as a Jedi, but you soon adapted. Using the force less frequently as time went on.
She took a deep breath, inhaling as she pulled the bow string back. Just as she let the arrow go, it went flying past the target.
"Aw." She was visibly upset, not realizing how different moving targets were.
"Hey, it's okay. You should have seen me trying to move an object for the first time. It took me days to even lift a pebble." You proved your point by lifting a nearby stone up. "I still struggle sometimes..." You purposefully dropped the piece.
"You're so cool... I wish I was a Jedi! Then I wouldn't have to learn how to use an Energy Bow. I could just use my mind!" She made silly gestures. Moving a hand out to pretend she was wielding the force.
You smiled at her, deciding to shield her from the horrors of your childhood.
"I think an Energy Bow is just as cool. If not cooler!" You assured her.
"If you think so." She grumbled out, but ready to pull the string back again.
You sighed. "I think that's enough practice for today. It's getting late, honey." The sky was getting dark.
She looked displeased, "Why don't you go find Wrecker and get some dinner?"
She brightened up at this. "I'll save some for you too!"
You watched her as a mother would, making sure she was by Wreckers side before turning away.
"I can feel you staring." You announced, cleaning up the mess you and Omega made while training.
Footsteps were now heard as Hunter revealed himself. "Sorry." He acted as if you caught him doing something bad.
"Oh, I don't mind. I know you're just trying to keep Omega safe. Care to help?" You asked, bending down to place the brick back where they were found.
He walks to you, crouching to help. "Not just Omega." He says, lifting a few bricks.
"You as well." This made you blush lightly.
"Thank you, you know you'd make a really good father, right? Omega really looks up to you." You proclaimed, making sure Hunter knew his worth.
He stiffened, the words hitting his heart. "If anything she looks up to you. You're so good with her. It's..." He seemed to have regretted his choice of yours, continuing with- "You just always know what to say and do."
"It's what?" You asked, not letting him change the subject.
With a sigh he starts, "It's one of the reasons I love you so much." Another shift in the force, your heart thumping loud.
You stood, turning to him. A sense of Deja Vu rushed over you. To that day on the ship, the moment that was never resolved.
"You do?" You asked. Love was a feeling you were never supposed to feel as a Jedi.
"Have I not been clear? I live and breathe you..."
A flutter rests in your stomach. A sharp thrill reaching lower.
You walk to him, chest almost touching. "I don't think we finished what we started in the cockpit..." He declared, voice deep.
You shook your head. "No, we didn't. Are you going to make that up to me?" You spoke smug, but knew you'd melt at his touch.
"Only if you'll allow me..." A hand brushed against your forearm, resting there.
"Yes, of course..." He leaned down, his other hand now cupping your face.
He stopped just before his lips touched yours. "There won't be any going back." He whispered.
You didn't speak, only pushing yourself flush to him. It forced your lips to meet.
It was clumsy, you'd never done anything like this before. The Jedi code was very strict. You wondered if he had been with anyone else in that moment.
All of a sudden insecure over something you've yearned for.
Your thoughts were crushed with is next words, "You're perfect. So, so perfect." You turned a new shade of red, deeper and deeper.
"Watching you with Omega... Made me realize." He stopped, opting to kiss you once again.
You complied. He wrapped a hand around your waist, bringing you as close as you could be. Your arms lifted around his neck.
You pulled your head back slightly to breathe, "And what is that?"
"That I should ask this beautiful woman out." He stated, looking for your response.
"You didn't even have to ask..."
A/N- Thank you so much for reading! I loved writing this one, I hope you liked it!! It's like 1 am, so i'll come back and edit this when i'm not tired xD!
Tags- (lmk if you want to be tagged as well!) @thethreeeyed-raven @dangraccoon @knight-of-flowerss
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Could you perhaps write about Dark!Aemond controlling his twin from a young age and when he sees a Tyrell lord attempting to court her he snaps and takes her as his. Saying they belong together because they’re twins and no one but he can have her. Maybe the twin brings up Alys (this happens after the dance and the greens have won au) and Aemond vows to be rid of her if that’s what his twin desires since he was using Alys to watch his sister in the flames whilst he was at Harrenhal winning the war.
Your writing is so good I love it!
A/N: I hope you like it!
pairing: Dark!Aemond x Twin!sister reader
summary: Aemond controlling his twin from a young age and when he sees a Tyrell lord attempting to court her he snaps and takes her as his.
Word count: 3,0K
Warnings: Angst, manipulation, groping, smut, spoilers for Fire and Blood.
Masterlist 1
Masterlist 2
Ever since you were born Aemond has been there naturally as twins. Your parents never attempted to separate you two as children, however as babes your mother placed you in two different cradles which may have been one of the biggest mistakes of her life as Aemond cried and wailed for days until they returned you beside him. The maester said it could be because he was so used to you having been together for nine moons together.
As you two grew up his obsession only grew with you. He would sneak into your lessons with your septa just to merely stare at you. He would demand you two be fed from the same plate and to have High Valyrian lessons together. He would defend you against Aegon who loved pulling on your hair and throwing mud on your beautiful gowns.
By the age of nine namedays Aemond was known as the attached twin, you never seemed to have much problem having some alone time or away from Aemond but he would throw a tantrum if he did not see you beside him from the moment he woke up until the moment sleep took him under. Aemond decided to learn the art of sword fighting with your protection as his motivation. When he heard of the betrothal between Aegon and Helaena hope grew inside of his chest that one day you two will be betrothed to one another as well.
When he lost his eye you were in your bed already asleep away from the chaos but you were woken up by a maid shivering with fear. Aemond demanded you be brought to him, he refused the help of a maester or to even be simply comfort by his mother. The second the maid brought you in sleepy and rubbing your eyes confused he attached himself to you.
Like any sibling you were horrified with the sight of blood. You took one look at his face and a blood chilling scream left your lips. You hugged him tightly terrified for him. Your screams that day would echo in the heads of your entire family. Aemond was your twin and he got hurt. You stayed by his side for moons cleaning the wound and hand feeding his medicine. You were the one to demand he stops training fearing him getting hurt but he insisted just to make you proud.
But now you two were no longer children, you were survivors of the war. Aegon was king after defeating and killing your elder sister along with all of her children. That war left you scared having to watch as Sunfyre devoured your sister. Your older brother was maimed as well, half burned leaving the work on Aemond's shoulders until he was healthy again. Your mother mourned your sister Helaena who had threw herself out of the window after they had killed her son Jaehaerys, ripping his head off his body.
You wore black of mourning for moons and only recently began wearing the red of house Targaryen growing to hate the colour green, a hate your mother seemed to agree on as well. You also were your sister's favourite light blue in her honour.
It was that time of year again when spring came and flowers bloomed. The time your mother invited lords from the north to the south, from the east to the west to court in hopes of you finding a husband. Your eye was caught on the one and only Leonard Tyrell, a lord with light brown hair and blue eyes, he was not muscular but not skinny either, he was just right with a couple of inches on you enough to tower over you.
"For my lady" He held out a rose. You giggled knowing that he gave it to you for it was the symbol of his house.
"Thank you my lord" The sparkle in your eyes made the insides of Aemond churn with anger, it was supposed to be only for him. You were supposed to be only for him to love, to protect and to fuck. Your mother refused time and time again to betroth you two saying you were meant for a political marriage, you two were to marry of other houses and bring peace after the war.
"No need to thank me princess, this flower will soon wilt and die but your beauty will remain to give it some life" Leo, as he liked to be called, flirted. His hand raised to curl around a piece of your white-blonde hair. His touch on your cheek was almost as light as feather.
"Beauty fades as well, my lord" Your smart mouth could have made you loose this betrothal, this affection he felt for you and you for him.
"Nonsense yours will stay even a hundred years from now" He leaned closer. Your eyes widened in shock but you remained frozen in place awaiting what you have dreamed of since you were a little girl. His breathe tickled your lips making your heart skip a beat with anticipation.
"Lord Tyrell!" You both jumped away from each other. Your eyes almost watered at the sight of the anger on Aemond's face. He has never looked so angry in his life before, he may have never hurt you before in your life but you feared then that the time may have come.
"My prince" Leo bowed to your brother. He looked disgusted at the sight of jealousy on Aemond's face, of course he viewed like everyone else this kind of love as queer, everyone hated the incest that ran in your family.
"The King require your presence" Aemond did not know where he found the strength to not tear the highborn arrogant lord into pieces.
"Ahh I shall go see him then. Excuse me princess" Just to spite your brother Leo took your hand and placed a kiss on it. Aemond clenched his fists behind his back to not show how much this disturbed him. His face morphed into an evil look as he watched Leo walk away.
"Aemond-" Your voice caught in your throat when his glare moved to you.
"What do you think you were doing? Do you want to be seen? Do you want people to call you a whore? Kissing lords in the open? kissing lords who are not your husband?" He threw one question after the other taking a step closer to you with each question. Fear pumped in your blood stepping back and away from him unknowingly he lured you behind a huge bush away from sight of the main road of the gardens.
"We are to be betrothed-" Your tried defended yourself. Aemond chuckled darkly as if he heard the funniest joke in centuries.
"Did you really think I would let that happen? You are mine!" He moved before you could run away grabbing you by your neck. You hands clawed at his wrist trying to push him away but he was too far gone.
"Aemond, let me go" You begged. His eyes softened at the sight of tears build up in your eyes. His hold grew weaker but still held you firmly against his body.
"You are mine! Do you understand? You were always meant to be mine" His voice grew quieter with each word he spoke. Your heart broke when the realisation dawned on you, Aemond will never leave you alone and you loved it, Tyrell would have never fought for you like Aemond would.
"We were born together and we are meant to die together whether now and here or in a decade or two" Aemond whispered leaning down to speak against your ear. His lips wrapped around you earlobe sucking on it before moving to place open mouth kisses to the column of your throat hand now sliding down to the curve of your waist.
"Aemond" You breathed feeling yourself loosing control of your body with each kiss, with each caress , you have never felt anything like this before, Aemond has never touched you like that before.
"Dōna idaña" Sweet twin. He whispered licking up your chin pausing only a breath away from your lips.
"Kiss me" You begged. His free arm wrapped around your waist pulling you in closer to his body. He obeyed like the slave he was, he was your slave who controlled you, your slave who filled your head with himself.
His lips were soft and sweet tasting of honey tarts, your favourites. He hands ran up and down your back, your sides and into your hair. He felt adventures letting one of his hands slide down to grope at your bottom making you moan into his mouth. He slipped his tongue into your mouth feeling every inch he could reach.
"My baby sister, I am the only one who could love you as much as you deserve" He pulled back. You felt hazy and like you were under a spell Aemond smirked using this opportunity to bunch up your dress feeling up your thigh. He hooked his hand under your knee pulling it up to rest around his waist.
"Big brother will show you how much he loves" He leaned down to whisper in your ear. His fingers danced up your thigh in rhythm with his lips sucking his marks all over your neck and down to your bosom.
"rōva lēkia" Big brother. You whimpered feeling him so close to where you needed him. Aemond felt himself growing hard at the sound of your moans. He was only a couple of minutes your elder but has always held that over your head and would grow angry when you would call Aegon 'Older brother or big brother' those were his nicknames, his titles.
"rōva lēkia will take care of you sweet girl" He promised sucking practically hard at a spot that could not be hidden by any dress, just between your chin and neck. You moaned a little too loud but neither of you cared.
He let his finger run over your small cloth feeling it wet under his finger. He smirked pulling away a little from you much to your confusion. He kneeled down holding your leg up to rest on his shoulder instead. Your big brother did not mind kneeling down in front of you, his queen.
"Aemond-" Your words caught in your throat at the sound of ripping, he ripped the layers keeping him from your most private parts. He did not hesitate wrapping his lips around your swollen numb.
"Aemond" This time it was a moan coming out of your lips. He blew lightly on your hole making you shiver. He raised one of his hands up your leg and slowly over to your pussy.
"Please" You begged feeling him kitten lick your numb. Aemond was feeling generous despite you irking his jealousy. He ran his finger back and forth over your hole before pushing it in slowly, he did not want to hurt you.
"Ahh, so good" You moaned grinding down at his hand. Aemond's head snapped up to look at you in shock.
"Have you done this before?" He questioned. You moaned feeling him move his finger inside of you still.
"Yes!" You cried feeling your knees weaken beneath you. Aemond stood with his free arm around your waist to steady you because your leg was still over his shoulder leaving your lower part completely exposed with his finger inside of you joined by a second one picking up pace.
"With who?" He accused angrily. Now he no longer cared for your pain, he wanted revenge.
"Alone, myself" You replied grinding down on his finger. Aemond smirked leaning his forehead on yours. He pulled his hand away from your hole to undo his trousers, he could no longer waist.
"Thinking of who?" He asked. Your face turned a dark shade of red. Aemond shoved himself inside of you in one go claiming yours lips to silence your cries of pain.
"Shhh, keep it down" He hissed. Teeth grinding as he tried hard not to move. Eyes glittering with joy at the sight of his cock coming out bloodied with your maidenhead before shoving it back in and staying in place.
"Who were thinking of while pleasuring yourself, sister?" Aemond asked. You looked down refusing to look at him and instead watched where you two were connected. Aemond grew frustrated and moved to raise your other leg around his waist and lowered your leg over his shoulder to also wrap around his waist letting your dress come down to cover the sinful act you two were doing.
"Who is it?!" He demanded loudly. You cried when he pulled out only to slam back in harshly.
"You! Aemond" You admitted. Aemond lowered himself down on his knees letting you lay on your back. Hands on your bottom holding your lower half higher on the same level as his.
"Is that so, baby sister?" He teased rolling his hips gently. You nodded your head bitting your lower lip feeling too scared and ashamed to ask him to go faster.
"Only big brother makes me peak" You admitted shyly. Aemond chuckled darkly picking up the pace of his hips.
"That's right, only big brother can make you peak" He hoped someone would catch you like this so he could marry you on the spot. He felt a sweat break down his back at the feeling of your tight velvety walls squeezing him so tightly.
"So so good for big brother" He was unable but to moan. He had dreamed of this moment for so many years. Your moans grew louder the more his hips picked up the pace until he was slamming into you. You'd grow to regret this when the grass burn would hit you once the adrenaline was gone. Your hips ached from the position but you were so close you did not care.
"More" You begged throwing your head back feeling you had died and gone to heaven. Aemond growled from deep within his chest hips relentlessly slamming into yours. He needed to seed you, he needed to make you swell with a pure dragon child, he needed to show everyone who you belonged to.
"Cum for me, baby sister" he ordered. He leaned down to hold your chin in between his fingers making sure you looked him in the eyes. The eye contact was your demise making you squirt around his pulsating cock. You cried so loud you were sure your mother heard from her precious sept.
"That's it" Aemond moaned eyes not leaving yours for a second as his seed flooded inside of you. his hips still not daring to move a single inch in or out.
"Get me pregnant" You begged ankled locking behind him making him rock in and out of you although he was softening you moaned at the feeling of him being inside.
"Are you getting off on my cum?" Aemond teased rocking his hips still He bit his lip to hide how effected he was, cock crying from the friction still not over cumming so much, he has not composed himself just yet but for you he would endure the hottest fires of hell.
"Yess, I love your cum, seed me" You moaned clawing at his leather tunic. Aemond whimpered leaning his head down into your neck. His cock was starting to pain him but he kept moving, for you, his queen.
"I'm cumming" You cried tightening your hold him. He whimpered just beside your ear throwing you off the edge, Aemond made a mental not that you loved hearing him, loved hearing how much you effected him.
"Cum, my love" He bit your ear whimpers still leaving his lips. Your walls clamped down on him as you came.
"Sweet sister" He praised pulling out unable to hold on anymore. His softening cock pulsated still found the strength to spurt out some white cum on your hole from the outside, just barely.
"How was that, my love?" Aemond asked teasingly turning to look at your fucked out face. Your eyes hardened as you looked up at him much to his confusion.
"I hope your Alys does not mine me loaning her cock" You pushed him back making him land on his back beside you.
"What?" Aemond was more than shocked by your words. You knew of Alys? How? Aegon!
"Your darling Alys, wasn't that her name? The witch!" You moved away from him to collect the shreds of what used to be your small cloth and linen.
"She is nothing, not compared to you" He composed himself enough to tuck himself back inside his trousers.
"Is that so? Whose cunt did you like more? Mine, the virgin, or her the whore?" You turned to glare at him. Aemond may have loved you first and followed you like a lost puppy but you loved him more, harder.
"Yours of course, she is nothing, I only used her" He pushed himself on his feet feeling still numb from the two orgasms that your cunt pulled out of him. Oh hoe delicious they were.
"Used her?" You tilted your head to the side sarcastically accuse him without saying the words, he was a liar to you.
"Yes! She showed me you" He moved to grab your shoulders before you could move away from him with a scowl on your face.
"Showed me to you?" You asked frowning your eyebrows.
"Yes! in the flames, I saw you everyday as you bathed, ate, slept and prayed for me" He whispered smiling down at you. He looked like a fool in love.
"You watched me while your cock was deep in her hole" You accused raising your hand to slap him. He recovered quickly holding your chin in his hand.
"As payment to see you but I came only to the thought of you, I grew hard only for you and if you ask me I will kill her" He leaned his forehead on yours. You raised your own hand to wrap around his hair pulling his head back to look you straight in your glaring eyes.
"Kill her" You demanded with no hesitation or mercy. Aemond felt his cock stir in his trousers as your jealousy shinned through. His dreams were coming true, you were giving into him. You were just as twisted and corrupted as he was.
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tradraine · 2 years
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Self-Care Ideas for Young Tradfems! ♡
In a modern age that believes in teaching young girls to be ‘girl bosses’ and ‘sexuality liberated’, it can become easy to be disillusioned/depressed and want to give up on your dream of finding your beloved husband. But, it’s very important to remember that before a girl can care for a family and spouse, she has to care for herself. As a young tradfem, here are some of the things I do to keep out of my disillusionment and to feel happy and feminine! ♡
((Also I apologize for poor English I’m not a native speaker))
Write down baby names, go to stores and look at all the adorable baby clothes and accessories
This had helped me keep my eyes on my goal of motherhood so much! It’s really nice to imagine the details of the wonderful godly family in your future.
Clean your bedroom daily and decorate it with your own feminine, aesthetic dream
This one is great for preparation to become a wife one day. Organizing up your personal space and decorating it to your liking not only shows you are ready to take care of a household, but that you have a feminine creativity.
Pray/take part in your religion
It can be anything from a rosary or a prayer before bed to volunteering at your Church. Absolutely any activity that brings you closer to God is an activity with meaning.
Bake sweets for the special people in your life
I’ve had so much fun with this one! As a tradfem, one of my duties one day will be to cook for my household, so knowing your way around the kitchen is an important skill for a woman to have! Besides, I love seeing the happy faces of my friends and family when I give them cookies or a cherry pie.
Babysit/take care of younger family members
This one is essential for a young lady wanting to become a housewife. I’m not at all an advocate for woman making money ((quite the opposite, actually)) but this is one way to make some extra money while staying true to your god-given purpose.
Take a bath or a shower at least once a day, brush your teeth, and wear deodorant/light body spray
This one may seem obvious, but it’s very important. Smelling and looking clean not only makes you more palatable to Christian men but gives your hair and skin a gentle, feminine glow.
Buy yourself one nice ((but still modest and traditional)) thing
This one can we tricky. You shouldn’t buy your self too much lest your life is filled with the sin of greed, but buying yourself a singular new necklace or that cozy sweater you’ve been wanting can make you feel really good.
Read some classic/conservative philosophy books
While I love listening to my favourite conservative podcasts and news programs, reading is a great way to relax and exercise your brain while learning about faith and tradition.
Take a walk/hike in a forest, beach, or other natural space
Not only is hiking good exercise for your body and brain, but seeing the wonderful world god created for us helps to feel closer to him.
Make a Pinterest board of your future home/dream wedding
This one is great for keeping your spirits up! It’s a great reminder of how lovely traditional aesthetics are and how a wonderful life is just around the corner.
Stop eating fast food/eat healthy/focus on weight loss
Being trim is a crucial part of being a future traditional wife. But eating healthy to stay thin, it not only shows that you have dedication to keep yourself looking well, it will help you fit into cuter clothes.
‘Honour thy mother and father’
Your parents are a gift from God; they carry the traditions and values that have shaped who you are. Honour them by cooking a meal for them, cleaning the house so they don’t have to, ect.
Make sure your wardrobe is modest and fits you well/prepare your clothes for the upcoming week
Every girl looks beautiful in a long skirt/dress. Go through your wardrobe, discard any immodest clothing and have fun making outfits for the days ahead.
Put on some light makeup
I should emphasize that you should only put on LIGHT makeup. God and your husband will love you for your natural beauty, so there’s no point in covering in up. I personally only use mascara, light eyeliner, colour-tinted chapstick and concealer, but I believe added a light blush or some naturally coloured lipstick is an ok addition.
Watch a movie that reinforces conservative values
Movies can awful when they push a radical feminist agenda, but not all movies are the same! There are still plenty of traditional tales about a princess getting swept off her feet by a traditional masculine man or someone on the wrong path who learns the importance of obeying Christ.
Knit something/sew something/croquet something/ modify your dresses using needle and thread
Not only is this hobby perfect for a traditional young lady, but it gives you a chance to show off your creativity and make wonderful gifts for the people you love or something lovely for yourself.
Make a cute rag-doll or teddy bear for a sweet little girl in your life
So many dolls in the modern day are overly sexualized, wearing tons of makeup and skimpy outfits, or look like men. Make a little girl in your life happy with a modest toy that’s a positive roll model.
Shave your legs, arms, and underarms
Modern feminism has pushed the message that body hair is ‘beautiful’, but this is blatantly untrue. No man would prefer a hairy, mannish pig over a well-groomed traditional lady, and most women feel more desirable ((because they are)) shaven.
Be early to bed, and early to rise
Getting enough rest is important for looking traditionally beautiful and healthy. Not only will you have more defined eyes, clearer skin, and a smaller waist line, but you will be left with enough energy to clean your room six times over.
Embrace your nations traditions
Research where your bloodline descends from and it’s traditions to practice. It’s our job as traditionalists to keep the bright minds and beliefs of our ancestors alive; they would be so proud of you for following in the path God designed! ♡
Make sure your nails are well-groomed and not too garish
Men aren’t attracted to fire truck-red monster claws, or stubby, bitten dirt coated nails; it’s a sign you don’t care enough for yourself. If your hands look pleasant, then their ready to bake bread, change diapers, and wear that wedding ring.
Always trust in God, even when it’s difficult or seems pointless
As a young woman without a husband yet, it may seem like God is against you, but that’s not true at all! God has chosen the perfect man for you, now all you have to do is have faith and stay submissive and pure for your future beloved! ♡
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etrosgate · 4 months
a death note chapter 1 vs episode 1 comparison
I think people tend to be under the assumption that the death note manga and anime are basically the same besides their endings and the foot washing scene, and thus generally interchangeable. Personally, i don’t believe this is the case. Though many of the changes are small things a casual viewer might not notice, to me these small changes add up to such a degree that despite being so similar, reading the manga and watching the anime are two very different experiences (not even getting into how the anime butchers the second half lmao)
For the record, im not against significant changes in adaptations. On the contrary, i find the oft-hated 2015 tv drama to be a compelling alternate take on the narrative (even if it often struggles in the execution of its concepts). Rather, this whole Thing is more of a documentation of the big and small changes made in adaptation, through the lens of my own extremely subjective interpretation of both versions.
the anime naturally makes many structural changes to the narrative so for the sake of consistency, i will generally be going through things according to the anime’s chronology. If i believe one of these changes has a notable effect on how the narrative comes across, i’ll mention it. I’ll try not to repeat things that are identical between versions, so naturally some existing familiarity with either version would be preferable
Let's Begin
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Light: this world… Ryuk: …is rotten
The anime takes the opening lines of the manga (which are spoken separately by light and ryuk, respectively) and gives light ryuk’s line, while light’s is then shared between both of them.
Though they are very obviously visually drawing parallels between the two characters in the manga, i think the actual sentiment expressed in their respective lines isn’t meant to be quite as connected as the anime portrays it. the role “boredom” and “morality” play in their respective motivations is pretty important later on in the chapter, so just keep this in the back of your mind for now.
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After light picks up the note for the first time, he puts it back down and starts to leave, dismissing it as a stupid chain letter. But once he thinks about the fact that it’ll supposedly kill people, he turns back (and goes back for it). This choice to go back is not present in the manga, he simply picks it up, laughs, and puts it in his bag without a second thought.
Though light laughs at it in both, in the manga the sequence in general feels lighter in tone compared to the anime (where light only takes interest in it Because it claims to kill). 
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In general, light comes across as more mature in the anime, in his facial features and behavior. Tragically, there is no “fwaah” 🥺
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It’s minor but Anime light entirely skips manga light’s rationalization of finding someone it’s “okay to kill”, though he does immediately rebuke himself for taking this so seriously
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This may just be up to translation differences but anime light seems almost eager for the death note to be real, while manga light seems to just want confirmation, and is much more distressed over the circumstances. Again, the anime leaves out light determining who to kill specifically in terms of who it would be “okay to kill”. And here he then doubles down to someone who “ought to die”, as the situation has gotten more serious
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It’s a small thing, but the anime completely removes this scene (the teacher is knocking him out of his thoughts of killing one of his classmates). It’s only notable to me in how it connects with the wider tonal differences between the versions of the story, and of how much less willing the anime is to portray light’s more mundane immature/human aspects
I'm not including pics but this sequence where light comes across a woman being harassed by a group of bikers is a lot more graphic, showing the preamble to sexual assault where the manga just implied it to be a possibility.
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This one is probably more subjective, but when light pulls out the note to stare at it and laugh a little eagerly, the anime’s delivery is really like. Obvious overt Supervillain laugh (even if it is fairly quiet). The manga comes across a little more….. Idc, childish? Immature? Not to mention the sweat on his face
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A small change, but in the anime there’s no disbelieving “a…[bold text] shinigami?”
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Anime light sweats at his initial meeting of ryuk, but it’s gone as he resolves himself. Manga light sweats and sweats and keeps on sweating through most of the rest of the conversation, the closed eye expression being one of frustration before he opens his eyes and resolves himself.
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In the manga, light’s hand trembles as he grabs the chair while getting up.
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With the context of the rest of this chapter/episode, these lines come off very differently to me. Anime light feels like he was only surprised by the sight of ryuk+jumpscare, and is wayyy more confident in this situation. That he has been waiting for ryuk feels like a true statement. But in the manga, it really comes off like he is pissing himself scared right now and is desperately pretending to be cool and lies about it to try and have some control over the situation
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The anime omits this hilariously awkward line, which really adds to the “light’s absolutely freaking out” of the manga
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Ugh, for such a little thing im genuinely kinda devastated that the anime just doesn’t have that look between ryuk and light. It makes the “most people would be too scared” feel so much less pointed. Light later says that there’s “some power that makes you want to use the death note” and i think this bit really drives in how truly abnormal light’s behavior is, even for people who willingly use the death note. 
Off topic but I Hate those “the death note has supernatural powers that makes you evil” theories i really do, it gets rid of everything interesting about the narrative, i’ll fight you. anyways.
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Again, the difference in composure. Anime light is still sweating over this, but overall way more “cool” than manga light’s heavily shadowed, serious expression and hunched shoulders
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Im so sad at how they’ve removed so much of this lowkey humor in the anime. Light’s awkward laughter is so funny and characterful to me, he is sooo internally freaking out…
i think the juxtaposition of dark shit with humor to be one of the big appeals of the manga, and one of the main reasons i find the anime pretty boring tonally. 
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They need to stop getting rid of light’s awkward bits, it really humanizes him
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Light has resolved himself to his mission, he proclaims it with a smile on his face, in both versions. (Manga light finally doesn’t have sweat on his face anymore)
But why is he doing all this? Ryuk even asks flat out in the anime. And what does light say?
Well this is where it gets really interesting… It is here where what i believe to be the single most significant adaptation change occurs. 
Light has two RADICALLY different answers.
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A childish, wide eyed smiling proclamation that “nobody will commit crimes anymore. the world will start to become a better place,” versus a serious “i was bored…too.”
once you strip away the cat and mouse games to reach the thematic and emotional bones of death note (the manga), i find it to be a story that is fundamentally a character study of our beloved beloathed protagonist light yagami. As such, i find Altering something so critical to who he is like this irrevocably changes the entire narrative. 
And the thing is, both sentiments are expressed in both versions, but come across very differently due to their contexts. 
←- right to left
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This first chapter has had some fairly major structural changes done in the process of adaptation. While the anime goes from light seeing the death note fall from his classroom window to meeting ryuk for the first time in chronological order, the manga has a timeskip in the middle of it. What did they skip? Light’s first time actually using the death note. So when ryuk later tells light that he dropped the death note for a human to pick up out of boredom, light responds that he was bored too… leading directly into a flashback of when he first used the note. 
In the manga, the juxtaposition of events leads us to read “i was bored too” as: 
“Light used the death note for the first time because he was bored” 
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In the anime, the same line is instead a direct answer to ryuk asking his motivation for becoming kira. Reinforced by following it up with a flashback to the immediate aftermath of light discovering that the death note truly works (+ his decision to become kira).
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Though not significantly different, i do find it interesting how the anime has omitted light considering getting rid of the death note and thinking that the second victim didn’t deserve death (then talking himself into accepting it). As a result, anime light’s rationalization of his behavior feels less personal, and has much less doubt.
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Again, the manga goes way harder into light’s emotional state, and doubts about this whole thing. “Just two, and look at me…” Also, no guilt blanket burrito in the anime ☹️
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Now back to the conversation with ryuk, the anime is very notably missing this line from light. Ryuk has never seen someone write as many names in the notebook in 5 days as light has, and light is not dealing with it well. He’s being flippant about it, but this little line is some of the most damning evidence that the guilt of killing people is actively eating away at him, and to a pretty severe degree.
Though anime light does bring up the same/similar lines about making the world a better place and having doubts about his mission, their place in his motivations has been significantly de-emphasized. The general change in light’s characterization seems to make him look much colder, cooler and more capable, at the expense of removing most of his humanity and a lot of the dimension to his character, particularly regarding his personal feelings re: being kira.
This wouldn’t be so much of an issue to me if (ironically) the anime had changed More in order to support its new direction (the shift in light’s characterization+increased emphasis on L as well as L and Light’s dynamic), but i don’t think it executed it very well. I honestly think the musical actually delivers on these specific goals much more successfully, but we’re leaving that for another post.
can you believe i wrote all that for one chapter/episode. Christ.
Anyways look at this loser who deep down knows he’s doing the wrong thing but chooses to just keep doing it.
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kindahoping4forever · 2 years
Blood Moon Lit // Ashton Irwin
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Hello! Thank you to everyone who continues to engage with my masterlist and ask about my writing even though the fics have slowed down again - even as a writer, I somehow can't find the words to describe how encouraging it is. It's because of that encouragement that I've got a new fic for you today! I've been working on some longer form stuff (partly to blame for my absence) and since those projects are gonna take some time, I thought it'd be fun to sneak in a quick, light piece to tide us all over. The lunar eclipse that took place last week (sadly rained out in LA) provided a burst of inspiration and I ran with it!
As always thank you to @cal-puddies, it's more apparent than ever that I don't know how to do this without her lol
Warnings: Friends to lovers!Ash, an overabundance of flirty banter, an obnoxious amount of references to Ash's beard. A conversation about weed. Protected first time sex.Just some classic fluffy smut vibes.
Word Count: 6585
Masterlist // Ko-Fi linked above
Reblogs and feedback are greatly appreciated!
“You know, according to the Farmer’s Almanac---”
“How many times do I have to tell you that’s an absurd way to begin a sentence?”
Ashton tosses a crumpled up napkin in your direction, good-natured glare on his face. “If you’re gonna invite yourself over to my house to watch the eclipse, it’s only fair that you listen to my moon anecdotes.”
“Alternate perspective: if you’re going to be offering up moon anecdotes to a captive audience, you should spice up your presentation. You’re a professional entertainer, Ash, you should understand.”
You cackle watching your friend’s face twist and contort as he struggles not to laugh at your ribbing. He scratches at his beard, aggravated and amused, and you can’t help but smile. He’s so expressive, you love getting a reaction out of him.
“Next time, you can throw your own damn eclipse party, I don’t care how lame the view at your apartment is,” he declares, knocking on the kitchen island for emphasis.
You shrug, “Lucky for me, the next lunar eclipse isn’t until 2025, so I’ve got time to find some better digs.”
“I’ve got time to find better friends,” he mutters under his breath, giggling at the sound of your offended gasp. Apparently he loves getting a reaction out of you as well.
You pout, “Aww, if you didn’t want me here, would you really have gone to this much trouble?” You hug his broad shoulders, cozying up to him, smiling at how he seems to melt against you. You gesture at the spread of snacks on the tray in front of you. “Crescent sandwiches, moon pies, Mars bars, Milky Ways…”
“Not a lot of moon specific snacks out there, had to extend the theme to the entire solar system,” he chuckles, nudging you with a pack of Starburst, gesturing for you to follow him outside.
It’s not that you invited yourself over to Ash’s tonight, it’s just that when you complained how obscured the view is at your place and he responded by mentioning how much he loves watching the moon from his garden every night… Well, that sounds like an invitation, now doesn’t it?
You trail behind him as he sets the food on a table in the backyard and pulls two bottled waters out of a nearby cooler, handing one to you.
You grab a sandwich off the tray. “Do you want to finish your almanac anecdote, buddy?” You ask sweetly as you settle in, laying across the patio couch he’s set up.  
Distracted, he pats the pockets of the button down shirt he’s wearing. “You’re only being nice to me now because I’m feeding you," he sighs.
“Well, yeah, that’s the key to most positive interactions with me. We’ve known each other for how long and you’re just realizing this?” You crack, grabbing the lighter out of your shorts pocket and tossing it to him.
Ashton snorts at your joke and bends down to light the candles on the table. You may be friends but you’re also human and can't resist noticing how well his jeans fit him, especially when pulled tight across his ass like they are right now. The sound of him dropping the lighter back onto the table stirs you from your thoughts and you tune back into the conversation.
“...So that’s why some cultures advise people not to eat during an eclipse,” he shares proudly, sitting in a chair across from you.
“Interesting,” you respond breezily, giggling as he sticks his tongue out at you, clearly able to tell you weren’t paying attention.
“Listen, I don’t see you attempting any trivia to pass the fuckin’ time,” he snarks. 
“I didn’t know there was gonna be a pop quiz, dude,” you gripe. “Besides, why are you worried about filling time anyways? If you went to the trouble of themed snacks, I know there's no way you didn't slap together a playlist."
"Ah, I have been perceived," he admits with a grin and with a few swipes of his phone, "The Killing Moon" by Echo and the Bunnymen begins pouring from the speakers just outside the house.
The eclipse begins just after midnight and the full visibility - and accompanying "blood moon" coloring - isn't due for almost another two and a half hours so the two of you vibe, snack and banter for a while, occasionally peering up at the sky and commenting on if you think the moon looks different yet or not. 
After about an hour, Ash disappears inside for a few minutes and returns holding two cups of steaming hot coffee, the pink blanket from his living room couch slung over his shoulder.
"How'd you know?" You coo, beaming up at him as he spreads the soft material over your legs.
"Because I know you," he laughs, watching as you warm your hands on the mug he just handed you. "Offered you sweats to come out here, you refused and still spent the entire time trying to yank that hoodie - which I expect back by the way - over your legs."
You defend your choice, "I like the cool air on my legs!" 
"Why is that such a girly thing? The oversized hoodie with the tiniest shorts? Like are you hot or cold? Pick one."
"Says the man who went inside to get his cozy jacket and yet hasn't thought of buttoning his shirt."
"Maybe I like the cool air on my chest," he mimics you with a twinkle in his eye.
"Oh, is that why your nips always look ready to cut glass?"
He nearly spills his coffee laughing. "You been checkin' out my nips, baby?"
"Nah, just conscious of sharp hazards and when I should be wearing protective eyewear," you joke, ignoring the flush you involuntarily feel when he casually calls you 'baby' like that.
Ashton giggles gleefully as he turns his attention to the sky. "These clouds are making it hard to tell what's supposed to be there, eclipse-wise," he complains. He crosses over to your couch and in one easy motion, lifts your legs up and places them in his lap as he sits down. He points, "That right there? That's moving, right? Must be a cloud. But what's that next to it?"
If you're being honest, you can't see what he's talking about too well from this angle but you're not sure you're ready to move and give up the feeling of his legs warming yours, of his hands subconsciously drumming on the blanket covering you. You like feeling him close. 
"I mean… you can still kinda see light through it so it's probably cloud, yeah?" You reach for your phone to check the weather. "Damn, why is there so much coverage though, didn't you say it's not supposed to rain until the morning?"
"Yeah not ‘til like 5 or 6," he answers. He squeezes your legs. "By the way, if it starts before that, you're staying here. I don't like you driving home in the middle of the night and in a storm."
"Whatever you say, Dad." 
He scoffs, face coloring ever so slightly. “Excuse me for caring about you staying safe.”
He looks damn good when he’s embarrassed and you decide you’d like to see more. “Sorry, you’re right. Whatever you say… Daddy?”
“Oh, fuck off,” he laughs, a little too loud, a little too hard. Cheeks now an adorable shade of pink, he playfully shoves your legs off his lap. “Get outta here,” he adds for good measure.
“Rude,” you accuse, grinning as you catch yourself before you fall off the couch, adjusting your position to sit next to him. 
You steal a glance over at him as he looks upwards again: his curls messy from laying around, shirt askew and exposing a generous amount of chest, chest you know to be warm and solid and full of hair that tickles your face every time he pulls you into a hug when he’s wearing a shirt like that. He looks nice. Comfortable. Comforting. You want him closer and you’re contemplating how to achieve that when he suddenly gets up from his seat.
The disappointment that runs through you is mercifully temporary as Ash drags the cooler over in front of the couch to use as an ottoman. He plops down next to you again and stretches out, putting his feet up, sighing in satisfaction. You do the same and use the opportunity to toss the end of your blanket over him, scooting closer so that you’ll both fit under it. You rest your head on his shoulder and he doesn’t seem to mind, just like you don’t mind the designs his fingers begin tracing on your knee.
“Can I ask something?” Your voice breaks the silence. The designs stop. Interesting.
“Depends,” he says wryly. He seems nervous. You like it.
You throw him a curveball. “Are we not smoking tonight?”
He snorts, nudging your knees with his. “Take over my garden, eat my snacks, now you want my weed?”
“See, I’d argue that having someone over to literally just stare at the moon for hours implies drug use is on the agenda,” you muse. “I’d argue that Ashton Irwin having someone over to his house in general implies there’d at least be an offer.”
He pokes your side as a means of protest and you squeal in response. “Truth be told, I thought about putting a couple joints on the table but I didn’t want you falling asleep before the big show even started,” he explains, mischief dancing in his eyes.
You drop your jaw in exaggerated offense. “That’s never---”
“Your birthday, my birthday, select dinner parties, two weeks ago when we watched that movie… that one time I think we were watching the Olympics…”
“OK, OK, I get it… Jesus,” you concede, amused at how much he’s enjoying calling you out like this. “Listen, maybe if you didn’t smoke fuckin’ industrial strength weed…”
“Maybe if you’d bring your own stash every once in a while instead of just mooching off mine,” he zings back, squeezing your thigh to make sure you know he’s kidding. He lets you pout for a few beats before he adds in a notably softer voice, “I actually did go to the shop the other day and picked up some of that hybrid you told me you liked. Maybe if this goddamn moon ever does what it’s supposed to do, I’ll break out with it.” 
You offer him a fond smile. “Ya ol’ softie,” you tease, ruffling his hair. Your logic brain tries to convince you it was because you wanted to annoy him but the impulsive part of you suspects you just really wanted to touch him for some reason. 
In a move that appears to surprise even himself, Ashton closes his eyes and contentedly leans into your touch. He attempts to course correct by peering at the sky and observing, “The moon’s definitely gotten darker… but that storm really looks like it’s moving in quicker than they said it would, there’s even more clouds than before.”
“Gonna be such a waste if we can’t even see the blood moon after all this,” you comment.
“Ouch, I’m having fun hanging out with you too,” he cracks, nudging you with his knees again. You don’t think his body has been out of contact with yours since he sat back down. Interesting. 
You bump his shoulders with yours. “So fucking sensitive,” you laugh, shaking your head. “Like I probably wouldn’t have been hanging here tonight anyways.”
“That’s true,” he agrees. “You’d definitely already be asleep on my couch by now.”
“Oh my god, Ash, I do not pass out here that often!”
“Why’d you think I served you a giant cup of coffee at 1 AM?” 
“You’re actually the worst person I know, congratulations.”
“Just figure you took the whole ‘make yourself at home’ thing a bit too literally.”
You turn to stare daggers at him and the resulting burst of laughter he lets out is so intense it echoes into the night.
“As if I'd be able to fall asleep out here anyways, I’m fucking freezing,” you grumble. He takes a breath to respond but you cut him off. “And I know it’s my fault for not borrowing the sweatpants, we’re all aware, the media will be calling for comment in the morning.”
His laughter continues and though you’re committed to your performance as a pitiful, mocked guest, watching him react to your plight is so endearing, you’re having a hard time keeping a straight face yourself.
He finally stops long enough to gasp out some breaths and wipe his eyes. “Aww, I’m sorry, baby,” he says, somewhat sincerely, though you can still detect a faint chuckle in his voice. He tries again. “You’re still cold, though, for real?”
“Yeah, dude, the temperature’s had to have dropped at least ten degrees since we’ve been out here.”
You’ve barely gotten through half of your sentence before Ash is pulling your body closer, laying your head on his chest, tucking you inside his jacket and wrapping his arms around you. “How’s that?” He asks, vigorously rubbing your arm.
“Um…” Your mind is blank and suddenly you swear you’ve never had a thought in your life, the concept of language is entirely outside of your grasp. All you know is you wanted him close and now Ashton is literally all around you. You take a deep breath to reset your mind but it only makes things worse, he smells incredible.
He reads your stammering negatively and starts rambling, "I thought about setting up that little fire pit for us but I didn't want to light things up too much and take away from the view." He continues fussing over you, holding you tighter. "I could see if I can do it real quick…"
“No, Ash… it’s fine, I’m fine,” you quickly insist, unwilling to give up this embrace for any reason. Trying to play it cool, you quip, “Plus it’s getting late, can’t have me getting too cozy, anyways.”
Your humorous sidestep provides enough of a misdirect and the two of you lay in comfortable silence for a bit. It’s long enough for you to finally relax into him and start thinking about how nice and natural this feels, how you kind of want him on you like this all the time, how you’re not sure if you’ve ever felt this warm and content or if you’ll ever feel this way again. 
Unfortunately it’s also long enough for you to start overthinking things and now you’re wondering if he can feel how fast your heart is beating, if he’s noticed all the subtle breaths you’ve been forcing yourself to take. You pause. OK, his heart feels like it’s beating pretty fast too. Wait. Really? Shit, thinking about his heart beating fast is making yours beat even faster now. The fuck?
He’s not… you’re not… right? You’re obviously aware that Ashton is an attractive man. Super charming. Thoughtful. Caring. And yeah, you get along great. He understands you, listens to you, confides in you. Sure, you have chemistry. All friends do, don’t they? 
He senses that something’s up with you and you swear you’ve never felt anything as intense as his hand squeezing your shoulder as he quietly asks, “You OK?”
You look up at him… since when is he this gorgeous? The sleepy smile on his face, creating deep dimples in his cheeks and friendly crinkles around his eyes, eyes filled with equal parts curiosity and concern for what’s going on with you. The dark beard on his face draws attention to his perfectly pink lips, lips that he nervously licks and catches between his teeth while he waits to hear what you have to say. Lips that you’re definitely staring at now. Lips that you’ve never given this much intentional thought to. Ashton’s lips. Fuck.
“Yeah, yeah, all good,” you nod, tearing your eyes away from his suddenly irresistible features. Desperate to distract yourself from your thoughts, you ask, “Got any more moon anecdotes for us?”
“Pfftt, why? So you can make fun of me some more?” He replies pitifully, jutting out his lower lip in an exaggerated pout.
Those goddamn lips. Fuck.
"It was a genuine question!” You sit up and train your eyes on the clouds, figuring it’s best not to look at the man sitting next to you until you figure out exactly what your brain is doing. “Might as well learn something while we wait.”
He giggles, “Ah, ‘might as well.’ My favorite conversation prompt!” You jab at him and he giggles harder. “I dunno, what kind of anecdotes do you want? You clearly thought my almanac shit was lame.”
You laugh, “Because it matters so much what I think?” The tiny shrug he gives in response gives you a butterfly feeling in the pit of your stomach. Your brain needs a channel change ASAP. “Give me some of your hippie dippie anecdotes. Like, we know why the moon is doing this but what does it mean?” 
Ash grins. “You’re still making fun of me but I’ll allow it.” He purses his lips and strokes his beard while he thinks of what topic to present to you. “Well… you know all eclipses can be considered symbolic, spiritual events.”
“Sure, everyone knows that.”
He squints, unsure whether or not you’re being serious but unphased regardless. “But did you know that emotionally a lunar eclipse is about three times more powerful than a solar one?”
“You seriously want to know?” He asks, looking you over in a way you’re assuming is meant to be playfully skeptical but makes you feel flushed nonetheless.
Your laughs blend together as you elbow his side. “Yes, you weirdo! You’ve been trying all night to tell me about the moon, now’s your shot!”
He begins explaining this theory, animatedly detailing bits of ancient mythology for context. You listen with genuine intent but you also find yourself focusing on the way he’s talking to you, the excitement behind his eyes as he shares his knowledge, how he uses his hands to punctuate his ideas. Have his hands always been so large and attention grabbing? You try to zero in on his words but unfortunately, that brings you back to his lips, which are wrapping around every word he says in the most inviting way.
In an effort to remove the visual conundrum of Ashton entirely, you lay against him again. Without breaking his train of thought, he recalibrates, arms coming back to gently cradle you, voice dropping to a softer tone. “...So it’s basically like you’re getting all the effects from a full moon and an eclipse all at once,” he summarizes. 
“Oh, I guess I never thought of it like that before,” you think out loud. You smile because you practically hear him buzzing at your interest. “Both of those events are already centered around transformation, so combined that’s a lot of energy being put towards change.”
“Mmm hmm. And this one’s a blood moon too, which also fits that theme.”
“I thought a blood moon was more like… destruction. Chaos. That’s why those tattoos of yours make so much sense,” you tease.
He cackles loudly. “Can’t give a guy a break for one second!” You look up to flash him an innocent smile and he affectionately rolls his eyes before going back to the conversation. “It can mean those things. But I’d say those are forms of change, right? And it can also symbolize rebirth, which is change.”
He’s quiet for a moment before he launches into his next idea. “I really like how it all works together to form a bigger conversation about exploration, evolution.” He waits for the inquisitive glance he knows is coming from you and when you deliver, he continues. “So a full moon is full so that’s an opportunity to think on what you’re grateful for, the fullness in your life, right? But you can also use those feelings to set your intentions by the full moon, what you want your next phase to contain. Evolution.”
“OK…” You nod.
“And then an eclipse is a harbinger for change… could be an ending, could be a beginning.”
“Could be both,” you point out.
He squeezes you encouragingly. “Exactly! And then the blood moon is interesting because it’s, you know, refracted sunlight - literally light shining through the darkness. So that’s connected to intentions hidden below the surface…” He pauses long enough that you look up to see why he stopped talking and he locks eyes with you. “Evolving something you maybe thought you were already content with… or exploring wants and desires you didn’t even know were there.”
You trust your face to remain neutral while your mind races. Evolving something? Exploring wants and desires? It’s all a bit too on the nose… maybe you’re reading too much into things, looking for excuses to be feeling the way you’re feeling, thinking what you’re thinking. But the way he looked at you when he said that… you’ve never been smoldered at before but hey, apparently every aspect of tonight’s moon is super gung ho about new experiences so why not?
Ash holds your gaze, looking at you somehow both patiently and expectantly as he waits for the conversation to continue. Your logic brain and your impulse brain have differing ideas on what an appropriate response would be so you buy yourself some time. 
"I mean… I think there's definitely something to all that but it also seems like a good opportunity for people to be reckless and then just blame it on the moon if it doesn't go the way they wanted."
Soft smile on his face, he shrugs. “I don’t know if it really matters to be honest, whether it’s an actual influence or just helps you frame your perceptions differently? Maybe that safety net of ‘the moon made me do it’ gives people the courage they need to act on feelings they felt they couldn’t otherwise.” His eyes stay fixed on you while he speaks. “Doesn’t make their actions any less valid. Inspiration is still inspiration.”
He definitely just snuck a peek at your lips.
Logic brain and impulse brain are arguing louder than ever… but curiosity brain decides to drown them both out and you find yourself coyly replying, “Well then… are you feeling inspired tonight, Ash?”
The corners of his mouth curl into something more teasing than a smile but softer than a smirk. His fingers brush along your jaw before hooking under your chin to tilt your head towards him. 
Fuck. This is really happening.
You're not sure what's louder: the voice in your head screaming excited obscenities at you, your shallow, shuddered breathing or your heartbeat pounding in your ears.
You lean in to meet Ashton halfway and his lips finally brush against yours. Those lips. Ashton’s lips. They're softer than you expected and sweet, still faintly tasting of the desserts you shared earlier. His lips are undemanding, applying gentle pressure, moving slowly, unrushed. The kiss is commanding but cautious. Persuasive but respectful. Simultaneously a screaming exclamation and a tentative question, both eagerly awaiting your response.
You expect your brain to be bombarding you with a million questions and concerns but you're stunned to hear… nothing. No racing thoughts, no self-conscious reprimands. Your mind has suddenly found peace, content to be exploring… whatever this is.
You eventually break apart and he studies your face, clearly trying to gauge your reaction to this unexpected territory. Your brain doesn’t offer up any coherent thoughts, let alone words to say, so you pull him back in, opting to let your lips silently share with him how you’re feeling. He lets out a satisfied hum against you, reciprocating your energy and your mouths move together frantically, your skin tingling both from excitement and from the friction of his beard.
Without even realizing you're moving, your hands tangle in his curls, pulling him closer as your tongue swipes over his lips, seeking permission to deepen the kiss. His hands settle on the back of your neck, thumbs lightly stroking your cheeks as he accepts your invitation to finally kiss you with the full force of his passion. 
The next time you break for air, you waste no time in adjusting the blanket so that you have room to straddle his lap. He delightedly chuckles your name as you settle on top of him.
“This feels like one of those reckless things you were talking about,” he teases, running his hands up and down your sides.
“Mmm hmm,” you lilt, leaning in to peck along his jaw on your way to tongue at his earring, an idea you’ve been fixated on for most of the evening. 
He groans deliciously as you catch the tiny hoop between your teeth, giving it a light tug before you move your attention back to his lips. “Do we need to take a beat and think this through?” He asks before capturing your face between his hands and planting his most heated series of kisses yet.
You shiver at the way he caresses your cheeks, at the realization that his hands are large enough to cover basically your entire face; Ashton assumes you’re trembling from the cold and pulls away to reposition the blanket around your shoulders. “Oh, this is clearly a huge mistake,” you answer, tone unconcerned as you run your fingers through the chest hair peeking out from his shirt.
He giggles, ticklish at your touch, as he brings you back in. “Definitely in ‘ruining the friendship’ territory,” he laments with a grin. 
“Irreparable damage being done,” you agree, smiling back, closing the space between you. The kisses seem to increase in intensity each time you break apart and come together again and you soon hear yourself murmuring at the feeling of his hands giving your ass a light squeeze. You roll your hips in response and can’t help whimpering again when you find him half hard beneath you. Ash. Hard for you.
You never considered yourself a greedy person but the more you make out with Ash, the more you’re fascinated by it. It’s satisfying, it’s electrifying, it’s… Ash. You want to feel everything he has to offer, you want to feel him everywhere, you want to feel overwhelmed by him. More. You just need to feel more. More of Ash.
“Do you care?” He asks, gently tugging your hair back so he can nip at your neck.
“About destroying our relationship?” You joke breathily as his beard scratches at your tender skin. You grind in his lap a little more and the groan he gives you in return makes you feel lightheaded. “The better question is: if we’re gonna do something foolish, how stupid do we want to be?”
Ashton bucks his hips against you and you moan, louder than you mean to. He licks his lips hungrily before replying, “I mean… I have no problem admitting I’m having some pretty dumbass thoughts tonight.”
“Just tonight?” You giggle, squealing as he playfully tosses you onto the couch to lay on your back, slotting himself between your legs. His mouth attaches to your neck again while his hands slip under the hem of your sweatshirt, fingertips chilly against your skin, a pleasantly surprised hum escaping him when he grazes your bare breast. “Wanted to be comfy,” you shrug, arching your back to encourage him to keep touching you. 
His large hands wander on your body, unlocking a newfound level of desire for you and the urgency with which you kiss him is a testament to that. You writhe under him, mewling at the way his hardness feels against you. He grins against your lips, hand traveling down to play with the hem of your shorts. “I know my answer but how stupid do you want to be?”
You watch him closely as you guide him under your shorts, pressing his hand to your clothed center, letting him feel the heat between your legs, the wet spot that’s been forming since he sat down next to you. He meets your challenge and pushes your panties aside; he curses under his breath as he drags his fingers through your arousal, swirling light circles on your clit, all while maintaining eye contact with you.
“Mmm… Ash…”
“Yeah? Like that?” He rasps, clearly affected by watching you react to his touch.
You nod, gently pressing on his hand to receive slightly more pressure. Your head spins at how intimate it is to look directly into his eyes as he pleasures you, to feel so completely seen as you moan for him. It’s got you feeling needy and you pull him back up to your lips, seeking more connection with him.
His teeth nip at your bottom lip, fingers still teasing when he breaks the kiss, groaning into your mouth, “So wet.” He raises his fingers to his mouth, noisily sucking his fingers clean. You pant beneath him, restless, and he asks in an earnest, strained voice, “Tell me what you want, baby.”
It’s a simple request and yet one of the hottest things you’ve ever heard. “Wanna be so… so fuckin’ stupid with you.” You reach to palm him through his jeans. "Think you can run inside and grab a condom before we talk some sense into ourselves?"
Ash grins as he plants an impassioned kiss on you before taking off for the house. You make the couch more comfortable, putting a pillow for your head at one end and spreading the blanket out at the other, ready for you to crawl under. You're shimmying out of your shorts and underwear when he reappears, protection in hand.
"Afraid I was gonna change my mind that quickly?" You joke, wincing at the cold air on your naked bottom half as you toss your clothes aside.
He snorts and gestures to the room you entered the patio from. "I had some condoms in the den, so."
"Oh my god, are you one of those guys that keeps condoms in every room of the house 'just in case'?" You smirk at him as you lay back down. You take his slightly exasperated sigh as your answer and you can't fight the urge to tease further, coughing out a quiet, "Whore."
"And yet I'm not the one pantsless in some dude's backyard at 2 AM," he teases back, lightly slapping your ass as he covers you with the blanket. 
He sits at the end of the couch, helping you get situated before stripping himself. You love the spontaneity of the situation but you have to admit you wish you could see him better; your imagination is going wild as the late night darkness seems to amplify the smack of his cock hitting his stomach, the hiss he lets out as he strokes himself before rolling the condom on.
You hold the blanket open for him to climb inside and on top of you again. He smiles softly at you, offering a slow kiss as one hand slips under your sweater again, the other between your legs. His tongue teases yours, licking into your mouth with precision while his fingers play over your clit and you start to wonder what it’d be like to feel his tongue on your pussy instead, his beard scraping against your inner thighs, your fingers tangled in his hair, pushing and pulling to where you need him most.
The fantasy elicits a moan from you and Ashton takes that as a prompt. He asks quietly, “Ready?" You nod, pecking at his lips once more as you feel his tip nudging at your entrance. He begins to push in and your groans mix together in a sensual harmony.
“Oh… holy fuck, Ash,” you sputter, gripping at his shoulders as he continues to slide in. Everything about Ash is big so you can’t say you’re surprised but the stretch you’re feeling is unlike anything you’ve experienced and you’re immediately craving more.
He pauses to check in with you. “You alright?”
“Mmm hmm,” you exhale, playing with the curls at the back of his neck. You crack, “Lotta things about your personality are just suddenly making a lot of sense right now.”
He giggles and rolls his eyes. “You really making digs at me while I’m inside you?”
“You know I like to keep you humble.”
He bottoms out and you moan together; he leans down, his beard tickling you as he sucks a mark onto your neck. You trace along the seam of his jacket, appreciating the moment to adjust, until you start to get impatient and try rocking yourself against him.
You feel him smile against your skin. “Easy,” he rasps, holding your hips still as he slowly starts to move inside you.
“Oh my god, that was sexy… don’t be sexy, that’s too confusing for me,” you ramble playfully.
He laughs loudly. “‘Don’t be sexy?’ We’re literally having sex.”
“I know but like… it’s us. Don’t you think it’s weird for it to be this hot?”
“No?” He replies with a hint of incredulity. He curses under his breath as he increases his pace a little. “Haven’t you ever thought about this before?”
“Not really?” You think out loud, noting that he almost looks disappointed at your admission. “I mean it’s probably crossed my mind in an abstract sense but not in a ‘that’s something I actively want to happen, that’s something that could happen’ sense.”
Ash hooks one of your legs around his hip and you breathe out a tiny ohmygod at his next thrust that makes him smirk. “Interesting.”
“So I take it you’ve thought about this before?”
“Not in an ‘actively wanting it to happen’ way but more in a ‘that could definitely be fun’ way,” he shrugs. He grinds his hips into you and the friction on your clit causes you to whimper. “Gotta admit I have spent a bit of time wondering what that sound would be like.”
"Godddd why is that hot?" You whine, rolling your hips to match his movements. 
He half-chuckles, half-moans as you move together. "Hate to be the one to break it to you but… there's a possibility you might be attracted to me."
"No, that can't be it," you jokingly dismiss, pulling him down into a heated kiss.
You fuck back against him with greater force and he gasps your name. "Fuck…" He huffs, already sounding spent. "You feel… so fuckin' good around me… Takin’ it so well."
His praise goes straight to your core and you grab at his back, loving the way he feels on top of you but wishing you could feel his skin instead of his coat. Your brain suggests maybe next time but you push the thought aside.
"Never felt so full before," you admit with heavy breath. "God… can’t believe it feels this good. You’re making me feel so good, Ash.”
You wrap both your legs around his waist and the new angle instantly gets an audibly enthusiastic reaction from both of you. The shift allows him to drive into you faster, harder, deeper and Ash can tell from all your tiny whines, heated moans and revelatory sighs of his name that you’re well on your way to getting what you need.
“Love hearing you,” he groans, voice straining as he tries to keep control. “You make my name sound so good, baby.”
Your brain decides that hearing him call you ‘baby’ in this context is somehow the most erotic thing that’s ever happened and you give a long whimper as you slide your hand between your bodies to rub at your clit, chasing the orgasm you can feel sparking deep within. 
You feel him hesitate slightly, as if he’s wondering if he should help you out. “Keep… perfect… just like that,” you murmur, grabbing his ass, pulling him closer to you. “So… so close… oh god, Ash…”
“That’s so fucking hot, oh my god,” he pants, watching you touch yourself while he fucks you. “Working so hard for it, baby… gonna cum for me? Gonna let me feel it? Wanna feel it so bad, baby, wanna feel you cum.”
A strangled cry escapes your throat as your orgasm crests and you begin pulsing around him. You gasp and moan, the waves of pleasure washing over you again and again as he continues snapping his hips into you. You hear a variety of profanities followed by a long groan of your name before Ash’s hips stutter and he cums with a shout.
There’s a few solid beats where it’s clear neither of you know how to proceed, what the immediate afterglow should look like. He’s awkwardly hovering above you, head hanging down, arms slightly quivering as he fights the urge to collapse from exhaustion.
“Well, no reason to get shy now,” you declare, pulling him to lay on top of you, rubbing his back while he catches his breath.
He laughs warmly, allowing himself to settle for a minute before raising up and asking quietly, “Can I kiss you?”
It’s a silly question, considering you’re both still naked from the waist down, but for once, your instinct isn’t to make a joke.
You hold his face in your hands as you pull him in and the kiss you share is representative of the encounter you just shared: sweet, surprisingly erotic and appreciative of each other’s presence.
Smiles decorate both your faces as you break apart. He sits up and reaches for the stack of napkins on the table, handing you a few as he ties off the condom and wraps it in one. You’re almost done cleaning yourself up when you hear him chuckling to himself and look over to see him squinting at the sky. Before you get the chance to ask what he’s laughing at, you jump at the feeling of a stray raindrop landing on your thigh. 
“You’re kidding,” you gasp, taking a look at the sky yourself. “Where’d the fucking moon go?!”
He grins, standing to slip his pants on. “Can’t really be mad that we got distracted and missed the rise of the blood moon - seems like it was probably never visible to us because of these rain clouds.”
“That’s ridiculous,” you grumble, getting dressed so you can help Ash clean up the table. You think for a second and then laugh, “How long until you tell me what the rain symbolizes?”
Ashton giggles, playfully bumping into you as he grabs the blanket to take inside. “It’s not dissimilar from the eclipse, actually. Lots of introspection, mindfulness. Beginnings. Contrasts between light and darkness, the acknowledged and unspoken truths.”
“Soooo… what I’m hearing is we have an excuse for this to happen again,” you flirt as you head for the house.
You feel his eyes lingering on you before he springs into action, quickly catching up and opening the door for you. “Liked it that much, huh?” He teases. “Already ready for more?”
Ignoring the blush you feel spreading through you, you continue towards the kitchen. “I’m just saying, you already insisted I sleep over if the rain started, which it has,” you reason. You set the dishes down and spin around to face him. “And there are worse ways to spend our time.”
He nods, giving exaggerated consideration to your points as he inches closer to you. “Well… who are we to fight against nature?” He smirks, lifting you up onto the kitchen counter.
Thank you for reading! I'm no longer in the habit of using a taglist so more than ever, these fics live and die by reblogs! If you enjoyed please consider sharing so it can circulate and be seen by other readers!
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dariaslore · 1 year
Hi, I see it is in trend to have your own Winx AU these days and I mean, who can blame us? (Y'all doing a great job guyss💕). I may have one too and I finally decided to share some lore.
I did worldbuilding on some of the planets, but first a short intro.
Magic Dimension
The Magical Dimension is organized into planets, but these are more like continents or or very big states. Thanks to magic, various points of communication have been created, there can be official portals, in fact they have created pillars that keep them always open by exploiting the magic of the planets themselves, sea portals, ecc. In short if you don't have a ship nor you have energy and skills to waste in teleportation, you can travel between planets by using these portals, all you need to do is to pay a little fee.
The most prominent planets are Domino, Solaria, Linphea, Callisto, Andros, Eraklyion, Zenith, Melody, Whisperia, Magix and then Earth. These 11 planets are kinda like the 19th Century Europe of the Magic Dimension, geographically really close to each other and always fighting and trying to gain the upper hand.
Domino, Solaria, Eraklyion (half-decayed), Whisperia all have 4 an imperialist pasts, especially Domino. Domino loves conquest and before its fall, it was the richest and most powerful planet in the entire Dimension. Every each planet has been under Domino's influenced sometime in its secular history. Both Solaria and Eraklyion want to be the new Domino, Whisperia (The planet of Witches, one of the few planets to have not been created by The Great Dragon, but The Phoenix) just wants to mess around and has a taste for chaos.
Beyond them there are other prosperous and wealthy planets, but decidedly more discreet and with no delusions of grandeur.
Let's start with the first planets were going to talk about:
SOLARIA: How to get along with Witches☀️
Territory: The whole of Solaria is shaped like a spiral, lapped by the sea from both inside and outside. The outer skeleton of the spiral consists of small mountains. The inner part of the spiral is mostly flat. It may resemble a Nautilus.
Despite year-round sunshine and nonexistent rainfall, Solaria had a varied expanses of fields, flowers, low shrubs and flashes of small forests. Water comes from the mountains and collects in small streams and in many underground aquifers and gorges.
The spiral is divided into 3 coils, the innermost and most fertile are the 1st and 2nd coils. The 3rd loop, the outermost, is way more rocky and desertic.
The inner coasts on the 1st and 2nd spirals are beautiful, endless expanses of sand and between these 2 spirals the Solaria Reef opens up in the middle of the Solaria Sea. The outer shores are rocky of almost gray/white stone. At the end of the 3rd loop, you can see stacks in the sea: the moonstones.
There are 3 suns, Solas, Icarus and Albus, and 2 moons, Koray and Kale. The 2 moons are the most visible in the 3rd spiral, where they dominate night and day in the sky. In the 1st and 2nd spheres they are less visible.
Climate: Year-round sunshine, mild temperatures, neither too hot nor cold. It almost never rains.
Population: Solaria has a very compact population where fairies and witches seem to live together almost in peace. Ofc there are the classic squabbles, but they are very dumb all based either on clothing or prejudices and dumb stereotypes, which both witches and fairies have. This is due to the dual nature of the planet, both planet of light, sun, and planet of moon.
The three main cities are Surya, Teoma and Aku, on the 1st, 2nd and 3rd spira respectively.
Surya is the capital, royal city, political and administrative center, and has a prevalence of light magic users. Teoma, center of commerce, famous for entertainment, nightlife and one of the fashion and movie industry capitals of the Magic Dimension. Aku, the city of the moon, is where the majority of witches live. Witches in Solaria take the name of enchantresses, and they mostly have light-related powers despite being witches (Chimera and Cassandra are great examples. These bitches are two enchantresses). Aku is home to the Beta Academy, and while sun-related spells are preserved on Surya, Aku has archives of moon-related spells. It is a predominantly academic city, and has its own small Inner Council and its own autonomous government, with an attached aristocracy. Stella's mother, Luna, is an enchantress and she is from Aku. In Aku Luna is still referred to as the Queen of Solaria and she is the ruling monarch de facto of Aku and its county.
Solarians are generally very open, sociable, but at the same time a bit narcissistic and self-centered. Often obsessed with themselves and vanity, they would all love to be famous, making Solaria the planet of gossip, reality TV, and tabloids. Of note is their ubiquitous sincerity and sense of style.
Domino and Solaria have always been allies as two neighbors with common boundaries, never betraying each other and thick as thieves. They both exert their influence on lesser planets. The County of Aku also gets along with Whisperia and have rich commercial and cultural exchanges.
The general architectural style is rooted in Rococo pageantry, the royal palace is full of mirrors, and the cities of Surya, Aku and Teome are chock-full of fountains, gardens, water features and fine palaces of marble and white stone. Gold abounds on Teome and Surya, whilst Aku is stuffed with silver at every single corner.
Language: Solese. Very melodic language, it could be ascribed as a mixture of French and Spanish. Obv the standard language of Magix is spoken.
Politics: Monarchy. Solaria loves Radius, long live their king. Radius is a quiet, moderate king and with the aid of his crew of ministers keeps the rest of the Solarian monarchy in check and tries to get everyone to get along. However, each city in Solaria has its own small council by election, in the case of Teoma and Surya these councils constit of the mayor of the city and his men. In Aku things are a bit different, the city has a mixture of aristocrats and common people with long historical roots, and so it has retained a certain independence from the central power. Radius knows that Aku has different needs as The Moon City and he respects that, posing more as an overseer than a monarch. The sovereign of Aku is de facto Queen Luna, Stella's mother.
Solaria is a rich planet, the economy is rampant and the entertainment and fashion industries are a mainstay. The lifestyle of many Solarians is lavish and they do not hesitate to indulge in a few vices.
Religion and Co : The focus is placed on the 3 suns and their behavior; they are true deities and livelihood of the planet along with the 2 moons. The Great Dragon is also a central figure.
Much attention is placed on crystals and their meanings and properties. Cuisine? Rich, expensive and sweets are a blast: land of gluttons.
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apollos-boyfriend · 1 year
new life smp: third origins
scott: TBA
fwhip: trickster
gem: TBA
joey: TBA
katherine: TBA
lizzie: TBA
sausage: TBA
seapeekay: TBA
shubble: TBA
joel: kindling
jimmy: penguin
stacy: TBA
strawburry: TBA
oli: TBA
owen: TBA
scar: TBA
pearl: copper golem
pix: TBA
martyn: TBA
full origins descriptors under the cut!
fwhip: trickster [impact -  •••]
as a master of confusion, you harness unique abilities to disorient your foes.
compression [+]
compress yourself into a smaller state of being.
quick blink [+]
quickly relocate to where your cursor is-
note: fwhip didn’t show all the descriptors for his origin. he has more abilities, but these are the only ones with the official description shown.
joel: kindling [impact - •••]
the kindling is a lesser fire spirit born from the sparks of powerful hell forges in the fiery nether.
arcane flames [-]
you do not exhaust. instead you have a heat meter which affects your other powers.
nether inhabitant [-]
your natural spawn will be in the nether.
fire immunity [+]
you are immune to all types of fire damage.
flaming dash [+]
you can dash in any direction, damaging nearby mobs and consuming fuel while launching you forward.
overheat [+]
consuming high energy fuel with full heat will overheat you, making you lose fuel to gain health. you're also faster while overheating.
crackling fuel [+]
if you take damage after overheating, you lose heat and hurt nearby targets.
firestarter [+]
while overheating, you occasionally ignite the block you're standing on.
fire's bane [-]
water extinguishes you, causing you to take damage and lose heat while wet.
burnout [+][-]
you become extinguished when your heat meter is empty, gaining various buffs and debuffs.
heart of flame [-]
made of pure heat and fuel, you cannot eat and you do not naturally regenerate health.
ancraophobia [-]
you cannot stand high winds or avoid burning elytra, so you cannot wear them.
jimmy: penguin [impact - •••]
furry, sea-faring birds that enjoy the ice, snow, and the murder of fish!
happy feet [+][-]
you’re a 0.25 blocks shorter than a human. your flightless wings provide more attack speed, but less reach.
cold embrace [+][-]
you’re quite resistant in snowy biomes, but weaker and slower the warmer the biome. 4-8 levels of fire protection will grant you safe passage through any biome.
belly sledding [+]
your belly is frictionless in colder environments, allowing you to flop onto your belly and slide!
fragile [-]
you have 3 less hearts of health than humans.
fuzzy fur [-]
the nether sets your fur aflame, unless wearing eight levels total of fire protection armor. you take double the damage from fire-based sources, unless wearing four levels of fire protection.
aquatic diet [+][-]
you can only eat seafood, and it sustains you much farther. you don't suffer any effects from seafood, and consuming a pufferfish pumps you full of air.
webbed feet [+][-]
you can swim much faster and take less damage from a fall, but move slower when not in a very cold biome. alternatively, you can equip frost walker boots to maintain the same speed regangless of biome.
aquatic lunge [+]
every 10 seconds, you are able to berform an underwater lunge.
fish hunter [+]
you have an exceptionally high oxygen capacity, and deal far more damage while underwater.
pearl: copper golem [impact - •••]
the copper golems are a curious automaton, designed to improve the lives of others. since they were initially prototyped, they have gained a greater knowledge of redstone components and ways to utilise them.
repairs available [-]
your body cannot be naturally or magically mended. you instead repair by consuming copper ingots.
oxidation [-]
your copper body makes you susceptible to the elements, oxidising you over time. oxidation can be removed with an axe.
galvanise [+]
honeycombs allow you to wax yourself, staving off the effects of oxidation for several minutes.
lightning rod [+]
while in thunderstorms, you’re much more likely to get struck by lightning. you are immune to lighting, and de-oxidize when struck.
copper plating [+]
your chassis is made out of copper. as a result, you passively have resistance.
local area networking* [+]
you have modified an antenna to fit to your head permanently to recieve radio signals.
micro machine [-]
you are only one block tall, and your maximum health is reduced.
automaton [+][-]
your body doesn’t experience hunger, and you don’t benefit from natural regeneration.
button masher [+]
your programming gives you an overwhelming urge to press buttons. every time you press a button, redstone dust will drop.
tinkerer [+]
you can quickly convert a redstone component into its similar counterpart.
transmute [+]
you are able to transmute copper into other metals, allowing you to craft more metal items.
toolsmith [+]
you can also use this skill to create various metal tools.
circuit corrosion [-]
being submerged in water will damage your internal circuitry. your plating will protect you from rain, however.
heavy metal [+][-]
you don’t need to breathe underwater, but your dense body holds you down.
* active ability. when standing within 5 blocks of unwaxed copper, emerald, or diamond ore and blocks, you will beep. you oxidise faster while this is active.
22 notes · View notes
gretavanfunk · 2 months
Fighting Fire (Series)
Chapter One
Word Count: 7,190
Summary: Stevie and Sam never seemed to be what people refer to as "two peas in a pod" growing up. He got under her skin more times than she could count and Sam was desperate to be on a level playing field as his older brother and Stevie's best friend, Jake. One summer, Sam is forced to face his demons and in turn, Stevie is too.
Warnings: Themes of grief and themes of depression
This story is written and edited by me and it is my baby so I hope some people out there can enjoy it as much as I enjoy creating it! If there are typos, bear with me lol
Chapter One Playlist for the vibes!
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It was around eleven o'clock on a chilly evening in late April when Stevie's nightly reading routine was interrupted by a knock at the door. She doesn't usually have any visitors, especially at this hour, so she was hesitant to even go to the door. However, when the knocking happened again, she got off the couch and shuffled her feet into her slippers, hurrying to see who was there. When she peeped through the peephole, she audibly gasped seeing her childhood best friend standing on her doorstep.
Stevie hadn't seen him in over a year at this point and was usually well aware when he and his brothers came back into town from their lavish rockstar life. This time, he was here unannounced and she knew that was very unlike him. Immediately, she undid the locks and threw the door open to find a wide grin across Jake's face and his long, tangled hair hugging his shoulders.
"Jake!" she exclaimed before tackling him in a hug, "You're back!"
"Surprise!" Jake chuckled, wrapping his arms around her, and lifting her a bit.
His clothes were cold to the touch and she rubbed her hands against his back, excitedly. Once her feet were planted back on the ground, she let him go and ushered him through the front door in a rush to keep the chill out.
"Come in! Come in!" She locked the door and led them to the living room, turning the lights on and settling on the couch next to each other.
"I didn't even know you were coming to town!" Stevie sighed, still smiling so big it was starting to hurt.
"I really didn't know until a couple of days ago myself," Jake laughed, "But I just got in and wanted to see you right away!"
"Probably because if I found out you were here from someone else, I would kill you," she laughed, "What brings you home?"
Jake rubbed his hands together, still trying to warm up and he furrowed his eyebrows before smiling shyly, "Stuff."
"Wait a minute," Stevie ran her hand through her hair, "Aren't you supposed to be on tour? What happened?"
Jake rubbed his face with one hand and shrugged, "It's not exactly my place to say. Some family stuff I guess."
Stevie scooted closer to him, concerned, "Is everyone okay? Did something happen?"
Jake nodded, patting her on the leg, and smiling, "Yes! Everyone is okay! It's something to do with Sam but I can spare you the details. Everyone is healthy and okay!"
Stevie sighed and clutched her chest, "Oh my gosh! You scared the hell out of me!"
"Enough about that," Jake laughed nervously, "How are you? Sorry to show up so late!"
"I'm glad you're here," Stevie smiled, "I've missed you! Will you be staying for long?"
Jake nodded, "Well, we aren't entirely sure yet. Not until we kind of grasp our situation."
She studied his face, knowing he was doing his best to dance around the subject. Jake was never particularly vulnerable and neither was Stevie. They bonded quickly over their natural invertedness when they were young and stayed close ever since.
In high school, Jake was naturally popular, playing soccer and such. However, since Stevie was a writer, she was constantly working on fun little projects with Josh, Jake, and Ronnie outside of school. While they ran in different crowds, Stevie and Jake just always understood each other on a deeper level.
He was popular. Everyone loved Jake, but he never made anything about himself, always knowing how to keep things fun and light-hearted without ever having to be transparent with people about heavier things. She knew him better than she knew anyone and because of this, she was prone to picking up on when a topic needed to stay where it was without any further prying or investigation, so she nodded.
"Well, okay! I'm glad you are here now! It's never the same without you guys around."
"What about you?" Jake asked, "How are you?"
Stevie looked around and she sighed, "I've been okay, surviving, ya know."
"How's Ryan?"
She laughed and shook her head, "Dead to me, that's how."
"Oh no," Jake sucked in breath through his teeth, "Guessing it ended badly."
"He was cheating on me for months," Stevie rolled her eyes, "So, depends on how you look at it, I guess."
"I'm sorry," Jake held her hand, "Fuck that guy."
Stevie laughed and nodded, "Fuck that guy."
"Why didn't you tell me, Steve?" Jake asked, giving her hand a squeeze and she looked up at him, almost moved to tears processing that he was sitting here with her.
She shrugged, "I didn't want to bother you! You're already so busy."
Jake shook his head and smiled, "Yeah, but we're best friends! You and Ryan were together for six years and if I knew before, I could've planned something awesome to ruin that fucker's life!"
Stevie cracked into a fit of laughter and she shook her head, "Don't waste your time on him! He doesn't even deserve to be given the thought."
Jake laughed along with her and nodded, "You're right."
He sat back on the couch and sighed, stretching his arms out and pulling Stevie into a side hug before continuing. Stevie settled into his side and rested her head on his shoulder, feeling a sense of peace that she hadn't felt in a long time.
"Well, try not to tell Sam about that," Jake lightly laughed, "We don't want to awaken his never-ending pestering of you like he did in high school."
Stevie shivered at the thought of Jake's younger brother in their high school years constantly hitting her with terrible pickup lines and she looked at Jake, quizzically, "Wait, what? I thought Sam was off the market anyway?"
Jake shrugged, "Well, he's back on it and taking advantage, I should say. He's... been going through it."
Being naturally nosey, Stevie wondered if his breakup had anything to do with the group taking a break from the tour to come home, which made Stevie think that it must've been pretty bad. Or that Sam was being a little bitch about it.
"Well, that's unfortunate," She sighed, "He seemed so happy."
Jake rubbed the back of his neck and nodded, "Things are not always what they seem to be."
Stevie looked at him for a second, waiting for him to expand and when she realized he wasn't going to she chuckled, "So cryptic."
Jake laughed along with her and with the dip in conversation, her focus was back on him. Being long-distance friends now grew harder for her when he always came back and significant chunks of time had passed. He always looked different when she saw him, not in very drastic ways, but in enough ways for her to want to take it all in. His hair was longer, messier, and curlier. A bit unruly. He had grown facial hair out, matching more and more with Josh and she smiled at this. It was weird for her, but she found it kind of fitting. He looked older, more mature. His clothes were always nicer. The style he carried was still very much Jake in the patchwork and casual kind of way, but a bit more clean-cut and... expensive.
It was strange that he was always the same guy who would cliff dive with her into the lake every summer and the guy who taught her how to drive a stick shift when they were sixteen. Strange and comforting. The true makeup of Jake never changed. He always spoke the same way and laughed the same way and it warmed her heart to be in his presence with a personality so familiar to her, no matter how much older they were getting by each passing day.
Jake ended up staying with Stevie and the two of them talked for a couple of hours, catching up on the last year that they hadn't seen each other. Jake told her about the band, their new album, the tour, and everything going on for him out in Nashville and Stevie told him about her job waiting tables with Ronnie some nights while she went to school in her graduate program in Publishing. She talked about losing her dad and what her life has looked like since then.
There wasn't much for her to say about it since she didn't really do much outside of missing him. Her dad was all she had left, and his death happened suddenly. A heart attack. She mostly just isolated herself and outside of work, she rarely left her house.
"It's been pretty lonely," Stevie chuckled, "But I suppose I do that to myself."
Jake looked at her with sad eyes and he shook his head, "I'm so sorry I wasn't here for you when it happened. Your breakup and your dad."
She felt her heart sink a little but looking at the sadness in Jake's eyes just made her push the feelings away and smile anyway.
She shushed him and shook her head, "Don't apologize, Jake! I understand."
They gave each other warm smiles and she wrapped her arms around him, "I'm so glad you are here now."
He hugged her back and rubbed her back softly, "Me too."
They kept talking for a while and Stevie was surprised to find that they both fell asleep on her couch when she woke up the next morning. Jake was still wearing his jacket and he had his arms wrapped around himself while his feet rested on her coffee table. She laughed at the sight of his face resting on his arms and how uncomfortable it looked. But, he was knocked out and snoring softly so it must have been a fine position for him.
As quietly as possible, she grabbed her phone from the coffee table and took a photo of him, chuckling to herself and then she stood up slowly, trying her best not to wake him. She went to the kitchen and brewed a pot of coffee, deciding against her usual half pot and making a full one to share with Jake. Then, she went into her pantry and started to make muffins, the same ones they would eat in high school.
Stevie wondered about what Jake mentioned last night about Sam and why they had to come home suddenly. He probably had a diva fit or something and she rolled her eyes. Sam was always making everything about himself. It was so typical of him, being the youngest in their family. He just was such an arrogant brat and to ruin something that Jake worked so hard for, made her hate him even more. In the middle of a world tour, are you serious?
She shook her head, deciding not to think about it too much and smiled to herself, just happy that Jake was back. She started humming and doing a little happy dance while she baked and jumped when Jake cleared his throat.
"Good morning," Jake chuckled, "Nice moves."
She rolled her eyes but smiled widely, "Good morning! Want some coffee?"
He sat on a barstool and nodded slowly, "Please, I feel like death."
She laughed and nodded, pouring him a mug, "We stayed up pretty late last night."
"Yeah," Jake nodded and smiled at her as he took the coffee, "Sorry about crashing here last night."
She gave him a knowing look and shook her head, "You can crash here any time you want."
Before she gave him his muffin, she went over to a drawer in her kitchen and took out one birthday candle, sticking it in the top of the muffin, and lighting it, causing Jake to chuckle to himself.
"A birthday candle? Don't be silly," Jake shook his head and Stevie nodded, "Hey! It's a few days late, but it's still April! Happy Birthday!"
Jake smiled at her and she set the plate down in front of him, stopping any movements from her with her hand before pulling her phone out to snap a photo.
"Make a wish," she teased and Jake rolled his eyes, playfully before blowing the candle out.
The two friends ate breakfast and drank coffee together until Jake's phone started to ring.
"Hello?" he answered and after a brief moment he sighed, "Sorry man, I went to Stevie's house and fell asleep here. Yeah, yeah, I'll be right there."
Jake rolled his eyes as he hung up and he stood, taking his plate and mug to her sink, "Thanks for breakfast, Stevie. I gotta run. Band meeting."
She nodded, "Anytime, Jake! Give me a call when you're free later! Maybe we can hang!"
He nodded and she walked him out the front door and waved as he got into his car and left. She sighed and smiled again when she closed the front door behind her, feeling more whole than she had in months.
Stevie knew that she did not get enough sleep to handle her afternoon shift at the restaurant today, but seeing Jake last night had her in good spirits, and she was sharing her shift with Ronnie so she knew it would be smooth sailing when she parked her car and took a deep breath in the parking lot. When she went inside, Ronnie was already there, putting her apron on.
"Ah! There she is!" Ronnie smiled, "I haven't seen that smile in a while, guess I got my brother to thank."
Stevie shook her head, laughing, "Did you know they were coming home?"
"A few days ago," Ronnie smirked mischievously.
Stevie gasped and reached past Ronnie to grab her own apron, "Why didn't you warn me?"
Ronnie rolled her eyes, "Please! It's more fun as a surprise, isn't it?"
Stevie's façade of anger faded quickly as she giggled, "Yeah, it is."
"Plus," Ronnie sighed, throwing her hair up into a ponytail, "Josh was very stressed out about keeping it a secret."
Stevie and Ronnie grabbed their order paper pads and pens and started switching over sections with the morning staff. Stevie was right about today being a breeze, she didn't lose her temper nearly as quickly as she could have with a few customers. Ronnie approached her in the back and took a sip of water.
"You can take your break first," Ronnie smiled, "But before you go, the guys and I thought it'd be fun to take off to Electrik tonight if you want to come."
"Oh my gosh," Stevie gasped, "We haven't been there in forever! Count me in!"
"Great, we'll pick you up tonight!" Ronnie winked and Stevie squealed excitedly as she clocked out for her lunch break. Now that she had plans to look forward to, the rest of her shift after lunch flew right by and the two friends cleaned up and walked out to the parking lot together.
"Okay, so game plan," Ronnie stated, "Go home, shower, get ready and I'll text you when we're heading to your place."
"Sounds good! I'll be ready!" Stevie gave Ronnie a squeeze and they went their separate ways to their cars.
Stevie threw her bag down at home and ran upstairs to shower. She scrubbed all of the sweat and food off of her and once she was done, she towel-dried her hair and dug around her closet in a rush.
Ever since her dad died, Stevie felt like she was never actually present in her body. She felt like she was just coasting through in a daze, but seeing Jake last night really reminded her of who she used to be when they were growing up and she didn't realize how much she needed him and his family.
When she was rummaging through her clothes, her mind was searching for something that made it look like she wasn't living her life pathetically for the last seven months. The weather was still on the chillier side and wasn't expected to start heating up for a few more weeks, so she didn't want to wear anything too revealing. She settled on a black corset top that had lace sleeves, ripped dark wash jeans and black boots, comfortable enough for dancing.
Electrick was a club in Saginaw that the group used to go to when they were younger. Specifically, when Sam turned twenty-one, the guys were in town and they all ended up going and found out shortly that he was a lightweight and he ended up getting sick in Stevie's car, which at the time, she was kind of a bitch about and the memory made her laugh. However, doing something with the group just like old times made her even more giddy than before. Stevie put on some makeup and was scrunching the sea salt spray into her hair when Ronnie finally texted her.
"I forgot to say we were on the way, but we're outside!"
Stevie squealed in excitement, took one more look at herself, then ran downstairs and grabbed her bag again before leaving the house. Stevie occasionally hung out with Ronnie outside of work, but she didn't usually get out as often as usual over this past year. However, she was excited to return with her best friends.  Josh's Jeep was in the driveway and his window was down as he hit his horn obnoxiously and smiled a wide, toothy smile and she beamed with joy seeing him again.
"STEVIE!" Josh shouted, "GET IN BITCH!"
She ran to his window and grabbed his face, kissing his cheek, "Oh, how I have missed you, Joshua!"
He turned his face and kissed her cheek back, "And I have missed you!"
Stevie grabbed the backseat door and opened it to see Sam wearing sunglasses with his arms crossed over his chest. Once the door was fully ajar, he let one of his arms free and brought his glasses down to the bridge of his nose, peeking over them at her.
"Did ya miss me, Stephanie?" Sam asked in his annoyingly dramatic "deep" voice and Stevie rolled her eyes, cringing at his use of her full name and already annoyed that she'd have to sit so close to him for the ride to Saginaw.
"Oh, Samuel," Stevie sighed before scooting into the seat and slamming the door, her voice thick with sarcasm, "How could I not?"
Josh shot Sam a look through the rearview, "Watch it, Sammy."
"Oh right, I forgot this was the Sam Purge trip! Please, carry on as if I don't exist," Sam rolled his eyes, pushed his glasses up, replaced his arms over his chest, and sunk a little into his seat.
Ronnie laughed and ruffled his hair, earning a glare from him, "Oh little brother! The drama!"
Stevie laughed too but thought about what Sam had said and the very minimal context that Jake gave her last night about something that happened with him. She wondered about what it possibly could be, given his very sour outlook on it. If he didn't put a stop to the tour because of his breakup and his brother had to intervene, what could he possibly have done? The theme of the exchange amongst the brothers sounded as if Sam was visiting home against his will, and didn't necessarily want to leave the tour. However, her train of thought was broken when Jake looked back at her from the passenger seat and extended his hand to her, squeezing her hand, "Hey, Steve! You look nice."
"Hey, Jake," Stevie responded, "Thank you! You do too."
Sam scoffed, made a fake gagging noise, and mocked Josh's comment from earlier, "Watch it, Jake! Wouldn't want Ryan to catch you making advances."
"Sam," Jake protested, "Mind your own fucking business. You don't know what you're talking about."
"Oh?" Sam raised an eyebrow, "Is there a friends-to-lovers arc that we've missed?"
Jake's jaw tensed and Stevie could see that he was fighting hard to bite his tongue, so she saw this as her turn to enter the fight.
Stevie set her hand on Sam's knee, accidentally causing him to jump a little and look at her.
"Sam," Stevie sighed, "Jake and I have been best friends pretty much forever. Complimenting your best friends is completely normal. And Ryan was cheating on me for the better part of a year. So, yeah, mind your own fucking business."
Josh gasped loudly, "HE WHAT?!"
"It's really not a big deal," Stevie sighed, "We broke up months ago."
"That's a HUGE deal Stevie," Josh shook his head, eyes still glued to the road ahead of him, "I'm so sorry! What a piece of shit!"
Sam was still looking at her when she glanced over at him again, but his glasses were off and she saw the guilt and sadness in his eyes, for the first time in quite a long time. He set his hand on top of where her hand was still resting on his leg and Stevie took in a sharp breath, shocked by the sudden tightness in her chest.
"I'm- I'm sorry, Stevie," Sam's voice was quiet when he spoke and he gave her hand a squeeze.
Stevie studied his face for a brief moment, confused about his sudden tenderness. Sam looked a lot different than the last time she saw him. He had also decided to grow out his facial hair and it made him look older, more like Jake now than ever. There was a light sheet of exhaustion that was set into his features now, not in a bad way, just in a way that she noticed. His once pristine, perfectly straight hair was messier, tangled at the ends and wavy. He still had such a boyish gleam in his eye but, her mind still wandered about what could've happened in the last year to make him seem so different.
Suddenly, she removed her hand from under his and sat a little straighter, clearing her throat and nodding, "Yeah, he was sort of a piece of shit."
Stevie turned and watched out the window as the edge of their tiny town passed them by and she realized she had unconsciously broken into a nervous sweat. She was used to feeling tense around the youngest of the family, due to his insufferable annoyance, but he had never made her feel this uneasy. She tried to shake it off, but she could still feel his eyes linger on her and she said a silent praise when she heard Josh turn the music up in the car.
It only took about fifteen minutes for the group to get to Eletrick, especially with Josh behind the wheel. To her surprise, this still wasn't enough time for Stevie to stop thinking about the weird, anxious feeling she now harbored from Sam, but the change of scenery might help her regulate. The group filed out of the jeep and once Stevie stood up straight and moved out of the way for Sam to follow her, she was attacked by a set of strong arms wrapping her up from behind, squeezing her tightly.
She yelped and heard Josh's laughter in her ear, "A proper hug for my girl!"
Stevie turned around, laughing along with him and wrapped her arms around his torso, squeezing him tightly too, "It's been too long, Josh."
They pulled apart but Josh laced a hand with Stevie's and he nodded, "Agreed."
Josh looked different too, but probably the slightest bit of change compared to Jake and Sam. He got his hair cut and he looked older, just like his brothers did, but there was a sense of newfound confidence about him and Stevie smiled. She ran her hand along one of the shaven sides of his head and giggled.
"Sick mullet," Stevie chimed and Josh laughed and dramatically began to motion his free hand around his head, "It's more of a mohawk, but ya know, big and bold."
They laughed together and he pulled her along, inching towards the building. Sam stumbled out of the car and straightened his shirt before putting his sunglasses back on and slamming the car door sharply. Stevie glanced at Josh and watched him roll his eyes without giving an inch of attention to his baby brother who was begging for it. Josh simply just clicked the lock on his keys and pulled Stevie along with him to the entrance of the club, fingers still intertwined.
Josh dropped her hand when they got to the door, showing off all of their IDs and Stevie took a deep breath, bracing herself for what their night had in store for them. The music was loud, the lights were bright and there was that distinct Electrick smell of cigarettes mixed with hundreds of different types of perfumes and cologne, easily overstimulating all of the senses.
The group made their way to the bar and Josh led Stevie and Ronnie to stand up against the bar, with the three brothers standing close behind, as a protective shield. Josh and Jake were always very protective of Ronnie and Stevie when they would go anywhere together. Josh always complained about not being able to do that much anymore now that his life took him elsewhere.
Josh stood on Ronnie's left side, blocking her from the people around them, Jake stood next to him and Sam shielded Stevie's right side. He pressed up against her, resting his left hand on her shoulder lightly and Stevie widened her eyes, feeling that this was a bit too close to him for her comfort. With his right hand, Sam flagged down the bartender.
"I know everyone is pissed at me right now," Sam sighed, "But drinks are on me tonight." Josh opened his mouth to protest but Jake just slapped a hand on Josh's back to shut him up and he spoke, "Can't argue with that, Sammy."
Stevie laughed at Jake and he chuckled nervously, grabbing Stevie's unoccupied shoulder and squeezing it before he resumed his position. Sam went ahead and ordered everyone's drinks, not needing to ask anyone what they wanted. He took his wallet out, pulled his card out, and handed it over to the bartender, never moving his hand from her shoulder. Once his card returned and he put his wallet in his pocket, his left hand remained on her shoulder, filled with nervous energy and almost like they were barely touching. He then began tapping the bar anxiously with his right hand.
Stevie was hyper-aware of all of his movements, which honestly annoyed her more than he ever had before. She just felt so uptight in this situation. She turned her head to look at Jake who was scoping out the area, and when she touched Jake's arm, he shot his glance at her and smiled.
"How was your band meeting this morning?" Stevie asked and Jake's eyes flicked over to Sam for a moment before meeting hers again, "Good, just a bit of a check in after getting here. We're kind of halting everything at the moment."
"Well," Stevie sighed, "Selfishly, I'm glad."
Sam laughed at her comment, but she kept her eyes on Jake, "Everybody is so uptight! Let's fucking dance!"
Josh pointed at her and clapped his hands together, "Yes! Exactly! Let's do that!"
The bartender came back with drinks as if on cue and Stevie clapped her hands together, taking her glass and turning to Sam, whose hand finally left her shoulder to let her go on the dancefloor.
"You coming?" she asked him and he smiled a small smile, shaking his head, "No, I'm gonna stick around here! Come back if ya need a refill!"
Sam winked and she nodded, patting his back before she grabbed Jake's arm, following the rest of them to the floor. The farther away from Sam they got, the clearer her mind got, although they were diving headfirst into a sea of people now. Jake looked back at her and he stopped, grabbing her waist and pulling her ahead of him, to follow behind her.
Jake's touch never made her feel tight or anxious. It was so comfortable and familiar to her so, finally, she felt herself relax being around him again. The club music was so loud now, blasting a popular pop song. She could feel the bass in the pit of her stomach and once they got to where Josh wanted to be, the group held their drinks tightly, periodically sipping and swaying to the music together. They laughed at one another and danced together, just like they always had on their weekends together and tears welled in Stevie's eyes for a brief moment, finally feeling whole after so long.
Stevie knew that dancing made Jake nervous, even though she also knew he could get down if he really didn't care, but she made sure to grab his hand and just dance silly dances with him to make it less serious. None of these other people mattered anyway, she was with her home. Amidst all of their dancing, Jake and Stevie took it upon themselves to do the round runs and would check in with Sam who was doing his thing, flirting with any girl that would dare look at him. Jake and Josh had been pulled aside a few times for photos with fans who spotted them but it was few and far between.
After a while, Stevie decided to make the trek to the bathroom, Jake insisting on escorting her there.
"It's okay, Jake," Stevie laughed, "I will be just fine!"
Jake pointed two of his fingers to his eyes before pointing them at hers and she hit his chest before starting to weave her way through the people. After she finally was done with the bathroom, she decided to check in on Sam again and maybe get herself one more drink. When she got back to where the group had left him, she didn't see Sam sitting there and she immediately began to panic.
Stevie searched around with her eyes quickly and figured he must have been having a smoke or in the bathroom too, so she walked outside to check, Sure enough, she found him, but not in a situation she had expected. Sam was being pinned up against the side of the building by a much bigger man, about to get his ass kicked, no doubt. She groaned and rolled her eyes, annoyance immediately filling her body. However, she only let the annoyance hold power for a few seconds before she kicked her mom-friend energy into gear.
Stevie shouted, "Hey! What the fuck is going on?!"
"Shut up, bitch," the guy snarled back and Stevie threw her bag down, immediately switching to anger and started running towards them. She screamed and jumped on the guy's back, digging her nails into his face.
"What the fuck?" the guy shouted, letting go of Sam and backing away from him, holding onto her hands, trying to pry them off.
Stevie's strength began to vanish quickly and she let herself off of the much taller man, falling back onto her ass. He hissed in pain from the scratches on his face and shook his head, "Fucking crazy bitch!"
Stevie looked up at him with dark eyes but the guy just took off and rounded the corner, heading back into the club. When she looked back at Sam, his face was white as a ghost and he was just looking at her in shock. She started to get up and that's when Sam rushed to her.
"Stevie! Are you okay?" he asked and she rolled her eyes, "Yeah, I'm fine! Are you okay? What the hell happened?"
Sam helped her up and shrugged, "I guess his girlfriend was one of the girls I bought a drink for."
"Man," Stevie shook her head, "Where would you end up without constant supervision? All that for some girl?"
Sam widened his eyes at her in shock, "You're one to talk, miss hyena! I wouldn't want to get on your bad side."
The pair looked at each other, smiles fighting the corners of their mouths and they both started laughing. The annoyance and anger shrank inside Stevie as she thought about how truly ridiculous the previous events were. However, that didn't last for long.
Sam stumbled backward and took a deep breath, "Fuck, I don't feel too good."
"Oh God," Stevie said, holding onto him and leading him to rest against the side of the building again, "Here we go again."
She sighed, reminded just how short-lived good moments with him were and how inconvenient he could be. Sam bent over and set his hands on his knees, trying to breathe through his nausea so Stevie rubbed his back, "Just let it happen, Sam. You'll feel better."
Sam looked up at her briefly before shooting his head back down again and Stevie could feel his body tensing, so she quickly grabbed all of his hair in her hands, pulling it out of his face. Within seconds, Sam was vomiting just like he had in this very alley multiple times before. Stevie took all of his hair in one hand and rubbed circles in his back again all while turning her face away and fighting off her own gagging. Sam stood up straight and wiped his mouth once he was finished.
"Shit," he muttered, "I'm sorry."
"It's okay, Sam," Stevie sighed, "It was pretty much inevitable."
Sam leaned against the building and took a deep breath, "Ya know, it's not always like this."
"It is to my knowledge," Stevie chuckled, shaking her head and Sam looked at her with a sly grin.
"Thanks for your help, Stephanie," Sam said and Stevie glared at him, "You know I hate the name Stephanie."
"And you idolize Stevie Knicks," Sam nodded, "I remember."
There was a brief pause and Sam turned his body to face her, causing her to raise her brows in question to him. Sam began to try to close the space between them, lowering his head in an attempt to kiss her and Stevie hit his chest a little harder than she intended, "Woah! What the hell?"
Sam hissed from the sting of rejection and nodded his head, defeated as he backed up and stood against the wall once more.
"Right, right," Sam laughed, "I'm not Jake."
Stevie scoffed, "Or, how about the fact that you're shit-faced and just hurled everywhere?"
Sam glanced at her, tilting his head slightly, "So what I'm hearing is, it's not impossible."
"Not on your fucking life," Stevie laughed shaking her head in disbelief at his behavior, "Sam, what's going on?"
Sam shrunk down a bit and his smile fell, "What? My blabber-mouth brothers haven't told you?"
Stevie shook her head, "Of course not, Sam. It's not their business to share."
Sam scoffed, "Well it's not their business to intervene either, is it?"
"It is if you're in trouble," Stevie muttered and Sam shook his head, "Everyone thinks that I can't handle my shit, but I can."
"Sam, everyone thinks you can't handle your shit because notoriously, you can't," Stevie sighed again but she grabbed his hand, making him look at her, "Talk to me."
Sam's eyes screwed shut and he sighed deeply, rubbing his temple with his free hand. Just as he opened his eyes again and was about to start speaking, the side door of the bar flung open and Ronnie, Jake and Josh all stood there, searching for them.
"Oh! There you are," Ronnie announced with a sigh of relief, "We were worried something happened to you, Stevie!"
Jake crossed his arms over his chest and raised his eyebrows at her, encouraging her to explain.
"Right," Stevie dropped Sam's hand instantly and sighed, "Sorry! I was just checking in on Sam, that's all!"
As soon as the words left her mouth, Sam turned his body away from them and started throwing up again. Stevie worked quickly to grab his hair once more and talk him through it.
"It's okay, Sam," she hushed, "Let it out."
Ronnie scoffed and shook her head, "Honestly, bro! Are you ever gonna learn your limits?"
"Well," Jake chuckled, and then he smiled at Stevie who was now craning her head to look at them all, "Next time, text me or something so I know you're alright."
She nodded, "Sorry, Jake."
He shook his head and reached over to give her a pat on the head, "It's okay! Need a drink?"
Stevie thought about it for a moment and nodded, "Could you just get me a water?"
"Here," Josh stuck his glass full of water out, "You take this one! I'll get another and work on sobering up to get his ass home!"
Stevie took the cup with one hand, still holding on to Sam's hair, and winked at Josh, "Thank you."
Sam had finished vomiting, but this time he stayed hunched over, not wanting to address the embarrassment he must have been feeling. The three siblings' eyes fell on Sammy who was clearly avoiding looking in their direction, so Stevie cleared her throat.
"Uh, I'll meet you guys in there, okay?" She let go of Sam's hair and turned her body towards Josh, "Could I get the car key? Just in case."
Josh nodded and handed the keys to her. Jake narrowed his eyes and Stevie tilted her head, pleading with him to trust her and he nodded, "Yeah, okay. But if you end up not coming back in, you better text me or I'm hunting you down again."
She chuckled and rolled her eyes, "Alright, Jacob."
Ronnie, Josh, and Jake all filed back inside, and Sam stood up straight once they were gone. He let out a breath, obviously still feeling badly. Stevie stuck out the water cup to him and he looked at her with a confused expression.
"The water is for you, bud," Stevie laughed, "Bottoms up."
Sam slowly took the cup into his hand and nodded, "Thanks for that."
Stevie sighed, "Mmhmm. Whatever."
She grabbed his arm, dragging him along, dodging the areas of the ground where he threw up and she led him further away, instructing him to sit down. He did as he was told, and she ran over and grabbed her bag, still sitting on the ground from the fight earlier. She brought it over to him and sat down beside him.
She rummaged around until she found her pack of gum and handed him a piece, "Here. Take it."
Sam took it and he smiled at her mischievously, "You want to kiss me, don't you?"
"Don't push your luck buddy," Stevie slugged his arm lightly, "This is to help the taste from nauseating you again."
Sam stuck the gum in his mouth and nodded before muttering sarcastically, "Sure, it is."
They sat like that together for a good chunk of time in silence, waiting for Sam to finish the glass of water in his hand and they eventually shared a cigarette too. After the water was gone, Stevie asked, "What do you want to do, Sam?"
"Well," Sam sighed, "I think standing is going to make me too dizzy again so, I'm not sure."
She huffed a breath, irritated that she was stuck out here with him and not enjoying her night with her friends. Typical Sam. Once again, it was all about him. They hadn't even been together more than a couple of hours and he was already ruining her time. She thought about just leaving him out here but she sighed, knowing that wasn't the right thing to do. If Sam had gotten beaten up, Josh would freak out and if she left him alone and he wandered off into Saginaw, Jake would lose his shit.
Stevie pulled out her phone and shot Jake a text, letting him know she was taking Sam to the car and she stood up, setting the empty glass on the sidewalk and offering her hand out to him.
"Come on, we're going to the car."
Sam narrowed his eyes at her, "Why?"
"So you can at least lay down," Stevie suggested and Sam laughed, "In Josh's tiny ass Jeep? Yeah, right."
"Well, it's either that or you keep vomiting on the side of this building," Stevie sighed, "Take your pick."
Sam groaned and took her hand, slowly standing up and following her lead out to the parking lot. She unlocked the car and opened the back door, gesturing for Sam to crawl in. He got in the car, and she followed after him, sitting in her original seat.
"Okay," Sam laughed, "How am I supposed to lay down with you back here too?"
Stevie rolled her eyes, reaching her body across to the front to roll the backseat windows down, "Josh is probably gonna be ready to drive soon, so get comfortable, buddy."
She sits back down and pats her legs to tell him to lay his head in her lap and he gives her a confused expression before sighing and scrunching his legs up to his torso and laying down. Stevie moved his hair up and away from his neck as he rested the back of his head against her thighs and he looked up at her, fighting off laughter.
"This is not entirely ideal," Sam laughs and Stevie sighs, "What were you expecting? The Ritz? It's not very ideal for me either."
"Considering it was your idea," Sam scoffed, "Seems pretty ideal for you."
She glared at him and shook her head, "You think I want to be babysitting you? I haven't hung out with Jake in over a year."
"Do you know how to play bass?" Sam asks sourly, "We can trade places."
Stevie started to run her hands through his hair, encouraging him to shut up and fall asleep, "Trust me, you don't want to trade places with me, Grammy award-winning rockstar."Sam laughed at this but the feeling of her fingers against his scalp did soothe him enough to close his eyes.
"If only you knew," Sam whispered and Stevie wanted to pester him about it, but she thought it better to just leave the conversation where it was and continued to lightly play with Sam's hair until she heard his soft snoring. As Sam lay there, asleep, she patiently waited for the rest of the group to be ready to go home. She would be lying if she said she wasn't completely exhausted herself, and the added drama from Sam really threw her for a loop. She looked down at him, watching his eyes flutter and his chest rise and fall. In this state, Sam looked peaceful and even a little bit happy. She felt kind of sorry for him, although she had no idea what caused his brothers to cancel their tour and drag him back home but, she didn't have to know the details to know that he was hurting. Hurting or not, it did not get him off the hook for being a drunk asshole.
His behavior was even more reckless and impulsive than it ever was before. Sure, Sam was normally a very chaotic presence to be around, but mostly in a fun-loving way and competing for recognition amongst his siblings. Tonight, he just seemed like a miserable brat, desperate to cause trouble. Stevie had to admit that the events of the evening did take her mind off of the way Sam sort of made herself feel a bit dizzy earlier but now that the thought was back, she had to bury it deep in the folds of her brain to never think about it again.
She heard Josh's voice in the parking lot finally and she looked out the window and waved. When they got to the car, she shushed them and told them that Sam was asleep. So, Ronnie took her brother's legs and carefully lifted them, shimmying herself into the seat before laying his feet on her lap and closing the door.
Jake looked back at Stevie and looked down at Sam, "I'm sorry about him."
"Don't be sorry," Stevie assured him, "But, it would be nice to know exactly what the fuck is going on here."
Josh sighed and looked at her in the rearview mirror, "All will be revealed eventually, just not tonight."
Stevie saw the sadness lingering in Josh's eyes, so she just nodded, accepting his answer. They all rode home without another word, just the sound of soft music playing amongst them.
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crevicedwelling · 2 years
When I was a teen I figured out I could put a bit of red plastic in front of my torch and shine it on the local hedgehogs and they were supremely unbothered, not being able to see the red light, and I could watch their natural night time behaviour way better. Do light-sensitive inverts have anything like that?
yep! I do this all the time with my red headlamp. made a post on it a bit ago
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luci-j · 5 months
Headcannon Time! Blackjack O'Hare
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Since our lovely laogomorph is now in the middle of his backstory, figured I could do some headcannons/facts about him!
- I knew early-on I didn't want him to be from Halfworld. I wanted Rocket to have that loneliness of being the only one like him from High Evolutionary's lab. So I settled on him being a creation of Tony Stark's. This also continues with the theme of Blackjack being a good person who was made worse by bad people who were on their way to becoming better. Stark was an arms dealer, and I feel like that got lost in the shuffle sometimes. I also wanted to highlight that cruelty, and the same kinds of it, are a universal in the galaxy.
- He has a lot of parallels to Peter! While Peter grew up with an 80s experience, and is sort of frozen in time there, he grew up with a 90s one.
- He's named after a character in a violent 90s cartoon, of which there were plenty of. As someone who grew up during that time, there were a lot of cartoons from R-Rated properties that should NOT exist lol.
- Why DOES he sound British? This is actually an homage to Rocket’s first appearance in the comics, when he had a British accent. I also liked the idea of having a running gag of where it's addressed that half of space sounds like this. And it plays into a lot of 90s kids having TVs for babysitters, and nature documentaries being a go-to thing in the days before streaming when you couldn't afford the GOOD cable.
- He's a voracious reader and loves reading literally anything. In a regular month, he can get through about 30 books easily. This is a weird callback to the Pizza Hut "book it" challenge from the 90s that a lot of kids did. A lot of 80s and 90s kids in the U.S. owe their literacy to how much they desired a personal pan pizza.
- He knows Braille and also BASL -- Black American sign language. He also knows some sign language from other pockets of the galaxy. BASL is a lot like ASL, but tends to use two hands instead of one.
- He's intensely pansexual, and has instant crushes on Mantis and Kevin, among others. Over the course of his life, though, he has two great loves. Readers have met them both currently.
- His favorite music is rap and hip hop. This, again, is something where he's very attached to something like Peter is, but in a very different manor. The Guardians soundtracks were based a lot in classic rock, and I wanted each new character I introduced to be like adding a new genre to the playlist-- Sort of like a new instrument getting introduced in an orchestra, so it all comes together to make one big, beautiful symphony.
- He's not very handy. He's been alone a lot of his life, and had to figure things out by himself a lot, just by nature of not trusting overs.
- He has intense anxiety, and abuses anti-anxiety medications as a result. He's got the heart of a prey creature, and has to live in a world where he has to be on guard literally every second.
- He's fully blind, and he has Braille stickers and other aids to help around his ship.
- His ship is named the Jazzy Belle, which is a nod to an Outkast song. It's very old and he doesn't know how to make a lot of the repairs. He doesn't like parting with it because he isn't a very big fan of change or instability.
- He's also a foil to Rocket and Meti in some respects. He is a version of them that never got a support system like he needed. Rocket eventually got the Guardians, and Meti his family. They represent found family. Rook represents BAD found family in her introduction. Blackjack represents what happens when that help just never comes.
- A lot of his mechanics have bits and pieces of household items and toys. The red of his eyes emotes, which is based on one of these:
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- The family he lived with on Earth is religious. He followed in this path, even if he doesn't feel particularly worthy of it these days with some of the underhanded things he's done as a bounty hunter.
- He can use both guns and blades, although he opts for a lightsaber-type blade. Why? I thought it looked cool as hell in my mind.
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yukii0nna · 1 year
Just Like Magic: Blood Moon
Part 1
"Would you do it?If you have the chance to get what you want but you would pay the price later, would it be worth it? Would it be worth it for a selfless wish? Or is it even a selfless wish? We are selfish by nature. We are all capable of greed. For example, a wish to save someone you love. Is it because it's the right thing to do or because you want them to -"
Cami was cut off by booing.
"Honestly,this isn't Shakespeare, it's a magical girl movie!! No need to be all philosophical about it! Said Slvyio annoyed by the girl's rambling.
"What do you know about Madoka Magica,Dude?"Adrien asked with a raised brow.
"Nothing really, why do you ask?" he respond. " Good luck to you man."Adrein said with pity. "Is it that bad? "Asked Marinette, confused about the show. "Just watch"was Yuya's only reply.
It was nighttime in Paris,and something was happening in the catacombs. In its halls were two men. One of them was in a mask holding a briefcase,the other was in a hoodie with a grey chest. "Do you have what I asked you for?" The first man in a dignified voice. The other man answered
"Depends.. You have the cash?". The first man opened the briefcase , revealing a hefty sum . The second smirk and open the chest. Inside was a book . The cover was ebony black with a red moon on it. The masked man asked"Does this book really work?" The other man responded with a surge." My friend thinks so but I'm not convinced"he said . "I see......."He opens the book and looks though the pages and hummed. "Mr Smith ,was it?" Mr Smith answered"Yeah, why are you asking?" . "Do you think it's a good idea to test it?" . Mr Smith then said " Yeah Sir...." The masked man then chuckled darkly. He then settled on a page. Suddenly his eyes glowed dark red. Reading from the book he said "Beir chuig an buile anam gan stad seo!! Lig a n-intinn a bheith briste. Guí ar son trócaire an bháis!!!" Suddenly Mr Smith began to scream. The screaming became louder and then gave why to raving. The masked man looked at him blankly. "I'll be taking this for free." He left with the book and the briefcase. As he left Mr Smith yelled "An máistir ag caoineadh i bpian agus screams i mbrón .".
@gritsandbrits @anxious-twisted-vampire @insomniac-jay @marrondrawsalot
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paperanddice · 1 year
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Alseids are graceful, smaller cousins to the more common centaur. Their lower body is that of a woodland deer and their upper bodies have smaller and far more slender proportions than a centaur's. Male alseids also grow antlers, with the horns branching approximately every 10 years until they've lived for a century. Further branches are possible, but are a deeply spiritual event, one which only occurs rarely and is highly celebrated when it does. Alseids believe it is a blessing from the forest, and thus far no one has a more proven explanation. These horns are never used for combat, and any damage to one is a humiliating error or grave insult.
Currently only a few alseid populations are known, and all exist within deep forests. These populations all have a deeply spiritual connection to their forest, knowing it better than any and able to maneuver it without leaving a single track behind. Most act as defenders of their home, whether guiding lost travellers back out or slaughtering trespassers who cut down a single tree. Each herd shares a similar basis for their rules and traditions with personal variations and exceptions. Meeting one group may give an intruder some understanding of how another will act, but differing rules may result in deadly misunderstandings.
Most alseid communities respect druids and rangers deeply, and their leaders favor such traditions. Often the leader of a larger alseid community will be a prince with 11 or more points to their antlers, representing blessings from the forest to lead. At this point, no alseid with 14 or more points to their horns are known of.
Originally from the Tome of Beasts 1. This post came out a week ago on my Patreon. If you want to get access to all my monster conversions early, as well as access to my premade adventures and other material I’m working on, consider backing me there!
Pathfinder 2e
Alseid Warrior Creature 0 CN Medium Beast Perception +7; low-light vision Languages Common, Elven, Sylvan Skills Nature +7, Stealth +5, Survival +7 Str +1, Dex +3, Con +1, Int -1, Wis +3, Cha -1 Woodfriend The alseid always gains the benefits of Cover Tracks in forest surroundings, even while moving at full speed. It also always knows true north. Items leather armor, shortbow (20 arrows) spear AC 14; Fort +5, Ref +7, Will +5 HP 14 Speed 35 feet Melee spear +5, Damage 1d6+1 piercing Ranged shortbow +7 (deadly d10, range increment 60 feet, reload 0), Damage 1d6 Ranged spear +7 (thrown 20 feet), Damage 1d6+1 piercing
Alseid Grovekeeper Creature 5 CN Medium Beast Perception +15; low-light vision Languages Common, Druidic, Elven, Sylvan Skills Diplomacy +11, Nature +15, Stealth +13, Survival +15 Str +3, Dex +4, Con +3, Int +2, Wis +6, Cha +4 Woodfriend The alseid always gains the benefits of Cover Tracks in forest surroundings, even while moving at full speed. It also always knows true north. Items leather armor, staff AC 22; Fort +12, Ref +11, Will +15 HP 70 Speed 35 feet Melee staff +12 (two-handed d8), Damage 1d4+3 bludgeoning Melee shillelagh +13 (two-handed d8), Damage 2d4+3, or 3d4+3 against aberrations, extraplanar creatures, or undead Primal Prepared Spells DC 23, attack +15 ; 3rd dispel magic, lightning bolt; 2nd animal messenger, heat metal, restoration; 1st create water, pass without trace, shillelagh; cantrips (3rd) guidance, light, produce flame, tanglefoot Druid Order Spells 1 Focus Point, DC 23 , 3rd goodberry
13th Age
Alseid Warrior  1st level troop [humanoid]  Initiative: +4 Spear +6 vs. AC - 5 damage. Natural Even Hit: The alseid can pop free from the target. R: Shortbow +5 vs. AC (one nearby enemy, or one far away enemy at -2 atk) - 4 damage. Woodfriend: The DC to track or hunt the alseid in a forest increases by +5. AC 17 PD 14 MD 11 HP 28
Alseid Grovekeeper  2nd level caster [humanoid]  Initiative: +5 Shillelagh +8 vs. AC - 7 damage. Natural 16+: The target pops free from the grovekeeper. R: Call Lightning +7 vs. PD (1d2 nearby or far away enemies in a group) - 4 lightning damage. Natural 14+: The target can’t use interrupt actions or make opportunity attacks until the end of its next turn. C: Faerie Fire +7 vs. PD (1d4 nearby enemies in a group) - The target takes a -2 penalty to AC and PD (save ends). Natural 16+: The target must succeed on two saves to end the effect. Woodfriend: The DC to track or hunt the grovekeeper in a forest increases by +5. AC 17 PD 13 MD 16 HP 32
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abbatoirablaze · 7 months
Down The Rabbit Hole, Chapter 19
Word Count: 1.4k
Warnings: mentions of death and sperm. also slight smidgen of angst/and feels
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“Well that was a weird afternoon.”
“Yeah, I guess that I knew Pierce was part of a weird, futuristic cult, but I wasn’t prepared for a funeral with so much beeping!” Annie confirmed, as she removed her blue jacket; one that was identical to the ones that were required to be worn during Pierce’s funeral. 
“Well, let’s not judge!” Shirley added in as she sat down, and everyone joined her, while removing their own jackets, and blue hats, “Everyone has a right to whatever fake religion they delusionally choose.”
“Abed, you were by the coffin for a really long time,” Annie noted, “are you okay?”
“I’m okay,” he confirmed, “although…”
“Troy and Abed are in mourning!” Troy and Abed sang in harmony.
Jeff crossed his arms, “would you guys please stop doing that?”
“I can’t believe that you did it during your eulogy,” Annie announced, shaking her head in disapproval, “it was so uncomfortable.”  
“I don’t think that the audience got that we were singing mourning with a ‘u’ in it!” Abed frowned.
“We were singing mourning with a ‘u’ in it?” Troy asked, his eyes going wide in realization, “oh no!”
“I still don’t fully understand the Laser Lotus theology!” Annie frowned, “so Pierce’s body is in the coffin and we buried it, but his energy is in this energon pod and it contains his life vapor?”
“Yeah, it’s all right here in this incredibly persuasive literature that they passed out!” Troy nodded, pulling out a pamphlet from the church, “once you reach a level 16, you can see the color blurple.”
“Of all the ridiculous cartoon nonsense,” Shirley grumbled, pointing at what was little more than a lava lamp, “if there really is a blurple, the lord keeps it hidden for a reason.”
“What up n bombs?” Chang asked, coming in, “how was the funeral?  Awesome!”
“No Chang, our friend’s funeral was not awesome!” Jeff growled, “it was deeply sad.  You know.  Funeral style!”
“Excuse me, I thought you guys hated Pierce!”
Everyone’s eyes went wide and they started arguing over one another, about how they really didn’t hate Pierce, but that he was merely an annoyance. 
“We did not hate Pierce.”
“Alright, are you sure you guys aren’t just doing the ‘respect the dead’ jig a lig?” he asked. 
Everyone started to talk about how they didn’t really hate him yet again, and you felt yourself going into a little bit of a trance, staring at the lava lamp.  You couldn’t help but to reach for Jeff’s hand as the tears worked their way up into your eyes.
You were broken from your thoughts about how fragile life was when a lawyer burst into the room, saying something about Jeff being right. 
“Who the hell are you?”
“My name is Mr. Stone!”
“That’s easy for you to say!” Troy remarked, “and for us to say!”
“I work for Mr. Hawthorne,” Stone commented dryly, “he stated in his will that no matter how natural the appearance of the circumstances of his death, a private inquest should be conducted to determine whether any one of you, his former study group, has murdered him!”
The group began to gasp, as a few scientists walked in with some technology.
“To be cleared, each of you will submit to a polygraph test!”
“Jeff, what’s going on?” you asked, confusion crossing your features.
“I don’t know…but it will be okay, Tawney.”
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“Tawney…did you know that I always looked at you like a daughter?” Stone asked, “Annie may have been my favorite, but you were beyond that.  You were like family!  Even after the rest of the group broke up the only people that kept in touch with me were you and Troy.  The two of you cared.  And that’s why I’m including you in my estate.  While I’m leaving Troy my shares of Hawthorne Wipes, I’m leaving you with what Gilbert had chosen to share with me.  My estate is worth an additional fourteen point three million dollars.”
You looked at Jeff, and he seemed even more speechless than when Stone told him about Troy’s bequeathment. 
“What the hell just happened?”
“I think Pierce just made me and Troy millionaires…”
“Oh my god…”
“There’s just one thing you have to do!” Stone commented.  Your brow went up as you looked at him, “Pierce had stated in his letter, that you and Jeff were in a relationship with one another.”
“We are…” you said slowly, not knowing at all where the line of questioning was going, “What of it?”
“Pierce noted that after the Christmas party, which he missed last year, you seemed different…”
You paled. 
You knew where it was going.
“Something’s different about you!”
“It’s not,” you lied, giving Pierce a fake smile, “I just haven’t seen you since break…that’s all.”
“No…I know it’s not your hair…and you didn’t do anything drastic like get new boobs…”
“Well, gee.  Thanks Pierce.”
“Your glowing, Tawney.  That’s what I’m trying to tell you.”
You felt a little bit of pride growing in the pit of your stomach as you looked at him, “really?”
He nodded, “yes.  So what is it?  What happened?”
You bit your lip and pulled your ring from the pocket of your jeans, before  slipping it over your finger, “Jeff proposed to me Christmas eve…”
His eyes went wide, before he wrapped you up in a hug, “oh Tawney, that’s great news.  But you know Jeff’s gay, right?”
“He’s not gay, Pierce…” you laughed, gently shoving the older man away from you, “and you can’t tell anyone.”
“You and him didn’t tell the group?”
“No…and we don’t plan on it until things are more settled,” you admitted, “Jeff and I talked about it, and we’re not going to announce anything until after he’s graduated and settled in at the firm he wants to set up.  We’re thinking about announcing it next Christmas, and then setting a date then.”
“Well I’m proud of you…I’m proud of the both of you.”
“Thank you, Pierce.”
“And I’m even prouder that I’m the only one that knows."
"About that...I was wondering,” you said slowly, "would-would you be the one to walk me down the aisle when we do set a date? I mean, if you don't want to, it's fine. It's just-my dad died a few years agao and-"
"I would be honored!" he smiled, holding his arm out to you.
“What’s Stone talking about?”
“Nothing,” you lied, trying to cover your tracks, “I-“
“She’s lying!”
“Thanks, lab coat!” you grumbled, turning your attention back towards the lawyer, “What about it?”
“Mr. Hawthorne wanted to let you know that you and Mr. Winger shouldn’t be ashamed of your relationship.”
“We’re not.  We just-“
“He wanted you, for your inheritance, to tell the group…”
"Tell us what?"
"What did Pierce know?" Annie asked, leaning forward.
“He wants it to be a very particular gift…” he hinted. 
You bit your lip as Stone slid you an envelope.  On the front of it was your name.  The rest of the group looked at you curiously while you opened it.  Inside, was a small note from Pierce.
If you’re reading this, then I’m gone, and you’ve met my lawyer, Stone.  But what you didn’t know, is that I’m planning on leaving you my estate that’s worth the same amount that I’m going to be leaving Troy with my share of the Hawthorne Wipes Company. 
But I wanted to leave you this, because you mean something to me.  While Troy has the heart of a hero, you have the heart of someone who was very dear to me.  A daughter...if you're reading this before you and Jeff got married, I'm sorry I couldn't walk you down the aisle. But I wanted to remind you of something.
You’re kind.  Always looking out for the group.  And you are always willing to help any of us…regardless of whatever we’ve done. 
For that, I want to leave you my estate, as a gift of sorts. 
A wedding gift.
I know that you grew up very poor once your mom got out of the military, and she raised you and your brothers in a cabin in the woods.  I know that your father had a hard time getting work because of the language barrier and when he passed, it was hard on you.  But I know, more than anything, that despite your families struggles, you always stuck together.
And that carried over through your friendship with me. 
I want you to never have to worry again.  At least about money. 
I’m not leaving you sperm like I left the others. 
Like I have said, you’re like a daughter to me.  And that would be incest.  That’s gross!  Please make sure that Jeff doesn’t drink his, and that Britta uses hers responsibly. 
Pierce Hawthorne
You laughed at the last few lines, though the tears were running down your face.  From beside you, Jeff put a hand on your arm, “hey…you okay?”
“It’s a wedding gift!” you whimpered, sniffling as you looked at your fiancé, “he doesn’t want us to have to worry!”
Jeff’s jaw dropped.
“A wedding gift?”
You turned to look at a very shocked study group.  Reaching into your pocket, you slipped your engagement ring on your finger and held it up to them, “we were going to wait to tell everyone…but Jeff proposed to me last Christmas…only Pierce knew. I'd asked him to walk me down the aisle when we set a date...”
Chapter 20
Tag List:  @lohnes16, @mckeeee-1
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