#Nature journal
feralzest · 3 months
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bugs that i’ve seen lately!!
i’m not here to pick favourites but the katydid does have stages where it’s bright pink….. and it didn’t need to embarrass the rest of us like that….
australian common garden katydid - Caedicia simplex
yellow-shouldered ladybug - Apolinus lividigaster
large-spotted ladybug - Harmonia conformis
mallee grass mantis - Archimantis sobrina)
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jadafitch · 8 months
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New England native shrub patterns, in spring and autumn. Featuring some lepidoptera species hosted by the plants, in their larval and adult forms. For a project that's been 4 years in the works… More details soon. Mountain Holly Northern Wild Raisin American Mountain Ash Shadbush with Eastern Tiger Swallowtail Butterfly Beaked Hazelnut with Luna Moth Staghorn Sumac with Spring Azure Butterfly Red-osier Dogwood with Cecropia Moth American Witch Hazel with Eastern Tent Moth Pussy Willow with Mourning Cloak Butterfly Gray Alder with Banded Tussock Moth Big-fruit Hawthorn with Viceroy Butterfly Winterberry Holly
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pooksbedamned · 10 months
Started a nature journal
Trying to make it as scientific as possible
For reasons
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justabirdy · 4 months
Okay, I have a Serious Request
Please consider following my Youtube and Ko-Fi. Both are free to do and will help me tremendously. Currently, I have just over 50 subscribers, but If I can reach 500 subscribers on Youtube maybe I can start monetizing a tiny bit there. My Ko-Fi is where I sell my art and stickers, following it would at least help keep the page active and may help influence some sales. Ultimately, please help me expand my reach.
Why it's more important now than ever
Earlier this week my hours were cut permenantly at work. There is a very serious threat that I will lose my job in the coming weeks or months. The powers that be have decided they need to save money and my position is realistically the one least important to daily operations.
Currently, I make just enough to keep afloat. My housing is employee housing and my student loan payments are lower because I work for the public. If I lose this job, I also lose both of those benefits and will be forced to move away. I'm already unsure how I'm going to cover bills as it is, but as a queer, trans person who is old enough they can no longer do heavy field work, I'm very nervous for my future. If all of my followers here subscribed to my youtube, I could be monetized in no time. It wouldn't be a lot, I wont lie, but income is income and it would help.
I know I cant offer much in return, but I can try to keep my livestream going as much as possible and keep making prints of my nature journals and even my photography if the interest is there. And I would be deeply grateful to anyone who would help me make ends meet while I figure life out.
Thanks for reading, please have this red-bellied woodpecker enjoying an orange for all your efforts,
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naturalist-journal · 7 months
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cryskir · 2 months
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sketchbook pages while visiting my parents
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rhopaper · 2 months
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My handwriting is fucked up because there’s Neosporin on my palms where I scrape/scratched bracing myself from a fall while hiking. Neosporin is Godsend. Wilderness demands full attention. I was distracted by a small white butterfly. Speaking of, I had a dream of blue butterflies a few days ago.
I slowly make my way through the book Pilgrim to Tinker Creek for what feels like the third time, I have read the first few chapters at least three times too awed by the writing to continue (or short attention span because I read this book very slowly making more annotation than usual).
Very early on in the book, the writer observed a “giant water bug” sucked a frog until it deflate like a football, until there is only a flap of frog skin. “Low key cosmic horror”. Incomprehensible death. At least for the frog it was in-processable, unevolved to prepare for.
Writing in the notebook, holding the pen awkwardly, still feeling the need to scribble—reminds me of the trope of Locecraft’s character furiously writing while being devoured.
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luminalunii97 · 1 year
Maryam Mirzakhani, first woman to win Fields medal in mathematics
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Maryam Mirzakhani was one of the greatest mathematicians of her generation. She made monumental contributions to the study of the dynamics and geometry of mathematical objects called Riemann surfaces. Just as impressive as her theorems was her ability to push a field in a new direction by always providing a fresh point of view. Her raw talent was rare, even among the most celebrated mathematicians, and she was known for having a taste for difficult problems. -Kasra Rafi, Nature journal
For many Iranian women in STEM, she is a light and a role model. She's the deity we all look up to every time we get disheartened. But for the regime she was just a woman. Veil first, being treated like a human being next. To the point that when she passed away, due to breast cancer, IRIB and many regime newspapers who covered her passing news, photoshopped her photo to put obligatory hijab on her head. They tried to name her achievements as their own even though one of the main reasons she left Iran was because of how lowly intelligence was treated by this government.
Today was her birth date. RIP to the woman who is the symbol of mathematics in Iran.
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scoutingthetrooper · 11 months
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journalsoftheworld · 1 year
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March and April, 2023. Southern California. Three DesertX-adjacent spreads.
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unicornvibration · 6 months
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Miniature mushrooms journal in my Etsy shop. Half of the money will get donated to the local cat shelter!
Is miniature but took so long to make, and every mushrooms is realistic, with scientifical name. Made with dark walnut ink, and recycled paper and leather!
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feralzest · 3 months
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the Spectacular Rustgill (Gymnopilus junonius)!
always a favourite of mine to see as they grow in clusters that bunch tightly together at the base of trees or old stumps. related to the psychoactive mushrooms in the Psilocybe genus, but containing no psilocybin itself, this mushroom is inedible (but does turn green when cooked!) and some specimens have been found to contain neurotoxins. not good eating but always a joy to find!
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kenziemeadowscottage · 8 months
Nature Journals! 🌱🌸
Having a nature journal is a great way to be connected to the green witch path! A nature journal helps you be present with nature. By noticing nature's energy and changes will allow you to be connected to the Earth, the Goddess, and the Universe.✨
My nature journal include:
Noticing the difference in the earth after it rains! 💧 I did this when I went solo camping and I was walking barefoot along the river! It had just rained when I was on my second trip back and I could feel the difference under my feet! Rocks that were once smooth and hard became smooth and slippery, and the dirt path under my feet became squishy.
Noticing how the wind changes! 🔮 The wind can change multiple times throughout a couple of minutes! Is it a hot or cool breeze? Is it strong or faint? Do you feel refreshed or cold? Noticing these small differences in the wind throughout the seasons will give you a better awareness of how each season feels.
How does the sun feel during the seasons? 🌱 Autumn still has that harshness from Summer but Spring is a lot more gentle!
Keeping a nature journal on you at all times can be difficult but it’s not impossible to still be able to make one! Notice the elements around you throughout the day and write down what you experienced once you’re at your journal 🌸
To fully immerse myself I will sit or stand outside to ground and protect myself. I will meditate and notice how the elements are making me feel.
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ninevehsage · 5 months
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Liverwort (Sinivuokko)
Do I dare to say that the spring is finally here... well... at least it looks like it now, but who really knows. 🤷‍♀️ The weather in Finland is very capricious. Here's some of my nature observations from today and few pages from my nature journal/task book:
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Crocus (Krookus) & Lucile's glory-of-the-snow (Isokevättähti)
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Kasvun Vuosi by Maaretta Tukiainen (2024)
I love to observe nature and take notes of what I see and hear around me. This book is so beautiul and the drawings really inspire me to colour them. I also love that the book's pages are strong enough for using watercolours. 💜🌿💜🌿💜
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Tulips (Tulppaanit)
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Vinca minor (Pikkutalvio) ? *Not entirely sure
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Red elderberry (Terttuselja)
The sun is currently shining and I might go out for a short walk in the nearby forestal area to collect more nature observations. We shall see what I will discover next. A moment ago I heard Eurasian chaffinch (Peippo) sing outside (heard it clearly inside, even though all the windows and doirs are shut) and it filled me with happiness! 💜🐦🎶
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e-ziara · 1 year
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Water buffalo + peacock naturalist journal scans! Gotta upload these before I forget/fall asleep again lol 🦜 📖 🌺
I've been wondering... have I pigeonholed myself as a wildlife/animal artist now? Pretty funny since I was never good at drawing animals for my whole life lol. I only really started seriously doing it for my naturalist journal. It's making me a little more confident to pursue more animalistic designs for my personal storytelling projects 💖💖
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naturalist-journal · 19 days
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