#Nazi International
kramlabs · 11 months
Remember when a Nazi German Submarine delivered Uranium 235 and infra-red atomic fuses to the United States during World War 2?
….and then the most amazing kwinky dink happened:
2 weeks later: Oak Ridge suddenly had enough weapons grade uranium for a test (June 1945)
2 months later: Trinity (July 1945)
3 months later: Hiroshima and Nagasaki (August 1945)
Dr. Heinz Schlicke was a passenger onboard U-234 and he showed the Americans how to use the atomic German infra red proximity fuses that were also on board the sub.
Also just a coincidence I’m sure:
FDR “dies suddenly” at age 63, April 12 1945
Three Days later: U-234 begins delivery of uranium/atomic fuses to America, April 15, 1945
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immaculatasknight · 6 months
Toxic hidden hand
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morgenlich · 2 months
the thing about saying “violence against [fascists/pedophiles/etc] is always justified” is that people immediately begin to expand their definition of who counts as a [fascist/pedophile/etc] to include people they personally don’t like, in order to justify violence against them, whether or not they are actually a [fascist/pedophile/etc] or whether they are actually doing harm (or are very likely to do harm) to others. the solution to dealing with the fact that [fascists/pedophiles/etc] exist in society should never be to go looking for a reason to do violence, or to train yourself to treat violence as a reflexive action.
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workersolidarity · 9 months
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Politico defending LITERAL WWII Nazis.
Politico seriously suggests there is "nuance" around Yaroslav Hunka's joining of the Nazi 14th Waffen SS Grenadier Division (1st Galicia) to fight the Soviet Union and, like Canadian commentators over the last few days, suggests no war crimes were committed by this Division.
The Nazi Germany 14th Waffen Grenadier Division of the SS was NOTORIOUS for SLAUGHTERING their way through Ukraine, enthusiastically participating in the genocide of Poles, Roma, Jews, and Socialists/Communists
These people are manipulating history and your ignorance of it to make Nazis go from black and white obvious evil, to shades of grey in which you're not "expert" enough to have an opinion on, thereby weakening efforts to expose fascist ideology being integrated into Western society.
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waitineedaname · 10 months
"Amestris is an allegory for nazi Germany" you fool. Amestris is not an allegory for just nazi Germany -- it's an allegory for genocidal, fascist, militaristic governments as a whole. Yes, it has parallels to fascist Europe, but it also has parallels to xenophobic militaristic US and imperialist Japan. The point is not "look at this outlier of a country committing atrocities," the point is that the country committing atrocities might be your country and you might be complicit in it no matter how morally upstanding you might think you are. To act like only one government is capable of committing genocide blinds you to the potential that any other government might commit genocide too.
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communistkenobi · 8 months
I’m watching a documentary my friend recommended to me called the law in these parts, which is about the history of israeli military law in palestine, and like. jesus christ they were literally just doing lebensraum. the same low density suburban development that plagues north america, the same plan of fascist expansion eastward done by nazi germany was done in palestine, with the justification that these residential settlements built for settler civilians were actually military outposts and therefore legal under international law. it’s literally just lebensraum
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nando161mando · 11 months
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The Dungeon and Club Retro have failed to take responsibility & cancel the August 26 performance of multiple ñéo ñ* aťż ì bands within the 14 days we had given them. We are now announcing protest on the day of the August 26 show. The community will not let this danger slip by.
Antif*scista siempre.
@antifainternational @kropotkindersurprise @radicalgraff @anarchistmemecollective
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tomi4i · 3 months
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Mothers of Gaza 💔
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spamitami · 7 days
so are we going to talk about the fact that a neo nazi party received 15.9% of the votes in germany or what
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lalalaugenbrot · 13 days
look idk maybe all that blocking positivity of "block whoever you want block everyone you mildy disagree with uwu" makes sense in bigger fandoms and on overall tumblr but in small fandoms?! i think it just leads to weirdly fragmented fandoms where this person can't see that persons posts and that person can't see that other person's post but everyone else can and nobody knows who can see who's post and who doesn't and it's not like i never block anyone but it just feels very frustrating engaging in small fandoms like this especially when you have no idea and will never know what you ever did for people to block you? like was it something actually bad? did you actually offend someone, unknowingly or knowingly or...??? or was it just a "wrong" headcanon?? like... the range of possibilities and the likelihood of the reason being super ridiculous but of course the decision being irreversible because who ever goes back and unblocks someone... i think that kind of sucks
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kramlabs · 11 months
Was there a covert super-power operating in the 40’s and 50’s? Or did a breakaway group have control over exotic technology ?
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July 12 to July 29, 1952, over Washington, D.C.
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February 23, 1942
“Japanese Sub”
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immaculatasknight · 6 months
The dirty business of globalism
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jackoshadows · 5 months
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rongzhi · 1 year
What are some censorship rules that you feel you could most comfortably poke fun at without feeling like you could get in some kind of trouble or ending up on some watchlist for doing?
I guess the FOSTA/SESTA censorship law is a pretty miserable piece of legislation that has had a net negative impact on society since day 1. If I could find something funny about it, I'd definitely go for that one.
Although, you can make fun of it directly without being put on some watchlist, though keep in mind this is the law that laid groundwork for online surveillance/suppression of sex workers, and is basically the blueprint for some anti-abortion legislation proposals that would make it illegal to discuss obtaining abortions online. so if some people have their way, someday you COULD get put on a list for giving tips and info online to those seeking abortions. but i digress.
#yes i know anon was prob asking about china but i don't have an answer to that as i'm not at risk of ending up on any chinese watchlists#and i don't have a direct line to the NRTA to find out what gets you on any watchlists anyway,surprise surprise#You probably wouldn't get put on a list anyway#you'd probably just get perma banned from whatever platform you were posting on if you kept breaking their rules about what you can mention#the most basic of censorship rules for most sites i don't think anyone would have a problem with anyway bc most ppl in china agree w them#[these rules usually include no nazi flags or imperial japanese (rising sun) flag depictions, adhering to 1 china policy in discussions#not spreading superstition#or promoting belief in the superstitious]#I see netizens openly complain about topics being suppressed from search trends all the time it's probably (i'm guessing) not as sensitive#as you think#like you'd have to really be causing a scene to get taken note of#anyway sometimes i get what are essentially like. idk. essay prompts. in my inbox#and i just need you all to know i'm dumb as bricks and i don't keep up with international politics in any significant way#answered ask#text#...I guess to actually answer the question I think you could probably make fun of censorship of ghosts and witches a lot#the film censor bureau really shoots itself in the foot with the censorship laws. the chinese film horror genre is a fucking joke#and i see chinese netizens complaining that the domestic movie censorship has gone too far all the time#It's really a shame bc it's stifling some great story telling and everyone knows it
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commiepinkofag · 5 months
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📷 From the documentary film “Forbidden Love – Queer Victims of the Nazi Dictatorship”
Documentary shows three poignant fates of queer Nazi victims
Persecuted, arrested and murdered: The documentary “Forbidden Love – Queer Victims of the Nazi Dictatorship” shows, with celebrity support, what it meant to be a queer person who was an enemy of the Nazi state.
Auto-translate from German [original from Queer.de]:
The documentary will be broadcast on January 27th, the International Day of Remembrance of the Victims of the Holocaust.
The approximately 45-minute documentary by Sebastian Scherrer shows how the Nazis increased punishments and terrorized queer people. For this purpose, the fates of the three queer protagonists Elli Smula, Liddy Bacroff and Rudolf Brazda are not only examined, but the voices of historians and well-known faces are also sought. …
The documentary does not force the protagonists into the role of victims
All three take on a “sponsorship” for one of the protagonists in order to shed light on their fate. These include Elli Smula, who was persecuted as a lesbian, and Liddy Bacroff, who was harassed by the authorities as a "transvestite", as well as Rudolf Brazda, who was imprisoned in the Buchenwald concentration camp because of his homosexuality. Over 50,000 queer people were demonstrably persecuted at the time, many of whom were oppressed, imprisoned or murdered. But as cruel as the Nazi era was for LGBTI people, the documentary proves that despite the most adverse circumstances, some managed to live out their identity and assert themselves during the Nazi era. And although the protagonists actually became "victims" of the Nazi regime, they are not presented in the documentary in a "victim role", but as self-confident people who did not want to let the Nazi regime change them.
All three take on a “sponsorship” for one of the protagonists in order to shed light on their fate. These include Elli Smula, who was persecuted as a lesbian, and Liddy Bacroff, who was harassed by the authorities as a "transvestite", as well as Rudolf Brazda, who was imprisoned in the Buchenwald concentration camp because of his homosexuality. Over 50,000 queer people were demonstrably persecuted at the time, many of whom were oppressed, imprisoned or murdered. But as cruel as the Nazi era was for LGBTI people, the documentary proves that despite the most adverse circumstances, some managed to live out their identity and assert themselves during the Nazi era. And although the protagonists actually became "victims" of the Nazi regime, they are not presented in the documentary in a "victim role", but as self-confident people who did not want to let the Nazi regime change them.
Other fates during the Nazi era are also discussed. In addition to the events surrounding Smula, Bacroff and Brazda, other fates from the Nazi era are also highlighted, such as that of SA leader Ernst Röhm. The homosexual officer was murdered on behalf of Adolf Hitler in 1934. But Magnus Hirschfeld, who worked as a sex researcher for the decriminalization of homosexuality, is also remembered. For his efforts, the Nazi regime punished him by storming his institute. The right degree between personal stories and education The documentary manages to find the right degree between the narration of personal fates and the factual education about the Nazi era. In addition to the protagonists, historical documents are shown from which shocking evidence emerges. At that time, sexual acts between men were described as “fornication” and homosexuality as a “popular plague”. The so-called “Pink Angle” publicly stigmatized homosexual men in concentration camps. Czech Holocaust expert Anna Hájková sums it up aptly: "Queer people embodied everything the Nazis hated." And the prominent faces and activists always find the right words, express criticism or ask legitimate questions. Finally, on some of the stumbling blocks, for example, there are deadnames of deceased trans people, which denounces them. Finally, reference is made to the current situation of queer people, because hate is increasing again. That's why the documentary ends with an impressive sentence:
Love should never become a crime again.
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