#being bloodthirsty toward Bad People is still being bloodthirsty
morgenlich · 5 months
the thing about saying “violence against [fascists/pedophiles/etc] is always justified” is that people immediately begin to expand their definition of who counts as a [fascist/pedophile/etc] to include people they personally don’t like, in order to justify violence against them, whether or not they are actually a [fascist/pedophile/etc] or whether they are actually doing harm (or are very likely to do harm) to others. the solution to dealing with the fact that [fascists/pedophiles/etc] exist in society should never be to go looking for a reason to do violence, or to train yourself to treat violence as a reflexive action.
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Kinktober Day 26: Overstimulation- Ivar Ragnarsson
Summary: Ivar shows his new wife just how much pleasure a cripple can give her
Word count: 2, 002
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Many people would think that being wed to a prince would be a blessing, especially if he was a brave warrior as well, but those people did not have to marry Prince Ivar. Your mother had assured you that he couldn’t be too bad, but you had heard differently. The many awful stories from many people ran through your mind when you had to walk up that aisle.
Now you sat beside him at the celebration of your arranged marriage and he had still not spoken a word to you. He’d barely even glanced at you since you’d wed five hours earlier, even the kiss he had to give you was barely a peck. Although it was disappointing to have such an inattentive husband, from what you heard it was better than the wrath he could inflict on you.
Despite Ivar’s actions you still managed to have a good evening thus far, his three elder brothers being a lot more charismatic and funny than your new husband. Your previous anxieties were beginning to dull as Hvitserk and Ubbe continued to make you laugh with tales of their childhood and adventures.
While the alcohol seemed to make you feel more excited and Hvitserk and Ubbe to be more funny, it seemed to have the opposite affect on the youngest of the three, Sigurd. The more he drank the more passing comments and glares at Ivar he seemed to dish out. The other two brothers did a good job of distracting you to not notice, but the elder brothers, and unfortunately Ivar, definitely did notice.
So far others had managed to distract Ivar enough that he didn’t react as violently as Sigurd had hoped, that was until a certain comment seemed to cut just a little too deep.
“You know, Y/N, if you ever notice that Ivar is lacking as a husband, I’m more than happy to keep your bed warm in the evening. I mean hahaha I am sorry to say but he is a cripple with a cock that doesn’t work!” He loudly laughed, unknowingly embarrassing himself as he was the only one laughing.
The room stood still, most people in the large hall having heard the suggestive comment.
At hearing such a crass comment you couldn’t help but choke on your wine. It was the forwardness of such a suggestion that caused you to cough out your wine, but unfortunately Ivar thought you were laughing.
“This is my wedding, Sigurd! Y/N is my wife!” His intimidating voice boomed at his brother, startling you slightly.
“Ivar, careful.” Ubbe gently warned as all eyes landed on your table.
With dangerous eyes, Ivar snarled at both you and Sigurd before angrily hobbling away on his crutch.
Even though Ivar was apparently a brute and hot-headed, he was still your husband and you believed his reaction was warranted.
“Wait! Ivar!” You found yourself calling after him as you ran to catch up with the surprisingly fast Viking.
Ivar made you follow him all the way to your shared bedroom, his steps fast and full of understandable rage. If you hadn’t been quick enough to catch the door with your palm, it would have slammed right in your face.
Stepping into the spacious room you make tentative steps towards your rage-filled husband.
“Ivar?…” you quietly call to him.
His head quickly whips around to you, a rage-filled look etched onto his face. Before you could even attempt to calm him, he had you pinned to the door, his strong forearm digging into your chest.
“You are my wife and you laugh with my brother about me.” He angrily growled at you.
“Ivar- I-I…” You began, before his strong hand around your throat stopped you in your tracks.
Seeing your startled reaction to his anger seemed to switch something in Ivar. Though he was infamous for his rage and his bloodthirsty reputation on the battle field, you were his wife and though many saw him as a brute, he didn’t want you to despise him. Ivar had worried what you’d think of him or that he’d ruin his chance at this relationship working out, that’s why he’d been so distant.
His breathing seemed to calm, his breaths coming out in slow huffs through his nose. Though his grip on you loosened and his breathing slowed, he still had a dangerous look in his eye.
His eyes never leave yours as his hand around your throat descends. The light touches across your chest and abdomen surprise you, there was fire in his eyes but grace in his touch. As his hand makes its way to your hip, he grasps it tightly in a strong hold. Though his hold was strong, it was not violent, it was filled more with passion then pure anger.
“What my brother says about me is true, my cock does not work. Though I can not bare you a child, I can however still bring you pleasure and consummate this marriage.” He confidently declares to you.
His gaze was so intense and his voice so powerful, you had not noticed that both of his hands had moved to the neckline of your dress. It wasn’t until you heard a loud ripping sound and you were pulled slightly away from the door that you noticed where his hands had moved to. Your eyes widened and your body shuddered, but whether it was from the strength your new husband had just shown or from the sudden warmth of the fire on your exposed skin, you couldn’t be sure.
Taking his eyes away from yours, they traveled down to your now exposed breasts. His strong calloused hands began holding and squeezing them, looking upon you with marvel.
“You are a beautiful woman, and you deserve someone who can provide you with the pleasure you deserve. Let me show you how much pleasure I can provide.” He tells you, his eyes once again landing back on yours, his gaze softer now.
One of his hands leaves your breast, making its way to cup your cheek lovingly. You lean into his soft touch as he brings his face closer to yours. His lips press against yours in a kiss that is both gentle and passionate. Your tongues do not meet, but he seems to have no problem showing his passion and causing your core to flutter in excitement.
“Take off your dress and lay on the bed for me, my beautiful wife. I will show you just how much pleasure a cripple can give you.” He tells you, his forehead resting against yours as dominance returns to his voice.
Intrigue filled your body and mind as you quickly pushed off the door, the eager way you rush to remove your clothes causing your new husband to chuckle. His eyes never leave your body as new skin is exposed to him.
Finally laying on the soft furs of the large bed, you find your breathing getting heavier just from watching Ivar make his way over to you. Though he walks with support from a crutch, there is still dominance and power in every step.
Finding his place on the edge of the bed, his fingers lightly trace from your ankle to your inner thigh, goosebumps following the path of his light touch. His passion filled eyes meet yours again as his fingers inch closer to your core. Your legs instinctively bend and spread at his touch.
Taking his other hand, his strength surprises you once again as it wraps around your thigh and drags you closer to his seated spot. Your surprised yelp quickly becomes a moan as his fingers make contact with your warm wet core. He has barely touched you and already your body is alight. Dragging his fingers up and down the length of your pussy, his eyes marvel at the way your body responds.
“You’re so beautiful and you’re all mine.” He speaks softly, almost like he’s speaking to himself.
“All yours, Ivar.” Your soft voice speaks up, causing his head to shoot up, like you’re a dream he’s just realised is real.
His eyes become slightly dangerous again as his strong fingers begin to push into and circle your sensitive bundle of nerves. The way your head pushes back into the soft bed and the sweet moan that escapes your lips, drives Ivar wild. He craves to hear more of your sounds as he positions his body to be between yours legs.
Leaning down he begins to bite and kiss your already quaking thighs, desperately trying to pull more of those sounds from your gorgeous lips.
The feel of his fingers on your clit mixed with the hot kisses he leaves all over your sensitive skin is quickly pushing you to your release. You can feel your core tightening, desperate to come undone.
“Oooh-Ooohh! Ivar, I’m gonna cum!” You call out, your nails digging into his strong forearm.
“Mhmmm. Do it, my love. Scream my name and let everyone hear who makes you feel so good.” He demands, the force and speed on your clit growing more intense.
“Oh fuck! Ivaaarrr!” You scream out in pleasure as your head shoots back in pleasure and your nails dig into his skin harder.
As you lay there catching your breath, you barely register your husband manoeuvring your body to lay against his against the headboard, until you feel his fingers on your sensitive clit.
“Ooohh Ivar! It’s too much!” You pathetically cry out.
His strong arm wraps itself around your centre, holding your squirming body still. You attempt to escape the intense pleasure by closing your legs, causing Ivar to growl and bite at your neck.
“Do not deny me your sweet sounds, my darling wife. I wish to draw as much pleasure out of you tonight as your body is able to take. Be good and keep your gorgeous legs open for me.” He growls lowly in your ear.
Though the overstimulation begins to hurt slightly, you can not deny such a command.
Your next orgasm approaches embarrassingly quickly as you loudly shout Ivars names once again, your head slamming back onto his chest. Ivar chuckles delightedly at your state of overstimulated pleasure.
Once again giving you no time to come down from your orgasm, Ivar deftly thrusts two fingers into your wet pulsing pussy.
“Oh fuck!” You shout out in surprise at the intrusion.
Wasting no time, his fingers begin to curl and thrust into you as his arm holding your middle moves slightly to rub your clit. The combined pleasure of Ivars skilful fingers hitting the sweet spot inside you and rubbing deliciously on your clit is too much for your body to handle, and once again your body thrashes and scream out in overstimulated ecstasy.
“No more, Ivar, no more.” You weakly beg him, your mind feeling fuzzy and your body heavy at the way he’s now made you cum three times.
“Just one more for me, my gorgeous princess. I know you can give me one more.” He almost begs you, sweetly kissing the side of your face as his hand strokes along your inner thigh.
“Just one more.” You weakly nod to him.
“Thank you, thank you, thank you.” He excitedly chants as he kisses your cheeks and his fingers return to your clit.
The light chuckle that his sweet kisses cause are quickly cut off by a loud moan of pleasure. This being the fourth time of the night you will cum, your body takes barely twenty seconds before it is thrown into a feeling of blinding ecstasy once more.
The pleasured scream that leaves your body is animalistic as your body goes completely limp against Ivar. Breathing heavily, your eyes begin to close as you feel sleep taking over you.
“You did so well, my love.” He gently coos as he positions you under the soft furs.
His strong arms wrap around you and you feel a sweet kiss on your forehead before you fall into a blissful sleep.
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anamericangirl · 2 months
What's telling to me about how sick people can be is that Trump was nearly killed, someone in the crowd WAS killed, multiple other shots went out, the whole thing was a terrifying event that everyone in the world should be able to agree was scary And yet I see the media on the left trying to spin this "Well this is to be expected, he's so radical and so fascist that of course someone tried to kill him" and "#YOUMISSED" is trending on Twitter Mask is fucking off and I'm done hitting Anon when I send asks to you, these people have truly shown they have no empathy, no sympathy, and are bloodthirsty. People get shot up in a school and their first thought is "This is why we need to ban guns" and "This is because of ultra-MAGA"
Some unhinged motherfucker actually attempts to kill the former president and kills someone in the crowd and the left turns it into a fucking hashtag and an opportunity to try to blame it on Trump even though he's the one that got shot at.
The left are fucking deranged, and I know better than most because I used to be ON the left. I shaved half my head, I had blue hair, I lived with liberal pedophiles (literally) in Ohio for 2 years who wore diapers around the house and bitched about Elon Musk and Trump every fucking day. I know these people are psychopaths and now they have finally just outright announced to the world how sick they are.
Even fucking Biden tried to call the hospital Trump was at to ask if he was okay, EVEN DARTH FUCKING BRANDON CARED ABOUT TRUMP and yet these Twitterlibs and liberal media fuckwads are just jumping on the opportunity to go "Aww man #YouMissed, you fired 5 shots how come you couldn't get him, you fucked up, omg"
If this doesn't turn people away from the democrat party then nothing will. Trump was not the only victim of this shooting. A couple of people were injured, an innocent person was killed and still the only thing we hear from leftists is annoyance that the shooter missed.
And while we are rightly angry at the spins the msm is putting on this assassination attempt, they have to put that spin on it or eat their words for the last 8 years. They've been characterizing Trump as a fascist tyrannical dictator since 2016. They've spun him to be Hitler 2.0 telling everyone he's a threat to democracy and leading people to believe he's a threat to their very lives. The "trans genocide" and "kids in cages" the "don't say gay" bill all that nonsense is always, always linked back to Trump and if they turn around now and condemn this attempt on his life what would that say about them? Either they will have to expose themselves as the liars and propagandists they are or they will have to be seen as being sympathetic towards literally Hitler. And narrative is more important to them than anything.
Which explains why they were trying to avoid reporting what happened like the plague. The headlines I saw in the aftermath, after we already knew Trump had actually been hit by the bullet were things like "Trump escorted offstage after gun shots were heard." "Loud popping noise heard at Trump rally." And other variations of that headline. And still leftists don't question why after Trump was shot every single mainstream media outlet had the same headline and they all avoided saying Trump had been shot or an assassination attempt had been made.
They can’t come out and say this was wrong because it will mean they will have to admit to something even worse: that they were wrong.
But of course the people currently in office can't come out and condone the shooting. That would look very bad. So yeah, it's good that Biden stood up there and said the right words and made an effort to contact Trump but how convenient that this happened a mere couple of weeks after the democratic party has abandoned and turned on Biden so his words and condemnation will be buried and ignored and mean nothing.
For the last 8 years, though, Joe Biden and every other democrat in office, paired with the media, have been villainizing Trump for his rhetoric. Everything bad thing that happened was directly the fault of Trump because of his "dangerous rhetoric." But the rhetoric they've employed against Trump and all conservatives since that time has been the worst fearmongering and slander I've ever seen so they are directly to blame for this shooting because of their rhetoric. No more "rules for thee but not for me." They have to live in the world they made.
Leftism, as I'm sure you've seen first hand what with your experience of being one and living in that environment, is no longer about what you support, it's just about who you hate. And every sane person still aligned with them is waking up. The mask has been slipping for years and most of us were able to see who they really were way before it fully fell off but there is no mask now. They're not even trying to hide it.
They have the ideas they pretend to support when told to, but all leftists are only united by one thing: hate.
Their heroes are criminals like Michael Brown, George Floyd and Trayvon Martin. And they hate police until they shoot and kill Ashli Babbitt who's only crime was being a Trump supporter at the capitol on January 6.
They still bemoan the killing of a pedophile, wife beater and injury of a career criminal who were shot because they tried to murder a child while villainizing the child they tried to kill because he successfully defended himself against their attack.
To this day they spin their violent riots as "mostly peaceful protests" while the January 6 protest was a "violent insurrection."
The rapes and murder on October 7 were a justified response to "occupation" but anything Israel does is "genocide."
During covid they freaked out about "public health" and wanted everyone vaxxed and masked to "save lives" but when Trump got covid they all immediately wanted it to kill him.
When a white boy shoots up a school it’s an example of how evil white people and right wing gun nuts are but when a trans person shot children at a Christian elementary school the main focus of leftists, all the way up to the White House, was the danger the trans community would allegedly be in from right wing retaliatory violence and how “hateful Christian rhetoric” was responsible for the shooting.
And none of this has anything to do with the values they claim to adhere to. All of their positions on every single issue come down to who it is they hate the most of the people involved. So their "values” change by the second.
So the violence, depravity and dangerous rhetoric is pretty much 100% on their side but watch them try and spin this assassination on Trump as Trump's own fault. And watch leftists just unquestioningly go with it or just try to distract people with more fear mongering about Project 2025 or something else stupid like that.
The only thing that bothers them about this shooting, other than the fact that the shooter "missed', is that this has pretty much guaranteed Trump is going to win the election. And of course they can't stand that after all they've done to try and make sure that doesn't happen.
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paganminiskirt · 7 months
I also love how Vegito and Gogeta are not only distinctly different beings, and the former is conducted primarily by Vegeta while the latter is conducted primarily by Goku - but Vegito is clearly the more benevolent and emotionally involved of the two people, while Gogeta tends more towards frigidity and vindictiveness. Because as individuals, Vegeta’s “good side” is just as subliminal and rare to witness as Goku’s “bad side,” right; Vegeta is not a nice man by nature, and Goku doesn’t have a grudge holding bone in his body. Goku’s lack of any impulse towards vengeance is the only reason Vegeta is still breathing. This is well established.
But when Vegeta is shown to care for other people, it always manifests as him lashing out in defense of them against some greater source of cruelty - he gets pissed at Beerus for humiliating his father, he attacks Beerus for hurting Bulma, he freaks out on Cell for killing Future Trunks & knocks Present Trunks out immediately after hugging him for the first time, because he knows his son would insist on staying with him through his kamikaze attempt on Buu. Because Trunks is like that. Because Trunks is his son.
And Vegito takes that principle and drags it out to the extreme! The whole first fight with Buu is just him playing this sadistic cat and mouse game, very much in the arrogant style of Vegeta, but he also makes constant mention of the loss of Gohan, Goten, Trunks and the others - using the language of “stealing” “hunting” and “kidnapping” that brings to mind Vegeta’s own childhood trauma. He displays some aspects of Goku’s personality of course, with the playfulness and the attempts to get Buu to surrender, but Vegeta is obviously steering this ship. It’s his confidence and self-superiority that makes them lose the fight, and his belief in the necessity of a warrior’s “pride” that he explicitly cites as his reason for looking down on Buu.
Because this is what Vegeta’s attempts at “good” look like, right? Preternaturally violent and egotistical, but with a sense of protectiveness and paternity that renders his behavior heartwarming, at least enough to show you that he’s grown from the smirking, bloodthirsty garden gnome he was first introduced to us as. Underneath all the bravado, Vegito is aggrieved on behalf of someone else. He’s being kind in the only way he knows how.
Gogeta… is not that guy. He doesn’t do rescue missions, and he doesn’t feel the need to remind you of his superiority. He portrays himself as an avenger, not a defender, with lines that evoke a sense of justice and consequence like “it’s over, I’ve come for you” and “your own bad energy will be your undoing.” He snidely tells Frieza he’s coming back for him after he’s done with Broly, even though he’s visibly incapacitated and not really picking a fight. He forgoes Vegito’s up-close and relatively simple combat style in favor of these dramatic, wide-ranging attacks, more like an act of god than a natural disaster. And while Vegito allowed Buu to play with him a bit, postponing the end of the fight to sate his own lust for battle, Broly doesn’t even get to touch Gogeta once he goes super saiyan, his dedication to the pursuit reminding you of Goku’s final battle with Frieza.
…Except Goku offered Frieza clemency, and looked genuinely disappointed when he rejected it. Gogeta does no such thing. The audience gets to watch, half in awe and half in horror, as he renders this uber-aggressive Saiyan attack dog into a flailing, incoherent mess, not bothering to stop and ask him to surrender even though the updated Broly is a much more sympathetic character than Frieza or Majin Buu ever were. He enunciates the final kamehameha with such gravitas that you actually feel scared for Broly - and in the older movie, when Janemba switches back to his original form, he takes one look at Gogeta’s glowering face and scurries away in terror.
Hey, remember how Gohan fled in fear when Goku (under extreme duress) threatened him during the fight with Frieza? After he transformed into a super saiyan for the first time, guided only by mindless rage after Frieza’s pointless killing of Krillin? During a fight which only began after Vegeta, someone who caused him immeasurable harm in the past, told him to avenge the killing of both their families & the genocide of their race? All of which took place on a planet which the earthlings only had to travel to in the first place because the Saiyans killed several of their friends - a slaughter which Goku witnessed the aftermath of, at which point he told Nappa “there will be no mercy for you, you bastard” in the original manga?
Goku gets slotted into this role quite a lot, doesn’t he. He’s a protector, but also a savior, a planner, a consoler, and an avenger. He does his best to help people and he raises hell when he can’t, but he’s not vengeful by nature. Quite the opposite. See how he treats Vegeta in the Namek saga, smiling at him and bantering with him like he’s a coworker, and not the guy who crushed his bones to dust while cackling with sadistic delight.
But that’s because Vegeta only did that much damage to him. Nappa killed all the others - with Vegeta’s eager permission, yes, but that’s still enough distance to allow Goku to psychologically seperate him from those crimes. Goku’s clemency initially emerged as a byproduct of his desire to help people, but we have seen that same drive give way to brutal punitiveness when he fails, and somebody he loves dies. You can argue that it's misdirected self-hatred, anger at his own inability to be the hero those people trusted him to be - Krillin died screaming “Goku!” you might recall. The removal from other people Goku grew up enduring feeds into his sense of responsibility for the community that grew around him as an adult. He knows how important he is, and it hurts when he comes up short.
And I think that, understanding Gogeta to be primarily led by Goku but still notably impacted by Vegeta, that intense drive towards retribution the fusion displays takes on more meaning. Vegito exemplifies Vegeta’s better impulses, which are brought out in full force by Goku’s influence - Gogeta exemplifies Goku’s ugliest inner desires, with the leash he usually keeps them on loosened by Vegeta’s influence.
Because Vegeta was knocking down 100+ sentient creatures per day as soon as he could walk. He spent most of his adult life as a pampered slave, he murdered one of his oldest companions without a second thought, his introductory panel shows him munching on a severed limb, ffs. Vegeta has been through a lot, and I'm the last person to downplay that, but he hasn’t been going through it emotionally involved. He's used to this. He had to be. If he wasn't, his whole psyche would've collapsed by age twelve tops.
But Goku? Goku had to do all of that with his feelings turned on! And he chooses to remain steadfastly good and give second chances no matter how bad the situation, and that’s a healthy enough way of dealing with all this horror. But a side effect of being guided by that choice is the knowledge that he could be worse, he could be crueler. He’s a lot like Gohan, in that sense.
And Vegeta used his dying breaths to beg Goku to abandon that long-abiding impulse to show mercy. Goku might believe in forgiveness, and he might’ve let Vegeta go because of that belief, but Vegeta is a stubborn little bastard. He thinks that it’s holding him back, allowing people to slip through the cracks; to get hurt. And we’ve established that these two are both capable of misdirecting self-anger at others, though Vegeta does it much more often than Goku.
So when Goku’s mind is merged with Vegeta’s, and he’s forced to look back on his decisions to allow horrible people to live not with pride, but with regret and disgust, it manifests as Gogeta. A walking overcorrection, the sentient reconciliation of these two belief systems. Who doesn’t forgive and doesn’t forget, self-assured and bitter and terrifying, like Goku was for the first twenty seconds after he went Super Saiyan. Like he always told himself he wouldn’t be.
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viviuxd · 9 months
INNOCENT LOVE : a viking is in love with me! (Part 2)
SYPNOSIS:You are explaining to the Viking king why you cannot marry him, while you do so he agrees to join your belief and leave his gods, just for you.
PAIRING:Viking x Christian!reader
TW:mention of difference in spiritual beliefs.
Part 1
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"What are you doing?!" You shouted angrily. Your hands instantly landed on his chest, pushing him back as you averted your gaze, noticing some servants present. You felt embarrassed for exposing your life in front of those people and hid your face, looking down.
Thorkell noticed your sudden change in attitude and chuckled playfully at your shyness. He turned toward your gaze and realized what was happening. He smiled mischievously and stood tall.
"Everyone, out! Our queen needs privacy," he demanded with a deep, powerful voice that echoed in the room.
You watched as everyone present left immediately, almost running. "I am not your queen," you murmured, glancing at him sideways.
"Soon you will be," he affirmed, grabbing your wrist with a firm grip that hurt you a little due to the force he exerted.
They took a few steps until they reached the throne. He let go of your wrist and turned on his axis to stare at you. He examined you with his eyes and then nodded toward the throne where he had been moments ago.
"Sit there," he demanded with the same dominant voice that sent shivers down your spine.
You were about to refuse. You didn't want to give hope that you'd accept, but neither could you decline; you didn't want to be disrespectful. Besides, Thorkell's gaze intimidated you. You were sure you'd have nightmares about him that night.
You climbed the steps leading to the throne. It was huge, imposing, and beautiful, just like Thorkell. You sat on it; it felt strange. You had always dreamed of being the queen of a nation, and now you had the opportunity, but you felt bad for disobeying God's commands.
You shook your head and clumsily got off the throne, embarrassed by what you had just done.
"I can't, I can't be the queen of Dantohira, Your Majesty," you apologized insistently, looking down in a gesture of submission and respect so that Thorkell wouldn't take it as an offense.
"Damn it!... Could you explain why you're forbidden to marry me?" He grunted angrily, one of his hands resting on his head, rubbing his temple.
You played with your hair, trying to calm your nerves a bit. "We're different... You believe in pagan gods, and don't take it the wrong way, Your Majesty," you said. "It's just that I am faithful to my God, my Lord, and I know that it won't please Him for me to join someone who doesn't love Him. Besides other differences..."
"Name them," he replied sharply, staring at you intently.
You sighed nervously, still not ready to have a discussion with the King. "I don't like your customs... I wouldn't like to marry a man who has several women, or a bloodthirsty man. I'd be in constant fear."
Thorkell approached you, this time respecting your space.
"You'll be the only one. I'll never look at other women, and if I do, I promise to gouge out both my eyes."
You chuckled a bit, charmed by what he had just said.
"That would be very nice, but... even so, you would still worship other gods," you looked at him sadly, noticing his attempt to maintain the marriage proposal.
"I'm not asking you to give up what you do for me-" You were interrupted by Thorkell's sudden action.
Thorkell turned around, leaning on the royal throne, grunting.
"Teach me about your God," he grumbled.
"Then are you going to become a Christian now or something? I never imagined you doing something like this for someone, Thorkell." Tyr, Thorkell's younger brother, mocked him and his infatuation with you.
"Shut the damn mouth, Tyr," Thorkell growled, fed up with his brother's mockery.
"Brother, understand me, you've never been interested in a woman, and now you're doing these stupid things for a Christian girl. I'm starting to think she's a witch or something," he joked again, bursting into loud laughter.
"Anyway, that girl is quite pretty, I don't believe she's still a virgin... surely she's already slept with some lad over there," mentioned one of the guards who was close to Tyr. He was about to burst into loud laughter until Thorkell punched him, causing him to fall to the ground.
"Don't you dare talk nonsense about her, you useless," Thorkell growled as he kicked the guard's face forcefully.
"If she comes out of your mouth again, I'll knock out all your teeth, got it?"
Tyr grabbed Thorkell to prevent more blows, smirked mockingly, and looked at Thorkell.
"You see what I mean? You're more aggressive than usual, and it's because of that girl."
"Thorkell, you're in love with her."
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oldmemoria · 10 months
okay heres the fucking thing about this script controversy that some people don't seem to get.
just gonna say it blatently:
strap in babes this is gonna be a long one!
The way Miguel O'Hara is written in the leaked transcripts is blatantly racist, here's why from a Latino himself!
all wrapped up in a sweet little bow for everyone who doesn't know how to comprehend what they're reading, cheers!
er. i mean.
Miguel fans are not mad that they depicted him in a bad light and that they made it clear that he is in the wrong
Miguel has been depicted as a morally grey asshole since the early 1990s, which is when Spider-Man 2099 was initially debuted. And while yes, the movies are.... inaccurate, to say the least, it still stands.
The issue here is how he is depicted. They directly call Miguel O'Hara, a Latino man, an ANIMAL (he is directly called an animal TWICE. FUCKING TWICE.)
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[1st image id: Miguel leaps onto Vulture, Clawing his way in past the renaissance armor. he is an ANIMAL. (keep in mind ANIMAL is literally in all caps.) /end id]
[2nd image id: Miguel SLASHES at the walls of light that surround Miles. Clawing the energy field apart, an animal in the throes of bloodlust -- /end id]
I need you to really soak in the fact that he is called "AN ANIMAL" twice. I'm awful at alts and ids but I feel I must so you can read it in plain text. sorry if they suck.
Our issue is not that the writers seem to have a bias against the character. a lot of writers write characters they dont particularly like and in turn tend to write them from a foggy lense of their own perception. An example would be Kate Cary and how she didn't like Crowfeather, a character she had to write about. I'm sure some of her bias seeped through. but this is different.
writing a Latino man as a bloodthirsty animal, implied to be called a predator because they call one of the people he fights (im not sure if its miles or the vulture, im leaning towards believing the former.) his "prey", THOSE ARE ALL RACIAL STEREOTYPES. ALL OF THEM.
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[3rd image id: But Miguel can only see his prey: /end id]
There is no context to be needed here, the context is that this is miguel we're talking about and that they call him an animal. it does not matter if he is a villain or not (which he isnt, factually he fucking isnt im tired of having this conversation, fuck you). it matters that he's depicted in a racially insensitive way.
and this person brought this up pretty well actually, I didn't even think of it:
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[4th image id: Tumblr user @/404-505 saying:
i want to be so mean to them
they couldn't write miguel crossing the border and stealing a job so they wrote him crossing into another universe and stealing his own identity
they couldnt write miguel as a drug addict so they gave him spider steroids instead /end id.]
They bring up a really good point about these clear stereotypes being seemingly. . . disguised behind points that are narratively relevant? This could literally just be pure coincidence, but noting how the writers wrote him before... it isn't looking too good for them. Sorry. Not sorry.
It is clear that there is some kind of bias against miguel that led to really disgusting, racist retoric. Whether or not it was intentional or if it was a first draft or whatever, the writers, which may i remind you were white, still wrote this at some point.
it makes me question whether or not they hated him because of his "bullshit utopia", their words not mine, or because of their own racial biases.
We cannot know because miguel is the only mexican character on the cast. I know Miles is Puerto Rican, but there are differences between how they were portrayed. also Puerto Ricans and Mexicans come from competely different cultural backgrounds that share simularities but are still different dont even try i will destroy you.
Using another users words again, but:
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[5th image id: Tumblr user @/transmiguelohara says:
Don't talk to me about the Miguel parts in the script. I'm so disappointed in how the writers view him.
The difference between the way Miguel is written (antagonist, not the villain) vs Spot (the villain, whats to kill Miles' dad and everyone he knows) is soooo.....I don't know man it just screams racism in sorry. Describing Miguel as a bloodthirsty animal? Repeatedly? Treating him like he's mindless and has no motivation beyond having a hair trigger temper? It sucks man. /end id]
It also strikes me that now that we finally have a brown-skinned miguel, they write him like, well. this.
I don't really know if this is petty or not, but I want to wrap this back to the way the fandom also sees Movie Miguel.
Because TRUST ME it is not good either.
Miguel O'Hara Vs. FANDOM: Spoilers, it's been troubling since the beginning.
From the beginning (and by beginning in this case I mean since he was announced to be a character in this movie) Miguel has been continuously sexualized, beyond belief. He is repeatedly called "papi cholo" which NEED I REMIND YOU "Cholo" is a derogatory term used to call someone, usually a mexican person, a criminal or a delinquent.
FUCK YOU if you are not Latino OR hispanic and use this to describe people. from the bottom of my heart.
I'm pretty sure the majority of the people who called/ still currently call him "papi cholo" are mixing it up with "papi chulo" (white people moment.) which means something completely different but is still troubling as hell.
"papi chulo", which is slightly different in the way, just directly translates to "big daddy". Which again, Latino men being overly sexual "Latin Lovers" is ALSO A RACIAL STEREOTYPE. also its just blatant fetishization. Point blank fucking period.
Not only that but I notice a lot of art and fanfiction depicts him doing a lot of violence, or being very overbearing and demeaning, or in short terms.
a lot of people write him as physically and sexually aggressive.
fuck do you mean he growls during sex i can and will send you to space with no return.
for the millionth time
racial stereotype
halleluiah or however you spell it.
Having him say random spanish phrases you don't know the meaning or connotations of in your fanfiction is icing on the cake at this point.
fucking end me.
it isn't even only sexual depictions, since he's been shown in the movie, a lot of people seem to just see him as this guy who goes off and tries to kill children at a hairs trigger. which uh. fun fact no he fucking doesnt.
you clearly didn't watch the movie as well as you thought you did. hes just sarcastic and generally pretty level headed through the majority of his runtime, whether its implied by how characters around him act, or its just what we see on screen.
He doesn't necessarily have anger issues, the moment we see at the climax of the film is quite literally a mental break. he is not acting in a way that he usually would because he was cracking under the stress of holding the multiverse together with some scotch tape and orange glitter glue.
Also side tangent but he also has a mental break in the comics that's a little more... droopy and sad as compared to the movie, but it still happens. he has shitty mental health is what im saying. he only really lashes out angrily when hes at his wits end because that's how he grew up. he was taught to suppress his feelings and seem smaller when he was upset.
he is the result of abuse and neglect. of course he wouldn't be amazing at emotional regulation.
Which before anyone says it no, this is not an excuse for his actions. just an explaination that isn't "hes an angry animal that has it out for miles UwU" that everyone seems to have in their brain. I'm tired of you all. truly.
the sentiment that hes agressive and angry and his only emotion is anger and upsetness unless he's horny which is when he experiences all these emotions tenfold is. racist. idk how clear i have to be for people to get it through their damn skulls that the way the fandom depicts him is harmful. do i need to slap you in the face with a fish until you understand. do i need to burn your fanfiction. will you get it now that a 15 year old latino boy has to scream it in your face.
and dont even get me STARED on how inaccurately he is written
this is a more light hearted section because idk. feels like i should have it because this part is just comical, pun intended. How can you fuck up this hard guys.
I was gonna give them the benefit of the doubt because "Miguel has fresh trauma!" "He only shows up for like 10 minutes!" "insert 3rd reason!" for his drastic change in demeanor and personality, which, without context, are valid reasons for him to be a little different. trauma fucks you up man. we only see 10 minutes of him. but at this point im chalking it up to complete incompetence
it doesnt take that long to read a comic book guys. you could have done a little research, I know you can do it.
first off:
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[6th image id: Miguel's SPIDER-SENSE goes off! He races to the edge if the building and peers into an empty alley -- /end id]
Unless you didn't get the total of TWO jokes that they made in ONE scene (the vulture fight scene), Miguel doesn't have a spider sense. at all. He has elevated senses, but he doesnt have a spider sense.
I cant help but laugh! this is a rookie mistake! these are seasoned writers! They could have done at least a little research, or at least remembered that he doesnt have one, no? is it that hard? or does his lack of a spider sense only matter when you're making fun of your least favorite character? thats what I thought.
this one is less funny. not to sound like a stereotypical comic nerd but this infuriated me a little bit I'm not gonna lie.
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[8th image id: tumblr user @/darksidecorner reblogged tumblr user @/spiderxpawz with:
They definitely didn't
a screenshot of the script reads:
AN INDUSTRIAL TANGLE OF HUGE PISTONS -- the literal DARK UNDERBELLY that undergrids Miguel's bullshit Utopia.
Miles doesn't know where to go... but he doesn't need to: SOMEONE YANKS him up into the safety of an alcove.
the user then continues:
This in particular made me PISSED because they quietly canonized that Miguel is CEO of Alchemax while conveniently ignoring that he did everything in his fucking power to BETTER Neuva York. Downtown wasn't built by him. It was built by people WAY before him.
I can excuse and defend some comic deviation, but THIS? Holy FUCK /end id]
I honestly cant tell if I find this part funny or pathetic because seriously. he did not do this. why are you blaming him for something he had nothing to do with. i dont think he decided "hey i should build a city for rich people over poor people because reasons" when he was like... not even alive. Alchemax did this before he was even sentient. it had always been this way since he was born. he also actively hated this decision. because he actively hates alchemax.
but right MIGUELS bullshit Utopia yeah HE did this that EVIL LITTLE BABY i cant believe him
kill me.
In conclusion:
I. . . Don't really know, to be honest. I'm still processing all this. I am genuinely disappointed and upset because this isn't okay. It never will be, and if it takes yet another blunt essay with absolutely no filter for people to understand it then so be it. I don't care if this comes off as mean. This is something I feel qualified to talk about and I will express my disappointment and anger if I want to.
All of the posts I reference I have reblogged within the last 24 hours of making this post, they shouldn't be that hard to find, but if you want the links to them here they are:
if you want your image to be removed or for your link to be removed just ask and I'll do it. but currently im kinda bummed out and tired.
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itsabouttimex2 · 9 months
hey 👋 could you please do more of platonic yandere hawks x teenage bartender reader pls ? :)) I love your work
(Aw, thank you! I’ll go back and tag this series as “Teenage Bartender” since I’ve got a few fics for it now)
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Out of all the people you’ve ever served, Mr. Takami is definitely your favorite patron. The League of Villains ranges from outright bad to somewhat decent when it comes to personality, each causing you trouble in their own way.
Mr. Bubaigawara is also pretty alright, but you have to cut him off after a while so he doesn’t drink himself to sickness. He’ll switch from thanking you for looking out for him to criticizing you for being a “mood-killer” in the same breath. You like to believe that the kinder half of him is the “real” one. It always feels more sincere, in your opinion. You try to see the good in everyone around you, after all. No matter how hard it may be, or how dangerous or depraved the individual is.
Maybe you’re an optimist, Keigo Takami thinks to himself, nursing a non-alcoholic strawberry spritzer. Or maybe you’re simply too naive to see the dangers of the killers and criminals around you. Maybe it’s a case of feeling obligated to love the unloved, to accept the spurned, to try and save those dedicated to hurling themselves headfirst towards irredeemability. Maybe you sympathize with them, with what they’ve been through in their tumultuous and checkered lives.
No matter what the reason is, what really matters is that you, in spite of whatever horrid circumstances have landed you in the middle of these villains, playing caretaker and maid and nanny to drunk, belligerent murderers…
You’re still kind.
That’s why Keigo truly believes that you, more than anyone else here, can be redeemed.
Not only because of the way you treat him, but also the way you treat your “coworkers”.
When Toga gets immediately drunk off of whatever cutesy cocktail she begged you to whip up, you help her get to a couch and make her lay down, leaving a bin by her side. When Shigaraki is having another one of his tantrums, you line up all the broken glasses and worn down equipment you have onto the countertop so he has something to focus his aggression on. You listen close to all of Spinner’s rants about Stain, even if you don’t understand a word he’s saying.
You see something in them, clearly. Keigo isn’t quite sure what it is exactly, but he’d love to know. Do you care about them? Do you think they could redeem themselves? Do you think you can off-put their suffering and bloodthirstiness by being kind? Do you consider them to be family? Do you consider him family?
You’ve been around him long enough to see him as a friend, surely. You treat the winged double-crosser with the same forthcoming kindness that everyone receives when they sit at your counter, ensuring that he’s happy, hydrated, warm, and not-
“-hurt? Mr. Takami, did you get hurt?”
“Sorry, kiddo. Didn’t quite catch that one. Run it by me again?”
“That mission ran a little long, didn’t it? Usually you’re back a lot sooner, so I wanted to make sure that you were alright, Mr. Takami. You’re not hurt, are you?”
Keigo is a well-guarded man. He doesn’t give away too much and he’s good at hiding his feelings and thoughts. Still, he can’t keep himself from smiling right now. With a gloved hand, he reaches out to ruffle your hair.
“Just fine, kiddo. Things got a little troublesome- when don’t things get troublesome, huh? But i got the job done no problem, like always.”
You try to meet his smile evenly, taking his drained glass and giving him a fresh drink in turn. There’s a moment of strange silence, something’s there’s never been between the two of you.
“I’m really glad,” you quietly admit to him, breaking the lull. “I think you’re… you’re the only one who talks to me the way you do. I don’t…”
He leans forward, propping his elbows on the table and resting his chin on his twined fingers. “Talk to me, pint-size. You’ve got my ear. I’ve got some time to kill.” He adds the last line just to make sure that you know he won’t mind if this takes a while. Even if he didn’t have the time… he would make it, for you.
“I really, really do like everyone! Really, I do! But it just feels… it all feels so endless, Mr. Takami. If someone isn’t mad at me, they’re puking on the floor. If they aren’t puking, they’re crying in the corner. If they aren’t crying, they’re picking fights. If they’re not fighting, they’re breaking things. If they aren’t breaking things, they’re mad at me for something. It just goes on and on, and I- I just-“
You pause, your breath hitching inwards sharply as you bury your face into your hands. You put your palms flat on the countertop, staring at your weary reflection on the polished surface.
“I’m so tired, Mr. Takami. And I feel like I’m never gonna get to take a break.”
“Okay, come over here,” Keigo guides, leading you around the counter by your hand and towards where he remembers seeing you head each night. Your personal room, he assumes. “The bar,” you try to argue as he pulls you along, “needs me at the counter. What if someone comes by for a drink?” Your words fall on deaf ears, it seems. “Most of the league is made of grown men, kid. Trust me, they can stomach a few hours without alcohol.”
He opens the door, giving himself the first view of your room he’s ever seen.
Knowing that you can’t see the face he’s making, the undercover hero allows himself to frown at the sight.
This isn’t a bedroom. This is a storage closet with a small bed and a nightstand. It’s barely four feet wide, and just about six feet long. The sort of room you’d put spare brooms and mops in, where you’d hide away a half-used gallon of drain cleaner or spare dish soap bottles you had gotten on sale. A place too claustrophobic and enclosed for anything except supplies.
But instead, this room had been given to you, a literal teenager who was giving their all to support the League in spite of getting nothing out of it.
For just a moment, his blood boils.
The League can pretend to be good. They can pretend to be heroes and freedom fighters. They can pretend that they’re fighting for a fair and just society. They can pretend that they aren’t monsters and murderers.
But this is how they treat their own. He’s always known this. The League of Villains prioritizes powerful, dangerous individuals above all else, prioritizes those who can spread chaos and mayhem in the name of their destructive goal. And you don’t fit into that powerhouse category, so you get shuffled away, tucked out of sight when they don’t have you serving them or playing babysitter to grown drunkards.
Keigo thinks he understands it, at least. But the truth is that some of the League do care for you. Twice, Spinner, Magne, Toga, Mr. Compress… all of them do care about you, as a friend or as family. And in turn, you care for them.
But he doesn’t think of that. As he helps you into the cramped bed, he thinks of “saving” you, and getting you out of here. Of bringing you home and keeping you safe from the harms and horrors of the world around you.
And there will soon come a day that you tumble out of the villain’s claws and into a hero’s talons.
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txttletale · 10 months
Hi txttletale! I am an American voter who respects your opinion a great deal. You have a lot of takes I agree with and I see you as someone with very enlightening, and well-informed perspectives on issues I care about.
That being said, I don't understand your advocacy for withholding votes from the democratic party of the United States. I understand the idea is to motivate a change in the parties politics, but I see the natural conclusion of this being spliting the vote and allowing a right-winger to take power.
What am I missing? I'm very frustrated by this situation, and I'd very much like to find a third solution. I have no interest in furthering the genocide, but I don't see how anyone on the right wing would be any less bloodthirsty, or beneficial to the United States, or its foreign relations. What are your suggestions?
yeah my basic thesis is that if the democratic party fails to notice that it is heading towards loss because of a large bloc of people loudly and explicltly swearing off genocide joe for his bloodlust then yes, donald j trump will in fact be president for four years. as a result of this, the democratic party will learn that biden's degree of open genocidal glee is an election-throwing issue and their 2028 candidate will go back to tacitly endorsing the slow progress of ethnic cleansing but slapping israel on the wrist every time the brutality starts looking too bad on camera.
obviously, this is still a deeply evil position, but that's the best thing you can hope for out of usamerican electoral politics -- you will never get someone in the white house who supports the palestinian struggle, but you absolutely can shoot for having someone in the white house who will see children being incinerated by white phosphorous and tell israel to cut that shit off now or they'll take away their trust fund (not for moral reasons, to be clear, but PR reasons). fucking reagan was capable of it. whether this will work or not is left as an excercise for the voter, as is whether it is worth it -- but i clearly believe it will and is.
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ultratradmalewife · 4 months
I fear I may have spoken too soon. I made a post thinking there would be a turn around in the attitude certain Buddie shippers have towards anyone who doesn’t validate their ship, but I just don’t think they quite understand what they’re doing. Some of them are downplaying their homophobia to only the cutting Lou out of the stills, but when I make claims about that it’s something serious, and not really about some stills. How they handle situations like this will and is affecting real life queer people who aren’t secure in their sexuality.
I’ve seen damaging words tossed around about not just a character but a real man, calling him predatory. I’ve seen real fans slinging the word fetish to other queer fans. These fans have almost always done nothing wrong, most of it only comes from one side (I would know I’m chronically online). And we have major accounts like that deranged Samantha girl (who only recently started celebrating Bucks bisexual journey, wonder why) on Twitter amplifying one single shipper who had a really bad take, and these fans know what they’re doing because they use that one take as a weapon to talk about a fictional relationship, a relationship that is currently in the spotlight with general audiences, and all that audience is seeing is that one rotten apple, that one rotten take, and they’ll form an opinion on not just the ship (I don’t care about the ship), but the community itself. That’s where the homophobia comes in.
Do you really think some still is what would cause us to finally be vocal about how our community is being dragged by these fans who can’t think beyond their ship??? We’re being tagged by these accusations and malice, and you expect us to be quiet about it? I defended my trans sisters all last year on Twitter because transphobes made the same accusations, and none once did I think I would have to see this repeated when entering the fandom.
If anyone is actually here for the right reasons I urge you please shut these people up. It’s getting more personal and more nasty now. Ryan’s racist past is re-emerging because Buddie fans are so hell bent on always calling a fictional man (Tommy) racist whenever they can. It’s not my place to forgive Ryan, but none of this would’ve happened if you gave a new character the same decency you gave an actor. Obviously the real human should always come first, but when it comes to race this is a situation that is too real. It wouldn’t surprise me if there’s Buddie shippers actively trying to find something of Lou’s past to smear him, and if they do that’s on him, but this back and forth will only grow more intense by the minute to the point this show will become unenjoyable to everyone. The show brought us together for a reason and I will like to keep it that way, and I urge those bloodthirsty shippers to find that reason again.
(And Buddies what is it with you calling anyone who doesn’t like your ship racist? I’m a Mexican who doesn’t like Buddie because of the stereotype of a catholic gay. Does that make me racist?)
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icybluepenguin · 10 months
Lights in the Dark
Author's Note: I haven't written anything in a long time. I didn't realize how much I'd missed it. I'm going to try to do it more! First time writing for Baldur's Gate, this is for the BG3 Winter Holiday Challenge, based on the "twinkling lights" prompt.
Summary: Astarion doesn't like the guy you're dancing with (and neither do you) so he whisks you away to show you something special instead. On AO3 here
Pairing: Astarion x gender neutral Tav/reader
Tags/Warnings: a bit of jealous Astarion, more than a bit of fluff, SFW/rated T, word count 1,300. Canon-typical talk about stabbing. Probably not accurate title usage :)
The dance was fast, a newer one that you weren't as familiar with.  It involved the leader holding the other's waist with one hand as the pair rotated and traveled the steps, and it gave more opportunity than you liked for someone's hand to drift too far down. 
Which is exactly what you felt Lord Brandir Antalme attempting as he spun you around the dance floor. You cleared your throat loudly, tightening your grip on his shoulder until he winced and returned his hand to the proper position for the dance. 
As soon as the music stopped, you rushed through your bows, waving off his attempts to coax you into another dance.  One near-groping from a boring lord was enough, thank you.  But this was a fancy party and you weren't going to make a scene and cause trouble for Wyll.  Yet. 
Brandir followed you away from the dancing, taking two goblets of wine from a server's tray.  You took the one he offered you– why not, you were going to need something to take the edge off his company if he was going to stick to you.   The man would not stop talking about building contracts.  You raised it to your lips. 
A pale hand, wrist practically dripping with lace, snagged the goblet from you before you could even take a sip, 
“There you are, darling.” Astarion took a taste of your wine.  “I lost track of you.”  His tone was light, but his eyes were hard, staring at Brandir. 
Someone had to have manners in this situation and it clearly wasn't going to be Astarion.  “Astarion, this is Lord Brandir Antalme.  Brandir, Astarion Acunin.”   
“Ah, Saer Acunin!” Brandir gushed with courtly enthusiasm.  “Your reputation precedes you.”
“Don't believe everything you hear,” Astarion said.  His voice lowered dangerously, even as his smile remained polite.  “I'm much worse.”
Brandir giggled, his eyes widening, and turned his attention back to you– the apparently safe choice.  While your outfit had a high collar, as did Astarion's, to cover both of your bite marks, it still showed a good amount of skin elsewhere.  Which Brandir was enjoying without much subtlety. 
“You were an excellent partner, my dear.  Perhaps another dance,” he glanced at Astarion holding your cup, “since you are finished with your drink?”  Brandir gave a half bow and held out his hand to you. 
“That was a dance?” Astarion laughed, high and sharp. “I thought Tav was just keeping you from falling on your face.”
“Um, I think I will get some refreshments, that dance was a bit fast for me.  Thank you, though, my lord.  Excuse us.”  You grabbed Astarion's sleeve and dragged him with you towards the tables laid out with an incredible variety of decadent treats.
“That is one of the richest people in Baldur's Gate. And you want to be on his bad side?” 
“Oh, I know who he is.  And if he looks at you like that one more time,” he growled, “I'll rip his throat out.”  Turning so only you could see, he bared his fangs. 
You put your hands on your hips, exasperated.  “It was just a dance.”
“He tried to touch your ass, darling, I think he was after a bit more than ‘just a dance.’”
“If he'd made it that far, I would have removed his hand.”
“Oh but it's so much more fun if you let me do that for you,” he said with a bloodthirsty smirk. 
“Hm.”  You examined his face– the glint in his eyes, the curl of his lip, the general air of satisfaction.  “I think you like being jealous.”
“I have no idea what you might be talking about.” 
“You helped Wyll decide the guest list. You picked my outfit for tonight.  You insisted I wear this jewelry.”
“Do you have a point with this?” he asked airily, taking an elegant sip of wine.  “Or are you just talking to hear your own voice?  Not that I don't love your voice.” 
You narrow your eyes at him.  “I'm saying you knew exactly who would be here and exactly how they would react.  Hells, you probably planned the dances as well.”  You stepped closer to him, crowding his space.  “All so you could play the jealous lover.  It's been years, aren't you tired of that game yet?”
Astarion leaned towards you, seeming to have a quick retort ready for you, but then he straightened.  “Oh Hells, here comes Lady Steelstalker.  She won't even ask you to dance before grabbing your ass.  Come with me.”  With an arm around your waist, he hurried you out of the ballroom. 
He led you up and up until you were entirely lost and fairly out of breath, but he assured you he knew where he was going.  He opened a heavy wooden door at the top of more stairs with a flourish. 
You walked out onto a parapet, overlooking the entire city.  “Oh,” you gasped, delighted at the view.  You stepped up to the crenelation, shivering from the frigid air. 
Astarion wrapped his arms around you, pulling you back into his chest.  He wasn't much warmer than the air, but he blocked the breeze, which helped. 
“Look at the lights!”  Everywhere you looked, colorful holiday lamps shone in windows and hung between buildings on looping ropes.  Luminarias glowed on the streets and balconies.  
The lights decorating the rich houses nearby were crisp and clear.  Farther in the distance, all you could see was little soft dots blurring together, scatters of joy in the black. 
The night was so dark but the city was full of light and color, a magic landscape. 
The music from the ballroom drifted up, faint and ethereal.  Astarion swayed gently to the sound and you put your hands over his on your stomach.  
You had seen many, many sorts of nights with Astarion since he lost the ability to walk in the sun, but this was one of the most beautiful. 
“My city,” he sighed. “I love exploring the world with you, darling, but I always feel most at home here.”
You tipped your head back onto his shoulder, looking up.  The stars glittered sharply in the way they only did on very cold, clear winter nights.  You thought they would cut you, if you could touch them. 
But you could touch your own cold, sharp star, you thought with a smile.  Strong and solid behind you, holding you like he'd never let go.  He buried his nose in your neck and you reached up and back to tangle your fingers in the curls at his nape. 
“I'll never tire of it,” he said against your skin.  “I get such a thrill when I get to show the world that you chose me.  You are the best thing that ever happened to me and no matter how many years pass, I'll still be shooing away anyone who looks at you too long.  I love proving that you are mine.”  You feel his smile.  
You turned in his arms, draping your own around his neck.  “And you're mine.”  You pressed a soft kiss to his cheek, icy against your lips.  
“Maybe someday you'll finally let me stab a few of them a little.”
“Just a little?” you giggled. 
“Jealous and covered in blood is quite a good look for me.”
“Oh, absolutely it is.” 
“We should go inside, you must be freezing.”
You wiggled around to look back over the city, filled with peace and hope.  So many families, so many people of every race joining in to spread brightness in the darkest time of the year.  So much love filled your heart, for the people, for the city you'd saved, and especially for the man behind you who had worked so hard to stay with you through his pain. 
“Just a little longer, love.  Our city looks so beautiful."
Master Post
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naaami · 9 months
its been so long since ive done any fire emblem meta commentary but here i go (ranting about micaiah incoming)
people have for years come at me with "uhmm micaiah is a good person ackshually" no what makes her so interesting as a protagonist is that she isnt. she straight up says "If that's what it takes to be just, then I want nothing to do with justice. I'd rather be hated and feared like Mad King Ashnard. I'd rather the dark god take my soul. I'm going to save my people, Sothe. If the rest of the world paints me as a beast to be reviled and hated, so be it.”
she is, on paper and beyond, willing go to any lengths for daein including committing atrocities against anyone who's against daein, even when daein is in the wrong (which is usually is lol). and she does.
sure she feels bad about it but that doesnt make her a better person than say soren (who to be clear is also not a good person) who is openly willing to go to the same lengths if needed. micaiah stands for a country thats straight up racist and bloodthirsty towards innocents just bc those same bloodthirsty racists are nice to her and revere her.
and she enjoys that reverence (see: her conversation w/ sothe where she expresses terror over losing the people's adoration of her if they find out she's branded).
of course theres a degree of murkiness even then because to a point you can see her justification - as far as she knows, everyone in daein will die if she doesnt support begnion's racist-ass campaign against the laguz. so there is some understandability to her course of action even while its still, when you weigh out the options, largely wrong (imo and debatable [do not debate me on this i dont care what u think lol]).
anyway micaiah being morally questionable despite her ostensible "kindness" is, again, what makes her so interesting and what makes radiant dawn so compelling. to have a protagonist who can be kind in manner and feeling but also amoral in action is fun!! she does not have to be a "good person," she makes it clear she doesnt even care about being a good person. and in fact its more interesting that she's not.
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raylin-creates · 10 months
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OK between encouraging Xie Lian and Hua Cheng to kiss earlier and now asking one of the questions I've been wondering about for a while now, why does it seem that Pei Ming of all people has become a vessel for the reader?
Someone commented a bit ago when Pei Ming had started encouraging their relationship that that scene had been what finally brought them over to liking him and I have to agree that this arc is doing a lot to soften his character.
Personally I still don't like him (as a person, he's a good character though), but this has pushed him in my mind more towards "pathetic, unaware of himself, with few to no pleasant qualities" rather than "actively malicious, scheming, horrible bastard." Depending on what the story does with him from here on out, I could see myself potentially liking him, whereas before I couldn't have imagined it.
Honestly I have more problems with Pei Xiu than Pei Ming, from the Ban Yue Arc.
I do still think it's ...off-putting? Unusual? Unpleasant? That the narrative seems to have just skipped over and ignored that Pei Xiu actively committed genocide. Like, his punishment seemed to have more to do with the circumstances of how it happened than the genocide itself, and any remorse he shows is more about Banyue taking the full blame than anything else.
I can hope something will happen in the future that more fully explores the full implications of it but as of now there doesn't seem to be any intention of revisiting it. After the real circumstances got explained back in the Ban Yue Arc, the story abandoned what little effort there had been to portray Kemo (the only character from Ban Yue Other than Banyue to recieve significant screen time) as being justified in his rage over what happened.
There's a huge difference in how the narrative is treating the killing off of the Ban Yue kingdom vs the Xianle kingdom. We obviously spend a lot more time learning about Xianle since it has huge significance to the main character, but even accounting for that, there's a huge tonal difference in how they're spoken of by the story.
Is this anything? Like am I losing my mind here? Anyone else wish the story had spent a little more time examining the full consequences of Ban Yue being entirely destroyed?
Not just how it affected characters like Banyue and Pei Xie, but how it affected the actual citizens of Ban Yue, like Kemo's rage and grief? How there were definitely innocents killed, no matter how the story insists the entire kingdom was militaristic and bloodthirsty?
I dunno. Maybe I'm misremembering how bad it was handled, (I hope I am), but I definitely want to revisit that arc and take the time to examine it properly.
Wow I really just spent the better part of half an hour ranting about an arc way back from the beginning of the series instead of reading the current one. Uh, Oops?
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hinatastinygiant · 11 months
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7 | Lunar Gold
Pairing: Bakugou x Fem!Reader
Pirate's Treasure Masterlist
You can hear his splashing behind you as he wades deeper into the water. He's so quiet that it's hard to believe he's there.
You finish washing yourself before you turn back around. When you do, he's already staring at you, a serious expression on his face.
"I was going to ask you..." he trails off
He stops, as if struggling with himself. "How old are you?"
"Twenty five," you reply, "but usually girls don't like it when guys ask them their age. Makes us feel old or something. I can't really explain it. It's just one of those things."
"I wasn't asking because of that," he says, shaking his head. "It's just... we're the same age."
"I know," you shrug. "We look about the same age, and I'd guess you're twenty five too. That's not so weird, is it?"
"It's not that. It's just that..."
"You're pretty. I mean, I don't meet a lot of people, and... you're the first woman I've talked to in a long time."
You're not sure how to respond, so you just smile.
"Well, thank you," you say. "That's sweet of you."
After that, there's an awkward silence, and the two of you stand in the water, not saying a word. However, you slowly begin to wade back towards him.
"Um, Y/N," he finally says. "Do you like being an adventurer?"
"I do," you nod, surprised he wants to know. "It's not easy, and it's dangerous. But it's what I love doing. And I'm lucky to have a career that lets me do what I love."
"That's good," he says, smiling slightly.
"Do you like being a pirate?" you then ask him.
He pauses. "Sometimes," he admits.
"I like sailing. But I'm not really a fan of killing people."
"Really? But, aren't pirates supposed to be bloodthirsty, murderous, cutthroat scum of the sea," you smile, half joking.
"Ha, ha," he rolls his eyes, though the smirk on his face suggests he isn't really mad. "But yeah, I guess so. I mean, I'm not a good guy."
"Oh really?" you grin. "Cause from where I'm standing, you're kind of a badass. You saved my life, remember? And you seem like a decent guy."
"Not as much as you think," he says, looking away.
"I don't know," you shrug. "I'm not usually the type of person who judges people quickly. I like to give everyone a chance, you know? So, maybe I'm wrong about you, but I don't think so."
"Well, thanks," he mutters, blushing slightly.
"Besides, you gave me my freedom back, for the most part, and you didn't have to," you remind him, getting a bit closer still.
"I couldn't just leave you to die," he answers, stiffening up as you wander up beside him, still up to your shoulders in water.
A flicker of something unspoken passes between you. You find yourself drawn to his eyes, and you can't stop staring. He's so handsome, and yet, he doesn't seem to know it.
"Still, thanks," you say softly, a smile on your lips.
He just nods, looking a bit nervous. As you gaze at each other, the lines between prisoner and captor blur, and for a moment, it seems as if the world has stopped turning.
"Hey," he then calls out.
"This...this is probably a bad idea," he murmurs, "but I've been trapped here for so long... And you're so..."
"So, what?" you ask.
"Beautiful," he finishes, his voice barely a whisper.
Your heart skips a beat.
Before either of you can say anything more, he closes the distance between the two of you and kisses you. The feeling of his soft lips on yours is enough to make your knees weak, and you instinctively kiss him back, your hands moving to his hair.
The kiss is deep and passionate, and for a moment, the rest of the world fades away. There's nothing except the two of you. It's a kiss full of desire and longing, and it makes you dizzy.
When the two of you finally pull away, the world comes rushing back in, and the realization of what just happened hits you.
"Shit," Bakugou says, backing away from you.
"What's wrong?"
"This... I mean, I'm sorry," he mutters, his cheeks a bright shade of red.
"Bakugou," you call out, trying to get his attention. "It's okay."
Bakugou, not needing to be told twice, kisses you again. This time, the kiss is softer, and more gentle.
It's not long before his hands move to your hips, and his touch sends shivers down your spine. You let out a small moan as his lips travel from your lips to your neck, and his fingers slide up your bare skin, tracing the curve of your body.
"You're so beautiful," he whispers against your neck, his breath hot on your skin.
You can't help but smile. You've never had anyone make you feel this way before.
As his lips explore every inch of your body, your hands move across his chest, your fingertips dancing over his skin.
You're not sure how long the two of you spend exploring each other's bodies, but it's enough for you to forget about the heat, the sun, and everything else in the world. All that matters is him and his touch.
You're lost in the sensation of his touch, his kiss, and his body pressed against yours. It's unlike anything you've ever experienced, and you never want it to end.
However, as soon as his hands wander lower, he pauses.
"Is this okay?" he asks.
You nod.
He hesitates.
"Bakugou," you groan. "Don't stop."
With a low growl, he kisses you once more, and the two of you sink deeper into the water.
As his hand moves between your thighs, you let out a small whimper, and your back arches in pleasure. You grip onto his back, pulling him closer, and you can feel him pressing against you.
"God, Bakugou," you gasp.
"Do you like that?" he growls, his voice thick with lust.
You can only nod.
His fingers work their magic on your clit, pumping in and out of you.
You moan and writhe beneath him, your hands clutching his hair, his back, his arms, anything you can reach.
"Bakugou," you moan. "Don't stop."
He leans down and captures your lips in a hungry kiss, his tongue exploring your mouth. You moan into his mouth, and your hips buck against his hand, desperate for release.
"Bakugou," you breathe.
"What is it, Y/N?"
"Please," you beg.
"Please, what?" he teases.
"Make me come," you say, your voice a desperate whine.
He smirks. "As you wish."
And with that, his fingers push deeper into you, finding the spot that drives you crazy.
You gasp and arch your back, and your eyes roll back as the waves of pleasure wash over you. You clutch his back and cry out, the feeling overwhelming you.
After a few moments, your body relaxes, and the world slowly comes back into focus.
"Bakugou," you whisper, gazing up at him with a dazed expression.
"Yeah?" he replies as he pulls away from you.
"Where the fuck did you learn how to do that?" you ask, a playful smirk on your lips.
"I told you. Those rich pricks come to the island. What the hell do you think they do with their time?" he rolls his eyes.
"And you watch them?!"
"Fuck, Y/N, what the hell am I supposed to do? I've been stranded here alone for years. They're the closest thing to entertainment I've got."
"Well, you definitely learned a few tricks," you chuckle.
Although Bakugou tries his best not to smile slip, it does.
"So, what now?" you ask.
"Time to get out of the water," he sighs. "We've got to keep looking for that damn spot on the map before that solstice day passes."
You sigh, disappointed. You thought he'd at least want to stay a little longer.
"I'm not complaining, though. I had fun," you say as you wade towards the shore. "But alright, let's get back to work."
Pirate's Treasure Masterlist
Taglist: @nemisimp @boopjuice @stevenknightmarc
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quodekash · 2 years
my sister and I just watched all the zombies movies for the first time. And I’m kind of annoyed with how much I genuinely liked them
Big (and I mean huge there’s a lot so you have been warned) ramble about why the movies are actually really good under the keep reading thing (what are you actually supposed to call that? The banner? Idk). Spoiler warning!
First I’m gonna say the things I didn’t like about the movies
-So it’s about zombies (well, it is at first), and zombies have pale skin. The problem with that is black zombies have quite a bit of whitewashing which isn’t good.
-There’s also quite a lack of (canon) queer characters and relationships in the first two movies, but then when it comes to the third one, it’s actually pretty good. (I’ll go more in depth on this later)
-And naturally there were the flaws of DCOMs, like awkward dialogue that doesn’t feel like how real people speak, plot lines going pretty fast, relationships developing weirdly quickly, talking into the camera, all those kinds of things. But honestly… okay, quick disclaimer, I am a huge lover of the hsm and descendants movies. But… I think… zombiesmightbemyfavouritedcomfranchise. I still love the others, but in terms of development of characters and relationships, and representation, this one was probably the best. (I’ll also touch on this more in-depth later)
-There was this one moment in the first movie where it seemed like Bucky was getting a redemption and becoming a good person! But then suddenly he was bad again. And then at the end of the movie it seemed like he was getting a redemption again! But then in the next movie he was horrible again. But then at the end of the movie it kinda felt like he was slightly redeemed! But then in the next one he was even worse. So they could’ve tried to develop his character further and not scrap the redemption each time, but it’s fine because every other character gets so much development it’s crazy
-It’s a little inaccurate at times? Like I’m pretty sure werewolves wouldn’t actually look/act the way they do, but then again there’s so many different myths of werewolves so it doesn’t really matter. And there’s almost no way aliens would speak English or be even vaguely humanoid, but then again we literally don’t know cos we’ve never experienced aliens before
-And the last thing I didn’t like about the movies was Bucky.
1- Bonzo.
2- I love the concept so much, because people would absolutely be racist and horrible towards zombies and werewolves and aliens if we discovered they were real.
3- The entire series is a social commentary and I’m living for it. Like, each group represents a different minority. Zombies are representative of African Americans, especially when it comes to the segregation; stores only allowing humans to buy from them; zombies only recently being allowed to go to school with humans and previously they had specific schools for zombies and specific schools for humans; there being different sides of the city where zombies aren’t allowed on one side for the humans’ safety, humans aren’t allowed on the other side also for the humans’ safety; even calling zombies monsters even though they’re very stable-minded people (because of the Z-band, but also after a bit they can control their zombie urges and they’re stable-minded without the z-band too). I just really feel like the entire thing is super representative of American history (well, what I know of American history as a non-American. If anyone who knows more than me can expand on this, that would be great!) And then the werewolves literally describe themselves as the original owners of the land, meaning they’re both literally and metaphorically the First Nations peoples. I’m gonna take this from the Australian side of things, because that’s what I’m more familiar with. Both the humans and the zombies feared the werewolves without reason. They called them savage, bloodthirsty, unpredictable. In terms of Australian history, that fits perfectly. If you’re unfamiliar, I’m gonna give you a bit of a history lesson (and I will talk a lot, I’m really passionate about this and I also did a whole unit on this last term so it’s all fresh in my mind). White Australians treated Indigenous Australians horribly. There was a plan for a while, literally called White Australia, where the white people were determined to “breed out the black”, which is when the stolen generation happened. First Nations boys were taken from their homes to go to boarding schools and learn Christian values. First Nations girls were taken from their homes and forced to marry and have children with a white man. If they kept going for enough generations, there would only be white people left. It started in the mid-1800s, but didn’t end until the 1970s. That’s only 50 years ago. And throughout it, none of them were allowed to practice their culture and traditions, they couldn’t be on their own land, on their country, they couldn’t even speak their own languages. We went from over 250 individual languages, not even including all the different dialects, and now we’re down to about 100-150, but most of those are near extinction. Most languages there’s only a few words that they know for sure. And because of all that, today we still have repercussions of it. So many First Nations peoples have no idea what their traditions are, they don’t know the name of their country, they don’t know their language, they don’t know who their elders are. Which I think reflects the werewolves, getting sick and losing their power because the humans took away their power source. And that leaves the aliens, who represent neurodivergent people, particularly autism. They’d never experienced emotions before, they’re excluded because they act strangely or talk strangely, they’re unfamiliar with humans and their human ways because they’ve never experienced humans and never been taught how to “act human”. And there’s so much more I could talk about with all of these things, but I don’t want to bore you.
4- The relationships?? Are actually?? Good???? Like, Addison and Zed met in the sweetest way, and I’m not usually one for “love at first sight” and it seems like that’s what they were pushing for these two, but the development of their relationship? I’m shocked. In a good way. They have issues and problems, mostly due to miscommunication. But then they clear those problems up so well and act in a way that’s so mature it’s astounding. Addison doesn’t answer Zed’s letters because the Aceys were shredding them all and making pom-poms out of them? Addison explains it and Zed takes the explanation and doesn’t make it a big thing. A werewolf is flirting with Addison and Zed gets really jealous? They both dramatically sing a song and Zed realises he was being close-minded and mean and making Addison feel alone, and wants to apologise. Then he thinks Addison has been kidnapped so he tries to rescue her and thereby offends the werewolves and Addison. And then a rift appears because Zed takes the necklace and doesn’t want Addison to leave him and become a werewolf. But it’s fine, because Zed not only owns up to it, but also after thinking about his actions, he apologises sincerely and says he had no right to do that. And he literally could’ve said he just found it rather than took it, they all literally think he found it at first. But no, he tells the truth. And honestly, that takes real strength. The next movie, someone who has never felt emotion before has romantic interest in Zed? Addison tries to explain in a super respectful way and doesn’t get mad, even when they still don’t understand. Addison is the aliens’ map so she has to leave with them, but Zed doesn’t want that? He accepts it anyway, because he can see it’s important to her. They’re sad but they part ways and I’m crying. And then they realise Utopia was Seabrook and they come back and everyone’s happy and I’m still crying Bonzo and Bree? Absolute. Goals. You’d think they’d have communication issues because Bonzo doesn’t speak English, right? Nope. They’re flipping perfect. Bree learns to understand Zombie so that she knows what he’s saying to her, Bonzo is so pure and sweet and wholesome and- you know what, actually:
5- expanding on my first point: Bonzo. He’s perfect. He supports his friends, he’s wholesome, he just wants a hug. He can write in both English and Zombie, he understands both English and Zombie, he speaks Zombie, is super good with Werewolf, and probably could speak some level of English but he doesn’t want to. When he makes signs, he does them in both English and Zombie, so that everyone can read it. Like, when he’s wearing the sign things for Zed’s presidency, he has one side in English that says “Zed for president”, and the other side is in Zombie. He’s one of the tallest and strongest people, yet he doesn’t do the sporty things and something about that feels so refreshing. He does cheer and band and dj-ing and probably other things, but he doesn’t do… uh, the sport in the movie. Football? Rugby? The- the game with the ball. (Clearly, I know sports)
6- The soundtracks are so stinking good, especially the second and third ones like wow. Just- the MUSIC and the SINGING and the EFFECTS and the MELODIES and the HARMONIES and the DOPAMINE It brings me joy. But seriously, whenever I watch a new movie, I always go through and listen to the soundtrack (whether it’s a musical movie or not), and press the little heart on the ones that I really like, and for all three, there were only 11 I didn’t like as much as the rest. And 7 of those were from the first one. The soundtracks are literally so good I can’t even explain it
7- The actors ages are awesome. Like, every single one is between 20 and 26, which is both amazingly age appropriate for high-schoolers (reminder: the first one came out in 2018, and they were probably filming all throughout 2017. Like the main two actors were been 16 and 17 while filming the first movie, which is amazing). And not only that, it’s fantastic that they’re all around the same age, because then it’s beautifully unproblematic casting. (Like, if there was a 16 year old and a 25 year old, that would be. Not good. But there wasn’t so it’s not not good!) And also, adding on to that, the actors are all just so good, despite their young age. They’re all so talented and amazing and they portray each of their characters so well and I want to hug them all please :D
8- The representation in terms of race. It’s astounding. There’s so much diversity in all the actors. The whitewashing with the zombies is very not great, but compared to other movies (especially other dcoms), the racial rep is absolute top notch (at least I think it is. If someone who’s watched more movies than me could fact-check me that would be excellent)
9- THE QUEER REP IN THE THIRD MOVIE. Everyone uses A-spen’s they/them pronouns perfectly and without question. In Exceptional Zed (Reprise), you can see a female werewolf holding hands with a female cheerleader. Zed finds out a-spen likes him, and he doesn’t say like “wait does that make me…”, nothing like that, he just says he’s got universal appeal. And that’s it. And then Addison tells him to be nice because a-spen’s new to emotions and I literally love both of them so much for it. A-spen and Willa become a couple at the end of the third movie, and they don’t hide it, nothing bad happens to them, it’s so casual and no one questions it and I love it so much
10- RuPaul voicing the Mothership.
11- every single person in every single one of these movies is so attractive. Help.
13- I wanted to make a negative point about how some of the characters (*cough*zed*cough*) aren’t exactly great people sometimes, but the thing is they literally always develop and become a better person. Which makes me mad cos I want to get angry at the characters but I can’t because they always improve Like, Zed’s got a couple problems a few times. In the second movie, he keeps insisting that zombies aren’t monsters. But, after being influenced by the werewolves, he’s proud to be a monster because there’s no shame in it. Like at one point the lady in charge of the uni’s applying to, so someone you’d probably be scared of correcting, said “Our biggest concern is that you could turn into a monster at any time.” and he swiftly corrects her and says, “Yes, I am a monster, but completely safe!” So he corrects her really easily and then continues on. And in the second movie he’s really racist against werewolves and that sucks but then he realises how many things they all have in common and he learns some things from the werewolves and he’s super nice and awesome to everyone ever after that. Even when the aliens come, he’s a little ticked off but only because the aliens coming made the college recruiter people freak out and run away, but then they help him out because he didn’t openly aggravate them or anything, so he’s just a super good person And later on, Addison’s alien powers finally come in and she keeps zapping Zed and making him go all freaky which makes the interview lady terrified and she starts running away, which means his chances of getting into the uni are really low at this point, and Addison pus on gloves and says “I’m so sorry!!” And Zed, ever the amazing person, says “Don’t be.” Then runs after her and sings a little reprise of exceptional zed and I love it. Anyway. There’s other examples of other characters’ development/s but Zed was the main one, and also I’ve already spoken a lot more than I thought I would do I’ll leave it there with this point.
14- There’s really good platonic male/female friendships and that’s so refreshing. You’d expect them to put the main two werewolves in a relationship, but no, one of them gets the tech-savvy-activist zombie (happiness!) and the other gets the non binary alien (hAPPINESS!) And after Addison leaves and they’re all staring into space where the Mothership had just been, Stacey takes Zed’s hand and holds it, and platonic handholding makes me feel so happy for some reason Just- usually movies take two best friends of opposite genders, then decide at least one of them likes the other, and forces them into a couple or forces one into the friend zone which makes things awkward and then their friendship doesn’t survive. And I hate it when they do that because it happens a lot, so seeing this franchise literally not even do it once feels so nice
15- This is just a small thing but oh my gosh, Wynter on the football team??? I LOVE IT MORE THAN I CAN EXPRESS. Like. It’s rare that you see men on the cheer squad, and yet there’s heaps of them. It’s even more rare that you see women on the football team (unless it’s specifically a “women’s football” team which is just stupid can we get rid of “sport” and “women’s sport” and just make it all ✨non existent✨ and just make it all ✨sport for everyone✨?). And not only that, a werewolf. And not only that, a werewolf who CLEARLY HAS AUTISM AND I LOVE HER And Zed is super duper supportive and amazing and says the right things Wynter spends the entire second movie doing or saying something, then asking “Too much?” And the answer is generally yes. Sometimes it’s more of an implied yes but still a yes. And then when Zed gets her pumped up at the rally thing, she runs super fast and accidentally makes an indent in the bus, and she asks “Too much?” And immediately, without missing a beat, Zed yells, “Never too much, you do you!!” AND IT FEELS SO GOOD FOR REASONS I CANT EXPLAIN
16- AMAZING LINES OH MY GOSH a few examples (okay more than a few): -“We’re changing ourselves. But what needs to change is everybody else.” (SAY IT LOUDER FOR THE FOLKS IN THE BACK) -“Yeah, we are different Bucky, but that’s what makes us stronger!” (👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏) -“I thought werewolves were just myths.” “Yeah, like cavities.” (This one’s just funny) -“How do people make it look easy? Are they happy or just good at deceiving?” (THE TRUTH STINGS BUT ITS SATISFYING) -“The more I cover up my flaws the more they appear.” (👏PO👏E👏TRY👏) -“Dude, you eat brains,” “If I did, you don’t have one so you’d be safe.” (The ✨sass✨) -“You’re beautiful, Addie… but the same beautiful that you’ve always been.” (Seriously tho, that was the perfect way to say that. Not ‘you’re not a werewolf,’ not ‘I’m sorry,’ just “you are beautiful.” Sorry I love her) -“We’re part of Seabrook, too. The originals, in fact.” (YES!! JUSTICE! FOR! ORIGINAL! OWNERS!) -“I couldn’t handle the fact that you might be a monster, ‘cause I couldn’t accept the fact that I am one.” (SLOW! SELF! ACCEPTANCE! WE LOVE IT!) -“Your teacher does not understand Zombie culture.” (It’s so true!) -“The joy of competition has consumed me and unfortunately I am just so good at winning.” (You can’t not love Matt Cornett) -“I may be part alien but I’m still totally alone.” “Addison, because of you, no one in Seabrook ever has to feel alone.” (I’m not crying shut up) -“So much passion!” “Uh… she wants to rip your heart out.” “She can have it!” (IM CRYING I LOVE THEM) -“Woah! You zombied out! You good?” “Yeah. I dunno what you’re up to, but brother, but I got your back.” (I LOVE ZOEY WITH ALL MY SOUL) -“No matter how far away she goes, she’ll always be a part of our pack.” (IM SOBBING) -“Wyatt? I like-like you too.” “……..awoo.” (JFJEJEFJEJEJFJHDHFJFJFJ) -“Maybe we’ll meet again. Somehow.” “Someday.” (SOMEDAY- I CANT TAKE IT THEYRE GONNA KILL ME)
basically they’re really good movies and you should watch them if you haven’t already. thank me later.
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Roleplaying Races 13: Strix
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(art by Akerion on DeviantArt)
 We’re back with another special on the various playable ancestries/races in Pathfinder, and honestly, we’re actually running fairly low on those that we have not covered. Don’t fret though, that just means we’ll move on to their 2nd edition versions!
In any case, today we are tackling the strix, a species that have a long history that unfortunately has some relatively recent bad blood with humanity.
While not humanoid in form as they are in the game, the word strix was used to describe a mythological “bloodthirsty monster in bird form”, that flew with their heads low and the legs up high, blending in ideas of both bats and owls. Early references credit the strix with tormenting infants as night, while later versions had them outright killing and eating infants and adults alike.
Following that Greek origin and the general assumption that people have long made monsters out of ordinary nocturnal animals that didn’t want anything to do with them, we can see how Pathfinder’s strix starts to take shape, not just in form, but also in how they are treated.
 In Pathfinder, the strix (or itarii, to use the name they call themselves) are a people of humanoids most distinguished by their fully functional wings on their back. In the continent of Avistan, the only confirmed enclave of these avian beings is a jagged mountain range in Cheliax called the Devil’s Perch. However, their history goes back further than that.
Supposedly, the strix were created by syrinx owl-men of Arcadia to be their favored servants in their tyrannical empire that favors those that can fly and enslaves all others. However, while it is possible some strix still live under syrinx rule, this has not been explored yet. However, many clans of strix have left the syrinx behind, settling other parts of Arcadia, the shattered remains of Azlant, and indeed, the group that came to Devil’s Perch. (though they did not arrive their by choice, apparently being separated from their kin by a titanic storm.)
While we’ve only seen glimpses of the Arcadian and Azlanti strix, who do not harbor any ill-will towards humanity, the cause of which is well-deserved, though colored by how the strix view the world.
Indeed, the strix did at one point ally themselves with Aspex, the first king of Cheliax, who agreed to leave them to their devices. Later rulers would flaunt that agreement, and the strix, who mistakenly assume that humans are as tight-knit and singular as they are, believed they have been betrayed and that humans were untrustworthy as a rule.
This escalated as the strix began attacking Chelish pioneers and soldiers as invaders and villains, and the Chelish in kind fought back against these “savages”.
It may yet be possible to mend these relationships, especially if the strix got back in regular contact with their kin across the sea, who know no such hatred, but that remains to be seen.
 Superficially, strix resemble humans with their mammalian, primate-like traits, but the more one looks at them, the more clear they are clearly something different, and not just in the large wings that sprout from their backs. Strix stand about 6 feet tall on average, and their skin tones and plumage range from a dark blue-black to more human-like skin tones and lighter feathers as well. They have human-like hair, but long, pointed ears than hang out to the side at a slightly drooping angle, setting them apart from elven ears. Meanwhile, the eyes of a strix are large and seem pupiless due to the darkness of their large irises. What’s more, said eyes cannot rotate in their sockets, requiring the strix to move their heads to focus on individual details, giving them a distinctly bird-like manner as they take in their environment.Their bodies typically are lean with well-defined muscle, especially in the chest to help drive their flight. Finally, their feet sport powerful talons, and have a distinctly raptoral structure.
Itarii society is matriarchal and close-knit, with individual families or tribes living communally under the oldest and wisest female member, called a rokoa. The needs of the community outweigh the needs of the individual usually, and due to their small numbers in Avistan, the loss of even a single of their number is considered devastating. It is that tight-knit society that has kept them alive, but also what has led to so many misunderstandings with humans and other people, though obviously the blame still truly rests with the Chelish humans whose mistreatment and brutality led to their long-standing hatred.
 The strix are agile, but their insular nature means they aren’t exactly social outside their own kind.
While they are just as fast on land as humans, they really shine in the air, flying swiftly and with great agility.
True to the owls they were drawn from both conceptually and in regards to the syrinx, strix have powerful eyes capable of seeing in low to no light, and are especially perceptive in the dark.
Whether it is purely from viciousness or special training, strix often know the best way to strike true against human targets.
Their distrust of outsiders, particularly humans, also makes them suspicious of magic meant to deceive them.
 Of course, not all strix are from Devil’s Perch, and many others have differing traits beside. These might include practicing nonlethal combat so their own combat rarely leaves lasting harm on their kin or upon others they do not wish to kill, while others trade their night-sight to guard their people during the day. Some adopt a fierce demeanor to unnerve potential attackers, while others are especially agile and able to avoid attacks. Some are especially tough instead. And some, whether by deformity or injury, have weak wings, flying much slower and clumsier and ostracized by their kin. They make up for this by learning to better deal with outsiders, making them the envoys of the itarii people, albeit those strangely distant from their kin.
 With their aerial superiority and dex bonus, the most obvious class for the itarii to take is some sort of ranged martial class like fighter, ranger, bomb-focused alchemist, and the like. However, don’t underestimate the power of the Fly-by Attack feat, especially if you complement it with feats or abilities that let you deal some strong damage with a single attack, such as Vital Strike, cavalier challenge, investigator studied strike, the magus’s spellstrike, or certain bloodrager abilities. As far as casters go, they can easily take any Intelligence or Wisdom caster with no problem, but they suffer a bit in both social roles and Charisma-based spellcasting. However, this can be worked around, especially since they have the range to keep out of reach.
 That will do for today, but it’s interesting to see where strix came from in folklore and how it, however distantly, shaped their portrayal in the game.
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digimonlover09 · 10 months
Who is Mama Sun?
The Sun from my Kidclipse AU, where Eclipse formed in Sun’s head as a small child, designed Bloodmoon and Lunar to be toddlers because he refused to be the baby brother, and proceeded to lash out and mostly follow canon (he bullied Roxy while pretending to be Sun instead of the whole maternity chip thing) while pretending to be an adult until Sun went into his own head to meet him (right after his fight with Moon but before the Witherstorm would’ve happened), and found a traumatized child terrified of being locked up again instead of the big scary villain he was expecting.
Sun and Moon proceeded to step up as coparents for him. And get him therapy. He still has a fear of magic from that suppression spell Grandpa Golden used during their first meeting.
Kidclipse was already in the process of building Toddlunar, so he kept that a secret, causing Mama Sun to freak out when he woke up in Moom (Mom Moon). Glamrock Freddy was the one who got him to admit to Lunar and frantically apologize, and was deemed Papa (thanks to a serious of misunderstandings, Roxy ended up believing Kidclipse is Sun and Glamrock Freddy’s kid, and that Sun was acting weird because he was pregnant. And she ended up spreading that rumor.)
The kids got a body and things were calm until October, when Toddlunar let slip that Bloodmoon exists. Babyblood are still super bloodthirsty, because they were still made to break that firewall, and they still caused July 16 because they were in Mama Sun’s body. Their bloodlust construct body was much smaller and weaker, though, so they’ve been limited to eating mice since they ran off.
Dauncle Monty made them a tiny nanomachine body, and usually babysits them during Daycare hours because nobody trusts them near the human kids.
Dadcode woke up, adopted the kids immediately, and has since gotten his own body that looks exactly like the mindscape one. He’s the one who takes the twins hunting, and tries to guide their eating habits towards bad people.
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