#Networking Opportunity
strategiadvizo · 6 months
Unlock Your Potential: Join Our Exclusive 1-Day Workshop!
Register Now Are you ready to elevate your skills and unlock new opportunities? Strategia Advizo, in collaboration with Tilka Manjhi Bhagalpur University, is thrilled to announce an exclusive one-day workshop designed specifically for MBA and M.Com students. Scheduled for the first week of April 2024, at the university seminar hall, this series promises to be a game-changer for your professional…
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algoworks · 7 months
Excitement is brewing as Fintech Meetup 2024 draws near! Join us at the 2nd largest fintech event of the year, where industry leaders, innovators, and enthusiasts converge to explore the latest trends, technologies, and opportunities shaping the future of finance.
Don't miss out on this unparalleled networking opportunity and a chance to stay ahead of the curve in the dynamic world of fintech. Secure your spot today and be part of the conversation that's driving fintech innovation forward!
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dlartistanon · 3 months
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Seeing them in RS reminded me how good their dynamic is. I will not stand for Zofia erasure. Zofia is the one who has mentored and supported Maria all this time. Zofia openly shows her care and concern and was willing to die with Maria just so she wouldn't be alone.
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femmefatalevibe · 1 year
Femme Fatale Guide: Types of Relationships To Help You Thrive In Life
Table of Contents:
Healthy Relationship With Yourself
Peer-To-Peer Relationship
Mentorship Relationship
Goal-Oriented/Accountability-Focused Relationship
Emotionally-Intimate Relationship
Physical/Sexually-Intimate Relationship
Acquaintance Relationships
Second-Degree Relationships
Types of Relationships:
Healthy Relationship With Yourself: Internalize and act with the knowledge that you're worthy of love, care, and nourishment, and have unconditional permission to work towards your goals & dream life. Eat healthfully, drink plenty of water, remain well-rested, move your body daily, maintain proper hygiene/a clean home, invest in your appearance to feel your best, live as a life-long learner, establish healthy habits/routines, get your finances in order, establish and maintain boundaries, make positive self-talk a priority.
Peer-To-Peer Relationship: Aka friendships, which are intended to offer mutual support and joy in life. These friendships thrive on having similar values and interests, which makes these individuals your greatest cheerleaders, advice givers/receivers, and partners in crime to have fun or offer platonic love/emotional support during traditional or difficult seasons in your life. Peer-to-peer relationships should add mutual excitement, encouragement, and emotional nourishment, and provide a soundboard for confidential information exchange, ears to listen without unnecessary or superficial judgment, and solicited advice from someone who has your best interest in mind.
Mentorship Relationship: This could be a boss, teacher, professor, aunt, uncle, or another trusted adult(s) who can guide you based on their more extensive life experience/wisdom. You can have one or several mentors at any life stage and for different purposes. These people should be trustworthy (keep your information confidential unless you state otherwise) and express their advice through the lens of your best interest rather than their own personal desires or biases (at least those left unchecked). Ensure you feel safe around these people, and their presence in your life is a mutually-nourishing relationship that allows you to grow personally, professionally, and relationally.
Goal-Oriented/Accountability-Focused Relationship: A coach, mentorship, or friendship based on the achievement of a particular goal or practice. This type of relationship can manifest as an accountability partner or support group. A therapist can also fulfill this role in your life (but like, a coach, this relationship is a one-way street to offer you emotional support/tools & resources). Some reasons for an accountability-oriented relationship include helping you achieve a certain health/fitness goal, establish better routines, advance in your career, let go of unhealthy habits, patterns, or addictions, better manage your finances, or help you get your other relationships (family, partner, friends, self-talk, boss, co-workers, etc.) in order.
Emotionally-Intimate Relationship: Someone with whom you feel an unwavering emotional closeness and connection. This person can be a partner you're involved with sexually/physically intimate with or not. Asexuality exists, of course. And emotional intimacy can definitely exist in close platonic relationships (like your best friendships) without any romantic or sexual feelings. These relationships are important because they allow you to let your emotional walls down and be your vulnerable, authentic self.
Physical/Sexually-Intimate Relationship: This relationship could be with a romantic partner, FWB, with multiple partners, purely with yourself, or somewhere in between. If you have sexual needs, it's important to find pleasurable ways to satisfy these desires in a way that makes you feel most fulfilled and respected. Let go of any shame you experience when exploring this side of yourself. Experiment and learn what you like/dislike/fantasize about. Use this information to elevate your practice and communication with any partner(s) for a heightened, more enjoyable, and potentially closer emotionally-bonding experience.
Hobby/Interest-Centric Relationship: These relationships can extend from co-workers to your friends in a certain class/the one friend you go on weekly walks with, follow a particular TV show with, exchange beauty tips with, "going out" friends, etc. While these connections aren't vulnerable to the degree of a close friendship/relationship, it is important to have some relationships that are purely based on fun, light-hearted conversations, and mutual hobbies/interests/lifestyles. Having someone to share these mutual experiences with helps you feel more connected to your environment/communities, not feel isolated/lonely when your friends, family, or intimate partner has different hobbies, career aspirations, or daily routines/lifestyle compared to you, and provides a mutual soundboard on issues, insights, and exciting moments in this particular area of your life.
Acquaintance Relationships: Everyone needs those friends, co-workers, or classmates they can just chat with when at a party, a group meeting, dinner, a special occasion, to grab a quick lunch or coffee, etc. These people are fun to be around and allow you to indulge in light, easy conversations to offer temporary social support/fulfillment. These relationships also expand your network for professional opportunities, making new friends, finding dates/a potential partner, interest groups/new hobbies, referral services/classes/spaces, and other contacts that can enrich your life.
Second-Degree Relationships: These are friend-of-a-friend type connections who can be/become your future business partners, romantic/sexual partners, co-workers, investors, hairdressers, realtors, stylists, finance managers, etc. Be ready to reciprocate these offers and be this person in others' lives, too. As your network gets broader and more dynamic, better chances and potential there is to connect with the right people to help you achieve your goals, desires, and overall life satisfaction. Success and efficiency rarely – if ever – exist in isolation.
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hehehe has this been done yet
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insufferablemod · 5 months
hi im still mad davesprite never got to talk to dirk
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cuppanova · 1 year
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we are not made for this
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fricc-darn · 5 months
How would BEN react to overhearing reader talking fondly of them?
It was one of those days. A day that went on for too long with too much to do. Thankfully, your long day finally came to an end. As exhausting as it was, the only thing on your mind was to quickly get back home and relax. The stroll back home wasn't glamorous by any means; there was litter on the pavement, and noisy cars were zipping by during rush hour. The city life is what you knew, and frankly, you enjoyed it here.
You learned to appreciate its beauty from being cooped up inside for so long. The sun embracing your skin with its warmth, freshly cut grass, people, and animals. It was the small things that mattered. On your walk, you passed by a corner store. You worked hard, so why not get a little snack as a reward?
The bell chimed as you opened the heavy glass door. Immediately you make a B-line towards the snack section. You snatched a big bag of chips before making your way to the freezer section. A nice, sunny day like this called for some ice cream.
Your eyes repeatedly scanned the frozen food section. The options were many, and you were horribly indecisive. A gentle tap on your shoulder distracted you from your decision-making. Were you in someone's way? You turned around while scooting to the side. It took you a moment to realize that person was your close friend! It felt as though it had been ages since you two last met.
You haven't been able to see friends or family for some time now. At most, it's been sporadic visits. Speaking to people felt disjointed. You felt as if everything you say and do was being surveillanced. Dealing with others became so stressful that you often opted to stay home. That nagging thought in the back of your head knew your questionable health was because of BEN. Alas, what was the point in complaining? You wanted to be with them; it was better to be on their relatively good side anyway.
You cheerfully greeted your friend back with a hug. After so long without contact, it was time to play catch-up. The two of you went on about life and anything interesting that it had to offer. As much as you enjoyed the talk, your friend spoke much more, and it was obvious. That's when the concerned questions came in.
"Hey, you sound really tired. Are you sure you're alright?"
Anything that had a hint of worry, you brushed off. Tired? No, it was a super long day, and all of your responsibilities drained you. It wasn't like you were lying per se; you were just slightly exaggerating. Deflecting was an easy way to cut questions short. It was a tactic you trained yourself to use. Without it, you would've certainly started yapping about BEN. People would think you were delusional. That scenario would definitely end with you up in a psychiatric unit.
Your answers were going smoothly until your friend hit you with the cold water. A question you never thought of.
"So, tell me! Have you gone out with anyone lately?"
You didn't respond. Noticing that your attention gave way, your friend went on about their own endeavors. You weren't sure how to answer. By taking the time to think, your brain begins to spiral. Obviously, the answer was yes, but how would you go about explaining this vaguely? You never spoke about BEN to anyone. What response would it want? Would it like to be talked about? How could you go about this without getting your friend in harm's way? Did that even matter? BEN probably knew of your friend from your contact information anyway. Why did things have to be so difficult?
You threw in the towel. Settling on something that seemed like the best option. You kept it simple and brought up BEN. Not by name and not as your partner. Just as "someone". It was open ended where it could've been interpreted as any relationship. Though you let one thing be known, and it was how much you cared for them. It made you happy that you had the chance to learn more about them. Even in the smallest degree.
The more you went on, your nervousness subdued and the shakiness in your voice faded. The last thing you ever expected was to be praising BEN to anyone.
From how you described, BEN seemed like they were a joy to be around, despite their closed-off nature. They were absolutely fascinating, witty, and cute. You knew the last part was really debatable so, you didn't show any pictures.
The tangent you went on could've been seen as a crush but it didn't matter. Both you and your friend were laughing and having a good time. As you collected your breath, you figured it was time to head out. All that banter took what little energy you had left. You said your goodbyes and sent them off with another hug. You went back to staring at the freezer. Finally picking out an ice cream, you quickly paid and left the building.
Unbeknownst to you, BEN was lurking and heard everything through your phone. They felt...weird to say the least. You spoke so well of them. Were you that deluded from reality to say such sweet things about them of all people? It wasn't in their nature to be nice. Yet, you managed to find so many good things to say about them with relative ease. How noble.
It was funny. When was the last time someone gave them a compliment? They didn't want to linger on those thoughts.
A pathetically weak part of them thought it was slightly uncomfortable to hear. Maybe even a bit upsetting. Those compliments were humanizing, and that made them feel uneasy. BEN would never admit it; that was just an insignificant thought. A weakness that needed to be weeded out. They're better than feeling such things.
It knew what you said was true. Their uppity attitude made sure that superiority was known. Nonetheless, it certainly enjoyed the flattery. Even if you were slightly worn out from their antics, you were still strong-willed. That was impressive. It made playing with you a delight; no wonder they kept you around for so long.
Once you step foot out the door, your phone went off. You contemplated ignoring the call, you had things to carry. You couldn't ignore the feeling in your gut saying otherwise. Taking a look at your phone you groaned. Great, it was an unregistered number calling. You had a hunch as to who it could be and decided to pick it up.
The call was silent.
Faint static crackled on the other end of the line. It was soon replaced with an ear pericing ringing. The sound was beyond agitating. Annoyed, you spoke into the phone.
"How sweet."
You sighed, rolling your eyes. Your gut was right. It's just BEN. Not like you were complaining; at least it was BEN bothering you and not some other weirdo. The grating ringing came to a stop. Listening carefully to what they had to say, you heard it giggling! Your lips slowly curled up into a smile. Even if you didn't know what they were laughing about. Their distorted laugh was cute in this situation.
"What do you mean 'How sweet.'? What's so funny?"
"Your little talk humored me."
The realization immediately got you flustered. It was a bit embarrassing they heard you gush over them. You didn't know when they were listening. Honestly, you forgot about that possibility entirely. You needed to know if they really heard everything.
"Did you-"
The call abruptly ended in the middle of your sentence. Your brows furrowed together. You huffed at their unsatisfying answer. What a bitch! Still, you couldn't wipe that faint smile off your face. There was nothing to do but brush it off. Thankfully, it seemed to take your compliments well. With a newfound pep in your step, you eagerly resumed your walk home.
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tinyghostvirus · 5 months
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I just love him. That's it.
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Tried a couple more colors too :)
I don't know why green fits this boy so well 🤔 Maybe that's just me...
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s-lay-ing · 2 years
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random going seventeen moments because why not 64/?
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sule-skerry · 5 days
I read a human interest article that unfortunately has depressed me for days because the big turning points in the author's experience were like. Someone I knew offered me a ride cross country. I had a friend from college who was willing to be my roommate and found the apartment. In college I went to a networking thing and the person reached out and hired me. I don't want to sound like I'm discounting the fact that the author was tenacious and talented and hardworking, they definitely were. But the things that made the difference came from personal connections. And I just sat there and thought, if it was me I'm sure I'd find somewhere to live, but I'd be out the transportation money and I'd still be working in the coffee shop.
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mariocki · 1 month
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Honor Blackman guest stars as art expert Syd Lewis in Saber of London: Deep in the Heart of Chelsea (1.3, NBC, 1957)
#fave spotting#honor blackman#cathy gale#saber of london#the vise#the avengers#classic tv#deep in the heart of chelsea#1957#nbc#so im visiting parents for a week or two and taking the opportunity to catch up on my old tv watching as i have access to my beloved#dvd collection. Saber was one of the final network releases I've located (after‚ i might say‚ a long long search for a reasonably priced#copy). so. the story of Saber of London. (deep breath). SoL is really a development of The Vise; for more on the needlessly complex history#of that series you can follow the appropriate tag above. in short The Vise was a crime anthology made specifically for US tv but produced#in the UK using brit actors writers and directors. the recurring character of Mark Saber was popular enough that the show eventually became#The Vise: Mark Saber; it then became Saber of London. some sources still regard this show as essentially being a later series of The Vise#(and it does still use the og theme tune over the end credits) but considering the title change and (crucially) the fact that SoL saw the#series move from ABC to NBC‚ im gonna consider this its own self contained show and number the episodes accordingly (ie. this is series 1 o#Saber of London not series 5 or 7 (depending on your counting) of The Vise). anyway now that's all out of the way.#there's little material difference between this series and the slightly earlier The Vise: Mark Saber episodes besides new titles and a#different introductory spiel from star Donald Gray. our hero is still a plucky private detective undertaking modest cases that the show's#budget will allow. this ep concerns art forgeries and an attempt to trap the criminals responsible‚ which means Saber must call on an art#expert to help authenticate the works. enter Honor! not yet a star‚ Honor did have a decade of acting experience behind her#which is maybe reflected in the fact that she's given an unusually meaty part for a woman in this series: she's neither victim nor love#interest (which are the usual roles) but a witty and intelligent source of assistance to the hero.#unlike The Vise episodes (which could take up to a decade to appear in the uk if they did at all) SoL appears to have had a fairly regular#slot from Granada about two years after the show's US premier. this ep would have been seen by uk audiences in 1959
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femmefatalevibe · 1 year
Femme Fatale Guide: How To Reset From A Toxic Work Environment
Give yourself ample time to reset and indulge in basic self-care. Get a full night's sleep every night, eat a balanced & nutritious diet (most of the time) with meals you enjoy, incorporate daily movement & a consistent exercise routine into your week, read books, listen to music and podcasts that inspire you, hang out with loved ones/people who energize you, indulge in beauty routines/"spa" days and movies/TV shows you love
Once you feel recharged/not burned out anymore, take a step back and reflect on what your values are, your interests, desired lifestyle/workplace environment that best suits your personality and work style. Consider what you want out of your next opportunity instead of letting hiring managers decide for you once your interviewing processes begin. Remember, a job at a company should feel like a mutual fit. Decide to work as an employee, not a corporate slave.
Reassess and decide on your future workplace boundaries ahead of time. Once you're more emotionally distant from your current toxic work environment, allow yourself to act as a neutral observer of the interpersonal dynamics that played out while you were working in your (soon-to-be previous) toxic work environment. Consider any warning signs/red flags you might've ignored early on or certain ways you allowed yourself to be a pushover/people-pleaser to keep the peace while getting to know your co-workers. Looking back, how would you have handled these situations if you had the clarity and self-confidence you have now? Use your answer to this question as a roadmap to decide how you can show up as your best self before/while working in your next role.
Determine ways you can forge workplace connections early on in your next role. Embrace the "new job, new you" mentality here and decide how you want to show up as a sociable co-worker from your first week onward. Greet your team in the morning, engage in some small talk over a break to get to know each other better – try to find mutual interest/express interest in what they're saying, make it a priority to schedule one-on-ones with all team members/close collaborators within your company over the first month, invite co-workers to get coffee/lunch with you a couple of days per week, etc.
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birdyverdie · 2 months
Why is asking for shadowing opportunities from medical professionals kinda pathetic.
I'm basically going "Hey! I'm a student! Can I shadow you, random stranger? PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLE-"
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mammalsofaction · 3 months
Going through Mystery/Peter Panda fanfics, and I am once again overcome by the urge to write a prequel to [When We Didn't Get Along] from Peter's perspective of how he met Heinz and what happened at The Evil Scientist Expo in Seattle
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sugar-grigri · 1 year
I've just deactivated my main Twitter account. I feel a bit like an impostor because I got a lot of love there but I can't post my drawings there. Even if these are just rumors, they seem plausible to me when I see Elon Musk's plans: an increasing use of AI. It wouldn't surprise me if "X", with its deceptively futuristic appearance, wanted to revolutionize social networking with AIs. That doesn't fit in with my ethics.
I'm thinking I’ll just keep posting here. It's a bit of a futile effort to protect what I've got, because maybe Tumblr will innovate in the same way to stay competitive…
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