meble-do-salonu · 2 years
Nowatorska lampa Planetario 41 od Nierres - prawdziwy przepis na uzyskanie oryginalnego i przytulnego wnętrza
Światło jest niezwykle istotnym elementem w każdym wnętrzu. Mieszkanie lub biuro, które odpowiednio oświetli się, stanie się miejscem wyjątkowym, pełnym światła i energii. Jednym z najlepszych sposobów na uzyskanie takiego efektu jest zastosowanie lampy Planetario 41. Konstrukcja lampy składa się z metalowych elementów w kolorze czarnym, matowym. W jej wnętrzu znajduje się 41 okrągłych kloszy z bursztynowego szkła, które emitują przytulne i ciepłe światło. Produkt ten świetnie sprawdzi się w pomieszczeniach mieszkalnych i użytkowych. Do wyboru są dwa rodzaje kloszy - transparentne i dymione. Planetario 41 obsłuży 41 żarówek E27 o mocy do 25W. Lampę można zamówić w różnych rozmiarach. Firma, która wyprodukowała tę wyjątkowa lampę, to Nierres. To firma założona w Wiedniu w 1850 roku, której celem jest tworzenie oryginalnych i nowatorskich produktów. Od ponad 150 lat projekty Nierres są znane na całym świecie, a w jej ofercie znajdują się zarówno lampy, jak i komplety mebli. Produkty Nierres to połączenie wyjątkowego stylu i jakości, a także dbałości o szczegóły. Z ich asortymentu można wybrać produkty, które doskonale wpiszą się w każdą aranżację wnętrz i sprawią, że staną się one jeszcze bardziej atrakcyjne. Warto wybrać produkty marki Nierres, gdyż łączą one najwyższą jakość, ciekawy design i dbałość o każdy detal. Lampę Planetario 41 możemy uznać za przykład wyjątkowego stylu i wyjątkowego światła, które proponuje producent. Dzięki niej można stworzyć przytulne i ciepłe miejsce, które będzie zachwycało wyglądem i wyjątkowym stylem.
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fandom-friday · 6 months
Self rec!
Finally got a new chapter up of New Members!
HELL YES FOR SELF RECS! You know I love seeing those in my inbox each week. And I can't gush enough about how much I adore Rasha and Ari right off the bat. Like yes, we love our familiar main character clone boys because HOW COULD YOU NOT??? But I just adore the introduction you've given your OCs and how we are immediately able to tell so much about their personalities and dynamic with one another. I LOVE IT (and the tag "Anakin Skywalker has Issues"). Thanks so much for sending this one in!
Participate in Fandom Friday to show your favorite creators from this week some love! :)
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artzsan · 1 year
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Noel from NierR Reincarnation
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fives-lover · 9 months
Chapter 22: Apart
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Masterlist | Previous | Next
All caught up with Ao3! I'll post here as that one gets updated finally!
“We’re over here!” Ari called out over the noise upon seeing Fives and waved him over. He made his way through the mixture of his brothers and civilians unconsciously looking behind him for someone he knew wasn’t going to be following and scolding himself every time. 
She’s going to be fine. Whoever she’s going to be with will watch her. Dammit Fives, stop worrying so much!  
Ari’s smile slowly began fading the closer he got without her friend in tow. Looking around in a panic, she watched the trooper weave his way across the room. “Where- Where’s Rasha?” She asked when he got close enough to hear. “Is she just in the fresher?” 
He shook his head, “No. Has she not said anything to you yet?” Almost on cue, her comm rang out. She scrambled to get it out of her bag, eager to find every piece of information she could about her friend’s absence. 
“So, she’s not even on Corrie anymore then?” She quietly asked nobody in particular. “And she didn’t even get to say goodbye in person?” 
Echo took the pad from her hands before she dropped it and read her message. He shushed her and gently got her back into her seat before handing it over to Fives. “She’s with Commander Wolffe. Nothing’s going to happen to her if he can help it. He’s a good guy and even better at taking care of his men. General Plo will look out for her too,” Echo tried consoling, “just take some deep breaths and we can go back to your place if you want.” 
“No,” she sighed, “I want to stay out and have fun with everyone but it’s just going to be different without her here.” 
“Well, the offer is always there.” 
“Thanks,” she sighed again, staring into her drink, “I just have to remember that we’re not little girls anymore.” 
“Hey, guys!” A drunk Hardcase interrupted, “Where’s Rasha?” 
“She went home early,” Fives quickly intervened. 
“Why? You just got here!” He slurred. 
“Wasn’t feeling good. She had a headache or something.” Hardcase didn’t seem to notice the snapped responses and wandered off to find someone else to bug. The rest of the night dragged on with the occasional joke or one of the men asking where she was until Ari decided to call it a night and go home, with Echo following to make sure that she was going to be okay.
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Let me know if you want to be added to a tag list for future posts!
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moistreicher · 3 months
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Im able to get back to art once again!
Meet Nierre Fluerro, my oc. In this ongoing art, he is 12 or 13 yrs old (?). Im planning to write a story about him and his adventure but I am not sure how to start it yet.
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decaysate · 2 years
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“    careful with that.    the blade’s sharp,    unlike your joke of a weapon.    mine’s for killing.   ”
@heartslight​​.    ♡  *
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sawanacat · 3 years
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diabolicalchainsaws · 7 years
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It’s been nearly two months since I’ve been able to play Nier Automata and I’m still dead inside.
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swingxilly · 6 years
Get to know meme
Rules: Answer the questions then tag ten people you want to get to know better
Name: Mathilda
Age: 19
Favourite colours: green, yellow, orange and pink
When you made this account: 9th of April 2015
Follower count: 212
Superpower: Huh, lets see. Some sort of safe room or shields or sth, that blocks everything from outside? Idk!
Favourite drink: water
A song you love rn: All of the soundtrack of NierR: Automata to be honest. Its just so good
Dream career: Im happy if I get sth that doesnt make me feel miserable or sth like that. Thats all I want
Dream vacation: Hmmm, idk. I dont like traveling that much. However, I would like to visit @rottentidepod in Belgium one day! Then she can show me around her city and we can eat fries and watch movies and stuff!!
Hogwarts house: Hufflepuff
Favourite character this week: 2B from NieR: Automata
Christmas or Halloween: Christmas actually. We dont do anything on Halloween anymore. I mean its cool and I like the theme and stuff but yknow?
I was tagged by @rottentidepod thank you very much! Its appreciated even when I almost forgot to do this haha.
I tag @sapphicmadameumbralis and @theannoyingknowitall have fun!
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kennyqkao · 2 years
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NierR : Automata 都5年了,我終於買可動人型了🥰 不過可動關節多到沒用支架基本是站不起來的⋯ https://www.instagram.com/p/CgmJiE8Pt-g/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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fandom-friday · 9 months
Like you said in one of your posts, interactions are horrible and just not happening. I'm still mostly writing this for myself but it's always amazing to get something.
So I'm just gonna put in a self rec for my first and only fic: New Members on here and on Ao3
Side note for some extra love to @cdblake1565 has helped me get back into it more with their likes and comments, etc and is absolutely amazing ❤️
Hell yeah for self-recs! You know we love those around here! And you can absolutely write for yourself and still want people to get excited with you, especially when you take the time to craft not just ONE but TWO awesome OCs! I'm a few paragraphs in and already love Rasha and Ari (and I have this sneaking suspicion two of our favorite 501st members will as well hehe). Thanks so much for sending this in! And HELL YEAH @cdblake1565 WE THANK YOU FOR YOUR SERVICE!
Participate in Fandom Friday to show your favorite creators from this week some love! :)
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knight-fighting · 2 years
The Era Primeval (Part 2)
Read up here...
With nature at harmony with the world, and the only bitter souls being that of the Giants and Orcs, the Sylvayn would make the entire northern hemisphere of Gadelon into their most fantastic sanctuary alongside the Giantfolk and Elves: Sylvania, or the Northern Sanctuary, it was called, and it alone ushered in a time of peace and prosperity that Gadelon would never see again.
Lindoren: The Great Mistake 
As the Elves under the Sylvayn lived in perpetual harmony, due to their incredible lifespans, they grew tired of the monotony of a Sylvanian life. The Elves of the Northern Sanctuary wished for a land of their own, wishing so dearly to create just as their masters had with them. As such, the Sylvayn of Dawn led these Elves towards a gulf in the east, dispensing their Primeval magics upon their elders in order to begin civilization. Suddenly, the lives of Elves were far more exciting, working day in and day out to create a grand society that the Sylvayn could be proud of. The Elves inherited the Sylvayn system of beliefs as well, leading towards a system of pacifism.
Mere years into the making of Lindoren, strange extraplanar events transpired. Portals would open briefly at the beaches, people would feel watched in lonely forests, and the temperature rose very subtly by the day. Sooner rather than later, entire Outsiders were seen walking in Lindoren, some even witnessing ghastly murders by the invaders. Having no idea what to do and not wanting to be seen as a disappointment to their masters, the Lindorian Elves remained vigilant and stubborn, avoiding the creatures at all costs until push finally came to shove.
The Crimson Slaughter of Nierr 
Seen by the masses as the beginning of the War for Lindoren, the Crimson Slaughter was a nightmarish tragedy in which the capitol of Lindoren, the spiraling tree-city of Nierr, was raided mercilessly by the diabolical forces of Law and Chaos: the Devils and Demons respectively. Every Elf the fiends saw was a soul claimed for their dominion. Seeing the land of peace as a perfect battleground, the fiends dispensed their legions upon Lindoren in order to sustain a foothold on the Material Plane. When the Demons learned of the Devils planning to do so, they decided to stop them in order to take the land for themselves. The native Elves were forced to watch as a storm of hellish invaders took over their beautiful work, the few survivors remaining being taken in as slaves to be tortured and worked to death.
The Secession of Yorn 
It wasn’t long before word of the Crimson Slaughter traveled to Sylvania. Petrified and guilt-ridden, the Sylvayn and Firbolgs congregated to ward off the Sanctuary further, while the Goliaths demanded to take the fight to the fiends instead. Too afraid of the deaths of two of their prized allies, the Sylvayn forbade them, causing a massive riot among the Goliaths that led to them claiming a sprawling northeastern peninsula that would allow them to ply the waters to Lindoren. The second the first of their warships met the water, the Goliaths were met with an incredible boom. A blizzard the size of their land had began terrorizing the populace as the peninsula was swept off into the ocean; a message from the Spirit of Frost as to what would happen to those who rebelled against the Spirits. Frost continued to terrorize the Goliaths much to the shock of Dawn, although their relentless assault seemed to steel the Goliaths, rather than bend them. In this moment, Yorn was born as its own sovereign nation, but they would not survive without a strong leader against the long dark.
The War for Lindoren and Secession of Yorn mark the end of the Era Primeval. Soon after these world-shaking events, the Coldsinger would arrive to Gadelon, heralding her masses of humanity and leading them to claim the land that would become known as Singsconte. Thus, the Era Imperia would begin, and man would make their mark upon the land never meant for man.
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kazvent · 4 years
Breve: Xbox Game Pass añadirá NieR: Automata Become as Gods Edition el 2 de abril
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Square Enix ha revelado que NieR: Automata Become as Gods Edition, la versión de NierR: Automata para Xbox One, pasará a formar parte del catálogo del servicio prémium a partir del jueves 2 de abril. Este anuncio llega pocas horas después de que el editor japonés anunciara una versión actualizada de NieR Replicant y el título para móviles NieR Re[in]carnation. NieR: Automata es un ARPG que sigue la historia de 2B, 9S y A2, unos androides que son enviados a la Tierra por los humanos con el objetivo de recuperar el mundo distópico invadido por las máquinas. NieR: Automata Become as Gods… Leer noticia completa y comentarios » from ElOtroLado.net https://ift.tt/2QVzysK via IFTTT
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NierR: A dream Gone wrong
Got that idea a while ago and had to draw it, cuz Emil's suffering is my suffering. I was wondering how he would react, if he knew what consequences their actions would bring with them... so yeah, have some smoll Emil staring at what he's gonna become. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Rip my heart lmao I experimented a bit around with the sand... and yeah I dunno, I really just threw everything together in this one lol. Didn't use lines or anything cuz who needs them amiright??? No? Okay. ;--; Time: 6 hours or so, I dunno, my tablet died halfway through lol Program: CS6
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chaoat · 6 years
NieR: Automata
I finished playing NieR Automata a couple days ago, and it left me with some thoughts that I feel I should really write down. Perhaps some of you who’ve played the game will find my take on it interesting, and if you haven’t played the game, I’ll be dropping a couple minor spoilers around the place if you’re worried about that.
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NierR Automata is an incredibly flawed game. There are design decisions in it that are game shatteringly bad, and I don’t mean just from a subjective taste perspective, but actually just testably awful. For instance, there is a sequence right at the start of the game leading up to a boss fight, where if you die at all before that boss fight, you are sent back to the start of the game to repeat the whole thing. I have no idea how they thought this was a good idea, I can’t imagine how many new players have been driven off in frustration from this sequence alone.
A more damning example is the combat system, which seems to just be completely broken, or at least devoid of challenge. Healing items are readily available from every shop, and can be used from a pause menu at any time in combat. The only attacks that can ever kill you are ones that kill you in one hit, which are rarely encountered. I think I must have died maybe three times in the whole game, and I'm pretty sure every one was to suicide bots that take off more than half your hp.
Past the completely game breaking, there are many other smaller issues that plague the game. Things like unnecessary buffing items and useless upgrades are rampant throughout the game, and there are lots of moments where the game totally fails to communicate with the player. There was one part where you receive two side-quests and a main quest at the same time. These quests were the only ones I had at the time, so, as I would in any other RPG, I traversed route that would have me solve all of them around the same time, such that I could hand them all in at once. The only problem was however, that when I completed the main quest, that part of the game ended, and I was blocked off from completing the side quests. It's possible that this was done intentionally in order to fool the player into a false sense of security, but even then, it's still a pretty dick move.
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At this point you’re probably wondering why I even bothered writing this up if all I’m going to do is relentlessly shit on the game. Maybe I hated it so much that I now garner a sick pleasure from denigrating it, or maybe I just see it as a perfect example of how not to build a game. Luckily, it’s neither of those. While it is heavily flawed, the majority of the flaws lie in areas that, at the end of the day, aren't that important for the game.
When I first opened the pause menu and saw that I could use healing items at any time, my first reaction was not "this combat is shit and should be better". Perhaps I did think it was shit, but that does not then imply that it should be better. Rather, my first reaction was more along the lines of "this game is not about challenging combat". True, the game's combat is incredibly easy, but would the game be better if it was harder? Would it be better if it was more of a struggle to get through? For some games, Dark Souls springs to mind, the answer to this question is most definitely yes. Struggle increases the sense of danger in the world and gives a greater meaning to the progress of the main character, which is essential for a particular kind of narrative. I'm fairly certain, and I'm sure the devs agree with me, that NieR Automata is not that kind of narrative.
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As I kept playing, what it was not about continued to be more and more apparent, from the mediocre obligatory crafting system, to the samey hacking mini-game, yet at the same time, the true intention of the game grew larger on the horizon. For simultaneously while my frustration with the half-assed messy design grew, my infatuation with the world and story was growing. And that's what NieR Automata is really about, from the moment to moment side quests to the whole encompassing arc, it's about the story. And it's a good story, dealing with themes not many stories deal with, even if the characters are sometimes a bit inconsistent and have an emotional range constantly bordering on the melodramatic. And you can tell that the devs thought so too. The game oozes passion, passion for the story, the characters, the little titbits you find lying around the world, and for gaming as a medium. And at the end of the day, it's that passion that raises it up, at least beyond any game which is lacking it.
Although many of its components are flawed, and improving them would make the game overall better, it's questionable whether such improvements would contribute to the main draw, the narrative. After all, many of these flaws are present in service to the story. The padded unnecessary crafting system serves also to display the history and the lore of the world through item descriptions, of which there are many because of how padded it is, and while the combat is dead easy, it is at least very flashy and satisfying, making the player feel like they're playing a bad ass android. So no, the game would not work better as a movie or novel or anything else, interactivity is necessary for the experience, and the exploration of the world that makes up such a fundamental part of the game could not function in any other medium.
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One could describe NieR Automata as a game that does one thing very well, at the cost and exclusion of pretty much everything else. Does this make it good? I guess it really just depends on whether you're into that specific thing or not. I knew I was, and for anyone reading this who has also played and enjoyed the game, you probably are too. Sure there are better games, but stories can't really be compared in such a mechanical way, and while there are games which are overall 'better', there are no games which do precisely what NieR Automata does better than NieR Automata, and I at least find this kind of intense uniqueness supremely valuable.
Anyway, thank you to anyone who read this through, I hope you found my thoughts interesting. And thank you to Yoko Taro for making this wonderful game.
Credits to random google image links for the images. I'd take the pictures myself, but if you've played the game, you know exactly why I can't.
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androidmaniaco · 4 years
Así es SINoALICE, el último juego de Square Enix para Android
Así es SINoALICE, el último juego de Square Enix para Android
Tras un periodo en pre-registro ya podemos en España del último título de Square Enix para Android. Se trata de un juego que viene de la mano de Yoko Taro, creador de NieR: Automata, directamente a nuestros smartphones para nuestro gozo y disfrute.
Los mejores juegos de Anime que podemos disfrutar en Android
Los juegos de estilo anime son llamativos. Ya sea por recuerdos de juventud o por ser seguidores de alguna serie. ¿Quieres saber más sobre juegos de anime?
Poco a poco podemos disfrutar en nuestros dispositivos de grandes juegos, especialmente llegados del país del sol naciente. Demostrando que en móviles también se pueden jugar a juegos de alto nivel, aunque sea en pantalla pequeña. ¿Queréis saber más?
Estamos ante un juego que viene de la mano de Yoko Taro, el creador de la saga NierR: Automata que hemos podido disfrutar en consolas y ordenador. Y nada más ejecutar el juego por primera vez, podemos ver su sello de identidad en la ambientación del mismo.
Ver vídeo
Hablando de ambientación, el propio juego nos recomienda jugarlo con auriculares, algo que entendemos al ver quien ha sido el responsable de la. Keiichi Okabe, responsable de las bandas sonoras de la saga NierR también ha dejado su contribución en este juego para móviles.
La principal premisa de este juego de rol y fantasía es la de introducirnos en el universo oscuro de los cuentos clásicos infantiles. Por lo que nos encontraremos con versiones, un tanto diferentes, de personajes como Alicia en el País de las Maravillas, Pinocho o Blancanieves.
Una historia que se entremezcla a lo largo que avanzamos en el juego y vamos desbloqueando capítulos de los libros infantiles. Todo envuelto en unos gráficos dibujados a mano de altísimo nivel y una mecánica de juego sencilla, aunque tiene su estrategia.
Ya que deberemos elegir uno de los personajes de cuento, evolucionarlo y enfrentarlo a una enorme variedad de niveles, a lo largo de los cuales se desarrolla la historia. El detalle de contar con los textos en castellano, pero poder oír las voces en japonés le da un punto de inmersión muy interesante.
Por si esto no fuera suficiente, el juego podemos jugarlo de manera individual acompañados por personajes controlados por la CPU o disfrutarlos con amigos jugando en modo cooperativo. Así que pocas excusas quedan para no probarlo, ya que además el juego es gratuito.
Si eres seguidor del trabajo de Yoko Taro o te gusta la saga NieR, deberías echarle un vistazo a SINoALICE ya que no debería defraudarte. Y a todos aquellos que desees probar un juego de rol y fantasía puramente japonés, tienen una gran oportunidad con este juego.
La entrada Así es SINoALICE, el último juego de Square Enix para Android aparece primero en El Androide Libre.
El Androide Libre https://ift.tt/2ZF0yQF
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