#Nimbus Dreams
brosif40 · 5 months
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some changes to Nimbus's design b4 i go to bed :3
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Suptober Day 4 - Nimbus
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thewildnopeboat · 6 months
Guardian, arriving on Neomuna: NIMBUS!
Nimbus, desperately needing to blow off steam: What's up buddy?
Guardian, appears with their skimmer, but doing tricks while falling: Want to go do tricks?
Nimbus, picking up the Guardian: YOU GOT YOUR OWN?! I'M SO PROUD!
Guardian, laughing: Yep! I'm just like you!
Ghost: well not exactly. We have yet to get ours to fly freely, but we have created a way to grind a light rail made of energy *into true nerd speak*
Guardian, ignoring Ghost: You want to go?
Nimbus, pulling his skimmer off: Let's go little buddy!
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Mario: Be careful-a with that-a dream cushion, Geno! That can-a give you strange-a dreams!
Geno, chuckling: Relax, Mario. I am pretty sure that I can handle any weird dreams this certain item can throw at me.
Mario, unsure: If-a you say so.
- In Geno's dreams -
Geno: Hm? Where am I?
Rosalina: Geno? Geno, can you hear me?
Geno: Mom? Mom, where are you?
Rosalina: I'm here, honey. I have something to tell you. It's about your father.
Geno: My... father???
Rosalina: Yes. The truth is, your father... is none other than Smithy.
Geno: WHAT.
Smithy, suddenly appearing: That's right! Now we can rule together as father and son!
- In the real world -
Geno, bolting awake screaming:
Mario, waking up: Geno! Geno! What's-a wrong?
Mario: Weird-a dream, huh?
Mario, patting him on the back comfortingly: There, there. It's-a gonna be okay.
Geno: T-Thanks, Mario.
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deniigi · 1 year
do you have a cat? you seem like a cat person
Do I have a cat???
My dear.
I have TWO. These are my sons.
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Realized I,, never did how Leto got found out in Watered Down Dreams.
Too tired to write it out, but basically, Leto sets Nimbus up. It says that it'll let her go to the Avatar meetup, and it'll stay behind with the conch shell. Except,, it lies, obviously. It tells her the time has been adjusted because of some complications, and it says it'll contact her when it's time for the meetup to start.
Except it contacts her at the end of it.
But already everyone is really suspicious because 'Nimbus' has been very giggling for some reason, and 'she's' just been acting very strange for a while now. But what's setting off alarm bells is how 'Nimbus' is clearly not acting like herself and not butting heads with Tune nearly as much.
So, when Nimbus arrived at the end, she's clearly shocked by how she was set up by Leto. But Leto tries to play it off by saying it's just some weird clone magic that happened, but it mortified when someone (not sure which Avatar yet) calls out the fact that Nimbus has told them that any type of cloning, be it magic or machine, is literally impossible in her world.
The only thing Nimbus is able to say is a soft "help.." before Leto rushes through the open portal, yanking Nimbus with it. Meanwhile, Umbra is very concerned by the fact 8 and 9's Admins seem very.. bland in their responses lately. So he takes it upon himself to head to the universe to see what's happening..
Only to nope right the hell out upon realizing Leto's code/energy is terrifyingly similar to Ozymandias, and promptly realizes they have a huge problem on their hands.
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irlwolfdog · 2 months
Sometimes I get sad bc I take more reaction image-esque photos of one of my cats than the other but like it’s not my fault he’s more emotive :/
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banana-breadses · 1 year
Two ouppies at my house
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tangibletechnomancy · 6 months
Doing It Wrong On Purpose: Episode 1 - The Un-Ship
Today's experiment: What happens if I prompt for something, and then negative prompt all the main keywords, plus various synonyms and related words?
The answer: Some gloriously weird stuff.
For example, let's look at a negative cat:
Positive prompt: A cat on a windowsill during a storm
Negative prompt: Cat, feline, felidae, kitty, kitten, animal, pet, windowsill, window, glass, pane, house, storm, rain, water, lightning, thunder, clouds, torrent, downpour, snow, blizzard, wind, windy
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Interesting! Let's get a little more fantasy with it and try for an anti-deer:
Positive prompt: A deer in a peaceful flowery meadow, crystals, midnight, fantasy, colorful
Negative prompt: Deer, cervidae, animal, elk, moose, stag, doe, fawn, reindeer, antelope, cervid, antlers, flowers, night, dark, trees, foliage, bloom, stars, night, tranquil, fantastic, vibrant, cool, magic, blue, moon, sky, crystal, stone, statue, topiary, floral, blossom
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Between these two experiments, including a few dozen other generations that remain unposted, one thing I can say for sure is that for living subjects, it's a great way to get the kind of anatomical wonk that older models are (in)famous for - and it makes sense why, the model is trying to make something that looks like a certain subject...but once it starts to look too much like it, well, shit, we told it NOT to do that! Break something up! Given that I love that kind of wonk, I think I've found a useful tool for myself.
One more living subject, and let's get even more abstract with our direction here:
Positive prompt: mind horse
Negative prompt: horse, equine, colt, filly, mare, stallion, bronco, pony, mind, brain, thought, essence, psyche, intelligence, consciousness, imagination, dream, soul, visualization, intellect, wit, cognizance
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Now let's try something that isn't alive. One thing I love AI for is surreal settings and landscapes - lets try one now!
Positive prompt: A magic palace garden made of crystal and gold
Negative prompt: Palace, magic, crystal, gold, fantasy, castle, estate, stronghold, temple, garden, flowers, plants, blossoms, bloom, blooms, trees, grass, stems, foliage, leaves, greenery, branches, bush, bushes, hedge, hedges, metal, luxury, stone, glass, brass, rose, polished, jewel, prism, courtyard
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I then tried to see if, learning from the animal subjects, I could make it more likely to return one of my favorite "mistakes" - making it impossible to discern the point where a water area ends and a sky area begins. I wasn't immediately successful, but I came up with some results I found pleasing regardless-
Positive prompt: Secret hideout in a cave behind a waterfall in the foggy forest on a floating sky island in fluffy clouds
Negative prompt: hideout, camp, campsite, home, abode, house, dwelling, rest, shelter, waterfall, water, cave, grotto, forest, woods, woodland, trees, fountain, cascade, pond, stream, lake, river, brook, puddle, creek, pool, beach, ocean, sea, cloud, clouds, sky, cumulus, cirrus, nimbus, fog, storm, rain, sunshower, falls
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It seems that with landscapes it's got a much clearer and more specific "idea" of what a [SUBJECT] without [SUBJECT] looks like; it's more inclined to invent very specific, very consistent unasked for related elements. With the animals, I was tweaking the weight on the positive prompt to avoid getting straightforwardly just what I had positive (and negative) prompted, but with landscapes, I just get... almost something else entirely.
So how about inanimate objects? Let's try a ship, perhaps?
Positive prompt: A huge sailing ship with brilliant prismatic crystal sails on a stormy, turbulent sea of sunset clouds
Negative prompt: ship, boat, sailboat, sailing ship, pirate ship, galleon, ketch, schooner, sloop, cutter, sail, sea, ocean, storm, wind, rain, water, waves, cloudy, clouds, fog, sunset, dusk, dawn, sunrise, twilight, evening
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...okay, I'm in love with the un-ship. It truly does manage to consistently give me results that look like, yet entirely unlike, a ship. It is everything I love about AI as a medium. More than that, it is my friend.
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At lower positive prompt weights, they only get even more beautifully chaotic.
I want to live on one of these (in an alternate universe where they're geometrically possible and structurally sound, that is).
Failing that, I will be featuring them a lot from now on.
All images generated using Simple Stable, under the Code of Ethics of Are We Art Yet?
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A Deuce Spade x Female Reader Drabble
He hears it again, he always does. Whenever he’s alone with his thoughts.
Your voice, so soft and beautiful, so utterly captivating it could lure a siren to their demise, ringing in his head, filling his senses.
You drive him mad. Here he is, lying in the darkness of his dormitory amongst the sleeping figures of his fellow Heartslabyul first years, and instead of drifting off to peaceful dreams like he planned to do, he’s caught in the euphoric torment of you.
Even with his eyes closed he could see you so clearly, those bright, enchanting eyes, that angelic smile. 
A laugh, a giggle, that breathtaking grin that never fails to leave his speechless, aching and wanting.
He wants to say it, he wants to say those three simple words so badly it makes his lungs burn in ways that he wasn’t even aware was possible. But when he sees you, the girl who wears heaven’s light so flawlessly, the words get lodged in his throat, unrelenting to the desperate tempest that rages in his head, to the searing he feels whenever your hands touch his.
But could he dare to whisper it, now? In the dead of night, to the vision behind his eyelids. A nimbus of light surrounding you, a seraphic glow of white and gold lacing your form, gently caressing your figure like even it was in too much awe to touch you. 
“Deuce~” your mirage sings, beckoning him closer.
He can feel incorporeal hands cupping his cheeks, can see the galaxies of twinkling stars dancing in your eyes before lips touch lips, fingers curl in his hair, hands press your waist closer to him and he’s drowning in the pleasure of it and-
The clock strikes twelve. The spell is broken. He exhales.
He tosses and turns, willing himself to try and get some sleep.
He can always hope for tomorrow.
If he can face you again that is.
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brosif40 · 5 months
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Nimbus Dreams!
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neptnzz · 9 days
The Scripture of the City:
'All cities are born of solid light. Such is my city, his city.
'But then the light subsides, revealing the bright and terrible angel of Veloth. He is in his pre-chimerical form, demonic VEHK, gaunt and pale and beautiful, skin stretched painfully thin on bird's bones, feathered serpents encircling his arms. His wings are spread out behind him, their red and yellow ends like razors in the sun. The wispy mass of his fire hair floats as if underwater, milky in the nimbus of light that crowns his head. His presence is undeniable, the awe too much to bear.
'This is God's city, different from others. Cities from foreign countries put their denizens to sleep and walk to the star-wounded East to pay homage to me. The capital of the northern men, crusty with eon's ice, bows before Vivec the city, me it together.
'Self-thought streets rush through tunnel blood. I have rebuilt myself. Hyper eyed signposts along my traffic arm, soon to be an inner sea. My body is crawling with all gathered to see me rising up like a monolithic instrument of pleasure. My spine is the main road to the city that I am. Countless transactions are taking place in veins and catwalks and the roaming, roaming, roaming, as they roam over and through and add to me. There are temples erected along the hollow of my skull and I will ever wear them as a crown. Walk across the lips of God.
'They add new doors to me and I become effortlessly trans-immortal with the comings and goings and the stride-heat of the market where I am traded for, yell of the children hear them play, scoffed at, amused, desired, paid for in native coin, new minted with my face on one side and my city-body on the other. I stare with each new window. Soon I am a million-eyed insect dreaming.
'Red-sparking war trumpets sound like cattle in the ribcage of shuffling transit. The heretics are destroyed on the plaza knees. I flood over into the hills, houses rising like a rash, and I never scratch. Cities are the antidotes to hunting.
'I raise lanterns to light my hollows, lend wax to the thousands the candlesticks that bear my name again and again, the name innumerable, shutting in, mantra and priest, god-city, filling every corner with the naming name, wheeled, circling, running river language giggling with footfalls mating, selling, stealing, searching, and worry not ye who walk with me. This is the flowering scheme of the Aurbis. This is the promise of the PSJJJ: egg, image, man, god, city, state. I serve and am served. I am made of wire and string and mortar and I accede my own precedent, world without am.'
The ending of the words is ALMSIVI.
The Thirty-Six Lessons of Vivec, Sermon Twenty-Five
song: soooo - cherry blossom drops, burning spring
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bakedbakermom · 1 year
Good Morning
Rated X // 2300 words // Read on A03
tagging @today-in-fic @ao3feed-msr
He loves her first thing in the morning.
A little smutbiscuit for Kinktober 2023. Prompts: morning sex, frottage, (light) somno. I was 3 or 4 days into writing this fic when the painfully talented @msrafterdark posted this piece and it was like fate and the universe had come together.
He loves her first thing in the morning.
Well, he loves her all the time—volleying theories back and forth across the office over burnt coffee and crappy photocopies, singing along off-key to whatever radio station comes through the static three hours into a road trip from one corner of nowhere to another, lounging on a tiny motel bed with sharp springs and a pile of reports spread out like snow across scratchy blankets. He loves her on his couch sharing a beer after a long day, in her kitchen as they dole out boxes of takeaway (broccoli beef extra spicy for him, kung pao tofu for her, and she always nabs the carrots from his shrimp fried rice), nestled against him with her tiny feet propped up on the coffee table and a bad movie on TV. He loves her when she presses her sweet lips to his and breathes hot into his mouth, when she wraps her smooth white legs around his waist and whimpers “more,” when she clenches around him in the dark as she shatters on a gasp of his name. Oh yes, he definitely loves her then.
But he especially loves her first thing in the morning.
It’s something about how soft she is. Agent Scully is all crisp lines and barbed tongue, the creases of her suits pressed sharp enough to kill a man as she slices through the hallways of the Hoover Building like a red-headed sword of justice, eyes flashing blue steel. Agent Scully can unman the most cantankerous and blustering small-town sheriff with the twitch of one razored brow, can force Death itself at scalpel-point to surrender the most intimate secrets of the grave.
Agent Scully flashes through her days like a machete, too sharp to touch and so blindingly bright it hurts him to look at her sometimes. But Morning Scully. Oh Morning Scully…
Her edges blur in the evening, melting under his words and his mouth and his hands, but it takes until morning for her to grow butter-soft and creamy between the rumpled sheets of their bed—her bed or his, both are theirs, though this particular morning they’re secure behind door 42, the honeyed sunlight of a rare empty Sunday drizzling through the blinds and illuminating the intricate dance of the little dust motes that hang in the air. She sleeps on her side with her back to the window, the light catching her crimson hair in a nimbus that he thinks would inspire a better man to painting or poetry, but reduces him to gibbering wonderment.
He watches her sleep with something like awe. Her lips slack and slightly parted, still plump and red from kissing. Freckles sprinkled like cinnamon across her sleep-pinked cheeks, hair in a delightfully tousled disarray that makes him think of sunset clouds and cotton candy. There’s a little crease between her eyebrows as if she’s dreaming of something unpleasant, and he smoothes it oh so gently with his thumb. He doesn’t want to wake her; he’s not done looking yet. 
The sheets have shifted as they slept, revealing the hourglass curve of her side, the mole cradled just inside the firm crest of her hip. She had whimpered last night as he tongued it, a long detour on his slow journey to the oasis between her thighs. Her body is ripe with secrets to explore, his mental map of her slowly filling in as he traverses every hill and valley. He writes “here be monsters” beneath her ribs where she is too ticklish to touch, “here be angels” on the curve of her breast where the gentle scrape of his teeth makes her breath hitch. He finds heaven in the cradle of her hips, nirvana in the fragrant skin of her neck, paradise in the lush press of her lips.
Morning Scully may be soft, but Morning Mulder is getting decidedly less so by the minute.
She stirs slightly and rolls onto her back, the sheet slipping down the slope of her breast. One rosey nipple emerges into the cool morning air, pebbling quickly into a tantalizing peak, and he can’t resist anymore. He leans over her and circles it gently with his tongue, then pulls it into his mouth. He licks and sucks, feeling her flesh tighten even more, and when he scrapes his teeth against it, her chest jumps beneath him. She sucks in a breath, and her hands come up to card slowly through his hair. “Morning, Mulder,” she murmurs, her words still slurred with sleep.
“Good morning, Scully,” he answers as his mouth slides wetly to her other breast, on which he lavishes the same attention as the first, the slow and thorough consideration of his lips and teeth and tongue. Her breathing quickens, her pulse jumping visibly beneath the soft skin of her throat, and she moans low and long. He runs one hand up her leg, and her thighs part with a contented sigh; his fingers move higher until they brush against the curls of her sex, parting them to reach the hot, slick slit beneath. Morning Scully is always putty in his hands, her limbs loose and heavy, making love to him like something from a dream. “Sleep well?”
“Mmmhmm.” Her hips move in small circles as he plays between her legs, right on the line between soothing and arousing, and a blush blooms across her chest. “Wh-what time’s it?”
“Late.” He kisses his way up her neck, suckles on her earlobe until she whimpers softly. She still hasn’t opened her eyes. “I let you sleep in as long as I could stand it. Sorry.”
“S’okay.” His fingers skim her entrance and she twitches beneath him. “This is a nice way to wake up.”
“Do you want to go back to sleep?”
Her face scrunches adorably, and she makes a grumpy whining sound in her throat. “Maybe?”
He smiles into her skin, presses his fingers just barely inside her. “Do you want me to stop while you figure it out?”
Eyes still closed, lower lip between her teeth, she smiles and shakes her head. 
Her body is sleep-warm and limp as he drags her thigh over his hip, opening her to him. His erection presses into the firm flesh of her ass as he strokes her, coaxing her arousal slowly to life. He slides his fingers through the slick folds of her sex, coating them in her wetness; some of it must be from last night, when he had pressed her into the cushions of the creaking leather couch and come inside her with a cry that made the upstairs neighbor bang on the ceiling—and then again, in this bed, as she rode him like a prize pony until they both came apart at the seams. She clenched around him like a vise as they came together, and the way he spasmed inside her only set her off again, until their orgasms seemed to feed off each other in an ouroboros of pleasure that felt endless and left them both gasping, shaking, too exhausted to even roll off the wet spot, let alone clean up properly.
She’s slick halfway down her thighs.
“Fuck, Scully, you’re so wet. You feel so good.” He slides his tongue into her ear and one finger into her slippery, aching heat, and her neck arches off the bed. “You felt good last night, too, especially the second time”—and now he scrapes his teeth along the shell of her ear, slides a second finger alongside the first—“when your pussy was already full of my cum, when I could feel it leaking out of you as I fucked you.”
“Jesus, Mulder,” she gasps, and spreads herself open even more, hooking her leg behind him and shifting a little onto her side. He holds her across her stomach and gathers her partly on top of him; her head falls back on his shoulder so he can tongue the soft column of her throat, nibble the sweet ridge along her collarbone. He ruts against her as his fingers pump slowly in and out, her clit hardening beneath his thumb. One arm is still trapped against the mattress, and he wriggles it free as best he can to fondle her breast, rolling her nipple between his fingers.
She moans, squirming against him and pushing her ass deliciously against his hard length, begging for more. A quick shift of her hips, an awkward moment of fumbling, and then his cock is no longer trapped between their bodies but gliding between her slickened labia, and she brings a hand down to press him more tightly against her. He thrusts languidly, trapped between her hot little fingers and her even hotter cunt; he skims across her entrance with each stroke, rubs the head of his cock against her clit, her hips rolling in counterpoint to his sweet, unhurried rhythm. She reaches backward to grab his hair, whimpering, and his newly unoccupied hand busies itself at her other breast, groping and tweaking them in tandem.
“I love making you feel good, Scully.” His voice is velvet and gravel, his cock almost painfully hard against her molten core, and he talks to keep from embarrassing himself by coming before he’s even gotten inside her. “I love making you wet, feeling your clit pulse under my fingers, my tongue.” He licks her from shoulder to ear, leaving a glistening line of saliva along her skin, then sucks on the sensitive little spot where her jaw meets her throat. Soft little oh s spill from her lips as she grinds harder against his cock, and stars crowd his vision. “I love making you come, over and over. The sounds that you make, the way you smell, the way you squeeze me with your tight, wet cunt. ”
“Oh God.” Her whole body shudders and he feels a warm trickle of arousal coat his cock. Her face turns into the pillow, muffling the increasing volume of her moans. Greedy for the sound of her, he cups her jaw to pull her into a long, sloppy kiss, swallowing each whimper as she writhes against him with growing desperation.
“Are you awake yet, Scully?”
“Yes,” she pants helplessly against his mouth, his cock gliding between her soaked folds with almost no resistance. Soft, wet sounds fill the room, broken only by her breathy moans, his desperate panting. “More,” she manages to gasp. “God, more.”
His arm tightens around her stomach, and in one smooth move he drags her fully on top of him and scoots until his back is against the headboard. Her thighs fall to either side of his and he spreads her wide, his thick cock still thrusting along her slickened sex. She drops her head back against his shoulder and he growls, “Touch yourself,” into her ear.
A moment of hesitation, a deepening blush in her cheeks, and then she obeys. He watches her hand moving in quick tight circles over her clit, brushing the head of his cock as he slides it up and down the length of her. He slips just barely inside and she cries out, chasing him with her body when he withdraws, teasing her again and again. She gasps his name between casual blasphemies, notes in a symphony of moans and whimpers. “I want you inside me,” she finally begs. Her hand is slick with her own arousal as she wraps it around his cock, pumping him slowly, holding him against her entrance. She arches back to kiss him, plunges her tongue into his mouth, unable to stop the embarrassingly high-pitched whines coming from her throat. “Fuck, Mulder, I need you inside me when I come.”
“I live to serve,” he purrs against her mouth, and thrusts firmly upward, impaling her in one smooth motion. A loud cry pours from her throat—the neighbors are definitely going to complain again—and then she’s riding him for all she’s worth, her hips rolling and the muscles in her thighs clenching as she gallops toward release.
“Yes, oh God, Mulder, yes,” she gasps again and again, breathless and wanton, her tits bouncing in his hands as he pinches her nipples and her fingers making ever-more-frantic circles over her clit. “Close, so close, harder—”
Her words melt into a loud moan as he begins to plunge into her from below, his feet braced against the bed for leverage and his cock bumping against her cervix with every stroke. “Yes, Scully,” he hisses into her ear. “I want to feel it. Fuck me until you come.”
She’s tight and clenching around him, hotter than hell and slicker than sin, and his hand leaves her breast to join her fingers, stroking her clit together. He bites her nape, hard, and with a startled “ Oh! ” she shatters, her inner walls squeezing his cock in strong, rhythmic flutters as she gushes around him.
“Christ, Scully, did you just–?! Oh my god–!” Before she has a chance to answer or even catch her breath, he squeezes her tightly against his body and thrusts hard and fast, unable to hold back any longer. His ass lifts off the bed as he pistons in and out of her, desperate for release, and when she tightens around him again he comes with a roar—someone next door bangs on the wall—spurting hot inside her until his eyes roll back in his head and his vision goes red at the edges.
He comes down to find himself spooned against her, her ass cradled in the bowl of his hips as he softens inside her. They’ve made quite a mess, but his legs are burning like he’s been running for miles, and she’s gone completely limp against him; the last thing he can imagine is getting out of bed.
Still, he tries to be a gentleman.
“Want me to make some coffee? Then maybe a shower?”
She shakes her head against the pillow and pulls his arm tighter around her body. “I think I might be falling back asleep.”
He smiles into her hair. “Want me to wake you up a little later?”
Hope you enjoyed! As always, comments will be printed and pasted into my little self-esteem scrapbook <3
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gattnk · 5 months
AFapril 2024 Day 18 - Angie Town
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Well would you look at that, the paradise you've always dreamed of! :D Now featuring some previously explored locations: the NimBus station I described in chapter 1 of my fic, and the war memorial statue featured in this page of my comic.
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warderfromtheborder · 10 months
Destiny: the year of Very Well Structured Things In Sets of 2
Defiance+Wish: The Sovs Mara and Crow, the Eliksni Misraaks and Eramis, and the Regular Ass Humans Devrim and Petra(PV counts as a regular-ass human she isn't a figure of prophecy or royalty in the reef she's a cop who's been promoted too much out of necessity)
Deep+Witch: The Truncated Heros Sloane and Eris, the Osmium OGs Xivu and Savathun, the Concerned Boss-Parents Zavala and Ikora, and the Wriggly Enablers Ahsa and Drifter (okay you got me) I mean the Nonhuman Guides Ahsa and Immaru
Lightfall: Osiris with no Sagira and Nimbus with no Rohan and Caiatl with no Recognizable Dad and the Witness with no Disciples and Chioma with no Maya and the Vex with no Chill the Living People of Neomuna with no Meatspace to live in. (The dreaming city curse will never end and the people on Neptune will never get to leave the matrix Im sorry but that's the way it is)
The story and themes for this year of Destiny are SO GOOD the writers have done SUCH A GOOD JOB. If making a tighter relationship between the expansion narrative and the seasonal narratives was one of the goals this year they fucking knocked it out of the park, I can't put any of these arcs into its own box because they have been knit together so sturdily. It's all one great narrative, one Very Big narrative, they haven't done it like this before!
(And Im so mad people couldnt stop shitting on Lightfall they are stoping themselves from seeing how good the WHOLE NARRATIVE IS they are probably gonna say come march/near TFS launch "uhh yeah the seasons were good i guees but maybe they shoulda worked harder on Lightfall I mean who even likes Nimbus" and for their Ignorance and Haterism I am sentencing them to reading part two of The Two Towers while they get attacked by Paper-Tube Ninjas and a broadcast system shouts at them 'YOU CANNOT HAVE THE VICTORIES IN RETURN OF THE KING IF FRODO AND SAM DIDNT KEEP WALKING ALL THE WAY TO MORDOR' for 100 hundred years.) (The link there is I didn't get the Point of that part of Two Towers when I first read it and assumed the whole would have been better without it. Obviously...I was wrong, and so are these clowns who think Lightfall has a bad story)
The name of the game this year is Resolution, Catharsis, Armistice, Acceptance. The structuring is so simple and so elegant and so well executed, the 2s, the 3s, the mirroring and the inverting and the unfathomable gloriousness of the victories personal and community and galaxy wide. There is no way to overstate the bitterness of Amanda's death, the relief of exhalation when Sloane retreats, the VINDICATION of Eris's vengeance.
You remember when Zavala 'discovered' Crow's former identity? How that was the crowning on-screen narrative jewel in destiny up to that point? What I am saying is EVERY ARC THIS YEAR IS AS GOOD OR BETTER THAN THAT BEAT AND DESERVES AS MUCH RECOGNITION FOR THE ARTISTIC ACHIEVEMENT OF SO MANY COMPLEMENTARY COMBOS PACKED INTO ONE EXPANSION STORY.
If Shadowkeep was the first sign of symptoms, if Beyond Light was trying to irradiate the disease, if Witch Queen was a tug of war with scar tissue, then Lightfall is the world after recovery and making peace with what will Never Be The Same, and the home and family that has been changed forever but is still Your Home and Your Family. We don't stop fighting but we also don't stop loving and growing and caring.
One last thing for my fellow Sjur copium addicts out there: Sloane's retreat was mirrored and inverted by Eris's victory, so for the complementary-ness of the story to continue, Amanda's death and Crow's subsequent emotional anguish over losing the person he fought with but who also saw him for who he really is will need to be mirrored and inverted by SOMEONE who Mara fought with but who also saw her for who she really is and I expect you will agree this is SCIENTIFICALLY ACCURATE reasoning that Sjur's comin back home.
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thatdammchickennugget · 7 months
Hogsmeade Locations - Part One
Just some shops and restaurants I came up with. Pictures were made with Bing Image Creator.
Part Two
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Broomstick Blittz Racing and Repair
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Welcome to "Broomstick Blittz Racing and Repair" – your one-stop destination for all your broomstick needs! Step into our sleek and modern showroom, where you'll find the latest models of racing brooms proudly displayed, each designed for speed, agility, and precision.
From the sleek and aerodynamic Nimbus series to the cutting-edge Firebolt models, we offer a wide selection of brooms tailored to suit every wizard and witch's racing preferences. Our knowledgeable staff are on hand to provide expert advice and assistance, ensuring you find the perfect broom to take your flying to new heights.
But we're not just about selling brooms – we're also committed to keeping your trusty steed in top condition. Our skilled team of technicians offers comprehensive maintenance and repair services, from routine tune-ups to emergency fixes. Whether it's a minor adjustment or a major overhaul, you can trust us to get your broom back in the air and performing at its best.
At "Broomstick Blittz Racing and Repair," we're passionate about flying and dedicated to helping you achieve your racing dreams. So why wait? Visit us today and experience the thrill of high-speed broomstick racing like never before!
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Diviner's Delight
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Step into the mystical realm of "Diviner's Delight," where the secrets of the future await. As you enter our enchanted shop, you're greeted by shelves adorned with sparkling crystal balls, shimmering scrying mirrors, and an array of other divination tools, each whispering tales of destiny and fate.
Browse our carefully curated collection of divination instruments, each imbued with ancient magic and designed to unlock the mysteries of the universe. From ornate crystal balls that reveal glimpses of the future to intricately carved scrying mirrors that peer into the depths of the soul, we offer a wide range of tools to suit every aspiring seer and mystic.
But that's not all – at "Diviner's Delight," we also offer personalized fortune-telling services performed by our skilled and experienced diviners. Whether you seek insight into love, career, or destiny, our gifted practitioners are here to guide you on your journey and illuminate the path ahead.
So come, embrace the magic of divination and unlock the secrets of the cosmos at "Diviner's Delight." Your destiny awaits, and we're here to help you uncover it.
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Spellbound Scribbles Stationery
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Step into the enchanting world of "Spellbound Scribbles Stationery," where the ordinary becomes extraordinary with the stroke of a magical quill. Our shop welcomes you with shelves lined with an array of mystical writing supplies, each imbued with spells and charms to enhance your writing experience.
Discover our collection of enchanted quills, crafted from the finest phoenix feathers and dragon scales, designed to glide effortlessly across parchment and imbue your words with magic. From self-inking parchments that record your thoughts as you speak to inkwells that never run dry, we offer a range of innovative writing tools to inspire creativity and wonder.
But that's not all – at "Spellbound Scribbles Stationery," we also specialize in personalized enchantments and bespoke stationery designs. Whether you seek a magical journal to capture your dreams or a spellbook to chronicle your adventures, our skilled artisans are here to bring your visions to life.
So come, explore the possibilities and unleash your imagination at "Spellbound Scribbles Stationery." With our magical writing supplies, every word you write is sure to cast a spell and leave a lasting impression.
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Enchanted Wandcraft Studio
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Welcome to "Enchanted Wandcraft Studio," where the magic of wandmaking comes to life. Step into our boutique and immerse yourself in a world of enchantment, where each wand is crafted with care and precision to reflect the unique essence of its owner.
Browse our extensive collection of wand designs, from elegant and traditional styles to bold and whimsical creations. Whether you seek a wand adorned with intricate carvings or one infused with shimmering gemstones, we offer a wide range of options to suit every witch or wizard's taste and personality.
But what truly sets us apart is our customization services. At "Enchanted Wandcraft Studio," we believe that every wand should be as unique as its owner. That's why our skilled artisans work closely with each customer to create a wand that perfectly captures their essence and aligns with their magical abilities.
So come, unleash your creativity and discover the wand of your dreams at "Enchanted Wandcraft Studio." With our personalized service and attention to detail, your wand will be more than just a tool – it will be a reflection of who you are and the magic you possess.
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The Butterbrew Bistro
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Step into the warm and inviting ambiance of "The Butterbrew Bistro," where the golden glow of butterbeer casts a spell of comfort and nostalgia. Nestled in the heart of Hogsmeade Village, our café is dedicated to celebrating the beloved beverage in all its forms.
Indulge your senses with our array of butterbeer variations, from steaming hot mugs of frothy goodness to icy-cold concoctions that refresh like a cool breeze on a summer's day. Craving something sweet? Try our butterbeer-flavored pastries and desserts, each infused with the rich, buttery flavor that has enchanted generations of witches and wizards.
As you sip and savor, take in the cozy atmosphere of our bistro, where the laughter of friends and the aroma of butterbeer mingle in the air. Whether you're seeking a cozy spot to catch up with friends or a quiet corner to enjoy a book, "The Butterbrew Bistro" welcomes you with open arms.
So come, raise a glass to the magic of butterbeer and experience the warmth and charm of "The Butterbrew Bistro." With each sip and bite, you'll be transported to a world where the ordinary becomes extraordinary, and the simplest pleasures are the most enchanting.
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Sprout & Spell Kitchen
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Welcome to "Sprout & Spell Kitchen," where the magic of food meets the goodness of nature. Step into our cozy and inviting restaurant, where every dish is crafted with care and creativity using the finest magical ingredients.
As you peruse our menu, you'll discover a tantalizing array of vegetarian and vegan-friendly dishes, each bursting with flavor and nourishment. From enchanted salads sprinkled with fairy dust to hearty plant-based entrees infused with mystical herbs and spices, we offer something to delight every palate.
But that's not all – at "Sprout & Spell Kitchen," we're committed to accommodating all dietary needs. Whether you're gluten-free, dairy-free, or have other dietary restrictions, our chefs are happy to customize dishes to suit your needs, ensuring that everyone can enjoy a magical dining experience.
As you dine amidst the charming ambiance of our restaurant, you'll be surrounded by the comforting aromas of herbs and spices, and the laughter of friends and family sharing a meal together. Whether you're a seasoned herbologist or just starting on your magical culinary journey, "Sprout & Spell Kitchen" welcomes you with open arms.
Take a little peek at our menu:
Appetizers: - Enchanted Garden Salad - Fresh greens, edible flowers, and enchanted herbs, drizzled with a magical vinaigrette. - Fairy Cauliflower Wings - Crispy cauliflower florets tossed in a savory fairy dust seasoning, served with a tangy dipping sauce. Main Courses: - Mystic Mushroom Risotto - Creamy Arborio rice cooked with wild mushrooms, enchanted herbs, and a hint of truffle oil. - Cauldron Curry - A hearty blend of seasonal vegetables simmered in a fragrant curry sauce, served with fluffy jasmine rice. - Spellbound Stir-Fry - Crisp vegetables and tofu sautéed in a magical stir-fry sauce, served over a bed of steamed noodles. Desserts: - Enchanted Berry Crumble - Fresh berries baked with a sweet and crunchy oat topping, served warm with a scoop of vegan ice cream. - Chocolate Cauldron Cake - Decadent chocolate cake infused with magical cocoa powder, topped with a rich chocolate ganache and edible gold flakes.
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The Magic Mug Microbrewery
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Welcome to "The Magic Mug Microbrewery," where every sip is a spellbinding experience. Step into our cozy gastropub and immerse yourself in the enchanting world of craft beer and wizarding delights.
At "The Magic Mug," we take pride in brewing a rotating selection of unique and flavorful craft beers right on-site. From hoppy ales to rich stouts, our brewmasters conjure up potions to please every palate. Pair your brew with our delicious pub-style snacks and meals, crafted with care and served with a touch of magic.
But the magic doesn't stop there – join us every week for our legendary trivia nights, where students and wizards alike can put their knowledge of wizarding history, magical creatures, and spells to the test. Compete with friends and fellow enthusiasts for a chance to win prizes and bragging rights, all while enjoying a pint of our finest brews.
Whether you're a seasoned beer connoisseur or just starting your magical journey, "The Magic Mug Microbrewery" invites you to raise a glass and experience the magic of craft beer and camaraderie. Cheers to good times and great brews at "The Magic Mug"!
Take a peek at our menu:
Craft Beers (Rotating Selection): - Wizard's Wit - A refreshing wheat beer with hints of citrus and herbs. - Dragon's Breath IPA - A bold and hoppy India Pale Ale with a fiery kick. - Unicorn's Delight - A mystical and fruity saison brewed with magical herbs and spices. - Phoenix Ale - A rich and malty amber ale with notes of caramel and toast. - Mermaid's Kiss - A light and crisp pilsner with a hint of sea salt and seaweed. Pub-style Snacks: - Potion Poppers - Crispy jalapeno poppers filled with gooey cheese and served with a tangy dipping sauce. - Gillyweed Guacamole - Creamy avocado dip infused with magical herbs and served with crispy tortilla chips. - Dragonfire Wings - Spicy chicken wings tossed in a fiery hot sauce and served with celery sticks and blue cheese dressing. - Butterbeer Pretzels - Soft pretzels brushed with butterbeer glaze and sprinkled with sea salt, served with warm cheese sauce for dipping. - Troll Toes - Savory sausage rolls filled with seasoned meat and wrapped in flaky pastry, served with mustard for dipping.
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Bludger's Bites Cafe
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Welcome to "Bludger's Bites Cafe," where the spirit of Quidditch comes alive in every bite. Step into our cozy cafe and immerse yourself in the thrilling world of the wizarding sport, where the passion for Quidditch is as strong as the aroma of our delicious fare.
At "Bludger's Bites," we pay homage to the beloved sport with a menu inspired by Quidditch teams and players. Indulge in savory quiches, crisp salads, and hearty sandwiches, each named after famous teams and players from the Quidditch world cup. From the bold and fiery flavors of the Bulgarian Bonanza sandwich to the fresh and zesty Nimbus salad, we offer something to delight every Quidditch enthusiast's palate.
As you dine amidst the magical ambiance of our cafe, you'll be surrounded by the excitement and camaraderie of Quidditch fans from near and far. Whether you're a seeker, a chaser, or simply a fan of good food, "Bludger's Bites Cafe" invites you to savor the flavors of Quidditch and experience the magic of community and camaraderie.
So come, grab a bite and toast to the thrill of the game at "Bludger's Bites Cafe." With each mouthful, you'll taste the passion and excitement that make Quidditch the most magical sport in the wizarding world.
Take a peek at our menu:
Savory Quiches: - Chudley Cannons Quiche - A hearty blend of sausage, peppers, and cheddar cheese, baked in a flaky pastry crust. - Holyhead Harpies Quiche - A vegetarian delight featuring spinach, feta cheese, and sun-dried tomatoes, baked to perfection. - Wimbourne Wasps Quiche - A spicy combination of chorizo, jalapenos, and Monterey Jack cheese, with a kick of hot sauce. Crisp Salads: - Nimbus Salad - Fresh mixed greens topped with sliced apples, walnuts, and crumbled blue cheese, dressed with a tangy balsamic vinaigrette. - Falmouth Falcons Salad - Grilled chicken breast served over a bed of romaine lettuce with bacon, avocado, cherry tomatoes, and ranch dressing. - Montrose Magpies Salad - A Mediterranean-inspired salad with cucumber, olives, feta cheese, and roasted red peppers, drizzled with a lemon herb dressing. Hearty Sandwiches: - Gryffindor Grinder - Sliced roast beef, caramelized onions, and melted provolone cheese on a toasted hoagie roll, served with au jus for dipping. - Slytherin Sub - Grilled chicken breast with pesto, roasted red peppers, and fresh mozzarella cheese on a toasted ciabatta roll. - Hufflepuff Hero - A classic BLT with crispy bacon, lettuce, and tomato, served on toasted whole wheat bread with mayo. Accompaniments: - Quaffle Fries - Crispy seasoned potato wedges served with a side of spicy ketchup. - Golden Snitch Soup - A hearty soup of the day, served with a warm roll or slice of bread. - Firebolt Chips - Thinly sliced potato chips seasoned with sea salt and rosemary.
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The Lute and Ladle Tavern
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Welcome to "The Lute and Ladle Tavern," where the spirit of medieval feasting and music reigns supreme. Step into our rustic tavern and be transported back in time to an era of hearty meals, lively music, and warm camaraderie.
At "The Lute and Ladle," we specialize in serving up hearty and satisfying fare fit for knights and wizards alike. Feast on succulent roasted meats, savory pies filled with flavorful fillings, and grilled vegetables cooked to perfection over an open flame in the hearth. Each dish is prepared with care and served with a side of rustic charm, making every bite a taste of history and tradition.
But the magic doesn't stop there – "The Lute and Ladle" is also a hub for live music and entertainment. Enjoy acoustic sets by local wizarding bands and performers as you dine, or take the stage yourself during our open mic nights for aspiring musicians. With the sound of lutes strumming and voices singing, our tavern comes alive with the joy and energy of live music, creating an atmosphere that's as vibrant as it is welcoming.
So come, gather with friends and fellow adventurers, and experience the magic of "The Lute and Ladle Tavern." With hearty meals, lively music, and warm hospitality, we invite you to make memories that will last a lifetime in our medieval-inspired haven of good food, good company, and good times.
Take a peek at our menu:
Main Courses: - Roasted Meats Platter - A hearty selection of roasted meats, served with mashed potatoes and seasonal vegetables. - Savory Pie Sampler - A trio of savory pies filled with chicken and mushroom, beef and ale, and vegetable medley, served with a side salad. - Grilled Vegetable Skewers - Seasonal vegetables grilled to perfection and served with a garlic herb butter. Beverages: - Ale of the Realm - A hearty ale brewed in-house and served in tankards. - Elderflower Cordial - A refreshing non-alcoholic beverage made with elderflower syrup and sparkling water. - Mulled Wine - A warm and spiced wine, perfect for sipping by the hearth on a chilly evening.
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The Enchanted World Bistro
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Welcome to "The Enchanted World Bistro," where culinary magic knows no bounds. Step into our enchanting restaurant and embark on a culinary journey across wizarding cultures from around the world.
At "The Enchanted World Bistro," we celebrate the diversity of magical cuisine, offering a tantalizing array of dishes inspired by cultures near and far. From the spicy flavors of Indian curry to the comforting warmth of British shepherd's pie, our menu features a variety of international favorites, each infused with a touch of magic that sets them apart.
But we're not content to simply stick to tradition – at "The Enchanted World Bistro," we love to push the boundaries of culinary creativity. That's why we also offer fusion creations that blend magical and Muggle ingredients in unexpected ways, creating dishes that are as innovative as they are delicious.
So whether you're craving the familiar comforts of home or eager to explore new culinary horizons, "The Enchanted World Bistro" invites you to indulge your senses and experience the magic of food from around the globe. With each bite, you'll taste the richness of wizarding culture and the boundless possibilities of culinary enchantment.
Take a peek at our menu:
Main Courses: - Dragonfire Curry - A spicy Indian curry made with tender chunks of dragon meat and served with basmati rice. - Wizard's Shepherd's Pie - A classic British dish with a magical twist, featuring savory minced beef, vegetables, and creamy mashed potatoes. - Phoenix Pasta - Spaghetti tossed in a rich tomato sauce with roasted garlic, basil, and grilled chicken or vegan meatballs. - Enchanted Sushi Roll - A fusion creation featuring magical ingredients like sea serpent scales and mermaid seaweed, rolled with sushi rice and avocado. Beverages: - Polyjuice Potion - A colorful and refreshing fruit punch served in a goblet. - Butterbeer Float - Creamy butterbeer topped with a scoop of vanilla ice cream. - Firewhisky Sour - A smoky and tangy cocktail made with firewhisky, lemon juice, and a splash of simple syrup.
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