#Nishiura high school
thedigitalpen · 6 years
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Now this is the bromance I like to see - the unexpected kind! Added bonus: being high school rivals from different schools! 
While the somewhat obvious bromance between Mihashi and Abe is sweet to watch as they learn to communicate with each other, this “love at first sight” moment here between Tajima and Nakazawa gives me life! 
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Abe Takaya
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Abe had a closed relationship with tickling before coming to Nishiura. The experiences he’s had with the pitcher Haruna in middle school, he developed a dislike for strong independent pitchers who value themselves over the team. He even turned down many other high schools in favor of the little-known Nishiura. Before meeting Mihashi and Tajima he didn’t have much experience being tickled, mostly being a ler for his little brother Shun. The only experience he had with tickling beforehand was from Yuuto, though as his time at Nishiura went on he learned to open up more to his teammates.
Abe is most ticklish on his abs, followed by his feet and finishing with his sides.
Abe’s worst spot and a constant spot of misery haha. He used to be tickled here as a child, mainly by Yuuto and eventually by Mihashi. When in private or when trying to calm or inspire Mihashi, he has been known to slip his top off and let the pitcher light his abs and navel up. Mostly ticklish on the lower belly and in and around his innie, tickling here is a sign that he trusts or is familiar with the tickler, most people don’t get to tickle him here openly.
Rated 9/10
A more private spot, if for no other reason than that it is hard to get to, that is a fan favorite of his brother Shun and Tajima. Tickling him here usually results in a burst of sharp uncontrollable laughter, a complete opposite of his normal attitude. He actually kind of likes being tickled here, though usually isn’t. Oil and brushes wreck this spot and has been known to leave a smile on his face afterwards. 
Rated 8/10
The spot most people tickle on the team, in fact this spot is the most popular spot on all the other players as well. Abe like all the others is quite ticklish here, wriggling, bright, loud laughter usually being the end result. He usually tickles Tajima and Shun here and has been known to tickle both Mihashi and Yuuto as well. Tickling here is easiest with just fingers, a good dough squishing or kneading technique being all that’s needed to break him down
Rated 7/10
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intheticklecloset · 3 years
The Grinch of Nishiura (Big Windup!)
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Summary: The Nishiura boys have gone caroling, but Mihashi notices that Abe isn't singing with them.
Word Count: 1,312
“A-Aren’t you…going to sing?”
“Heck no.”
Mihashi bit his lip. He and the rest of the Nishiura boys were gradually walking down the hall of one of the hospital wings, following their coach with songbooks in hand. The pitcher had noticed almost right away that Abe wasn’t actually singing any carols, but he let a few of them go by without saying anything.
“It’s not that I don’t want to,” Abe continued, keeping his voice lowered. “I like what we’re doing here. Singing for sick kids and all that. But I’m not going to embarrass myself in front of them or anything.”
A nurse walked by, smiling at them as she went. Mihashi glanced up at his friend. “Why…would it be embarrassing?”
“I can’t sing, Mihashi.” Abe grumbled the words under his breath, keeping his eyes averted. “I can’t hold a tune.”
They came to a stop at their next destination, their coach gave them a tempo, and the boys started in on “Frosty the Snowman.” All of them except Abe, who merely mouthed the words and acted like he was singing for real. When they were finished a couple of minutes later and began walking again, Tajima – who had been just in front of them – hung back until he was walking on Abe’s opposite side, throwing an arm around him.
“Come on, Abe. You should sing! I can’t hold a tune either, but I’m at least trying.” Tajima grinned. “You can’t be any worse than me.”
Abe rolled his eyes. “Yeah, well, some of us have a little more self-respect.”
Tajima scoffed, quickening his pace to walk ahead of them, singing “you’re a mean one, Mr. Grinch” under his breath.
Mihashi had never considered that there might be some things Abe wasn’t good at. He was so amazing behind the plate, on the field in general, in the dugout, and in most of their classes. To learn that Abe not only couldn’t sing but was able to admit as much was a surprise to the pitcher.
After another half hour and several more Christmas carols went by, the boys followed Coach Momoe out of the hospital and onto the bus to head back to the school. Mihashi and Abe sat together with the pitcher at the window seat, though he never looked out at the passing scenery. Instead he kept his eyes on Abe, whose eyes were on his teammates, who were still singing even though they didn’t have to anymore.
“Abe,” he said after a few minutes, “if you want to s-sing, you should sing. W-We’re not in the hospital now, so you can’t…you won’t embarrass yourself in front of the kids.”
“It’s not worth it here, either.” Abe crossed his arms, slouched down, and closed his eyes. “They’d never let me live it down. I just can’t sing, Ren. Let it go.”
Mihashi was silent the rest of the trip.
When they got back to Nishiura High and were huddled waiting for their respective rides to come pick them up, Tajima suddenly started in singing again, prompting a few others to join him. They laughed, but Abe had had enough.
“Would you stop already?” he snapped at them, his temper boiling over. “We’re done caroling! We’re not at the hospital anymore, so quit singing all these stupid kids’ songs. I’m sick of it!”
Everyone went quiet for a long moment. Then Tajima started in once more, this time revisiting “you’re a mean one, Mr. Grinch.” Some others were eager to join him, but Mihashi cringed, watching Abe from the side, worried. He knew his friend looked angry, but if it were him, having that song sung right to his face would make him feel awful. He wondered if he should say something.
“You’re as cuddly as a cactus!” Tajima laughed, suddenly lunging forward to hug Abe around his waist and lift him off the ground.
The catcher sputtered in protest. “Hey! Let me go!”
Izumi sidled up next to him and took his hand teasingly. “You’re as charming as an eel~”
“MR. GRIIIIIINCH!!” The boys yelled in tandem, bursting into laughter.
Abe looked both enraged and mortified. “Put me down!”
“You’re a bad banana with a…” Tajima set him down as requested, then immediately dug his fingers into his teammate’s ribs. “…greasy black peeeeeel!”
“Gah! Ahahahaha – whahahat?!” Abe screeched, giggling despite himself, shoving Tajima’s shoulders. “Get ohohohohoff!”
Izumi laughed, coming up behind him to pry his arms away. “You’re a monster, Mr. Grinch!”
Hanai, Oki, Mizutani, and Suyama sang, “Your heart’s an empty hole!”
Tajima found Abe’s waist and dug in, forcing the catcher to burst out laughing, struggling against Izumi’s grip while trying to kick his attacker away, and all of it was enough for Mihashi to finally start grinning himself at how silly it all was.
“Stahahahahahahap!” Abe cried, desperately trying to keep his cackles under control.
“Your brain is full of spiders,” the boys chorused together. “You’ve got garlic in your soul, Mr. Griiiiinch!”
“Okahahahahay, okay, stahahahahahap!” Abe was laughing so hard at this point he started to fall to the ground, at which point Hanai and a few others descended on him, too, pinning him and tickling him mercilessly all while singing the Grinch’s song.
“I wouldn’t touch you with a thirty-nine and a half foot pooooole!”
Abe threw his head back and laughed hysterically, unable to help himself. He’d very quickly gone from feeling insulted to feeling loved, and it was such a drastic turnaround from the teammates he assumed would mock him for not being able to hold a tune. But here Tajima was, singing very badly and leading the crew’s tickle attack against him, and everyone was having a good time being silly together.
Mihashi bounced eagerly on the side for a minute before finally deciding he really, really wanted to join in. He knelt next to Tajima, kneading his fingers into Abe’s hips as everyone sang “you’re a vile one, Mr. Grinch,” and he beamed when his friend jerked and laughed even harder, nearly wheezing by now.
Everyone really sang with gusto when the line “you’ve got termites in your smile!” came up, making them all laugh for a bit before continuing with the rest of the tune.
“PLEHEHEHEHEHEHEASE, GUYS!!” Abe begged through his laughter, squirming helplessly on the ground. “I GEHEHEHEHEHET IT, I GET IT!! PLEASE, STAHAHAHAHAHAP!!”
Tajima led the boys in the last couple of lines. “You have all the tender sweetness…”
“Of a seasick crocodile, Mr. Griiiiiinch!”
Mihashi couldn’t quite bring himself to join along with their teasing singing, but he was more than happy to help tickle their catcher to hysterics. Everyone sang the last line at the top of their lungs – so loud it couldn’t really be called singing anymore – and tickled as hard and fast as they could at the same time. Abe shrieked and thrashed, laughing so hard he went silent, and finally the song was over and everyone let him go.
“Y-You guys…suck…” Abe muttered breathlessly, still grinning widely as he curled up on his side, catching his breath. “That was uncalled for…”
“Well, Mr. Grinch?” Tajima teased, poking his side again, making him giggled out a yelp. “Has your heart grown a few sizes?”
“Shut up,” Abe snapped playfully, blushing. “Whatever. I might feel better, but I still can’t sing.”
“Who cares?” Hanai laughed. “As long as you’ve got the Christmas spirit in you, it doesn’t matter if you can hold a tune.”
“Tell that to the glass windows I break.”
Everyone laughed again – some laughing so hard they toppled onto the ground beside the catcher. Abe, for his part, pushed himself up into a sitting position and took in all of their smiling faces – including Mihashi’s – before finally allowing himself a grin of his own.
Maybe next time they went caroling, he’d feel better about actually singing with them.
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autistic-lan-xichen · 2 years
Spearhead having the time of their life playing baseball and not having to worry about dying. Nishiura all dying p much instantly Bc they have no training and holy crap
Spearhead finally getting the break they deserve and being allowed to be stupid teenagers while Nishiura are like “the highs and lows of high school volleyball did not prepare me for this”
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oofurixmas · 4 years
For: Boey @Valenti-no 
From: Nat
Chapter: 1/1
Fandom: Ookiku Furikabutte | Big Windup! Rating: Gen Relationships: Kanou Shuugo & Mihashi Ren, Mihashi Ren & Nishiura High School Baseball Team Characters: Mihashi Ren, Kanou Shuugo, Nishiura High School Baseball Team Additional Tags:  Future Fic, Christmas, Working abroad, Mild Hurt/Comfort, Mihashi is celebrating Christmas alone because he's in the NY Mets now, Oofuri Secret Santa 2020, vague mentions of what happened in Mihoshi
On the morning of Christmas in the 21st year of his life, Mihashi is in a foreign country, for the first time, and alone, for the first time in a long time.
Merry Christmas! This was for Oofuri Secret Santa 2020, where I was requested "Nishiura", "Kanou" and "Hamada". I ended focusing more on Kanou but there's a little bit of the rest at the end. To my secret santee, I hope you liked it :')
Work Text:
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ellie-tarts · 4 years
also i have predictions about big windup and im going to post them and in ten years when big windup gets to these points in time in the plot we'll see if i am right (i am having thoughts bc of rereading stuff) 
they do not make it to spring koushien bc of mihashi's step size crisis 
for the summer tournament they have to deal with musashino in the quarterfinals, a haruna vs nishiura battle. he's called the best southpaw in the tournament. nishiura wins
face ARC in the finals and finally a team is able to beat them and they secure their ticket to summer koushien 
at koushien they get to play against (or at least they see them if not play against them) kanou and mihoshi
and this way higuchi only really has to write a year and a half of high school, not two and half years
alternatively, they are a 21st century team for spring koushien, somehow
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anyways, these are just my predictions, obv we’ll just have to see where higuchi-sensei takes us
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✳ Scenario Request Rules ✳
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✳ Request Status: Open 🔓 / Closed 🔒
If you’re looking for the Headcannon rules, please click HERE.
Last Updated: 11/07/2021
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✳ Rules & Information:
I only write reader-insert fiction. Details like skin color, hair color, eye color, etc. will be left out of your request. However, you can ask for a fic that mentions weight, height, hobbies, etc.
You can send your own prompt or choose from one of the open sets! It is possible that I may not have updated the set list in time and if so, I will kindly ask that you choose another prompt.
Please send only one request at a time. After your request has been fulfilled, you may request again.
Choose only fandoms and characters from the open fandom list below. 
As a straight woman, I find it hard to write romance with other females, but I’ll still try. It may be quite cringe, though! It’s possible that I’ve forgotten characters or might be willing to try writing for a character, so feel free to include them along with a failsafe character (one I’ve listed) and I’ll see what I can do!
Please be patient. If I try to force myself to write, I simply can’t seem to. While I’ll try to get to your request in a timely manner, be warned that it may take a while before I’m able to write anything worthwhile.
I will not write about rape, sexual abuse, racism, incest, politics or religion. If you want to request a fic about the reader having been raped in the past, I will allow that, but I won’t write about the rape itself or put too much detail.
Any theme is fine and if you don’t specify, I will choose for you based on whatever prompt you’ve chosen and it will most likely be angst with fluff or just fluff. No NSFW.
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✳ Open Fandoms/People:
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
Jarl Balgruuf
Molag Bal
General Tullius
The Prince of Tennis/Tenipuri/Tennis no Ouji-sama
St Rudolph
Chikao M.
My Hero Academia/Boku no Hero Academia (season 1, 2, 3 [up to episode 20])
Class 1-A
Class 1-B
All Might
Power Loader
Best Jeanist
Kamui Woods
Mr. Compress
Chinapuri/Match! Tennis Juniors/Fen dou ba shao nian (up to Jingwu’s appearance)
Yu Qing/Seigaku
Yu Feng/Fudomine
Jingwu / Atobe 
Kuroko no Basket/KNB (season 1)
Obey Me! 
Supernatural (season 9 or below)
Dean (friends or family only)
Sam (friends or family only)
Castiel (friends only)
The Pirates of the Caribbean
Jack Sparrow
Will Turner
James Norrington
King Ferdinand
Cutler Beckett
Haikyuu (season 2, episode 10)
All players
Ukai K.
Ukai I.
Aoba Johsai
Date Tech
Ikejiri from Tokonami
Gaara from Naruto (au only)
Saitama from One Punch Man
Inuyasha & Sesshomaru
Mob Psycho 100 (season 1) & Live Action
Until Dawn
The Avengers / MCU
Iron Man
Captain America
Dr Strange
Spiderman / Peter Parker
Star Lord
Pewdiepie (friendship only)
Markiplier (friendship only)
Call Me Kevin (friendship only)
Axis Powers
Allied Forces (minus France)
Ouran High School Host Club
All Host Club Members
Erza Scarlet from Fairy Tail
Syou from Uta no Prince-sama
Prince of Stride Alternative
Honan Academy
All Team Members
Saisei Academy
All Team Members
Clean Freak! Aoyama / Keppeki Danshi! Aoyama-kun
Gakuen Babysitters
Eyeshield 21
White Knights
Shun Kakei
Riku Kaitani
Initial D
Ookiku Furikabutte
Nishiura Boys
My Otome
Kiddy Grade
Katekyo Hitman Reborn!
Lambo (10YL or 20YL only)
Fuuta (TYL only)
The Devil is a Part-Timer
High & Low
Kizzy (friendship only)
Kaito (friendship only)
Rude Boys
Mighty Warriors
Kyou Kara ore Wa!! Live Action
Water Polo Yankees / Suikyu Yankisu
The Hobbit / Lord of the Rings
Aragorn (friendship/family only)
Bilbo (young only)
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I look forward to your requests! (^~^)/*
- Rain
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notsasm · 4 years
Sports Anime ⮕ Part I
I do not considered myself as an otaku, but I like watching anime and read the manga, manhwa, and mahua. Before I mostly watched shoujo or romance tag, but when I watched Kuroko’s Basketball then One outs, I ended up liking watching sports anime. Apparently, when I began watching action or sports, I ended up disliking shoujo because I felt that there is no thrill or the plot seemingly cliché. Well, I probably will come back to shoujo soon. 
So, here are the few sports anime without romance:
1. One Outs 
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Available Season: 1
Sport: Baseball
Kojima is a baseball legend. As the superstar cleanup hitter for the Lycaons, he won himself many awards including rookie of the year seven times; but there's one title he never acquired: champion. In an attempt to find that special something Kojima feels he's missing inside, he opens a training camp in Okinawa. There, through a series of events, Kojima is introduced to a high stakes game dominated by the talented Toua Tokuchi, and subsequently loses a fortune. However, Kojima finally defeats Toua and due to their agreement, he enlists him to join the now poorly-ranked Lycaons - but Toua demands a high price: instead of a salary, he will receive five million yen for each out, and lose fifty million yen for each point lost. With a bad attitude and prodigal skills, Toua will help transform the Lycaons into winners once more.
(Source: Anime-Planet)
2. Haikyuu!! 
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Available Season: 4
Sport: Volleyball
Shoyo Hinata isn't a large guy, but he's got huge ambitions. Ever since seeing a small player score in a National Championship, he's been determined to become the next big thing in High School Volleyball. Unfortunately, the one time he was able to pull enough players together to form a team in junior high, they were completely trashed in their first and only match against a team led by up-and-coming setter Tobio Kageyama.Now, enrolled at the same high school where his idol once played, Shoyo's finally going to get his shot to join and play with a top team. There's just one problem: Tobio Kageyama's decided to attend the same school, and he's already considered one of the best players in the game. Can a kid out of nowhere hold his own against the King of the Court? Or could the rivalry and competition actually be the best thing for both of them?
(Source: Sentai Filmworks)
3. Run with the Wind 
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Season: 1
Sport: Running
Kakeru is a former elite runner who finds himself on hard times. After shoplifting food, he’s saved by Haiji, a Kansei University student and a fellow runner. Having nowhere else to go, Kakeru moves into a dormitory with Haiji and eight other strangers. Haiji then announces his plan to enter all ten of them in the Hakone Ekiden, a prominent university relay marathon. But aside from Haiji and Kakeru, few of the others have run competitively before.
(source: Sentai Filmworks)
4. Kuroko no Basket 
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Available Season: 3
Movie: 1
Sport: Basketball
Teikou Junior High School's basketball team is crowned champion three years in a row thanks to five outstanding players who, with their breathtaking and unique skills, leave opponents in despair and fans in admiration. At Seirin High School, two newly recruited freshmen prove that they are not ordinary basketball players: Taiga Kagami, a promising player returning from the US, and Tetsuya Kuroko, a seemingly ordinary student whose lack of presence allows him to move around unnoticed. Kuroko no Basket follows the journey of Seirin's players as they attempt to become the best Japanese high school team by winning the Interhigh Championship.
(Source: MAL Rewrite)
5. Diamond no Ace Act I & II 
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Act I Season: 2
Act II Season: 1
OVA: 2
Sport: Baseball
With a stray pitch that completely missed the batter, Eijun Sawamura loses his final middle school baseball game. But everything changes when a scout unexpectedly invites him to Tokyo's prestigious Seidou High School after seeing the potential in his unusual pitching style. However, now surrounded by a large number of skilled players, Eijun struggles to find his place on the team. He declares that he will one day become the team's ace, but that's only if fellow first year Satoru Furuya doesn't take the title first, with his breakneck fastballs that earn him a coveted spot on the starting roster.
(Source: MAL Rewrite)
6. Number24 
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Season: 1
Sport: Rugby
Natsusa Yuzuki was expecting to be the ace on his college rugby team but due to unexpected circumstances, had to sit out. Six months later, he’s back. Along with his best friend Seiichiro, prodigy senior Ibuki Ueoka and a few others – they’re going to represent the Kansai University team. He may still be figuring out life but he’s got some new brothers to help him. Time to join the scrum!
(Source: Funimation)
7. Big Windup!
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Season: 2
Sport: Baseball
Ren Mihashi is a timid pitcher with problems; he has no self esteem or confidence, due to the relentless bullying of his once teammates, and is reluctant to play baseball again. However, at Ren's new school, Nishiura Prefectural High, he finds himself picking up the mitt once more. Along with the help of alumni-turned-coach Maria Momoe, tough but supportive Takaya Abe, and the rest of his teammates, Ren will regain his confidence and show the game of baseball who's the boss yet again!
(Source: Anime-Planet)
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ljaesch · 4 years
Tubi Adds the Big Windup! 2 Anime
Tubi Adds the Big Windup! 2 Anime
The Fandom Post is reporting that Tubi has added the Big Windup! 2 anime to its service. The full season is available in its original Japanese language with English subtitles. The series is only available to viewers in the United States and Canada. The story of Big Windup! 2 is described as: Hot off the heels of their first win, the players of Nishiura High School are fired up for the rest of the…
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Mihashi Ren
The ace of Nishiura High School
Happy (manga) birthday, baseball birb bean!
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vgprintads · 4 years
‘Ōkiku Furikabutte: Honto no Ace ni Nareru Kamo‘ [おおきく振りかぶって ホントのエースになれるかも]
Big Windup! (Ōkiku Furikabutte), often shortened to just Ōfuri (おお振り), is a Japanese baseball manga series written and illustrated by Asa Higuchi, serialized in the monthly seinen manga Afternoon magazine since 2003.
It has been adapted into an anime television series, animated by A-1 Pictures, which premiered in Japan on TBS. It received its international television premiere on Animax's English language networks in Asia, Animax Asia.
(...)The series, set in Saitama, follows the story of Ren Mihashi. Mihashi was the previous ace pitcher in his middle school's baseball team, but it seems that he only got the position because his grandfather was the owner of the school. His teammates (especially the team's catcher, Hatake) hated him, and they always lost their games. Mihashi is thoroughly convinced that he is a lousy baseball pitcher, and feels guilty because he believes that he is responsible for all the losses. Mihashi graduates through middle school with extremely low self-esteem. But in truth Mihashi is really a hardworking and skillful pitcher, and the main reason why his team always lost all the games is because of bad cooperation, because his teammates never talked about the game with him, and they did not try to come up with a plan or strategy to fight against their rivals. Mihashi then transfers to Nishiura High School with plans of quitting baseball because he thinks he is not good enough to succeed at it, though he still loves the game deeply. However, he is dragged into Nishiura's baseball team by their coach, Momoe, while watching the team training outside the field. Assisted by his new teammates (and especially the catcher, Takaya Abe), he grows in stature, confidence and skill, helping his team excel with his own abilities. ~Wikipedia
Source: YouTube; Aruru-san's test channel
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potahun · 5 years
Big reasons to read Big Windup!
...or big reasons I loved reading Big Windup!/Ookiku Furikabutte, especially as someone who has no experience with sports anime/manga:
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1. Plot delivery
I personally never rly got into sports animes/mangas before, but Oofuri just ...starts with a very intriguing premise, even for someone who doesn’t know squat about the sport? The story drops you into the MC’s memory of his middle school teammates calling him a terrible pitcher. Within 2 minutes of reading, it’s clear that he agrees, and there are some objective, valid reasons why his former teammates could have been correct, but when he does try out for the Nishiura highschool team in the first chapter, his pitches don’t seem that easy to hit. Why is that?
For the rest of the story too (so far), though there aren’t intrigues, the author is great at keeping a riveting pace...I lost my shit during the Tosei game and I have never watched a baseball game in my life. You don’t have to love baseball to get into the games, and even when the story’s not showing the games, it’s still riveting because of personality-related plot points (and tbh that deserves its own point).
2. ‘Dream team’ vibes
The Nishiura team, which we follow, is composed of very likeable characters. They each have memorable, yet believable personalities, with no quirks that could set up a character as X- or Y-type. MC Mihashi stutters a lot and is jumpy, but this is a side-effect of heavy anxiety, a nervous disposition, and, often, his fear of his catcher, Abe - things that are delved into as plot points. Genius batter Tajima is seemingly happy-go-lucky, chaotic and brash, but is not limited to that and instead displays shadow leadership and an EQ that’s off the charts. Oofuri is also great in that the author focuses a LOT on developing these characters and their interactions, and she is good at using ‘show-don’t-tell’. These two facts together means that the team dynamics gets delivered in an organic and compelling manner: The lack of defining quirks allows characters to act beyond a role (the ‘snarky one’, the ‘impassive one with great skills’, the ‘fiery one with a heart of gold and raw talent’, the ‘responsible dad friend’, the ‘responsible mom friend’, the ‘tsundere’ - you get my drift). Instead, the author can use the flexibility in their personalities to create believable people, and with them, a wide range of cute and evolving dynamics and conversations.
They really do have fucking adorable conversations.
3. A personality-led story
I think this one is special and I wasn’t sure what to expect when I got in, but, in Oofuri, the plot about baseball and aiming for Koushien feels like a thread that’s woven into a broader, overarching plot about personal growth. Character growth permeates the story, and not just for Mihashi as the MC. And by growth, I mean growth as a person. I.e. the kind of growth that you, or I, or any random person in the street can want to go through, without ever aiming for a baseball tournament. Having this kind of personal development as the heart of the story makes oofuri that much more believable. These are just kids growing. They just happen to love baseball.
In addition, character growth is not done by character arcs, and that’s rare. In fact, there are no character arcs and character development happens very gradually, consistently, with small events creating small improvements or set-backs, small conversations, that were not given any emphasis in-story, being mulled over after time etc. In this sense, Oofuri is delivered in a way that feels more like a coming-of-age story (which, again, just happens to be about kids who like baseball)
4. Despite it being a baseball manga, no baseball drama
This is one of my personal pet peeves, but I’m not very good with stories where the characters have major breakdowns that end in lashing out, anger, angst-filled isolation, or any related jazz. In Oofuri, so far, none of the main characters have had a mental breakdown about baseball. Even when they get stunned or are affected, it’s non-dramatic and never lumped with teamwork drama just to up the tension (actually, the team is shown to support each other, since a team that stays solid during a game has better winning chances), and that feels more natural than having characters doubting their dreams because of a slump, having angsty outbursts, or isolating themselves, before a big breakthrough where they come back ‘stronger’. Usually this is coupled with the surrounding characters noticing the change and openly stating, with words, that ‘hmm they’re different now’. Until now, Oofuri has been spared from the drama. It’s been subtle about growth and drama-free and that’s something I’m infinitely grateful for. 
It also helps big time that each of the kids is conscious that this is high school baseball. Not, like, a life or death match or their whole future or something. They are aware of how slim their chances are, but are very down-to-earth about it. This gives the whole story a very grounded feel, which is so, so refreshing.
(Mihashi has a so-called ‘slump’ at one point, but more than a slump, it is a concrete ‘crisis’ situation that the author deals with in a very non-angsty way. In fact, he’s given appropriate support that he readily accepts while taking action. Amazingly drama-free.)
5. Though it’s not perfect, the way it deals with many issues is commendable
Overall, Oofuri deals with many issues in a way that’s relieving to watch. E.g. Momoe being a female coach, but never having authority issues with the boys, Mihashi’s anxiety gradually being accepted and no one giving him additional pressure for it (except Abe, unintentionally)... One of the biggest yikes moment I had (and probably for anyone who starts reading) was the way Abe treated Mihashi in the very beginning. But although their relationship rly is a cornerstone of the story, the author never treats the controlling aspects and dependency in their relationship as morally good. Rather, it’s a plot point that is directly linked to how Abe and Mihashi grow individually, and it’s a challenge they both explicitly identify and want to overcome -- and they both try so, so hard to do so. 
There are many other things that I love about Oofuri, like the way the author has developed the main opponent teams etc. but this is getting hella long so yeah. All this to say: Please give Oofuri a look.
It’s fucking good.
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sunmoonkunoichi · 6 years
We’re all used to the eccentricities of each character, and the techniques the boys use to stay calm and focused during their games, but from an outside perspective Nishiura high school baseball team is absolutely fucking bizarre.
*Nishiura calls time*
Opponent team: oh they must be making a game plan, alright
*Abe goes out to stand in the middle of the field and hold hands with Mihashi while staring intently into his eyes*
Opponent team: what the fuck is going on???
*Abe calls Mihashi his pitcher, promises to take care of him for the next 3 years, swears that they’ll win for his sake, Mihashi is crying incoherently*
Opponent team: they know we’re in the middle of a game, right? do we need to get them a room or something....?
Opponent team: how are these freshmen staying so calm in such a serious game??? what’s their trick???
*Looks across to Nishiura’s dugout where Mizutani is screaming while Izumi and Mihashi tickle him*
Opponent team: ?????? do we need to call somebody?? is he okay?
*Tajima makes an impossible shot and gets several runs*
Opponent team: how cool is that prodigy?? he must be a genius
Tajima, immediately after finishing the game, shirt off, dick out: rice is a type of protein right??
Hanai: jesus christ how have you survived for this long
Big hot shot team pre-game: This game will be pathetically easy -- they’re just a bunch of freshies!! Practically toddlers!
*Nishiura during the game* Reads the pitchers’ movements, memorises each batters preferences, goes full-on klepto with bases. Wins.
Hot shot team: What in tarnation....
*Nishiura after the game* has players falling asleep on public bunches like a bunch of hobos, some of them half-naked, Abe yelling incoherently over the mess
Hot shot team: ....we lost to this?
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umisabaku · 6 years
In his Third Year of high school, Mihashi Ren likes to think about the fact that he is a very different person now. Different that who he was as a First Year, different than who he was in middle school, different that who he was before he met Abe Takaya.
His list of accomplishments include:
Taking the team to Koushien.
He has friends.
These friends actually like him.
He can talk to these friends, usually without a lot of pauses.
He can wave to people, and they will wave back.
There are other pitchers in Nishiura now, but he still wears the number one.
He's still the Ace.
He can talk to a crowd and not want to die.
These are pretty big accomplishments, and all in all, he's very proud of himself. He is a calmer person now, and he is proud of himself. 
But then there are days—days like this—when he feels sick, and wants to hide in his room, and whenever someone tries to talk to him it's almost too much—and he doesn't know why. Mihashi feels sick and anxious and he doesn't know why.
You're a better person now, he tells himself. You're a stronger person now. You're not the person who you were. You're happy.
He is happy. He has Abe. He has a team. But mostly he has Abe. He's very happy, he knows he's very happy.
There's no reason for you to feel this way.
So he goes to practice and he smiles, and he talks to his team, and he does his best to guide his kouhai, and inwardly he wants to cry and hide and break apart and he doesn't know why.
"Hey," Abe says, when practice is over, when they're walking back home the slow way. "What's wrong?"
Because of course Abe knows something is wrong. Abe has spent the past three years of high school intently studying Mihashi.
"I don't... know." Then he grimaces at his own hesitation. He looks up at the sky and says, "I sometimes resent the person I pretend to be." And then he starts crying because he thinks no matter how much progress he's made, he'll only ever be that scared, selfish pitcher everyone hated. That happy person he usually is seems like a lie and a fake and he resents the fact that he’s not actually that person.
Then Abe is holding him, and he's sobbing into Abe's shoulder, because he doesn't know what's wrong with him and he thinks he's still who he was, when you take away everything he pretends to be, he's still who he was.
"Hey, hey," Abe says, kissing the side of his face, "What's so wrong with who you were? They're both you, Mihashi, the weak you and the strong you, they're both you and you're great."
It's mostly nonsensical crooning that means so much because of who it's coming from, and Mihashi takes a deep breath as he listens to Abe accept both parts of him: who he was and who he's trying to be.
"OK," Mihashi says, when the crying is over and all that's left is the calm and the strength he carries. "OK."
Abe kisses him again, first on his cheek and then on his lips, and Mihashi feels like he can go on again.
  A/N: Wanted to write some AbeMiha and thinking about bad days among the good. 😊🌵🌻❤️️
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ap-sadistics · 8 years
@rotten-dan replied to your post: so i was going through an artist’s blog and i was...
is he your ultimate weakness? need this info
oofurii is my life blood and mihashi is eternally my son forever and ever
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⚾ Hidden; Mihashi Ren (Sportember #006)
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📑 Table of Contents | ⚾ Challenge Post
Genre: Slice of Life, Angst, Fluff
Word Count: 1,523
Pairing: Reader, Mihashi
World: Ookiku Furikabutte
Prompt: “I’m the poster child of denial, there’s nothing I can’t hide.”
Sport: Baseball
Anyone that met Mihashi Ren could almost instantly tell that he’s a sensitive boy, terrified of confrontation. No matter who it’s from, he’ll just sit back and accept whatever abuse people give him, whether it’s physical or mental. People call him weak and pathetic, a boy without a spine, but what they don’t seem to realize is just how precious he is – a boy with a heart of gold who only wants to play baseball. If he were to be compared to anything, you would choose a flower – without proper care and attention, he’ll just wilt away, but if you give him the love and care he so rightly deserves, he’ll bloom into a beautiful part of this world.
This is what you thought when you first met him after visiting your cousin Azusa. You had always been rather protective over your friends and family, but something about the mousy boy brought out your parental instincts and you were determined to keep him safe while also teaching him to be more confident in himself. It was a slow-going process and he was so easily set back, but neither you nor Nishiura’s baseball team were prepared to give up on the pitcher.
You glanced at Abe as he sat on the bench in the dugout, his knee bouncing up and down, expression sour. He was clearly feeling antsy since Mihashi wasn’t at school today since he had a doctor’s appointment – he was training too hard and caught a cold, so Abe made him agree to go to the doctor in order to get ahead of it.
Abe lifted his head, eyes meeting yours. “Why are you staring at me?”
“Because you’re adorable and precious.” You grinned in reply.
“Huh? The hell are you on about?” He huffed, turning his head away from you, but you didn’t miss the light dusting of pink across his cheeks.
“Y/N,” Coach Momoe approached you with her wallet in hand, a smile on her face. “Do you mind running to the store for me?”
“I don’t mind,” you chirped happily. “Whatcha need, coach?”
“Sports drinks, water, and rice balls. Enough for the whole team.” She handed you a wad of bills. “Thank you!”
You nodded, making a mental note of the items she requested as you pocketed the money and left the baseball field. It was the last week of summer and mother nature definitely wanted you to know it. The sun was shining brightly, undeterred by the fluffy white clouds floating across the bright blue sky. The UV index was high, causing you to sweat as you exited the school grounds. There a very light breeze, at least, cool against your skin as it hit the sheen of sweat.
The convenience store wasn’t far from the school, thankfully, and it was nice and cool inside, making you release a content sigh. You picked up one of the small, plastic baskets by the door before heading toward the back of the store which was lined with refrigerators, each filled with an assortment of beverages. As you were deciding on which flavors to get, the doors slid open again.
Two third-years from Nishiura entered the store with little Mihashi squished between them, looking meek and small. He wanted nothing more than to run away but he was far too scared to do so, choosing instead to just do what they wanted rather than fight against them. The question was – why wasn’t he at home getting rest?  He was supposed to be, but he suddenly got a craving for chocolate milk and there was none at his house. He could have asked his mother, but she had to go babysit for her best friend.
For weeks, the two older boys had been bullying the mousy first-year, forcing him to blow his money on them. All he wanted was some chocolate milk while snuggling under the comforter, why did it have to come to this? He didn’t understand.
The boys headed toward the back to get their daily caffeine fix and Mihashi slowly trailed after them, chewing on his bottom lip. When he stepped around the aisle of chips, he noticed you and jumped back, eyes wide and heart racing. Mihashi was terrified of people finding out that he was being bullied again and he went to extreme lengths to ensure this, but now he wasn’t sure what to do.
Oblivious to this, you moved closer to the boys to get to the water, choosing a brand you knew your cousin enjoyed. You glanced at the two as they argued over which soda was the more superior option and you recognized them. They were notorious troublemakers, after all, and had made the mistake of trying to bully your cousin, but you shut that down real fast.
‘Now I just need… rice balls!’ you stepped behind the bickering boys, nearly running into Mihashi who was trying to press himself against the end of the aisle. “Mi-chan? What are you doing here? You should be at home resting.”
Mihashi gulped, keeping his eyes focused on his sneakers. Tears stung at his eyes, hands shaking at his sides. What he wouldn’t give for the ground to just swallow him up whole.
You frowned, gently grabbing his hand with your own. “It’s okay, Mi-chan. I’m not mad at you.” His fingers wrapped around your own, holding on for dear life as the two boys finally stopped their bickering, turning their attention to you.
“How cute,” the blonde gained a mocking smirk. “Two losers comforting each other.”
The brunette snickered. “Two losers sittin’ in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G!”
“Are you five?” You deadpanned, feeling Mihashi shifting closer to you for comfort.
Blondie started guffawing while his friend scowled, glaring at you. You didn’t back down, meeting his gaze head on. “Che, get lost, loser!” He tried to grab Mihashi but you pushed his arm away, using your body as a barrier to shield the smaller boy.
“Like hell I’m letting him go with you,” you scowled, dropping the basket to the ground so you could rest your hand on your hip.
“You can’t decide that for him,” the blonde commented with a grin, his hazel eyes set on the younger boy. “Don’t you want to stay with us, Mihashi-kun?”
Mihashi flinched in response, his hands fisting around the back of your shirt, a soft whimper escaping his lips. Your body tensed up in response, preparing to fight the two if the need should arise. “I already warned you once about your bullshit. Stay the hell away from Mihashi!”
The blonde’s eyes widened a bit. “I knew you looked familiar – you punched Asahi when he was messin’ with Azusa!”
“Wait, this is them?!” The brunette snapped his eyes between the two of you before sizing you up, straightening his back. “There’s no way, bro.”
“I’m tellin’ you, man, that’s definitely them.” The blonde glanced at you before shrugging. “I wanna keep my nose in tact, so I’m out.”
“Bro!” The brunette watched in disbelief, as his friend exited the store. He clicked his tongue in annoyance. “I ain’t scared of -”
Your fist connected with his face, sending him back against the counter. This caused packs of gum and candy bars tumbling to the ground as a moan of pain passed his lip, hand clutching his nose, blood leaking through his fingers.
“Hey!” The store owner came rushing from behind the counter, her face twisted in anger. “Get out before I call the cops!”
With a scoff, you grabbed Mihashi’s hand again, pulling him behind you as you left the store, the drinks long forgotten. Your heart hurt as you thought about the current situation. Why hadn’t he reached out to you? Or Abe? Or anyone for that matter? Did he not trust any of you? You suddenly came to a stop, shaking your head, which caused him to run into your back, but you didn’t even notice, far too caught up in your thoughts.
‘No, I don’t believe he doesn’t trust us. Maybe he just didn’t want to bother any of us…’ You frowned.
Mihashi swallowed hard before calling out your name, but it turned to a squeak when you suddenly whipped around to face him. He had never seen you wear such a serious expression before. “Y-Y/N-senpai…”
You suddenly tugged on his hand, pulling him into your arms. “Listen to me, Mihashi. I know you’re not used to relying on others, but please don’t hide things like these. You’re so precious and you don’t deserve to be treated that way!”
His cheeks burned, heart beating rapidly within his chest and it took him a moment before he was able to raise his confidence enough to throw his arms around your waist, face buried in your shoulder. Tears built up in his eyes and, despite trying to hold them back, you could feel your shirt growing damp, his body shaking with soft sobs.
You smiled warmly, running your fingers through his soft hair as you pulled him closer, free arm wrapped protectively around his shoulders. ‘No matter what, I will always be here for you, Mihashi.’
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