#No more tagging I think I'll play the Sims now
lorelnessa · 7 months
To whom it may concern:
I have to analyze a text for school, right? It's a fragment of a book about Peru's financial history and it's about the Incas, whether they were socialist and how they use their social structure in current politics, if that makes any sort of sense, I'm translating from Spanish, to Greek and then English, because I'm tired. Anyway, I tried to google the author of the book and here's what happened.
The author's name is Emilio Romero and there was an Emilio Romero who was married to Libertad Lamarque, who was an Argentine actress. So, I then googled Libertad Lamarque, again, I found out her name was Libertad because her father was an anarchist who was in prison when she was born (she gets major points for that) and then I also googled her descendants because I needed to know if she had kids and grankids, for some reason.
Also, I've only seen Libertad Lamarque in la Usurpadora, which means I started singing the song from that show. Except Libertad Lamarque also had beef with Eva Peron and now I'm also reading about what happened to Eva Peron's body after she passed away and I'm singing the Spanish version of Don't cry for me Argentina along with the song from La Usurpadora.
Gaby Spanic was the leading actress in La Usurpadora and I have no idea what she's up to, nor do I particularly care but, as it turns out, she pretended her assistant was poisoning her and her son and tried to have her arrested, for some reason? I think I knew she had a son but I'd forgotten all about it.
Anyway, back to Eva Peron. She was illegitimate, because her father did this thing that men used to do in Argentina, evidently, he was married twice. Also married more than twice? Ruth Wilson's grandfather, which reminds me that Mrs Wilson is in a Greek platform type thing and I should watch it again.
Speaking of Ruth Wilson, this morning I was very rudely awakened by people building across the street and I cancelled all my subscriptions and have no tv but I have a Greek cable thing that came with my internet service and they have The Affair on there and I thought I'd try to watch that because I don't want to watch that mess ever again and I might be able to fall asleep again. I thought I hadn't slept, but I just remembered seeing a sex scene between Alison and Cole and Cole was wearing a dark blue shirt and I hadn't seen that scene before and I was thinking that, for God's fucking sake, how many fucking sex scenes did those people have to film, they're so uncomfortable to watch at this point. That scene didn't exist, I just realized I was dreaming, lmao.
Oh, and Oscar from the Affair just appeared in the Gilded Age, lmao, Julian Fellowes gave him a part, I never thought he'd work again. He's so nice, Julian Fellowes, he even gave work to Wilson from House, bless. <3
All that and I still wrote 100/600 words. My mind is a labyrinth and it is exhausting, lmao.
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sweetbeagaming · 5 months
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2023 was certainly a year! This was a massive year of growth for me, both personally and creatively. Returning to Simblr after nearly 10 years was a blessing that I didn't even anticipate. Y'all have given me a place to express myself and share in comforting community. <3
I am anticipating releasing V1 of The Neighborhood Save in the next couple of months, then who knows what else I'll dream up after that. More builds ofc, and I've been playing with idea of learning how to make CC finally.
THANK YOU all for being such a wonderful part of my 2023, I am so excited to see what the new year will bring to everyone!
ALSO I was avoiding doing a Simblr appreciation post bc I truly think there's too many people to tag and I don't want anyone to feel left out. That being said there were a handful of individuals who either inspired me constantly, made my comeback year on Simblr truly special or both. I do want to give them a specific shout out! <3
@thebramblewood @m0ckest @cowboycid @cowplant-snacks @windbrook @florwal @alelelesimz @windslar @birdietrait @pxltown @fizzytoo @orphyd @rottengurlz @moonwoodmillz @nectar-cellar @neishroom @crsentfairy @folkbreeze @nihilismtrcit @afrolatinotrait @cheapeazzze @tau1tvec @adoringsentiment @spurgees @boobpancakes @stinkrascal @lucidicer @beetlemp3 @wooldawn @literalite @non-sims-4 @thaplumbob @acidheaddd @kestrelteens @simtalics @gothoffspring @ezra-trait @potionio @peonypyxels @ophernelia @kashisun
I am CERTAIN I am missing several, several people in this list and please just know that if you have interacted with my content, sent a sweet ask, or even those who have left Simblr- you have made a huge impact on my year and I am SO appreciative!
Anyway now I'm crying so I'll leave it at this. I hope everyone has a beautiful new year full of bright days ahead!
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kimmiessimmies · 8 months
❤️ Ode to the pose creators ❤️
I suddenly felt the need to create a little appreciation post, so here goes.
I used to be a gameplay-based Simmer. I played my game, took pictures, and told the story based on those. I hardly ever posed my Sims, unless it was to have their picture taken. In fact, I even had a "no poses policy". I said several times I didn't want to pose my Sims, because it wouldn't feel real, it'd be like moving statues.
But things changed, and more and more, storytelling became my base. Slowly but surely, I found that poses helped me tell the story the way I wanted to.
Now, I can't do without poses anymore. I think story updates are now at least 75% posed. Few things bring me greater joy than finding that one pose that perfectly expresses the feeling I felt when writing.
Am I moving statues? Technically, yes. But does it feel like I am? Absolutely not. Quite the opposite, actually; my characters never felt more alive to me, and neither did my story. ❤️
So this is a thank you. To all the awesome pose creators out there. I'll tag a few of my most used, but if I didn't tag you, don't feel offended; maybe I just haven't discovered you yet. And if you see this post and share my sentiments, by all means; reblog, tag your favourite pose creators!
Pose creators are the backbone of the Simblr storytelling community. Our stories would be nothing without them. ❤️
@poses-by-bee, @wasset-aseskara, @yorithesims, @danjaley, and many, many others; thank you! 😘
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starscribes · 7 months
StarScribes Introduction
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About Me
Star (she/her)
Middle School Teacher
I have a lot of responsibilities and don't get much time to myself but when I do I spend that time watching TV, writing, reading, playing D&D, playing video games (the Sims 4), and spending casual time with my family
US located
I used to be @houndsofcorduff but then I disappeared and started a simblr blog and now it's time to get on writeblr again
Mostly fantasy of varying levels, although I have dabbled in science fiction (I like to watch sci-fi more than write it - that's where my name came from actually, the Stargate franchise)
My favorite author is Brandon Sanderson
No, I don't think I'll ever publish anything, just scribe vibing
I love worldbuilding, magic system building, monster building, etc
Warning: I rarely finish anything I start
Ask game, tag game, ask, etc friendly
Reblogging stuff I like about writing
Posting snippets of my own writing
Participating in Nanowrimo (buddy me: stargatetribe)
Main/Simblr: @starandsims
Thanks for visiting and learning about me!
WIPs under the cut
Current WIP
Crescent Unbound - A stand-alone fantasy novel following Astrid Vale, a girl left orphaned by the last battle between good and evil. 20 years later she awakens an artifact with great power, it whispers of the return of evil. She must return it to the Chosen One so that it can be used to banish evil once again, but the quest is not as easy as it may seem.
Main Series: The Destiny Chronicles
Overall Synopsis: A generational series that follows a variety of supernatural beings: The Devlins (monster hunters); Seers (see the future), Sandmen (travel/control dreams), Mages (control a variety of magics), Cruth (control elements), and hybrids. Follows certain individuals chosen by Destiny to stop a great evil, and involves a lot of crossover until the end when everyone meets up for the big bad battle.
Book One: Retrospection - 1976 Earth - Russell Walker is a 16-year-old Seer dating Alexis Devlin a 16-year-old monster hunter. When she reveals his identity as a Seer and subsequently explains he's being hunted by a Seer-eating monster, they run away together - unfortunately not to fall in love but rather to save his life.
Book Two: Otherworld - 2007 Otherworld - Maxine Devlin was born into a family of monster hunters, but after 17 years she still hasn’t been allowed to fulfill that role. She has read every journal her ancestors have written and knows everything there is to know about monsters…or so she thinks. After her uncle and cousin go missing, she takes it upon herself to investigate and find them. Very quickly she finds herself in over her head as she travels to a dimension called Otherworld, where she discovers there is much more to magic than she once assumed.
Book Three: Shades of Night - 2010 Shadow - Sebastian Devlin has been to other dimensions before - technically just the one other than the one he was born in. That doesn't make it any easier though when he's dragged through a portal by the monster he's hunting. On his own this time, he'll have to find a way home, if that's even possible. Before he can do that though, he'll have to solve this new dimensions monster problem.
Book Four: Lost in Atlantis - 2011 Atlantis - The Devlin family is back together on a special mission to search the dimension of Atlantis for a particularly dangerous monster - the one that's been hunting Sebastian. The dimension of Atlantis has been abandoned for centuries, but almost immediately they find a single survivor, an impossible face from the past.
Book Five: Vengeance at the Door - 2013 Earth - Sebastian Devlin the monster hunter has become the hunted, chased across multiple states and dimensions by a horrifying visage either of his imagination or reality. Now in Boston, he's just trying to live off the radar of any monster or creature. As the patients at the mental hospital where he works begin to see the same visages he's been seeing, does he run again? Or get himself slaughtered?
Book Six: Heartwood - 2015 Shadow - Janina Heartwood is a good little sister, she picks food off of her brother's plate, puts leaves in his hair, sticks up for him, and trusts him to the edge of the world. After a mysterious man reveals that her brother, Jake, is adopted and descended from a line of monster hunters called the Devlins, she follows him to another dimension to protect him. Now she, Jake, and her boyfriend, Ethan, find themselves trying to destroy an evil entity known as the Sluagh. Janina fights shapeshifters, gremlins, pirates, and more to protect her brother, but will it be enough?
Book Seven: Bring Me a Dream - 2015 Earth - Reynolds McNeil is a Sandman slowly turning into a Nightmare just trying to live out his final few months keeping his friends out of trouble and protecting his little sister from his scary world. Instead, he gets kidnapped and taken to an underground fight ring for augmented humans like himself.
Book Eight: Dream Treader - 2016 Unnamed Dimension - Rescued at the last second by their thought-to-be dead brother, Reynolds and Louie discover there's a lot more to their strange powers than they thought. Things continue to get complicated as they are hunted by a different kind of enemy determined to rid the world of Destiny's chosen - them and their friends.
Book Nine: Moonlight Dreams - 2017 multiple dimensions - Still on the run but now without their leader, Reynolds and his friends try to learn everything they can about why they're being hunted. In the process they rescue their leader, who now must accept that it's time to start the endgame and bring together all of Destiny's chosen before they're hunted down.
Book Ten: Among Infinities - 2017 Isfyd - Carson has lived his entire life in the middle of a Civil War, and most of that was on the wrong side. Although he's on the right side now there are few who believe he's anything other than a spy. When Carson discovers there is a real spy out there he must discover the spy's identity before he's found guilty himself.
Book Eleven: Diplopia - 2018 Isfyd - Carson, now a prisoner of his mother and in the process of resisting her brainwashing, discovers this isn't the first time she's brainwashed him or erased his memories. Exploring his memories and his old home reveals answers and more questions.
Book Twelve: Splintered Crown - 2019 Earth- Freshly rescued, Carson and his friends flee to Earth to find the one thing that can stop his mother and her army - a girl with no idea who she is or how to use her powers, and absolutely no interest in joining their rebellion.
Book Thirteen: Destiny - 2020 Earth - Earth is invaded by soldiers from Isfyd, it will take all of Destiny's chosen to defeat the great evil they've been waiting for. The Devlins, the McNeils, the Moons, and Carson and his friends are the only chance this dimension has. It's looking increasingly like it won't be enough.
Other WIPs
Hounds of Corduff - 1800s Isfyd - A four-book series following the three Cruth apprentices of Corduff as they battle with and against each other in the middle of propaganda and other lies forcing them each further away from the truth.
The Elder Mage - 1976 - 2015 Various dimensions - a series of short stories following Denham Moon, who some would call Earth's most powerful mage. He's been entrusted with bringing together Destiny's chosen at the appropriate time, but he's mostly just procrastinating since he's pretty sure he won't make it through that appropriate time.
Old Gods - a 9-book series following Em'het, a curious and multi-talented boy with great magics who fights the gods to save his family, but after several years of doing the same thing over and over again he wonders if there's a point to any of it if the gods he faces just keep getting stronger and smarter.
Prince of Fireflies - a TV series that follows teenage twins Charlie and Riley as they attempt to keep their younger brother Liam out of trouble with his mysterious light powers. They're mostly unsuccessful.
The Peculiar Adventures of Michael Mallory - an unnumbered book series that follows 9-year-old Michael Mallory after he sneaks aboard his older brother's spaceship. While in the process of trying to return Michael, Nicholas Mallory and his crew are attacked and forced to hyperjump without their navigation machines online. Now they're lost in space, who knows how far from home, and somehow raising a 9-year-old.
The Disappearing Place - just one book - 12-year-old Martin Ramsey has a bad habit of disappearing, blinking in and out of existence seemingly at random. His brother Bartholomew tries to help but ends up making things worse when he starts disappearing too. In a wacky time-traveling dilemma the brothers have to figure out what is happening and why to try and get back home, while continually randomly jumping in and out of time and space.
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musicallisto · 7 months
𝐦𝐮𝐬𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐨'𝐬 𝟏.𝟓𝐤 𝐛𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐡 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐲 :: 𝒑𝒓𝒆𝒈𝒂𝒎𝒆
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♡ : · • now playing... how you get the girl by taylor swift
hola guapas <3 no, your eyes are not deceiving you... clara's back in town with a follower celebration!! so much has happened since i left—i hit 1500 followers (which is an insane number, thank you guys so much!!), and i & this blog turned 21 and 6, respectively🩵 and how else can we celebrate this than by doing what I do best: throwing a party? sooo yeah, put on your cutest swimsuit, get your piña coladas ready, because we are pregaming on the beach <3
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from nov 1st to nov 8th...
ੈ♡˳ reblog this post when you send one of these in¹!! so more people can join the party<3
ships!!! send me 🐚 + a description of you (gender preference, hobbies, personality, turn ons and offs, and any relevant info you want to include! the more detailed the better) + a fandom² = i will tell you who i ship you with & write a few headcanons about your relationship :)
playlists!!! send me 🌅 + a character + a scenario or relationship trope and I will make a little playlist and moodboard associated with it :)
playlists x2!!! send me 🥥 off anon and I will make a little playlist and moodboard based on how I see you or your blog :)
battle royale!!! send me 🦈 + a fandom and I'll spin a wheel to randomly select three characters and I'll tell you who I think would survive the longest in a death match. if you send no fandom i'll randomize my mutuals instead
((mutuals only)) simselves!!! this one's so self-indulgent but if you know me at all you know a core characteristic of my summers is spending 9 hours/day on the sims send me 🍍 + your ethnicity (just so i don't accidentally whitewash you or anything sob) and i'll create you in the sims!! or at least how i imagine you look based on your vibes lmao
go crazy and send as many as you want (in separate asks though, please)!
¹ it's really important you rb this post so more people can participate and i don't feel like a human flop pls & love you
² fandoms i will write for: formula one, stray kids, grishaverse, bridgerton, game of thrones, stranger things, the haunting (hh & bm), the hunger games, top gun, red dead redemption
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tagging the girlies (gender neutral) because i love them @tsuncda @permanentreverie @eclliipsed @mishelin @cosmic-railwayxo @hotgirlsrk @catsbooksandmusic @starkeyslut @mgcldydrms @its-me-satine @margofiore @atlabeth @faerieroyal @softeninglooks @amirahiddleston @ughgclden @magpiencrow @heliads, @destourtereaux, @daydreaming-optimist
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Little Update
Hello to everyone reading this, I thought I'd post a little update on how things are going. At the current moment, I am struggling to produce fics at a steady rate as multiple things are happening on my end (from work to writer's block to me also just being very easily distracted). This does not mean I'll no longer be posting fics for a while, rather, they'll just be coming out slower than how I planned them to (which was once a week). This also does not mean I won't be posting content in general. Rather, I thought I'd be sharing some headcannons as well as potential AUs. Some of these AUs are niche as they approach specific crossovers or expand on ideas not exactly explored by other authors (that I'm aware of, that is). I'll make sure to posts these headcannons and potential mini fics under their own tags so it'll be easy to find and read them or block them in case it's not your cup of tea. Now, I never like to have a post without a little idea of what's to come, so I'll give a brief run down of a few things knocking around in my brain.
Dragon Rider! AU- Because How To Train Your Dragon nostalgia has been hitting me hard this past week, and because I've had LU on the brain, the two naturally started to combine. There are many versions of this I could go for such as the Chain being dragon riders or (Name) being a dragon rider or even actually mixing the stories/ worlds of HTTYD and LU together. The ideas I have for this AU will require its own post and/ or posts.
Fragments! AU- I cannot think of a proper name for this AU, but it's one I've had for nearly as long as I've been reading LU x reader stuff. There's multiple Links due to the Hero's Spirit and the curse, but what about multiple (Name)s? After all, the player/(Name) have likely played other games outside of the Zelda franchise, but I'm focusing in on the self insert games. The ones where you create your own character or "yourself". Think of the Sims or, for a darker flavor, Skyrim and Bloodborne. These are just examples of games where you create a character(s). In a way, these other "you"s would carry a fragment of your essence since you created them. I don't know how else to describe this so I may also create a post for a more in depth explanation. I could also potentially just drop the idea all together as I don't have much for it even though it's been in my head the longest.
What/ Who the Guide is and if they are the same person as the Player- The title is pretty self-explanatory. I've only seen tid-bits done on Guide/ Player lore and I'm a lore fanatic so I've been wanting to do my own expansion on this. Personally, I do believe the Guide and the Player do have ties to each other but are (technically) not the same person. The leading theory I have on the Guide is that they were a lesser god in comparison to Hylia and Demise and, to save themselves from being killed by Demise, entered a contract with Hylia that made them watch over Hylia's chosen heroes. It'll also explain how the Guide and Player are connected and why the Guide "leaves" the boys after their adventures are done. I do plan on there being a lot of angst in this, so be warned.
Feel free to send in questions about these as I'm always open to interaction! Plus, interacting with you guys or hearing your opinions/ thoughts on these ideas could help get the brain juices flowing as well as further flesh out these ideas!
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moocha-muses · 11 months
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Big news, gentlesims! The lovely Lorelei Lee is looking to fall in love! Could your sim be The One?
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I: So, Lilo, give us the scoop. What made you send in an audition tape?
L: This is going to sound so lame, but, I’ve never been in love before! And I know what you’re thinking. Lorelei, you’re twenty-three. Get over yourself. But everyone else has been dropping the “l-word” since high school. I’ve been confessed to, but I’ve never been the one doing the confessing. I’m here to meet someone that'll make my heart pound.
Full interview (and the submission rules) beneath the cut!
I: That’s why you’re here . . . why should the contestants bother showing up?
LL: Ouch! Haha, I mean, I don’t know? I’ve got a killer smile, great legs, I’m not a bad cook . . . I’m sure they’ll have their reasons.
I: Tell us a little more about yourself.
LL: Sure. Let’s see. I’m pretty competitive. I don’t think I’m an asshole about it, but if I was one of the suitors on this show, I’d probably end up as the villain. I swear I'm nice to the sims I date.
I: Ha!
LL: I love cats, I have mild insomnia and I drink way too much coffee. I'm great with people, I love making new friends, but I tend to hold onto a grudge. Sometimes I really get into moods where I just feel all my feelings.
I can play pretty much any instrument by ear, and I absolutely slay at karaoke night. I think a lot of my college professors expected me to drop my major at any minute, like it was a giant prank, and go into the family business - should I talk about my mom? No? Well, I am going into the family business. People forget my dad’s a social worker. He’s my hero.
I: You sound great.
LL: Are you sure? I don’t know if I’d date me.
I: She’s funny, too! This sim's a catch. Speaking of . . . Lilo, what kind of sim are you looking for?
LL: Someone passionate. I don't mean that in a sexy way (though clearly that's a plus) but the sims I've been attracted to have always committed to the bit, you know? I'm into people who don't back down, or try to make themselves palatable. I love listening to sims talk about the things they're completely weird on.
And blondes! Love me a blond.
Now for the entry rules!
To submit an entrant, just make a post with cute pics and a bio (see below) and tag me! The finalists can be sent as in a private DL once they've been chosen.
Contests get an all-expenses paid trip to a tropical vacation for a shoot that will happen right after the end of this round. All entries should include a personal bio with an aspiration, a personality/sign (Lilo's a Popularity Taurus), a list of traits and a set of TOs (at least one of which should be for black hair, fitness, or creativity). Feel free to include a career and job level too. And a LTW! Why not?
Winning entrants will be expected to provide their own wardrobe (Everyday, Formal, Swim, and Undies) suitable for a tropical environment.
All genders welcome, but only the following supernaturals: witches, werewolves, and aliens. Go ahead and include any accessories/jewelry and tattoo boxes you'd like. I'll recolor hairs and adjust skins/eyes as necessary to match my defaults. Go ahead and include an CC you like! The more the better.
(No real entrant deadline because scheduling this within the next two/three months is probably optimistic. Let's say September 1st-ish, until the producers say otherwise. Otherwise, I'll cap it when we hit too many sims for me to choose between!)
Good luck, and don't forget your hearts! Or your swimsuits.
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blackbloodedisabel · 1 month
hola it's my 15 questions for 15 friends.. thank you for the tag @the-lonelyshepherd<33
yeah I plagiarised your cut what are you gonna do about it
(are you named after anyone?)
not my first name but I got my middle name from one of my great-great aunts or something I'm not 100% sure
(when was the last time you cried?)
probably about 3-4 nights ago when I was crying a weeny bit over misty quigley but the last time I FR cried was like 2 and 1/2 weeks ago when I finished aurora by kim stanley robinson which was AUUgh
(do you have kids?)
I count many of my sims and OCs as my children but no I don't really
(what sports do you play?)
I HATE sports but I'm very unfit so I'll probably have to start cycling again yayy
(do you use sarcasm?)
I dabble.
(what's the first thing you notice about someone?)
I genuinely couldn't tell you. probably their eyebrows idk
(what's your eye colour?)
it's green in the middle bit and brown everywhere else. some people call it hazel I call it beer bottle
(scary films or happy endings?)
I hate both<3 happy endings can be ok I guess but I'm biased because I'm trying to write a fanfic (trying😒) which does not have a happy ending. but it's the happiest ending possible! I love tragedy
(where were you born?)
(any talents?)
I can write. if I so choose. I can also go very long without consuming any fluid and factorise quadratic equations
(do you have any pets?)
I count many of my sims and OCs as my pets but no I don't really
(how tall are you?)
idk like 160-something centimetres, so like. just below average. shortest in my family (AAAAAA!!) because I inherited the weeny genes from my maternal grandparents
(favourite subject at school?)
I like physical geography and maths occasionally
(dream job?)
would love to do something geography related like volcanology, seismology OR something like meteorology (more physics based). might be interesting to do environmental science-related work. if nothing works out I'll become a maths teacher and die before I retire. being an author would be cool but definitely as a supplement to a reliable job. right now (I need a job) I'd do great in a garden centre or as a swim assistant. if any employers are listening (leave my tumblr immediately if so!!)
optional tag list (scary I hate tagging.. guys you don't have to do it)
@ambp (so people don't think you're a botgirl), @sickfade, @holyfacehead, @stonergirrrlwrites, @namnjj, @bratyonce, @aziraphaleapologist
if you're supposed to tag 15 people I'm fucked😋😋 I have intimidating mutuals guys and several shep has tagged. if we are moots but I didn't tag you consider yourself a) very scary and b) invited to join in
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onboardsorasora · 8 months
That video 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫 made me want to write more tennis Dan. He is so so soft... I just. Here's some soft tennis Dan 🥺
I'll tag everything properly tomorrow
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Part 1 l Part 21
Part 22
"DR, I need an answer." It was Blake, calling into the kitchen from the living room. Daniel peaked out above the open fridge door in confusion.
"The WTA, the meet starts tomorrow."
"Oh." Daniel closed the door, his brow furrowed as he looked at his hand, it wasn't swollen anymore and the surgical scar didn't look so severe. "I thought you were joking about that."
It was the complete end of the season, the US Open had ended weeks ago with total Djoko dominance. The only thing left on the docket was a tournament held by the World Tennis Association, where they invited the top six men and women in the world to play essentially dinner theatre for a cash prize at the end.
As the world number 1, Daniel was automatically invited, but with his injury he had been ruled out and replaced. 
"No, Matteo dropped out. He hurt his ankle– so they asked if you're good. I told em your doc signed off but it's up to you."
Blake watched as Daniel got that deer in headlights look and sighed. He turned back to his laptop, preparing to reply in the negative. 
"Daniel, are you ok?" Max exited his sim room, eyeing Daniel's shell shocked form curiously, almost worriedly.
Carefully, Blake filled him in when it seemed like Daniel was having a conversation with his palm— as if he was willing his bones to give him the answers.
"You should do it." Max said simply. He grabbed a water bottle from the fridge– nudging Daniel out of the way as he did so.
"Wait what now?" Daniel's head whipped up, his shock returned.
Max shrugged, he said what he said and he knew Daniel heard him.
"You can grip the racquet, you're right hand dominant anyway so it'll just be if you want to power through your back hand– which you don't normally do a lot so I don't think you're going to all of a sudden want to, maybe." Max stated matter of factly with a small shrug of his broad shoulders. Blake and Daniel stared at him as if he grew another head. 
A loud crunch sounded behind them and Daniel almost got whiplash from turning to see Micheal sitting on the island countertop eating an apple. "He's right." Is all he added, his mouth full.
"What if— what if I like fall or something?" Daniel's voice was small, insecure. His shoulders sagged a little.
"Don't fall." Was Michael's oh so helpful reply.
"Just like…tuck?" Blake was marginally better but still received a deadpan glare.
"I can't think of crashing when I drive, or else I won't drive to the best of my abilities. You never used to think of falling when you play, you shouldn't start now." Max cupped Daniels cheek with his cold palm– wet from the condensation.
"Max—" Daniel felt nervous, helpless. But he wasn't sure if he was ready. He wanted to play, don't get him wrong. The fire was in his belly and watching the US Open had been an exercise in torture. But now that the opportunity was in front of him, he felt hesitant to step forward and take it.
Max watched him with a quiet confidence that was just all Max. Daniel looked around and saw Blake and Micheal also looking at him with a silent belief. They believed he was ready but they were ultimately leaving it to his decision.
"How soon can we leave?" Daniel asked after a moment, bolstered their faith and conviction.
The group of men cheered, apologizing swiftly and contritely to the cats who scattered in fear at the sudden noise.
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amerricanartwork · 3 months
Y’know, I have a funny story with the ship between Innocence and Pebbles.
@eggobuggo , my sister, was playing The Sims and made the iterators in her own humanised forms, including her version of Innocence and Wind, along with Moon, Pebbles, NSH and Suns, all with their own personalities and stuff. She set up a generic apartment, put the gang in, and just had fun making them do silly shenanigans together, while I sit and watched her play.
In particular, we headcanon NSH, Pebbles and Innocence as Gen 3s, the newer modes, and so she made them into teenagers, which, with a DLC, have a whole new host of features that are not in the base game. This includes getting crushes (which weirdly enough, young adults and adults cannot get).
But anyway, one day, later into the game (the gang basically all were in the high end of the friendship scale with each other), the notif board popped up that Innocence had gotten a crush on Pebbles. Unfortunately for her, NSH and Pebs were already being all flirty with each other (Ragequit is where it’s at for us), making Pebble basically keep her in the friendzone. Ngl, my heart went out to her :,) Especially so, because they were all sharing a room. (space was tight)
After that, I began thinking about it in context of it in-universe, and ngl, I came to quite liking it as a ship, especially since I see Innocence to be less… asshole-ish (?), I guess, than what the general fandom makes her out to be (I mean it’s understandable, we only see her to leak the pic of Pebbles condition and that’s it.). To me and Eggo, she’s much nicer unless you really piss her off, which then, her more cynical and gossipy side of her comes out. She was actually more of on the friends side with Pebble before the shit went down.
At the time, I thought “dang, it’s a shame I won’t be seeing anything of it since she’s so obscure.”. This was a couple months before I began seeing art of them on the main tag.
Soooo… I guess I’m somewhat of an og Milkshake (as is the fandom name) shipper???
Just, seeing you and others make art about them is almost surreal in a way, since the only reason I really considered them as a ship was cuz of a random event in a life sim game lol.
Also @eggobuggo, I hope you don’t mind me sharing the story. :)
Wow, that seems like quite the story! And I do agree, after witnessing something like that in a totally different game it must be pretty surreal to see the ship gaining popularity in the actual RW fandom now too! It's nice to get another seal of approval from an original Milkshake shipper!
For me, it's also a bit strange because it's something I've considered for a really long time as a lingering "oh, wouldn't it be cool if I could make this work?" idea. The obscurity and lack of content for UI to draw inspiration from, both canon and fanon, definitely added to these feelings and the difficulty of imagining a working portrayal of the ship, hence I've only recently felt confident enough about the relationship and UI as a character to act on it. So after Pura coined the ship name and made a lot more art of it, then other artists started expressing approval and even drawing it themselves, it almost feels like I'm watching the ship enter the mainstream (Tumblr) fandom consciousness in real time, which is honestly pretty cool, especially since it feels like I had a hand in it with that initial ask! And even if I wasn't the very first to consider it, I'll definitely continue supporting this ship!
For some other thoughts though, I totally agree on Innocence not being mean in reality, though for me she's not mean or gossipy at all and more so has a kind-of opposite major flaw that tends to cause bad things unintentionally. As much as I can understand interpreting the character as a genuinely mean person, I thought it'd be interesting to imagine that her leaking the rot simply caused others to perceive her as mean, not that she's that way in reality. After all, I don't think we ever see direct dialogue from Innocence in canon, and the only evidence I can find of her being mean is Wind's speculation on her motivations. I also took inspiration from @shkika's Innocence, but I just wanted to see if I could take those ideas further to create my own unique interpretation.
Also, it's actually pretty coincidental you're telling me this too, because in regards to what I've come up for my Milkshake portrayal, Innocence having an unrequited crush on Pebbles for a really long time is actually really important for both plot and character arc reasons! I've been developing my own take on the classic worm-off-the-string iterator AU idea with @hail-strom for like the past week or so and the ship as of now plays a decent role in that, but the unrequited crush acts as subtle, yet major context for Innocence's actions throughout, which in turn slowly influence Pebbles especially as he starts to reciprocate those feelings (much to his alarm)!
Anyway, thanks for sharing that with me, and thanks for giving me a chance to ramble about this ship more! I'm honestly so happy to see it growing, and all support counts!
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cerosin-bis · 1 year
so....tell us more about König w the Kortac milsim...👀 any hcs about them?
Alright so it took me ages to reply I'm so sorry that ask was SIMMERING. yes I have once again made a ship from nothing. I basically adopted the default Kortac mil-sim - one day I ought to write all my headcanons for him. I gave him a name: Samir. so from now on, I'll tag him as Samir (Kortac) lmao
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Ok so headcanons about them as a pair under the cut ⬇
König is like. canonically socially anxious, that's one thing. I imagine him to be reserved off-duty, but very intense on the battlefield. He's super competitive and if you hear the Kortac guy while playing MWII multiplayer, w his voicelines you'll guess the guy is also one smug bastard on the field. I think they could have an interesting dynamic.
I imagine the Kortac guy (so, Samir) to be… actually just a genuine, very balanced dude. He's either a social introvert or just a calm extrovert. he's affable and wants to make everyone feel included sorta, so he balances out König's social anxiety in a way that feels very natural.
Both believed they would NOT get along with the other because who the hell is that Slovenian dude replying to König's snark comments w no fear AND the exact same energy? Who is this guy daring to say "I JUST saved your ass 🙄" to the absolutely gigantic Austrian dude who was tunnelvisioning in his sniper rifle landing headshots??
They started talking because König is a vegetarian and the Kortac guy does not eat pork. they literally started bonding because once in the cafeteria König assumed he was a vegetarian too (their first exchange off-duty ever), and then apologised 174 times despite it not being a big deal (but König makes a big deal out of a lot of things especially what he considers to be "social blunders". Samir is here to remind him life is more chill than he expects it to be)
TL;DR they're gonna hold hands at one point. I think they're cute
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eulaliasims · 6 months
Get to know you: Sims Style
Ty for the tag @executables-sims. ^^
What’s your favorite Sims death?
idk this time, whoops. I haven't had a sim die in my game except by old age for a while. 🤔
Alpha CC or Maxis Match?
Both? Is that an option? Both. Really, I like aspects of both and so I blend both in my game. Alpha hair and clay hair, maxis match objects and realistic objects, whatever, if it fits in my game I'll use it.
Do you cheat your sims weight?
I used the SimBlender to change some of the models fit states on my last download post; otherwise, no.
Do you move objects?
I move so many objects, baby 😎
Favorite Mod?
My enormous hacks folder makes this hard to answer, lol. I'll shout out Epi's Baby Personality mod, b/c finally I'm getting some sims with more than 0 to 1 nice points born in Middleground again.
First Expansion/Game Pack/Stuff Pack?
It was Pets. Because I've always been an animal lover and it came out right after I started playing.
Do you pronounce live mode like aLIVE or LIVing?
It's still LIV mode and I'll still die on this hill.
Who’s your favorite sim that you’ve made?
Made? Idk, I don't often make sims to play (I think I picked Jackie from Far Valley last time), so I'll show you my favorite born in-game sim!
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is anyone surprised (if you're new here, that's Clara Blanch)
Have you made a simself?
Yeah, but she no longer exists in my sim bin and no one gets to see her.
Which is your favorite EA hair color?
Black? I guess? Idk, I don't really have a favorite hair color.
Favorite EA hair?
Hmm, I don't remember what I answered last time I did this one. I think the little half-up ponytail from Seasons.
Favorite life stage?
Is it a cop-out if I say everything besides the infant stage? (Does that one even count? They're basically potatoes.) Playing this hood for so long, I've come to enjoy playing sims through each of their life stages. Toddler and kid are cute; teen stage is fun because I get to explore their personality and interests more, and ofc there's budding romances for sims who are into that; adult stage, I get to build their lives and see what their own family turns out like; and elders in my game usually get to relax and savor things once they retire, and spend a lot of time with their family and friends and hobbies, which can be a nice change of pace.
Are you a builder or are you in it for the gameplay?
insert both is good gif from @executables-sims's post here
Are you a CC creator?
Do you have any Simblr friends or a Sim Squad?
Yeah, though the concept of a sim squad is so funny to me for some reason.
Do you have any sims merch?
Do you have a YouTube for sims?
Nooooope. I like to watch some simmers, especially speedbuilds (shout out to @kayleigh-83 and @nervosims for their great speedbuild vids!), but no one would enjoy me flitting back and forth between seven different things at once, lmao
How has your “Sims style” changed throughout your years of playing?
Play style or aesthetic style? They've both changed over time. Gameplay wise, I really only stick with Middleground and my rotational play now, whereas I used to start (and abandon) a lot of legacies, tried at least one BACC, just random sims that were fun to play. Aesthetically... hmm, you know, I'm not sure this has changed *that* much. Here's Clara circa 2011:
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I use more matte skins now, and the style of clothing I download has probably changed the most, but I could absolutely recreate this pic without downloading anything new, including the CC stuff in the background.
Who’s your favorite CC creator?
Don't make me pick one!! If you're really interested, check my sims pinterest in my pinned post, I'm sure there's patterns there.
How long have you had Simblr?
*checks archive* ...Ten years next May, yikes!
What expansion/gamepack is your favorite?
Hmmm, I'm going to say Apartment Life this time. I've really been enjoying playing witches lately, and it added a lot of buy/build items I like. Or maybe Uni??? No, AL it is.
Tagging, uhhh, I'm a little late so sorry if you already did this and I missed it!: @isimchi, @tvickiesims, @episims, @anachronisims, @sushigal007
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tedsies · 5 months
Simblr New Years Resolution 2024!
Thank you for the tag @pamsimmerstories 🫶
I've been a bit absent here recently (though still been lurking), so this is actually a good excuse to get me back into posting again 😅
What's your Resolution for your Simblr?
Well, I want to finish up the first iteration of my Lake Strange custom 'hood in the next couple of weeks. I was building for it non-stop throughout December, along with setting up all the households in my new rotation, and now I can't wait to start playing! I don't know what I intend to post from it here yet, as I don't want to end up basing my gameplay around taking screenshots for a story like I found myself doing with my TS4 legacy, but I'm sure I'll end up posting something. Tbh I have so many builds I could post right now but I've been super lazy with taking screenshots 😆
In terms of TS4, I honestly have no intention of going back to it anytime soon. I'm just loving TS2 far too much 😅
What do you want from the Sims Franchise?
Tbh, I just want Aspyr to port the final two TS2 expansion packs to Mac. It frustrates me to no end that I can't have Freetime and Apartment Life. I even wrote to them the other month, and they just came back and said they have no plans to do it (not that I expected anything different) 🤣
Any other New Years Resolutions?
Saying 'yes' to things again. 2023 was a year in which I let myself get trapped within my comfort zone, and I can see (with quite some clarity) how its had an impact on my mental health. I need to go back to forcing myself to being more adventurous again. Today I signed back up to the gym (so cliche to do that on 1st Jan, I know), and agreed to meet up with some friends later this week, so I'm off to a good start, I think.
Tagging @generation-simmer @akitasimblr @starandsims 💚
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holocene-sims · 1 day
oc deep dive
thank you @stargazer-sims for tagging me!! naturally, because i am predictable, i'll answer these questions for grant 🙈
not sure who has done this tag because it went around mostly when i was on hiatus, but i'll tag: @windermeresimblr @nectar-cellar @papermint-airplane @queeniecook @sparkiekong + anyone who wants to do it 💌
what uncommon/common fear do they have?
common: he's a major germaphobeeeeeee
hello, mr. showers-multiple-times-a-day! 🧼
btw i always headcanon grant as wearing masks frequently in public and always in very crowded places like airplanes. you just don't see that in-game because all the mask cc i have installed conflicts with his glasses and/or eyelashes 😔
uncommon: idk if he's afraid of anything uncommon. the main ones for him are germs + being yelled at or physically pushed around, which are common. i guess you could say noses kind of freak him out; the whole cartilage/bone/close-to-the-brain combo is a very unpleasant thought for him lolz
do they have any pet peeves?
you know how most people hate it when a two-person party at a cafe/restaurant sit on the same side of the bench? grant actually hates it when the other person sits opposite of him; he finds it a little bit awkward and lonely. he'd much rather have the friend or partner sit next to him, provided they're cool with it and a side-by-side seating arrangement is possible! ❤️
what are 3 items you can find in their bedroom?
his cat, probably
hand sanitizer (citrus scent)
pikachu plush acquired during the korea arc with henry
what do they notice first in a person?
physically: hair 💇 simply because hair is the first thing his eyes can see when looking at someone...unless they're the same height as him, at which point he can finally look someone in the eyes lmao
personality-wise: if they're nice to servers or other customer service workers and tip well
on a scale of 1 to 10, how high is their pain tolerance?
at this point, it's a 10. his body is a little (a lot) banged up from old injuries and being chronically ill. when he was super young, his pain tolerance was not that great, like stubbing a toe was a serious hour-ruining problem, but he's had to get used to feeling much worse, so his "i feel great, let's go run a marathon!!" days now are probably an average person's 6 on the pain scale but a 2 or so for him. it's not that things hurt *less*, it's more that the conditions that would get him to notice his pain, pay more attention to it, or rate the pain level at a 6 or well above that are far more extreme.
do they go into fight or flight mode when under pressure?
it depends what kind of pressure. if it's some kind of social pressure, aka being in an argument with someone or having upset someone, it triggers major fight or flight response, and usually, he's a flight kind of person. it's changed, though, over the course of the story. i think he's more willing to fight or at least just feel the fight/flight response while responding with a cool head.
if it's a non-social pressure like a situation at work, even if people are involved in the situation he needs to deal with, grant responds very differently. he doesn't get the fight or flight response here, he's always pretty level-headed and logical about non-social situations.
do they come from a big family/are they a family person?
his family is too big, but he adores them all (sans his parents and one of his sisters). grant is 1000000% a family person!
what animal represents them best?
personally, i think he could be a panda. large, cuddly, and endearing
what is a smell that they dislike?
ultimate irony: he hates the smell of cigarettes ☠️
and he finds it funny. he's unfortunately been addicted to smoking forever, but he's so irritated by the smell and also scared of bothering anyone with it that he takes extreme measures to avoid not absorbing cigarette scent lmao
have they broken any bones?
oh dear. yes, he has. lol. the whole "i accidentally knocked out/broke some of my teeth playing hockey thing" was real 😭😭
the teeth were probably the most obvious/annoying bones to break, but he did also break the pinky finger on his left hand, aka his dominant hand, at church when he was like six. he was fucking around in the church basement with his cousins and friends after some church event, and when they were leaving to go back upstairs, he shut the giant wooden door too quickly, which jammed his finger hard enough to break it 💀
how would a stranger likely describe them?
physically: giant, should have played basketball
personality-wise: charming
are they a night owl or a morning bird?
i think he's somewhere in between! he's happy to stay up late and get up early. although, even if he does stay up late, he still will always get up early. he's used to that from work and also from chronic pain bothering him in his sleep.
what is a flavor they hate and a flavor they love?
love: coconut, chocolate, citrus, coffee
hate: strawberry, vanilla, tea
do they have any hobbies?
cooking, baking, playing video games, dungeons & dragons/TTRPGs, painting, stargazing/reading about astronomy, watching airplanes irl or in videos, watching youtube, watching cat videos on instagram reels, hiking when he feels up to it, working out, traveling, reading (he's trying to fully get back into it), etc.
boom, surprise birthday party! how do they react to surprises?
honestly, grant is one of those people who does muchhhh better with surprise birthday parties than planned parties. if you give him zero time to think about receiving love, gifts, and affection, he can't do the whole "woe is me, i don't deserve it, you're too nice" shtick
do they like to wear jewelry?
at this point, he doesn't really own any. he used to have piercings (the only ones remaining are the 🍒💍, and he did have a claddagh ring, which was a gift from his great uncle, but the piercings were lost to career dress codes, and the ring disappeared with all his other stuff that his mother threw out years ago.
so, he's not anti-jewelry, like he'd totally wear rings at least, and he regrets that his one very nice ring was lost :( i think he'd also wear a necklace if someone gave him one, but grant himself would not naturally consider himself a necklace guy, so he wouldn't go out of his way to purchase one of his own volition.
(author's note: he deserves a nice necklace)
he does wear a leather watch all the time, though, but i'm not sure if that should be categorized as jewelry or just an accessory!
do they have neat or messy handwriting?
he has very neat handwriting!
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what are two emotions they feel the most?
probablyyyyyy contentment (i know that may seem ironic given the story, but i think he's generally chill *now*, and my image of him is always a little bit colored by the yet unpublished end of everything the stars promised, which will get posted some day when the plot gets to that point) and shame
do they have a favorite fabric?
he may not own anything in this fabric but minky dot!! grant has visited fabric & craft stores many times with grandma aoifeeeeee, and when he and his cousins were younger, they loved to run around the stores feeling up all the fabric. he's always fond of minky dot because (1) it's soft, and (2) the dots are fun to poke at.
what kind of accent do they have?
i feel like i've answered this so many times, but grant, in my mind, has a unique accent!! he grew up in small town upper peninsula michigan, so he's had plenty of time to absorb the yooper/midwestern accent, but he was also raised by a family full of immigrants and spent most of his childhood hanging out around his grandparents specifically and traveling overseas to visit family, so at the same time, his accent turned irish-y early on. he's not the only one that combo accent happened to, but he probably has the strongest case out it outside of his aunt and uncle.
basically, with 100% certainty, i deem that grant has never and will never be able to pronounce the th sound with the h in it or vowels without them being nasally.
it's hard to put what i think he sounds like on paper, but it's some mix of these people: (1) (2) (3)
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cicada-circuitry · 2 months
#God tho this does make me want to pull back up that notebook fic snippet i had#of Margo confronting Molly about this too but like with science.#Margo would know. Just saying. She knows. ⃪ does this mean you have Molly/Margo fic?
Hi anon! sorry this is now several days late but boy do I. ( watched FAMK for the first time in February, wound up with Pages and pages of fic snippets (for a couple ships, margo x molly included) in chicken scratch on physical paper which is always a great sign that im being normal about a show, thought I'd cure myself if I just watched the whole thing a second time and absolutely only made it worse. )
I meant to answer this ask by just typing up the quick excerpt of the fic I was talking to myself in the tags about but...... started typing and did not stop. It lives over here now! Was not the one of the notebook fics I thought would see the light of day but you know? why not.
(I assume if you're here you, like me, have already read all the fics to be found but if you have Not read everything in that tag already, highly recommend. this fandom may be small but boy did it have good food on offer when I rolled in four years late fresh off a few episodes and absolutely screaming.)
Since I went ahead and dropped that one on ao3 at like 4am i'll throw in something a little more typical of the the notebook archives - how about this thing that exists entirely bc i noticed that used bookstore you can see beside the Outpost in season 1 and it gave me Ideas
Sometime post crossword-quiz / pre- run-in at the Jazz club.  
Margo walks fast past the Outpost on her way over to Bargain Books. When she can, she prefers to park down at the other end of the street and not have to go by that eyesore of a bar in the first place, but when you double the size of the astronaut program with twenty female ascans, you turn street parking into a blood sport. On her salary, no way is she playing chicken with the corvettes, not even to avoid mustering a polite smile for a coworker at his inebriated worst. 
Most days, that’s only an issue if she swings by after dark, the hour when everybody’s trickling out and stumbling home for the evening. Otherwise, the dingy whitewashed plywood keeps a nice impenetrable wall between book-seeking passers-by and drunken test pilots. Today, however, a spell of perfect weather is conspiring against her. Someone has the door propped open with a rusty paint can, letting the sound of laughter of clinking glass spill through it onto the sidewalk. 
A flash of green catches Margo’s eye before she can make it past. Despite herself, she recognizes that shade in an instant. It’s the flannel shirt she had to reprimand earlier that afternoon for bringing a lit cigarette into the sim. Molly Cobb, bent over a pool table, chin twisted up towards Patty Doyle, grinning like a woman about to win.  
Just Margo’s luck that this is the perfect time of day—indoor light matching outdoor light—for Molly to catch her eye straight through the open door as she makes her shot. 8-ball, dead in the pocket. 
For no reason she can think of, Margo feels heat rushing up into her cheeks. 
She stalks into Bargain Books in a hurry. 
The sweater-vested owner behind the front desk gives her the polite nod reserved for a good customer (and disinterested conversationalist) as she beelines for Paperback Fiction. She finished Matheson’s Ride the Nightmare last night— should have picked up two when she noticed how short it was in the first place, but nothing else tickled her fancy when she was in here a week ago, so here she is again, browsing spines. Maybe it's time to cave and finally grab a 10¢ copy of Rosemary's Baby from the stack on the end, seeing as it’s the one highly recommended title in her genre-of-choice the entire country seems to have read in the last couple years, but she already knows the ending (and the entire premise of demonic pregnancy does not appeal for tuning out after the work day). 
She’s dubiously eying the back-cover blurb on a Chandler detective thriller instead when a voice over her shoulder says, “Oh, Patty loves this shit.” 
To her great chagrin, Margo jumps, gasps, and drops her book. “Jesus, Molly.” 
“My bad.” 
Molly squats down to pick it up, slouchy brown corduroy flexing over her thighs. She fixes a bend in the cover before offering it back to her, but when Margo tries to take it away, Molly doesn’t let go. Instead, she adopts a playfully quirked brow and tugs it back towards herself inch-by-inch, bringing Margo, frowning, a step closer than she was before. “Came here to see if I could talk you into a drink.” 
Margo’s voice comes out approximately four steps too high as she looks around for some explanatory audience and says incredulously, “In there?” with a jerk of her thumb towards the Outpost’s adjoining wall. 
“Yeah. NASA central, shithole though it may be, but I never see you around.” 
“Well, I’m not an astronaut.” 
“Neither are the five white-shirts who monopolize the best booth in the back six nights a week. They don’t check for a pin at the door, Madison. That’d be no way to run a business. It’s a bar. Come have a drink with me.” 
“With… you.” She asks because she expects there to be an and. Me and the other ascans. Me and the rest of you white-shirt types in the back. Me and Patty Doyle. 
But Molly just raps the cover of The Lady in the Lake with her knuckles and says again, “With me.”
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moonfromearth · 8 months
About me - Simblr Edition
Thank you so so much for the tags @thebramblewood @akitasimblr and @softplumbs!! I'm so excited for these questions and I'm feeling chatty so it's going to be super fun 😉
rules: you can use any sims game to answer these questions!
your 3 traits: Socially Awkward, Creative, and Squeamish
your aspiration: Bestselling Author
in-game world you'd live in: San Myshuno or Oasis Springs!! I love them both so much and they're definitely the towns I've played the most.
favourite townie(s): Ulrike Faust, Johnny Zest, and Nina and Dina Caliente (who I've actually played a lot thanks to a Sims 4 Pleasantview save from like years ago that I still remember really well because Nina and Dina had the best gameplay 😆)
most used pack(s): Probably City Living, Strangerville, and Vampires. I'm sure there's others but I think those are my top three, especially for decorating houses (when I do occasionally).
favourite decor object (no cc): This is so hard since I don't build that often... I think the thing I put in like every build I make though is that cereal box with the cans from Outdoor Retreat... Which is kind of weird but I like that it makes it look like there's food and stuff out in the kitchen it makes it seem more lived in to me.
something you want in the game: Bands!! I think they'd make a great game pack and I feel like the foundation for it is right there with the (surprisingly well working) club system! I wouldn't mind a few more hobbies too, and some new athletic things to do, like it would be cool would to have sims be able to surf in Sulani and stuff but I doubt that one will ever happen.
what colour is your plumbob right now; Green! Just got a boost of CAS inspiration so I'm super excited about that 😁
I'll tag @gothoffspring @oswanily @luvbugtrait @whyeverr and @tiniestsimmer. I feel like a lot of people have already done this by now so if you have/don't want to do it feel free to ignore or if you still want but haven't been tagged to feel free to say I tagged you!
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