#No trans people deserve to have to see this nonsense
football-in-tuxedos · 4 months
I did a writeup on Lady Ballers and I dunno, it's not perfect, but it felt good to write so maybe give it a shot.
I didn't include pictures cause this movie doesn't deserve them.
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goodbyeapathy8 · 5 months
I need people to stop glorifying the 4B movement in Korea, from a Western (white) perspective. Stop it. If you are blissfully unaware of this (having not been on TikTok) - in theory, it makes sense. No sex with men, no dating men, no child rearing with men, and no marriage with men. But. BUT. Feminists in Korea are problematic AF. I know this from both personal experience (having been on the receiving end of their ire online) and everything I've read about them, in Korean. I see all these white TikTokers (and even some in the Korean diaspora) fawning over how "we" in the US need this and, no. If your feminism is transphobic, hates gay men, hates men in general, that's not the feminism I'd endorse. Why is Korean feminism transphobic? In 2020, Korean feminists ACTIVELY CAMPAIGNED AGAINST a woman who was accepted to Sookmyung University. An all womens' university. But she was a woman, you say. What could be their problem? According to Korean feminists, they didn't want a "man" in their space. Because she is a trans woman. This is not unusual for Korean feminists. Having lived there for 5 years, to some extent, I understand their anger against misogyny. But if you are truly against the toxic patriarchy that exists in Korea, you must also help dismantle military conscription because that is where a lot of men become radicalized, bullied, etc etc and "grow up" to be the most toxic form of men seen on this earth. But Korean feminists don't give AF about that and in fact, I've read a lot of them express that it's good for men to suffer. Guess what? That view is internalized misogyny and toxic patriarchy, too. And I don't want to hear it about the movement being so "young". Korean women have stepped up to the plate before in our history. We are capable of better than this fucking nonsense. It's a bunch of transphobic, gay hating radicals that have hijacked what was supposed to be about social justice. WOMAD (link is to the Wikipedia article, not their site) and Megalia are the two sites they stem from. It is the most toxic group of people I've ever had the displeasure to encounter online. Any form of criticism is, at best, ignored and worst - I've been "called out" for being Korean-American, and therefore, to "butt out" of "Korean issues". Amongst other bullying I've personally received. And yes, not just on forums but on public articles that I've commented on.
I know it's a catchy title and it appeals in theory but please, please do not glorify these transphobes and TERFs. They don't deserve your attention.
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variousqueerthings · 3 months
i do think that specifically david tennant being very openly supportive of the trans community has had an interesting effect -- because usually im kinda like "it is nice to know that people whose work i enjoy don't want me dead" and that's kinda my level of (at this point) quite cynical engagement with what a celebrity or artist does or does not think about transness, because these days it feels like it's almost fashionable for well-known (or post-well-known) people to come out of the wordwork and say what they think about trans people, which can get very stressful in its own way (the amount of headlines that try to be misleading or just plain don't say and so you're just like "ok i guess this week i have to find out if [spins wheel] thinks i deserve rights")
but david tennant has a different feeling to it. and to be fair, there are plenty of people with skin in the game, who absolutely deserve to and ought to speak out on behalf of their children/partners/community/friends/family/etc. and im always happy to see these people speak, and dt is included in that list as well
but david tennant is veeery specific in this here country of terf island, in which the labour party will openly state that it will allow certain book writers to affect their policies on trans people, and that's partly because of the effect above in which "having opinions on trans rights seems to be a celebrity game that keeps you relevant, which includes ex prime minister tony blair making his opinion known (hint, it wasn't a good one)" but also because david tennant is known as a national icon to rival that of whatsherface
he was the main actor on doctor who, in the top three, if not very top of british broadcasting iconography that exists. he's one of this generation's most famous shakespearian actors, the other thing that this country-as-culture is most proud of. he's a mainstay in children's film and tv, a standout in modern british crime drama (broadchurch, des), and that's not mentioning things like jessica jones, good omens, and star wars
this guy has no social media, and some of the biggest cultural capital in the uk today -- labour i believe it was made a twitter joke about him ousting the current prime minister as the doctor ahead of this week's election, because that's an iconic scene from doctor who
which means that when he openly calls transphobes whingy and asks them to shut up, there's a bit of a ripple... i mean what are you gonna do, get angry with the doctor? from doctor who??? the man who played a definitive hamlet????? the man who's just done rave reviewed performances of macbeth???? scrooge mcduck????????? this man who occasionally guests on cbeebies???????????
said prime minister and his party and hosts of transphobes go absolutely crazy every time he makes an appearance wearing new trans ally apparel, as if a. he sees any of that and b. it's a dignified response to a man saying, in essence, "i would like my kid to be safe and happy"
david tennant constantly making these statements, again and again, is a powerful voice in the modern fight for trans rights in the UK, in some ways unfortunately, because you wish trans people could have been heard before it got to this state and that it wasn't about being famous, but to be fair, he's also making that point again and again
it kind of feels like the first time in a long time that there's been proper pushback against transphobia in this country from a perspective that the transphobes can't dismiss so easily -- they can try but like. again, one side is a bunch of raving nonsense-spouters on a joke website who mostly belong to a party that's about to get decidedly ousted from the political scene, the other is beloved national icon and star of stage and screen, mr david tennant
of course, it doesn't hurt that the three main actors of harry potter and everyone else who's majorly involved in doctor who, past and present, is also supportive of trans rights, which maybe there's a separate point to be made about the strangeness of a mainstream tv show becoming a cultural battleground for peoples opinions on equal rights, especially now with ncuti gatwa at the helm, because i think some of what ive seen in relation to dw is more extreme than any piece of cultural media ive been alive to witness bigoted reactions to (including star trek), and ncuti gatwa as a black queer man is taking a hell of a lot of flack that is racist and homophobic
but labour... if you're inviting random artists to give you opinions on trans rights, david tennant is right there, and you know he'd make sure to bring along trans rights activists and professionals to get the space in the room they ought to have had all along
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yippee-boi09 · 1 month
Another big alarm wee woo
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Guess who came back? Them! (This is the same person who had the "chokeanddiebitch" blog which was deactivated) I usually wouldn't post about someone I've blocked and reported but this person is pathetic... and annoying... in full honesty I was on the toilet, taking the fattest shit of my life when I got this???
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I was planning on answering it but I saw the username and the gears clicked when I checked their page... "HOLY SHIT I GOTTA SHOW EVERYONE THIS IS SO FUCKING STUPID LMAO" is what I thought and I laughed as the turds fell from my butthole... like the turds they're spewing out of their mouth and into my asks and everyone else's life lmao. Anyways, they're still being hateful, rude, spiteful, and... made their blog lbgt friendly??? Yeah they're trying this thing where they try and separate trans people with neopronouns and affiliate agere and petre with a fetish???? Even though just a week ago they were spewing homophonic nonsense??? Yeah lmao it wasn't working so I reported and blocked them... if you see this blog, DO NOT INTERACT, YOU'RE FANNING THE FLAME THAT WILL NOT BE PUT OUT BY OTHER'S WILL. Simply block and report them like I did... also since they seemed to see my blog post about them being reported, Imma dedicate this next part for when/if they come back...
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Haaaiiii!!! Hello! How are you? Shitty? Great! What's your problem? Don't wanna hear it lmao, you don't hear out psychologists and professionals and every other person with their brain still attached who tell you neopronouns and furries and age regression is fine... you think I'm therian now cuz I'm a furry, right? No, I'm not a therian, I'm a human being with surprisingly thick skin but zero tolerance for your behavior. Think I'm a neopronoun user? Sorta, I mainly use He/Him (but am fine with anything but she/her) and I'm transmasc! I'm a trans guy... just a guy... you said you like trans people, right? I'm one of them! I'm also aroace! So no fetishy content here! I'm strictly sfw except for gore art! And horror stuff! I don't see why you'd hate me... hmm? Oh? What's that? You- you think I'm fat? Okay??? And??? What's your point with that? You simply put yourself under the spotlight once again and can have you taken down AGAIN. It's gonna happen again and again as long as you keep trying to platform yourself on my blog... you're really bad at this hate thing... I hadn't thought about you at all until you sent me the strange ask... thanks for the heads up! See you on your next blog... or never!
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Okay that's over, to anyone who's harassed by this asshole, my condolences, don't worry about this person... Block and report them! They are not mentally stable and need to get off of social media! Stay alert!
Edit: I should mention that this is the last time I'm calling out this guy, they don't deserve more attention then they're getting and I don't want to dedicate my blog to this stuff...
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fandomsandfeminism · 2 years
Maybe it's just a lack of perspective thing, but when I see "blue state"* liberals making blanket statements about "red states"* and how how they are getting what they deserve etc etc for voting for Republicans, I'm just like.... why do you think Republicans being in power in these states is a bad thing?
(* caveat to remind people that there are no blue/red states. All states are politically blended and no president carries any state by even 70% and its an illusion made by first past the post winner take all elections.)
Like, who do you think is actually, tangibly, materially hurt by Ted Cruz?
Because if Ted Cruz contributes to voting down universal health care, or federal protections for trans people, or recognition for same sex marriage- that will not affect those of yall in "blue" states. Blue states with blue govenors and blue legislators will and have passed state laws and state protections at a state level for these things. Blue states will double down on abortion access and voting access and trans health care. They have! Trans people in California aren't impacted by any fucking nonsense that comes out if Ted Cruz's mouth except for the inherent psychic damage of hearing his voice.
It's those of us in "red" states, who can't rely on state protections, who suffer when federal protections fail. Who's access to health care is limited, who's protections from discrimination are stripped, who have abortions banned and birth control threatened, who have government officials threatening to make registries of trans people and chip away at voting access again and again and again. Greg Hot Wheels Pointy Boots Abbott is actively out to get us, and without federal protections, he can do what he wants.
(The maybe one big exception here is climate change actions, where lack of federal action is in fact bad for everyone. )
But for the most part, the people who are actually harmed by Republicans in power are the people who live in the states where they have power. It's the queer people and women and nonwhite folks in "red" states who are actually harmed.
So it is deeply stupid to decry those politicians AND then write off *all the people who are actually hurt by those politicians* as "deserving it."
(Yes, REGARDLESS of who they actually voted for. I can wax poetic all day about how damn gerrymandered and voter suppressed Texas is, but at the end of the day, my republican voting neighbors are hurt by this shit too, and I don't think they deserve it either.)
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owlbelly · 4 months
not to trans-post like it's the mid-2010s again but. thinking about how impossible it still is to have a real conversation about varying forms of social pressure as they relate to medical transition, due to the entire concept being poisoned by cis scaremongering & gatekeeping of access to trans healthcare. trans people can barely even have nuanced conversations among ourselves because someone might still use them as evidence that
a) trans people don't actually need or deserve access to HRT & surgery - which we know is bullshit but it doesn't even matter who "needs" it, wanting should be enough, bodily autonomy is a human right
b) trans people as a demographic have enough social power to exert pressure (on "vulnerable young people" mostly) on a societal scale re: medical transition - i don't even need to dignify this with a refutation right? this is nonsense
c) if literally anyone has ever felt pressured to go on HRT or get surgery & ended up regretting it even a little, that means trans healthcare on the whole should be shut down
so of course there are people falling through the cracks & unable or unwilling to talk about it. you can't tell me there's no pressure at all anywhere to medically transition. transmedicalism is a real thing that's still going strong (though these days i mostly see dogwhistles) & its very existence creates pressure on folks who can't or don't want to transition that way - not on a societal scale! literally nothing any trans people can do will ever match the cis societal mandate to just Not Be Trans - but it's a real issue within specific trans communities or friend groups or social spaces
there's also a kind of pressure created by the lack of access to medical transition - if the financial/bureaucratic stars have to align & you only get one shot at something rather than it being freely available anytime, that's gonna make you more likely to just go for it when you get the chance even if you have doubts. then there's pressure to medically transition for safety reasons - needing to pass or come closer to passing, regardless of how you personally feel about your body!
idk where i'm going with this exactly i'm just kind of fucked up over the idea that to a not-insignificant portion of people, non-medically-transitioning folks are still "trans lite" or "not actually trans" & also these days that we're somehow "preferred" by cis mainstream culture - which again, really just wants you to Not Be Trans! but if you have to be trans you should be ignorable. that might mean presenting totally as your assignment or it might mean passing perfectly, but if you're trans & visible in any way you are a problem.
what i want is for anyone & everyone to be able to access HRT/surgery, & for it not to mean anything beyond feeling good in your own body. it shouldn't mark you as a gender, it shouldn't even have to mark you as trans! let people just fucking live
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wordslikesilver · 7 months
Seeing the discourse lately on transmisogyny and coming across new terms like tme and tma being used more than I think I’ve ever seen before because of everything going on had me uneasy, not gonna lie, I always do when I find new terminology from the alphabet mafia because I’m thinking to myself oh boy, more stuff to explain to cis people. Looked into it, it all seems pretty reasonable to me tho for including nonbinary femmes and femme intersex people I’ve sorta just always by default assumed “Trans Femme” was really good given the whole “it’s a spectrum and transmisogyny by definition is talking about the people on the femme side of it who didn’t start there” so admittedly I’ll probably be a grump about changing my vocab soon.
But then I see some new shit in the wake of all this TERF nonsense and bigotry being used against trans women? Detransitioned cis women calling themselves trans women and saying WE don’t understand the concept of gender well? The audacity? Look, changing the labels of a community to be less offensive is something I support so loudly and love and adore. This isn’t that. This is people encroaching on our pride and our identities and pretending the flag we nobly fly, the icon of bravery and unifying love in the face of oppression that it is, isn’t clearly “ours” enough. That it’s something they’re allowed to say belongs to them too so we need to come up with something new to call ourselves when we discuss the pain we face in our lives. Erasing and rewording the definitions of who we are til our identity is gone altogether. Moving the goal posts and telling us to teach everyone a whole new set of labels when the average layman still doesn’t even know that “Cis” isn’t a fucking slur, let alone what it means. Never forget that at your core when you fight against this new bigotry and they try to dance circles around you with their words and misdirect the conversation to stupid shit. Alienation from an already unified identity is a classic means of making it so much fucking harder for the oppressed to have their pleas for basic rights be acknowledged. Never let your people’s pain be silenced by someone pretending to they’re too stupid to know who you’re talking about.
To the TERFs and bigots who find this, and I fucking hope you find this, Trans Woman is not yours to fucking claim just because “gender is a construct and complicated” you will NEVER know the pain people like me have been through. I refuse to acknowledge a claim on my people’s identity because someone managed to misunderstand a concept hard enough and it’s now snowballed into a new form of complicating discussions of deserving basic and equal rights. I have felt the pains a cis woman has felt, I have felt sexist and awful treatment from men, I have been catcalled, I have been stalked, I have been made unsafe, I have been expected to be a mother for no other reason than “all women want them one day” and I have been assumed to be less than a man for some imagined frailty of the fairer sex. I am a woman. We can share that label, I WANT to share that label. We can bond over sapphic love and feminine experiences and hardships we both suffer under a cruel patriarchy. In just the same way, I have never known the pain of period cramps. I don’t have a vagina. I will never have a pregnancy scare and I will never feel the side effects of birth control. I wasn’t catcalled by gross men walking home when I was in high school. I was never sexualized by the media when I was in middle school the way cis girls would see happen to them. I am NOT a cis woman and I will never be one. I grew up as a boy, I lived and I loved as a young man, I saw the world through masculine eyes and was raised being treated as one, I will never pretend I know what it’s like to be a young girl being preyed upon and used by an older man. I will never touch that label because it’s simply not correct at the most fundamental level. I am a trans woman and that made me who I am. After all the people I’ve met and all the experiences I’ve shared, it took time to be so proud of calling myself a trans woman. Holding up the sky would’ve taken less strength of the heart, but now I feel the deepest pride knowing I’ve done something inconceivably harder.
But you, you people cannot take that from me and my sisters. I draw the fucking line at saying you think you have the slightest notion of what it’s like to be transfeminine. To be born in a body that makes people see you as a man from the very first glance, to hear you wrong from the first whisper of your voice. To spend the rest of your life working tirelessly in a fight against your own biology and/or the perception of the entire world whenever it casts its ugly eye upon you. Some of us don’t even have the privilege of fighting those perceptions or the things or own bodies have been programmed to force on us. Some of us don’t even want to have to do anything about how we look because it’s bullshit to have to fight for that basic respect from our peers in the first place and their standards just don’t align with who we are deep down in the first place! Gender is complicated but this isn’t. Have you EVER held your breath in the women’s public washroom and tucked your feet in because you were scared you’d make other women uncomfortable, because you’re not sure if you’re in an accepting space? FEARED what might happen if you step into the women’s change room to put on a bathing suit or your work clothes? Have you EVER been threatened with physical violence and called slurs in front of your own mother on public transit? Have you ever had to tell your doctor you’re ready to drop out of school to show how “sure” (re: fucking desperate) you are to be prescribed HRT? Sure, lots of cis women are on HRT, I treat them as patients all the time. Have you ever had a hot flash at the age of 21 because you were late on your injection? Did you pierce your skin with thin metal once a week for years and years to get the breasts you have? Did your body do irreparable things to your bones and your voice that make it so no one will ever see you as a woman at first glance without thousands of hours of effort, of tears, of sheer fucking focus and fixation on achieving the ideal self you see in your mind and dream of being one day? DID YOU HAVE TO BEG YOUR GOVERNMENT TO LET YOU HAVE THE BODY YOU LITERALLY ALREADY HAD AT BIRTH OR DID THEY NEVER EVEN SO MUCH AS TRY TO GET IN THE WAY OF JUST BEING CALLED MISS ON YOUR GOD DAMN LICENSE? Cis women can’t even begin to imagine the feelings I have felt, building my wings of feather and bones and wax, day after day, dreaming of flying beside my sisters who were born with wings they’ll never fear will melt, all the while remembering the last time someone born in a body like mine flew too close to the sun. Maybe they’ll perhaps know what it’s like to bind them to their back and hide them beneath their shirt, maybe they’ll even have sheered and ripped the bones from their sockets and one day wish they could have them back and sing with the rest of the angels like they used to, but they will NEVER fly on wings like mine, fear the heat from the light that makes life worth living the way I do, fear the same slings and arrows screaming up through the air from down below and even at times from above my head to let me know loud and clear they wanna knock me outta this sky, this sky that’s so beautiful and holy I cry when I touch it, the very first chance they get.
Transphobia won’t ever take the sky from me. My Icarian Wings are made on the foundation of generation after generation of my people who dreamed and yearned to touch the sunlight blue skies and the infinite glittering nights, each of us telling each other, telling ourselves we’ll never fear the light again one day, lifting each other when we fall, soaring higher each time than the ones whose wax melted before we could save them could, warmly teaching each other how to fix our broken wings and freely gifting each other the love it takes to make them stronger for the next flight. Holding each others hands as we dance and show each other how to fly, hand in hand and heart in heart with the angels who call us sister angels. A cis woman having the audacity to flap her never melting wings and saying hers are just like mine, that the name of my people is just a construct so she can say she she’s just like Icarus too, makes me wanna vomit. Pretending she knows what it’s like to watch in terror as all the feathers fall out suddenly in a moment of weakness making her break her bones upon the rocks, listening to everyone around her say “I knew it, I knew his wings were fake, look at him crawl along the ground in the dirt and the mud where he belongs.” Pretending that if two people both have skin, even of a different colour, that since the labels are made up, the sun and society itself will surely treat them the same if the white one calls themselves black.
Transphobia won’t ever take the sky from me. Come and fucking try to take these wings from me and see what happens.
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Hi, I hope you're having a blessed Good Friday and Holy Week. I have a heavy question that may be difficult to answer but I'm hoping you could provide some insight.
How do I lean on Jesus to keep me strong in an abusive situation? I am a closeted trans guy living with alt-right conservative family. I am doing my best to escape the situation but for now I'm stuck. It feels impossible to stay strong knowing these people already hate me, and would hate me even more if they knew my true and actual self. They're supposed to love me, we're family, but they never have. I want to be like Jesus and love them no matter what, and I want to forgive them, but I don't know how. I feel like I can't forgive what they do when it's continuous and they are not sorry. Can you point me in the direction of any verses or lessons that can help me stay strong in the face of pain and hurt?
TW: unaccepting family, conservative family
Ach, so sorry I didn't see this till now. My heart aches for you in this painful situation. I will be holding you in my prayers; may God enfold you in love and courage to get through this time, and send support your way to help you out. If there is anything I can do to help you get out of this current living situation, please let me know.
The fact that you want to show forgiveness to people who have failed to give you the love and care you deserve shows what a big heart and courageous spirit you have. It's a powerful thing to go through hurt and still seek grace even for the ones who hurt you. That kindness is a rare and precious gift; hang on to it for the future, when there will be people in your life who are actually open to receiving and responding to your kindness.
In the meantime, you are correct in pointing out the impossibility of forgiveness when the ones who hurt you are still hurting you, probably have no plans to stop any time soon, and haven't shown any remorse. Despite how mainstream Christianity has watered down the concept of forgiveness into an abstract statement, to a one-off, simple "forgive and forget :)" attitude, that is not actually the kind of forgiveness that Jesus instructs us in.
Mainstream Christian culture has warped forgiveness into a weapon against the wronged, pressuring them to "just move on" so we don't have to live in the discomfort and challenge of dismantling the kind of power dynamics that allow for harm to take place.
Meanwhile when Jesus taught forgiveness, about reconciliation between a wrongdoer and the one they've wronged, his challenge was to the wrongdoer. It was up to them to show remorse and seek forgiveness, to show they'd actually changed by lowering themselves to an equal field with the one wronged so that the harm can never happen again.
In this post, I talk more about Jesus's idea of forgiveness, and discuss how one might "love one's enemies" as Jesus instructs even when forgiving them is not possible.
One thing that has stood out to a lot of people is that when Jesus was going through his greatest agony, being tortured and murdered on a Roman cross, his words of forgiveness are not "I forgive these people who are in the midst of murdering me" but "Father, forgive them." When we are unable to forgive for any reason, that isn't sinful or a sign of weak faith or any such nonsense. It's recognizing the complicated realities of relationship, where reconciliation isn't the responsibility of the person being wronged. And we can let go of any sense of burden on us to do the forgiving — ultimately, that's not our job, but God's.
As you survive this difficult situation, I think about Jesus' fraught relationship with his own biological family. His situation was much different from yours — we know his parents did love him, as did his cousin John, and presumably other family members as well. But they didn't always understand him, and they didn't always accept him. They wanted him to be what they expected him to be, not live into who he truly was.
In Mark 3, as Jesus is gaining steam as a teacher and healer, some of his family gets worried about the fame he's gaining — they say, "he's out of his mind!" and seek to "seize control of him." They think what he preaches is some kind of mental illness, and they're either embarrassed of or scared for him. Jesus, come back home! What will people think?? Don't you know what they're saying about our family??
When people tell Jesus his mother and siblings have arrived, he retorts,
“Who is my mother? Who are my siblings?” Looking around at those seated around him in a circle, he said, “Look, here are my mother and my brothers. Whoever does God’s will is my brother, sister, and mother.”
Jesus recognizes that family is much deeper than blood; that family is about who supports you in your God-given identity and gifts, and helps you grow into the person God created you to be. When biological family fails to do that, your family becomes anyone who does not fail you.
Jesus knew, at least to some extent, some of the pain you are going through in being misunderstood by your own kin. I pray that one day you will be surrounded with an outpouring of love, with people who celebrate all that you are. For now, know that God is that supportive presence holding you close, even when you can't feel Them.
As the psalmist in Psalm 27:10 says, "Even if my father and mother left me all alone, Holy God would take me in." To me, that whole Psalm can be read as a message of encouragement to those currently in the closet — the psalmist experiences God giving them shelter in God's own dwelling place, tucking them away "in a secret place in God's own tent."
One day, you'll be free; for now, I hope you take comfort in knowing God is with you in the closet.
Sending you love and solidarity, anon. May you find moments of joy in the midst of this pain; may God lavish you in love and courage until you're able to leave. <3
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thevampiremars · 10 months
My thoughts on the trans rep in "The Star Beast"
This episode is haunted by the spectre of Good Representation™. Representation is a topic too expansive and nuanced for me to interrogate fully, so I'll just say I'm sceptical of the approach and the way it reduces trans (or otherwise marginalised) characters to plot points or blandly by-the-book portrayals. Also the idea that any single character can accurately represent an entire demographic is tenuous. Anyway.
Throughout the episode there's a huge focus on how beautiful Rose is, which is... I mean, I'd hardly be the first person to point out how Weird people (cis people especially) can get about how trans people look. And I get that this is probably a deliberate attempt to counter transphobia, to stress that trans people are cherished and deserve the world. It is a sweet sentiment I suppose, but it can come across as a bit... insincere? patronising? fetishistic, even? You have to recognise that correlating a person's worth with how beautiful you think they are is problematic in and of itself.
I actually really like the scene where Sylvia is stumbling on pronouns and worrying about whether or not it's okay to call Rose gorgeous. It's cute. It's genuine. I wasn't sure about the boys on bikes scene that preceded it – I thought deadnaming Rose was a clumsy way to establish that she's trans – but I've watched the episode again and my opinion has softened. I think it works well to have the malicious misgendering side-by-side with the accidental misgendering, showing that, yes, there is a difference. I know this already, but cis people who get confused about terminology and etiquette might benefit from watching this.
Speaking of pronouns... haha. Yeah, I did not like the "are you assuming he as a pronoun?" "my chosen pronoun is the definite article" exchange. Very awkward and nonsensical. It could have worked with some tweaking, but as it stands it feels more like a transphobic joke than actual dialogue. Ditto "male-presenting Time Lord."
Side note: why are some people so thrown off by the Doctor's gender? It's really not that complicated. The Doctor's pronouns vary depending on whether we're talking about an individual incarnation or the Doctor as a whole, encompassing all incarnations. If we're talking about a specific Doctor, they've all been he/him so far except for the Thirteenth and Fugitive Doctor (both she/her). If we're referring to all Doctors as one entity, it makes sense to use they/them since they're not consistently one gender or another. The Doctor is technically nonbinary I guess but only because they have the ability to regenerate into any gender. They're genderfluid only if you squint.
Is Rose nonbinary? Again, the "binary, binary, nonbinary" line just felt like a joke. Plus it doesn't make a lot of sense as a plot point/reveal. Rose's gender shouldn't actually be relevant because what's important for the meta-crisis thing is that she's Donna's offspring. There's also the fact that Rose had been presented as a trans girl until that point – no indication that she's nonbinary. Yes, it is possible to be a nonbinary girl, but it seems more likely to me that RTD just thinks nonbinary and trans are synonymous. Which is not the case.
The thing is, as I've alluded to already, Rose is an example of trans rep written by cis people for cis people. RTD's heart is in the right place, for sure, but he doesn't really know what he's talking about. I would say I appreciate the effort? But I don't know what the effort was in aid of exactly. I suppose it's nice for cis people to be told it's okay to stumble on pronouns sometimes, and to be shown that transness isn't a horrible and scary thing. I dunno. It's frustrating that trans people in life and in fiction have to educate and inspire and reassure cis people all the time... but we live in a society, don't we? And I'm sure there will be plenty of young trans people thrilled to see someone like them on TV, even if the execution could have been better.
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izzysbeans · 3 months
i cannot believe this is a conversation we're still having in the year of our lord 2024 like STOP THIS NONSENSE
trans people can be straight
queer people can be in straight relationships
parents friends family coworkers EVERYONE who supports queer people not only is allowed at pride but SHOULD walk with us and make their stance known if they are able to do so
pride isn't your fun little queer party with no cis-hets allowed
it may look like a party now but we and those before us have STRUGGLED for decades to get to this point and it is still A PROTEST
depending on where you live people are still very against pride, i know they are here where i live, and that's why the support coming from allies is so fucking important and needed
pride used to be a riot and in some places it still is
it is not queer people against cis-hets, it is people who believe in human rights against people who don't!! and creating division within those fighting for a better world makes us weaker
also controversial maybe but check your own disrespect within the community cause i see y'all disrespecting bi, pan, aros, aces and trans people, and don't even get me started on desabled, pocs and neurodivergent people, i see some of you assholes making people feel like they're not queer enough, fuck you if you do that, my cis-het brother who has done nothing but support me since i came out deserves to walk pride more then you do
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tra-archive · 2 months
This post is basically the essence of what peaked me (except furries, I don't care)
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I can see why. Also this just shows why so many of us hate the word queer, it means weird/strange. Homosexuality isn’t strange, so why it’s used for the community is beyond me.
I don’t see how someone could look at this post and not peak. It also makes me feel bad for the sane part of the trans community bc many of them have said they’re sick of this neopronoun/xenogender nonsense.
1) Lesboy makes no sense. Can’t be a lesbian and be a boy.
2) Idk what that means
3) Neopronouns are BS and just the quirkier version of they/them. And it/its is crazy to me, you can dehumanize yourself if you want but you can’t expect others to do it as well.
4) Kind of agree, asexuals don’t need to experience attraction and no one else can tell them how to feel.
5) Intersex is not a sexuality, so I’m not sure why it’s included in the LGBT community. I absolutely agree though that their voices deserve to be heard and we need a lot more research done on DSDs.
6) “Furry” is not a sexuality, so they’re not included in the community unless those furries are gay. Idk about anyone else but claiming that people who like to dress as animals are in the same community as gay people who have been oppressed and marginalized is wildly offensive to me.
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charmixpower · 1 year
Other queer headcanons:
Icy -> Asexual Lesbian
She just has ace vibes to me. Darcy's whole manipulation thing by attraction is so useful but also she does not understand how it works even a little bit
Darcy -> Bisexual
She has a preference for men but it's not super strong. Shes always knew she was bisexual, baby Darcy was always aware. Smart girl hours
Stormy -> Aromatic Het
Stormy is so aromantic to me!!!! She has that aroallo energy of being hot, idk what to tell you. I literally could never see Stormy in a romantic relationship, like she'd have a platonic life partner but dating isn't real.
Sky -> Questioning (Bi pref women)
Brandon has once 100% offered to kiss Sky to see if he's bi, bc he had a crush on him and Sky still didn't realize he was bi. Like Eraklyon palace is not the place to try and question your sexuality and being attracted to people who could turn out to be spy's or he had a fuck ton of explicit power over was scary so he never figured out his sexuality until like s2~3
Brandon -> Gender Neutral, Pan, Poly
Brandon doesn't have a gender. He's completely gender neutral. Like he doesn't experience gender. He doesn't get gender euphoria or dysphoria. If he suddenly turned into a girl literally nothing would happen. He just doesn't experience gender, no gender here, godbless. He'd probably say Gender Neutral but there's other words for that
He's pan bc when he goes into the smooch competition with Stella, no one is off limits. Like I said with Stella, if they met someone they both wanted to date asking them out is a done deal
Timmy -> Gay Ace
This is just 100% vibes. Tecna is busy not dating him and Timmy needs something nice for himself. He just has the ace "I'm tired of you allos acting stupid as shit" energy in my thing, and he's gay bc he deserves nice things
Riven -> Bisexual
He's bi with a preference for women, and he would of known sooner but he was so far into the fucking closet that he had become one with the clothes. Musa helps him come out of the closet and they talk about hot people together I love them
Helia -> Alterous Transman
Alterous attraction is basically just attraction that isn't platonic or romantic vs aesthetic or sexual. It can be between them or be a secret third thing (like it is for me). Helia's alterous attraction is between platonic and romantic, and between aesthetic and sexual, everything is really fuzzy for him. He doesn't get strong anything but he still gets the feelings and impulse, it's just weak and most of the time he can't tell if it's actually platonic or aesthetic
He's also trans, this is just true. As soon as he learned what a boy and girl was he was telling his parents he was a boy. Like he knew very very early on, and he socially transitioned at a young age. Gender win for Helia
Nabu -> Gay
THIS MAN IS A HOMOSEXUAL!!!!! He and Sky make up the "raised rich and wears shiny ass earrings once they realized being GNC is an option" club, and good for him
Daphne -> Queer (Lesbian)
Daphne was WAY too busy fighting the ancestral witches to ever figure out her sexuality but she was aware of the fact that she wasn't cishet, so she just grabbed a macro label and kept it moving
Mirta -> GenderFluid Lesbian
It came to me in a dream. If she can use fairy and witch magic fluidly in canon what if her gender was fluid in my thing??? I am a fucking genius. Her hair is so non-binary. Haven't decided on pronouns yet, and Mirta just is a lesbian.
Diaspro -> Questioning (Pan)
Diaspro absolutely didn't have a single crush growing up in Eraklyon bc everyone there was a asshole and hatred her and she hated them back more. She was kinda punched in the face by her attraction to Bloom. She figures it out as soon as she leaves and talks to some normal people for like a month or something in s2 or s3
Roxy -> Agender AroAce
Roxy reminds me of my bestie who is agender, so they're agender, and I think it's funny if Roxy was watching the Winx do their relationship nonsense abt to throw up bc ew allo people. They are very repulsed, and I love them. They are literally a teenager trying to be cool and not understanding why everyone is dating or doing this gender shit. Triple A battery
Selina -> Trans Lesbian
Look at Selina's fucking ugly green hair and outfit, that is a trans lesbian if I've ever seen one
Krystal -> Bisexual
She just is, I can't explain. It's the Flora
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jewishbarbies · 7 months
I didn't know about the antisemitism in hp because while I wasn't explicitly taught "this is antisemitic" I still learned those tropes. I just didn't know they they were tropes. The only thing I knew was nazi propaganda, because that was in textbooks. We didn't learn about everyday antisemitism. We didn't learn about the history of jews in any other country. And that doesn't excuse me or the school I went to. But I know better now, and I can look around and recognise certain tropes. But I can also recognise that jkr was hateful to so many different groups of people. Jews, the Irish, asian people, gay people, trans people, ironically women in general (Ginny Weasley in particular who only existed as a character for Harry to save and get married and have babies with) and women who like "girly" things (Lavender Brown deserved better.)
at this point, so much of pop culture is steeped in these antisemitic things (tropes, imagery, caricatures, etc.) and a lot of fantasy lore in some areas is just antisemitic to its core so while I’m angry I have to sift through the distressing nonsense, I try not to get angry at people who genuinely don’t understand. because you can spread antisemitism while not being an antisemite. the entirety of the witch aesthetic is stolen and twisted from jewish caricatures, antisemitic history, and practices appropriated from indigenous cultures - but that’s just The Witch now. same with goblins. that’s just what That Thing is to people now, so if you want to stop it, you have to throw the whole thing away and barely anyone is actually willing to do that. on top of that, they believe they don’t have to.
with HP specifically, I don’t blame anyone for not picking up on the bigotry from the books they read as children. now, if you reread it as an adult and still don’t get it, that’s another issue. but at least with the antisemitism, it’s much more obvious with the movies and a lot of people try to excuse JKR from it bc of that, when she had such a heavy hand in making those films. she had/has enough sway to change literally anything. and I think a lot of people understood the antisemitism more when they could see just what these goblins were supposed to look like, and that brought it all together. however, there are people obsessed with goblins (I think there’s a lot of neurodivergent people who have a special interest in goblins for one reason or another and that makes it more difficult to let go, in my experience) who absolutely refuse to come to terms with the antisemitic nature of the creature to begin with, when it’s antisemitic originally AND in JKR’s interpretation. I never got into HP so I didn’t know about the goblins, having not seen the movies, and it was really easy to not interact with it once I did. I can genuinely understand how heartbreaking it is to find out something you love goes against what you believe in, bc for jews it’s just part of our lives. we find out creators of and the things we like are nazis or antisemitic every single day. moreso than usual as of late.
imo the racism and general bigotry of JKR should be more than enough for HP fans who claim to care about other people, but it’s hella odd that antisemitism is the sticking point for so many people. they’ll say they’re streaming the movies and playing the games and reading the books but but but they’re not giving money to JKR and therefore not supporting her transphobia and racism, but you mention her antisemitism and the fact that the HP game was just antisemitism the simulator and they immediately dismiss it. her bigotry is embedded in the work. it’s in the imagery of the franchise. hell, there’s a storyline where a villain is a villain bc he wanted to stop the holocaust. that speaks for itself, and should be enough for literal adults.
(on the It’s The Thing Now point, it’s happening with lizard people as well. everyone is calling themselves a goblin and making lizard people jokes and it’s just apart of the young people dialogue now. I could go on for hours but I think I made my point.)
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the-lost-class · 4 months
CHARACTERS: the kids :]
here are the main kiddos and their little overviews, at least for the beginning of the story.
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Danica Alano.
Pronouns: she/her
Voice Claim: Blake Belladonna -- RWBY
Age: 15
Ethnicity: Vietnamese
Height: 5'9"
Other: Lesbian
Danica Alano is an incredibly studious girl raised by a single well-respected lawyer, her mother. She inarguably takes place as the "brains" in every group she participates in due to not only her high academic performance, but also her stuck-up "no nonsense" personality. She takes charge quickly and never backs down, just like her mother always taught her. But she does tend to crumble quickly... especially when there's no adult guidance.
However, Danica is definitely not the best at making friends. Her only "friend" is Tama Kalani, and their strained relationship is entirely built on business... and blackmail. She tells herself that she doesn't need friends anyways, but it gets lonely when all you have is your mother (who seems to care more about your grades than you...) and the memory of a father.
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Kaleb Pace.
Pronouns: he/they
Voice Claim: L -- Death Note
Age: 15
Ethnicity: Chamorro, German, Hispanic
Height: 5'1"
Other: Aroace spectrum, Agender boy
Kaleb Pace is not at all a talking type. He doesn't care for engaging with anybody, and would much rather spend their days stuck in the library while staring down anybody who even tries to interrupt him. At school, they're known as the stereotypical quiet kid. He's the shut-in with zero emotions, zero sympathy, but a hundred percent willing to bite you if you even dare to look at him the wrong way. If anything, the more they seem to ignore your presence, the safer you are.
But beneath this rough exterior is just a small boy. He's spent his life alone for as long as he can remember, with the only person they've ever truly cared about being their little sister, Malia. He can see that his parents believe something's wrong with him even if they never outright say it. All they really want is someone who he can sit in silence with. No words, no worries, no expectations.
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Liliana Duskin.
Pronouns: she/they
Voice Claim: Sienna Kelly's Patrice -- 13 the Musical
Age: 15
Ethnicity: African American
Height: 5'7"
Other: Bisexual, Demigirl
Liliana is the bubbliest girl you will ever meet. Everybody seems to adore her personality, and she's definitely the social butterfly of the family (which she adores too!). They'd stand up for anybody and everybody, anytime, anywhere. They believe that everybody deserves a second chance, and that everybody deserves a friend. And she'll be damned if she can't make a friend with everybody they meet.
However, this quickly comes to her demise in many aspects of her life. Sometimes they care a little too much, to the point where they take on the problems of others and make it their own. And if she comes across somebody with less than kind intentions... it's safe to say she'll be stuck there for a while. And all of this is most prevalent in her relationship with their twin brother, Rodel. No matter how hard she tries, he never seems to want anything to do with her. She doesn't understand why...
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Rodel Duskin.
Pronouns: he/him
Voice Claim: Mune -- Mune: Guardian of the Moon
Age: 15
Ethnicity: African American
Height: 5'7"
Other: Bisexual, Trans guy
Contrary to popular belief, Rodel is actually pretty bubbly too. He's energetic, he seeks adventure, and he's pretty damn impulsive. However, it's hard for him to shine outside of his sister's light, and he kind of resents her for it. It seems like nobody ever wants to listen to him or take his word. He's learned to stop caring so much about people because of it. He's gonna have his own damn adventure, and nobody is gonna take that away from him. Not his parents, not his sister, nobody.
Deep down, all he really wants is to live that heroic life that every main character seems to have in his favorite stories. Why can't he be a chosen one? Why is it always Liliana getting everything she could ever want? Maybe he should stop being so jealous, but it's hard not to. He knows she cares about him, and he cares about her too... he just wished she'd actually understand him for once....
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Tama Kalani.
Pronouns: they/them
Voice Claim: Sasaki -- Sasaki to Miyano (eng dub)
Age: 15
Ethnicity: Hawaiian
Height: 5'10"
Other: Pansexual, Nonbinary
Tama Kalani is far from any ordinary kid, and they know it. It's not like they could hide it anyways. I mean, for one... they're the dealer of the school. And yes, that kind of dealer. Look, it's not something they chose, it just kind of ended up that way. Why else do you think they would be associating with somebody like Danica? Stuck-up personalities are definitely not their style. They've got a chill, laidback, jokester kinda vibe. They've already got enough to worry about with everything going on at home, why add more worry to that?
Speaking of their home-life, it's far from ideal. Tama's only saving grace in that family has always been their older sister, Tiana. With how much their parents bicker and fight, the only sane person in that house seems to be her. However, recently it seems like Tiana has been leaving home more and more.... It's getting harder and harder to stay in that house alone, and they're beginning to get desperate. If Tiana doesn't come back soon, they might have to find another escape from this hellhole.
and here's a silly video involving all their voice claims yipeeeeeee:
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davekat-sucks · 4 months
>Pride month includes trans pride, and who’s deemed canonically trans by the Huss? THAT’S RIGHT! HOPE YOU LIKE SEEING JUNE EGBERT ON YOUR DASH A WHOOOOOOOOLE LOT AAAAAAAALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL MONTH!
(hopefully this formats the text right i dont use tumblr a lot and i usually only lurk)
Listen anon, this shit aint gonna work. June Egbert is not canon and she wont be, it doesnt matter if she appears on HSBC because let me tell you, its already on its name: BEYOND CANON.
You are not owning transphobes or helping trans people by screaming that June is canon everywhere you go, all you do is annoy people who arent trans and help make those trans stereotype become even worse and that just makes everything more awful than it already is. What you are doing is not helping ANYONE and it just makes you look like an asshole.
In fact Homestuck trans rep sucks as a whole. Vriska sucks in general and people like Kate will use her being "canonically" trans as an excuse when like I said all that does it make things WORSE. June is forced and people like you usually try to force people that its canon when its not and the Roxy one from HSBC is the same thing but nobody gives a shit about one so people usually dont talk about it.
And no just because Hussie said it doesnt mean its true (ie. Andrew Hussie Formstring) and sure the circumstances are different but the webcomic is done, its like if George Lucas claimed Luke Skywalker was actually a trans girl in secret all this time or some shit, it would be nonsensical to suddenly say that when theres never evidence for it + the main material having ended years ago. It has already ended and HSBC is just a non-canonical continuation.
And I don't know how much it "being planned from the beggining" means but I'm pretty sure its about being planned since the epilogues or something and not since the Homestuck Beta from april 10th, look at me in my invisible eyes and tell me that the Hussie from that era was thinking about transgender rights and not about his next webcomic and i dont fucking know that creepy puppet he had as a kid or horses.
AND before you assume Im transphobic, Im not and support trans people because i know how gender dysphoria feels [even though i do feel like some people online are faking it for attention or are there not for support but because they have some fetish which is pretty fucking bad (and Im unsure if fit the label or if I want to fit it considering I dont tell anyone about it at all and everyone online nowdays seems to suck overall and I also dont want to go around telling online strangers on a public profile about it)], so please understand this. June Egbert is not canon and is not a good rep, if you like it then keep it on the parts of the community that like it and stop trying to force "dubiously canon" on everyone. You are causing more harm than good, in fact I think that you are doing might not be doing any good at all.
And because I feel like I didnt let enough steam off Im gonna say this
Fuck June. Fuck her stupid fucking name. Fuck her rep. Fuck Post-Canon. And she and other shit reps deserve to be forced to take a permanent vacation straight to Hell.
Oh and davekat-sucks please keep existing and dont let these people put you down, you are one of the few people in this community nowdays that seems to not be overly aggressive and you allow people to show their opinions without having to fear getting harassed on or getting dragged on a full blown warzone just for not thinking like most people on the community do. Your blog means a lot for fans like us and remember, just because a lot of people seem to disagree with you it doesnt mean you are wrong! ^U^
Thank you for the kind words, Anon. And thank you for this amazing post here too. ✧ദ്ദി( ˶^ᗜ^˶ )
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my-castles-crumbling · 4 months
Hi Cas, I had a question. Sorry, I know you get a lot of these, I'm just not sure where else to turn right now haha.
I'm nonbinary. I've used they/them pronouns for four years now, and I came out to all of my close friends and changed my pronouns on my socials just under a year ago (I'm currently experimenting with they/he, so we'll see where that goes.) My friends have all been super supportive, even the ones who didn't really understand did their best to support me, and I really appreciated it.
The problem lies with my mum. I've tried to come out to her twice. The first time, I couldn't physically get the words out. It's like I freeze, and I just feel so petrified. We have had multiple debates/arguments surrounding trans rights and specifically JKR's viewpoint. My mum isn't exactly a rampant transphobe, she just doesn't get it, and I don't know how to make her understand.
The second time I came out, I did it over text so that I could get the words out. It was after one of these arguments, and she was sending me a message saying I got too het up and made her feel guilty. I replied by apologising but then saying it meant so much to me because I'm nonbinary. She completely skimmed over that part of the message, and for a while I wasn't even sure she had read it, because she kept misgendering me and referring to me as her daughter.
I don't even remember how we got to the conversation, but in one of our most recent back and forths of she sends me an article about JKR and I get upset, she told me that I need to 'stop with all of this nonsense about gender.' It stung a lot, and I really wasn't sure if she meant my gender specifically, or my feelings surrounding trans rights (or just us not being treated like people in the uk).
It made me wonder if it's even worth coming out to her again. I just have a feeling that it isn't going to stick. If you asked any of the trans people that she works with, they'd say that she was nothing but supportive, even if she gets it wrong sometimes, but it doesn't feel like that to me. I genuinely feel frozen with fear at the concept of telling her because of the conversations we've had, and I'm moving out for uni in September anyway. I just don't know how much longer I can deal with the constant misgendering. She has never once referred to me properly.
Idk, I'm kind of at a loss now, so I guess I'm asking what I could possibly do about it?
Hi hon <3
I feel like I first need to give you a thousand hugs and say our mums are very similar. So...guess we both need hugs, lol.
I think you have come out to your mom. Twice. She just isn't listening. Why waste your breath by doing it a third time? Your mom is making it very clear that she doesn't respect what you are asking for (respect, being correctly identified).
In the most gentle way, your mom is showing you who she is. I think your next step is to figure out how you want to proceed with that information.
I'm so sorry that she's not being the mom you deserve <3
Naming you frozen anon <3
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