cityan1mal · 6 months
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My vest :3
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auraworkshop · 9 months
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I believe that the past fears can definitely be a reason why most of you fail to enter the void. We all carry emotional and mental baggage from our past experiences and those can be the things that interfere with and prevent us from entering the void. It's important to have as little resistance as possible in order to reach the void, so it's important to try and release all emotional barriers or past fears.
It is important to work on these things in order to overcome any barriers that may be standing in the way, so for this I have a excercise for you all which will help you banish your fears and help you enter void easily but keep in mind that it requires consistency !
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Credits - Pinterest
STEP 1 : Clearyour mind, or just think about something nice.
STEP 2 : Cross your arms, place your 2 hands on the tops of your shoulders and close your eyes.
STEP 3 : Stroke your hands down the sides of your arms from your shoulders to your elbows, down and up, again and again.
STEP 4 : As you carry on stroking the sides of your arms, imagine you are walking on a beautiful beach with each footstep in the sand, count out loud from one to 20 with each step that you take.
STEP 5 : Keep stroking the sides of your arms and open your eyes, but keep your head still.
STEP 6 : While you keep stroking 6 your arms, move your eyes laterally to the right, then laterally to the left.
STEP 7 : Close your eyes and stroke the sides of your arms while you imagine walking down a flight of stairs and count out loud with each footstep.
STEP 8 : Now, open your eyes and check on a scale of one to ten what number is the intensity of the feeling? You should be feel- ing much better - if not, repeat the technique until you do.
An Additional tip - Put on a calming music, subliminal or waves while performing this exercise
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theamoristwriter · 1 month
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Had to get it off my chest !
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laurinnnn · 1 year
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saydesole · 5 months
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Sunday 🫶🏽
This past weekend was all about unwinding and rejuvenating, but it also sheds light on the fact that some individuals have a negative attitude toward those who set boundaries.
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alloandace · 5 months
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"In my asexual journey, 'no' becomes a powerful statement, a reflection of my self-worth and the boundaries I cherish. It's a reminder that honoring myself is non-negotiable."
You don't owe it to anyone to give a reason as to why your answer is no. "No" is your complete sentence.
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pseudaisthishh · 1 month
η τυπισσα νομιζει οτι ριχνει ακυρα σε ατομα που δεν ξερει καν πως μοιαζουν μεσω μιας εφαρμογης... και οι αγαμητοι που θα παραμεινουν αγαμητοι συμφωνουν μαζι της...
-ποσο ντελουλου εισαι;
γελαει ο κοσμος ρεε
Αχ νομιζω κατάλαβα ποιος εισαι!
Θίγεται η τοξική σας αρρενωπότητα όταν σαν λέμε δεν εισαι ο τύπος μου, δεν βγαίνω με άτομα από ταμπλρ πια, έχω σχέση όποτε επιδιώκω μόνο κοινωνικές συναναστροφές και ταυτόχρονα δεν ελκύομαι από τον τρόπο σου ακόμη και μέσω μηνυμάτων.
Εάν θεωρείς ντελουζιοναλ το γεγονός ότι ρίχνω άκυρο σε άτομα που ΔΕΝ ΞΕΡΩ ΚΑΝ ΠΩΣ ΕΙΝΑΙ ΑΠΟ ΤΗΝ ΑΛΛΗ ΠΛΕΥΡΑ ΤΗΣ ΟΘΟΝΗΣ, τι να πούμε εμείς για εσάς τους πικραμένους που στέλνετε σε εμάς και δεν δέχεστε 8 φορές στις 10 το όχι ως απάντηση.
Μου έχει τύχει να έχω πει σε τυπαδες πάνω από 10 φορές ότι ΔΕΝ ΘΑ ΕΚΑΝΑ ΠΟΤΕ ΚΑΤΙ ΜΑΖΙ ΤΟΥΣ και ότι ΔΕΝ ΘΕΛΩ ΝΑ ΚΑΝΩ ΚΑΤΙ ΜΑΖΙ ΤΟΥΣ για διάφορους λόγους, προσωπικούς και μη και να ΜΗΝ λαμβάνουν το ΟΧΙ ως απάντηση.
Η τοξικότητα που κουβαλάει η ριζωμένη πατριαρχία στο μικρό σας μυαλό είναι τεραστια , και το σας πάει στους τυπαδες που εχετε την αντίληψη τους κυρίου ανώνυμου από δω, που δεν έχει τα κότσια να μου το πει πρόσωπο με πρόσωπο διότι ξέρει ότι λέει ασυναρτησίες.
Ο κάθε «άντρακλας» εδώ μέσα θίγεται όταν του λες όχι. Φίλε αντί να βάλεις λίγο αυτό το κουκούτσι που έχεις για ��υαλό να δουλέψει και να κατανοήσεις ότι δεν εισαι τόσο καυλιαρης όσο πιστεύεις, και ότι όταν την πέφτεις σε κάποια, ανεξαρτήτως τον τρόπο , μέρος και ώρα, υπάρχει υψηλό ενδεχόμενο να σε απορρίψει.
Και ακούστε με καλά, ανεξαρτήτως το ότι είμαι σε σχέση, κάτι το οποίο έχω κάνει αρκετά λιανά αν και ούτε αυτό δεν σέβεστε ορισμένοι γιατί για τέτοιους λυσσασμένους μιλάμε, δεν με ψήνει κατι , ξέρω δεν ξέρω πως είναι η φάτσα σου. Και όσο δεν δέχεσαι το όχι, τόσο ΑΠΕΧΘΑΝΟΜΑΙ τον χαρακτήρα σου. Όποτε μετά από εκεί, και ο πιο ωραίος άντρας να εισαι, την έχεις χάσει την μπάλα.
Γελάει ο κόσμος με τις παραβιάστικες σας συμπεριφορές.
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evil-wawe-form · 2 months
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ephilog · 5 months
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Thank you so much for adopting my second wannado nope-bow! You were/are so stronk!!!🥰
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napunk-history · 5 months
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Wrong (1989)
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theamoristwriter · 1 month
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"पाऊं पे छाले हैं सांसें बुलंद, लड़ने चली हूँ आज़ादी कि जंग"
21/8/24 ❤️✊🏻
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bubblesandgutz · 6 months
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Every Record I Own - Day 814: Nomeansno You Kill Me
Nomeansno's debut album was a tightly coiled amalgam of art punk and jazz fusion, but it didn't wield the power of their later records. Between 1982's Mama and their 1985 EP You Kill Me, the band would expand beyond the sibling rhythm section of Rob and John Wright to include guitarist / vocalist Andy Kerr. The addition of guitar added the layer of grit and distortion that had been missing from earlier Nomeansno records, and the band fully embraced that newfound abrasion with an EP that demonstrated their full sonic menace while also establishing their stylistic and aesthetic stamp.
The EP opens with "Body Bag," a long-form, tension-baiting, quiet-loud-quiet rocker that harkens back to the bass-and-drum interplay of Mama, but adds jagged spikes of guitar in the chorus, giving the song an amplified sense of resolve and potency. From there the band launches into "Stop It," arguably the band's first foray into a sonic territory that could be deemed "hardcore." Set against a rock shuffle, the band sneers and spits its way through a Black Flag-style rage anthem. It's here that we get the first taste of Rob Wright's burgeoning distorted bass tone. With the gain knob cranked for maximum crunch, you can hear Rob dig into the strings to the point where they growl with aggression.
Side 2 opens with "Some Bodies," a song that harnesses the band's newfound vitriol with their signature off-kilter rhythmic configurations. There weren't a lot of punk bands playing with polyrhythms back in the 1985, but for Nomeansno it almost seemed second nature. There's even a riff in the song that is eerily similar to the main riff in Botch's "Vietmam."
This EP and a few of the other Nomeansno records in my collection were given to me by a college friend the year after I graduated. He was a year or two younger than me, and he had a radio show at our campus station KUPS (90.1 FM, if you happen to find yourself in the North End of Tacoma). I was a Nomeansno fan only so far as I owned the Jello Biafra collab album and a cassette copy of The Day Everything Became Nothing / Small Parts Isolated And Destroyed, but I was excited by the gift. This means I wouldn't have heard You Kill Me (or Sex Mad or Wrong, but we'll get to those at a later date) until at least 2001. But there are more than a few little musical moments across those records that parallel parts of my own songs. There's the aforementioned "Vietmam" riff, which we would have written right around the time this EP came into my collection. But there's the "womb / tomb" rhyme in "Body Bag" that I'd also used in Botch's "I Wanna Be A Sex Symbol On My Own Terms" at least two years prior. There's another inadvertent parallel to a Botch song on Sex Mad's "Self Pity," but we'll discuss that later. And a bunch of Nomeansno-isms would later appear in These Arms Are Snakes material, like the descending chromatic guitar solo in "Body Bag" being deliberately swiped for the pitch-shifted bass solo in These Arms Are Snakes' "Mescaline Eyes" (sorry, Andy).
I won't lie, Nomeansno's aesthetics sometimes leave a lot to be desired. I don't love the cartoony album cover. But Nomeansno rubbed off on me in other ways. There are moments across their records that seem a little silly, especially given their musically and lyrically heavy moments. But that irreverent and sardonic twist contained its own kind of malice---taking something child-like or frivolous and setting against something dire and dripping with existential dread somehow gave Nomeansno an added layer of human dimension. They could be theatrical, but they weren't cosplaying as total misanthropes. The humor almost made the serious material even heavier. The band also had a fascination with human sexuality and confronting sexual mores (see: the band's name, "Some Bodies," "Body Bag," etc.) that would continue to pop up in their music. And you could see the parallels in Botch's often absurd and/or salacious song titles (see again: "I Wanna Be A Sex Symbol On My Own Terms," "Frequency Ass Bandit," "Saint Matthew Returns To The Womb").
I wouldn't have cited Nomeansno as a primary influence back in 2001, but I already appeared to be walking a parallel path, and I would deliberately tread into their territories in the following years.
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cyarsk5230 · 4 months
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wild-rose3090 · 5 months
I thought I accepted what happened
Thought I had moved on
Thought it could no longer hurt me
But I had only tucked the emotions away
Lied to myself that I was okay
While clouding my own thoughts
But happens when my mind is clear?
Look my demons in the face
And endure the pain?
Or hide it all away again?
I want to be free
But I'm scared of the pain
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guerrilla-operator · 4 months
Nomeansno // Tired of Waiting
I got tired of waiting, waiting in line Tired of waiting for my clothes to dry Tired of waiting for the show to begin Tired of waiting for my ship to come in Tired of waiting, waiting for the bus Tired of waiting for my shoes to get fixed Tired of waiting, waiting for my cheque Tired of waiting for a change in the weather Tired of waiting for the water to boil Tired of waiting for the paint to dry Tired of waiting, waiting for a sign Tired of waiting for my big break Tired of waiting for the dam to break Tired of waiting for the bomb to drop Tired of waiting and waiting and waiting I got tired of waiting for the end
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