#Nosy looks fluffy
kiwiplaetzchen · 1 year
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Ta-da :D
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@wrenegade-accio Rae!! Don't you dare just waddle in here, show me this cute masterpiece, and just say "Ta-da"!! Come here!!! D:< *Crushes you with hugs.* 💚💚💚
It looks so adorable! This made my day!! 🫂 Thank you so much! 💕🐰💚💕
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Summary: Logan x Fe!Reader -> Rogue has a date, and you and Logan decide to follow. You're just making sure she's safe. But sometimes it's in moments like that, that you find out your 'husband' is the love of your life.
Disclaimer: Mostly chaos, fluffiness, fake dating, mentions of being a soldier, the claws come out briefly, a nosy book club and its members. Some swearing, steam and a little angst. I wrote this over two days so apologies if it becomes spotty. This is a long one. Not Proof Read.
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Rogue had a date. 
Both yourself, Logan and…practically most of the teachers in the school knew about Rogue having a date. 
Yet, despite knowing all of this. And somewhat knowing the guy’s intentions…Logan had decided to follow them. 
And you had found yourself tagging along. 
“And what did you think you were gonna do when they figured out you were following them?” You asked him. “At least this way it just looks like we decided to pick up dinner in town.”
“At the same restaurant?”
“You ask that as if this wasn’t your idea.”
“Oh please,” Logan practically rolled his eyes at you. “I saw what you were actually looking at early. You were caseing the place.”
“I was looking at their opening times.” You countered, if a little harshly. 
“You were casing the joint and you know it. If I wasn’t coming down here, you would have already come.”
You gave a short, heavy sigh. “Fine. I wanted to make sure this wasn’t some kind of set up. I just want her to be safe and have fun.”
“And I want to make sure the guy isn’t a creep.” Logan finalised before opening up the door for you allowing you to step inside. 
“Hello, madam! Ah, good sir! Table for two?” The waiter looked at his list. 
Logan looked and felt a little out of place. He was hoping you could both enter quietly, not have an announcement made to the entire restaurant. 
“Uh, yea. Yes, please.”
The waiter smiled, picking up two menus. “Please, this way.”
Logan followed your line of sight to see where Rogue and her date were sitting, smiling and laughing with one another as they looked over the menus. 
“Uh, actually, bub?”
The waiter turned around. “Yes, sir?”
“If you don’t mind we’d like to sit…” Logan looked around and found an empty table. “There.”
You saw where he pointed and realised why. Too far back into the restaurant, you’d pass right by the happy couple. 
Sitting where Logan was currently looking, gave you direct sight of the happy couple and with a chance, more coverage from the rest of the guests. 
“There?” The waiter asked, a little offended. “Oh, no, Sir. Please. We have a lovely booth for a couple such as yourself back here. Romantic candle light, a lot more privacy, no?”
You felt yourself blush at what the waiter was trying to subtly say. 
And it seemed that Logan caught on, too. And looked at you, unsure of what to do. 
You gave a small laugh and moved closer to Logan, “I’m sure, but you see, the thing is, my…”
You hesitated a little on your next words. “Husband.”
Christ, you felt that lie weigh on your chest. 
“He was in the army. Not a big fan of not being able to see the door. Just a habit, I suppose.”
The waiter gave a softer smile. “Ah, no worries.” 
Swiftly, he began leading you both towards the table Logan had pointed out. “My sister is serving overseas right now. We are all very proud. Thank you for your service, Sir.”
Logan gave an awkward smile and thanked the waiter before you both sat down with your menus. 
“I thought we were busted then,” Logan shifted in his seat. 
“So did I,” you replied. “So long as they don’t draw any-”
“So, what will it be?” 
Both yourself and Logan jumped at the waiter's sudden reappearance. However, he didn’t seem to notice as he began rattling off the specials. And then the wines. And then came the crash. 
Everyone’s heads turned inside the restaurant. 
Including Rogue’s. 
Quickly, you scooted your chair around so the waiter blocked you from view. By the time he turned back around, muttering about incompetencies about the newer staff members, he excused himself and headed in the direction of the crash. 
You saw Rogue settle her back to talking with her date and you breathed again, pulling your chair back to its original position. 
The waiter returned. 
“So, what will you be having?”
This time he blocked your view from Rogue’s table, giving Logan a clearer view of her date. You could see something flare up in Logan. 
“Uh, we’re gonna need another minute.” You said hurriedly, willing the waiter to walk away. 
And he did. 
For a moment. 
He turned back to you. “What?”
“Have you decided yet?” The waiter was back. 
Logan took your menu from you and placed it with his before handing it over to the waiter, who seemed shocked for a moment since it took him just as long to realise what Logan was doing. 
“Two cheeseburgers, a side of fries and two sodas. Please.”
The waiter seemed to force his smile a little. “Of course, sir. Anything else?”
“No, thank you.” You replied and the waiter bowed his head before walking away.
For a split second as you looked at Logan, you felt a comfort in your gut. And apparently the look was still clear on your face when he looked back at you. 
You shook your head, snapping yourself out of it. “Nothing, just…well, the last time a guy ordered my food for me he ordered me a salad, with a side of vinegar and sparkling water.”
Logan raised an eyebrow, slightly confused. “Is that what you wanted?”
“Fuck no.” You answered honestly. You didn’t want it then, and you sure as hell didn’t want it now. 
Especially the sparkling water. 
Logan looked at you for a moment in a silence you hadn’t known from him before. Then he turned back to watch Rogue’s date. 
And there was that look again. 
“Logan. You can’t kill him from here.”
“Doesn’t mean I don’t want to.”
You nodded. “I know that. And so does everyone else in this restaurant. At least now I know why Scott doesn’t send you undercover.”
Logan turned back to you. 
“You might be the ‘mysterious, silent’ type but if someone took one look at your face, they’d find their answers.”
“Are you saying I’m easy to read?”
Someone came and placed your drinks down on the table. You shrugged. 
“To the people who know you, yes.”
“Okay, then. Fine.” Logan turned his full attention onto you. “What am I thinking?”
“That I’m wrong. And that you wished you had the powers of invisibility so you could be closer to the table without being seen and mess with her date whilst he can’t see you.”
Logan remained still for a second before shifting in his seat. “Okay, fine. Maybe I am easy to read.”
You smiled and took a sip of your soda. “See.”
For the next twenty five minutes, things ran smoother than expected. You both enjoyed your meals, yourself and Logan talked a little however spent most of your time watching Rogue and her date enjoy their time. 
“What would you do?” 
Logan hummed a questioned response. 
“If you took someone out on a date? What would you do?”
Logan scrunched up his paper napkin and placed it beside his plate. “Why do you want to know?”
You shrugged, looking away from Rogue’s date. “Curiosity? I’ve had that many crappy dates in my time, maybe you can rescue my last sliver of hope.”
Logan felt a smile on his face for a moment, hearing your plea for hope. 
“Oh, come on. They’re talking. If we look at them any longer they might sense someone staring.”
Logan sighed. “Fine.”
“So, what would you do?”
Logan shrugged. “I don’t know. Go for a drink, maybe some food. Honestly, it’s been a while since I’ve dated.”
Logan nodded. “Seriously. What about you?”
You thought about it for a moment. “Well, the last date I went on the guy ordered my food for me.”
“Sparkling water guy?” Logan asked. 
You nodded. “One in the same. He spent two hours talking about his businesses, and didn't notice I hadn’t touched my food. Or my drink, for that matter. Then at the end, said that if we ever got married, I wouldn’t have to worry about anything other than what I was going to make him for his dinner each night.”
“Fucking asshole. Why did you stay?”
You decided to answer honestly. “Didn’t have anything else to do. And my friends had been on my case about my dating life. They were all either married or getting married or starting a family, and when they said they knew this “really great guy, you’ll just adore him” I decided to give it a shot.”
“What did they do when they found out he was an asshole?”
“Couple apologised, others asked me to give him a second chance. They haven’t tried setting me up with anyone since.”
Logan watched you for a moment as you pulled your soda to your lips. He wanted to punch the Sparkling Water Guy. He didn’t realise how lucky he was to be on a date with someone like you. And, in all honesty, he wasn’t too happy with your friends either. 
“You deserve better.”
Your eyes widened and for a moment Logan thought he had fucked up, saying that to you out loud. 
“Logan. Logan, quick. Shit.”
Then he noticed where you were looking. Rogue was standing up, as was her date. 
You looked around you, trying to find the best place to hide yourself. Only Logan found a solution. 
From under the table, he grabbed the bottom of your chair and pulled you closer towards him. 
“Just keep looking at me, hopefully we’ll just blur in with the rest of the crowd.”
And you did. You kept your eyes on Logan. 
In his peripheral vision, he saw Rogue slipping her coat on with her date’s help, who just so happened to rake his eyes up and down her body from the back whilst she wasn’t looking. 
Then he felt your hand on his. 
“Logan,” you whispered to him, getting his attention. 
With your hand on his, you were covering the tips of his claws that started peeking out from between his knuckles. 
“He’s just helping her put her coat on.”
Logan felt the tips of his claws retract, however three small holes were left in the cloth on the table beside his plate. 
You just smiled. “It’s okay.”
Then the waiter came back. “Ah, so lovely to see a couple so in love.”
You felt your cheeks go red and hid your face against Logan’s shoulder as he curled his arm around your back and smiled at the waiter. “Can we have the check?”
The waiter nodded. “Of course, just one moment.”
Within seconds, the waiter was back just as Rogue and her date walked out of the door. 
“Have a lovely evening!” The waiter called out to both of you as Logan took your hand and headed for the door. 
Rogue and her date were already half way down the street. 
“Where are they going?”
“Maybe he’s walking her to the cab station?” You offered. 
Logan, with his eyes still fixed on the dates, nodded his head in the opposite direction. “Taxis’ that way.”
Looking back at you, you both made a simultaneous decision and were back to following them. 
“Where the hell could they be going?”
“Maybe they’re just going for a walk. It is still early and they looked like they were having fun. Some couples like to take a walk together after a date.”
“They’re not a couple yet. And this is their first date.” 
You caught up beside Logan and pulled him to a slower pace so neither of you looked like frantic maniacs going down Main Street. 
“If we get any closer, they’re gonna see us.”
“You’re right.”
Yourself and Logan tailed them down the street and around the park before deciding to head back home. “If they’re coming round on the top of the street, they’re gonna see your car.”
Logan looked around him before taking hold of your hand and nearly pulling your arm out of its socket. “This way.”
“Logan, slow down.” You told him. “We aren’t all ten feet tall.”
Thankfully, he did slow down, however didn’t let go of your hand. 
“Do you think we did the right thing? Following them?”
You nodded. “I was questioning it at first but…at least this way we know the guy actually meant what he said when he asked her out. Oh, shit
You just managed to push Logan into the doorway of a closed bookstore, pushing his back against the glass. 
“What are you doing?”
“Uhhh,” you panicked. “Nothing. Just a…puddle. Big puddle.”
“It hasn’t rained in three days. What are you-”
Logan stopped when he saw what you had seen. Rogue’s date was about to lean in to kiss her. 
You pushed him back, trying your best to keep him pinned to the wall. “Okay, I get we tailed them most of the night but we have to give them some privacy.”
“Did he even ask?”
“I don’t know, but just keep your voice down. The car is three spaces away. Hopefully they’ll be distracted long enough to-”
You peered back round the corner. “Oh, thank god.”
“What? What’s going on? Has hell opened up and sucked him in?”
You looked back at Logan, a little less than amused. “They’re going into the ice cream shop. Come on, before they see us.”
However, just as you both stepped out of the doorway, you found your path blocked by an elderly woman and her dog. 
She chuckled to herself. “Don’t mind me kids, just taking Frankie on a walk. And don’t worry, honey. I remember when I first met my Harry. We couldn’t keep our hands off each other.”
You let out a nervous laugh as Logan looked like he was about to burst from embarrassment as he ran a hand through his hair, his shirt coming untucked and showing off a small hint of his torso. 
Mrs Keller watched where your eyes landed and gave you a knowing albeit loving smirk as she watched you move closer to Logan, tugging his shirt down a little and pressing close into his side. 
“We should get going. It was nice seeing you Mrs Keller.”
Mrs Keller waved you both off towards Logan’s car. “I’ll see you for next week's book club?”
You nodded. “I’ll be there.”
“Feel free to bring your husband along,” she called back. “It’ll drive Little Miss Prissy up the wall that you’ve been keeping that Handsome Fella a secret.”
You laughed nervously once again, as Logan gave you a slight smirk despite his initial embarrassment at what the old lady thought you were both doing.  
“Good night, Mrs Keller.” You called out before Logan repeated it. 
She waved you both goodbye before continuing down the street with Frankie walking by her side. 
Closing the passenger door, you covered your face with your hands already feeling Logan’s eyes and teasing smile on you. 
“She was nice.”
“Shut up and drive.”
Logan chuckled, placing his key into the ignition and pulling out of his spot, his hand behind your headrest as he did so when looking over his shoulder. 
Barely five minutes into the drive, Logan started asking you questions. 
“You’re a part of a book club?”
“We all meet every fortnight and talk about books.”
“And Mrs Keller…?”
You sighed. 
“Is one of the founding members. I met her at the library one day when taking some books back. She was at the desk asking if they had the newest Danielle Steel. They didn’t, but I had seen it in the shop window in a bookstore on the other side of town. We walked together and she invited me to join.”
“How was the book?” Logan asked. 
“I cried.” You answered honestly. “First book I actually cried at.”
Logan let out a small laugh and you hit his arm whilst trying to hold in one of your own. “Don’t laugh.”
“I-I’m not laughing. Okay, maybe I am. I mean, it is funny. Is this where you’ve been disappearing every other Saturday?”
You nodded. “Pretty much. They’re a fun group. Well, most of them are.”
“Let me guess?” Logan asked. “Little Miss Prissy?”
You groaned. “She lives two doors down from Eva. Eva can be nice, but Prissy? God, she’s a nightmare. Every time it’s her turn to talk, she somehow manages to turn it back to her and her “ever doting husband” and their “precious baby niece and nephew” and “oh, look at how cute he is with them.” You know, we read American Psycho once. She still managed to turn it back to her husband.”
“I wouldn’t mind,” you continued. “If she wanted to know about anyone else’s love life. Like…” you sighed, thinking of an example. “Mrs Keller? Her and Harry have been together since they were seventeen. They met when they were twelve, lived across the street from each other their entire lives. Mrs Keller had been stood up for one of the local dances by Harry’s friend. So, the minute he found out, he ran over to her house, still covered in motor oil and asked her to the dance. Mrs Keller deserves to write her own romance book for everything that her and Harry have done together. But can she get a word in edgewise? Nope.”
“Sounds like a love for the ages.” Logan said with a soft smile on his lips, looking at you before turning his gaze back to the road in front of him. “And by the sounds of it, Mrs Keller is going to give her something else to talk about.”
You covered your face again. “Oh, god.”
“Hey, come on, it can’t be that bad.”
“How do I tell Mrs Keller I’m not married? She’s gonna think that I’m-”
“What if you didn’t?” 
You turned and looked at Logan. “What?”
“What if you didn’t? Tell them you’re not married? I mean, it’s not like they’re gonna meet me.” Logan explained. “Just…keep up with the lie.”
“And what do I do when they ask me questions?”
Logan shrugged. “Just…bend the truth.”
“Okay,” you sat up in your seat, deciding to test him. “How did we meet?”
“At work. We’re both teachers.”
“When was our first date?”
Logan thought about it. “Six months after we met. We decided to stay up late and ate leftover Chinese food.”
You furrowed your brows. How the hell did he manage to answer these so quickly? Sure, most of it was true. You were both teachers, and the first night you spent alone in the same room together was eating the leftovers in the fridge. Of course, what wasn’t being said was that you both actually met when Logan nearly bulldozed you when he ran into the Professor’s office just after he’d woken up in Jean’s lab. Or how neither of you had properly spoken to one another until that night six months later. 
Or how afterwards, it took a long time for you to make a genuine friendship with him that wasn’t just talking about the team or what the students had to learn in that semester. 
“And then what?” You asked him. “We kissed and lived happily ever after?”
Logan shrugged. “Sure, why not?”
You groaned again. “I hate lying to Mrs Keller.”
“You just lied to her like ten minutes ago. We both did.”
Eventually, Logan pulled up outside of the school and left the car back where he had found it. 
“Like we never left.”
You smiled. “Come on, before she gets back and figures out what we’ve been doing.”
Walking through the school ground and up the front steps, both you and Logan chatted away, laughing a little here and there about anecdotes you were telling him. 
Then you were alone in the middle of the empty hallway, cast in darkness and hints of moonlight. 
“We should get to bed before they get back.”
“I think I might stay up and wait for her to get back. Make sure he didn’t do anything he shouldn’t have done.”
You stepped a little closer to him. “Be nice, Logan.”
“I’m always nice.”
You just raised an eyebrow at him. 
“Okay, fine.” Logan sighed a laugh. “I’ll be nice.”
“Thank you. Tell me how it goes?”
Logan nodded. “Course.”
However, as you both stood together in the hallway, soaking in the vision of the other, you both heard footsteps. 
Logan looked around. “Here.”
Taking your hand, Logan pulled you into the small space besides the bookshelf and the window. 
Being pressed between the wall and him, you felt his scent and body heat swirl around you and mix with your own. Your own heartbeat was drumming so loud in your eardrums you could hardly hear what Rogue was saying when she was talking to her date. 
From above you, Logan leaned down, his eyes roaming across your face, whilst you found your own gaze doing the same. 
Your heartbeat seemed to drum harder and faster against your chest, your lungs trying to find an even pace to breathe at. 
But you weren’t the only one struggling with that. 
Because Logan’s breathing had become laboured as he looked at you, wanting the space between you both to be further so he could think clearer and not do something you both could regret, but at the same time, for you to be closer to him so he could cross that line. 
You swallowed thickly, trying your best to keep your gaze from his lips. 
You were failing. 
The hand you had pressed against his chest slid up his chest before you took a wad of the loose fabric by his collar in your hands, holding him closer, begging for that line to be crossed. Just as you did so, his own hand pushed the hair from beside your face, his hand gripping onto the space between your neck and your shoulder. Maybe if he forced himself, he wouldn’t move his hand and he wouldn’t cross that line. 
“Alright, where are you two?”
You and Logan stilled. “Maybe if we’re quiet…”
Rogue started walking around. “You wouldn’t have gone to bed yet. Where are you? Oh, come on. I saw you both in the restaurant.”
You and Logan sighed and he closed his eyes, leaning a little further into you. You didn’t want him to leave. 
Slowly, you and Logan came out from your hiding spot and Rogue spun around her heels. “There you both are.”
“Look, before you yell, you need to know something.”
Rogue crossed her arms, waiting. 
“It was Y/n’s idea.”
But rather than yell, Rogue laughed a little. “Why does something tell me that’s a lie?”
Logan shrugged. “It might be part of a lie.”
You gave a sigh. He was hopeless. 
“We just wanted to make sure you were safe. And, if you want to know, we’ve already learnt our lesson.”
Logan nodded in agreement with you. “Just take our word for it.”
“So, how did your date go?”
Rogue smiled. “If you must know, we’re going out again next Saturday. He’s going to take me to the movies and then we’re gonna go bowling.”
“That sounds like fun.”
“It will be,” Rogue said. “So long as you two promise to not follow us this time?”
You crossed a sign over your heart. “I swear.”
Rogue waited for Logan to do the same, and only when you nudged him did he do so. “But I’m dropping you off.”
“Just agree,” you told Rogue. “It’ll be easier on all of us.”
Rogue agreed. “Fine. You can drop me off.”
Not long after that, both yourself and Logan went to bed whilst Rogue walked towards the kitchen to grab a bottle of water before doing the same. 
“Are we being overprotective?”
“She’s just a kid, Y/n. We’re allowed to be.”
Logan walked you to your door, both of you calling goodnight to each other. However, you didn’t fall asleep. 
At least for the first couple of hours. 
Mrs Keller thought you were married. 
Married to the same man you were friends with.
The same friend you had almost kissed. 
The same friend who had almost kissed you. 
By the time you woke up the next morning, you seemed to be the only one awake. It was no surprise though, considering you were still three hours off the clock having a one at the beginning of it. 
You jumped a little when you heard a voice before you opened your eyes to confirm it was Rogue’s voice who had spoken to you. 
“What are you doing up? It’s 7 am. And a Sunday.”
Rogue gave a smile. “Could ask you the same thing.” Rogue told you. “Figured you’d be wrapped in Logan’s arms right now.”
Your back was to her as you opened up one of the doors to the fridge, however became completely still and forgot why you’d opened the damn thing in the first place. 
Turning around, you saw Rogue and her smirk, sip at her coffee. 
“I saw you and Logan last night.”
Beside the bookcase? 
“At the restaurant?” Rogue was confused by the more than panicked look on your face. She had said she saw you both, when she got home last night, didn’t she. “You and Logan were sat at the table by the window?”
“Oh…” You felt your heart leave the vice you’d just locked it in. “Oh, yeah.”
Rogue smiled again. “Looked pretty cosy if you ask me.”
“Good job no one’s asking you.”
Milk. That’s why you opened the fridge. 
Taking the carton out, you closed it behind you and reached for a bowl and some cereal. 
“All snuggled up together, his arm around you. I was pretty sure he would have kissed you if the waiter didn’t interrupt. Though, if he didn’t, maybe you would have done more than kiss at that table.”
She laughed. “What? Oh, come on. I’ve seen the way you look at each other. Seen the way he looks at you.”
She mumbled that last sentence into her coffee cup leaving you questioned just exactly what she meant by it. 
“It’s too early in the morning for this,” you grumbled to yourself, replacing the cereal box in the cabinet. 
“You could always go back to bed.” Rogue offered. “Or go and see if Logan wants some company.”
You turned around a slightly shocked, slightly disgusted look on your face. “Oh my god.”
“I’m kidding.” Rogue laughed out. “Kinda.”
“When did you grow up?” You asked out loud, coming to the daily realisation that Rogue wasn’t the little kid you had first met when she arrived at the school but was, in fact, very quickly on her way to becoming a full grown woman. After all, she had started taking on a small time tutoring job and she was still a couple months away from graduation. 
The rest of the day went smoothly. Well…as smooth as it could go when you were having a constant internal flashback to the night before. Mrs Keller and what she thought you and Logan were doing, it almost happening beside the bookcase, and then you walked in on him in his bathroom. 
He had said it was safe for you to come inside, and you had happened to see him shirtless a couple of times. Though never in sync with a time when at least two people on the planet thought you were married, another one was trying to convince you she saw, at the very least, something similar to what the others had and the two minutes spent beside the bookcase which you had thought about over and over. 
“Hank is asking if you want corn or peas.” You told Logan as you walked inside, trying your best not to yell or scream out loud and retreat away. 
“Either is fine. You okay?”
You snapped your eyes back to Logan’s face. “Hm? Oh, yeah. Fine. Have you talked to Rogue?”
“Not today,” he replied. “Why? Should I have done?”
You couldn’t help but shudder. “No. That kid is scary.”
You heard Logan laugh as you closed the door a little as you headed back out. 
“Hey, wait.”
You opened the door again, holding onto the frame for dear life. “Yeah?”
“About last night…”
“What about last night?” You tried your best to remain as casual as possible, though it didn’t help when you remembered Logan was practically a walking lie detector. 
He could hear your heartbeat. 
And it was only getting faster. 
You told yourself to calm down. 
It was only a question. 
A big question. 
That he hadn’t finished. 
Was he going to tell you to forget about it? Was he going to pretend it didn’t happen? Did it happen? Had you made the entire thing up? Was the line that you thought had blurred for a second been completely in bold this entire time and hadn’t shifted?
“Thanks…for coming with me…I know you would have gone anyway. But, I’m glad you didn’t try to stop me.”
You smirked a little. “Logan, you’re made of metal. The only practical way I could have is if I owned an industrial magnet.”
Logan chuckled a little. “Still. I’m glad you came. It’s nice to know the kid’s not alone, you know?”
You nodded. “I know. Anyway, I should probably…”
“Yeah, yeah. I, uh, I’ll meet you down there.”
You nodded, letting your eyes take a mental picture of Logan before you shut the door again and headed downstairs and back into the kitchen. 
“He said either.”
Hank nodded and turned back to the stove. 
“You were up there for a while,” Rogue appeared by your side. “And you look a little flushed.”
You turned your head to look at her and glared. “I do not.”
“You do look a little red in the cheeks, Y/n.” Hank added from where he was standing, busying himself by the stove. 
“Maybe I’m coming down with something.” You pressed your hands to your cheeks to hide them. 
Rogue stood in front of you and pressed the back of her hand to your head. “You don’t feel hot, maybe- Oh, hey Logan!”
Rogue broke out into a wide grin.
Logan was a little shocked by Rogue’s enthusiasm. “Hey, kid.”
“Come here, does Y/n feel hot to you? She’s looking a little flushed.”
“Rogue.” You warned under your breath. But she just smiled and pulled Logan over where her hand was replaced by Logan’s. 
And there it was again. 
That same…difference. 
Just like when you stood in front of him when you both got back, before you hid beside the bookcase. 
“N-no. She feels…she feels okay.”
Rogue looked back at Hank who was trying his best to hide his smile. “Why, Logan, you’re looking a little flushed yourself.”
Logan quickly stepped back, as did you. Only, you fell into the counter and gripped onto it for dear life. 
You looked down at the floor. 
“Maybe you’re coming down with something, too. I hope it’s not catching.”
Logan shook his head. “I can’t get sick.”
Hank hummed. “Must be something else then.”
“Must be.” Logan’s voice was quiet as he looked at you and found you looking back. 
Though you couldn’t look for too long, feeling your cheeks heat up again. 
“I better-”
“Yeah, I’m gonna-”
Both yourself and Logan headed in opposite directions. Yourself out of the kitchen the way you came in, and Logan out through the back door and into the gardens. 
Eventually, you made it to your room and locked your door before moving over to the mirror. You did look flushed. Even more so when your brain projected the feeling of Logan’s hands on you from the night before, as well as the look on his face from thirty seconds ago. 
By the time dinner rolled around, yourself and Logan tried to keep your distance until you both suddenly found yourself seated beside each other, taking one look at each other and then taking a large gulp of your drink. 
Your main suspect for the forced seating arrangement was Rogue. She had been the one to lay out the cards. Three days previous, you were sure you had been sat beside her and Storm. 
And when you looked over to her and found her smiling in your direction, you had your confirmed culprit. 
For most of the night, you were kept distracted by the stories being told by everyone as you all caught up with one another from the past couple of months or so. 
It was a few days until things felt normal between you and Logan. At least to the extent where you didn’t feel yourself visibly flush at the sight of him. 
And everything seemed normal. 
Until Saturday. 
You had already left - Logan being the only one to know where you actually were heading off to. 
“Okay, but Logan, you’re not allowed to get out of the car.” Rogue told him. “You’re just dropping me off. And you’re not allowed to come into the movie theatre, either.”
“What if I want to see a movie?”
“Not tonight, you’re not.” Rogue told him. “I like this guy, okay. And I think having The Wolverine sat behind us both isn’t going to make things easier.”
Logan sighed. “Okay, fine. I won’t come into the movie theatre.”
Logan nodded, and crossed his heart. “Promise.”
“And you can’t send Y/n in, either.”
“Even if I wanted to, I couldn’t. She’s busy.”
“Let me guess, on a date at the movie theatre?”
Logan held back his smirk. “No, smartass. She’s at a book club. But you can’t tell the others. She doesn’t want them to know.”
“Y/n’s part of a book club?”
Logan nodded and stifled a laugh as he flicked on his indicator and turned down a side street. “Yeah, it shocked me too.”
“You wouldn’t happen to be the mysterious husband they’re all talking about?”
As a red light came on, Logan slammed on his breaks a little too hard. “What? How would you know about-”
“Y/n took me to the library. There were a load of women looking at her. She was outside but when I asked her about it she said it was nothing. But I definitely heard them talking about her being married.”
Logan looked back to the road. 
“It's green.”
A car behind him honked and Logan quickly got moving, all the while feeling Rogue’s eyes on him. 
“Oh, my god.” Rogue smiled and turned back to the road in disbelief. 
Logan was beginning to feel a little panicked. Though he didn’t quite know why. 
“You are him.” Rogue stated. “Oh, my god. Is this what you meant by ‘learning your lesson’? Did something finally happen?”
Logan was confused. “Finally? What do you mean finally?”
“I mean finally.” Rogue repeated. “Jesus, Logan. Have you not seen the way you look at her? How she looks at you?”
“How she looks at me?” Logan questioned. 
Since when did driving Rogue to her second date become a time for confessions?
“Hank was right, you both really are as bad as each other.”
Logan had to shake his head. “Wait, Hank? Beast Hank?”
Rogue could help but laugh. 
For months Rogue had watched Logan and yourself get close to each other. She had to watch as the looks Logan gave you went from untrusted, to familiar, to friendly to…everything after the fact of trust. Not only could you see it in his eyes that he trusted you, but you could also see what he was too scared to admit to himself. 
He was in love with you. 
And had been for quite some time. 
Of course, Rogue had only noticed this in the last couple of months. 
Except, when talking with Hank as he cooked and she mostly watched and snacked on the parts he wasn’t using for the main meals, she realised it had been going on for years. 
How you had looked at Logan. Intrigue, civil, uncharted, familiar, friendly, safe and,,,love. 
And apparently Hank hadn’t been the only one in agony watching both of you. According to him, so were the rest of the team. 
They were all just surprised nothing had actually happened yet. 
“W-why are you laughing?” Logan’s gaze kept flicking from the passenger seat beside him to the road ahead until he finally pulled up outside the movie theatre. 
“Because you’re both idiots.”
Logan didn’t look entirely amused. “Thanks, kid.”
“Look, I could tell you but…you need to work this one out for yourself. Thanks for dropping me off.”
As Rogue stepped out of the car, she closed the door and walked away. However, a few paces from the car she stopped and turned back around. 
“Fuck it, I’m just gonna tell you.” 
Leaning back inside the car, Logan looked back at her. 
“You love her. And she loves you.” Rogue told him. “You’ve both loved each other for a long time and it’s about time you both do something about it before time passes and you’re both too chicken shit to do something about it. There is a reason everyone already thinks you're a couple, and that’s because when neither of you are thinking, you both act like it anyway. You should really see the way you look at each other, Lo. I hope I can find that some day, too. It’s rare. Don’t let it slip past you. Either of you.”
Rogue watched as Logan soaked in all of her words and then settled back behind the steering wheel. 
Reaching into her bag, Rogue pulled out a book. “This was on the counter when I came downstairs.”
Logan took it from her. It was a new book. The new book you would be discussing about. Tonight. 
“Figured she might need that. Maybe you can drop it off with her?”
Logan looked at Rogue and gave a smile. “Thanks, kid.”
Rogue shrugged. “Just mention me during your wedding speech.”
Shutting the car door, Rogue watched as Logan pulled out of his parking spot and drove down the street, turning the corner to head towards the address you had given him earlier that week. 
“Just in case you or Rogue needs me.” You had told him. 
Pulling up outside the house, KELLER written on the mailbox, Logan turned off the engine, took the book from the passenger seat and headed up the porch steps and knocked on the screen door. 
From inside he heard laughing before a familiar face opened up the door. 
“Oh, my. Logan, isn’t it?”
Logan nodded, trying his best to hide the flush on his cheeks. “Mrs Keller. I’m hoping Y/n is here. She left her book and I thought-”
Mrs Keller gave a wide smile and pushed open the screen door for him to come in. “Of course. The more the merrier. Your wife will be happy to see you, I’m sure. Follow me.”
As he did so, Logan soon found himself entering a second living room where around a dozen people were sitting in somewhat of a circle, either on the sofas or on the floor. 
“Look who’s come for a surprise visit!” Mrs Keller announced. 
Everyone turned with welcoming smiles and slightly shocked expressions. 
“Logan.” You weren’t expecting to see him. 
“Hey,” Logan breathed with a smile at seeing you. “Rogue. She picked up your book and I thought you might need it.”
You stood and took it from him softly. “Thanks.”
“Well, honey? Aren’t you going to give him a proper hello?”
Suddenly you and Logan felt a dozen pairs of eyes on you both and with a slight awkwardness, you leant up and kissed his cheek. 
“Oh, come on. Girls, I tell you. Last week they were like two teenagers.”
You felt your cheeks go bright red and you hid your face with the cover of your book. The only comfort was Logan’s hand that hadn’t left your hip since you stepped into him to kiss his cheek. 
“Oh, Logan, please. Will you stay?”
Logan looked around the room. It was the first time he understood the expression “Feeling like you were going to be eaten alive.”
“No, no. This is…your thing. I don’t want to intrude-”
“Nonsense! Besides, we’ve been dying to know more about our little mystery.” Mrs Keller said with nothing but affection. 
“Who knew mystery could have so much romance?” 
Logan turned to where the voice came from and by your reaction, he gauged the voice belonged to Prissy. Who’s name he would soon learn was Pricilla. 
“I’d love to.” Logan replied, looking back to Mrs Keller. 
“Wonderful!” She clapped her hands together and got comfortable in her chair. “Oh, Darwin, honey, come and sit by me so the lovebirds can sit together.”
The sofa in which Darwin had been sitting was as big as a seat and a half. So, when Logan did finally sit down, you were practically sitting on his lap, the only comfortable position you could find yourself in was tucked in by his side, your legs over his whilst his hand held your knees on his thighs. 
Thankfully, your back was supported by the arm of the chair, but either way you felt yourself melt into Logan’s side, his body heat warming you. The fire Mrs Keller had on in the hearth was enough to heat the room but there was just something about Logan’s warmth that made it…different. 
“Oh, you two just make the most adorable couple.” Mrs Keller smiled, watching the pair of you, noticing the smiles you gave each other as you both finally got comfortable in being so close to one another. “Like no one else is in the room.” 
Logan heard Rogue’s words echo inside of his head. 
She was right. 
“Oh, you have to tell us how you met? Please.” Daisy asked from the floor beside the coffee table. 
Prissy coughed. “Aren’t we more interested in discussing this week’s book?”
A chorus of “No” sounded out. 
With a shlump, Prissy sat back with a noise stuck at the back of her throat. 
“Oh, tell us how you met!” Darwin called out. “Start at the very beginning.”
“You know it’s gonna be a good story when they look at each other like that.” Daisy added on. 
Prissy leaned forward. “You know, if you want a good love story, I can always tell you about how me and my darling husband met.”
Dawin groaned. Loudly. “We already know your story, Pricilla.”
“God knows we’ve heard it enough,” Mrs Keller mumbled. 
“We want a new story and we want to hear about Y/n and Logan.”
You looked at Logan and Logan looked back. Something seemed different about him. It was almost like something was gleaming inside of him. You just couldn’t figure out what. Or why. 
But you loved seeing a new side of him. 
There was just something that made your stomach flip and your heart grow when Logan showed you another side of him. A side he didn’t let people see that often. Sometimes a side he wouldn’t let himself see. 
“We met at work.” Logan told them. 
“Yeah, he nearly bulldozed me in the Professor’s office.”
“I did not.”
“You did.” You countered. “I almost got a concussion from how hard you opened up that door.”
“You weren’t even near the door.”
“No, because I jumped out of the way when you did.”
Mrs Keller smiled. “Let me guess, you didn’t get off on the right foot?”
You shrugged. “Not particularly.”
“It took time…about six months before we had a real conversation. And even then it took time.”
Mrs Keller smiled with a knowing look. “The best ones always do.”
Over the next two hours, you and Logan were asked question after question. Most of them scolding you for not mentioning or bringing Logan to the book meetings sooner so they could all meet him. 
Eventually, you did get onto the book you had all read. Prissy spent most of the time talking about the book and Logan got to witness first how she took the descriptions of a bird and placed the conversation back on her husband and what they had done during the week. 
The first time, Logan could see it almost as sweet. After that it just got tedious. 
But he couldn’t care. Not when he felt you fall into his side, allowing for his arm to come around your back, his hand fanned out across the exposed skin from your hip where your t-shirt had come untucked from your jeans. 
As the fire in the hearth settled into a constant warmth, people started to get more relaxed and cosier, pulling up blankets, putting on Mrs Keller’s complimentary cosy socks. 
Apparently she had a pair for everyone. 
“Let me go and get some more snacks and then we can talk about chapter fifteen.” Mrs Keller gave a small gasp. “I didn’t see it coming.”
But you shot to your feet. “No, you sit down. Let me.”
“Oh, thank you, dear.”
Sitting back down, Logan stood with you and walked into the kitchen with you. 
For a moment, you both talked about the book club and everything that had just happened before a comfortable lul came and you both realised you had to talk about the elephant in the room. 
“We need to talk.” Logan told you. 
“Do we?”
“Rogue told me something and it’s been on my mind ever since. And I can’t stop thinking how much she might be right.”
You poured some pretzels from the jar into a section of the dish. “Really? It must be bad if you’re agreeing with her.”
“Can you just…look at me for a second?”
You stopped pouring the snacks and looked at Logan, only for him to grab your hands and hold them in his. Running his thumbs over your knuckles, you forced yourself out of your thoughts and back to focusing on the real Logan in front of you. 
“I think I’ve known it for a while, I just don’t think I’ve been able to let myself know it because, if I do…look, I’ve lost a lot of people.”
He was scaring you now. 
“Logan, what’s going on?”
“I’ve lost a lot of people,” he finally looked you in the eye. “But I’ve come to realise you are not someone I can lose, Y/n. I don’t want to lose you. But if I don’t tell you something now, there might be a day when I could still lose you anyway.”
“Logan, you’re scaring me. Has something happened? What did Rogue say to you? I told you not to talk to her. That kid can be scary.”
Logan chuckled at that. It was true. Especially more recently. Very recently, in fact. 
“I’m in love with you, Y/n.”
You felt yourself falter and stiffen at his words. 
“You are the person I trust the most in this world, and I don’t say that lightly. I trust you and I love you. But I can’t lose you. So…” Logan took a breath. “Please tell me if I’m going to lose you because of this, because I don’t want to. I don’t want to ever lose you. Especially over something that I’ve done.”
“You…you love me?” You questioned. “Logan…how…when…Logan, you can’t.”
“Why not?”
“Because you…you just can’t.” 
You were in shock and disbelief. “I’m not someone you fall in love with.”
“Little late for that.”
“I’m being serious.” Pulling your hands from his, you walked away for a second. You needed space. You needed to breathe. You needed…you needed…
“So am I.”
You couldn’t help but scoff. “Logan…I…you…we…we don’t…”
“We don’t…what?” Logan asked you. 
“We don’t fit, Logan. We…we spent years building…us. Don’t you think that couples tend to know- if not instantly, a little sooner than us?”
“Y/n. I love you.”
“No, you don’t.”
“I love you.”
Logan started walking closer to you, repeating his words with every step. 
“Logan, you don’t.”
Taking you by the shoulders, he looked you in the eyes. “Yes, I do. And…I’d wager to say you feel the same, too.”
“Just listen to me.” Logan begged. “Please.”
And so you did. 
“Coming in here to tell you this? I didn’t expect you to tell me the same. I still don’t. I get you’re scared. Hell, I’m terrified. But the only thing that is keeping me from running out of that door is you. I know you, Y/n. And you know me, so when I stand here telling you that I love you, you know I’m not lying. You know that you are the only person I cannot lie to. I respect you too much to do that.” 
Logan continued. 
“But just now…you said ‘us’. And after what almost happened the other night and what happened in the kitchen with Hank…hell, even back there with the Town Gossip Board…”
Logan studied your face for a moment. You were fighting back tears, white knuckling the countertop beside you both.
“I can’t lose you, Y/n. So, please, tell me now. Just answer me this and if you want me to walk away I will. Do you love me?”
Logan’s grip on you tightened for a moment as he bit his lip saying your name. He was desperate for an answer, wishing for you to say yes. For you to tell him not to walk away. 
He couldn’t lose you…but maybe he already had. 
“Please…” His voice broke. “Please.”
And then you broke. 
“Of course I love you.”
Pulling him in by his collar, you held your other hand against his face before kissing him. It wasn’t soft or gentle. It was full of desperate and an outburst of emotion that you couldn’t put into words. You could only hope he knew what you meant by your kiss. 
Almost instantly you felt his hands come to your waist before he pushed against you, kissing you back, allowing his arms to snake up and around your back, holding you flush against his chest. All the while, his lips caught yours once more after half a breath. 
Your tears dried up and your hand fell to Logan’s side as he turned you, your ass bumping against the lower counter in the kitchen. A low groan came from the back of Logan’s throat as your hand dipped under his t-shirt and your fingers raked across his skin and up the side of his torso. 
However, just as Logan was about to lift you onto the counter, you both heard a voice call out from the living room. 
“Did you manage to find the pretzels? They’re in the cabinet above the stove!”
You and Logan pulled away, breathless. With his hands tangled in your hair and your forehead pressed against his, Logan forced a swallow, his cheeks heating as he smiled, still feeling your hand on his skin. 
“Yeah, we’ve got em’!” Logan called out. “We’ll be there in a second.”
You let out a small laugh, as did Logan. 
“How long have you got left here?”
You turned your head to look at the rustic clock above the kitchen dresser. “About an hour.”
“Make it 45?”
“50.” You gave it as an offer. “I still want to find out what they thought about Chapter twenty two.”
Almost out of arm's reach, Logan pulled you back. “Hey.”
“What?” You asked, allowing yourself to fall back into him. 
Looking at you, Logan smiled before brushing the hair from your face and leaving you with a kiss that left you a little stunned and dizzy in the best way imaginable. 
“I love you.”
“I love you, too.”
“Wait.” Logan said once more, before pulling you back. You laughed a little. 
“If we spend any more time in here, Mrs Keller is going to think we’re about to defile her kitchen.”
“We almost did,” Logan smirked watching your face heat before he started fixing your hair and your top. 
And you did the same with him. 
Finally walking back into the living room with the snacks, you and Logan sat back down together, your legs draped over his lap all the while your fingers subtly played with the ends of his hair, allowing your nails to run up and down the back of his neck every once in a while that had him shifting in his seat. 
You were out of there within forty minutes. 
But not before Mrs Keller gave Logan his own pair of cosy socks. 
“Yellow and blue,” she told him. “For some reason, they speak to me. They’re yours. You’re an honorary member. Feel free to drop in any session. We’d love to hear more about you two.”
Both yourself and Logan smiled before walking back to the car where he opened up the door for you before walking around and getting into the driver's seat. 
It took all of a month before everyone found out you and Logan had finally come together. Rogue and Hank seemed the most relieved that something had finally snapped between you two.
You both spent most mornings and nights tangled in each other’s arms, finally free to admit the truth to each other. 
You had loved Logan for a long time. And he had loved you just as long. 
Neither of you planned on stopping that any time soon. 
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sinsirellaxx · 6 months
Can you do toxic boys reacting to you showing up at their dorm crying? I’m in love with your writing ugh
Slytherin Boys – What they’d be like if you show up at their dorm crying
Warning: There are no warnings for this one I think. The boys are quite tame and fluffy-ish here
A/N: Thank you so much!! ❤️ Glad you like it and I hope you'll enjoy this one too! I know there is a huge misbalance in terms of length for each characters but I just couldn't help myself with some of them. I initially wanted to keep all of them short.
Have fun reading!
Mattheo …
… who would silently pull you into his room and right into his arms, letting you sob into his chest. He’d carefully stroke your hair and press soft kisses onto your forehead, letting his lips linger on your skin. Mattheo who’d slowly pull you towards his bed, removing your shoes and tucking you both in. Mattheo would close the curtains to his bed to give you more privacy in case anyone else walked into the shared dorm. He’d not ask any questions for the time being as he didn’t want to further upset you with nosy questions. After you had calmed down a bit, he lifted your head from his chest to be able to look into your eyes before he carefully spoke. “What happened, love?”
Theodore …
… wasn’t in his room when you knocked on his door. If you hadn’t felt as threatened and anxious you would have never entered his room without him, but you did. Upon entering his room, you sighed out in relief and immediately closed his door. Walking up to his bed you took off your shoes and your tie before lying down on and pressing your nose into his pillow, taking in a deep breath. As his smell surrounded your senses you could feel your muscles relax. Your eye lids fell close as you slowly nodded off.
Theodore walked into his dark room with a sigh. He was worried because you hadn’t replied to any of his messages or calls. He stopped in his tracks when he noticed the drawn curtains of his bed. When he noticed your shoes on the floor a small smile appeared on his face. Found you.
Opening the curtain slightly he slipped into bed with you, spooning you from behind. Pressing his nose into your hair he breathed in your smell – oh how he loved you.
The sudden movement seemed to have woken you up as you slowly turned in his arms, eyes puffy from all the crying. Just like a small child does when it sees its mother your eyes started tearing up when you looked into his beautiful eyes.
Wrapping your arms around him tightly you hid your face in his chest, crying softly.
Theodore, slightly confused, tightened his grip on you. “What’s wrong, cara mia? What happened?”
Lorenzo …
… would be instantly angry. Why were you crying? Who made you cry? He’d have so many questions swirling around in his head, but he wouldn’t dare ask – not until you hadn’t stopped crying. His current priority was you. He hugged you close to his body and whispered how much he loved you and that you were safe. He felt you relax after a while, your sobs just mere sniffs now. He carefully lifted your head with a finger under your chin and placed soft kisses onto your puffy eyelids, nose and finally your lips.
“What’s wrong, love. What happened?” He asked softly, his hand on your chin moving to cup your cheek. He listened to you closely as you told him that you had found threatening notes in your belongings the past few days and that they were getting worse. Threatening you to stay away from Lorenzo Berkshire.
“Don’t worry love, they can’t hurt you. I’m here – you’re safe with me.”
Lorenzo was seething – how dare they threaten you and try to destroy the relationship that he has carefully built. However, a small voice in his head told him, that this might be another chance – an opportunity to pull you closer into his web. You’d depend more and more on him now, that you were scared for your life. And he didn’t even have to move a single finger.
Draco …
… threatens to tell his father about it. He was shocked to hear that Cormac McLaggen has been bullying and spreading nasty rumors about you for rejecting him. Draco would make it his mission to ruin his life and he’d succeed. That he was sure of.
Your boyfriend would spend the next few days pampering you: going on dates, buying you flowers and things you might like – anything to cheer the love of his life up. What you would have to deal with, however, was that he got even more protective of you: he’d want to be around you all the time – which you didn’t mind as you felt safer around him.  
Blaise …
… immediately picked you up and placed you on his bed. He’d help you change into comfier clothes, pressing occasional kisses onto your skin as he listened to your rant. You had failed your exam even though you had spent so much time in the library, studying for that damn thing. “It’s fine, love. We can study together next time, how’s that sound?” He offered as another sob escaped your trembling lips. He pressed a kiss onto your red nose – he couldn’t help but find you endearing, with your teary eyes, your red nose and your trembling cheeks – he just wanted to eat you up. You nodded at him with wide eyes as you threw your arms around him, crying into his crook of his neck. Blaise gently patted your back, a small smile on his lips.
Tom …
… would be mad. Mad that you were crying. And mad at whoever made you cry. He always felt awkward whenever you cried because he did not know what to do to console you. He knew however, that you liked physical contact, so he pulled you into his chest and wrapped his long arms around you tightly. He didn’t need to ask any questions – you were already so vulnerable and distract that he could freely see into your mind to find out who or what made you cry. You wouldn’t even notice. And after you had fallen asleep, he’d sneak out and take care of the matter himself.
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a-lexia11 · 1 month
Jealousy,Pink hair,More Jealousy (Meet in Barcelona part 3)
Alexia Putellas x reader
Warning: very angsty and fluffy
Word counts: around 11k
Part 1 , Part 2 , Part 4 , Part 5
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The following day at work, Alba was relentless in her attempts to pry information out of me about what happened between me and her sister. It all started because I accidentally let it slip that I had spent the night at Alexia's place.
Even though I kept insisting that nothing significant happened, Alba wouldn't let it go.
She kept teasing me with playful remarks and insinuations, making it nearly impossible for me to focus on my tasks.
I tried multiple times to divert the conversation to other topics, but Alba was determined, and her persistence made it a challenging day at work.
At the end of the day, as we were making our way to our cars in the parking lot, I received a text from Alexia asking how my day had been.
Alba, being the nosy person she is, glanced over at my phone to see who had texted me.
As soon as she saw it was her sister, she quickly snatched the phone from my hand. “Alba!” I shouted, feeling a mix of frustration and surprise.
She didn't waste a second; she sprinted towards her car with a mischievous grin, got inside, and immediately locked the doors.
I could see her laughing through the window as she held my phone hostage, leaving me standing there, both annoyed and amused by her antics.
“Alba!” I screamed, hitting the window of her car in frustration. “Alba! Puta, dame mi teléfono.” (Alba! You bitch, give me my phone!)
She just gave me the finger and stuck her tongue out, clearly enjoying her little victory.
From my perspective outside the car, I couldn’t see exactly what she was doing, but it seemed like she was scrolling through my text messages.
Alexia and I had been texting non-stop since I left her house on Sunday.
Our conversations were always filled with endless texts and phone calls, talking about everything and anything under the sun.
Alba finally unlocked her car, and I wasted no time in opening the door, hitting her on the head, and snatching my phone back with a swift motion.
She looked at me with a mocking smile.
“Has estado enviando muchos mensajes de texto” (You’ve been texting a lot) she said sarcastically.
“¡No me envías tantos mensajes a mí!” (You don’t text me that much!) she continued, pretending to be offended.
“Sí, porque eres una tonta” (Yes, because you’re a bitch) I retorted, glaring at her.
She just laughed at me, clearly enjoying the situation.
“Por cierto, ¿espero que no hayas olvidado que el cumpleaños de Bianca es mañana?” (By the way, I hope you didn't forget that Bianca's birthday is tomorrow?) she reminded me completely changing conversation.
“¡Oh, es verdad! Totalmente lo olvidé. No estoy seguro de si podré ir; tenemos mucho trabajo que terminar antes de las vacaciones de verano.” (Oh yes! That's right, I completely forgot. I'm not sure if I can make it; we have a lot of work to finish before summer vacation) I explained,feeling a bit overwhelmed by the thoughts of all the tasks ahead.
“¡Vamos, por favor! Nos vamos a divertir, y Alexia también estará allí.” (Oh, come on, please! We're going to have fun, and Alexia will be there to) she said, wriggling her eyebrows playfully.
I didn’t realize Alexia would be there. Even though I saw her just yesterday morning, I miss her and would love to see her again.
I pretended to mull it over, furrowing my brow and glancing into the distance, so she wouldn’t guess that my real reason for going is to see Alexia.
I tried to sound hesitant, saying, “Bueno, tal vez pueda hacer un esfuerzo“ (Well, maybe I can make an effort) while inside, I was already looking forward to the chance to see Alexia again.
With a joyful cheer, Alba clapped her hands and planted a warm kiss on my cheek. Her eyes sparkled with excitement as she exclaimed, “¡Vamos a divertirnos mucho juntos! ¡Te lo prometo, va a ser increíble!” (We're going to have so much fun together! I promise you, it's going to be amazing!)
“¡Estoy segura de que nos divertiremos mucho, pero tengo que irme ahora; tengo mucho trabajo que hacer y tú también!” (I’m sure we will have tons of fun but I have to go now; I have a lot of work to do and you do too! ) I told her kissing her cheeks goodbye and reminding her of her work.
“Adios nena! Hasta mañana” (Bye, babe, see you tomorrow) she said as she buckled her seatbelt with a slight smile. “Adios,Albita” (Goodbye, Albita) I replied, turning to walk away with a casual wave.
Suddenly, I heard her shout, “No me llames así,Puta” (Don't call me that!Bitch) Her voice was filled with a mix of frustration and playfulness.
Without turning around, I simply raised my hand and gave her the middle finger, a mischievous grin spreading across my face.
That evening, after enjoying a delicious dinner and meticulously cleaning up my apartment, I settled comfortably on my couch to correct some of the kids' assignments.
Just as I was getting into the rhythm of my work, my phone buzzed with an incoming FaceTime call from Alexia.
I picked up the phone, and Alexia's familiar face appeared on my screen, her smile instantly lifting my spirits. “Hola guapa,” she greeted warmly, her voice filled with affection. “Hola Ale,” I responded, feeling a sense of comfort.
“¿Qué estás haciendo?” (What are you doing?) she asked, her eyes sparkling with curiosity as she looked at me through the screen. “Estoy corrigiendo algunos trabajos de los niños, ¿y tú?” (I’m correcting some of the kids’ work and you) I replied, eager to hear about her day and share a bit of mine.
She turned the camera around to show me she was watching a football match. The crowd was roaring in the background. She then turned the camera back to her face and smiled mischievously at me.
“You know you can watch something other than football,” I informed her with a smile. “No, gracias” she replied firmly, and I rolled my eyes at her, amused by her stubbornness.
“Alba said that you’re coming to the restaurant for Bianca’s birthday tomorrow” she said with a hint of excitement in her voice. “Yes, I am” I replied, glancing up from the papers I was correcting.
“I was wondering if you’d like to go together. I can pick you up at your apartment around 8, and we can go together” she asked, her tone hopeful. “Yes, I’d love that” I responded, smiling at her.
After that, I asked her how she was feeling about the upcoming Champions League final. I knew that last year's final did not go well, and Alexia was devastated by that loss.
She had been so hopeful, and the defeat really took a toll on her. However, this year seemed different. She was pretty confident, having seen the team’s progress and improvements.
Yet, I could still sense a bit of nervousness in her voice, a lingering anxiety about what might happen.
“I really hope you guys win just because I want to see you with pink hair” I told her, and she laughed.
We spent hours on the phone, discussing everything and anything until it was time to sleep. I nestled into bed, wrapping myself in the duvet, mirroring Alexia's movements.
“Buenas noches, guapa. Hasta mañana” (good night, beautiful.See you tomorrow) she softly uttered, sending virtual kisses through the phone.
“Good night, Alexia” I reciprocated. Her smile lingered in my mind as the call ended, and I peacefully drifted off to sleep shortly after.
The next day, after wrapping up another busy day at work, I found myself back at my apartment, preparing for Bianca’s birthday celebration at a cozy restaurant.
Alexia texted me, saying she’d arrive in five minutes, so I took the opportunity to perfect my makeup just a bit more.
When I received the text that Alexia had arrived, I quickly grabbed my bag and headed out of my apartment. As soon as I stepped into the parking lot, I immediately spotted Alexia’s car.
She hadn’t noticed me yet, still deeply engrossed in her phone, so I decided it would be the perfect moment to give her a little scare.
Silently, I made my way around the car, moving as quietly as possible until I reached her window. Then, with a sudden burst of energy, I started knocking on it frantically.
Alexia looked up at me with wide eyes, as if she had just seen a ghost. She jumped in her seat, her phone nearly slipping from her grasp, and clutched her hand over her heart in shock.
Her mouth dropped open in a silent scream, and for a moment, she was completely frozen, staring at me in utter disbelief.
I couldn’t help but burst out laughing at her reaction. Still chuckling, I walked around the car, opened the passenger door, and slid into the seat beside her, my laughter echoing in the confined space of the car.
“Eres tontissima,”(you’re so stupid) she said, still looking at me horrified and slapping my thigh.
“Hi, Ale,” I told her, still laughing a little and leaning over the console to kiss her cheek. I felt her warm skin against my lips and the familiar scent of her perfume filled the air.
She smiled a bit at me, her eyes still shining with a mix of surprise and amusement, and greeted me back. With a fluid motion, she started the car and pulled out of the parking lot, her hands steady on the wheel.
While she was focusing on the road, I couldn’t help but admire her. She looked so beautiful under the soft evening light streaming through the windows.
She was wearing a simple white crop top that accentuated her figure and a pink and orange skirt.
Her hoop earrings sparkled with every ray of sunlight that touched them, adding a touch of elegance to her simple yet incredibly attractive look.
When we arrived at the restaurant, Alexia and I exited the car.
I waited as she retrieved her purse from the backseat, then she walked over and put an arm around my shoulder. “Vamos” (Let's go) she said, guiding me to the entrance.
We spotted our friends at the table and went over to greet them one by one. I knew everyone except one person. Alba introduced him to me; his name was Marcus, and he was also American.
Alexia and I took seats across from each other, and I ended up next to Marcus. He was very friendly and chatty, telling me how glad he was to finally talk with another American.
For most of the dinner, I ended up conversing with Marcus. Being at the end of the table and with him next to me, I didn't have much of a choice, especially since he was talking... A LOT.
I didn't mind because he was very sweet and funny.
When I glanced over at Alexia, she seemed unhappy, frowning and staring at her plate.
I gently nudged her leg to get her attention. When she looked up, I smiled at her, trying to lift her spirits, but she just looked away.
What’s wrong with her?
I decided to leave her alone, thinking she might be socially exhausted.
After we finished the cake, Alexia excused herself to go to the bathroom. A few minutes later, I excused myself and followed her.
The bathroom was empty, and Alexia was at the sink, washing her hands. I approached her.
“Alexia, estás bien” (Alexia, are you okay?) I asked, trying to place my hand on her shoulder but she stepped back to grab some paper and dry her hands.
“Estoy bien” (I'm fine) she murmured without looking at me. “Are you mad at me? Did I do something?” I insisted.
“No, te dije que estoy bien” (No, I told you I'm fine) she said, about to leave the bathroom, but I blocked her path and stood in front of her, putting my hand on her chest to stop her.
“Tell me what's going on” I insisted once more. “Oh Dios mío, no pasa nada, puedes volver a hablar con él.” (Oh my God, nothing's wrong, you can go talk to him again) she said, looking at me with anger.
I looked at her confused. “Marcus?” I asked. “Sí, vuelve con él” (Yes, go back to him) she replied.
I looked at her for a few seconds before realizing. “Estás celosa” (You're jealous) I pointed out. “No, no lo estoy” (No, I'm not) she replied scoffing.
“Yes, you're jealous, you have no right to be jealous, Alexia.You told me you didn't want me” I reminded her.
“Nunca dije que no te quería, dije que no quería una relación.” (I never said I didn't want you, I said I didn't want a relationship) she corrected.
“It's the same thing, Alexia” I replied, staring at her. “No, no lo es, I want you” (no it’s not) she murmured, looking into my eyes.
“Look, Alexia, we're not together, so you have no right to be angry and jealous over someone else” I explained.
“Lo se” (I know) she murmured softly and wrapped her arms around my waist, pulling me closer to her.
“I want to be with you, but I can't because-”
I interrupted her before she could finish.
“Yes, I know, because of your job, but it's a shit excuse, Alexia. If you really want to be with someone, you wouldn't let anything come between you and that person” I told her. “And I understand you want to focus on your career, but who said you can't have both, a career and someone to love?” I continued.
She didn't say anything ,she just stared at me and then after a few minutes slowly leaned down towards me, her face getting closer to mine.
I didn't move closer, even though I wanted to, I wanted her to do the first move.
She gently brushed her nose against mine, and I closed my eyes.
But just as she was about to kiss me, an elderly lady entered the bathroom, and we quickly moved away from each other.
Thanks a lot grandma…
“Let's go back with the others” she said, taking my hand before kissing me on the forehead and leading me back to our friends.
Returning to our table, Alba gave me a strange look, and I just shrugged at her.
For the rest of the night, Alexia and I didn't talk, and I did everything I could to avoid making eye contact with her.
At the end of the evening, everyone exchanged farewells. While hugging Alba, she sensed something was off and asked me about it. I promised to explain later.
Alexia and I got back into her car, and the drive home was filled with silence. When we pulled into my apartment's parking lot, I unbuckled my seatbelt and mumbled a thank you and good night. Just as I was about to leave, she grabbed my arm.
“Espera”(wait) she said. I turned to face her as she shifted in her seat, letting go of my arm.
“Lo siento” (sorry) she began. “No debería haber actuado como lo hice en el restaurante.” Tenías razón; estaba celosa.(I shouldn't have acted the way I did at the restaurant. You were right; I was jealous) she confessed, taking my hand and fiddling with my fingers without looking at me.
“I'm sorry too” I replied. “I shouldn't have told you how to live your life. You have every right to not want a relationship right now” I added, intertwining our fingers.
“No estoy segura de lo que quiero en este momento, pero una cosa que sí sé es que te quiero a ti” (I'm not sure what I want right now, but one thing that I do know is that I want you) she said softly.
“Te quiero tanto, tengo todos esos sentimientos por ti, pero no lo sé, supongo que solo necesito tiempo para entenderlo.” (I want you so much,I have all those feelings for you but I don’t know, I just need time to figure it out I guess) she continued looking at me straight in the eyes.
“I want you too,Alexia and it's okay, take your time. We can go slow if that's what you need” I suggested.
“I can't ask you to wait for me” she said, placing her other hand on my cheek and gently stroking it.
I leaned into her touch. “You're not asking. I want to” I assured her, kissing her palm.
She smiled gently and leaned in, kissing me on the cheek, close to my lips.
She pulled back, and I smiled, giving her an eskimo kiss, which made her laugh.
We said our goodbyes with kisses on each other's cheeks and a long, warm hug.
Later, as I lay in bed, I received a text from her.
La Reina 👸: buenas noches, nena.Dulces sueños. I promise you that I will try and figure out what I want as soon as possible.(goodnight. Sweet dreams)
I smiled at her message, sent her some heart emojis, and wished her sweet dreams too.
The week flew by, as usual, I went to work. I shared with Alba what happened with her sister and how we agreed to take things slowly. She was thrilled and kept teasing me about it.
I also informed my friends and parents about it since I tell them literally everything. My mom was ecstatic, constantly asking about Alexia, while my dad mentioned watching some of her matches.
Alexia and I grew closer too. Despite the challenge of not seeing each other much during the week, we managed to spend quality time together. When apart, we would text or video call each other.
Alexia has become incredibly affectionate with me lately. She's always finding ways to touch me, whether it's a gentle hand on my arm or a playful nudge. She kisses my cheeks and forehead with such tenderness, and her hugs are warm and comforting. We spend a lot of time cuddling, and every moment feels special.
Honestly, I’m not complaining at all—I absolutely adore the attention and affection she showers on me.
Moreover, with Alexia, Alba, and some of our friends, we planned an exciting trip to Bali during the summer vacation. It's going to be an incredible getaway just before Alexia flies to Australia for the World Cup. We’ve been looking forward to exploring Bali’s beautiful beaches, vibrant culture, and delicious cuisine. I can’t wait for it – the relaxation, the adventures, and the quality time with friends. Vacation finally!
Currently, I was at Alexia's apartment preparing dinner while she was in the shower.
As I was stirring the sauce for the pasta, I felt two arms wrapping around my waist and a muscular front pressing against my back.
“Eso huele muy bien, nena” (That smells so good) Alexia whispered into my ear, kissing it softly.
I leaned back into her and kissed her cheek. “It’s almost ready, can you set the table?” I asked her.
She just nodded, placing another kiss on my cheek before letting go and setting the table.
“So the Champions League final is Saturday,” Alexia started as we were eating. “Yeah, I know,” I said, looking up at her.
“And it’s in the Netherlands,” she continued. “Yeah, I know that too,” I smiled amusingly at her.
“I want you to come to the final” she said, looking a little nervous. “Alba, mami, and my uncle are coming, and I want you to come too,” she continued.
“Really? Are you sure?” I asked her, surprised at her request. “Yes! You can be like my good luck charm,” she said, placing her hand on my thigh and caressing it.
“Good luck charm, huh? I mean, the last time I came to one of your matches, you lost,” I told her jokingly.
She laughed softly and slapped my thigh. “Please, come. I want you there” she practically pleaded.
“Sure, I’ll be there, Ale” I informed her, and she smiled at me and kissed my cheek.
On Tuesday night, I found myself bidding farewell to Alexia with a warm embrace as she was departing for the Netherlands on Wednesday, and I won't see her for 4 days, which, although not a long time for some, feels quite lengthy to me.
I departed from Spain on Friday night, after school ended, with Alba.Her mom and uncle had left already left on Thursday.
Upon landing at the airport, we took a taxi to our hotel. With no immediate plans until that evening, we decided to join Alexia's mom and uncle in exploring the city.
Naturally, I kept Alexia informed about our activities, and she updated me on her well-being and the team's activities.
After an afternoon of sightseeing and shopping, we returned to the hotel to freshen up. Sporting Alexia's shirt, we headed to the stadium.
The stadium wasn't very crowded yet, so we found our seats near the field and waited.
Eventually, the girls came out to inspect the field. I noticed Alexia; she was dressed in the Barca tracksuit and had her headphones on.
Eli called out her daughter’s name to catch her attention. Alexia turned around when she heard her mother’s voice and came over.
She gave each of us a hug and a kiss on the cheek. She talked with us for a bit, and it was clear she was getting more nervous as time went on.
“Can I talk to you?” she whispered in my ear.
“Yes, of course” I responded.
We excused ourselves from her family and found a little private space where there weren't many people. Immediately, Alexia pulled me into a tight hug.
“Te extrañé mucho” (I missed you so much) she said, burying her head in my neck.
“I missed you too, Ale. I'm so happy to see you” I mumbled, rubbing her back. “How do you feel?” I continued.
She pulled away slightly and she grabbed my hands and intertwined our fingers. “Un poco nerviosa” (A little nervous) she admitted, her voice trembling slightly.
I moved closer to her. “It's okay, Ale. I'm sure you're going to be amazing” I reassured her.
She smiled gently at me and kissed my forehead. “I'm so happy that you came” she murmured against my skin.
I looked up at her and smiled, then kissed her cheek repeatedly making her giggled. “Some good luck kisses for you” I informed her.
“Muchas gracias, con todos esos besos no hay manera de que pierda.” (Thank you very much, with all those kisses there’s no way I’m losing) she said playfully.
Our moment was interrupted by Irene Paredes calling Alexia over, signaling that it was time for her and the team to get ready for warm-up.
“Te veré después del partido, cariño.” (I'll see you after the match) she said, placing one last lingering kiss on my forehead before accompanying me back to her family.
She said goodbye and hugged them warmly.
Once Alexia left, Alba looked at me teasingly. “Alexia está enamorada de Y/N.” (Alexia is in love with Y/N) she sang repeatedly, her voice dripping with playful mischief.
“A veces me pregunto por qué somos amigas; eres tan molesto.” (Sometimes I wonder why we're friends; you are so annoying) I said, pushing her away gently, though a small smile played on my lips.
Alba's teasing was relentless, but it was part of her charm.
Eli, ever the voice of reason, smiled gently at me and then turned to Alba. “Deja en paz a esa pobre chica, Alba, y metete de tus asuntos.” (Leave that poor girl alone, Alba, and mind your business) she said sternly, her tone leaving no room for argument. Eli's protective nature always made me feel supported.
“Lo siento,mami” (Sorry, mami) Alba said, looking dejected. I couldn't help but smirk a little at her.
“¡Gracias, Eli! Sabes que definitivamente eres mi Putellas favorita.” (Thank you, Eli. You know you're definitely my favorite Putellas) I told her, smiling warmly.
She returned the smile, her eyes twinkling with kindness. Eli had a way of making everyone feel special.
Alba just scoffed at that, rolling her eyes dramatically. I moved closer to her, wrapping my arm around her shoulders and kissing her cheek softly.
“No te preocupes, Alba, siempre serás mi tonta favorita.” (Don't worry, Alba, you will always be my favorite idiot) I teased, trying to lighten the mood.
Alba's playful nature was something I cherished, even if she drove me crazy sometimes.
Alba rolled her eyes again and took out her phone, scrolling through it with a huff.
“Eres imposible” (You're impossible) she muttered, but I could see the hint of a smile tugging at the corners of her mouth.
Despite our constant banter, the bond between us was unbreakable.
When the match time arrived, the stadium was full and everyone was waiting for the teams to come out of the tunnel.
Alexia was starting on the bench and she looked focused and determined; this game was very important to her. I really hoped everything would go well.
Unfortunately, things didn’t go well. Wolfsburg was leading 2-0 by the end of the first half...
As the team headed back to the changing room for half-time, I’ve never felt so nervous for a match before.
The second half began, and finally, a goal! The excitement was palpable, and they had a chance to catch up.
Shortly after, another goal! Alba and I erupted into screams, jumping and hugging each other.
Roughly 20 minutes later, Barca scored yet another goal, sending everyone into a wild celebration.
After their heartbreaking loss last year, Barca now had a real shot at winning the Champions League a second time!
Towards the end of the match, Alexia came onto the field, greeted by roaring cheers. Alba and I screamed so loudly that I almost felt like I might throw up.
The final whistle blew, and cheers filled the air. Eli pulled Alba and me into a hug as we watched the Barca players rush onto the field, celebrating together.
After the celebrations and the trophy lift, the players joyfully made their way over to their families and friends, their faces glowing with triumph and excitement.
I spotted Alexia weaving through the crowd, her smile as radiant as ever. She first embraced her mom, holding her tightly as they shared a moment of pride. Next, she turned to Alba, giving her a warm and affectionate hug, followed by a heartfelt embrace with her uncle. Finally, she reached me.
As Alexia wrapped her arms around me, one hand resting gently behind my head and the other securely on my back, I leaned in and whispered, “Congratulations.”
She responded with a tender kiss on my cheek and softly said, “Gracias cariño” before stepping back, her eyes twinkling with happiness.
We spent a few more minutes chatting, sharing in the joy of the victory, before Alexia and the other players needed to head back to the changing room to freshen up and prepare for the evening's festivities.
Later that night, the entire team, along with some close friends and family members, gathered at a charming restaurant to celebrate their hard-earned victory.
The atmosphere was filled with laughter and cheer as everyone reminisced about the match. That night, I had the pleasure of meeting all of Alexia’s teammates, each one as kind and welcoming as she had described.
The following day in Barcelona, I found myself relaxing on my couch, casually swiping through Instagram. Alexia and her team decided to hit the clubs to revel in their triumph.
Although Alexia extended an invitation for me to join them, I politely declined, mindful of my upcoming work commitments on Monday and wanting to avoid any potential hangover or exhaustion.
While scrolling through Instagram, I stumbled upon various pictures and clips of the Barca team enjoying themselves at the club.
Among the pictures and videos, I noticed several featuring Alexia alongside a tall brunette and they seemed very close.
In one particular photo, Alexia had her arm wrapped around the brunette's waist, sharing a whispered moment, while the brunette reciprocated with a hand on Alexia's arm, sporting a broad smile.
A twinge of jealousy pricked at me. Despite knowing we aren't in a defined relationship, seeing Alexia in that intimate moment stirred emotions akin to what she might have felt when observing me with Marcus. It was a painful realization.
I tried not to rush to conclusions, acknowledging that the brunette could simply be a friend. Yet, my mind couldn't help but wander down paths of uncertainty.
My time with Alexia is cherished. She provides a sense of security, exudes humor, kindness, and perfection in my eyes. However, as I ponder our ambiguous dynamic, doubts begin to cloud my thoughts.
I know I said I'd wait, but I didn't realize just how difficult it would be. Seeing her with other girls hurts me more than I expected.
Maybe she doesn't want a relationship and just wants to have some fun? Everything is so confusing right now. I find myself questioning everything and wondering if I've been reading too much into our interactions.
Before I could spiral into overthinking, I decided to lock my phone and try to get some sleep. I knew I needed to clear my mind and give myself a break from all these swirling emotions.
The next morning, I woke up to a message from Alexia wishing me good night at 5 in the morning... so she must have partied hard all night long.
I went on with my day, did my morning routine, had breakfast, and went out to run some errands. Throughout the day, I received numerous texts from Alexia, and at one point, she even called me.
I decided not to respond to any of them , though. I felt a mix of emotions—anger, sadness, and confusion. I didn't want to say something I might regret later, so I thought it best to keep my distance for now.
I needed time to process everything and figure out how I truly felt.
I know I have no right to act the way I am right now because, for all I know, that girl could just be a friend or something, and Alexia and I aren't even together, so yeah... But the uncertainty and the hurt were too much for me to handle at the moment.
Later, like most Sunday, Alba came over to my apartment for coffee. She's always been a good listener and gives great advice. That's why I decided to ask her about the girl Alexia has been pictured with. I needed a friend's perspective to help me make sense of everything.
“¿Viste algunas de las fotos de las chicas en el club anoche?” (Hey, did you see some of the photos of the girls at the club last night?) I asked Alba, who was scrolling through her phone.
“Sí, parecían estar pasándola muy bien. ¡Qué noche tan loca debe haber sido!” (Yeah, they looked like they were having fun. What a crazy night that must have been) she commented with a smile.
“¿Sabes quién es la chica alta y morena que estaba con ellas?” (Do you know who the tall brunette with them is?) I inquired.
“¿Cuál morena?” (Which brunette?) she asked, confused.
I took my phone and showed her one of the many photos where this girl appeared. Alba looked closer and her eyes widened and she took my phone out of my hand to take a closer look.
“Que?” (What?) I asked. “¿La conoces?” (Do you know her?) I added curiously.
“Sí, la conozco. No sabía que había vuelto.” (Yeah, I know her. I didn't know she was back) she commented. “¿Por qué estaba ella allí con ellos? ¿Alexia la invitó?” (Why was she there with them? Did Alexia invite her?) she asked, intrigued.
“No lo sé, pero Alexia la conoce?” (I don't know, but Alexia knows her?) I said impatient. Alba seemed hesitant to tell me something, and I frowned, urging her to speak.
“Sí, esa es Marina, su exnovia.” (Yes, that's Marina, her ex-girlfriend) she murmured. My eyebrows shot up in surprise. "Oh," I simply said.
I felt nauseous. That's her ex-girlfriend. Her ex-girlfriend was partying with her and was really close to her. I swallowed the lump in my throat and tried to hold back my tears.
I asked Alba more questions, and the more I learned, the more my heart broke.
So, she was Alexia's ex-girlfriend, and they were together for almost 8 years! They started dating when they were 18 years old.
They broke up because Marina was moving to South America. That's the reason for their breakup, not because they didn't love each other anymore or had relationship problems, but because she was moving away.
And now that she's apparently back, will Alexia go back to her?
Alba gave me a sorrowful look with a gentle smile, and I quickly averted my gaze and changed the topic. If we kept talking about it, I would definitely start crying.
Over the next few days, I continued to avoid Alexia and her messages, either not replying or responding very briefly. Until I could no longer ignore her.
One evening, while I was making dinner, I heard a knock at the door. I went to open it, and there was Alexia, holding Nala in her arms.
“Hola” she greeted me with a sad smile. "Uh... hi," I responded, surprised to see her here.
“Can I come in?” she asked. Instead of answering, I just opened the door wider to let her in.
She walked in and set Nala down, and the little dog wandered off to the living room. I headed back to the kitchen. “Do you want something to drink? Or maybe you're hungry? I just finished dinner” I offered.
“No, thank you” she replied. “Podemos hablar?” (Can we talk?) she continued. I sighed, not really in the mood to have a conversation with her right now, but I nodded anyway.
She took a seat on the couch, and I sat next to her, leaving a noticeable gap between us.
“Are you mad at me?” she asked softly but directly. I looked at her. “No, I'm not” I answered. “Entonces, ¿por qué me estás evitando?” (Then why are you avoiding me) she asked more firmly.
“I'm not avoiding you” I lied. I didn't want to bring up the team party and how she probably spent the whole night with her ex-girlfriend.
"Yes, you are. No respondes a mis mensajes o llamadas, ya no vienes a mi apartamento. (You don't reply to my messages or calls, you don't come to my apartment anymore...) she trailed off, then moved closer and took my hand in hers. “Te extraño” (I miss you) she said softly.
I felt really guilty. This wasn't fair to her. I've been ignoring her out of jealousy. Probably nothing happened between her and her ex, and here I am hurting her without telling her why.
I moved closer to her. “I'm sorry, I didn't mean to ignore you. I'm just really tired, and work is also overwhelming. It's almost summer break, and we need to finish the entire school program before the holidays” I partially lied, I was indeed a little bit stressed about the entire school program thing.
I didn't want to bring up the ex-girlfriend issue. I trust her. I know Alexia; if she wanted to talk to me about it, she would have. So I won't bring up Marina. I'll let Alexia talk about her first if she feels she needs to.
Alexia wrapped her arm around my waist and gently rested her forehead against mine, whispering softly, “It’s okay, cariño. I know it can be stressful, but you can do it and think about the summer vacation! Two months without work or children and also we are going to Bali!”
I smiled gently, kissed the tip of her nose, and nuzzled my nose against hers. “I can’t wait for it” I replied. She pulled me into a warm hug, and I buried my face in her neck as she soothingly rubbed my back.
“Hey! You won the Champions League! So now you have to dye your hair pink” I playfully reminded her, pulling back slightly but staying close. She laughed, “I know cariño, one of Alba’s friends is coming to my apartment Saturday to dye my hair. Do you want to come too?”
“Yes! I want to be one of the first to see your new hair” I cheered.
In this moment, my mind found peace, though I carried the weight of not being fully honest about my actions.
Yet, for now, serenity enveloped us, at least for tonight.
After another eventful week at school, it was finally Saturday, and I was on my way to Alexia’s apartment.
Despite Alexia and I having discussed things the other day, I couldn't shake the feeling that something had changed between us.
On my end, I found myself gradually distancing from her once again... The whole situation with Marina really got under my skin, more than I wanted to admit.
It was something I knew I shouldn't let affect me, but it did. Every time I thought about it, a pang of discomfort hit me, making it hard to act normal around Alexia.
And if Alexia noticed this change between us, she definitely didn't talk about it. She continued to act as if everything was normal, which only made things more confusing for me.
I wondered if she was genuinely unaware of the distance I was creating or if she was choosing to ignore it. Either way, it left me feeling even more isolated and unsure about where our friendship?? Relationship?? was headed.
Arriving at Alexia’s apartment, I parked my car and made my way to the building. I took the elevator up to her floor, feeling a mix of anticipation and nervousness.
Once I stood in front of her door, I took a deep breath, knocked, and waited for her to answer. After a few seconds, the door opened, but to my surprise, it wasn’t Alexia standing there.
Instead, it was Marina—the woman who had made me question my "relationship" with Alexia. Seeing her there brought back a flood of emotions and doubts, leaving me momentarily speechless.
“Hola?” (Hello?) she said, sounding confused. “¿Puedo ayudarte en algo?” (Can I help you with something?) she asked, her eyes narrowing at me.
“Um... sí, hola... ¿Está Alexia aquí?” (Um... yes, hi... Is Alexia here?) I asked, my voice faltering slightly. What is she doing here?
“¿Ella sabe quién eres tú?” (Does she know who you are?) she asked, her tone sharp and her eyes scanning me with a hint of hostility.
“Sí. Soy su amigo. Escucha, ¿puedes simplemente llamarla? Ella misma te lo dirá.” (Yes, she does. I’m her friend. Listen, can you just call her? She’ll tell you herself) I said, glaring back at her.
“No puedo, ella está en la ducha.” (I can’t, she’s in the shower) she replied, a smirk playing on her lips.
What’s her problem?
“Tu-” (You—) I started, but then I heard my name being called from down the hall.
Alba. Thank goodness.
She approached us and looked at Marina. They exchanged glances, then suddenly began cheering and hugging each other tightly.
“¡Oh, Dios mío! ¡Te extrañé tanto!” (Oh my god! I missed you so much) Alba exclaimed, squeezing her even tighter.
I stood there awkwardly, my eyes wide. It seemed like they were the best of friends.
“Veo que ya has conocido a Y/N.” (I see you’ve met Y/N already) Alba said once they pulled away, wrapping an arm around me.
“Si ” she said, her previous hostility disappearing. “Pasen, pasen, chicas.” (Come in, come in, girls) she added, opening the door wider to let me and Alba enter the apartment.
I can't shake this terrible feeling about the whole situation. Everything just seems off, and I can't help but worry that something bad is going to happen.
As the three of us settled down at the kitchen table, a sense of being overlooked crept over me. Alba and Marina delved into their conversation, likely catching up on various matters.
I found myself seated beside Alba, with Marina positioned across from her.
The rapid-fire Catalan dialogue left me utterly perplexed, unable to grasp a single word...
A feeling of exclusion and displacement washed over me, contemplating turning to my phone yet refraining to avoid appearing impolite, opting instead to survey the room.
In a sudden moment, my eyes landed on an open suitcase near the couch. Please, let it not be Marina's. Could she possibly be staying here? With only one room available, and considering Alexia's hospitality, it seemed unlikely she'd have Marina sleep on the couch.
Did they share Alexia's bed?
Amidst my mind's tumultuous whirl, Alexia emerged from the shower. Catching sight of us at the kitchen table, a broad smile illuminated her face.
Approaching me, she leaned in to plant a gentle kiss on my forehead, tenderly brushing my cheek, whispering a soft “hola cariño” , then proceeded to greet Alba in the same warm manner.
Alexia then sat next to Marina. “Y/N, supongo que ya la has conocido, pero esta es Marina, mi amiga” (Y/N, I guess you’ve already met her, but this is Marina, my friend) Alexia mentioned, gesturing towards Marina.
Sure, Alexia, just your friend. Why don’t you also mention that she is your ex and that you two dated for almost a decade? It’s like she’s skipping over the most crucial part.
I just smiled softly at Alexia without saying another word. Internally, I was a whirlwind of emotions. Alexia then informed us that Mario, Alba’s friend and hairdresser, would arrive a little later to dye her hair.
With Alexia here now, I thought I would feel less overlooked, but no… they immediately delved back into their old memories, sharing stories in Catalan, and showing each other pictures. I couldn’t understand a thing, which made me feel even more out of place.
I’m so tempted to leave right now. Why am I even here? It feels like I’m invisible, just an observer in their world. This was supposed to be an enjoyable visit, but it’s turning out to be anything but that.
I shouldn't feel this way, but it's hard not to. They clearly haven't seen each other for a long time, and I'm sure they were very close when she and Alexia were still together. Given that they haven't met up in three years, it's natural they want to catch up on everything that's happened.
However, it would be considerate if they could speak Spanish so I can understand and be part of the conversation. It feels a bit isolating not being able to follow along, especially when I want to be included and understand what's being discussed.
I was jolted out of my thoughts by a gentle nudge on my feet. When I looked up, I saw Alexia with a concerned frown on her face.
In an attempt to reassure her, I offered a small, comforting smile but she does not look convinced.
She rose from her seat and walked over to me, taking my hands in hers with a firm but gentle grip, and helped me to my feet.
“Volveremos enseguida; vamos a mi habitación.” (We'll be right back; we're going to my room) Alexia announced to Alba and Marina.
She didn't wait for their response; instead, she led me towards her room, closing the door softly behind us as we entered.
She wrapped her arms around my waist and pulled me closer. “What's wrong? Are you okay? You’re very quiet” she asked, concern all over her face.
“I'm fine” I told her with a small smile, hoping to reassure her.
“Lately you’ve been acting really weird, you’re very distant” she pointed out, her eyes searching mine for answers.So she did noticed my behavior.
“I already told you, Alexia, it’s because of work. I’m stressed” I replied a bit harshly, instantly regretting my tone.
Seeing the hurt and concern on her face made me feel really bad. I shouldn’t have snapped at her; she didn’t deserve that.
I sighed and embraced her. Though it felt so good to be in her arms, there was this indescribable feeling inside me.
Maybe I should tell her how I really feel right now, instead of acting the way I am. It hurts both of us, and I don’t want to push her away.
“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have snapped at you” I said, burying my face in her neck, trying to convey my remorse through the closeness.
She gently pulled my head away and looked into my eyes. “It’s okay, cariño” she said tenderly, her voice soothing my troubled mind.
We gazed at each other for a few seconds, the world around us fading away. Her eyes flickered down to my lips a couple of times, and I could see the hesitation and desire in her gaze. She then slowly leaned in, her eyes closed, and I closed mine too, anticipating the moment.
She was so close to me, I could feel her breath on my lips, but then the door swung open, and Alexia immediately pulled away, the moment shattered.
“Mario esta aqui” (Mario is here) Marina said, watching us intently, then glaring at me as if I had done something wrong.
“Sí, ya vamos.” (Oh yeah, we’re coming) Alexia said, looking at her, her voice steady but her eyes reflecting the frustration of the interrupted moment.
Marina left, leaving the door open, and Alexia looked back at me with a mixture of regret and determination. “Vamos” she said, walking away, and I followed, feeling the weight of the unspoken words between us.
Making my way back to the living room, I met Mario who seems to be a very nice and kind man.We talked for a little bit about how we are all exited to see Alexia with pink hair.
After a while, Alexia was sitting on a chair scrolling through her phone as Mario worked his magic on her hair. I was nestled on the couch with Nala on my lap, gently stroking her fur.
Marina and Alba were engaged in a lively conversation at the kitchen table, their voices a soft murmur in the background.
At one point, Marina excused herself to go to the bathroom, and Alba took the opportunity to come and sit beside me.
Despite her presence, I kept my gaze fixed on Nala, my fingers continuing their soothing motions through her fur.
Alba rested her head on my shoulder and softly asked, “Esta noche vamos a salir con Alexia y Marina. ¿Quieres venir con nosotras?” (Tonight we are going out with Alexia and Marina. Do you want to come with us?) The thought of spending more time with that woman, whom I had known for less than three hours and already disliked intensely, was unbearable. There was no way I was going to have dinner with her.
“No” I replied curtly. My mood was sour, and I had no desire to engage in conversation. Alba had been ignoring me since we arrived, and I felt no inclination to talk to her now.
Alba lifted her head from my shoulders and looked at me, “Por que?” (Why?)she questioned, confusion lacing her voice.
“Simplemente no quiero.” (I just don’t want to) I told her, not looking at her, my voice stern. I could feel the tension building up inside me, a mix of frustration and sadness.
“Te conozco, sé que la presencia de Marina te está molestando.” (I know you, I know that Marina being here is bothering you) she said matter-of-factly, her eyes searching mine for a reaction.
“¡Por supuesto que me molesta! ¿Cómo te sentirías si la ex de tu posible novia todavía estuviera en contacto con ella y parecieran ser las mejores amigas?” (Of course it bothers me! How would you feel if the ex of your potential girlfriend was still in contact with her and they seemed like they were the best of friends?) I told her, whispering so that Alexia wouldn’t hear it. My voice was trembling slightly, betraying the calm facade I was trying to maintain.
“Vale, pero a menos que me haya perdido de algo, tú y Alexia no están juntas, así que, como le dijiste la noche del cumpleaños de Bianca, no tienes derecho a estar celosa.” (Okay, but unless I missed something, you and Alexia are not together, so like you told her the night of Bianca’s birthday, you have no right to be jealous) she told me harshly. Her words cut deep, and I felt a pang of guilt mixed with the sting of truth.
It surprised me because Alba had never talked to me like that before. Her tone was usually gentle and understanding, but now it was firm and unyielding.
I bit my lips, trying to stop the tears from coming out.
Obviously, Alba loved Marina; I could see it in the way they talked and laughed with each other. It was like they had their own little world.
What if Alba is not against the idea of Alexia and Marina getting together? The thought made my chest tighten, and I felt a wave of loneliness wash over me.
I looked at Alba, my eyes filled with a mix of emotions, before turning my gaze back to Nala on my lap. Words seemed unnecessary at that moment.
Marina returned from the bathroom, her presence immediately drawing attention as she made her way over to Alexia, who was seated and getting her hair washed.
The scene before me unfolded like a slow-motion movie, every detail etched into my mind.
The two of them were laughing and chatting, their chemistry undeniable. They looked like a couple, completely at ease with each other.
At one point, Marina wrapped an arm around Alexia’s shoulders, and Alexia responded by encircling Marina’s waist with her own arm. It was a gesture so intimate that it made my heart ache.
Marina caught my eye and smirked knowingly, aware of the effect their closeness had on me. She knew exactly what she was doing, and it stung.
Seeing them together like that was painful. In that moment, I couldn't shake the feeling that Alexia still harbored feelings for Marina. After all, Marina was her first love, and they had shared almost a decade together. It was only natural that some feelings might still linger.
The weight of the situation became too much to bear. I couldn't stay there any longer; witnessing their affection was like a dagger to my heart. I gently picked up Nala, who had been my silent companion through it all, and placed her carefully on the couch.
“Voy a irme ahora.” (I’m going to go now) I announced softly, trying to keep my voice steady as I addressed everyone in the room.
“¿Qué? ¿Por qué?” (What? Why?) Alexia’s voice was filled with surprise and confusion as she looked at me, her brows furrowed in concern.
“No me siento bien. Creo que necesito ir a casa y descansar un poco.” (I don’t feel good. I think I need to go home and rest a little) I lied quickly, making my way to the door, my heart pounding in my chest.
"But you can go to my room and lie on my bed if you'd like," Alexia said in english, her voice soft and pleading. "Just let me finish with my hair, and then I'll take care of you, cariño."
She was trying so hard to make me stay, her eyes filled with desperation and hope. I could feel the warmth and sincerity in her words, making it even harder to leave.
“No,thank you” I said quickly and opened the door and telling everyone goodbye.
“¡Espera! Te acompañaré hasta tu coche.” (Wait! I’ll accompany you to your car) Alba said, rising swiftly to her feet.
I nodded and made my way out of the apartment, not waiting for Alba.
Outside the building, I walked briskly to my car, with Alba trailing behind me, trying to keep up with my pace.
“Y/N, espera” (wait) she called out, her voice tinged with desperation, but I didn't stop. I unlocked my car and slid into the driver's seat.
Alba quickly moved in front of my car, her face flushed with urgency. “Lo siento mucho, Y/N. No debería haberte dicho eso.”(I'm so sorry, Y/N. I shouldn't have told you that) she apologized, her eyes pleading with me.
“Es lo que sea“ (It's whatever) I responded flatly, my gaze fixed on her.
“Por favor, por favor, habla con mi hermana sobre esto. No te alejes de ella. Sé que está confundida ahora, pero te aseguro que tiene muchos sentimientos por ti“ (Please, please talk to my sister about this. Don't pull away from her. I know she's confused right now, but I can assure you that she has so many feelings for you) she implored, her sincerity evident in her voice.
“¿De verdad? Parece que también tiene muchos sentimientos por su ex“ (Does she? She seems like she has a lot of feelings for her ex too) I retorted sarcastically, raising my eyebrows in disbelief.
“Sí, es verdad que está muy cerca de su ex. Pero ya se acabó entre ellos. Solo te quiere a ti, no a ella” (Yes, she's really close with her ex, that's true. But it's over between them. She only wants you, Y/N, not her) Alba insisted, her desperation growing more palpable.
I studied her for a moment, noting the earnestness in her eyes. She seemed absolutely desperate to make me believe her words.
I sighed heavily. “Voy ahora. Es la última semana de clases; tengo cosas que hacer.”(I'm going now. It's the last week of school; I have things to do) I said, avoiding eye contact. “Adios” (Bye) I continued, shutting my door and starting the engine.
As I drove away, I couldn't help but feel the weight of Alba's words lingering in my mind.
Upon arriving back at my apartment, I immediately collapsed onto my bed. As I looked at my phone, I noticed several missed calls and text messages from Alexia. With a heavy sigh, I locked my phone and set it aside.
This entire situation feels incredibly overwhelming. From the very beginning, I sensed it would be complicated, but I chose to ignore the warning signs.
I was so consumed by my own desires and selfishly chasing my own happiness that I overlooked the potential consequences. Now, the weight of those choices is bearing down on me, and it's hard to see a way out.
I was desperately seeking happiness. Even though I was fully aware that Alexia wasn't looking for a relationship, the mere thought of having her close to me brought immense comfort and joy.
Her presence, even without the promise of a future together, was enough to make me feel content and hopeful. It was as if just being near her could fill the void I felt inside, and I couldn't resist the allure of that happiness, even if it was fleeting.
However, these past few days have made me realize that this so-called "relationship" with Alexia is causing more pain than happiness. The emotional turmoil and constant uncertainty are taking a toll on me, overshadowing the moments of joy I once cherished.
I know what I need to do; I have to end this “relationship” It's a difficult decision, but I need to prioritize my well-being and find a path that leads to genuine happiness and peace.
The mere thought of it brought tears to my eyes, and before I knew it, I was sobbing uncontrollably.
Each tear felt like a release of the pent-up emotions I'd been holding in for so long. I cried until I was exhausted, my body shaking with each sob.
Eventually, the overwhelming fatigue took over, and I cried myself to sleep, my pillow damp with tears.
I woke up startled by a persistent knocking on my door. Groggily, I got up and made my way to the front door.
As I passed by the entrance mirror, I caught a glimpse of myself and realized I looked like a complete mess.
My face was red and puffy, my eyes were swollen from crying, and my hair was a tangled, disheveled disaster. I was the very definition of a hot mess.
Despite not caring much about my appearance at that moment, I opened the door. There stood Alexia, holding a bag in her hand.
Her eyes widened slightly upon seeing me, and I couldn't blame her—I probably looked quite scary.
Alexia, on the other hand, looked stunning. Her pink hair framed her face perfectly, and I couldn't help but think how right I was about it suiting her so well.
“Hi, come in” I told her, opening the door wider to let her into the apartment.
She stepped inside and headed straight for the kitchen counter, where she began to unload her bag. Out came some soup, bottles of water, a few medicines, and a small box.
“¿Todavía te sientes mal? Le pedí a mi mamá la receta de la sopa que solía hacer para Alba y para mí cuando estábamos enfermos.” (Do you still feel sick? I asked my mom for the soup recipe she used to make for Alba and me when we were sick) she explained, moving closer. I instinctively stepped back, trying to avoid any physical contact with her.
“You did this for me?” I asked, feeling a bit touched by her thoughtfulness.
She nodded. “Yeah, well, Marina helped me with it” she admitted, and immediately, I felt a surge of anger.
There was no way I was going to eat that. I’m sure that bitch poisoned it.
“Can we talk?” I asked her gently as she was about to heat up the soup.
“Yes, I'm just warming this up for you” she replied, looking back at me with a soft smile.
“No need, I won't eat it, I’m not sick” I said firmly, making my way to the couch and signaling for her to join me.
She looked puzzled but followed me. She sat down beside me, her movements hesitant.
She reached out to take my hand, but I pulled it away, unable to mask my unease.
Her face fell, and she looked at me with a mix of confusion and hurt.
“Is something wrong? Alba also told me that I should come talk to you” she said, her voice tinged with worry. She leaned in slightly, searching my face for answers.
“Who is Marina?” I asked her directly, my eyes locked onto hers with determination.
She furrowed her eyebrows in confusion. “You know who she is. You met her this afternoon. She's my friend” she replied, as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.
“No, who is she really? And please, tell me the truth” I insisted, my voice firm, “I already know who she truly is I just want to hear it from you.”
She sighed deeply. “Ella es mi exnovia.” (She's my ex-girlfriend) she murmured, her voice tinged with shame.
I nodded slowly, absorbing the information. “Why wouldn't you tell me that you and your ex are in contact and, from what I saw, really good friends?” I asked, my tone firm but controlled.
“No pensé que fuera gran cosa“ (I didn't think it was a big deal) she whispered, her fingers nervously playing with the fabric of her lap.
“What do you mean, not a big deal? Maybe not for you, but for me it is!” I exclaimed, my voice rising slightly. “Please explain to me how this happened” I continued, taking a deep breath to calm myself.
“It happened before I left for the Champions League final. She contacted me again, telling me that she was coming back to live in Spain. At first, I didn't really want to see her, but then she insisted and asked we could talk so I said yes.” She paused for a moment, gathering her thoughts, then continued, “We talked things out, caught up on life, my career, and hers. I don't know... it feels like old times...” she trailed off, her voice filled with nostalgia. I closed my eyes, biting my lip in frustration.
“It feels like old times...” she clearly reminded of their past relationship.
“She was with you at the club after winning the Champions League” I pointed out, my voice tinged with suspicion.
“Sí, esa noche ella se sentía un poco deprimida, así que la invité allí para animarla.” (Yes, that night she was feeling a little down, so I invited her there to cheer her up) she explained, biting her lip nervously and avoiding my gaze.
“Does she sleep at your apartment?” I asked, my tone sharp and accusing.
“She only slept one night, and it was yesterday. She got into a fight with her mom and didn’t have a place to stay, so I told her to stay with me” she explained again, her voice steady but her eyes betraying a hint of anxiety.
“Did you slept with her,I mean together on your bed”I asked nervously,scared of the answer.
“No, I slept on the couch and she slept on my bed.” Alexia simply responded firmly.
I nodded slowly, processing her words. “If it wasn't a big deal, why didn't you tell me she was back? Why did I have to find out from pictures and from Alba, who told me you guys dated for 8 years,?” I asked, my frustration evident.
If it wasn't a big deal, why didn't she tell me? There must be something else she’s not saying...
“No sé” (I don't know) was all she said, her voice barely above a whisper.
I scoffed, feeling a mix of anger and disbelief. “You don't know... I repeated, shaking my head.
“Do you still have feelings for her?” I asked, my voice cracking a little bit, betraying the storm of emotions within me.
Upon hearing the tremor in my voice, Alexia looked up at me, her eyes glistening with unshed tears. “I don’t think so...”she trailed off, and as her words hung in the air, I felt my own tears begin to fall, unstoppable.
“It’s a yes or no answer, Alexia,” I told her firmly, trying to wipe away my tears, but it was futile as more streamed down my face.
Alexia hesitated for a moment, as if weighing her words carefully. “I... I can’t lie to you... When I first saw her again and talked to her, I felt things. But I promise you, with time, all those feelings went away. You made them go away. You were the only one on my mind” she said, her voice gaining strength and urgency.
When she confessed the first part of her sentence, I felt my heart plummet.
All this time, my thoughts and heart had been solely dedicated to her, and to think that at one point her heart and thoughts had been dedicated to someone else was a pain I hadn’t anticipated.
The realization hit me hard, and the hurt was almost too much to bear.
I decided not to mention how I thought her ex was a bitch to me; now isn't the right moment.
However, I was planning to share with her how isolated I felt throughout the entire afternoon.
“I felt awful all afternoon. It seemed like you were all ignoring me, speaking in Catalan, and living in your own world. It felt as if Marina was the only one who mattered, and I was just on the sidelines” I quietly told her, still feeling hurt.
“Lo siento mucho, cariño. Estábamos tan atrapados en recordar el pasado y compartir viejas historias que no nos dimos cuenta de que te estábamos excluyendo” (I'm so sorry, we were all so caught up in reminiscing about the past and sharing old stories that we didn't realize we were excluding you) she tried to explain, her voice filled with regret.
I could see the genuine remorse in her eyes, but at that moment, my feelings of hurt overshadowed any empathy I might have had. It felt like no matter what she said, the sting of being sidelined wouldn't easily fade away.
“I...”I began, trying to swallow the lump in my throat. “I think it's time to end whatever this is between us” I whispered softly, my voice trembling.
“¡¿Qué!? ¡No! Por favor, por favor, no hagas eso. Haré cualquier cosa por ti.” (What!? No! Please, please don't do that! I'll do anything for you) she pleaded, her voice breaking as tears streamed down her face uncontrollably. Her desperation was palpable, and it crushed me even more.
“I'm sorry, Alexia, but this whole situation is a mess... We're just hurting each other...”I paused, wiping my own tears as they fell. “It feels like all we do is hurt each other...” I moved closer to her, taking her hand in mine, feeling the warmth and the tremble of her fingers.
“You're not hurting me; you bring me happiness” she said, her voice shaking as she tried to convince me.
Her eyes were filled with pain and sorrow, and it tore at my heart. “Por favor, no me dejes. Te necesito” (Please, don't leave me. I need you.)
“Alexia…” I trailed off “we are hurting each other… plus look our relationship has not even started yet and you’re already hiding things from me” I told her squeezing her hand.
I hate seeing her like that.
“Lo siento mucho” (I’m so sorry) she said looking at me with so much pain in her eyes.
“Don’t apologized, it’s okay” no, it’s not.
After a few agonizing minutes of silence, the room filled with the sound of our sniffles.
Alexia slowly pulled her hand away and stood up, her movements heavy with sorrow.
“Well…um…Voy a irme ahora” (I’m going to go now) she said painfully, her voice cracking as she wiped away her tears.
I got up too, feeling the weight of the moment pressing down on me. We walked towards the door together, each step feeling like a goodbye. Just as she reached the door, she turned around, her eyes pleading as she opened her arms for a hug.
I hugged her tightly, desperate to hold onto the warmth of her embrace one last time. Her body trembled against mine as she whispered in my ear, “Thank you for bringing me so much happiness these last few weeks,” and then she softly kissed my cheek before pulling away.
“Thank you, for making me happy” I told her, my voice barely above a whisper as I smiled softly at her. She returned the smile, though it was tinged with the same sadness that filled the room.
She then turned around and exited my apartment, leaving me standing there, watching her disappear from my life. I closed the door slowly, the finality of the moment hitting me like a ton of bricks.
I stayed frozen in place, my eyes locked on the door that Alexia had just walked through. The emptiness in the room seemed to echo my own feelings. I had never felt so heartbroken over someone I hadn't even officially dated.
After what felt like an eternity, I managed to gather myself and made my way to the kitchen table. I sank into a chair, staring blankly at the empty space in front of me. That's when I noticed the small box that Alexia had brought earlier, sitting there like a poignant reminder of what had just been lost.
Reaching out for the box with trembling hands, I opened it, revealing a small note that read, “Para mí cariño” adorned with a delicate little heart. Beneath the note lay a necklace with a butterfly pendant, each wing intricately inscribed with our initials.
I was stunned. I had only mentioned to her once that butterflies were my favorite insects, and yet she had remembered and chosen something so personal and meaningful.
The realization hit me like a wave, and I couldn't help but sob uncontrollably. The depth of her thoughtfulness and the memories we shared overwhelmed me.
I had lost her, and the pain was almost unbearable, but deep down, I knew it was for the best... or at least, I hoped it was.
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a11eya · 10 days
sneakily, while bakugou’s taking a nap at your place, you change his phone background to a picture of the both of you from your last date.
he shows up to your place earlier than planned, put together and handsome in an outfit that isn’t the usual athleisure you often find him in after work.
“get dressed,” bakugou tells you, standing in your doorway.
you stare at him. glance down at yourself in your ratty t-shirt and shorts, ready for a lazy night in and some takeout. look back up again. “what?”
“we’re going out.”
placing his hands on your waist, he walks you backwards, into your apartment. he leans down and kisses you—once, twice.
“move it,” he says, turning you around and giving you a little push towards your bedroom.
he takes you to your favorite restaurant, then the dessert cafe you told him about the week prior, having seen it be recommended over and over again on social media.
when you first started dating, he had little pat ience for places like these. his idea of a date was anything low effort and lowkey, like hanging out at his place. it’d resulted in several arguments until the both of you learned compromise—that after long days at the agency, the last thing he wanted was to go out and be surrounded by people again, and that you wanted to feel like you were the effort of doing something beyond what was convenient.
at the end of the night, feeling sentimental and warm, you snap a picture of the both of you.
you’re smiling brightly in it, focused on taking the picture without him noticing. so it’s not until after you’ve taken the photo that you see bakugou’s expression in it.
his mouth’s a neutral line, steady gaze focused on you. if someone who didn’t know him as well saw him, they’d wouldn’t notice anything special.
but you know that face. he’s looking at you like no one else exists, like you’re the only thing he can see.
after you change his phone background, you know it’ll take him a while to see it. he rarely uses his phone except to answer calls and messages. even then, he uses the notifications to open the apps directly (when he can be bothered to reply.)
it’s coincidence, then, when you overhear kaminari and kirishima teasing him about it when you’re all gathered at bakugou’s place for dinner.
“didn’t know you’d get all soft and fluffy in a relationship,” kaminari says, and you can hear the big grin on his face.
“aww, you know bakugou’s a really sweet guy!” kirishima says.
“shut up, both of you,” bakugou grumbles, and the two laugh.
later that night, when everyone’s gone and bakugou’s in the shower, you check his phone to see if your friends’ teasing made him change his background back. you know he gets super annoyed when they poke fun at him, even innocently.
but when you tap his screen to wake his phone up, you find the same picture is now his lock screen too.
“hey, nosy.”
startled, you nearly drop his phone, just managing to catch it and regain your grip.
bakugou’s arms, still damp from the shower, wrap around you from behind. he rests his chin on top of one of your shoulders and turns his head so his face is pressed against your neck.
“hey,” you tell him. “i like you a lot.”
he snorts. grazes his teeth against your skin, kisses the sharp away. slides his hand up under the hem of your shirt, gliding across the skin of your abdomen.
“let’s go to bed,” he says.
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mariclerc · 8 months
An unexpected role | cl16
Summary: You revealed your little secret to your date, you didn't expect he would take it so well.
Warning: fluffy Charles, step dad!Charles, some tears while storytelling.
a/n: This is a little long story, but I hope you like it! Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9
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You never thought you'd go back to dating after the way your last relationship ended, which wasn't in a pleasant way... But here you were, in a coffee shop with a guy who was a known friend to your bestie, Lola, what seemed strange to you is that you never heard her talk about him... And obviously she hardly talked about him, since he is a racing driver.
To your surprise the date was going very well, you seemed to be in a fairy tale or something similar, you had a good feeling in your chest and it had been a long time since you had felt that way with someone.
“But I'm done talking about myself... Tell me more about yourself” He said while giving you a little smile, he told you about his races and that seemed very interesting to you, you used to be a Formula One fan when you were a little girl you watched the races with your father.
You let out a small sigh. "About me? I don't know what you would like to know about me, I don't think I have a very interesting life compared to yours.”
He denied while smiling. “You can tell me anything about yourself and I will find it very interesting.”
As if by fate, your cell phone, which was on the table, turned on showing a message from Lola, she was taking care of your little two-year-old girl Lily. The message said: “She just wanted to send her mama some kisses 😘” maybe she sent you a gif of your little daughter blowing kisses at the camera... You smiled a little when you saw the notification, what you didn't realize was the look of a certain green-eyed Monegasque who was also looking at the screen with curiosity.
“Um... Tell me you didn't see my screen, did you?” you said a little fearfully.
“I'll just tell you that I saw what was necessary... But now I am curious to know who that person is who sent you kisses” He tilted his head a little. “Do you have someone waiting for you at home?”
You took a breath, this wasn't the way you wanted him to know. “Actually... Yes, I have a little person waiting for me at home.”
You took courage and spoke again. “This wasn’t the way I wanted to tell you this, but,” you said with trembling hands. “I'm a single mom.”
You narrowed your eyes, expecting the worst possible reaction, perhaps he would get up from the table and leave without wanting to know more about you for the rest of his life, but you didn't expect his hand to rest on yours in a gesture that filled your heart.
“Wow... That's unexpected, but... Wow, I don't know what to say.” He said while giving you a loving look. “I don't want to sound nosy but you do have an interesting life.”
“Yes, well, dealing with a two-year-old little girl is not easy at all... But I wouldn't change it for anything.”
“Tell me about her… About you two actually.”
Just saying those words was enough to turn you into a first-rate chatterbox, you told him everything about you and Lily, the rollercoaster of emotions with pregnancy, the appointments to the gynecologist, the day she was born and so on, you practically spat out all the information there was and could be about the two of you. But his look of adoration and care did not leave his face, he listened attentively to every word you said to him, it was as if he were collecting data for the future? You didn't know exactly.
“Oh wow, that's totally amazing.” He said while having a small smile on his face. “I noticed you didn't mention her father, did something happen between you? If you don't want to answer, that's fine! I understand, there's no problem at all.”
You sighed again, there were few people who knew what happened between you and your ex, maybe telling him won't hurt.
“Well... He abandoned me when I told him I was pregnant, our relationship lasted almost two years, but when I told him the news, he left but without leaving me a nice little gift, a good blow on the cheek.” You said while chuckled. “And on top of that, my family didn't take the news very well either, they told me such hurtful things that made me feel unprotected and hurt by the people I least expected.” You said as you sobbed a little. “But hey, these are things that happen, right?” You said as you dried a few tears with your hand, but they kept coming, one of his hands rested on your face to dry your tears with his thumb and you smiled weakly.
“Oh God, I'm very sorry, I didn't imagine such a thing would have happened to you... But you are very brave and it shows, well, from what you tell me, that you do what is best for your little Lily." He said and your eyes crystalized again, you wanted to hug him, nobody had never said those beautiful words to you.
“Thank you Charles... I have never been told anything as nice as that.” You whispered.
“It's nothing, pretty. Now you will hear them more often.” He smiled as he winked and you giggled, apparently this date is going to lead to something very precious.
“Honey, stay calm baby, mama is trying to comb your hair.” You said as you tried to make Lily's pigtails, but she was a little restless today, excited perhaps.
You had been talking to Charles after that date, and now two weeks after that he is going to meet little Lily, he is taking you both to an ice cream parlor. You had been sending him pictures of her and so on, you talked about everything and at the same time about nothing, it was like an instant connection and that for you was fascinating, considering that he didn't run away from you when you told him everything you experienced with your daughter.
The sound of your apartment's doorbell distracted you, luckily you managed to do your little girl's hair in time.
“Let's see who's waiting for us at the door, little princess.” You said and took her hand, when you opened the door Charles was there with a shy smile and in his hands he had a bouquet of daisies and a little bag.
“Hi cutie” He said with some tenderness and smiled. “Uhm... These are for you... I saw them and I remembered you, I don't know why, maybe because they are pretty like you.” He smiled and extended the bouquet of daisies to you.
“You didn't have to do it Charles," You said as you placed them in a vase of water. “My love, meet a friend, his name is Charles… Say hello darling.” You said to Lily, who was hiding behind your legs.
“H..hi!” Lily stammered, she talks a little, although sometimes she tends to be a non-stop chatterbox, but she's adorable.
“But it's the popular Lily! Your mama has told me a lot about you.” He said with a smile as he crouched down to be level with her. “Look, I brought you something.” He said as he took out a bunny stuffed animal from the bag, Lily's eyes lit up at the presence of the stuffed animal.
“Bunny!” She said as she stretched out her little hands towards the little stuffed animal and took it from Charles's hands.
“How do you say, honey?” You emphasized.
“Thank... You” She said while babbling between laughs, Charles gave her a little smile and a small kiss on her forehead, you can swear that when you saw that your heart melted completely.
“It's nothing little princess!” He said as he looked at you and smiled. “Okay, shall we go? Those ice creams are waiting for us!” He said in an animated tone earning a small jump from Lily. If this were a competition, he would already be ahead by a long shot.
After going for ice cream and going to the park for a while, sleep began to take over Lily, both you and she had spent a very fun day with Charles, it's been a long time since you had such a good time, with her you always do your best to do something fun between the two of you.
“Mama... Swleep” She said adorably as she snuggled up next to you.
“Don't worry little one, Charlie is going to take us home, you will soon be sleeping comfortably in your bed." You said as you smiled at your little girl, you turned your head and saw the green-eyed boy smiling as he took your hand.
Sooner than expected you found yourself at the door of your building while trying to lift Lily out of the car.
“Leave it to me, I’ll help you with Lily.” He said and he carefully took Lily from your arms and carried her against his shoulder.
You noticed how natural the scene was and how incredibly comfortable Lily was in his arms, you smiled. Only Lola did those things to help you get out of somewhere with Lily, but seeing him with her in his arms gave you a feeling of familiarity in your chest.
You entered the building and took the elevator until you reached your apartment, when you entered he gave you Lily again and you took her to her room to put her pajamas on, he looked at you tenderly from the door frame, it's incredible how he won Lily's affection so quickly.
“You are ready to dream, little miss!” You said as you placed kisses on her face and she giggled while holding the stuffed bunny that Charles had given her earlier.
“Chas! Chas! Bed!” She said a little enthusiastically towards Charles, your time to tell her a story was approaching.
He approached her bed and she smiled and then you started telling her the respective bedtime story. At the end of telling her the story, you approached her and kissed her goodnight.
“Good night my sunshine! I love you so much” you said as you gave her a kiss and she smiled.
“Chas!” she said towards Charles and he smiled.
“Good night little one! I loved being with you and your mama today.” He said while he gave her a kiss on the forehead and caressed her head.
“Morrow chas?” She asked as she looked at him sleepily.
He smiled and looked at you tenderly, as if he was asking permission or something.
“Only if your mama agrees, darling.” He said and smiled a little.
You sighed and smiled. “It's okay sunshine, Charlie can come tomorrow.”
After saying that she smiled again and you two left the room closing the door behind you, you sighed a little and smiled at him.
“Thank you for this nice evening Charles,” you whispered. “You didn't have to came here and...”
You didn't finish speaking when you felt his lips on yours, it was an unexpected but amazing action in a way. Was it something that was going to happen? Yes, but you didn't expect it to be so soon, maybe he also felt the connection between the three of you.
“I'm not lying to you if I tell you that I want this every day, I mean... I want to go out with you to the most childish place of all, I want to have breakfast with you, play dolls with Lily, be your supporter and your rock.” He said in a whisper. “And I know it's an unexpected role in your lives, but I would really like this... I don't know if you also want the same thing.”
You nodded, you wanted this too, for the first time you felt seen, you felt like someone was listening to you and little Lily and that's something important for you two, because at the end of it all, he was going to gracefully take on the most unexpected role of all... And who knew that a date with your bestie's friend would go so well.
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illyrianbitch · 1 month
One Summer — Part Nine
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Pairing: Reader x Azriel
Summary: One beach house. One festival. One summer to fall in love.
Warnings: 18+ SMUT, marijuana usage, sweet dirty talk and praise, fingering, oral, p in v, fluffy sex <3
if you’re uncomfortable with smut, this chapter can be skipped with no impact on the plot <3 it can also be read as a stand-alone if desired.
Word Count: 4.7k
Previous Part | Series Masterlist |
✹ ✶ 𖧷 ✶✹ 
It was nine at night and you and Az were the only two in the house.
Rhys had made reservations for him and Feyre at an upscale restaurant half an hour away, a place where his father used to take his mother on special occasions. You'd been nosy and googled it. It was the kind of place with candlelit tables and a string quartet in the corner, where the waitstaff wore tuxedos and addressed you by title.
Mor and Cassian were out, too. The twins they’d met at Summit were staying in some house twenty minutes away and throwing a huge party. They tried to drag you and Az along, but the idea of squeezing into a crowded house with a bunch of strangers didn’t really compare to the night you had in mind. So you and Azriel had politely declined, both secretly craving something more enjoyable—smoking a fat joint and enjoying the quiet, just the two of you.
You sat on the kitchen counter, swinging your legs idly as Az finished preparing your snacks— the main thing that brought you both to the kitchen to begin with. Your mouth was still slightly dry from the joint, that earthy aftertaste still lingering in the back of your throat.
“This isn’t a conspiracy theory because it’s like, an actual thing,” you said, leaning back on your hands. “But I love the fact that so many of those sea monsters we read about were probably just whale penises.”
Azriel stilled, turning to look at you with an amused brow. “What?”
You nodded emphatically, cheeks aching from the deep smile still on your face. “People would see these giant, weird things sticking out of the water and think it was some sort of sea serpent or whatever, but it was actually just a whale showing off it’s huge dick.”
Azriel held your gaze for a moment before he burst out into laughter. The sound dissipated throughout the room and you swore it made it lighter, made the kitchen glow with a sense of life it didn't have a few moments prior. You weren't sure how it was possible, but somehow your smile grew even wider.
There was something about Azriel’s laugh that felt energizing, especially when you were high. It was something far more than just a sensory experience. You watched as he shook his head, the curls on his hair moving as his eyes found yours again. Slightly puffy, bright with amusement.
“I have to show you. It’s crazy.” You moved to grab your phone from its current place face-down on the counter next to you.
Azriel reached out and covered your hand with his. “Nooo.”
“Az, you have to.”
“Later, maybe.” His expression softened as he looked at you, the laughter fading into a tender smile. “But first, taste test time.”
You sat up straighter, looking down at the plate in front of him. “They’re ready?”
You’d had a specific craving—something sweet, gooey, and crunchy. Azriel had taken it upon himself to make your dream come true. He made do with what was in the pantry, melting down marshmallows and making a pan of small home-made rice krispy bars. He’d covered them with Nutella, rolling them up like some delicacy you’d find in a high-end bakery.
His smile widened, and without a word, he held one out for you. You eagerly accepted it, your fingers brushing against his before you brought the treat to your mouth. Your eyes fluttered closed, and a moan left your lips as the sweet, rich flavors exploded on your tongue.
“How is it?”
You nodded, head bobbing as you took another gluttonous bite.
“It’s perfect,” you said, finally finding the strength to open your eyes and look at him. “This might be the best thing I’ve ever tasted.”
He chuckled softly, watching as you took another bite. “Yeah?”
You nodded again. “You could be a chef. I would pay you to stay in the kitchen, looking all pretty and making food for me.”
Azriel raised an eyebrow. “So a trophy chef.”
You grinned. “Exactly.”
He laughed again, bringing his hands to either side of your thighs as he leaned in closer. “What happened to me being a spy, huh?”
You shrugged lightheartedly. “That too. Honestly, Az, you could be anything you wanted.”
He narrowed his eyes, brows furrowing slightly, the corners of his lips still curved in that half-smile that made your heart skip.
“Because I can make little treats?” He asked.
You cocked your head at him, running your gaze over his face. “Because you’re so good at putting yourself to the task at hand.”
Azriel blinked, and the crease between his brows softened. You watched as something crossed through his face, something wistful and warm.
“What?” you asked when he didn't speak.
You let your thoughts wander as you finished the treat in your hand. Everyone seemed to have a clear idea of what they wanted— or, at least, an idea of where their ambitions lied. But Azriel was different. He was like you. Hesitant, unsure. Back in freshman year, he’d taken a few criminology classes he loved. He had a passion then, but as the years went by you assumed he’d switched gears, choosing to focus on his general education classes instead. Azriel understood the pressure of fitting into a mold you weren't entirely sure about.
“What do you wanna do, Az?”
Azriel’s face grew thoughtful, his gaze scanning your face as if searching for something. His eyes flickered and then a smile, slow and soft, spread across his lips. He leaned in just a fraction closer. “I want to kiss you.”
You felt a rush of heat and looked down at your lap, nervously brushing your hands together. “That’s not what I meant.”
Azriel lifted your chin with a delicate finger, bringing your gaze to his. He tilted his head, narrowing his eyes playfully. “No?”
His gaze flicked to somewhere below your eyes. A second later, he brought his thumb to the corners of your lips, gently wiping away what you knew was probably excess chocolate.You inhaled sharply and felt something deep in your chest – something like a wire strung tight, ready to sing with the slightest touch. You’d been craving him for so long now. You could feel that familiar sensation, that burning desire simmering low in your gut. The way those damn grey sweatpants hung on his hips didn’t help matters either.
His touch lingered on your skin, hovering just above your bottom lip. Before he could pull his hand away, you took his thumb into your mouth, sucking off the remaining chocolate.
Azriel’s breath hitched, lips parting in surprise. The low groan that left his lips next invigorated you, pushing you to bring your tongue around his thumb, swirling and sucking on it. When he met your gaze, you slowly released it, and he traced it along your bottom lip as a shaky breath escaped him.
“We have the house to ourselves."
With darkened eyes, Az ran his thumb along your lips again, swallowing hard. You traced the motion down the column of his throat. Before you could fully register the loss of his touch, his hands gripped your thighs, pulling you to the edge of the counter. You gasped as he positioned himself between your legs, and instinctively, you wrapped them around him.
He closed the gap between you, lips crashing against yours as he kissed you deeply. You weren't sure if you'd ever get used to it. Perhaps it was a very strong honeymoon period, that the way Az kissed you felt magical because it had only been two weeks of this. But you felt starved, felt as if you needed more and more of him to satiate you— yet even still, you were insatiable.
You nipped at his lower lip, moved yourself to press against him further. You let him take the lead, letting out a breathy moan against his lips at the feeling of his skin pressed against yours. His kisses moved from your lips to your neck and you arched into him, welcomed him with a bared throat and a tug to his curls. His touch was everywhere at once—his hands roaming over your back, his lips trailing down your collarbone. Your body sang with every movement, with the feeling of his mouth on your skin.
You could feel the heat of his breath against you as he nipped and kissed his way to your ear.
“Do we want to go upstairs?”
You nodded before words could form. Nodded as you tangled your fingers further into his hair, nodded as you pulled him to your face, bringing him into another kiss. "Yes," you whispered between breaths. “Yes, please."
Azriel’s smile brushed against your skin as he kissed you back.
You made your way up the stairs, every step wobbly and uncoordinated as Az attempted to lead you both, lips still locked, his hands around your waist and yours around his neck.
"Shit." Azriel cursed as he bumped against the well, the pictures frames rattling with the impact. You pulled back, steadying yourself against the wall as your laughter bubbled up.
"Az," you playfully scolded through a breath, "You're going to knock everything down."
He only shushed you with a mischievous smile, wrapping an arm around your waist to pull you back into his orbit. Another frame tilted askew as he maneuvered you both along. You pulled away for a moment, your gaze falling to the framed photo in front of you, the one you'd come to love so dearly. It got better every time you saw it, from the pizza in Mor's braces to the nauseatingly sweet frame of awkward fifteen year old Azriel.
"I love this photo," you said, pointing to it with a delicate smile. "Look at you."
Azriel glanced at it, his face scrunching in mock horror. "That’s a horrendous photo," he said, leaning down to press a quick kiss to your lips. He broke apart, shaking his head against yours. "Don’t look at it."
"But Az—"
"Don’t look!" He insisted, and you laughed into his kiss.
"I love hearing you laugh," Azriel murmured against your lips, "And that I'm the one causing it." He kissed you again. "But right now," he said, his voice dropping to a low, heated murmur, "I’d much rather be making you moan.”
You didn’t need to be told twice. You melted into his touch, feeling your skin set alight as his hands roamed, his lips pressing against yours with a hunger that tasted of deep desire, something sweet and smoky like longing. The touch of a lover craving another.
You stumbled together into your room— the nearest one to the stairs, and the door slammed shut behind you. Azriel fumbled with the strings of his waistband, fingers slipping as he struggled to undo the knot.
"Ah, fuck," he said, voice still tinged with that sense of amusement, that laugh still in his tone. A few seconds later, his sweats were halfway down his leg, tangling around his ankles as he tried to kick them off.
"Careful," you warned, trying to stifle your laughter. Azriel then watched, amused, as you struggled to pull off your shirt, the fabric snagging on your earrings. And when you'd managed to free yourself, your hands were on him, slipping under his shirt, curious fingers skimming over the hard planes of his stomach. You tugged the fabric over his head, taking in the grin that played on his lips.
The shirt sailed through the air, landing haphazardly on your bedside lamp. You and Az laughed, a shared sound that he swallowed as he pulled you into another kiss. His hands were on you, guiding you back, and you were both still laughing as you fell back onto your bed in a tangle of limbs, all clothes besides his underwear long removed and thrown in a corner. Azriel leaned over you, face flushed, eyes filled with warmth.
"Hey," he murmured, brushing a stray lock of hair from your face.
You laughed, biting your lip as you wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling him closer until your noses almost touched. "Hey," you repeated, like a schoolgirl with a crush.
"I really like you."
Azriel's voice was soft, a whisper that felt as soulful as a Sunday confession. It caressed your skin, made your heart flutter and core clench.
"Good to know," you said with a dainty smile. "I like you too."
A smile broke out across Az's face and you brought a trailing hand to feel the dimples on his cheeks, tracing the smile lines etched into his skin. You were completely naked below him now. Strangely, you'd never felt this comfortable, never felt so at ease. Your fingers brushed against the cool metal of the chain necklace hanging around his neck. You played with it absentmindedly, feeling the smooth links sliding between your fingers.
You tugged at it lightly as you murmured, "And I also like this."
You nodded, still running your fingers along the chain, feeling the heat of his skin just beneath it. You weren't sure how it was possible for a piece of jewelry to be so attractive, for simple metal to make you picture the dirtiest of images. But it was. And you had been. You weren't ashamed to admit that you'd imagined how it would feel dangling in your face as Az pounded into you. You finally met his eyes and nodded, breathless despite having done nothing but trace the cool metal around his neck. "Yeah."
Azriel’s eyes darkened, the playful warmth in them shifting into something deeper, hungrier. His smile curved into a smirk. "Good," he rasped, and your breath hitched at the intensity in his voice.
His lips were on yours again. Gone was the soft, teasing rhythm from before. Now, his mouth was hot and demanding, as if he were starving and you were the only thing that could satisfy his hunger. The sudden switch from sweet to searing made your heart race. You tugged on the chain again, more forcefully this time, and he growled in response, fingers eagerly tracing the outline of your body. You shivered with each touch, with each drag of his hands across your skin.
His hand found your breast, exposed to the cool air, and you shuddered as his ridged fingers tweaked your nipple. You arched beneath him and he paused for a moment, lips hovering just above yours.
“Tell me what you like,” he whispered.
Your mind raced, the words catching in your throat as you tried to form a coherent thought. You wanted him everywhere, wanted him to explore you for hours, to ruin you for the touch of anyone else. You shook your head, breathing heavily, trying with all your might to summon an answer.
"I-I don't know."
He shook his head, leaning in to brush his lips against yours in invitation. He said something else, something quieter and alluring, a sentence probing you to answer, to think.
"Please just touch me," you managed to breathe as your gaze bounced between his eyes. "I just want you to touch me."
Azriel's lips curved into a satisfied smile. “Like this?” he asked, beginning to move down as his hand slid down your exposed stomach.
“Yes,” you said, your body reacting to his touch. “And kiss me."
"Kiss you where?"
He was beneath your navel now, the trail of his path wet with the open kisses he'd left. You took a shaky breath. "Everywhere."
He chuckled softly against the bare skin of your leg. “Everywhere, huh?”
You nodded, unable to find the words to express how much you wanted him. Your hands moved to his hair, fingers threading through the dark curls as he continued to explore. He leaned, pressing a hot, open-mouthed kiss against the very top of your thigh, just shy of where you needed him, where your body ached for him. But just as you thought he might give you what you were silently begging for, he pulled back. His lips began a slow journey upward, leaving you yearning, the frustration building with each inch he traveled.
He paused just above your mouth, sharing a breath as he looked down at you. "I've thought about this for so long," he murmured, "How I wanted to touch you first, the ways I wanted you to fall apart."
You released a sound in response, needy and pleading. You’d spent countless nights imagining what it would be like to be with Azriel, to see the side of him he reserved for only a few. You’d wondered how his touch might feel—gentle, reverent, like a lover tracing sacred ground. You'd thought of him worshiping your body like a saint, his hands gliding over your bare skin, fantasized about the way his fingers might curl inside you, delicate yet purposeful, stroking the most intimate parts of you until you unraveled beneath him.
“I want to hear all those pretty noises I know you can make,” he continued, his thumb brushing over your swollen lips. “Can you do that for me?”
But you hadn’t imagined this. You hadn’t expected him to be so talkative, to render you speechless with a single look. The hunger in his eyes made you feel divine, as though he was starving for you, for the taste of you, for the sound of your voice.
You nodded. It was all you could do— barely able to breathe, let alone speak. He smiled like the sun and kissed you again, one hand curving along your shoulder, sliding down your body with painful slowness, a detour around the curve of your breast, a whimper into his mouth.
It felt like hours before his palm slid down the rise of your belly, torturous and tentative. Then finally, his hand slipped between your thighs. He traced the slickness of your core and you gasped in relief, felt as he greedily accepted the sound with his tongue.
There was something profoundly intimate about the way Azriel's eyes locked with yours as he worked his fingers inside you, something about how your foreheads rested against each other as he groaned. Az was watching you, observing every reaction to the movements he made. He kissed you throughout it, rotating between staring at you, molding your lips to his, and sucking on that sensitive area of your ear lobe; kissing alongside your neck as he praised you.
"Such a pretty mess," he murmured against your ear. "Does this feel good?"
He added another finger, thumb circling your clit. You squeezed your eyes shut, a desperate moan escaping your lips as the pleasure mounted. Then he was moving, pulling away from you as he descended down your body, following the trail of kisses and marks he'd left before. Azriel shifted his body, positioning himself right before your core, pushing your legs further apart to nestle between them. Your gaze fell to his hands, slick and glistening with your desire. For a moment he stilled, focused gaze as he watched his fingers disappear inside you.
And when he pulled them out, he spread the wetness further across your folds, eyes locked on yours, pupils blown with need. He was saying your name, praising you, watching as you squirmed at his touch.
"Azriel." You moaned out.
"Yeah, beautiful?"
You couldn't respond, weren't sure what you wanted to say.
“Jesus. Look at you,” he said, his voice a low growl. “So fucking pretty. Your body is perfect.”
You were torn between begging him to keep talking, to speak more and let his words roll over you, and begging him to touch you more, to feel him inside you, to fuck you.
With his eyes still locked on yours, he brought his mouth to your cunt, groaning in approval the moment he drew your essence into his mouth. His fingers slipped back inside you, finding a deep, aching spot, and your hand tangled in his hair, pulling him closer. Each tug on his hair elicited a low, approving groan from him, and you stored that information away, tucked it safely for a later time.
Your eyes fell shut as you neared the edge, body tensing with the imminent release. No, your mind echoed. Not yet. You let out a ragged breath, pulling at the curls on Az's head and pushing him away from your cunt. Azriel immediately loosened his hold on you, eyes shooting up to yours, brows furrowing with a growing concern.
“Not yet,” you managed, your voice breathy and urgent. “With you. On you. Please.”
The crease softened and his eyes grew dark again, hungry and blown wide. He grinned, hair tousled, lips glistening and swollen, and nodded in understanding. Az rid himself of the last piece of clothing he had, shedding his underwear as you drank in the sight of him before you. His naked form pressed against yours as he lay over you. You reached between you, wrapping your hand around him and stroking him slowly, tentatively. His answering groans were low and guttural, brows furrowing with each movement of your hand.
“Do you have—?”
He nodded toward your bedside table. “You should. Rhys’s mom was very serious about safe sex.”
His voice was rough like gravel, octaves below what he normally spoke. If you weren't already drenched by now, you would've been pooling at the sound alone. You let out a breathless laugh and Azriel managed to lean over to your left drawer— the one you’d never really used, never even bothered to check what might be in it. His fingers fumbled briefly before he pulled out a small foil packet. He ripped it open with still glistening hands, and you took it from him, rolling it over his length with careful precision. Pumping him once, twice. Savoring the sinful sounds leaving his lips.
He was bigger than you had anticipated and your mouth watered at the sight, at the fact that beyond just its size, it was pretty. You'd get your mouth on it soon, you told yourself, taste him just as he tasted you. You'd wrap your lips around his head, let him fuck your mouth the way he wanted, and taste his release with a greedy tongue. But not now.
Az maneuvered himself, a forearm near your head to hold himself as his other hand went in between you, replacing your hand with his own. You ran your freed palm along his chest, bringing it up to his shoulders.
"Are you sure?" Az asked, eyes focused on you.
You almost laughed at the question, a smile forming on your face as you nodded. "For the love of god, please," you said, and you were sure it was the hundredth time you'd muttered the word. "I want you. I-I need you."
Az’s growl reverberated through you, a primal sound you’d never heard from him before. It sent waves of need crashing over your body. Your legs instinctively locked around his back, drawing him in as his cock pressed firmly inside you, an intense surge of pleasure that made you both gasp for air. You clenched around him, welcoming him and the stretch he provided, the sensation of him as he rolled his hips, as he bottomed out with another sinful groan. Azriel kissed you again and again as he moved, as he picked up the pace and you clawed at his back— nails digging into the ink that adorned his golden skin.
His mouth explored every inch of you—your nipples, your throat, your ear—before he covered your mouth to muffle your moans once more. You dug your heels into his back, fingers tangled in his hair as he pressed you firmly into the mattress with the snap of his hips. You were lost in the rising waves of sensation—his quick, sharp thrusts, the heat and sweat of your bodies moving together.
Faintly, you heard a soft whining, a mewl of pleasure. You realized, seconds later, it had come from your own throat; desperate and babbling, repeating Az's name like a prayer. He was everything now, every thought in your mind, filling every sense, his hands, his tongue, his cock.
You were so close, on the edge of something monumental, ready to fall and fall and fall. Azriel must have seen the desperation in your eyes as he started whispering in your ear, murmuring things that you knew would later make you blush and squirm, turn red and pink and every color between.
“Holy shit, yes,” he growled, “You feel incredible, Y/n.”
You clung to him, your breath mingling with his, praying that, somehow, through this shared rhythm, you could bind him to you forever. That this moment would make him truly yours, beyond just the physical, blending every part of him with every part of you.
"Talk to me, beautiful." He nipped at your bottom lip. "Does it feel good?"
"Yes, god, yes." You moaned and pulled him closer to you. As you separated from another hungry kiss, you reveled in the way his chain dangled over your face, in the way it swung as he fucked you. It was even better than you imagined, even hotter in every way. You clenched around him, shivered at the sound he made.
He looked beautiful. Face flushed and glistening with sweat, tousled hair falling into his eyes as he gazed at you with a look of pure adoration, a look you felt too soft to be reserved for you. It was a look meant for those that did great, praise-worthy things, a look for a lover and a soulmate. You stared at him, breathing heavily, taking in all that he was, and he looked at you back, took you in just as carefully. Then he smiled, reaching up and gripping your hands in his. He pressed gentle kisses along your cheeks and entwined your fingers with his, held them above your head.
"I'm so close,” you murmured, “So close.”
Azriel's eyes darkened. He brought his bottom lip between his teeth and his cock surged into you with such force that the bed groaned beneath you. You gasped, body going slack as he drove into you with relentless speed, each thrust so intense that you were left completely immobilized. His movements grew uneven, body trembling as he strained to hold back, his fingers pressing deeply into yours.
“Azriel.” His name was all you had. “Az. Az.”
He was buried deep inside you, trembling with the force of his release. “Come on, sweetheart,” he breathed heavily. "Come with me, baby."
You clenched at the name, at the way his words caressed your skin. Azriel cried out against your shoulder, his moan wavering like he was descending from a high. You felt his entire body shudder and you pressed kisses to his ear, cheek, and neck. Your fingers tangled in his hair, pulling him closer, maybe a little too roughly, but he only whimpered and slumped against you, his full weight pressing you into the bed.
He took deep breaths and you laughed as he blew your hair out of his face. A few moments later you loosened your hold on him, bodies reluctantly untangled, condom disposed, and you both shifted onto your sides. You leaned in to kiss him. His response was tender and unhurried, his lips moving against yours with a reverent slowness. His hands roamed over your back, your hip, and the curve of your ass.
Long after you cleaned up, as you laid against Az's bare chest and he played with your hair, that feeling of falling was still there, something exciting and equally terrifying. It filled your stomach, flowed through your veins.
You looked at Az, took in his contented smile, his eyes closed and peaceful as he held you, and you wondered if you truly knew what love felt like, wondered when it was too soon to decide you could never let someone go.
✹ ✶ 𖧷 ✶✹  
authors note: your honor i do believe theyre falling in love. i also, do believe, that they boutta be fuckin like rabbits
permanent tag list 🫶🏻: 
@rhysandorian @itsswritten @milswrites @lilah-asteria @georgiadixon 
@glam-targaryen @cheneyq @darkbloodsly @pit-and-the-pen @azrielsbbg
@evergreenlark @marina468 @azriels-human @panther-girl-124 @bubybubsters 
@starswholistenanddreamsanswered @feyretopia  @ninthcircleofprythian @velariscalling @azrielrot
@justyouraveragekleemain @marigold-morelli @mrsjna @anarchiii @alittlelostalittlefound
@m4tthewmurd0ck @beardburnsupersoldiers @isnotwhatyourethinking @tothestarsandwhateverend @raginghellfire
As always, thank you for reading 🫶🏻
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queen-of-reptiles · 7 months
description: ona was finally where she had dreamed, she was back at barcelona with her best friend and loving every moment. only problem? she's dating her captain's younger sister, you.
ona batlle x putellas!reader
part of the 'hidden' universe
part two here
part three here
mapi leon x bronze!reader here
disclaimer: this is all fiction do not take any of this seriously !
warnings: swearing, slightly suggestive - cuteness, queenie needing to use google translate because her Spanish is sub par! x
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y/n just posted
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liked by alexiaputellas, taylorswift, and 13.9m others
y/n life dumppppp 💕💕
comments limited
alexiaputellas: Estoy muy orgulloso de ti hermanita!
so proud of you baby sister
y/n: ily !! 💕
lucybronze: The little one of me says you're cool!
y/n: tell her I miss her! 😔
blanca_suarez: my little daughter! 🙂
y/n: my movie mama!! 😙
florencepugh: I wanna see the photos of after you did that jump
y/n: shut up 😩
florencepugh: no
y/n: I'll fight you Flo
florencepugh: come at me pipsqueak !!
ona.batlle: Looks like fun ! 😌
y/n: Would be more fun with you here ;)
alexiaputellas: y/n, no flirting with my teammates.
y/n: awwww :(
MariaLeonn16: MISS YOU ! 💙
MariaLeonn16: hmmpf.
see more comments...
y/n hummed as she stepped around her kitchen, her fluffy socks keeping her feet warm from the cold tile, which was cold as she couldn't be bothered to put the heated floor on.
Her Persian cat, Milo, rubbed against her feet and she smiled, bending down to pick him up and press a kiss to his fluffy head before placing him back down.
y/n then moved over to the bowl of food she had ordered, smiling when her phone lit up with the familiar name which kept her warm for almost a year now.
"Hi baby!" y/n smiles, her Spanish accent not as thick as it used to be when she spoke English.
y/n had been in England for a few years now, on and off, and due to the fact she mainly spoke in English and acted with either English or Americans, y/n's accent had dulled slightly.
"Hola!" Ona called back.
The two had been secretly dating for nearly a year now. Why secretly? Because Ona's captain was Alexia Putellas. Alexia Putellas was y/n's sister. Her over-protective older sister.
The two were aware they were nothing short of fucked. They were aware of that. But the two had fallen in love while Ona was playing in Manchester and at the time, they couldn't keep away.
Now, their relationship existed of long phone calls and sneaky hook-ups when y/n came to see her as best she could, as well as trying to avoid flashing cameras and nosy people.
Truth is the only other person to know about them was Lucy Bronze's younger sister, and that was only because Ona and her were best friends and she was dating Mapi Leon in secret as well. They really were a group.
"How was training?" y/n asks Ona as she settles on the sofa, propping the phone up on a few cushions as she bought her bowl of noodles toward her.
"Aburrida, todo en lo que estaba pensando era en ti mi amor." Ona sighs and y/n chuckles.
Boring. All I was thinking about was you my love.
"Eres tan romántica!" y/n laughs at her girlfriend.
you're such a romantic.
"Do not pretend you do not love it, mi amor." Ona says and y/n hums.
"Well, I do love feeling the way you make me feel." y/n sighs jokingly and Ona's smile widens. "But, you should be paying attention in training." y/n finishes and Ona huffs.
"Ay! You are worse than Ale!" Ona states and y/n sighs. "What are you eating?" Ona then asks, trying to get the focus off of Alexia.
"Wagamama." y/n grinned, Milo jumping next to her and curling onto the sofa, his head resting on y/n's thigh.
"Milo." Ona cooed, the cat looking up and letting out a small meow as he blinked at Ona.
"Look, it's mama Milo." y/n says softly, placing her fork down to stroke at the cat's head. Ona smiles softly as Milo meows, Ona chuckling as she moves to get Coco, her own dog who pants excitedly at the sight of Milo.
Despite being and cat and a dog the two pets got on like siblings and y/n couldn't help but smile as Milo purred at the sight of his sibling.
The two facetimed for the rest of the evening, settling into bed a few hours later, both watching each other on their screens, wishing they were face to face instead of watching through a camera.
"What are you thinking about Amor?" Ona asks softly, noticing y/n had gone quiet.
"Quiero contarle a Ale sobre nosotras." y/n said quickly.
I want to tell Ale about us.
"¿Cómo? No no no no no." Ona begins and y/n sighs.
"I know you're afraid." y/n begins. "¡Pero cariño, por favor! No puedo ocultar esto más."
But darling please, I can't hide this anymore.
"But Alexia!" Ona tries.
"I'll talk to her! Explain everything." y/n tries and Ona pauses. "Please Ona, I'm so sick of us hiding." She begs softly.
"Okay. Okay." Ona promises. "Por ti, mi amor, enfrentaré la tormenta Alexia por ti." She nods and a soft smile grows on y/n's face.
For you, my love, I will brave the storm Alexia for you.
"Thank you." y/n whispers. "I love you Ona." She promises and Ona smiles.
"I love you too amor." Ona promises.
y/n just posted on her story
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y/n smiled softly as she opened Alexia's apartment with her spare key. Now on international break, the Barcelona captain was at home resting before having to go to national camp in three days.
At the sound of her door opening, Alexia stood up, pausing the most recent Barcelona game she was re-watching for notes and faced her door worriedly before her mouth dropped.
"¡Niñera!" Alexia called in shock.
Baby sister
"Hola Ale!" y/n called, pulling her suitcase to a stop as Alexia raced over. The taller girl pulling her into a tight hug which made y/n chuckle as she returned it.
"¿Qué estás haciendo aquí?" Alexia asked. "Ven, siéntate, ¿tienes hambre, sed?" Alexia rapidly questioned making y/n smile as her sister dragged her to the sofa.
What are you doing here? Come sit down, are you hungry, thirsty?
"Estoy bien, vine a ver los partidos de la liga de naciones." y/n explains.
I'm fine, I came to watch the nation league games.
Alexia makes a noise of understanding as she leans over and presses kisses over y/n's face, exclaiming how happy she was to see her and how beautiful she looked.
y/n laughed it off, telling her she was always too flattering to her, Alexia saying it was what an older sister did. The statement wracking y/n with guilt.
"Ale." y/n began. Alexia looking at her with furrowed brows, confused at her sister's shift in tone.
"Are you okay?" Alexia asks softly.
"I'm dating someone." y/n spills out. "And, hemos estado saliendo durante más de un año." y/n admits.
And we've been dating over a year.
"Oh." Alexia says softly, eyes softening as her sister ducks her head, fiddling with her fingers. "It's okay." She promises.
"Even if I hid it?" y/n asks quietly.
"I would like you to explain why for so long and who, but yes it is okay." Alexia promises.
"The who kind of explains the why." y/n admits and Alexia pauses. "Ale." She begins.
"Who?" She asks, though it was far more a demand. She repeats her demand.
"Ona." y/n says ducking her head.
"Hijo de puta." Alexia mutters.
y/n sighed, leaning forward and putting her head in her hands and her shoulders sagged. Her heart felt as if it was pushing into her throat and it made her sick.
y/n and Alexia had been close as children, the three sisters were best friends, and knew each other too well. They told each other everything, to the point where this would be the first time she had ever lied to either sister.
And even though she felt terrible for upsetting her older sister, for betraying her, there was something so relieving about finally admitting it.
Slowly, Alexia reached out and place a hand on y/n's shoulder, her warm and calloused palm so much kinder than what y/n felt she deserved as she looked up.
"No puedo negarlo y decir que no estoy herido, porque lo estoy. Preferiría que me lo hubieras dicho, pero entiendo que no quieras." Alexia begins, her voice soft.
I cannot deny and say I am not hurt, because I am. I would rather you had told me, but I understand you not wanting to.
y/n could have cried as she closed her eyes, feeling so guilty at hurting her sister with something that she couldn't have helped.
"¿La amas?" Alexia asked, her eyes full of understanding and kindness which calmed y/n's heart.
Do you love her?
"Más de lo que creía posible Ale. Ella lo es todo para mí, de verdad." y/n admits to her sister who lets out a sigh at the emotion in her voice.
More than I thought possible Ale. She's everything to me, truly.
Alexia sighed and wrapped her arm around y/n's shoulders, pulling her into her side as she lent her head onto y/n's own one, inhaling the smell of her shampoo.
"Entonces de acuerdo." Alexia sighs softly.
Then okay.
y/n's heart broke at that, how one person could be so good to her was beyond her thought, beyond her idea of humanity, but Alexia had once again, proved her wrong.
"Eres demasiado amable conmigo, eres demasiado amable conmigo." y/n repeats at her sister.
You are too kind to me, you are too kind to me.
"Esto no es bondad, esto es familia." Alexia says to her and y/n sighs.
This is not kindness, this is family.
The girl turns, wrapping her arms around her sister as she pulls herself snugly on-top of Alexia, clinging to her shoulders as she pressed kisses into the woman's hair.
"Thank you Ale." y/n said softly, repeating the words again and again.
"Oh mi pequeña princesa del drama. Eres tan mayor ahora." Alexia said softly.
Oh my little drama princess. You are so grown up now.
y/n said nothing, just continued to cling to Alexia as if she was 6 all over again and Alexia 14. The Barcelona captain couldn't help but enjoy the closeness.
It had been so long since they had hugged like this, the youngest Putellas always so busy, always moving, working and filming.
Eventually the two parted and Alexia sighed tucking a strand of her sister's hair behind her ear as she watched her.
"Do you and Ona plan to tell?" Alexia asks and y/n hums.
"I want to tell your team first, then we can think about everything else." y/n sighs. "Are you mad at her?" She then asks with a wince.
"Oh furious." Alexia nods, a smile on her face to show she wasn't really. "She treats you well?" She then asks and y/n smiles softly.
"She loves me just as I do her." y/n answers and Alexia smiles.
"So she loves you well." Alexia says and y/n nods. "Do you want to see her?" She asks and y/n hums.
"Tomorrow." y/n says before snuggling into her sister's side. "I want to spend the night with you." She says.
"I love that idea." Alexia sighs, pressing a kiss into her sister's hair.
Tomorrow came far too quick for y/n's liking, before she knew it she was stood at Ona's door, flowers in hand as she waited for the patter of her lover's footsteps to open the door.
"¡Mi amor!" Ona yelled in shock, dragging y/n inside so no prying eyes could see.
y/n's hair was up in a bun, she was wearing a sweet summer dress due to how hot it was outside, however she also had shorts on underneath, because she knew what could happen once Ona knew they were out.
Ona smiled softly, taking the flowers from y/n's hands and placing them on the counter, before jumping at y/n. The woman sighed in relief, bringing Ona's legs around her waist as she wrapped her arms tightly around her.
"Oh my love." y/n said softly, breathing in the sweet scent of Ona's hair.
Ona buried her head into y/n's neck, pressing soft kisses against the skin which had y/n breathing shaking as she walked them to the sofa, sliding her shoes off as she went.
Coco immediately moved over to one of her discarded trainers and stuck his head in it, inhaling which made y/n roll her eyes at the dog fondly.
y/n sat back against the sofa, Ona quickly looking up and greedily connecting their lips, hands scattering around each other's bodies, re-familiarising themselves.
Ona's tongue dipped past y/n's lips, sweeping the inside of her mouth which caused a groan to slip from her. Ona giggled into the kiss, before they pulled away, both breathing deeply as they stared at one another.
Ona was in a white shirt, black shorts, her hair was pulled back and she looked like she had woken up just an hour ago. And to y/n, she had never looked more beautiful.
All their time apart meant these moment, Ona sat on her lap, hands combing over her shoulders lovingly, were all that more precious to y/n.
"How are you here?" Ona asked her softly, leaning forward to cuddle into her chest as y/n wraps her arms around her.
"He venido a ver los partidos." y/n explains softly.
I've come to watch the games.
"I'm so glad you're here." Ona sighs in relief, y/n holding onto her as she sighs.
"I have a confession Ona." y/n says softly and Ona sits up, y/n moving her off her lap and to the side she could face her.
"Amor?" Ona asks, worry flooding her voice.
"Ale knows." y/n says simply. "I told her." She adds.
Ona's face goes through several emotions, relief that this wasn't a break-up, fear of Alexia knowing, realisation that her captain was no aware and hurt that y/n hadn't warned her she would tell Alexia like that.
"Why?" Ona asks sadly.
"Because I want to be with you. In front of her." y/n says strongly and Ona's eyes fill with panic. "It's like we discussed Oni, please." y/n tries.
"Get out." She says softly. "Please go." Ona repeats.
"You said you would fight for me." y/n said softly.
"You didn't give me time to prepare." Ona tells her. "Alexia is my captain, and I am with her little sister, and instead of telling her together, you decided to tell her on you own." Ona continues.
"Because I knew I could keep her calm about us." y/n promises and Ona sighs.
"Please go. I need some time." Ona says softly and y/n blinks away tears before standing up and walking to the door, expecting Ona to call out, stop her. But she doesn't.
And y/n's heart breaks.
Mapi part one will be out in three days ;) xox
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teratosfavouritesnack · 3 months
~ Dirty Hobby ~
roommate!werewolf x afab!reader - roommates to lovers, sexual frustration, (slightly) dub-con, dry humping/frottage, thigh job, impact play, cum play, degradation kink if you squint
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Writing stories is a lot of fun. It's a passion for you, something you enjoy doing in your spare time, but you also see it as a way to release emotions that would otherwise weigh on you. Typically, you prefer romance although your stories always end up being far spicier than anticipated. That may reveal something about you, specifically that you need a good fucking, but staying at home all the time and never socializing with anyone doesn't pair well with being sexually active. Last time you let a not-fictitious being fuck you must have been not less than 80 stories ago; 5k words each, mind you.
The only non-fictitious being you interact with on a daily basis is your roommate, Alexis, also known as the 'good boy'. You call him that on occasion simply because you love the way his long fluffy tail eagerly wiggles back and forth, in stark contrast to the grimace he always gives you in answer to your playful mocking. He's also a 'good boy' because he never caused you any trouble in the six months you've been sharing a flat. He is clean, not nosy or noisy, and rarely invites people over, which is a huge plus for you.
Another major benefit of having Alexis as a roommate is that you basically have a living, breathing prototype for the protagonists in your works of fiction. Perhaps it sounds weird, but you've used him as the base of the love interests in your romances more times than you probably should have... Does that imply that you're in love with him? No! Well, not exactly. You could say you are attracted to him. You enjoy his presence, his massive presence, as well as his grave but sweet voice, his kind eyes, his long snout that screams 'pat me! pat me!', his long muscular arms that could so effortlessly sweep you up and...
Anyway. You like the dude. As in, he's a good friend who also happens to be very good to look at. You've done your best to separate him from the dozens of characters he has inspired thus far, and you'd like to keep it that way. Separate. Luckily, he is unaware of your… recreational activity. And he'll never know about it.
However, while your mind has managed to make things feel acceptable and not as odd as they actually are, what your body does is a very different story. Writing erotica has an undeniable impact on the writer, especially if you're describing fantasies you've indulged in far too many times before. What that entails for you is that you're aroused on a regular basis. And the fact that the character from your stories is walking around the house, chatting with you and parading around the very assets you fawn over in your wildest dreams makes it even more difficult for your body to remain partial... Makes things all the more wet, to be precise. Yes. Sometimes it's so uncomfortable that you have to take care of it right away, cleaning up and changing your underwear before returning to your chores. Other times, you just get on with your day despite your damp panties. You're used to it by now, so it's not a major issue for you…
It's a major fucking problem for your roommate, though. You have absolutely no idea. You can't even begin to imagine how challenging it is for a werewolf like him to ignore the scent trail you leave behind wherever you move inside the house. It's actually maddening! A torture! If he didn't know you better, he'd assume you were doing it on purpose just to drive him nuts. He tried to remain unaffected, to suppress his urges, but weeks after weeks after weeks, your scent became all he could smell inside the house, inside his own bedroom; even the food tasted like you! He considered moving out, to avoid the risk of doing something he would definitely regret. He does not want to hurt you, of course. It could be a situation beyond your control or a health issue. What does he know? What he knows is that he can't handle it anymore! He can't focus on anything else but your sweet mouthwatering fragrance that makes him hard all the fucking time. He ought to do something about it. He needs to! Before he loses his mind completely.
He's oh so very close to losing it when he barges into your bedroom one evening while you're tapping away on your keyboard, as usual. The sudden bang of your door being forced open makes you jump on your seat, and your eyes instantly snap to him. They widen in shock at the sight of his disheveled state; his shirt is unbuttoned all the way down to his hips, his belt unfastened and the zip of his jeans is halfway down, making his enormous bulge stand out even more. You divert your gaze from it as soon as possible, locking eyes with his instead. But his gaze is no better. His pupils are dilated, and he stares at you as though you're a piece of raw meat. He has never looked so feral before.
He growls in response, his legs twitching as if he’s ready to pounce on you, but instead he moves his clawed hands to his head and runs them through his ruffled fur in a calming gesture, one you’ve seen him do before whenever he got a bit too fired up.
“I can’t take it anymore-” he rasps, taking a deep breath before fixing his piercing stare on you again. “Whatever it is, you need to take care of it. As soon as possible.”
His words don’t make any sense to you. What should you take care of? Did you forget to take out the trash today? What day is it? No, it’s a tuesday, it’s his turn-
“Did you hear me?”
His voice genuinely rattles you, you’ve never heard him sound so upset before. You must have really pissed him off somehow.
“I’m sorry, I have no idea what you’re talking about-” 
He doesn’t seem to hear your answer though, for he starts to move his snout back and forth, from one side of your room to the other, sniffling as if something has suddenly caught his attention. A deep puzzled frown emerges on your face as you watch him step further inside your room, scoping his surroundings like a hound searching for a bone, until he comes to a halt in front of your wardrobe and slams it open without asking for permission.
“What are you doing?”
He ignores the hint of apprehension in your voice and starts to rummage through your clothes so carelessly that you fear he will tear them all to shreds. 
“Alexis! What the heck-!”
He growls in frustration, his clawed hands finding purchase on the cabinet door frame, causing the wood to creak under his grip. You can't see his face since he's still buried deep inside your wardrobe, but you can clearly hear his frantic sniff sniff sniff as he obstinately pursues the source of the smell that apparently irritates him so much he turns into a literal beast. 
You’re unsure whether to approach him in this state or just wait for him to put an end to whatever’s happening, but before you can come to a conclusion, Alexis crouches down with a satisfied huff and pulls back from the wardrobe with…
"My dirty laundry…?"
You give him an odd look as he drops the basket on the floor in front of you. Is this the source of the smell that bothered him? But there's no foul odor coming from it, at least not one that you can smell. There's not much inside after all, only a towel and...
Your eyes widen as Alexis reaches out with his hand and grabs a pair of dirty undies from the basket, instantly sending your face blushing with heat and your stomach flipping in embarrassment.
"Wha-! P-Put that back!" You stutter, clearly flustered, attempting to steal your underwear from his grasp, but he quickly moves them out of your reach, bringing them to his nose and taking a good sniff. Your face turns even more red at the sight.
"This." he growls, peering down at the fabric, his gaze fixated on the still damp patch sitting in the center. "This is the problem."
You're too mortified to argue with him about it, so you quickly blurt out, "I'm washing it right away, okay? Now give it back!" as you reach out again, only for him to jerk his arm away a second time.
"No. You do not understand. It's not just today," he says, clutching your underwear in his palm and piercing you with his golden eyes. “It’s everyday. Everywhere. I can only smell this.”
So… all this time… he could smell your…
Shock roots you to the spot. You’re left gaping at him, lips moving yet no sound comes out of your mouth. You had no idea. You didn’t even think about it. If you knew, maybe you could have refrained from writing so much, every damn day… You could have gone to a cafè instead of staying at home… Or you could have at least been a tad more careful-
"What's got you so worked up every fucking moment?" he asks, huffing in exasperation and looking around your room as if seeking the root of your problem, until his gaze settles on your desk. "You're always on your computer, tapping on that damned keyboard. I can hear you from my own room. You've got a long distance relationship or something?"
"I…I’m sorry. I d-didn’t mean to uhh… upset you?” You fumble over your words, struggling to find an appropriate response to this ridiculous and surreal circumstance, while simultaneously stepping back in front of the computer to hide it from his observant eye. "This won't happen again... Alright?"
His brow raises in interest, ears perking up and golden eyes peering into yours. You're sure he can tell how nervous you are. Gosh, you know now he must also be able to smell how shamefully aroused you are at the chance of being caught, your secret dirty hobby being exposed.
"Whatcha hiding, mh?" he taunts, taking a step closer, amusement and vexation mixing in a lethal combo. He cranes his neck to look behind you, but you're too close to the screen for him to catch a glimpse of it. "A secret lover? I'll grant you permission to let them come over. Maybe that will help you."
You're physically shaking with both dread and excitement, your wide eyes locked on his face, your hands reaching out to shove him back. Your stomach flips as you realize your palms have made contact with the fur on his chest and heat instantly pools in your abdomen when you spot the dilation of his pupils; they get so wide his golden irises almost disappear.
Before you have any chance to avoid it, he has you imprisoned against his body, his palm wrapped around the back of your neck, burying your face in his chest while he bends over to your computer. Your complaints are muffled by his fur, and your hands clutching at his sides are merely giving him a massage. There's nothing you can do against him. He is too big and strong... and warm, and soft, and he smells like fresh grass after rainfall. Oh, it’s even better than what you imagined…
You feel his muscles tense up around you just a moment before a loud bark of hearty laughter erupts from him, rumbling in his chest against your cheek and pulling you out of your reveries.
“Hunter’s Moon! That’s what you’ve been doing all along?” He pulls you back by tugging at your hair, his eyes full of mirth - and maybe a hint of mockery - as he stares down at you. “That’s what makes you so wet all the time that I can’t fucking breathe?”
“T-That’s not-!”
You're so ashamed that you'd rather combust into millions of particles and disappear right now. But there's also that wicked part of you that is pleased to hear you've had such a profound effect on him with your scent. The same side that relishes the way he's holding your hair, looking down at you, and laughing.
“You want a beast to fuck you?”
The way he spits out those words makes you shudder, and all you can do is stare up at him, astonished. His other hand moves to your face, grazing the outline of your cheek with the back of his clawed fingers, making your taut body shiver even more, your stomach doing somersaults. He can certainly feel it. He can see the desire wallowing in your wide shiny eyes. And it excites him. 
“Oh, sweetie. You could have just said so.”
And with that, he has your heart bursting downright out of your chest as he twists you around and bends you onto your desk, your fingers grasping the edge, your head almost colliding with your computer's screen. His hand pushes on the small of your back, causing your body to arch and your bottom to stick out. You feel his erection push against your jeans, directly against the crack of your ass, as he bends over you, his hot breath brushing the shell of your ear.
“Who would have thought you were so naughty…” he whispers slowly, voice laced with amusement. "Writing about werewolves ravishing you…" His free hand creeps over your hip and slides towards your belly. "Destroying your little human holes…" His fingers creasing and raising the thin fabric of your tee as they dig into the soft flesh of your abdomen, steadily crawling lower. He laughs again, blowing warm air into your skin when he notices you whimpering quietly and trembling under his touch. 
“Isn’t that what you write about, mh? Why don't you read it for me?"
Your eyes widen, and you meet his amused look with a shiver that runs down your spine and lands between your thighs. He gives you a wolfish grin before nudging your head with his snout and turning it towards the screen. "C'mon. Read it."
You can't think clearly, let alone focus on the text on the white screen. Your heart is racing and the heat in your lower abdomen is becoming unbearable. If only he moved his fingers lower to offer you just a little relief...
“Start from the line that says how the beast rips your pants apart… That sounds like fun.”
You’re panting so hard already and he’s barely touched you. You have to swallow a couple of times to clear your throat and moisten your dry mouth before you’re able to speak again. But even then your voice comes out shaky and subdued as you start reading your own wicked fantasies out loud.
“...he groped the round sphere of her ass, massaging her flesh as if to prepare her for what was about to come-”
You yelp as you feel both his palms land on your ass, groping you over the fabric of your pants.
“Keep going. Don’t leave me hanging…” he croons teasingly in your ear, giving your cheeks a squeeze as an incentive.
You take a shuddering breath and then exhale, hoping to calm your frenzied heartbeat - as if that’s possible in a situation like this - and resume reading from where you left off.
“...a loud gasp of shock escaped her lips when his hands pulled at her pants and ripped the fabric apart as if it was made of paper-”
And with that, your pants are gone too, leaving only a few bits of fabric hanging around your thighs. You don’t even care about your clothes right now, you just want him to take you. You need him. You want him so badly. 
His claws run along your panties, purposefully missing the wet spot sitting right at the center. Your legs weakly buckle in protest.
“What about these? What happens to her soaked panties?”
“Ripped apart as well.” you answer forthwith, pushing your ass back to seek more friction and thus sending him laughing at your eagerness.
His fingers coil around the fabric's edges, yanking at it as if ready to tore it, only to let go and snap the elastic band against your skin.
"Nah. I think I'll keep them on for now," he muses, his voice still cracking with amusement as if he's thoroughly enjoying torturing you and driving you insane.
Your indignant cry rapidly turns into a shocked gasp as you feel something long and hard shove against your panties-clad folds. When you look down, your jaw falls at the sight of his huge throbbing cock stroking against your cunt back and forth, its dark pink skin already glistening with your juices dropping through your drenched underwear.
"So wet…" he croons, nestling his face in the crook of your neck. His moist nose brushes against your boiling hot skin, giving you chills. "So wet for me."
He keeps moving against you, maddeningly slowly, making you quiver with both pleasure and desperation. Breathy whimpers and moans fall from your parted lips, mirroring the rhythm of his thrusts.
"A-Alexis… please…"
You’re begging him to fuck you. He knows that. It's so obvious. It pleases him greatly, yet he won't let your precious little cries deter him from his own plans. His movements almost come to a halt as his warm, wet tongue slides out of his mouth and licks the side of your neck.
“You’ve driven me mad for months.” he growls in your ear, frustration once more edging his tone. His hands eagerly reach for your thighs and push them together to squeeze his cock between your soft flesh. You moan in response, surprised and satisfied by the additional friction, although still frustrated by the emptiness you feel inside you, with your walls clenching desperately around nothing. 
“Now it’s my turn.”
A jolt of pleasure strikes your core as his arms wrap around your middle and he starts to buck his hips against your ass at a punishing pace, rocking your whole body with such force that you’d be slamming against the desk if he wasn’t holding onto you like a vice.
You whine and mewl ever louder, the knot in your lower belly tightening at an alarming rate. Your hands grasp onto his strong arms, fingers tangling in his fur, while your head bobs feverishly upon his shoulder.
“A-Alexis… I-I'm- I’m!”
His moist nose taps on your neck, tongue lapping at your skin, as his cock keeps on bullying your poor swollen folds. The fabric of your underwear is so wet at this point that it's almost as if it's not even there; you can feel him entirely, rubbing your small bundle of nerves with every thrust.
"Already?" His laughter vibrates through your writhing body, heightening the friction between your thighs.
You try to hold back, a little offended by his derision, wanting to last a bit longer, but with a harsh yank of his hand, he pulls your panties to the side and finally seals your fate. Tendrils of pleasure ignite from your core, sending you spasming sharply in his grasp,your cunt gushing cum on his length.
He growls in your ear, tightening his hold and lifting you off the ground while chasing his own high. Feeling you contort in ecstasy and soak his cock has excited him viscerally, and it's only a matter of minutes until he follows you, shooting his sperm into your panties and mixing his juices with your own. You're both left panting, breathless, and light-headed, your bodies buzzing with the last shreds of bliss.
Alexis adjusts your underwear, cupping your cunt to ensure you feel his cum smear across your tender flesh. You whimper lazily in response, turning your head to glance up at him through heavy-lidded eyes. He meets your gaze with his own glazed look and smiles, that wolfish smile that inspired oh so many stories.
You need more. You want him. You want to feel him inside you. This was not enough. Not enough to satisfy months and months worthy of fantasies and soaking panties.
As if sensing the need within you, Alexis raises his hand to your hair and caresses it with newfound affection.
"Don't worry, sweetheart. I'll give you plenty to write about..." he teases and grins at the way your eyes seem to lighten up at his words, only to see your face fall a second later as he adds: "In due time."
He gives you a playful smack on the ass and then walks out of your room, snickering.
"Whatcha having for dinner?
🪷. You can leave me a tip on ko-fi if you want to support me
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leurdhavemerky · 6 months
Funny SFW Viktor x Gn!Reader Headcanons 💖
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-Viktor cannot STAND black coffee. Sometimes when you're pissed at him, you "forget" to add creamer or sweetmilk. His face is hilarious.
-He isn't an animal guy- they take lots of time to care for... which he does not have. But when you rescue some kitten off of the streets, he can't help but treat it like a baby. He bought one of those little feather shakers and spends his free time snuggling your kitty. Despite insisting he isn't emotionally attached.
"Fur baby? This is not my fur baby! He's just small and fluffy, that's all. Now stop teasing me," he says, dramatically looking up at you while gently petting the little thing.
-Terrible at interior design. Used to have only a single sad wooden chair at the "dining" table. Note: There is a small crack in the sad wooden chair due to prolonged ponderings. 🪑
"Where do you even buy these things? Most of my decor consists of scattered notes and trinkets." (He is looking at a finger painting of a bird that your toddler cousin made.)
-Viktor is a big fan of meal prepping and has a giant pot's worth of soup or pasta available 24/7. Sometimes he invites you over just to help polish off a hefty tupperware full of fettuccine before it goes bad. He's a surprisingly good cook, whipping up a mean omelet for you on lazy mornings.
-He has calloused and worn hands from writing and tinkering all day. As a gag gift, you buy him those kiddie princess band-aids... your know the ones. After a small mishap, he reaches into the first aid drawer of the lab, only to pull out a smiley anthropomorphic dog. Oh well, he thinks, wrapping it around his finger.
"I see you're wearing the band-aids I bought you, hm?" you tease.
"Very funny," he says, eyes still glued to the bolt he's turning.
-Viktor is nosy when he gets bored. He looks through your books, adding little notes on random pages.
"Spicy, don't you think? I'm sure Heimerdinger wouldn't approve. Tsk tsk, dove." - V
(Written in the best chapter of your romance novel.)
-During academy meetings and events, you have a subtle signal for what is essentially a side eye. Phrases like:
-"Did you hear that right?" 🤨
-"That's crazy talk." 🙄
-"Are you ready to leave?" 🥱
-"Look over there." 👀
Are expressed with two hand-squeezes.
“I love you” is expressed with three.
Hello this is my first tumblr thing I'm scared thank you goodbye
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kiwiplaetzchen · 1 year
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Thank you @wrenegade-accio for another adorable masterpiece! 💚💕
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defrosted69 · 12 days
Que Sera Sera (Oh Haewon)
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Very Fluffy and Haewon like
The larger arm was circling the golden numerals surrounding your watch, and the clock was ticking along as usual. Since you have been waiting for this your entire life, today was meant to be special for you. You got ready for this day by getting up earlier than normal and wearing your best outfit. It has all come down to this after endless days of speech practice and preparation about what to display your crush.. 
You brought her favorite flowers from a nearby flower shop and messaged her to meet in the Bay Area, where you first met. That girl has helped you through your entire life of anguish and pain. She was the sunshine you treasured, and you wanted nothing more than for her to be pure and untouched by civilization. It began with a simple act of assisting her in catching her dog, progressed to becoming friends, and then to falling in love.  
Perhaps it was destiny as many would call it, that you met in the first place. Arriving at the place where it all began you patiently waited. 
And waited. 
And waited. 
But nobody came through. 
The sun was finally setting, and the blue sky had become orange, resembling what many scientists refer to as the golden hour. Even though the meeting time was early, you still had optimism before the clock struck 6 p.m. You sat there on the edge of the sea, watching the small ships sail by and the music the sea was making. Every splash it made put you at rest, and then you heard the voice of the person you'd been waiting for. Your face lit up as you jumped down the wall and saw the girl.
With another man. 
You'd never forget that laugh, which threw your mind off track. Her grin was worth a thousand gold. It was supposed to be you in that position, but it wasn't. The man she was with was making jokes and making her laugh, and it was clear that the two of them loved each other. You watch with a heavy heart as they go past you despite the fact that they are only a few feet away.  
You could feel your heart breaking piece by piece as the girl you love was taken away by another man. Realizations began to surface in your mind as a sour chuckle came out of your mouth. 
"I'm so stupid huh?"
You thought to yourself. Perhaps a little backtracking was required. She never really exhibited interest in you, did she? Sure, you were interested in her, but did she make an effort to pique your interest? Perhaps it was your imagination that led you to believe she was interested when, in fact, she was simply being a nice friend.
You groaned and stared at the boque you purchased. Every flower that was present there represented something. The roses, tulips, and sunflowers were a nice combination, but they now have no meaning. Walking away is the best thing to do right now, and a little drink won't hurt, right?  
However, after a few steps forward, you came to a halt when you heard someone cry. Your gaze travelled in all directions before settling on a girl with her hands over her face, crying. much if you are already upset, witnessing someone else weep makes you feel much worse for them. Your fist clenched as you felt a firm thing in your hand. You had a bouquet of flowers ready to be thrown away right now, but doing so would be a horrible decision. You took a big breath and started your way to the girl. 
"Umm... Excuse me?" 
You called out of the girl. You weren't really sure if this was the best time to be nosy but you have to give the flowers to someone else instead of throwing them. The girl looked up and saw how puffy her eyes looked. 
"She must have been crying for a while now.."
You thought to yourself as you shook that thought off and handed her your bouquet of flowers.
"I know this looks weird but I think you deserve these flowers more than I need them." 
This was your best explanation to her, and to be honest, it was bizarre. Who in their right mind would give a stranger a bouquet of flowers and simply accept them? You were well aware of the repercussions of your actions, but the girl totally removed her hand, revealing her face. It was horrible to see how devastated she appeared, and you may recognize yourself in her because your heart had also been destroyed. 
Haewon just stared at the bouquet of flowers and for some reason, she was captivated by the patter of the flowers that were in there. 
"I know... It's weird for a stranger to give someone I don't know flowers but I hope this would make it less painful?" 
Haewon looked up to see your face. She was able to recognize faces from her fans and individuals she had briefly met, but seeing your face was her first time meeting you, and the agony she was bearing was quickly alleviated by your simple offer. 
Without thinking, Haewon softly accepted the flowers, her eyes ogling them. The perfume was soothing her down, and she could feel a little grin on her lips. You, on the other hand, grinned slightly, knowing that your actions had made someone happy. Perhaps this day served as a lesson for you rather than a heartache. Kindness, after all, was a pleasant sensation.  
"T-Thank you.." 
Haewon weakly said as you could only nod your head. 
"It's alright. Ummm, I'll be going first then. Goodbye."
Your job was done and there was no more reason for you to talk to the girl. She needed time for herself and what you did was the start of her to calm down and pick herself up. 
She stopped you on your tracks as you looked behind you to see the girl clinging to the flowers close to her. 
"What's your name?" 
Strangely enough, you felt like saying your name wouldn't be harmful. But considering that you're the one who gave her the flowers, it was only right for her to know your name. 
"Y/n Park." 
She nodded her head and bowed at a particular angle surprising you. 
"Thank you Mr. Park. I will remember your kindness." 
Feeling flustered, you shook off her actions and said
"N-No need to bow that much Miss." 
Haewon straightened herself up and smiled at you. Her grin actually caught your attention. It was ridiculous of you to compare someone, but Haewon's smile reminded you of someone you used to know or was familiar with. Perhaps you've seen that smile before but can't pinpoint where it is. 
"Ah, I almost forgot, I'm Oh Haewon by the way. Nice to meet you." 
"Like wise.. Umm.. See you around Ms. Haewon." 
You wanted to leave right now since you hadn't expected to feel so bewildered meeting someone for the first time. Your brain told you she was someone you knew, but she wasn't someone to you. It confused you so much that it eclipsed your sadness.
Haewon, on the other hand, was smiling broadly as she began to walk back to the JYP office, the bouquet in her hand. People around the building were surprised to find Haewon smiling with flowers in her hand, despite the fact that she had been sorrowful earlier. Your kindness had left a mark on her thoughts, and her members were eager to see her grin.  
"Unnie-eh? Where did you get that?" 
Kyujin canceled her hug to their leader as everyone's interest reached a height. They were worried about her since she had been quite dull or tired for the past few days. Even though they attempted to make her laugh and smile, they knew it wasn't enough, and when she went AFK for the past several hours, they became concerned.
"Oh? A guy gave it to me." 
Her statement made everyone widen their eyes as they all looked surprised and shocked. 
Who was the person that gave their leader a smile that was genuine that they couldn't bring out?
"Another day, another boring working day..." 
You sighed and prepared for your job. You were an officer worker, and despite the monotonous nature of the job, it allowed you to pay your rent and eat. You left your apartment and followed the regular path you normally take to the bus station to wait for the bus. Your gaze was drawn to your phone, and despite the fact that it was empty of text notifications from anyone, you were staring at the most recent message you had sent her.  
You sighed and closed your phone. The bridge that was built around that friendship you had with her was diminished. Repairing it was impossible as your mind was occupied with the moments you two shared. Even though it was one sided, it was still painful for you. 
Arriving at your work office was pretty much the same. Sitting down, opening your computer, checking the files, and printing papers. It was your typical office scenery as you placed your bag below your table. Seeing that you have arrived, a friend of yours peaked over at your table. 
"So how did it go? ~" 
Your friend Yeonjun smiled happily hoping for good news but you just sighed and shook your head. This surprised him as he was sure that you had this in the bag. 
"Eh? Why? I thought last week was the day?" 
"Maybe I was just pondering things. It was a one sided love after all." 
Yeonjun gasped at you. He was for sure thinking that she was the one for you yet it wasn't. Maybe his gut instinct was right. 
"Remember when I told you that something isn't right with the relationship you had with her?" 
"looks like I was right." 
He laughed at you and you could only sigh as what Yeonjun said was right. You were merely blinded by all this stuff she did that you had thought that she likes you. Thinking back on it now, you cringed remembering the things you did for her. 
"Well it's in the past now. Let's forget about it and move on" 
That was your motto in life. That kind of saying has led you into this situation. You weren't complaining, of course, since you believe that nothing in the past is that important, and you should move on with your life. Everything has a purpose for you, thus there was probably a reason you met her.
That's why your heart split into a thousand pieces. 
Sure, the occasion may be lost and become a hazy memory, but the emotions will not. The sensation of heartbreak will return time and again. It may not be exactly what you expected, but it will undoubtedly appear in some form. One example would be when you were watching a film. That movie you were viewing coincided with the period you watched movies with her. It was in that film that you fell for her, and it brought back memories of the sorrow.  
"I guess you're right. But anyway-" 
"Y/n, Chief is asking for you." 
A workmate of yours came near your workplace as you just nodded your head at her. Yeonjun looked at you confused. 
"Why is the chief asking for you? Did you do something?" 
You shrugged your shoulders, unsure. You never failed any previous reports because you always submitted them on time, and sometimes even sooner. The chief was not a scary person, but he was very severe with his employees. To avoid upsetting him, you left your office and walked to the chief's office, knocking before entering his chamber. His workplace table was tidy and well-organized, unlike the majority of the company's employees. 
"Ah, Y/n, take a seat." 
You sat across from him as he took out a folder and handed it to you. You took it and opened it, and the first thing you noticed was the name of the corporation labeled on it. Your eyes widen as you look at the chief in surprise, as he simply grinned and chuckled.. 
"Sir, why is JYP Entertainment on this file sir?" 
"Well you see Y/n, we're sharing our investment to one of its kpop group and I want you to write about the progress of our investment on them especially since their comeback is approaching. I want a full detailed report done after their comeback is done. Got it?" 
Not wanting to disappoint your chief, you accepted it and thanked him for the opportunity. Leaving out of his office, you smiled happily that the chief has trusted you on such an important task at hand. Yeonjun saw your smile and couldn't help but feel intrigued. 
"What's the big smile for? You're getting promoted?" 
"Nope, well, hopefully if I do well on this task, I could get promoted." 
Yeonjun clapped his hand in amusement and support of you. Not wanting to waste any time, you immediately started to work on your computer, researching JYP Entertainment and learning about the stocks of the firms that had invested in it. Your eyes immediately spotted the spikes and falls of each company's inventions on the groups under the label, and you made sure to record them for future reference in your report. 
"Perhaps I should visit JYP entertainment tomorrow."
Your regular work hour consisted of producing reports and researching information. But after the clock struck 7 p.m., it was time to go home. Packing your belongings and exiting the building, you proceeded down the familiar night street. You noticed a billboard showcasing JYP idols, including ITZY, Twice, and Straykids, but one group was unfamiliar to you. But for some strange reason, one idol looked familiar to you. You shrugged your shoulder and started walking, thinking that you'd remember her when the time came.  
The next morning arrived faster than you imagined because you were dressed for work. You left your apartment and were set to go to JYP Entertainment. Your chief has already informed the company of your arrival, as you ensured that all of your belongings were in your suitcase. Grabbing a cab, you informed the driver of your destination while watching the scenery unfold as the taxi passed by buildings and establishments. The ride was brief, as you paid for your taxi and exited the vehicle. You instantly noticed the tall structure in front of you since you didn't anticipate it to be so large.  
"Considering that JYP Ent. Is a huge name, I can't expect less from them now can I?"
You were ready to enter the building when you noticed a girl in distress, looking for something on the ground. When you saw her struggle, you sighed and checked your watch. Ten minutes before the company's board meeting. Perhaps you can afford a minute or two, right?
"Miss? Is everything alright?" 
You asked as the girl looked at your direction but her vision was blurry as she can't properly see you. In desperate help, she nodded her head. 
"Y-Yes, have you seen some glasses nearby? I-I can't properly see without them." 
You decided to aid her after hearing her gentle voice and despair, and there was a pair of glasses on the floor not far from where you two were. You went to fetch it, brushed a few dust particles from the glass, and handed it to her.  
"Here you go miss. I believe this are yours?" 
You handed the girl her glasses, which she quickly placed on her eyes. She smiled cheerfully and bowed at you. You simply brush off her thoughtfulness as you realize how her beautiful eyes drew your attention. She was wearing a mask, so you couldn't see her face, but her eyes revealed that she's a very pretty girl.  
"Thank you Mister for helping me." 
"Ah No it's fine. I'm just trying to help, I guess." 
"Umm.. P-Perhaps your also entering the building mister?" 
"Huh? Oh yeah I am." 
The girl beamed with happiness as she smiled underneath her mask. Although you can't clearly see it, her eyes show that she was smiling underneath her white mask. 
"I-I can help you tour around. Where are you going by the way Mister?" 
"Ah, the board member room? Where meetings happen?" 
You tried your best to describe the place you were heading to as the girl immediately know where that place was. 
"Ah, I know where that is Mister. Follow me." 
The girl walked ahead as you followed her from behind. Entering the building, you were immediately amazed by the interior design as you were at awe. The girl chuckled softly seeing your reaction. 
"Woah, this place is... Amazing." 
"Hehe, well that's JYP for you." 
The two of you entered the elevator and to your surprise, many people suddenly stormed leaving absolutely no space for you or the girl. Not wanting to let her get squished, you used your body to cover her from the crowd but the position for it was awkward to say the least. You were literally balancing yourself with just your feet and arms leaving the girl blushing and her heart pounding so fast. Perhaps it was because of her introverted nature that she immediately picked up what you were trying to do as she couldn't help but feel her heart race. 
As the elevator stopped, the crowd got smaller and smaller until it was just you and her. 
"You alright?" 
"Huh? Oh, yeah. Thank you again for protecting me, Mister."
"Ah, it's nothing. Just uhh.. Trying to help?" 
The girl chuckled at your poor attempt to joke but somehow it worked on her. Realizing that it was just you two in the elevator, you decided to ask for her name. 
"Ah, by the way I'm Y/n Park. And you are?" 
The girl hesitated at first but she ended up saying her name anyway. 
"Seol Yoon-ah. Yoona for short Mister."
As the elevator door opened, you nodded in response to hearing her name. Lily told you that this was his floor, and hers was still much higher. You got off the elevator and thanked her again for her assistance, while Lily simply waved it off and waved you farewell as the elevator door closed. Walking along the strange hallway, your mind was still preoccupied with meeting Lily, and you were relieved that you had already made a friend in the building, as the conference room was within sight. You knocked before entering the room.
Sullyoon on the other hand finally arrived at their practice room as all her members were there ready to start their practice session for the day. Haewon, their Leader, saw Sullyoon entering as she greeted her as she greeted her back. 
"Morning Sully, you sure took your time." 
"Ah well I kinda tripped on the way and my glasses fell of my face so I couldn't see." 
Hearing what Sullyoon said made everyone worry for her as they surrounded her. Sullyoon just smiled and chuckled at her members. Before she would be overwhelmed by this much attention but being together for such a long time now made her already aware of their behaviors. 
"That must have been terrible. Anyway, did you get it back?" 
Bae asked as Jiwoo gave her a stare of disbelief and confusion as her question already had an answer. 
"Unnie, she's literally wearing her glasses now." 
Jiwoo's comment made everyone laugh as Sullyoon chuckled. 
"Well a sweet guy helped me in finding my glasses and also protected me earlier on the elevator." 
Sullyoon smiled and blushed remembering your actions as this reaction got her members thrilled and curious on who made Sullyoon blush. 
"Spill the tea girl." 
Lily said making everyone agree to their oldest as Sullyoon spoke the name that Haewon was familiar with. 
"Y/n Park. I think he's a new employee here." 
The girls squealed except Haewon who had her eyes widened in surprise and in shock. Kyujin seeing their Leader frozen got her curious. 
"Why the long face Unnie?" 
Kyujin's question snapped Haewon out of her trance as she sighed and reminded her members of the bouquet of flowers in their dorm. 
"Remember those flowers that I'm taking care of right now?" 
They all nodded their heads as Haewon smiled brightly captivating her members. 
"He's the same person. I'm sure of it." 
Now it was everyone's turn to act surprised by their leader's claim. Haewon on the other hand was smiling brightly as she can finally meet the person that brought a smile on her face. 
"I know love at first sight is stupid but....I am stupidly in love after all"
The meeting ended after you were presented with a variety of scenarios in which stocks could rise or fall. Overall, your focus was on the group NMIXX, and according to the projections, they have a good possibility of attracting other companies to invest in them, given the tendency of their fame rising with each comeback. That being said, NMIXX is still a long way from the success of the other groups in the organization, but in your opinion, this was a solid step.
Exiting the meeting room, you decided to head to the building's cafeteria to fill in your soft growling stomach. You placed a hand on your stomach as you chuckled. 
"I wonder how I survived that meeting without my stomach growling like a lion"
But the happiness on your face faded when you realized your previous guide, Sullyoon, was no longer with you. You sighed and placed your hand on your brow, knowing that you had to explore this vast and expansive edifice on your own. You retraced your steps in order to find the elevator; however, your initial thought was to ask the receptionist on the ground floor. However, it appears that your desire was so intense that you became disoriented and strayed into new area.  
"I don't think I went pass this one earlier...shit"
You attempted again to recollect your previous steps, but your brain digested food instead. Frustrated that your brain wasn't cooperating with you, you decided to look for a snack bar machine nearby and eat that for lunch. However, it appears like locating a snack bar is like finding the lost city of Atlantis: seemingly impossible. By this point, your hunger had sapped the vitality from your legs, which were about to give way. You stumbled on the floor because your stomach was causing you pain because it was so empty.  
"Damn it. Why is this building so huge anyway!"
You cursed the engineer and architect of this structure on your head, causing their following generation to suffer tremendously. With a sigh, you sat on the floor, leaning against the wall. You wanted to rest your legs a little because the continual walking earlier made them tired, and hunger played a vital role in making you stumble on the floor.. 
But, unbeknownst to you, Haewon was passing by and quickly noticed you. She gasped, not expecting to find you in such a state, as she approached you. Your ears perked up as the heavy footstep became louder by the second. Turning your head in the direction of the stomps, you saw a girl dash towards you like a savage bear, instilling panic within you. Haewon paused her pace as she kneeled in front of you, holding your cheeks and scrutinizing your face.  
"Are you hurt? Are you okay? Do you want to kiss me? Or are you perhaps injured? Ah! Do you want me to take care of you?" 
Everything was moving so fast that your brain couldn't process what was happening. But your eyes did saw Haewons face and there you immediately recognized her. 
"H-Haewon? I mean, Miss Haewon." 
Haewon gasped as she covered her mouth in amazement and in shock. Her cheeks was visibly turning red and her eye pupils wanted to turn into a heart shaped when you said her name. Haewon was glad that you still remembered her and that she couldn't help but feel emotional. 
"Y-You remember me..." 
"Yeah of course I would. It wasn't that long anyw-huh? Are you crying?" 
Haewon suddenly felt so happy that her eyes began to produce tears of joy. You were confused on why would Haewon suddenly start getting teared up. You immediately tried to comfort her by taking out your handkerchief as you offered it to Haewon. 
"He's even offering me his handkerchief... I fucking love him!"
Haewon tumbled into your arms, both of you on the ground, and Haewon hugged you fiercely, inhaling your smell. You were bewildered and baffled as to why Haewon ran toward you, clutching you fiercely.  
"D-Did I do a mistake on giving her those flowers? Hah! We're those flowers poisonous and now she's seeking revenge?!"
Both of you were clearly a dumbass but perfect fit for each other but didn't realize it yet. You stood back up with Haewon holding you tight as you apologized to her. 
"I'm sorry Haewon. I.. I didn't mean to bring harm to you with those flowers.." 
Haewon chuckled and smiled at you. Her eyes looked so warm and showed signs of love. But you were captivated by her smile as her vision of you was glowing.
"Dummy~ Why are you apologizing? I still have those flowers you know." 
"S-So this isn't an act of assault?" 
Haewon but her lips not wanting to laugh but her body betrayed her as she began laughing her ass off. You were visibly confused seeing her act from being sad to suddenly laughing like a lunatic. You feared that Haewon was a crazy girl. 
"Your Funny Y/n. Ah, wait hold on, let me help you up." 
You and Haewon both stood up, and the timing couldn't have been worse. Your stomach growled the loudest, and if you thought embarrassment was bad enough, consider the physical discomfort of an empty stomach. Haewon was quick to react, pulling out a chocolate bar from her pocket and cheerfully giving it to you..
"Here you go Y/n. You might need it more." 
"A-Ah, thanks Haewon. I'll repay you back somehow." 
Haewon just giggled as you munched on the chocolate bar like it was no tomorrow. Without even a minute passing by, the chocolate bar was already gone. And Haewon smiled at you. 
"Looks like someone's hungry."
Haewon shook her head as she pointed at the nearby elevator. Nearby elevator. nearby. Elevator. 
Oh how stupidly blind are you for not being able to see that an Elevator was just near where you are. A look of disappointment and relief was evident on your face as this got Haewon intrigued. 
"Is something wrong Y/n?" 
"Ah, no, it's just that I was looking for an elevator singe earlier and I just believe that it was right in front of me" 
Haewon laughed at your sweet error as you and Haewon entered the elevator and began talking. She informed you that the flowers you gave her on that day were still alive and in her dorm, which you were delighted to hear. Haewon then began to question why you were at the building after you informed her that you would be supervising your company's financial development on the group NMIXX. Haewon smiled from ear to ear when she heard her group come out of your mouth.. 
"NMIXX has a bright future ahead of them in the industry seeing how amazing their growth is amazing." 
"Well what can I say? They are pretty and talented."
"Is that so? I haven't really looked up the members actually." 
Haewon was saddened by this, but an idea occurred to her: she wanted you to be astonished when you met NMIXX, her group. As the elevator doors opened, signifying that they had arrived at their destination floor, you and Haewon exited. The walk to the building cafeteria was short, and when you got, you were shocked by how large it was.
"Woah, this place sure is big.." 
"Yup, come on, let's get our food." 
Haewon bravely grabbed your hand and brought you to the food department. Her unexpected physical touch caught you off guard, and a blush spread across your cheeks. You've never touched a girl's hand like this before, and it's made you feel something.
Haewon delivered you your food tray and gave you helpful advise on what to eat. Honestly, Haewon persuaded you to take the greatest cuisine available as the two of you seated at a table. Haewon smiled as she watched you, her hands supporting her face.  
"Say Haewon, how come you're familiar with this place?" 
"Hmm? Cause I work here." 
"Oh? What department are you from?" 
Haewon raises her eyebrows at your question as she found it confusing. Her brain couldn't understand what your words meant as you noticed her facial expression showing confusion. You couldn't help but chuckle at her. 
"What I meant is that, what part of the company do you work for? A manager? An assistant manager? An employee or an intern?" 
Haewon finally understood what you said as she shook her head. 
"I'm an.... Uhh... " 
Haewon didn't want to admit too soon to you as she wanted it to be a surprise to you. So her brain decided to look on for a possible work for her in the company. Of course she can't be a manager since she has no experience about it but perhaps the easiest is the right answer. 
"I work as a...." 
Your eyes show anticipation as your sights never left Haewon. This somehow made her feel nervous as she gulped a bit. 
"I work.... As a... D-Dance choreographer!" 
"A what?" 
"A dance teacher! Yeah... I work for teaching the dances for the groups here." 
Haewon smiled, hiding her actual identity from you. Aside from wanting to surprise you, she did not want to overwhelm you with the notion that she is an Idol. Everyone she encountered abandoned her once they discovered her true status. It is painful for her, but she has become accustomed to it. But now that you had her heart, she didn't want to let you go.  
"Ah, A dance teacher. That's good to hear Haewon." 
"Y-Yeah, anyway what about you Y/n. What brings you to the company." 
"Well I was assigned to write about the financial report on the group NMIXX since the company I work for has invested in them." 
A huge smile appeared on Haewon as she couldn't help but feel excited by your words. She felt like faith is telling her that you were the man for her as she was to you. If there were people who believed in destiny then Haewon was one of them. 
"Say Y/n." 
"Do you wanna meet NMIXX?"
You wanted to refuse because it wasn't really necessary for you to engage with the group considering that your only task was to write a report on the financial side of things. 
"It's alright Haewon, I'm oka-" 
"But the leader has something to say to you." 
That got your attention. There was no indication that you had ever met the leader of NMIXX. But, if you interrupted your steps, there was one person you met in this company that you didn't know much about: Yoon-ah. Surely she can't be an idol working in this facility given that she was fully wrapped up and visible.
"Yeah no, Yoon-ah is definitely an idol"
You thought to yourself as Haewon saw you show a face of realization. 
"Thinking about it, there is one person I met earlier. Her name was Yoon-ah. I think she's an Idol here." 
Haewon giggled and simply nodded her head. Haewon then stood up as she handed you her phone. 
"Add your number in my contacts so that I can stalk-I mean call you when NMIXX need a hand. It's not bad to be friends with an Idol you know?" 
You softly snatched her phone and entered your number. The rest of the day was unremarkable, except that you found Haewon attractive and enjoyable to be around. For the first time in your life, you were excited to go to work the next day, all because of one person, Oh Haewon.
The next day rolled by quickly and you were met with Haewon who was patiently waiting for you in front of the building. Seeing her made you smile as you walked towards her. 
"Hey Haewon. You didn't have to wait for me you know." 
"It's alright. Come on, NMIXX is waiting for you." 
Haewon quickly grabbed your hand and dragged you to the elevator. Your cheeks were once again flushed as a result of her actions, but Haewon didn't seem to care. Haewon held your hand during the way to the NMIXX room, as if it were the most natural thing to do. Haewon then came to a room, which you knew was where NMIXX was. Feeling overwhelmed, you questioned Haewon if this was really necessary.  
"Umm Haewon. I don't think we should-" 
"It's alright. I'm with you. And here we go~" 
Haewon opened the door dragging you in as your eyes saw 6 girls eyeing you up and down. You gulped in both fear and anxiety. Haewon on the other hand was smiling ear to ear but Sullyoon saw who was beside her leader, Immediately gasped and said
"Ah, Mr. Park. It's nice to meet you." 
Sullyoon was the first one to greet you as the others followed soon. You also greeted them but your eyes landed on a familiar figure who was smiling softly. 
"Ah, Miss Yoon-ah. I Didn't know you were an Idol." 
Sullyoon giggled cutely as she nodded her head. 
"It's nice to see you again Mr. Park, I didn't know you were close with our leader." 
"I'm sorry, what now?" 
You inquired while the rest of the group laughed at your reaction. You looked to your side as Haewon sneered. It was here that you discovered Haewon was not a dance instructor. She was too pretty to be just a dancing instructor, and her voice was as silky as polished jade. You had to blink a few times as the knowledge hit you.
"Haewon you're an Idol?" 
"Oh No I'm a chef Y/n. Duh, of course I'm an Idol. Surprised?" 
She gave you a smug grin as you giggled and nodded. Everyone was listening and watching your reaction to the discovery, but their focus was on how your hand and their leader's hand were intertwined with yours. A smirk appeared on their faces as they all looked at each other, with the same thoughts in mind.. 
Days passed, and you and the rest of the group, particularly Sullyoon and Haewon, grew closer. Haewon was the sparkplug who brought vitality to your day, whereas Sullyoon was the peaceful girl who made you feel at ease. Obviously, you weren't a blind man, as you can see that both girls were vying for your attention. 
Sullyoon occasionally grows brave and clings to you as if you were a magnet enticing her. Haewon was secretly simmering with jealousy as she entered the fray and erupted with her own methods of capturing your attention, and boy did she succeed. When you were taking a break from writing your report on your laptop one day, Haewon came over to your side, essentially becoming your personal secretary. She was offering you beverages and food, encouraging you, and rubbing your shoulders. She was basically caring for you as a wife should. 
In all honesty, this interfered with your work, and you would occasionally spend your concentration on keeping Sullyoon, but particularly Haewon, in check by reminding them that you were here to work. But Haewon understands how to hug your heart and draw you closer to her. The simple things she does for you, such as helping you, talking to you, bringing you food, and sending you good morning and good night texts, really warm your heart.
But the conclusion of all this all arrives at one chance that Haewon will take. 
The promotions for NMIXX were finally completed, and as you expected, NMIXX's fame and popularity grew even more, while your company's investment increased significantly. It was a win-win situation for all parties, and with that, you were officially ready to file the final investment report and exit JYP Entertainment. As you packed your bag, you realized how much fun you'd had with the gang. Your face lit up with a little smile as memories passed before your eyes. But as you usually say 
"Que sera Sera." 
Grabbing your bag, you gazed around the practice room one more time, remembering the pleasant times you had laughing, eating, and telling stories with the others. You breathed deeply, knowing it was a great ride. But, as they say, all good things must come to an end. Grabbing the door handle, Haewon burst through it, her eyes sad. She bit her lips, holding the sorrow her heart was experiencing right now. 
"Y-Y/n... I... I..." 
Feeling the pain in her eyes, You pulled her close to you allowing her to hug you. Her arms held you like today was the last day on earth and you could feel her sobs carrying on the pain of letting you go. 
"Haewon, Why are you crying?" 
"J-Just b-because...I'll miss you... You know that.... Right?" 
Haewon said through sniffles as she looked up to you and you found her adorable. Her pig teary puppy eyes accompanied with her small frown, and her snot coming out of her nose made her adorable. You smiled as you pulled out your handkerchief and wiped her tears and snot. 
"Haewon, You can always message me, you know? It's not like we're not gonna see each other again." 
"B-But my schedule will be busy and I won't see you and..and…"
Haewon cried once again as she buried her face on your chest. You patted her back and comforted her for the meantime. It felt like hours for Haewon hugging you but in reality it was only 10 minutes. She pulled away with her eyes a little puffed as you smiled and said
"I'll be going now Haewon. Thank you, for everything." 
When you stated those words, you felt choked up since your emotions had suddenly surfaced. You departed swiftly, not wanting to exhibit your anguish, even though Haewon smiled and possibly gazed at you for the last time. She also felt regret because she knew now was the perfect time to confess, but she thought that letting you go was better. Her heart broke again when the sound of thunder boomed through the glass window. Haewon moved up to the chair and table in the room, watching the rain fall heavily on the ground.  
Haewon felt as if the universe was wiping the wounds on her heart with rain. She sighed and groaned as she let her head strike the table, making a slight Thud sound, but her skin felt scratchy against the table. Lifting her head, she noticed an envelope, and her interest was piqued. She opened the envelope and found your final report. She gasped as she realized you had left the most critical thing you needed. 
The final report. 
Haewon was about to go out and give you the envelope when a sense of realization hit her. 
"Shit, I don't know where he lives at"
Haewon grumbled, feeling frustrated and disappointed with herself. But Faith had different ideas for Haewon. Cupid did not want the story to finish here, so he pointed his arrow toward Haewon's head. Her eyes widened when she reopened the envelope.  
"Of course! The company's address is right here. But... It seems I have to deliver this tomorrow.."
The rain continued to fall, and lightning could be heard for miles. Haewon watched the rain fall, while you were soaking as you entered your flat. You weren't really aware of the weather tonight, but the rain made itself apparent. You quickly went to the bathroom to take a shower. Unfortunately, it was too late. Your inadequate immune system caused you to feel a heavy burden on your back as your body heated up. As you try to treat the illness by taking medication. You covered yourself in your blanket and hoped for the best.  
As the sun rose, Haewon stood in front of the firm building, holding your most crucial mail. She took a deep breath before entering the company building. Much to her surprise, the company building was different from JYPs in that everyone going past was dressed professionally rather than casually. People began to murmur when Haewon arrived, taking everyone by surprise. She didn't wear a mask or a huge hat; she showed her entire face. She then inquired about your department's location from the reception table, after which they directed her to the room. Haewon didn't hesitate to enter the elevator and soon the employee realized that Haewon was on the elevator, they all left just for Haewon to have the elevator by herself.
"Ah, the perks of being famous."
She thought to herself as the elevator doors opened, and Haewon walked confidently across the floor, surprising everyone. When Yeonjun looked up from his table and saw Haewon approaching them, he was shocked and perplexed. Yeonjun stood up, stopping Haewon in her steps.
"I'm sorry Ms. Haewon but only authorized people are allowed here." 
Yeonjun stood his ground as he took a sip from his drink. Feeling confident by herself, she chuckled and smiled towards the guy. 
"Oh didn't Y/n Mention? I'm his girlfriend." 
Yeonjun spit out his drink to his side, surprised by Haewon's unexpected allegation. Haewon's eyes widened as the liquid sprayed their Cheif, who happened to overhear her arrival. Yeonjun apologized promptly to the chief. 
"I'm so sorry chief!" 
The chief, bathed in Yeonjun's drink, simply waved his hand dismissively, more interested with what transpired between your journeys and how you managed to capture the heart of one of Oh Haewon's  
"I don't mind it Yeonjun. I'm more intrigued on how Y/n managed to captivate ms. Haewon here." 
Despite the uproar in the office, Haewon realized she had just caused a storm and a misunderstanding, but this was the only way to assist you. She was prepared to take the punishment she would receive later, but just now she didn't care.  
"Whatever will be, will be."
She thought to herself. But her vision saw an empty seat with your name on it. It piqued her interest seeing your absence. 
"Umm.. Where's Y/n?" 
"Ah, He's Apparently sick. Probably got caught by the rain yesterday." 
Yeonjun spoke as he cleaned up the mess he had caused on the floor. This quickly put Haewon into full worry mode. Despite her self-proclaimed status as your girlfriend, she has no idea where you live. But with her front face, she took a big breath and inquired about your location.  
"Yeonjun-ssi, do you know where he lives? I wanna take care of him" 
Hanni's bold statement made Yeonjun stop and have his eyes widened in surprise. He was about to say your address when an Idea popped into his head. He smirked as he stood up and laid out his plan. Haewon chuckled and agreed on the plan of Yeonjun. 
Today was the worst day for you. Not only did you become sick, but you also don't know where you put your final report, which damaged your chances of moving up in the firm. Your heart was broken, and nothing will change your frown right now. Everything was going so beautifully for Haewon, but everything else was falling apart.  
"I hate my life..."
You grumbled as you laid in your bed, thinking about what you should do next. Your phone rang, and it was a message from Yeonjun informing you that he had arrived at your door with food and beer. Yeonjun knew you were ill and tried to cheer you up. With a heavy feeling and a weak body, you stood up and approached the door, opening it.  
"Thanks Yeon-" 
"Gosh you look horrible. Let's fix that shall we. Hehe~" 
A familiar female voice made you look down and saw the girl that captured your heart. Her bright smile was still on her face despite the rain that was pouring on your surroundings. 
"H-Haewon what are you-" 
"Ummm Yeonjun Apparently can't come cause he was dragged to a blind date, So here I am. I brought chicken and medicine." 
You noticed the heavy bag she carried and you felt bad that a small girl like her had to carry such a bag. You reached down to help her but Haewon shook her head. 
"It's fine Y/n. I'm a strong woman, I have muscles on my arms. So, Umm... Can I come in?" 
You snapped out of your stupor and allowed Haewon to enter your apartment. Your apartment wasn't too huge or little. It was large enough to accommodate at least four people, and Haewon made herself at home. She hurriedly got out the chicken and soup she had bought earlier for you. Yeonjun's strategy was easy. Yeonjun would message you that he was going to visit you, but it was actually Haewon who came to you.
"Haewon I can help you-"
"Just stay in bed Y/n. Don't overwork yourself, cause today, you'll be taken care by the great NMIXX Leader, Oh Haewon. So feel blessed. I just don't do this to anyone you know.....except you" 
She mumbled the final part so you couldn't hear it. You lay back in your bedroom, wondering how Haewon knew about your condition, but there was a bigger problem at hand: it was your first time having a lady around, and you had no idea what to do. You began to overthink what to do, which just exacerbated your headache.  
"Heyy~ can you sit up Y/n? I got you food." 
Listening to her command, You sat up as Haewon setup the small foldable table on your bed. Her bright energy and smile really makes all your problems disappear. 
"You don't have to move Y/n. Imma feed you." 
You blushed at her words, wanting to decline her offer. But her bright and exuberant enthusiasm was too much to pass up, and she was offering after all. It isn't like you told her to do it. So you simply nodded your head as Haewon began feeding you. She took a spoon of the soup she had bought earlier and gave it a few blows with her mouth. Your eyes landed on her lips, which caused your heart to beat. 
"Say Ahhh~" 
You opened your mouth as Haewon gave you a  spoonful of the soup and you were surprised by how delicious it tasted. 
"Oh wow, Haewon this is delicious." 
Haewon giggled, and the sound made you grin. Haewon began feeding you while also telling you fascinating stories that never fail to make you laugh. Haewon was never boring to be around, but what about you? You're a boring guy in general. So it was a miracle that your fate became intertwined with Haewons. 
"By the way Y/n." 
"You left your report yesterday on our practice room. So I gave it to your chief this morning along with Yeonjun-ssi. He's a nice guy." 
You felt at rest after hearing what Haewon said because Haewon had solved your biggest concern. Honestly, you began to wonder how you deserved someone like Haewon. But suddenly a thought occurred in your head. 
"Wait, the office isn't allowing anyone to enter. You need permission from me to enter." 
Haewon gulped as she knows that she has to confess everything starting from the time she fell for you. If fate once gave her an opportunity to confess before, today was her last chance to admit her feelings. It was now or never for Haewon as she took a deep breath. 
"Umm well you see....please don't get mad at me okay?" 
You can tell Haewon was trying to hide something as her bright energy was nowhere to be seen and her eyes were looking down trying to avoid your gaze. 
"You what?" 
Haewon had the words on her mind, but her body was hesitant to say them. Those are the words she wants to say. She was uneasy about expressing those things, but then she remembered her life motto. "Whatever will be, will be" . She simply decided to speak it, not caring about the ramifications in the future. 
"I told them that I'm your.... Girlfriend...." 
For a little period of time, the world seemed to stand still. Hearing the final word she said made you go back to the first time you met Haewon. Was fate actually making arrangements just for you at this moment? Or was it just a coincidence that everything came together at this exact moment?
Haewon began to feel trapped by the quiet, and tears began to rise up in her eyes. She understands that betting on fate can be risky, and today she would pay the price.  
"I-I'm sorry. I-I'll get going no-" 
You pulled Haewon to your embrace. This time, it was you who held her like it was the last day on earth as you didn't want to let her go. 
Who cares if faith played a part of all of this or if fate has more problems for you to face in the future. 
"Whatever Happens, Happens." 
Haewon widened her eyes when you said those words. She couldn't help but hug you back tightly. 
"I don't care what happens in the future, Haewon. But right now, all I care is what is happening now. I wanna focus on the present as the future can wait. All I want is this. For you to be in my arms. Call me selfish but I just want you in my arms right now Haewon. I have fallen too much for you that I can't let you-"
Haewon pulled away from you with tears streaming down on her face. Her bright smile has appeared as she said
"Que sera sera. I love you too Y/n." 
She leaned forward, bridging the gap between you two as her lips pressed against yours. Regardless of the soup and chicken sauce on your lips, Haewon kissed you with love and passion. Haewon began to chuckle as you kissed her forehead, and both of you pulled away.  
"I love you Haewon." 
"I love you more than myself Y/n." 
She hugged you tight as both of you were clinging to each other on your bed as a realization hit your thoughts. 
"Umm, You might get sick Haewon. You should-" 
"Stay and cuddle you? Absolutely." 
You chuckled at her comment. Your monotonous life was about to change because Haewon had won your heart. From one-sided love to meeting her crying, then meeting her again, and now she's holding you in your bed. It was certainly an exciting journey, but from now on. You are aware that your relationship will endure numerous challenges that will separate you from one another. The route will not be simple for either of you, but no matter what happens in the future, you will always stay true to your moto. 
“Que Sera Sera”
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yourlocal-edgelord · 3 months
heres what i think would happen if the core four started a band
none of their mentors would know, bc like yea obviously, the amazonians would proudly play their music aloud infront of evryone, speedster thru my extent of knowledge is like do u evn know the meaning of subtle i mean they would play their music vids infront of evryone, the bats r just like super nosy and tim figured leave them to find out on their own bc what is communication? And kon just didnt tell anyone out of pure spite, only ma kent pa kent and alfred know bc theres no hiding shit from them.
second they wouldnt be soley famous for hit songs, naur theyd be famous for being the most unpredictable effing band of all time, they have like no chill, just when the audience think they’ve got them pegged they do something wildly unexpected, whats their music genre? All of them. They once released a sneak peak to their next album and everyone thought it would be a heavy metal album, it was country music. The album after that was modern rock and pop if it counts for something atleast. They rarely ever keep only one genre of music in an album though, just when you think this is an album just full to the brim with break up songs the next song is gonna be the most hard core screaming (heavy metal basically) song abt growing up and drugs.
they have no sense of roles in the band they do whatever the fuck they want, 75% of the time tims the one singing with 20% cassie and the last 5% a mix of kon and bart.
They each play an instrument, usually its cassie on the bass, kon on lead guitar, bart on the drums and tim as the rythm guitarist and main vocalist but they switch up with no complaints if the song calls for different people on different instruments bc they have diff playing styles, they each have their own guitar solo each show bc theyr extra like that.
Once they bought in a piano, violin, cello and triangle bc they had a classical song on theyr list
They all have stage name given to them by the fans and they got tiny tattoos of them underneath theyr right eyes
Cassie has a tiny star bc her stage name is star, reason being she always wears atleast one item with a star on it to every show (along with a gold rope wrapped around her waist as a belt) (i also hc that instead of having super short hair she’d have a shaved side and her ends dyed gold at the tips with her hair stopping half way to her elbow)
Bart has a tiny lightning bolt bc his stage name is bolt, reason hes just fast af (hes usually rapping if singing) and the fans dig it. (His hair i keep as its true wild fluffy self bc its so bart for him to have it unconquered on his head jst sitting there)
Kon has a smol fire bc fans took to calling him flame aftr he accidentally set the stage on fire once (i see him keeping his yj98 hairstyle)
tim has a teeny kawaii-ish ghost bc fans started calling him ghost after he screamed his throat raw (like a banshee) during a performance. ( i honestly just hc time as @strange-birb ‘s secret band au tim bc im obsessed with how he looks there)
ALL of them have multiple piercings, Cassie has three ear piercings on each ear and an upper lip piercing. Kon has multiple ear piercing a nose piercing and a tongue piercing. Tim has four ear piercings per ear and his face is untouched. Bart has three ear piercings on each ear and a small stud on his nose.
I see cissie anita and greta watching them and starting their own girl group, which leads to them collabing multiple times.
Their band has a twitter and instagram and its a complete and utter mess ranging from tim passed out on the kitchen floor with pizza sauce on his face to pictures of cassie lecturing kon and bart after they destroy something with a clip of them destroying said thing.
they also have a yt and tt for their band which is a completely different story.
On Halloween performances i see them dressing up with likenesses to previous enemies theyve fought with the crowd being non the wiser
There are hundreds of conspiracy channels trying to suss out what the band is going to do next with them always getting it wrong, once they were so sure they were right when they thought tim was going to release a folk song with him instead singing opera
Gon continue adding more hc’s gradually and maybe put in the effort to build a playlist or draw them
@cristinacclearwater @derp-a-la-sheep @periwinkle-the-11th @stormikitty @yjcorefourenjoyer @veanet @stargazinglesbian
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Blushing, Crushing, and Totally F*cked! Part III
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Summary: Reader finally gets totally f*cked! Final Part!!!
Part I: https://www.tumblr.com/piperlivingdeliberately/731031070307401728/blushing-crushing-and-totally-fcked?source=share
Part II: https://www.tumblr.com/piperlivingdeliberately/731124314601062400/blushing-crushing-and-totally-fcked-part-ii?source=share
Word Count: 2.6k
Warnings: SMUT 18+ MDNI! Awkward, giggly, wholesome sex because they’re both cute little losers, fingering (r! receiving), tit play (both receiving), oral (r! receiving), scissoring, top!hazel, swearing, mostly just cute fluffy first time sex!
“Fuck,” was all you could think to say to your reflection in the mirror as you stared at the deep purple hickey on your neck. “Fuck,” you repeated, remembering that you had to be at school in less than forty minutes. “FUCK!” you shouted once more, realizing that all of your friends would also be at school, and being the nosy freaks they are, they would not be stopped until they knew who had marked you up. 
Hazel. Oh, God, Hazel. Every time you touched the bruise, you swore you could still feel the ghost of her lips and teeth against your sensitive skin. You had fallen asleep so quickly the night before, exhausted from just a short makeout session. When you woke up, you had an internal debate about whether or not it had all been a dream. It was too good to be true, right? 
The purple that Hazel had painted on your neck said “wrong”. 
Relief flooded you when you realized that Hazel was the first of your friends to arrive to Mr. G’s class. Her perky smile greeted you as you sat beside her. 
“Hi,” she said awkwardly, the greeting a bit late considering that she had already been staring at you for twenty seconds. 
“Hi,” you returned. Nervous laughter floated between the two of you. 
“So, I was thinking that you could come over tonight after school,” Hazel began, words stumbling out faster than she could properly form them. “I know it’s short notice so it’s cool if you want to go home first and get your stuff. Or it’s totally cool if you don’t want to come anymore! I would totally understand and not care–” 
“Hazel,” you cut her off. “I would be happy to come over tonight. I’ll need to run back to my house to get ready, but I’ll text you when I’m on my way. ” 
“Oh,” she exhaled, eyeing her own hands in her lap. “Great. Perfect.” 
With Hazel’s eyes on her lap, you finally looked away from her. Of course, just your luck, you were met with the wide-eyed stares of Josie and PJ standing above you. 
“Hey, guys,” you said flatly, waiting patiently for PJ’s flagrant comments to begin. 
“Hey to you two, as well,” Josie said formally. Her voice was almost squeaky, like a balloon trying not to let out too much air. 
“PJ, you’re awfully quiet this morning,” you prodded. It was true. You hadn’t even thought she would last a second seeing you and Hazel so blatantly ogling each other. 
“I have nothing to say this morning,” she retorted, jaw clenched in frustration or concentration, you weren’t sure. You flicked your eyes to Hazel, who had started to notice your friends’ obvious self-restraint. She held her ringed hand up to her mouth to hide her smile. 
“How strange,” Hazel joined in on the game. “It’s very, very rare that you have nothing to say, isn’t it PJ?” 
“I suppose,” PJ replied. 
“So you really have nothing on your mind?” you questioned her. “There’s really not a single thing that might be on the tip of your tongue?” You watched her eyes light up like a kid on Christmas when you moved your hair to the side, deliberately exposing your hickey. 
“Oh my fucking God!” PJ pointed at your neck. “I knew it! I fucking knew it! I told you, Josie!” 
Josie simply stared in silent admiration, allowing her best friend to make herself look like an idiot as she jumped up and down. “Yes, PJ. You did tell me. How could you ever have guessed?” Sarcasm coated her voice. 
“So, who’s the top?” PJ asked, and was thankfully cut off by the beginning of Mr. G’s lecture. 
You were nearly able to focus entirely on class until you felt Hazel’s breath as she whispered softly against your ear. “Did I give you that?” She jutted her chin out at your bruise. You almost laughed before you realized that she was genuinely asking. You simply nodded at her, unable to contain your smile when she flushed from her forehead to her neck. 
A sudden flash of bravery came over you as you watched her blush, so you leaned into her. “I wouldn’t want anyone else in the world to give me that.” She shivered at the whisper, eyes locked on yours from the moment you had said it to the moment the bell rang. You blew her a kiss–a painfully chaste gesture compared to your previous actions–and bounded out of the room as if nothing had happened. Hazel was dumbfounded and couldn’t stop staring at the door until PJ clapped her on the shoulder. 
“Good luck with that, champ,” she taunted, prompting Hazel to finally get up from her seat. “Tell us where you put the next hickey after tonight!” Hazel’s middle finger waved goodbye to PJ, because she couldn’t be bothered to think about doing anything else with her hands that didn’t involve you. 
Despite her one-track mind earlier in the day, Hazel could do nothing with her hands but hold them awkwardly behind her back as she welcomed you into her home that night. 
“Hi, Haze,” you started, sensing her nerves. “Cute jammies,” you complimented the baggy blue and black flannel pajamas she wore. You framed it like a joke, but you were just trying to distract yourself from how sexy she looked in the black sports bra that scarcely covered her top half. 
“Shut up,” she laughed, clearly not sensing your thoughts. “You, on the other hand, actually do look cute.” She grew a bit bolder and placed her hand on the small of your back, fiddling with the hem of your bunny-print PJ pants. 
“Why are you acting so surprised that I look cute?” you feigned offense, clutching your hand to your chest. “Is it so shocking that I could look good?” 
“What?” Hazel nearly fell over her own feet. “You always look cute! You are quite literally the cutest, most beautiful person I’ve ever seen. I would never–” 
You cut off her rambling with a deep kiss. You hadn’t planned on making your move so early in the evening, but something about those compliments hit a deep spot inside you. “I was just kidding, Haze,” you whispered against her mouth, punctuating the sentence with another quick press to her lips. 
“I like it when you call me that,” she whispered back, pulling away to move a stray piece of hair out of your face. She began turning her head in all directions, taking in the foyer as if she hadn’t seen it thousands of times. “Holy shit. We didn’t even make it past the entryway.” You erupted into laughter, grasping her arms as you caught your breath. She took the opportunity to grab one of your hands and wordlessly led you to her room. 
Hazel closed the door behind her, turning around to see you facing her expectantly. She didn’t waste a second before grabbing your face and kissing you again, so impatient for you. Realizing she should have at least brought you to the bed first, she giggled as she gently pushed you in the right direction. She laid you down softly against her pillows before climbing on top of you. 
Every second that she stared into your eyes, you felt the butterflies in your stomach multiply. You pulled her in by the collar of her shirt, disappointed when she only offered you a short, closed-mouth kiss. Her deep blue eyes bore into yours once again, grinning almost mischievously before she dove into your neck. 
You moaned as her tongue flicked out against the hickey she had already created, whining when she created a friend for it on the other side of your neck. She trailed her kisses down lower until she reached the top of your camisole. 
“Can I?” she asked, breaths already growing heavy. You only nodded, not confident in your ability to speak properly at the moment. 
“Use your words for me,” Hazel said, her voice a low depth that you had never heard before. 
“Yes, Hazel,” you gasped. “Yes.” You were grateful that she didn’t taunt you for your desperation and instead just pulled your shirt down enough for her to kiss down to your nipple. She waved her tongue around the bud, circling it before taking it between her lips. The gentle sucking motions had you arching your back into her. She pressed her face into your cleavage as she made her way to your other tit. She played with the nipple that had just been in her mouth, pulling soft sounds from you as she rolled it between her fingers. 
“You sound so pretty, baby.” You moaned in response and began tugging your shirt over your head. Hazel jerked back in surprise. “Oh, getting impatient, huh?” she teased. You would have laughed, but you were too busy trying not to shrink under her penetrating gaze as she stared at your tits. It felt like minutes before she finally looked back at your eyes, asking, “Do you even know how fucking sexy you are?” Then you did laugh, covering your face with your hands. 
“Stop it.” You blushed behind the blanket of your palms. Your quiet giggles turned into a gasp when you felt Hazel pry your hands away from you. 
“I mean it.” You almost felt like she was scolding you. “You are so unbelievably perfect.” 
“Thank you.” You genuinely meant it, trying to convey your appreciation through your eyes. Feeling needy and nervous again, you distracted yourself by running your hands up and down her back. You eventually felt brave enough to begin pulling at her sports bra. She understood your silent command and removed it, her breasts hanging over your face tantalizingly. 
She must have finally understood how you felt in your earlier position, because she laughed shyly and fell into your shoulder so that you couldn’t stare. 
“Nope,” you said. “Come here, baby.” She climbed up your body further, red-faced and avoiding your gaze. She couldn’t help but look at you again after you took her left nipple into your mouth. 
“God,” she uttered in shock, rolling her hips into yours. You whimpered against her chest, urging her to gyrate even faster. “Fuck.” She pulled her tits away from your mouth, giggling at the pout that had formed on your face. “This okay?” she asked, her finger now playing with your waistband. Your pouty lip quickly transformed into a grin while you helped Hazel remove your shorts and panties. 
You felt yourself grow wetter with every kiss that Hazel placed on her journey down. When she finally reached the spot between your legs, she started planting kisses even lower, sucking into the plush flesh of your thighs. She looked up at you once more, silently confirming that she had your consent. 
“Please,” you whined, and she didn’t hesitate. 
Hazel licked a long, slow stripe from your slit to your clit, refusing to break eye contact as she watched you squirm. When she reached your most sensitive spot, she clamped her lips around it, flicking her tongue out to tease your clit. She reveled in your moans that grew louder with every lick. Every minute that passed, the coil in your stomach tightened more and more. You gasped out praises and shouts of her name when she began fucking you with her tongue. 
You almost dragged her back down by her hair when she emerged from between your thighs, grinning face covered in slick and spit. She hovered over you once more, but this time her finger danced around your entrance. 
“Let me know if it’s too much, okay?” she asked. 
“Mmhmm,” you sighed, pushing your hips downward to try to meet her in the middle. At the same time that she smashed her mouth against yours, she slipped one finger into your soaking pussy, gasping against your lips. 
“Fuck,” she groaned. “You’re so wet for me, baby.” She sat back a bit to watch her fingers as they disappeared inside of you. She was only released from the trance when you pulled her in by the back of her neck and forced your tongue into her mouth. 
The kiss was messy and sticky and tasted overwhelmingly of your own juices. You didn’t care about being reserved or self-conscious about your kissing skills when Hazel’s fingers were so perfectly curling into that spongy spot that made your back arch. You moved your hands from her hair to scratch red streaks down her back with her nails, only stopping when her guttural moan made you realize something. 
She had been grinding against the mattress searching for her own pleasure this whole time. 
“Hazel,” you called to her between kisses. She pressed her forehead to yours and waited for your request. “I want you.” 
“You already have me, beautiful.” She kissed your cheek softly. “I’m all yours.” 
“I want you on me, Haze.” Your pleads finally made sense to her and she began frantically undressing her lower half. She was completely naked on top of you in seconds. The skin-to-skin contact had you reeling for her. She hooked her right leg over your left, tentatively floating above you. Making sure she had your attention, she grabbed you by the chin, forcing you to meet her eyes as she sank herself onto you. 
You moaned in unison as she began grinding her wetness onto yours. You rose slightly, using her thigh to give you leverage to pull yourself against her. It took you a moment to find your rhythm with each other, but once you did, sounds of pleasure bounced around the room. 
That familiar feeling began to reach you again, and Hazel could tell from the way your moans transformed into whimpers and quiet whines of her name. 
“You’re doing so good, pretty girl,” she cooed as she stroked your breast. “So good for me.” 
“Holy– Haze, fuck!” You were so thankful that her mother was away, since you were shamelessly yelling at this point. “I’m so close, babe.” 
“You can do it, sweetheart,” she urged you on, speeding up her hips as she neared her own end. “Cum with me.” Not a minute passed before you were heeding Hazel’s gentle command, moans cut off by the waves of pleasure that coursed through you. Hazel brushed your hair out of your face, uttering praises and giving you a break before she continued to use your slick to ride out her own orgasm. The overstimulation didn’t last long, for Hazel had been close to finishing just from hearing you moan her name. 
Her hips stuttered on top of yours until she collapsed back onto the bed. Her body was folded in half, her legs outstretched awkwardly. 
“Comfy, Haze?” you joked, laughing as she shook her head and repositioned herself beside you. 
“Oh, my god.” She stared at the ceiling, then at you with wide eyes. “I just fucked you.” 
“That you did.” You giggled at her disbelief as you kissed her cheek. “And you did it very well.” 
The praise made her blush. She buried her glistening face in your neck, wrapping her arms around your still naked torso. 
“So,” she began, still hiding her face due to nerves. “Are you my girlfriend now?” 
“I better be after that,” you said. You laughed together for a minute before urging her to look at you. “I would love to be your girlfriend, Hazel Callahan.” 
And so you were. 
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New beginnings | joel miller x f!reader, 7.8k
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Summary: What happens when you run into that handsome stranger from the bar at Trish’s house? Where do the two of you stand two years after this unexpected encounter?
Warnings: 18+ MDNI, some back and forth on the timeline, mutual pinning, light angst, slow-burn, a smidgen of fluff, cursing, Joel being kind of a prick, Joel being an idiot, insecurities, let me know if I missed anything!
A/N: Part two of the I don’t even know your name series and yes, I know it’s been a long time coming, sorry about that! I’m confident (well, aren’t you a bold one?) that the third part will be coming much, much sooner! Thank you for taking the time to read anything I write! Love you all!
Dividers by @strangergraphics
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You know that warmth. You remember it. His warmth. His large, calloused hand completely encircles yours as you formally introduce yourselves. If his reflexes weren’t fast enough, you’d still be staring at him, unable to believe he’s standing right before you.
The storm of all those memories overwhelmed you and Joel realized that, unlike the rest of your company who continued to stand behind your back in blissful ignorance. Your mind had become detached from your body, which seemed to make decisions of its own; you were ready to do anything at this moment.
If he chose to show his hand and acknowledge you, you would follow his lead. If -by some miracle- he chose to lean in and kiss you, you would reciprocate. If he chose to pretend he didn’t know you, you would put up with it. You would do anything to be good for him, no common sense left in your dazed mind. But his face is serious and his warm, dry hand is firmly on yours, squeezing it lightly, in a silent form of communication, I know; it’s ok; get a grip; what the fuck. He doesn’t let go of your hand, acting as an anchor, until you decide you feel grounded enough to handle the situation. It’s at that moment that you can tell he’s waitin’ for you to be in control of the narrative. Whatever you say, goes.
You take a deep breath and tell him your name, as you finally release your hand from his and move aside to let him enter the house. The muscles between his eyebrows and around his mouth twitch imperceptibly, almost in disappointment, you think. His scent as he passes by you, hits your nostrils and your memories flood back into your mind, even stronger than before. Your body tenses and you feel your nipples tighten against the fabric of your bra. You begin to wonder how you’re gonna make it through the night.
You all move into the living room while dinner is being prepared, except for Trish who excuses herself to the kitchen. Tommy sits on the couch next to you while Joel is standing in front of the window with his arms crossed over his chest and Sarah is relaxing in her favorite spot, on some big fluffy cushions randomly scattered on the floor next to the fireplace, scrolling through her phone.
“Trish, do you need a hand?” you try to keep your voice steady, although you desperately need an excuse to leave the room. No such luck. “No babe”, comes the wrong answer, “I got it, you chill and have fun!” Why she has to be such a good friend is beyond you. You smile awkwardly and look everywhere but in Joel’s direction. Tommy puts you all out of your misery by asking you about your relationship with Trish.
“Oh, we’ve been best friends for a long time, done pretty much everything together,” you explain, deliberately raising your voice for the last part, “it’s starting to get unhealthy if you ask me,” you look towards the kitchen entrance, waiting for her reaction. “You’re not moving outta here any time soon, missy, so stop whining!” comes the reply from the kitchen. You grin as Tommy and Sarah laugh. Joel just stares at you with a scowl on his face.
“Are you staying long?” Tommy continues.
“Tommy.” Joel warns him.
“I’m just making conversation sunshine, ‘mnot being nosy!”
“It’s ok, really, no problem at all.” you intervene, feeling sorry for Tommy, still avoiding looking directly at Joel. “I’ll be out of her hair, as soon as I find a place to move to..”
“No, you won’t!” Trish protests. “Yes, I will!” you deadpan, “I told you it was getting unhealthy.”, you wink at Tommy before you could stop yourself. Why the hell did you wink at him? You need to calm down before you do something stupid. Joel’s fingers tighten, clutching his arms tighter to his chest. Shit, you don’t think straight when you’re stressed. Tommy seems to like it, though.
“Maybe we could help you”, Tommy offers, “we see lots of places ‘cause of our job, we could keep you in mind if something good comes up.”
“Tommy.” Joel drags his brother’s name across his tongue as a warning. You look at him quizzically for the first time since your handshake, wondering what they do for a living. Fortunately, you work up the courage to ask Joel directly, before Tommy has time to protest to his brother again.
“I’m a contractor” Joel informs you with the slightest hint of annoyance, as if he was reluctant to share this mundane information, “and Tommy works with me.”
“Oh, that’s cool!”, you raise your eyebrows in admiration, your eyes brightening. He takes his eyes off you and you wither inside.
“Well, never heard that one before. Joel is cool.” Tommy says in mocking surprise, giggling. You look flustered and Joel looks annoyed. “She didn’t say I was cool.” he frowns at his brother, “I know my job is far from fancy, you don’t have to just say that.” he turns his reply to you, displeased with your comment.
God, you feel like a little child in his presence, he can’t just chastise you like that, you have two kids of your own, you’re an adult, for Christ’s sake. “I know I’m not,” you say defensively and you start to get irritated. This is how the night is going to unravel? “I mean it. I have always admired people who can build and repair things with their own hands. Three pairs of eyes are now looking at you, all of them quite surprised.
Joel has absolutely no confidence in himself to start a conversation with you right now, but his curiosity gets the better of him. So, “How so?” is the next thing that comes out of his mouth.
Your eyes widen slightly in startlement at his sudden elaboration, you hadn’t expected him to continue the conversation. “Uh,” you sigh, raising your brows in deep thought and shaking your head slightly, “maybe it has something to do with my dad, he was always good at fixing things. I don’t know, it made me feel safe, taken care of. Still does, even the thought of it. I always thought that if the world ever came to an end, your kind would be the ones to survive.” you shrug, unable to look Joel in the eye and fidgeting with your fingers on your lap, the answer more intimate than you intend it to be. But you give it anyway, for him.
You want him to know that you would never lie or make fun of him. That night, however indifferent it was to him, made him indelibly etched in your memory. And even though your interaction was so brief, one night out of the thousands in your life, it made you feel something for him. Childish as it may sound, you felt he deserved your respect in some way.
There’s a moment’s silence in the room, Joel staring down at his feet, not wanting to look emotional. Taken care of. He can’t get the words out of his head; it’s what he felt for you that night, what he wanted to offer you before his chance was torn apart by the fucking knoc-
“Our kind?” Tommy intervenes once more.
“Yeah,” you try not to blush, but you can feel the heat in your cheeks, “you know, resourceful, competent, reliable.” Sarah tries to hide her grin behind her mobile phone, sneaking glances in Joel’s direction, little devil, while Tommy looks so pleased with your perception of their profession.
“Then you should definitely keep us close, take full advantage of us,” Tommy fills the silence, now his turn to wink at you, oh god, what a mess, “I’m in the same business, too, like Joel said.” Subtle. “We’d be more than happy to help darlin’, right Joel?” he turns to look at his older, brooding brother. Joel seems lost in thought or uninterested in answering. “Right?” he presses eagerly. Joel slowly raises his head, looks deep into your eyes and says nothing more than “Right” in a deep drawl of a voice. You feel the hairs on the back of your neck stand up. He makes you feel so small but you feel a glob of arousal pooling on your underwear, making you wonder what the hell is wrong with you.
Tommy turns to you expectantly, his eyes shining under the lights in the room.
“Maybe I intend to.”, you smile softly, glancing briefly at Joel before turning your eyes back to Tommy. Joel’s body stiffens, giving you the impression he’s trying to hold something back.
“Is it something particular you’re interested in, so we know what we’re looking for?” To your and Joel’s dismay, Tommy doesn’t let up. Your eyes turn briefly to Joel for help, but he looks down again, his arms still stiff across his chest, as if they had a mind of their own and were capable of murder if he let them go at his sides.
“Uuuuh,” you laugh nervously, “anything will do considering my situation, I can’t really be picky.”
“What’s bothering you, sweetheart?” Tommy frowns worriedly. Joel stiffens at the sound of the endearment.
Where do you start with what’s going on in your life right now? Only one person -apart from Trish- seems to know and he doesn’t look very happy at the moment. “Well, Tommy, I’ve two kids, two little girls and I can’t find a place that is decent enough, at a good price and owned by someone who doesn’t mind renting their property to a single mom.” Tommy’s brows are raised so high in shock, they would touch his hairline if they could. “Goddamn, how the hell did that happen?”
“How did what happen?” you ask confused. “You,” he says, his eyes roaming all over you in a definitively not subtle way, “being a single mom with two kids. What the hell did he d-”
“Tommy.” Joel’s tone is more raised this time, shooting daggers at his brother, warning him again to drop it. “Jesus fuckin’ Christ” Joel mutters through his teet, a look of disbelief on his face at his brother’s lack of discretion and if you weren’t already looking at him, you wouldn’t have heard it.
Trish comes out of the kitchen before you or Tommy can react.
“Ok guys, let’s move it to the dining table.” she clasps her hands together, “Dinner will be ready in ten!”
While everyone’s attention is focused on Trish, including yours, Joel’s eyes penetrate you in a silent command to look at him. You feel him staring at you and you turn your attention to him. He continues to stare at you as he asks Trish if she has any tools to fix her bathroom cabinet, since Tommy forgot the one thing he was supposed to remember. He takes his eyes off you as the others laugh at his accusation and turn to look at him.
“Yeah, I think I have a small toolbox in the supply closet upstairs, next to the bathroom. I don’t remember exac-”
“That’s ok Trish, I’m going to check on the girls anyway, I’ll help Joel look for it.” you take the opportunity to excuse yourself.
You stand up carefully, feeling your legs go numb and praying you don’t trip and make a fool of yourself in front of everyone. Joel follows behind you as you go up the stairs. You can feel the tension between you, his body heat almost warming your back. He can’t be that close though, can h-
As soon as you reach the door to the bathroom, he opens it in a hurry and pushes you in, grabbing hold of your arm as he follows suit. You gasp at his gesture and turn to face him. His eyes bore into yours, searching for something. His arms are clenched in fists at his side, giving you the impression he’s trying to control himself.
You’re both silent, despite a vocabulary so vast, none of the words seem to fit your thoughts and emotions. “You’re OK.” He speaks first. It’s not a question, not a reassurance. It’s a statement of fact. You look confused, trying to work out where he is going with this. He thought you would break down at the sight of him? Well, he wasn’t wrong, but he didn’t need to know. “Of course I am, why wouldn’t I be?” It comes out harsher than you intended.
You see in real time a series of thoughts crossing his eyes, something fragile and vulnerable in the air. But it passes as quickly as it came.
“Nothin’, nothin’.”, he shakes his head and closes his eyes, trying to clear his mind. He opens his eyes with a sigh and looks at you. You stare at each other for a good minute and then you both realize that you are together again, the two of you, in a small bathroom, behind a closed door. Your brain is blank, the only thought crossing it is to say something, say something, say something, but he beats you to it. “It’s best if we don’t tell them we know each other.” Is he serious right now? From all the things he could have said, this is what he came up with? You bite the inside of your cheek in frustration, “Well, I think we’re already past that, that firm handshake at the front door made that quite clear.”
“You played along, though. So, don’t go around accusing m-”
“Hey, hey, I’m not accusing you of anything, where is this even coming from?” you frown in confusion. He wanted you to admit you knew him in front of everyone? In front of his daughter? “Hey, guys, how do you know each other?” “Oh, we almost fucked in a bar bathroom!”. That would have gone well.
“Yeah, I’m just sayin’-”
“Look, Joel, there’s nothing to say. It’s not like I was going to shout it over the rooftops anyway.”
“What the hell’s that supposed to mean?”, he looks offended for some reason.
“Means that there’s nothing to say.” you insist sternly. “Literally.”
He laughs nervously, obviously irritated. You don’t understand why, you thought you were making his life easier. What does he want from you? “Right, right,” is all he gives you, nodding his head a few times. You raise your hands in resignation, your eyebrows raised to your forehead, your mouth open, not knowing how to navigate the situation.
“What is your problem, what do you want me to say? You pretended not to know me when you saw me and you just told me, like 30 seconds ago, not to mention anything to anyone! I think I’m doing all right so far, don’t you? How am I pissing you of exactly?” your anger makes you raise your voice slightly.
He’s all over you in a second, pinning you between his body and the bathroom door. “Keep your goddamn voice down.” he grits through his teeth, his one hand a clenched fist at his side, the other next to your head, palm flat on the door. The sudden invasion of his scent in your nostrils and the fan of his breath on your lips is all you can register, but his words come back to you and your anger boils in your gut.
“Watch your tone with me, I’m not some child you can intimidate.” you shoot back. That seems to snap him out of his headspace and he backs away slightly. He exhales loudly from his nose and rests his forehead on his outstretched arm, the other now resting on his hip. His unruly locks are so close to your face that you can practically smell his shampoo. You clench your fist to resist running your fingers through his soft hair. “Shit,” he mumbles through closed eyes, he really doesn’t seem to be able to keep his eyes on you long enough, “’msorry”.
He smells so good, so delicious, that it takes every ounce of strength you have not to wrap your hands around his broad torso. You want this moment to yourself, to wrap your arms around him and comfort him, to plant kisses all over his face, to nuzzle your forehead where his thick neck meets his shoulder, to breathe him in. The corded muscles bulging under his tanned skin make you salivate. This guy is pissing you off and all you can think of is how you’d die to touch him. Great. You rest your head on the door behind you, close your eyes and grit your teeth, trying to regulate your breathing.
“’Msorry” he mutters again, shaking his head. He looks so worried and uncomfortable, you decide to give him another chance. Maybe he’s confused, too. You both had to make a call at such a short notice, with his whole family looking at both of you expectantly to introduce yourselves. It was the logical thing to do. Wasn’t it?
Maybe he’s afraid you’d expose your naughty deeds in front of his daughter. After all, no parent wants their child to know that they’ve almost had sex with a stranger in a bar. You totally understand. And to be honest, you did leave him all hot and bothered back in that bathroom and run the opposite way, so why would he want to be in the same room with you? He probably feels insulted by your reaction that night.
Or maybe- how did you not think of this before? Maybe he has a wife. But he’s not wearing a ring. Not that it matters, lots of people take their rings off at some point. Maybe he has a girlfriend. Wouldn’t she be here with them for dinner if that was the case? With him? He doesn’t look the type, either. The cheating one. But you hardly know him, you don’t really know much about him beyond what he told you about his past that night.
“Joel.” you call his name looking at him through your lashes, your head still resting on the door.
“Hm” he hums, still in the same position.
“Joel, hey.” you try to get his attention again, this time lifting your head to look straight at him, a gentle smile on your face.
His eyes finally meet yours in a subtle, tired hey, the corners of his mouth turning up slightly.
You hold each other’s gaze taking each other in, and you both laugh softly in a quiet understanding. But this feels so warm, so soft and tender, is he really that angry with you? He must be, otherwise why the tension? You should try and put him at ease.
“Look, I understand this is awkward and unexpected; I do. But we’re fine; we’re gonna be fine, Joel.” Damn, the sound of his name in your mouth. “I won’t say anything, really, don’t worry. We’ll have a nice meal, we’ll make the typical minimum small talk and when this night is over we’ll be out of each other’s hair, you won’t have to see me again if I can help it, I don’t mean any trouble, seriously.”
And there it is again, the disappointment. “Yeah, no, I know. Sorry I snapped at you.”
Joel looks as if he’s going to say something more, but at the last moment he changes his mind.
You nod in acceptance of his apology. “Let me hand you that toolbox, before they start wondering what’s taking us so long, hm?”
“Do you need any help?”
“No, it’s fine.”
“Ok, I’m gonna check on the girls and then head downstairs.”
Joel nods as he takes the toolbox from you, careful not to touch you and crouches down on his knees to inspect the damage to the cabinet. You glance in his direction one last time, admiring his wide, strong form kneeling on the floor and then close the door behind you quietly.
“Fuck.” you both exhale on either side of the door.
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Two rotations of the earth around the sun had passed and Joel had become a constant in your life. He came and went like the seasons, with an orbit of his own.
His orbit was longer and colder. The distance between you grew, more so emotionally, as if something was holding him back. The domesticity of it all was too much for him, scratching at old wounds he tried too hard to keep buried. He always cared, always kept an eye on you, but from a safe distance.
Like the time you came home late from work and cursed yourself for not cooking dinner in advance. You were starving, but the thought of making something to eat seemed like too much trouble; you were exhausted. Thank goodness the girls had their dinner ready, all you had to do was heat it up. Two minutes after you let yourself in, the doorbell rang. You rushed out of the bathroom and opened the door to a takeaway, its temperature indicating that it had just been delivered to your doorstep. You looked around but saw no one. You were pretty sure it was a mistake, but then your phone vibrated,
Eat, while it’s hot.
Did you leave these outside?
Trish told me you were caught up at work, thought I’d save you some time.
You just kept staring at the screen, your heart warm but your mind confused. A second text came while you debated what to answer him.
Need to take better care of yourself.
No, why ‘d you leave?
His orbit was shorter and warmer, like a pleasant summer breeze. He was around more, more involved in your life.
Like the time he was in on your house hunting trip.
Like when he talked you into buying a house and not renting because he found one for you that was beautiful and ideal and close to Trish’s so you wouldn’t be alone and your daughters would love it and it was a family house. Yes, the house was a ruin. OK, maybe not a ruin, but really old. It was beautiful, but it had definitely seen better days. It needed a lot of renovation.
“Joel, I can’t afford this.” you said as you looked around, almost pained to have to say no. It was a really lovely house.
“Listen to me-” Joel tried to make his point but you interrupted him anyway.
“I am listening to you, that’s how you convinced me to consider buying a house instead of renting an apartment. But if I do, I’ll use up all my savings, I can’t afford a renovation of this magnitude,” you continued, looking around the house, moving from room to room, imagining how you would have decorated it if it was yours.
“I’m gonna help you with that.” he said bashfully.
“How are you going to do that, Joel?” you rolled your eyes at him.
“Do you remember what I do for a living?” Joel teased you and you glared at him.
“I’m not sure, I think you mentioned something about a contracting bussiness?” you mimicked him. “Joel, I’m serious. Of course I would choose you and Tommy if i could afford it.” you said in despair, eyes wide, hands in the air as if you’re pleading with him. Which you were.
“I’ll do it in my spare time.” he suggested, looking down at his feet, avoiding eye contact and hugging his chest with his arms, as if trying to protect himself from the vulnerable position he had put himself in.
It took you a minute to register what he was implying. Your jaw dropped, unsure of what to say when you did. Your heart ached with warmth and your breath caught in your chest. It was too much.
“There’s no way I’m accepting this, you know that.”
“I really don’t min-”
“Absolutely not, not in a million years.”
“Goddamn, you’re stubborn!” he snapped, not used to not getting his way. Take the fuckin’ help, goddamn it. Your eyes looked glazed, you never had the ability to deal well with people snapping at you quite well. Especially people you cared about. Joel felt your discomfort and immediately regretted his temper. Soft things needed gentle handling. And you were soft. So soft for this world. For him.
He stepped closer to you and engulfed your hands in his with a deep sigh. “Look, I’ve done the calculation. This is the best deal you can get. The price of the house is fair. In fact, between you and me, it’s low. And I’ve already worked out what needs to be fixed.” He paused, breathing in and exhaling a little harder. “I want to do this. For y- for the girls”, he stuttered and you looked down to where your hands met. These hands. His hands. Big and warm and capable. Capable of renovating your house, capable of holding your hands in his, capable of taking you apart piece by piece. Were they capable of putting you back together again?
Your whole body tingled with another wave of warmth at his touch. But it was too much. It was always too much with him. The unbearable distance or the suffocating closeness. All because he wouldn’t make up his damn mind. He couldn’t do that to you. Give you a glimpse of affection and then pull away. Because you were sure he would eventually. As he had done so many times before. This time you had to protect yourself. So you pushed him away the only way you knew how.
You tore your hands from his tender grip as you attacked him in a raised tone pointing at him. “We are not your responsibility!” You regretted it the moment you spat it out. You didn’t have to be so harsh. So quick to anger. Please, please be angry with me. Scream at me. Turn your back and walk away. Make me feel like shit.
He looked at you in shock, his eyebrows raised, a hint of sadness on his face. And something else, more subtle. As if in understanding. As if he could hear your thoughts. You were not his to care for. You were not his to protect. “I know that.” he sighed, squeezing the back of his neck in embarrassment.
“Joel,-” you tried to take it back, there were not many things you hated more than what was happening right now. The fact that you couldn’t take back what you had just said. You felt terrible.
“Look,” he interrupted you, raising his arms in resignation. “I’m just trying to help. You moved states alone with two kids, starting from scratch. I just thought maybe I could ease some of the burden. It’s the decent thing to do.”
“Joel, you are cutting yourself short. This is beyond decent. Trish and you- and- and- Tommy and Sarah of course,” you mumbled embarrassingly, “you’re all I have and you have supported me in more ways than I can count. That’s why I can’t be a burden to you.”
“I didn’t mean you were a burden.”
“No, no, I know, this is not on you, this is me, I-”
His face was full of concern as he waited patiently for you to speak your mind.
“I don’t want to be a burden. Or to feel like one. Even if I know-, I know I’m not that to you. I know that. But just the thought of the possibility makes me freak out. That’s why I need to keep everything under control, because if I give it away, even a little, I don’t know how I could ever repay this kindness. I don’t even know if I’m worthy. I’m not-” your voice broke at this confession and you took a breath to recover, “my life is not easy to navigate, I don’t want anyone to stress over me.”
Joel seemed shocked for a moment, not believing what he was hearing. “You think you’re not worthy of kindness? That’s very cruel coming from someone like you.”
“Someone like me?”
“Yeah, someone good and kind and caring.”
“You must have me confused with someone else.” you joked, feeling uncomfortable at his praise.
“Darling, if I had known anyone else like you, I would have held on to them for dear life," he spat, before realizing what he had said. He laughed awkwardly, frowning at the slip of his tongue and looked around the room to avoid your gaze. Why don’t you hold on to me, then? was all you could think of, but you didn’t dare ask him. So you moved on, protecting the friendship.
“I just- Jesus, I don’t know why I’m telling you this,” you murmured through your teeth, “I was brought up to be strong, never to ask for help, otherwise it was considered a weakness. I learned to do everything myself. By the time my parents grew out of their own insecurities and urged me to be more open, more vocal, it was too late for me to change.” Why on earth are you telling him all this? Why did you mention your parents?
“So, you do kindness, but you don’t accept kindness.” Joel observed and you realized that you had never made that connection.
“I- I don’t know how to receive it; what to do with it.”
In the end, he practically forced his help on you, bit by bit, one sweet word at a time, day by day, until the house was a home. Everywhere you looked you saw Joel’s efforts.
You saw the care with which he worked on this house as if it were his own. You heard his laughter as you forced him to take a break and shoved food into his mouth, knowing he hadn’t eaten all day. Every step you took on the hardwood floors reminded you of his broad back as he knelt down to replace the old floor. Every shower you took was a painful reminder of his massive, veiny hands sweating as he reinstalled the hardware. Everything felt like Joel, even in his absence.
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“What is this party for, again?” you call out from her bedroom as you apply your lipstick in front of her vanity mirror. You almost didn’t come, but you knew she’d drag your ass back to her place if you didn’t.
“This is fooor..” Trish replies from her en-suite bathroom as she searches for a good excuse, unable to find one. “You know what, I don’t need a reason to have a party! Think of it as a chance to see each other more!”
“Trish, we can do this without a million people around us and me leaving my kids with a babysitter.” you roll your eyes in fake exasperation.
“Your kids are gonna be just fine. They want you to have a good time.”
“They’re four and two years old, dude.”
“Well, in that case, they want you to find them a daddy.”
“Oh my god, Trish! Seriously?” you snort at her comment.
“That’s what’s the party’s all about! You finding yourself a daddy; if I’m being honest-”
“Please don’t!” you beg her to stop.
“-you need it more than they do. That is so perfect! I actually have a couple of guys in mind and they’re a bit older, just like you like ‘em-”
“What?” you swallow tightly and you’re glad she can’t see your face right now. “What are you talking about?”
Trish pops her head through the door and wiggles her eyebrows, “They’re about Joel’s age, is what I’m talking about.” You shake your head in denial, your eyes are closed in frustration. “Trish..”
“Yeah, yeah, I know, there’s nothing going on between you; that’s why you’re both hot and flustered every time you’re in the same room.” Your shoulders slump down but you don’t answer because this is getting old.
“What, nothing to say for yourself?” Trish weighs up your reaction and lack of response.
“Frankly, I don’t know what else to say to you.” you shrug in defeat.
“Fine, then find someone to fuck, tonight. That would clear up the air.. for all parties.” Thankfully, you’re saved by the bell, “Jesus..” you mutter to yourself as she leaves you once again to open the door for the first guests.
The party is a success by Trish’s standards, as the house is overflowing with guests. Some of them you knew, most of them you didn’t.
Joel is somewhere in the crowd, chatting to a couple of ladies who have trapped him between them, ogling him like vultures. You make it your mission to rescue him, judging by the desperate look on his face and the furtive glances he throws your way.
As you move to head to his direction, an arm gently encircles your elbow. You turn to see who it is, and are greeted by a stranger. Tall, broad, sweet brown all over his features. He exudes an earthy and secure aura.
“Hi.” the stranger smiles warmly at you, looking deep into your eyes.
“Um,” you blush, why on earth are you blushing, “hi!” you say back. Original.
“I’m Marcus, a colleague of Trish’s.”
“Oh, hi, nice to meet you!” you tell him your name and shake his hand.
“I knew I was right.” he says amusedly, as if talking to himself.
“About what?”
“Trish gave me your name and told me to come find you.”
“Excellent tracking skills, are you a detective or something?”, you tease him playfully.
“Yeah, something like that..”
“Oh- I-” the words catch on your tongue.
“But I had a great lead, wasn’t that hard, to be honest.” he adds.
“Can you share it with me, or you’ll have to kill me if you tell me?” you joke. He was so easy to talk to.
Marcus tips his head back, laughing, “I wouldn’t resort to such methods; let me buy you a drink and we’ll call it even.”
You look down at your hands, your cheeks red from his attention, rolling the bottle of beer you are holding between your palms, too tightly.
“I mean, not right now; I’m sure we could work something out if you’d indulge me.” he adds sheepishly, somehow sensing your train of thought.
God, he’s adorable and not too bad to look at. Actually, he’s quite handsome. “Well, I’ll have to see if your lead is worth my time first.”
Panic rushes through you as you realize the sound of what you said while trying to be funny, and you try to correct it quickly. “Not that- oh gosh-” you feel so embarrassed, but Marcus laughs heartily and shakes his head from side to side.
“Shit, sorry, it was a joke, that’s not the only reason I would go out with you-” Isn’t it? What are you doing? What is he doing to you? Where is Joel? Shit, Joel.
You steal a glance in his direction and he’s already watching your interaction with Marcus, his face hard and unreadable.
“Isn’t it?” Marcus’s voice draws your attention back to him, your eyelids flattering in confusion. He grins, pleased, but so sweet it’s impossible to roll your eyes at him. Your shyness pours through your body language, making Marcus want to comfort you.
“Hey, hey, it’s cool, don’t worry about it. I know it was a joke; I liked it.” he says honestly, “And even if that was the only reason I’m sure by the end of the night you would have changed your mind.” he gives you a lopsided smile, but there’s no smugness on his face.
When he starts to speak again, Trish interrupts, effectively shutting him down. “What took you so long, I thought you couldn’t find her!”
Marcus smiles again, warmth and familiarity washing over you instantly, “Oh, I found her, quite quickly.” his eyes twinkling.
Trish smirks as if she’s realized something, “Come on, I need you outside.”, she grabs your arm and pulls you along, “I’m gonna steal her for a bit, sorry to interrupt.”
“It’s OK, I’m confident I can find her again.”, Marcus winks at you and your heart skips a beat.
You start to walk away, but abruptly turn back, your curiosity overpowering you.
“Never told me about that lead.” you ask him, your eyes wide and wondering.
Marcus bites the inside of his cheek, looking briefly down and then meets your gaze with a hunger in his eyes. “Oh, I had to find the most dazzling woman in the crowd.”, he shrugs as if it was the most self-evident fact in the world. “Mission accomplished.”
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You replayed your interaction with Marcus in your mind as you helped Trish light the lanterns on the porch. He had been so kind, direct and sweet, making you feel seen. What bothered you was your reaction. Your insecurity, your inability to believe that he was talking about you. The urge you had to fight when you thought of looking around the room to make sure he wasn't referring to someone else.
What bothered you most was that although it had been two years since you had separated from your husband, you had never felt insecure about yourself. He couldn’t make you feel that way. Of course you doubted yourself at first, looking for your share of the blame, but his actions spoke louder than words, and you couldn’t blame yourself for everything, even if you tried.
But Joel did. He made you feel insecure, vulnerable. With his mixed signals and his constant back and forth, he managed to drive you crazy. What did he want from you? Why couldn’t he make up his mind? Why weren’t you enough? Were you too much?
Maybe it wasn’t just Joel. Maybe anyone in his position would have the same concerns. Perhaps Marcus would do the same if he found out about your family status. Where did that come from? You don’t even know the guy, stop it.
“OK,” you hear Trish behind you, “all set, let’s get back inside.”
You nod, but as you turn to go into the house, Trish comes close, a mischievous look on her eyes and lips. “Maybe, uh..” and she pauses dramatically making you furrow your brow in puzzlement. “Maybe I was wrong about the age gap, huh?”
Oh, god.
“He’s one of the good ones; I approve.” she winks at you and slaps you on the ass cheek, ushering you into the house while you roll your eyes the hardest you could manage.
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“Ok, now I need to know.” He laughs heartily, his eyes wrinkling, his whole face lighting up. It didn’t happen very often. It made your heart swell that you were the one making it crinkle with laughter. You loved that face.
“What?” you reply, unsuccessfully fighting back a laugh, dragging out the vowel. You had had a few beers and were relaxed and comfortable around him. You were both standing near the stairs, giving yourselves a bit of privacy from the crowded party. You were still visible to everyone, but it was a little quieter than the constant buzz throughout the house.
“Well, you’re obviously mad at him-” Joel states matter-of-factly, as he leans his back against the wall behind him, but you interrupt before he can finish, “No, I’m not!” and slap your hand on the railing next to you for good measure.
“Uh, uh, uh, none of that,” he looks at you mischievously, “but you never say anything bad about him. So, which one was he?”
“What on earth do you mean, Joel?” and you half whimper his name, thanks to the alcohol in your system, making his cock twitch. God, the things he wants to do to you.
Joel inhales sharply, trying to keep his composure, because he really needs to know what kind of an idiot husband you had chosen to place by your side only to be betrayed; a side he would die to be by. If only he had been the right man for you.
“Which half was he?”
You burst out laughing, finally figuring out what he means. You’re impressed that he still remembers, although it makes sense since you sort of insulted him that night. You know you can’t lie for shit, so you brace yourself, anticipating his reaction. You can almost see the face he’s going to make.
“Actually..” you start, prolonging the suspense, not on purpose, but because you are choking on your own giggles. It’s going to sound so pathetic, but for some reason you can’t wait to tell him how you’ve been deliberately putting yourself down for years. “Yeah...?” His eyes are fixed on you, amused, but you can see the agony underneath.
“He was both.” And you can barely contain your laughter, almost snorting.
He is still at first, as if some invisible remote control has paused the whole scene, waiting for the oh, I’m kidding. When that moment passes, his eyebrows go up so high, his forehead fills with wrinkles. His jaw drops open and he actually looks shocked to the core, almost frightened.
“Both? BOTH?” he practically hovers over you in frustration. “So, emotionally unavailable and bad sex.” he says again, incredulous that someone like you would ever choose someone like your ex.
“Joel!” you chastise him, slapping him on the shoulder, looking around you to see if anyone has overheard your conversation.
Joel fake hisses at your fake hit and taunts you with his laugh.
You shake your head dismissively, “What can I say? You know me, I don’t go halfway, I go all the way.” you reply between laughs, pumping your fist in victory.
He shakes his head in mock despair, then looks down for a few seconds, as if he’s making his mind up for something and then up at you through his lashes. “Oh, baby,” he sighs, “you really need someone to take good care of you” his voice drops, his eyes still holding the amusement but there is a hunger behind his words.
You inhale sharply and then hold your breath as your brain fantasizes about him taking good care of you, right now. You stare at each other for a long time, as if there’s no one else around, and finally you break the silence. A slight anger begins to glimmer in your chest, but you try to push it down. “Well, no such luck on that front.” you drop the bait and see where it takes you.
He can’t say things like that and expect you to do nothing. A small glimmer of hope tries to climb over the uneasy feeling inside you. It sinks its claws into your heart, scratching at the surface of your well-hidden desire. Maybe this time he’ll take a chance on you. Maybe this time he will ask you. Maybe. You try to push that away as well.
“Maybe you should put yourself out there more.” There he is. He’s pulling back, again. It’s fucking exhausting. You know you should be more patient and see where this goes, but your anger is boiling fast, ready to pour out of every pore. He started it, so you might as well finish it.
“Unless, what I need is in here.” Please, please, don’t make me regret this. Over and over, like a mantra.
He swallows so hard you can see his Adam’s apple bobbing, his knuckles turning white around his beer bottle. His eyes keep darting between yours, searching for something.
“Pretty sure it’s not, if you know what’s good for you.” Did he just say that? Your pulse rises and you hold back the tears that tend to gather so easily at your waterline. How could he say that to you? But you recover quickly, he won’t see another drop of tears from you. Not ever again.
“What, you don’t like Marcus?”
“Who?” you see Joel’s body stiffen at the man’s name, his eyes frantically scanning yours for an answer and revenge never tasted better. You would say you were drunk on power if it weren’t for the damn beers.
“Marcus, Trish’s colleague from work, she introduced us tonight- well- not exactly, but- anyway.”, you dismiss your own comment by waving your hand in the air. “Maybe you’re right. I should start giving people a chance. Maybe I’ve waited long enough.” There’s someone interested in you. He’s interested in you and he’s shown it. You deserve to be happy. You deserve to feel the look of desire in someone’s eyes. But you’d rather it was Joel’s.
Check mate. His move now.
“Are you sure you want to lead with Marcus?” His voice full of mockery. “You don’t even know the guy.”
“Oh. So, let me get this straight.” you counter. “I should get myself out there and I should do it with someone I know. Let me think.” you take a deep breath and in that short time of in and out through your nose, you debate whether you should say it. Joel seems to catch up with what you’re thinking, raises his hand and purses his lips, but before he can speak-
Fuck it.
“Are you offering?” You ask playfully, with a saccharine smile. Sometimes you really wish you were not so direct. But you couldn’t deny the sweet satisfaction of nailing him to the wall, when you saw the look of mortification on his face. The time for regret would come, but it was not right fuckin’ now.
Joel is speechless, his eyes widen and his mouth opens and closes without a sound. He clearly thought you’d back down. Maybe he thought you liked this dancing around. Maybe he thought he had more time on his hands. Or maybe he didn’t expect you to finally confront him head-on. Still playful, but head-on.
He takes a deep breath and tries to compose himself. He starts to say something, but you don’t catch it because out of the corner of your eye you see Marcus approaching you quickly. If a higher power was listening tonight, it was focusing on the wrong part of the story.
Just before he enters your personal space and you excuse yourself, you linger slowly over Joel, touching his waist with one hand. You feel the warmth of his skin through his shirt and under your palm. You take your eyes off his and look at his plush lips as your face comes dangerously close to his. Your lips brush the space between his earlobe and his neck and you painfully accept this is probably the most you will ever have of Joel Miller. His breath hitches at the feel of your soft lips and the puff of air as you whisper in his ear, “Relax Joel, I wasn’t counting on you.”
That hurt.
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seonghwaswifereal · 3 months
(I'm putting this at the start of every list, so ignore it if you want)
Just wanna say that this is pretty much just for me to catalog all the fics and random things that I like, so idk, just enjoy it if you want lol
Full Name
Calling them their full name in bed, VERY mixed reactions, a little icky tbh I still like it tho
Some INTENSE fucking in the beginning, soo so fluffy, this Bin has me in Literal tears lol
Fave Way Of Getting You Off
Thigh riding *cue foaming at the mouth* toys, and much more
Kind of it, Chan's is super duper cute, Seungmo being surprisingly soft lol
Public stuff, begging, kinda what you'd expect tbh
Givin' em brain while they're live, Min singing a song??? like??
Calling Him Daddy
Himbo Binnie, I really like Chan's, rough, cute lil drabble
Hyung Line X Virgin Reader
Nosy ass Hyunjin, Riding Binnie bc of course
Maknae Line X Virgin Reader
Sweet Jisung :( rough Min, Innies is in public lol
Perv Maknae Line
Jisung w. a chewing(?) kink, Jisung that likes to get pegged, hairband-stealer Lix??? Seungmo w. a breeding kink, wet dreams-Innie has me in a literal CHOKEHOLD
MunchSKZ needs more fics fr
Personal Time
How and what they use to jack off, SeungIn's is my fav
Sending them texts of you in lingerie, it's so mmm but so fluffy at the same time
TwT Links
*Gasp* A masterlist in another list???? lol
Binnie being a respectful boy, Innie being a worrywart, Hannie can't control hisself
Car Ride
Sooo... this one is a little, uh yeah, tw for... piss, please don't judge meeee, literally so hot thooo, Hannie's basically a toilet
Sub Sandwich Hyung Line
Your first time subbing, Chan's could quite literally send me to the psych ward if I let it, hair pulling, overstim, and dacryphilia, yum
Contact Names
Honestly made me chuckle, cutie patootie Bin
Sharing Is Caring (MeanRacha)
Double pen. in one hole, my favorite hehe, Innie's BIG, cnc bracelet except it's not really
Can I Kiss You?
So cute God, nervous Minho :( lmao you're already fucking Binnie before kissing him? sure, Innies is so, just, domestic it's adorableee
Favorite Positions Hyung Line
STRONG Bin, ass guy Min, cuddling Jin, and riding Chan. Perfection
The Most accurate headcannons on how their schlongs look imo
When You Struggle To Eat
Super adorable drabble, 2Min's are my favorite
Who and why the think that getting/ giving head is a reward
It's so fucking funny istg
Favorite Place To Kiss You
Gaahhhh tummy kisses with Binnn, also Min's is so like.. surprisingly romantic, I'm in love
TwT Links And Descriptions
I honestly just saved this one for the links
With A Sleepy S/O
Cute and pretty short, it's here to give you a little dopamine boost :)
Guys, I- this genuinely made me chuckle
Snapshots of them making mistakes in bed lol, ex. banging your head against the wall...
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