#OH OH BTW I am POSITIVE that they all do that awkward
ffiveseasons · 1 year
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I’ve been out of the Hazbin/Helluva fandom for a while now, (although I still lurk) but wanted to post this bc the implication that all of the overlords have to occasionally get together to have, like, group meetings and shit is so funny. Like, these hoes all have to sit at a table and act like everything’s all peachy-keen and talk about the weather like they don’t try to kill each other every year for territory lmao. Like, Alastor and Velvette being in the same room and probably having to brainstorm ways to keep the Exterminators away is fucking hysterical. It’s like when you were in high school and got paired up with your mutual frenemies to make a group presentation.
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generalsdiary · 8 months
a stupid bet (part 2)
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gn!reader x Dr. Ratio
part one here
warnings: kissing, suggestive themes, occasional curse words (?)
word count: 6k~
a/n: didn’t expect so many of you to like it, so here’s part two, I knew which way I wanted to take this – and no it isn’t smut like some might assume. two adults with a complicated situation such as this would behave a tad differently, this ain’t a movie after all. but it was fun writing, a bitch to edit it, I hope you guys like this one as well, I am quite pleased with how it turned out. not beta read (we get snapped like Tingyun), if he is ooc this has been written before he became playable ((doubt there will be another part btw))
description: the aftermath of the bet, how the new dynamic functions, stubborn and arrogant attitudes with the fear to show emotions underneath it, all the while yearning for each other (fluff) yes they are communicating, this ain’t miscommunication trope, DW
It is the same day. Late at night with the workplace practically empty, you are finishing up some work. Being in a high position of power means also late hours, you stand up to stretch from sitting for hours.
It is quiet, everything seems still and desolate, with only the occasional sounds of machines, the soft buzzing of the lights, and the occasional Ruan Mei’s creation passing through.
You’re not alone to your surprise. Another figure also stands up to stretch, you aren’t aware of the presence until you hear the low sigh.
Veritas Ratio was still here, also finishing up work, just like yourself. Both hardworkers it seems… You two have a lot more in common than either of you would ever care to admit.
Upon acknowledging each other's presence he simply says. “Oh, so you’re still here as well?”
You nod, not finding the words to say, plus small talk is pointless in your mind. To which he nods back.
“Mind if I ask what kind of work you’re still working on at the time of night?” He tilts his head, you don’t know if it is cockiness in his voice or actual curiosity. On the other hand, he should also be very aware of your area of work.
“I’m done- about to head home~” You avoid the question, the simple rivalry and some sort of defensiveness still existing.
“Huh.” He ponders for a moment. “We’re both here, we’re both almost done and we’re both also heading out? It seems we’re more similar than I thought.” He makes a lame joke, to which you cross your arms and stare him down with a raised eyebrow as if to ask ‘Seriously?’.
You do answer, more of a scoff, “Perhaps” as you turn off the screen. Then the irony of the stupid attempt at the joke also brings a smile to your face. You don’t even notice it.
He also slightly smiles, realizing the stupidity of it, “Well… I mean, we’re already here at this late night. We could also just go ahead and leave together if it is alright with you?”
You nod, not thinking much of it, “Sure, c'mon.” You two exit the building.
He happily follows you out and you both soon exit the large lab building and walk out into the dark and chilly night. You weren’t aware, or maybe you didn’t notice the weather conditions being added to Herta’s space station. You two walk, all alone in the dark of late night, with only each other’s company to keep you warm.
He looks over to you, as he whispers. “Seems so peaceful and calm here, doesn’t it? It feels as if everyone has vanished from the station with you and me only left standing. Some life of the scientist huh?”
You nod at his words. Noticing your silence, it didn’t feel awkward, more tired, full of confusing thoughts and comforting silence. He continues, “How about we just keep walking without saying anything else? Let’s just… let’s just walk together and enjoy the peace of this… artificial night.”
“Sure” You didn’t mind his suggestion, walking beside him and feeling tempted to hold his hand.
He also gets an urge to hold your hand and even, hold you close. This quiet, late night has always made him feel at ease and rest, and this moment is no exception. In the darkness, it feels different, the way you two interact and behave.
You break the silence. “I’m still shocked we kissed today” to which he chuckles softly.
“I could almost say that I was surprised too. It didn’t feel like just any old kiss, it felt… like there was so much more inside it. A sort of intensity, a spark, that I couldn’t shake off for a long time. Almost as if my body felt as though it could simply melt from that kiss. It took me a bit to focus on my work again today.” He dryly chuckles.
You laugh softly at his analysis, “It appears someone liked it a lot.” And also avoiding the thoughts of it. He laughs softly at your tease and whispers, his voice a bit more tender and sensual. “Oh, I definitely liked it. I liked it a lot. It was as if I could hear some sort of music playing in that kiss. It was as if the very notes that this melody was composed of was just for that single kiss… that was the impression the kiss left on me…”
You smile, “Interesting” Is he actually truthful or mumbling nonsense? Who could know? You two bump into each other while walking and your nostrils fill with his cologne again today, just like while you were kissing and you sigh.
He also sighs and feels a sudden urge to wrap his arm around your waist, to take you in towards himself. He barely holds back the urge. “Interesting would be an understatement. You and I really must share a similar taste,” his voice goes lower, “but I can say one thing. I don’t think there was enough of our… closeness and the kissing.” He has more thoughts about this, yet quite unlike him he decides to keep them to himself, the thoughts of how your lips feel like they were made to just kiss each other and only each other, and perhaps meant to walk together in these quiet night station hours… He sighs softly, his mind turning into just nonsense.
It certainly is pleasant to be walking during these hours, and his words make you ponder over your thoughts and possible bubbling emotions. The calmness is unlike most other places, yet this peaceful atmosphere keeps you calm with which you also feel a bit of temptation. Feeling like you want to give in, want to take his hand in yours… Be close to him.
You both walk slowly, wanting perhaps to be closer to one another, your hands bumping into each other as you walk. Your bumps, as well as every other accidental touch and brush, only seem to tempt you further.
When your fingers brush against his you move them away like you got burnt, it feels like a zap of electricity, they feel too hot, too cold… like fire. And you wonder… gods why do you just want to hold his hand and get burnt? It seems as if those accidental touches are now turning even more intentional. You both keep the slow pace, perhaps both enjoying the feeling of being this close together and not wanting it to end.
Silence befalls you two once more. You don't know what to say. Stuck in a quiet and silent moment, as your bodies brush against each other with each step. Shoulders bumping, fingers brushing. Gravitating closer, you can feel that gentle heat of his body. There isn't much you two can say at this moment – you should just let this peaceful, calm, yet sensual and tempting moment speak for itself… a moment like this is worth more than any words could ever describe. Although this is more like a set of moments, rather than a single moment. Time feels like it is speeding by, seconds running yet it also feels like it has been slowed down.
„Veritas,“ You say his name softly. At the sound of your voice, he turns his head a little bit and looks right at you through the faint night lights. The look on his face seems to be filled with longing and passion, a look on his face that seems to be waiting for you to complete whatever sentence you were trying to say. He seemed quite eager to hear what you were about to say. His eyes looked as if they were burning with passion. Or perhaps you just imagined it all and he was merely waiting for you to speak, but you had his attention.
„You said you wanted to get to know me,“ you're looking ahead while walking, „yet we walk in silence.“ You try to slice the silence, the tension and thoughts of how he smells and how warm his touch would feel filling your mind, so you try to make conversation.
He nods and chuckles softly as you make this observation, „The truth is… it's just that I am enjoying being so close to you that I'd rather keep walking like this for a bit… I just…“ he sighs, closing his eyes for a moment, „I just want to feel you next to me without having to speak a word. And to also be honest…“ His voice turned to a whisper. „…I'm feeling a bit tempted. The quiet and the... silence of the night making everything feel so much more sensual, I'm having a hard time resisting…“
You look up at him, hoping your cheeks aren't shaded pink, „Resisting?“
He is fast to answer, „Resisting the temptation… I want to kiss you again… I want to feel that warmth again. Your perfume is driving me insane… I just want to get lost inside of you with every kiss… with every touch…“
Veritas' words leave you in shock, he is completely frank, and blunt. Your thoughts scatter at his eagerness. You offer a small reaction. „Oh…“
He chuckles silently to himself at your surprised reaction, he is getting slightly out of hand, out of his usual stoic self, leaning closer while walking to say, „I mean, we could stop here and just enjoy these feelings with each other. No words are needed. I believe the quietness and the silence have just really been making everything feel so much more… as I already said, sensual. So I ask you, dearest, would you like to continue walking together as we are, or would you like to let these feelings finally get the best of us, and just… kiss?“
You stop walking and look up at him. You smirk, „You don't have a lot of self-control with indulgence now, do you?“ You tilt your head when you say these teasing words. Then almost like karma, an artificial draft blows past you two, his cologne filling his senses, making you close your eyes while it returns you the what happened earlier that day before you open your eyes again.
Veritas' eyes light up when you point out the lack of self-control but he can't help but chuckle softly. „You don't know half of it. It has been eating at me today, seems like a dam of suppressed… thoughts burst through. And they seem to be getting better of me the more and more we stand like this. I do apologize for my eagerness, it is improper… Would you really like to know just how hard it has been to hold back from simply kissing you?“ He adds the last sentence as if he is saying a secret, whispering it softly.
You smirk, „Oh, do tell me~“ Barely hiding the way his cologne almost had you swept off of your feet. Of course, he sees your reaction, just how much of an effect he seems to be having on you right now. You can feel your body just wanting to sway towards his, wanting to feel his touch, his warmth.
„Oh, where should I begin“, he does his analysis as a doctor, „My breathing has been feeling… hot and heavy… it's almost as if my heart rate has been rising faster than normal, or perhaps the fact I want to embrace you with every fiber of my being right now. But don't make me start listing the symptoms.“ He ends with a smile, to which you smile back. You'd never normally do that, you wonder what is it about this late at night?...
„Well, a mere hug is innocent enough, Veritas“ You smirk, teasingly and continue walking now. He laughs at your words before speaking, „Indeed it is. But the problem I find with this so-called 'innocent hug' is that it would inevitably lead us into the unavoidable action of you and I embracing tighter and tighter until a point where our hands may wonder and- let me not ramble, but“, he whispers into your ear, „A hug is just the beginning. Would you still like such an 'innocent' act of a hug?“
He is right, and you know he is. You try hard to not imagine it as he speaks, struggling to hold the thoughts back, to try to ease the tension you tease. “Overthinking~” You shoot him down and walk, avoiding anything upfront and making it obvious to the clever man as to why. You know he is as desperate as you to touch each other, feel, hold hands… And confused by it.
“My dear friend”, the nickname icks you the wrong way, but you ignore it, “I have quite the knack for figuring things out. And I can easily see that you want to hold me and embrace me too, but you seem to want to tease and want to be teased. Would you like to tease you a little bit?” He smirks, reading you like a book and recognizing the weak spots he can aim at.
“Oh, Veritas please don’t tease me, I don’t take it well. And, also, I assume then the innocent hug would be a bad idea.” You answer honestly rather than putting up a strong front that would crumble in mere seconds.
He is amused at your sudden concern about being teased and has an amusing tone of voice, “Alright, alright then. I promise to not tease you… well… not too much. Yes… no hug for us. It would lead us to do more… well, it would lead us down a very… not so innocent path.”
You two continue walking at a rather slower pace, you get the feeling of just how close the two of you are getting, bodies moving almost in sort of a sync, every little sway that one of you makes is seemingly replicated by the other. It is as if all other movements have faded away, except for the two of you walking together silently in the darkness.
Your fingers brush each other making you sigh. The touch of your fingertips is felt through the fabric of clothes. You become aware of each other's breathing in this silence. It all drives you insane, why do you want to hold his hand so badly… it makes you sigh again. It appears your fingers brushing has the same effect on him, your hands gravitationally shifting towards each other, as if trying to come in contact with each other, you can barely resist and you can tell Veritas is struggling not to just take your hand in his. More bumping, the desire to hold hands feeling like a natural response at this point, yet you don’t. “Veritas…” You quietly sigh.
The sound of your sigh sends shivers down his spine, turning his head to look at you, and his face is readable like a children’s playbook right now. His desires are, the same as yours. Maybe you’re both too prideful and too scared, to be honest with each other.
“We are almost where I live.” You gesture with your head, telling him the walk will end soon. You now brush your hand against his on purpose, the feeling of getting burned makes your heart skip a beat. “I’ll see you at work tomorrow then…”
He nods and you two stop near your place. His mind wishes for an embrace but you two decided against that, his eyes scanning your body as if wishing he could keep this view of you in his head. “Good night.”
People are much more honest at night time, especially if tired, the walk was something… You sigh when you enter your home, feeling frustrated, the chemistry between you two is insane, but your pride, much like his, is too big. Both without the courage to make the next move. Playing this back-and-forth game, with neither of you being willing to take the leap of being the one to start it. Kissing can be discarded always, but if someone states their feelings… with both of your arrogant personalities and your ‘enemy’ like history… well it isn’t an easy thing. So for now, you both go your separate ways, yet wishing you were in his arms, you and him laying alone in bed.
The thought of him keeps crossing your mind. You are thinking of him as you crawl into bed, feeling the weight and warmth of the blankets surrounding you. As you lay there, you think about how it felt to walk beside him. Imagining how it would feel to sleep beside him, feel his body next to yours. Sleep overcomes you, dreams end up being of him.
The night passes by and another work day begins. As you walk into your workplace you can see Veritas walking to his desk, right across yours. He meets your eyes for a moment, it is obvious that last night left both of you shaken up and still confused… which is an understatement, to be true to the fact, both scared, tension still hanging in the air between you two.
Occasional rumors about the people who saw you kissing feel annoying to you but you divert your attention to work. Both focused on work in your own separate bubbles, time passes by quickly. Yet your mind doesn’t clear up, not with all the hushing and whispering of your co-workers in the background. Everyone seems to be chatting about this supposed ‘romantic attraction’ you have to each other, while you two pretend nothing happened yesterday. You make an effort to not even glance at him, at his indigo hair which just makes you wonder if it would feel as soft with your fingers going through it- no, you stop your thoughts.
Feeling tired from a few hours of work and your mind distracting you with memories and scenarios you get up from your desk, intending to walk outside and get a break, catch some air. Your work building has experiments of installing new weather conditions on the station getting performed on it, so you look forward to the artificial wind on the rooftop.
While you walk away, you hear footsteps, someone had the same intention as you. Following right behind you.
Outside you find a spot without anyone, yet the footsteps follow close behind. You slowly breathe in, and the air feels fresh, the experiment might be successful, but it sure feels real. You turn around to see who followed you to ruin your break and time alone.
When you turn, you find Veritas staring right back at you. You both wanted to get away and walk away from all the noise. His face is neutral, but his eyes are soft while he tries to figure out your mood, and your thoughts. The tension fills the air again, especially since he is the one person who wouldn't help with all the thoughts you had of him.
„Morning“, you say simply, standing a few steps away.
„Good morning to you too.“ He nods, tilting his head slightly, „Did you also want to get a break or some… space from everything?“
„Needed a break, yeah.“ You nod back.
Attempting to turn the conversation about work his tone sounds formal, „The work can be exhausting, stressful… especially when people keep… gossiping“, he gives you a knowing look, „and everything.“
„Sleep well?“ Your voice is also formal, yet soft, not as loud as it would be if you asked him while inside.
„I'll admit“, he chuckles, „I was having a few interesting dreams last night, but other than that, I slept nicely. How was your rest last night?“ You notice how this isn't something a co-worker or a close colleague would just say to one another. You both were behaving differently, dancing on the line, on the edge of it.
„It was alright.“ You keep it simple, as silence falls again. The silence could be cut with a butter knife when the air feels thick, tension growing as you keep staring at each other. How did years of disliking and rivalry turn into this… tension after the bet and the kiss? Well, more than one kiss, but that's beside the point. Both prideful, so prideful. Like cats, predatory cats, so carefully circle their prey, but not sure if the prey is poisonous yet. Both are in the same boat, feeling the same way.
You sigh, „Veritas, I'm-„, you exhale „frustrated, but… prideful. Like you.“ His gaze was still on you when you spoke, his eyebrows raising at your words. Both struggle to get any words out regarding the matter, yet the electricity between you two is too strong, too powerful. You feel a pull towards him, and you look away.
Veritas stares at you for another few moments, before looking down to clear his mind.
„You're awfully quiet“ You complain and move away a few steps.
At this point, he also struggles to contain it anymore. His chest filled with a strange feeling of some sort of anxiety at wanting to say something yet holding himself behind. Even as you walk away from him, he calls your name, making you turn around. „Wait-„ He looks almost vulnerable, yet it could be the experiment's artificial sun making you imagine things. You make a few steps closer, raising your chin, „Yes?“
„I wish to ask you something“ He speaks softly.
„Ask.“ You look at him, a strong wind blows and you both move closer to the wall of the building, the entrance to the rooftop area, now a step or two apart.
Standing closer you can almost feel the heat of his body, it makes you tremble for a second – or is it just your imagination playing with you? He leans closer, and you also feel the desire to lean in close to him as well. He is about to say something when rain starts falling heavily and you both move under the entrance's rooftop, your bodies close to each other. So close, so close… your face a breath away. He exhales shakingly. You make an observation, a wrong one, „Why are you nervous?“
He chuckles a little bit, „Quite the opposite actually. Just finding the words for the question.“
You deadpan, „Ask then.“
The wind blows stronger moving the direction of the rain falling and you two move even closer together. The proximity makes your mind hazy, struggling to find words. Upon moving closer and the sudden temperature drop you feel the heat between your bodies, the strong wind now blowing the rain right over you. The feeling of electricity makes you both lean in closer while your hair and clothes get damp from the rain. The rain cooling you down, your breaths mingling and you curse under your breath.
Almost like you could read his mind you find the words for the very thing on his mind, „Why are we like this?“
“I… we’ve been like this ever since… well we’ve been like this for years. I feel so drawn to you…”
You tsk at his words and look away, your voice full of complaints, “I can’t get you off of my mind since the bet, your… cologne, and your- our kissing… Why the hell do you smell so good?” You furrow your brows.
He chuckles when he hears talk about the bet, making his cheeks blush a soft pink, and laughs a bit when you mention his scent.
You sigh, continuing your complaining, “And it doesn’t help that you’re so goddamn attractive and the fact that despite our hatred we know each other pretty damn well, so all this… tension…” Your words make the man chuckle warmly. He nods, agreeing that you are very familiar with one another, also feeling attracted to you. Veritas looks at you curiously.
Even after the intimate moment in the hallway yesterday you both still hesitate. You sigh, thinking of more things to complain about while he smirks at you and remains quiet.
He wonders, maybe it was more than a bet, maybe an excuse to actually get close to him, he will ask you more about it in the future. You both hesitate now, staying quiet with something just on the tip of your tongue.
You narrow your eyes, “You’re surprisingly quiet for a man who always had something to say about me.” To which he chuckles, very much aware of how right you are. He always had something to pick on about you. But now, he can’t help but smile at you silently. You curse at him softly, “Cat got your tongue?” He laughs even more, the proximity making him speechless, he looks down shaking his head slightly in amusement while you shake your head and look behind him. The tension fills up, cold rain hitting you, the desire to kiss rising. You both turn to face each other and your lips brush accidentally, just barely. You can feel your own heart beating faster when you slow your movements, almost like freezing upon the soft brush. It all feels overwhelming as you both fight the desire to kiss. You sigh and look down.
While you’re focused on resisting your urges, he moves closer. The two of you are breathing heavily, you can feel his breath against your lips, the heat of his body. You observe the way he drifts closer, but his hands remain at his sides. So proud, so hesitant.
You look at each other, the final drop about the overflow everything, you want to reach out, and his hands are formed in fists to hold back his wish to touch you.
You curse and meet his gaze, “I can’t- I… I am not a patient person, Veritas” You say sternly before meeting his lips. This time it feels as if the tension of years that passed is getting released. You both press up against each other, the heat rising. The kiss feels like it will be a longer one, your hunger to kiss him only growing while the rain pours down your back. Your hands move up his chest, over his soaked shirt, feeling the muscles of his torso, one hand moving to his damp hair pulling him closer even.
He turns pushing you gently against the wall, pressing his body into yours almost offering protection from the rain and the wind, unhelpful, you both keep getting watered down like dried plants. Not that you two would notice it that much at this point. The rain is pouring down on you, washing away your worries. You breathe in, his scent swimming around the air, making your mind foggy, both desiring to be even closer to each other. His hand stays a moment on your hips before moving to your back, pushing you into him, the proximity between you two nonexistent.
You pull away, creating a tiny distance between your lips, mumbling, “Sorry”.
He shakes his head softly, but his eyes are on your lips, they’re wet from the rain, like his. He breathes heavily, attempting to catch his breath. You look at each other, the loud rain falling the only sound.
Feeling like your actions spoke louder than words you don’t say anything more than that. He notices, chuckles, and speaks, “I know our… history. I may have never admitted myself but I always found you so… insanely clever, strategic… hot- and all of our good and bad conversations, moments when we behaved as friends- and moments when we were behaving as enemies… I- I was just too stubborn to acknowledge it- that, there might be something below the surface.”
And he was right, you two from yesterday played this back and forth, of talking and making out to prove points, and stating your confused feelings and thoughts, yet still held back. It is difficult, the fear that he might turn around and smirk, mock you for believing his actions, saying it was an experiment or something. It is very obvious that he is experiencing the same fear. Your walls are up high, and so are his. The never-ending pride, arrogance, strategy- move planning, what is the other person thinking… Is this another of his tricks… are you playing a trick on him? Too many years of lending a helping hand, or giving a snarky comment as a bully would. Of course, you would both be on edge, on the edge of control to not jump each other's bones, on the edge of misbelief, on the edge of calling him a liar. Because would you even dare imagine such a thing? You and him… him and you… It sounds good, feels right and feels wrong, feels strange, and feels like it was always meant to be- yet it doesn’t. So you both stand tall, defensive, and wishing for the other's attention. Hoping to recognize the truth and escape the lies.
He whispers, “This rivalry seems like it was an excuse to stay close, which at this moment-“, he smirks, leaning closer, “I don’t mind at all, wouldn’t you agree?”
You shake your head, whispering back, “I don’t know anything anymore”
It is painfully attractive the way he leans above you, his nose next to yours droplets of water dripping down it and falling to your lips. It feels intimate, that one droplet… you lick it off of your lips, and his eyes are glued to the action, inhaling slowly. He gathers himself and whispers, “May I propose a goal? A tool of discovery? A new goal, to sway off of rivalry, a goal of keeping ourselves united and closer than ever, and of helping each other become the best we can be and be the best we want to be for each other?”
You smirk, easily reading between the lines, “Are you asking me to date you?”
Veritas chuckles under his breath, every word spoken softly, no need for any loud or even normal volume, “Yes… yes, I am… it may be ridiculous, but I just… can’t deny the strength of…”, he makes a small break, finding himself at a loss of proper words, “us.” He looks up, “Imagine it… how brilliant we are together. Yes, I could ramble on about a ‘power couple’ of sorts and intellect and how smart we are, but I just want you. I don’t care about that, I love your genius, and the way you work and behave- it is extremely attractive I might add.” He smiles, and continues, “In this moment, I just want you, I want to keep you close, stay close to you, I want to see us and where we would go, would we work…”
You fidget with his fingers, thinking it all over, the cold water cooling you down and the passionate kiss you had moments ago moving away from your mind. Going out, to get to know each other isn’t a bad idea… but you know so much, years of him, years of Doctor Veritas Ratio and his habits. If anything you already know his flaws, as well as his virtues. This leaves only one option you’d do, “I may find myself agreeing to a new goal, Veritas Ratio.” He smiles at your words, but you still feel uneasy- like this is a dream you will wake up from and you are again being snarky to each other, the thoughts don’t help so you say more to yourself than to him as he says, “Thank you-“, interrupting him, “Oh, hush now” and crashing your lips on his again, to drown the thoughts.
This time the kiss feels slower in a way, deeper, passionate. He cups your cheek, his thumb gently caressing your cheekbone. It is almost sensual, the desire still clings onto you two, below the surface, an eternal dance between attraction and emotions, fast making out and slow meaningful touches.
You dare to take your hand in his, he swiftly gives you a small squeeze, and slowly separates your lips, with your bodies still pressed against each other.
Looking at him it feels strange to think he is taken, moreover that he is taken by you. He is yours… well, and you are his. He leans in kissing you softly once more, and you feel both of your desires rising again- “Veritas”, you mumble against his lips. He clings onto you even more, truly lacking the mentioned self-control in moments like these, you catch your breath, separating from the kiss, completely soaked with rain now. “Just because we are at the top of the food chain doesn’t mean we should abuse our power and take too long breaks.” You say in a normal voice, it is very much so unlike either of you to behave such a way, and he probably got carried away.
He laughs softly, nodding to your words. Pulling slightly away to give you some space, the wet clothes making you stick together makes both of you laugh, and he gently tugs his shirt away.
A couple of moments of silence pass, his hand caressing your cheek, gazing into your eyes, not trying to read you like he usually is, it looks like he is almost… adoring you.
Soon enough you two return to work. When asked about why you’re soaking wet- you call out the weather experimenting on the roof, to which people nod in understanding or the reckless ones dare laugh.
Later that day, again you two are the last to leave, and you walk, again, just like the night before. The night is quiet, there’s a cool draft when you exit the building, you both walk in silence, there are not a lot of words to say, and there are too many. At least you’re now together, each other’s. Your hands bump into one another.
You sigh, not wanting yesterday’s walk to repeat, and take his hand in yours, making him smile. It may all be complicated and confusing, but this feels right. You will take it slowly, this… everything. His thumb caresses your knuckles and you two walk with more ease, bumping less into each other.
When you reach your home you both stop, “Good night, Veritas” You say softly, releasing his hand, your mind does wonder how his body would feel warming up yours, would he hold you tight, would he snore… You chuckle at your thoughts. Similarly, to you, he wonders how it would feel to have his arms wrapped around you tightly, your bodies pressed against each other the entire night. You keep staring at each other- “You won’t say good night back?” You tilt your head, teasing, knowing he is thinking about something.
He laughs gingerly, raising an eyebrow and shrugging, “I wasn’t quite sure if you finished saying your goodbye yet, since you were… hmm… staring at me” He smiles brightly, happy with how he phrased it. “But yes, good night. It was nice walking with you. I shall see you tomorrow.” He reaches for your hand and places a soft kiss on the back of it while making eye contact, you step closer and kiss his cheek, whispering, “Sweet dreams, Veritas”.
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xoxochb · 4 months
<3 could we pls get a “love story” themed nico x Eros son (the one from the othe req you published which btw was awesome)? (Like Eros son asking out Nico for the first time or idk whatever you feel like. I love that song though I get it’s kind of a basic fav) thanks so much and happy pride! 🏳️‍🌈
⋆·˚ ༘ * it’s a love story baby just say yes
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warnings: reader stays in hermes cabin, silena’s alive because therapy isn’t free
pairing: nico di angelo x son of eros
summary: basically a fic version of these headcannons
A/N: I love love story, grew up loving it, and will forever and always love it 💛💛
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you paced the floors of hermes cabin
you’ve been trying to figure out a way to tell the son of hades you wanted to go on a date with him
but it was kind of hard when your father hated him, and nico felt the same way about him
maybe eros doesn’t have to know…
no- that won’t work, he’ll find out, you know he will
you don’t like your father anyways, who cares what he thinks?
“you only live once” that’s what they say isn’t it?
you could always ask the aphrodite cabin…
that’s the best idea yet!
you rush to cabin ten, running through the doors, you realize how insane you look when all of aphrodite’s offsprings are looking at you like you have five heads
“sorry” you mutter, walking over to your best friends bed, taking a seat there, “silena, I need your help”
“yeah? with what?” she fixes her seating position, implying she’s eager to help
“well,” you sigh “I want to ask nico on a date but my dad hates him and he hates my dad, and I’m afraid of what my dad will do if he knows that I’m on a date with him”
“you’ve surely got a dilemma” she blows a raspberry
“can you help me? do you have any advice?” you ask
“your dad doesn’t control you, he’s not even present in your life, so I say that if you love nico, then you deserve to be with him” she gives you a reassuring smile
you blush, “how should I do it?”
“do what? ask him out?” she inquires
“yeah, I’m not good with this stuff”
she thinks for a moment, “have you ever thought about just asking him?”
“well it crossed my mind, but I want to do something thoughtful, I really like him” oh gods, why won’t this blush leave your face?
“so cute!” she squeals “speak from the heart, thats the most thoughtful thing you could do”
“very wise” you laugh
“my specialty” she hits your shoulder “now go get your boyfriend”
“he’s not my boyfriend” you stand up
- 📜 -
this is fine right? all you have to do is ask him on a date, the worst he can do is say no and never talk to you again
that’s not helping
think positive!
shouldn’t you be god at this? your dad is literally cupid
unfortunately for you, you were not blessed with his romantic abilities
“y/n? are you alright?”
you swear your soul left your body for a quick second upon hearing that voice
you know that voice
it’s your one and only crush
“yes! of course I am” you reassure.
he takes a seat next to you, and you think for a second
should you ask him now?
no- he just sat down, you want him in your presence for a little while longer incase he says no and thing get awkward
but if he says yes then he won’t leave
too many decisions!
you let mouth make this one for you
“how would you like to go on a date sometime?”
oh my gods! did you really just say that?
you thank your dad for your natural flirty and extroverted personality or you would have been toast
“a date?” nico looks like you just told him he was about to be publicly executed
“yes! a date!” you’re internally screaming over your word choice
“I don’t know if that’s a good idea” he says
“why not?” you ask
“because I know that you don’t actually want to. you flirt with everyone and you’re just doing the same with me”
you take back your earlier statement
you hate your dad for your flirty personality
“but this is different, I don’t like those other guys I flirt with” you pray that this will change his mind
“so why do you flirt with other people if you only like me?”
oh no
It shouldn’t be that hard to think of a response!
but why do you flirt with other people?
you’ve only been in love with nico since you got to camp…
“it’s just in my nature I guess” you shrug “but I promise I don’t like anyone else, I only like you, those other guys don’t mean anything to me”
he sighs “your dad isn’t exactly by best friend either”
“who cares what my dad thinks?”
you curse yourself for saying such a thing
you hope your dad never finds out you said that
“I do” he points to himself
“well I don’t, I’ve never even met him before, so why should he care who I’m dating?” you give him a begging look “just one date, and if you don’t feel comfortable then we won’t go on another and you never have to see me again”
he thinks for a second, “I’ll go on a date with you” he holds up his pointer finger “under one condition”
oh gods you sound like a helpless, lovestruck idiot
“we can go on more after”
you smile so widely your cheeks start to hurt
if you knew it would’ve been this easy you would’ve asked sooner!
but you could care about anything right now because your long-time crush just said he wants to go on not one- but multiple dates with you!!
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gold-rhine · 2 years
Xiao x Gn! Reader
Warnings: not safe for work, but this one turned out much softer than usual. Sub\dom!reader undertones are still kinda there, but give it a try even if you’re not into this dynamic. First time, handjob, anal sex, mentions of voeyrism (kinda? briefly through the dream), I’m gonna say “cock”, but it stands for strap too, it’s just awkward to keep specifying. 
Wordcount: 4,3k
A\N: Repost bc my previous blog got shadowbanned. I was not sure if I knew what to do for Xiao, but then I remembered that one of his themes is dreamwalking and that’s legit my JAM. It turned out less smutty and more of a psychosexual character study, but I’m still quite fond of it. It’s pretty cheesy, but you know what, Xiao deserves a break. There will be some filth under the cut still. Shoutout to “Nothing to no one” by Gin Wigmore and Placebo’s “Protege Moi” for carrying me through this one.
Xiao is curt and intense to the point of coming off as rude, but never more harsh to anyone but himself. Longing for connection, but consciously denying it himself time after time, severity done like a mask to hide the broken, bleeding bones of gentleness, no time for “trifling human matters”, but enough to return a stolen doll to a little girl. Who the fuck do you think you’re fooling, babe.
And it’s not like he doesn’t know what he wants, oh no, he does, he just won’t admit it even under torture
Friendship lvl3: “Desire? Ha. Do not judge adepti by your mortal ideals. I have no desire.”
Friendship lvl5: “Hiding? I'm hiding nothing. I just won't speak of desire to others. Do mortals not have a rule about spoken wishes never coming true? Hm? What do you mean that's not the same?”
So you admit it, you just fucking lied at lvl3 when you said you “have no desire”?? You just gonna casually go from “Foolish mortal, I have no desires unlike you” to “Of course, I have desires, I want them so badly I won’t even speak them out loud for the fear of jinxing them.” yeah, no, that checks out, SURE.
In Xiao’s world, you don’t communicate what you want, you bottle that shit up and hide it deep inside, and you don’t even admit this bottle exists, let alone tell anyone what’s inside. You don’t believe these wishes will ever come true and you don’t think you deserve it, but because deep down you know you are a weak, corrupted creature, you still hope against all hopes and despise yourself for this foolishness. 
Speaking of which, Xiao collects reasons for self-hatred like it’s his ascension material.
Like, “My only worth is as a weapon, so normal people should not interact with me because I only bring corruption and I am good for nothing outside of bloodshed”
This prickly pride of being a skillful weapon is a double-edged sword of discarding himself as being useless for anything but battle.
Like you have their little training course interaction with Ganyu during her story quest, which btw she receives positively and is grateful for his help, and Xiao’s line about it is:
“You believe a Yaksha who knows nothing more than how to massacre countless souls and emerge unscathed is a suitable mentor for such an individual?”
… babe, can you chill for like, three seconds? You made a defense mini game with like 20 slimes for her, it’s not gonna turn a cocogoat into a cold-blooded killer,
And this dismissal of self-worth outside of combat ties in nicely with bottling up a volatile mix of yearning, loneliness, frustration, despair and innate sensitivity that couldn’t be dulled down even by centuries of self-hatred and pain, and only letting it all out in an incandescent rage in battle, which leads to
“I only feel alive when fighting, which means I’m a monster who only thrives on bloodlust,” despite like, refusing himself all positive stimuli 
“Thriving on bloodlust” somehow not contradicted by the fact that he yearns for beauty and hates this miserable existence so much that he’s legit jumping at the first opportunity to go out in the blaze of glory if it even has a chance to be helpful to other people, and could only be stopped by his dad's Zhongli’s intervention and all off his new friend group going “we’re would be really sad if you died”
Then he’s like “ok i’ll keep on living i guess :\”
(i’m still so salty that they didn’t let Itto talk at all, his story quest speech about sacrifice being an easy and cowardly way out to discard responsibility that doesn’t fix root problems fits Xiao’s situation SO WELL argh) 
Yeah no, all other yakshas talked about wanting peace and his own namecard describes dreaming of peace and donning the mask to dance instead of killing, but yakshas are inherently bloodthirsty species, so there’s no hope for him, that checks out, sure.  
So to summarize, despite how direct Xiao seems at first glance, interacting with him is actually a complex navigation between things he says out loud that he knows are not true, things he says that he can’t admit to himself are not true due to self-loathing, and just general tsundere bullshit. You’ll need a LOT of patience.
Like, does he want to be accepted and loved? Desperately. Will he accept someone trying to do so straightforwardly? Absolutely the fuck not. 
If you try to straight up compliment him, he’d be like “L+ratio+you foolish mortal + You think a killer who devoured countless souls can be cute? + you have bad taste actually + that's disrespectful to the ways of the adepti”
Echoing being unable to voice his desires, Xiao can only accept warmth in indirect, stolen moments, half-glances, throwaway remarks, because connection feels too fragile to be named directly. And remember, spoken wishes never come true
The rituals are *very* intricate
You’re not just walking on eggshells around him, the eggshells are aggressively throwing themselves under your feet and biting at your ankle to make you crush them, so he can be like “see? I don’t deserve love anyway, i was right to hate myself”  
like one comedy article said, “It’s good if a man is skittish and terrified of affection, like a beautiful horse that appears on the edge of a frozen lake one day and you have to tame it by bringing it a handful of food every day until it slowly comes to learn your scent (but with sex)”
That’s Xiao in a nutshell, but you’re bringing seeds to a bird-feeder and the bird has chronic pain and is scared to hurt you
Here’s the thing though. You’ll know he’s yours when he starts showing interest in your perspective on everyday things. He’s curious by nature, but never lets himself wonder, unless he’s sure beyond the doubt that his participation is wanted. 
“Xiao: I have no intention of getting close to the lives of mortals.
 Xiao: But I know that you often enter and leave the city, walking amidst the crowd.
 Xiao: The stories of these times, or their joys... If I don't experience such things myself, it'll be hard to understand your thoughts.
So... you're doing this for me?
 Xiao: Yes, to understand you.
 Xiao: I had a feeling that it would be difficult, but after having such thoughts, I can't simply sit back and do nothing.”
He’s inquisitive and quick thinking, but very socially awkward and prone to hiding his true desires. So even before asking you to include him, he starts scouting your dreams.
It’s nothing invasive like devouring dreams or dragging projections into the real world. Just catching brief, fleeting glimpses,carefully pressed against the soap bubble of your dream. Even in short flashes, it helps to see things from your point of view.
…and sometimes, rarely, he catches images of how you see him, so bewilderingly different from what he’s used to, not the corruption-ridden creature with ugly lines of the fanged mask etched onto his face and blood staining his hands, but instead…
Sharp turn of his head when you call out his name, and the sun illuminates him from behind, brilliant halo shining through the messy dark hair, and he can’t even recognize himself in this memory, golden-eyed and gorgeous, so he bundles up this vision, hides it deep inside among other unattainable, undeserved, unspoken wishes. 
It’s self-indulgent, a bit pathetic for the adeptus, but ultimately harmless, like a weakness for the almond tofu. A spark of sweetness to get him through the misery of his everyday life.
Until one night he catches a dream where you’re fucking him.
It throws him off balance so hard, he flees immediately, not just from the dreamspace, but teleporting to an isolated mountain peak.
But the image is seared into his retinas nonetheless.
It’s because he’s offended, he tries to tell himself. How extremely disrespectful. As if an adeptus like himself, who has no interest in the foolishness of mortal desires, would want to be sprawled under you, dizzy with pleasure, held and kissed and caressed, like he’s the most beautiful and wanted thing in the world, like touching him brings joy, like…
He has to teleport again, but it doesn’t help. Horrified, he realizes he’s aroused.
It’s a tough couple of weeks for the both of you.
He’s even more sullen and jumpy than normally, and when you ask him if everything’s okay and if there’s anything you can do to help, he gets a panicked look of a deer in headlights and vanishes.
You decide it’s probably some yaksha angst and it’s better to give him some space
You don’t remember your dream, and even if you did, you wouldn’t think much of it.
He can’t stop thinking about it. It resurfaces, uncalled, in the most inopportune moments, no matter how hard he tries to push it down. The obscene view of himself, arms over the head, parted lips, back arched and legs spread wide with you between them. 
He didn’t stay long enough to catch more, but even this is enough to drive him up the walls, sometimes literally, to make him want something he can’t properly name. He was used to tolerating the constant gnawing pain of the corruption, but this needy ache is maddening, fading and reappearing when least expected to throw him off kilter.
He alternates from watching over your dreams intently to being unable to even glance at them, but on the nights when he does look, there’s nothing similar.
Which is good. It means you were not serious about it, it was just a fluke. Minds of mortals are notoriously fickle, especially in the dream state, and can produce all sorts of ridiculous fantasies and ideas that mean nothing.
Of course it meant nothing, who would seriously see a weapon for eons steeped in blood and corruption as a lover?  What pleasure could you expect from someone whose very nature and purpose is slaughter? It could only lead to disappointment. Repulsion, even. It’d be preposterous to even think about it.
Which is why it’s outrageous that he *is* still thinking about it.
But now it’s been a few weeks and the pulsing want dulled down, lost a terrifying thrill of possibility of being reciprocated, and is almost ready to become another weak, shameful yearning, bottled up and shoved into a dark corner. 
And then his heart jumps into his throat when he sees you dreaming of Wangshu Inn’s balcony drowned in moonlight, and he’s in your arms as you’re sitting by one of tables, he’s straddling your thighs, your mouth and hands wandering over his naked chest and collarbones.
The half-drowsed ember of desire roars back in thrice the force, and feverishly, he thinks of an idea. What if he took place of his own image? Then he could learn what it feels like. He could finally stop wondering what would happen and just get over this maddening sickness. And you won’t even notice the switch. You’ll probably end up unsatisfied because he would not be able to give you the pleasure you expected, but it’s all a fleeting, momentary dream for you anyway, not worthy of remembering in the morning.
He spent centuries hunting dreams, but never tried to become a part of them, so he doesn’t realize a simple truth: a dream cannot be entered without being shared equally.
The first thing that changes in your dream when he becomes a part of it is actually the sky, but you don’t notice it because the responsive, pliant body in your arms suddenly becomes woodenly tense. At the same time, your awareness deepens, dream becoming almost lucid, as you gain control over yourself, but not surroundings. 
What confuses you even more is a barrage of strange emotions coming down at you out of nowhere: anxiety on the verge of panic, fearful anticipation, needy, smoldering fervor of desire. 
You look up at Xiao’s face to see him looking almost severe if not for the heavy blush and refusal to meet your eyes, breath held nervously, and realize in an instant - this is actually him, not the figment of your imagination, it’s his thoughts and emotions you can now glimpse like he usually does with others when dreamwalking.  
And also, that if you even try to acknowledge this, he’ll bolt to the other end of the world, so you don’t say anything.
It’s tempting to claim his mouth, but he’s too petrified, his jaw clenched tightly. Instead, you trail the line of kisses down his throat and feel the sharp pang of his relief at supposedly not being discovered. 
You caress him slowly, carefully, moving tenderly over his arched neck, sharp curves of the collarbones, chest that rises fast and feverishly in shaky breathes, taste nervous flare of his pulse in the deliciously delicate hollow of his throat, until the warm pleasure spreads under his skin, melts frozen rigidness into a different kind of tension, a taut bowstring, drawn tightly, trembling at every touch. 
When you nuzzle at the underside of his jaw, he moves his head abruptly and presses his mouth against yours, tense because he wants this so badly, but doesn’t know what to do with himself, an awkward angle and all teeth. But you take your time, slide your fingers into his hair and tilt his head, kiss his lips until he finally relaxes and opens up. When you slide your tongue against his, he makes the tiniest noise, barely audible tremble caught in his throat.
He was worried about how inexperienced he is, but when he’s too lost in the kiss, desire takes care of this easily. Without realizing, he’s arching in your arms, grinding against your legs. When you slide your hands lower, over his stomach, hips, stroke his thighs, he moans into your mouth and opens his knees wider, thrusts against you, already hard.
You slide your hand into his pants and close your fingers over his cock and he shudders, breaks the kiss, realizing what you are doing, what he was doing, how easily he’s losing control, his wild yellow eyes wide and uncertain.
“It’s okay,” you tell him softly. “Everything is going to be okay. Let me take care of you, baby.”
He catches your affection, shared through the dream, and the narrow vertical slits in his eyes widen, blackness flaring up against gold. With a short, shuddering draw of the breath, he relents, leans into you to nuzzle at your cheek. You can feel his blush heating up against your skin, flutter of the eyelashes. 
You start stroking his cock slowly, holding him with your other arm, whisper sweet reasurings into his ears, understanding how hard it is for him to show vulnerability, even under the supposed disguise. 
His hips start moving again, now in rhythm with your hand, and you quicken the pace. Suddenly, you realize he’s naked except for the gloves, because the dream lets things happen easier, removes inconveniences, requiring nothing but mutual intent. You can’t help but smirk, press a wet kiss to the side of his jaw and twist your hand over the head of his cock. He lets out a stifled gasp, his tip throbs and starts leaking in your palm. He lifts his arms as if to grasp at your shoulders, but stops before he can touch you, lets them drop. 
But you notice that something is wrong with his hands - the gloves are a part of him, darkness etched painfully into his flesh, and instead of the slender fingers you know he actually has, his hands end in ugly sharp claws, covered in splotches of dried blood. Your heart breaks a little when you realize this is how he sees himself, this is what he thinks his touch would feel like. But you cannot argue directly, can’t say that it’s not true without breaking a fragile silence between you, acknowledging that it’s actually him.  
So instead you catch his chin in your free hand. “Hey, look at me.”
He meets your eyes, his own hazy, feverish with need, but he looks at you intensely. “You are so good,” you tell him quietly, holding his gaze even as his eyes widen, your hand over his cock moving faster and faster. “You are so beautiful, baby. I wouldn’t want anyone else in the world here instead of you.” 
He cries out, sharp and surprised, almost pained with helplessness, like a hawk shot in the air midflight, and comes undone. When he unravels in your arms, his old, half-forgotten, buried dreams spill out too. 
So when he falls back, tugging you with him, he lands not on wooden planks of Wangshu Inn’s balcony, but on the soft cover of tangled lush grass. Tall green stalks meet over your head, as if trying to protect, hide a secret from the world.
A strange word from the ancient, dead language surfaces in your mind, a word that meant “sea of wind” - a name of vast grasslands that once covered these plains, endless green waves that rolled under the breeze from horizon to horizon. 
His body is pale under you, dappled in moonlight that manages to get through the hover of softly wavering grass. Flickering light of the fireflies, green and lemony-yellow, doesn’t illuminate anything, but only makes the dark emerald shadows deeper in-between the narrow stalks where they move. But his golden eyes are very bright, still quietly shocked, searching, never leaving your face like he’s afraid you’ll vanish if he looks away.  
You smile, lean down to catch his mouth, and he kisses you with abandon, still awkward, but with sweetness that neither you nor him knew he was capable of. The air smells faintly of warm earth, fresh grass and bittersweet Qingxin flowers. The moments stretch for eternity like only dreams allow for, full moon halting in the dark starry skies above. 
He wants more, but he doesn’t know how to ask for it, doesn’t have the words. But in this state of bewildered, warm haziness, drunk of both lust and certainty of your desire, his shame evaporates. He remembers the first dream he saw, the image that haunted him for weeks, and recreates it - arms thrown over head, arched back and spread legs.
Except he looks infinitely better, countless details that the fantasy could not account for, - breathless, tangled in green shadows and silver moonlight, lithe and wiry-muscled, heavy flush of his cheeks contrasted to the eager, glowing gold eyes, arm flexing under tattoo as he clutches at the grass to keep himself still, subtle tremble of his open thighs, hard, pulsing cock, leaking on the tense stomach, already stained with cum.
In the waking world, you’d spend considerable time preparing him, given how inexperienced and sensitive he is. Even without that consideration, another time you’d want to go teasingly slowly, make him writhe on your fingers, plead for mercy.
But right now, in these stolen moonlit moments it feels too ugent, too desperate, and the fever of a dream lets you skip the steps, sweep right into sliding into him. This time he arches under you not for show, silent gasp and widened eyes.
You pause, letting him adjust to the feeling of your cock inside of him, ravish him with kisses in the meanwhile, feel him squirm, overwhelmed and gratified by both sensations and your hunger for him. When he finally bucks his hips against you, you start moving, first carefully, then turning to the hard, firm pace, and it runs through him, echoes in choked grunts and feverish drum of the heart. The dream bends to this steady beat, light of the fireflies pulsing in tact, and somehow he’s both on the grass beneath you and rising up, in the same rhythm, sharp cyclical thrusts upwards.
Suddenly, sky spills all around you, the lights of stars mingling with the fireflies in between the narrow grass stalks, and golden wings of the wind that takes you upward beat in the rhythm of your movement. The sky around you is too vast and sharp, the depth and freedom you’ve never seen before, and you realize this is what it feels like to taste the joy of a creature born to soar.
He’s too lost in the pleasure, looking up at you, the sky opening up for him with every thrust, every lunge. He can’t remember the last time when he took flight just for the joy of it, when he looked up instead of down to track the enemies and come crashing in a flurry of broken spears. All these centuries of being sure he was made for violence, and suddenly it sheds off him like dust, all this time thinking he can only feel alive during battle, and now his body sings so easily, so naturally, and it sings of wind and starlight, not of rage and blood. 
When he reaches the peak of the ascent, time slows down for a weightless, breathless moment, a precipice after which he usually turns flight into a controlled, violent plunge. Instead, with a quiet, helpless moan, he closes his eyes and lets himself fall.
Stars burn under his eyelids, ancient, forgotten constellations flaring up, mixing with the current ones, until it’s impossible to tell them apart, entangled like your bodies in the soft grass that was destroyed centuries ago, a new celestial atlas that exists only for the two of you.
Even as he curls against you after, soft and sweet, you can feel bitter, ashen current staining the dream: he thinks this is the only time he gets to feel happy. And in the moment, it seems absolutely ludicrous to keep the pretense of not knowing that it’s him and let him wallow in his angst.
“Xiao,” you tell him quietly, gently stroking sharp knobs of his spine, “it’s okay. You can be mine. The world is not going to end.”
He freezes for a second, his eyes going wide in panic, and then vanishes abruptly. Dream shatters into a thousand shards, and you wake up with a gasp.
You give him a few days to process and then, on the moonlit Wangshu’s balcony after all the guests have left, you quietly call his name.
He appears on the other side of the balcony, arms crossed, looking sullen and severe, which could look intimidating if you didn’t know him and if not for a little detail.
“You don’t have to stand that far, I can still see that you’re blushing.”
 He scowls. “What do you want?”
“I thought we should talk about what happened.”
“There’s nothing to talk about. It was foolish. For both of us.”
“Talk for yourself.”
“No, it was extremely foolish for you too,” he says with sudden, agitated passion. “You knew what I am, I’ve told you from the start to keep your distance. I’ve never asked you to… I’ve warned you to treat me as a weapon, and…”
“Oh, don’t give me that crap again! I’ve tasted your sky. I know the violence is not your only nature.”
He chokes on his breath, looks away, then says quietly.
“It may not be, but it is the only thing I’m proficient with. So what does it matter what was once my nature? There are many others, more suitable for you to…”
“Well, that’s not for you to decide. You don’t get to tell me who I want. You can only choose for yourself.”
He glances at you very quickly and looks away again with a quiet “Hmph,” but you can tell how torn and unsure of what to do he is.
“Xiao,” you say softly, reaching out to him. “Come here.”
He looks at you for a long moment and then vanishes. You curse under your breath and flop down on a chair in frustration. But then suddenly the air smells sharply of ozone and in a flurry of teal and black, Xiao appears on top of you.
He looks incredibly irritated and refuses to meet your eyes, but he’s straddling you, so you grin and grip his hips. His hand instinctively moves to cover yours, but he stops himself before he can touch you. This time you don’t have to pretend you don’t notice.
You catch his hand and gently pull off the tight-fitting black glove. He finally looks at you, surprised. 
“What are you doing?”
“Hm?” you fake innocence, because two can play the ‘not acknowledging true subtext of the actions’ game. “I don’t know what your plans were when you landed on top of me, but sex generally requires undressing.”
He frowns in confusion, then freezes when you bring his hand to your mouth. His pale fingers are long and bony, and you hold his gaze while pointedly kissing each angular knuckle. It only fully hits him when you turn his hand and press your lips to his scarred palm, then move them down to the tender skin of his wrist.
He doesn’t say anything, but his narrow pupils widen in an instant, and when you kiss him, you can feel his hands slowly, hesitantly sliding over your shoulders.
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urfavbooblover · 11 months
Is requesting Jill x Nemesis T-Type Reader ok like they meet and the reader is a weak version of the Tyrant but alot nicer and develops a curse on her, sorry if this one is weird.
Hi, thanks for the request! And it’s totally okay, I actually like writing something more exceptionally! I also hope, that I wrote this after what you’ve imagined, so enjoy reading :)) I’m sorry btw for how long this took me, i was taking a quite long break and i apologize this is kinda short
Nothing like him || Jill Valentine x female/non-male reader
Warnings: nemesis alike reader, slight cursing, fluff
(remind me if I missed any)
- Resident evil 3 masterlist link -
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Y/N’s pov:
I walked down the street, lost in my thoughts. This city is a total mess and I don’t know how all of this happened. I was used in of the umbrella academy’s projects, but it didn’t work out like they wanted it to.
I also have no idea where I’m going right now, till I heard someone shout something, standing right in front of me. “Don’t you dare, coming any closer!”
My eyes moved up from the ground, landing on a attractive woman. I even did what she told me to do, lifting my hands slightly up. I gave her a confused look, before deciding to talk myself.
“Listen, I know you can’t trust anyone you meet in this apocalypse, especially because I may look a little different, but I’m not a threat.”
She scanned my whole body, still having her gun pointed at me. “Who are you?”
“My name’s Y/N. You probably know of the Umbrella Academy? They used me for one of their disgusting experiments. That’s the reason why I look not so much human like you do.”
That’s the truth. I got much taller than before, actually taller than anyone else, just like Nemesis. I may look a bit terrifying to someone, also due to the fact, that I got much more muscular, but also not “normal”.
“Do you mind telling me your name?”, I asked, in the nicest way possible, so she won’t just leave or even worse put a bullet through my head. “My name’s Jill… I was already attacked by a big guy. You must know more about him.”
“Fuck. He must be Nemesis. He’s just as tall as I am but much more terrifying and dangerous. He supposedly wanders through the whole city and must still be somewhere around here”
Jill had a terrified look plastered all over her pretty face and i couldn’t help but get kinda lost by staring at her. She must have noticed me zoning out tho, “are you okay, Y/N?”
“Oh! Yes, i’m fine. But i think we should get going, you also would be better off sticking by my side, by the way. A little help is very much needed, no? You’re probably short on bullets anyway.”, i told her, as she caught up with me, now walking right beside me.
“You’re right, how did you know though?”, Jill asked while tilting up her head a little to look at me. I stared down at her, but quickly tried to avoid staring holes into her eyes. “It was just a guess, you know. It’s quite obvious after all.”
It was a long silence between us but it wasn’t awkward. I assured her, i would bring us somewhere safe for now and she seems to trust me. Jill’s the first person, that i met on my journey, who didn’t try to kill me, instead she was down to listen to me and now she’s not scared of me anymore.
My mind told me she was still unsure of this all and my whole being, she didn’t ask nothing much and i know many questions were flowing through her head, if only she would just ask.
“Okay Jill. We’re here.”, i spoke up after awhile and jogged up to the entrance of an abandoned hospital. “Didn’t take as long as i expected, are you positive however, that this is really not filling over with infected and all?”
“I know this place enough for that. Just trust me once more, alright?”, i opened the door and let her in first, before i shut and locked the doors behind us. She looked around the whole place and was very much assured for the moment. I heard her footsteps, assuming she’s finally stepping around.
“Doesn’t seem bad, huh?”. Jill spun around to face me and nodded her head, “It’s definitely a place to stay.”
We barricaded the doors a lot more with everything possible we could find, making sure not a single soul can enter. We can defend us in any case though, we’re pretty good equipped with weapons. Not even low on bullets anymore.
I finished treating and fixing up my fresh wound from earlier so that i can finally relax for a bit. I found Jill sitting down on the floor and leaning against a wall. She seemed to be confused on something and i decided to join her.
“What’s bothering you, Jill?”. My voice caught her by surprise, but she smiled softly at me, when she saw me standing there. “It’s nothing honestly, maybe i just need some company.”, she laughed and was delighted when i sat beside her.
Our body’s now very close to each other, i could even hear her breathing. The hospital is quiet, i could’ve sworn she was able to hear my heartbeat, that was going crazy only by just admiring her.
“I mean, you have me.”, i let out a nervous chuckle and noticed the change of the look in her eyes. They suddenly shined so differently and it couldn’t just be the light, but she quickly looked away after giving me one of what seemed to be her usual smiles.
I don’t know why, but i still couldn’t take my eyes away from her and she must’ve felt my gaze on her as she locked eyes with me again, i even saw them lowering to my lips once. I wasn’t paranoid, that’s for sure.
Jill has been moving slowly closer to me, placing a hand on one of my thighs. Her touch on my nearly exposed skin heated up my body to the point i felt my cheeks flushing.
Her face wasn’t far away from mine, our eye contact never broke apart and our lips were almost touching. “May i kiss you, Y/N? Or is this too early for-“
I knew what she was going to say and i couldn’t help but interrupt her by pressing my lips against hers. It’s like they were made to be put together, as much as they fit, my lips moved so smoothly on her soft ones.
The kiss didn’t last so long though, we’ve known each other for only a few hours after all. It’s just like we get along so well, i don’t think this would fuck any relationship we have up anyways, in this case. And who knows if we survive this and what has become out of this town.
“Uh ha, i think we should get some rest, no?”, i spoke in a calming voice, getting an agreement in return from Jill, who still had a big grin on her face.
The next morning i woke up from weird noises, as my eyes shot open, thinking of the worst scenarios possible. I got up from the hospital bed, i slept on, seeing Jill isn’t laying on hers anymore, so i started searching from where the sounds are coming from.
Once i came closer to the place, i realized it has most definitely been Jill, who made those noises. I heard her groaning and complaining, like if she was in pain.
I sped up my walking and jogged to the room she must be in. I slowly opened the door, peeking through the small gap, grasping in the situation right in front of me.
There she was standing, her hand gripping her head, while the other one was holding onto her stomach. Her coughing got louder on top of that, which made it obvious that she’s sick. But what kind of sick?
I decided to make my way over to her, asking what’s wrong with her. “Jill? What happened to you?” Her head spun in my direction, a worried look in her eyes. She was gritting her teeth, before finally responding to me.
“I-I’m afraid i got it in me.”, her words almost coming out in a whisper. “You mean… you mean the curse?” She only nodded her head, hitching in pain again, as she almost fell down on the floor.
I luckily grabbed her in my arms, taking a closer glance at her state. She couldn’t have been bit, right? Thousands thoughts were coming in my mind at the same time, as i couldn’t make any of this up nor believe this is just happening.
My eyes went wide, thinking of yesterday. I gulped real hard, shaking my head. “No… no no no.”, i muttered to myself, as i came to conclusion.
Did I put the curse on her?
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stoopid-turtle · 11 months
hello... 😅 uhm, first of all, i truly am sorry in advance for being awkward 😭 but for once i decided not to let my awkwardness keep me from sharing (what i think/hope are) positive thoughts with a stranger on the internet, so here i am.
i'm not around much and legit only made this acc bc like you i'm a late bloomer here and needed as many outlets for my yizhan/wangxian obsession as i could get my greedy hands on, in the big year of 2023... sigh. anyway, as an avid lover of meta/analysis posts since my early fandom days began around 15 (oof 🥲) years ago, finding your acc was such a lovely surprise. i agree with your views a LOT, and really appreciate how eloquent and well-written your posts are! even more so bc there's a lot i still don't know and most of the time the source material is very hard to reach and/or understand due to the language barrier, so having other turtles to rely on to access those, even if filtered by their own biases/opinions, is wonderful. besides, such input coming from a new fan is also comforting and imo refreshing, juxtaposed with that of older fans... it keeps the fandom alive and all that jazz. it's also very brave given how ruthless some folks can be on the internet, and on this corner in particular 😮‍💨 it just felt like reading my own thoughts written by someone else sometimes. i gasped and nodded at your posts soooo many times djskdjdj thank you for that!
(btw you followed me back the other day and i legit fangirled irl bc ??? whatttttt 😅 i still think it was an accident but okay omg djskdjdj AHEM. sorry)
then today i logged in and read your recent posts feeling squeamish about sharing more thoughts and as much as i 100% relate to you saying that kind of attention makes you anxious, i just... idk, i had to let you know i enjoy everything you post, even though adult life has kept me from being able to read it all so far. i understand you stepping back and i respect that decision, i'm not by any means asking you to go against what you know is best for you. at the same time, i can't help but hope you'll still show up every now and then bc your posts will be missed 🥲 i guess the whole motivation behind this is that it just made me sad to think your valuable insights will be something i'm yet again late to, if that makes sense?
djskdjdj again, i'm so sorry for being awkward and weird and dropping all of this on your inbox unprovoked. you don't have to reply (or read this AT ALL omg 😭😭), in fact i'm so embarrassed by this that you'd probably have to reach me through inquiry lmaooo 💀 anyway, have a great life, thank you so much for the great job, bjyxszd etc ❤️💚💛
Oh, don't be anxious! I'm really not a big deal.
Thank you for dropping into my inbox! I love hearing from other turtles, especially relative newbies, like myself! One of my fav parts of coming out of lurking mode is getting to talk to other people. I kinda follow back anybody who follows me, cause it seems polite? I don't know tumblr etiquette. I just follow the tags when I get the chance.
I appreciate the encouragement! I try to avoid dramatics, so I'm sorry for the upset last week. The situation is largely resolved, and I am feeling more okay. I kinda backed off because I wasn't sure of my footing here in fandom as compared to others, especially as I do think I have some takes that fall outside fandom consensus. Again, I don't mean to rock any boats and I'm not invested in convincing anybody that they should have the same opinions as I do. Hearing from turtles who do want me to continue posting gave me some more confidence there.
So, yeah, I expect I'll post some more as I have time. I'd like to post more on dd (cause he's my fav). I'd also like to try to figure out gg cause that dude is so confusing to me. I do have RL stuff going on, and I don't have the time to be super-active outside of occasional posts. But I'd like keep posting stuff. At least until I get all my Yizhan thoughts out.
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madebysimblr · 4 months
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Cesar: Oh come on, guys. Do you have to all watch!?
Simon: It's a free show!
Sorella: Can it! We've got business to attend to! Ok yeah you feel awkward. What's that about, is it just because I'm not Simon??
Cesar: It's not exactly a position I'm familiar with ok!!?!?!
Sorella: Well that's more than I needed to know about your sex life.
Cesar: That's rich coming from you! Walls are thin, Els!
Sorella: OK let's not go there. Back to it- I think for the number it's fine if you start out a little nervous, but you have to thrust like you mean it. Especially on the "yeahs." Ok let's take it from "no more talking?" I'm not going to attempt the high note though.
[Singing] Sorella: And no more talking Cesar: No-oh-oh-oh Sorella: lOVE this dead girl walkiiiiing
Envy: [giggling] This is too good.
[Singing] Sorella & Cesar: Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!
Simon: I mean I think that's pretty convincing.
Envy: Oh yeah very hot! Good job Cesar!
Sorella: Envy! Really??
Envy: Sorry! Precious memories or whatever! This is too good not to put on Simsta!
Sorella: Tell people to come to the show at least!
Cesar: No free show, c'mon now!
[Sorella playing piano and singing Dead Girl Walking quietly.]
[phone buzzes]
Text Messages From: Alex 😎😘 Alex 😎😘: Do I need to fight Cesar? 🤨 Sorella: lmao! He'd win! Former wrestling champion! Alex 😎😘: Damn I don't stand a chance. Alex 😎😘: That skirt looks insanely hot on you, btw. Sorella: maybe if you're nice enough, I'll wear it while you're here. Just a few more days to go ;) Alex 😎😘: When am I not nice? Sorella: Very true. I'll be sure to wear it then. Alex 😎😘: Counting down the days. Can't wait to see you.
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diagonal-queen · 1 year
If the BSD girls were my coworkers
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♡ characters: Kyouka Izumi, Yosano Akiko, Kouyou Ozaki, Gin Akutagawa, Higuchi Ichiyou, Naomi Tanizaki, Lucy Maud Montgomery
♡ synopsis: How would these girls be if they were my coworkers?
♡ cw: Swearing, knives, mentions of sexual harassment
note: Well this took forever to write, my bad lol. Uh I'm working full time rn so my posting schedule is a little silly and goofy ahaha anyways um. Apologies for errors and I hope you enjoy x
If the BSD boys were my coworkers
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She would try her DAMNED HARDEST OKAY
Scarily good at cutting (legally she's not allowed to be cutting stuff because she's too young, but she's good at it so I wouldn't snitch). Like she'll slice up a whole box of lettuce in like two seconds. We would NEVER run out of cuts with Kyouka on board
Also very good at cleaning, would clear out the entire store and kitchen in a manner of minutes
However she's bad with customers. Like REALLY bad. She would either just tell them the entirely wrong thing, falter and run away, stare silently in confusion, or just refer them to me lol
Always appreciative whenever people bring snacks to work and let her have some
Her favourite job is cutting and wrapping stuff because it's what she's best at and it makes her feel more confident in her ability
Constantly amazed by the pricing machine that just spits out price tags (me too queen) and is always so delighted no matter how long she'd been working there
I appreciate her doing her best and I don't care how many times she makes a mistake she will learn and continue as best as she can and that's REALLY what counts
Oh boy.
I'll start by saying that a very large percentage of my patrons are middle-aged to elderly men. Some of them are very polite and nice, sure, but there are...others.
These 'others' would not last half a second under the icy glare of Akiko Yosano. A single suspicious glance/comment at me or any other female staff would have her committing suable actions
She'd also be good at cutting stuff, but probably get a little too zealous when she gets to cut pumpkins (aka use a mallet and a giant knife at the same time)
Absolutely would answer the phone with no hesitations and be able to take orders and stuff properly without any training which is nice
BUT if someone called us asking for empty cardboard boxes or something stupid like that (which has actually happened) she would argue with them and then just hang up T-T
She should honestly be in a management position because she would be so good at that
Yosano has her ups and downs in vegetal retail. But regardless of all that, she would be like. The COOLEST coworker ever on god
At first I'm not sure if she'd like a job like retail
She'd be like 'I'm really being paid minimum wage to cover my hands in rotten fruits and get verbally abused by pensioners?' (she's so right btw)
But she'd eventually get into the groove of things (probably just because she has nothing else do to) and would actually become quite good at it
She'd be good at organising, cleaning and sorting stuff out to make it look presentable
A respectful AND respectable queen who values neatness and maintains a good rapport with customers...except if they give the rest of her coworkers any shit. Then she's not maintaining as good of a rapport with customers
She's the kind of girl who would ABSOLUTELY talk shit about customers (and other coworkers ngl) in the back lmao
She would always wear gloves because she doesn't wanna get her hands dirty (I hc that Kouyou has perfectly manicured hands and does what she can to maintain them)
Would get frustrated easily though so we'd just have to try not to upset her as much as possible sksjkjfks
I have this coworker who's not very talkative and can be a little awkward to talk to some times, but he's a literal godsend and does everything extremely quickly and to such a perfect degree that without him I am complete mess
THAT is Gin as my coworker
Also my coworker is like super nice as well and Gin would be really nice too lol
She would come off as frightening at first though. I get the feeling that a lot of customers wouldn't want to approach her lol
Might be lacking in confidence at first when she starts but she gets the hang of it quickly enough
Probably doesn't tie her hair up properly and is constantly asked about it by the manager
You would never have to ask her to do anything, she'd just be on top of it all and have everything ready
Would never answer the phone even if she were the only one there. She would probably freeze up and panic until someone else came and answered it for her (she really doesn't strike me as a phone person, because same)
She is also doing her damned best and y'know what? Even if she continuously fucked up, I would forgive her
Even though I know Higuchi is actually very strong and accomplished she's still my favourite girlfailure and I love her
She's pretty good with customers but she would probably falter if one of them started getting mad at her or something (I would defend her guys)
A little bit clumsy, she might drop some things or her cuts might be a little janky, but like honestly the customers can DEAL with it. I feel like they wouldn't probably mind anyway because Higuchi is a pretty likeable person
Always sharing her snacks with her coworkers
Probably late to work a lot of the time but only by a couple minutes, and always makes up for it by staying behind after her shift ends (I wouldn't be surprised if the store actually ended up owing her some hours lol)
Really strong, so people are always getting her to help them lift/carry stuff
Leaves little encouraging/nice notes around for her coworkers because she's a sweetie <3
Naomi haters are gonna get so mad when I say that she'd be a brilliant coworker
We've seen how good at her agency job she is, why would retail be any different?
The best customer sweet-talker ever, would get herself and me out of any and all trouble and the manager would never ever know
Knows how to work all the machines and has memorised each of the numerical codes for each food like a walking dictionary (there's like five hundred of them fr)
Jun'ichiro sometimes visits the store to go shopping and that's the only real issue that Naomi has at work. She will drop everything to spend every second she can with her brother and it's honestly pretty annoying
If she gets overwhelmed she would forget how to do literally anything correctly and might have a bit of a panic moment
Dudes are probably trying to hit on her all the time and she might actually throw food at them I'm not kidding (and I would fully side with her)
She would also be so nice to her fellow coworkers and always encourage them :')
Lucy would consider this kind of work to be spectacularly easy compared to what she had going on in her orphanage and the Guild
Truly a testament to how absolutely shitty her life has been so far (sorry queen I could treat you better <3)
She's pretty good at everything, not perfect but generally quite good. An all-rounder, always getting called in on unscheduled days because she's just the go-to for everything lmao
Not that she would come in on those days, but yk
She would bring snacks for her coworkers but she would never admit it. She'd be like "You can have some if you want I don't care" while having entirely bought them for them lol
If a customer tries to strike up an argument with her or ask for something unreasonable, or try to guilt her into doing things for them (which is surprisingly common actually), they would FAIL
Would store extra stock in Anne's room (and would probably just keep rubbish from throughout the day in there to keep the kitchen clean, until the end of her shift when she can throw it out lol)
Alongside Gin she's EASILY the most valuable and helpful coworker (and also the cutest prettiest one <3)
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taglist~ ♡ @gettinshiggywithit, @fyodorhatr, @flower-of-darkness, @bejeweledgirl
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yan-lorkai · 1 year
There I was, recovering from a bad flu, entering my zoom class. It was even an interesting class on architectural drawings (my major is architecture btw). And while the teacher was asking some questions, I knew the answer to one and decided that I should answer it.
Tell me why do I do this?
My mic malfunctioned and no sound came out when I tried to speak. So imagine the scene: just a girl with that expression 🤡 looking at a class of 100+ people who were all like 🙂⁉️. Y'all I'm never turning my cam on again or my mic for that matter, in fact, I don't exist I am merely a collective hallucination.
But as I looked back on that moment this morning, I wondered. Yan!Lucifer would be an asshole to his darling and would definitely force them into an awkward position, especially if they were more shy, if it meant they would cling to him in a plea for help - or prefer to suffer the situations they are subjected to. Either way, Lucifer would love to see their mixed reactions. Especially if they're misbehaving and telling him lies like "oh i don't love you" and "you kidnapped me"
I can think of him forcing them to make phone calls, ordering food without his or his brothers help or give a speech in front of a massive audience - simple things that tend to escalate very quickly. And he would definitely ask complicated questions if they were giving a speech. Lucifer would 100% use his magic to manipulate your will, so you couldn't escape your little punishment. Repeatedly blinking, forming tears, and even forming incomprehensible words and grunts, sure, you can do that, but escaping his magic completely is impossible. He is one of the lords of hell and you.... A human.
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legobiwan · 1 year
How do you perceive Peach's and Luigi's relationship? Are they closer to best friends or merely just aquaintances?
Even though Peach's demeanour towards the brother is in some official cases presented as cold or indifferent in SPM she seems to be rather worried for him, even asking about Luigi's wherebouts and being, other than suprised, actually happy to see him during the Overthere section.
In reference to your works if its the former beforementioned option, I can only imagine just how much she has to be devastated to consider such a close to her person as a possible threat.
Btw sorry if you mentioned this already somewhere and turns out I'm just needlessly asking
Oh, no need to worry, anon! Even if someone had asked me this before (which they haven't!), I am more than happy to pontificate on these matters and almost any other :D
But this is a great question.
Luigi and Peach, I feel, are more than acquaintances, but less than best friends. I'd place them about one and a half levels below best friends. They've had great conversations, they've been through a lot together, but there's just some kind of block that prevents that last crumbling of walls for them to be as intimate (and I mean this in the non-romantic sense) as her and Mario (which is a whole other thing), or even Toad.
And I think there are actually a few fascinating layers to this, so let's do a little digging:
I would say the number roadblock to Peach and Luigi's connection being closer is Mario. But not in the way you might think. From Luigi's point of view, he knows his brother is very close with Peach, and also knows Mario has carried a torch for her for ages. And he doesn't want to stick his foot in it, to get in Mario's way even an iota, even though Luigi personally has no interest in Peach in that way whatsoever.
On top of this, she's royalty, and Luigi just sometimes gets a little awkward around her because of it. (Remember how he acted around Peasley. If he's on a mission, he knows the script, but the minute he has to socialize...well, he starts to remember who he is and where's he from. Anxiety is a hell of a drug).
And Luigi, just a person, strikes me as someone who doesn't open up to just anyone. Yes, he bumbles and preens and apologizes and boasts in sometimes almost dizzying reversals, but as I have mentioned before, anxiety can be a very convenient mask for other emotions when it comes to Luigi. I have the feeling that the number of people who really know him beyond that facade doesn't go higher than the digits of a single hand. (Mario, of course, is one of them. E. Gadd, I think, is another, although he doesn't make a big deal of it. Peach is constantly on the cusp of that barrier but never quite makes it through).
Now, from Peach's perspective, there's also a lot going on. She and Mario are close (and yes, there's some unrequited feelings happening on both sides there). And this would be less of an issue if it weren't for the fact that her subjects see her and Mario as something kind of...inevitable, their imagined union a galvanizing concept. And being seen spending too much time with Luigi might (probably will) set off one of the many rumour mills always twirling in the Mushroom Kingdom. She doesn't want that for Mario and she really doesn't want it for Luigi, even though she knows there is zero interest on his part.
And the other issue, of course, is that it's obvious to her that the Toads, for whatever reason, have just not taken to Luigi, at all. She's done what she can to mitigate the situation, but she also knows coming down with a too-heavy hand would just position the Toads even more in opposition to Luigi's presence. And she is their Princess, their direct ruler, and she has to be practical. Because above all else, she serves her people, serves the memory of her father, and that, even more than her connection to Mario, is her absolute guiding force.
So yeah, I imagine she would be devastated in regards to the events of SPM, both for Mario and Luigi (and maybe she's more forthright about her emotions in this regard because she isn't in the Mushroom Kingdom or one of its affiliates, and it's always easier to be someone else when you're somewhere else). But Peach, I think, is a pragmatist at heart. She has to be. She runs a Kingdom that is continually besieged by foreign powers and holds no standing army. The woman is a damn survivor and knows how to play the game, as unpalatable as it may be at times. (And in the context of my writing, it is very, very unpalatable for her).
And the thing is, she likes Luigi. He's a good man, an incredibly intelligent man, someone with a surprisingly wicked sense of humour when she's able to tease it out of him. And she knows he has no lack of insecurities due to his dynamic with Mario, no matter how much the brothers love each other (and they do. Although, I think a story from her perspective, observing the interactions of the brothers over the course of certain events would be fascinating).
But she can never quite get Luigi, as he has always had this hint of living in a distant fog, and she's pretty sure he doesn't belong in the Mushroom Kingdom, despite all the good he's done for it (even if it has, for the most part, been uncelebrated). And this isn't as pejorative as it sounds - plenty of Toads have left the Mushroom Kingdom, for better economic prospects or to find a culture they more closely align with. That Luigi can't find his footing in her Kingdom - that's no sin. That he lacks the resolve or the ability to carve his own path - that's something else, altogether.
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hi mikey! do you have any new art out recently? how are you doing? hows the family?
i have ADHD too btw :)
ive been feeling a bit bummed out recently lately, mental health wise, so my first thought was coming and talking to you! you dont have to worry about typing out a whole entire response, but your energy just brightens up my day instantly!
ive been struggling a lot with making friends recently. i just started my sophomore year of high school and im at a new school (same students though) and its just been really scary. i have two really good friends that ive been friends with for four years now, but i really want more friends too, y'know? im really awkward and shy and its really really hard for me to talk to people i want to be friends with. i do know other people i get along with, but they arent the kinda people i would actually hang out with, more just talk to sometimes if that makes sense?? its getting to a point where im overly concerned about people liking me. theres this group of people at my school i REALLY want to be friends with, cause theyre the kinda gay emo group that i would fit perfectly in as a gay emo... but that just makes it THIS MUCH MORE intimidating!! theyre so cool and i want them to see that! i just dont know how to talk to them without irritating them.
im just kinda clueless at this point, mike! i know that im a good and cool person once you get to know me but im so awkward around new people that it completely changes the way i act. i kinda stiffen up and talk weirdly formally and quietly and my usual confidence goes WAY down. im normally very outwardly confident (Leo kinnie heree✌) but i become just a bit less so around new people.
well i think im gonna wrap up my little ramble now, lmao. i wasnt planning on writing all this i was just thinking of a short paragraph😭
well again, have a great day mikey! you deserve it!!
I haven't done ANY art besides just chaotic painting on canvas & spraying with @emerson-the-psycho , BUT I have done some nice cooking, which counts as art?
We're doing nicely, I mean, we're still very chaotic & there's trouble here & there... But it's been fun so far!
Also, yaaaay ADHD buddies!!! 🥳
I'm glad I am able to brighten your day 🥰🧡(maaan I need to spread more positivity - I see so many sweet posts & then I'm like 'oh yeah, I should reblog this' & then I don't do it because I thought I already did but I haven't & then the post is gone because I had moved on & the opportunity is gone then too -)
You are great as you are.
If you see people & think 'WOW, they match my energy', go to them. The right people will definitely match your vibe too & you'll click.
And it's super great if you voice your fears. 'Hey, you seem nice, I want to talk to you, but I'm a biiiit anxious, hehe, but you seem so cool & we might share the same interests-'. They WILL see that you truly mean it. And it will brighten their day, believe me. And if YOU are open with your fears, it'll be easier to let your true self show. 😌
I know that society wants people to 'show off', but I think for getting in touch with possible friends it's best to be completely honest. That's what people like. Or should like at least.
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I'm rooooooting for yaaaaa!
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wench-and-jezebel · 2 years
Ten Inch Hero Reaction:
Jezebel (@typicalopposite) reacts [with occasional asides by Wench (@scripted-downfall)]
Such a different vibe from Devour ☠️☠️☠️☠️  [alksdjf Tis true]
“Normal people need not apply” ☠️☠️☠️ we’d fit in there  [We would indeed]
Oh noooo
I wanna work here [:)) I KNOW]
[I love that the customers get to vote]  The dog.  I love it  [Yes, and the dog]
Ahhhhh!  Omg! He’s here!
☠️☠️☠️☠️  “Well he’s employed here”  [That line bothers me so but anyway]
🤣🤣🤣 “And now you’re hiring people who fail the interview?”
Well.  Shit.  [She’s lying, dear]
🤣🤣🤣  Poor buddy
[Zo!  I love her]
Oh, man, chat rooms  [I know!  We'd never talk long distance on an electronic device]
☠️☠️☠️☠️ His look
Idek what this movie is about and I love it
It just is so chill and nothing is happening (so far) but it’s like 😍😍  [This is the vibe throughout]
☠️☠️☠️☠️ This lady 🤣🤣🤣🤣  [I told you I loved her]
Welp. Now I’ll think of that next time I eat eggs.
☠️☠️☠️ DoorDash.  Back in the day
She ain’t even look both ways; she’s definitely a witch
Damn, that’s sad af
Ma’am.  You stop that.  Flirt.
Awwwww.  Well that was wholesome as helll
[Buddy is not subtle okay]  ☠️☠️☠️
Bruh this is the one I wanted to watch the most and I’m gonna struggle commenting because I’m too into it 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
They have the same sketch book 🥺🥺🥺
Oooooooh is this going where I think it is [*whistles*]  Oh nooooo tho.  Cause it’s gonna be drama first.  That’s a big no no in adopting
Priestly is adorable
Oh, douchebags
Well that’s what you get you ass
Bruh.  Why am I not loving Danneel?  I wanna love Danneeel!
☠️☠️☠️☠️ Not the eye flutters!  I’m ded  [I love him]  I knowwww
Awwwwww muh heart.  I can’t take it!
Plz tell me Jen doesn’t get hurt
This kid is ADORABLE
[I love Priestly flipping the bottle, btw; watch for it]
Oooof  [Poor buddy :(]
Ngl she deserved the door in the face
Poorrrr buddyyyy
[Us if we ever met in person: "we tell each other everything-"]  ☠️☠️☠️☠️
[THIS SCENE]  OH I KNOW THIS SCENE  [I've made you watch it]
[Sharky boy 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣]
[The first scene that made me like Tish]  Yess!!
Oooooo that’s the face of someone who likes someone pjhhhh
Omg, buddy
Well shit it worked
That’s adorable omg
This is soooo awkward cause it’s gonna look so bad when he realizes
Also ooof; everyone putting feet in mouths
The phone cord ☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️ Deceased
[Poor pup looks Unhappy]  Oh poor Bam Bam
Oh the buzz ☠️☠️☠️☠️
Oh my god
[Return of Jezebel the Deed critic]  BRUH.  I GOT NO WARNING.   [I forgot alskfdj]
WELP 👀 *sigh*
Sweetie dump his assssss
He’s getting bent over by brad anyway [ALKSDJF;LKADSJF]
[It was a demogorgon]  ☠️🤣🤣🤣
[The little girl shouting "FRAT PARTY" tho]
I love this 😭😭😭
Whooooa awkwarddddddddd
Ohhhhhhh just tell me what happens.  I can’t take it!  [About?]  When he finds out  [Wait and see :)]
☠️☠️☠️☠️ [I love him; Priestly's my beloved]
Hell, I love all of them! Even Tish is coming around
Bruh this lady is a witch
[Priestly reacting like that as if he hasn't been doing about the same with Tish tho alksdjflkadsjf]  🤣🤣🤣🤣
Why would you chase a goose
[Okay, I'm warning you now that Jen kindaaaaa annoys me here, but anyway.  (Give it a few minutes.)]   Oooof ok
Oh, pity party.  Oh, I see
But like… why are they not saying she’s not ugly 👀👀  This isn’t okay either
[And btw.  I've been in a similar position to her.  So like.  I understand.  I just don't respect it.]
["I was sitting by the phone, waiting, wondering..."  BUDDY.  "There's a perfectly good reason we didn't call" NO?!?!?  THAT’S ALL THE MORE REASON TO CALL HIM AND TELL HIM NOT TO BRING IT UP OR SOMETHING?!?!?]
Ooooh get her
Bruh he speaks truth
["Why are you suddenly Fuzzy's best friend?"  Because he didn't deserve that shit, wdym]
[The voice crack tho]  OOOOOFFFF
OOOOO WHATCHUUU DOING buddy  [Priestly be meddling]
Oh my goddddd 
Oh boy
Well shit
Beat.  His.  Ass.
Someone please do it
Oooo- Get him
Ok?  And? 🤣
[This be go well]
💕💕💕💕 Preistlyyyyyy
[Tish, ma’am.  You came onto every dude in the shop… Defy gender norms and ask Priestly first instead of making him do it.]
I’m trying to think of who Zo is.  I’ve seen her in something else.  I love her!  She’s so calming
[He has the dark half of a yin-yang tattoo, and I want her to have the other half; I think it'd be so cute]
😭😭😭😭😭 Loveeeeee.  So much loveeeeee!
☠️☠️☠️☠️ What. Are.  [These dudes did not learn the lesson] 🤣🤣🤣🤣
“Keep the lubeeee” [The look tho]
Well she gets A Julia.  Not her Julia, but she also gets a Noah.  So like… Win win
[Also, the music here is from the Deckerstar prom.  It's the song he plays for her]  Oh my gawdddddddd
Aight cmon gimme the bad ending
Priestly was like nope I’m getting credit for this
Why can’t they just kiss and let it end here
[Look at himmmm!!!  Buddy's so nervous slkdfj;laksdjf]
In her head (Danneel, not Tish), she’s like yep I’m marrying him
[Who gave him permission to be this adorable tho.  The wide-eyed curious stare thing is just ack.]
Aight so headcanon he swaps right back
But omg he rubbed his lips
I’m ded
I’m not even mad, that was adorable
Wot Is Happening??? Sweet lord.  [They’re getting married]  Nekked  [Yup]
– – – 
Endpoint Reaction:
Jezebel: That was really good!  😭😭😭😭😭  10/10  (Hah)
Wench: Glad it lived up
Jezebel: Ok I do hate he completely changed for her.  That sucks.  They should have had the scene on the beach him back like before.  Also… Boaz & Platisha  *sigh*  What names.  This was the strangest, most all-over-the-place-yet-all-connected movie I’ve ever seen! But omg no one died!  And everyone got a happy ending, minus Priestley’s style!  (RIP it was not deserved.)
Wench: Yup, ‘tis true
Jezebel: For Jen… I’m glad she got a happy ending. I think I’m even happier he called her pretty. Because I would have been like 👀👀👀☠️ had he walked in and been like… you’re a good person ☠️ And like, no, looks should not matter, but it’s like.. friendship code to lift your friends up… not agree with them *sigh* 🤣  And they didn’t agree, but they didn’t DISAGREE either
Wench: Right
Jezebel: Idk that bugged tf out of me
Wench: Makes sense.  Do we know what we're doing next?
Jezebel: Hmm…
Wench: We still have our shows to be doing, technically-
Jezebel: So we could do one of each show-  SBC
Wench: Sounds good!  Til then!
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lenievi · 2 years
I've looked it up in the Help center and it can be that your settings are set to not receiving messages from blogs you are not subscribed to? Or maybe I am just actually shadowbanned, who knows.
What you say about the show makes me sad and happy at the same time. I definitely would love to see as much of Kirk-centerd content as possible, because a) he is hot and I mean not only by his looks b) he differs the most from his fanon version I think and I like him better in the show c) I suppose he is a perfectly typical character for the 60's and I've read that Spock's inner conflict and it's popularity among the viewers was unpredictable, but ironically 60 years later the spockian type of character is familiar to me, but I have never actually seen a character like Kirk (probably because it's super old-fashioned lol) so yeah, I'm exited :>
But I will miss the McKirk interactions as well. I think there are not enough of them now, I hoped there will be more and not fewer :( And that exactly because of their complicated friendship as you described it (btw, sorry, I haven't made myself clear: I didn't meen that you saw any sexual relationships in the show, I meant that I haven't thought about them at all). Sometimes I just want to watch them interact but sometimes I just... I know it's silly but I always get offended on McCoy's behalf so sometimes I think it would be cool when after Kirk apologizes McCoy wouldn't forgive him right away because I am still angry at Kirk. My heart breaks every time Bones backpedals to "sir/captain". If I could write I would once write a sweet revenge fic, but now I think it doesn't contradict mckirk (don't listen to me, I'm just rambling ^^")
But overall I just think that sexual drive simplifies things, you know? In a story at least, because we have like set frames of how a romantic/sexual relationship should feel like and play out, but we have much less rules abot describing a strong friendship. That gives room to a lot of nuances (in theory) but I personally would never write something this complicated and I doubt that many people would. So romantic love it is.
Ok, I have to stop myself now before I write you another ill-structured essay. But do you have any thoughts about het-relationships (in canon or fanon)? I would be interested to hear them :)
P.S.: I wouldn't like to appear a creep but I've seen your post about discord. My friend made me recently create an account there and I was wondering how I could use it. It appears that I can use it to ask you if you would like to watch TOS with me someday? I mean, for you it would be rewatching and possibly in the wrong order (apparently not in the production one), but, yeah, anyway. *makes an awkward courtesy and disappers*
No, anyone can send messages to me. I tried sending a message to you, but tumblr says you don't exist. Trying to mention you like @justyouwaitenryiggins also doesn't work… but yeah, like I said, feel free to send a discord friend request! And we can talk over there!
Yes, Kirk as a character is really great in the show when you actually allow yourself to see the show without the preconcieved notions from pop-culture/fanon (but I also understand why some people don't like him, and I think your "he's old-fashioned" figures into it. You might see posts by me where I'm like wtf Kirk; I've had and still have a very complicated relationships with Kirk). I also agree that nowadays a character like Kirk is hard to recreate, because of those old-fashioned ways - positive and negative, and any modern Kirk needs to be tweaked to fit modern times. (At least I've been thinking around these lines for a while, especially in regards to the newest iteration lol)
Oh, it's not as if they aren't there, they're just less. It's just that they can sometimes be overshadowed (hence why it's the least popular), but if you pay attention, it's there, always. There's still a lot of scenes and moments to look forward to! They really have such a nice relationship throughout the whole show, and in the tos movies as well!
"I always get offended on McCoy's behalf" hahaha I know there's a lot of people like that, especially if their fave character is McCoy, but for me, it's a part of their dynamic, and a reason why I like it. But I'm also just a fan of messed-up relationships in general…
I personally don't think that sex simplifies things, but I also personally prefer to write stories that aren't traditional romantic/sexual relationships… which is why I like spones because I hc Spock on the aroace spectrum (and when I write McCoy with Spock, he's also somewhere on the spectrum), so it allows me to explore different aspects of "romance" that doesn't necessarily need to be traditional or follow a certain formula. With mckirk, it's different though... I'd actually love to write just platonic spones or mckirk but…. sometimes the characters want to kiss (or more). It's not my fault lol
I don't mind essays LOL I'm also better at rambling when I get a concrete topic, but if you search T'Pring on my blog, you'll probably find some posts on how I love Spock/T'Pring (but there might be also some Strange New Worlds spoilers) I'm also a fan of Kirk/Rand (Kirk's strong interest in Rand was basically the reason why I started to ship spones when I watched TOS for the first time, despite coming into TOS with aos!mckirk bias) - you could see me putting it into the Conscience of the King coda too. And I like several of Kirk's relationships with women in the show. If you're interested in something specific, just ask!
LOL I rewatch random TOS episodes all the time. I do think about the "continuity" in the production order, but I watch randomly now. There are some episodes I don't want to rewatch because I either find them boring or for other reasons, though.
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keaalu · 9 days
None of your business, sergeant major!
(aka "Good lord you kids are annoying. Do you argue about EVERYTHING")
Should be fairly obvious who is talking to whom, here… (Nothing obscene, just terrible innuendo and euphemisms.)
“So lad. I was just wondering. Seeing as you and Hiro is all official now. Does you ever, that is… Do anything.”
“What do you mean, do anything?”
“You know. That. What humans do.”
“Oh. My. Stars. You are outrageous! I can’t believe you would even-… actually no I can believe because you are precisely the sort of person to ask something as inappropriate as that." Sigh "If you are asking if we have a physical relationship, you old prude, I am quite sure that is none of your business!”
“Might I remind you that as your senior NCO, I does need to be made aware of anything that might compromise the safety and security of this here orbital battleship, and that includes relationships between senior staff. Especially ones what might cause, ahem. Distractions.” Beat. “Of course, you can always talk to him what must be obeyed instead, if you’d prefer.”
“Ugh. This is ridiculous. I can’t believe I’m pandering to you. Fine. First of all, Hiro isn’t interested in doing that, and because I love and respect him, I’m not gonna put him in an awkward position by even proposing it. Second of all… it’s still not any of your business! And thirdly, if you missed the memo, we zeroids aren’t precisely built for that!”
“Ohh, I get it. ’Engineering problems’, is it, lad? Could happen to anyone.”
“…Oh do shut up.”
Postscript thoughts:
Hiro I usually parse as being a little similar to me; happily ace, but also not averse to being romantic and fluffy. Not sex-repulsed, just doesn't really care, overall? Has no libido, and never missed having one either, thanks.
101 is a total law unto himself who keeps changing his mind every 30 seconds. "Officially" I think he has no libido because (as the joke suggests…) he doesn't have any "equipment" anyway so doesn't have a sex drive. Unofficially? Make. Your. Damn. Mind. Up. (As a 7.5ft tall fluffball he is absolutely 100% sex positive, btw. And is 100% not limiting his options to any particular gender, either. But that's just a load of very non-canon idiocy I'm playing with in private.)
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servin-up-surveys · 1 year
survey #185
Are you currently in love? Yep yep.
Are you afraid of stink bugs? Eh, not really, but I can be jumpscared by one, haha. Just in the "oh there's a bug beside me" startle sense.
What is the one room in your house you spend the most time in? The spare bedroom, where my laptop is on a desk.
What do you think of your current president? Real talk, I haven't paid enough attention. I voted for him 'cuz I sure wasn't helping Trump gain ground, over my dead and rotting fucking body, and I know he HAS done at least some positive things, but I know I don't know as much as I should. Politics and understanding them is just so overwhelming - and depressing - to me.
Is there one website you visit regularly, but would never admit to? HAHAHA there are totally people I would NEEEEVER tell I have a Tumblr that isn't my photography one lmfao
Do you own any pets? Yes: a gray and white cat, brown and white chihuahua, and champagne ball python. I want more though, especially a hognose.
Would you rather have no legs or have no arms? No legs. I honestly wouldn't even want to live without arms, I do way too much with them, and loopholes like text-to-speech is something I am oddly super awkward with, like I never do it and I don't quite understand why it's so embarrassing for me to do. I don't do it for simple texts, anything.
Are you afraid of the dentist? Following a deep cleaning that was hell on earth, yes. Plus having two wisdom teeth extracted while conscious.
Have you ever done anything illegal? Yes, I've illegally downloaded a number of things. I once rode in the passenger seat with a driver who was high off weed, and it was one of the scariest moments of my life just because I was afraid to tell her no (me being afraid was no fault of her own, btw, I was just being I-don't-want-to-inconvenience-them me); if caught, we both would've gone to jail.
Do you like McDonald's sweet tea? I hate any and all tea.
Do documentaries bore you? I adore animal docs.
Are you usually happy or sad most of the time? Sad, honestly. At least, more sad than happy.
Does money make you happy? I've spent my entire life in a poor family, something that's gotten worse and worse as I got older, so hypothetically yes, having money in my possession would be a massive contributor to my happiness. Fuck outta here with the "it doesn't buy happiness" bullshit, say that when you get evicted out of your household because you can't pay for a roof over your head and have to rely on friends to house you.
Have you ever had a storage locker? If so, what is/was stored in it? No.
How far away is the nearest capital city? Like 50ish minutes by car.
What was the last movie trailer you watched? Oh I have no idea.
Are you expecting anything in the mail? No.
Have you ever broken any bones in your feet or hands? I broke my wrist as a kid, pretty sure my left one because I think I remember still being able to write.
Do you remember the first house you lived in? No; I wasn't even two (if I remember right) before we moved to the house I really consider my childhood home.
Have you stayed up past 3 in the morning this week? No, I haven't done that in a very long time.
Is there anyone you know by the name of Frank? Yes, that's the name of one of my sisters' husbands.
Are you currently in a smoking environment? No.
Do you ever not speak to someone because you're afraid you'll annoy them? Yes, that's the story of my fucking life.
Have you ever known a guy who caused a lot of drama? Yep, at least two.
Is there anything you're saving up for? I don't have a single dollar to my name, so.
Have you ever punched someone and broke their nose? I've never punched anyone to begin with.
One word to describe your most recent ex? Overdramatic, to list a nicer thing.
Do you like snow? I love snow, but granted, we don't get tons of it here; oftentimes a winter will pass without any.
Can you tie balloons? No; even before I developed tremors, I don't think I was ever good at it.
When was the last time you were at a pet store? It's been a real hot minute. We really only have PetSmart and Petco here, and I hate both of them.
Do you know anyone who is terrified of dogs? Pretty sure yes, or maybe it's just my sister's dog specifically. Their neighbors include a little girl where if she's over to play with the kids, Oakley (very large chocolate lab, wouldn't hurt a fly but VERY overenthusiastic in affection) has to be locked in her cage or else she's hysterical apparently.
What's your favorite horror movie? Probably The Blair Witch Project. Also quite a fan of The Crazies.
What cover do you think is better than the original song? "Hurt" by Johnny Cash, "Sound of Silence" by Disturbed, and Bad Wolves' version of "Zombie."
What's a TV show you have gotten into recently? Girt and I recently finished the first season of 3% and it's pretty good.
What is a food you think is nasty that most people enjoy? Fried chicken is one. Tomatoes seem to be liked a lot on sandwiches of sorts.
Was the last person you hung out with single? My mom is, yeah.
[TW: ABUSE] Have you ever been in an abusive relationship? No.
Do you like drinking diet sodas? Diet sodas are disgusting.
Who was the last person that cried in your presence? Maybe my mom, or a niece or nephew.
What was the last thing someone gave you? For our anniversary, Girt got me a picture of the night sky above my house the date we became a couple, I assume because it's where I asked him out. He always feels bad that his gifts aren't as "thoughtful" as mine (his words) so I thought it was the fucking cutest thing.
Who is the person you often go to for venting? My mom, Girt, or Mazzy and Tez.
Was the last person you kissed male or female? Male.
Who were you with the last time you went swimming? My mom, our family friends Lolita and Summer, and briefly one of Lolita's friends whose name I don't remember.
Do you say “I love you” even when you don’t mean it? Absolutely not. I will say I've said it to like, my mom in a time where I'm angry at her and don't really want to, HOWEVER I know I absolutely still do love her.
Is it hard for you to be “just friends” with the opposite sex? I don't think so.
Do you prefer wheat or white bread? Wheat.
What's your opinion on fast food? I absolutely hate how much I enjoy fast food, and I don't quite know why I do other than places I like just have food made in a way I particularly enjoy, I guess. Mom and I don't get it an awful lot though, maybe like once a week, because it's gotten so expensive and it's obviously unhealthy.
Have you ever dated anyone while they were in jail? No.
If you've ever babysat, do you like it? No, I hate it.
Do you get a lot of spiders in your house? Nah.
Name two of your favorite things as a child. Dinosaurs and Pokemon.
Do you own a pillow pet? Uh no I don't think so. If I do, it's in a storage bag somewhere.
Have either of your parents gone to jail? Certainly not that I know of. I suppose it's possible when my dad has drugs in his past, but I feel like I'd know about this.
Do you have OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder)? I do/am medicated for it, though my OCD primarily manifests itself in rumination cycles, a lesser-known "format" of the condition. I don't have ritualistic behaviors and the like that you normally expect.
Do you know a hoarder? Well, I did. I recently learned she died. A former friend's mom also exhibited hoarder-like behavior, but I haven't had anything to do with these people in many years, hell if I know how the witch is.
Do you think homosexuality (anything besides heterosexual) is a choice? Absolutely not. I believe homosexuality and similar orientations are probably mutations, and I say that only because they're so against what science teaches (reproduce reproduce reproduce), but maybe they're even more "normal" than that. What do I know, I sure as hell don't have any degrees in this shit.
Do you have any interesting scar stories? I have one from a pilonidal cyst removal surgery and I really need to start testing how "hey I have an asscrack scar" goes for a conversation starter.
What's a reasonable amount of time before two people get engaged? This varies so, so much? Everyone's different? I will say that like, less than a year sounds very quick for any circumstance I can think up, and even one whole year sounds hasty, but again, this is so unique to different couples.
Do you hate the texture of meatballs? No, I actually love meatballs.
Do you get migraines? I consider myself super fucking lucky that these are very rare for me. I can't imagine dealing with them chronically, just the few occasions I have were hell itself.
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jofiel · 6 years
Also mini life update: I no longer have to worry about where to meet people my age because I accidentally signed myself up for some upcoming group yesterday for people ages 17-24
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