#Obi Wan Kenobi x OFC
tragedybunny · 1 year
A Fate Written in Indifferent Stars - Chapter 3
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The Republic has fallen and the Empire has risen. Obi-Wan lives in exile on Tatooine, the distant guardian of Luke Skywalker. Amidst the desperation and desolation, the mysterious appearance of a Nightsister draws his curiosity. As he tries to piece together her true intentions, he finds himself more deeply entangled with her than he ever intended.
I'm back at it with another chapter. If you're reading and supporting know that I love you. I'm hoping I can keep working on this story and really build it into something great. As usual, comments and reblogs are appreciated.
Zelena had made good on her promise, continuing to see him whenever she could persuade him to meet up with her. Not that it was much work, but not wanting to seem too over eager though, he’d turn her down every so often. Every encounter was an excuse to study her, to poke and prod as much as possible without making her too suspicious. For several weeks they continued in what he thought of as a game she was playing, going for drinks after her shift, accompanying her through the marketplace, simply wandering the city and talking. Every time she seemed delighted to see him, as though she were surprised he kept turning back up. Over time, she’d opened up about her past a little bit more, but remained careful never to mention Dathomir. That coupled with the fact that she would always say goodbye just outside her door and never invited him kept Obi-Wan’s suspicions primed. 
Seeing what lay beyond that door felt like the key to unraveling the whole plot. And currently, it was close enough that he could feasibly be in and out before anyone noticed. If he got caught though, the whole plan would be spoiled. Acting impetuously was tempting, but he had developed better control than his Padawan days, no matter how eager he was to see this settled. 
Today he’d shown up on a whim, there were no shifts running at the mine due to equipment malfunctions. When he’d arrived, he’d found her just walking out of her door, leaving earlier than he would have thought with her late hours. “Ben, this is unexpected.” Shifting her weight while stationary, she’d adjusted a large satchel that hung from her shoulder across her torso to lay against her hip. Around them, the courtyard of the apartment complex had just begun coming to life, and the din cut through the morning air. 
“Sorry Zel, I didn’t realize you were busy.” It had been worth the attempt, but the waste of his time internally frustrated him, a lesson to not try the surprise route again. 
“Eh, a small health problem with one of Nagla’s brood.” Nagla, whom he’d only recently been officially introduced to, was the matriarch of the Rodian family that were Zelena’s neighbors. To date, he’d counted at least half a dozen children that belonged to the household, although it was hard to tell as several apartments were occupied by what seemed to be an extended clan. “I was going to stop by and see if I could be of any help.” It wasn’t the first time he’d been witness to her serving as a healer for the small community. Doctors weren’t always plentiful on Tatooine and even when there was one, many didn’t have the credits to get care. Natural remedies and very basic procedures were the best some could hope for. Her skills in these matters were one part of her past that Zelena had been slightly open about, claiming she’d learned them from her people’s elders and perfected them exploring her planet’s wilderness. He’d noted, as she had spoken of it while bandaging one of the local children who’d had a nasty fall, that again she avoided naming the planet. “And hide out from Kyrsta for a while.” 
He’d followed her gaze to the sight of a speeder bike, tipped over on its side, engine exposed, clearly having seen better days. Stunned for a moment, he hesitated before quietly asking, “Zel, what did you do?” 
“They ran into me.” For emphasis, she flung her hands in the air, seemingly exasperated at having to go into the subject yet another time. “Something got knocked loose, and I’m not much of a mechanic, so when I tried to mess with it, well.” She gestured back to the unfortunate machine. “Kyrsta might be considering my murder at this point.” 
Her expression was sullen, and her distress about the incident was evident. “Perhaps I could take a look?” He offered, the opportunity to be her savior could be pivotal, he told himself, even as she brightened a bit at his words. 
“You can try if you want.” She replied, shrugging, even as she smiled slightly. “Don’t worry about it too much though.” 
“Best of luck with the little one.” He watched as she walked across the well-trod sand that served as the path through the courtyard, not for the first time noticing her moving with an almost ethereal grace that was otherworldly and hypnotic. The red of her cloak made her easy to follow as weaved through the rising crowd, and his eyes remained on her until she was knocking at Nagla’s door. Only then did he turn his attention to the abused speeder, which brought him to this moment, where he realized the possibilities in how close it lay to her door. 
“What have I gotten myself into?” Muttering, he dropped down to his knees to study it. If nothing else, it would make a decent distraction while he waited for her to return. 
Though he was a competent tinkerer, he’d never quite had the genius for it that Anakin had. No doubt he’d torment him right now for attempting this before thinking it though, the thought made him feel as though he could both sob and cackle madly. But the ghosts of the past needed to remain there, and he put away the thoughts of how Anakin’s eyes lit up when he laughed. 
A small box of tools had been left open near the speeder, and he rifled through it, quickly taking stock of what he had to work with, seeing precious few that would do any good on this current case. Further evaluation of the damage revealed a panel had been removed and the evidence of someone blindly poking around was clear. “Really Zel?” He fussed out loud to himself. Clearly, she had been right, no matter what her other talents were, this was not among them. 
Exploring the engine, he tried to parse what was still in its proper place and found a power conduit that seemed to be hooked up in entirely the wrong spot. It was running a feedback loop instead of carrying power anywhere. Simple enough, he thought, pulling a spanner from the toolbox, just disconnect and reconnect. Only moments were needed to right its position, easy as he thought. When he attempted to power it on however he was met with a mocking silence. The power conduit was assuredly in the right place, there must have been something else he was missing, and so he pressed on. 
Time drifted away from him over the next several hours as he sat beneath the blazing light of the twin suns, pursuing every fix he could come up with and implement with what he had at his disposal. The heat weighed down on him, sweat covered his brow and his muscles began to ache. The residents of the complex passed by as they went about their daily lives, some gave him a curious glance, a whisper or two following in their wake. Idly, he wondered what they thought of him. 
The engine of the speeder eventually ceased to make sense to him. He’d tried everything, but nothing looked right anymore. There was a throbbing in his head and his thoughts had become muddled. Attempting to power it on one last time, the same frustrating nothingness was all that occurred. Sitting back, he sighed, a feeling of being unwell at last overcoming him. 
“Ben, you’re still out here!” Zelena’s voice wavered uncharacteristically, as though she were concerned about something. 
“I couldn’t quite get it to go.” The whole thing had seemed so important while he was working on it. Now he wasn’t sure why. Was it because it had her so troubled? That was foolishness, he owed her nothing. Whatever she thought she was to Ben Kenobi, he didn’t exist. Obi-Wan did, and he was alone in the galaxy. He was lost in the morass of all those thoughts he’d nearly forgotten about Zelena, who was now hovering directly over him. 
“It’s not that important. You’ve gone and made yourself sun sick being out here for too long.” Reaching down, she helped him to his feet, watching as he stood on unstable legs. 
“I’ll be fine, I swear.” The way she was fussing over him filled him with awful unease, and his instinct was to get away from it as quickly as he could. 
Turning in the direction of her door, she looked torn for a moment before finally resigning herself to whatever it was she was contemplating. “No way, you’re coming inside to cool off where I can keep an eye on you.” 
Unintentionally, he’d achieved exactly what he wanted, if only he could concentrate on it. But everything was so blurry, and he was so weary. Giving in, he placidly let her lead him forward, past the threshold, and into the dimly lit apartment. Hurriedly, he glanced around, taking in what details he could, unsure if he would ever see this chance again. A small living area was the first thing he encountered, a couch and a couple of chairs, all well-used were scattered around a low table, an old holo-projector in front of them. In one corner rested a shelf full of paper books, various jars, and assorted plant bits. A kitchen was to his right, small and not much more than functional, to his left was an open door he could see a lone bed through. 
Guiding him to the couch, Zelena helped him get settled on it. Following an irresistible urge, he sunk down to lay on his side, his body grateful for the relief of the relative coolness around him. Reappearing before he noticed she was gone, she handed him a glass which he took in a shaky hand. “Drink.” She ordered and he didn’t even think of resisting. The liquid was cool and tart, and it vaguely occurred to him that she could have given him something nefarious. But his eyes were heavy and the couch was astonishingly quite comfortable. Somehow, the glass had disappeared from his hand. “It’s alright, get some rest.” Gently, her fingers were running through his hair, adding to his already bewildered state, and reawakening some of those misgivings from that first night he went out with her. Heavy eyelids finally shut and he drifted off into slumber. 
In that space between dream and reality, he heard something. A faint voice, singing or chanting, in a language unfamiliar to him, though he could guess what it was. Remarkably, an uncanny sense of comfort took hold of his spirit, and the voice kept on until he sunk into the darkest depths of sleep. 
The ship entered the docking bay at Ord Mantell City smoothly and without incident. Most of the passengers, save a few,  paid no heed and continued on with whatever it was that was occupying them, clearly bound for the freighter’s next destination. Ord Mantell, it would seem, remained a place few would choose to end up in. Poverty had completely overtaken it as corruption soared, and criminal elements ruled what little there was that was desirable. 
Discreetly, he moved amongst the crew as they off-loaded cargo, from the fringes carefully observing as the customs agents appeared to process them. One sleepy-looking Imperial Officer and two guards, a token unit more for the show of it than anything else. The Empire couldn’t appear to be disinterested in a world that for so long had been a trade hub and still saw much traffic, but they likely preferred to influence by means other than force. 
The Officer was more concerned with the crates that moved from the ship than with any of the passengers that were making their way planetside. Obi-Wan followed the small group, keeping close and his head down, and made as quickly as possible for the exit of the docking bay. Bail had ensured that he had enough fraudulent documentation to move around the galaxy as long as he stayed inconspicuous; he'd thought it prudent after the last incident. At the moment, he found himself extremely thankful for the forethought as it saved him the trouble of explaining what he’d needed to come all the way here for. The rescue of someone with whom he’d had a thoroughly complicated relationship, a relationship he still didn’t like to speak of in his innermost thoughts, let alone to anyone else. 
A droid scanned their ID Chips, uncaring and unknowing, pulling his hood down to cover his face, he followed the natural procession out into the street. The day was just dawning on Ord Mantell, and sunlight cut through fog and fumes alike, making the city almost shine like a newly constructed metropolis. Their little group began to disperse, some going along with parties that had been waiting for them, and others like him going on their own solitary way. Into the streets he headed, with little more guidance than a trust that the Force would lead him to where he needed to be.  
Built between the rise of the planet’s mountains, like many of the other metropolises, the city had seen better days. Once legitimate trade and industry had flourished here, but now years of abuse by the gangs and the Empire had taken their toll on it physically along with the populace. It reminded him of the lower levels of Coruscant in a way. The pervasive darkness was missing, but the crowds of those who were destitute and dangerous, the endless noise, and the glare of neon lights, still shining in the rising sun. 
Instinctually, he wanted to quicken his pace, to achieve what he’d set out to do and get off planet as soon as possible. The longer he stayed, the greater the risk. Now he needed to slow down, open himself, listen to the Force. The coordinates Zelena had sent him had been the general location for Ord Mantell City. Her time had been short and she hadn’t been able to give anything more, and it wasn’t as though he could wander the streets asking where the Black Sun was likely to hold those they had forced into their service. But perhaps looking to hire them could provide an in, a prospective smuggling job could do the trick. 
Cantinas, casinos, technically illegal fighting dens, they were everywhere, the culture of Ord Mantell that existed behind walls and closed doors. He’d find a contact somewhere who would get him where he needed to be, of that he was sure. Though thought of having to wade through the masses of scum and villainy gave him a slight pause and a sense, once again like that at his departure from Tatooine, that he was getting too old for these exploits. Once he saw that Zelena was safe, he was resolved that he wouldn’t be having another grand adventure. “Hey old man.” A rough voice from behind shook him from his thoughts, it promised violence, and he knew he’d found what he was looking for. The Force once again his steady guide. 
Turning to face the newcomer, his hands raised to the air, feigning shock. “I don’t want any trouble.” 
“There’s a fee to enter Ord Mantell City, you gotta give Black Sun their due.” There was nothing remarkable about the man he found himself speaking to. Gang tattoos, and a bit of muscle, but nothing that would mark him out as noteworthy or particularly dangerous. But no doubt he would prove himself useful for the task he required of him. Obi-Wan let him close the distance between the two of them.
Rather dramatically, he fumbled at a pouch on his belt, playing up his supposed feebleness. “I don’t have much.” The man’s own greed and eagerness were really the only disguise he needed as he moved in, inpatient for the easy mark. 
One hand revealed a blaster under his coat, and another reached for Obi-Wan. “Is it worth your life?” 
Before he realized the grave error he had made, Obi-Wan had squeezed his wrist in a vice-like grip and used the momentum of his own steps to send him colliding toward the wall of the building at his back. Tentatively, he glanced around, seeing no one had paid the encounter any heed. Still, best not to risk it too much. With another sharp motion he tugged the dazed and breathless man into a small alley between buildings. “Wh-Who are you?” He gasped, looking around frantically for an out. 
Obi-Wan held up a hand and let the Force flow through him. “I have an important cargo and I need it smuggled. You’ve seen the proof, you’ll get your cut.” 
The man’s eyes glazed over as the words took root in his mind. “You have an important cargo that you need to be smuggled, I’ve seen the proof, I’ll get a cut.” 
The mind trick had taken hold with ease, setting up the next step in the plan he’d been quickly formulating. “You should take me to someone who can arrange that.” 
A vacant voice echoed him for a second time. “I should take you to someone who can arrange that.” 
Releasing the wrist he’d been holding and stepping away, he let his new companion lead the way. “I know where we need to go.” He mumbled, as though half in a dream. Now it all depended on him actually having connections to be exploited. 
Exiting the alley, they began a route through the city, the man leading him on steps that started out jerky and uneven, perhaps he was fighting what had been done to his mind. Obi-Wan let his focus remain on him, searching for any more signs he would break free. It only needed to last long enough for the next contact. Through crowded streets and aging buildings, they trekked, stopping at a simple box of steel marked by an unassuming sign that read: “Ranack’s Outpost”.  “We’ll find someone inside,” he gestured as he opened the door, and Obi-Wan followed him in. 
Chanting filled his thoughts, and his senses were overpowered with a scent like incense and spices from worlds he couldn’t name. They converged and melded, and the only clear thought was of Zelena and her hand softly brushing through his hair. Moving fitfully about where he lay, he faded in and out of consciousness until he no longer knew what was real and what was a dream. 
When his eyes groggily began to open, he realized at least parts of it had been very real. He was, in fact, laying across Zelena’s couch and her apartment looked very much like the hazy memories he had of walking inside. A quick assessment told him that she herself was not in the immediate vicinity. Head still foggy, he pushed up to a sitting position and further investigated his situation. The sparse apartment was like so many other homes on Tatooine, a place to survive in. “Zel”, he called, wondering where she’d gone off to. 
Taking a moment to get his unsteady legs under him, he began to idly explore her little space a bit more than the impressions he’d gotten upon entering. The kitchen was tidy and orderly, the living area sparse of much ornamentation except a rug on the ground that made it a little less austere. The shelf in the corner drew his eye again and he resolved to figure out some of what all that was at some point. Zelena still hadn’t made an appearance so he pressed on with the expedition.
Cautiously, he passed through the open doorway into her bedroom,a jumble of personal objects spread over a bureau and the bed vied for his attention, all bearing possible clues. A quick glance revealed another door on the side of the bed. The fresher, he surmised, hearing noise from within, the puzzle of where she had gone now solved. Likely, he should return to the less private part of her home before she emerged, seeing him here might make her suspicious. As he turned to go, something in the far corner caught his eye, a small statue on a table. 
Curiosity got the better of him, but it was the only indication he’d ever seen of her true past, and maybe the reason she had been hesitant to invite him inside. Just a quick glance, then he’d go back. A small sculpture of a woman stood on a low, simple table, in her hand was a bowl which held a few drops of a greenish liquid. Scattered around it were a curious collection of items; a small sharpened rock, a crystal almost as green as the liquid, bits of dried herbs, and a small skull of some sort. Below the table was a simple chest, that he knelt down to get a better look at. Looking as though it were an artifact from antiquity, he found it locked and couldn’t discern the mechanism to open it. Running a hand over it though, he was surprised he could feel it thrumming with power that made him recall his meeting with Mother Talzin. 
“Momentos from home.” A voice behind him spoke and he inhaled sharply, shocked she’d manage to not alert him before now. Could his head still be that foggy or was it some foul trick of hers? 
On guard, he stood slowly and turned to face her, trying to keep his expression from betraying him. For a moment today he’d forgotten himself, and wound up weakened and at her mercy, he needed to navigate this more carefully. Barely clad in her work uniform, she stood with a brush in her hand, and red curls, freshly cleaned by the sonic shower, tumbling around her shoulders. Thoughts frustratingly went hazy again as he cast around for how to respond. “There you are, I was just …” 
Her expression was as cold as an ancient grave. “You were snooping, Ben.” 
“Sorry, it’s just, I hadn’t ever seen anything like it and only intended to take a quick glance at it.” A little of the truth might give enough sincerity to his words that it would pacify her. Thus far he’d never known her to act violently, but the small shrine was an embodiment of the fact that she was, besides anything else, a Nightsister, and he didn’t know her capabilities. 
“Noted. If you’re feeling better, I think it’s time you leave. I need to get to work.” Her manner hadn’t warmed at all. 
“Right. Really, I am sorry about this.” There was a sinking feeling in his stomach, he’d been so close and now the one chance he had to do something useful, to prevent some evil from flourishing was possibly ruined. Like he ruined so much else, a voice inside insidiously whispered. Surrendering to her request, he turned and exited back to the living area. Zelena followed, ushering him from her secrets, all the while he remained wary she would do more in retaliation for the transgression.
“I have precious little left from my home, and I guard it above all things. Rarely do I show hospitality for that reason.” The chilly wrath was dissipating, leaving behind a melancholy he’d seen before when she spoke of what became of her family. “As you are my friend, I will try to let this go.” 
Despite all the thoughts of the malicious witch of moments ago, the words managed to sting him. He’d genuinely hurt her with his very intentional actions, something that he normally thought of as outside his character. Desperately he clung to the notion that it was a farce, this was all for show on her part, for reasons he didn’t understand. But the doubt was creeping back in, she could be like so many others, just a refugee trying to live after the horrors of war. And he was the monster, lying to and manipulating her. Turning to face her, he took one of her hands in his and held it gently, grateful she didn’t snatch it away. No matter the truth, he needed to fix what had been done. “Zelena, I promise I will make this up to you.” 
For the second time since he’d met her, he found himself in an unexpected embrace. This time he returned it quickly, if still a bit awkwardly, feeling the press of her outline through the thin uniform. Face resting against her curls, that exotic scent from his dream overtook him once more. While he breathed it in, trying to form some distinct conclusion from everything that had occurred today, he swore he heard her sniffle, and his mind reeled, scattering his thoughts again. He’d made her cry, what noble and Jedi-like behavior on his part. Sorrow beat against his mind, once again she pierced through whatever it was that blocked his connection to the Force, and he felt her raw emotions, tearing apart the last of his confidence in the rightness of his plot. Perhaps he’d been so caught up in having a mission and purpose again, that he’d been blind to the truth. He’d wanted an enemy he could fight, a wrong he could conquer, to feel useful. 
He let her linger there, head resting against his shoulder, far longer than he really should, until she sighed softly. “I should get going, if I’m late Malk will cut my hours.” Letting go, she backed away, emotions pushed aside it would seem. “We can worry about this later, just give me some time for now.” 
“Absolutely.” Time was what he needed himself, time to clear his head, evaluate everything, even going back to the start of all this. “I’ll be back, I promise.” 
The cloak that had been discarded when she’d brought him in waited for him near the door, and he bent to retrieve it, overwhelmed still by how quickly events had unfolded. With one last look back at her to see unease still written across her features, he exited back out into the dying day, exiled for the time being. 
In the weeks that followed, he resolved to stay a distant from Mos Eisley as possible, only going so far from the cave as Anchorhead for work, falling back into the routine he’d had before she disembarked the transport that had brought her to Tatooine. Strictly avoiding any place he could possibly encounter her was the goal. The two images he had of Zelena warred in his mind; Nightsisters wove magic that was steeped in the dark side, and allied themselves with the Sith when it was convenient, not to mention the slavery of the Nightbrothers, but Zelena was a healer who had been nothing but kind, and kept mostly to herself, not seemingly interested in anything beyond the life she was building. She had been on Tatooine for months, couldn’t she have tried something by now? Would she not have used his acquaintance, knowing he was familiar with traversing the planet, to look for Luke, if that's what she wanted? To combat the turmoil in his mind, he tried mediating several times, looking to discern the truth. Unsurprisingly, it did nothing to guide him, the Force seemingly having totally rejected him. Perhaps it was the final toll for his failures. Whatever the cause, all it gave him were more nightmares, with even more old memories dredged to the surface. 
The shifts in the mine were a trial unto themselves, grueling and intense. Companies often extracted what they could from the planet as quickly as possible, with little thought to the workers that made it possible. Already he’d lost a few comrades down in the depths, and they still couldn’t extract enough metal to make it profitable. Likely soon it would end up like most other mining ventures, a dead site with equipment being claimed by the sand and him having to find new employment to keep fed. The idea crossed his mind to look for something closer to the Lars homestead if he could, easier to keep an eye on things. Luke was growing faster than he could believe, already keen on trying to explore by himself as Owen and Beru chased after him. 
It was while he observed this spectacle, one evening from a distance that kept Owen from spotting him, that he finally felt his mind had settled enough that he would be comfortable seeing Zelena again. The time had come to decide if she really was a threat at all, and he had a bit of a plan to both appease her for his transgression and hopefully gwt her talking as much as possible. To that end, he planned his departure for early the next morning, before the sun rose. Both he and Akkani would be more comfortable the further they got before dawn. By some miracle, that night as he slept, there was only darkness to be had in his dreams. 
When he set out, leaving the cave with a couple days worth of supplies, he found Akkani, waiting with eagerness, as though to encourage him on. The path he took now seemed unavoidable to him, and likely the decision was long overdue, whatever had been holding him back. His patient friend took him across the sands and to the edge of the lively metropolis, the long ride giving him even more time to ponder, though he knew he’d find the answer when he spoke to her again. When they reached the outskirts, he stabled the Eopie and walked the rest of the distance to Zelena’s apartment. 
The first thing he noticed when he arrived was that Kyrsta’s speeder was gone and he wondered if she’d had to pay to have it fixed. Once she had mentioned to him saving up to move out of the crowded tenements, and his inability to fix the speeder had probably set her back considerably. It caused him a pang of guilt that he fended off by reminding himself he hadn’t made up his mind about her yet. That recollection was another piece of the puzzle though, he thought as he recalled that particular conversation. “I’ll get a nice place, marry some handsome, roguish pilot and settle down. Maybe even have a couple of children.” Walking beside him, she described the scene with a lighthearted tone and a smile, and he’d stared at her for a moment. “Don’t tell me you're jealous of my plan Ben.” 
At the time, he’d been trying to decide if she was sincere, the same question that haunted him still. “No just trying to picture you chasing around a brood the size of Nagla’s.” He teased to deflect her scrutiny. 
Now, less sure even than that day, he needed to press forward. Reaching Zelena’s door he hesitated only a moment before pressing the button for the buzzer. As he waited, he began to feel a dread that he hadn’t bothered rehearsing what he was going to say. After a nervous moment the door remained shut and he rang again,just wanting to get to it. Dejectedly he concluded it was possible he’d already missed her and he would have to try again later. As he was halfway set on leaving and doing just that, the door slid open.
Zelena stood there in a nightgown of undyed, plain cloth, eyes still heavy with sleep and posture guarded. “Ben?” She asked groggily. 
“Zel.” The word had hardly left his mouth and stinging pain bloomed on his cheek. Before he could react to dodge, she’d fiercely slapped him, leaving him speechless for a few seconds. “Ow.” 
“Weeks! You’ve been gone for weeks!” She was no longer quite so sleepy sounding. 
“You said give you space.” Rubbing his now sore cheek, he tried to defend himself. 
“That didn’t mean disappear for a ridiculous amount of time. Are you simple minded Ben Kenobi?” She raged, drawing the attention of some of her neighbors. 
“I didn’t think so before this but now…” It looked as though he’d be making penance for this as well, though her concern was leaving a warmth in his chest.
“I’ve had everyone asking around about you. I was worried, I-” Pulling her into his arms, her words were cut off as she wrapped herself around him. “I’m glad you’re not dead out in the dunes somewhere.”
“I missed you too, Zel.” Letting go, he backed up a pace, putting a little distance between them, it seemed a necessity to pull away from the emotions at play. “And I’m sorry for waking you up.” 
“Nevermind that, come inside.” Taking his hand, she nearly began to drag him behind her. It wasn’t lost on him that she’d essentially seemed to have forgiven his earlier transgression and was as warm as ever with him. “You can tell me how you plan to make everything up to me.” 
Forgiven but not forgotten it would seem. “I might have something in mind.”
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imtheonetheycallme · 1 year
The one with the Force - Chapter 1
So this happened. I have been fighting with myself whether I want to publish it, but well, OK.
English isn't my first language, so I do apologise for any silly (or less silly) mistakes :)
If you prefer to read it on AO3, you are more than welcome ;)
Plot A new tactic has been introduced to help the Jedi and the Clones to fight the War. A young, clumsy and stubborn head of medic and a respected Jedi Master may not be the best mix, however, for some reasons, the Force decided other way.
Pairing: Obi Wan Kenobi x Original Female Character
Warning: nothing in this chapter.
Words: 3 041
There were a lot of things Obi Wan Kenobi wasn’t sure of during this war. How long would it take, how many more of his men he would be forced to see dying, or how many times will Anakin disobey his order. But there was one thing General Kenobi knew for sure. He was tired and in pain. As much as the first one has become some kind of formality for him since his Master died, the second one was becoming an issue. It’s not like he didn’t go to the medics after each mission. But there always seemed to be an emergency before he was able to heal, he always felt like one of his lungs was collapsing, or just a rib making it harder to breathe. He never said it to anyone, but he just wanted to rest. He wanted the war to finally be over, so he, Obi Wan Kenobi could go and have a whole day just to himself. He knew it was selfish, but he didn’t care at this point. 
So when he heard a beeping he didn’t stop the groan leaving his lips. He hoped he would at least have an hour for himself, to just lay around and let his body heal. He wasn’t the 20 years old Padawan like Anakin or Ashoka, who seemed to never get tired. 
“We need you at the deck”, of course they did. He appreciated Cody, and Force, he couldn’t ask for a better Commdender, but damn, did he hate him at this particular moment. He could feel there was a commotion around. The clones were running around more frantically than normally, as if they were preparing for something. 
“Apologies General, but we got a call from Master Windu and Master Yoda” he smiled softly at the Clone and nodded his head, preparing himself mentally for yet another exhausting mission. 
“Masters, how can I help you?” He welcomed both of them, trying to hide how much he didn’t want to take part in this briefing. 
“We have some good news, Obi Wan”, Windu started and Kenobi knew he must be tired, cause he swore he saw the older Jedi smile. “For a while now, in top secret, we have been preparing a special operation.” He never liked anything that had a ‘top secret’ in its name. Especially if it was a secret, even he didn't know about. But he knew better to ask, so he just nodded as a sign of listening. “We prepared 10 teams of medics that would be deployed to each of the most crucial bases, that would consist of the most well-trained healers we have. All the Jedi Generals should have a healer for themselves, that would help you to be better prepared for the next battles.” It wasn’t easy to surprise Master Kenobi, but Kriff was he in awe. “There is a ship coming your way, with your medics. You and Skywalker will have your own private ones that will follow you through your missions. Whether you take them with you or leave them at the base is up to you.” The silence seemed to stutter for way too long, he felt it, and yet he wasn’t sure how to respond.For the first in a very long time, he didn’t know what to say, and he couldn’t wait to see Anakin’s face when he’s going to find out. 
“I won’t lie Master Windu, this is probably the best news I have heard for a very long time”, he chuckled to himself. “I didn’t know we were even preparing something like that.”
“Teams like that would give a lot of hope and probably boost our morale, yes”, he stopped and sighed.
“However, sure whether this would work we were not. Losing that boosted morale would have been a critical punch if we failed. Why this is, it is a secret we decided to make, even from you, master Obi Wan. Yes, hrrrm”, leave it to Master Yoda, to always truly know what he really thought. 
“Understood, Master”, the younger Master nodded. “We will prepare everything for them to land, then. How big are the teams?” 
“No big, around 5-10 people, depending on the amount of soldiers we have.” Windu answered. “They are well trained”, there was a pause and then a sigh “Trained by the best one of them.” There was something about it that didn’t sit well with Kenobi. “She will be appointed to you Kenobi. She is the head healer, however”, yet another sigh and even Yoda had to chuckle to himself. “Be wary, she is hard to take in.”
“So there we are”, she turned and smiled at the Twi’leks, second in command, head medic of her team and one of her best friends. “I didn’t believe it would work. When Yoda and Windu accepted that silly idea of yours, I was sure they were out of their minds, or desperate.” 
“Probably both”, she smiled to herself playing with her hair nervously. “And it’s good to know that you consider this mission silly, Dia.”
“Not anymore, but the idea itself was very controversial”, the Twi’leks rolled her eyes. “Not to mention that you are still just a kid, Nara”, Dia laughed when her friend’s fist landed on her arm. 
“I’m 27, thank you very much!!” She crossed her arm in front of her and smiled fondly, at her friend. “I am just a kid, right? It’s scary. I remember when we started the studies, I would never have imagined that I would be a head of medics at the age of 25 and be a part of the War against those scums.” They both came silent. It was unbelievable, truely, but there was no time for that. “I have to be honest. I’m nervous. When I proposed the idea, I didn’t think we would become private medics for the Generals. We will have a lot of work to do, you know?” 
“Yeah, I heard stories of Anakin Skywalker. But General Kenobi doesn’t sound much better”, there was a pause and a mischievous smile crossed Dia’s lips. “But I don’t think you mind that much.” Nara blushed a little bit and looked at the window, preparing herself mentally for the landing. 
Hard to take in. He wasn’t sure what Master WIndu meant by that, but Kenobi was sure that he had forgotten that he had Anakin as his Padawan for a long time. If the healer was the head medic, then she was probably an older lady. Nothing to worry about, he was sure. As much as he would get healed after his mission, he couldn’t care less, of whatever the old lady would talk about. 
He smiled to himself seeing a small cruiser landing. This new team would be a blessing for them. Of this he would be sure. A moving medic station was a brilliant idea that may change the course of the War. 
“There seems to be 5 medics and 2 pilots on board, with some equipment”, Cody stated calmly. “We have prepared quarters for them just as Master WIndu asked. Two separate ones for the Generals’ medics.” Kenobi nodded and smiled thankfully to the Clone. “That is a nice surprise, if I may say.” 
“Yes, definitely. Much better than another briefing on the mission.”, he started to walk to greet the team, frowning not seeing a head medic on the board. The average age of the team seemed to be around 40. “Welcome”, maybe she was still inside…”Thank you for coming. We were briefly informed by Master Windu about the situation, and let me tell you, I can not be more happy to have you here.” The group looked at him and they all smiled. A short, not higher than 160 cm, young girl, with big green eyes and long blonde hair stepped out of line, greeting him with a pleasant smile. 
“You must be Master Obi Wan Kenobi!” Her voice was calm and nice for the ears. “My name is Nara Ardan, and I am a head medic.” Well this definitely was a special day in the history of Jedi. It was once again that Master Obi Wan was lost with words. She was definitely not an old, grumpy lady he was expecting. She was young. Closer to Anakin’s age, than… Well, no it must have been a mistake. “It is a great honor to finally meet you! Mace isn’t really a man of compliments, but he does speak highly of you.” 
“Mace? You mean Master Windu?” He raised his brow. Not many people outside of the Order would speak his first name. Windu didn’t speak of her other than today, so Kenobi doubted that they were close friends. 
“Oh, yes, forgive me. I forgot he hates when I use his first name”, she chuckled and paused when a girl behind her coughed slightly. “Oh, apologies! Please Master Kenobi, please meet my team! This tall drink of water is Dia, my right hand, a second to commend in the medic base, and a new private doctor of Master Skywalker, who I see isn’t present.” 
“He does have a mission, with his Padawan”, Obi Wan smiled slightly at Dia, who nodded back. “I do have to apologize in advance, Dia, as a Master I did what I could…” Both women chuckled lightly at the humor. 
“These three blocks up there, are the finest men in the galaxy. And they specialize in bacta and internal issues. We ain’t the biggest team, but I can assure you, we are the best at what we do”, a little wink didn’t go unnoticed by the Jedi, who nodded his head. “Fed, Horrad, Gal, please meet General Obi Wan Kenobi.” Their handshake and posture were much more professional than their young boss’. What bothered Kenobi was the fact that the supposed head medic was the youngest out of them. He wouldn’t bother much if she was just the head of the team, however, if what Windu said was true, she was indeed a head of the Republic medics. “Is everything alright, General?” He didn’t realize he was striking his beard, eyes on the girl that was momentarily occupying his mind. 
“He has the same reaction as everyone else who found out that a kid like you is head of medics.” Dia murmured, making the Jedi shift uncomfortably. The man sighed and was about to apologize, when the young woman started to laugh.
“You are just 5 years older than me, so shut it will ya?” She turned her head to the Jedi, and it was the first time when the Master saw her serious. “I know and understand that my age may bother you, General Kenobi.” Her voice was still as calm as ever, but Obi Wan could feel it has become more strict and professional to what she sounded previously. “However, please be advised to not underestimate me just because I am a bit closer to the age of your previous Padawan than yours. Especially seeing how the same man seems to have the same respect in your eyes I lack.” He frowned, knowing that despite the softness to her voice, she was making a point. “However, as much as I understand that the respect must be earned and not just given, I ask one simple thing from you, Master Jedi.” She closed the gap that was separating them and looked up, to make sure she was looking straight into his eyes. “That you look at me based on my and my team’s achievements, rather than my age.” And before he was able to respond, she signaled the whole team to follow, asking one of the Clones to show them to their quarters. 
“Not gonna lie”, Cody chuckled still looking at surprised Kenobi, “I do like the feisty little Lady”. 
This was not how she wanted their first meeting to go. She expected the Clones would be wary of her, but seeing at his reputation, she expected more from General Kenobi. The way he looked at her, made her question all of the opinions she held so close about the Jedi Order. Or maybe, it was just her and her nerves getting the better of her… 
“I have to admit, that was sexy”, she turned around and raised her brow at Dia, who was standing at the entrance of their medic room. She had to admit, it was bigger than she expected. She wasn’t sure how much time Windu gave them to prepare it but it was a decent start to something much bigger and more organized “I thought your absurd adoration towards Jedi would stop you from fighting for yourself, and there you are” 
“Just because I admire them, doesn’t mean I will let them disrespect me, just because I am a little younger than they expected me to be. I was able to persuade Mace, nothing should be more difficult than that.” The woman smiled proudly at her younger friend. There were times when it was her that was responsible for defending the now head of medics. Her low self esteem was the only thing keeping her from being Great. It still pushes her back a lot, but it’s much better than it used to be. 
“Yeah, sexy” Nara couldn’t help the laugh that escaped her. “I let Fed know of the equipment. He’s taking care of it with the boys” the younger one nodded and smiled thankfully. “Not too many beds.” 
“No, but considering that it was put at the last minute, it’s not bad at all”, Dia smirked to herself, seeing how her little friend is already thinking of how to make it better in the most efficient and fastest way possible. If Dia had just one word to describe Nara, it would be Genius. And it wasn’t just a book smart thing. She understood, she adapted and used her gathered knowledge like a genius would. She was the youngest to ever enroll in the academy, and the youngest to finish it as well. However, Dia knew that despite Nara being a genius, nothing really came easy for her. No one spent as much time in the archives and libraries as she did. No one knew as much about the galaxy's medical herbs as she did. She was gifted, smart, talented but most importantly kind hearted. A must have for a healer. “How many bact bombs do we have?” 
“Not many I suppose. Making them isn’t as easy as we hoped. Horrad, would probably be of use to you when it comes to that. He would be happy to spend some time playing around it”. A single nod of acknowledgement. Nara was focused on the documentation, preparation and calculation. Dia always wondered what was inside of her friend’s mind when started to doze off and focus on more important issues. 
“Here”, she mumbled and gave Dia a list of things she thought were essential for the med room. “I am almost finished with the aid kit update. I still need to think of things or two. I would be grateful if you all would contribute to my ideas… I’m still working on the synthesizer, but it will take me a while, unfortunately. And I will need Fed help with it. Unfortunately I’m rubbish with technology.”
“Then I am sure, Anakin would be more than happy to help”, the both women jumped hearing a voice behind them. “Apologies, my ladies, I did not plan to scare you”. A sheepish smile was sent towards them, and for a second Nara wasn’t sure how this innocent and adorable man was considered one of the biggest threats by the Separatists. 
“I did hear Master Skywalker was more than adept with technology. He should easily find things to talk about with the boys.” Dia smiled and looked at Nara, who looked around the room, not to focus too much on the Master. She was truely adorably naive. “I'll send your wish list to the headquarters.”
“Thank you, and please go rest. Send the boys away as well please”, she half-shouted after her girl. “She works too much sometimes, seriously…” She murmured, forgetting for a second that she was not alone. “She… We were working until late yesterday so they didn’t get much sleep… You know…” She answered, playing with her little pen. Obi wan smirked to himself. It has been a while since he saw someone using something as simple as a pen. 
“What about you? You don’t seem to plan on resting”, he raised his brow at her, and walked inside the room. He hated med rooms, but for some reason it didn’t bother him to be in one right now. 
“First couple of days are crucial for us to build a strong and study med bay. I still have some things to do. As a head of med team I also need to contact other teams, to supervise how the situation looks like in other places. I don’t need that much sleep.” She bit her lip nervously, looking away. “But don’t worry I won’t forget about my duties as your private medic.” If she looked up, she would have noticed how his eyes softened and her comment. A small smile crept upon his lips and a weird sense of calmness spread inside of him. 
“You do have a lot of work.I do not wish to keep you busy, however, I do want to apologize.” This time her eyes traveled up to meet his blue ones, not expecting to hear that. “You are right, your age did surprise me. You are very young for someone who holds such an important position. However, I trust that I made a great mistake judging you before you had a chance to prove yourself.” He bowed slightly, making her take a step back by surprise. “Forgive me, I hope we can start off again on better terms.” A surprise was quickly replaced by a small, soft smile that brightened her whole face. She took some step forward and extended her hand. 
“It’s a pleasure to meet you, General Kenobi. I am Nara Ardan, I am a head of medics. I can’t wait to start working with you.” 
“Pleasure is all mine, Miss Ardan.”
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kenobis-kyber · 1 year
So I am desperately looking for an obi wan fanfic. The plot is that Obi wan goes into hiding on Concordia and falls in love with a woman who has a child. Cant remember the title.
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lena-artz · 1 month
Star Wars oc!!
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Did this oc because I'm into Star Wars again(it's all because of Ewan McGregor)
Idk what to say about her.
I already have a bit of her lore...
I did her before I started rewatching the movies, so I kinda created a species for her?? I don't know tbh.
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fives-lover · 3 months
Chapter 24: I Know from Experience
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Masterlist | Previous | Next 
Finished with the final portions of the pre-mission briefing, Wolffe sought Rasha out. He decided, after she left the bridge, that he wanted to see what she was made of before they arrived. He wanted to see her skill sets in person beforehand rather than just relying on a personnel file and his brothers' stories. Plus, he figured that it would be the best way to see if she was a typical civilian Officer. 
Eventually, he found her in the barracks reading, “Skohl. Training in thirty.” 
She jumped and started to answer but he was already gone. 
Rasha was the first one to the room and silently watched as Wolffe pressed several buttons to bring the blocks in the walls and floors to their desired positions. She didn’t recognize the layout but didn’t think that it would matter. She figured that they, whoever her squad members were going to be, would know the presets and how to act better than she would. Several minutes passed before the rest showed up and the session began. 
Wolffe was pleased with how quickly Rasha had integrated herself into the chosen squad. They worked as a team the second the session began. She let the clones lead and learned what each was best at before taking control, with them switching to follow her as quickly as they would follow him. She observed, planned, and acted in mere seconds - exactly what was needed in most situations on a real battlefield.
From working with so many in the past, Wolffe had learned that civilians tended to force their way through, not caring who was better at one skill or another. They would push their ideas and failing plans through his men’s skulls like a battering ram. Then he met Captain Rasha Skohl. The 501st’s lead medic and translation specialist. One of the two medical civilians working with them that were talked about almost nonstop.
Brothers told insanely exaggerated stories about her of things she may or may not have said and done. Some were told in a drunken stupor while others were completely sober. They had told him “how amazing she is” and that he “needs to meet her immediately.” Wolffe had always rolled his eyes at most of the stories and inside jokes he wasn’t privy to. And he only half-listened when a conversation with Rex or Cody somehow made its way to one of the two women.
When he had read what information had been available about the mission upon the assignment, he simply skimmed over her name and got to the other details of the mission. He thought that he’d be able to figure her out fairly quickly. Most acted the same, even down to how they carried themselves through the hallways and how they looked at him and his brothers. But it didn’t happen quickly, and, if he was being honest with himself, he still hadn’t quite gotten a complete grasp on her. He finally read more of her file the night he met her and the ship was finally in hyperspace because he didn't know what to make of the peculiar situation; he had expected her to be uptight and carry herself like she was above all of them just because they were clones. 
Instead, she carried herself with an air of confidence - whether it was actual confidence or a facade, was yet to be figured out - yet none of his men seemed to feel disrespected or put off by her presence. They never gave any dirty looks or made snide comments under their breaths when she walked past or entered a room. They were cautious and watched her just the same as he did; everyone wanted to see how she would act, who she was, and what kind of attitude she had. Wolffe saw her first interactions with Boost, Comet, and Sinker from a few tables away in the mess on her first day aboard the ship and watched, waiting for her to get up. He waited for the poorly hidden looks of disgust and sneers, but they never happened. She didn't say much at first but eventually, she warmed up to the three troopers that had interrupted whatever she had been reading during her meal. By the time Sinker left, the group was laughing and she seemed to genuinely be enjoying herself. Everything went the exact opposite of what he had expected. 
Reading up on and watching her, Wolffe wished he would've listened to some of his brothers’ stupid stories about her better. He couldn't believe that there was any way that the 501st would have been lucky enough to find someone kind and genuine enough for any of their stories to be true. Let alone have two civilians like that.
Turning his attention back to the room in front of him, he heard the squad’s communications. Quick and professional. Wolffe waited to hear the insistence from Rasha that her plan would be the best, ignoring all suggestions and new problems, and for her to force her way through. He still waited for her to be like a typical civvie; there had to be something about her. The arguments he expected never occurred. Just the simple disagreements that would happen in real situations that were quickly resolved. 
“We’re a little stuck over here, Cap. Where did you two go?” Boost asked urgently
“I’m not sure how far away we are from you guys.” She paused and looked around the small path she and Sinker had been stuck in for several minutes. Wolffe watched her shoot at several droids and duck behind a wall she had been using as cover while trying to come up with some semblance of a plan. “Hey, Sinker, can I get you to cover me? I’m going up,” Rasha calmly asked through the chaos throughout the room.
He snapped his attention to her from the other side of the path. “Up? Up where exactly?!”
Wolffe scanned the room and saw the tower Rasha planned on scaling next to her toward the back corner. 
“That wasn’t part of the plan, Cap!” Sinker insisted. 
“Neither was us getting separated while they got surrounded. I can’t see enough to get a good shot and you don't really have anything to climb on. Or do you? I can't tell.” Comet chuckled but didn’t make any jokes for once. “I know you’re a good shot, but,” she grunted and tried dodging a blaster bolt, “unless you can find a way out or would rather have the other two stay pinned down… I’m open to other ideas but I’m not seeing any.” 
Wolffe watched as Sinker looked around and answered her with silence. A small groan eventually sounded from him and Rasha took it as an agreement and started climbing, picking droids off so the others to recover when she got to the top.
She made her way back down to help Boost after she was satisfied. Nothing in any of the training weapons could potentially kill someone, but that didn’t mean that it didn’t hurt like hell or knock the air out of you if you got hit. Boost had been shot in the leg and Wolffe knew, from experience, that he wasn’t feeling too good and that it would more than likely be numb for a few more minutes. He also knew Boost most likely didn't need any medical help but was pleased that she had quickly made her way over when finally possible, just in case.
Wolffe powered the droids down several minutes later, having been satisfied with the results. “Be back in one hour.” 
Wolffe wanted to try out some presets he had been tinkering with during their next round of training. The dummy droids would act closer to his men than the training dummies on Kamino or the clankers. He was curious how the situation would pan out and if his tinkering had made much of a difference. They would work on programming nowhere near any of the standard run-throughs that everyone had become accustomed to. The last session had shown him some of what his tinkering had done, but now, he wanted to see the full extent. 
The arena had been set to a new layout before everyone had come back. Once communications were reestablished and the group was armed and ready to go, Wolffe activated the droids and watched them, still paying particular attention to the only person in the room wearing blue-painted armor again. 
“What are these damn droids doing?!” Sinker called out, “Did you do something to these kriffing things, Wolffe?!” 
The droids dodged, shot, and “thought” like Wolffe had hoped they would, leaving the squad initially confused and forced to adapt. The group was forced to think and act how they would during a real mission, which was what he had been going for. He wanted his men to train and he wanted them to train hard. He didn’t want them just going through presets they had run hundreds of times - he wanted things to be different each time, whether the layout in the room was the same or not. 
Shots continued flying left and right as Wolffe watched the squad’s plans fall apart and reform. He still waited for the civvie to force her ideas onto the group. He waited for an argument that could prove detrimental to their exercise and possibly indicate how she may act on the ground. But it never came. He only heard the continuation of information and orders thrown around as needed; no arguments or hard-headed stubbornness from Rasha. She even began suggesting and asking about changes to their current plan based on the evolving problems and agreed to ones that might work better than her own. 
Ducking around one of the walls, Rasha disappeared from Wolffe’s view. “I, uh… I-” she was breathing hard through the comms moments later, “guys, I need some help over here!” 
“On my way, Cap” Comet acknowledged.
A beat, then Wolffe heard Rasha gasp and shout repeatedly, “No, no, no!” Each word was punctuated by the sounds and sight of a dummy being shot multiple times.
“You might wanna get down here, sir! This doesn't look good!” 
Chaos and noise filled the air, barely clearing the pounding of Rasha’s heart in her ears. Blaster bolts flew in every direction over her head and lightsabers swung to counter them.
Blood-covered hands rushed between her pack and the soldier’s wounds. She wouldn’t lose him if she could help it, but she was running low on supplies and time. More men fell around her as they tried to protect her, civilians, and their injured brothers.
Ahsoka called out, "get up, Rasha! This doesn't look good!" 
But the area was becoming overrun by clankers. Civilian soldiers and clones alike were falling back. Orders were yelled and mechanical voices were getting closer. Soon Rasha would be exposed and vulnerable.
She had a difficult decision to make.
Her patient was slowly fading with more blood flowing than she could catch. She apologized as he took his final breaths and retrieved his helmet. 
Shooting back as she ran for cover, she could barely breathe. With the clone's name repeatedly running through her head, she forced herself to keep pushing. 
Lashing out, Rasha didn’t know where she was or who the person on the other end of her rifle was. Tears streamed down her face as she lowered her weapon, thinking that it was Fives anchoring her to reality like he did the last time she needed to calm down and breathe again. She saw hands try to remove her helmet and she squeezed her eyes closed. Those same hands rested on her shoulders shortly after and she barely heard a familiar voice trying to get through to her. 
Opening her eyes, she saw grey-painted armor - not the familiar blue she knew and squeezed her eyes shut again. It wasn't the blue covering her own armor. Not the blue painted in so many different patterns that it was too hard to count, yet she knew each one by heart. She didn't see anything familiar; nothing from the boys that quickly took her in as part of their family. She didn't see anything to do with the men who had found a place in her heart, filling a previously unknown empty space.
Instead, she saw a grey helmet and started backing away desperately again but the man’s hands held her firmly in place until she stopped squirming and could finally focus on her surroundings and listen to who was talking to her. 
You're not Fives or Echo. What's going on? 
Once Wolffe was alerted and Comet briefly reported what he was seeing, the rest of the squad stayed on the other side of the room, giving her space when he turned everything off and all but sprinted down to Rasha's location. 
“She's not-” Sinker began. 
“I know she's not hurt," Wolffe snapped, "you three need to go stand over there. I'll take care of this.” 
None of them said anything and they were already in the area he had pointed to, having moved over upon seeing how urgently their Commander had come down the stairs. They didn't say anything amongst themselves. All three knew what was going on with Rasha, having experienced similar situations themselves, and silently agreed not to say anything to anybody who didn't need to know. Not that any of them would have to begin with, but each glanced between each other with a mutual understanding of one another's thoughts. The only thing in the room that hadn't moved was the block Wolffe found her leaning against, arms and legs moving like she was trying to get smaller and fit between it and the floor. She looked like she was trying to crawl inside of it if she couldn't get under it.
Crouching down, Wolffe softly called for her, “Rasha. Everything is off. Nobody is hurt.” He gently touched Rasha's shoulder to help bring her back to the present and waited for the panic to subside before saying anything else. Instead, it seemed to trigger something in her and she pointed the training rifle at his chest, hands shaking. Wolffe raised his hands in surrender until she slowly but willingly lowered it. He removed her helmet and, after several attempts, she finally decided to open her eyes and keep them open, blurrily looking at him through tears with fear still gripping her. 
Eventually, Comet came over and offered Rasha her discarded helmet and motioned to Wolffe for them to move to a different room before others came in for other training. After she put it on, the two helped her up and guided her to the door, with Wolffe keeping a hand on her shoulder as they entered the hall. 
Rasha blindly followed him as he directed her to a random room, praying that he wasn't going to report her to General Plo for something she wasn't sure even happened. She didn't think she did anything wrong after joining the Wolfpack. Trying to remember everything she had done since her arrival she couldn't think of what he could even want to talk to Plo about and held her breath when he stopped at an unmarked door and entered the code with it quietly sliding open shortly after. The first thing she noticed was that Plo wasn't in the room. Next, she noticed that it had to be someone's living quarters. 
Had Wolffe taken her to his room? Did he want to reprimand her for what had happened during that training? She had too many questions and worries racing through her mind to realize that he was still behind her waiting to enter the room. 
She stood close to the door after entering and looked around, avoiding eye contact with him. She looked at pictures of him and some of his men on several different planets. Some included the people they had helped, others were just him and a few other troopers. He was smiling genuinely in each one that he wasn't wearing his helmet in. It was a smile she had never seen on the man across the room before. Beaded jewelry and strung-together shells hung around the room, presumably gifts from locals or items he had found and decided to keep. Extra armor was stacked neatly on one of the two beds. Paperwork was on the table in the back where she would keep her drawings on The Resolute. Every second she was in the room was another second she felt like she was intruding. Whether he had been the one to bring her to the room or not. 
“Well?” Wolffe asked, interrupting her thoughts. 
“I- I can explain.” 
“I asked if you were going to sit down or not,” he repeated, gesturing to the empty bed.  
Opting to sit as far away from him as she could, she started rambling. “I'm sorry. I can explain. I- I can still run this mission. Just please don't take me off and keep me on the ship when we get there. I can do this. I-” 
He shook his head and held up a hand, effectively shushing her. “I'm not taking you off.” 
“You're not?” 
“No.” He pulled a chair closer and sat down, “are you feeling better?” 
“I- what?” She took a few deep breaths before trying again, “I guess so. I don't know.” 
“I understand. Probably more than you realize, Rasha.” 
Hearing him use her first name rather than Captain, Skohl, or the two together sounded weird for some reason. She had heard everybody calling her Rasha multiple times a day but he never did until just then. 
“I probably realize more than you think I do,” she chuckled dryly, earning her a small smirk. “I know that all of you go through it too. I've heard some of your boys during the night and others getting up to calm whoever it was down. Mine do it too.” She finally looked at him and searched his expression. “And I know that you don't get help calming down in here unless you go looking for it because you're alone. I also know,” she shifted, getting more comfortable on the stiff mattress, and took another long breath before continuing. “that you won’t go looking for that help. Whether you need it or not. That you sit in here and try to force yourself to break out of it and calm down. That you tell yourself over and over that none of it is real. You whisper quiet comforts to yourself in hopes that it’ll work but it rarely does.”
She looked at some of the pictures behind him and felt him staring. Rasha felt like a hole was boring through her skull from the constant gaze. She could feel the confusion radiating off of the man before bringing herself to look at him again and saw him searching her expression like she had done with him not long before. She saw him looking for answers to questions he wasn’t going to ask. 
“I especially know the last part from personal experience,” she softly added just above a whisper and pulled out her necklace to mess with it, running the crystal up and down the chain like she had so many times before. 
“You told the General that you’re comfortable sleeping just about anywhere when you first joined us, correct?
“Um, yeah," she raised an eyebrow, "why?” 
“Get your stuff and bring it back in here.”
“Why? I’m just fine out there with the rest of the men. I don’t really need to go anywhere.” 
“Because you’re going to be sleeping in here for the rest of the mission. You don’t need to be alone when you get like you just were.” 
She looked around the room more, confusion only growing. “I’m not alone in there-” 
“Rasha-” She relented and stood, turning to leave the room but stopped at Wolffe’s pause. “-I’ve seen how some of those shinies look at you. Don’t need them getting any ideas.” 
She chuckled and shook her head, finally doing what she was told, and made her way to her bunk.
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wild-karrde · 11 months
Next I’d like to recommend my wonderful friend @thechaoticfanartist, whose masterpost is here. They specialize in writing their OC Grim Kennet, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker, and Ahsoka Tano. Their main WIP is The Clone Wars Gets a New Victim, in which a girl from Earth is transported into the Star Wars universe and tries to prevent Order 66 from happening.
OOOOOOOH I've always thought dropping a "this universe" human into the Star Wars universe presents an interesting set of problems and possibilities, and this fic absolutely seems like it will tackle several of those!! Also, HELL YEAH LESBIAN AHSOKA!! And this promises just PAIN at the thought of stopping Order 66, because even if Grim manages it, at what cost (because no one can ever be happy in Star Wars). Thanks so much for the rec!
Participate in Fandom Friday to show your favorite creators from this week some love! :)
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missshezz · 1 year
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Link: Monster
Fandom: Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008), prequel trilogy, all media
Warnings: None Apply (canon character death is mentioned)
Ratings: All ages
Word Count: 1000
Tags: Obi-Wan Kenobi whump, Obi-Wan dealing with Satine’s death, past Obitine, Anakin has issues, Anakin introspective, Anakin POV, Anidala, parallels drawn between how Obi-Wan deals with loss versus Anakin, foreshadowing of events, grief, anger, guilt, loss, mourning, Jedi Code, attachment being forbidden, post-episode 5x16– the Lawless
Summary: Anakin Skywalker is hailed as the Hero With No Fear. He’s the Chosen One. The greatest Jedi of his generation. Only he has a secret…
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Obi-Wan Kenobi did not return from his mission to Mandalore as the man Anakin spent nine years apprenticed with.
Nor was he the same man he fought beside for the last two.
His former master was everything a good Jedi should be: calm, patient, wise.
Things Anakin, himself, was not.
Those core traits were there but shadowed by an air of despair and defeat he had never felt before in Obi-Wan.
Grief, guilt, and a fragment of anger were etched into a face that appeared far older than his former master was.
A wealth of things — deep, dark things — burned in the depths of eyes as familiar to Anakin as his own.
It was clear Obi-Wan bled from a wound invisible to the naked eye.
One which would not heal even with help from the Temple’s healers.
There was only one thing that could have happened that would bring about this change in the typically stoic Obi-Wan: the death of the Duchess Satine.
Anakin’s stomach twisted with a mixture of horror, dread, and fear.
Things good Jedi were not supposed to feel.
Along with anger.
Anakin wasn’t a good Jedi, however. Not in the same way Obi-Wan was. 
Or that Yoda, Windu or Plo Koon were.
Sure, the HoloNet hailed him as the Hero With No Fear.
From the time he was nine he had been told he was the Chosen One.
Prophesied to bring balance to the Force.
Many considered him the most powerful Jedi of his generation.
Of any generation, in fact.
His skills as a pilot made him a legend. Even he admitted there was none who could touch him on land or in the air.
He even rivaled Master Yoda as a swordsman.
Only, he had a secret.
A terrible one he had told nobody — not even Padmé — about.
There was a monster inside of Anakin. He once likened it to the krayt dragon. Only, this monster was far more dangerous than the krayt for it chewed away at the walls around his heart, infecting him with its venom, and clouding everything he believed in. He suspected it had always been there inside him, rearing its head at various times while he was still a slave but not gaining dominance until after his mother’s death at the hands of Tusken Raiders.
Obi-Wan wouldn’t have punished the ones responsible for his loss, however.
No, his former master would do as a good Jedi was taught: first, by relinquishing his attachment to the Duchess Satine, and next, by allowing his emotions to pass into the Force.
Unlike him.
Who slaughtered the entire Tusken village without pity or remorse.
And then married Padmé in secret. 
Something that would see him expelled from the Jedi Order should it ever be discovered.
He didn’t regret his choice.
Either of them.
For now, though, Anakin focused on Obi-Wan. He started to cross towards him but stopped when a figure materialized in front of his former master. Anakin’s eyebrows arched as he recognized the petite general who helped save his former master on Savareen.
I didn’t know General Kazzarin was here at the Temple. 
Or on Coruscant for that matter.
Normally, she stayed in the barracks with her men.
Yet there she was.
Almost as if she had known she would be needed.
As she had known on Savareen. 
No words passed between the general and Obi-Wan.
Not aloud, anyway.
Anakin was positive the two communicated with each other.
How he had yet to figure out. 
The only explanation either one gave him about their closeness was they were crèche mates.
Anakin believed their relationship went far beyond that.
Was much deeper than either was willing to admit.
There was an intimacy between the two that simple friendship did not allow.
The kind only people in love shared.
Like he and Padmé.
Anakin watched as the general placed one of her small hands to Obi-Wan’s cheek.
A gesture meant to settle and soothe.
One Anakin was, himself, quite familiar with as Padmé tended to set her hand against his cheek whenever he found himself out of sorts.
Which was far more often of late than he liked.
General Kazzarin stroking Obi-Wan’s cheek did not surprise him any. Not after what he witnessed on Savareen. What shot his eyebrows nearly to his hairline, however, was how Obi-Wan did not immediately step back from the general, offering one of his gentle smiles, and a polite, but stilted thank you for her kindness.
No, his former master turned his face into her palm and closed his eyes.
Not only accepting her touch but actively seeking more of it.
Something Anakin had never seen Obi-Wan do before.
No, the man who returned from Mandalore was not the one Anakin spent nine years apprenticed with.
Nor served beside for the last two.
Because his former master would never allow such an open display of affection.
From within the caverns of his heart the monster whispered a reminder about how he would have received a stern lecture if it were him standing there with Padmé.
Who he couldn’t so much as hold the hand of in public.
He wasn’t allowed to kiss her cheek.
Stroke her hair.
Accompany her to any of the events she was required to attend as a Senator.
Their marriage was forbidden, after all.
As were emotional attachments.
His duty was to the Order and the Republic, after all.
If it were Padmé murdered, he would be expected to continue on.
Never stopping to grieve her death or avenge her.
A ripple — the same one he felt while searching for Obi-Wan on Savereen — flowed around Anakin, fluid as the waters surrounding Varykino.
The monster hissed as it slid back into its dark cavern.
Soothed, but only for the moment.
Obi-Wan Kenobi was everything Anakin Skywalker was not.
Patient, calm, wise.
His former master had twice defeated the monster inside of him.
Anakin had yet to defeat his.
He doubted he ever would.
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wipbigbang · 2 years
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Round One Of The Artist’s Claims Are Up!
We have 121 exciting stories looking for artists to claim them. In round one, you can claim two separate fics to make art for (just fill out the form twice with two unique user IDs if you want two stories). Stories are on a first come, first serve basis so hurry up and get a story while you can!
List of Stories | Claim Form
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sith-as-heck · 2 years
Obi-Wan and Skye love each other so much that they can’t be together.
Their romantic relationship ends at the end of the clone wars, they both know its to dangerous to be together, and so they go their separate ways.
Skye goes back home to Naboo, raises Lokki, plays the part of noble woman while secretly working with the rebellion, She watches Leia grow up, she invites Leia to Lokki’s birthday parties, she keeps the wolves from the childrens doors.
Both have no idea how important they are.
Obi-Wan goes to Tattooine, he watches over Luke, he tries not to think of Obi-Wan, he’s Ben now.
It isn’t until he meets the Princess and while travelling together Leia causally mentions her ‘Auntie Skye’ and the the wound in his barely beating heart reopens.
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tragedybunny · 1 year
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The Republic has fallen and the Empire has risen. Obi-Wan lives in exile on Tatooine, the distant guardian of Luke Skywalker. Amidst the desperation and desolation, the mysterious appearance of a Nightsister draws his curiosity. As he tries to piece together her true intentions, he finds himself more deeply entangled with her than he ever intended.
Hello again, I'm back with another chapter. Things are certainly getting interesting for poor Obi-Wan and Zelena. Thank you to everyone who takes the time to read, I really appreciate all of you.
The four of them crept from the shadows of the surrounding buildings, blasters drawn. Dulled senses and the distraction of Zelena meant he'd never detected them. The building at their back prevented retreat, and the four blasters suggested stepping forward would be unwise. Zelena tensed beneath his palms, slowly pulling herself from his grip. She frowned, coming to the same conclusion he had.
"I bet you thought you were really tough back there," the leader spoke with a cocky grin, the rest of his crew looking eager for the fight. 
“Don’t do this.” The only course of action was to diffuse the situation. They couldn’t fight, not outnumbered and the Force no longer there for him to rely on. There had to be a way to satisfy the armed and leering group, or send them on their way. Next to him Zelena shifted, and the air filled  with energy - like a gathering storm. 
“Trash like you aren’t allowed to get away with that behavior. Do you know who I am?” Frequently he'd found that when someone felt the need to ask that question, they weren’t worth recognizing. Obi-Wan did not know who he was, and would not have particularly cared if not for the current, rapidly deteriorating, situation.
“My apologies for the misunderstanding. Let’s not do anything rash.” Not a single hand in the group wavered, and he longed for the lightsaber that was once always by his side. 
“Too late for that.” He  glanced at his three companions, an unspoken command passing between them. “Leave her alive.” 
With attention rapt on their would be assailants, he almost missed the flash of red from the corner of his eye that was Zelena stepping forward. He fought a powerful instinct to push her back behind him, any sharp movement could provoke things. “No,” he said quietly, to her or the group, he wasn’t sure. 
The hand Zelena had hidden within her cloak emerged, a vial of green liquid clutched in her fingers. It shimmered with its own light and, in one swift motion, she chugged the contents. Darkness brushed against the edge of his consciousness. “Leave,” she ordered, her voice filled with menace and power. The Ichor of Dathomoir, that which fueled the power of the Witches. There was no doubt to him what had been in that vial. 
A wiser member of the group trembled, blaster losing its aim. “Maybe we should let this go.” 
Whatever power she had conjured must be palpable, even to them. “Enough.” The leader tightened his grip on his blaster, prepping for a point-blank shot;instinctively Obi-Wan grabbed his wrist. Pulling him forward, he directed the man's mass over his hip and sent him sprawling to the ground.,He wrenched the blaster from the leader’s grasp before he recovered. 
Around him, green tendrils snaked through the air as Zelena whispered words that sent shivers through his spine. Two of their attackers collapsed, eyes rolling into their heads, knees buckling, as the phosphorescent menaces encircled them. Hands clutched at their skulls while their mouths hung open in a silent scream. Instinctively he recoiled at the display of the Force twisted through the Witch's Magick, but fought against it. Later, he told himself, right now their lives were at stake. 
The last of them, the wise one from earlier, appeared as though in stasis before finally breaking free and making a desperate charge at Zelena. Reacting, Obi-Wan pulled up the stolen blaster and took aim. One shot sent him tumbling forward, lifeless and still. Obi-Wan turned his  attention back to the writhing pair; her defense had become torture. "Zelena, that's enough."
"Fine," she hissed, releasing the spell with a final pulse of green light. It seemed his plea for mercy annoyed her, another thing to worry about later. For now, he searched the two for signs of life, finding that whatever Zelena had done finished them off. "Don't waste your sympathy," her words dripped with venom, "they're sc-" 
A shocked gasp had him turning back sharply. He found Zelena now struggling with the leader. Careless. He hadn't made sure the man was out of the fight permanently. The vibroknife he now brandished swung wildly as she struggled, trying to pull away from the grip he had on her arm. As he made another chaotic lunge, his hand loosened enough for her to pull free and dodge. It put space between them, but his hands grasped desperately at her cloak, trying to regain his advantage. Zelena had proven herself more than capable, but he felt the cold grip of fear as he watched her struggle. The momentary space between them was his best chance to protect her. With tenuous hope that it was still possible, and silent pleading to the Force, he desperately reached out his hand. Somehow, in the midst of his desperation, it answered him. A wave of energy threw the man into the building with a wet snapping sound. 
“Zel, are you alright?” He’d started towards her but froze,realizing  she was staring at him wide-eyed. 
“You’re a … Jedi.” Her face screwed up in revulsion and his heart stuttered.
Hesitantly, he took a step toward her, trying to plead his case. “I can explain.” 
Her hand came up as though to ward him back; her other, he noticed with alarm, clutched at her ribs. Something wet stained the cloth beneath it. “Stay away from me, Jedi deceiver." 
That stain was spreading quickly. She'd need help soon, which meant he needed her to see sense. "We both weren't honest. You never mentioned Dathomir." It was an attempt to put them back on equal footing, to throw off her indignation long enough to see to that wound.  
"You know? Why would a Jedi talk to a-" There was a long pause and he watched her piece it together with a heavy heart, realizing the tactic had taken a turn against him.  "You're not my friend, you've just been watching me." Zelena's voice sounded so small, and he realized just how deeply he'd hurt her. There wasn't long to think on it though as a gurgling cough punctuated her words, blood dripping from her mouth in its wake. 
There was no time for debate, she could hate him all she wanted later. "Please Zel, you need help-"
He caught her as her knees buckled, and she collapsed into his arms. “I don’t even know who you are,” she gasped out through a wracking cough. 
There wasn’t any denying her comment so he let it pass, focusing  on the need at hand. “I’ll find a doctor.” Her silver skin had turned bone white. 
“No time. My apartment.Trust me.” He owed her that much at least, so he complied, holding her tight as she attempted to push forward. Even with his support, the steps she tried to take were stumbling and weak. 
They would never make it time. “Forgive me.” Scooping her legs out from under, he gathered her into his arms and  rushed through the deserted street. Zelena didn’t have the strength to protest, instead she wrapped an arm around his neck and closed her eyes. "Stay with me Zel.” His voice remained calm despite the circumstances, though he was on the brink of running. 
“I’m trying,” she snipped at him. Though she was quiet, it was feisty enough to know she was still fighting. 
By some mercy of the Force, there was not a crowd of neighbors in the courtyard when they made it to her apartment. Zelena stirred when they reached the door, slapping at the keypad until the door slid open. “Bedroom,” she ordered, eyes now open, strength saved for this moment. It only took seconds and a few steps in the dim light to get her settled on the bed, resting against a pile of pillows. Turning she gestured toward the shrine in the corner that she had been so protective of. “That box you found irresistible that day.” 
Without hesitating, he rose and retrieved it from its resting place. The ancient wood still resonated with dark power as he placed it beside her. Reverently, her fingers traced the multifaceted star engraved in the lid while she whispered in Dathomirian. A faint light emanated from it in the wake of her touch, and the sigil slowly rotated.It stopped with a click, the lid rising. Whatever was contained inside whispered to him about ancient and sinister things. Unsteady hands reached in to pull out a small jar and almost sent it tumbling back in as it escaped her grasp. Deftly, he snatched it from the air before it was lost, and gently handed it back to her. With another weak cough, she shut the lid of the box and gestured for him to set it aside, fighting to open the jar as he did so. 
"Here, let me." Delicately taking it from her hands, he pulled the stopper out to reveal a pale, viscous liquid. Despite its plain appearance, it thrummed with the same energy as the box - a thing made of Nightsister magick. 
"The wound," she said breathily, fighting to remove her cloak. 
Carefully, he took the worn, frayed material in hand - her loved reminder of home - and helped her remove it before guiding her to lay on her side. The juxtaposition of the ridiculous Famina's uniform against the grim circumstances made the scene border on absurd. She didn't resist or argue, letting him do what needed to be done. The wound was jagged and raw; he gave her credit for enduring the pain. "Just pour it in,." she whispered, eyes now closed. She was fading again. Without a second of hesitation, he upended the bottle into the hole in her flesh.  The reaction would’ve been fascinating in other circumstances. The pale liquid glowed that familiar green as her body seemed to drink it in, ethereal voices whispering around them as the wound scabbed over. Zelena whimpered.
"I'm here Zel, I won't leave," he spoke softly, brushing a hand through her curls. It was possible he wasn't actually comforting to her, but he didn't want to think about that. Unsure what else to do, he removed the bright gold heels that were part of her work uniform. The gold ribbons that laced up her calf required a bit of fussing. Zelena lay still and quiet throughout it and he decided to believe she was healing.  
Sitting beside her, Obi-Wan took her hand in his and gently held it, remembering the few times she'd gripped his arm roughly with her long black nails. He'd never had the heart to point out the sudden pain of them biting into his flesh. Usually, the carelessness was caused by exuberance over something and he hated to ruin her mood.
Just after they had kissed, she'd claimed he'd always had feelings for her. While that wasn't entirely true, after the night's events he could finally admit that he'd come to care for her some time ago - his vivacious, exasperating, wonderous Zelena. To think, that soft moment hadn’t been more than an hour ago, and now…there was nothing for it but to wait and see, so he made himself comfortable and kept watch. 
Time crawled as he observed the labored rise and fall of her chest, she was still in pain, though the glowing wound seemed smaller each time he glanced at it. Through it all, he held her hand and told her over and over that he was at her side, that she wasn’t alone. After what seemed like hours, Zelena inhaled sharply, eyes fluttering open. “Zel, you’re awake.” Releasing her hand, he reached out to cup her cheek with his palm, the warm rush of relief momentarily making him forget all that had happened earlier. She was alive and well, and that was all that mattered. 
Reality came crashing back in painfully when she swatted away his hand. “Awake and fine, no need for you to be bothered any longer.” Pushing herself into a seated position, she made it known she didn’t need his help. “You can go now.” 
A hollow ache settled in Obi-Wan’s chest. She hated him. He should’ve known it would end like this after their night under the stars and how she spoke of Jedi. Why would she have found him to be an exception? “There’s no way we can talk about this?” He offered, one last grasping attempt. 
"Absolutely not Ben, or whatever your name is," she sneered.
"Obi-Wan." It slipped out so quickly, desperation to appease her making him careless.
A noise of frustration escaped her. "Just go. We're done talking," she practically growled.
Standing slowly, he gave her one last lingering look. Even after everything they'd been through tonight, she was still breathtaking. He was going to miss her. It’s for the best he told himself, no attachments. "I'm so sorry, for all of it," he said, turning away and hearing no reply. Without further hesitation, he fled her apartment into the darkness of the night.
The Black Sun safehouse was an old factory, what it once produced was a mystery as the space had been emptied of most equipment in favor of storage and living space for the gang. Confidently, Zelena led them through the structure, seemingly unbothered by the occasional gang member sporting a blaster and leering at her. Again he found himself questioning her need for assistance to get out of this situation as none of them seemed to give her a second thought more either. They moved swiftly through the cavernous space, barriers of old equipment created dimly lit makeshift rooms, sounds echoed off aged metallic walls, and shadows twistred around them. Several gonk droids ambled past them headed in the direction of what appeared to be the main factory floor. He could hear and sense through the Force a number of beings in that direction. Whatever was going on he hoped it would prove a sufficient distraction when he and Zelena made their move. 
Zelena led them to a series of small rooms tucked away and isolated. The leftovers of a computer system remained scattered about, along with rough-looking furniture. Once this must have been the central control system for the plant, now he wasn't sure if it was meant to be a spot for private business or to contain someone they didn't trust. Vinox gestured inside with a dubious smile and Obi-Wan complied.
The Falleen and Zelena followed, the door sliding shut behind them. "I'll leave you here with Zee while I look into arrangements for your business endeavor. Don't test her though, she can be a feisty one." Obi-Wan felt a flash of anger coming from her at his patronizing tone. 
Without a sound, Zelena slipped behind Vinox while he still faced Obi-Wan. Their eyes locked and she gave him a slight nod. "I'll make myself comfortable then," he gestured to the worn couch in the corner. 
Vinox turned in Zelena's direction and inhaled as though he were about to speak. The chance never came. Green dust filled the air around him, spreading from Zelena's palm with one soft exhale from her. Wracking coughs shook his body and he fell forward with a thud. Obi-wan was thankful the room was so remote from all the activity they had seen. "How long will he be out?"
"A few hours. And is that how you're going to say hello after all this time?" Despite the years that had passed, it seemed almost like how they once had been, hearing her tease him and seeing her smile.
"Forgive my manners, I thought we were in some sort of life-and-death situation." He'd barely finished the snappy comeback before her arms wrapped around him and he was pulled tight against her. 
"It's good to see you Obi," she murmured softly and overwhelmed his senses with her presence; the feel of her against him, the scent of smoky incense she somehow always had, and the mesmerizing cadence of her voice.
Reigning in his emotions, he forced himself to focus. "You too, Zel." Letting go he took a step back from her, it wouldn't be wise to let things get confused between them. "I suppose we should get out of here." He glanced over at the downed Falleen. Again, it all seemed too easy. 
Leaning down, Zelena took hold of Vinox. "Help me real quick," she gestured to a corner.  
The two of them wedged him into thr corner and pulled a couch across it. "There wasn't much of anyone around, do you think we'll encounter much resistance sneaking out?" The sense of misgiving had settled into the pit of his stomach, a sinking feeling. "Honestly, I'm a little surprised you needed help."
"Well…" At least she had the decency to look contrite. 
Sighing he gripped the bridge of his nose between his fingers. "What is it Zel?"
"It's not just me that needs rescuing." Of course there was someone else, did he expect her to live her life completely alone forever?
"And where are they holding them?" Stay on task, he told himself, focus on what needs to be done. 
"It's my daughter," Zelena said in a voice that was suddenly small and weary. 
"Oh…," feeling foolish and irritated with himself, he took her hand, ready to be the strength she needed. "We'll get her out, I promise." 
"They keep her locked away on the upper floors. I don't even get to see her every day." Now her words came in a torrent, rushing together while her eyes looked watery. "They put a slave collar on her to make sure I stay obedient." Tears flowed freely down her cheek. "She's just a little girl, Obi-Wan." 
It was heart-wrenching to listen to her, and any frustrations he'd had were long gone. Instead, he was thankful she'd reached out to him and not anyone else, he was her best shot at getting them out of here and off planet safely. Squeezing her hand, he reached up and wiped the tears from pale skin and dark tattoo lines. "Zel, we'll get her out, I promise." 
The conviction of his words strengthened her, tears drying. “I can never thank you enough for this, you know that right?” There was a look in her golden eyes, one he knew well. A look he could get lost in. 
“Let’s focus on getting it done first.” Slowly, he released her hand. “What’s our best option for getting to her and getting out without too much trouble?” 
His head ached, that was the only thing Obi-Wan was sure of. The rest, including where he was and the time, was a mystery. He moved slightly and his stomach heaved. He groaned. Akkani made an indignant noise from somewhere behind him. He’d fallen asleep in the stable. That’s what his life had come to it seemed. 
Slowly, he sat up reluctantly opening  his eyes. The bight daylight seeping into the small stall he’d rented for the Eopie nearly blinded him. Sounds of Mos Eisley’s daily life began to seep through his haze, and with it the last few days. Images started filtering back to him in snatches, like clips from a holovid playing out of focus. “Zelena,” he whispered, irritatedly to himself. 
Ever since she’d thrown him out of her home, and her life, he’d been wandering Mos Eisley, drinking and feeling miserable and embarrassed for himself. Things between them should never have gotten as far as they did. Pulling his knees to his chest, he leaned his head against them. Besides what his behavior could have endangered, he couldn’t find himself worthy of the comfort of another. He’d failed so much, so deeply. He should remain alone and focus on the one thing he might still do right. The diversion, even if it had been pleasant at times, was rightly over. 
The first place he’d found had been another cantina, far away from the gaudy neon of the noisy district around Famina’s. He’d been shaking, his breath coming rapidly as he wandered through the streets, nearly colliding with a few errant speeders. That first drink had done wonders to calm him. Zelena’s eyes had burned with contempt and in them, he’d seen the specter of Anakin’s dying hatred. Another he’d lost, not dead, but gone as surely as his other failures: Qui-Gon, Satine, Padme, Anakin. 
When that place eventually forced him back into the streets as it closed, he’d found something to eat and a deserted alley to sleep off the drink. Sobriety had made his pain fresh and sharp though, so he’d wandered to the next place to hole up and drink more of her away. He’d spent several broken, foggy days in that self-destructive cycle. The last place he came to eventually kicked him out when he’d run out of credits and become a nuisance. 
He needed to get out of the city, to get back to the cave and check on Luke. Standing slowly, smells and sounds overwhelming his senses, he started to sort through Akkani's saddlebags. At least there were enough spare provisions to make it back and he was pleasantly surprised by the rattle of credit chips from deep down inside one. He hadn't been daft enough to take everything with him. There was one thing he felt he should do before leaving though. "Sorry my friend, you have to wait a little while longer to get out of here." His stomach gave another rough lurch. Maybe there were a couple of things he should do before heading out. 
Food would have to wait though. It was still early enough that his first errand might go without any unwanted encounters. So, head still throbbing and mouth dry, he headed back to Zelena's apartment building. The little courtyard was still thankfully nearly empty. He really didn't want to answer any of her neighbors if they had heard anything. With resigned melancholy, he ventured a glance at her door which may as well have been lightyears away.  She was still likely asleep at this hour, dreaming serenely and blissfully unaware of his sad presence. 
Turning away he focused on an apartment one building down. Only once before had he seen the inside of it. Kyrsta and Zelena had shared a whole shift that night, a rarity since Malk preferred to split them, up insisting they chatted too much. Obi-Wan had walked them both home and Kyrsta had reluctantly invited him inside with Zelena. She'd never completely warmed to him after spotting him that first day. When he'd asked Zelena about that moment she'd shrugged and answered, "she said you looked like a broke drifter and there were a lot of that sort around to watch out for." Then she teased him about it not exactly being untrue. 
For today, he hoped Kyrsta could put aside her dislike. With one last look around to make sure he wasn't noticed, he rang the buzzer and waited awkwardly. The door opened a moment later, accompanied by an annoyed voice. "Oh, it's you, great." The Mirialan wore nothing but an oversized dark shirt she clearly had been sleeping in. "What do you want”, she demanded, not just suspicious but also slightly aggressive. 
"I'm just making sure she's alright." It wouldn't do him any favors to dance around the subject. Kyrsta seemed the type to pull a blaster on him if she got annoyed enough. 
She rolled her eyes but unexpectedly moved back from the door to wave him in. "Better to talk in private, she might get offended if she sees you here." Thankfully she was feeling merciful. He stepped inside to an apartment identical to Zelena's, and probably every other unit in the housing block. Once the door slid shut and they were cut off from any outside eyes and ears, she spoke. "She's fine, all things considered." Kyrsta beckoned him towards the kitchen where she started a small caf machine which started gurgling with a rough clank. "Still pretty karking mad at you. And no, she didn't say why and I don't want to know." 
That was a relief at least. "It doesn't matter as long as she's fine." His head was still hurting but it was no longer the most prominent pain he was feeling.
"You too huh," she gave him a look of knowing pity. 
"What's that supposed to mean," he asked, genuinely not knowing what she was getting at. 
"You're not the first to become infatuated with her. Zelena tends to have that effect on people. It's like she's the right mix of mysterious and vulnerable. Didn't think you were the type though." The caf finished its cycle with a hiss and she poured them a couple of mugs while he contemplated her accusation.
"Black is fine," he remarked as he saw her hesitating. "I don't know what you mean, she's just a friend. Or was." Taking the mug from her hands he clutched it as though he were drowning and it was the only thing keeping him afloat.
"Sure." Obi-Wan chose to ignore that her tone sounded like she was dealing with a child caught in a lie. "To be honest, there is one thing though." She hesitated a moment, maybe second-guessing confiding in him. "She's missed her last couple of shifts. Malk has decided to not fire her since he was still mad about the whole incident. He said it's good space for both their sakes."  Pausing, she took a sip from her mug.
"That doesn't sound like she's fine," he prodded, concern returning. 
"She'll get there. I've known her long enough to be sure of that. It'll just take a little more time. I'm more worried about her making the rent." 
Perhaps fate had intervened, or perhaps deep down this had been what he intended all along. Either way, for the second time, he was relieved that he hadn't burned through every credit he had. Opening the pouch on his belt, he pulled out most of them and dropped them onto the counter between them. "Take them and make sure she gets them if need be."
Kyrsta looked skeptical. "You know she won't accept it." 
"Don't tell her. Say you've been saving them, say a customer left them for her, say whatever." It wasn't much but it was the last kindness he could do for her. At this point, he didn't even want her to know where they came from. If guilt were to reunite them he wouldn't be able to live with himself. 
"If you insist," she shrugged and for a moment they stood silently sipping caf. "Look, I'm sorry about whatever happened." It was begrudging and he could tell it was mostly done out of obligation for the gesture of the credits.
"You don't have to be. It was my mistake. Just make sure she's taken care of." Obi-Wan contemplated asking her to pass along a last farewell but it would likely just upset Zelena again. Setting the mug down, he looked back up at Kyrsta. "Thanks for the caf, I should be on my way." 
Nodding, she followed him to the door. "See you around."
"Right." He doubted that would be the case.
Once he had collected Akkani, he started back towards the cave. He should pick up extra shifts in the mine. After his misadventure and gift to Zelena he’d diminished any spare funds he had. First rest, then Luke. Turning back he gave Mos Eisley one last look. Whatever happened, he hoped she was alright and that she would find the sense of belonging she was searching for. 
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nateofgreat · 22 days
the thing is luke is obviously being defeatist and negative in the empire strikes back when complaining abt his x-wing being sunk into the water?? he’s going “we’ll never be able to get it out now! i couldn’t possibly lift it out! it’s too big! too heavy! it’s too much for me! oh woe is me, master yoda!” and yoda, being a small in size yet powerful jedi master, is telling him otherwise. he’s telling him to have faith in The Force and that it’ll help him. in himself. to believe. he’s holding himself back with his doubts. which is quite literally what is explained in the scene. it’s the whole lesson. luke can’t believe yoda actually managed to do what he couldn’t/wouldn’t let himself do and yoda responds that that’s what his problem is. why he failed to lift his ship out of the swamp in the first place. 
luke half heartedly going “i’ll try” doesn’t cut it bc he’s not thinking that he can actually accomplish it. yoda’s “do or do not. there is no try.” is not him being hard on him but urging him to trust in the Force and go beyond the boundaries of what he already thinks he knows/has learned. past what is “fact” to him. past his physical limitations. past crude matter. to open up his mind. and do!! be right with yourself mentally and spiritually! it’s motivation! if luke doesn’t believe he can make the ship float, he’ll fail. if he has enough solid confidence in the force and by extension himself, he’ll succeed. he was preventing the force from working in his favor. have faith. push past insecurity and don’t let bodily/self-imposed mental limits hold you back. this is easy to understand imo. 
luke can either go all in or straight give up. which he does after some weak “trying” and failing.
this is the exact reason why obi-wan in his  show failed to used the Force easily during the beginning even though he was raised as a Jedi from young, had all of the complete, appropriate, training and knowledge, and was an accomplished Jedi Master. he lacked confidence in himself. his abilities diminished due to being at the lowest point of his life. he was traumatized and suffering from a crisis of faith. plagued by self-doubt. fear. held back by grief.
which was placing mental blocks on his connection to the Force. this is what qui-gon wanted him to move past. why he appeared after he reached acceptance. once he overcame his grief and let what happened/anakin go, he was able to powerfully access the Force much like before. once he got right with The Force and himself again. once he had hope.
but people wanted him to be charming and happy go lucky and haha funny, swinging his lightsaber all over the place from the jump, even though his people were genocided and hunted down bc his former padawan viciously betrayed him and allowed a fascist Sith-led Empire to rise, i guess. instead of showing us how he got to the mindset he was in during a new hope after the utter darkness of revenge of the sith. if he’s just fine and calm during the early yrs of The Empire, then what’s his arc?
if he’s just being the kenobi we know from the start? after all the horrible shit that occured? like what did you expect? you have to see him develop? ofc he wasn’t acting like himself at the start bc that shit devastated him? therefore you have to see him get to the obi-wan we know and love? that was the show’s point! the poignant arc! 
anyway i jumped from luke to obi-wan but i connected it. TL;DR: luke placed limitations on himself and let self doubt stop him in empire strikes back with his x-wing in the swamp, obi-wan let self doubt and grief stop him in his own show, being defeatist doesn’t help you, “do or do not, there is no try” is not yoda’s way of saying screw you/being harsh but a motivational saying. have faith and confidence. it’s not proof of “abusive teaching” as some claim.
Yeah, I don't know why anyone would say Jedi teaching is abusive. We don't see a lot of their classes but every instance of one-on-one training that we're shown in the movies wasn't. Yoda was helping Luke overcome his doubt, Obi-Wan's connection to the Force was hindered because he couldn't let go of his grief, Luke taught Rey to see the balance, Kanaan helped Ezra overcome his grief/anger, and so on.
As you've pointed out. Never at any point have the Jedi been shown to mistreat their students. At worst they'll get frustrated with them but never are any good Jedi shown to abuse their students and their dogma isn't abusive either.
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auroramoon-draws16 · 5 months
Assassin’s Creed x Star Wars (again)
I can’t stop imagining Desmond running a bar somewhere, that doubles as an Assassin Bureau, and having some Star Wars character(s) walk in.
Mando (Din), Obi-Wan, Anakin, the clones, the rebels, anybody
Just- they walk in, they ask him for some info or a drink, some bitches square up (a target or a gang or something) a fight breaks out and Des is like “can you guys take this outside? That’s gonna be hell to repair” and they keep fighting, so he sighs, walks around the counter and drags them out himself.
Alternatively, he ends the fight in a couple of seconds, no issue.
Another scenario:
Desmond is hunting down a target, and it’s someone the Jedi are either arresting or escorting or guarding, so Des is just “damn, okay” and takes out the target before disappearing without anyone seeing his face (helmet/mask thing with the hood ofc)
(Also for the horny folks: Desmond sleeps with a character, because yes, in an alley, over the counter, clenching the sheets, wherever and however you want. My first thought is an Obi-Wan one-night-stand, because it’s mf Kenobi, but you can pick whoever you want)
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fives-lover · 11 months
Chapter 1: Out and About
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Rasha paid the driver and stepped out of the speeder, immediately hit by the overpowering smell of alcohol and deafening volumes of music coming from inside. She was forced to find her friend in the sea of clones and civilians after she had immediately run inside, leaving Rasha to shove her way across the room by herself. 
“What the hell, Ari?! We’re supposed to be here together so stop running away from me like that!” She yelled over the music 
The purple Twi’lek swung one of her lekku back behind her shoulder with a long-suffering sigh. “You always take so long! At least I grabbed the last table!” 
“I was paying the driver! Come on,” Rasha groaned and set her jacket along the back of one of the chairs then forced her way through the room again to get drinks. “I’m not letting you flirt with everyone in here and leave me by myself again.” 
The two women moved out of the way once the droid finished making whatever cocktail Ari had ordered for them. It was pink, blue, and sour at first but slowly spread into a sweet aftertaste. She made a face at the first sip and Ari began laughing. 
“What do you think?” Ari called out, vaguely gesturing somewhere. 
“I have no idea.” 
“Not the drink! All the guys in the booth right here?” 
She glanced over and saw bottles and glasses piled up, some still waiting to be finished. The men were squished together worse than the walkways outside and looked really uncomfortable. Several wore different colors so she just figured that they hadn’t seen each other in a long time and this was the best way for them to catch up. “That they’re loud and really not funny.” 
“I hope you’re not talking about us,” someone leaned against the wall next to Rasha, making her jump and almost spill some of her drink. 
“Sorry about my brother,” the other one rolled his eyes, “I’ll get him out of your hair.” 
“Hold on.” The first one shoved his hand off of his shoulder and went back to leaning against the wall, “what are a couple of pretty ladies doing just standing in the corner?” 
“Oh, I don’t know,” Ari stepped closer, lightly pushing a finger into his breastplate, “maybe ‘just standing in the corner’ like you said.” 
“See Fives, I told you that they wouldn’t want to talk to us. Let’s get back to the boys.” The second one pointed his thumb over his shoulder to another booth overflowing with clones and a mountain of bottles and glasses mounting in the center of the table. 
“Whoa, whoa, whoa. We only just got here! It’d be rude to leave already!” Fives complained.
“It’d also be rude to stay here when they obviously don’t want us to. Come on.” 
“Hey, break it up.” Ari put her hands in the air and stepped forward, “time-out. No need to fight.” Rasha crossed her arms and rolled her eyes. Ari was going to play the two men in her game all night long. “Neither of you is being rude, nobody is forcing anybody to stay or to go.” 
“Shut up,” Rasha jabbed, “you’re not anybody’s mom!” She leaned closer to Fives’ ear, covered her mouth from the side, and whispered, “she’s just trying to play hard to get and sucks ass at it.” 
Ari’s eyes widened and shot back and forth between the two as Fives’ laughter got louder. “What’d you say? You can’t keep secrets from me!” 
“Sure I can. It’s nothing bad!”
The Twi’lek rolled her eyes, “fine. So this is Fives, who’s the one that seems to be so eager to get away?” 
“I’m not trying to get away. He was just being rude by barging into your conversation.” 
“Echo, take a breath. Obviously, we’re fine if we’re still here and they’re not complaining.” He rolled his eyes, “who’s the one who just whispered some horrible stuff to me just a minute ago?” 
“What?! No, I didn’t! Maybe I won’t tell you my name now since you’re going to be so mean.” 
“Shut up. This is Rasha, and I’m Ari.” 
“Pretty names for pretty ladies then. I like it.” Fives grinned. “Does anyone want another drink since we’re right here?” 
Rasha opened her mouth to speak but Ari jumped in and cut her short, “yes, we’d love some more!” The two left with Echo still scolding Fives. “So, Rasha,” Ari put her arm across her shoulders, “what do you think of them ?” 
Rasha rolled her eyes, “I know what you want me to say.” 
“What’s that?”
“That they're the hottest people ever and that I should hook up with one.” 
“What?” Ari dramatically pressed her other hand against her chest, “I would never, but since you said-” 
“Why not? They’re cute!” 
“I don’t even know anything about them except their names! ‘Sides, Echo seemed to be staring at you and just about started drooling. I’m sure you can get someone, you always do.” 
“I know it’s been a while since you’ve talked to someone - well, anyone actually - but come on! Loosen up! There’s a thing called questions for a reason! We’re here to have fun!” Ari chided. 
“Somebody say something about having fun?” Fives shoved his way out of the crowd, two drinks in his hands, followed by Echo with two more. 
“Yes! Let’s get to it! We missed you two so much! I’m so glad you didn’t leave us to die of thirst!” 
Oh shut up already Ari. 
“Well, then you’ve got us all night if you want us.” Fives leaned closer to Rasha and whispered, “and I hope you do.” He stood back up and acted like nothing happened while Rasha froze and began turning red.
Ari led everyone back to the table that she had snagged earlier and the four made themselves comfortable. They talked and joked as if they had known each other for their entire lives. Jokes that weren’t funny to anyone sober kept getting thrown around, alongside exaggerated stories and normal conversations. 
Fives stared at Rasha throughout the majority of the conversation, only occasionally looking at Ari or Echo, and she didn’t know what to think or do, so she ignored the looks the best that she could. Fives only wanted to get her attention long enough to have an actual conversation that didn’t involve one of the other two changing the subject at random points or interrupting him. He settled on waiting for a chance to either get them to go away or to get her alone somewhere else. He wanted to find out every small detail she would let him know about her. 
“This is my favorite song!” Ari interrupted his thought and whoever was talking. “Come on!” She grabbed the closest person, conveniently it was Echo, and ran out to the dancefloor. 
Finally. If only this song would’ve come on sooner! 
He leaned closer, keeping an eye on the dancefloor in case they came back over. “Is it hot in here or is it just you?” 
That was stupid! Really?!
“Yeah, it’s a little hot in here,” Rasha shrugged and went to take a drink but paused, fully taking in the rest of his question, and glanced at the stupid smirk plastered across his face. “Wait, uh, um.” She shot back to watching Ari, hoping he didn’t notice that her ears were red again. 
He chuckled and picked up his drink to hide behind the cup. “Sorry, that was stupid.” 
“No, uh, you’re fine.” She started playing with the pendant on her necklace. 
He dragged his hand down his face and groaned, “Well, um…” He looked around, “where’d you get that necklace?” 
“Oh, this?” She pulled it further out to show off the crystal, happy to talk about anything other than her looks, “it’s a family heirloom. I have no idea where it originally came from and there are a few stupid stories that my Mom and Grandma told me about it. Apparently, it’s got ‘powers’ or something.” 
“That’s really cool,” he leaned closer to get a better look, “what’s one of-” 
“We’re back!” Ari squealed in excitement. Echo trailed behind, red from embarrassment, knowing that he would never be able to live that down. “You two were talking all about us, weren’t you?” 
They jumped apart from the sudden interruption, not having realized that the song had finished and how close they had gotten. “Yep! Everything we just said was completely about how much of an idiot you always look out there.” Rasha answered hurriedly and shifted away from Fives more. 
After a brief awkward silence and another hour or so of drinking and joking, a slower song came on.
“If this one doesn't sound as stupid, maybe it’s our turn to dance?” Fives asked softly, leaning close so only Rasha heard. 
He patiently waited for her to decide. When she nodded, he guided her out to where only a few couples were left, as the bar had mostly cleared out already. Ari looked stunned that she had accepted.
Fives lightly grabbed her waist and pulled her in closer so no one could attempt to cut in and started swaying to the music. His eyes were glued to her own as if taking in every little speck of color and shade of brown that was there. They danced around her entire face, making a map of every freckle along her cheeks and forehead. He glanced at her lips every so often but didn't want to push anything, especially not after what had happened earlier. She felt herself doing the same, feeling like they were the only two people in the room. She never wanted to leave. 
She raised an eyebrow, “what?”
"You’re just so pretty." His hands tightened on her waist slightly.
She looked away and pressed her head into his chest so he couldn’t see that she wasn’t used to getting compliments and she always felt the complete opposite of what he just said. She never felt that she was ugly, per se, but definitely not pretty in the way he was looking at her all night. 
Ari stared at her as they made their way back to the table.
“What?” Rasha felt even hotter, now that she remembered that they had watched the whole thing.
“Oh, I don’t know, just that I didn’t know it was that easy to get you to go out there again! I would’ve had you hooked up a million times already!” 
And there goes the moment. Thanks, Ari. 
Rasha grabbed her jacket off the back of the seat and put it on, “well, Ari, you’ve had too much to drink again. It’s been fun, but we have to be up early for a new job and last call is gonna be coming up soon. Thank you for the drinks. Hopefully, we’ll be able to see you around again sometime.” She moved to help Ari get up but her hand got smacked away. 
“I’m not that bad! You’re only just a little blurry,” Ari giggled and Rasha rolled her eyes again, “you two should come with us.” 
Rasha took a deep breath to keep herself from strangling the drunk Twi'lek. “You really don’t need to. She likes to invite everyone to her place but it’s up to you I guess.” Ari got up and started walking for the door so Rasha leaned over the table to Echo, “she was mainly inviting you.” 
“Oh, well, when you put it that way…” He got up to follow the women and noticed that Fives was staring at them leaving. “You coming Fives?” 
“Oh, uh, yeah.” He snapped out of his trance and quickly caught up. 
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Ari slipped in and just about fell as soon as Rasha entered the code and the door slid open. Rasha caught her and ushered her to the couch with a glass of water. 
“She wanted you to come along but you don’t have to stay. She’ll just have a headache that she’ll complain about all day.” 
Echo sat next to her and cautiously stared, “I, uh, I think I’ll stay. We don’t need her getting hurt before you two start your new job.” 
Rasha bustled around the small one-bedroom apartment to make accommodations for him with practiced ease. “The fresher is in her room and to the left. The kitchen is right in there. And obviously, you know where the couch is.” She handed him an old pillow and blanket which he set to the side. “I’ll set out some medicine that she should take in the morning so that I won’t have to hear her complain too bad.” She looked down at her friend curled into Echo’s side and fast asleep already. She looked peaceful and content. Knowing what the two were most likely in for, this would be the last time that she was going to able to sleep so soundly for a while before heading for the door. 
“You sure you want to stay?” Fives asked quietly. “We’re leaving in the morning too.”
“Yes. I’m sure.” 
Rasha and Fives stepped into the hallway outside of her apartment and headed to her own in awkward silence. 
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Rasha hated going up what felt like thousands of stairs to her meager apartment, knowing that the lift would never be fixed, but she always reminded herself to be thankful she had actually gotten the place. Housing was hard to get ahold of in a city planet like Coruscant, no matter how run down and ugly everything was. There were just too many people. 
Broken steps and ugly stained wallpaper lined every stairway and hall throughout the building and there was always a weird smell that never went away. She tried to convince herself that she had gotten used to it until she stepped into the hall or opened the front door and had to force herself not to wrinkle her nose or gag. The smell was worse on some days and mildly tolerable on others. It seemed to be one of the milder smells this time. Fives didn’t mind; he’d been through several warzones already. There weren’t very many sights or smells that would make him flinch anymore. He did have to admit though, none of it was nice so he avoided breathing through his nose if he could help it. 
She was winded upon reaching the door and nervously input the code several times so he gently put a hand on her shoulder, stopping her. “I can go back to the barracks if you’re really that nervous around me.” 
“No. I just… Let’s just say that it’s been a while. Ari is really the only one that comes up here with me. Ever.” She finally got the door to slide open and quickly stepped inside. “Sorry about the mess.” 
He was immediately entranced by the view outside of her window. She didn’t see why he was so intrigued by it. All she ever saw were the same boring buildings that always looked like they needed repairs that would cost too much for the owners to ever make happen, illuminated in several colors of flickering neon lights. She always thought it was mundane and, honestly, fairly rundown everywhere she looked compared to other parts of the city. 
Fives saw it differently than her, apparently. His eyes jumped back and forth between buildings, taking in every crack in the walls, every color of the lights shining, watching one finally flicker and burn out. He watched the speeders racing past at different speeds and the people on the walkways below. He didn’t seem to want to look away; like he just wanted to stay in that moment for as long as possible.
She craned her head around to see his face, “you okay there?” 
“What? Oh, uh, yea. I’m good.” He glanced at her, “just looking. You see this every day?” His eyes were wide when he finally turned from the window fully. 
The room suddenly looked too small to be able to fit the both of them. Especially while he still had his armor on. Rasha felt like a bug on the wall compared to him and started shrinking even more but took a deep breath and raised an eyebrow, “um, yeah? I thought you’d been to Coruscant before?”
“I have. Several times. I just never get to see it like this.” He rubbed the back of his neck, “79s isn’t exactly somewhere you can get much of a good view without being outside, even then all you really see is the few buildings across from the bar and next to it. The barracks and the Jedi Temple are fairly closed off, so no one can really look around at the city from there either.” He shrugged, looking back out the window.
“Oh, I guess that makes sense. This is all I’ve really ever known around here. I’ve never been anywhere near the temple so I wouldn’t know what that’s like.” She looked out the window when he turned to her again. “I’ve only ever been around the middle levels really. Except when I stayed at the University during the school year, I didn’t really go outside though. I always had too much homework.”
“Yeah. It’s beautiful there with the little bits I’ve seen. I can definitely see how someone can relax enough to meditate there.”
“That sounds nice. Do you mind if I get out of this dress and everything? Didn’t realize how uncomfortable and sweaty I was getting.”
“Go ahead. I’m not going anywhere. Unless you want me to?”
“No, you can stay. If that’s, uh, okay with you?” She rushed back to the room and started freaking out before he could answer. She’d never had someone as attractive as him in her apartment. Especially not alone - not in a long time.
“Uncomfortable and sweaty? Really?! Of all the excuses to get away and breathe, that’s what you go for?!” She scolded herself after double-checking that the door had closed. “And he’s hot, and you just blew it!” She groaned loudly and headed to the fresher to wash her face.
Fives went back to the window hearing her muffled self-chiding and chuckled. He had basically done the same thing early that night and couldn’t blame her. He was in her space after all and, even if she was nervous, she let him in and said that she wanted him to stay. 
She came back out of the room in her sleeping clothes and made her way to the kitchen. “Do you want any water? I’d ask about snacks but I’ve had to skip going shopping since Ari and I will most likely be going off-planet soon.” 
“Water is fine by me.” He followed her to the kitchen and leaned against the counter, “what job did you two sign up for? If you’re alright with me asking.” 
“I, uh,” she kept her focus on the glasses she found laying on the counter, “don’t exactly know what we’re going to be doing for sure actually.”
Just breathe. He’s just another human being and he seems nice. You haven’t scared him off yet and he’s trying to keep a conversation going!
"Well, that's not much to go off of. All I can really say is good luck with that." 
She couldn’t believe whether he was real or not and was certain that the cup would fall and shatter on the floor when he gratefully took it from her hand. The two made their way to the couch and made more awkward small talk. 
Rasha stared at the carpet in front of her, leaning forward with her elbows on her knees, holding the glass tightly, she wanted him there, but she didn’t know what to do. Setting the cup on the table, she played with her hair and shifted her gaze to different areas of the room whenever they made eye contact. 
“You have a nice place,” Fives reached to start an actual conversation. “Have you been here long?”
She shifted, finally looking at him for longer than a few seconds. “Yeah. I’ve never left Coruscant.” Auburn hair fell from her shoulder, covering her face from Fives’ view when she turned, looking back down at the cup. 
He leaned closer, put his arm along the back of the seat, and brushed her hair back, behind her ear. “This is a nice place, but you’re nicer. Not to mention prettier.” He commented, giving her a small smile. 
Heat crawled up her neck even faster. “Oh, um… uh, thank you.” She couldn’t bring herself to look up into his eyes again but he felt safe to be around, even if she had only just met him several hours earlier. 
“Are you okay? You look like you have something on your mind. I know we just met, but you can tell me anything. I won’t judge.” He was speaking softly into her ear, just above a whisper. 
“Oh… Uh, I think that’s part of the problem… You see, um…” She trailed off until she could think of the right thing to say, “You seem really nice, I just… I don’t really like not being able to see whoever I open up to ever again. And we did just meet. I think I’m just tired. I’ll need to get up early anyway.”
“Oh. I understand. I can get a taxi back to the barracks.”
“No, you can stay here.”
“I’ll sleep here on the couch then, it’s okay.” 
“No, you don’t have to. I don’t have any extra blankets or anything,” she lied, “you can come and share my bed with me if you want,” she started talking fast and playing with the necklace she never takes off, “it’s a lot comfier and warmer anyway… But, uh… you can stay out here if you want to.” She was feeling herself getting hotter with every passing second again.
They made their way to the room, and she crawled into the bed, just about hiding under the blankets. He took his armor off and chuckled softly to himself before he laid down next to her. 
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Her alarm went off obnoxiously next to her, startling her. She rolled over and turned it off, jumping when she noticed there was someone behind her and almost fell out of the bed. She remembered who was next to her and what had happened the night before in time to not hit the man laying next to her. 
Once dry and dressed, she stepped out of the fresher to find Fives sitting up rubbing the sleep from his eyes. 
“Do you need any help with anything?” He yawned. 
“Uh,” she glanced around, “no, I don’t think so. Thanks though. The freshers open if you need to take a shower or something,” she adjusted the stiff collar of her jacket and turned back to the duffel she had barely begun packing the day before. 
He stepped closer and handed a shirt that had fallen out to her. “If you need any help just let me know and I’ll be right back out.” She nodded and continued folding the clothes she hadn’t put away yet hoping he would let her breathe by closing the door. “Oh, and…” 
Her brows scrunched together, “what?” She asked, finally turning to look at him. 
Fives gently took her chin between his forefinger and thumb and lifted her head to get a better view, “I might start having a thing for women in uniform if they all look like this.” He released her face and locked the fresher behind him.
She finished packing and zipped her bag closed right when her datapad lit up with her new orders. 
She felt Fives peek over her shoulder as she read it over and jumped at his gasp. "What? Is something wrong?" She quickly turned and took in the room. Everything was normal. 
"You're going to be in the 501st under General Skywalker!"
"And that's where Echo and I are assigned too!" 
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wild-karrde · 11 months
Hope I'm not too late!
I'm submitting "Let Her Sleep" by @agirlunderarock with her OC Sas Vom and Obi-Wan. It takes place while they're friends and before any romantic relationship starts, but it's so clear they're already in love in the day to day ways that couples take care of one another.
It also has a sweet illustration to go with it. I love this whole story with Sas Vom and Obi-Wan so much.
You are never too late friendo (mainly because I just roll to the next week if it's past the Thursday morning deadline. NEVER FEAR!).
This whole concept seems so sweet (also, I am cackling at the AO3 tag of "Obi-Wan x Sleep" on the entire series LOOOOL). I love the idea of a relationship building off of a friendship, especially one where they're already looking out for each other. And I love Sas already. I very much relate to NOT being a morning person, and their banter (and flirting) is great!
Participate in Fandom Friday to show your favorite creators from this week some love! :)
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u know ofc i had to send more sith!obi thots so........
i always love aus of you're his wife, spouse, etc. and just.......i KNOW he'd spoil the shit out of you bc ofc his sweetheart gets whatever they want 😌😌
OOOH YES! Our Sith!Obi-Wan loves to spoil us and he knows his sweetheart deserves the very best. I am certain that one of his favorite activites (outside of the bedroom) is to take you shopping so he can dote on you. But he is always a man with a clear plan 😈
Pairing: Sith Obi-Wan Kenobi x female reader
Rating: E/M 18+
Clear your afternoon schedule and meet me at Boutique Desiderio at 14:00
Your comm beeps and you wonder what your husband is up to and what this boutique might offer. You look around at your lavish Coruscanti apartment; it’s already outfitted with the absolute best furnishings and amenities in the galaxy. Lord Kenobi’s taste is impeccable and you have quickly learned of his enjoyment for shopping. After throwing off all those years of Jedi simplicity, your Dark Lord has acquired an unquenchable desire for luxury.
You hurry into your shared bedroom to get ready for his outing, passing a bed draped in silks and furs, to enter your closet. You call it a closet, or his preferred term “dressing room”, but in honesty, there’s no word for this enormous space filled with sumptuous gowns, elegant suits, delicate lingerie, the finest jewelry, gorgeous shoes, and more. To say he spends a fortune on you is an understatement.
“What more could I possibly need?” you muse as you dress yourself in a new outfit that only arrived yesterday.
You know though it has nothing to do with need, but everything to do with how much he loves to spoil you. All you need to do is mention a passing interest in an item and it arrives in an elegantly appointed box soon after. 
As you enter your personal speeder, your driver assures you that he has already received all the necessary information from your husband. He hands you a glass of sparkling wine to enjoy as he whisks you away to Lord Kenobi.
The boutique is in one of the posh shopping districts of Coruscant, although it’s tucked away at the end of the main shopping area, with a large ornamental plant separating it from the art gallery next door. A uniformed man, one of Obi-Wan’s guards, is there to open your door and a second escorts you inside to where your husband waits. He’s seated on a velvet couch, sipping tea, as two sales associates stand by demurely. He quickly hands off the tea and stands to greet you,
“Sweetheart, there you are,” he purrs and smiles at you with a gleam in his eye. 
He gives you a passionate kiss hello that isn’t exactly proper for public, and to top it off, his hand comes down to give your bottom a nice squeeze.
“Did you miss me so much already?” you ask him, brushing a hand through his hair affectionately.
“Always,” he replies, kissing you again. 
“Now then, it’s come to my attention that you have a very particular need, and it’s essential that we remedy that today,” Obi-Wan says in a matter-of-fact tone.
You look around at the store where several gowns are on display. They are rather sensual in nature, but he has already purchased plenty just like them for you. You look at him rather puzzled.
“Something I need?” you question.
“Ah, not in here, you shall see,” he responds, keeping his secret for just a bit longer.
Following the two sales associates, you pass through the room with the gowns, to another room with silk and lace undergarments of all types. 
“I have so much lingerie already, darling, I haven’t even worn everything you’ve bought me yet,” you protest.
“No, no, it’s not lingerie,” he waves his hand, “Although you can never have too much of that.”
He points you to a velvet curtain at the back, “We’re going there.”
You peel back the curtain and step into a room with soft lighting and shelves full of high-end adult products. Your cheeks flame and you feel a warmth pooling between your legs. This feeling grows as Obi-Wan slips his arm around your waist and presses himself against your back. His lips caress your ear as he whispers to you,
“I found that sad, cheap vibrator in your nightstand drawer.”
You turn to him, embarrassed and a bit nervous at his reaction, “You saw that? I only use it when you’re away on a long mission.”
“Shh, sweetheart, I don’t mind that you have it,” he chuckles, “But that pathetic little thing is not nearly good enough for my wife.”
He walks you forward to a display of sleek looking toys, designed to both tantalize and look beautiful. You recognize one of them from a celebrity’s lifestyle holoblog that she described as guaranteed to give you “out-of-this-galaxy orgasms”.
You reach out a hand to trace along the display toy’s rose gold shaft, “It would be nice to have an upgrade,” you say, pondering the possibilities.
“Outstanding.” Obi-Wan gives you his naughtiest smile and places the expensive toy into the hands of the waiting sales associate. 
“I can’t wait to see you with your legs spread for me, your cunt pulsing around that toy as your arousal leaks onto our sheets,” he whispers to you, his hand coming down to rest dangerously low on your stomach.
You feel dizzy from just the thought. “Having you watch me would add a level of excitement,” you whisper back.
“Oh I intend to do more than just watch, my love,” he replies, his hands becoming more daring as he cups your sex and nips at your neck, “But we have more shopping to do first.”
He guides you around the room, finding toys that buzz with power vibrations, ones that promise to replicate oral sex, and one that looks so complicated you’re not entirely sure how you’ll ever use it. But your husband is not deterred and he hands so many boxes to the associates that you can’t keep track of it all.
With each one that he selects, he keeps up a running commentary, 
“Ah yes, that one will stretch you open nicely, not as well as I can, but pleasantly sized.”
“See that curve, it will ensure that you feel those vibrations in just the right spot.”
“I know it looks tricky, but having multiple areas stimulated simultaneously will drive you absolutely wild, my dear.”
The entire time his hands touch and tease you, pushing the boundaries of what he can get away with in the middle of the store, even one such as this. By the time the sales associates are bagging your purchases, you have soaked through your panties and are so desperate for a release that you’re tempted to tell him to take you right there. He can sense your desire for him, and you know he’s affected too from the way he’s been rubbing himself against you. 
One quick speeder ride back home though and your Dark Lord has you precisely where he wants you. Your legs are wrapped around his hips and he holds a rose-shaped toy to your clit as he thrusts deep within you. The rose sucks and vibrates your sensitive pearl enhancing every sensation of the push and pull of his cock. You arch your back and cry out for him, again and again, as the pleasure overwhelms you. You lose track of how many times he takes you over the edge, neither your Sith lover nor the mechanical device ever slowing in their pursuit to get you off. Your whole body is trembling and you feel as if you might pass out from extreme delight. Finally, Obi-Wan calls out your name as he finishes, filling you up the way he loves.
“Darling, that was incredible,” you tell him when you can finally find your voice again. You feel deliciously boneless as you look up at him sleepily.
“Sweetheart, don’t you dare think we’re done yet,” your husband tells you, “I have so many more ways to spoil you.”
You look over to the positively obscene number of boxes and your eyes widen. It’s going to be a memorable night.
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Send in your thots! We're thotting all weekend!
@boomtowngirl @kavecika @becks-things @mysticalgalaxysalad @catsnkooks @starlightrows @tailorvizsla @bitchin-beskar @lilhawkeye3 @acourtofsnakes @grogusmum @buzzybeebee @deannie13 @ladykatakuri @noodlesfics @the-good-shittt @princessxkenobi @everythingyouwanted @jewfro24 @vaderthepotater @pinkiemme @laichka @elinedjarin @myeternalsin @kazthedestroyer @writeforfandoms @startrekkingaroundasgard @onabouteverything @beskarmermaid @flightlessangelwings
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starcrossedjedis · 11 months
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Chronicles of Narnia
Lady Leila in "Spring's Awakening"
(Prince Caspian x OFC)
House of the Dragon
Elyana Dondarrion, Alyse Baratheon and Catelyn Baratheon in the "Violent Delights" series
(Criston Cole x OFC // OC x OC // Jace Targaryen x OFC)
Harry Potter
Moira Finnigan, Evanora Black and Minerva Weasley in the "Forces of Nature" series
(Sirius Black x OFC // George Weasley x OFC // Scorpius Malfoy x OFC)
Game of Thrones
Lyra Stark in "Morning Star"
(Arthur Dayne x OFC)
Tarlesyn Sand in "A Tale of Sand and Snow"
(Sansa Stark x OMC)
Mila Lebedev in "Breaking Pointe"
(Bucky Barnes x OFC)
Mortal Kombat
Katherine Chen in "Burning Bright"
(Liu Kang x OFC)
Eleanor Taylor in "Heart over Matter"
(Captain Becker x OFC)
Star Wars
Cassia of Aquilea in "Distant Stars"
(Poe Dameron x OFC)
Nyka'a Sundar and Jaren Korr in "Star Crossed"
(OC x OC)
Jay Vendar (and his found family) in "Rebirth"
(OC x OC)
Inara'a Brae (& Khaii Al'Canthar) in "Through the Mist"
(Obi Wan Kenobi x OFC // OC x OC)
Stranger Things
Farrah Wheeler in "Danger Zone"
(Eddie Munson x OFC)
The Musketeers
Gigi LaRue in "Liaisons Dangereuses"
(Aramis x OFC)
Titans (~though mostly the vibes I got from the Gotham I grew up with)
Catherine Williams in "9 Crimes"
(Dick Grayson x OFC // OC x OC)
Top Gun
Charlotte Barnett in "Let me In" (comes with a content warning, but that's just because Tumblr is a mess^^)
(Jake "Hangman" Seresin x OFC)
Grace Huang (& Lucy Huang) in "Jaded"
(Adam Martin x OFC)
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