#Obviously there needs to be music too and a comfy enough blanket and also a sweater u take just to use as a pillow for when
hi! hope you're having a good week. i absolutely love your podcast, it's one of my all time favourites of all time :) feel free to disregard this question, but are you comfortable disclosing, however vaguely, how much money the podcast made you? if it made you money at all, i have no idea about the costs involved in running a podcast. but yeah i love our presenter so much, i already know i'm going to miss new monstrous agonies drop day once it's over!
Thank you so much, I hope you're having a lovely week as well! And thanks for your kind words about the podcast - don't tell anyone but it's one of my all-time favourite too 😉
Your question got away from me a little, so my apologies if this is way more detail than you were looking for! But I think in audio drama in particular, and in creative industries in general, we really don't talk about money enough! If any other creators want to chime in, I would love to hear your thoughts and experiences!
The cost of running a podcast like MA is very low in terms of actual cash. Aside from the first lot of equipment I bought - a mic, an audio interface, a mic stand and some cables, all coming in at about £180 total - any money I've spent has been on nice-to-haves rather than absolutely necessary outlays, like upgrading my mic set-up and building a little IKEA-hack recording booth over the summer, or paying for a domain name and email.
All this to say, my costs are a little higher than they need to be because I'm bougie 💅😌 If you're wondering what the hard, necessary costs of running a show like MA would be without those choices, it's really very low once you've got a semi-decent mic and built your recording booth blanket fort.
As for how much money it's made me, accounting for those expenses which off the top of my head I'd round up to about £1000, then MA has made me approximately £3000 since November 2020 - obviously with fewer people on the Patreon etc at the start, and more now. I'm sitting at about £250 a month from Patreon right now, which is absoutely incredible to me, and makes up a decent chunk of my actual living expenses. Thank you, everyone who pledges! 💖
However, the main thing I think people forget when they're thinking about money and podcasting is that old adage, time is money. I'm a freelancer and I work from home, so I can be very flexible about when I do MA work and when I do paid work. But the time I spend in the booth recording, or editing episodes, or even on social media (hello!) is all time that I'm not spending on actual billable hours.
Personally, that works out fine for me. I'm outrageously, stupendously lucky in terms of my financial stability, and am in a position where I can say, yeah, I'll work part-time for money and spend the other hours in the week making a podcast, knowing that the vast, vast majority of my audience isn't going to be able to/want to support me financially. (For context, MA is sitting at around 350,000 total downloads right now. If everyone gave me £1 every time they listened to an episode..... 😅)
Also, MA is a relatively time-cheap show to make. I spend about a day writing, and then the actual recording, editing and posting might take another 6hrs total? So two "lost" paid working days a week, basically.
But like... have a wee think about how bare bones MA is. Up to 50% of each episode could be written by submitters, and the rest is very formulaic and easily repeatable. It's a single voice production, with a couple of scraps of music and no sound design whatsoever, if I can help it! And the episodes themselves are only 15 minutes long, cutting all your recording and editing times right the way down.
So, let's say you're a podcaster who doesn't have the freedom and flexibility that I do with regards to your day job, and you don't have the comfy cushion of savings to cover upfront costs, and you don't live somewhere with a low a cost of living as Belfast, and you want to make a show that isn't so (intentionally!) stripped back and minimal... 😬
People like to say that podcasting has a really low barrier for entry and that's true to an extent - "all you need is a mic". But I think we do everyone a disservice if we don't look seriously and honestly about the financial costs involved - including time spent on unpaid work!
All this to say, I am so enormously grateful to everyone who is able to support MA financially, whether that's with the occasional fiver on ko-fi or a regular pledge on Patreon. It really does all add up, and it makes a real, genuine difference to my daily life. £250 a month is more than I hoped to make, and I'm really thankful for everyone who has contributed.
And if you do have an extra couple of quid burning a hole in your pocket, do consider supporting the creators you love 💖🥰
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jejciu · 2 years
thoughts on picnic food. what are the best options for hypothetically having a picnic with you
Hi żmijko hope ur having a wonderful weekend :-)))))))) hope u don't mind me dividing it into two categories!!!
1. Drinks
Due to warm weather (bc who is doing picnics when it's cold) it's a bad idea to have either hot drinks or cold drinks. I know it's good for u to like drink tea and other hot beverages to match ur body temperature better so u feel less hot in the long run, but let's be honest, it kind of sucks. But also so does soda. I don't think I've ever had a single soda that tasted good after sitting in the sun for more than 10 minutes.... So honestly to me, plain water is good enough :-) it's good and refreshing. Also, I especially love having picnics next to body of water (although then u have to handle the bugs.....) so u can actually put the bottle in the sand when it's still heavy enough so the water cools it down from the outside hehe.
When it comes to alcohol, as long as ur picnicking in a cop-free area and have an option for a cooling bag or something, i love pre-made drinks :-) ofc not bought pre-made drinks, but ones made at home, with just the perfectly customized amount of alcohol that u like the most. I like daiquiris and mojitos for hot summer days, they don't feel too sticky and they're very easy to make (and I tend to sip them slowly so they don't run out as quickly) :)!! Adorable water bottles are the best for that purpose, too. At least u don't have to worry about delicate glass or cans that can explode in ur bag.
2. Food
My no.1 picnic food are sandwiches. Absolutely absolutely sandwiches. Any dark bread, really, but never buns (I don't know why tho, they just don't feel picnicky enough)! Never with anything that spreads or can melt easily (except for butter), always slices of meat or cheese or veggies :-) besides sandwiches, i also like pasta or salad with chicken, turkey or tuna :-)
but other than that, i loooooooooove fresh fruit and veggies. Like I love it so much. I love strawberries, cherries, or grapes (the absolute BEST to have at picnics), but I also adore having sliced tomatoes with just a bit of salt and pepper, as well as cucumbers and carrots cut into long stripes!!! They're just crunchy enough and esp cucumbers are also perfectly watery. Also red radish is yum yum :-)
It's also really weird when people bring salty (or even chocolatey????) snacks tho. The only exception I'd make for sunflower seeds, but then there's the whole issue with throwing out the shells, u gotta prepare a little bag or something but in my experience it usually tries to float away constantly so it's just too much bother. But chips or popcorn?????? Like come onnnnn why are some people doing this. What are u thinking. Fatty foods have no place at picnics!!!! They're fine for movie nights but not here!!!
And last little thing that I really appreciate are the ice candies :-) I have no idea why but I adore having ice candies while on a hot day outside. I usually carry gum or mint candies with me but ice candies are just...... SO perfect for after picnics. I can't explain it they just match so well with like the after meal relaxing. Although u do have to make sure to check if they're not melting together....
Anyway thank u for asking my sweet little darling słoneczko it's such a lovely fun thing to daydream about 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
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RE8 Ladies + S/o with chronic pain HCs
Type/cause of chronic pain is kept ambiguous, but some of the hcs might seem geared towards migraines, since that's the main thing that I personally struggle with (and these are very definitely comfort hcs). Features Alcina, Bela, Cassandra, Daniela, Donna, Mother Miranda, and as a 'lil bonus Ava. Not particularly long, but the combined length of every character is enough to be put under a read-more (About 2,500 words in total).
It’s difficult for her to know that you are suffering, but be unable to deal directly with the source of the problem. Chasing off unwanted nuisances or hunting down threats to the castle was one thing, trying to solve complicated medical issues was another thing entirely. If only she could tear your condition asunder without tearing you asunder.
That being said, she’ll still support you endlessly, however she can. It doesn’t matter how expensive or hard-to-access possible treatments are. If there’s something you haven’t tried, and are interested in trying, she’ll find a way for you to get it.
The biggest, and arguably most helpful, thing that she does is set up a space for you within her office. She spends quite a lot of time there for her family’s business, but doesn’t want to leave you alone on bad days. So this was her idea of a nice compromise.
There’s a very comfortable sofa that folds out, a cabinet filled with the softest blankets, and several pillows of a few different sizes. Servants are instructed not to interrupt Alcina’s work without good reason, but she has a couple who ensure your snack cabinet is always well stocked.
If there are certain environmental factors to your condition, such as sensitivity to light and sound, she does her best to reduce their effects. Lights remain dimmed (or she’ll rely on candlelight), her music will be kept quiet enough to be soothing, and she’ll refrain from taking any calls while you are with her.
To think that Daniela once tried to claim that Bela would “never need to know any of that (medical) stuff”! Sure, there haven’t been many people who have needed (and received) treatment from her, but that didn’t mean the skill was useless. Admittedly, she doesn’t know enough to replace one of your doctors, or try to create her own version of a cure, though no one really expected that much from her.
Still, she knows enough to help soothe your pain. Obviously there are different techniques for different kinds of pain, and she does research before trying anything specific. Bela’s also aware that you’ve been dealing with this for far longer than she has, meaning that you probably wouldn’t be pleased if she came in, acted like an expert, or assumed that you hadn’t really thought about the most popular remedies. So she’s tactful with how she approaches things, always checking if you’re familiar with a subject before she tries to explain anything.
Bela ends up surprising you with a lesser-known skill of hers: Massage. Studying anatomy has given her a decent idea of the body’s more sensitive spots, and the rest she’s figured out through her own, ahem, experiences. Regardless of where you’re in pain, your girlfriend can help reduce your suffering. Okay, well, if your pain is more internal than external, it’s a bit harder for her, but she can still help you relax.
One of her favorite things to do after giving you a massage is to just pull you in close for some cuddling. Preferably you’ll be in her lap, with her arms around your waist, her chin tucked on top of your shoulder. Then she’ll do her best to whisper you praises, reminding you how strong you are, and that she’s incredibly proud of you.
She’s, uh, not great at this. At least not at first. Maybe she’ll never be more than good at it, though. But she’s definitely trying! And learning! By Jove, that’s something, right?
First things first, she’s always ready to try to distract you, primarily through kisses and gentle touches. Fingers softly trailing over your skin, lips tickling your neck, featherlight in all the right places… It’s not inherently sexual (though it can quickly go that route if you ask), just intimate. It’s harder for your brain to process pain when you’re also processing pleasure, so there is some science behind Cassandra’s methods, even if she herself isn’t entirely aware of that.
While she’s not great with words, there are certain things that she manages to articulate well enough. For one, she makes sure you know that you aren’t a burden. Taking care of you- no, helping you take care of yourself- is a labor of love, if a labor at all. More than that, she knows full well that you probably don’t like feeling pitied, or coddled. That, over time, being sick ends up being beyond frustrating. She never wants you to feel like your condition defines you, or like it puts any strain on your relationship.
That said, she’ll avoid telling her family any specifics unless you do first, and ensures that the staff know how to accommodate you (without telling them why, because it’s none of their fucking business, and she’s their boss, and for fuck’s sake it’s their job to do what she tells them. Maybe she gets a lil bit overzealous with it). At no point will she ever complain about helping you, or otherwise indicate that your needs are “troublesome”.
At the end of the day, the best comfort she brings you is her presence, simply being near you, endlessly loyal, tireless in her affections. Especially considering she gets clingier the worse your symptoms get.
Hope you enjoy cuddling. Seriously. There’s nothing Daniela loves more than curling up with you, and that goes double for bad pain days. Some adjustments will be made position-wise if you need, but she’ll still hold you as close as possible, for as long as you need. Although she might eventually fall asleep (because damn are you comfy), she’ll play with your hair or run her fingers along your scalp until she eventually dozes off.
If you want a little more from her than light snoring, or if she feels like going above and beyond, or honestly just if she’s thinking about how much she loves you (so all the effing time), she’ll do something she’s always loved in movies/books: Reading to you! She’ll pick special books that neither of you have read before, so you can experience them together on your sick(er) days. Which does, of course, mean that it might take months to finish even a single one. Surprisingly, Daniela won’t even briefly consider reading any without you. Even if the plot is really good.
But, uh, if you wanted her to read to you on a day where you aren’t bedridden? Hell yes, my friend, she’s absolutely down for that!
On days where she’s too busy to spend hours upon hours in bed with you, or days where her ADHD is just particularly bad, she tries her best to leave you with a “substitute”. AKA a massive fucking teddy bear, in a reddish brown color, with a green bowtie. Custom ordered (The Duke did not dare tease her for it). There’s a heart stitched onto the stuffed animal’s chest, which features your first initial alongside a D for Daniela.
Additionally, she has a blanket she only brings out for you, which she periodically sprays with her favorite perfume. That way you can hold it close when she’s not around, as if you were cuddling her. For her sake, though, don’t hold the teddy bear or blanket too tightly when she is around. Homegirl here will get jealous of inanimate objects, even ones that she gave you.
“I think I have a tea for this…” Damn right she has a tea for this. Donna has a massive garden, with dozens if not hundreds of different plants, including a variety of herbs/spices. At least one of them has to be a little helpful for you. Whether it relieves pain, helps you nap off some of your misery, or just distracts you by tasting bloody-well delicious! Besides, few things make you feel quite as loved as holding a cup of freshly brewed tea in your hands, knowing your lover made it just for you. Like a hug in a mug, it is!
Similarly to Alcina, Donna will also try to create a comfortable space for you, but isn’t likely to put it downstairs with her workshop. Instead she’ll let you take over one of the larger guest rooms, customizing it to suit your specific needs. There will be some easy to care for plants for decoration (ones that won’t mind potentially missing out on natural sunlight), a couple relaxing paintings, and a shelf near the bed with things to help you pass the time, mainly books.
Furthermore, she’ll do her best to keep you company as often as possible. She’s naturally a fairly quiet person, so you won’t have to worry about sound if that’s something you’re sensitive to. While she prefers using a sewing machine, she’ll do things by hand while you’re in pain, just to reduce the chances of you getting irritated by the sound.
Speaking of potentially irritating sounds… by god can Angie be difficult to be around when you’re ill. Thankfully, Donna is perfectly understanding of this, and, as the only person Angie ever listens to, makes sure to give the doll a stern talking to about your health. To your immense surprise, it actually works. You’re not exactly sure what was said, but Angie certainly becomes a lot more compensating afterwards. She’ll keep her antics to herself, and usually even on another side of the house from where you rest, but only for as long as you’re tucked away in your room. As soon as you set foot outside, her restraints are metaphorically removed. All hell breaks loose (as is her universe-given right as the physical embodiment of both Chaos and Entropy).
Mother Miranda:
If the two of you weren’t lovers, there’s a decent chance you would completely misinterpret her actions. She might come off as irritated, like she has bigger concerns than your health, you fragile little human. After all, she is a goddess (well, practically). But the truth is that she’s aching inside every time you have a bad pain day, knowing that (for once) she cannot cure your ailment. Maybe if she had infinite subjects with the same condition as you…
But, at the end of the day, that’s the problem. There’s only one of you. One of her beloved, her little human darling, so dangerously fragile in comparison to the scale she works on. Even with all the time in the world, which she most certainly has, she cannot cure you without taking incredible risks. With your life at stake… It is a gamble she refuses to take. You are hers, and while she hates to see you suffer, the truth is that she’ll always be selfish enough to let you endure on your own.
That doesn’t mean she doesn’t help, though, just that she doesn't do a full-out experiment on you. Instead, she keeps notes. She’ll track your activities, bedtimes/when you get up, dietary habits, when you have pain, what you do to treat said pain, how effective the treatments are, etc, etc. All of this can be very useful in establishing patterns (a skill she’s gotten very good at, in her many decades of being a scientist), which can in turn lead to less pain days.
(For example, many people with migraines find that certain foods seem to trigger a migraine, or at least increase the chances of getting one. Though admittedly they don’t always end up cutting the food out of their diet. I mean, come on, you want me to give up chocolate? You want me to drink normal milk, like an adult? Kidding, kidding, I don’t have any food triggers. Nor do I particularly enjoy chocolate milk, nor do I dislike it.)
Moving on! While her work seemingly takes precedence over your condition, Miranda is not heartless, and she does do some things to lend you more direct comfort. Specifically, she tries to work in the same room as you when she can, normally while making electronic copies of physical documents, or while looking over the details of a finished experiment. She’s not always one for cuddling, so she won’t often get in bed with you during the daytime. But at night? Yes, fine, she will wrap her arms around you, maybe one of her wings too if you like how soft they are.
Just don’t think that she secretly loves every second. It’s not like she’ll spend half an hour whispering about how sweet and adorable you are as soon as you fall asleep, or anything like that. It’s twenty minutes at the most.
Bonus!Avaskian Caldwell:
“Oh, fuckin’ mood!” Followed by a solid thirty seconds of pure regret. Seriously, though, Ava has spent xer entire life (starting at age 10) dealing with chronic migraines. For a while xe also dealt with POTS (Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome), which meant lots of chest pain, but that (thankfully) faded as xe grew into an adult, as is fairly common with the condition. If anyone in Castle Dimitrescu understands unrelenting, unexplainable pain, it’s xer.
That being said… Ava never really managed xer chronic pain, at least not when xe was at xer worst. Xe had to drop out of school because of it. Hell, xe didn’t have a “real” job until xe was almost 23! Didn’t have a chance until things just calmed down for xer. So xe gets anxious whenever you talk about your health, worried that things are (or will at some point be) as bad for you as they were for xer. Other than that, though, you might initially think that xe doesn’t care, or didn’t understand the conversation.
Truth is, xe knows how absolutely fucking ANNOYING it can be to have to explain your health to every new person you meet (like the dozen different doctors you’ve met over the years, possibly every nurse who takes your pulse and thinks it’s a little bit high). So xe did a shit ton of research on your condition, in order to reduce how much you need to explain. Sure, xe will still have questions, and there are always aspects that only you can tell xer, but it’s a nice gesture.
As for helping you destress, xe’s pretty much a mix of Bela and Miranda. You’ll get plenty of massages (because Ava has learned from personal experience what sort of touches help with which sorts of pain), but also some scientific insight on any noticeable patterns. Lots of holding you close and telling you that you’re the coolest person in the world, and that Ava feels beyond lucky to have you.
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mariusroyale · 3 years
You better give us some headcanons on the crew /j
uh hah ha-
- what’s the bet he watches and rewatches pirates of the Caribbean
- he’s littered with scars! battle scars he calls em and it stresses out peso bc he doesn’t WANT MORE SCARS ON HIM
- i hc him as bi! he just radiates bi energy to me-
- he blinks slow around peso :>>
- has used his claws to pick locks before!
- kwaso bc duh- he loves rubbing his face against pesos like he can’t help it he jus HAS to bc he loves him sm
- this is sort of canon already but he can’t go a minute without jumping or doing front flips anywhere like he GAHTTA MOVE
- when he’s thoroughly spooked he’ll jump extra high and cling onto the ceiling like in those cartoons akdjdkdh
- often studies when he’s not busy!! gotta know more abt how to help sea creatures he hasn’t encountered yet after all
- sings/chirps when he’s v v happy
- FLAPS when he’s happy too hahdkfjd
- i think he’d like watching medical dramas! probably me projecting but i like them
- WHAT IF HES INTO KDRAMAS (ive only gotten into one but that hc is cute ahehsj)
- loves listening to kwazii’s stories!! (this is already canon basically (cough cough, that snail ep in season 5))
- I’d like to think he preens sometimes! just sorta fixing up his feathers and some (kwazii) of the crew are like ‘why are u stabbing urself’
- is a super fast swimmer! this is already confirmed p much but like HELLA FAST
- enjoys listening to classical music
- could sometimes act like captain holt in my version of the crew!
- and by that i mean he sees kwazii as a son and would die for him (not if i die for u first captain!)
- when really really tired (as in u can’t save him with coffee) he’ll just blabber abt how much he treasures the crew and how much he’ll do for them
- sometimes he doesn’t get enough sleep! (like tweak-) and peso as his doctor has to keep him in check cos like yeah captain ur strong as shit but ur still old!!!
- his teefs are super fuckin S H A R P like sometimes when he needs a knife or maybe scissors he’ll just *SLICE*
- he’s obviously a huge softie but man this guy is SUCH a cutie patootie id imagine if he was in a relationship he’d be nonstop affection and all that
- speaking OF affection, he’ll pull kwazii into these big ass BEAR HUGS bc augwh he loves this cat so much “my SO N” “CAP LOOSEN IT A LITTLE IM A BIT SQUISHED-“
- bad at cooking but delights in watching cooking shows from time to time
- probably watches bob ross
- ohhhhh my god he could totally be an artist n stuff
- this one’s so stupid but, tweak and kwazii keep giggling whenever they make him say ‘LAWRENCE CHANEY’ KAHAKAHDS
- I’d like to think he tries to learn new languages too!
- falls asleep at his desk sometimes and one of the crew either carries him to bed or puts a blanket over him
- tries his hand at cooking with his children the vegimals! does not work out well he’s a disaster
- enjoys watching stuff on YouTube! u decide what youtubers he watches
- could hc him as ace!
- does that thing and eats ice
- he’s a lanky guy but almost reaches the captains height in my version
- sometimes when she’s really really frustrated she’ll just accidentally bark and she’ll just be like “😳 my bad-“
- when she’s particularly delirious (exhaustion, probably) she’ll chase her tail
- when she gets really excited her tail will wag really really fast
- adjdk sometimes when she’s super hungry she’ll skip chewing food and just I N H A L E (re: does not bode well when it’s noodles)
- sometimes she’ll just sleep in weird ass positions, neck tilted n all that
- loves dressing up tweak sometimes when she’s comfy with it (gives her her own stylish tomboy fits and stuff)
- LOOOOVES the barbie movies god she grew up on them and sometimes she’ll just watch fashion fairytale or princess charm school
- forces koshi to watch them too (she also loves them)
- visibly winces when kwazii tries mimicking her Aussie (tho it sounds p kiwi to me) accent
- probably watches drag race
- watches game grumps ajdjd
- sometimes gets too loud in her room when playing games cos she’ll get mad n shit
- sometimes she’ll just. eat leaves (even when they’re just on land in the wild if she knows it’s safe she’ll just. *nom*)
- goes NUTS whenever she makes blueprints that are like, detachable parts of a gup that are also modes of transport like she loves that the gup k and gup q
- like making it she’s like “HOHOHOJOUO WE GETTIN FUNKY WITH IT TONIGHT BOIZ” and it’s midnight and ‘bois’ is herself
- wants to redesign the gup f! ofc it was dodgy and is now a teeny artificial reef but she wants to make a new one that looks like the design she wanted initially !! (clownfish im p sure at least)
- her and kwazii get up to stupid shit in my version, assuming it doesn’t harm her gups or other creations
- when she’s pissed off/frustrated, she’ll tap her foot really quick repeatedly
- and while her ears twirl around each other when she’s scared, her nose also twitches!
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justasimplesinner · 3 years
Ooooooo bro I've been saving this one for the longest time. Ok so we can all agree that mof crane probably didn't go to his senior prom and probably felt like shit because he didn't feel like anyone really cared about him right? What if a friend/admirer of his (i.e. the reader) he had mutual feelings for asked to hang out on prom night but told him to dress nicely and meet them by the cornfield. He's having doubts cause of the whole Sherry thing but he meets them there anyway, he's gonna comment on how pretty/handsome they look but they're literally so excited they just grab his hand and drag him through the cornstalks. He's getting real sus after a good 5 minutes of walking and is about to pull his hand away until they arrive at a clearing where they have a radio set up to play slow music, a picnic blanket, a few soda bottles filled with wisky that they may or may not have obtained from another student during class, and a balloon held down by a stack of books they've been dying to share with him. They dance, they get a little tipsy, they laugh, he gets a well deserved smooch or two, then they read under the stars together till they fall asleep cuddling.
Please 🙏.
i so fucking wanted to turn this into a fic but i'd just turn it into 30k words of jon's emotional turmoil and never finish it, so have this instead and keep it in mind that my heart has genuinely melted while writing this and i squeezed out every last bit of fluff it had
Masters of Fear!Jon's dream prom night hcs:
when you tell him to meet you by the cornfields on prom night, he's... conflicted. for two main reasons. one obviously being his trauma after the humiliation Sherry put him through the one time he got his courage to ask someone for a date, and two - this was the night of his revenge. he hasn't told you about this, but this was the night his plans were supposed to come to fruition. this was supposed to be the night he first donned the scarecrow costume, the night that would turn his whole life around. but you... you were his friend. he didn't remember a time when you weren't. you were always there. you were there for him every time got bullied, beaten or humiliated. you were there for his misplaced infatuation with Sherry and you were there to comfort him after he had a head-on collision with reality. and now, you were there for his prom night, despite him not having the courage to actually ask you to go with him. and maybe, just maybe... revenge could wait. maybe he should repay you for going through the trouble (and it was a trouble) of befriending him and staying by his side. so he accepted
you told him to dress nicely, so he did, to the best of his abilities. he donned a brown suit, the only one he had that was supposed to be for his prom and that was just slightly too small. it was the smartest garment he owned and he almost liked how it looked, how it made him seem more serious, more intelligent, but when he saw you... he truly felt like a servant in the presence of royalty. "nicely" wasn't anywhere near to how you looked. you were breathtaking. absolutely fucking breathtaking, to the point where the air actually got stuck in his lungs when he looked at you. thousands of thoughts were running through his head. you were so beautiful. why didn't he ask you to prom? why did he waste his only chance to do something with what you two had? the suspicions as to why exactly were you so dolled up by a cornfield were muffled by his absolute admiration for you as well as that slight self-hatred that accompanied him wherever he went
and then, you complimented him. it wasn't the first time, you were always so supportive of him, but this time it... hit different. it wasn't anything out of the ordinary, not like you haven't called him handsome before, but suddenly he found himself tongue-tied. the best he could muster back was a stuttering "you too", but before he blinked you were already grabbing his hand and rushing him through the cornfields, claiming that you had a 'surprise'. and after his experiences, Jon wholeheartedly despised surprises
there was a battle going through his head because honestly, where the fuck were you taking him, why were you two tearing through a cornfield? what, because he looks like a scarecrow? was it another joke? you were never once mean to him, but at this point, who fucking knew? but also, you were holding his hand. you laced your fingers and squeezed and pulled and your thumb kept rubbing over his skin in almost a soothing manner and you held his hand-
"(y/n), please-" he didn't even know what he was asking of you, all he knew was that he was scared and your hand was both the reason for it and his only source of comfort, but he shut his mouth the second you pulled him into a small clearing and he was faced with... a dream, really. you took care of... everything. you laid down a huge blanket with some light pillows to make it more comfy, homemade snacks, drinks, alcohol, a god damned radio with both your favourites on, a small stack of books with balloons-
he was speechless. completely, utterly speechless. you were talking like it was nothing, how you took the CDs from your home that he liked, how you baked those muffins he always immensly enjoyed, how you sneakily bought whiskey with the help of your older friends, how you brought the books you were just dying to read with him, how you fucking made your own private prom for you two to enjoy in peace, and said it like it wasn't a big deal. and he... brought you nothing. not even flowers. he should've gotten you flowers, like any man would. you made all this and he was just standing there like a fucking idiot, with his hands empty, and he dared to doubt you after everything you two have been through-
but you didn't let him wallow in his self-doubt, instead pulling him down, deciding to start the fun. you sat there, side by side, with you pouring the drinks, munching on snacks, discussing books, laughing and joking around with some music in the background. Jon has spent some amazing moments with you, from skipping school to go to the lake to going on trips with you and your parents to places he never thought he'd visit, but this felt... special. that night, he felt happier. he felt like it meant more
he didn't expect that slow love song he was fond of to play, nor you offering to dance. well, offering might be an understatement. if you offered, that dumbass would've probably refuse out of sheer embarassment and bashfulness. you pulled him up and decided to lead him to the "dance floor" (i.e. area around the blanket), leaving him no room to refuse. yet again, not the first time you two danced together without a care in the world, but the first time it felt so... intimate. you were so close, closer than ever before. you held him so gently, you smiled so brightly and he was so captivated he stumbled over his own feet more than once, but it was all perfect. your chest pressed up against his and then soon enough, your head leaning on his shoulder felt so... right. like you were meant to fit against him, like his arms were meant to hold onto you like this. at the same time his heart tried to beat out of his chest but his mind was an oasis of peace. he felt both nervous and at ease, his face hesitantly nuzzling into you, arms tightening around your body, pulling you so close not even paper could fit in-between you two
it's like he finally realised that what he always wanted was right under his nose all along. that all that time, the only thing he craved was being with you like this. at last, he could understand why his heart always sped up and why he dreamed of you so often. this was way different than the "thing" he had for Sherry. way stronger, way more sincere. he felt more deserving of Sherry than he did of you, like she was closer in his reach than you because you were always so kind to him, because you always cared and he felt like he had no right to ruin what you two had. with Sherry, he had nothing, it was easier to project onto her because he couldn't have you. and all that time, he was unconsciously complicating his own life instead of just... trying to reach for you
he felt like he got really far with you that night, like it was already a big step forward and that maybe, someday, you'd consider something... more. he didn't expect you to kiss him right then and there. he didn't expect you to slowly lift your head from his shoulder and dive right in with only a quick glance into his eyes. suddenly, the whole world stopped, along with his heart. suddenly, the world didn't exist, there wasn't a single thought of Bo, Sherry or his revenge, there was only you. you and your perfect lips moving against his own and your perfect hands cupping his cheek and tangling in his hair. he didn't expect an embarassing mewl to escape the back of his throat but if anything, you didn't seem to mind, only pulling him closer, letting him feel all of you
the kiss was messy, almost awkward, but Jon has never felt anything as divine as your plush lips moving against his chapped ones, your tongue slowly sliding into his mouth, guiding him, showing him what love really felt like. he really didn't know when his arms embraced you tight enough to feel your every move against his body, but it felt right. it felt right to have you this close and to kiss you like this. it felt like this was where he belonged
he needed air, but he needed you more and he couldn't just stop, if it wasn't for you finally pulling away, he might've suffocated on the spot. when he leaned back, his chest was heaving and his lips tingling, but he didn't let you go. it's like... he couldn't. you looked into his eyes, hell, right into his soul and for the first time in his life, he had no doubt. surprisingly, he felt no fear crawling up his spine that he just fucked up, he felt no anxiety that he ruined what you two had. the only thing he felt was the need to kiss you again. and then again and again until he could no more
the rest of that night was filled with cuddles, kisses, alcohol and laughter. with talking until the early hours of the morning, with you comfortably between his legs and him wrapped around you like a blanket. that night ended with his shaky, whispered "i love you" and long, meaningful kisses from you which were quickly becoming his new addiction as you two finally parted ways, only to meet again the next day, and then the next and so on. and maybe none of you knew that, but you saved him that day. saved him from a fate he was not entirely ready for. from a life of crime and pain and severe trauma
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joontier · 4 years
mile high memoirs | oneshot
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synopsis: you and the two other rappers of the global sensation BTS make a collaboration of sorts 
pairings: namgi (namjoon and yoongi) x reader
rating: R (18+)
genre: fluff, humor, smut | au: idol! au; established relationship! au
warnings: pwp basically hnngnhng; and yes sex on a private jet bc why tf not ; cunnilingus, oral sex (m and f receiving), cum swallowing, dom! Yoongi undertones, threesome, double penetration, anal sex, multiple orgasms; i have nothing else to say at this point except im dragging yall with me to thirst hours
word count: 5.9k
g/n: NAMGI NATION RISE!!!!!! anywho, this is a lovely gift for @mintseesaw​ for being an awesomesauce person in general and yes, we’re thirsting for the same men bUT SHE WONT SHARE HNGNNNG SO I’VE WRITTEN THIS INSTEAD (in the hopes that this might satiate my obviously unquenchable thirst for the hyung line!?/1!?!?) ALSO THIS IS HEAVILY UNEDITED KJFSKDJFSDJF please let me know what you think! x
between the lenses navi. |  navi. | m.list
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“_________! Please look this way!”
“How do you feel about New Day becoming the number one streamed song in more than forty countries after being released just last week?”
“Is it true that you’re in a relationship with BTS’ Suga? Or RM? Or are the three of you engaged in a polyamorous relationship?”
The last one catches you off guard and you look away from the cameras to hide the amusement on your face. The last thing you need is people speculating about your personal life once they see your reaction to their questions, so you continue on your way to immigration, face down and expressionless.
If you were being completely honest, there was always a crowd that came with you when you had schedules overseas, fans and paparazzi huddled together as they took pictures of you. But today was different, especially considering the fact that you were also at Gimpo, and not Incheon.
With Gimpo, a significantly less busier airport than Incheon, you had only anticipated a smaller crowd but you seemed to have forgotten that you were scheduled to fly with two of the rappers of BTS to Amsterdam today to film the music video for your collaboration, “New Day”.
Upon your arrival, a throng of security guards placed themselves as barricades to bar the large group of people from crowding the hallways. Your team successfully weaves your way through the massive crowd and arrives safely by the immigration.
You soon see your boyfriend lounging by the private boarding area, and Yoongi immediately stands to greet you. You place a quick peck on his lips when you meet. Namjoon stands to greet you as well and you turn to the younger man to give him a huge hug. “It’s been a while since I saw you Joonie!” The tall rapper gets shy at your nickname, dimples peeking as he looks down.
“It must have been wild out there,” Yoongi says, giving you a once over as he checks if you got hurt or injured on the way to the boarding area. You coo at your boyfriend, face crumpling at his concern even after years of being in a relationship. Nuzzling your head onto the crook of his neck, you inhale the wonderful scent of the perfume you’d gave him when you came back from your US tour.
“Yeah it was! Honestly whenever I leave Korea, the amount of people who’d send me off isn’t even half of the crowd out there – and that’s already in Incheon! Not Gimpo! I always seem to forget that you guys are worldwide superstars!” Yoongi just laughs at your observation, shaking his head at you as he offers his iced Americano. 
Unbeknownst to those outside your private lives, you had initially met Yoongi pre-debut. You used to attend the same school back in Daegu and fun fact: you were the same ex-girlfriend he’d composed a letter for during high school and sent the same to a radio station to have it aired.
You had both met at a tender age, and admittedly, there were a few petty reasons for your break-up, but one of them was because you both wanted to pursue a career in music, and with the kpop industry not exactly big on the idols dating, you had decided to remain friends, for the time being.
It was Yoongi who contacted you first when you debuted in late 2012, and as you caught on with your lives, sharing similar stories during your trainee days, he’d also asked you to anticipate their debut in a few months’ time as well.
True to his word, their group debuted the following year in June, and you had sent congratulatory flowers to BigHit, praising them for their powerful stages and a very promising career. You and Yoongi had kept in touch ever since. Nothing wrong about rekindling an old flame, right?
Funny enough, dating under the radar seemed to have fallen naturally for the two of you as you both prefer staying indoors and improvising dates rather than having to go out and risk getting caught by the media. Besides, it would have been easier just in case things got a little bit heated. Which happened most of the time. In your defense though, being able to meet at least once a week was already a blessing – so occurrences like that were bound to happen…
One day while you were trying to work out this melody for a song you composed, Yoongi sat next to you and pulled you on his lap as he rested his chin on your shoulder. “Why don’t I help you with that love?” He lets you rest your back on his chest as his fingers fluidly move against the piano keys. Genuinely satisfied with what he played for you, you placed a kiss on his cheek as a token of your gratitude. “Thanks, Suga PDnim.”
“Speaking of that… do you want to have a collab – you and me?” You look at him, expectantly, mouth slightly open at surprise of his proposal. Truthfully, you had thought about that even before you actually got back in to a relationship, but you could never really bring the subject up because he always seemed so busy and you didn’t want to burden him any further by asking for extra work.
And that’s what you told him, but your boyfriend only laughed at you, intertwining his hands with yours on the piano. “Baby, I would’ve dropped all the other collaborations if you had just said the word.”
You were beyond elated, and honored, and when Namjoon came in to check on Yoongi, the latter asked if he had any opinion on a collaboration between Yoongi and you. Your boyfriend even convinced the younger rapper to get involved in the track. With the blessing of Bang PDnim, you’re finally here, scheduled to travel overseas to film the music video for the track the three of you had worked on which went global in mere hours, thanks to the very talented men you got the chance to work with.
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You take out your camera from your bag to film a little, just in case you’ll get to release a ‘behind-the-scenes’ vlog for your collaboration. You make an attempt to film Yoongi who’s half-awake but all to no avail. Namjoon gladly offers some screen time for your video. The younger rapper laughs shyly when you squeal in excitement asking him for a few words about your collaboration. Namjoon does so like a professional: telling the camera where you’re headed off to today, thanking the fans for their never-ending support, and wishing them to anticipate the upcoming music video. 
It doesn’t take long before someone tells the lot that your plane is ready to board, so you wake a dazed Yoongi and bid goodbye to the rest of the staff who were taking a separate flight to your destination. 
Ever the hardworking idol, Yoongi decides to make some revisions on a song he’s working on while you take this time to finally finish a book Namjoon himself recommended a while back. You don’t notice the hours that have passed by when you check the window, and it’s already pitch-black outside, save the occasional gray because of the clouds.
Unbuckling your seatbelt, you head over to the lavatory to relieve your bladder. On your way back to your seat, you glance Namjoon’s way and see the flesh-colored screen your eyes getting glued to the screen watching two men pound a girl into the mattress. You get drawn back to reality because of some minor turbulence and you quickly avert your eyes from the screen.
“Babe, Joonie’s watching porn,” you whisper as you get to your seat, snuggling into your warm blanket. “And who told my girlfriend it was right to snoop into other people’s preferential pastimes?”  
You roll your eyes at him, “It’s not like I purposely watched what was on his screen! Just in case you needed the facts, he was seated with his back facing me, so it’s just natural that I’d get a glimpse of whatever ‘preferential pastime’ it is that you he was doing on his phone! It’s not my fault he didn’t dim the brightness if he truly wanted to watch it privately- “
“You didn’t need to go off, babe,” Yoongi laughs, placing a kiss on your head. “Should we head to bed now? I wanna sleep…and cuddle. Sleep, really, but since you’re here, I guess we could cuddle.”
“You make it sound like it’s a chore!”
Yoongi gives your indignance no attention, just tugging you up from your seat towards the bedroom. “Joon, we’re going to go to sleep now. You should go do the same soon.”
Namjoon’s lips part to reply, but Yoongi beats him to it. “And don’t even think about attempting to sleep in that seat. There are two beds back there for a reason. _______ and I will just share one. Feel free to take the other.” A small smile graces the younger man’s face in gratitude, nodding his head as he wishes you both a good night’s sleep.
Of course, life is bittersweet – so even with an insanely comfy bed and your boyfriend beside you to snuggle freely – a good night’s sleep is the last thing you get. Restlessly turning to lie on your back for what seems to be the hundredth time tonight, you heave a sigh as you stare at the jet’s ceiling. Must’ve been the iced Americano you shared with Yoongi before you boarded. Damn him and his triple-shot Americano.
Namjoon enters the room and notices your state of restlessness. “Can’t sleep?”
“Sort of.”
“There’s warm milk by the galley if you want some.”
“I’m too lazy to get up…”
Namjoon chortles, finding it’s moments like these that remind him of your likeness to Yoongi. “I can get you some if you want?” Namjoon offers, already turning to leave the room but you grab his arm, stopping him from doing so.
“No, please! You really don’t need to. I know I’ll be able to sleep in a few more minutes….”
“The average person falls asleep in twenty, and you and Yoongi hyung came here about an hour ago,” Namjoon points out. Giving him a blank stare, you reply, “Why don’t you head to bed and rest? We’ve still got a long day tomorrow.”
“Okay. Good night, noona.”
“Night Joonie.”
You have proven all of Google’s methods of falling asleep faster to be false. Warm milk, the 4-7-8 breathing method, relaxing music, even counting sheep in vain. You’d even tried working on your vlog to Amsterdam (that you probably aren’t even going to release), giving up when you couldn’t make out Yoongi’s slurred speech when you tried to interview him while he was napping (you don’t know why you even bothered at this point, but you probably thought it was funny earlier this afternoon).
Nada. Nothing was working, not when you’ve still got three shots of espresso coursing through your veins.
There was only one way left and you had a feeling that this was going to definitely knock you out. You need to get exhausted, and the only idea left is sitting cross-legged at the back of your head, blowing a huge bubble with her gum as she files her nails. She looks at you with taunting eyes. You glance over to Namjoon’s bed, analyzing his features to see if he had gone to sleep already or not. A light snore that escapes his lips assures you so.
Letting out another exhale, you turn to face Yoongi on your left, studying his features. Your boyfriend wakes when your lips graze his cheek as you place a light kiss on his milky skin. One eye pries open to peer at you. “Babe, what are you doing?” His groggy voice shouldn’t have appealed to you as strongly as it did now, but your desperation to get some sleep had seemed to travel south.
“Just kissing my beautiful boyfriend,” you shrug innocently, fighting the teasing lilt in your voice when you see the corner of his lips rise at your sudden compliment. “You don’t fool me, Miss _____, Billboard’s Top Female Solo Artist of the Year, MAMA’s Best Rap Performance, Golden Disc Awards’ Best…”
“Okay, okay, you got me.” You giggle as Yoongi pulls you closer to meet your lips in a chaste kiss. “What’s wrong princess?” You state the obvious, pointing to your eyes which now probably had bags under them. “Can’t sleep,” you pout, slipping your hand underneath his shirt to give him a back rub as you snuggle to his chest.
“And what do you suppose we are to do about it?” Yoongi asks, chest rumbling as he speaks. You take your bottom lip between your teeth as you look up at him expectantly, giving him a knowing look.
Yoongi looks at you incredulously, the lack of rest still visible in his features. You instantly look away, guilt spreading across your chest. You internally scold yourself as you had to wake up your boyfriend for selfish reasons. Your boyfriend senses your sudden hesitance and places a finger under your chin, ordering you to look at him. “Hey, hey, look at me darling. Right here, right now? I’m gonna be honest with you, I don’t have the energy to-“
“Doesn’t matter, I’ll do all the work.”
“And Namjoon, who’s just a mere meter away?” His pitch lowers, voice now barely above a whisper. You nod shyly and Yoongi’s eyes darken at your unspoken offer.
“You’re a naughty little slut, aren’t you?” Yoongi hisses, placing his hands on your waist and lifting you easily to have your sit on his thighs, just below his crotch. “Wanting to fuck on a plane, while another member is sleeping right beside us?”
Placing your hands on Yoongi’s chest for support, you move your hips forward, grinding your crotch against your boyfriend’s. Yoongi pulls you forward by your arms, just enough that your face is merely centimeters away from him. Wasting no time, he presses his lips against yours, darting his tongue out to deepen the kiss. He expresses his desire to help you with your dilemma by thrusting upwards gently to join your gyrating hips.
You peek sideways to check on Namjoon and breathe a sigh of relief when he finally turns to the other side, back facing the both of you. 
You hastily discard your top and your bra in desperation, hands roaming all over your torso and eventually letting them end at your chest, fondling with your breasts and tweaking your nipples between your fingers. Not satisfied with your own ministrations, you guide Yoongi’s hands to your breasts, letting him squeeze them as he pleases beneath his open palms.
“God, you’re so fucking hot,” Yoongi murmurs, bending his knees to push himself upwards to make himself more comfortable. Yoongi quickly attaches his moist lips to one of your breasts, sucking at the supple flesh. You grind heavier against him in response and Yoongi takes this as an opportunity to fist a handful of your hair and tug sharply, baring your neck to him. 
You barely manage to hold in your whimpers when he sucks on a particularly sensitive spot on your neck, definitely leaving a purplish mark there that you’ll eventually have to cover up with foundation. Nothing you’ve never done before. “Remember that short dress you wore on stage last week with that dangerous cleavage?” You nod shakily, remembering the way Yoongi tried hard to not stare at you too long as one of his fansites might catch onto something. 
“Guess what baby? It’s payback time.” 
“For what?” You flutter your eyes innocently at him and you suddenly feel the temperature rise a few degrees with Yoongi’s intense stare. 
“You knew exactly what you were doing that night, naughty little tease.” Okay, maybe you did, and maybe you bit your lip in front of the camera at the exact moment you knew he was looking. Needless to say, he avoided your eyes for the rest of the evening during that particular awards show. 
He thrusts up harshly, his clothed hard-on grinding deliciously against your likewise covered cunt. “Mhmm, Yoongs… I- I wanna…” You don’t find the need to say anything else, just one look at the bulge inside his sweatpants was enough for him to understand.
“Yes please.” Yoongi sighs in contentment, raising his hips to help you remove his clothes. You include his boxers as you take his sweatpants off, cock slapping against his stomach as it springs free from the confines of his underwear.
Giggling excitedly, you hide beneath the covers, fitting yourself snugly between Yoongi’s legs. You take your time as you stare at his dick, long and girthy and curved just the right amount – always a tight fit inside your walls. You couldn’t wait for later when he’ll let you impale yourself on his cock as you ride him – the vivid picture makes you even wetter.
Building up his anticipation, you start placing kisses from his happy trail down to his groin, kneading his balls gently while you’re at it. Finding it difficult to communicate his feelings is one trait of Yoongi that definitely has its pros and cons. For one, people actually think Yoongi doesn’t care for others but it’s actually the complete opposite, but along with this, he gives the most genuine reactions, one which you are thankful for, especially during times like these.
Yoongi’s pretty responsive, and vocal at times when he’s really in the mood, and when you tentatively flick your tongue against his frenulum, the instantaneous quiver of Yoongi’s body has you reveling, giving yourself an imaginary pat on the back.
Momentarily leaving his red, angry shaft, you gently take his balls in your mouth, sucking on it, and gently massaging it with your tongue. “Quit the teasing, _______.” Being the good, obedient girl that you are, you comply immediately, paying attention to his dick this time.
You see his abdominals contract when you finally take him in your mouth, veiny hands grabbing at your temple to fist a handful of your hair. Inch by inch, you let his cock sink into your mouth, swallowing when he reaches the back of your throat. Yoongi hisses at the sensation, cursing to a throw pillow he’d taken from the seats.
Not wanting to agonize him any longer, you get to a pleasurable pace, bobbing your head up and down his length. Yoongi’s chest starts heaving and his grip on your hair tightens – the tell-tale signs of his impending orgasm. “Shit, baby…” Your boyfriend warns you that he’s about to cum, and you pull back a little, just to feel him release ropes of his cum inside your mouth.
Yoongi beckons you closer, weakly pulling at your arms to have you lie on his chest. He’s still panting when you get closer, “You, darling, are perfection personified.”
Slapping his chest lightly in jest, you reply, “You’re only saying that because I just gave you the best blowjob of your life.” Yoongi pulls his head back, facial features exaggeratedly contorted to fake being offended. “Okay first of all, you always do. And second, do you want me to get sappy and make a list what makes you the perfect woman ever?” He asks, letting two of his fingers dance on the bare skin of your belly, eventually leading southwards, “Or…I could just show you how much you mean to me by doing something else? Something you and I will both enjoy, hmm?”
Expressing your approval with a hum, Yoongi wastes no time, meeting your lips in a feverish kiss. Gasping at the sensation of his wet lips trailing all the way from your cheek, down to your jaw then your collarbones and onto the valley of your breasts, you squirm impatiently underneath your boyfriend.
“Patience, darling,” Yoongi chuckles, sending you a flirty wink as he gets down on you, teasingly pulling at the waistband of your shorts before removing them. His gaze darkens when he notices your underwear choice – a lacy red thong just for him. You’ve meant to have him remove it from you once you reach the hotel in Amsterdam, but doing it in a jet seems just as hot.
When he gets the thong off of you, he quickly pockets it inside his discarded sweatpants by the end of the bed. Getting back to his task at hand, you’re unable to control the gasp that escapes your lips when Yoongi brazenly flattens his tongue on your bare core.
Keeping your folds open with two fingers, he curls his tongue around your clit, thighs subconsciously squeezing his head in between because of the stimulation. With one hand, he keeps your legs spread open for him. Alternating between your clit and your entrance, Yoongi makes sure not a single region of your core is left out.
Wanting to put your limits to the test, your boyfriend tentatively slides a finger against your folds, the coldness of your couple ring on his digit making you quiver to the bone. He slowly slides a finger in, prepping your hole for what’s to come. You plead for one more, fully aware that your greedy little pussy isn’t contented with one. Yoongi complies with your request at once, pumping his digits inside of you and occasionally curling them inside. That familiar coil inside you tightens with every second, and with one particular curl of his digit and his mouth on your clit, you reach your high.
Your body trembles with the intensity of your orgasm, and Yoongi won’t stop just yet, still licking long stripes on your cunt. Your boyfriend stops abruptly and rises, resting all his weight on his arms as he crawls forward and lowers himself to whisper something in your ear. “He’s awake. You want me to do something about it?” 
Legs closing subconsciously while in thought, Yoongi gives you a few choices to ponder on. “We could pretend he’s not awake and get done with this, or…” Yoongi looks at you, carefully studying your facial reaction, “we could have another collaboration of some sort…” 
“It’s really up to you baby, I’m honestly okay with both.” 
You raise your eyebrows at his statement, never really taking Yoongi as the type to explore your deepest sexual fantasies. But then again, Yoongi has always been one to support you in everything, even with your kinks. Maybe the idea didn't surprise you as much as it should have considering the level of trust that came with living with someone for almost ten years already. 
Yoongi gently falls to your side for a moment as he lets you decide. “You know, Namjoon used to have a crush on you,” your boyfriend informs, twirling a loose strand of your hair around his finger. Now that was a surprise. “He did?” 
“Mhmm. At one point, he even had you as his phone wallpaper when you released your second single.” 
“Oh really?” 
“Yeah, I really don’t mind if you wanted to indulge him, you know, as an early birthday present? We actually had this kind of conversation a few years back and honestly, we’re both willing to try a threesome… what better way to do it with a person you trust right?” 
The bluntness of his words catches you off guard - several trains of thoughts scattered throughout your brain. Namjoon had a crush on you? Birthday present? Threesome? How did you even get in this situation in the first place? Yoongi shifts a little as you continue contemplating, then you take notice of Yoongi’s bare lower half, cock still stiff and upright. Shit! 
“You’re still hard,” you comment lamely, staring at his dick. “I know, and I’d greatly appreciate it if you tell me your decision quickly…” 
You look at him again, checking if there is the slightest hint of uncertainty in his eyes. When you see none, you ask him again, “You’re really sure you’re okay with that?” 
“Of course, as long as you’re comfortable with the idea. Honestly, I’m willing to have it any way because we still have a very pressing problem,” Yoongi points to his crotch, “and honestly, I think Namjoon is too. There’s nothing more that can turn a man on other than a woman’s moans,” he shrugs. 
You want to laugh at Yoongi being totally nonchalant about this whole situation, but if you’d listen to your gut feeling, you’re sensing it’s Yoongi’s outstanding self-control that has him so calm and collected about this proposal. 
Once you tell your boyfriend of your approval, he calls Namjoon at once. When the younger man won’t budge, you look at Yoongi who just shakes his head at you with a playful smirk on his face. He points at you then back to Namjoon, gesturing you to do the talking. 
You gulp before saying a short plea to the heavens above. Surely, they’re bound to hear you better since you’re already in the sky right? “Joonie, darling, it’s okay to look. We don’t mind.” You cringe at the tone of your voice, surprised at how convincing you sounded while you were having an inner turmoil. 
When you see Namjoon’s head raise a little, you subconsciously bite your lip in anticipation. Wanting nothing more than to see what he has to say about this. Yoongi probably senses his hesitation so he starts to speak, “It’s okay, she’s covered with a blanket.”
“But you’re not!” Yoongi juts his head forward, a grim look on his face. “As if you haven’t seen me naked before!” 
“That’s different! T-This is a completely different situation.” 
“Listen to me you kinky ass motherfucker, I just know you’re hard. I am too, and you know damn well it’s painful and uncomfortable. So, unless you want me to fuck her while you’re watching or pretending to be asleep, I suggest you take your clothes off and come here.” 
“Are you both sure you’re okay with this?” 
“Didn’t you just hear our conversation a while ago? I mean your bed is just a meter away.” 
“I know, I heard,” Namjoon says, hands already at the hem of his hoodie, then instantaneously looks at the older one dead in the eye, “But, hyung, did you really have to call me out like that?! The whole crush thing and the wallpaper - jeez!” 
Namjoon takes his phone out of his hoodie first, placing it by the window, then removing the rest of the clothes he has on quickly under your heated gaze.
“Try having a conversation while you’re hard,” Yoongi mutters, rolling his eyes. Yoongi scoots closer to you when Namjoon moves forward, standing with only his boxers left on. Your mouth waters at the outline of his straining bulge while Yoongi clicks his tongue against the roof of his mouth.
“Why don't you show your Joonie what that mouth can do?” 
The tall man makes a sound between a cough and a groan, and you lie on your stomach, crawling a little bit closer to come face to face with Namjoon’s crotch. You just know he’s longer than Yoongi judging from what you’re seeing, but Yoongi’s definitely girthier and fuck - the thought alone is enough for you to come undone, completely untouched. 
Namjoon shivers lightly when you trace a finger along the length of his boner, placing a light kiss atop his cloth boxers. Impatiently, you hook a finger on the waistband of his Versace boxers. Holy fuck - you send another prayer to their hard stans, wishing them an equally intense life inside the bedroom.
His cock springs free, and you scoot closer, wanting to have a better look at his pretty dick. You get into action quickly, hand wrapping around the base of his cock. You place a kiss on the leaking head, before licking a wet stripe along the length of his shaft. 
You get more confident when Namjoon inhales sharply at the simple action. A few more licks and you decide to finally take him in his mouth, gradually moving lower until you have at least a third of him in your mouth. Namjoon sighs, fingers carding through your hair as you pull your mouth off him with a pop. Once more, you sink down, shallow and easy as you tease the younger man. 
The grip on your hair eventually tightens, goading you on and encouraging you to go deeper. Namjoon becomes more vocal when you pick up the pace, and when you go down all the way to the hilt, you pause for a moment, then swallow. “Holy fuck!” Namjoon cries out, head lolling backwards in pleasure. “God, I wish I had a girlfriend too.” Yoongi chuckles from behind you and you almost forgot he was there too with Namjoon’s pretty length keeping you preoccupied. 
Yoongi praises you and calls you a good girl. Beaming at your boyfriend, he tells you to continue giving Namjoon the blow of his life. Under Yoongi’s compliments, you work harder, ignoring the slight burn in your jaw. Namjoon starts bucking his hips, desperately chasing his high in your mouth. As you feel that coil slowly forming in the pit of your stomach, you gather some of the blankets between your thighs, bunching them up against your cunt so you have something to shamelessly grind your folds with. 
Namjoon’s breathing gets strained, and you feel a tap on your leg, causing you to momentarily stop with Namjoon. Yoongi says nothing as he tells you to flip over. Settling your weight on your elbows, you watch Yoongi hand Namjoon a silver packet. “You really think you won’t get caught wetting the sheets babe? You’re not the only who gets to have fun here.” 
He peppers a few kisses on your things before placing a hand between, spreading your legs open. “What are you waiting for, princess? Wanna leave Namjoon hanging just like that?” Unsure of what he has in mind, Namjoon helps you guide his shaft back to your mouth. As Namjoon returns to a rhythmic pace inside your mouth, you feel Yoongi settling himself between your legs. Good lord, was this really about to happen? 
Your back arches when Yoongi starts with light vertical licks from the bottom to top. You feel his hand trail upwards, gently caressing your breasts. You’re mewling by the time Namjoon increases his pace, and Yoongi starts and toying with your clit mercilessly. 
The feeling gets too much when Yoongi sucks on your nether bud, then proceeds to tease your rim a little, using your essence to slowly ease a ringed finger inside your hole. Namjoon hisses with your every moan, the vibrations coming from your throat an added blessing to having fucked your mouth. 
From your view, you see Namjoon’s balls tighten and seconds later thick ropes of cum slide down your throat and you swallow before pulling back and licking your lips. Not wanting to be left out of the fun, Yoongi, once more, asserts his dominance, ordering you to get on your knees. 
You feel your heart hammering against your ribcage in exhilaration, secretly hoping that this will finally be the day your deepest fantasies will come to life. Yoongi scoots over a little to lie horizontally on the bed. He calls you over, index finger curved like a hook to beckon you to ride him.  
You move over to him in shaky legs, hooking a leg over his body to straddle his hips. “No, no, not facing me…” Yoongi waves his hand as he helps you up. “Facing him,” your boyfriend points to Namjoon whose mouth falls open in shock. Yoongi rips a packet open and rolls a condom onto his shaft.
“Hyung…” This was plain torture.
“I thought this was supposed to be an early birthday present for me?” Namjoon mumbles, scratching his neck with the small silver packaging between his fingers. “I know. But great things never came easy right?” Namjoon visibly deflates at the older rapper’s words. He had a point yes, but some points weren’t supposed to be applicable to all fields of life…
Not wanting to prolong your waiting any longer, you lower yourself onto Yoongi’s cock, inch by inch until he’s fully seated inside your warm, velvety walls. Your head falls back at the feeling of his cock inside you. Every time feels like the first.
Once you feel you’ve adjusted enough to Yoongi, you stabilize yourself on Yoongi’s thighs, sliding up until it’s only his head left inside before sliding back down. Your thighs get tired after a while, and Yoongi helps you by gripping your hips and thrusting upwards. As you move up and down and grind back and forth in circles, Yoongi calls Namjoon over just before you reach another climax.
“It’s about time you join the fun here, no? Joonie?” Yoongi playfully mocks the taller man, using your nickname for Namjoon to rile him up even further. You whine when Yoongi pulls out for a moment, closing your eyes as he places a quick kiss on your shoulder 
You hear the ripping of a packaging and as you open your eyes, you see Namjoon near you until his thighs are hitting the edge of the bed. You let out a wanton moan when you feel Yoongi prodding his cock against your other hole, shallowly dipping the head in then pulling out. He repeats the action until he deems you’re ready, the slowly lowers you down onto his length.
“Namjoon…” Yoongi says breathily, having difficulty with his self-control with your rim having a vice-like grip on his cock. The other man in front of you doesn’t need to be told twice, slapping his dick against your folds. The action sends lewd sounds resonating throughout the small room, which only sends a jolt of pleasure down your spine.
Namjoon rests one of his knees on the bed, lowering himself onto your cunt. “Noona, you’re so wet. Fuck… I could just…” Namjoon finally pushes himself inside, “easily slide right in…” he lets out a deep exhale once he’s balls deep inside you.
You’re not doing any better than any of the men, thinking you could just orgasm from the fullness alone. And much to your surprise, you do. And both men keep their hands on you as you tremble like a falling leaf in autumn. “Holy shit!” Namjoon explains, staring at you with his mouth open. Once you stop quivering, they both ask you if you were still okay, and you take a breather before answering them, “I’m good. Just… nothing great ever came easy, right?”
You can practically feel Yoongi smiling from behind you. “That’s my girl.”
“Can I?” Namjoon asks, looking down to where your bodies are connected. You nod once, and Namjoon and your boyfriend start thrusting into you alternately. It doesn’t take long before you reach your climax again, with a ton of help from Namjoon who toys with your clit while snapping his hips into you.
They reach their orgasms not long afterwards. You let them ride out their highs until their cocks gradually turn softer inside you. Feeling spent and immensely satiated, you fall over to Yoongi’s side, falling asleep in mere seconds.
The two rappers collapse onto the bed, but sit abruptly sit upright when they hear a very familiar voice coming from Namjoon’s phone. “Fucking hell! That was the hottest shit ever!” Hoseok exclaims from the screen.
“You called him?!” Yoongi asks, hitting Namjoon’s forearm. “No! I- I must’ve contacted him while I put my phone there…crap.” Namjoon looked completely bewildered.
“Hyung, can I come to Amsterdam too? Please?!”
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© hhyungz 2020
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mouse-fantoms · 4 years
Reach For My Hand, ‘Cause It’s Held Out For You
Read on Ao3!
Tagging (just who I thought would be interested from the post this spawned from): @tmp-jatp @lydias--stiles @1neverendingstories1
More Than A Band but Jatp edition
A top priority when having 90's boys come into your life is of course showing them what they missed out on. It started with Julie putting together a playlist for them.
Another order would be teaching them the terms nowadays. Someone hadto tell Alex that you don’t say ‘periodt’ at the end of every sentence. That though, was a priority for another day.
After showing them music they missed out on, movies were next. It made sense since some of the music she had put on the playlist were songs from movies. She obviously couldn’t show all the movies they missed in the past 25 years, but there were a few that they’d probably like.
Their weekends, so far, had involved Julie setting up the living room for the perfect movie watching experience. A few pillows here and there on the comfy couch, could never go wrong with blankets, a fresh buttery bowl of popcorn, just the essentials.
They were all on the couch, finishing up the rest of Camp Rock. (Luke was immediately hooked on the summer camp with music concept.)
Julie was curled up with a blanket at the end of the couch. Luke was next to her, then Alex followed by Reggie.
“You seriously don’t want a blanket?” Julie asked Luke. She had her knees pulled to her underneath the fabric of warmth.
“I’m telling you I’m not cold.” He repeated another time.
She would have thought it might have just been a ghost thing if it wasn’t for Reggie and Alex constantly tugging at the blanket they shared for blanket space.
“I need it more!” Alex pulled the blanket towards him.
“You have a hoodie on!” Reggie pointed out.
“...I still get cold.”
Julie and Luke rolled their eyes at the pair and were instead more interested at how Mitchie was going to do at the Final Jam.
“Wait, she's singing that song? Wait!” Luke scooted to the edge of the seat, being glued to the tv. “Please tell me he has to recognize it’s her who sang in the beginning. She’s the one!”
Alex put a hand on Luke’s shoulder and pulled him back to the couch.
“I’m sure he will buddy.”
It wasn’t until after the number that Luke noticed Julie dozing off next to him. She’d shake awake a few times when she’d hear the high notes in the music.
“You know we can call it a night if you’re getting tired.”
Her arms came out from under the blanket when she stretched her arms and yawned, “No, no, no, I’m not. I haven’t even shown you guys a favorite of mine yet and I said we’d get to it tonight.”
Once the movie finished she grabbed the remote and went to find one of her favorites.
“This one,” she was interrupted by her own yawn, “is about a band. They form when they’re all in detention together.” A look played on Luke’s face. She sighed, not wanting to be right with an assumption, “...Is that how you guys-”
“No but could you imagine how-” Luke turned to the unamused faces of Alex and Reggie.
“It was always us getting him out of detention.” Alex informed.
She opened her mouth looking to the one in question. “What would you do?”
“He could never put away his journal during class.” Reggie answered.
“It was better than writing on the corners of my papers.”
“How would you get him out of it?”
“Well if the book wasn’t at the teacher’s desk anymore than… no evidence for detention.” Luke summed up.
“Which meant a lot of talking to the teacher while they got it back. ‘Alex, we want you to talk to her.’ ‘Pretend you have a question.’”
“The other option was you guys joining me.”
“Yeah we tried that, they never could give it to Reggie.”
Julie looked curious at the black haired ghost. “Why?”
Alex answered, gesturing to him. “...It’s Reggie.”
“Yeah, can’t argue there.”
She turned her attention back to the tv and brought up the movie.
“Lemonade Mouth? What kind of name is that?” Judged Luke.
Julie laughed to make it even. “What kind of name is Sunset Curve?”
“The kind of one you don’t come up with.” Reggie informed.
“When we were starting out,” the guitarist took the lead in explaining, “we’d play at this street corner. I guess people started liking us and would say to check out the guys at the corner of Sunset Boulevard and Curve Street. Then it just kinda meshed into one with people calling us Sunset Curve.”
“We kind of just went with it.” Alex shrugged.
“Funny, well, you’ll see why they’re called Lemonade Mouth in this.”
She put the movie on and the boys seemed instantly intrigued. It wasn’t until fifteen minutes in that her eyes started to feel drowsy. Maybe Luke was a little bit right, but maybe if she just rested her eyes for a second she’d feel better. Maybe if she just made herself comfortable on the pillow to her right, she’d feel better.
“Luke, can you turn it up a-”
“What?” Alex looked at him.
“Can’t move.” He repeated, shifting his eyes to the left.
Alex looked behind Luke to try to see if he could see what he was talking about. He saw Julie’s head closer to Luke. Sure enough, when he looked past him he saw Julie with her head on his shoulder.
“Hgh,” the blonde huffed, “fine I’ll get it.” There was no point in arguing so he instead went out of his way to reach diagonal to grab the remote that was on the coffee table.
It wasn’t tell near the ending of the movie when they eventually dozed off too. However they did catch great songs before they did. Classics such as Turn Up the Music, Determinate, Somebody and a song called More Than a Band, She’s So Gone were a few they caught before they went off to dreams.
She tried her best to not worry her boys. When she tried though, all they did was.
They knew something was off when she didn’t stop by to tell them bye before she left for school. Also when Luke paid her a visit during school she just seemed detached. Reggie noted Ray seemed off and Carlos for that matter too.
The ghost was hanging around with Ray in the kitchen, preparing breakfast for Carlos before he left for the morning. Reggie leaned against the archway to the dining room, watching Ray as he cooked scrambled eggs on the stove. Carlos came down the stairs, his bag slung over his shoulder, and came around to the stool of the counter.
“Do you know what we’re having for dinner?”
Ray looked over his shoulder, as he dumped the pan of eggs on a plate, “You haven’t even had breakfast yet.” He chuckled, setting the plate in front of him and opening the drawer to give him a fork.
“I know but…” He trailed off, taking the fork that was put next to his plate, looking to his dad in hopes he got what he was meaning. From him touching the ring on his ring finger, he got the memo.
“...I can talk to your Tía about bringing something over for tonight.” There was a light nod of his head. Carlos shared the same nod as he dove into his eggs.
Meanwhile Reggie leaned at the archway, suddenly now understood.
She hadn’t talked to them much the whole day. The studio that turned into her home didn’t feel like much of one today. Just a reminder.
After dinner, she found herself going up to her room, changing into her pajamas and finding comfort on her bed. She sat crisscross, her hand drawn to the scripture necklace she wore. She didn’t appear to catch the familiar poof sound until she looked to the left from seeing something in the corner of her eye appear. She saw her boys, looking sympathetic.
It was like they were a reminder. The reminder that they were here but… she wasn’t.
Luke stepped cautious, taking a seat on the mattress at the foot of her bed. “...Guessing movie night is postponed tonight.” He tried to make conversation.
She answered by turning on her side away from him, her necklace still in her hand, not realizing her foot had accidently hit Luke in the thigh when she turned over. Usually it was a nice reminder when they touched, today though, was not one of those times.
Luke looked to his friends standing opposite of him. Their expressions looked the same as his, wanting a suggestion of what to do, he looked back to Julie.
She was rubbing her fingers across her necklace in the silence until there wasn’t any.
“I can’t pretend,” she was caught off guard by his singing and what it sounded like, “to know how you feel, but know that I’m here and know that I’m real.”
Real. That word got her to look through her curls at him. He looked at the other two to join in.
“Say what you want,” Alex sang, stepping towards her bed, “or don’t talk at all, I’m not gonna let you fall.” He knelt down to be eye level.
“Reach for my hand ‘cause it’s held out for you,” Reggie joined Alex in kneeling next to her bed, “my shoulders are small but you can cry on them too. Everything changes but one thing is true, understand.” He looked to Luke to take the part.
“We’ll always be more than a band.”
They weren’t just singing lyrics. Even when she turned over to face them, they carried on.
“You used to brave the world all on your own.” Alex continued.
“Now we won’t let you go.” Luke added.
“Go it alone.” Reggie followed.
“Be who you wanna be, always stand tall.” Luke leaned in a little towards her, smiling at the two words, remembering the song they finished writing together. She smiled back, not being able to help herself. “Not gonna let you fall.”
They sang together, looking and smiling as they did. “Reach for my hand cause it's held out for you. My shoulders are strong, but you can cry on them too. Everything changes but one thing is true, understand. We'll always be more than a band.” They looked to her to continue.
With a wide smile she followed, “I never knew you could take me so far.” The proud smiles on them were hard to miss. “I’ve always wanted to hope that you are the ones I need.”
They repeated the chorus together, harmonizing, voices blending beautifully. “But one thing is true, understand.”
“We’ll always be more than a band.” They dropped out to let Julie finish.
She couldn’t help but look at her boys, proud smiles plastered on them as she looked at each.
“I didn’t know you guys stayed up to watch that.” She found the words to say.
“You said it was a favorite of yours.” Reggie shrugged as if it was obvious.
“You can’t go wrong with a band.” Luke summed up.
“Also Luke couldn’t move so that’s another reason we stayed.”
She let out a light huff from Alex’s statement. She grabbed her necklace again, looked down at it then back to them.
“...Thank you guys. We’ll always be more than a band.” She dropped the necklace and opened her arms, inviting them.
They made a hug with two people kneeling on the floor, work. She might not have been there but she sent the boys to her daughter. Maybe a reminder wasn’t always bad to have. This would be a reminder that they were a family. Family first, band second.
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Return to Hatchetfield-Town – The Guy Who Didn’t Like Musicals Part 1
Alright settle down kiddos. Get comfy, find a warm blanket and hug your favourite fwendy-wend as we start our Return to Hatchetfield-Town series.
I’ll be rewatching all the Hatchetfield scripted content (i.e. not livestreams or interviews) and jotting down what happens, explaining some concepts and delving into some of the key theories in the series (and using the word “implications” that often it will cease to have meaning).
Even though I’ll be doing the rewatch by show in order they came out, there will be spoilers for all Hatchetfield content that is available as of the rewatch.  
I’ve also linked to a number of other blog’s theories here because they are amazing, but if you aren’t happy with your theory being included I will be more than happy to remove it!  Just let me know.
[Part 2]
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The Guy Who Really Hated Brigadoon
TGWDLM starts off with the greatest song ever to feature dancing zombies… at least I can’t think of any other notable ones.
In the title song, the cast of singing and dancing zombies explain to us that all great stories have to have a hero, someone who knows right and wrong and that the best way to do this is through singing and dancing in musicals.  This with the later line of “they evoke the philosophical” make me think that Pokey took a class in Campbell’s Hero Myth in College and became that guy.
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Hatchetfield Challenge: try not to shrug your shoulders along with the music at the chorus. Its impossible. No wonder the Hive spread so quickly.  Literally killer dance moves.
So then they introduce us to an awful Grinch named Paul and we hit the first point in the show where I laugh out loud every single time I watch.
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I know TGWDLM was not originally intended to be the first Hatchetfield show but starting this series with a song which sets up the story so well is truly spectacular.   And is there anything more Starkid than introducing your main character by having other characters sing about how awful they are?
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One thing I have noticed while writing, reading and collating Hatchetfield theories is that while most Black Friday and Nightmare Time theories are usually about the overall Hatchetfield lore, most TGWDLM theories are usually quite self-contained and focused on this one show.  TGWDLM – while so fully within the Hatchetfield extended universe, is definitely the show that can best stand-alone without the others.
It’s the end of the world, Paul
If you don’t sing
This is the bridge, Paul
Where we globalize everything
And the words will come to you
We swear we will teach you
What it means to love
What it means to obey, Paul!
On a first watch this is very funny.  On your 10th watch this is terrifying.
CCRP Technical: No-one here knows how to use their printer
Following the absolute bop of a title song we find ourselves in CCRP Technical and all feels very… normal. It’s very weird following all the revelations in subsequent Hatchetfield media, to be watching a show where there was genuinely nothing obviously fishy about CCRP.  We’ll obviously discuss CCRP more when we get to Nightmare Time, but for now all we know is that Paul works in the technical department of CCRP – an unknown corporation, with some key characters, Charlotte, Bill and Ted.
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We also find out more about Grinch Paul’s personality and honestly, Paul is me pre-pandemic just outright avoiding social interactions and suddenly going for coffee in the middle of the work day. (I have become a changed woman in lockdown – someone please invite me somewhere… anywhere!)
For all the dark humour and death in the Hatchetfield series, Starkid do know how to bring the joy – I love how excited the town of Hatchetfield are for a touring production of Mamma Mia.  
Fake Fact: TGWDLM is actually an allegory for Europe in the 1970s, when we all became mind-controlled by Abba’s Waterloo.  (Find me a better explanation for Eurovision, I dare you!  The sequins were just too shiny!)
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“The idea of sitting there… trapped in a musical.  That is my own personal hell.”
Two words: Emma Perkins – need I explain any more?  
Ah Hot Chocolate Boy.  I really look forward to finding out more about him.  Where does he come from?  He just appears out of the ether. What’s his story?  How old is he? How many hot chocolates does he have per day? I know we have since had some confirmation on who he is, but they raise more questions than answers. For now I will just point you to a gorgeous Mood Board by @hatchetfieldmoodboards which features a bit of a spoiler. 
For real though – is it just me who would love a full version of “I’ve been brewing up your coffee”?
Hatchetfield Challenge: Try not to sing “Shut the f*ck up” along with Emma.
“Watching people sing and dance makes me very uncomfortable”- oh boy Paul… you’re not going to enjoy the next hour and 40 minutes.  Also, Paul, you’re making me uncomfortable watching you throw your brand new coffee around as if you’ve just been given an empty cup.  There’s imaginary coffee everywhere.  Hopefully, HCB won’t slip on it before it’s cleaned up… he’s already having a bad day.
“Thunder and Lightning… very very frightening.  But a big rock hurtling through the clouds is no biggie.” – all the residents of Hatchetfield apparently.
The next sequence happens so fast and we get introduced to a lot of characters.  Notably Greenpeace Girl, Alice and Deb, Sam, and Hidgens (though we don’t find out his name until much later). This scene impresses me because they do such a great job of very quickly bringing out so many characters who nonetheless are memorable when they return later in the show.
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Peanuts the Hatchetfield Pocket Squirrel is an Eldritch Being. I won’t go into Peanuts theories here as that could be a whole post in itself – and many a person more brilliant than I have written some fantastic theories on this. You can learn all about how a Squirrel took over the fandom in the following posts:
@dahlialupine : x
@frombothofmyhearts​: x
@abiimaryy​: x
And finally mine which is definitely a serious theory: x
It’s… A… Musical!
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Now to remember we are actually watching a musical.  La Dee Da Da Day is such a happy joyful song performed spectacularly by a throng of the undead.
The song is about the Hive singing about how much of a great time they are having now they are tap-dancing zombies, and trying to find ways to convince Paul he should join them too. So the grins on all their faces are not at all terrifying.
 It’s worth noting also that according to the laws of the TGWDLM world, only those infected by the Hive can hear the music in the background.  This becomes important later when it becomes clear some characters have started being infected before they are fully turned into zombies, but for now it just paints quite a funny picture of what Paul must be witnessing. I definitely think for him, this whole scene just sounds like this clip of Greased Lightning without the music: x
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The important thing here however, besides Mariah’s singing, is that the Hive leave Paul alone.  They don’t actually attempt to turn him at this point.  I have a theory on the implications of this, but note this has big spoilers for the end of the show and Black Friday.  It was written before we knew that the Hive (Pokey) was related to Wiggly but the content still stands: x
Charlotte, Honey, you don’t need that much sugar – you’re sweet enough
For reference:
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@melchron​  noted that the lyrics for La Dee Dah sound very similar to the incantation for soul transferal read out in Jane’s a Car, which leads me to two possible implications.
The Freaky Furbies have a language other than English that they use for their incantations so this is why they sound similar.
There is soul transference happening to the souls of the bodies the Hive take over.
Or it’s just Starkid using similar sounding words for their content…. Three! There are three possible implications…
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Paul – just print off another copy of the report
From this point on the musical numbers really do come thick and fast.  We move on to the first instance of Jeff Blim encouraging Paul to talk about his feelings, which I am sure is not important and isn’t worth discussing.  Paul goes through a musical rendition of a promotion interview, which is actually the Hive attempting to find out if he will be the “hero” of their story.  They picked out Paul for the role from the start. That he was chosen was inevitable.
What do you see for this company? I'm looking for someone with strong ambition Someone to sell their specific vision Someone to share with precise precision their thoughts 'Cause I want you to want…To want
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So it turns out these will be looooong, so I will end here and see you in part 2!  I’m not sure yet what the upload frequency will be.  It takes quite a while to go through the show like this but it is a lot of fun!
Hatchetfield High Homework:
Where do you stand on the Peanuts the Hatchetfield Pocket Squirrel debate?
Why do you think that the Soul Transference Spell and La Dee Dah sound so similar?
Go follow all the lovely people mentioned in this post!
Bonus points if you know the reference in the post title.
[Part 2]
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fangirlovestuff · 4 years
Bed - Chris Evans x reader
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Shower  Sink  Table  Shelves
a/n- hey lovely people! this is the unfortunately last installment of this series, seeing as i can’t really think about anything else on which i can make a full blown headcanon, but i encourage you to suggest ideas if you have them! i absolutely loved writing this, and i hope you all enjoyed reading it! i posted the first one three months (and one day) ago and to this day it’s probably my most liked post, so thank you for everything! enjoy!<3
 warning: explicit sexual content under the cut (it’s later on)
yeah i think we all know what happens in beds
sexy timez
but this is a family show!
more or less
so let’s discuss the fluffy things that happen in beds first
first of all, i’d like to suggest that chris is 100% a cuddler
you could spend hours in his arms, cuddling and talking about nothing and everything
feeling his arms circled around you, laying your head on his broad chest, hearing his heartbeat
he peppers little kisses on the top of your head
alternatively, sometimes he’d be the little spoon
you’d comb your fingers through his hair a little
“your boobs are comfy”
he smiles when he feels the vibrations of your laugh, as well as hears it
when you sleep he likes to get behind you and sling his arm around you, keeping you close
which works great because he’s really warm and is basically a human torch blanket
i’m sorry i couldn’t resist this one
your kids absolutely love cuddling with you as well
unfortunately, this side of them often comes out wayyyy too early in the morning
so if they’d wake up on a weekend and it’s like 8 am, they’d most definitely bring their dolls with them, tiptoe their way into your room, jumping onto the bed and wedging themselves under the blankets with you
and of course they think they’re very quiet but you and chris already heard them coming in the hallway
so you’d cuddle through the morning, playing with their dolls and laughing
until you all got hungry of course
one time your bed was actually conquered
after dinner you put the kids to bed and went downstairs to watch tv
your kids brought dodger with them to play on your bed 
when you got up you discovered they all fell asleep there
you carried them to their beds, because thankfully they were still small enough
but it was a funny sight seeing your bed inhabited by them, sleeping peacefully with dodger at their feet
chris and you were very persistent about your kids reading
when they were little and couldn’t read yet you read them tons of books
snuggled in bed, they heard dozens of bedtime stories
and later on when they read on their own, they read to you 
you beamed at their little hesitant stutters at words they didn’t read before
when they grew even older it had become a bit of an argument to get them to put down the book they were reading and go to sleep
but honestly you liked it that way better than if it was their phones, so win-win
also, your kids had super cool sheets
and i mean super
you sons were spoiled with so much superhero bedsheets by their dad none of you knew what to actually do with them when they grew out of them
your daughters had princess sheets of course
each one of their favorite princesses was there
Belle, Ariel and more welcomed them to bed every night 
it was so cute seeing your kids snuggled up with their “friends” 
sometimes you’d blast some music when you were cleaning your room, or get the closet in order
and your kids would hear it and come join you
but not to help
to jump and dance on the bed of course
remember how i said this is a family friendly show? well if you’re here for that you might wanna peace out
we’re gonna talk about a different kind of dancing,,, if you know what i mean
Dirty Dancing™
god there are way too many of my awful puns in this i’m sorry but i don’t have the heart to cut them out so just ignore me
anyways, remember in the first one i said that chris in bed is a conversation for another time?
yeah that time has come
when you first started dating, the sex was good
and i mean it
great yeah 10/10
but when you were already months into the relationship?
✨another level✨
when you and chris got to know each other better, sex became a more regular occurrence
also, you were more comfortable around each other
which led to you being way more open with each other about your likes and dislikes in bed
let’s just say neither of you were exactly vanilla
obviously there were plenty of times you were making love
showing your emotions and vulnerability through gentle kisses and mumbled sentences between slow, deep thrusts and breathy moans
but when you were in a different mood?? 
you spent countless nights tangled in messy sheets, barely containing your screams of pleasure
chris could be borderline ruthless when he got in the mood, absolutely railing into you
his hand gripping your hips and ass tightly while he told you not to cum until he told you you could
but keep in mind we’re talking before you had kids yeah?
after that it wasn’t really an option anymore
baby-making sex needed to be quieter
doesn’t mean it couldn’t still be fun though ;)
there’s probably gonna be another bonus piece of this of stuff that just didn’t make the cut or i thought of later, but apart from that, that’s it :) the support on this has been so great so thank you again for everything and i hope you have a wonderful day! <3
Chris Taglist: @swatson06 @horny-nd-bored​​ @shannon124 @perfectlyharolds​ @phoebe-21-99 @wintersoldierslut​ @iceebabies​ @wanessalopesueiros @sleepingpapermouse @steverogerswasalwaysworthy @holtzkinnon @angelicl-y @stydia-4-ever @thatoneperson5000 @fangirlfree​ @kaitcordx25 @bequeening​ @steve-barry-damon-logan​ @itscrazycherryblossomcollection​ @hollandxmarvel​ @darkwitchfromthesouth @stargazingfangirl18 @readsreblogsfics @onetwo3000 @beritmetal
if you wanna join / be removed from the taglist, comment/message me! this is a taglist for Chris and his characters. much love <3
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mindofharry · 4 years
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y/n and harry were content with the amount of kids they had. of course both in love with the idea of having kids, they had a big enough family. big meaning they had 6 kids. and neither of them regretted it. they had their first kid at 20, which was ideal. harry was still in the band and y/n was just going into her third year at college. it was hard at first, they had to get used to new schedules and y/n had a really time being by herself. but they got the hang of it. and then baby number 2 and three came three years later. they we both very much prepared as they had actually planned this baby out, what surprised them was they had twins. and it was hard, y/n alone again. but somehow they made it work.
jack, their oldest was 12 and the twins alex and poppy were 9 when baby number 4 came. harry and y/n were very happy when baby number 4 came, max, was just what the family needed. and this time, y/n was so lonely. they were all really, really happy. when you say you’re 32 and have 4 kids people usually seem to jump to the conclusion that you have no life or they were all mistakes. y/n and harry couldn’t be more opposite. they travelled with and without the kids, they were able to take them to concerts, they were really well mannered kids. which they most definitely got from their parents.
baby number 5 was not at all planned or expected. y/n and harry had a little weekend away in hawaii, for harry’s 35th birthday, and let’s just say they still got it.
jordan was born 3 years after max and they couldn’t be more closer. they were all quite close. they all had this bond that everyone would notice and comment on, and it was really nice to have kids that were just so protecitive and just so kind to each other. obviously poppy being the odd one out, she sometimes felt left out with certain things, she wasn’t a girly girl per say, but she did really enjoy and girly day with her mum or even her dad if he was free. her brothers are very over protective — even too over protective. once at school a boy had written poppy a “love letter” and let’s just say poppy did not get anymore of those.
the last baby came a year after jordan was born. and he was also not planned. but harry and y/n were happy. they were in a really good place with their relationship and the kids. although they were pretty tired. xander was born and let’s just say he was not as good as the others. he was loud and messy. and he did not like any of his siblings. harry and y/n were tired. so tired. but they pushed through, and thanked god he wasn’t as bad and didn’t get the “terrible two’s”
now, both at the age of 40, their oldest now 20 and youngest 1, y/n was sure her and her body were done. she was happy and had completely no regrets, she had a big family, a great job and a really loving (and sexy) husband. she was really happy and another kid just didn’t feel right. and she was sure harry was on the same page.
until now.
“baby, we’re in a good place! and i’m sure you’ll end writing new music soon enough. and we need to focus on the child going to college ok!” y/n said pressing a kiss to harry’s cheek. she really did think they were on the same page about having kids.
“yes, i understand that, but we’re in a good place why not just try? see what happens” harry asked watching y/n as she placed her book on the bedside table. she sighed taking her glasses off.
“harry. we’re 40. we had just had a child not even a year ago. and jack is going to college! now is not a good time!” y/n said turning over to face him. he did not look happy. harry thought she’d be up for one last time. obviously not.
“baby, that’s the thing. we’re 40! this might be the last time!” harry said sitting up “this will be the last time. i promise” he said leaning over to her. y/n sighed placing her glasses on the bedside table.
“i said no harry” y/n said before she turned off the light.
harry muttered to himself before grabbing his pillow and he walked over to the basket where they kept their blankets.
“what are you doing?” y/n asked putting the lamp back on squinting at the brightness. “i’m sleeping in the spare room” harry said crossing his arms over his chest. y/n shook her head rolling her eyes at him.
“you’re a child” y/n said turing off the lamp once again before getting comfy again.
the next morning came, it was saturday, and y/n thanked the lord because she couldn’t handle waking up early after last night. she really wasn’t expecting all of that. of course it must hurt not having anymore children, telling your partner that you’re happy with the kids you have. but she thought harry would understand. it is, in the end her body. and y/n was finally happy with her looks after having xander. she wanted to keep it that way.
when she walked into the kitchen, she prepared a sorry speech, she wasn’t too sure why she was apologising, but she didn’t want to fight with harry. they needed to communicate. so if she had to apologise to get them to talk, she would.
but harry had other ideas.
how dare she not do this. how dare she think that just because they were 40 they couldn’t have any kids. they were fine with the last two, max and xander. one more wouldn’t hurt, right? so he planned to ignore her for a bit, of course he’ll start talking to her eventually, but he’ll ignore her for a bit. of course it was childish, but harry was hurt and honestly really disappointed.
y/n walked into the kitchen and prepared breakfast for everyone, she was too busy to think about herself at the moment. the boys and poppy came down when they could smell the pancakes. poppy kissed her mom on the cheek and patted xander head, his head was placed on y/n’s shoulder as he was resting on her hip as she (tried) to cook. max was already at the table to some colouring. while the rest were either talking with each other or on their phones. “my loves, phones away!” y/n said as she placed xander in his high chair. they all helped bring over the breakfast and began eating while y/n made her way up to the spare room with some food and orange juice. she took a deep breath in before opening the door with a big smile.
“hey, love! brought you breakfast in bed” y/n smiled placing the food and drink on the bedside table.
harry barley looked her way.
“i uh...wanted to apologise for last night. we should’ve talked about things, properly. i’m sorry” y/n said messing with her fingers.
harry felt really bad, y/n looked like she was about to be scolded by her mum. but he didn’t back down.
“yeah, well you should be” harry muttered sipping for his juice. y/n felt her eyes water, and her hands began to feel sweaty.
“y-yeah i know. i’m sorry that i’m not giving you what you want. but it’s my body. so ultimately i get to choose. and if you’re not happy with that, i’m really sorry. i just can’t have another kid harry” she said wiping underneath her eyes.
“what’s so hard about it huh? we’ve raised perfectly kind and healthy kids!” harry yelled making y/n jump. she nodded agreeing with the last part.
“my body can’t go through that again” she said finally looking harry in the eyes “i’m in a really good place with myself harry! i finally look at myself and feel sexy. it feels so good to be me, and i don’t want to ruin that but having another child. i’m too tired. my body is too tired!” y/n yelled finding her voice.
“i’m not going to give you another child. i am 40 years old. i don’t want another kid. i am happy. so fucking happy. and i’m afraid another kid might ruin that”
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because-of-a-friend · 4 years
Vacation with BTS
(Because it’s summer!!!)
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Jin has been talking for years about this lake he wants to visit
He’ll bring it up every once in awhile 
“You know they rent out houses right on the lake for super cheap”
“Yes, Seokjin, you’ve mentioned it before”
“And there’s lots of activities!”
“We know Jin”
“Swimming, hiking, kayaking, tubing, picnics...”
Obviously all of you want to go
But the boys are so busy, especially during summer when everyone is free so there’s more pressure on them to create content for people to enjoy
So you keep pushing it off and pushing it off
Saying you’ll go next week
Or maybe next month
Or maybe next year
So when they go on a short hiatus
Jin books one of the houses on the lake for a week without even consulting any of you
He announces it the next time you’re at the dorm for a Mario Kart tournament 
You call in to work to take some time off
You all spend the next few nights planning out what you need to bring, where you’ll rent a van from and what route you’ll take to get to the lake
By the next week, you’re all ready to go
Jin is overly excited for the trip so he insists you leave ridiculously early so you can all spend as much time on vacation as possible
I’m talking 6am, Jin is pushing all of you into the van as he throws your bags into the back
Yoongi has murder in his eyes
Obviously for the first hour or so, most of you go back to sleep while Jin drives
You’re sharing a row with Tae and Kook who are using you as their personal pillow™
So you don’t actually get that much sleep
After awhile, Namjoon suggests stopping for snacks at a gas station and so Jin can fill the tank all the way up, with a pointed look at Jin after he admits that he forgot to the night before
You volunteer to go with Hobi and grab the snacks
You already have a cooler with water bottles so you grab some juices
And then some chips and candy and such to snack on
After your stop, everyone is mostly awake 
You spend the rest of the car ride playing I Spy, jamming to various music, and getting in heated debates over whether Zutara or Kataang is a better ship (but that one’s mostly you and Jungkook lol)
You all start to feel more relaxed and realize you all needed a break 
When you reach the lake you all rush from the van and begin to stretch out your limbs
The air is nice and the view is better 
You all race into the house to fight over rooms
You rush into one on the top floor and fight any of the boys when they try and take it from you
Spoiler alert: You’re all going to fall asleep in the living room watching movies anyways
But the beds are perfect and comfy for afternoon naps after busy days of having fun
Jin has an itinerary (because of course he does) to make sure you guys get to do everything he wanted you guys to do
The first day is kayaking
You walk a little ways down the lake to rent kayaks 
You get four that hold two people each
You start right off by trying to race
You and Namjoon are partners
You do NOT win
It’s Jungkook and Jimin almost every time
But you and Namjoon are having a good time, laughing as you both struggle to row the kayak together
Hobi and Tae take like a thousand videos of all of you trying to row your kayaks
You decide to switch after awhile 
Leaving you and Yoongi paired up
Unlike Joon, who was actually trying
Yoongi purposely sabotages your team and laughs when you try to scold him
That race ends with both of you using your oars to try and splash each other
Every night, you end the day with a campfire
Sometimes with s’mores
Then you all fight over who gets shower first lol
The next morning you’re all sore from paddling so you sleep in late
You spend the next part of the day just wading in the lake, skipping rocks and splashing each other
Then you cookout burgers and such for a big lunch
It’s really nice, sitting outside under the shade of the tree, the air just warm enough to be comfortable, and plenty of good food
You all joke around and talk for a long time
Then Jin warns against swimming for awhile and also slathers more sunscreen on all of you 
(Which he had been doing since you arrived)
“Yoongi stop fighting it, you’re so pale, you’ll get sunburned so easily!”
You go inside for awhile to play games before going back out to swim again
All of you are exhausted by the end of the day
After the campfire and showers, you all CRASH on the couches
You wake up even later the next morning
Jin wants to try tubing that day
There’s another place a little ways down where you can rent some time with a boat and driver to go tubing
At first all of you are really chill, just enjoying being on the tubes 
Then the driver speeds up and starts doing turns
It becomes a little more challenging
Not challenging enough to Jungkook apparently
Who decides to start a wresting tournament on the tubes and picking people off one by one 
Once he clears everyone off of one tube, he jumps to the next to attack more people
The driver thinks it’s hilarious
You all get super competitive, but of course, none of you ever beat Kook
If you all thought you were sore the day after kayaking, man were you sore the day after tubing
You’re all covered in bruises and scratches from your roughhousing on the tubes
So you guys just spend another day napping and eating and wading in the lake  
And trying to hide from Jin when he pulls the sunscreen bottle out AGAIN
But all of you fall victim to feeling like little kids as he wipes your noses down to make sure they don’t get burnt
The next day Jin wants to go hiking on a trail near the lake
You all agree and pack up backpacks with water and snacks and other supplies
The trail is incredibly beautiful 
There are times when you all talk a lot and times when you’re mostly silent and just admiring the views around you
The trail isn’t too challenging but there are moments when it gets a bit difficult
So you all walk in this cute little line turning back to help each other up where it gets hard
Hobi is in front of you to grab your hand when you need help
And Jimin is behind you so you turn to help him up when he needs it
You all get to the top of this hill and Jin pulls a surprise picnic out of his backpack
He lays a blanket down and you all scarf down the sandwiches he made
You end up having a randomly deep conversation at the top of the hill
You talk about your futures and where you want to end up someday
And then Namjoon encourages all of you to yell your wishes from the top of the hill
“That way, they’ll come true”
“I don’t think that’s a real thing...”
“Shut it and yell your wishes, [Y/N]”
After you all yell your individual dreams you end it by wishing all together that you want to be friends forever
“Well that felt cheesy”
“Yeah, let’s never tell anyone we did this”
You hike back to the house in time to watch the sunset over the lake
You swim around for awhile that night and then have your last campfire
Jin and Namjoon try to get all of you to bed early because you have to wake up and drive back
You all spend the next morning cleaning up the house and packing all of your belongings
Jin lines you all out in front of the lake when you’re ready to go
“Everyone say goodbye lake”
“Goodbye lake!”
When you get back home, you’re all ridiculously tired physically, but mentally you all feel a lot better
But it’s not two days before Seokjin texts all of you
“There’s this skii lodge I want to visit”
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logical-little-lies · 5 years
Smart Baby-Agere!Sides AU (pt.12)
Patton could tell that Logan was slipping. For the first time ever,Logan was on the edge of regressing.
It had been only a few days since Logan had taken care of Roman and Virgil, and Patton when he regressed later in the day.
Logan found himself wanting more affection than usual, though Patton always gave it to him without asking. Logan also wanted to get out of his dress shirt and tie,he felt trapped and too..adult? He usually didn't mind, he liked feeling put together, but he just felt like it was some sort of uncomfortable costume.
It didn't help that Roman regressed. Even little,Roman acted bigger than Logan was feeling. The day prior was stressful for all of the sides, but Logan the most. Logan was the one who had to take the lead,telling Thomas what to say during different events.
Roman regressed, as usual, wearing a yellow sweater with white stars. He held a white sippy cup, wearing blue leggings the oversized sweater draped over. Slowly,his little outfits have become more feminine,and during this process,Thomas has begun to feel more confident trying out different fashion styles.
"You've been so good today,should I be worried,darling?" Virgil questioned jokingly, pulling him into his lap.
Roman shook his head, giggling. "Maybeee," he said in a sing-song voice.
Virgil acted shocked, "So the good baby boy I've been caring for is only visiting?"
Roman giggled again, leaning against Virgil. "You're a silly kid,Ro," Virgil kissed his forehead,causing him to smile.
On the tv, Moana played. It was one of Logan's favorite disney movies, even when he was big. He liked the cultural representation, which he knew a lot about. But the childlike fogginess taking him over just liked the music.
"Logan? You alright?" Patton was laying across the couch, his head in Logan's lap. The only little one was Roman, but all of them just needed a breather. So Patton and Virgil were just watching the movie,entertaining Roman, while Logan stayed quiet, attempting to push down the childish things his mind was telling him to do.
"Mhm," he mumbled, nodding, biting at his lip. Patton seemed to have a quick moment of realization,attempting to test the waters.
"How about we go get you changed?" He sat up, Logan having the impulse to pout at the lack of affection,biting on his lip instead. "You must hate wearing a tie all the time," Patton took it upon himself to loosen his tie, pulling it over his head.
"m' fine," Logan mumbled, pushing his hands away.
"calm down, baby, no need to get snappy," Patton scolded slightly, causing Logan to pout without being able to stop himself.
"Don't call me baby," he stated, trying to keep his voice level.
"Logan, calm down," Patton instructed. Virgil and Roman were watching the movie, and Patton was talking quietly enough so that they didn't hear. "I'm not doing anything to make you mad, you just seem a bit stressed, Lo."
Logan felt guilty, and he held back a sniffle, "Sorry," he mumbled, looking down.
Patton sighed, "it's alright, Logan. How about we get you into some comfy pajamas, and come back to finish the movie with the others?"
Logan almost nodded, pausing, "n-no! Don't want to miss the movie!" he shook his head, crossing his arms, as if to prove he wasn't gonna move.
Patton chuckled, "Wait a second, Lo," he instructed, and Logan agreed. He continued to watch the movie while Patton moved to talk to Virgil. "Pause the movie? I think Logan's regressing, I want to get him into comfier clothes."
Virgil nodded understandingly, "While you do that, I'll refill Ro's sippy? Does Logan want anything, a snack or drink?"
Virgil made a hand motion, and the movie on the tv stopped playing the movie.
"Lo, you want some juice?" Patton asked.
"Orange juice, please," he nodded, obviously trying really hard not to slip up.
"Stay here, Ro," Virgil kissed his forehead, picking up Roman's tablet from the coffee table and handing it to him. Roman started tapping it, opening a game with soft music. Patton lead Logan back to his own room, opening his closet.
"What do you want to wear?" Patton asked, and Logan shrugged, lifting his feet and kicking them slightly. "You can borrow anything in my closet," he pushed it open, motioning to the stuff inside.
Patton sighed when he didn't respond, thinking for a moment before summoning something he thought he'd like. It was a fluffy pajama shirt. It was blue, with white stars and planet doodles all over it.
Logan couldn't stop himself from making grabby hands towards the shirt, squealing. "Hold on, baby."
Logan lowered his hands, pouting at his instructions, but nodding. Patton made note to the fact that he didn't ask not to be called baby this time.
Patton pictured a pair of fluffy white pants, with blue planets instead, like an inverse of the shirt. It would make Logan look like a soft nerd.
Patton didn't know how old Logan was, so he tried to make it kiddish, but not to"babyish" just incase. "You like this?" he held it up, and Logan nodded with a giggle, making the grabby hand motion once again.
He lowered his hands quickly, shaking his head in a dorm of disappointment with himself. Patton sighed, crouching down. "What's wrong, Lo?"
"I feel..um.."
He shyly nodded, continuing. "It's harder to talk right, and I want to act like a kid..it's stupid," He was obviously still repressing his little speech.
"No, it isn't. If you feel little, then that's okay. You've never been little before, so it might feel weird, but don't be ashamed or disappointed with yourself." Logan nodded at this, shifting the topic.
"How'd you know I was slipping?" he tilted his head.
"I could just tell, we can talk about this later, though. I want you to try and be little, and not be shy about it. Roman's little too, and Virgil knows how to take care of littles, literally everyone in the house is acceptive. You're okay," Patton took his hand, squeezing it slightly.
"But..but-" Logan pouted, and Patton cut him off.
"Not but's, just go put on this cute outfit," he handed him the clothes, and moved to kiss his forehead. "How little do you feel, bud?"
Patton smiled when he heard Logan's voice shift, "three..don't know," he admitted shyly.
"Awe, baby," Patton cooed when Logan went to hide his face, "you're littler than I thought," he teased.
"nuh-uh!" he shook his head, "m' so big right now. So big n' scary," his voice sounding promising. Patton only laughed, ruffling his hair and handing him the clothes.
"Can you get dressed by yourself?"
Logan nodded, then hesitating. Patton seemed to understand, closing the door. "Lift your arms," he instructed.
Logan giggled as Patton helped him redress, and soon he was in the cutesy pajama set. Patton put white fluffy socks on his feet, and he just looked so..soft?
Logan squealed when he looked in the mirror, bouncing in place. Patton wrapped his arms around his waist, kissing the side of his head. "You're so cute, Little Lo."
Logan scrunched up his nose, giggling. "m' cute!" he repeated with his childish voice.
"is there anything else you need? Like a paci, or blanket, or stuffie?"
Logan bit at his lip, "You know what? The adorable, smart baby boy deserves all three!" Patton said enthusiastically.
He summoned a star blankie, white stars against a fluffy shade of baby blue. Needless to say that Logan loved it, also accepting the stuffed octopus Patton summoned for him.
"Don't need paci, I'm to big," he mumbled, but Patton didn't believe it.
"Are you sure, darling?" Patton asked, and Logan looked down shyly. "Hmm," Patton thought, a dark blue pacifier appearing in his hands. "You sure you don't want it?"
It said 'Smart Baby' in white letter beads on the handle, and there was a glittery silver star charm on the button. Logan whined quietly, still shaking his head shyly, as if someone would judge him if he put that in his mouth. "Lo, open your mouth for me," Patton instructed, but Logan shook his head.
Patton sighed, thinking for a moment,wrapping his arms around Logan's waist again. He tickled his side with one hand, and while Logan was squirming and giggling, he pecked his lips. He put the pacifier in his mouth during the split second it was open.
Logan didn't fight it after that, only giggling, "Pat, you're silly,"
"Mhm, I sure am!" Patton took his hand, and lead him out to the kitchen. Virgil handed him a sippy cup with a dark blue lid, filled with the orange juice he had asked for earlier.
"You're pajamas are so cute, Lo!" Virgil ruffled his hair, booping the star on his pacifier and causing him to giggle. Logan used his hand to adjust his glasses, leaning into Patton's side.
“thank yous!” he spoke childishly, and Virgil and Patton both audibly ‘awed’
Big Logan was going to be so embarrassed, but at least Little Logan was having fun.
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mrs-dobrik · 4 years
Angel -2
Matt King series.
Part 1
Words: 2K
Warnings: drinking and mentions of sex
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I woke up to the sound of my front door shutting and then the opening of my bedroom door, I lay still as I waited for something to happen next. The familiar smell of a certain cologne and coffee filled the air and I snuggled back into the covers in comfort.
“Y/n, are you up? I brought you coffee.” I heard the cup slide onto my side table. “Y/n/n?” I hummed in response.
“Good morning sleepy.” He chuckled.
“Why are you here?” I grumbled into the pillow.
“I just wanted to check on you. You’ve been weird since last Saturday.” I tensed at the accusation.
I thought about the comment he made on the Friday night and then about the advice the girls had given me. “I’m not mad at you, I’m sorry. I’ve uh, been pmsing.” I lied.
“Oh I- can I, uh sit with you?” He said as he stood awkwardly next to my bed. I shifted over allowing him to sit next to me as I lay still half asleep. He kicked his shoes off and pulled the blanket from me forcefully and wrapped himself up.
“Hey!” I yelped and moved over.
“Sorry I got cold.” He smirked and snuggled down further into the covers. I whined about being cold too and shuffled in next to him as he lifted an arm and pulled me in the covers before we settled down. “This feels better.” He sighed referring to the opposing mood I had created during the week. “Are you going to David’s tonight?” He asked, I nodded in response and turned to lay on my back.
“Mind if you pick me up later and take me back home?” I said rather than answering him.
“Not a problem.” He smiled and gave my hair a light ruffle. “Get some rest grumpy.” I smiled and shut my eyes.
I was not grumpy but I understood that he would assume due to my change in character during the week. Matt and I were close especially since I was a little younger than the rest of the group, Matt and I got on so well because he was more laid back and introverted than the others, much like me. This meant we spent plenty of cozy nights together watching movies or spend free time chatting about nonsense together over coffee. Our friends all knew we were close and Zane often was the third wheel as I spent countless nights over at their apartment spending time with them. Matt was a safe place for me as when the group got too wild I often retreated back to him to calm down, he was protective and made sure I always okay.
This morning was no different, I decided to put my silly thoughts aside and try spend time with Matt before we went out. We watched funny videos and sipped on our coffee and before we knew it, it was lunch time and Matt had to go run errands. It felt good to spend time with him again, it put my mind at ease as I had been so worked up about his comments from the other night. I don’t really know why it bother me because we weren’t dating but I remember the sting I felt when he said it and it hadn’t left my mind since.
“I’m sorry I have to go y/n/n.” He pouted. “I’ll come pick you up at 7?” He said while gathering his phone and keys from my side table and then brushing out the crease on his shirt in front of the mirror before he left.
I smiled, “Thanks Matt.” He smiled back and made his way out the apartment as he called out a goodbye.
I got up later in the day to start getting ready, I decided to wear something more fun than usual to get me into a mood to party. I needed a break after this week and something told me that tonight would be a good chance to let loose and have some fun. I wore a black mini skirt and a bodysuit that matched, obviously not forgetting to pair it with shoes, hair and make up.
As promised, Matt showed up at seven. He entered the apartment and followed the sound of my grwm playlist that was on full blast in my bedroom. He chuckled when he caught a glimpse of me hoping about to the music as I finished off my make up. He leant against the doorframe watching me until I twirled around and caught sight of him, causing my heart to leap out my chest. “You gave me a fright, you idiot!” I chuckled and threw a blush brush in his direction while bending to hold on my knees.
“I’m sorry you were just dancing crazy and I wanted to watch.” He laughed and caught the brush. He walked to my dresser and placed it down before grabbing my arm and pulling me into a hug. “Nearly ready?” He asked, I nodded and let him know I would only be a few more minutes. Well 10 minutes later and he had asked the same question. I laughed and apologized but still fiddled with my hair and make up. He groaned, “y/n, you look gorgeous, let’s just go before the party is over.”
I laughed and looked at myself in the mirror on more time before I lead us out to the car so Matt could drive us to David’s. We arrived and Corinna ran to the car pulling me out quickly, “The girls are doing tequila shots we were waiting for you!” She squealed and lead me inside as I giggled behind her.
Matt followed behind and watched as us girls cheered each other on. I took the shots handed to me and tried my best not to wince after each one, knowing that the group was crowded around watching us. When I had enough I stood next to Matt and gave him a big goofy smile.
“You really aren’t always the little angel everyone thinks you are, huh?” He joked.
“What do you mean?” I smirked and took a sip of my drink then winked at him. He smiled and rolled his eyes at me before I ran off to go dance in the living room.
I danced around for a while, mostly with the girls but with Toddy and Heath now and then too. I caught Matt’s eye every now and then as he was leant against the pool table talking to Zane, David and Jeff. I would do a little funny move every time we made eye contact just to make him smile or chuckled every so often. When I got tired I looked over to go stand with them but Matt and David had disappeared and Jeff and Zane were just left. They looked as though they were discussing something so I didn’t join in. Instead I went outside and stood by the railing in the backyard to watch the view as I caught my breath.
I heard footsteps behind me but didn’t turn in time as I heard Jeff’s voice once he reached me, “You look great y/n.” Jeff said once he was beside me. “Any reason you got all dressed up?” He smirked. He was attractive if I had to say so but he just wasn’t my type the thought of him coming up to flirt with me made me feel a bit flattered if I’m honest.
The attention and obvious flirting caused a smile and a blush to creep onto my cheeks. “Perhaps I did.” I teased back, the alcohol giving me an edge of confidence and playfulness. “Although no one has yet said anything.”
“Oh y/n, the guys are all saying it, they just too pussy to say it to your face.” He stepped closer to me, wrapped an arm around me and leant in to whisper, “You know though, that I would have the guts to tell you that the way you look tonight makes me want to be in your guts.”
I pulled back quickly, “You wanna-?” I frowned and watched his expression, his eyes never left mine.
“Y/n/n, baby, you’re a gorgeous girl. Like I said, everyone drools over you but won’t say anything because you’re the sweet innocent one. You’re a little angel.” He kept eye contact but I looked away embarrassed. “Plus, I heard your tits look amazing.” He smirked and leant in to kiss me but I caught eyes from inside the party and stepped away before rushing back inside.
Matt was staring at me as I walked in and I walked up to him, “Take me home. Now.” I growled, I did not know if he had seen what had happened outside but it was as though he reacted like clockwork.
“Oh, oh, okay.” He scrambled, finding his keys and phone. “Just gonna say bye to-“
“Please can we just go.” I said with urgency lacing my words. He looked at me and nodded slowly, he seemed shocked at my strong words but he did as told.
We snuck out the front door and he opened his passenger door for me before he got into his side and started the car. “Are you okay?” He asked as he reversed out the drive way.
“Fine.” I stated and looked ahead while opening the vents to try cool myself down. He remained quiet for some time. “You weren’t drinking?” I asked.
“You asked me to drive you home when I was over this morning, why would I?” He chuckled, I shrugged in response. “I saw you throwing back the tequila though.” He chuckled again.
“Are you drunk?” He chuckled again and turned to look at me.
“Yeah.” I grumbled.
“Oh no, it’s not good to be grumpy and then get drunk.” He pouted playfully. “I’ll fix you up at home though, get you all comfy.” I just sighed, usually I would be grateful for the act but all the emotions swirled in my mind- along with the alcohol. I hated that he could say the cutest things and think that it didn’t make my heart flutter.
Once we got to Matt’s apartment he helped get me upstairs and into bed. “Here’s a shirt and a blanket.” Call me if you need anything he said while also setting a glass of water down next to his bed for me. He left and walked out his room to the couch to go to bed as well.
“Matt,” I called to him from his room, “I need something.”
“What.” He groaned having to get up again. He stood in the door frame and looked at me.
I pouted and sat on the edge of the bed. “I need a hug.” I whined as tears started filling my eyes. He rushed forward and sat down next to me and pulled me in to hug him. He gave me reassuring words, telling me I was going to be okay. He rubbed my back and held me as I stained the shoulder of his shirt with tears. When my crying reduced to a sniffle, I let go and went into his closet to take off my outfit and pull on the shirt he had given me to sleep in. I walked back to the bed and stood in front of him, still teary and sniffly. He pouted and pulled me into another hug.
I climbed on the bed and lay behind him once he let go of me to look at me. “Please sit with me, just till I fall asleep.” He nodded and pulled the covers up over me. He then lay next to me, waiting for me to fall asleep before he would return back to his couch.
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hiddendreamer67 · 5 years
Couple’s Quarrel
Summary: Logan and his werewolf boyfriend Roman are having their first fight, and Patton is there to help Logan through it.
October Prompt #27: Quarrel.
Check out more of my writing at @hiddendreamerwriting!
Logan sighed, closing the front door with an uncharacteristically dismal attitude. He stepped into the living room, taking a moment to process the multiple pieces of fabric stacked haphazardly before the tv.
“Logan!” Patton’s happy face popped out from the front of the tent. “Welcome back, I missed you!” Indeed, it had been nearly a week now since Logan had returned to the human apartment. “Where have you been? Do you want to join me in my blanket fort?” 
Logan cringed inwardly, having hoped to avoid human interaction on tonight of all nights, possibly because for once he was craving it. “Ah…”
“Don’t worry, there’s enough room.” Patton scooted over, patting the spot next to him. “And it’s real comfy, I promise.”
“Very well then.” Logan tried to appear begrudging as he sat down in the aforementioned location, careful not to cuddle too close to Patton for fear of appearing desperate for companionship.
Patton cuddled closer anyways. It seemed his best friend could read him like a book. “I was gonna watch Into the Woods, if that’s okay?” 
Logan thought about it, how that particular musical portrayed werewolves as dastardly and cruel. It wasn’t accurate, but it might provide him with a grim sort of satisfaction. 
“That’s satisfactory.” Logan agreed, content for a while to watch the film as Patton babbled along in his ear, trying to provide some sort of distraction. It was working, for a while, until inevitably they came upon the first wolf scene.
“...oh.” Patton petered off, his face falling as he paused the movie. “Sorry, I forgot about that part. Let me change it-”
“No need.” Logan assured him.
Patton paused, turning around to give Logan a confused glance. “But, what about Roman?”
Logan pretended to remain ignorant, staring straight ahead at the screen and the predator depicted there. “What about him?”
Patton winced, and Logan knew that despite trying to hide his emotions Patton had become sympathetic due to his strange behavior. After all, Logan was often very adamant about removing media that depicted lycans incorrectly, seeing as it was downright insulting to one of Roman’s kind. The wolf had moaned about it enough that Logan had caught on to the habit in a fond sort of manner. 
“Are you two fighting?” Patton guessed. 
Logan considered this question. “I do believe we are having our first quarrel, yes.”
Patton was quiet a moment. “...do you want to talk about it?”
“I am uncertain.” Logan shrugged noncommittally.
“That’s fair.” Patton scooted closer to him, taking the remote and turning off the screen. He grabbed one of Logan’s hands, gently rubbing his thumb against the back of Logan’s palm. “Then maybe instead of talking about your feelings, you could just tell me what happened? And we can work it out together.”
Logan took a tense breath, trying to sort out the facts from the irrelevant details. “I’m not exactly certain what occurred myself.” He admitted. “I’ve been visiting Roman for a while now, he invited me to stay longer than usual to get to know their customs. But at that point I didn’t want to spend any longer in that house because it can be quite stifling with the amount of pack members present at all hours, although I doubt you would understand.”
“Logan.” Patton said, only a bit stern. “Just because I’m more extroverted doesn’t mean I don’t understand the need to be alone every once in a while.” 
“Indeed, my apologies.” Logan waited until Patton nodded in thanks to continue. “So I was walking along the edge of town, just to get a breath of fresh air. A being unknown to me approached, obviously hostile in nature.”
Patton gasped, giving a much more dramatic reaction to Logan’s stoic retelling.
“Relax, I am fine. I clearly survived.” Logan assured him with a small smile, giving Patton’s arm a pat. “Roman appeared, the two got into a scuffle, similar to... dogs asserting dominance, I suppose. Roman won and the beast disappeared into the forest.” 
“So Roman saved your life.” Patton’s eyes widened, impressed. “Wow Logan, that’s so- romantic! It doesn’t sound like a fight between you two, it’s kinda heroic.”
Logan grimaced, remembering the quarrel that came directly afterwards. “Well, you see…”
Logan’s heart was still beating rapidly, failing to retract to its normal pace as the threat limped back towards the forest. Roman stood, puffing out his chest and breathing raggedly until the being was truly gone. Then he turned to Logan, a wild gaze in his eye.
“Are you hurt?” Roman asked, and Logan forced himself not to flinch as Roman grabbed his arms, looking over the human with an intent gaze. How had Roman known to come? Had he followed Logan here? 
“I- no, Roman, I am uninjured.” Logan tried to tug away, but Roman’s superior strength held out. “It was nothing more than a close call.”
“That was really close this time. Too close.” Roman slouched forwards, giving Logan a stern look like one might give when scolding a child. “Please, promise me you’re going to listen to me and be more careful in the future.”
“I am not an adolescent, I can take care of myself.” Logan insisted. 
“You clearly cannot.” Roman gestured towards the woods. “This is why you need to stay with us, I’m more certain now than ever, come on-”
“No!” Logan protested, digging in his heels to slow Roman as the werewolf attempted to tug him along. “Roman, stop!”
Roman did stop, looking at Logan with an unreadable expression. “What, so you just want to keep running away from your problems?” His eyes were still manic, darting back and forth as if waiting to pick another fight. Roman’s claws were extended, grazing against Logan’s wrist in their firm grip. For the first time in months, Logan felt afraid of him.
“Roman, you’re scaring me.” Logan admitted, and his words miraculously made Roman flinch back, releasing his grip. “Stop treating me as though I’m just some sort of bauble to keep as a prize.”
“You know I don’t see you that way.” Roman whined, not unlike a puppy that was terrible with listening. 
“Do I?” Logan wasn’t so sure now. “Everyone else in your family seems content to treat me like a dog, ironic given your canine appearance.”
“That’s low, even for you.” Roman glowered, clearly fuming. “Do you hate them so much that you’re willing to get yourself killed over it?”
“I didn’t intend to throw my life away.” Logan rolled his eyes, considering that to be obvious. “If you had thought to warn me about the dangers of the surrounding area, I would have been prepared.”
“No, you wouldn’t.” Roman insisted. “You’re too weak, but I can protect you from all that.”
“Even yourself?” Logan huffed. Roman’s face fell into such a state of despair that Logan immediately regretted his words, but was too prideful to take them back. Instead, he turned on his heel, content to not face Roman any longer. “I’m going back to the apartment.” 
“Logan, wait.” Roman reached out for Logan again.
“Don’t touch me!” Logan dodged out of his grasp, now full on running back towards the town. If Roman wanted, he could easily catch up with Logan at any moment. 
He didn’t.
“And that’s when I arrived here.” Logan finished.
Patton let out a low whistle. “Ah. So… lots of tempers, then.”
“Indeed.” Logan glanced at Patton, hoping his emotional friend would be better at deciphering what had just occurred. “Might you offer some assistance in regards to what this meant?”
“Well… emotions were definitely high.” Patton tapped his chin in thought. “I mean you were both just through a scary experience, so I think you said some things you didn’t mean. But it sounds to me that you’re feeling frustrated because Roman’s pack is not welcoming of your relationship, or appears that way, and being surrounded by werewolves was overwhelming for you.”
“Yes, that is accurate.” Logan agreed.
“And Roman…” Patton hummed, his nose scrunching up in thought. “I think… he feels like a failure.”
“A failure?” Logan raised an eyebrow at this deduction. “But he was the victor of the scuffle.”
“No, not that sort of failure.” Patton shook his head. “Roman wants to protect you, but he doesn’t understand how to do that without stifling you because he’s used to being around wolves who can take care of themselves and he sees you as more fragile. Physically, at least. And he doesn’t know how to protect you from his family, emotionally, so he just puts more and more effort into protecting you physically because it’s all he knows.”
“That’s barbaric.” Although Logan’s tone sounded indecisive. “The mindset of a neanderthal.”
“It’s sorta sweet, Logan.” Patton corrected, putting his arm around Logan’s shoulders. “I mean, I think you were right to come here, you both need some space to cool off, but if you two learned to communicate better I’m certain you could figure out some smart-brain way to make it work.”
“But how?” Logan protested. “The next intelligent step in our relationship was sharing a living space to test compatibility, and that has clearly failed. It is only logical that our arrangement must desist.”
Patton hummed, laying his head on Logan’s shoulder. “Logan, you are one of the smartest people I know. But sometimes, you are also one of the dumbest.” 
“I beg your pardon?” Logan looked aghast, staring down at Patton with a scoff.
“Are you really going to let a thing like Roman’s family stop you two from being together?” Patton looked up at him. “I mean, if you really care about each other- which Roman clearly cares about you- that’s all that should matter.”
“The world does not operate that way.” Logan argued.
“Well, it should.” Patton said firmly, giving him a smile. “It’s okay to take a step back in your relationship when you realize you needed more time. Maybe try living apart for a while.”
“I doubt Roman would allow that.” Logan frowned, exasperated. “He often bemoans having to leave my side, and I imagine stopping all visits to his home would only make him more insufferable.”
“Yeah, well boundaries are also a thing.” Patton giggled a bit nervously. “If you don’t want to see him that much, you’re allowed to have time to yourself.” 
Logan’s cheeks turned a bit pink, Patton misreading his statement. “Well, ah… I would not explicitly say I’m opposed to that much contact myself…”
“Then he can come over here!” Patton suggested excitedly. “I’d love to meet him more, and you’d feel less overwhelmed. He could even stay for a while if you two feel comfortable trying to live together again, I don’t mind.” 
“Truly?” Logan was surprised at Patton’s eagerness. “I suppose… but it’s only delaying the inevitable. Roman is a pack animal by nature, I doubt he would abandon his family for a single individual.”
“You never know.” Patton shrugged. “But even if that’s true, we could always invite just one or two of his packmates over here so you could get to know them, and so they can learn you’re not so bad yourself.”
“You’re quite optimistic.” Logan bemused.
“And you should be too.” Patton informed him. “Maybe I’m wrong, and nothing is ever gonna work out. But you’ll never know unless you two just talk things through.”
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hybridfanfiction · 6 years
Owner Training - 2
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Word Count: 2,585
“Yah, get up. We have things to do today.” 
You groan as the gravelly voice slowly pulls you from your deep sleep and try to cover your face with the blanket. You couldn’t even remember waking up once during the night and wanted to get back to it. Having such a good nights sleep was a rare phenomenon. You couldn’t recall why it happened but you hoped it would again. You bury your face deeper into your pillow and allow yourself to drift back to sleep. 
“You’re still not up? Fine.” 
The comforter that had felt as comfy as a cloud a few moments ago was ripped from your body, the sudden rush of cool air bringing you to full awareness. You whine and crack open your eyelids, coming face to face with the smirking hybrid looming above you. 
“Good afternoon. It’s almost one. I made you food so come eat it.” Yoongi orders with an amused grin, waltzing back out of the room with his tail flicking cheekily behind him. 
You wipe the sleep from your eyes and sit up with a moan, cracking your neck a bit as everything comes back to you. 
You were now a hybrid owner. Or something like that. 
You honestly had no idea how this was done, which is partially why you’d never gotten a hybrid for yourself. You’ve seen your brother and his hybrid interact, true, but you didn’t know much about the day to day stuff. You weren’t sure how much you were supposed to treat them like their animal counterparts versus the human side. 
And that was especially a problem for you right now, because sleeping with Yoongi cuddled in next to you had definitely not given you the same feeling as if you’d been cuddling an actual cat. Instead, you’d been very aware that there was an amazing smelling man wrapped around you, nevermind the quiet purring or the tail that had wound itself around your legs. 
You sigh and pick up a hair tie from your nightstand and put your hair up as you walk towards the kitchen. On the table were two omelets, along with a glass of milk for Yoongi and your usual lemon and ginger tea. The food actually smelled pretty good, although there was a touch of a fishy scent that worried you. 
The two of you sat down and you began sipping your tea as Yoongi tore into his omelet, finally revealing the source of the fish odor as he did so. 
“You put tuna in the omelets?” 
“Just in mine. Yours has cheddar and spinach. This one is good though...here.” Yoongi grunts as he shoves a bite of his tuna monstrosity towards your mouth. 
Not wanting to upset him, you open up and allow him to feed it to you. He watches intently as you chew, smirk growing as he observes your trepidation turn into surprise. 
“Not bad, right?” 
“It’s not awful, no.”
Yoongi snorts in amusement then gestures towards your own food. 
“Eat up and get ready. You have things you need to get me today.” 
You pause with your fork halfway to your mouth to stare at him curiously. 
“I do?” 
“Duh. I’m living here now, so I’m going to need my own things. Don’t worry, I have a little money. There are just certain things that hybrids can’t buy on their own.” 
“Oh, well alright then, I guess. It’s my day off, so I don’t have any other plans.” 
Yoongi raised a single eyebrow as if to indicate he was already aware before digging back into his food. You shrug and follow suit, pleased that it seemed like Yoongi was a decent cook. It was hard to mess up an omelet, honestly, but it was still really well done. The eggs were fluffy and the filling was a good ratio of cheese to spinach, and you were almost certain he’d even added a dash of red pepper flakes. 
“This is really good, Yoongi. Thank you.” 
He merely nodded at the compliment, but you swore that you caught a flash of pink on his cheeks. 
The rest of the meal was finished in silence, followed by the two of you getting ready to go...somewhere. You figured he’d tell you once you got in the car so you’d at least know where you were driving to. As you gathered your things to leave, you couldn’t help but notice the threadbare outfit he was wearing as he met you by the door. It was one you’d noticed numerous times before, as you recognized the black and red t-shirt that you remembered had a hole near the armpit. You hoped clothes was one of the things he’d let you get today. 
Yoongi follows behind as you head towards your car then slides into the passenger seat and buckles up without any prompting. He grabs your phone when you set it down and puts directions onto it. 
“That’s where we need to go. It’s like a Costco for hybrid goods.” 
You nod and pull out, letting Yoongi put on the music app before setting it back to the GPS for you. 
“If it’s like a Costco does that mean we need a membership?” 
“Yup. Only humans can apply for it, although I’ll get a card too.” 
“So what all do we need? Like, clothes, food, I dunno...litterbox?” 
Yoongi quietly growled as he stared at you incredulously. Even his ears and tail looked offended, flickering at you with agitation. 
“Try and make me use a litterbox. I dare you.” 
“I said I didn’t know!” 
He scoffed and settled into his seat in silence, and it remained that way for the rest of the thirty-minute drive to get to the store. He didn’t appear too angry, more like annoyed, which was understandable. 
As you pulled into the parking lot, you were surprised by the sheer massiveness of the place. The greeter at the door was a friendly Lab hybrid that directed you to the membership counter, where you obtained a couple of cards after paying a membership fee and taking a couple of pictures. You supposed it would be worth it if Yoongi was really staying and you’d be needing to keep him supplied with...whatever you were here for. 
You pushed the cart along, studying the products with wonder. You had no idea hybrids had so many different things. The cart soon became filled with soaps and shampoos, toothpaste, brushes, the fluffiest towels you’d ever felt, fifteen bath bombs, and at least five blankets because apparently Yoongi didn’t skimp on his comfort items. The clothes that the two of you picked through were some of the softest fabrics you’d ever felt, and the pants all had holes of different sizes for tails to fit through. You’d even gotten a couple sweaters for yourself because you’d loved the plush feel of them so much. 
The food area was really impressive and had lots of hybrid friendly meals ready to go, as well as a fish section that had Yoongi enthralled. The roasted chicken samples seemed to make him just as happy. You came out of the food section with more food than you’d ever bought at once before. You should probably explain to Yoongi at some point that you can make a pretty swell can of soup and that’s the extent of your cooking ability. 
After nearly an hour and a half of wandering the store, Yoongi had you stop in front of a wall of collars. You were surprised, as you hadn’t pegged him for the type to want a collar, and it must have shown on your face because he snorted at your expression. 
“It’s the law. All hybrids have to wear a collar outdoors. I only got away with it when we were coming in here because we’re obviously new. Stupid law, but whatever.” 
Yoongi inspected a few collars before settling on a black one with a thin band. The material looked soft enough and when he tried it on, it looked amazing. In the completely non-pet way that you couldn’t give voice to. 
He threw it into the cart and went right back to looking at the collars again, to your confusion. How many collars does one hybrid need? 
After throwing an entirely too mischievous glance at you over his shoulder, he grabs one that looks more like a black lace choker than an animal collar. Your brain starts to malfunction trying to picture Yoongi in lace and that’s when he strikes, wrapping the collar around your neck with a smug grin. 
“What? I don’t need a collar,” you squeak, reaching up to touch the lace with your fingers. 
He shrugs, staring at the collar with both a blush and an annoying smirk. 
“If I have to wear one, only fair if you do too.” 
“That’s bullshit. I’m not walking around in a collar.” 
“So wear it around the house. Seems fair enough. I have to wear one outside, you have to wear it inside.” 
It did sound fair, but you knew it was also him just being a little shit. Whatever, you probably looked hot. Silly hybrid can’t make a fool of you. 
“Just say you’re kinky and call it a day,” you laugh as you take it off and throw it into the cart. He grumbles and turns to the tag machine. 
After a few moments, he throws a couple of small gold tags towards you to inspect. One is simple; Yoongi’s name, your phone number, and address. The other...
“Who the hell is Ginger?” 
Yoongi’s eyes light up like he thinks he’s finally won whatever silly game he’s been playing. 
“Oh, that’s your kitten name. You have a collar, might as well have some stupid cat name to go with it.” 
“Yoongi isn’t a cat name. Why doesn’t yours say Mr. Fluffington or something?” 
“If you ever call me that I will shred every piece of clothing you own.” 
You chuckle at Yoongi’s disgusted sneer, his button nose crinkling adorably. 
“Well, at least tell me why Ginger.” 
Yoongi shrugged and grabbed the cart, pushing it towards the checkout. 
“You always smell like that lemon and ginger tea you drink.” 
Huh. He’d sounded almost fond of you just then. 
You were humming to yourself as you waited in line when Yoongi suddenly shoves a huge wad of cash right in your face. 
“What’s this?” 
Yoongi quirks an eyebrow. “I believe humans call it money.” 
“I’m aware, smartass. I mean why are you shoving money in my face?” 
“I have a decent amount of money from busking. I just couldn’t spend it on much because of the stupid laws. Just stuff from the convenience store or whatever. If you want to throw up a fuss and pay for everything because you’re the “owner,” then you can do that another time. This is a lot of shit, so just take it.” 
You sigh and accept the money, which is easily almost three hundred dollars. The fact that he had this much money and couldn’t even spend it on his own was ridiculous and broke your heart. Yoongi was obviously independently natured, and having to deal with that on a daily basis no doubt hurt his pride. At least now he could say all of his new things were purchased with his own money. 
You sent Yoongi off to go buy the two of you a couple of drinks from the cafe for the road. You pulled the item you’d been hiding from the bottom of the cart and handed it to the cashier, asking her to ring it separately. You’d just barely managed to get it bagged and rehidden before Yoongi came back. 
After checkout, the two of you rush home to get the perishables safely put away. As you stock the fridge, you wave Yoongi away, telling him to set up the rest of his things. The couch now sports two new fluffy blankets and a little pillow you hadn’t noticed before. His clothes now have a spot in your closet and his towels and bath products are next to yours in the bathroom. You hadn’t realized how empty the place had seemed before, but the evidence of another person living here was comforting. 
While Yoongi was in the bedroom organizing his clothes, you took the chance to pull out the bag you’d been hiding among the groceries, unwrapping it and setting it next to Yoongi’s pillow and blanket on the couch. You quickly run back to the kitchen and go back to putting things away. 
A few moments later and you were finishing up in the kitchen as Yoongi wanders back in the living room with a few books and magazines about hybrids that he’d insisted on you reading “so I don’t have to explain every damn thing.” He stopped short as the front of the couch came into view. 
“What the hell is this?” 
“Hmm? What’s up?” you hum as you slowly strut into the room. You try for nonchalance, but you know that the smile you can’t hold back gives you away. 
Yoongi is sitting on the couch clutching the black cat plushie you hadn’t been able to resist buying. Beyond the fact that the toy had a little button nose that resembled a certain cat you knew, it was also meant for calming. It had a little opening in the back to keep pouches of dried chamomile. Something told you that Yoongi hadn’t had many calming situations in his life, and though this was barely much of anything, you hoped it would help ease his way into being happy here with you. 
“You like him?” you ask, settling in next to him as Yoongi stares at you in wide-eyed wonder. 
“I...yeah. It’s a little lame, but uh...thanks,” Yoongi stutters, taking an audible sniff of the plushie before he sets it in his lap. 
“You’re welcome.” 
“And...” Yoongi continues, his cheeks going pink as he fiddles around with the toy. “Thank you for not kicking me out on my ass. You should have.” 
“You are more than welcome here, Yoongi. I may not be the best or smartest person to take care of a hybrid, but at least I’m not willing to let one sleep out in the cold if I can help it.” 
Yoongi scoffs, and the haunted look in his eyes makes you want to cry. “That already makes you better than most humans.” 
You reach over and grasp one of his hands, half expecting him to smack you away. You’re pleasantly surprised when he lets you and squeezes it back. 
“Right,” he clears his throat and stands up. “Do your homework. I’ll throw something together for dinner. Salmon okay?” 
“Yeah, sounds great. Thanks, Yoongi,” You grin and grab one of the hybrid books to read while he cooks.  
Yoongi takes a step then hesitates, throwing you a quick look before grabbing the cat plush and taking it with him to the kitchen. You hide your smile behind the book. You two are going to be okay. 
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invaderdoom78 · 5 years
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Well, does he leave a little note to tell you You are on his mind?
Soon after the apoca-wasn’t Aziaraphale and Crowley had decided that it would be a good idea to move in with each other, eventually settling on the demons flat as nearly every nook and cranny of the bookshop was crammed full of different types of literature; leaving it much too crowded for the serpent's tastes. Thankfully though, they were quickly able to find a balance between Crowley's minimalistic preferences and Ariraphales hoarding of books. It was quite nice as neither of them had to worry about the potential of going years without seeing the other and, even though he didn’t sleep, Aziraphale enjoyed laying in bed next to a sleeping Crowley either reading one of his books or just taking the opportunity to be alone with his thoughts. It got even better once they got into the habit of leaving little notes for the other around both the flat and book shop. It had started out as a way for them to remind the other of something that they needed to do that day but it quickly turned into little love notes, each trying to outdo the other with their declarations of adoration. This is where Crowley's imagination gave him the edge needed to win. Even before moving into the demons flat Aziraphale quite enjoyed taking baths, even more so once he’d been introduced to the concept of bubble baths, but he found that the act was ten times more enjoyable when taking one in the flat as it’s tub was a Jacuzzi tub thus making it much larger and nicer than the clawfoot he had in the bookshop. Lounging in the warm bubbly water Aziraphale was enjoying a glass of wine as he listened to some soft music and jotted down ideas for his newest love note. Unfortunately, he was having a very difficult time doing so and at this point his wine was gone and the water was turning cold so he decided to get out; wrapping a fluffy white towel around his waist, and almost missing what Crowley had done to the mirror. Written in the steam was a multitude of tiny hearts surrounding a much larger one that was not only sprouting a pair of angel wings but also held both of their initials inside of it, causing his own to melt in his chest. 
Send you yellow flowers when the sky is gray?
It was a rather gloomy day in London, a heavy rain thundering against the sides of the building, and Aziraphale had decided to settle in by one of the windows in Crowley's plant room, curled up in his favorite chair, a comfy blanket covering the lower half of his body, and reading from one of his Oscar Wilde first editions. 
“Angle?” Crowley called out from the entrance of the foyer 
“I’m back here, dear” Aziraphale said, not bothering to look up from his book as he turned he the page 
Once they heard the footsteps of their masters approach the plants began to tremble for fear of what would happen if the demon believed they were allowing themselves to be coddled without his permission. Noticing the plants sudden distress, but unaware of what caused it, Aziraphale closed his book and reached up to gently caress the trembling leaves of the poor things in an attempt to comfort them. The moment Crowley stepped into the room Aziraphale could tell that, despite the fact that he still had on his sunglasses, he was eyeing his plants suspiciously daring any of them to fail his expectations for them. 
“Where have you been out in weather like this?” Aziraphale asked, noticing that the demon was hiding something behind his back “what have you got there, dear?” 
Crowley didn’t respond, rocking back on his heels and smiling smugly before pulling out a very elaborate bouquet full of different types of flowers all variations of yellows, whites, and other cheerful colors. 
“They’re beautiful, Crowley” Azriaphale said, taking the bouquet, smiling softly at the flora 
Holding the flowers up to his face, the angle was about to smell them when he noticed a small box hidden nestled between them. Pulling the box out of the flowers Aziaraphale didn’t even have a chance to open it and see what was inside as he’d noticed that Crowley had gotten down to one knee in front of him. 
“Angle” Crowley said removing his glasses “...will you marry me?” 
“Oh, Crowley” Aziraphale said becoming teary eyed “yes!” 
Aziraphale didn’t bother opening the ring box as the moment the word yes left his mouth, he was on the floor with Crowley, allowing the demon to pull him into a tight embrace as he kissed him. When the two finally pulled away Crowley grabbed the ring box and opened it, pulling out the golden ring and slipped it onto his angles finger. Neither of them bothering to get up, preferring to just enjoy the others company, Crowley cradling his angle in his arms as he sat in his lap and Aziraphale soaking in his soon to be husbands love as he snuggled into the demons embrace.
“You know it’s funny, my dear” Azirahale said, holding up his hand so he could examine his new serpentine ring “I was actually planing on proposing to you myself” he resched into his jacket pocket and pulled out a ring box of his own “I even bought a ring” 
“Oh really now” Crowley chuckled, taking the box from his angle, opening it up to examine the angle wing themed ring “I love it”
Slipping the ring onto his own finger Crowley looked back over at Aziraphale and saw that he’d started to laugh, slowley filling his own chest with joy until it spilled out into his own fit of laughter.
Because he'll wear your favorite color Just so he can match your eyes
After barely any consideration the two decided on having their wedding in Tadfield, so it would be easier for Adam and the Them to attend, and went out to hand deliver the invitations to their nine guests, the very first invitation being delivered to Warlock, who was overjoyed about receiving an invitation because it meant spending a few days with nanny and Brother Francis, Adam (and by extension Dog), the Them, Anathema, Newt, Shadwell, and Madam Tracy, much to Newt and Warlocks surprise as they'd been convinced that the two were already married. With the assistance of Madam Tracy, who insisted on helping them set everything up, they were able to make all of the arrangements in no time at all as the older woman was very efficient at cracking the metaphoric whip in her efforts to make sure that everything was perfect and set up the ceremony in a small local church, at Crowleys insistence, as a bit of last fuck you to the archangels, specifically Gabriel, regardless of the fact that he would be unable to keep his feet planted on the ground. When the priest asked if there were any objections, everyone froze, some glancing up nervously while the others scanned the room suspiciously, no one daring to breathe until they were positive nothing was going to happen. For the vows Aziraphales were long, thoughtful, and he was obviously pouring all of his soul into them and while Crowleys were shorter they were just as thoughtful, swearing that he would protect his angle from whatever heaven or hell would dare to throw at them. 
“With the power invested in me, I now pronounce you husband and husband. You may kiss the groom” 
Once Aziraphale and Crowley pulled away from their kiss they looked out at their friends and spotted the Archangel Michale standing at the back of the pews clapping along with the others, giving them a small smile that said you idiots finally figured it out before disappearing never to be seen again. Maybe. (Why you ask? Because I think it would be hilarious if during their investigation into Aziraphale they became convinced that the two had already confessed their love for each other a long ass time ago and was absolutely mortified to find out they were still pining.) Glancing at each other Crowley tightened the hold he had on his new husband, both of them waiting for something to happen but, just like with the objections, nothing did. Letting out a sigh of relief the newlyweds walked back down the isles and out of the church; miricaling up two bouquets, one full of white roses, the other full of black. Once they reached the Bentley the flowers were tossed out to the small crowd The Them, minus Pepper but with the addition of Warlock, fighting each other over who would catch Crowleys while Newt was almost hit in the face by Aziraphales before he caught it. Stepping into the passenger side of the Bentley Aziraphale just barely managed to notice the blue tartan socks Crowley was wearing, hidden away under his pant legs. 
“I thought you didn’t like tartan, dear” Aziraphale said, looking down at his husbands feet 
“I don’t” Crowley said, closing the door to the Bently 
“Then why are…” 
“I have no idea what you’re talking about, angle” Crowley said starting up the car, the smallest of smiles gracing the corners of his mouth 
Well does he take you dancing just to hold you close?
After the ceremony was over everyone migrated to Anathema’s home for the reception since it was a BBQ potluck type deal with only a few things being ordered in, namely the tier cake, and the DJ was a playlist of classical and Queen music Anathema had created on her phone and connected to some bluetooth speakers she'd bought specifically for the reception. To make sure there was enough room Newt, Anathema, and the Them had moved all of the furniture either as close to the walls as they possibly could or just took them out of the room completely so there would be plenty of room for when the angel and demon had their first dance together. It was to Love of my Life and once that was over Aziraphale excitedly suggested that he teach everyone his favorite dance and since it was his wedding they agreed. Standing in the kitchen Crowley watched as his husband taught everyone, minus Shadwell who refused to dance and Anathema as she was currently standing next to him, how to dance the gavotte.
“You should join him” Anathema said taking a drink from her wine glass “it looks like they're having fun” 
“Fun?” Crowley asked, more harshly than he’d intended “what could possibly be fun about a dance that went out of style ages ago” 
“No one’s gonna judge you; not only is it your special day but the only one who’s actually doing a good job is your husband” 
“Eh” Crowley shrugged causing Anathema to roll her eyes
“Come on ya big baby” Anathema said, dragging the demon out into the living room 
Once he saw that Crowley was going to join the dance Aziraphales face lit up even more than it already was and he immediately linked his arm with his husbands pulling him along, instructing him along with everyone else on what to do.
“Thank you for joining, dearest” Aziraphale said quietly, giving the demon a kiss on the cheek once the dance was finished
Dedicate a song with words meant just for you?
After all of the dancing was done it was time for the cake to be cut and food to be had, everyone managed to find some place in the house to sit so they could dig in. The moment he noticed that Crowley and Aziraphale had settled into their seats Warlock dragged Adam along with him as they snuck over to the speakers the two of them very excited to enact their plan. It had started when Adam happened to notice a Velvet Underground CD mixed in with the Queen ones the last time Crowley had given him a ride in the Bentley and when he brought it up to Warlock he remembered that Nanny had often played their songs for him when he was little. This lead them to coming up with a plan to use one of their songs to play a bit of a prank on Crowley and got to work on researching the band until they found the perfect one. Quietly cackling from their semi hidden position Warlock quickly found the song he was looking for as Adam was on the lookout and it wasn’t until the instruments began playing did both boys looked over at Crowley as the demon choked on his wine, doing his best to hide the panic he felt running through him when he heard Pale Blue Eyes playing through the house. He knew he’d never mentioned liking Velvet Underground to Anathema and he was positive Aziraphale hadn’t mentioned it either. Readjusting his sunglasses Crowley leaned back in his seat so he could glance around the room, noting that no one seemed to notice, or really care, that the song that was playing wasn’t a Queen song. So he casually turned towards the speakers and saw Adam and Warlock standing there, Anathemas phone in hand, both boys making sure to keep dead ass eye contact with the demon when he looked over at him.You little brats. Crowley mouthed to his godsons, attempting to suppress his smile as the ex-antichrist smiled at him as he and Warlock strolled back over to their friends; partially hiding amongst them in case the demon decided to come for them. 
“Well, that was a lovely song” Aziraphale said, taking a bite of the cake that sat on his plate
“It was wasn’t it” Crowley said slouching back in his chair, taking a drink from his wine.
Rent a private picnic By the fire's glow
A few years had passed since they had gotten married the angel and demon now found themselves the proud parents of three beautiful children, their oldest, who Crowley had found abandoned when she was very young who also coincidentally had red hair that was a similar color to Crowley's along with one grey and one blue eye, Rose, their toddler Eden, who had longish curly light strawberry blond hair and yellow eyes, and the baby Raphael who had the same loose curls Crowley had when he and Aziraphale had first met but wasn’t quite as long just yet and blue eyes, the two youngest being literal gifts from God herself. It was the angel and demon’s anniversary and they had decided to rent a cottage by the sea for the weekend to celebrate it. Thankfully, Rose was old enough that she could watch over her siblings by herself as their parents had some time to themselves and enjoy the adult activities that one normally participated in on during an anniversary. Because of how cool the nights were the family often found themselves sitting outside to watch the night sky. Just like they were doing this night Aziraphale looking up at the stars, pointing out the different constellations to baby Raphael as he held him in his lap and Crowley got to work starting a small fire to help keep them warm while Rose followed Eden throughout the garden as she chased after fireflies. It wasn’t until the sun was almost gone did both girls come back to the blanket. “Papa. Daddy!” Eden exclaimed, happily running into Crowleys open arms “yook at how many fireflies we caught, show them Rose” Plopping down next to her papa Rose held up the mason jar she and Eden had filled with fireflies so baby Raphael could get a good look at the jar and what was inside it before unscrewing the lid, freeing the insects back into the night sky, one landing on Raffy’s nose before flying off to join the others. Letting out a content sigh Aziraphale leaned into Crowleys side, the demon wrapping his arm around him as Eden moved so that she was sitting on both of their laps, and Rose leaned back against the serpents side, the back of her head resting on his shoulder.
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