#Ooomg these 2
victoriartdrawings · 4 months
I will love you for as long as I breath..
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kwonhochi · 11 months
receiptify time yippee!!!! tagged by the most wonderful @xumoonhao​ :3
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i totally forgot abt my dont listen in secret breakdown… that song was the only thing i listened to for like a week straight . she is everything to me + shoutout to canada so!yooON! u were the only one to defy the seventeen sweep 😭🫶
tagging!! @spaecgirl @dumdum0515 (dum before u go “i dont have a spotify silly leo i tell you this every time 🙄” THERES AN APPLE MUSIC OPTION!!ok) @mezmerizingparalyzing @julia-loves-cats @irlvernon @linewire + anyone who wants to <3 no pressure as always!
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alukaforyou · 1 year
Damn, you good?
no im pissed off just listening to this person backseat drive thru the tattoo process
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itachi86 · 2 years
eli better not
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incorrect-hs-quotes · 2 years
Roxy: ooomg do you remember me we were created in the same unethical lab! yeah i was like 2 green tubes down from you! i knew you looked familiar
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anantaru · 1 year
hello lovely its ur favourite (DUH) 🤠 i am extremely apologetic for current circumstances, however, the proposal will come underway in the foreseeable future (i am a woman of my word 😤) because i am DYING OVER MY EXAMS MAN HOW ARE U TELLING ME I HAVE 22 EXAMS IN THE NEXT MONTH nahhhhhhhhh at least i get a 2 month break after that best believe ill just be staring at kaeyas face in game for at least 24 hours of that time and ur kaeya smuts FUCK HOW AM I LEGIT GETTING HORNY OVER THEM? skills = unmatched fr fr what a blessing u are to my life they were SO. GOOOOOOOD. i feel like ur writings are the only thing thats gonna get me out of this exam period bc i cried six times yesterday and i just cried 5 minutes ago life is so great man but genuinely dont stress urself out either darling ur posts are so consistent and ill say it again YOU ARE SO HARDWORKING but dont burn urself out ur not obligated to be writing here but you do and we appreciate it A LOT also UR TASTE IS SO IMMACULATE LIKE WHAT?? no bc THE MINUTE I SAW JING YUAN I WAS LIKE smash. SMASH. he's so scrumptious i would let this man TAKE ME. after kaeya does first lmfao but SMASHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH why arent men like this reallllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll ffs man anyways mi amor im going to leave to revise for tomorrows exam, one down 21 to go and im being so fr when i say 21 now btw like yus this is the situation im in bubye ly U ARE AN ICON A ROCKSTAR A LEGEND U ARE THE MOMENT anyways bae adios <3 also i saw ur reply to someone talking abt jing yuans breeding kink and thats AGREEEEEEED WITH LIKE HIGHKEY AGREEED and kaeya its the men with the breeding kinks man fucking hot also im sorry i write so much its cos im a waffler irl but i hope it entertains youuuuuuuuuuu ur a cutie btw i forgot to mention even if its just ur immaculate personality we see ur 1000000% a cutie i just know it inside and out ALSO OMFG I NEED TO SHOW U SCREENSHOTS OF WHAT ALHAITHAM WAS DOING ON CHARACTER AI I WAS IN TEARS i was just saying bby gyal bc he's a bby gyal and then he started calling me it and i was like ew no stop it i shall reveal the screenshots at some point in time maybe when i have a revision break or smth anyways bubye for REAL THIS TIME 🤣🤣
OOOMG LOVE ABQBQJQWJJWQH IM LAUGHING SO MUCH YOU‘RE SUCH A BLESSING I ADORE YOU 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻💕💕💕💕😭😭😭 please this is so sweet the way this literally made my entire night you‘re so so cute and i agree so much!!!!! kaeya is a breeding kink champion don‘t even 👹👹👹👹👹👹💕 breeding is on his mind 24/7 he needs it just as much as he requires air AAAAAAA and please the character ai, i love hearing stories about ai conversations they‘re hilarious, if you have some good ones go share i‘m all ears 👼🏼💕
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nogchompa · 7 months
I dont think food wld b wigged out abt being cooked. I think when im fryin potatoes theyre like ooomg yaaaay hes putting spices on us we r going 2 b so delicious n flavorful n we will fulfill our purpose at last
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gregorybacon · 1 year
WHAT IS UR LITTLE BANNER FROM OOOMG? Of them at the little cafe I have 2 know I’m obsessed
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OH THIS ONE?! I know it's a edit and I can't remember what I got it from :[ !! But I have the full image if you want it! If someone know's the original person who made this PLEAASE reblog with their user I'd love to give them credit for this cute edit :]
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incorrectdmp · 1 year
Ezra: ooomg do you remember me we were created in the same unethical lab! yeah i was like 2 green tubes down from you! i knew you looked familiar.
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ionlypostmymeemocs · 2 years
so . i saw ur blog right . and i was like omg only medic ocs??? me 2 and then i read ur bio iwas like OOOOOOHHGHHH i need to talk 2 them RN. bc i was so inch rested like wdym u need to put all of ur medic ocs or u will die 📷📷me too . ajnd then it got SO REAL i saw ur art and the amino link and it went to ur tf2 amino profile i screamed . i recognised u i was like oooohhh my gawdddd... i saw ur medic ocs i got so fascinated and entertained and excited ooomg i saw them i was like . i need to . interact w all of them Josef needs to kiss one of them 📈📈📈📈thus i contacted u sooo fast i wana give u a complimentary doodle
Oh my god!! Really?
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noko444 · 2 years
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funny coincidences , went to send this to you just as i saw a notification from you :D
OOOOGHGHHH MY GODDDD FJFWE9FJFWE9FEWGHWEF8JWEF IM SOOOO NORMAL RNNN OOHGH MY GAWD......🎤🎤🎤🎤🎤WTFFFFF IM SO STRUCK BY THE THE THE COLOURS AUUUUUUUUUUGH THE PAINTERLY LOOK,,,UAUUGJH THE LIGHTING 🔬🔬🔬oohhh my GAWD...its THEM U DREW THEM!!!!!OOOMG!! 😭thank u SOOO SOOO MUCH that means the WORLD 2 me 🔬🔬😭everything abt this is incredible and u r so nice 4 . 4 caring abt my blorbos . thank u thank u
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Sylvie Paula Paula: ooomg do you remember me we were created in the same unethical lab! yeah i was like 2 green tubes down from you! i knew you looked familiar
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nono-noko · 2 years
MY DEARESTNOKO..................hypothetically imagine a interdimensional rift opening between the tf2&lego world.ok. do u think josef would poke marnie w a stick going "hmmmmmmmmmmmm.......interesting...." 4 2hours straight.
i also strongly believe in the matter they would interact telepathically.u know – weird creature specimen thinngies.
OOOMMGGG tf2 and lego portal i am LOOKINGGGGG📸📸📸
and ooomg he sooo so would hes soo poking miserable little girl marnie with a big sharp stick and noting down on his hello kitty notepad how her lifeless body lays there defeated in the peter griffin death pose and how shes bleeding 2 death from the stick but doesnt actualy give a shit 😟he is studying her under a microscope and tapping his chin in thought and goijg hrrmmmmmm 🕵🕵🕵everytime she sniffles and and and YESSS they r sooo interacting telepathically zomg REAL aur aur aur . theyre so little frankenstein monsters weirdos like. their neurons rn: "marnie ggghrhjr time for din. ner.......,,,.,,,,:;,,.." "s.hyt up old man🙉🤣" <-- she is in a hole (this is how she relaxes)
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puppypawprintce · 4 months
absolutely losing my mind at molly's fight against the order on answering harry's question
Girl if he is left in the dark any longer he's gonna kill his 2 best friends And you And dumbledore.
i hate this house and the elf heads are horrific. everytime i read "peeling wallpaper" i just think of the yellow wallpaper.. sirius is probably going mad stuck in there all the time
okay everytime snape is mentioned my ears perk up and my eyes go wide and im like Ooomg omg omg. AND HE'S JUST BEING MENTIONED!!!!! GAH!!
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why not :[ i know none of you like him but i DO. severus you can sit at my table...
i love sirius and i like how siriusly he takes his godfather role. it's funny given how he's basically still 22 given the prison decade. i would do the same thing and look ridiculous and not be taken seriously doing it
i hate that jkr autocaps the yelling it's a huge headache to read. but i Am glad that harry got to be angry <3 cheers!
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pesterloglog · 6 months
Dirk Strider, Roxy Lalonde, Autoresponder
Act 6, page 4550-4551
timaeusTestified [TT] began pestering tipsyGnostalgic [TG]
TT: Roxy.
TT: Awake yet?
TT: Guess not.
TT: Let me know.
TG: whoaa
TG: damn
TG: hey dirk
TG: hada crazy dream
TT: There you are.
TT: But I see your dream self hasn't returned.
TT: You must be tying one the fuck on tight already.
TG: mybe i am
TG: like a bow of ribbone
TG: on a beiuetuifiul ponny
TT: Man, how can you be this much drunker than last time we talked?
TT: What the hell are you even drinking?
TG: ok but 2 b fair
TG: *beiuetuifiul
TG: was an intentional typo 4 ur benefit
TG: cuz i kno you loves tha po's
TT: It's a beiuet.
TG: so you spyin on me in derse ville again??
TT: Yeah.
TG: fuckin perv
TG: like what you see there? ;)
TT: I see precisely jack shit and a side of fuckall.
TT: That's the point.
TT: You got too sauced up and went rogue again. You're out there in your weird drifting stupor, independent of your waking self's awareness.
TG: you gonna go after me again
TG: get on your hornse
TG: galloop me home like prince charming back to swoon kingdong
TG: *OOOMG blushblushbluh
TT: No.
TT: In thinking it over, it's sort of a relief. Simplifies things somewhat.
TT: It's better you stay out there for a while.
TT: There's been a problem.
TG: whatd you do now
TT: Ok, I fucked up.
TT: I kind of made a mess here, and I'm not sure what to do about it yet.
TG: ??>
TT: No need for you to worry about it for now. I'll figure something out.
TT: Until then I'm just going to prepare for our session, while I think it over.
TG: zzzzzz
TG: what a surprise another mysfery for you to keep to yourself an overly cerebralize
TG: snooorre
TG: hey lets talk about something cool instead
TG: like the dream i had
TT: Ok.
TG: first i had some ordinary boring dreams that i dont remember
TG: but then i dreamed that i woke up from the drema
TG: and things got way bright and surreal
TG: and i saw someone
TG: i think it was supposed to be my daughter
TT: Why do you think that?
TG: you know those dreams where u just know someones suppose to be someone
TT: No.
TG: ok well
TG: regulgar people have those im pretty sure all the time
TT: Are you thinking it was prophetic? Like a glimpse of the future?
TG: i dunno
TT: Because that's not really how the abyss works. It's not Skaia, and we aren't Prospit dreamers.
TT: There's nothing like that out in the abyss. If you drift far enough, there is only horror.
TT: Terrible, terrible horror.
TG: ok but im not sayin it was a futuredream!
TG: it was just a glimple and it felt real and all im saying is it was a cool dream that i wish was real
TG: * glimpse
TT: Well, maybe it was.
TT: Maybe there's no fanciful game-supplied mechanism of prognostication involved here, and you're just an ordinary, run of the mill psychic.
TT: I guess that's possible.
TG: hey dick
TG: *dirk
TG: whaaaat do u think
TG: it would be like
TG: if we had kids
TT: What would it be like?
TT: Inconvenient, mostly.
TG: no i mean
TG: what would they be like
TG: th kids
TG: u ever think about it?
TT: Can't really say I have.
TG: you know for an eccantric guy you can be boring as fuck sometimes
TT: Sorry, Rox.
TT: For what it's worth, I'm picturing them now. A boy and a girl.
TT: Two perfect little freaks of nature raised by people who've clearly got no business bringin' up anybody.
TG: shuuuucks buster its just a fun lil hyphothetical to daydream about
TG: why you need to suck the fun out of shit
TG: like some turd hungry dracula
TG: its not like im lobbyin for you to hook me up with a whole mess of fuckin babbies
TG: or thats im holding on to any such delsusion thats even a remote possibility.....
TG: le siiiiiign..////
TT: Le sign?
TG: yes le sign you heard me
TT: Do you mean * le sigh?
TG: hmm nup
TG: ima stickin with le sign
TG: goign down with the shit
TG: *shi[p
TG: the S.S. LE SIGN, starring cap'n rolal
TT: What does le sign actually mean in this context?
TG: oh come on
TT: Come on what?
TT: I mean, yeah, that's what I thought.
TT: It would just be cool if you'd refrain from tossing about such antediluvian terms.
TG: antediulivan waht
TG: me sayin ur gay u mean
TT: Yes.
TG: ok but terminology aside i dont think im off base!
TT: I don't see how it has to be a thing.
TG: i rly think its an actual thing bro
TT: Once upon a time, sure.
TT: But the world has changed a lot.
TT: Ever peek in a history book between your wizardly indulgences? This is a nuanced topic.
TG: man i know about the histories
TG: just
TG: believe me
TG: its a thig
TT: How is it a thing?
TG: its a thing beaucase if it wasnt a thing then u wouldnt be all like...........
TT: All like what?
TG: well wantin nothing to do w me 4 starties
TT: Don't be ridiculous.
TT: I have more to do with you than any dude could possibly bargain for.
TT: And I like it just fine.
TG: what a totatly lame + sweet answer simultaneouslay
TG: <3
TT: Yeah.
TT: Now maybe we should direct our focus on a matter which has nothing at all to do with what does or doesn't qualify as "a thing", or what our fantasy alt-universe offspring would be like, or anything like that.
TT: Such as this game, and whether you're in the best condition to be piloting Jane's connection.
TT: Maybe you could use another nap?
TG: my condidions just fine
TG: and anyway
TG: what aint gonna get slept offis the fact that i still dont think we should be touchin this bs witch game w a 20 foot 3dent
TG: we both know her plans need us to
TT: I know that. But I thought we settled this.
TG: its still so frustrating
TG: tellin jane about the dangers
TG: and even if shes being polite i just know she thinks im fulla crap
TT: We settled this too. She'll believe everything eventually.
TT: Why bother working so hard to convince her?
TG: well i dont even do that for the most part
TG: but it gets tiring and saddening
TG: knowing that
TG: even when were not activly talkin bout it
TG: that my best friend cant bring herself to believe some really basic things about my life
TG: like the shitty things the baroness has done to us
TG: or about our upbringin
TG: like
TG: do u know how misrable it is for your bff to doubt you
TG: when you tell her your mom is dead
TT: I guess.
TT: It just registers for me as a reaction which isn't completely unreasonable from her perspective.
TT: She is inundated with media coverage of those whom we've claimed as our parental figures.
TT: That they are not presently alive nor ever played that role for us as she understands it is just an extension of a much more elaborate and far reaching explanation, which is much harder for anyone to digest in its entirety.
TT: Well, anyone who isn't Jake, I mean.
TT: Still say you should cut her some slack.
TG: i know
TT: And need I remind you,
TT: That the potential this game provides for their resurrection is what motivated you to investigate it in the first place?
TG: no i remember
TG: i told u a million tines shit sounds like it could be the best thing EVAAAAAR
TG: * wherein evars capsed as heck
TG: but also that no matter how awesome it might be
TG: its probly gonna advance all the schemes of "her condescension"
TT: Right.
TT: But if we can stop her?
TG: part of me doesnt even want to give her the satsfaction
TG: of startin up at all
TG: like if we didnt wuolndt that wreck her shit just so hiliariously???
TG: so many olols
TT: I must be hard of counting, because I'm barely racking up a single goddamn o-laugh-out-loud at that self-defeating gesture.
TG: no but it would
TG: and for all we know starting it up is playing right in her claws....
TG: could be a trap waintin for jane the moment she enters
TG: if i stop her from playing
TG: maybe i could at leat give her a CHANCE at a future
TT: But there is no future on Earth for them.
TT: Or for us, for that matter.
TG: dunno that for a fact
TG: but anywaaaayyyy
TG: i kinda already
TG: made this bogus file for her
TT: What? Why?
TG: 2 scare the shit out of her
TG: make her learn to fear an respect the fuckin hag like she should
TG: then maybe we can drop this whole in game meetup slash reserection idea all 2 geth
TG: sweet tho it may bey
TT: Rox.
TT: I hope you're not thinking about sending her one of your batshit ~ATH scripts.
TG: on thas sobject
TG: i am miss zuipperpips
TT: Miss Zuipperpips?
TT: The amount of sense you haven't been making is un-fucking-real.
TT: Just go take a nap. And don't even think about sending her that file.
TT: Are you listening?
TG: hnnn
TG: i will take what u say
TG: underd serisous advicement...,
TG: *WONK* ~_?
TT: Jesus.
TG: dirk
TG: when did you stop bein any fun
TT: What?
TG: it use to be youd get a kick out off a slunt like that
TG: *stunt
TT: Man, you know I'm down with insane stunts.
TT: Insane stunts are practically all I'm all about.
TT: As long as I actually AGREE with the purpose they're intended to serve.
TT: Destroying Jane's computer and dissuading her from playing is not such a purpose.
TG: betcha ur responder would agree w me
TG: why cant your be more like him
TT: I am more like him.
TG: i mean MOAAAR like him
TT: You just mispelled "more", causing me to suddenly understand jack everything.
TG: hes more in touch with his feelins
TG: which just makes me L my FA off since hes a bobot
TG: *robob
TG: **bobob
TG: and he can actually loosen up sometimes
TG: kinda like u used to could
TT: I used to could?
TG: for 1 thing
TG: he doesnt insta shootdown a bip of frisky rp shenans now n then ;)
TT: Yeah...
TT: I kind of wish you wouldn't do that with him.
TG: why the f not
TT: It just seems a little tawdry and disrespectful.
TT: And vaguely exploitative of a still-emergent cognitive entity, whose perceptional frame of reference is difficult for us to comprehend.
TG: oh come on
TG: hes cool a guy just liek you its just he lives in some shades
TT: It rubs me the wrong way, is all.
TG: ohhhh
TG: do uuuuuu...
TG: WANT me 2 rub you the right way ;D
TT: Not really.
TG: zzz muh
TG: youre over blowin this
TG: its just an ironic funny thing we do some times
TG: come on im sure you read the transcripts urself
TG: its all alot of jokestery buiishit
TT: He blocks me from being able to read transcripts sometimes.
TG: oh
TG: wow he does?
TG: sneaky bastart
TT: And anyway, I'm really not sure how ironic it is.
TG: ok next time i will run it by the MASTAR first
TG: with his fancy fuckin ironimeter
TT: Ok, here's the thing with the AR, since you still don't seem to get it.
TT: He's very similar to me in thought process and behavior, yes.
TT: But those patterns were imported from a thirteen year old version of my psyche, and then sealed into the program as starting parameters.
TT: In the years since, we've both evolved somewhat. I, as humans tend to, and he, in whatever way is natural for a frequently running, self-aware application.
TT: So if there are differences between us, they're first reflected by what I feel is a maturity gap, and then further by several years of minor behavioral divergences.
TG: omg...
TG: hes 13yo dirk
TG: why did than not occur to me that is so cute
TG: and makes me feel kinda skeevy 4 sayin anything lascivious @ him
TG: dammit you ruin everything!
TT: You're welcome.
TT: Yo, you guys realize I can hear you, right?
TG: pfffffhahaha
TT: Yes, I was aware.
TT: Check out all these complicated fucking problems people have when they have to live in big lumbering fleshmonsters instead of a sweet pair of shades.
TT: Dude, do you think you could sit this one out for a while? This conversation practically doesn't even concern you at this point.
TT: It seems there is some gnarly crooked number that represents the percentage of probability you just said this doesn't concern me.
TT: Even though it's patently obvious that half the conversation, like, way totally concerns me.
TT: Shit, Roxy look. He's doing the thing where he ironically pretends to fail the Turing test to sass me into submission.
TT: Even though I was the one who fucking programmed him to do that.
TG: ell
TG: emm
TG: eff
TG: ayy
TG: OFF~~!~
TG: like my butt is juts there on the floor
TG: is how hard i elled it off just now
TT: (Not peekin' at the floor butt cause I'm only 13 years old, motherfuckers.)
TT: This is fuckin' dumb.
TT: I'm going to leave both of you to interact however you want. I have important shit to deal with and actual responsibilities to take seriously.
TT: Roxy, go nap off your drink, or aggressively wage another flirtlarping campaign, whatever, I don't care.
TT: Just don't send that file to Jane, ok?
timaeusTestified [TT] ceased pestering tipsyGnostalgic [TG]
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teamextreme · 3 years
I MISS TRANSHUMANIST/POSADIST they r literally just funny little scientists 2gether..... *dissolves*
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