#Or eat a unpeeled orange like an apple
clownsuu · 1 year
Yooo, you got a design for Helob from clut of the lamb? Your designs are always bussin 🔥🔥
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Spoodler fhchHFHFHF-
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gremlingottoosilly · 7 months
imagining a scenario where Mrs. König packs her husband’s lunch so he can take it to work (or like, he can take it with him on the day he’s deployed, if that makes sense)
and like, she spoils him for lunch. literally
cuts the crusts off his sandwiches
peels his orange
little fancy shapes for his fruit??? you bet
those gummy snacks and cookies??? absolutely
and can’t forget, a lovely note (maybe even a very explicit photo >wink wink<)
and keep it up, now König expects his lunch made by Mrs. König!!!!
which is her evil plan all along because i bet one day when she’s incredibly angry when she makes his lunch…
and he opens to find:
sandwich crusts ON.
n o c o o k i e
orange is orange. unpeeled
no notes of love
fruit is fruit shaped. not dino shaped :(
now König can spend three months of deployment thinking about his actions.
I recently got addicted to those lunch box videos on TikTok, anon, I AM INVESTED!! Just being Konig's housewife, having the prettiest apron with some cute frills all around, with laces and little ribbons everywhere - it's not really practical, but you have a huge collection of those and you can afford to make them a bit messy, and dirty. You don't have a lot of things to do at home, watching TV and sitting on your laptop gets boring after the first few weeks, especially when Konig has desk duty and leaves the house for the whole day instead of spending time with you or getting on facetime while on his mission. You're cooking for him, take out so so many lunchbox ideas!! Spend too much money on various lunchboxes, on different designs, and all of those cute things you can use to cut bread and fruits, to make some elaborate shapes and slowly engage your husband to eat cute stuff instead of just sliding his card to get some slop on the base( Everyone is so so so jealous of him, he is getting rice balls with nice seasonings and little seaweed cutouts that make it look like pandas, he is having all of those cute shapes for his apples and carrots!! That giant three-story boxed with ice and metal sections...and then it all suddenly stops.
He is not just getting a dry and cold sandwich - they are literally just covered in their shop packaging, you don't even bother to cook for him anymore. sometimes you miss the days entirely, leaving him to return to the base kitchen and find out that he is unable to eat here anymore because he just knows he messed up and you're mad at him( this is the only way you can get to him - Konig isn't a cruel husband, even though he keeps you locked in the house, but he is a pretty dense one, ignoring your wishes and often making you beg for even the slightest of privileges, like getting out of the house to do your garden, or go to some nice cafes and actually see people. He will apologize profusely, knowing how much he hurt you( his heart still in the wrong place, he don't understand why would you want to join some dumb book club when you can spend time at home, but he is forced to allow you to go out, just so he could see his pretty housewife smiling again, caring for him like a proper girl should
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14dayswithyou · 3 months
Hi Sai, sorry for no age in bio last time, I thought I had it on this blog!
Have you seen the fruit peeling as an act of love twitter debate sometime back? With an actual list https://twitter.com/arminvincible/status/1747792393837957620?t=-qWF5GR8RfYDOZDBCLdl1g&s=19 ?
How would 14dwy peel oranges for their partners?
✦゜ANSWERED: Thank you for including your age!! I appreciate it sm!! ;v; I've also seen the trend on TikTok a while ago, so I'll base my answers on that (instead of including visuals like da twitter link you gave)
Ren: Casually drops Sacred Ren Lore™️ by recounting how he used to peel oranges for his sister — all while doing the same for you. He’ll even take off the stringy bits if you don’t like them.
[REDACTED]: Casually peels your orange while they wait for their two-minute noodles to cook. [REDACTED] will also hand-feed them to you if you’re close enough. And if you didn't know how to peel an orange, he'd happily teach you how with zero judgment from his end.
Moth: They’d peel it for you in spirit! Obviously, there’s not much Moth can do from behind a screen... ^^; Their online equivalent would be pre-purchasing any movies/anime you were interested in so you can both watch it together.
Violet: Violet already has some oranges peeled because she wanted to share an afternoon snack with you! Probably has some calamansi on hand for her own meal as well.
Elanor: They would happily peel it and pull out the wedges individually to make things easier for you! Elanor also has tangerines and nectarines too if you prefer; just let her know.
Conan: Has experience from pre-peeling all of Alice’s oranges (and other fruits) for school. Like [REDACTED}, he'll also gently teach you how to peel an orange yourself if you don't already know how.
Jae: More proficient with cutting mangoes and watermelons, but he’ll try his best to peel an orange for you! It might be a bit squished with how enusiastic he gets, however.
Leon: Considering how he’d willingly peel prawns and crabs for you, he’d do the same for an orange as well! Will peel half of it as an example before handing the rest to you so that you can try it for yourself.
Teo: Surprisingly, Teo will peel an orange just to prove that he knows how (did he really need to do it with a knife though?), but would eat the entire thing afterwards. You should’ve peeled it yourself if you wanted to eat it too.
Olivia: She asks you to peel it for her because she doesn't know how... So now you’re both at a standstill with an unpeeled orange sitting on the table.
Kiara: ...She doesn’t actually know how to peel them either (it was always Elanor who did it for her when they were younger), but Kiara will happily (and skillfully) cut up some apples, pears, etc. for you if you prefer!
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dramaticpeony · 2 years
David Shaw and his relationship with food.
David and Gabe used to eat recipes from the cookbook that Gabe mate wrote. He learned from a young age that food is something you share, something that comes from someone who loves you and you love back. His first responsibility to his pack was to cook for them during the solstice, his way of showing them all that he'd be dedicated to caring for them when he grew up.
Angel's crappy meals are the first thing he notices. The food Angel makes for themselves lacks care and thoughtfulness and he can't have that, so he starts meal preping for them. Because everyone he loves has to have good, filling food on the table.
When they move in together and are struggling to learn (to communicate, to listen,to love each other well) and inevitably argue, food is used to call for a truce. David brings Angel their favorite food and they eat together on the sofa and eat in silence until one of them makes a joke. Angel slips snacks and candy in David work bag.
Angel who, to David m,means; "You can put your strength down, I am sitting with you at your kitchen table. You don't have to say anything"
The first recipe he teaches Angel is also from the family cookbook. David likes knowing that his partner had good food regardless of whether he is around or not, but he also enjoys knowing that when Angel's leaves, they will face time and eat the same thing. Linked together by the same flavors.
When their orange tree grows, they both sit under it and share the fruit.
David who used to peel Tanks/Darlings apples.Young David who wished that Darling always hates unpeeled apples so thay he can peel it for them (one of the only things Darlin alllows him to do for them).David who invited Darling and Sam to his place when he learned of Quinns return.
David "I love you, I want us both to eat well Shaw"
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taichissu · 2 months
fave niche hc abt juza?
idk how niche those are, and i also probably have told you those before, but here you go a list
he's deathly afraid of needles (WILL try to run away from the doctor's chair when getting his blood drawn - WILL try his best to calm down so he can get the lollipop afterward)
(he has a SINGLE earring hole, he got it to match with kumon when kumon got his ears pierced but chickened out after the first ear - he doesn't admit he has it and he never wears any earrings so only kumon and muku - and later azami, from looking at him so closely when doing his make-up - know about it)
he's super bad at skin care and hair care bc baths make him drowsy, and if nobody looks after him, he'll just fall asleep there and drown
he does his hair in an all-back only bc he never learned how to style it differently, and he doesn't want it in his face
he regularly helps kazu with the posters/flyers/signs, especially if they have a traditional/folk japanese style
he has the opposite of an autism mouth (you could give him a flat orange soda and tell him it's freshly squeezed apple juice, and he'll probably believe you)
he swallows seeds and pits when eating any fruit (also eats his kiwi unpeeled)
he gets chronic migraines and sleeps badly bc of his teeth-grinding (but i think this one is confirmed canon so idk if it counts as hc haha)
it took him a long time to get used to the skin on his hands becoming smooth after joining mankai - he was too used to always having callouses and cuts all over his hands that when they all faded he felt wrong and uncomfortable; but nowadays, he couldn't imagine his hands going back to what they were like back then
this headcanon completely goes against the canon but here i'll say it; he wears glasses - his eyesight isn't terrible but it's not perfect; when outside, he doesn't need his glasses but bc of that he's always squinting which looks a little like he's glaring - he wears them when in the room, but keeps it a little bit of a secret from everyone else in the dorms bc he thinks he looks goofy in them (banri tells him he does too lmao)
he has a surprisingly small waist - in canon it's stated that banri and juza have very similar postures and bodies, but i think the one difference between them are their three sizes (bust/waist/hip) - i think juza has a narrower waist than banri while maintaining a similar bust/shoulders measurements as him, thus making him appear stronger through a more defined triangle shape than banri
he doesn't like chewing gum bc he keeps wanting to swallow it (he has countless times in the past, and he had to stop after he got sick one time)
after his gap moe personality leaks into the media, he quickly becomes akigumi's fan favorite (nobody tell banri)
he's everything to me
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braveclementine · 12 days
Chapter 5
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Warnings: None.
Copyright: I do not own any Marvel characters or locations. However, I do own my OCs: Elizabeth Silvertongue and Clementine Greenleaf. I also own Clementines' brother Donavan. The following OCs are owned by other Wattpad writers as this is a collaboration project. Their OCs are on the face claim page. I do not condone any copying of this.
I stared at myself uncertainly in the mirror. After telling Clementine my uncertainties on what to wear this morning, she'd taken me shopping and we'd put together an outfit. But now that it was all put together, I wondered if it was too revealing. 
My blouse was white with a black ribbon tied in the front. I had tucked it into the black miniskirt I was wearing, that landed midthigh and was very tight. I was wearing long black stockings that ended just under my skirt. I was also wearing black heels, which made my legs look longer than normal, considering I was five foot three. 
I had put my hair up into a bun again, a few stray whisps tickling my face. My makeup I had kept simple, covering the dark circles under my eyes, applying lipstick and blush dark to contrast the paleness of the shirt. 
I decided to stop overthinking it, quickly grabbing my messenger bag. I carefully filled it with my laptop, extra pens and pencils, along with my phone, a pair of earbuds, and a notebook that I always took with me anywhere I went. 
I checked myself one more time in the mirror. The messenger bag didn't really go with the secretary outfit I was wearing, but it was the best way to make sure I didn't lose anything. Maybe later when I actually had money, I would find a bag to match it. 
I stepped out of the bedroom, hurrying over to the kitchen. My stomach growled, wishing that I had the ability to make fresh oatmeal, which of course, was impossible without a stove. I supposed I could've used the microwave, but since it threw off radiation when used, neither Clementine nor I used it. 
"You look like a stripper." Clementine said without even looking up from her book as she laid on the sofa. 
"Good morning to you too bitch." I said, rolling my eyes, grabbing a banana, orange, and apple. I put the orange and apple in my bag, going over to the fridge and grabbing a glass milk jug and a water bottle. I slipped the water bottle into my bag as well. 
"Have fun, don't fuck your Professor you little slut." Clementine called sweetly over her shoulder. 
"You're just jealous." I shouted back, "Love ya." Then I closed the dorm door behind me, heading through the small hallway. This time, it was someone else running into me as I turned the corner. 
"Shit I'm sorry." A male voice called out and I looked up as I reached out to grab my milk jug. "Are you alright?" 
"Yeah, I'm good." I said, quickly bouncing up off the floor. I smiled awkwardly at the guy. "Uh, sorry." 
"Yeah, no, my fault." He said. He was okay looking. Sandy brown hair and blue eyes. His face was a little rounder, but he was charming enough. "Uh, I'm John. John Garrett. Well, the third John Garrett." 
"Elizabeth." I said softly and then said, "I'm going to be late so I'll see you around." 
"Yeah, see ya." 
I took the elevator down and then hurried along the sidewalk until I got to the history wing of the College. I knocked on Professor Rogers' door and waited, still aware that I hadn't even eaten my banana and milk. I quickly unpeeled the banana and was just taking a bite when Professor Rogers opened the door. 
He stared down at me for a second, the fruit in my mouth, his eyes seeming to scan my entire body. I quickly bit off the piece, nearly swallowing it whole. "Sorry, I didn't eat breakfast." 
"N-No it's  fine Miss Silvertongue." Professor Rogers said. "Your outfit on-" 
"Oh, is it alright?" I asked hurriedly, hating that I'd interrupted him. "Professor Barnes advised me on what to wear." 
His confused look turned into a smile and he playfully rolled his eyes. "I see. Buck really helped you out?" 
"Well, he said that if I wanted to impress you I should dress professionally, like a secretary. I didn't really have anything, so Clem and I went shopping." I said, blushing a little. "I don't know if Professor Barnes would be impressed with the fact I told you he advised me though." 
"Well then, we won't tell him." Professor Rogers said and I nearly dropped my jaw when he winked at me. "Come in, finish your breakfast and then you can get started immediately." 
"Of course." I said, stepping into the office, noting that he closed the door behind him. "Um, Professor?" 
"Yes Miss Silvertongue?" He asked, standing at a longer desk in the back of his office, grabbing a stack of papers. 
"Do you mind if um. . . we leave the door open?" I asked, cheeks flushing red again. 
I wondered if he would take offense to my question, but he did not. Instead, he looked almost pleased with my answer and nodded, "Of course, my apologies." 
I smiled a little, opening the door and then walked over to where I was going to be working. 
"So," He said, putting the stack down on the desk, before fishing a separate piece of paper off his desk, handing it to me. It was a key to the pop quiz he'd given his Medival history class. "I'm sure you understand why you can't grade the American history sections?" 
"Because that's the class Clementine is taking?" I answered quickly, "And you think I could potentially give her answers and or correct her tests because she is my friend." 
"You catch on quick." Professor Rogers complimented and I felt his praise burrow into the depths of my heart. I could feel my cheeks blushing. 
I was soon sitting down, grading the papers. It was very easy since he had made everything multiple choice, but I could see how it might be overwhelming with the amount of tests that were here. Especially since this clearly wasn't his only class. 
Meanwhile, he sat at his desk, grading the American history class. I couldn't help but glance up every once in a while, seeing how delicious he looked. His sleeves were rolled up to his elbows, showing off both his exposed forearms, and also just how big his biceps were under the tight shirt. 
His brow was furrowed in concentration, blue eyes staring ceaselessly at the paper. His hand made neat, quick marks as he graded the questions. 
It was actually good work. My OCD helped me enjoy it since it was a repetitive action. I lost track of time and even though Professor Rogers had originally said it would only be from eight to eleven, I ended up staying till two, never breaking focus. 
I was so lost in the work I was doing, that I didn't even hear him call my name or leave the room. It wasn't until I smelt something delicious and felt something next to my elbow, did I jump, and look up at him. 
"Here, I got you lunch." Professor Rogers grinned and I looked down to see a delicious bowl of fried rice with orange chicken on it. One of my favorite meals. "Wasn't sure what you liked, so I just got the most popular item." 
"No, this is amazing, thank you." I answered quickly, scooping some of the fried rice into my mouth, followed by a piece of chicken. I nearly moaned from how good it was. Clementine was going to kill me. 
I giggled at the thought and Professor Rogers looked at me curiously. "What?" 
"Nothing." I smiled, before finishing the bowl. 
"Here." Professor Rogers said, fishing out $90, handing it to me. 
"Oh!" I said in surprise, before handing him the $10 back. "That's for you buying me lunch." 
Professor Rogers shook his head, trying to press the $10 back into my hand. "The lunch has already been accounted for." 
"Are you sure?" I scrutinized. 
"Cute." Another voice said, making me jump back from Professor Rogers, only then realizing how close we'd been. I turned to see Professor Wilson standing there, a huge grin on his face. He winked at me before turning to Professor Rogers. "Stark wants to speak with the faculty." 
"Of course." Professor Rogers rolled his eyes. "I'll see you tomorrow Miss Silvertongue." 
"See you tomorrow Professor." I said, quickly scooping up my things. "Professor Wilson." I smiled and then headed out the door. I smiled as I slipped the money into my pocket. 
I got back into the apartment to see that Clementine had made us salads. I smiled, seeing her as she chopped up bits of salami and pepperoni and cheese, tossing them onto the beds of iceberg lettuce. 
"Organic?" I asked as I put my apple and orange back into the fridge since I didn't need to eat them anymore. 
"Nope, I got the box with the most sprayed pesticides on it that I could." Clementine jabbed, carrying the bowls over to the small eating area, rolling her eyes. "Of course its' organic." 
I chuckled, tossing the $90 onto the table. "We're getting closer." 
Clementine's teasing expression was immediately replaced with fondness, scooping the $90 off the table and murmured, "I'll go put it with the rest." She headed out of the room. 
We were combing our money so that we could move out after college. She didn't want to go home, and I didn't want her to be by herself. Besides, I wasn't looking forwards to going home either. 
I grew up in a normal family. Loving though fairly strict parents. Two annoying but loving brothers that lived with me, three other brothers that lived across the country and rarely saw. And of course, the seven rabbits. 
Clementine had also grown up with great parents. But her brother was a monster, disguised as an angel. Everyone loved him. Amazing grades, great athlete, polite, kind, charitable. He was even good looking at 6 foot six, dazzling green eyes, and thick chocolate brown hair. He had every girl at school lusting after him, but he said he wouldn't have sex with someone he wasn't serious about- which just made them all swoon again. 
Little did anyone know that he had his eyes on a different target- Clementine. 
Since he was older by five years, he had been able to groom her from a slightly younger age. He had never been able to successfully take her, but there had been near misses, ones that she didn't even understand. Until one day, she told me about it, saying she thought she  might be scared of her brother and told me. 
I was able to explain it to her a little bit, and then talked to my own parents about it, though not mentioning who it was. My parents had been concerned and told me what to advise my friend: Go to the police. 
So Clementine did. But it didn't work out. There was no proof and her parents were horrified that she had called the police on her own brother. They were afraid that it would ruin his chances at getting into college. 
So nothing happened. 
It wasn't that Clementines' parents were bad parents and they did love her immensely. After that, they did their best to keep their son and daughter separate. But my parents think that was just to keep Clementine from saying anything else. My parents would host sleepovers all the time so that Clementine could stay with us whenever she wanted. I knew they wanted to do more and I knew Clementines' own parents were curious, looking at their son a little differently. But without proof, nothing more could be done. 
He'd tried to get me under his wing, though I would never accept him. But that was why Clem and I needed to move out. We weren't going back. 
I watched as Clementine exited the dorm room, her eyes looking determined now. She sat down and we ate our salads, talking about the mundane things in life, enjoying the rest of the day together. 
The building that Professor Rogers wanted me to work at on Sundays turned out to be his house. It was a gorgeous two story house that was on the outskirts of the city. It looked like it had been made solely from wood, with a gorgeous design in the front. 
I was wearing a very similar outfit from yesterday and focused on not tripping over the stepping stones in my heels, before knocking on the door. 
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Professor Rogers opened the door, smiling. "Glad to see you Miss Silvertongue. Please, come in." 
I stepped inside, looking around curiously. The inside was not exactly what I had expected from the house. The living room was extremely large, with an array of miscellaneous items placed around the room. 
There was a wooden staircase that led up to the second floor, with a TV pressed against the base of the stairs. The furniture in front of it was a lovely blue and black pattern, which matched the rest of the furniture. 
There were different sets of furniture settled around, along with lots of art portraits. The back wall was made almost completely of glass windows to see out into the surprisingly luscious backyard. I was surprised there were that many trees in New York. 
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"We don't spend a lot of time in here." Professor Rogers said, walking up the stairs and I followed. "It's more for entertaining the other Professors if they're over." 
Well, it would make sense if he was married, actually. He looked like the type of man who would have a lovely house, wife, and children. I wondered what she looked like. I was imagining blond, green eyes, and bronze toned skin. 
"Anyways, I have my own office," Professor Rogers said as we walked past a set of double doors that were closed. He pointed to the door further down the hall. "And I have a side office that you can work in." 
A door to our left opened at that moment and I felt like the breath was knocked out of me as I saw Professor Barnes standing there. He was practically buck naked in only his boxers. I couldn't help it as my eyes scanned up his toned chest, his bulging muscles, and then his arm. 
His arm was a prosthetic made of metal in the colour of black with a gold lining lacing through it. I met his eyes, full of questions that I bit back when I saw how dark his blue eyes were. I could've sworn my undergarments were completely ruined now. 
"Morning Buck." Professor Rogers said with a smile. 
"Mornin'." Professor Barnes grumbled, shuffling past me, heading back the way Professor Rogers and I had come. 
"He's not much of a morning person." Professor Rogers chuckled. 
And then it hit me. 
"You two are together?" I asked curiously, while my heart sunk a little. Not that I would've had a chance even if he was straight anyways but still. 
"Uh, yeah." Professor Rogers said, blushing darkly. He glanced at me a little defensively. "We've loved each other for a long time." 
"That's nice." I said with a soft smile. I hesitated and then asked, "Was he. . . I mean his arm. . ." 
"Oh yeah." He opened the door to his office. "He lost it during an army tour. Fell off a cliff. It had to be amputated." 
"It looks beautiful." I commented under my voice. A little louder I said, "I'm sorry he had to go through that." 
Professor Rogers flashed me a smile. 
I looked around the office. It was a beautiful room, fashioned out of wood. A long bookcase covered one side of the wall before the stairs, filled with books lined up. Glancing at them, they seemed to be organized in a specific way, though I couldn't quite tell the pattern. 
The desk was oval shaped with two chairs in front of it, a nice leather chair behind it, the window opening up to show more of the backyard. A bird feeder hung outside the window, which a bluebird was eating from. 
There was a sitting area on the other side of the room, four chairs around a coffee table. A small circular disc sat in the middle of the table, which Professor Rogers scooped up, putting in his pocket as he walked past it. 
"Anyways, your office is up here." He said, starting up the stairs. 
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I was slightly overwhelmed by the size of the house. It was a very nice, comfortable place. Exactly how much money did he have? And if he could afford this, why in the world was he working as a teacher? 
"You must enjoy being a teacher." I said, as I followed him up the stairs. 
"I love it." Professor Rogers said. "Especially history. I think it's one of the most important subjects for students to learn. That way, it's not repeated, although more often than not, it ends up getting repeated anyways. People don't recognize the signs. But I suppose every teacher says that about their subject." 
"Why does Professor Barnes teach?" I asked, pushing my luck. "He seems miserable teaching." 
"Does he?" Professor Rogers asked, seeming surprised as he looked over his shoulder, before opening the door at the top of the landing. We were on the third floor now- which I hadn't even been able to see from the outside. Why did the house look so small from the front? 
"Maybe not miserable. . ." I said hesitantly as I followed him into the room, "More. . ." 
I drifted off, looking at the office that I was to be working in. The door that Professor Rogers had just opened closed, blending in with the rest of the wall, a painting hanging on it. There were large glass windows across from the beautiful desk I would be working at. I could see the backyard even better from here, noticing that there was a pool there. A comfortable looking divan sat in front of the window. 
A crystal chandelier hung from the ceiling, matching the candelabra brackets hanging on the wall. A small table sat in the corner with a jade tea set sitting on it. The bookshelf's were a little more empty up here, mostly holding binders labelled with his different classes and a few Knick knacks. 
The desk was clear except for a newspaper that was sitting on there. It was the newspaper that Tony Stark owned and I grinned. "Feeling obligated to buy your co-workers newspaper?" 
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Professor Rogers grinned back at me, picking the newspaper up. "What can I say? I'm a people pleaser." 
I couldn't help but blush for some reason. 
"Here's the binders which contain the different homework assignments." He continued, gesturing to the binders I had seen before on the bookshelf. "I thought that would be a little easier for you. I don't expect you to get everything done of course, just as much as you can before eleven." 
"I'll get started right away." I said with a smile, moving forwards and picking up the one for the study of the Middle East. He moved through the hidden wall-door, closing it softly behind him, leaving me alone in the grand room. 
I noticed that it had double doors that opened up into another hallway. This place was seriously a maze. 
I settled down behind the desk, feeling a little surreal. There was no way this was actually real. 
Smiling to myself, I started to work. 
I stood up, stretching as I set the fourth binder aside. I still had some time before I started on the fifth and sixth binders, but I needed to use the bathroom desperately. 
Professor Rogers hadn't shown me where the bathroom was, but I was sure there was probably one down the hall. I exited the double doors easily, moving down the hallway and then paused. All of the doors looked the same, so I was probably going to have to open all of them first. 
I decided to knock on each one just in case and then when there was no answer, I would open it up and look. Most of the rooms on the third floor looked to be empty guest rooms. On the last one however, I squeaked, Professor Barnes standing on the other side of the door. 
He looked down at me, an eyebrow cocked at me. 
"S-sorry. I was looking for the bathroom." I stuttered out. He still hadn't put a shirt on, though he was wearing jeans now. I adverted my eyes away from his body. "Um, where is the bathroom?" 
He stepped out of the room and I felt my back touch the wall as he turned to me. I swallowed thickly, looking up into his eyes now. The blue of his eyes was fascinating to look at it, it was so beautiful. 
"Buck?" Professor Rogers voice floated down the hallway and I looked over to see his face turn from confusion to surprise. 
"She's looking for the bathroom Steve." Professor Barnes said in a gravely voice, not moving an inch until he looked over at Professor Rogers. 
The blond professor rolled his eyes and punched the brunettes metal arm. "Then move jerk. Miss Silvertongue, the bathroom is through that door." He pointed to the door Professor Barnes had just come out of it. 
"Thanks." I squeaked, my face turning redder than it had been before. I turned and went into the room, closing the door behind me. I closed my eyes, wanting to scream and squeal at the same time. 
Instead, I went to the bathroom in a hurry, not even realizing my hands were shaking until I had to push extra hard to flush the toilet. I sat back down on the covered seat, putting my face in my hands. I could practically feel the heat of my burning face against the sensitive skin of my palms.
"Breathe." I verbally coached myself, standing up in a determined sort of way. I washed my hands, refraining from splashing cool water against my face to preserve the makeup, and left the bathroom. 
Professor Barnes was still standing in the hallway, observing me as I closed the door behind me. "I'm just here to make sure you don't get lost again." 
My face went bright red and I said nothing, simply turning and stalking down the hallway, a little angrily. He had something against me, I could just feel it. 
Professor Barnes trailed after me and as I reached the study door, I turned back to him, "Well I'm not lost. Thanks." 
His lips curved, a smirk dancing there. It was probably the closest that I would ever get to seeing him smile. I huffed, "And put a shirt on." 
Suddenly, he was to close again, my back pressed up against the wall once more. "Did you just give me an order?" He asked in a dark voice. I was both terrified and completely turned on. My heart started pounding in my chest. 
"Yes." I said, though I sounded meeker than I had meant. "It's inappropriate of you to walk around half naked while there's a student around." 
Professor Barnes leaned in closer and dropped his voice. "You're in my house, doll. You'll just have to get used to it." And then he pulled away, walking off down the hall.  
I couldn't breathe, watching him as he walked away. I hadn't even noticed how tight his jeans were around his ass and thighs. . . damn he had thick thighs. . . 
Not the time!
I forced myself back into the office, finishing off the two binders, before deciding to leave through the study door. Professor Rogers was in there and he looked up as I came down the stairs. 
"Ah, you're done Miss Silvertongue?" 
I was still very pent up and I was hard pressed to keep my cool. My smile was a little more strained and I replied, "Yes Professor Rogers. I graded everything except seven homework assignments where I could not read their handwriting at all. I marked them with the red paperclips in the drawer just like you had told me to do." 
"Thank you Miss Silvertongue." Professor Rogers replied, thinking for a second, and then pulling out the $60 I had earned today. "I'll see you in class on Tuesday." 
"Good-bye." I said and exited the office. I headed down the corridor, taking the stairs and then headed out the front door. 
I sighed, pulling up my phone to see when the next uber would be able to get here. I jumped when someone cleared their throat behind me. 
"Need a ride?" 
"Oh!" I nearly yelped, biting down on my tongue as I turned around. Professor Barnes stood there- fully dressed darn it. . . I mean thankfully!- holding a set of car keys. I noticed he'd put gloves back on his hands. "Um, only if it's not an inconvenience for you." 
"You're inconveniencing me by not accepting right away. Hurry up." Professor Barnes turned on his heel, heading towards the garage. I growled under my breath, before smoothing my face back over into a slightly sarcastic smile, following after him. 
Professor Barnes opened up the passenger door of a car that to me, looked like a boxy rectangle. "You know anything about cars Miss Silvertongue?" 
"They've got four wheels and get me where I need to go." I replied as I stepped into the car. 
He closed the door behind me, getting in on the other side. I knew it was a luxury brand from the inside of the car. It wasn't exactly what I had thought it would look like from the outside being pure black, but the inside was blue and black. It didn't just look fancy, it looked almost futuristic. 
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"Are you always a smart ass?" Professor Barnes asked as he backed the car out of the driveway. 
"Only when asked stupid questions." I muttered, looking out the window. 
"This is a Rolls-Royce Phantom VII." Professor Barnes said, sounding proud. "Cars are some of the best things about this century." 
I snorted, "How old are you?" 
"Like thirty-eight or something. Who keeps track anymore." Professor Barnes answered flippantly. "Where am I dropping you off?" 
"Anywhere on campus. I'll walk back to my dorm from there." I replied. 
The rest of the drive was silent, until Professor Barnes was pulling over in a secluded spot on campus. I was glad for that. It would stop awkward questions of who was driving and who I had been with. 
"Hey." Professor Barnes said as I went to open the door. "Me and Stevie? That doesn't reach a word to a single person on campus, understand? Including Miss Greenleaf. Got it?" 
"Yes, I understand." I said softly. "I won't tell anyone." 
"Good. Cause if you do, you'll regret it." Professor Barnes warned me in a dangerous voice, before smoothing it over and smirking. "See you tomorrow doll." 
I quickly got out of the car before he could see my face had turned bright red, striding across the campus grounds to put as much room between me and my Psychology Professor as possible.
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phoenixagent · 6 months
What does your average workday look like when you're not out there on the field actively risking life and limb anyway, if you don't mind sharing?
They're seated at their desk in their office when you catch them, one hand holding onto a half-bitten, unpeeled orange while the other absentmindedly drums its fingers against the surface of the table.
The Agent raises the orange up to their lips, taking yet another bite out of it the same way one would an apple. Apparently this is something they do often, judging by the way they continue undeterred.
It's on the third bite the Agent finally realizes someone's there. Their eyes widen, and they set their snack down somewhere on their desk before wiping their mouth with the back of their hand in an attempt to make themself somewhat presentable.
"Sorry," they sign, apologizing more for being caught in the middle of eating something than anything to do with their dietary choices, "I was having lunch. What did you say again?"
"...Hm? What my day at work is like when I'm not on the field? Well—" they stand up, making a grand sweeping gesture towards the several stacks of paperwork both finished and yet to be done lying upon their desk— "look upon my works ye mighty, and despair!"
...The Agent slumps down back into their chair.
"But no, seriously. I guess you just can't escape doing paperwork at the Agency after all, no matter who you may be..." They mime a melodramatic fainting gesture, pretending to wipe the sweat off of their brows before throwing their hand to the side. "On the bright side, at least I'm not being asked to pay out-of-pocket for repairs anymore."
. . .
Like thunder striking a tree's branches, a brilliant idea forms in their mind. They turn to their desk's shelves, rummaging for something before soon pulling out a lighter...
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Randomity: Apples and Oranges
“Hey Fiona, did Stepfather ever spoke in his first language around you?”
Fiona looks up from her book, for she was lying on her bed, and stares at Fernald, who is standing in her bedroom doorway. “Why are you asking me this?”
Fernald continues to stand there. “I was downstairs in the kitchen eating apple slices when Stepfather came in for a glass of water. He then started talking to himself.”
“And?” asks Fiona. “That’s just a regular habit of his that started long before I was born. You know, the way you’re describing it now makes it seems it’s something to worry about.”
“Fiona, when the man talks to himself, it’s in English. This time around, he was speaking in his first language,” continues Fernald. “He was speaking in his first language of Khmer as he sat across from me and stared at my plate of apples, all while drinking his damn glass of water.”
Fiona scrambles to sit upright on her bed, and pushes up her glasses. “So instead of asking Stepfather about the sudden switch to Khmer, you went to my room to ask me a question?”
“Yep. I just went up from my seat, and left my apples slices—” Fernald pauses in his talking all of his sudden, and his eyes soon widen in a sort of revelations. “Discussing this now with you, I realize this makes me a giant asshole. Please excuse me while I try to do damage control.”
Fernald soon runs out of Fiona’s view. Fiona only stares at the empty doorway, before returning back to lying on her bed. She flips a page of her book, before closing it.
“So, Stepfather never spoke in his first language around Fernald then,” says Fiona. “I guess that’s something Stepfather and I have that’s just ours. I don’t know how to feel about that.”
“The more I look at my Spanish One book, the more I want to cry,” says Quigley. He then buries his face into his hands. “I should have taken French. This is a nightmare to learn!”
“Why would you want to take French?” Duncan peels off the skins off the orange in a perfect nonbroken spiral. “It more or less has the same difficulty. The only difference is that the difficulty varies on what stages one is learning it.”
Isadora looks up from her world history book. “I would have like it if they offered a bit more variety. Though we should be grateful our new school offers any foreign language class.”
“I’m pretty sure it’s a requirement in the legal and educational sense for school to offer foreign languages, Isadora,” says Quigley, unburying his face from his hands.
“Prufrock Prep didn’t.”
“Let’s not bring up that hellhole again.” Duncan soon drops the spiral peel onto the table. “You know Quigley, you could always ask Hector for help. He is fluent in Spanish, after all.”
“I could, but that would mean admitting defeat to the Hook-Handed Man,” replies Quigley.
“That man doesn’t even speak a slick of Spanish!” snaps Isadora. “Are you really letting his words get to you that badly?”
“YES!” Quigley buries his face into his hands again.
“Why don’t I try helping you then? I know some basic Spanish from watching telenovelas with Dad.” Duncan leans over, and looks at the page Quigley is on. “We even have an orange on hand to act as our example!”
Quigley unburies his face, and stares at Duncan, who’s holding the unpeel orange.
“Now, repeat after me,” says Duncan. “Na.”
“Naranna.” Quigley sputters the last syllable into something else entirely.
Isadora grimaces at the pronunciation. “Wow. You weren’t even close to what Duncan said.”
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steamanband · 1 year
randy is my bbg.......
Smother me with head cannons and stuff
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me here to take all ur head cannons /\
He likes to eat citrus with the peel on unless it's an orange. He cant eat unpeeled apples, however, and has to get someone else to peel them for her (meow's afraid that he perform a task that delicate without accidentally stabbing themself)
He bites ice cream
It has forgotten what her hotline manager's name is and thinks it's too rude to ask now, so he just calls him "boss" all the time
They enjoy the process of baking even though he can't bake for shit
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beep-beep-kneecaps · 1 year
Thinking about my families odd fruit peel habits, my bumpa biting into an unpeeled orange like an apple so he could get the peel started, my dad unpeeling the entire banana and then eating it
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croc-odette · 2 years
god. the thing about fire emblem awakening is these other fire emblems are not fire emblem awakening. dumbass prince chrom and his dumbass perfect daughter. time traveling children antics. fun outfits. characters who are outright bad people but they’re here so i guess it’s fine.
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ryanthedemiboy · 4 years
I finally started writing the second chapter to my prof!ed fic, and Hawkeye eats an unpeeled orange like an apple (just to bother Ed).
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incorrect-hs-quotes · 3 years
Dave: I ate a raw orange today
Kanaya: Do You Normally Eat Them Cooked?
Dave: no it was really raw
Rose: How raw was the orange?
Dave: it was unpeeled
Kanaya: What?
Dave: I bit into it like an apple
Rose: I have no words
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bitchapalooza · 2 years
Medic: *eating an unpeeled orange like its an apple*
Heavy: Doktor, love of my life, please stop.
Medic: *takes a bigger bite*
Heavy: Why....?
Medic: Eh. I like to cause problems on purpose.
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sleepinglionhearts · 7 years
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Morgan isn’t the only one who regularly snapchats about his daily family life though.
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