#Orient Dive watch
lighthouseas · 11 months
manifesting gumball to win that poll because no one gets him like i do and i say he deserves to win so that means he needs to win
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watchgalaxy · 11 months
The Orient Ray Raven II Automatic FAA02006M9 is a men's diving watch known for its quality and craftsmanship. It features an automatic self-winding movement, eliminating the need for a battery. With a water resistance rating of 200 meters (660 feet), it is suitable for recreational diving and water activities. The watch has a stainless steel case with a black ion-plated finish, giving it a sleek and sporty look.
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sinimake · 5 months
How to write smut scenes
Some personal tips i use for writers who want to set fires to the loins of their readers: (nsfw content)
For starters, define your end goal and drive of your smut.
Every writing must have a drive. Every character has an intention. No, I'm not talking about only the plot, and yes, even PWP needs it. Your scene can start in the midst of the action but must still contain the purpose.
Ask yourself why are the characters fucking? Does one character want to show their love to the other? Or are they seeking their own pleasure? Your characters' dynamic can be the drive. If you have kinky undertones, that can be your drive too.
What this does is that make the scene spicy, stake up the tension and give gratification to readers when the goal is reached.
Point of view
I said it before and i will say it again: No head hopping! Smut is a very intimate scene in which we dive deep into the character's feelings, emotions and entirely focused on their sensations.
You make readers feel the sensation of your first character then show outward reactions of your other character(s). So carefully choose whose pov you wanna write. If you need to change the pov, take a scene break, then switch.
How to absorb your readers into the action?
There's a simple technique called "being in your prime character's head" and this is how you do it.
Instead of writing this:
The air in the room was cold but the florescent light overhead was warm.
You write:
Goosebumps broke out on A's arms against the brisk air of the room while the warmth of the florescent light overhead heated his flushed skin furthermore.
An active tone example:
A shivered against the streep contrast of the cold night air and their flushed skin under the warm florescent light.
The beauty of pacing
If your foreplay is nicely detailed but the main course lasts for like two paragraphs, the satisfaction aint gonna be it, bestie. (Or you intentionally want it short, then oke you do you boo)
One of my favorite pacing techniques is carrying out the actions through dialogues. It keeps the characters dynamic and adds variables to the sentences while pushing the motion.
How to lengthen your smut scene:
The writing feels bland? Add sultry words.
Don't know many variations of sex movements? Use implications! You don't need to describe every thrust. Write about the noise, the rhythm, the bed moving, heart fastening, thighs quivering, breath getting haggard etc.
The scene feels too action oriented? Let your characters talk! Break it up with dialogues! Dirty talking is your condiment.
You don't wanna write long scene but want it to feel like it is long and properly paced? Change positions.
Don't know how to get in the mood? Watch porn (not only to enjoy it) and try to narrate what's happening in your head. It is a useful exercise, if you're comfortable.
Literally don't know what to add? Read smuts and take examples.
Well, that's it, folks! If you have any questions, feel free to hit up my ask, and i will walk you through it, bestie.
Happy writing!
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bless-my-demons · 11 months
Redamancy: Chapter Eight
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Series Summary: What happens when your soulmate is a vampire that struggles to maintain a diet of trying not to kill you? Common sense says run for the hills, nothing is worth your life - but my heart is whispering why not, what’s there to lose?
Warnings: None except for like one cuss word
Notes: Hot off the press - I just spent my day packing my house up to move tomorrow and I’m up past midnight to get this out... You guys have been so freaking supportive and I’m excited for this story to pick up!
Word Count: 3158
Series Masterlist
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• March 11th, 2005 • Forks High School •
“Emotions.” Jasper says by way of greeting, placing his backpack on the picnic table that no doubtibly contains his art supplies.
“Everyone has them, yes?” I reply, my forehead wrinkling in confusion at his peculiar single-word statement.
“I can control them.” He answers, visibly nervous as if he were afraid he just opened a can of worms.
I watch him pull out his well-worn sketchbook and pencils as I decide how to respond to this new bit of information.
“Say something, doll.” Jasper looks almost pleading, worry setting in on his face.
“How does it work?” I question him, I’m in shock that he volunteered such important information in the middle of a school day at lunch as if it were a typical topic to talk about.
“Well, it started off as just being able to sense the emotions of humans and vampires in my vicinity,” he lets out a sigh as he begins shading whatever it is he’s working on. “Then I quickly figured out I can influence them. I can either enhance what someone is already feeling, take away their emotions altogether, or replace them entirely and give them something completely different.”
“W-wow,” I stutter, “that’s honestly impressive.” I raise my eyebrows as his eyes meet mine.
“I can also do small things since I’ve had time to hone my power, like it’s easy to find people I’m familiar with in a crowded area, within a reasonable distance. As long as I can get to know the person, orient myself with their emotions, it’s quite easy.” He glances down at his drawing as he finishes his explanation.
“That has to be rough, feeling everything everyone else is feeling all the time. You can turn it off though, right?” I muse out loud, I can’t imagine having a power that doesn’t come with an ‘off’ switch.
“Unfortunately I can’t, my family is usually pretty good at regulating the intensity of their emotions when we’re gathered at home. At school though… Sitting out here alone with you during lunch is a welcome reprieve.” Jasper turns back to his sketch as he admits that last tidbit of information.
“Do any of your other siblings have super powers like you?” I tease him, not ready to dive into that nugget of information about how spending time with me makes him feel.
“Rosalie and Emmett don’t, neither do Carlisle and Esme. Unless you want to count the staggeringly strong self-control my adoptive father possesses.” Jasper pauses, “Alice can see the future, subjectively though - she has to be searching for that person’s intent and as long as they make a decision, she can see it and the immediate effects. Edward on the other hand, can-“ but he’s interrupted by the bell signaling the end of the lunch period.
“You’re not off the hook now that you’ve enlightened me, I expect to finish this conversation.” I tell him as I stand and meet him on the sidewalk leading towards the school building.
“I would never leave business unfinished with a lady.” He says rather cheekily, trying to get a rise from me, but all it earns him is a huff of a laugh as we walk in a comfortable silence.
“Thank you for sharing that information with me, I promise not to tell anyone.” I vow soberly, meeting his eyes as we stand outside of my next class.
“I was never worried.” Jasper replies, backing away as students finish milling about in the hallway. “See you in History, darlin’.”
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I could feel his eyes on me as I stood in front of my open locker, quickly shuffling through the books I needed for my last class of the day. It’s almost like his gaze seemed to burn me alive as I felt it travel across my skin, the hair on the back of my neck rose due to my heightened state of awareness I had towards this gorgeous man. Does he know the effect he has? Is he even aware that I am utterly at his mercy? I hate to fall in line with all the other girls that must throw themselves at his feet, most of them much prettier than I, so why me? Why does he want to take me on a date?
I glance over my shoulder in the direction I know his own locker is in and sure enough, liquid gold is locked onto its target. A steady unwavering gaze stares back, so solid and intense that it constricts my chest for a moment with the pure force of it.
I turn back to my locker and grab a pen before slamming the door shut, the warning bell signaling one minute before everyone still occupying the hallway is tardy. As I turn to hurry my way to History, Jasper has made his way to stand right behind me.
“Do you like baseball?” He blurts out quickly, as if to not lose his nerve.
“It’s probably the only sport I understand, so yeah. Why?” I counter, tilting my head in question.
“My family and I were thinking of playing a game Sunday. Would you like to tag along and spectate? Bella Swan will be there, I’m sure she would love your company.” Jasper tacked on the last part as if I needed more reason to go than just spending time with him.
“As if I could say no to you and your family.” I tell him with a smile.
“Good, so you’ll want to meet them tomorrow?” He asks with more confidence than the last request, slowly taking steps backwards down the empty hall and I gravitate with him.
My mind blanks, not prepared to be sprung with such a big step in… whatever is happening between us. First he tells me he wants to take me out on a date, now I’m meeting his family? Is this some lucky alternate universe where the insanely attractive boy falls for the incredibly average girl?
No-no way, friends bring their friends over to meet their entire family before a family outing, right?
“Noon tomorrow, they’ll love you.” Disappearing around the corner of the hallway with a smirk in place, probably because I was gaping at him in the middle of an empty hall.
I glance around - an empty hallway! I’m late for class! I can’t even be mad, Jasper Hale has effectively monopolized my weekend and I’m more than happy about it.
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• March 11th, 2005 • Home •
“Hey, mom?” I ask, poking my head in her open bedroom door.
“Yes, sweetheart?” Putting down the book she was reading and pushing up her reading glasses, my mother sits up in bed to give me her full attention.
“So,” I take a seat at the end of her bed, “Jasper Hale invited me to his house tomorrow, to have dinner with his family and just hang out I guess.”
“Oh?” My mother sounds intrigued, eyebrows raising. “A date with a cute boy?”
“Not a date!” I immediately correct her, “it’s just dinner, or whatever.”
She laughs as I pick at her bedspread. “Honey, of course you can go, if that’s what you’re asking.”
“Well, what?” She questions.
“He also asked if I wanted to play baseball Sunday with his fa-“
“You? Play baseball?” She blurts out, incredulously.
“Mom!” I draw out the word. “He’s invited me to hang out with his family this weekend - you’ll be cool, right? When he picks me up? No interrogating?”
“Me? Interrogate the cute boy stealing my daughter for a weekend? I wouldn’t dream of embarrassing you.” She teases me with a wink.
I stand and begin to leave, “You are insufferable, woman.”
“I love you, sweetheart!” She yells after me as I round the corner to my room. Flopping onto my bed with a smile, I’m both giddy and equally nervous for the next two days.
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• March 12th, 2005 • Cullen Residence •
“This is my adoptive father Carlisle and his wife Esme.” Gesturing to the two beautiful adults patiently waiting in the foyer as we walk in their home.
Thankfully my mom was at work when Jasper picked me up, giving me another day to prepare myself for the potential train wreck of them meeting tomorrow.
“Nice to meet you, Mr. and Mrs. Cullen.” I give them a smile as I shake their hands.
“Trust me dear, the pleasure is all ours!” Esme responds excitedly, her smile wide and beaming.
“The others are in the living room, beware of what you’re throwing her into.” Carlisle warns Jasper with a smile.
Throwing me into? I glance up at Jasper with my brows furrowed, a little concerned.
“C’mon, I’ll protect you.” He jokes with me, I must be missing the punchline.
As he leads me to the living room in his house, I gape at the beautiful artwork spaced throughout. “This is gorgeous, Jasper.”
“Esme is pleased you like it.”
Not having heard his mom speak, I turn from where I was ogling a painting that appeared to be ancient. “But she-“
“Can hear you from her study and I can feel her emotions, remember?” He winks at me, show off.
Finally we walk into the space where his siblings are and I realize what Carlisle meant: Mario Kart.
Alice and Emmett are sitting on the edge of the couch, deep in concentration while Rosalie seems bored from her perch in the corner by her significant other.
“You’re fucking cheating!” Emmett bellows, frantically mashing buttons on his controller.
“It’s not cheating if you’re playing someone that sucks.” Alice taunts him, a wicked grin on her face.
“You can see the future Alice, cut him some slack.” Jasper chides his sister as he leads me to an empty section of the couch.
My eyes widen in amusement as I observe the small dark haired girl, “That’s right! You can-“
“See everything I try to do!” Emmett yells, frustration setting in as his character is hit with a shell.
It’s almost laughable, Emmett’s character Bowser and Alice as Princess Peach. I sit down next to Jasper, a few inches between us as I cross my legs and he lays an arm behind me on the back of the couch. I try to keep my breathing even as I sit here, but the excitement to be spending time with him is almost overwhelming.
I watch as Princess Peach zaps the other players into miniature size and Rose reminds Emmett not to throw yet another remote at the ground, when Jasper leans in close.
“Want a tour of the house?” He asks in a whisper, creating goosebumps down my arms.
“Yes.” I respond, probably sounding breathless, but he’s standing and offering his hand before I have the chance to feel embarrassed.
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“And this is my room.” His tour coming to an almost close, since I’m still patiently waiting for a peak at all their cars.
I walk in the doorway he pointed to, stopping just inside. My eyes were immediately drawn to the bookshelves lining the wall opposite of the floor-to-ceiling windows that seemed to be a theme throughout the house. His room was much darker than all the others, warm and inviting with the shades of black and dark wood tones. Stepping closer and skirting the immaculately made king size bed, my eyes close in on some familiar titles on the shelves.
“I always see you reading and since I have quite a bit of free time, I thought I’d pick up a few.”
I turn to look at him with my mouth parted in surprise at his thoughtfulness, his hands are clasped behind his back like he’s bashful for getting found out.
“Jasper-“ but he interrupts me.
“The garage is next.” I watch him turn on his heel and disappear down the hallway.
I look down and brush my fingers on his black comforter as I smile to myself before following him, so Jasper Hale isn’t immune to his own feelings - he just doesn’t like to show them.
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Walking into the garage, my eyes skip over the beautiful cars and land on a sleek little thing in the back. A Ducati 848 to be exact, it draws me in like a magnet. Immediately I knew it had to belong to Jasper, no one else seemed like the type. Rose had her red convertible, Emmett had his Jeep, and Edward had his mom-car. Alice and Esme didn’t bother with vehicles and Carlisle had a reasonable, albeit expensive, commuter.
“Wow,” my voice quiet as my fingers brushed the gas tank, “I’m impressed, Hale.”
“You know bikes?” Jasper asks with a hint of curiosity.
“Not really, but I know enough to know that this Ducati is basically a rocket and that it must’ve cost you a pretty penny.” I replied, eyes still glued to the beautiful machinery. “Why didn’t you tell me you drove a motorcycle?”
“Not many parents let their ‘teenager’ drive death traps around.”
“Touché.” I pause, “Take me for a ride?” Swinging my leg over to straddle the beast, I lean over the tank and glance at Jasper.
I know I’ve successfully distracted him by the amount of time it takes for him to respond. Grinning, I sit back and look at him expectantly.
“Absolutely not, darlin’. No way I’m risking-“
“You have safety gear, don’t you?” I tease him as I get off and walk behind him to snag the helmet placed on the counter along the back wall.
Jasper groans and tilts his head back in mock-frustration as he fishes the keys from his pocket. I squeal as I pull the helmet on and hop excitedly towards the bike.
“You’re wearing my protective gear or no deal, sweetheart.” He lays down the law as he stalks over to a cabinet, retrieving a thick coat and gloves.
I almost protest, but he’s pulling the jacket over my arms and zipping it up my chest leaving me breathless before I know what’s happening. Even with the helmet covering my face, I’m sure he senses the heat in my cheeks as he finishes checking me over.
“You sure about this?” Jasper asks, finding my eyes under the visor with his supernatural vision.
“Are you sure about this?” I counter, the unease floating around is practically choking me in this enclosed space before it vanishes in a snap.
He flips up my visor, “Riding with someone requires trust-“
“I trust you, Jasper Hale. Completely and without any reservations or doubt in your abilities to keep me safe.” I swear my words stunned him, his mouth parted slightly as I blurted the confession. As if he realized the doubt that was flowing earlier was from him and not me.
“You are…”, he mutters his response low enough that I can’t hear as he swings a leg over the motorcycle and turns to me seriously. “Number one rule, don’t let go of me. Lean with me on turns and stay tucked in. If you need to stop, tap on my chest. Any questions, doll?” Jasper asks.
“Where are we going?” I climb on behind him and scoot close enough to wrap my arms around his waist lightly, this is the first opportunity I’ve had to be this close to him and it’s amazing. I let out a small gasp when he grabs the backs of both knees to tug me closer, bracketing my hips around his to tuck me in close. He then grabs my arms and places them over his chest, the side of my helmeted head coming to rest on his large back.
“You’ll just have to wait and see, ready?” I feel a teasing chuckle rumble in his chest, so I simply nod, excitement tingling all over from where my body touches his.
The Ducati roars to life in the enclosed space and I feel it lean to the right as Jasper taps the garage door button on the wall to open our exit. My arms squeeze him a little tighter as we launch forward down the driveway, I’m tempted to wave to Esme smiling from the porch, but I decide against it remembering his number one rule of not letting go.
This is single-handedly the best idea I’ve ever had.
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This girl will be the death of me, I know it for certain.
She could ask me to bring her the moon and I would have it in her hands in a heartbeat. Taking her out on my motorcycle? Easy in theory, extremely difficult in practice. I’ve never felt as I do right now with her arms around me, her completely pressed against my back and squeezing me at every jolt and turn I make.
Heaven and Hell, having my greatest temptation in such close proximity.
She trusts me. Completely and without doubt - her fucking words. I’m positively speechless, I’ve never had someone to myself that trusted me so wholly without needing any kind of explanation or-or proof-
And her leaning over my bike in the garage? I nearly swerve us right off the road thinking about the arch in her back, the way her chest pressed against the tank, her toes barely able to touch the ground… it took nearly every ounce of control to remain rooted while she was seated atop my motorcycle.
My only regret is not showing her the garage sooner, that image of her will forever be seared into my mind. On second thought, I’m sure my mental images were extremely loud and clear in the garage - it’s a mystery how Edward can manage to be around the couples in our family. For me at least, the emotions get too much sometimes and I need breaks.
I’ve noticed that I’ve needed them less and less since Y/n literally slammed her way into my life - breaks from everyone else that is. She not only elicits a physical reaction that no one else has ever managed to coax out of me, but she has also become a mental safe-haven. Being around her energy is as easy and mindless as breathing, if only I could breathe around her without inhaling molten lava. Everything about her completely consumes me, tears me apart and builds me back up, unmakes and makes me over and over, infinite bliss and unending torture. My singer, her blood is a symphony and I am her rapt audience hanging on to every beautiful note and praying for an encore.
My singer.
The revelation clangs through my soul and grants my body with a new purpose; her. She is mine to protect, from this day onward. My left hand reaches up to anchor myself where Y/n’s hands rest on my chest, her arms not quite long enough for her fingers to meet in the middle. I smile to myself, maybe I can allow myself this one bit of happiness, to let her in.
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mishacakes · 8 months
how do you connect to your character? like how do get to know them so well? how do you pick out their likes, dislikes, habits and those itty bitty bits about them? I've been struggling to do that for sooo many of my ocs, and i'm also at a lost of how to design them. like i once had a clear idea of what kind of character they are, but i wanted to change them a bit, make them a little better, and i feel like I've lost that character and that character i'm working on doesn't exists, no matter how much i loved them and enjoyed writing an drawing them. this has happened with every single character i made and it just makes me think that i may not be cut out for drawing or writing characters. i look up to you so i thought of asking you for help
sry for the long rant idk wat im doing
HELLO HELLO THANK YOU FOR ASKING!! So basically I took this question and turned it into a 1.6k word essay on writing characters and how I like to do it, so, uh, hope you enjoy!! and hope it helps!
OK!! character writing. How do you do it? or, well, how do I do it. I’ve got a few methods that help me out the most and are the most fun for me to think about. Here’s my big secret, if it’s not fun I don’t do it. I’m not here to do homework I’m waaayyyy out of school. I’m a legal adult. I pay my taxes. I’m not gonna do something that doesn’t give my brain the good fun juice. Anyways. My methods are: symbols, archetypes, and character inspiration. I use all these to figure out the CORE of a character, their very beating heart, and most importantly, what haunts them. Everything about a character, in my opinion, comes from this core and their ghost. Their habits, their fears, their joys, their coping mechanisms. So long as you have a clear grasp on their heart, you won’t go astray. Let’s dive into it! The characters I’m going to be using to describe how I use these methods are Alice and others characters from my webcomic—namely Edith, Hatter, and Rougina—and Tomiko (you know her you love her, catgirl supreme).
Symbols! I love using symbols, they’re something that can describe a character through metaphor, even without going into detail about their whole backstory and habits. Tomiko’s symbols are lanterns (specifically light), cats, ghosts/yokai, shapeshifting, and gold. They all work to further her character as a rough around the edges monster cat with a heart of gold, who uses shapeshifting as a method (both literally and metaphorically) to mold herself into what others need her to be. Alice’s symbols are hearts, eyes, and flesh in general. Try picking one general symbol (the ocean, the forest, the city), and see how specific you can get from there. Or pick a god or goddess that resonates with your character and see what symbols are used for them. Rougina (the antagonist in my webcomic) is a war goddess fallen from grace, and is symbolized with land and volcanoes, so I’ve used volcanic plants to evoke her. Personally I also love going through the tarot for symbols, assigning a tarot card to characters (of the major arcana) is a fun exercise. Which leads us nicely into our next method:
Archetypes! The tarot deck’s Major Arcana is pretty much only archetypes. The Empress as the Mother. The Magician as the Wise Mentor. The Tower as The Worst Thing That Could Possibly Happen Oh Jesus Shit. These can help a lot with who your character is. I’m extremely storytelling oriented, so it helps me knowing What Role a character serves in the story they inhabit. Another thing I love in archetypes in the Zodiac. Yes, I am an astrology bitch. The whole reason I love talking about my methods is my Sag rising, I love giving my wisdoms. But astrology can be used for writing, and not just for excusing and not reflecting on shit behavior (can’t help being a gemini!). The zodiac is FILLED WITH ARCHETYPES!!! From elements to how they function! The four elements (you A:TLA bitches know this), and three modalities. If you’re interested please watch Eugene’s Rank King video, it’s very informative on the signs. Also many symbols! For example, Alice is a Taurus—May 4, Alice Liddell’s birthday—so she’s pretty stubborn while also loving creature comforts. Tomiko’s birthday is August 23, making her a Virgo, so she likes being precise in her work. More archetypes you can look for are DnD classes! I love using that to design costumes. One of Edith’s recent costumes is very wizard inspired, since that’s the class I see her having as she’s very studious and driven. Heck, all of Alice and the Nightmare is derived from the character archetypes of the Alice in Wonderland characters! Rougina is specifically the Red Queen, NOT the Queen of Hearts!! The confusion started with the 1951 Disney animated movie when the two characters were merged!! Lewis Carroll himself said the two were different! The Queen of Hearts is an “embodiment of ungovernable passion” and the Red Queen is “the concentrated essence of all governesses”!! GOD!!! Tim Burton meet me in the fucking pit you’ll pay for your alice crimes. anyways.
Archetypes help a lot in costumes too, figuring out what kind of fashion they’d like to wear. You can start broad and get more specific with it (like going from a wizard type character to a wizard character with steampunk themes). Fashion is just an extent of character. What are they comfy in? Are they confident in their body? What colors do they like? Bright high fashion or simple dark sweaters? Ryoko Kui is a master of character design I HIGHLY HIGHLY recommend checking out her work.
Another method I like using, specifically for Alice and the Nightmare characters, is what I call the “three trait method”. When I was in middle school we did a production of Alice in Wonderland (I was the White Knight), and too many girls auditioned for Alice. So the director’s solution was to split the character into three parts, and assigning each part to an actor. Her temper, her intelligence, and her innocence, all used in different scenes. Now I use that to think about my own Alice character, except with “polite, temper, and curious”. Edith’s keywords are “nervous, tactical, and intelligent”. Hatter’s are “kind, enthusiastic, and intuitive”. Using keywords can help figure out how they’d react in a situation, what side of them would shine the brightest. Hatter’s want to help everyone is his kindness, but overstepping his bounds can be attributed to his enthusiasm. Edith can know what path to take in a pinch, but her nervousness can freeze her in place. Reading the source material helps a lot with Alice characters too, which brings us to our final point:
Character inspiration!! The art of taking things you like and shoving them into your own characters and stories. DISCLAIMER THO!!! If you take things without really EXAMINING what about them you like, WHY you like them, and how you’d like to evoke that same love in the things you make, the interpretations can come off as shallow. (for more on this subject, watch HBomberguy’s RWBY video essay, specifically the section on “anime homework”)
Tomiko’s biggest inspirations are Izutsumi from Dungeon Meshi, April Ludgate from Parks and Rec, Power and Reze from Chainsawman, San from Princess Mononoke, and Mei from LMK. It’s a good cocktail of aloof, biting, vicious, weird, fierce, loving, and bright. Figuring out what I love about the characters and what I want to write in a character like that helps a lot in writing Tomiko. It’s also really fun in a sense for screenshot redraws and memes.
Music is also a HUUUUUUGE source of inspiration for me, I love making playlists. And even as playlists can change as characters grow and change, having a couple of core songs still helps me ground to that character’s center. For Tomiko it’s “Make Them Gold” by CHVRCHES, and “Nice Girl” by Ashnikko. Alice’s is “Headlock” by Imogen Heap and “Demons” by Hayley Kiyoko, Edith’s is “Warrior” by Kimbra, and Hatter’s is “Dementia” by Owl City.
Ok, we’ve gotten though symbols, archetypes, and made a couple of banger playlists. Next is something that can help write your character, the Big Lie. The thing that keeps them up at night. Their biggest fear, their ghost, what haunts them. What’s holding them back from their goals? What do they need to overcome? That can be as central to their theme as any symbolism. For Tomiko it’s the lie that her emotions don’t matter, only what she can do to be of service to her mother. Her arc is about overcoming her dismissing her own emotions and learning to not run away from the people who she truly cares for. Alice dismisses the literal ghost that is haunting her believing that that will let her have a normal life. Edith pushes down abilities that come naturally to her for fear that she’ll be exiled, not just from society, but the world. Rougina believes she must burden the world’s problems on her own shoulders with no one’s help. The outer character and the inner ghost can reflect, mirror, and inform each other.
Now, listen, sometimes characters are hard to get to know! Tomiko was lol. Quinn was for a looong time. And in times like this, I just, let them be. I listen to some music to get inspired, and let them tell me about themselves when they feel like it. And they will, it just take a little while. And a few dozen quick exploration drawings. But they come through. Also, try not to get bogged down with habits and little details of their character, keep their core in mind, what their heart is. Start broad and get specific. That way, if you feel like you’ve lost your way or the character feels different to you, recenter yourself at their heart and go from there. Or, if you find that their center no longer fits, don’t be afraid to change it! Characters are meant to be fun! First and foremost!! I make characters cause I like writing and storytelling, and drawing little comic for fun and me time. Sometimes characters stick around, sometimes they fall by the wayside. You really have to find what sparks joy, and chase your bliss!
So as long as you have your character’s essence in your hands, and you WANT to keep working on them and drawing them, there’s really no wrong way to go. This whole essay I’ve given is just a set of tools that works for ME, and I HIGHLY encourage you to find stuff that works for you! I really really hope that all this has made sense and isn’t just the ramblings of a madman. Good luck and happy charactering!!
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teyamsgrl · 1 year
welcome home ✧ neteyam
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❗️MDNI ❗️
🗣️ NETEYAM IS HERE I LOV EHIM SM -- please feel free to request any story on my ask and peep my about for what/who i will write about!
°˖➴ warnings: fem omatikaya reader, agedup!neteyam, dom!neteyam, slight jealous!neteyam, reuniting sex, NETEYAM THE MUNCH, dirty talk, all the good stuff from my fav boy 🧎🏻‍♀️ - yawne: beloved
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your eyes fluttered open at the sun peering into your tent, here's to a new day. you smiled remembering that your mate neteyam was to return home from a 5 day war party this evening. it has been a bit more difficult to get moving on the days neteyam has been gone, but today you shot up almost right away, beyond excited for neteyam's return. you began tidying your shared tent, picking up the discarded pieces of the new outfit you created for his return. you could barely wait to have neteyam inside of you again. sure, 5 days wasn't too long in retrospect, but the way he fucked you... eywa was it addictive. just thinking of it caused a wet spot to form on your loincloth and a shiver to run up your spine. you squeeze your thighs together quickly to diminish the fluttering your pussy was doing before organizing your herbs and medicines along the shelf neteyam made for you. time couldn't move any slower, so you decided to take a stroll in the forest and collect something for dinner as well as be with your own thoughts and nature. no matter how many times you walked along the same branch, you always found the forest of pandora so beautiful.
eclipse had finally come and you knew that the war party would be due to arrive back at any moment. you frantically change into your special outfit for neteyam. the bottoms consisted of a few rows of beads with a beaded waistband, just enough to cover you up the slightest bit. the top was also beaded, flowing over your breasts majestically. the beads matched neteyam’s necklace, a little touch you hoped he would take note of. you began to hear chatter from afar and oriented yourself atop the table in your tent, spreading your legs ever so slightly while leaning back against your palms. you noticed some fiddling with the entrance to your tent and your heart began to beat rapidly, neteyam was finally home. the entrance to your tent flies open, neteyam stepping in and gawking at the sight in front of him (aka you).
“welcome home ma’teyam” you smirk, reaching your arms out for him. he bites his lip as he checks you out, slowly stepping closer. “this is quite the welcome home gift…did you make this?” he fiddles with the beads covering your chest, grazing his cold finger along your nipple. you let out a whimper, making eye contact as he stares down at you. “i did, made it for you…” “it’s fucking beautiful, you’re fucking beautiful” he leans in and connects your lips in a heated kiss, not even giving you a chance to breathe. he moans into your mouth, running his hands down your body and squeezing your thighs tightly. you interlock your fingers in his braids, pushing him more into you. he pulls away, lips plump and red. he looks down to where his hands are situated, squeezing again. "these thighs... i need to be in between them..." he pushes you back on the table gently, hand between your breasts. he kneels onto the floor and chuckles when he notices the zero coverage underneath the visible beads on your bottoms.
"naughty girl.. you knew exactly what i'd do first once i saw you in this outfit", he removes your bottoms and instantly flicks his tongue on your clit, listening to your desperate whines. "i'm getting there babygirl, just let me play with her a bit more" he flicks his tongue along it again, finger collecting your slick in the meantime. he brings his finger up to your mouth, prodding your lips open. you open your mouth, sucking on his long, blue finger. "taste good?" he watches as you nod, hips rolling into the air. he chuckles softly and dives in, tongue delving into your wet pussy. "nete-" you gasp, hands instinctively travelling to his braids once again. he spreads your legs further, sticking his tongue deeper if even possible at all. "fuck.." he mumbles and pulls away slightly. "on the fucking trip- ät'uk kept going on about you, on about how amazing and sexy you are, pissed me off so much" he grumbles and kisses along your inner thighs. "you're mine, not any other man's" you nod and whine as he stands up and towers over you. "get on the floor yawne, stick your ass up for me" he steps back, watching you position yourself on the mat. he removes his loincloth, stroking himself slowly at the sight of you. "this ass-" he spanks you, causing you to yelp; "is mine, isn't it?" "yes nete yes, it's yours" you whine, wiggling your ass as a way to ask for his cock.
he comes behind you and you begin to feel his tip pushing inside you, moans escaping your mouth. he bottoms out inside of you, hands roaming your back before ultimately coming to rest on your hips. he groans, beginning to thrust deeply into your hole. "this is it, this is fucking it", he moans and spanks your ass another time. "oh my- oh neteyam" you moan into your arm, body jolting back and forth with his deep thrusts. this was the feeling you had missed, neteyam behind and pounding you, nothing but lust filling the room. "tell me who you belong to, who is your fucking mate?" he breathes heavily, cock abusing your tight walls. "you, you, you!!!" you squeal, pussy tightening as your orgasm creeps up on you. "that's right, yes.. are you gonna cum for me?" he snakes his hand around your torso to sloppily rub your clit, cock pushing deeper to get you to the edge. "yes yes.. i'm-" your orgasm cuts your words off, pussy twitching around his cock. you breathe heavily as neteyam's thrusts pick up pace, "good girl, that's my good girl... fuck i'm cumming-" he presses his chest against your back, moaning loudly as his cum shoots into your pussy. he kisses your mid back, panting as he comes down from his orgasm.
he then falls beside you on the mat, pulling you in to spoon you. he kisses your head, hand stroking up and down your arm. "thank you for welcoming me home so well" he whispers, smiling against your hair. "of course, i missed you so much" you sigh, relaxing into his chest. "i love you, yawne" he shuts his eyes as he takes in your warmth. "i love you, ma'teyam", you shut your eyes as well, slowly drifting off in his arms again, finally.
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beebopboom · 4 months
The Nice and Accurate Prophecies of Agnes Nutter
Yep! That’s right we are diving back into season 1, specifically with the last true witch, Agnes Nutter
This first part is mainly going to deal with what is in her book and is largely just a reference point. This will cover all the prophecies we know about and the images included in her book that I could find
Further analysis and theories will start in part two
-> which you can click here to read if you’d like
But other than that let’s just dive in
Most of these we know and we see play out but there are a few stragglers- (which I’m not going to go into in this series just for the sole reason my very ill brain cannot handle them right now, maybe in the future)
Prophecy 1111: "An the Great Hound Sharl come and the Two Powers sharl watch in... Goeth where is its Master, Where the... Notte, and he shall name it, True to... and Hell shall flee it."
Prophecy 2214: "In December 1980, an Apple will arise no man can eat. Invest thy money in Master Jobbes's machine, and good fortune will tend thy days."
Prophecy 2213: "I tell ye this, and I charge ye with my wordes. Four shall ride, and three shall ride the sky as two, and one shall ride in flames, and there shall be no stopping them. Not fish, nor rain, neither devil or angel. And ye shall be there also, Anathema."
Prophecy 2315: "Sum say It cometh in London Town, or New Yorke, butte they be Wronge, for the place is Taddes Fild, Stronge inne hys powr, he cometh like a knight innne the fief, he divideth the Worlde into 4 partes, he bringeth the storme.
Prophecy 3001: "Behind the Eagle's Neste, a great Ash hath fallen.
Prophecy 3007: "Prayers and hope ... / Brings forth sorrow and serpents reign / For the devil lucks in plain sight / Under an arc of pale moonlight."
Prophecy 3008: "When that the angel readeth these words of mine, in his shoppe of other menne's books, then the final days are certes upon us. Open thine eyes to understand. Open thine eyes and rede, I do say, foolish principalitee, for thy cocoa doth grow cold."
Prophecy 3009: "Seven who hold the Scepter shall be killed...of them shall become a saint."
Prophecy 3011: "The exer... and churches be laid open to ... oppressed shall prevail, and oppose the cruelty of foreigners. For a Boar of Cornwall shall give his assistance, and trample their necks under his feet."
Prophecy 3012: "A shower of blood shall rain, and a raging famine shall afflict mankind. When these things happen, the Red Dragon shall grieve, but when his fatigue is over he shall recover his strength. Then shall misfortunes hasten upon the White Dragon, and the buildings of his gardens be pulled down."
Prophecy 3017: "I see Four Riding, bringing the Ende and the Angells of Hell ride with them, And three shall Rise. And Four and Four Together be Four and the Dark Angel sharl Own Defeat, Yette the Manne sharl claim his Own."
Prophecy 3477: Lette the wheel of Fate turne, let harts en-join, there are othere fyres than mine; when the wynd blowethe the blos-soms, reach oute one to anothere, for the calm cometh when Redde and Whyte and Blacke and Pale approche to Peas is Our Professioune.
Prophecy 3817: "The Number of the Beast is in the Revelayting of Sainte John, call hym in Taddesfield. And ye will know hym by this sign, that when ye do call hym, the Lesser Beaste will walk upon his hind legs like unto a Dancing Bear."
Prophecy 3819: "When Orient's chariot inverted be, four wheles in the skye, a man with bruises be upon Youre Bedde, aching his hedd for willow fine, a manne who testeth with a pyn yette his hart be.
Prophecy 3988: "Whene menne of crocus come frome the Earth and green manne frome the Sky, yette ken not why, and Pluto's barres quitte the Light-ning castels, and sunken lands riseth, and Levia-than runneth free, and Brazil is vert, then Three cometh together and Four arise, upon iron horses ride; I tell you the ende draweth nigh."
Prophecy 3989: "He is not what he says he is."
Prophecy 4009: "Where the Hogg's back ends the young beast will take the world and Adam's line will end in fire and darkness."
Prophecy 4019: "When Orient's Chariot Inverted be a man with bruises up thy bed, aching his head for willow fine."
Prophecy 4020: "Let the wheel of fate turne, let harts enjoin, there are othere fyres than mine; when the whirl wynd whirls, reach oute one to another."
Prophecy 5001: "When the skies are crimson seen, then ye both must stand between the world of life and the world of war, where the iron bird lands no more."
Prophecy 5004: "When alle is sayed and all is done, ye must choose your faces wisely, for soon enouff, ye will be playing with fyre."
and that’s all of them I believe so let’s hop into the images I could find
Starting out on the very first page we have this
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Now I could not find an exact reference to this (I know starting out strong just stay with me) but between the examples I could find plus the four wings surrounding the head I would say this is depicting a Cherubim
This next one is from the actual book itself,
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This is the piece, Saint John Devouring the Book by Albrecht Dürer (1498) which was published alongside 15 other woodcut illustrations in his book, Apocalypse, all covering events in Revelations
Now we are moving into pieces that we see in the little montage moments so the images are a little less clear
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This piece, Saint Michael Slaying the Dragon, is by Martin Schongauger done sometime between 1480-1490
The next piece was actually a two for one which made my job a little easier and let this post only be one part *curse you image limit*
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Chariot Vision, which is by Matthäus Merian depicting Ezekiel’s vision in Ezekiel 1:5 (I couldn’t find when it was made -and now that I’m really looking at it the wheels are a little different but I’m confident enough to say it’s from the same story so the point will still stands)
and finally we have this one
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With help from @gallup24 and some image manipulation finally found this piece, The Minde bould hare a fixed Eye On Objects, that are plac’d on High.
I believe to be published first along side other emblems by Gabrielis Rollenhagii in 1613 it was reprinted in 1635 with added hymns by George Wither in his emblem book
the hymn reads
A Heart, which bore the figure of an Eye
Wide open to the Sunne; by fome, was us’d,
When in an Emblem, they would fignifie
A Minde, which on Celeftiall Matters mus’d :
Implying, by this fame, that there is nought
Which in this lower Orbe, our Eyes can fee,
So fit an Object for manly thought,
As thofe things, which in Heav’n above us be.
God, gave Mankinde (above all other Creatures)
A lovely Forme, and upward-looking Eye,
(Among the reft of his peculiar Featares)
That he might lift his Countenance on high:
And (having view'd the Beauty, which appeares
Within the outward Sights circumference)
That he might elevate above the Sphares,
The piercing Eye, of his tatelligence,
Then, higher, and fill higher ftrive to raife
His Contemplations Eyes, till they alcend
To gaine a glimple of thofe eternall Rayes,
To which all undepraved Spirits rend.
For, 'tis the proper nature of the Minde
(Till fehly Thoughts corrupt it) to delpile
Thole Lufts whereto the Rody ftands inclin'd ;
And labour alwayes, upmard to arife.
Some, theretore, thought thofe Goblins which appeare
To haunt old Graves and Tombes, are Soules of fuch,
Who to thefe loathfome places doomed were,
Becaule, they doted on the Fleh too much.
But, ture weare, well-minded Men thall god
To live above, when others bide below.
(also if you want a really good breakdown of the publishers of, The Nice and Accurate Prophecies of Agnes Nutter, check out the one @i-only-ever-asked-questions posted one here)
so yeah that’s all I could find and like I said this is mainly just a reference post
and yes I am aware that one very obvious piece is missing that seems to be made just for this book. I ran out of images so i’ll post it in a rb
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rattkachuk · 26 days
Hello! Hope you are having a good day.
So I have a question for you, just ignore when you don't feel like answering.
I came to Mattdrai via the enemies/rivals to lovers tag and then got sucked into hockey. I really like the fanon take on Leon, fav character, fanon Matthew was fine but way too woobified and infantilized in so many fics. So my surprise when I started to watch games, interviews etc. Public Matthew is so confident, so loving, awesome family to back him up, especially Brady, hot as hell, sexy way of playing hockey, amazing public persona. Loved and respected by his team, beyond hockey.
Then Leon. His only trait seems to be that he's pissy which I can appreciate but it seems that he's just a downright mean, arrogant guy with a superiority complex (see that interview when he puts Silovs down.) I don't find him stoic at all but he's just seems boring and bland and yeah, pissy. It doesn't seem like he has fun or likes his team a lot or is liked by them (Connor aside and his skills aside.) His friendship with Connor seems the only endearing or likeable thing. He even looks good in a bland way and his hockey is while it's so skillful it's not hot and also I wonder why his dirty plays aren't called out more often.
So what do I miss? Where does great fanon Leon come from? Why is he written mostly so superior to Matthew and where comes the "his team likes Leon so much but Matthew is an outcast in his own team come from?) It's so far from what I gather from old and new interviews or games and I have watched a lot, also German interviews. I really would like to like Leon, shipping them had been more fun when I didn't find his public self so jarring. What do I not see what everyone else seems to get?
Sorry for the long ask! Have a great day and thank you
first off thank you for such a thought out ask! i don't get to dive into things like this a lot outside of writing fic and it got my brain gears going.
to get right into the bulk of this ask: i get what you are saying about leon. that can be the way he comes off for sure, and look everything i'm gonna say? i'm talking out of my ass here. i don't claim to know anything about him as a person besides what's publicly presented, and i don't have much right to theorize about why he is the way that he is, but i'd be lying if i said i didn't think about it. how would i write rpf otherwise, right 💀
i think he cares a lot. and i think sometimes he gets so wrapped up in things, how things should be, how he should be performing, etc, and when it doesn't go a certain way he gets frustrated and snarky (eg, pissy comments and such). but i don't see that being bad necessarily, especially when it's seems to come from such a team oriented state of mind. which, i dont think he dislikes his team at all? i think if anything, he has a sort of blind faith in his team, and that's the only context i could see a 'superiority complex' making sense in. and yah maybe a little misplaced at times, but ultimately i think it comes from believing so fully in his team and not seeing that come to fruition. he really does not seem to care about his individual performance much at all, so how self obsessed can he be? when i think about leon i just see someone that is ultimately very passionate and committed to the game he plays. i'm also curious to know where you get the vibe that his team doesn't like him? simply because i never got that impression from any of the other oilers, they all seem like they're obsessed with him.
beyond hockey, i see a caring, sweet, kindhearted individual. anytime i see a picture or vid of him interacting with bowie, or even the things his girlfriend posts about him, the comments he leaves for people on ig, and yah of course in the way he talks/acts around connor, i see fragments of someone soooo different than the little two minute post game interviews (which, can we judge any hockey player on those? i think they all hate them dfkjgsd). it's not always something i actively go digging for or have examples of the top of my head, but i do see it, and it definitely goes into creating the version of leon that i have in my mind.
hey, and, he's a silly guy!!! please, i know the reputation is pissy and humourless, ESPECIALLY in fic, but that man is so funny. so many random offhanded comments that make me pause and then laugh. a different sense of humour but it's so there. i love the sandcastle vid from the asg last year and feel like it's a good example of that, all sunburnt and happy. also hey, big man in tune with his fear of the ocean? love that. that little vid of him dancing on the ice earlier this season, those halloween photos where he's dressed as a monkey, every time he talks to a kid. hell, seeing him in warmups and watching the way he takes time to interact fans?? loveee watching warmups but i'd never had a player actually acknowledge my existence before leon!
also i really enjoy his personality on the ice, i like the rat behaviour and the sassy comments that he makes to other players/refs, i like the bitch moves, and i like his hockey too. i think his game is dependable and like you said skillful, and while maybe not the most creative, the sureness and the technical aspect it is hot to me. so my thoughts on everything are probably skewed in that regard.
anyways this was just a whole lot of rambling about why i find him interesting, endearing even, but i understand the perception you have. i don't like some players that other people love, just cause i cant see what they see. and honestly that's sometimes just the way it is! if you don't like leon, maybe u just don't like him and thats fine.
disclaimer that i have only been on hockeyblr for a couple years, and really didn't spare many thoughts for leon til the beginning of the 22/23 season. truthfully i'm hardly the person to ask about leon imo, but of course i have thoughts anyways! if someone else with more knowledge reads my bit of rambling here, please feel free to chime in and add your voice to this!
and side note, ofc, i have to touch on this bc who would i be if i'm not one to talk about matthew; in the way of m.tkachuk, i think that in the early days of mattdrai it was maybe a fair take away during his time with the flames (minus the woobifying). even though he was loved so much here and had some fucking times, and i think the team was mostly good to him (player wise if not regarding management, that is), i see such a stark difference now that he's on the panthers. he seems much happier and more confident, and obviously he's clicking with the cats on another level, and i do see a shift in how he's been portrayed in fics since tbh.
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missamyrisa2 · 5 months
I would love it if I could get teased and tormented dumb in one of your machines…
My clit is throbbing as I read your posts…
"uhohhhhh~!" You hear the machiney voice warble as your royal button pulses so cutely. Little did you realize your excitement was as a beacon to my latest machine ~ the girly button polisher ~ and she's everrrrr sooo overly excited to give your pearly a nice wash and makeover~~
The humming buzzing grows closer, drawn to your button's hot heat like a magnet~ you try to hide under your bed making a desperate dive as the door opens. Machinery wooshes around, scanners deploying~ "uh ohhh~" she zips around, detecting your silly button again ~ and thennnn the robotic hand snatches you by your ankle and yanks you out, holding your wiggly body upside down for the smirking robotic face and scanners to see~and thoroughly verify
Gloved robotic hands deploy in a gang, wigging their fingers tauntingly at you before moving about to start stripping off your clothes. You are tossed and handled and positioned as your top, bottoms, socks, and panties are tossed aside in a pile ~ completely nude and squirming, the hands orient you and gently spread your legs so the scanners can start working. The tingling beams start at your toes and fingers, working upward and downward in tandem ~ the humming grows louder as they move up over your knees, sending tingles through your thighs ~ down your chest ~ they slowly converge towards your royal area, the beeping raising in pitch. The machine rumbles in excitement getting closer to its target.
She chimes, as the scanners reach your royal button and light up with a pulsing flash. Clamps spring forward and apply padded frilly cuffs onto your wrists & ankles before the hands pin you to your bed and attach them, the spherical machine sprouting extensions so it can brace the floor and stay steady during the procedure. Again your legs are gently spread~ as soft spinning implements emerge and begin twirling slowly.
"Who has a tickle button, then?" She taunts with her robotic voice, the whirling buffers in their obnoxiously bright pink fluff picking up speed as they begin buffing along your hips, working up your sides to your ribs. Another set is working from your heels up to your toes, the impossibly soft material twirling and gliding along your skin paying extra special attention to the hot spots detected during the scans. Two buffers hover on your underarms, just gently sliding back and forth ~ and they're paired with another set on your shoulders to neck~ as a trio of smaller detail spinners begin circling your navel and royal chest buttons~
The final set of buffers take their time, working your inner legs from behind your knees upward. Her mechanical smirk watches intently for it to happen ~ all the tickles and teases swishing over your wriggling helpless body, verified by repeated scans, are orchestrated to coax out that most royal pearl~ the spinning girly fluff gets closer and closer, on your inner thighs, working up and down with the slowest progress~
"Who's a ticklish girl~!" she teases, the scanners processing your every move as the hands start taunting your ears with fluffy feathers. And then with a loving chime, the buffers reach your innermost royal area and indeed coax out that pretty pearlyyy~ "uh ohhh!" She repeats once more, a gloved gliding down to ever so lightly tap on your clitty with a finger. The probing continues with a little tubed device sliding out to blow tickly teasy puffs of air on your swelling button.
"Does that tickle?" she asks, her interrogation endless and every time your answers are met with affirming beeps and boops.
The buffers switch out for tickle hands now, their fingers scrunching and flexing ~ though your view is surely focused downward as a paintbrush is starting to glisten with a cleansing gel~ you can struggle and fight all you like, and you certainly do, but the cuffs hold steady and the hands are massaging and rubbing and tickling all the defiance from you, working your tummy and sides and legs with knowing touches ~
"Hold still~ this might tickle~!" the machine teases as the soft brush begins ever so gently and relentlessly coating your wanting button with the cool tingly gel~ as its effects quickly set in and put your body into ticklish hysterics, the hands hold you steady with one patting your head affectionately. The brush then moves up and similarly torments your chest buttons, thoroughly coating them after a reapplication of the mystery tickle compound.
"Does that tickle?" She questions you again even as you gasp and giggle madly ~ stiff-tip feathers slide out to join the ranks of ticklers and begin testing the application on your buttons, their ends grazing on your swollen girly parts with the most taunting of touches. Hands grasp at your chest, seizing your boobs to hold them still and take every circling touch of the feathers. Down below your hips are held with thumbs rubbing in circles while the feather crests up and down from your button to your lips, pausing to lightly stroke each side of your clitty on every pass.
"Uhohhh~!" she exclaims as your button throbs so wantingly. "Does that tickle?" She asks once more as the feather retracts and a long cylinder slides out with a menacing hum. The shiny object moves closer and closer to your girly area before rumbling and splitting open ~ revealing an array of tiny brightly glowing buzzy buffers, all working and positioning independently towards your pearly ~ as you wiggle madly the machine keeps you steady~ and again adoringly pats your hair and head while you struggle to endure all the vibey tickles working around your clitty.
"Let's get a nice big ticklegasm then~" her taunt plays out assuringly, and the loving overload has no intention to end regardless of how many times you snickercum ~ because behind the current set of implements, an array of kissy licky synthetic lips are sliding out and making muah muah muahs towards youuu~<3
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copperbadge · 7 months
Hi Sam! I seem to recall you may be a true-crime aficionado. Maybe more than just museum heists? I'm watching Murder on the Orient, and was doing a little digging into the Lindbergh kidnapping. Do you have any opinions about whether Bruno Hauptmann was actually guilty? Seems a bit fishy to me, three years after the fact, that they hang the conviction on a blue-collar immigrant. Also here's my baby kitties!
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[ID: Three images of fluffy orange tabby cats; in the first one is lying on some silky fabric with a ball of yarn, and in the second two cat butts with tails are visible behind some blinds in a window. In the third a cat is lying on its back with front paws stretched over its head, displaying a very fluffy belly.]
I do enjoy a spot of true crime now and again although lately I've moved away from direct true crime media and more into analysis of it, which feels a little less exploitative. Some true crime reporting can genuinely be useful and informative and keep a dialogue open about victimhood, policing, the carceral state, and such, but it's a fine line to walk.
I had thought that we'd pretty much laid to rest the idea that Hauptmann had anything to do with the Lindbergh kidnapping, since the evidence used against him was I think mainly shit made up by reporters after the fact, but when I googled to see I found it's still very much under debate. I don't think there's any denying that Haputmann was brutally railroaded, but that doesn't necessarily mean he didn't do it.
I don't think Hauptmann did it simply because he was such an easy target, but I haven't done a deep enough dive on this case to have formed a strong opinion. The newer a theory of the crime is, the wilder it tends to be, so I'm skeptical of some of these "Lindbergh did it himself" theories, but they do at least point up what a weird fashy eugenicist Lindbergh was, and I think more people should know about that. (One of the more popular but rather unfounded theories is that the child was disabled in some way and Lindbergh killed him rather than admit he or his wife had "faulty" genes.)
I think ultimately who did it doesn't really matter, given everyone involved is assuredly dead by now; I think it's more useful as a jumping-off point to discuss the flaws in the justice system and the unfairness of privilege when it comes to who gets attention and who doesn't. I think it's much like how Hallie Rubenhold treats Jack the Ripper; when asked by "ripperologists" who she thinks Jack was, she says that she doesn't care -- she's interested in the victims and their place in society (both historical and contemporary) and the phenomenon of the deep misogyny that is at the heart of our discourse on Jack the Ripper.
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dropthedemiurge · 2 months
Okay so while most of ongoing BLs come to an end and anticipated new GMMTV projects only started production, guys, make sure to check out LOVE FOR LOVE'S SAKE. I'm begging you, it's so good and it's underrated as hell.
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It only has 8 episodes and the story is both soft and fun - and also deep and meaningful. The chemistry is amazing and dialogues are chef's kiss. Also Korean cinematography here is by levels better than Thai one. Just dive into it without any spoilers (!) and watch right till the end! And then you'll probably want to rewatch it because the hidden details unravel itself beautifully in the ending.
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It's about second chances, about finding your love in another reality, about being kind and accepting love in return. It's also about little happiness in the shape of an ice cream, about standing up against homophobic bullies with sickest burns, about family - found and not, about running through time and space to your happiness because you're endlessly tired but you still have hope and don't want to give up.
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I don't want to spoil anything. This show was released in 2 weeks and that's why it slipped the tumblr community's eyes but trust me when I say it'll be easily on top of my favourite BLs in 2024. I'd love to see any other series come close.
Just take a leap of faith and dive deep in Love for Love's Sake (Love Supremacy Zone)<3
Bonus: one dude in this show straight up embraced his new sexual orientation and was coming out on the spot only so he can punch another dude for saying slurs. What a king.
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watchgalaxy · 1 year
The Orient Mako III Automatic Red Dial RA-AA0003R19B is a stylish and functional men's dive watch produced by Orient Watch Co. Ltd. It features an automatic, self-winding movement that eliminates the need for a battery, relying instead on the natural motion of the wearer's wrist. The watch's stainless steel case has a brushed finish, giving it a rugged and sporty appearance. With a water resistance rating of 200 meters (20 ATM), it is suitable for recreational diving and water sports activities.
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shunin-gumis · 12 days
Nagi Hachinoya Novel
Essence of a Bouquet
Track 01 - Secret Energy that can attract Happiness
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Please note that the novel contains some major spoilers in regards to Nagi's past that is revealed in L4mps main story before you read!
The dialogues do not actually state who is speaking, but I noted it anyways to make it easier to understand.
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"Now, let us dive deep into the sea of memories…"
As if guided by the voice I hear from the podium, I close my eyes, and dive deep into the depths of my memories.
The earliest memory I have is that of my mother, the two of us having fun at a park.
The fresh and vibrant four-leaf clover.
The happy times, immediately followed by our separation at the laundromat.
The moment I learned that the scent of partings was the smell of fresh laundry.
I open my eyes.
'Why did you have to leave me behind…'
'I want to go back to that day, a day that should have been filled with happiness.'
In the corner of a special venue in mahorova, I look around and see the avatars all around me were in tears. I had already come to terms with what happened with my mother, so I didn't join them in their tears. But I could still understand their feelings very well.
If it were truly possible for me to return to that day, I would be willing to make any sacrifice. That's what it means to be 'sad'.
This was the orientation for beginners who want to join the "Society of Secret Energy to Attract Happiness". The gathering had around 30 members, and since everyone was in their anonymous avatars, there was no way to tell anyone's age nor gender.
The person talking at the podium was known as the Flower Princess, Master Hideko. She was the one responsible for leading this gathering. She had the avatar of an old woman in her sixties… but I had a feeling that's how she looks in real life as well.
Master Hideko looked around as everyone was crying, and with a solemn yet gentle expression on her face, she started speaking.
Hideko "Please, dry your tears. I am certain that you will all be able to return to those happy days once again. "Good fortune" is simply an energy that attracts happiness based on the principle of attunement wave function, in other words if you can access your "Secret Energy", you can-"
She was using a lot of technical terms, but it was very informative. I'm glad I attended.
After joining HAMA Tours, although I was late to the party, I started browsing videos on dazzle. Strangely enough, after a bit of searching, I found that my feed was full of videos that were related to luck.
One day, I asked Buchi-san about it while I was in the living room with him.
Nagi "Seeing all these videos on the topic of luck, I wonder if it's all the rage these days…"
He responded with-
Daniel "That's just the target algorithm doing it's job."
Nagi "Algo-huh?"
Daniel "I mean, it's because you keep watching those kinds of videos all the time- ah forget it. It's too much of a pain to explain."
Nagi "So what does it mean?"
Daniel "Yeah it's all the rage, but only in your phone."
-Is what he said.
I thought it was popular because it was effective, so I'd immediately applied to join the gathering.
I myself had a predisposition that made me attract bad luck proportional to the happiness that I receive. But rather than simply wanting to be happy for the sake of being happy, I wanted to be able to spread happiness through my flowers, which meant I had to be happy first.
Hideko "Say it together now, Secret Energy!!"
Master Hideko's voice grew louder. As if everyone was pulled by an invisible force, they all stood up together. I got up in a hurry as well.
"Secret Energy!"
"Secret Energy!!"
Before I knew it, everyone was chanting "Secret Energy" over and over while hugging the person next to them.
I see, this is the power of "Secret Energy".
Everyone was hugging the person next to them as if it was the most natural thing in the world to do.
In which case, the person next to me…
Black cat avatar "Secret Energy!"
When I looked over, a person with a black cat avatar was already waiting with their arms wide open.
Nagi "Secret Energy!"
That's why I returned the hug as well.
I don't think I've ever hugged anyone before, but now that I have, I could feel my heart being filled even in this virtual space.
I don't even know this person, and even if it's just through virtual avatars, this is not something that I'd experience normally. Is this one of the secrets to happiness?
As a matter of fact, the avatar in front of me seemed quite happy. There was something about it that made you feel a connection, beyond age, gender or even words.
Once again, Master Hideko's voice full of love washed over us.
Hideko "The next gathering will be for the intermediate level, so make sure you all do your assignments before you attend!"
Nagi "Phew… that was quite the passionate session."
I got a glimpse into ways of increasing happiness from a perspective that's different from mine. As I thought, it was good thing that I participated today.
Just as I was about to log out, I felt a tap on my shoulder-
Black cat avatar "Hello again! I just wanted to say, it was a really fulfilling time despite being a beginner's session."
It was the person with the black cat avatar.
Nagi "I agree. I'm looking forward to the next session."
Black cat avatar "Right!"
Since I felt like I shared in some happiness with this person, I couldn't help talk with them at that moment.
Apparently, he was a 35 year old male. Although I was one generation younger than him, he didn't mind at all and was very frank, all smiles.
Black cat avatar "I'm glad I got to meet someone I can get along with! Feel free to talk to me the next time you see me!"
Nagi "Yes, I will."
Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 /Part 5
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laurapalmerz · 2 months
for as much as i love twin peaks and will always hold a soft spot in my heart for it, there's large portions of it that just can't be defended. i stopped my rewatch after laura's killer is revealed because i KNEW that it was getting bad and would only get worse since the writing really takes a nose dive. so many characters don't feel the same as they were and begin to feel either stale or unrecognizable the post i rb'd earlier about josie's oriental writing already proves there were issues. josie deserved better as a character, there was SO much potential and joan chen's performance was stellar! genuinely a character i grew to adore more than my initial watch when i was 16. i'm so sad at what they did to her, i'll always mourn that loss of character potential. i kinda also wanna have a conversation about deputy hawk and how indigenous mythology is treated in the series as well. however, i wouldn't know where to begin given i am not indigenous and couldn't accurately pinpoint the issues (even though i'm certain there are some in both the series and the dosier's). so if someone would like to jump in feel free, i don't wanna overstep! either way. i think twin peaks will always be my favorite show by a long shot, but there's just aspects we need to have more of discussion on and can't keep brushing under the rug, yknow?
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gooretrait · 10 days
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The sun was high in the sky. The summer breeze tickled and cooled Melissa and Diana's skin as they made their way to the chateua gardens.
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Melissa was nervous. Hell, she was more than nervous, she was sick with anxiety and the fear of rejection. However, in the space of just under a year she had grown to fall so deeply in love with Diana that she was convinced this kind of love was once in a lifetime. That any other love or romance would pale in comparison to what she and Diana had. And for that reason, she knew exactly what she needed to do and she finally had the confidence to do it.
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As Melissa got down on one knee, she dived into the speech that she'd prepared. She told Diana everything that she was feeling. The love that ran so deep that it coursed through every vein and artery. The adoration she felt for her beloved every single day. Her inability to ever picture a future without Diana or Elisha in her life. She knew at the core of her soul and who she was that Diana was the woman for her and that she wanted to build a life with her and Elisha and any other kids that they may adopt in the future. For Melissa, this was it and there would never be anyone after Diana because Diana and Elisha were all she needed. By the end of her speech, the two of them were crying as Diana said yes and jumped into her arms, elated and just as madly in love as Melissa was.
Thank you so much to everyone who followed this current household from start to end! Playing without the aim of a legacy or building up a family was just the reset I needed to get me excited for playing with a family and family oriented gameplay again. In my next queued post, you'll start getting introduced to my Growing Together family (I've already played up until my main sims have their first child, so there's plenty of screenshots to edit and posts to queue up!). For now, however, I'm going to give a couple of fun facts about Melissa and her gameplay!
So, when I first made Melissa I was greatly inspired by Oshin and Shiipty's current households over on YouTube! I wanted to make a sim I could play with casually but added in an aspiration I wanted to do that I've never completed before. And so, Melissa was born!
I also intended originally when I first started playing for Melissa to have a fling with Don Lothario! I wanted to create some drama around her having a failed relationship with him and throwing herself into all of her hobbies, but then I saw the way that Melissa and Diana were drawn to each other and how Melissa would cancel out of actions to talk to her and I realised what Melissa's story really was. Melissa's story wasn't destined to be one of a failed relationship with a man who treated her badly. She was instead destined to fall for the girl upstairs who was always happy to see her and supported her in all of her hobbies and skills.
This last fun fact is more about Diana than Melissa. When I first made Diana, it was with the intention of exploring the Snowy Escape pack and the extreme sports aspiration. I loved the idea of an athlete falling in love with Mt Komorebi and eventually moving there, but I ended up never playing that out. So, when I started looking through my old sims to move into the same building as Melissa I thought Diana would make a great addition and even become a best friend for Melissa. Little did I know that that would turn into a romance that genuinely had me welling up with emotion when Melissa proposed.
Thank you once again to everyone for all your support for this current household! Hopefully this won't be the last we see of Melissa, Diana, and Elisha. I'm thinking of playing with them in my own time and watching them grow up and then MAYBE using one of the kids to explore the romantic expansion we're getting. But yeah, this definitely won't be the last we see of these sims ❤️
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auideas · 10 months
Ermmm sorry if this is weird but do u maybe have any like, ““original”” cyberpunk prompts? I want to write something cyberpunk for an au but I just don’t have any ideas right now no matter how long I brainstorm
Exploring Cyberpunk
Cyberpunk is a very unique genre, which is why so many people are both attracted to it and stumped when attempting to develop plots within an unknown world. Think of Black Mirror created by Charlie Brooker (TV show), Blade Runner written by Philip K. Dick (a movie based on the novel Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?, a classic Cyberpunk novel), Altered Carbon by Richard K. Morgan (modern Cyberpunk novel), etc. -- each of these were incredibly influential in their own right, but they all also build their worlds gradually while having a single easy-to-explain concept that can spawn an entire universe. To be more specific, each story establishes an issue created by an advanced society ignorantly abusing technology, then allow their characters to explore that problem and try to find a solution in a manner that isn't explicitly black or white for society as a whole, but every shade of grey.
For Black Mirror, each episode anthologically builds upon a high-tech future within the same universe and explores how its characters interact with problems created by new pieces of said technology, both good and bad.
For Blade Runner, the story establishes that androids seem to be malfunctioning, but the bounty hunter charged with hunting them down discovers that the true issue lies in society's understanding of what it means to be human.
For Altered Carbon, the novel explores the issue derived from the obscene length of time it would take for humans to travel between planets stretched across the universe, then dives into more detail regarding how a solution has been abused.
How to Construct a Cyberpunk Concept
What we'd recommend is to start by asking the right questions and looking in the right places. Black Mirror takes its inspiration from a variety of technology, both new and old; Blade Runner explores the idea of AI and androids during the 80's when robotics was on the forefront of innovation; Altered Carbon took note of our increasing ability to travel in an interstellar fashion, then posed a simple question regarding the limits of humanity (specifically, time).
This may sound strange, but the best thing you can do is seek out trends online and scientific journals about new breakthroughs, then ask questions about what may go wrong. For example, an old post we featured here on AUideas that has since been removed from ~2017 because it's in the process of being developed into a script (sorry guys, our bad!) called Dreamscape Co. uses this exact method. When the prompt was made, Admin M was in the process of reading a scientific journal about how neurologists had been able to project a person's thoughts into an image. Although the technology was rudimentary at the time, Admin M posed the question "if dreams can be viewed, what if dreams can be watched in real time with a high quality image? What if they could be immersive? What would that industry look like? Who would pay how much to see a certain person's dreams?" This spun out into a sweeping cyberpunk mini-series, yet came from a simple news article.
Some Cyberpunk Inspiration
When performing a quick search, some amazing ideas seemed to jump out from technology news headlines these past couple weeks alone:
Ferroelectric Liquid Crystal (FLC) Technology Being Used in 3D Displays
Unlike holograms, this technology uses liquid crystals that exhibit spontaneous polarization, meaning their orientation can be influenced by an electric field. They're high-speed, low-power, and have innumerable applications in the future. So, what could go wrong?
How could this technology impact the medical field? Although this may not be possible, consider what could occur if FLCs were injected into human bodies and influenced by electric fields to perform different tasks and functions, such as replacing an organ, attacking cancer cells, etc. How could such a technology be abused or go wrong? How many could die with a simple pulse, like an EMP?
Real-Life Freeze Ray Technology Created for the US Airforce
This technology hasn't been developed to be used as weaponry, but instead to replace large amounts of coolant that must be used on space and air crafts to prevent the machinery from overheating (coolant is heavy and can reduce efficiency yet is absolutely necessary due to the fact that space is a vacuum and therefore does not cool heat like air would on Earth). This "freeze ray" technology utilizes plasma's strange property that seems to break the second law of thermodynamics: it chills down when touching another object before heating up, which experts have proposed is because it vaporizes the ultra-thin layer of carbon and water on an object upon contact, similar to how water evaporates off your skin when stepping out of a pool. The question must be asked: how could such technology be used for not just utilitarian means, but outside of the Airforce's intentions?
Perhaps the technology could be manipulated and over-chill an aircraft, or otherwise damage internal engineering.
Consider its potential applications here on Earth: what could benefit from being chilled with something light-weight and low-power? How could it be integrated into homes? What could be disastrously destroyed with such technology?
Breakthrough in Enhanced Geothermal Systems Technology May Completely Replace Carbon Energy Sources
Google and Fervo have successfully developed geothermal technology that has increased its efficiency and broke records by changing existing rock formations in the Earth's crust. For a natural geothermal energy system to produce electricity, it has to have the right amount of heat, fluid, and rock permeability -- these Goldilocks conditions can be difficult to find 'in the wild'. However, this new Enhanced Geothermal System (EGS) targets the most-easily found aspect (rocks with high heat) then creates the necessary permeability artificially by drilling to the intended rock formation and injecting fluid to create fractures in the rock, achieving the necessary Goldilocks conditions. Sure, this may be carbon-free energy, but what would happen if this were employed on a mass scale?
When energy is prioritized by a high-tech society over food and water, how could citizens gain access to those resources?
What long-term effects could such a system have on the Earth as a whole? Could the ground become unstable? Maybe earthquakes crumble city after city? Maybe the entire Earth's crust loses its integrity and disintegrates, pulling only a lucky few deep underground and forcing them to survive off the left over fluid injected into the Earth's crust and whatever they can find.
Closing Thoughts
As you can see from above, there's a crazy amount of inspiration that can be drawn from current technology events. What's important to remember is that yes, we've been talking about complicated technology, but only you have to understand how it functions in your universe down to the molecule, not your audience. Deep technology topics can be dry to a certain extent, and over-explaining your world can be damaging to your story. Explanations regarding how technology works in each of the stories we discussed is limited for that same reason (Black Mirror's overarching concepts, specifics about how Blade Runner's Replicant technology are rarely discussed, etc.). Leave some mystery surrounding how your cyberpunk world functions and allow how your characters room to breathe and interact with that world -- it can speak for itself. Your audience may first love the idea behind your story, but what they'll remember and relate to is how your protagonists and antagonists suffer and prevail within your universe.
We hope this answered your question, and feel free to follow up if you'd like some more guidance and advice on how to construct your Cyberpunk story! In addition, feel free to check out our other post which outlines more information on how to build a Cyberpunk world.
Now get to writing, and have an awesome week!
-- Admin M x
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