#Originally Posted: Jan. 2023
zairasarthaven · 1 year
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“Hello Gorgeous.”
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niamnomas · 2 years
I will never be over the Hannibal (2013) series trending like guys it’s BEEN TEN YEARS
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londondungeon2 · 3 months
omfg it’s almost midnight here and i have to get up for work at 5 AM but let me compose at least some of my thoughts …
ok idia x robot girl! reader … hear me out 🥺
someone he creates to cure his loneliness of companionship in a tender way that ortho just cannot do; ugh i’m imagining a plain head just sitting on the desk, stripped down to the metal and skinless; him asking which eye color you like the best until it lands upon yours;
the midnight conversations as he builds a body; the pining from the reader (is it actual pining or are you just scraping the edges of desperate self perseverance so he doesn’t trash you like the other models); kind of dream-like transition between adding each body parts (like imagine yourself lying in a tub of ink — cheeks, nose, lips, a slight peel of your forehead visible — and eventually it all drains down as more and more body parts are added);
the first very touch of human flesh upon you; the cracked polystyrene blinks that you give with twitchy eyelashes; you siphon your romantic tendencies between a messy mélange of gritty 18+ hentai and victorian romance novellas; idia pours his damned and tormented soul into making you perfect for him and you pour yourself willingly into the image, designed just for one man <3
past midnight edit:
yeah to this fuckin banger
((past midnight edit again: there are really only two ways you can go with robot main characters: the building process or the robot being oblivious and thinking they are human (Ex Machina or Twilight Zone) i enjoy both sooo much))
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greekmythcomix · 1 year
To explain my chicken obsession:
* * *
Me: I’m enjoying drawing chickens for this commission.
Husband: ha ha Greek Myth Chickens!
Me: 🤔
I now present to you,
🏺Greek Myth Chickens 🐓
(drawn and originally posted in May 2021, coloured and reposted Jan 2023)
1) Egg-chilles and Patro-cluck (Achilles and Patroclus)
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2) Mene-lay-us and Al-eggs-andros (Paris) (Menelaus and Alexandros [Paris])
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3) Egg-amemnon (Agamemnon)
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4) Aph-roost-ite and Helen of Spur-ta (Aphrodite and Helen of Sparta)
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5) Nest-or (Nestor)
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6) Androma-beak, Peck-tor, and Astyan-egg (Andromache, Hektor and Astyanax)
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7) At-hen-a and Egg-dysseus (Athena and Odysseus)
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8) Preen-am and Peck-uba (Priam and Hekuba [Hekabe])
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9) Brood-seis (Briseis)
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10) Diom-egg-es (Diomedes)
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EDIT: Greek Myth and Roman History chicken MASTERPOST - https://www.tumblr.com/greekmythcomix/725538723329179648/greek-myth-roman-history-chickens-master-post Here Be More Chickens Cosplaying
(See next post for last 3 Iliad chickens- https://www.tumblr.com/greekmythcomix/722218945873051648/iliad-chickens-continued-11-lay-jax-tel-capon )
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lermisv4 · 2 years
What the hell happened THIS time I only follow a few AU comics
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5ummit · 2 years
Important things I’ve learned about the new tumblr polls so far (which are NOT mentioned in the official announcement post):
Once you’ve voted you can’t change it and you can only vote once.
You can only view poll results on the dashboard or in blogview. The buttons are still displayed on custom blog layouts, but if you try to click on them it will automatically take you to blogview.
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Votes don’t show up on your activity feed so you have to go find the poll on your blog if you want to see the results or know if people are even voting.
You can’t view the results of your own poll without participating (clicking on one of the answer choices yourself).
You can’t edit a poll post once you publish it, you can only delete it! I assume this lasts until the poll has timed out, which will either be in a week or a day depending on what you picked This is permanent, so you better hope you got all of your tags and answer choices correct before you publish! This also means you can’t change your poll duration later either.
UPDATE (Jan 22, 2023):
You can send individual polls to someone as a submission, which the recipient can then edit and customize before publishing, but this will NOT give that person the ability to create new polls on their own.
Polls have a maximum of 10 answer choices and each answer choice is limited to 80 characters.
Polls can’t be added to reblogs, only original posts. Additionally, only one poll is allowed per post.
You can add a poll to a previously published original post (that doesn’t have one already), but as soon as it’s published again all editing will be disabled. Also, the poll time limit starts from the original post date, so if you add a poll to a post older than your set time limit, the poll will automatically show up as completed with zero votes.
If you aren't sure if you have the ability to create polls, check this guide. As of right now, according to my current poll, only about 10-15% of users have this feature.
For more detailed info about polls and other currently known bugs and exploits, check out gotinterest’s polls masterpost.
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heroesriseandfall · 11 months
Jason Todd & Chronic Pain
I scrounged for the panels I know from Rebirth about Jason still having lingering pain and injuries from when the Joker killed him. We know Jason had substantial injuries and brain damage when he was resurrected, and Talia healed that with the Lazarus pit. But here’s some I know of being mentioned even after Talia healed him with the Lazarus pit.
The first I know of is when evil future Batman Tim targeted Jason’s hip because of a Joker-related injury that he claimed would eventually become debilitating for Jason. This move does take Jason out of the fight so it definitely seems like evil Tim successfully aggravated the injury.
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Detective Comics #968 (Jan 2018) — earlier in #966 Batman Tim also mentioned future Jason would eventually lose an eye and a leg while fighting assassins.
More recently, regular, not-evil Tim referenced it while evaluating how to fight a Clayface Jason mimic:
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Tim Drake: Robin #3 (Jan 2023) — Tim says the pit brought Jason back, which has sometimes been a thing. Originally Jason was only healed by the pit after he’d already been resurrected by something else.
This next one was black label, so it may or may not be canon (the creative team claims “it’s up to reader interpretation” and disagree on whether they personally think it is canon). I’m not a fan of the comic but it did pretty clearly indicate Jason had chronic pain from the Joker:
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Batman: Three Jokers #2 (Nov 2020)
(There might be more than these—my reading of post flashpoint comics is kinda random and incomplete compared to my reading of post-Crisis. In post-Crisis though I think they mainly put emphasis on Jason’s destabilized mental health and didn’t really bring up physical aspects IIRC. His brain damage seemed healed and yet he seemed more affected after the pit than other one-time-in-the-pit characters like Dinah Lance or Cass Cain were.)
They haven’t bothered explaining how the pit didn’t heal them so far as I know (the pits kinda work to authorial convenience anyway). My route is usually to blame any weird Jason stuff on the strange, multiversal circumstances of his resurrection, but versions of his origin where he’s only brought back by the pit might not jive with that (which includes some Rebirth IIRC).
In any case, I do hope more writers pick up on this more and I love to see when it’s expanded upon a bit in fandom. I would already consider Jason’s mental health to be a disabling issue for him but it’s neat sometimes to have writers recognize chronic pain-related issues among DC characters. (I’d love to also see more expansion of Bruce mentioning he experienced chronic pain…it pops up every so often but rarely if ever in depth.)
Alt text is copied and expanded upon under read more below.
ID 1: Two panels from Detective Comics #968 showing Jason Todd as Red Hood leaping to fight evil future Batman Tim Drake. Jason says, “Sorry, Timmy, I don’t believe in Santa Claus.” Batman Tim slams his staff directly into Jason’s right hip joint, sending him flying back, and says, “Jason. In a few years you were going to learn that one of your bones never set right after the Joker killed you. There’s a growing debilitating bone spur in your hip joint. There, I found it for you you’re welcome.” They’re both in the batcave.
ID 2: A cropped panel from Tim Drake: Robin #3 showing a red narration box for Tim Drake which says: “The Lazarus Pit may have brought Jason back from the dead, but he’s still sensitive where The Joker killed him.”
ID 3: A comic page from Batman: Three Jokers #2. A Joker leans in Jason Todd’s face, looking intense and serious. The Joker says, “Who is the Joker, really? We’re going to find out.” The word “out” is written in an extended sing-songy way. The Jokers put Jason’s Red Hood helmet over his head but they’ve decorated it with a wide Joker-style grin. The two Jokers laugh, then one says, “We’ve spent considerable time trying to best answer that question: who is the Joker? We found that judge. A serial killer. A surgeon. All rather predictable and uninspiring. And then there’s you. Tell me something. Why would you put on that helmet and call yourself Red Hood after what we did?” Jason, who is sitting naked tied to the wooden chair, says, “Come on. Is every one of you copycats gonna ask me the same thing? It’s a joke.” One of the Jokers holds up a crowbar as the other says, “A joke? We left you with brain damage and permanent nerve pain. Physical and emotional trauma so severe that the only relief you ever find is when you inflict pain on others.” The Joker holds the crowbar by Jason’s head. “You and me, boy…..We’re more alike than you’d care to admit.”
ID 4: A comic page from Batman: Three Jokers #2 showing Jason Todd with no shirt on and small bandages on various parts of his arms and face. He looks at a calendar on a wall and reads the crossed out days that have physical therapy sessions written on them. He sees a stack of various healing and exercise books. The top book is titled Chronic Pain Management by Dr. D. Kresan. He picks it up. Barbara Gordon as Batgirl enters a different, dark room through a window.
ID 5: A comic page from Batman: Three Jokers #2 showing Barbara Gordon as Batgirl entering her own bedroom. She says, “Jason?” She sees a book on her bed titled “Chronic Pain Management” by Dr. D. Kresan. Jason says, “Barbara?” and walks out of the attached bathroom with only a towel around his waist. Babs says, “I figured you’d left.” Jason says, “I hope it’s okay I used the shower and I…I didn’t mean to go through your things. The closet door was open and that book looked…useful.” Babs says, “It was. Are you okay?” Jason has small bandages and bruises on his face as he says, “I don’t think I’ve ever been okay.” Babs looks concerned. Jason continues saying, “What the Joker said…about how I’ve been on the path to being like them for years…they’re not wrong. I don’t want to be like them though. I really don’t. You believe that, right?” Babs says, “I’m willing to.” Then Jason says, “Can I ask you something?”
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cruxin-art · 2 years
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Definitely the funniest redraw I've ever done. Obvious credit to @punkitt-is-here for the original.
Originally posted on 10 Jan 2023
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zairasarthaven · 1 year
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Last-Ditch Effort.
In order to keep Ash alive in combat, Herbert had crafted a new, untested type of reagent to use as a last resort.
The side effects are yet to be witnessed.
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simon-roy · 10 months
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A little press release from Image comics - we're putting out a mass market edition of Griz Grobus! Press release follows:
PORTLAND, Ore. 12/07/2023 — The high fantasy, graphic novel Kickstarter sensation, Griz Grobus, by co-writer/artist Simon Roy (Prophet, Jan's Atomic Heart and Other Stories) and co-writer Jess Pollard, with colors by Sergey Nazarov, will be available in trade paperback format for the first time this June 2024 from Image Comics.
Griz Grobus was originally a popular Webtoon sequential webcomic that leveled up its exposure with the 2021 launch of a Kickstarter campaign for a stunning hardcover edition. The campaign ignited fandom fervor, was fully funded in under a day, and raised nearly $70K—far exceeding the stretch goal. This Summer’s forthcoming paperback edition will bring this roaring success story to an even wider audience of readers.
"Part of what we wanted to make, in Griz Grobus, was a story that felt like a foreign film from a country you haven't heard of," said Roy. "Natural, familiar elements, sitting harmoniously alongside the new and unfamiliar. The proposition of getting to introduce a whole new audience to our little pocket universe, and the worlds within it, is very exciting!"
Set in the same sci-fi universe as Roy's Habitat,Griz Grobus is another tale of life after the collapse of the interstellar empire. But unlike Habitat—where a once utopian orbital community found itself descending into cannibal tyranny—the characters of Griz Grobus inhabit the rural world of Altamira, where post-utopian frontier life has blossomed into something a bit more wholesome.
Pollard added: "I can definitely say it is one of the funniest, most delightful things I've ever been a part of, and I laugh every time I read the story, as if I'm reading it for the first time. I hope readers will feel the same warmth when they read this edition, whether it be for the first time, the second, or third.”
Griz Grobus tells two parallel, intertwined tales from the far-off colony world. High in a sleepy mountain village, the overzealous academic ambitions of a young scribe lead to the resurrection of the town’s ancient colonial-era priest-bot. This long-defunct pastor finds himself in a world that has passed him by, but refuses to simply accept his obsolescence, much to the chagrin of the scribe and the local townsfolk. The second story, a mise-en-abyme, is Altamira’s most famous novel (being avidly read by the characters of the first story). It is a fantasy tale about a war-god who gets trapped in the body of a goose, and the efforts of one pacifist cook to delay the war-god’s bloody return to the battlefield.
This lush, intricately detailed, standalone fable is perfect for fans of Hiyao Miyazaki, Asterix, and Arthur C. Clarke.
The Griz Grobus trade paperback (ISBN: 9781534397866) will be available at local comic book shops on Wednesday, June 5 and independent bookstores, Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Books-a-Million, and Indigo on Tuesday, June 4.
Griz Grobus will also be available across many digital platforms, including Amazon Kindle, Apple Books, and Google Play.
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platinumaspiration · 9 months
2023 Tumblr Top 10
Yeah, wow! 472 original posts. Dunno how many were cc posts, but I’m sure a good chunk of them. You all made it worthwhile. Thanks for a great year of fellowship, collaboration, education, and generosity!
1. 1,110 notes - Mar 16 2023
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2. 1,089 notes - Jan 23 2023
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3. 834 notes - Jul 25 2023
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4. 800 notes - Dec 5 2023
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5. 770 notes - Mar 2 2023
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6. 764 notes - Feb 20 2023
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7. 703 notes - Jul 27 2023
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8. 668 notes - Feb 2 2023
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9. 665 notes - Jun 22 2023
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10. 595 notes - Aug 3 2023
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Created by TumblrTop10
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bee-makes-a-heart · 2 months
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dirty dudes must die//
originally posted: jan 22 2023
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smallpapers · 2 years
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Hey guys….
Jan 2023 // Aug 2022
Original post here
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mylove-iv · 6 months
❝the one that got away.❞
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ʚ aged up, oot! link x fairy navi, fem! reader ɞ
synopsis: a fairy and a hero who were everything to each other—knowing what they are and what they are not—ignorant of the longing clouding their eyes when looking at the other until it was too late.
genres: angst, romance.
content warnings: mentions of impending death (you shouldn’t be surprised >:D), mentions of blood and wounds, and major spoilers of ocarina of time.
word count: 1.3k words.
author’s note: inspired by katy perry’s ‘the one that got away.’
―originally posted on @mydarling-iv, jan. 17, 2023
ʚ masterlist ɞ
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The battle against Ganondorf has long been won, you and your hero claimed victory with one final swipe of the Goddess Blade.
Now camping in the woods, a serene silence enveloped you and your peacefully sleeping partner as you made the trek back home.
Home. The word makes you feel giddy and warm inside.
Taking a good look at Link’s sleeping face, the blue glow of your wings casted a blanket of a baby blue hue on the hero’s face which accentuated his pretty features.
You smile softly, recalling of your various adventures around Hyrule but your solace is short lived.
In another life.
Pain wracks your body and you bite your lip to prevent a cry to leave your lips, a soft plink that would wake up your beloved hero.
So, you twist away, fluttering to a nearby lake you and Link had stumbled upon before you set up camp.
Pain flares up and a scorching heat spreads atop your skin before a garbled scream leaves your lips unwillingly.
You force yourself to shed your miniature form before reverting to your true form, limbs and body growing to that of a grown hylian woman’s but with delicate, baby blue lace-like wings adorning your back.
You feel warmth run down your limbs and a grimace etches its way to your face at your realization, it was the blood seeping from your wounds warming your skin.
You wanted to laugh at your pathetic chances, even the goddesses above won’t grant you a small bit of time to tell him before you’re tittering on the edge of life and death.
I would be your girl.
Stumbling into the lake’s clear waters, you see your blood mingling with the water, creating ribbons of red that made you feel sick, your body screaming in warning at its incoming collapse
Your fixation on the water keeps you distracted and before you know it your knees start of buckle.
Yet, strong and familiar arms circle your body, preventing you from collapsing into the water.
Through your blurry vision, you meet sky blue eyes that remind you of a stunning, cloudless sky and the familiar blue orbs somehow eases the pain you feel.
“Navi?” Link croaks.
His scent of sweet pine and roasted chestnuts engulf your nose, hugging you in an embrace that brought thoughts of home and nostalgia.
You smile softly, bringing your hand to cup his cheek before your thumb caresses his cheekbone. “Y/n.” You hum weakly.
You see confusion flooding his bluebell orbs, “Navi is my fae name, we fae never give away our true names, dummy.” You breathe out and Link’s heart drops.
Eyes following his, you see his eyes surveying your wounds. “Why didn’t you tell me?”
You don’t know if his question is directed to your wounds or your true name, “I was planning to, but I was too late.”
Smiling painfully, a bitter ache makes a home within your heart. “I had so much to tell you, Link.” You laugh softly and you know he can pick up on the anguish within your tone.
We’d keep all our promises.
Link falls silent, tears collecting behind his lashes. “Why must it be you?” He croaks, his sturdy arms hugging you tighter and you relish being in his embrace.
A comforting warmth embraces you and you're reminded of home once more.
Link—He is your home.
The realization makes your heart flutter as it also intensifies the ache you feel.
“The three goddesses will it, my beloved.” You hum, laying your head against his sturdy chest, listening to the strong beats his heart gives against his chest and you find yourself wishing it’d beat for you too.
Be us against the world.
┊ ੈ✩‧₊*°࿐ྂ。
Link thought he was going insane.
Through bouts of fever and illness, he’d catch glimpses of a woman with soft blue wings and a stunning smile adorning her face, an aura of familiarity blanketing the air around her.
But now, he sees the very woman in his arms, fully lucid enough to soak in the entirety of her.
She turned out to be you, his fairy companion he’d call ‘Navi’ on his shared journeys with you.
Y/n. Your true name rolls smoothly off his tongue like honey, just like the sweet scent you radiated.
In another life.
Your e/c eyes meet his and he feels his heart skip a beat, pulse skyrocketing.
You’re as beautiful as the first time Link had caught fragmented glimpses of you when he first fell ill early on into your shared journey, too sick to be fully lucid.
Yet those shattered pieces of the remnants of you seemed to have been burned into his mind and Link doesn’t know if it was by his will or something else.
A painful melancholy digs into his heart before making a permanent home there. He had just gotten to know you, the true you, the you who constantly plagued his mind.
You’d appear within his mind during the moon’s reign and you’d whisk through his thoughts when the sun rose, leaving him fumbling like a fool.
But yet, you’re starting to drift from his reach once more; a dream he could only yearn for, always out of reach.
“The three goddesses will it, my beloved.” His heart aches and flutters in an agonizing mix of forlorn hope and pain.
I would make you stay.
“I love you, you know.” Link’s heart drops at your admission, the words heavier than anything else he’d had to bear the burden of.
He doesn’t know whether to embrace the happiness or the pain dancing within his heart.
He cups your face tenderly, as if any drastic movement would break you, before bringing you to face him, his grip on your jaw gentle enough for you to pull away if you so desire to.
You nuzzle into his palm before a weak yet pretty smile adorns your face, the very face that invaded countless of his dreams that would leave his heart hammering with a simple smile that was oh so sweet whenever he awoke.
So I don’t have to say,
Link feels his heart become heavy, being tugged painfully with your incoming demise.
Goddesses, he wants all the time in the world with you.
He so desperately wished that the time would travel back to a period where he can undo your wounds and wrap his arms tightly around your figure with the intent of never letting you go.
And yet, here you are, slipping through his fingertips like fine sand that’d ultimately determine that time would be up.
You were the one that got away.
Tears freely roll down the Hero of Time’s cheeks because of the overwhelming melancholy that wound so tightly around his heart.
His life had been full of countless losses, everything ripped away from his rightful hand in devastating waves.
He had never asked for anything else from everyone surrounding him, not one thing from the Kokiri, from Saria, from Zelda, or even from the Goddess Hylia.
And when he did realize that he wanted one thing, you and your safety, even that one simple request seemed to be a greedy wish of his that the Goddesses could not fulfill.
Link wanted to scream at the absurdity of it all.
He was destined to be a hero.
He is a one.
Yet he couldn’t even save you.
So why does he feel like a fraud?
Feelings of helplessness and hopelessness make a home in his heart at your incoming absence and it utterly kills him inside.
So now, he holds you for the first and last time, basking in the comforting warmth you radiated and the sweet scent of nectar and honey emanating from you.
Link’s thumb traces the edge of your lips, oh so soft and delicate, causing your eyes to flutter softly to a close.
Hand moving from your jaw to the small of your back, he provides support to your head as he brings you closer.
Link’s hand gently cradles the base of your head and he presses a saccharine kiss to your temple before tenderly confessing, “I grew to love you too.”
The one that got away.
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© 2024 𝐌𝐘𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄-𝐈𝐕. do not copy, repost, share, or translate any of my works to tumblr, social media, and any other websites/platforms.
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chronolojay · 3 months
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gwen stacy, arachnophobia. a web weave based on the incredible fic by @rappaccini
this fic changed the way I think about gwen as a character and got lodged in my brain since I first read it. its a fic that makes you want to make art about it and it is absolutely worth your time.
Sources under the cut
PART 1: The Fall
The Amazing Spider Man 2. Directed by Marc Webb, performance by Emma Stone, 2014. Gerry Conway, writer. The Night that Gwen Stacy Died. Pencils by Gil Kane. Inks by John Romita. Colors by Dave Hunt. Letters by Artie Simek. The Amazing Spider-Man #121, 1973. @gui_la_ume, TikTok, 2023, LEGO Spiderman Animation, https://www.tiktok.com/@gui_la_ume/video/7245780799251860763. Lavergne, Max. "Coming Up With a Complete List of Ways to Die", Infinite Gossip, Sep 28, 2023, https://infinitegossip.substack.com/p/coming-up-with-a-complete-list-of. Pal, Marijan. "Ajshil, Oresteja, SNG Drama in Ljubljana",  Wikimedia Commons,1968,  https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Ajshil,_Oresteia,_Drama_SNG_v_Ljubljani_(4).jpg. Spider-Man 3. Directed by Sam Raimi, 2007.
the garages. "solar eclipse". https://open.spotify.com/track/23y7JvIq11f1NHnwxWC27P?si=7b4482b1601e40de Madison, Piper. "Phonograph" . https://open.spotify.com/track/13ypXt9ag0Rq8uLBe2tZqn?si=d0aab028801e419d “Memento mori.” Merriam-Webster.com Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/memento%20mori. Accessed 1 May. 2024. Oates, Joyce Carol. Blonde: A Novel. 2000, ci.nii.ac.jp/ncid/BA68593021. The Oresteia, Aeschylus rappaccini. arachnophobia. https://archiveofourown.org/works/48363238/chapters/121980043  Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse. Directed by Joaquim Dos Santos, Kemp Powers, and Justin K. Thompson, 2023.
PART 2: Rage, OR: Tear It All Down
Area 51 circuit board, "I'M NOT DEAD YET" via https://arcadeheroes.com/2014/04/20/arcade-games-easter-eggs/ are you in hell via https://www.tumblr.com/screenshotsofdespair/705113397985968128 A Softer World. www.asofterworld.com/index.php?id=891. bloody knuckles. https://i.pinimg.com/originals/68/68/62/686862f692cfb5e02b76013701ff3347.jpg burn it all lighter via https://png-heaven.tumblr.com/post/675085348575084544/love-still, https://www.etsy.com/listing/717241294/personalized-lighter-zippo-engraved caitlynsarah95, "Hands". Deviantart, May 3, 2019, https://www.deviantart.com/caitlynsarah95/art/Hands-796203302. Daley-Ward, Yrsa, "all the wrong colours" "DIY Three Ingredient Venom Slime", elledoingstuff, https://web.archive.org/web/20201126155036/https://shedoesstuff.com/2018/10/22/diy-three-ingredient-venom-slime/  Gerhard Richter Untitled (5 Jan 1990), 1990 Marchese, David. “Kathleen Turner, in Conversation.” Vulture, 7 Aug. 2018, www.vulture.com/2018/08/kathleen-turner-in-conversation.html. MarianneCreates, "live with this", via https://www.redbubble.com/shop/ap/98874045 McGuire, Seanan, and Rosi Kampe. Spider-Gwen: Ghost-Spider Vol. 1. Marvel, 2019. Melissa P. Directed by Luca Guadagnino, 2005. Paskow, Linnea "Splitter", 2020.  https://linneapaskow.com/paintings-/18 Roland Arhelger, CC BY-SA 4.0 <https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0>, via Wikimedia Commons, https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Verrazzano-Narrows_Bridge_(New_York).jpg Sin, Nata. "Menotaxis", November 8, 2022. https://instagram.com/nata__sin__?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA== "Spider PNG image image with transparent background", via https://pngimg.com/image/4537. "Spider Transparent #1558430", via  http://clipart-library.com/clip-art/spider-transparent-2.htm. "Spider PNG Image" via https://www.pngall.com/spider-png/download/1726 Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse. Directed by Joaquim Dos Santos, Kemp Powers, and Justin K. Thompson, 2023. "Transparent Spider Gif #1587577", via http://clipart-library.com/clip-art/transparent-spider-gif-23.htm. "Transitions Purple T-Shirt + Download", august, via https://store.augustalsina.com/products/transitions-purple-t-shirt-pre-order-download
Boyer, Anne. "WHAT RESEMBLES THE GRAVE BUT ISN’T". 2017.  Moyers, 17 April 2017, https://billmoyers.com/story/poetry-month-what-resembles-the-grave-but-isnt/ Carson, Anne. H Of H Playbook. New Directions Publishing Corporation, 2021. Euripides. Grief Lessons: Four Plays by Euripides. New York Review of Books, 2008. Lord Huron. "Not Dead Yet", https://open.spotify.com/track/5NRbNXwXHM9mYgxMhzVWTP?si=d55caaf2461a4675 rappaccini. arachnophobia. https://archiveofourown.org/works/48363238/chapters/121980043 
PART 3: Live
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