#PA! au
kazerflame · 1 year
Babtqftim x Police academy
Cuphead - Kyle Blankes
Mugman - … Copeland
Bendy - Carey Mahoney
Boris - Larvell Jones
Alice - Karen Thompson
Pete - Thaddeus Harris
Tiery (my oc) - Debbie Callaghan
And that’s all the roles I have now
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stylessbean · 5 months
Harry Styles Fic Recs: One Shots
------------ ˗ˏˋ ꒰ 🍓🍒🍄 ꒱ ˎˊ˗ ------------
Last Updated: 8/02/2024
Friends to Lovers:
Best Friends My Ass by @theonewiththefanfics
the edge of all we've ever known by @stylesharrys
overprotective by @satanhalsey
The one where Y/N is terribly oblivious and Harry is in love with his best friend - H.S by (unknown)
Famous! Reader:
POUR IT OUT by @watchmegetobsessed
Never Have I Ever by @watchmegetobsessed
goodbye by @peleksstuff
this blurb by @anettesblogs
late late show by @let-me-write-shit
celebrity crush by @inkslingerharry
a talk show and a surprise by @gucciwins
the instagram poll by @ifancyharry
Assistant! Reader:
Tomato - Tomato by @theonewiththefanfics
in which you’re harry’s assistant and harry needs to open his eyes by @havethetimeofyourstyles
shy by @moonchildstyles
ever since new york by @ifancyharry
two for the show by @nationalharryleague
sweet nothings by @pancakes4two
Update (2 parts) by @watchmegetobsessed
love her stupid by @finelinevogue
love me like you do by @stylesharrys
vogue beauty secrets by @avatar-anna
Wishing you were here tonight is like holding on. (CEO!H)** by @guardarecheluna
look into his angel eyes by @thestoryofusstan
can't be with you anymore by @lovebittenbyevans
Smut: (click here for my smut masterlist)
trust by @daisyblog
BMWB by @cinemastyles-backup
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Amity Park has a lot of strange things going on, and because of that, is notoriously known for paying much attention to anything outside the city limits. So when Danny Fenton gets applies and gets accepted to be the personal assistant for the CEO of Wayne Enterprise, he doesn't think much about moving to Gotham. The pay is ridiculously good, and the benefits? Don't even get him started.
But with supervillains, vigilantes, and way too many kidnappers running amok, Danny's starting to realize why the job's hazard pay was so ridiculously high.
Meanwhile, the rogues of Gotham city are seriously wondering where Wayne managed to get such an insanely strong bodyguard.
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zeldabecameaqueen · 5 months
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The back of the signs Richas designed, I know it'll probably change over time but I love these ones
I didn't put Gegg's one because well too many images for tumblr
screenshots from badboyhalo's stream
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sibmakesart · 5 months
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c tres tres specific comme idee mais il fallait que ca sorte
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kiiwiighost · 4 months
donald and scrooge :)
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twigs-sprigs · 9 months
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someone desperately needed a redesign
this au is so different now i cant believe a lot of the posts i made on it have literally been retconned to hell 😭
anyway, he's rockin now!!
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dontbelasagnax · 10 months
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Coruscant Ballet presents Romeo and Julien--a critically acclaimed, passionate retelling of Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet with some twists--returning this season by high demand. Equally joyous and poignant in its queerness, Romeo and Julien tells the story of two young men from families that would rather think their sons dead than accept their love. Obi-Wan Kenobi and Cody Fett have captured our hearts with their evocative performance full to the brim with yearning and a love so deep that you'll feel it from the balcony seats. Mace Windu takes Prokofiev's score and gives the haunting despair hope. Combined with Shaak Ti's inspirationally beautiful and tender choreography that simultaneously challenges and subverts the standards of masculine and feminine roles in ballet, this is a production you don't want to miss.
@codywanweek day 3: dancer au
[prints available!]
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hedgehog-moss · 1 year
The text updates I was sending a friend while at the protest in Paris yesterday are kind of tragically funny, it goes from "the cops are staying away and as a result everything's going well, they clearly received better orders today, I'm glad" to "wait, no, forget that"
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1. "Everything's going well, there are a couple of small fires but no one cares, the crowd calmly avoids them, some people stop to warm their hands over them, it's very civilised. I don't think the people who set stuff on fire are the problem, when the cops stay away everything goes smoothly"
2. "There are groups of CRS with batons and shields in the side streets but they stay very discreet compared with the other protests and weirdly enough this one is calmer!"
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3. My friend : "Maybe they received different orders today"
Me "Yeah it's a miracle, someone made a sensible decision"
4. "We just passed another side street full of cops and I heard someone said "last time they started charging us, we had no idea why" so yeah they clearly received different instructions today"
Less than 10min later: "never mind we're being tear gassed"
Then: "Never mind they just charged us several times we have no idea why"
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"I arrived at the end point of the march, looked back and there was a fresh new cloud of tear gas over the (very calm, many elderly people) groups in the middle of the march. More police cars + a water cannon are arriving"
Can't overstate how calm the protest was, just people (100K to 300K according to estimates) walking from point A to point B while holding signs. There were a few trash fires but if they'd sent firefighters to extinguish them people would have let them through... I had friends who walked in the middle of the march to avoid any trouble or gas and they still got tear gassed without knowing why. Even supposing there were people ahead of me I couldn't see who were being more antagonistic towards the CRS, surely the hundreds of cops present could have somehow dealt with that without charging and bludgeoning peaceful protesters and tear gassing thousands of people? Right now it's not possible for French citizens to peacefully assemble without getting systematically gassed by police.
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Here's a video of when they first charged the front of the march, the people they're hitting can't move back any faster (I was somewhere in the compact crowd behind wondering (cause I'm not tall I couldn't see anything 😭) why we were suddenly being pushed back when things had been calm and fun until then. People who had been there before were coaching others like 'don't try to run, you'll make the people behind panic, just walk fast'). I counted five or six tear gas grenades going off
From what I've heard from people who were at the protest, the ones who didn't get gassed are the ones who were at the back of the march and left early without completing the march (some left because they saw the cloud of gas ahead). I've also seen people at other protests in various cities yesterday describing a similar situation : peaceful crowd getting separated in two by a charge, gassed and soaked with water cannons, most people having no idea why. If I had to describe this in terms of police strategy it would be, gas as many people as possible to dissuade your average peaceful protester from completing the march and showing up next time, and be aggressive towards the front of the march to rile them up and get nice images of youth burning things or throwing stuff at cops to show on the evening news and turn public opinion against protesters.
(Note that the society of journalists working for France Télévision (public TV, like the French BBC) have published a statement decrying the poor framing of the protests on the national news, saying too much emphasis was placed on the small amount of people destroying stuff and almost nothing on police brutality and the record numbers of (peaceful) protesters in the streets.) (Read this if you're French and have been wondering why some people around you still don't think the situation is worrying...)
Anyway, I'm glad I went. It was good to see so many people just as angry as I am about what's happening to this country and guillotine-chan was in attendance, and many people had very fun signs and I liked this angry flag:
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nerdpoe · 3 months
Bruce is bad at cooking. No, like. You don't understand-
Alfred is not the only one who has banned him from the kitchen.
Bruce will watch a troll TikTok of someone deep-frying frozen spaghetti and do it for real.
Vicki Vale is clearly looking for proof that Bruce Wayne is not a dumbass, and the only way to shake her is...
To invite her over for an interview, without Bruce knowing, and let Bruce try to make them both lunch.
Examples of things he would actually try; Countertop Spaghetti, whatever the fresh hell is going on in this complication.
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squidpus · 1 year
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How is Madara even functioning at this point? Meds, borrowed Hashirama DNA, and pure spite.
I realize the print is small so here's Maddy's med list:
- Various Tranquilizers
- Immunosuppressants
- Various Supplements
- Antidepressants
- Cheese slice
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A key idea of the PA Danny AU is either
He never figures out that Bruce is Batman -> which makes it so that he's literally the #1 reason why no one ever picks up on the fact because, well, he's Bruce's PA and is literally paid to follow him wherever he goes (not that he'll tell anyone that he still just works regular office hours and so doesn't follow Bruce everywhere) or
He figures it out but he never ever mentions it to Bruce (or any of the bats) -> because he's retired goddamn it, and if there's anything the media's taught him its that retired people get pulled out of retirement the second the get involved in main character shit. And he is done being a main character thank you very much.
Either way, this also means that Danny is 75% responsible for helping shape the Brucie Wayne TM persona
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sibmakesart · 6 months
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op lyon au mais luffy est un putain de vosgien
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rolandsgaard-castle · 7 months
Equyne armor part 1
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stridersdiner · 10 months
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Rancher!Graves x gn!Reader
Quiet mornings with Phil.
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The ol' rambler house, on the ranch property.
For once, he sleeps in. Not by much, only just as the sky starts getting lighter. The sheets are crumpled over the both of you, legs tangled together and arms sprawled. He pulls you closer subconsciously as he slowly opens his eyes, grunting at the sight of one of the dogs staring up at him from your side of the bed.
He tries his best to slip out of bed without waking you, bless his heart, but it's difficult when he's just pulling himself off the mattress and you paw over his side, eyebrows furrowing when you don't feel him near.
"Sorry, sweetheart," he leans back down to kiss your forehead. "You can go back t' sleep if you want."
You pull at his shirt, trying your best to pull him back to sweet slumber, but his chest rumbles with quiet laughter.
"C'mon, baby, y'know I gotta get up." He runs a hand through your hair, thumb brushing over your cheek before his hand settles on the nape of your neck. "I'll make y' some tea, alright?"
He pulls away hesitantly, tucking you back under the blanket before he pads out of the room to brush his teeth. You drag yourself up eventually, clutching one of the brightly coloured throws around your shoulders as you make your way to the kitchen.
Phil can't help but smile as you waddle in, and he hugs you until the kettle starts whistling.
Mugs of tea and coffee in hand as you two sit on the big rocking chairs on the front porch. It's serene; gentle breeze brushing through the grass, birds chirping, dogs resting by their feet. He sighs, sinking back into the rocker as the sun pulls itself up from over the horizon.
He decides to take an easy day, making up his mind after making his rounds to check up on and feed the animals. The kitchen is warm, low hum of the radio as you work over the stove. He smiles as he kicks off his boots and pulls his gloves off in the mudroom, and he slips into the washroom to scrub his hands.
"Phil?" Called from the kitchen.
"Yes, puddin'?" He says, pulling himself around to the kitchen, wiping his hands on the thighs of his jeans.
You turn you head to look at him over your shoulder, and you smile at him. His heart melts.
"Made us some breakfast."
"Little late for that, ain't it?"
He slides up behind you, strong arms snaking around your waist and his nose burying in the crane of your neck while he watches you twirl the handle of the spatula in your hand.
"Better late than never."
"Thank you, angel."
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Babes that wanted to be tagged:
@mockerycrow @kivino
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bruciemilf · 1 year
ohemgee that Krypton Clark arriving to an established Justice League AU is perfection!
I imagine he tries to wear down Bruce in his courtship by stepping up a little because surely if The Bat were to consider him then the man needs reassurance Clark will always be present and there for him, like he once overheard ((from miles away on the farm of course, because his soon-to-be mate was hiding , what a shy, lovely creature he is!)) Bruce offhandedly mention some space meteorite and potential dangers so Clark is thinking I am going to show him I am willing to protect him and our this planet by destroying it and bringing him a piece to prove my loyalty and commitment! And when he lends a hand to the league in the watchtower or out in the city, he will slowly come up to Batman and always pick up where left off My dear this game of tag of yours is very endearing, I almost didn't catch you! More proof of how you are such a trained and skilled fighter. Together we make a good team and I can see us being most agreeable pair of mates... and Bruce is a mess. He may even rope Hal into the convo for an out because he's so flustered. What if it results in him doing a amongus/Clint Barton move and vents his way out and leading to the Zeta-tube. I've strayed off but the hold this has on me is immense.
What I love about this is that neither of them can flirt like normal people. Lois desperately tries to show Clark earth appropriate dating customs and he's just confused. " But that's so slow and inefficient. And so needlessly complicated. Besides, Bruce likes when I bring him rocks."
"Yeah, rocks! Not the freezing corpses of alien enemies!"
Clark is currently holding a lifeless body of an alien who planned to abduct the bat. Its just easier and cleaner if Bruce doesn't know. Poor darling already has so much stress. " This one's still warm."
Also; I couldn't agree more with Kryptonians being more alien like. Bruce usually has little problems with harsh rejection, but if it's Clark...He simply asks Hal to drop an arm over his shoulder.
"Can I squeeze a boob? I just feel like it'll be more realistic if I squeeze a boob. "
" No."
Oliver side eyes, " You're a grown man. Call them milkies."
Clark comes in, solar sweep smile radiating, except there's nothing friendly about the way his fangs glare. He pulls Bruce in, and his face just...Does a thing. There's tentacles and screeching involved and Hal is frozen in place.
Clark is back to normal in less than a minute.
" Please don't do that! If Bruce chooses you as the better mate, that's fine, but you can't interrupt my ritual. It's rude!" And then he happily flies away with a curious and blushing Bruce.
"... You ok, Jordan?"
" Ring; dipers."
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