getmeoutofhell · 3 months
Horror House
warnings: cussing, demons, and well ofc, slashers.
a/n: enjoy my little angels!
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you don’t know how you ended up here, but here you were, in a shitty house in the middle of no where. also did i mention there’s a bunch of psycho killers that live with you?? no? well let me tell you.
freddy, hannibal + will, art + the little girl, vincent, candy man, pin head, bo, bubba, thomas, penny + pennywise, michael, cory, all ghostfaces, jason, chucky, tiffany, carrie, jennifer, anabelle, patrick, crepper, valak, the crooked man, and the babadook somehow lived here.
well, bubba & thomas don’t live with you, but about an hour or so away. the come visit on saturday’s tho, so that’s nice.
about every damn 5 minutes there’s a fight somewhere happening. it’s usually freddy and jason, but sometimes it’s penny and pennywise going at it over something you don’t care to ask about.
sometimes you see art come in and break up the fight, you think it’s cute how he’s always there to help.
hannibal and will have their own stuff to them selves by acquiring their own room and bathroom. they keep their relationship and love live private from you and the rest of the group, but you guys respect it.
sometimes hannibal, will, candy man, and pin head have nice conversations, but will gets bored and leaves them alone.
patrick is everyone’s opp, like literally everyones. hannibal was fighting the urge to eat him as soon as he met him. but you had to beg him not to. freddy really can’t stand him. he said he’s a “proper bitch” which you can agree with somewhat.
now let’s talk about valak. he’s very, very, very sneaky. like, concerning type sneaky. you never hear him, or see him, unless he wants to be seen. he talks, barley. sometimes you see him with anabelle or the crooked man. he sometimes scares you, and he knows.
the babadook on the other hand, he stays hidden, literally. it’s your job to get up everyday and feed him his daily worms, or he gets grumpy and makes the house shake and shit. he kinda only trust you for some odd reason to feed him. you’ll never question it tho.
you sleep in the second floor of this monstrosity of an house. on your floor is freddy, carrie, billy, and stu.
carrie is very sweet, and usually speaks only when spoken to. freddy on the other hand…we all know how he is.
billy and stu, are probably the loudest on your floor. and that’s because they throw fucking party’s in their room with the other ghostfaces. sometimes you’re invited, sometimes not. it depends on billy’s mood that day.
now don’t get me started on the rest of them…
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i really wanna start writing this so i hope you guys like it!
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RWBY/ZZZ Crossover
Blake: ... *Sniff Sniff Sniff* Does anyone else smell something burning?
Corin: I - Uh- Y-Yes! I think I do! It smells like ... *Turning to the kitchen* ... Miss Rina's Cooking ...
Blake: *Also Turning to the kitchen* And she was with Weiss ...
Corin: ... M-Miss Belladonna? I'm Scared.
Blake: Me too ... Me too ...
Ruby: Oh my Gosh! These are so well maintained! The shine, the Rifling, the cylinders - And Revolvers in .45 Long are so uncommon!
Billy: Yep! My Sweet Girls might be chambered in that, but their bullets are my own custom design - Explosive!
Ruby: *GASP* What are their names? You've named them Right?
Billy: ... No! How have I NOT?!?! That's Genius-
Penny: You are capable of eating food?
Qingyi: Indeed. I have an internal Bioreactor that allows me to persist for longer periods without necessitating my "Plugging in" even if I must eventually return to my charger.
Penny: I should ask my father about installing something like that ...
Qingyi: I would Highly Recommend it. It is less disconcerting when Humans witness those like us eating with them, rather than simply sitting and conversating.
Winter: ...
Grace: *In the middle of dismantling a Paladin* Oh! I see how that works - That's so Clever! Whoever designed you must be so proud kiddo!
Winter: *Clicks tongue, turning away* That is not in my Pay grade.
Nora: *Raising Magnhild* AAAAAAHH-
Koleda: *raising her Hammer and Wrench* AAAAAAHHH-
Lycaon: Hello.
Lycaon: You're being rather stand-offish compared to most canines I meet.
Lycaon: I suppose it's a nice change of pace. Perhaps you can sense my ... need for calm and Quiet, and if you can, thank you.
Zwei: *Quiet bark*
Lycaon: And you are Rather smart, aren't you? Thank you very much.
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manwrre · 1 year
It’s bordering on two weeks since Hargrove’s arrival at Hawkins High, when Steve realizes he’s crushing on the guy. Like—‘doodling hearts in the margins of his books and racking up a list of things he likes about him’ type crushing.
They’ve barely interacted after that night at the party. Outside of social gatherings, they just run in different circles; Steve, filling his time with Robin and occasionally third-wheeling Nancy and Jonathan, while Billy hangs out with the more popular crowd.
Their schedules also don’t overlap despite the blonde taking a number of senior-level classes, with the exception of gym and lunch.
The list though, is still so painstakingly long. Ego-stroking-ly lengthy. Embarrassingly indulgent, all on his behalf.
Steve would much rather nosedive into the quarry, than divulge too deeply into it with anyone.
Especially around or to the guy’s actual face, at the risk of Billy’s head becoming too big for his body (even though Steve thinks he’d make an adorable bobble head). Or you know, worse— like him, getting absolutely brained in front of everyone.
Which must say a lot about him as a person because apparently, this is his type. Beautiful, angry, conceited boys.
Regardless, there are some objective mentions on his list though.
Things that the general public would agree on, like Billy’s Michelle-Pfeiffer curls; loose and wavy but so, so golden.
His eyes are a close second, of course because Steve’s seen a lot of bright blues but Billy’s remind him of the vacation he’d spent in Aruba, as a kid. Remind him of a horizon-kissed vastness and warm water lapping at his ankles on a private beach.
The public also agrees that Billy’s got a banging body. He’s thicker than most because he actually gives a shit and ‘works out religiously’ but it’s not all muscle. His abdomen and thighs are firm but his pecs and ass have the right amount of give. A perfect amount of softness.
Steve would know because he’s had to will away many boners at the sight of them.
And Billy’s funny in a witty, sarcastic way. He grins toosharptooprettytoobright and dangerous. He’s smart too, like taking mostly AP classes smart and he’s smug about it all because he knows he’s hot shit. Of course, the bastard is self aware. Cocky. Steve likes him so much. Wants him so bad that it’s dizzying, sickening.
So yeah, there’s stuff that everyone can agree on but then….then, there’s whatever this is.
This being the two penny-sized indents at the base of Billy’s spine. Symmetrical and just defined enough for average eye to discern.
When Steve sees them for the first time though, he promptly drops the basketball in his hands. In front of everyone. During fucking gym class. Purely out of shock.
He catches himself within the same breath and quickly looks away.
Ignores the pointed look that Patrick sends him for flaking out, mid-pass, like some kind of freak and looks around cooly.
Because Billy Hargrove has dimples of venus.
Affectionately dubbed a sign of beauty by Michelangelo. Famed after the Greek goddess’ simulacrum. Called dimples of Apollo on men, which suits Billy all the more, in Steve’s opinion.
The sun child.
Flushed with life. Deserving of avid worshippers. A being deserving of wax poetic. Glittering, dazzling, vibrant and the Camaro, his chariot.
And he knows this because dimples are like, his freckles. His glasses. His braces. They’re a niche, little thing that he finds just devastating. Achingly cute. Nancy has a pair of them near her laugh lines that he would kiss everyday and prod at, endeared.
So he ambles on through practise a little out of breath and red in the face with his newfound knowledge.
Watches Billy jog over to the locker room with everyone else at the end; skin slick and sweat pooling at the divots of his waistband. Tempting.
He stands back and feigns trying to catch his breath, his hands on his knees. Eyes the younger boy’s retreating form from up through his hair. Imagines hooking his thumbs into the depressions of his flesh.
Relishes in the thought of splaying his hands across the width of his waist.
Feels his mouth go dry and a rush of white heat surging south.
Licks his lips absentmindedly as his cock aches to life and makes the decision to skip the locker room schtick, save anyone realizing he’s sporting a half chub.
Instead, he grabs his backpack and heads out to his car. The parking lot is mostly empty by the time he gets there and devoid of anyone interested in him enough to wave him over. He tosses his stuff into the backseat of the Beemer and speeds off before anyone can catch up to him.
It’s a short drive to his house but he spends it envisioning Billy in all sorts of compromising positions. Thinks about the flush on his skin when he plays and the heat in his eyes— wonders how easily he gives in; loud-mouth turned soft and pliant at the faintest hint of pleasure.
He barely makes it inside before shucking his bag off and stripping himself bare of sweat-sticky clothes. In the same breath, he’s fisting a too damp hand around his cock and hissing at the near painful throb. His only relief comes from the coldness of the door against his back as he slumps against it.
Precum beads at the flushed head and he gathers it all on the upstroke to ease the glide. Squeezes his eyes shut so tightly that honeyed galaxies explode behind the lids and he can’t think.
Can’t think about the consequences of jerking off to someone he sees damn near everyday. Doesn’t care enough to avoid the impending embarrassment.
Why would he? Instead, he thinks of Billy laid out beneath him, all pretty and flushed and glittering; his eyes wet with unshed tears and ruddy lower lip between his teeth as he looks over his shoulder at him. Imagines the roughness of his voice and his muscles all pulled taut as Steve knocks the air out of his lungs with each slam of his cock.
He fucks into the tight ‘o’ of his hand, already so goddamn close and conjures up the image of twin dips. Wants to paint pearlescent white across the bronze expanse of Billy’s back; let it pool where he is favored by the Gods.
The thought has him biting back a moan as he grinds into the slickness of his hold. The heat in his gut expands so greatly, so suddenly, that his hips flex with the intensity of it. Until finally,
it snaps.
Like a star beneath the pressures of gravity; with all the strength and ferocity of a supernova. And he’s spilling all over his hand in a few stiff, jerky thrusts and breathing out a low, garbled “Fuck, Billy— shitshitshit.”
And God, he’s so screwed.
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beyondthisdarkhouse · 2 years
Feeling really nostalgic about July 17-18, 2008, the last time I believed in Joss Whedon
It was just cool, you know? Doctor Horrible's Sing-Along Blog dropped in three separate pieces over the course of the week. We'd get 15 minutes of story, and then two days to froth over the whys and wherefores in Livejournal comments before the next piece came out. And those days were so good.
Buffy fans are so fucking smart, y'all. They could combine academic rigor with unselfconscious fangirl squee. Squee was a hermeneutical method, a mode of interrogating the text--one we often dismiss and diminish, because if there's anything grosser than teenage girls getting goopy over a vampire they like, it's 30 or 50 or 70-year-old women getting goopy over a vampire they like. But it's similar to what I've seen called a "redemptive reading". You approach a piece of media specifically looking for its best parts, the pieces you love the best, and you allow yourself to fully embody the joy of liking something and caroling your joy to other people who like it too. In a perpetually burned-out time, squee can be like a desert oasis.
So the people who liked Buffy and Angel and Firefly watched Doctor Horrible in a manner both squeeful and intersectionally feminist, and saw all the amazing interesting things it was doing, showing how insecure geek masculinity fundamentally self-sabotages the main character, Billy, because the relationship he wants has been there in reach for months, and it's his own perception that he needs to be an alpha male warrior that has kept him from it. It interrogated the entire genre of costumed heroes, with two men thumping their chests and comparing their dick sizes, and none of them doing anything as direct and helpful for their society as Penny, the woman who stands on sidewalks collecting signatures to help a homeless shelter.
Part II came out on July 17, and the series would end with Part III on July 19. So on July 18, I spent most of the day reading Livejournal comments about it. There were all these theories: Maybe Penny was secretly Bad Horse, the archvillain whose approval Billy has craved since the beginning. Maybe she will collapse the love triangle with Billy's rival, Captain Hammer, by acting on her clearly-demonstrated discomfort and dumping him. Maybe Billy will learn that relationships are based on intimacy, not being The Best. Maybe Penny will become a superhero and replace Captain Hammer as Billy's nemesis. Maybe Billy will succeed and rule the world and give Penny Australia.
And then... none of those things happened. Joss Whedon ended the series in a way less progressive, less imaginative, less cool, than even the most half-baked fan theory out there. The story opened up possibilities to break out of an old, tired, toxic set of stories around men and women and sex and heroics, and then hid under a rock rather than change a single one of them.
July 19 was the day I concluded that while Joss Whedon might have his own baggage to work through about toxic masculinity, and artists have the right to make work meaningful to them, he wasn't making art that was meaningful to me. And I basically stopped expecting anything of him.
And then, for years, Buffy fans, educated and squeeful feminists and sharp pop culture critics, got told they were crazy histrionic SJWs for thinking Whedon didn't shit solid gold. For years. (I recently saw a video essay that included the line, "If you have the phrase 'mewling quim' branded onto your memory, you probably need some Metamucil" and, ouch, rude.)
There was so much excitement! A lot of us actually believed in the guy (although even then, there was enough evidence for many people to suspect what we now know to be 100% true about him.)
We wanted it to be good. We wanted to enjoy it.
I miss that feeling.
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dominantslasherking · 2 years
Slashers With Dominant Male S/o On Valentines Day
My Stories are meant for the much more mature audience, 18+.
Backstory: Takes place at a slashers asylum...but its valentines day
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You boredly sat at the table, your eyes closely slanted onto the plain white table, where multiple valentines cards were laid out right in front of you.
"Quiet! He noticed them!" Billy muttered to Stu, the ghost face killers intently watching with wide smiles on their faces. The other tables who were at the tables with the two scream killers had their attention to the table you sat at.
Norman bates was the first to speak up, "Do...you think he will like them?" Norman hummed out, his voice gentle but held no sense of shyness. "Of course he fucking likes them." Chucky aka Charles lee ray spoke up, ruffling his hand through his hair, he wasn't in his doll form currently, he took a drag of his cigarette which he had took from one of the nurses he murdered.
Bo Sinclair turned to his brother in annoyance, before speaking out to the rest of the killers, "Here comes the silent fuckers...----no offence." He mumbled the last part to Vincent who just stayed silent under his wax mask.
Both Jason Voorhes, and Michael Myers had finally arrived at the dinnng room , following after behind them was Thomas hewitt, with his sluggish and sleepy like movement.
All three of them had sat near [Name] With their eyes glued to the valentines cards directed to you, obviously they had already placed theirs there, so they could only wait.
"Thanks everyone." Your husky voice spoke up which was pleasing to everyone's ears, as they melted just by your words. The more demonic slashers had finally arrived, chains both on their neck and wrists were glowing a light blue color, it had restricted their powers.
Pinhead headed over to the table, curious about the silly cards which were in shapes of hearts, and gifted to you, he was pleasured with the panging jealousy inside his chest, which caused him a different sensation of pain: It greatly pleased him.
Freddy Kruger was muttered curses, while staring at pinheads--well pins. Freddy had resisted the urge to grab on of the pins and stick it into a guards eye...he has done that before, but he only ended up getting tackled and months in solitary for killing a guard. "Heyy~ Babee~ Did you read mine yet!" Freddy teasingly asked as his burnt features twisted up into a rigid smile.
"HEY- Freddy, why don't you take your burnt sausage dick and shove it up your ass!" Chucky cackled, while throwing a heart shaped chocolate at Freddy's head. "Say that again! Killer Carrot top! Once I get out of these shitty chains, guess whos dream I'm coming to??---YOURS BITCH!" Freddy insulted right back, but before he could say much more Hannibal had stopped their argument.
"Why don't you two, sit down, and let us enjoy our meals, I'm sure [Name] does not appreciate your tussle as he is trying to read the cards." Hannibal stated, while he stared down at his tasteless food.
Slowly you inhaled a deep breath, "What time...will we go?" You slowly asked, the asylum was getting boring fast, and you were ready to leave.
Pennywise had giggled on your words leaning down on the table, his eyes flashing gold as he suddenly slipped off his shackles once you had spoken. "Penny is always ready." The clown teased, ready to help the other slashers who had chains on.
Lifting up from your seat, you stared at the slashers at the other table, who were also standing.
It sounded like a swell plan...
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grey-sides · 2 years
the taste of pennies on my tongue
What started as a shitpost on twitter asking the question of what would happen if Steve slurped up Billy's necklace when he was leaning over him has now turned into Steve Harrington's Bisexual CrisisTM
1.3K words- no warnings
Steve is on his back again, staring up at the midday sky. He’s beginning to think Billy likes seeing him on his back, waiting for something to happen. Like Steve might finally and snap and lose it if he does it often enough.
They're on mandatory one-on-one practice because Coach made them co-captains. Despite Steve working his ass off for years to get this point, Billy's Californian records apparently precede him.
So individual practice to work on their team-building. So they can act like partners on the court, even if they hate each other off the court.
Steve doesn't hate Billy. He doesn't really hate anyone, not even Nancy. Realized that pretty quick when calling her bullshit tasted sour on his tongue in a way he was unfamiliar with. When lashing out stopped feeling good and started feeling childish.
He doesn't want to be childish so he doesn't hate Billy. He doesn't like the guy most of the time because he's an ass. Even now, after he's knocked Steve flat onto his back, he's busy shooting baskets. Doing layups and dunks from the sounds of his shoes hitting the ground every so often.
Steve just lays there. Flat out, arms at his sides, staring at the sky with wide eyes. He can breathe fine, Billy didn't hit him hard enough to knock him out. And there is a rock digging into his lower back, probably a pebble but he's laying right on it.
He kind of wants to go home. End this practice, sign off on each other's dumb forms that they actually did this together like they were asked to. He wants to spend too long on his hair, trying to find a new style, revamp himself.
Billy's feet hit the ground and the ball bounces off the court into the grass. Steve doesn't turn his head. He kind of wants to quit the basketball team, if he's honest.
"What? You're gonna act like the sissies on the soccer team now?" Billy snarks as he gets close.
Steve looks over at him, just moves his eyes so Billy doesn't see how much he wants to look at him. That's new too. Or not. Nancy's a big cloud in his brain, covering up all thoughts that weren't her before and during and sometimes after.
"Coulda cracked my skull open out here," Steve says, rolling his eyes back to stare at the sky.
Billy just stands there, silent except for his heavy breathing. He's skins again today as if it matters when there's only the two of them. He has a bandana on, wrapped around his forehead to keep his hair off his face. He kind of looks like Bon Jovi like that.
Steve watches as the blue sky disappears. Cheerful for the cold, he's getting chilly laying on the ground with sweat drying on his skin. Billy's looming over him, searching. He's already irritated and he's only halfway there.
Billy's necklace clings to his skin as he bends over, catching on the sweat on his chest. It falls in slow motion, coming to dangle between them as his hand comes up to offer Steve help up. Or more likely to shove him back down again.
His necklace or his pendant reminds Steve of a cameo because it has an image on it. He's never gotten close enough to examine it and certainly isn't going to now.
"Harrington," Billy snaps, waving his hand in his face. "You got a fucking concussion or something? How many fingers am I holding up?"
His hand twists around and he flips Steve off. Steve stares at it for a moment but his gaze is dragged back to that pendant. It probably has some sweat clinging to the metal. It's probably warm to the touch from Billy's skin.
He stops thinking. Shuts his brain off like he does when he needs to make a tough play or a dangerous call. Maybe his eyes glaze over, but he doesn't know because he's not looking at himself.
Steve sits up just enough to get his lips around Billy's pendant. He slides it between his teeth, tongues over the metal that tastes like pennies. He doesn't know what it's made of, probably gold since Billy's skin isn't turning green.
He holds it for a moment, tucked safely in his mouth and looks up at Billy with wide eyes. The bird disappears, Billy's hand coming to the ground with an audible slap. The other follows and Billy stares at him.
The moment lasts a couple seconds too long. Maybe the birds stop singing or the earth stops rotating in the time because Steve is fixated on the necklace in his mouth and the expression on Billy's face.
It's open, eyes wide with something like arousal and something else like fear. Steve wonders if it was quiet enough if he could hear Billy's heartbeat thundering under his ribs. If he would know what the beat is from, the strain of basketball or something like anticipation.
Billy rears back and Steve opens his mouth, the pendant sailing from his lips to the air between them to land with a tiny wet smack on Billy's chest.
Steve licks his lips and hauls himself to his feet. He brushes off his ass and makes a beeline for the basketball, Billy falls on his ass behind him.
When he turns around, Steve passes the ball to Billy, but it hits his shoe and bounces off. He's expecting Billy to snap at him or say something. It was stupid, he wishes he had some water to wash the taste of pennies out of his mouth.
Billy keeps staring at him as he gets to his feet. Steve digs his heels in, stares right back at him. They're alone out here as far as he can tell, it's quiet like before a storm.
Billy gets up close, so they're chest to chest. The necklace is dangerously close to touching Steve again. He keeps looking into Billy's eyes, puts a hand between them, on the opposite side of Billy's chest.
"What," Billy says, quiet as can be. "Was that?"
Steve feels Billy's hand wrap around his wrist, fingers tightening. Not hard enough to bruise. Billy likes seeing him on his back, doesn't care to hurt him. Not anymore.
Steve licks his lips again, searches Billy's face. His mouth is hanging open, he probably looks dumb and confused by his own actions. Words tend to fail Steve Harrington.
He leans in instead, closing his eyes at the halfway point. Billy tastes like plain chapstick, a little bit like sweat, cigarettes, cinnamon gum. His lips are warm, wet from licking the sweat off his face. He kisses like he's trying to devour Steve whole.
Billy breaks off the kiss, staring at Steve's lips when he pulls back. His lashes are long and his eyes look stormy in this light. He takes a breath, Steve feels it under his fingertips.
"Same time next week?" Billy asks, voice a little scratchy.
Steve curls his fingers against Billy's chest. Watches his tanned skin go a little white with it. He nods, pauses and clears his throat.
"I have a half court on the side of the house," he answers. "If you ever want to get another session in."
Billy nods, lets go of his wrist. He takes a step back and grabs his sweatshirt from the bench on the outside of the court. Picks up the basketball and tucks it under one arm. Steve watches him go, all the way over to his car.
And when he gets inside, Steve swears Billy lifts his necklace and puts it in his mouth.
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symbioticsimplicity · 2 years
I’m gonna have to name this little AU if I keep going, but I have no idea what I’d call it. Suggestions? Part three of these posts. AO3 link!
Part 4
“Okayokayokayokay,” Steve said, half way through their second shared bottle of vodka, “I gotta know, if this’d happened, like, two years ago, would this have happened?”
Billy squinted at him, the cogs in his head almost visible as he tried to make Steve’s question make sense. Eddie and Tommy however seemed to latch right onto the meaning behind his slightly slurred words. 
“Noooooo.” Eddie declared with a shake of his head and a wave of his hands, “Nope. Woulda ended bloody ten minutes in. Tops.”
“The hell are we talking about?” Billy asked, rather than continuing to try to puzzle it out.
“This,” Tommy gestured to the group at large, “Us. Could we have all hung out in the same space like this.”
“That is not what he asked.” Billy muttered.
“It’s what he meant.” Tommy shrugged, laying back against the floor.
“Yeah!” Steve agreed, “What’dya think Bills?”
“First, don’t call me that.” Billy’s glare wasn’t half as intimidating with his cheeks all rosy like that, “Second, no way. I couldn’t stand any of you back then. Munson gets a pass, cause he had the hook up.”
Eddie pumped his fist in the air and Tommy made a wounded little noise of derision. 
“What? Why didn’t you like us!” He rolled so he was facing the group again, though still laying as comfortably as he could.
“Is that a real question?” Billy cocked a brow.
“Because you were assholes.” Billy said as if it were obvious.
Tommy threw his hands into the air in exasperation and turned to Steve, gesturing emphatically, the pinching of his eyebrows saying everything his mouth wasn’t. 
“Uh, Billy, you were also kind of an asshole.” Steve replied for Tommy since he was too worked up to get the words out without his voice cracking like a middle schooler’s. 
“I had a reason to be.” Billy shot back, his expression crumbling into irritated resignation almost the moment the words left his lips. 
Tommy scoffed, and Steve knew the next words out of his mouth would be the kind that started fights and that was the last thing they needed at the moment. He moved without thinking, slapping a hand over Tommy’s mouth to both their surprise. 
But in for a penny, in for a pound.
“You haven’t gotten the time to develop a ‘don’t be a bitch’ filter yet, so I’m going to do it for you, just this once.” Steve said, leaning in so he didn’t have to speak at full volume, “Before you say anything I want you to think about if it’s going to get you punched in the nose or not. If the answer is ‘yes’ pick something else.”
Tommy glared at him, and licked the inside of his palm. The sensation had Steve pulling his hand back only to wipe it off on Tommy’s already ruined polo. 
“You’re so gross! Have you seen the shit I’ve killed today? You’re gonna catch turbo-AIDS.”
Eddie snorted, earning himself a shove from Steve. 
“Thanks, Steve.” Tommy pointedly flicked his attention back to Billy who was watching the whole thing while sipping a can of coke he’d pulled from the six pack nearby, “What makes you think we didn’t also have reasons to be assholes?”
Billy scoffed, glancing at Steve for a moment before he seemed to reconsider whatever he was thinking.
“Guess I don’t know, Tommy. What was your reasoning?” He pulled his legs up so he was hugging his arms around his shins, still holding the coke by his fingertips, “Can’t think of much a rich kid with two functional parents and plenty of friends could really be that upset about.”
Eddie made a noise somewhere between agreement and comradery, but otherwise kept surprisingly quiet.
Steve squeezed Tommy’s arm from where he’d left it after wiping his hand on him. Tommy’s self control was usually dubious at best, but his self control in regards to saying some genuinely hurtful shit was virtually non-existent. Or at least it had been the last time Steve had spent any meaningful time with him.
So he was surprised when Tommy took a breath and seemed to follow Steve’s advice about thinking before he spoke.
“Probably isn’t as good as your’s, whatever the fuck that is.” Tommy shrugged, “But that’s why. Growing up that way, that’s what people think you’re supposed to be like. You’ve got everything, you’re supposed to flaunt it. Everyone likes you, you’re supposed to act like it. You’ve got people who care, then you’re supposed to be happy.”
Tommy’s face was carefully blank, the same that he used when he was being more of an asshole than he had to be and didn’t want to feel it. The one that Steve had seen every time someone told him how much of a dick he was somewhere someone else might overhear it if he ever said ‘I’m sorry.’ 
“Just how it is. Fighting it gets you thrown out with the losers, and the losers hate you because you were an asshole. Steve here knows all about that. Sucked, didn’t it?”
Steve met Tommy’s stare, pursing his lips as he nodded.
“Yeah. Got better eventually. But yeah.”
“See, I’m not like Steve. I’m not a good person deep down, and I’d much rather be comfortable than do the right thing or whatever. Especially if doing the right thing still lands you here.”
He gestured to the room at large, illustrating how they were all more or less trapped together.
For a moment they were all quiet, Tommy’s words seeming heavier and heavier with each passing moment. Steve was about to change the subject, just to dispel some of the awkwardness that had coagulated around them but Billy beat him to it.
“I’m not either.” His voice was hushed, which was just as weird as hearing Tommy being quiet, “A good person. I’m not. Could have done a million other things, didn’t. It’s easier to just….let it all happen.”
Steve was sure he’d never heard Billy volunteer information like that. Despite having fallen into frequent proximity months ago, he still felt like he barely knew the guy. He knew more about Eddie who he’d known for far less time. 
“Well if anyone’s asking me, I think you’re all assholes.” Eddie’s easy quip slid in, easing some of the tension almost effortlessly, “But the thing about assholes? If you stretch ‘em, they can grow.”
“Munson, what the fuck?” Billy leaned away from him.
“It’s true!”
“It’s fucking gross!” Tommy threw the end of a Vienna sausage at him, “Do you just say shit like that on purpose or are you actually queer?”
“If I were, you, Tommy Hagan, would be the very last person I would tell.” Eddie lobbed the corner of a poptart back at him. “Last thing this minefield of a quartet needs is homophobia.”
Tommy squinted at Eddie, “Okay now, that one pisses me off. People just assume I hate the gays just because I’m an asshole about everything else.”
“Tommy, think about what you just said for a second.”
“It’s different! Being a dick to, like, regular people is one thing. The gays have enough shit going on, with the bible thumpers. And the whole bible thing is stupid anyway! I’ve read that thing front to back like three times and the whole Sodom and Gamorah thing was about child abuse so that’s a whole lot of people admitting they can’t fucking read. Which just makes Christians look stupid so it makes me even more pissed off cause if I’m gonna look stupid I want it to at least be for a problem I do have. I can’t do trig but I can at least fucking read--”
“Tommy,” Steve pushed him gently to jar him out of the rabbit hole he’d just gone down.
Eddie was staring at him like he was the single most baffling puzzle he’d ever seen, a growing sense of amazement lighting up a smile like the sun cresting the horizon. If there was anything Eddie Munson was, it was uncomfortably perceptive. Steve knew that well enough by now, but Tommy was just about to find out.
“Well, then, in that case, yeah, I’m kinda queer.” Eddie said, casual as anything, despite Billy choking on his soda beside him.
His shrewd eyes locked onto Tommy, and Steve knew he’d be picking apart each little individual bit of his reaction and running it through whatever process in his head equated to judgement. Tommy, to his credit, while looking absolutely floored Eddie had just dropped that like it was nothing, didn’t react much more.
“Okay.” He said once he’d gotten his voice back.
“Okay?” Eddie raised both eyebrows.
“Well what do you want me to do, a backflip?” He wiggled his injured leg, “Not really on the menu right now.”
Eddie grinned and shook his head, looking absolutely delighted, “Man, meeting you two is starting to fuck with me. Cool jocks. Who would have thought?”
“Crazy what can happen when you get to actually know someone.” Steve let out the breath he’d been holding that entire conversation through. 
“Yeah, crazy.” Eddie agreed.
By the time they finished the second bottle of vodka it was just after nine. Reasonably they should turn in for the night but Steve was still wired from the day’s action and he was pretty sure he wasn’t the only one. 
Eddie couldn’t settle at the best of times, while Billy and Tommy were tossing an orange back and forth. If Steve ignored the bloodstained rag wrapped around Tommy’s leg, and the distant sound of demobats, he could almost pretend they were having a sleep over. 
A sleepover with his ex-best friend, his rival-turned-ally, and his other rival-turned-friend.
Sure, totally normal.
“We should go to bed.” Steve suggested, mostly just so he could say he’d tried to be responsible.
“Unless you mean that in a sexy way, no. There’s no way I’m sleeping tonight.” Eddie replied without looking away from the window.
If Steve could hear the demobats, he was sure Eddie could too. His leg was bouncing and every line of his body screamed ‘tension’. Normally, Steve would have sat him down beside him, pet through his hair and got him talking about something until he chilled out a bit. But given present company…
Given present company? Would they really mind? Yeah, of course they would, they’d both give Steve a metric ton of shit. But would that be it? It wasn’t like they’d beat his ass over it, Eddie had just come out like three hours ago. Maybe Steve was just too far in his own head.
“Eddie?” He called, getting the other’s attention, although not in full, “C’mere for a sec.”
Eddie turned all the way back to him, biting his bottom lip like he was trying to tear the skin off it with just his incisors. So, even more freaked out than Steve had thought. There was no way he was going to prioritize being a coward over Eddie who clearly needed his help.
He sat down beside him, just a little too close as always. Steve scooted even closer, sliding his hand into Eddie’s hair and scratching just the way he knew he liked. Almost immediately his shoulders lost some of their tension.
“So, if you’re not going to sleep, and I’m not fucking you, what should we do instead?” Steve asked, earning himself a laugh.
“How about we play something.” Tommy suggested, despite the question not being addressed to him in the least.
“Like a sleepover?” Billy huffed what almost could have been called a laugh, “What’re we, sixteen year old girls?”
“I could braid your hair too, Sunshine~” Eddie winked at him.
“Stop calling me that.”
“Like you don’t love it.” Eddie grinned right back.
Steve was surprised to see a blush rise on Billy’s cheeks, though he didn’t get to see it long before he was turning his head away.
“If you two wanna stop flirting, I was gonna say two truths and a lie. That one’s always fun.”
“Sounds great, Billy you should go first.” Eddie couldn’t help but tease.
Steve pulled on the baby hairs at the base of his neck a little, getting a hiss out of him and a poke to the side for his trouble.
“Fine.” Billy turned back to the group and held up three fingers, “I have killed a man, I will kill again, and it burns when I pee.”
Tommy looked stricken and Steve could relate. He knew at least one of those was true, although he felt obligated to argue that while Billy’s body had certainly killed someone, he himself hadn’t. Though, he supposed from Billy’s perspective that line probably didn’t feel as clear. 
“Second one’s a lie.” Eddie answered, his voice deceptively calm.
“Munson wins.” Billy laid back down and tossed the orange to himself.
“Wait, no, hold on, back it up.” Tommy mimed pumping the breaks, looking just as goofy as his dad did when he did that, “Can we talk about that first one?”
“The game was two truths and a lie, not two truths a lie and an investigation. Mind your own business Hagan.”
“Nah, man you made that my business.” 
“He didn’t kill anyone.” Steve said firmly, staring Billy down even though he wasn’t looking in his direction as though daring him to argue, “He was possessed.”
“Possessed? Like Linda Blair possessed?”
“Worse.” Billy answered shortly. 
“First monsters, now demons? How in the hell has all this shit been happening without anyone knowing until the town literally split in half?” Tommy blinked, his head reeling back as he tried to make that make sense, “You’re good now though, right? Not possessed anymore?”
“Mostly.” Billy answered cryptically.
“I’m trying really hard not to flip a shit here, and you’re really not fucking helping Hargrove.”
“I don’t know how else to put it. It’s not in me anymore, but I can still feel where it was. I can still hear it, if it’s close. I can still do some of the things it could. Still don’t feel hum--” Billy cut himself off abruptly.
Eddie and Steve locked eyes across the circle. Later, they’d deal with that later.
“How about we play something else?” Steve suggested.
“This one is easy.” Steve explained, “We go in a circle, we say things we haven’t done and if you’ve done the thing someone is saying, you put a finger down. Last one to put all their fingers down, wins.”
“This is stupid.” Billy grumbled for the third time.
“But you’re still playing~” Eddie leaned over to bump his shoulder to Billy’s. 
The blonde didn’t reply.
“I’ll go first this time.” Tommy all but decided, “Hmmm, never have I ever gone skydiving.”
None of them put a finger down, if anything Billy just stared at Tommy as though he could make him pick up his disapproval like radio waves.
“Right,” Steve thought for a moment, “Never have I ever dyed my hair.”
Eddie and Billy both put a finger down while he and Tommy kept their ten.
“Oooh what color?” Eddie eagerly asked.
Billy hesitated a long moment before answering, “Pink.”
Eddie’s head tilted as his smile stretched wider, “You’d look good in pink, sunshine.” 
Billy rolled his eyes, “Never have I ever voluntarily worn a polo shirt.”
“Targeted!” Tommy whined, putting a finger down as Steve shook his head and did the same.
“I’m trying to win, Hangman. Skydiving? Seriously?”
Tommy paused at the use of his old nickname. Steve hadn’t thought Billy knew that one, given that Tommy had gotten it years before he’d come to town. Hangman Hagan, they’d called him for years, because fucking with him was tantamount to a social death sentence. Tommy had never been one to simply get even, no, when he set about to ruin someone, he ruined them. As inescapable as the hangman.
It seemed to have flipped a switch in him, Steve could see the moment his competitive nature lit up in his eyes.
“Alright, Sunshine, let’s go then.”
“It’s Munson’s turn.” Billy smirked back, nodding his head over at him.
God help them, Eddie was wearing the same damn smile. As much as Steve cared about them each individually (and wasn’t that a thought), he hoped they never hung out like this again. It was too much chaos per square inch, if this kept up something would end up on fire, he just knew it. 
“Okay, never have I ever played basketball.”
Steve, Tommy, and Billy all put a finger down. 
“Low blow Munson.”
“Really, not even once?”
“No wonder you can’t run for more than three minutes!”
“Your turn, Van Hagan.” Eddie said around his shit eating grin.
“Fine, you wanna throw cheap shots? Never have I ever kissed a guy.”
Eddie made a face and put down a finger. But so did Steve, and so too did Billy.
“All of--”
“Put a finger down, Tommy.” And God help him now Steve was smiling too, couldn’t help it.
Now it was Eddie’s turn to toss his hands in the air and shout a the top of his lungs.
“I knew it!” He barked as Tommy put a finger down, “Birds of a feather, every fuckin’ time!”
“I’ve got to admit I’m surprised that all of us have.” Steve said, much more calmly than he felt, because all of them had kissed a guy before. If he thought about that for more than a few seconds at a time, he might actually implode.
Eddie’s head whipped over to Billy who was looking anywhere other than the group. He hadn’t tried to take back his answer, however, so that was encouraging.
“I’ve gotta know, who?” Eddie asked the room at large.
“Tommy, duh.” Steve replied as though it were obvious, “How else would I have caught that?”
Eddie nodded, still smiling like an idiot, “Right, yeah, good point.”
“Steve.” Tommy answered, “And, uh,” His eyes flicked over to Billy and Steve almost choked on his tongue.
“Seriously?! When?!” He managed to get out, though his voice sounded like he was being strangled.
Eddie laughed so hard he ended up wiggling around on the floor, pure joy erupting from him. 
“Like, right after he got here? We met at a party before we met at school.”
“Crystal’s party? The one I was sick for? The one with that hot blonde that you wouldn’t stop talking about for a week? The hot blonde you met was Billy?”
“Uh huh.” 
“You talked about me?” Billy’s smile rode the line between the genuine one Steve had seen glimpses of recently and the trashy smirk he’d worn all through high school.
Tommy’s face was beet red, “Might’ve.” He muttered.
“Sounds like you had a torch burning. What changed?”
“You talked.”
Eddie had been half way to sitting up but immediately lost the battle.
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oscarseyebrow · 2 years
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as 2022 has come to an end, the fandoms family 🫰🫰discord server took part in a little ‘hall of fame’ event, in which they were encouraged to recommend their own work that they were proud of from this year, as well as recommending others they had enjoyed, too.
it was lovely to see so much positivity and praise for our fandoms and i’ve been very excited to share these with you! if you would like to get involved and join our server, please drop me a message and i can send you the invite link.
now, without further ado, i hope you enjoy these recommendations as much as we have! please remember to check all warnings listed on individual fics/artwork.
Souls Heal Less Readily - @words-are-fireproof | Javier Pena x F Reader
The Favorite - @flightlessangelwings | Javier Peña x F Reader x Comandante Veracruz
Let Go - @flightlessangelwings | Joel Miller x F Reader
Notes on Tutoring - @honestly-shite | Dave York x F Reader
Adversity - @the-ginger-hedge-witch | Frankie x Ezra x F Reader
La Estrella de mi Vida - @flightlessangelwings | Javi Gutiérrez x F Reader Haalur - @words-are-fireproof | Din Djarin x F Reader
Enkindle - @oscarseyebrow | Din Djarin x F Reader
Fragments - @einno-arko | Din Djarin x F Reader
Seed Pearls - @zinzinina | Din Djarin x F Reader
Mutual - @the-scandalorian | Din Djarin x F Reader
Between The Wars - @mylifeisactuallyamess | General Hux x GN Reader
Upon the Throne - @saradika | Boba Fett x F Reader x Fennec Stand
You Make Me Feel Like Dancing - @eupheme | Obi-Wan x F Reader
Aphelion - @oscarseyebrow | Poe Dameron x F Reader
The Pink and Blue Ribbon - @the-little-ewok | Poe Dameron x F Reader
The Holiday - @dailyreverie | Poe Dameron x Reader
Homecoming - @astroboots | Frankie Morales x F Reader x Santiago Garcia
Mythos - @acourtofsnakes | Steven Grant/Marc Spector x F Reader
Undercurrent - @oscarseyebrow | Steven Grant/Marc Spector x F Reader
A Suitable Arrangement - @moon-kn1ght | Billy Russo x F Reader (x Frank Castle)
Yuánfèn - @writerwrites | Steve Rogers x Reader
Darkness At The Edge - @moon-kn1ght | Matt Murdock x F Reader
A Lizard Dog, A Banana Boat, And a Cassette Tape - @pumpkin-stars | Eddie Munson x Reader x Steve Harrington
Darkness At The End of My Love - @acourtofsnakes | Eddie Munson x Reader
Penny For Your Thoughts - @eupheme | Alfred Pennyworth x F Reader
It's Meant To Feel That Way - @writerwrites | Andy Barber x Reader
Reunion - @pumpkin-stars | Geralt of Rivia x GN Reader
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Steven Grant - @pumpkin-stars
Weeknights Frankie - @mjpens
Space Sisters - @manofbeskar
Din Djarin in the waters of Mandalore - @mjpens
Don't be afraid - @stealyourblorbos
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the-kg-series · 4 months
Nugget: WHO SENT YOU??
Billy: *slightly alarmed* NO ONE?? We just wanted to see you!!
*Kidd and Penny awkwardly stand behind him*
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inbarfink · 5 months
Current Status: thinking on these two High School Productions of ‘Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog’ I found on YouTube 
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Where Penny’s death is kind of a Heroic Sacrifice.
Like, when Captain Hammer tries to shoot Dr. Horrible with his own death, Penny tries to rush in to stop him (shouting "Please, don't-!" in the Norwood High version, and "Captain Hammer-!" in the LIVE version) and that’s what gets her caught in the blast. 
I mean, first of all, I do find it kinda amusing to think that there were two totally separate groups of teenagers in 2012-2013 who looked at Penny getting Fridged and were like “Actually, that kinda sucks??? Can we do something to give her a little more agency?”
And second of all, like, there’s a lot of Discourse about how to fix the way the narrative treats Penny. There’s talks about Superhero Penny or Resurrected Sequel Penny or adding elements from the comics or adding in popular headcanons… 
But if you’re just looking for the quickest of quick fixes, like, you’re not aspiring to make a total rewrite of the musical, you’re not that confident in your ability to write new scenes in the voice of the script, you really wanna preserve ‘Everything You Ever’ as accurately as possible cause that’s the emotional climax of the story, you really want like - minimal change but maximum impact - that really does kinda work?
Like, it’s not a perfect patch-job. It doesn’t fully address every problem with the narrative treatment of Penny. And... well...With the Norwood version, it’s not like it makes Penny’s last words still being “Captain Hammer will save us” TOTALLY not make any sense - but it is incompatible with some of the common interpretations of it. So if every single possible interpretation of this line is super-important to you, you’re probably not gonna like this change.
(But it still works with MY interpretation so I'm 100% cool with it hahaha!)
But this does give Penny some level of agency in her death. Connects it to her primary characterization of being good and kind and the only real hero in this world - she died because she still held on to some faith that Captain Hammer genuinely cares enough about her to listen to her, or maybe because she still believed that Billy was someone worth saving. Trying to Be a Hero in Her Own Way, only for all of her faith in humanity to backfire on her horribly. It also makes Captain Hammer a little more detestable by ignoring Penny, if not actively putting her in harm’s way. 
And it makes sense why Dr. Horrible would be so emotionally devastated and probably blame himself for what happened. And, she tried to do something kind and good for him which did nothing (he was too low to the ground to get hit by the explosion anyways) but get her killed; there’s a throughline from here to why that action will inspire Dr. Horrible to abandon kindness and goodness completely himself, that’s not just treating Penny as a representation of Dr. Horrible’s goodness.
You can even argue that this is kinda already happened in the original DHSAB. Cause the reason why Penny was hit by that explosion seems to be because she was the only one who didn’t duck from the debris. 
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And we do see her standing up, when she sees Dr. Horrible, or rather her buddy Billy, hesitates shooting Captain Hammer in the face. 
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So one could argue that the intention is that she was still standing, considering whether or not she should or could intervene when Captain Hammer pulled that trigger. But the way it works in this High School Production Version is a lot more explicit.
This is probably far from my favorite way to try and fix the Problem with Penny, but in terms of how well you can incorporate it into an otherwise faithful adaptation… I think it’s pretty amazing how just giving Penny two extra words to shout can change so much. Really, one of the main things I like about live theater as a medium is how it puts focus on the little differences. 
How little details changing between different productions of the same script - and even different performances of the same productions - can really change how one looks at the characters or even the whole story. Especially in such a dialogue-heavy story like DHSAB, even when delivering the exact same lines, actors putting different emphasis on different words can really change the meaning of what they’re saying.... I dunno, I just think it's Neat.
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serialkilluh1996 · 2 months
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☆The star's rabbit☆
Writer-Billy Loomis x actress- @yourgraveisnothere
Warnings➛: Nothing in particular. It's pretty appropriate besides a few mentions of death and murder/Written in third person
Author's note: this is specifically written for the tagged blogger above, but feel free to read it anyway. This is only a bit of a drabble as I'm having a slight break down. That being said, this may go somewhere further with a part two depending on what my mental state does.
"This script is fucking ridiculous." Ray slams the stack of paper on the coffee table, folding her arms and leaning back into the rolling office chair, sassily letting it spin the other way.
"Ray, darlin', you CANNOT keep throwin' hissy fits every time ya see somethin' in the writing you don't like," her manager, Keith, explains, scratching his goatee as he speaks in a flamboyant Australian accent.
"Well, I can't necessarily focus if he keeps rewriting it." She rolls her eyes. "Listen, honey, you are an ACT-O-RESS. You don't write. You act. Miller makes the characters, you just play them." "Keith, they don't care about Miller or his stupid movies. His last good film was 'WEREWOLF', and he didn't even put in the effort to give it a meaningful name. The only reason people even watch the shit he makes is to see ME." She spins back around, her brown-eyed gaze locking onto Keith.
"Let's just be honest. The people don't want Miller. They want me. My face is on all of the movie cases. I'm the one that brings in all the cash in this establishment, and I expect to be treated as such." She pouts, prompting Keith to release an exaggerated sigh of annoyance.
Every day, he asked himself how much more of her bullshit he could take, and everyday, he took more.
"What. What do you want." He throws his hand up, the question coming out flat like old soda. "I want Miller to use at least a penny of his brain and think of something a little more creative. My brain cannot handle another thousand rewrites before he settles on the same stupid damsel story. Why do I always have to play some needlessly ignorant stuck up bitch who spends half the movie screaming?"
"Ray, you know the gimmick. They're not going to give someone with a face like yours a meaningful story or personality." "That's because people keep letting all these old and disgusting perverts become successful writers." Ray takes another spin in her chair, giving Keith attitude he was already too irritated to deal with.
"On the contrary, Ray. I'm a very desirable and young pervert." Both Ray and Keith turn towards the direction of the shady voice, eyes landing on the beholder standing in the doorway of the lounge. He was definitely desirable. There was something mysterious about him.
He looked about 6'0" with dark eagle eyes complimented by his sharp brows. He had thin, perfectly shaped lips, almost like a doll, hiding a set of killer teeth that could ruin self esteem with even the laziest smile.
He looks like the type of guy your parents tell you to avoid, but you don't because you're simply too drawn in by his crow-like beauty to do so.
"Ah, Forgive me for my vulgar behavior. I'm William Loomis, Co-director and writer. But, please, call me Billy." He circles in on them, hands behind his back as he stares Ray down with his manic, sleepy eyes like a vulture. They look big, almost excited, if not for the dark edges underneath that gave him an eerie glare.
Without breaking eye contact, he smirks, letting that smirk turn into a devilish grin as his eyebrows raised. He leans in on her.
"You must be Ray. I've seen your movies before. Astonishing, really." He reaches out to shake her hand, in which she squints and complies, giving him her freshly manicured hand as a sign of low hostility, even though her heart was beating out of her chest.
"And your hands. They're remarkable." He compliments, to which she snatches her hand away.
"So, you're also responsible for this stupid fifth rewrite of 'STAB'? How the hell are we gonna get this damn movie out there if a group of idiots can't even finish writing it?" She yammers, now visibly maddened by the mere sight of his handsome face. Now Ray was finally face to face with one of her tormentors.
"Fifth rewrite? What? You still think we're doing that mess of a movie?" He yanks the 'STAB' script of the table, carefully ripping it to shreds in front of them, Keith looking absolutely leveled by this new turn of events.
"The fuck are you doing?" Keith asks with audible frustration. " 'STAB' is out of the picture. It was a trash movie and now it's finally going where it belongs?" Billy throws it in the garbage bin.
"After a bit of persuasion, Miller has decided to let me take matters into my own hands. We're making a new movie," Billy leans in uncomfortably close to Ray, his eyes bouncing between her and Keith. "A better movie." He chuckles, pulling back.
Ray and Keith shoot each other a look, both undeniably confused by everything.
"You're sick and tired of being the same basic ass damsel in distress. Sick of being the frightened little girl they make you pretend you are. Don't you want change, Ray? Don't you want... a twist?" He gestures with his hands, knuckles clenching with excitement, Ray raising an eyebrow at the question.
"What if, for once, you get to fight? You're a strong woman, arent you? Playing in all these movies can only make you crave a certain... violence. You start to imagine yourself in the eyes of your attacker." He walks behind her chair, tucking her black and blonde split hair behind her ear before grabbing a handful.
"You see, when you imagine this...you see yourself when you're in your attackers eyes...." he lets go of her hair, crouching down," You imagine what all these fake killers see when they chase you....." He pokes her nose. "A rabbit. A fast bunny with a cute face and quick feet.... You see the appeal. You want to feel what they feel. You want a bunny to chase, don't you? You're sick of being the prey." He pulls out a hunting knife, placing it in her hand before pressing her knuckles down to ensure she gripped it.
"You want to be a predator....don't you, Ray?" Billy asked, looking Ray dead in the eyes as he holds dearly onto her hands, making sure she can't reject the weapon that was quite obviously not one of the props. Her face heats, eyes struggling to focus on his.
Keith looks between them, standing up in a ready stance to break up anything that happens.
"That's enough." Keith says firmly. "No, no. It's fine, Keith. Tell me more about the rabbit. About my rabbit. " Ray is enamored by the look of chaos in his eyes. She knows simply by his anxious glare that shes in for some wild ideas. He gives a hearty chuckle, flashing her with his perfect set of ivory chompers.
"Let me tell you about a woman by the name of Sidney Prescott."
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Thanks for reading!
You can support me by liking, reblogging, or cashapping me @ $Fundsbrownie
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dragonflylady77 · 1 year
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Pizza my heart
ch1 - alphabet buddies
Billy/Steve | Mature | 413 words
Enemies to Lovers, College AU, Billy Hargrove is a Little Shit
Square: A1 - Hate Sex for @billyhargrovebingo
Present for @shieldofiron (because she's amazing and the title was her idea)
Steve still can’t fucking believe he’s willingly standing in Hargrove’s dorm room. Somehow, because they’re alphabet buddies, Professor Byers decided it was a good idea to pair them up for an assignment. Hargrove has a brain for English Lit apparently, while Steve is close to failing the class, so yeah.
Read on Ao3
Steve still can’t fucking believe he’s willingly standing in Hargrove’s dorm room. Somehow, because they’re alphabet buddies, Professor Byers decided it was a good idea to pair them up for an assignment. Hargrove has a brain for English Lit apparently, while Steve is close to failing the class, so yeah.
And, yes, fine, Hargrove is put together like a Greek God, with blue eyes and bouncy curls, the tightest ass ever seen on a man, and a chiseled chest the asshole likes to show off by keeping his shirts undone to his belly button… Steve’s not blind, okay? But Hargrove’s also as obnoxious as he’s hot and he’s got it in for Steve—constantly berating him for his low grades and stupid answers in class. Steve can’t fucking stand him.
“You brought your book?” the dickhead asks him as soon as he steps into the room.
“Of course, I brought the book,” Steve replies, closing the door before getting his copy of The Portrait of Dorian Gray out of his bag, along with a notebook and a pen.
Steve settles at the desk while Hargrove reclines on the bed with his back to the wall, and they get to work. Steve is doing his best to remember the plot and tries really hard to give ideas for the essay, but writing really isn’t his strong point, even less so than reading.
He internally curses his brain and Robin for tricking him into taking this class. Even with Hargrove’s reluctant help, he has no chance to pass, especially when he keeps getting distracted by the douchebag’s posters, mostly metal bands he’s never heard of.
About an hour in, Steve remembers something.
“Oh I know this, he falls in love with an actress. Told you I read the book.”
“Yeah, yeah, that’s great. Tell you what though, Dorian Gray has a bit more interesting tastes in partners in Penny Dreadful. That Ethan Chandler... Damn.”
Steve tries to process this new information, blurting out, “You're gay?” and immediately regretting it when Hargrove’s face turns to stone and he glares at Steve.
“I don't like labels, Steven.” Hargrove snaps his book shut before and stands up from the bed. “You know what, I think that’s enough for one day. You should go.”
Taken aback, Steve goes with it and packs his stuff. It’s fine; he’s got work later anyway. “I’ll see you later, I guess. I’m sorry, didn’t mean anything by it.”
“Whatever, Harrington. See ya.”
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wolfsbanesparks · 1 year
Heads Up Seven Up
Tagged by @zorilleerrant: post the last 7 lines of your current WIP.
I have so many so here's a few snippets under the cut.
The Legend of Nightwing and Flamebird (written for FTH and for camp Nano. Basically Dick and Kara are the reincarnations of the Kryptonian legends)
The thought of seeing him again, to hear his voice, even just in a recording, made her words stick in her throat. The man who claimed to be Kal hesitantly held out his hand to her, offering peace, offering answers, perhaps even offering asylum. Kara had so many reasons to reject those offers, so many reasons not to trust him. If he was lying to her, then the real Kal was out there somewhere, scared and alone. But for all her attempted bravado, she was scared and alone too. She wanted this kindness to be real almost as much as she wanted him to be lying. Kara took his hand and let him lead her away from her pod and into this strange new planet she had landed on.
Pretty Little Thing (my ongoing serial killer mystery fic)
And now Clark felt like an ass for all the times he’d found excuses to leave those conversations. He wondered if he had stayed, if he had listened, would Cap have told him about his magical side missions? Would he have told him about how he got his powers, how they worked, how he learned to use them? Would he have reached out to Clark to let him know where he was going and how long he would be gone? Would it have made a difference at all? But none of those were questions he would ever know the answer to. He promised himself that when they got the Captain back–and they had to, he couldn’t stand the thought of actually losing him, not like this–he would listen to anything and everything the Captain said.
A Mind of His Own (Another fic for FTH about Billy and Hal after Billy's identity has been discovered)
Barry cleared his throat awkwardly beside him, leaning in as if to tell him a secret, one that apparently everyone except Hal was aware of. “Cap…Cap isn’t a member of the League anymore.” “What?” Hal dropped his feet to the ground, spinning around wildly to face his friend. He could already tell that his eyes were bugging out from behind his mask. “You’ve got to be kidding me. What happened? Did he quit?” “No he was…suspended from active duty.” “Why? For how long?” “At least until his eighteenth birthday.” “Excuse me? His what?”
I've got more, but these are the main ones right now (though I do have a Duke Thomas fic I literally just started too)
I'm going to tag a few people but feel free to jump in if you're interested/have something you want to share! @cerealboxlore, @theycallme-ook, @feebisart, @electricdazeworld, @penny-anna
Thanks @zorilleerrant for tagging me! This was really fun!
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passivenovember · 2 years
The fog lifts. It takes a minute. A slap to the face, an elbow to the ribs, a foot in the gut that rings out, clear, and it’s Dustin’s voice. 
Steve holds onto that. Grips it tight with both hands, the gutted sounds of a boy put through the ringer. Tear stained cheeks that fall like tiny fits poking holes into Steve’s heart, and stunned, exhausted silence from the others--
Steve starts preparing the body. 
It’s not his first time. He stoops, removing rings and necklaces and the wallet, from Eddie’s front pocket. Steve knows Dustin will want to take these things. Put them in a shoe box, tucked high on the top shelf of his closet, so he can pull them out and hold them against the light when he’s ready.
Steve is helpless. His hands shake. He spits on a black rag and cleans the muck from Munson’s face. Smears the blood down his chin until it’s filmy and pink, like spilt milk. 
He crosses the arms over the chest, and Eddie goes easy. Hellfire vanishes in smears of tar-colored Earth. Buried under tattoos. Tickles of blood that run, blooming pink and then red and then black--
His light goes out.
Dustin won’t stop crying, but it’s the silence that cuts the deepest. Like Henderson has punched MUTE on the night, sniffling to himself while the waves rush out to shore. 
He’s not drowning in grief. 
He pulls himself together. Watches, stoic, as Steve digs through his pockets for fresh pennies.
“To weigh the eyelids,” He tells them, when they gleam against a flashlight.
He can’t stand the way Eddie’s staring up at him, through him, those last few moments frozen as the boy passed, tracking the swirling black sky for monsters and demons. 
Dustin appears next to him. 
“Is there anything you want to take--”
Wordlessly, Henderson reaches for Eddie’s necklace. He returns, bearing the weight of a guitar pick and all the grief in the world right across his shoulders. 
“Let’s go,” He says. 
So they do, not caring of the vines that pulse underfoot.
Steve hangs back. Studying the body, wondering if they should move it, send it onto the lake, burn what’s left.
He takes the wallet. 
Someone has to wonder what happened to him.
No one asks any questions.
It isn’t until later. After months and weeks marching toward nothingness, that curiosity gets the better of him. 
Steve digs the wallet out of that stinking old vest. The chain is still red, in places, the leather faded and well worn. 
He wonders if Eddie’s jeans have the shape of this wallet pressed into them, like a flower between the pages of a book. He opens it and finds exactly what he expected. 
Gum wrappers. Empty dime bags, a punch card to Family Video, five dollars, and. 
And a weathered polaroid snapshot. 
A creased, weathered image of beautiful blonde boy smiling right into the camera. He’s a little out of focus, his chin pinched lovingly between a thumb and forefinger ringed in shades of silver, but he’s familiar. Unmistakable.
Until this moment, Steve hadn’t known Billy Hargrove could smile. 
That he could look soft, with red-rimmed, heavy-lidded eyes. That he could be beautiful. 
For the first time since November of 1983, Steve cries. 
He weeps.
For the dark. For the Ghosts.
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braveclementine · 21 days
The Ultimatum
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Warnings: None
Copyright: I do not own any Marvel characters or locations. However, I do own my OCs, which consist of Penny Fury, Elizabeth Nelson, Elijah Chan, Katya Venice, Violetta Moscow, Lan Le, Josh, Trang Tien, Ahni Jallow, Mai Ito, and Ghaida Kashual as well as other OCs that will come up throughout the story.
Penny woke up against Rhodey and peered down at the still sleeping man, smiling a little to herself. She kissed his cheek and rolled out of bed, walking over to his closet to find something to wear. 
She pulled on one of his navy blue t-shirts before hearing him stir behind her. 
"There's girl clothes in the bottom drawer if you need them." His voice croaked out, the sounds of sheets being thrown off of him. 
Penny turned to see him stretching, watching her as he yawned, before swinging his legs over the side of the bed, getting to his feet, stumbling to the bathroom. 
She found the drawer and pulled on a pair of white short shorts. 
Once Rhodey got dressed, the two of them headed downstairs to breakfast, finding the room already crowded. Plenty of food had been made by Wanda, Elizabeth, and Ahni, the dishes filling the counters like a buffet style bar. 
Everyone from last night was there. Heimdall was standing in the corner, burping Mateo. Fandral was playing with Chamber while feeding him. Shuri was holding Rue, cooing to her and making soft noises. Kisa was giggling as Loki and Quil made faces at her while she was in Elijahs' arms. Andres was in Gamora's arms while Mai fed her. Like always, Anastasia was in Natasha's arms. 
Ghaida, Thor, and Carol were feeding Parvati and Padme in their high chairs while they fussed, not actually wanting to eat. Valentine was with T'Challa and Nebula while Long was with Clint and Lan, Katya having finished feeding him. 
Daisy was squealing as Tony tossed her up in the air while Trang watched with an exasperated look on her face, looking like she wanted to rap Tony over the head with a wooden spoon. Penny noticed then that Trang had bandages around her head and wondered what she had done. Stephen was also hovering around her. Steve was helping Vision and Sif feed Billy and Tommy. 
Like always, seeing all of the children being taken care of warmed Penny's heart. She approached Fandral to greet Chamber with a good morning kiss, the Asgardian man handing their son over. 
She sat between Okoye and Pietro, Pietro deciding it was his job to make Chamber- and Penny- laugh while they ate. Okoye was making it her job that Chamber ate without getting food down his front- an impossible task. 
As the breakfast was coming to a close, dishes being put in the sink, Elizabeth asked everyone if she could talk to them for a few minutes. 
Penny looked over at her. She looked nervous, her eyes darting between all of them. Once everyone had settled back down, she started. 
"Obviously last night came to a shock to all of us." Her eyes flickered to Heimdall. "Almost all of us." 
She paused, looking down at her hands as she pressed her palms together. "I know a lot of you probably wonder what's going on in my head. How I feel." She looked up at them. "I feel the same as I did before. . . at least about you guys. But. . . I need some time." 
She raised a hand as Tony looked like he was going to say something. 
"The thing is, even though I'm sure of how I feel about you guys. . . I have no idea of who I really am. I have all of these memories, but it still feels like my life was cut up in sections. Like these different parts of my life all belonged to someone else. I need to figure out myself before I can be with anyone. And. . . and for that I need to go home." 
Penny glanced at Elijah, who didn't seem surprised by this proclamation. In fact, none of them did and she realized- she didn't either. This made complete sense and Penny had known from the first day she arrived at the tower that Elizabeth had been homesick then. Of course she wanted to go back now. 
"And. . . I need to do it alone." Elizabeth finished, looking back down at her hands. She fidgeted a little. "I would like to bring the kids with me, if that's okay. Obviously, I'll make sure that you guys see them and all that, I would never dream of keeping them away from you, but I also need them with me-" 
"Okay." Bucky and Heimdall said at the same time. 
"Of course." Elijah whispered softly. 
She breathed out and nodded. 
"Can we go with you?" Katya asked, looking down at her hands. "I mean, obviously we'd leave you be when we get there. . . but I want to see my family too Elizabeth." 
Here, Elizabeth's lips twitched into a smile, "It's not like I own Ohio Kat. Of course you can see your family, you don't need my permission. And of course, if any of you wanted to go with them, that's also fine of course. But I just need my time." 
"Agreed." Vision nodded, which did surprise Penny. 
"Of course." Steve murmured. 
"I. . ." Here Elizabeth looked guilty and looked between Fury, Rhodey, T'Challa, Bucky, and Sam. "No matter if I'm ready or not, when I near my due date, I will come back. No matter what. But I'm sorry that- I mean if you want me to wai-" 
"No." Penny's father interrupted whatever Elizabeth was going to say. "Babydoll, please take your time. As long as I'm there for the birth of the kids, everythings' okay. I just want you to get better and I know the rest of us feel the same." 
Penny was a little amused with her father. It definitely didn't leave the other four any room to argue against him. 
Elizabeth was silent again for a moment before her eyes flicked over to her friends, "Look. Whatever past we have behind us. . . if you-" 
"You're stupid." Ghaida said in an almost fond voice before Elizabeth could even say what she wanted to say. Penny didn't blame Elizabeth for looking taken aback. 
"Huh?" Clint voiced everyone elses' confusion. 
Ghaida rolled her eyes and Steve shifted in his seat. "Elizabeth believes that we were just her friends because of her mother. You should be a little smarter than that Eliza. You're our sister and we love you just as such. Nothing changes that." 
Elizabeth smiled a little and shrugged, "Wasn't always the smartest." 
"Still aren't." Trang quipped, before hugging her from behind. 
"And. . ." Elizabeth hesitated again, looking at Heimdall and then Wanda. "Being the Goddess of love. . . I don't suppose I've used my powers there, have I? Was Riri right, or half right?" 
"About what?" Riri asked, confused, while also looking guilty at the same time. Elizabeth addressed her. 
"When you said that maybe the Avengers were under a love spell. . . maybe I did do that." Elizabeth said uncertainly. "And maybe that's why I was always pursued by everyone. I mean, even my own step-mother wanted me for herself and killed my dad over it. . . me." Her face paled. Her eyes flicked over at Bucky, who was rigid in his seat. "And maybe that's why I could break through the soldier-" 
"No." Heimdall answered for her. "Your powers don't work like that. No one you've met in your entire life has ever been under any sort of love magic. Anyone in this room and out of it that has loved you or does love you, does it of their own accord." 
Penny could see how relieved Elizabeth looked with this information. 
"And, lastly." Elizabeth said softly, looking at Loki. "Last year around this same time you mentioned a bonding ceremony, something that would marry all of us. Some of us said that we needed time. I still need time but. . ." 
She broke off and Elijah touched her shoulder. She breathed out, closing her eyes, "The thing is, I'm selfish. I don't want to lose any of you." She opened her eyes, scanning the room. "But I will, because of how slowly I age." She gripped Elijahs' hand suddenly, as though she needed something to ground herself. "Loki, Thor, Hogun, Fandral, Volstagg, Sif, Heimdall, Steve, Bucky, Nick, Vision, Bruce, Natasha, Ghaida, myself, maybe Stephen. . . we're all going to live for a really long time." 
"Loki will outlive you two." She said, gesturing to Tony and Stephen, "Unless Stephen manages to keep himself alive with dark magic like the Ancient one. Bucky and Steve will outlive Sam. Thor will outlive Penny. Nick will outlive Penny and Maria and Phil. Vision will outlive Wanda. I'll. . . I'll. . ." She swallowed, unable to continue. 
"My point is, that this ceremony Loki suggested will tie us in with their life lines." Elizabeth said, staring at Loki, "right?" 
"Yes." Loki murmured. 
The room was silent for a moment before Elizabeth continued again, "I'm not pressuring anyone into it, I don't even really want to hear an answer right now. I just thought we should have time to think about it and when I come back. . . maybe we could have another discussion." 
"I think that sounds good." Lan said, looking over at Katya. 
"Okay that was that." Elizabeth said, quickly sitting back from the table as though hoping she would disappear from view. 
"I just have a question." Tony said, looking at Heimdall. "Everything that you chose to make happen. . . did it really need to happen?" 
Heimdall nodded to Wanda and closed his eyes. Wanda stood up, walking over to him, putting her hands near the sides of his head and a similar holographic cloud, not unlike the one that had shown Elizabeth's memories appeared in the middle of the table. 
"There were some, of course, that went very similarly, but with more death." Heimdall said slowly. Penny watched as Lan, Mai, Ahni, Josh, and Jay were all killed. Katya gasped out loud while Mai flinched, wrapping her arms around Ahni. 
"And others. . ." Heimdall drifted off. 
This vision showed Howard Stark in the car with the little Elizabeth, but this time pulling up to a mansion. Time skipped a little as Tony was born very soon after and soon went from being her little brother, to being her older brother. 
When Howard and Maria were killed in the car accident, Elizabeth took over Stark industries while Tony continued on being more like a playboy. And so Elizabeth was the one who ended up in Afghanistan. Elizabeth was the one that became the first Iron Woman. 
Loki eventually came to Earth and recognized Elizabeth immediately, who introduced him to Tony. When Killian came however in the future, Tony died. 
"Oh." Stephen whispered, flinching a little. 
"There are many futures like that." Heimdall said with a slow nod, the cloud disappearing. "Ones where you all died, ones where she died. This was the safest one, only one death." 
"Jays." Trang whispered softly. 
Heimdall looked at her. "I'm sorry Trang. There were no futures like this one if Jay stayed alive. You would give birth to Daisy and he would have you give her up to Tony because she was not his daughter. I couldn't let that happen to you or Tony or Daisy." 
Trang nodded, tears coming to her eyes. 
"There were more complicated ones." Heimdall continued. "Ones where some of you got sent back in time. There was another that was a desperate attempt done by your mother where you got sent into another universe on a dinosaur island. Just about everyone died in that world." 
"You're joking." Rhodey said, raising an eyebrow. 
Heimdall just looked at him. 
"Okay, not joking." Rhodey muttered. 
"What's a dinosaur?" Volstagg asked, still eating sausages. 
No one answered him. 
"So this was the only path." Steve clarified. 
"In my mind." Heimdall answered. 
"I would agree." Ghaida nodded. 
There was silence in the kitchen. 
"I think now would be a good time to tell you guys something." Her father said, stepping forwards. 
"What?" Tony asked grouchily. 
"With this information, you have to promise not to kill the prisoner that is being moved here today." Fury said, crossing his arms over his chest. That got everyone's attention. 
"No!" Ghaida suddenly gasped, eyes orange, snapping her head towards Penny's father. "What were you thinking?" 
Elizabeth had suddenly gone very pale, standing up, clutching the counter for support. 
"When I saw what happened in Elizabeth's memories." Her father started slowly, looking only at Elizabeth. "I knew I had to admit that he was alive. He'll be a prisoner here, have his own cell. No one will know he is here, Stark will see to that. He's. . . well your way of getting your anger out. Which is why you won't kill him. Because he doesn't deserve death." 
"Who did you bring here?" Natasha asked in a deadly quiet voice. 
"Pierce." Elizabeth choked out. 
Bucky shot to his feet, Steve right after him, pulling Bucky into his arms. "Buck!" 
"Where is he?" Bucky snarled, thrashing in Steve's arms. Thor was immediately there with Heimdall, the three huge men trying to keep him down. 
Bruce immediately relinquished Valentine from his arms. T'Challa wrapped his arms around him, hugging him so that Bruce would keep the hulk in. 
Penny felt her own rage, finding herself on her feet, wanting to find Pierce and stab him through the neck. 
"Loki." Her father addressed the furious God. "I want a spell done on him. A healing one. So he can be harmed over and over again." 
Loki's blue eyes glittered and a cruel smirk came over his face. "Consider it already done." 
"I want to talk to him first." Elizabeth's voice rang out over the commotion in the kitchen. It calmed Bucky down at the very least. 
"Elizabeth." Steve started, worry lacing his voice. 
"Please? Where is he?" Elizabeth asked quietly. 
"He's down under the tower." Fury replied. "Floor zero."
Tony huffed, not knowing that Fury had known about that floor and exchanged a look with Trang. 
Elizabeth swept from the room to the elevator. 
Bucky lunged out of Steve's arms, racing for the same elevator, Steve and Sam taking off after him. Loki was quick to follow after that. Penny shook her head, looking over at her father. "Why?" 
"Because he needs to feel pain." Her father answered. "And here's a whole group, more than willing, to give it to him."
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shinygoku · 2 months
Sgt Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (1967)
This album has been discussed 'till the cows come home, and I won't have anything that new or insightful to say about it. Every Beatleologist has been there, done that and often got the T-Shirt. Still, I have one thing that is entirely my own; my Takes!
So, after an uncharacteristically long delay, with "only" the incredible Double-A Side Penny Lane/Strawberry Fields Forever to tide people over, there were apparently rumours circulating about The Beatles having run out of steam. This sets up the hilarious reveal, but there was truth to it, the Bugs needed the break and it's during such a Vaycay that Paul came up with the novel idea of this Alias Group, where they could step away from the expectations of The Beatles and instead become an Edwardian Military Style Band. Did this foray into old fashioned whimsy pay off? Did what they make count as a Concept Album? Does it indeed contain their singular Best song? And who is the much mentioned Billy Shears, really?
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Much ink, on pages and digital, has been spilled about this picture, so I'll keep my words here brief. I looooove their extremely bright uniforms, and the subtle differences each has. Though I can also see how there's confusion about John and George's colours, as in other pictures John is more clearly Lime Green and George is somewhere between orange, tangerine and scarlet. Also, it has Karl Marx in it, so it's easily the most Based album art ever.
Sgt Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band: Starting with the sound of instruments tuning before kicking off before the cheering crowd, we already have a fabulous image of a live concert! Paul's vocals sound a bit hoarse but that isn't a bad thing, though I feel like it's the Harmonised parts that stand out most. This is also one'a the songs most attached to the following one which has me constantly listening to an upload on youtube that keeps the smooth transition, rather than the CD or other individual song uploads on the official channel lol
With A Little Help From My Friends: It's not just my Ringo Bias, I swear, but I do consider this one'a the stronger songs on the album despite the stiff competition. It's just a nice, straightforward song, which enough interesting instrument flourishes and the backing vocals making a conversation that make it rather endearing. I may not understand every lyric (what DO you see when you turn out the light?! Are you boys being cheeky here? XD;;) but it's main message is truthful and timeless~
Oh, by the way... BILLY SHEARS IS RINGO!! RINGO!!!! He's literally introduced as being the Singer, Billy Shears, and then his song follows seamlessly. Plus, Ringo had mentioned in interviews prior that he liked the idea of opening hairdressing salons... hence the Shears! Case Closed. (I have more thoughts about the PID stuff, mostly negative, but I don't want to derail this too much!)
Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds: The song that is Not about LSD - if ya need one'a them Revolver has plenty! No, what this song does is far more Lewis Carroll and visual amongst the strange twanging instrument, deep bass plunking, flair of electric guitar and dramatic percussion. This is another song I find hard to detach from the Yellow Submarine video for it, even though that's far more focused on a mystery Girl rather than trying to depict the strange world John describes. A bit of a missed chance for the Train in a Station with Plasticine Porters with Looking-Glass ties, but oh well! A fun song based on a drawing which I'm unsure has ever been shown to the public lol
Getting Better: This song is fine but I feel it could have been a bit more improved, admittedly idk how. That's their forte, not mine! Again, the main feature of this one is a conversation and the contrast of the Paul lines and the harmonised counters. The tale told is of someone who is turning their life around and admitting their faults, though the sotto voice is saying the only way is up, as it "can't get no worse", making this jaunty song somewhat pessimistic ^^;;
Fixing A Hole: This one is also ...fine. Honestly I like to quote parts of it but I sure don't go to listen to it often. It's esoteric and some of the lyrics seem profound, but it's also a muddle that I find difficult to parse. The instrumentation is very good (shocking, I know !) but it doesn't mesh that well with Paul's irregular candance to me. There's some kind of Fairground esque sound that I can't identify, but it adds to the Album's collective vibe even though I don't really dig the song.
She's Leaving Home: In what feels to be a spiritual spin off from Eleanor Rigby, Paul weaves a narrative based on a real occurrence that was in the newspaper (put a pin in that notion), but also countless other incidents along the same lines would have the vibes reflected in this song. A girl runs away from her parents, not for any major transgression but instead feeling trapped by a mundane, unexciting middle class existence.
I think it's worth noting that a lot of the Older Audience are approving, of percieved Side Taking - they remark on how the parents are sympathised with. And that's true, but the song isn't a Young vs Old or black and white conflict. The girl is sad about her choice and dissatisfied with her own ability to put it into words, but the need to go out and enjoy herself was stronger. The parents are described as being devastated by the cold treatment and maybe the sheer anxiety of their offspring out in the world, but the John Vocals saying "we gave her most of our lives", "how could she do this to me" and "we never thought of ourselves" indicates to me that they were, in fact, thinking of themselves and were perhaps too wrapped up in these notions and working for the living to have been able to accommodate their daughter's need for excitement, their later introspection being bewilderment that "we didn't know it was wrong" ...to have been blind to the daughter's real needs. After all, she's clearly housed by her parents her whole life, but for that time she was living alone.
Again, it's the blunt banality that drives it home. Nothing that horrendous has occurred, yet we feel profound sadness. Though there's arguably a silver lining in the Girl's catharsis, her successful bid for freedom and fun, the almost nonchalant "Bye bye" John vocal that closes the song, as well as bookending it back with the dreamscape-y harps. More a story than a song but the music is excellent.
Being for the Benefit of Mr. Kite!: The lyrics to this are famously John reading an antique poster, a move he would later disparage. And yeah, it's one of their less inspired or memorable songs, heaping in the Carnival and, to be blunt, scary energy. It's a neat little experiment but very much an odd one out and I can't rate it highly or remark on much.
Within You Without You: I feel guilty whenever I say that one of George's songs doesn't do anything for me, all the moreso when it's Sitar based cause then I feel uncultured. But it's my thoughts and I never stated myself to have objective and correct views! It's nicer than some of his Revolver outings, this could be an improved Love You To. The message is better here but it's not one I wanna listen to much, the laughter at the end also not gelling with the song as a whole.
When I'm Sixty-Four: I looooove this one though ^^;; What can I say, it's whimsical! I've seen a claim that it's Paul's parody of expectations that older folk have, but when I asked for a source they were unable to provide one :/ (given that this was in a vid on the terrible 70's movie where this song is used for a dirty old man, the claim the song is a parody is like excusing its use in a rancid predatory scene which is already pretty disagreeable, and I disagree with much harder given I'm not at all convinced!! But I digress...). I do know Paul wrote it when he was a teenager, so the previous generation influence feels strong in that way.
In Yellow Submarine the sequence with the moving numbers is another high point~ Even without that, it's just fun to listen to and it incorporates interesting sounds, like what sounds like a clock chiming and the steady, rhythmic brass. Little parts of it like the "Oooooo" harmonising, the way Paul adds a meek little "if it's not too dear" qualifier to the Isle of Wight plans, and also the cadence of "Veeeera, Chuck! and Dave!", it's a jolly romp, even if it's unclear exactly what vibe Paul was going for lol
Lovely Rita: Allegedly loosely based on Paul getting a parking ticket from a female parking warden! I'm keen on this song, it's bright and sweet, with witty lyrics and a cute scenario. I find it interesting how Paul likes the girl who looked "a little like a military man" and I like how he pronounces Book as Boouk. There's fun sound effects like a clanking and a kazoo, and then the end of the song takes a bit of a turn for the steamy... the Super Deluxe mix leaves less to the imagination there, though it's my least favourite part of the shebang lmao
Good Morning Good Morning: I'm sorry, but this isn't one I enjoy. It's too much noise when it's noisy and the lyrics are just a bit of a slog. The animal sounds are novel but I feel this needed more time in the oven. However the Cat meow is Very, very good and they shoulda capitalised on that notion more!
Sgt Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (Reprise): Off to another gradual build up, a more rocking version of the opener with very prominent drums and a crowd eagerly clapping with suitably adjusted lyrics. I like this version more than the opening, and it makes an interesting little fake-out given the song that Really closes the album...
A Day In The Life: When I heard this was commonly agreed to be The Very Best Beatles Song, on kneejerk I disagreed... but then couldn't think of any single song that does quite measure up. It's still not my favourite, and other songs have more Meaning to them, but yeah, this really is Peak LennonMcCartney. The way their parts do NOT melt into each other, they remain very obvious and distinct, somehow makes the song as a whole much stronger. It's like it's telling the same man's POV but forward and backward in time.
This is famously partly inspired by John reading the newspaper (hey, it's that Pin from before!) as well as personal experiences - his role in the film How I Won The War [I tried to watch it but even though it's satire I just couldn't get into it. I just whizzed through to see John's acting in the end lmao], and the man alluded to who had a car crash was an associate of the band. The other neat little real life bleed being the alarm clock that was used for timing perfectly dovetailing into Pauls "Woke up..." part!
I really must draw more attention to the thunderous drums and complex fills here, too! It's a strong showcase of some of Ringo's skills on top of everything else...! I will say though, that the mounting crescendo, darker elements to the narrative and that climatic chord also make this one of the more Scary songs, so I prefer to listen to it when there's daylight XD;;;
I can hear the high pitched whine put in to rouse dogs lol, and then there’s that gibberish that sounds like “never was any other way” or, when played backwards “I’ll fuck you like Superman” …one of the most beloved albums, everybody!!
Best 3: With A Little Help From My Friends, She's Leaving Home, A Day In The Life
Blurst 3: Fixing A Hole, Being for the Benefit of Mr Kite!, Good Morning Good Morning
I can't claim credit for the notion, I believe it was from a show that aired on BBC4, but someone suggested that the Thematic Thread that runs though this album isn't the Edwardian Band, but instead, Liverpool. This is much stronger if one includes Strawberry Fields Forever and Penny Lane... but I'll cover them where they wound up, even if they were intended for this one.
There's also a CRAPload of Counterpart Vocals, the boys were big on harmonising but half of these songs are conversations or Greek Choruses! I notice I've quoted waaay more than normal here, and I think that too is a hallmark of this album, it's Intelligent and has themes and distinct plays on words, more than even the last two absolute banger albums. Does that mean it's inherently better? Not really, but it's interesting all the same.
Is this a Concept Album? Not as much as Dark Side of the Moon is, no, but it's a very solid prototype in my opinion. It's about Liverpool, and what the band have been witness to, and ordinary days and the slight fairground vibe from their colourful uniforms and musical organs. It's expressing thoughts and conversing. It's personal to them. ...Hmm wait, maybe it is a Concept Album after all, if not planned as such by the band?!
Part of me wants to keep talking about tangents, like the shitty fucking 70's movie that sucked ass and sucks out everything cool and unique about this Lower-Middle Class Liverpool experience into grey American slop, or me wondering if calling it the transcripted サージェント・ペパーズ・ロンリー・ハーツ・クラブ・バンド is better than the translation of ペパー軍曹の独り者楽団 (the latter I got from Japanese cover versions on YT! Some are very, very good adaptations!), or my distaste for the PID theory which, while seldom taken seriously, has still rather invaded Beatle Spaces to my chagrin. But this already got longer than I planned so I'll leave this notions here. For now.
So yeah, my summary of Sgt Pepper's is already bolded but may be hard to see in the sea of text, so here it is again: Intelligent, with a heavy dash of Whimsy. You can tell it's Paul's baby at a mere glance!
Next month I shall be deviating from my UK Canon Only trend for the Magical Mystery Tour US release! The buzz around it seems positive, indeed several orders of magnitude stronger than the odd TV Special they had bearing the same name, but how much of that is the stolen valour of SFF and PL?
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