the-cat-and-the-birdie · 10 months
In my opinion, I've always seen a reflection between Jessica and Hobie.
[A SHORT post where I ponder about Jess and Hobie a bit]
It's so incredibly subtle - but balanced, in big and small ways.
For one, they both can be considered some of the only 'plain clothes' Spider-people.
It's ironic that Jessica is the only one who chooses to openly show her face, meanwhile in the comics - Hobie chose to actually show his face.
They both have natural hair, very strong in their standing and morals. They're willing to joke - with people they like and respect as equals - ignoring the people they don't:
Jessica jokes with Miguel, but doesn't speak to Miles directly. Hobie jokes with Miles right away, but doesn't speak to Miguel directly.
Personality wise, they have the same foundations - They're head-strong, and confident, organized, and considered leaders to the people around them - often being idolized by people they first meet (In Jess's case, Gwen - and in Hobie's, Miles).
Yet, we never really see this in action!!!
The two don't even really look at each other - I'm not even sure they like each other. They share two exchanges - one in which Jessica ignores him.
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And the second, Hobies outright defiant towards her.
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[gif credit to the lovely @happy-xy]
They're both mentors to Gwen. Throughout the story, it's Gwen who's their focus.
They both offer her housing in one way or another-
And each time Gwen was stranded in her universe - it was either Jess or Hobie that came to her rescue.
Hobie's looking out for his drummer, Jessica with her star pupil.
So much could be said for their style of mentoring, the support they give to Gwen and how it affects her, and how it reflects truths within the Black community.
But to do that we'd have to clear up the dirt y'all be throwing on Jessica's name cause I AIN'T HAVING IT I REFUSE
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And rest assured!!! Imma go to bat for the black woman IDC!!! I have the EVIDENCE!!!! If theres two characters Imma fight for it's THEMMMM (Miles is third srry Miles)
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He's so 'I don't have to listen to you' She's so 'boy stop playing with me I'm not one of your lil friends'
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chuluoyi · 9 months
the secret wife
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- nanami kento x reader
follow the first years’ misadventures as they find out that apparently, the infamous 7:3 sorcerer is also a dutiful and loving husband in private!
genre/warnings: crack, fluff, the first years are simply chaotic, an attempt at humor, gojo cameo (he’s so insufferable), mentions of pregnancy, nanami being the best husband there is
note: based on an anon's suggestion, this is a spin-off to love entries' wife (so gojo is married to love entries reader naturally!) this is full chaos and crack omg so sorry and isn't proofread bc i’m kinda tired so pls forgive any mistakes and my dry humor :')
general masterlist
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On one fine, sunny day, which was supposed to be a calm and relaxing afternoon...
“Hello? Yuji—”
Megumi could've sworn, they weren't usually this nosy.
“Gojo-sensei! It's urgent!”
Call it indulgence, because Nobara's curiosity just got the better of her.
“Oh? What's—”
“Does Nanamin have a wife!?”
And Yuji... well, he just needed answers, because the three of them were now in the ‘Mom and Baby’ section of department store, having just witnessed a monumental sight of their esteemed mentor, Nanami Kento—
—with a remarkably stunning woman hanging onto his arm.
“Huh?” Gojo's confusion was evident from the other line. Oh, yeah. Yuji had decided to cut to the chase and call him too, hoping for a swift clarification.
Okay, so why were the trio—plus Gojo on the speakerphone—hiding behind a pillar just to spy on Nanami and his very possible wife? Let us rewind 30 minutes before...
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Yuji considers himself to have an exceptional eye and taste for women.
And 30 minutes ago, when he fell on his butt on the rough, hard asphalt in the jammed Shibuya crossing after accidentally getting shoved by the crowd, and encountered a kind, vivacious older woman—you, who extended a hand to help him up, he was even more convinced of that.
“Are you alright, Itadori-kun?” your soft voice entered his ears, catching him off-guard, and Yuji was certain of two things then.
One, that you were just like a literal angel descended from skies above, all dolled up and pretty with your flowy sundress.
“Ah, uh—” he stammered, eyes darting everywhere and anywhere at once as his palm started sweating after clasping your hand. “I-I am…”
And two, for the life of him, he had no idea who you were.
But it registered late in his mind to ask as he was busy controlling his ragged breathing and instant crush, and before Yuji knew it, you graced him with another kind smile and went on your way.
And did he feel so miserable afterwards.
. . .
“She’s sooo hella pretty, Fushiguro! And she knows me! Me!”
Megumi sighed, eyeing his friend in disgust. Truthfully, all he wanted was to return to the dorms and collapse onto his bed, and not listen to his friend’s incoherent ramblings.
"You sure you weren't imagining things?" Nobara questioned with slight irritation. "After you embarrassed us in front of Gojo-sensei's wife a while back, please think more before you act."
"I'm not, I swear! She said my name!"
"Itadori, can you please just not?" Megumi grumbled, having enough of this ruckus. "I want to walk back in peace."
And so tucking away his pout, Yuji walked in silence just as his best friend asked, and he was really going to leave it at that when suddenly he caught the sight of a familiar pristine coat and the sundress from earlier. “Oh?”
"Isn't that Nanami-san?" Nobara also spotted him, her eyes widening when she saw you, who was happily beaming as well as Nanami's light chuckle. "And wait, who is—?"
"That's her!" Yuji burst out, pointing decisively in your direction. "That's who I was talking about!"
Oh, no. Megumi dreaded it already. He could already see the utter catastrophe—
"I'm going after them!"
"Wait, Itadori! Me too!"
Too late. Before he could stop them, Nobara and Yuji had followed the pair. Reluctantly, Megumi trailed behind them too, albeit wearing a vexed scowl. Yet despite his misgivings, he couldn't deny that the things he saw over the next 30 minutes were genuinely unexpected.
Nanami consistently led you to a quieter spot away from the bustling crowd, his hand holding yours firmly. He would occasionally throw you a smile, or when you didn’t hold hands, then he’d wrap an arm around your waist. And to the trio's bewilderment, they also saw him tenderly brushing his lips against your head while on the escalator.
Soft and gentle. It was a side of Nanami Kento they had never witnessed—either with anyone else or even himself.
The two of you ventured through home appliances, visited food stalls, and eventually... the ‘Mom and Baby’ section.
"Do you want to rest for a bit?" Nanami's voice held a touch of concern as his hand settled on the small of your back, and seeing that, Nobara positively swooned.
"Oh, no, I'm fine," you responded with a reassuring smile. "Let's head over there. I'd like to see that next!"
Watching you and Nanami meticulously going through strollers and cribs like a pair of would-be parents was apparently too mind-blowing for Yuji and Nobara, leading to the decision to call Gojo right then and there. And, as they say, the rest was history.
"Last I heard, Nanami wasn't married," Gojo answered resolutely. "If he is, then it's the ultimate betrayal because he never told me!"
"But we see him with a woman! At mother and baby care section!"
Gojo hummed in thoughtful manner. "Okay, students. Now I'm tasking you to see this to the very end! Keep me on the line!"
With that, Operation: Uncover Nanami's Wife was officially underway, and frankly, the way the three of them were clumsily tailing the 7:3 sorcerer made Megumi want to facepalm. How was it that Nanami hadn't noticed their rather conspicuous attempts at all?
Now you were fawning over baby clothes, cutely trying not to squeal as you picked a little blue and yellow overalls. "Kento! Kento! Look, how cute!"
And all of them were floored once again when the expression on his face softened, as a warm smile adorned his lips. "Yeah, they are."
"Is she pregnant? She doesn't look it..." Nobara remarked, squinting and frowning, still watching the two of you like a hawk.
"Or maybe they're shopping for someone else?" Megumi suggested, earning teasing grins from Yuji and Nobara, to which he quickly rolled his eyes, as they chorused, "Looks like you're curious too!"
After a while, you moved from the clothes to sections stocked with mother's necessities. Yuji leaned against one of the racks, pressing his ear against it, with Nobara and Megumi crowding behind him, attempting to catch a snippet of your conversation with Nanami.
"I think we should get some heat packs and these pillows—"
"Oh, Kento! You're such a worrywart, I still won't need them for a few more months—"
"Wait, what?" Yuji whipped his head around in surprise, causing Nobara, who was leaning on him, to stumble and inadvertently collide with the racks.
"Eh? Huh!?"
Unfortunately, the racks weren't sturdy enough, and the force caused them to sway dangerously. Nobara, sensing her imminent fall, instinctively grabbed Yuji's arm to steady herself. However, he got tugged instead and their combined weight exacerbated the situation, leading to the racks quickly toppling over and a deafening commotion ensued—
"Careful!" Nanami immediately pulled you behind him, a protective arm around your shoulder, sensing your shock from the sudden crash. He was on high alert, expecting some sort of attack of cursed spirits, but instead, he was met with the most astounding sight of the bickering culprits amidst the fallen racks.
"Kugisaki! What are you doing!"
"You dumbass! Why didn't you stop me from falling?!"
"Itadori-kun...?" Nanami called out in utter disbelief, his mind couldn't fathom as to why the first years were here. However, his attention quickly shifted to Megumi, who was seething and sending his friends a glare so hard it could drill a hole into them.
Then, the boy swiftly fixed himself into a low bow in front of him, ashamed, disregarding Yuji and Nobara's groans altogether. "Nanami-san, I'm very, very sorry on their behalf."
"What are the three of you doing here?" he inquired, and poor Megumi seemed at a loss, huffing as he nervously rubbed the back of his neck, unsure of where to even start.
Meanwhile you were full of worry for the fallen kids. "Oh my gosh, are you alright?"
For the second time today, you tried to help Yuji to stand on his feet, and this time, he really had a good look over you.
It wasn't exactly noticeable due to how loose your dress was, but now he could see that under it, your belly was slightly rounded—an unmistakable baby bump.
Amidst his shock and pain, Yuji couldn't bring himself to take your hand as he inadvertently let this slip, "N-Nanamin! You knocked her up!"
Nanami blinked. You gaped. Megumi and Nobara went pale in sheer horror, ready to murder their friend on the spot for his extreme height of rudeness.
“Itadori-kun,” Nanami cleared his throat then, and if he was offended, then he chose not to show it. “First of all, I’m sorry for not introducing you sooner. This is Y/N, my wife, and yes,” his tone hardened slightly, “She’s carrying our first child.”
“S-so you are married!”
“Yes, that was what I—”
“What the hell?! NANAMIIII!”
Oh, the freaking phone. After his fall, Yuji’s phone ended up on the floor, and of course, Gojo did hear all of the entire madness, evident from how his voice blared from the phone.
Nanami frowned, unwittingly reaching out towards the phone. “Who—?”
“NA-NA-MI!" Gojo screeched in righteous exasperation, and the former immediately pulled away from the phone with a cringe. “How could you?! I invited you to my wedding! Are you a hermit or something—how could not tell anyone!? Didn’t you say I can officiate—”
“I said no such thing. Please refrain from saying outrageous things, it’s both annoying and misleading,” Nanami stressed, growing more irritated by the mere sound of Gojo's whining voice and feeling his patience waning rapidly.
"Aren't we friends?! How—!"
"Should I find you instigate one more of this... shenanigans with the kids, I won't hesitate to report you to Yaga and your wife," he interjected then with clear irritation, and right that second, Gojo shut himself up.
Yuji, Nobara and Megumi couldn't help drawing that one conclusion in wonder: So, that's what Gojo-sensei is afraid of.
Nanami swiftly ended the call with a flick of his finger, returning the phone to the still mystified Yuji. Turning back to the trio, Nanami's irritation simmered as he glanced at the mess of broken goods on the floor, as well as noticing the approaching clerks.
"You three..." Nanami started, his voice rising slightly, unfaltering even as the three of them flinched. "Do you realize what you've done? Are you so idle that you can ditch your assignments?"
"Kento, don't be too harsh," you rebuked, placing a hand on his arm with a frown on your face. Nanami sighed, looking over the situation once again. It was a whole rack of baby necessities destroyed; plates, glasses, and whatnot scattered across the floor.
Nobara bit her lip in anxiety. “Oh my god, who's going to pay for all this damage?” She could already imagine the staggering amount this mess would cost. This is worth millions, anyone can go bankrupt.
There was only one person who can and will. Immediately, both Nanami and Megumi turned to her with a shared resolve.
"Gojo," Megumi blurted.
"He will be charged for everything," Nanami added with spite.
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"You just love those kids, don't you, Kento?"
That night, when both of you were ready for sleep, Nanami had one hand caressing your still growing belly, and you teased him with a chuckle.
"Huh?" your husband looked at you in mild confusion as he stopped stroking you. "What do you mean?"
You giggled again. "You said to put it on Gojo's name, but in the end, you were the one who covered the damages first."
Nanami huffed lightly. "That's because I can't get the kids in trouble. But mark my words, I'll make sure Gojo pays up later, by force if I need to." He made a face when he remembered just what a massive bill it was. "That's too much money to be spent carelessly. We have our child and our future to consider."
"You're always like that," you sighed fondly, taking his hand and placing it back to the swell of your belly. "Always on the first line of defense for the students." Your smile widened. "It makes me think... just how lucky our kid will be with you as their father."
"On the contrary, I'm counting my blessings that they'll have someone as soft as you for their mother," your husband retorted with a smile, kissing your temple. And your heart melted into a puddle by his affectionate gesture.
"That's too sweet... ah, yeah," suddenly, you were reminded of a critical thing. “Kento, have you ever considered telling everyone else that we're married? At least to people at school?”
Nanami always wanted privacy for safety reasons most of the time, and you understood that, but seeing that Gojo and the first years knew already, you thought it might be the best time to let everyone know.
"I honestly don’t see the need to, why?"
"People like Gojo are confused—"
Your husband rolled his eyes then. "Don’t worry, dear. People like Gojo exist to spread the word so we don't have to."
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reiderwriter · 10 months
Can I request a Spencer babying the reader BAU and everyone on the team is so done with it but reader is confused and oblivious...?
A/N: Thank you for your request! I've been very much feeling post-Prison/ later seasons Spencer recently, so I hope you enjoy this fic!
Warnings: mostly fluff, implied age-gap, slight mentor/mentee dynamic.
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Your first year in the BAU would've been tough had it not been for Doctor Spencer Reid.
It was tough still, but without him, you don't think you'd have been able to handle much of it. He'd been your mentor through each case, taking you under his wing when he wasn't on academic leave, teaching his criminology courses at the FBI Academy.
Those weeks were the hardest, and you found yourself moping about in the office, texting him once or twice a trip for advice.
On one particularly hard case, he'd come back into the office after you'd text. Not to consult on the case, but just to drop you off a chamomile tea and a pastry to brighten your day that little bit.
When he was back, your days were great. He knew so much, and you learnt so much from him so quickly, eagerly consuming his every word. You were so eager to please him that you often forgot others around the two of you.
“Spencer, if you're done fawning after Y/N we have a case to work on,” Emily gently chastised the man as he pulled out your chair for you, ready to sit down to hear the details of your next crime.
“Oh, Emily, thank you, but it's okay. Doctor Reid was just being considerate, I'm sure he'd have done it for anyone.” The shared glances around the room were filled with glib secrecy, but no-one commented further, leaving you slightly baffled.
Those shared looks between the other members of your team had become more common as of late, with each one more worrisome than the next. There was something unsettling about being the only one out of the loop, and as the newest member of the team, and the youngest, it often felt disheartening.
“Y/N, don't worry. Being the youngest member of any team is tough, but you're smart and you're holding your own.” With a pat to your head he walked away, lifting the weight off your shoulders slightly but not fully. You needed to get to the bottom of the BAU's non-verbal communications, and you needed answers.
Your first technique was interrogation. Surely one of them would break and tell you if you laid out your thoughts and feelings clearly.
Surely not, you found, as each member casually and softly blew you off.
“Y/N, you just need to think carefully about how certain members of the team act towards you. How familiar they are. How overly familiar they are.” Tara had at least told you that much, bit it had left you just as confused as the radio silence from the others.
“Everyone has behaved very professionally with me. You've all been very welcoming up to this point, which I appreciate greatly.”
“I wouldn't count gifting you flowers for your first successful case as the most professional act, Y/N,” she said as she sipped her coffee. “But I suppose that is just up to interpretation.
Doctor Reid had sent you flowers after you finished your first case. But there had been extenuating circumstances in that case. You'd both worked on the geographical profile on that case, and together had figured out the species of flower the unsub was using was only cultivated on one local flower orchard. It had cracked the case open and you'd found your unsub hours later.
So the flowers were an extension of that small joint success. That was all.
Your second attempt at figuring out what was going on was observation.
Partially taking Tara’s advice, you tried your best to track the moments when each of the weary looks would come your way.
Overwhelmingly, they seemed to be directed towards Doctor Reid whenever the two of you interacted.
You had to gently inform him of this, before it interrupted both of your abilities to work.
“Doctor Reid, do you know why Emily and Rossi are both currently watching us from between the blinds in their offices?” You whispered to the man, leaning in close to his ear. You were quite sure he didn't know, but a question seemed as good a way as any to broach the topic.
“I do, yes. It's best if you ignore them.”
His nonchalance in the matter shocked you, so sure you were that this would be news to him. You waited for him to elaborate, but he didn't.
“Why are they staring at us?” You finally managed to force the words out in a small squeak, forcing his eyes back to yours.
“Don't worry about it for now, I'll handle it.” He smiled down as you, and the bright gesture washed away more of the tension you'd been feeling in the office. You smiled back at him as he rose from his desk chair and carried himself to the stairs. You giggled when he winked down at you, just as you noticed Emily frantically hurrying away from her office window as Spencer knocked on her door.
As much as he told you to not worry about it all though, you really couldn't help yourself. You found yourself growing more clumsy under the watchful eyes of your entire team, galling more times than you'd care to admit into Doctor Reid's arms. He always caught you, though, and you were thankful you never did yourself serious injury.
You finally got the answers you'd craved out on a case about a month into your struggles.
There was something slightly unsettling about the way the female Sheriff was paying attention to Doctor Reid, and it made you uncomfortable. Your mouth ran dry when she touched his arm, but a small part of you warmed up again when he shrugged her off. Until, at least, you heard him explain why.
“I'm sorry, I'm a germophobe, so I'd really prefer you not touch me.” His voice was calm and steady; it really didn't seem like he was lying.
“You're not pulling my leg? I'm sorry if I came on too strong, but-”
“Why would I pull your leg, I said I don't like physical touch?”
“Well, there was that young girl earlier, Y/N was it? You had your hand on her back as you walked in, so I didn't think…”
The woman had made a good point, and you crept closer to the edge of the door to hear Doctor Reid - Spencer's response.
“Sheriff, if we're done here, do you think I could get back to my job?” You were almost disappointed in the change of topic, but you weren't all that sad to see the Sheriff remove herself from the room. Slipping in behind her you decided to test the new theory that had slipped into your mind in the last minutes.
You called out to him to grab his attention as you walked into the room but before he had the chance to turn and greet you, you threw your arms around his shoulders and pressed your body down against his, enveloping him in a back hug.
It was quite possibly the most familiar position you'd been in with him, but really it wasn't all that different from your usual proximity.
Unlike when the Sheriff casually brushed against him, he didn't stiffen, didn't pull away, but instead melted into your touch, looking up at you with a large grin.
You stood shocked for a minute before grinning back.
“Spencer, I think I know why everyone has been watching us for the last few weeks.” You said, causing his eyes to panic slightly as he acknowledged your words.
“The, uh, the Sheriff was just in here talking about a development either some of the DNA test results-” He desperately tried to change the subject, but you were locked in now, spinning his chair around to face you more as you came eye-to-eye with him.
“I know why the Sheriff was in here, Spencer, I heard it all.”
“It's not what you think,” you paused for a moment as your brow furrowed, trying to figure out if you'd somehow caught the wrong end of the stick.
“So our coworkers haven't been waiting for you to ask me out, having noticed large changes in your body language and attitude around me?”
“It's….exactly as you think.” His face was flushed with pink and your heart skipped a beat at the man in front of you. But you still had some questions.
“And you knew, but you didn't say anything to me despite the fact that I bought it up multiple times?”
“I'm…I'm not good with words," he frowned
“Are you good with dates?”
“Excuse me?”
“You're going to take me on a date when we get back to Quantico. After giving it some thought, Doctor Reid, it seems I've become quite enamoured of you.” You dropped into his lap then, sitting there like a cat pleased to take up residence on its owners legs. He stuttered for a few seconds but then found his voice again, face lighting up.
“Spencer. Please, Y/N, call me Spencer.”
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kitscutie · 10 months
hi! i saw your post about snow omg, can i request a coriolanus x mentor!reader where she’s similar to like clemensia but she’s more close to corio and they have a secret relationship? thank you in advance if you do this rq! love ur tsitp writings sm 🥹
snow and roses: part I (coriolanus snow x fem!reader)
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pairing: coriolanus snow x reader
warnings: none!
summary: you and coriolanus have been dating in secret for months, all it takes is one songbird for everything to come into the light.
a/n: first time writing for snow and I'm very excited about it! I've always loved the hunger games and this movie was insane in the best way so please enjoy! I will be making this a series and this is only part one so stay tuned for the rest!
word count: 2.2k
join my taglist here.
"You're going to get it Coryo, don't stress." You soothed the boy as you sat next to him. It was barely even six in the morning and the pair of you had woken up, well he had woken up and you with him as he blatantly needed your support, desperate for the Plinth Prize.
You didn't need the prize, already coming from a wealthy Capitol family and yet you felt the same hope that he would win as you would for yourself, stomach twisting into knots at the thought.
"There's good candidates Y/N, it feels as if the odds are already stacked against me." He sighed, leaning over as he sat so his elbows rested on his knees, head in his hands.
"The odds are in your favour Coryo, you're special. Different." With that he looked at you, a small smile gracing his pale lips. He leaned up kissing you gently, fully embracing the special moment before he got up from his place next to you.
"I'll see you at the Academy?" He asked, knowing you had to leave quickly back to your own house in order to change but also in order to avoid the suspicions of your own family who had no idea of your relationship with Snow.
"Of course." You replied, also standing up and pulling on last nights clothes as you left.
You studied the dark an empty halls of his house, ensuring Grandma'am was nowhere to be seen before you quickly walked to the door, exiting un-noticed until Tigris came around the corner, seemingly equally in a rush and holding a shirt you knew must be for Coriolanus.
"Oh, hello Y/N." She smirked as you both stopped, unsure how to approach the conversation. She was one of the only people who knew something was going on between the pair of you and still she wasn't quite sure what it was.
"Hi Tigris. You look lovely today." You said quietly, feeling like a scolded child even though you hadn't done anything wrong.
"Well if you're here I can only assume Coryo is awake, I'll see you again I assume?" She replied.
"Yes and yes." You answered awkwardly before hurrying away once again, letting out a sigh of relief as you heard her enter the house. You could only hope she wouldn't mention your interaction to Coriolanus.
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You walked into the Academy at the same time as you did everyday, conveniently when Coriolanus would also show up.
"Coryo!" You yelled, spotting him across the room. He turned his head to you as though it was a surprise to see you, it wasn't.
"Y/N. What a pleasure." He smiled with his typical Snow charm, allowing you to link your arm with his.
"How are you feeling?" You asked him, thumb gently rubbing his bicep through his shirt. You rounded the corner past the food and yet you both avoided it for different reasons. You having already been fed by your family and their lavish lifestyle and he too nervous to even look at it.
"Never felt better." He replied with false confidence but no one else around you had to know that.
"Snow always lands on top." You teased as you entered the hall, spotting your friends if that's what you could call them stood in the centre of it all, as they usually did, talking about everyone around them no doubt.
"Y/N and Coriolanus, finally some real competition has arrived." Said Arachne, a glass in her hand and a smirk on her face as she always seemed to appear in public.
"Be humble now Arachne, you never know who will be chosen." You smiled, turning on your Capitol attitude in order to fit in. You were Capitol born and raised but your family taught you to be humble and kind. It was clear this wasn't common among parents here.
"Have you tried this lamb? It's scandalous." Said Felix, it made you chuckle how he used such a word to describe food.
"Only the vulgar eat with their fingers Felix, daddy not teach you table manners?" Snarled Festus, it was as though there was always a secret competition between the two of them, never quite made clear, never making sense.
"Maybe he would've if he wasn't so busy running the country. Hey they called us here for the Plinth prize right? 'Cause I heard Doctor Gaul's in the building." Felix changed the subject, knowing he had won. It was impossible to lose as the President's son you supposed.
You hadn't noticed but now Felix had mentioned it you took in the strange atmosphere, tense and mystery lingering in the air. "That is peculiar." You said, holding onto Coryo's bicep tighter subconsciously.
"Plinth. Look at his spawn. Who would've thought you could buy your way into the Academy." Felix once again snarled, he was always filled with such anger though it seemed todays anxiety only heightened this.
"Well you can't buy class. Did you see his mothers outfit? Sorry his Ma's." Festus joked, seemingly over his small tiff with Felix.
"Dress a turnip in a ball gown and it'll still beg to be mashed." Said Coriolanus, playing into their pompous ways. You knew he didn't agree, not really.
"Don't do that we all know you like him." Arachne spat with her spider like venom, raising her eyebrows at Coriolanus.
"I don't like him Arachne, I tolerate him. He's district." Said Coriolanus and he seemed pleased with his answer as you felt him relax under your touch. You however did like Sejanus and weren't afraid to show it.
"If I hear one more time how immoral these Hunger Games are I'll put him in the arena mys- Sejanus. You made it to the Reaping for once." Festus cut himself off, caught by Sejanus himself.
"And you made it to graduation Festus, we're both shocked." Sejanus replied and you couldn't help but snicker, hiding it as you realised no one else shared the same reaction. "Y/N, always a pleasure." He smiled at you politely. You couldn't help but note the way Coryo's jaw clenched, neck twitching as he looked at you to gaze your reaction.
"As are you Sejanus." You nodded. Arachne scoffed quickly mentioning the only thing she really cared about, the prize.
"Spill it, who won the prize." She asked.
"Well, no I'm not gonna ruin my father's big day. No one here actually likes him, but they do love his money." He once again hit back at the group around him, you felt sorry for the boy. Alone in a room full of people. "You know what that's like don't you Arachne?" He dug the hole deeper and you internally smirked, grateful someone was brave enough to stand up to a powerful woman like Arachne.
As the Captiol's anthem began to play you made your way to your seats, sat next to Coriolanus you placed a kiss on his cheek and whispered 'good luck' in his ear, though you didn't really think he needed it.
Doctor Gaul's chuckle resounded around the room in a menacing echo that always managed to make you shrink into your seat.
She commended you all for being star students before untroducing the creator of the games: Casca Highbottom.
He went on to tell you all that today was not the day the prize would be given out but instead there would be one more task to challenge you all and gage your true worth. Everyone seemed confused but not Sejanus.
"What's going on?" You whispered to Coriolanus. He sensed your anxiety placing a calming hand on your knee but gave you no other response which reassured you that you had not been left completely in the dark.
"The Plinth prize will no longer be determined by who was the best grades. But by who is the best mentor in the Hunger Games." With that there was outrage, to you it was dehumanizing for the tributes, 'mentored' by people their own age but for the others they only seemed to care whether they were given someone strong or weak. A 'runt' in Arachne's words.
The reaping commenced and you couldn't help but wish to be anywhere but here. You didn't want to do this, you didn't need the money yet you were forced to have another's life in your hands.
You got a small girl from 8 named Wovey, seeing her face on the big screen left you determined, determined to help her in anyway you could on the path to being a victor. Even if that meant Coryo may lose the prize.
Snow's tribute left the room in horror, her stage presence and brutality sent shivers down your spine, though you supposed that the outer Districts had it harder and that sort of survival must be built into her.
Standing up on shaky legs you grabbed Coriolanus up from his chair and outside of the room, you needed fresh air and you needed to talk to him about what you were about to face, arguably harder than any other test the Capitol could give you.
"Slow down Y/N, I can hardly keep up." He said, words laced with worry.
"I don't believe I can do this Coryo, did you see my tribute? She's hardly eligible for school never mind to be put into an arena where she's going to be killed. She's only a child." You paced while he leant against a pillar, beginning to eat some food he a had smuggled from the buffet table.
"I'm afraid you don't have a choice Y/N." He tried to help but only made it worse as you realised you were trapped in yet another one of the Capitol's games. He seemingly realised this. "Hey, hey. If there as anyone in that room who would get that tribute, I'm glad it was you. Arachne would've given up on her by now. With you she has a fighter. A chance at surviving." He said while grabbing your wrists to stop your pacing.
"It's not that simple Coryo-" You tried but he cut you off.
"It is Y/N." He said sternly and you understood what he meant. It was either play into their games or become apart of them, no other choice. "You're a born winner Y/N, give her some of it hm?" He stared down at you as he spoke and his blue eyes while at times piercing sucked you in, heart rate lowering almost immediatley.
"Okay." You said.
"Okay." He smiled, reaching a hand around your neck to bring you into a kiss. It started off slow and caring though quickly intensified as he turned you both around so now you leant against the pillar instead of him.
His hand tightened around your neck, not enough to actually cut off air but just enough to make you feel dizzy as he pushed his body further into yours, keeping you against the cold cement and trapped in his arms.
Your mouths clashed together intensely, tongues colliding in a rhythm you though you would only ever be able to find with him in this lifetime. He was your everything, your light in a blizzard.
"Ahem." Coughed Casca, drawing the two of you away from each other with baited breaths and rosy cheeks. "Just like your father, yes we were best friends. Once." He said, and with that it felt like you weren't even in the room.
"Tell me Mr Snow, what are your plans after these games?" Casca asked.
"I hope to go onto the university sir, naturally." Coriolanus answered, pulling his waistcoat straight where it had been wrinkled by your tight grip.
"And if you fail to win the Plinth Prize, what then?" Asked Casca, it suddenly became clear to you that he knew something, just what he knew you were unsure of.
"We'd pay the tuition of course." He scoffed, insulted at Casca's insinuation even if it was true.
"Look at you, in your makeshift shirt and too tight shoes. Trying desperately to fit in when I know the Snow's don't have a pot to piss in." Casca said. You felt your own heart drop and so you couldn't imagine how Coriolanus felt, the insult to his pride was one you knew he wouldn't take well and so you grabbed his hand subtly, hiding it behind your back as to not show any sign of weakness to Casca.
"Goodluck with that poor little Songbird." He said, and with that he left. Leaving you to do damage control.
"Ignore him Coryo, he's trying to get into your head." You reassured him, moving a Snow white hair from his face. His jaw looked similar to the way it did earlier when Sejanus had so much as acknowledged your presence.
"He's right Y/N. From the moment my father died I lost. The odds were never in my favour." He spat out, though his actions didn't match his words as he gently removed your hand from his hair before beginning his exit of the Academy. "Come on now Y/N, I've got a songbird to catch." He said sarcastically.
You sped after him hoping Casca's words hadn't knocked him too much, after all, Snow lands on top and he wouldn't be the one to change that.
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TAGLIST: @runningfrom2am, @riordanness, @suvgs, @charmed-asylum
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mistyorchid · 27 days
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Logan Howlett x mutant fem!reader
Summary: Your deep-seated fear of rejection is the only barrier preventing you from kissing the smug grin off of Logan's face. Thankfully, Logan can smell how much you want him. *reader's power is optimism, which Logan loves distrusts. Warnings: MDNI. porn with plot, no use of y/n, implied age gap, reader is 21+, masturbation (fem!), scent kink, oral (fem! receiving), voyeurism, size difference, pussy worship, praise kink, pet names (sunshine, bub, doll, good girl), mention of unprotected p in v, using Logan's hair as handlebars. wc: 3.2k
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Your world used to revolve around men. Now, your life revolves around the duty of saving it. If yearning for boys who never liked you back was an Olympic sport, you'd definitely win gold.
Everyone was in a good mood, having just returned from a government-sanctioned mission. The world needs the X-Men. You belonged to a community that respected your unique abilities. Powers aside, you were still a young woman yearning for romance. You forgot how it felt to be embarrassingly invested in a one-sided crush until you met Logan.
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Your first mission seemed simple enough: act like Logan's arm candy for the night to investigate New York's elusive anti-mutant club. Memorize the names of club members, hide a mic in the manager's coat. In and out.
Unfortunately, Logan was more focused on how high the cut of your dress was. The unforgiving pink latex material suffocated your soft body and exaggerated the protruding curves of your breasts. As Charles described it, you needed to look like a liberated woman. The manager had a soft spot for confidence, and Charles explained that power attracts power.
Logan wished his hard cock was liberated from the uncomfortable friction caused by his slacks. That night, he learned that beauty truly is pain.
He watched as you glided around the room, earning lustful stares from the human members. Logan was ordered to blend into the crowd and allow you to complete the mission. His usual stoic demeanor was replaced with a charged, jealous glare.
"You're compromising the mission, Logan. I thought I taught you better," Charles tutted. His bald mentor checked in on their progress using cerebro's telepathic power.
Logan swatted his forehead, momentarily disoriented at the intrusion of Charles.
"Not my fault you put miss goody two-shoes in that god-awful dress," he snarled. "She's out of her element, and you know it."
"Her powers are extremely useful in this situation," Charles sighed. "You may not trust her, but her bubbly personality is the key to securing the club's trust. Just let her work . . . alone."
When the pressure in his head subsided, Logan knew that Charles no longer supervised the unholy thoughts bouncing against the adamantium confines of his brain.
He drifted to the bar and sat down, positioning the stool so he could maintain visual of your progress. Your kind eyes crinkled as you laughed and playfully swatted the manager's bicep. He painfully recalled the moment you revealed your powers to the group.
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A month earlier, the X-Men gathered in the danger room to discuss how to approach the mission.
"The manager is emotionally vulnerable at this time. Surrounded by humans whose lives revolve around hate and mutant discrimination." Charles rubbed his temple to alleviate his anger.
"What is the opposite of hate?" Charles asked, turning his colleagues into students once again.
Logan rolled his eyes. "Please tell me it's not love, for Christ sakes."
"Optimism. The enemy of hate is hopefulness. Now, everyone, please give a warm welcome to our newest recruit." Charles gestured to a woman who was the physical embodiment of those girly 90s rom-coms Logan secretly enjoyed.
Her smile reached her eyes, symbolizing genuine happiness. She sported a vintage Talking Heads tee with an image of a lopsided smiley face. Logan's eyes drifted to the tiniest shorts he's ever seen, stopping just under the swell of your ass. Its whimsical star pattern complimented your sparkling teeth.
"Hey, guys. I'm so grateful to be here!" You cheered. Logan could tell you caught him staring by the sudden change in your demeanor.
Rubbing the back of your neck, you timidly explained, "Sorry about the get-up. My uniform's not ready yet."
Logan watched as you surveyed the room, eyes silently acknowledging Jean, Ororo, Scott, and Beast.
You confidently returned Logan's gaze with a dismissive scoff.
Logan found himself inexplicably drawn to your cheeriness. Usually, he distrusted kindness. It was a quality that was manipulated to deceive him countless times throughout the arduous decades of life he had unwillingly lived through.
Your benevolence seemed organic, almost innate.
You continued, "My power is optimism. In addition to what Charles explained, I can extract positive values from anyone and replace their malicious thoughts and intentions. Basically, I'll help the manager override his hatred of mutants. Hate is taught . . . I'll teach him a different lesson. One of hope, equality, and human-mutant coexistence."
Logan felt a blush brewing behind his rugged cheeks. Your eloquent explanation exuded more wisdom than he expected from a "sunshine and rainbows" type of girl. You matched his trademark cynicism with a grounded perspective of reality, but still saw the good in others.
Before Logan chose to introduce himself, Scott raised an eyebrow, silently teasing him for blushing at your words. Logan wouldn't give him the satisfaction of being right about his budding interest in the new recruit.
He mockingly countered, "That's great, a 'glass half-full' mutant has never gotten us killed before. What's your code name, Cheshire Cat? Twinkle Toes?"
Scott caught Logan's eyes and mouthed, "Nice," with a sly smirk.
You wouldn't let him bask in the reflection of tears falling down your cheeks.
Logan cursed himself as you turned to face everyone but him. "I don't have a code name. I've got nothing to hide," you coolly responded.
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Your face contorted with pain as you recalled your first interaction with Logan. After you'd successfully earned the trust of the anti-mutant club manager, however, he followed you around like a lost puppy.
Everyone was confused. This behavior was extremely irregular for a man who struggled with trusting long-term friends, let alone a woman he'd only known for a month.
He was addicted to the sweet aura of unbridled positivity that radiated from you. A tale old as time, darkness intertwining with light.
The jealousy he felt during your first mission played a significant factor in his romantic interest. It took all of his restraint (and Charles' disapproving words) not to slash the throats of every man who lusted over your latex-clad form.
You remembered Logan sitting at the bar, clearly uninterested in the mission at hand. Uninterested in you.
Clearly, communication was a skill you both needed to hone.
"Nice work, sunshine." Logan clapped a hand against your shoulder, congratulating you on another successful mission.
He was genuinely proud of you. You were awarded a medal of honor by the president for using positive forces to bridge the gap between mutants and humans.
Picking up your pace, you whipped your head around to acknowledge Logan. "Thanks. You know how much I hate that nickname, right?"
As the rest of the crew filed inside the mansion, excitedly discussing how to wind down after a job well done, Logan used his leverage on your shoulder to spin you around.
"I'm sorry, bub. Love to see how red your face gets." A smug grin was plastered over his stupid, annoying, handsome face.
You paused at the mansion's entrance. "Whatever, Logan. I'm not in the mood for your belittlement."
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Slipping past the kinetic hallways of mutant students, you swung open the door to your room and started to undress, hoping to destress after a long day. You shrugged off your new uniform and slipped on your favorite Talking Heads tee, not bothering to wear shorts.
"God, so annoying." You sighed, crashing face-down into the bed. You replayed the interaction with Logan, hurt etching its way into your heart.
I won't let him get to me. He makes me feel like a fuckin' teenager!
"Nice work, sunshine," you mocked in a gruff voice.
Logan doubted your abilities, ignored you on your first mission, and patronized you with nicknames. It wasn't fun being the butt of a joke at the hands of someone you secretly admired. You wondered if his recent interest in you was malicious or sincere.
Despite the telltale signs, you seriously doubted that Logan was romantically interested in you.
Never chosen, always on the prowl for scraps of affection. Never again. Your kindness had been taken advantage of before. You quickly learned that the only person who truly loved you was yourself.
Sunshine. The crinkle of his eyes, those stupid tufts of hair that make him look like a cat.
Your hands slowly slipped under the hem of your shirt, inching towards your breasts.
He was staring at my ass when I met him. Wasn't he?
Your right hand softly tweaked your sensitive nipples. Sighing, you allowed yourself to toy with the thin band of your underwear before circling your clit.
Soft moans quickly grew into labored huffs of desperation. Lost in the gratifying haze of your pleasure, you forgot an important detail about your new living arrangement.
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Logan couldn't believe the sounds he was hearing.
It's as if God himself probed his mind and decided to fulfill his deepest desires.
A beautiful arrangement of moans and sighs traveled through the hollow wood wall that separated your rooms. To confirm that he wasn't hallucinating, Logan tentatively pressed his ear against the wall.
"Oh, fuck," he heard you whine in a hushed voice.
He could hear the spontaneous hitch of your breath. "Ah! Logan . . . fuuuuck."
His body reacted to the utterance of his name, unconsciously unsheathing his claws.
It took him five seconds to bridge the distance between his front door and yours.
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An abrupt knock on your door forced you to pause the act of self-love you were so invested in.
"Hello? Who is it?"
Logan smirked before answering, "It's me. You okay in there? Sounds like you're having a hard time breathin, bub."
That cocky motherfucker. You slapped a hand against your mouth to muffle your surprise. He probably heard everything, you thought, moving to open the door.
"Logan! I- I'm so sorry." You started playing with the loose strands of hair framing your face. He was leaning on the door frame, his large body teasingly blocking the entrance.
His eyes flitted to your hand, noting the nervous tick. As the scent of your hair wafted into his perceptive nostrils, his pupils dilated. He noticed the unmistakable smell of your arousal.
"No need to apologize, sunshine. Just wanted to make sure you were okay." Logan tried to ignore the enticing scent emanating from your body. His eyes searched the room for a point to fixate on. Anything but your pouty lips.
He registered bare legs. The adorable way you were standing, your right leg shifted over the left to distribute your weight. Any decorum he had vanished when his eyes landed on the girly panties you were wearing.
You inched closer to his broad frame, looking up into his downcast eyes. They were still trained on your lower half.
Sunshine. The heavy weight of his gaze. Familiar hallmarks of past interactions. Except this time, he was gawking at your panties instead of those cosmic booty shorts.
"I can smell you. Can't be that unbearable to be around, hm?" Logan teased, finally making eye contact.
"No, you're still an asshole. I'm done playing hot and cold with you." Your clothed tits grazed his taut stomach.
"You want this? Because if not, I'll take it like a man and leave." Logan asked, searching your face for any signs of hesitation.
You averted your eyes. "Do you want me?"
He understood why your response was laced with insecurity. His previous actions had placed a seed of doubt in your mind. Logan gently raised your chin, tilting your eyes into his. "Of course I do, doll. I might be a stubborn asshole, but I'm not too stubborn to admit that I want you. Always have, since I first met ya."
Shock flooded your features. A charged silence lingered in the air.
You caught Logan staring at your lips.
"Just kiss me, you big oaf." You brazenly commanded.
The arm that leaned against the door frame descended to the small of your back, pulling you close to his chest.
Logan closed the gap, not wanting to give you any reason to doubt his feelings for you.
It started sweet and timid, an innocent collage of bumping noses and delicate gasps. When you pulled apart for air, a thin string of spit connected your bottom lips.
You decided you needed his lips on yours in a drastically different way.
"Since you're here, think you can help a girl out?" You pushed yourself away from Logan, palms extended to his chest. You sat on the edge of your bed, slowly spreading your legs.
Logan choked on his words. "I, uh . . . I'd love to." Once in front of you, he kneeled down on his knees.
The playful contrast between your vintage Talking Heads tee and the lacey pink panties that covered your most intimate area made him dizzy.
The frilly nature of it was enough to make him crazy, but they just had to have a cute little bow at the top.
Logan ground himself into his jeans, its denim fabric the only layer separating his cock from the air.
"You sure about this, doll?" he asked, reluctantly drawing his eyes away from your cunt to analyze yours.
You tentatively weaved your fingers through his hair, paying special attention to the tufts. When he leaned into your touch, you knew that the admission of his affection was genuine.
Your hands ghosted over his, pulling them to land on the wide expanse of your thighs.
"I need you, Logan. I want this. Want you."
That was all Logan needed to hear before he hooked four fingers around the elastic of your panties, slowly moving them off of your legs.
You shivered when the room's cool air met your bare cunt.
Logan hooked his strong arms under your knees, pulling you to the edge of the bed with ease. "Much better, doll. Wanna be close to her," he drawled, resting your legs over his shoulders.
His mouth hovered over you, fanning warm breaths that made you throb with anticipation.
Logan's lips ghosted over where the bow on your panties was and descended where you needed him most.
He gently kissed your clit, earning a soft gasp.
"Yeah, you like that, baby?" You whined a high-pitched "Mhm . . ."
Logan suddenly licked a broad stripe from your hole to your clit, collecting your wetness on the tip of his tongue.
"Need your words, bub. Wanna hear you."
He pulled away momentarily, massaging the sensitive flesh of your thighs. "Oh my god. Yes, I love it . . . please don't stop," you whined.
"That's a good-" Logan paused to pool the release still on his tongue and let gravity drip it onto your folds. "-girl. Fuck."
You sucked in a harsh breath through gritted teeth. He stared at your cunt fluttering open and closed in response to the contact, aching to be filled.
He would tend to that later. Right now, he wanted to make you feel loved, cared for.
"You taste so fuckin' sweet, doll." Logan cooed, tracing the sensitive outline of your hole before sinking two of his thick fingers into your warmth.
Your hands found purchase in his hair, gasping at the sight of him stretching your walls. He slowly thrust his fingers in and out, steadily building the tension in your body.
"Yeah, hold onto me . . . guide me where you need me." The soft squelch of your wetness made him groan into your pussy.
"Fuck . . . you sound so beautiful, baby." Logan praised, his lips pressing a tender kiss to your clit once again.
He alternated between languidly enveloping your folds with his mouth and licking urgently at your sensitive bud.
"Ah! I- I'm close, Logan." You mewled, hips suddenly rising off the bed. The spontaneous action made your clit catch on the ridge of his strong nose.
You locked his head in between your legs, thighs abruptly closing due to the contact.
"You like that, hm?" he teased. You nodded rapidly, capturing your bottom lip in an attempt to subdue the embarrassing whines Logan was drawing out from you.
Once your thighs rested back on the bed, Logan pulled your legs even closer. You couldn't believe your eyes.
He started making out with your pussy.
Logan's mouth opened and closed again and again, latching onto your swollen lips. His pursed lips glistened with your release.
He actually sighed into your body when a particularly noisy kiss made you clench around his fingers.
"That's my good girl. So responsive . . . can you come for me, baby? Wanna taste you."
He curled his fingers, coaxing the spongy pad of your cervix on every thrust. His palm met your pussy with a steady plap, burying his fingers into your crying cunt.
Your legs started shaking. Unable to stave off your release, your thighs fluttered around Logan's head.
"Oh, fuck, Logan . . ." you moaned, sharply tugging his hair while falling backward onto the bed. You couldn't bring yourself to watch his sly grin as you came undone around him.
"Yes . . . ohmygodohmygod, ah!" You incoherently babbled.
Logan playfully slapped your puffy folds, stimulating you through your orgasm.
"Aw, would 'ya look at that . . . your pussy's blushing just for me, doll." He pressed another kiss to your pulsing clit, smirking into your skin.
He slowly removed your legs from his shoulders and caged your body under his, arms outstretched so as not to crush you.
Logan traced the plush outline of your bottom lip, teasing, "Speechless, huh? Guess I'm not that big of an asshole."
Your pupils dilated as you caressed the rugged expanse of his cheek. You hummed a soft, "Mhm . . ." in response, too fucked out to mumble something more comprehensible.
"Figured you deserved to feel good after what I put you through." Logan averted his eyes. He felt guilty, opening his mouth to apologize, but you silenced him with a sloppy kiss.
You tapped his right arm, silently asking him to lay down on the bed next to you. He moved to cuddle you, but you turned around and straddled his pelvis.
Grinding over his clothed bulge, you teased, "No need to apologize, Logan." Your release was creating a noticeable wet spot on the faded denim.
His hips bucked up to meet your tantalizing movements. His back arched at the thought of his bare cock finally feeling the plush embrace of your cunt.
"Let me make it up to you . . . you deserve to feel good, too."
Logan's hands rested on your torso, stilling your hips.
"If you keep moving like that, I won't get to come inside of you. You want me to fill you up? Hm?"
You mischievously dragged your cunt over the fly of his jeans, clit catching on the button.
"Who said you couldn't come in me more than once?"
Logan wrapped his arms behind the small of your back, pulling you to crash against his broad chest. His lips found your ear.
He whispered, "You fuckin' tease. Be careful what you wish for, bub. I have regenerative powers, remember? Could fuck you for hours, if you let me."
You suddenly nipped at his earlobe. "Oh, yeah? prove it. I'm not so sure, old man."
Logan propped up your chin, caressing the supple skin of your cheeks. Eyes darting between your doe eyes and pouty lips, he responded, "If I didn't heal so fast, you'd be the death of me."
You sealed his promise with a sweet kiss. The only lack of communication in your blossoming relationship would occur during intimate moments like these, lips slotted into the other's, ethereal sighs mingling with his intoxicating groans.
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Whew! I spent a lot of time refining this one. I'm slowly working on improving the pacing and atmosphere of my work. Thank you for reading! Reblogs are extremely appreciated :)
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loudclan-clangen · 27 days
Loudclan - Moon 28: Part 2
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As the sun sets on the last moon of spring Chumpaw and Rosehippaw are acting suspicious...
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Chumpaw is honored for her bravery as she earns her warrior name at 15 moons old and is now called Chumtail! She has gone from charismatic to wise.
Rosehippaw is honored for her perseverance as she earns her warrior name at 13 moons old and is now called Rosehiptree! She has gone from righteous to shameless.
At the same ceremony:
Dashpaw is apprenticed to Dogwoodmoth. He is extremely excited to train with such a talented warrior! As he's grown, he has gone from quiet to confident.
Dancepaw is apprenticed to Peakpatch. He is less than happy with this choice, and his mentor isn't very enthusiastic either. Both of them hope that Chumtail will chose to involve herself in his training more often than not. As he's grown, he has gone from inquisitive to strict.
Finally Songpaw is apprenticed to Wildfirecry. While his training is not as exciting as his brother's he feels a weight lifted off of him, though his lineage still finds other ways to haunt him. As he's grown, he has gone from sweet to responsible.
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Songpaw has seemingly inherited a form of ghost sight from his mother. It can make it hard to study at times.
[*glances nervously at my inbox* this is gonna be a... controversial moon. /lighthearted. Hey, I remembered to draw whiskers this time! Yay! Owlstar stop giving Peakpatch apprentices please I'm begging you. Owlstar do not entrust the training of your heir to a 13 moon old warrior please. Owlstar make a good decision for once in your life. I managed to get this moon done fast cause I was really excited to draw the next moon. I don't have the whole sketch done so I'm not sure exactly how long it is but moon 29 is gonna be BIG. I'd like to not break it up too much, but that might mean a little bit more time until it comes out. Otherwise, Dogwoodmoth and Rosehiptree family tree coming soon!]
First Moon
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circesastro · 4 months
Circe’s Note #2
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Note: These are just my own observations, ideas, thoughts and theories. This is just for entertainment purposes. Also, please be respectful of my observations! It is perfectly understandable to not resonate with some of my personal observations but please do not leave any disrespectful comments! Lastly, please don’t plagiarize any of my works!Without further ado, enjoy!
**All photos are from Pinterest**
✿ Capricorn in the 3rd house can indicate the native being the more responsible sibling. They feel like the most mature sibling or they can actually be the older sibling.
✿ Men with Scorpio Venus tend to come from wealthy families.
✿ Chiron in the 10th house can actually indicate that the native will be very successful within their careers (after many setbacks) and they usually make a pretty big name for themselves.
✿ Pisces Moon women are so gorgeous 💗Ex: Wonyoung, IU, Audrey Hepburn, Winona Ryder, Vanessa Hudgens, Winter (Aespa)
✿ Also, Pisces women tend to get loads of hate for being too pretty. They are often accused of having plastic surgery...example Angelababy and Madison Beer. It could be Neptunes influence causing other people to project onto them so harshly.
✿ I can’t remember who said this already 😭 but Aquarius Suns really do have the prettiest noses. They won the nose genetics❤️ (J-hope, Rose, I.M, DK, my dad 💀) Either way their nose tend to be a prominent part of their face. 
✿ Also why is it that idol groups always choose detrimental mars as their leaders? (Ex: TXT’s Soobin (libra mars), Seventeen’s S.Coups (libra mars), Enhypen’s Jungwon (taurus mars), Twice’s Jihyo (libra mars), BTS’s RM (cancer mars), Aespa’s Karina (taurus mars)).
✿ I also can't remember who said this before (if anyone knows the original creator who said this please let me know so I can give credit) but your Mars sign (degree + house) can indicate the reasons that you get "canceled" or the reason you receive hate..
If you have an Aquarius Mars or Mars at 11, 23 degrees you could get canceled for the most random things
if you have a Libra Mars or Mars 7, 19 degrees you could get canceled for being in a relationship.
Pisces Mars or Mars at 12, 24 degrees could be canceled dr*g use or being drunk/under the influence.
Sagittarius Mars or Mars at 9, 21 degrees could get cancelled due to cultural appropriation...
Cai Xukun has his mars in cancer and he had a scandal concerning getting a woman pregnant ( and he also has a scorpio moon and his mother allegedly hired someone to stalk her...)
Lisa has her mars in virgo and when she was on Youth With You, she got a lot of hate for being "too strict" as a mentor.
Jackson Wang recieved a lot of hate due to him constantly drinking alcohol during his concerts. (pisces mars)
G-idle's Soyeon recieved lots of backlash for "hogging attention" and she’s a Leo mars.
✿ Water sun men have the prettiest eyes…something about them is just so alluring (ex: WAYV’s Winwin, Ding Chengxin, Ding Yuxi, TXT’s Beomgyu, Stray Kid’s Hyunjin, Xu Kai, etc.)
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a-aexotic · 2 years
HEYYYY! So like every other mf on the planet right now I am in my hunger games era!!
Please could you write a Finnick x Reader where she is selected for the quarter quell (Maybe in her games she was lethal and killed like 10+ people?)
And when Katniss shoots the arena in catching fire she gets taken by the capitol (Like Peeta) and they torture her and shit? Then Finnick and her get there reunion she’s all like battered and bruided and it’s dead sad? Not sure if this made sense because i’m half asleep and dyselxic but let me know😭🤣
Maybe he says “It’s okay baby i got you” ??? x
hey of course i can! i hope u enjoy it babe <3 its a tiny bit long! my apologizes
cw's: angst, mentions of killing/dying, typical thg stuff, torture, ptsd, lmk if i missed anything
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You were one of the youngest victors alongside Finnick, being only 15 and having won your games. You were also from District 4. You won the 68th Hunger Games, a few years after Finnick.
When you were reaped, Finnick and Mags were your mentors. Finnick came off as self absorbed and arrogant but once you started talking to him, the more you realized that was total bullshit. He wasn't how the Capitol portrayed him, he was much more caring and compassionate. He was very sympathetic to your situation, having gone through the same things.
During your time in the arena, you were one of the most ruthless tributes of all time. In the beginning, you were easily overlooked. The tributes weren't thinking that you were going to be much of a challenge because of your size and the way you carried yourself.
But that was exactly how you wanted to be portrayed. You tricked the Careers into thinking you were some naïve little girl, stabbing them in the back (literally) the first chance you got. The Capitol loved the turn of events, cheering you on.
When you had come back home, you had finally understood the intensity of what you had done. You had killed a whole group of people, ending their lives permanently. Those people had lives and family who loved them, and now they're gone because of you.
You suffered through months and months from never ending nightmares. Even getting consoled by your mother didn't help anymore; she doesn't understand. You didn't even feel worthy of food anymore.
You closed off Mags and Finnick when you had come home, driving yourself into isolation and depression. You rarely went out anymore, eating one meal a day and slept more than 80% of the day. Even sleeping couldn't mend the eternal tiredness you had, the void that filled your body.
Finnick had felt more than responsible for your pain. He gave you time before he realized he was just adding to your pain. Even when you didn't communicate back to him, Finnick visited you every day. He gave you advice and told you what he had went through after the Games as well. Eventually you opened up more to Finnick, and slowly, he had become your best friend.
He had told you that numbing it wasn't going to make it go away. He reminded you that you had him and Mags to help you with this process, and that you weren't alone despite of how you felt.
He helped you regain your sense of purpose again, your self image again. Finnick had singlehandedly helped you rebuilt your sense of self again.
He saw a part of you in him, that scared 14 year old boy who was trying to go back home to his parents. He never wanted anyone to feel that, especially you.
He promised you that he would never let anything bad ever happen to you again.
During your Victor's tour, Snow had suddenly deemed you desirable by the Capitol, wanting to sell you as he did with Finnick. Finnick couldn't risk getting involved, wanting to protect his family.
Every night in the Capitol, you were always consoled by Finnick. Every time you had to do a favor, you remember walking to Finnick's room to sleep, not baring the thought of having to sleep alone in the cold bed. He was always there, holding your hand comfortingly as you both slept.
The Capitol adored you both, nicknaming you the princess and prince of Panem. The more time you spent with Finnick, the more the media had speculated a relationship between the young victors.
You and Finnick had connected in many ways. Both having the same trauma, it was easy to talk to him and for him to understand how hard it was.
You and Finnick eventually got together a few years later, then getting married (in secret, of course) almost right after. You were both deeply in love.
Finnick found solace in the thought of always having you by his side, remembering that no one could tear you apart. That was until the Quarter Quell was announced.
You and Finnick were sitting at the edge of the couch, listening to Caesar's words carefully as he explained that this year's Hunger Games was going to be very different.
When it was announced that there will be only be Victors in this year's games, you heard dropped. You looked over at Finnick and he shared the same terrified look on his face.
When Annie's name had been called, you without any second thought, put up your hand. "I volunteer as tribute."
The crowd gasped and you looked over at Annie and you could tell she was a bit relived but still scared nonetheless. You immediately embraced her tightly, letting her let out a small sob. "It's okay, you're okay."
Mags looked just as terrified and you took her hand. When Finnick's name was called, you felt your stomach drop. Not only were you back in the arena, but you were with Finnick.
You looked over at Finnick and he looked prepared to fight. You both stood up and he grabbed your hand, raising it up in union.
The trainride to the Capitol was pretty uneventful. Finnick had wanted some time to think about the plan and so did you. A part of you knew what he was planning; he kill everyone else in the arena and then eventually himself, all for you.
As you sat on the bed, you felt the sadness and anger turn into numbness. No amount of crying was going to stop the Quater Quell and you had to be smart.
You didn't want to survive without Finnick. You were either winning with him or dying with him. Life would be meaningless without him.
Finnick knocked on your door slightly, before walking in. You looked up at him and he gave you a small smile. He took a seat next to and took your hand.
"I have a plan."
"Finnick, I know what you're thinking, and no. You're not killing yourself for me."
Finnick looked defeated. "One of us has to survive, Y/N. For Annie. For Mags."
You look a deep inhale, looking away from Finnick. "I don't want to life without you, everything would lose all it's meaning without you."
Finnick felt his heart burst into two pieces as he squeezed your hand. You felt your eyes watering again and you couldn't help but let out another quiet cry as Finnick pulled your head in, as he embraced you tightly.
"Shh, it's okay. I promise, I won't... I won't leave you."
It had all happened so fast, you couldn't even comprehend what had just happened. One moment, you were with Finnick trying to find Johanna and Katniss and suddenly there was big loud boom. You were relieved for a moment; Plutarch's plan had worked. Until you realized how far away you were from the others.
You were wandering, trying to find anyone until you heard people behind you. You turned and then you saw some unfamiliar faces; suddenly, your vision went black.
Then, you woke up in a white room. You felt like your stomach had dropped out of your body once the realization hit you; the Capitol captured you.
You were strapped down to a bed and you couldn't move or shake it off. The severity of the situation had hit you; even if by some miracle you did escape, where would you go? How would you find your way to 13 and back to Finnick?
You knew how ruthless the Capitol was to everyone who disobeyed them. Your worst fears had come true and there was no getting out of here.
You heard the door open and you saw some Peacekeepers come in and then you saw the person you dreaded to see most; Snow. You felt like your whole had come crashing down, how could this nightmare become any worse?
"Hello, Y/N."
You didn't respond, resorting to stare at the wall in front of you instead.
He tutted disappointedly. "Out of all the tributes, you were the one I expected least to be involved in this mess. You are the Princess of Panem... What a shame."
You still hadn't replied and you hadn't dared to look at Snow. Months and months you spent trying to heal the trauma he had caused you, you were sure if you had to look at him now, you would break.
"I want to take mercy on you, dear Y/N. If you tell me everything you know about the rebellion, I will make sure the Peacekeepers are gentle with you."
You shook your head. "No."
He let out a small chuckle. "Sorry, I couldn't hear you. What?"
"No." You said again, louder.
He hummed in disapproval. "Okay then, you leave me no choice. You are going to regret this."
He nodded to the Peacekeepers and walked out of the room. You were then met with Peacekeepers, loosening the straps then taking you to another room.
If Snow knew one thing about you, it was that being only physical with you wouldn't hurt you enough. He had to hit you were it hurt most.
They threw you in the seemingly vacant room and immediately locking it. You were confused until you heard it.
"Y/N, help me!" Finnick's voice screamed. "Please, help me! Get up and do something, they're killing me! Please."
You looked everywhere in the dark room, trying to find the source. It kept going.
"Y/N, please! Help! What the hell are you doing, just sitting there? You are such a disappointment!" The voice started shouting. "We should've just left you to died in the arena! You are useless!"
Now this was something new. Your body was filled with panic and fear and even though you knew it was fake, you felt like you were going to throw up from all the noise.
Suddenly, Annie's voice came in as well. Then Johanna's. Then your mother's. There was nonstop noise filled with screams for help, shouting with disapproving messages. Your body couldn't handle it; it was so overwhelmed with fear that you started shaking on the ground, putting your hands on your ears but that did little to nothing.
You wanted it to stop. It was too much, you were trembling. It felt like days, just sitting there in that room listening to all those demeaning voices of your loved ones. You couldn't even think straight anymore.
It was so bad you had started to pound your head on the ground, screaming and crying. You had have enough. And then, it all stopped. Silence was foreign for you; your ears were ringing.
You were sitting on the ground, almost lifeless as the Peacekeepers took you away. Your eyes hurt from the tears, your body sore, your ears ringing and your head was pounding.
But you knew that was just the beginning.
You were asleep in bed and you were awakened by the door opening, you instantly jolted up. You looked over to see a group of masked men in front of you and you had started to tremble again, silent tears rolling down your face, thinking that the Peacekeepers had come again.
"No, no, no." You started to mumble to yourself.
A man came up to your and took your bruised hand slowly, rubbing it gently in silent empathy. That was the first soft touch you'd felt in a few weeks and it almost stung.
"It's okay, you're safe now. You're going to 13 now."
You had to blink a couple times, trying to process what he said. Was this a dream? You went to pinch yourself but it was real life.
He then helped you up but you couldn't help but stumble; your legs were weak, you couldn't remember the last time the Peacekeepers let you walk for this long.
As you got into the hovercraft, you saw Annie. Your eyes widened as you both ran up to each other, embracing each other. She had started to cry a little bit and so did you.
That was when it hit you. You were going to see Finnick. You were going home. You started crying into Annie's shoulder as she held you. "We're safe now, we're safe."
You had seen Johanna as well but she didn't seem too responsive. Neither did Peeta. You fell asleep on Annie's shoulder on the ride back and for the first time, you actually felt yourself drifting off calmly.
There were lots of doctors and nurses looking at you and asking you all sorts of questions and you tried your best to answer them. You were still in shock; you were safe. They couldn't hurt you anymore.
"Y/N?" You turned around to see Finnick. You immediately got up from the examiner's table and ran into his arms, your eyes starting to water up again.
"Finnick," you sighed slowly. You pulled away, putting your hands on his face and touched him as if he wasn't real.
"Are you.. Are you really here?"
"Yes, I'm really here." Finnick looked at you and suddenly his voice transported you back into the dark room. You quickly twisted out of his embrace and his expression changed.
His voice was back and you heard all of the nasty things he had to you. You back away, stumbling into the examiner's table and your breathing became heavy. "No, no, no, please-please go away. No."
You slid down to the floor and you closed your eyes, putting your hands on your ears and rocking back and forth trying to get that voice to stop.
Finnick ran up to you and put his hands on your knees, trying to get you to look at him. His heart broke in half; he didn't know what the Capitol had done to you but now he knows it has something to do with him.
Of course the Capitol would try to ruin him. His eyes started to tear up at the sight of you, in so much pain and panic.
You opened your eyes, Finnick in front of you. You started to cry some more before Finnick slowly went up to you, wrapping his arms around you.
When he had started wrapping your arms around you, your instinct was to push him away but his warmth was welcoming and safe and you started to focus on his touch. The voices slowly drifted away, the sounds of your silent sobs only being heard.
You then gave into Finnick's touch, falling into him and putting your head in his chest as he caressed your back gently, shushing you.
"It's okay baby, I got you. You're safe now, they can't hurt you."
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targaryenluvs · 10 months
Tumblr media
a/n: look at my cute lil smiley fin 😭 god i love hunger games so much you don’t understand it’s my comfort movies and finn is my comfort character ❤️
— want and desire (req) dark themes
— summary: you’d thought you’d escaped the capitol, and to some extent, him, the ever so sweet and charming finnick odair. but apparently your fate had been signed, as it seemed you couldn’t get away from him, no matter how hard you tried.
— spring cleaning (blurb req)
— summary: finnick finally decides to clean out the garage with your help after you asking him forever.
— victors spoils
— summary: a victor should be celebrated! a victor should get what ever they wish, even if it’s a sweet capitol girl who misplaced her kindness in someone who was in desperate need of reprieve and distraction.
— lonely waters
— summary: even if you resided in the fishing district you only ever got close to the water for swimming late at night. it was your favourite time of the day, but it leaves you open and vulnerable to predators and people, the water won’t save you.. silly girl, don’t you remember? finnick odairs a champion swimmer.
— my people ft annie cresta
— summary: you’d been hired to help keep annie’s home clean and to keep her company. what you didn’t expect was to fall in love with her. and to find out that she was with finnick, and annie doesn’t want to let either of you go. but you’ve found your people, and you couldn’t be happier.
— miss officer
— summary: you’re tasked with training finnick odair for war and to fight in the captiol. only problem? he’s completely enamoured with you.
— breakups and makeups
— summary: you and finnick used to date, but it took a nasty turn when you heard rumours of his dalliances. but now the two of you reunite apart of the same alliance. will you make up or break up? again?
— damage control & lifeline (anon blurb)
— summary: finnick and his mentor getting into a fake relationship for damage control after peeta and katniss’ stunt at the 74th games + finnick saving his stylist from execution by proposing marriage.
— unrequited (anon blurb, implied smut)
— summary: you’d divulged one to many secrets to your favourite victor and he wasn’t afraid of using them against you. karmas a bitch!
— oh baby! (smut)
— summary: finnick found you to be as cute as ever. but you aren’t exactly the smartest in the room according to him. luckily, finnicks more than happy to help his sweet baby succeed, and he will not let you forget him.
— capitol girl (req blurb)
— summary: finnick loves his favourite victor.
— love you best part two (req, smut)
— summary: your boyfriend doesn’t exactly like you around other men without him.
— trapped
— summary: after the 10th hunger games, coriolanus set his sights on a girl from his younger years to be his wife. disgusted by his actions and scared by the rumours your family agreed. as you realise he wasn’t the same boy from before, snow finds himself intrigued, especially when you seem to be visiting a friends house too often.
— delicate*
— summary: coriolanus had to marry. lucky for him one of the most eligible girls of the capitol was up for grabs. only problem? he hoped his cold exterior would keep her away but nothing broke her sweet spirit. what happens when he finds himself being drawn to her light? and how far was he willing to go to keep it untainted and all to himself?
— ravage delicate pt 2
— summary: he’d won the election, much to your elation. now you’d have to navigate the fame, fortune and status as the first lady of panem. but coriolanus just wanted you all to himself, and he’d do anything to scare you into his arms.
— safe and sound ft lucy gray baird
— summary: somehow you’d ended up in the games, snow and lucy would do anything to keep you safe.
— worth it
summary: coriolanus made the mistake of protecting lucy gray during the bombing, rather than you.
— runaway
summary: you’d always considered coriolanus to be a friend of yours. family even. but after sejanus’s death you find him to be off. he’s keeping something from your family and you’ve run out of time to get as far away as you can.
— our little dove ft lucy gray baird
— summary: you reunite with your dear songbird after the games, but it seems the capitol has followed her home, and taken an interest in the two of you.
— our little dove alt ending
— summary: you reunite with your dear songbird after the games, but it seems the capitol has followed her home, and taken an interest in the two of you.
— late to the party
— summary: after corio was sent away to district 12, your managed to come to terms with the fact that he did not love you by any means. but what happens when he realises he liked that affection? and what happens when you’re already in a relationship?
— brown jewel (req)
— summary: he was a lifeline and you’d grabbed on in hopes to avoid the reaping, but you were coriolanus’ obsession and he was not going to let you go.
— temper tantrum (req)
— summary: you were the daughter of one of the richest couples of panem. everything you’ve ever wanted, handed to you. coriolanus had a short temper and you were stubborn. who knows what could happen?
— mr president (req)
— summary: mr president seems to be especially enamoured with his favourite maid, you.
— all grown up (smut)
— summary: you were always tigris's annoying rich friend to coriolanus, but once he returns from 12 you seem to be irresistible, not only to him.
— charity (req)
— summary: president snow was praised for his love and devotion to his wife, a cripple. if only they knew how you’d ended up that way.
— love you best (req, smut, read as coryo or finnick)
— summary: your boyfriend doesn’t like you around other men without him.
— sweet like sugar (blurb req)
— summary: peeta teaches you how to bake since you’re nowhere near as good as you thought, not that you’d admit it.
—paranoia (dark req)
— summary: peeta tries to reintegrate into society in district 13 and get over his fear of you being taken from him. no one noticed just how badly the capitol messed him up until he lashes out.
— coming soon!
— safe and sound ft coriolanus snow
— summary: somehow you’d ended up in the games, snow and lucy would do anything to keep you safe.
— destined
— summary: you and lucy enjoy time together at the lake.
—our little dove ft coriolanus snow
— summary: you reunite with your dear songbird after the games, but it seems the capitol has followed her home, and taken an interest in the two of you.
— our little dove alt ending
— summary: you reunite with your dear songbird after the games, but it seems the capitol has followed her home, and taken an interest in the two of you.
— coming soon!
— underestimate (blurb req)
— summary: johanna learns not to underestimate you.
— my people ft finnick odair
— summary: you’d been hired to help keep annie’s home clean and to keep her company. what you didn’t expect was to fall in love with her. and to find out that she was with finnick, and annie doesn’t want to let either of you go. but you’ve found your people, and you couldn’t be happier.
— coming soon!
(in general, no ship just the reader in the arena, with katniss n peeta etc)
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moosesarecute · 3 months
He’s my mate
This is my chaotic mess of a first fanfic. Hope you enjoy.
Not proofread and English is not my first language, so please don’t be too harsh 🫣
When Rhysand send Feyre and his sister Y/N on a mission, the last thing he expected was for his dear little sister to be poisoned by something not even Madja had a cure for.
“She looks terrified” Feyre said looking worried.
“You still can’t get through her mental shields?” Madja asked.
Rhys only shook his head. He usually found it comforting that his sister had such a strong mental shield, he knew that no one, not even himself, could get through them unless she wanted them to.
However, now it only worsens his worst nightmare.
“I’m so sorry, Rhys” Feyre said. “I don’t know what happened”.
Before Rhys could answer, the doors to the room opened and Azriel and Cassian rushed in with Mor and Amren not far behind.
Azriel’s face got pale as he saw his mate, sitting on the floor, her violet eyes staring at nothing and breathing heavily. She looked so scared, it broke his heart.
“What happened?” He said. His shadows were already swirling around his mate, carefully stroking her hair.
“Poison” Rhys answered. “We don’t know what the cure is.”
The inner circle had never seen Azriel as worried. Sure, Y/N had been hurt before, way too many times if you asked Rhys, but they had previously always known how to help her.
Azriel moved slowly towards his mate and sat down beside her. His scared hands were shaking as he tried waving his hand in front of her face, but she was still staring far into nothing.
“Maybe if you hold her, Rhysand can get through her mental shields,” Madja suggested. “She would feel safer.”
Slowly, Azriel moved to sit with his mate in between his legs, his arm around her waist, his head resting on her shoulder and his wings covering their bodies.
Y/N breath instantly slowed, but she continued to shake.
“Try now,” Madja said, looking at Rhys.
Rhys took a deep breath, shifted his focus and tried to enter his sisters mind.
He spent some time seeking, but he eventually found a small gap in her shields.
He slipped in, through her wall of purple dust, and immediately found traces from the poison.
Rhys followed the trace and before he knew it, he got pulled into his sister’s worst memories.
“You are not to see him again” your father said. “You are to be married to the heir of Spring, can’t have you messing around with an Illyrian bastard! You disappoint me, Y/N”
You were burning with anger. All your life you wanted nothing more than to get your father’s attention. For him to look at you with pride for all you had accomplished.
You were powerful. You had daemati powers stronger than your brother, you had multiple times beaten Cassian in hand battle and you flew faster than Azriel.
Azriel, the male who had your heart. Your biggest supporter, your wisest mentor, your best friend…your mate.
The male your father was forbidding you to see.
“You can’t mean that!” You cried out. You were fighting tears. You couldn’t lose Azriel, but you knew that if you cried, your father would never take you seriously.
“Oh, but I do.” Your father replied, taunting you. “You’re a female, not only a daughter, but a high lords daughter. If you thought you could choose your own fate, you’re more pathetic than I thought.”
You realized that your father had made up his mind. You only had one more idea that might help you convince your father.
“He’s my mate” you whispered.
You whispered, not because you were afraid, but because you had only said it aloud two times before in the 20 years you had known.
Your father looking at you, staring deep into your soul. “What did you say?”
“Azriel is my mate.” You said louder. You lifted your head and straightened your back. You were proud of your mate and you were going to show it.
Your father started breathing heavily and before you could react, he grabbed you by your shoulders, and pushed you hard into the bookshelf behind you. He held you tightly and you hissed in both fear and pain.
“You are NOT to be mated to a bastard lesser fae. You are going through with this marriage and if you even think the thought about being with the shadowsinger, I will not hesitate in having him killed.”
You father let go of you and you sank to the floor, crying.
“Pathetic” your father said, before he left the room.
You were in the woods, fighting for your life.
The heir of Spring held you down into the ground, cutting your wings.
Your vision were blurry and your eyes heavy.
“Please, don’t harm her” your mother pleaded. “You can do anything you want with me, but please not my daughter.”
The torture had been going on for hours. They would cut, beat and whip your mother and then do the same to you.
You had stopped screaming. Your cries for help became fewer and far in between. It just hurt to much.
“Hold her still.” The heir of Spring told his youngest brother. “I want a souvenir.”
He started cutting your wings from your body. You threw up and then screamed before you threw up again. Your left wing were detached from your back.
“This is taking too long” his father said as his son were close to finishing cutting of your second wing.
The high lord reached for the sword and you have never felt more terror.
“No, please don’t” you pleaded, trying to crawl over to your mother.
The heir of Spring, your betrothed, held your head in place and forced open your eyes as the high lord beheaded your mother.
You emptied your stomach once more before your froze completely.
“We have to leave, finish her.”
The heir of spring grabbed what was left of your right wing and used his foot to keep you down as he ripped the wing from your body.
He then grabbed you and forced you over to your back.
“Let her bleed out.”
All of them winnowed away.
You laid on the ground, trying and failing to move over to your stomach. You were dying, you knew that.
As your eyes closed, you felt a tug in your chest and the last thing you did before you passed out was to tug back with all the force you had to give.
Rhys left his sister’s mind and immediately threw up. Feyre was at his side at once.
“What did you see?” Cassian asked.
Rhys only met Azriel’s eyes as he said “she’s reliving her worst memories.”
No one spoke for a while, but everyone could sense Azriel’s growing worry. He held his mate closer and whispered into her ear “you’re safe. You survived. You’re home. We’re mated.”
“I have only read about this in books.” Madja said. “I think the only way to stop the poison from spreading further is to make Y/N understand how happy she truly is. If not, she will die from terror.”
Madja walked over to Rhysand. “What did you see?”
“She wouldn’t want any of us to know that.” Azriel said.
“I know, it is invasive, but it might be the only way to save her.” Rhys said and after a while Azriel nodded in agreement. He would do anything to save his mate.
“I saw our father forbidding her to be with Azriel and…” Rhys stopped and took big breath. “And the attack where Spring…killed our mother.”
Everybody froze as they realized Rhys had just seen his own mother die. Feyre took his hand and squeezed it. A way of saying “I am here.”
Madja was the first to move. This time she walked over to Azriel. “You need to show Rhysand your happiest memories with Y/N so that he can enter her mind and show it to her.”
Even though Rhys was still filled with worry, he had an amusing smile on his face.
His sister and Azriel had been mated for over 450 years. They accepted the bond when she was 56 and he was 63 after two years of being together.
However, they usually kept every detail of their relationship secret. They didn’t even tell anyone that they were mates, they just disappeared for two weeks and showed up mated.
They always say they keep the details to themselves because of their occupations. Both being spies for the Night Court.
The inner circle knew that they wouldn’t share details, but they still always asked. Mor asked about their sex-life (Rhys always left the room when that was the topic), Cassian asked about when they would host family dinner at their house (Y/N would make one of their mother’s favorite recipes) and Rhys just wanted to make sure his sister was treated right.
“You don’t have to worry, Rhys,” you always answered. “Just because we don’t scream it from the House of Wind it doesn’t mean we aren’t happy.”
Azriel spent some time thinking about what memories he was going to show, but he eventually told Rhys he was ready.
“I am showing you,” he said. “You are not going to wander around in there.”
“Of course,” Rhys said and walked over to sit in front of his sister and Azriel.
Azriel’s mind shields were down. Rhys entered his mind and waited for the memories.
I am exhausted, but happy. We won the blood rite. It had been the hardest week of my life so far, but we had won.
My brothers and I were walking towards our home in Windhaven. Before we could reach the entrance, the door flew open and out Y/N came running.
Y/N was Rhys’ 16 year old sister and she looked extremely happy.
“Thank the cauldron you are alright!” She spoke and basically jumped at Rhys.
He just laughed and hugged her.
“She is not happy to see us,” Cassian said to me.
“Of course I am!” She said and moved to hug Cassian. “It is just that Rhysie was the closest.”
“Stop calling me that,” Rhys said.
She than moved over to me. And I felt time stop. Her arms embraced me and I hugged her back, but as she pulled back and looked me in my eyes, I felt it.
Y/N, my best friend’s younger sister, the daughter of the high lord of the Night Court, was my mate. My heart was filled with happiness.
Her eyes were as big as mine and I understood that it had snapped for her too.
“Ehm…” she said. “Dinner is ready inside.”
She then turned around and walked inside.
“I can’t believe he isn’t here,” Y/N cried into my chest. “It’s my 30th birthday and our father refuses me to see him! It’s not fair!”
I tightened my arms around her. It broke my heart to see her this upset.
Rhys and her had planed this entire day. They were going to fly around the mountains, have a picnic in the woods outside Velaris and then go to Rita’s with Cassian, Mor and I.
But the war was raging and Rhys nor Cassian were allowed to come home.
“I’m sorry, Y/N,” I said, but I knew that it didn’t help much.
“I wish I had a normal father so that I could rebel and be awful towards him without it being treason,” she said.
“Well, it’s a good thing you don’t,” I said. “I don’t think his old heart could take it.”
She look at me with her big violet eyes and before I knew it we were both laughing. Probably because of the two empty wine bottles that stood beside us.
“You always know what to say to make me laugh,” she laughed. “That’s probably why we’re mates.”
I froze.
It was 14 years ago the bond snapped, but neither one of us had ever said it aloud…until now.
“Good night,” Y/N said quickly, before she jumped of the roof we sat on and flew away.
The smile that grew on my face lasted for multiple days.
“You only have a couple of hours, so spend it well.”
I nodded and left Rhys’ and Y/N’s mother.
I quickly walked over to Y/N bedroom and knocked on the door.
“Come in,” she sang and I opened the door. “Azriel…you know you can’t be here! If the high lord finds out you-“
“He won’t find out, I asked your mother for help,” I said.
She gaped at me and then smiled her big, beautiful and sweet smile.
“We have to go now though, we only have a few hours.”
“Where are we going?”
“It’s a surprise,” I say as we start flying up to the mountains.
The flight didn’t take much time and we were soon at the picnic I had set up earlier.
“Wow,” Y/N said. “It’s beautiful.”
I really wasn’t. It was rushed. I had plucked a few flowers, brought a blanket to sit on and her mother had made us some food.
“I wanted us to at least have a day to pretend,” I said quietly.
“Let’s make it the best day ever,” she whispered back. “No arranged marriage to separate us.”
I took her hand and we sat down to eat.
We talked about what we wanted our life to be like. Life in Velaris, in a small house, at least two children (“No Y/N can grow up without a Rhysie,” you had said), a big garden, many flowers.
“I don’t want to marry the heir of Spring,” she whispered, tears rolling down her cheeks. “I want you.”
I took her hand. My shadows were playing with her hair and speaking to me “mate, upset, make mate happy”
“I want you too, princess,” I replied fighting back tears.
I looked deep into her eyes, took my other hand and tucked her hair behind her ears. “My beautiful mate. I am the luckiest male in all of Prythian even if I can’t have you in this lifetime.”
Now we were both crying.
She then let go of my hand and held up her pinky finger.
“All other lifetimes?” She asked me.
I immediately took her pinky in mine.
“All other lifetimes.”
Two small identical tattoos appeared round our pinky fingers.
I moved closer to her and she did the same. We both spend some time looking at each other, still crying, before we leaned into each other and our lips met.
It started soft and cute before it grew hungrier. We were both full on sobbing at the time I pulled away.
“Are you sure?” I asked, hoping she would say yes. I waited for her answer.
“I’ve never been more sure about anything in my entire life,” she answered and kissed me.
“I can sleep on the floor,” I said.
We were on a mission on the continent undercover as mates. Pretending to be mates weren’t hard since we were mates, but Rhys didn’t know that.
“Ha, you’re funny,” Y/N said. “Either we share the bed or we both sleep on the floor.”
We were trying to find out if the rumors we heard about a war starting on the continent were true. To our relief, it seemed like it only was a rumor and nothing more.
Since we were undercover as newly mated we had gotten a room with only one bed.
“We’ll take the bed then,” I decided. “Can’t have you hurting your back.”
Y/N froze and looked at me. “How did you know about my back pain?”
She looked at me with wary eyes. “Have you been spying on me?”
“Of course not,” I said. “I just…feel it sometimes.”
She looked like she had seen a ghost. “I didn’t realize. I’m sorry, Azriel. I should have thought about that.”
She looked at me, but didn’t meet my eyes.
As mates, I sometimes felt the same emotions or feelings as she did. And I had realized that after the attack on her and her mother ten years ago, she had been dealing with back pain.
“It that why it always magically appears a bottle of pain relief outside my door on the bad days?” Y/N asked me, now looking directly into my eyes and soul.
“I might have had something to do with that, yes.”
She nodded as a reply.
That was the end of the conversation. We prepared for bed. After we both had gotten into the bed, her on the left side, me on the right with my wings hanging out in the side of the bed, she started crying.
“I’m sorry for shutting you out all these years,” she cried.
I didn’t know what to say or do. I just laid completely still and looked at her.
Slowly, my shadows moved towards her. One of them dried her tears while two others played with her hair. I tried to stop them and get them back to me, but they didn’t listen. “Mate, upset, have to make mate happy.” they said on repeat.
“I didn’t think you could even want me anymore,” she continued. “I would understand if you didn’t, of course. I’m not who I just to be, I’m not myself. But then Rhys forced me to start going on missions again last year and I realized how much I missed having my family around. I felt more alone than ever. And when I started going to family dinners and Rhys told me how happy you were, I realized I hadn’t thought about what you were feeling through all of this. I completely ignored you, left you and you probably felt and still feel so betrayed. I…I’m so sorry, Az.”
I was still frozen. How could she think that was how I felt? I never felt betrayed by her, thought she felt betrayed by me. I’m her mate for cauldrons sake! And I almost let her die. She lost her wings, she would never fly again. I was too late to save her wings.
“Say something, master. Make mate happy. You can make mate happy.” My shadows almost screamed in my ears.
“I…,” I started to speak but had to stop. I needed to get this right. “I never felt betrayed by you not being the same you as you were before the attack, Y/N. You needed time to heal. We could have helped you to get better, but we knew that if we forced ourselves into your life, you would shut us out and it would all become worse. You are way too stubborn for that.” We both chuckled. “You have grown. You’re not longer just a high lord’s daughter who had to do everything your father said, you’re Y/N. You’re Y/N, the female that always asks what’s for dessert even before we have started to eat dinner. You’re Y/N, who always do everything you can to annoy your brothers. You’re Y/N, you’re always brutally honest and we love you for it. I love you for it.
“If you hadn’t had time for yourself, you wouldn’t have time to figure out that you don’t like the color orange, or that you wanted to dye your hair purple streaks, or that you like training in the morning so that you can enjoy your book at night.
“As long as I’m allowed to be in your life now, I’m happy. Even if we’re just friends or family. I just need you to be yourself. It’s the Y/N you’re now that we love.”
Her mouth was wide open. Then it closed before she opened it again.
“I never think I’ve heard you say that much before.” She said with a small laugh.
“I don’t think I have ever said that much before.”
“I want you in my life,” she said. “I have loved pretending to be your mate. I…I don’t want to pretend that you’re mine, I want you to be mine.”
Before I even could react, my shadows were swirling around us, pushing us closer to one another until our lips were only millimeters apart.
“Can I kiss you?” she asked.
I kissed her as an answer. My heart had never felt so full of love.
It had been a long day with meetings in the court of nightmares. I had my usual place, standing against the wall and making sure no one was lurking around.
My mate had left her usual place, standing beside her brother, and was walking over to me.
“The high lord will soon be going home,” she told me, but she wasn’t looking at me. She was looking around the room, still very much playing the role as the scary night court princess.
I then felt her soft touch on my mental shields, asking for access. I let her in.
“I was planing on making an apple pie this weekend, at the cabin,” she told me. Her voice was shaky. She was nervous. “Or if you want something else I can make something else. Or if you don’t want nothing at all we can just-“
“Apple pie would be great,” I answer, my voice almost as shaky as hers.
“Good,” she said and left my mind.
She gave me I small smile before she walked back to her place beside her brother.
“I love my mate,” was all I was able to think about.
“And then he used his shadows to make me fall over!” Cassian explained. “Totally unfair.”
“It seems like you have had a rough day, Cass. Did you miss your midday nap?” Mor asked him.
She then looked at me and lifted her wine glass “cheers to that.”
I lifted my glass and held it up to my lips as I felt it.
It couldn’t be.
I wouldn’t believe it.
But then I felt it again. A tug.
I lowered my glass.
“Everything okey, brother?” Cassian looked concerned.
Another tug and then a soft touch to my mental shield had me gasping.
My heart was going crazy.
I lowered my mental shields.
“You could at least have cleaned the place,” my mate’s voice sang in my head.
I let the glass fall to the floor and before my brother could react I ran to the balcony and started flying towards my mate and I’s shared house.
I hadn’t been there in 50 years. Ever since my mate and Rhys had been under the mountain, I hadn’t been able to even look at our house. Our small cottage with just enough space for the two of us. And a spare room for Cassian, of course.
The flight only took 30 seconds, but it was the longest 30 seconds of my life. I tried not to get my hopes up. What if she wasn’t actually there?
I landed in your garden and ran towards an open front door.
I stopped, too scared to go inside. What if I only imagined it all.
My shadows went crazy around me, pulling both my hands and legs. “Mate, home, mate, home”.
Tears ran down my face as I walked through the door.
Standing in the middle of the room was my beautiful mate. She was way too thin, her hair was a mess and she started sobbing as she saw me.
Before I could reach her she fell to her knees. I fell to my knees in front of her and embraced her together with my shadows.
“You’re home,” I cried.
“I’m home,” she whispered into my chest.
“You’re staring,” Y/N said into my head.
We had just sat down to eat dinner. Our entire family was here and we had just met Feyre.
“I’m sorry that I like to look at my wife,” I answered. “You look beautiful.”
I took my her plate and filled it with food.
“It’s cute that you still feed me,” Y/N spoke. “I like it, husband.”
“Should we tell them?” I asked.
“Maybe not overwhelm Feyre. I think Mor and Cassian is going to freak out when they find out we didn’t invite them to our wedding.”
“But we didn’t invite anyone.”
The truth was that they on a whim had eloped, just over an hour ago.
“What are you talking about you two lovebirds?” Mor asked.
“Nothing,” both of us said.
Y/N quickly shifted the conversation by asking “Soooo, what’s for dessert.”
Everybody laughed.
Rhys left Azriel’s mind. Both males were crying.
“I had no clue you were that young.” Rhys said. “And that you fought so hard for it.”
Azriel just nodded and tightened his arms around his mate. Y/N was now shaking even worse than before. She looked extremely pale and exhausted. “Just get her back to me, I’ll tell our entire story from start to now, as long as you get her back to me.”
Rhys saw the desperate look on his brother’s face and hurried to enter his sister’s mind.
He was met with a wall of terror, not even one trace of his sister’s normal calm mind. He began working, pushing memory after memory towards the wall and slowly but surely watched it disappear.
Then he was forcefully pulled out of her mind.
“You’re okay, breathe, breathe, good girl,” Azriel spoke.
Y/N was now on her hands and knees, still panting and shaking, but she was moving. She had thrown up, but Rhys removed it with magic. Azriel held a hand on her back and held her hair.
He looked extremely relieved.
“Are you okey?” Rhys asked.
Y/N met his worried gaze and moved over to him.
“I’m sorry you had to see that, Rhysie.”
Rhys didn’t waste a second embracing his sister.
The rest of the inner circle slowly left the room, they understood that the siblings needed some time alone.
But, of course, all of Azriel’s shadows stayed to make sure their mate was alright.
Azriel was waiting outside the room. He knew Y/N was alright and that she would come get him when she’s ready, but he just wanted to hold her and never let go.
“Well, well brother,” Cassian said with a smug smile.
“What?” He asked.
“You said you’d tell the entire story of your relationship. So I figured you could start now.”
The doors to the room opened and out walked Y/N and Rhys.
“Why not start explaining that your bond snapped when Y/N was just a teen and that you have been married for multiple years, hmm?” Rhys said and you punched him in the arm.
“WHAT?” Cassian and Mor yelled.
A quick look was shared between Azriel and Y/N before both of them took off running and before the others could react, they had winnowed away.
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harunayuuka2060 · 5 months
Twst Unveil Event Part 3
Philomela: I hope everyone had a good night's sleep!
Philomela: Great! Because you all are going to experience some body pain today!
The students: ...
Epel: Haha... Not everyone seems excited now.
Yuurin: She's never good in motivating anyone.
Malleus: How come she became your mentor?
Yuurin: My mother.
Malleus: Oh.
Philomela: I'll be explaining to you the mechanics now!
Philomela: Today will be the elimination round! You are free to attack anyone you please! And you have all the permission to use any type of moves even magic to your own advantage!
NBC student A: Eh? Isn't this a wrestling event?
NBC student B: If magic is involved, then we'll have better chances of winning.
RSA student A: Won't it be fair to not use any magic at all?
RSA student B: Yes. It feels wrong.
Philomela: Ha! Why? Do you think you can win just because you use magic?
The students: ...
Rook: Madame is right! There are many factors we need to consider!
Ruggie: Hm. Yuurin, you never used magic in any of your wrestling competitions, did you?
Yuurin: No.
Jack: I see. Does that mean...
Yuurin: Philomela is not impressed to any of them. That's why she's willing to give them a leverage to make this match worthwhile.
Floyd: Ne~ Mrs. Whale~ What other things we should remember for this elimination round?
Philomela: Nothing much, except that you have 30 minutes to fight anyone.
Floyd: Yay~!
Jade: Oh dear... *chuckles*
Epel: Can't I really join?
Rook: You'll get yourself hurt, Monsieur Crabapple.
Epel: *pouts*
Sebek: I promise to win this round, Waka-sama!
Silver: This is only an elimination round, Sebek.
Malleus: Do your best, Sebek, Silver.
Sebek/Silver: Yes, Waka-sama!/Malleus.
Ruggie: I guess this is the part where we start recording—
Philomela: Spectators! There is a designated room for us!
Malleus, Ruggie, Jack, Jade, and Epel: Huh?
Philomela: *leads them to a room that offers a panoptic view of the locations in the Kingdom of Heroes*
Epel: Whoa... *in amazement*
Philomela: Sick, isn't it?
Jade: Indeed. I've never been to such place before.
Jack: Ah! I can see everyone clearly!
Philomela: *laughs* Yes! This room will cater to your needs! Foods, drinks, and a good entertainment!
Rollo: *looks displeased*
Neige: This is great! Principal Ambrose will surely love this place!
Epel: Neige Le Blanche?!
Neige: Hello~!
Malleus and Ruggie: Flamme/Rollo.
Rollo: ...
Rollo: It's a pleasure to meet you again, mages.
Malleus and Ruggie: *smirks*
Jack and Jade: ???
Philomela: Everyone! Take your seats!
Epel: Um... But there are no seats— *a seat in front of him appears*
Epel: ...
Philomela: This room will cater to your needs. *smiles proudly*
Epel: Neat!
The students: *listening to Philomela's voice*
Floyd: Can we do a war cry~?
Philomela: *laughs* YES!
The students except Yuurin and Silver: RAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!
Yuurin and Silver: ...
Silver: Good luck to you, Yuurin.
Yuurin: *nods* You too, Silver.
Epel: Wow... Just wow...
Jade: That's Floyd for you.
*Floyd unleashed a flurry of clothesline strikes, taking out multiple students simultaneously with each powerful swing.*
Ruggie: Poor NBC and RSA students.
Malleus: Sebek and Silver are doing well.
*Sebek asserts his dominance by executing his running bulldog move; swiftly seizing his opponents by the head and driving them face-first into the ground with decisive force.*
*Silver expertly wraps his arm around the neck of each approaching opponent, applying precise pressure to cut off their air supply and induce unconsciousness.*
Epel: Wow... Everyone is amazing— Wait. Where's Rook?
*Rook's grin widens as he expertly locks his poor opponent into the sharpshooter.*
Epel and Ruggie: ...
Ruggie: That savage.
Jack: Ruggie-senpai! Look! Some of the students are attacking Yuurin!
Philomela: *smiles*
*Yuurin remains composed as everyone closes in on her. Then, she swiftly grabs one attacker, lifts them, and slams them to the ground with a powerful spinebuster move. With each opponent, she repeats this action, using their momentum against them to quickly take them down, one by one.*
Epel, Jack, and Ruggie: ...
Ruggie: Oh shit, wait— I need to document this.
Floyd: Whoo-hoo~! This feels great~!
The students he defeated: *groaning in pain*
Sebek: Ha! I've defeated 25 students!
Rook: Oh! That's impressive, Monsieur Crocodile!
Silver: Should we be counting?
Sebek: How about you, Yuurin?! Bet you didn't—
Yuurin: *students piled up like a mountain beside her*
Yuurin: It seems we're the only remaining ones.
Floyd, Sebek, Silver, and Rook: ...
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selarina · 1 year
Gojo Satoru who’s working undercover at a florist shop. He doesn’t know much about flowers, but he hardly thinks it matters, for this obscure florist shop had remained unvisited since he got here a week ago.
It’s nestled in a quaint corner in the city, hardly noticeable — its inconspicuousness being its very shield as it conveniently found itself in the direct eye line to the building he was assigned to watch.
He thinks Yaga might have sent him here out of spite really, but also he thinks that anything could happen, and he would hate it if he was right so he played his part, if only to thwart the satisfaction of Yaga's potential correctness.
And to really hone it in, it starts raining, the clamorous beats of the rain runs on the roof akin to a cascade of hard stones, ensuring that no soul would venture in at such an hour.
Then, like a shifting scene in a play, the bell above the door chimes, and you enter. You flit through with a slew of apologies about your wetness and the rain. And frankly, you’re really pretty so he couldn't care less about the clean-up.
"Uh," he cleared his throat, a practiced smile forming, one he knew appealed to many. "Hey," he says, threading a casualness into his tone.
"Hi," you reply, gracious in demeanour as you offer a nod to your accompanying greeting.
You bend down, carefully balancing your closed umbrella against the door's ingress, before your eyes start wandering, scanning the shop as you advanced toward the counter.
"How can I help you?" Gojo inquires, upholding the same practiced smile, despite his unfamiliarity with the florist's etiquette.
"Right. Um — I need some roses,” you say, mirroring a smile — courteous and formal. His discerning eye catches a wave of shiver that passes through you. He wishes to offer a coat or warmth of any kind but it remains unfulfilled; he had nothing.
“Of course! Any preference in—" And then his eyes flit to the rose section — stashed with only red today. "Color...?" he concludes, somewhat disjointedly.
Amusement twinkles in your eyes, as they come to meet his. "Well, red, I suppose?"
"Red it is!" he quips, moving with haste as he rushes to get them. He reaches for a fist full of the bunch, promptly placing them on the counter before him.
He catches you staring at the other flowers as he works, your drenched appearance only seemed to amplify how pretty you seem to look.
He smiles, as he talks again, breaking the silence, “So who are these roses for? Parents? Sister? Grandmother — Aw, she's not sick, is she?” He frowns, with a look of pity and you stare back with your eye brows raised — concerned and cautious.
As your silence persisted, he made another attempt. “Um, or are they for a friend?”
An internal chant commenced — Please don’t say boyfriend. Please don’t say girlfriend. Please don’t mention a partner. Please. Please. Please — but he knows he’ll do nothing of it. It’s odd, really. This senseless chase of his.
"Actually," you say, your tone finding a precarious balance as you squint in response. "They're for my boyfriend."
“I hope he dies,” the mutter that leaves his mouth is immediate, and shocking even to him.
Your brows furrowed in confusion. "What?" you blurted.
Acting swiftly, he retraced his words with fluidity, “I hope he likes... the flowers,” he recants, like the liar he is.
A pregnant pause ensues, a silence ripe with tension.
"Right. Thanks," you managed, your mask of politeness only slightly marred by the odd exchange.
"For valentine's day, ah? Perfect choice," he quips again, with a smile as fake as his enthusiasm.
You don't know what it is that prompts you to speak up but you do. "More of an apology, actually," your tone softening as the confession escaped your mouth.
He responded with a mere hum, as his attention resumed its focus on the flowers before him.
A few beats pass.
"Should you really be working here this late?" you ask casually, your gaze assessing the store for another person, a mentor perhaps. "You seem young."
"Well, you're young too," he retorted. "Should you be out here at this hour?"
A soft chuckle escaped your lips. "Nah, Mom's going to kill me, but young love and all that. Sacrifices must be made."
Something twinges inside him — will he ever experience this? Young love? Does he even want to?
"Well, I hope this guy appreciates the gesture if you're going through all this trouble," he adds.
"Yeah, fingers crossed." Your chuckles fluttered after your words nervously.
His fingers reached for satin ribbons, his hands moving deftly, crafting delicate arcs to bind the bouquet tightly.
He held his hand out to you with the bouquet now, wrapped in a simple gossamer wrap, "Well, here you go. I hope they do the trick."
"Thank you," you responded, reaching for your purse. "How much do I owe you?"
"Just a moment," he finally says, disappearing into the back of the shop. He returns with a small card, slipping it into the bouquet with practiced ease. "Here you go."
"Thanks again," your smile was a touch more authentic than the first time.
He smiles, and waves you a little goodbye as you make your way out after paying him. The rain seems to be cleared out and you start making the trek down to your boyfriend's place. And as you walk, there's something within you that nags and nags and urges you to do it.
You pick up the card placed inside the bouquet by the peculiar man you just encountered.
You turn it over, and you notice flowery calligraphy presenting a number, alongside a message: "In case your boyfriend doesn't appreciate the roses. Call me :P"
You could only laugh out loud, like a madman on the street. The sheer audacity of it all.
However, you don't seem to realise how you end up pocketing the card instead of throwing it out at the nearest bin.
Part 2
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pnghoon · 3 months
clay impressions
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୨୧ pairing : !nonidol hoon x fem potter!reader ꒰wc : 590꒱
୨୧ genre + content warnings : fluff, slight skinship, not proof read
୨୧ synopsis : in which sunghoon, the new guy in town spots a pottery club and joins because of the pretty girl he saw mentoring in the window.
writer's note ─ what the...juno's first ever work that isn't c.ai bot related??? this must be a dream.. (hehe im joking) anyways enough with the sarcasm--I finally decided to upload this story that's been in my drafts for a while. ik it's not what you're usually used to but lmk what you think of it and if I should continue >< if you enjoyed reading it, please be sure to like & reblog !! ♡
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sunghoon hadn’t planned on joining a pottery club. in fact, he hadn’t planned on much beyond unpacking his boxes and finding the nearest coffee shop. but as he mindlessly wandered down the charming main street of his new small town, something—or rather, someone—caught his eye.
the large window in front of the small building cramped between a bookstore and a bakery offered a glimpse of what lay inside: clay-covered hands shaping a delicate piece, laughter echoing softly, and cozy lighting. but what truly captivated sunghoon was the girl behind the wheel. her hair was tied up in a messy bun, a few stray strands framing her face as she concentrated on the clay piece in front of her. she looked like a masterpiece in the making, even with all those smudged beige streaks on her cheeks.
without thinking twice and perhaps blindly urged by his smitten heart, sunghoon pushed open the door, the bell above chiming cheerfully. he approached the counter, trying to appear casual as he signed up for a beginner's class.
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the next day, he found himself sitting in a circle of eager faces, dressed casual in a stone grey knit zip up—clay ready at hand. his heart raced when the girl from the window stepped forward, your features even more captivating in person.
"hi, everyone! i'm y/n, and i'll be your mentor for today.”
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sunghoon's attempts at crafting anything remotely vase-like were laughable. his first piece looked like it had been crafted by a particularly enthusiastic toddler, another imaging more of a lopsided pancake recipe gone wrong. so—maybe pottery wasn’t his thing. he glanced around, hoping no one noticed, only to lock eyes with none other than you. you smiled, a glint of amusement in your eyes as you made your way over to him.
"need some help?" you asked, your voice warm and gentle.
"very. turns out pottery isn't my hidden talent," sunghoon replied with a soft sigh and bashful smile, scratching the back of his neck in embarrassment.
you chuckled, your laugh like music to his ears. "don’t worry, you're here to learn right? let's start from the basics.”
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as you slowly guided his hands with your own clay covered ones, sunghoon couldn't help but notice the spark in her eyes, the way your fingers danced with the clay like it was meant to be sculpted and formed with your delicate digits. through your gentle ministration and shared laughter, his lump of clay began to take shape, though it still resembled a vase only in the most generous sense.
by the end of the class, sunghoon had a crooked pot he was oddly proud of and a heart that felt a bit fuller. you handed him a wet cloth to clean his hands.
“not bad for your first try,” you spoke out, nudging him with your elbow as you stared down at your clay-stained apron. “with a bit more practice, you might even make something useful.”
sunghoon grinned, feeling a flutter of hope. “i guess i’ll just have to keep coming back then.”
you couldn’t help but crack a smile at his words, eyes sparkling with amusement. “i guess you will.”
and as he left the studio that day—he swore he saw your gaze on him through the window. suddenly moving to this small town felt like the best decision he’d ever made, and if learning pottery meant more time with you, he was more than ready to become the next great potter.
or, at the very least, the guy who made you laugh.
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𝓢igning off... @penghoon
── 𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓 [OPEN 🗯] @onlyhees @amouriu @greentulip @enhluv1 @samiikeu @hoonwhile @dearrwoni
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eevees-hobbies · 3 months
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Content Warning: Mind the tags! MeanGirlReader x TiredOfYourShitRenKaji. Hate-fucking, toxic behavior, degradation, sex in a public place, but plot armor makes it ok, spitting and consumption of said spit, biting, cumming inside without consent. Minors Do Not Interact.
Word Count: 1.3K
Banner by me.
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Fun Facts:
If you’re sexually aroused by biting, you have a fetish called Odaxelagnia.
You probably like being bitten because you’re into pain, you sadomasochist.
It has been reported that half of all people are aroused from biting, so congrats, you’re not alone!
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Kaji finds you so obnoxiously annoying that his lips curl upward into a scowl. He hates the way your eyes sparkle when you look at him–that irritating, mischievous glint shining brightly in your eyes right as he passes into your field of vision. He hates how you push his buttons with smart-mouthed remarks–every word passing through your lips laced with venom. And he especially hates how you can’t tell that he’s so in love with you that if you decided never to speak to him again, he’d choose to drop off the face of the planet.
But you were so goddamn rude, so fuck ever telling you that.
“I dunno, man. Maybe she’s one of those girls who likes their men a lil mean. It honestly sounds like you two need to bang it out.” 
Kaji gave Hiragi a deadpan stare after approaching his mentor for much-needed sage advice. Hearing him suggest that you wanted to be dicked down felt so off-base to Kaji, which was disappointing since Hiragi was usually right about everything.
But there must be an exception to that rule because the thought of you wanting to fuck him was simply:
There’s no way you were into him. No sane person would act like you do if they liked someone.
So when Kaji finds himself at a dive bar where an underground death metal band is playing their heaviest set, his stomach churns with annoyance—and something else he’d rather not say aloud—as he sees you walk to the bathroom.
And maybe he was feeling a little brave—or stupid—that night. Because he followed in hopes that you both could squash whatever beef you had concocted in your head, and maybe he’d consider asking your dumbass out.
But as you exited the bathroom and he saw that shit-eating grin on your pretty face as your eyes met, he became painfully aware that, no, he was the actual dumbass.
“Kaji? You stalking me or…? Oh, wait,” you look behind you at the door to the restroom. “I get it. You wanted to watch me pee. I heard you might be into something like that.”
In a matter of seconds, anger consumed him, coursing through his veins like wildfire; all the negative interactions you two had, the snide comments, the poking, prodding, culminating into a very volatile climax.
“What’s your problem with me?!” Kaji doesn’t mean to grab your wrist so hard that you wince in pain—but he does. And he doesn’t mean to practically growl at you, his prominent canines on display as his lips curl upward—but he does. And he doesn’t mean to smash his lips against yours when he catches your eyes staring at his mouth—but he does. 
As the crowd in the next room thrash about in the mosh pit, Kaji is pulling your skirt up and spreading your legs by slotting his own between your thighs.
He tears his lips away from yours, chest heaving, and blue eyes blackened with rage.  “This what you wanted? To be fucked in some dive bar in some dirty ass hallway?”
If he didn’t find you absolutely reprehensible, he wouldn’t feel any shame in admitting how beautiful you look in the dimly lit hallway, lips swollen from his heated kiss, mouth slightly open, and dressed exactly like the type of girl who could run away with his heart.
You don’t immediately answer him, but your body is shaking, and for a moment, he feels as though he might have made a mistake. He’s about to withdraw and offer his apologies until he hears you cackling.
“Kaji, you think I’m scared of you? I eat little boys like you for breakfast.” Your tone is condescending, and any remorse Kaji feels for you dissolves along with his patience.
“What are ya gonna do, Kaji? Fuck the attitude out of me?”
Before he can talk himself out of it, he’s gripping your cheeks between his fingers. You try to gather enough strength to shake your head out of his grasp, but his fingers only dig in more, earning a hiss from you. And as you look at him, lips puckered in a delicious pout, Kaji accumulates as much saliva into his mouth as he can, and with two fingers prying your jaw open, he spits into your mouth. Globules of his spit land on your lips and tongue, sitting thickly and tasting like vodka.
And despite the hold he has on you, your eyes roll back as your clit seizes uncontrollably and your cunt drools.
He removes his hand from your face, repositioning it near your head against the wall so that he’s leaning into your orbit. 
“Swallow it.”
And he’s not fucking asking.
You make a show of swallowing his spit, gulping loudly as it slides down your throat, and then showing him your tongue.
“You want me to fuck you so bad, and you don’t even know how to ask for it.”
“I know how to ask, Ren.” Your hand snakes down to the bulge in his pants, and to his absolute horror, a moan bubbles out of his throat at your touch–it feels hot with want, and his brain is telling him that danger is imminent, but he can’t help but lean into the palm of your hand.
“So then ask. Nicely.”
You lick your lips, eyes hungry, and cunt the wettest it's ever been.
“Fuck me, Ren. Please, fuck me.”
“Good girl.” He unzips his pants, the sound making your heart palpitate wildly against your ribcage. As you reach down and pull your panties down your legs, you extend them to Kaji on the tip of your finger.
He sneers but takes the garment, placing it in his back pocket for future use.
You yelp as he picks you up, pushing your back against the wall as he lowers you on his cock. And there’s nothing gentle with the way he treats you. Not allowing your pussy to even adjust to his girthy cock as it rams into your tight, weeping hole.
He’s ramming into you, drumming thuds and sloppy, wet sounds echoing in the empty hallway, with only the sound of the concert drowning out the sounds of your grunts and whimpers.
You wrap your arms around his broad shoulders, closing your eyes and savoring the feeling of him beating up your cunt. “Fuck, fuck, fuck!!”
“S-shut the fuck up and stop acting like you weren’t begging for this.”
Your eyes blow out as he sinks his canines into your neck, and despite the searing pain, you clench around him, your cum already coating his dick.
Kaji laughs against your neck. "You wanted to be treated like a hole? All you had to do was ask.”
He��s smashing his lips on yours again, but this time, you lead the kiss, gliding your tongue into his mouth. Your tongue dances over one of his canines, careful at first out of caution but then with reckless abandon as the sharp points of them embolden you, and Kaji groans at your forwardness.
It’s not long before Kaji can feel his balls clenching, his cum loaded in the chamber and ready to fire into you. And if this were any other situation, he’d pull out, choosing to cum somewhere far more convenient, but the idea of filling you up after all the shit you’ve given him and making you march back into the crowd without panties, and semen dripping down your leg makes him groan in your mouth and release hot, thick streams into your pussy.
Your body recoils at the feeling of his seed pouring into you, his cock throbbing as the ropes become smaller spurts until finally subsiding.
You slide down the wall as Kaji pulls away from you and pushes himself back into his jeans. He’s still scowling down at you. “Got that out of your system?”
You’re dazed, a little confused, and entirely giddy from the experience. “And if I say no?”
Kaji rolls his eyes, but he understands you now—he understands what you like and what you need, and he’s sure he can supply it to you moving forward.
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runningfrom2am · 8 months
cold nights // part twelve
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summary: may the odds be ever in your favour.
pairing: coriolanus snow x fem!reader
wc: 2.9k
masterlists / nav / requests
tags/warnings: tribute!reader and mentor!coriolanus, r is very sweet (too kind for this world. literally.), sunshine x grumpy trope kinda, he falls first, violence typical for the source material, r is very smart (as she should), district twelve!reader.
a/n: i can't believe we made it to the end of s1! i am so, so excited to move on to the next era of this story! this is a reminder if you love this series and you haven't already please reblog this or the masterlist! it makes such a big big difference for me and my fellow writers know it all too well lol.
my asks are also open to talk about this series! (i do have emoji anons open now too!)
send me any and all of your thoughts! here!
series masterlist // playlist
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Coriolanus wakes up, head on the open pages of Romeo and Juliet as people start to flood in, everyone anxious about what would happen to you.
He rubs the sleep out of his eyes, quickly casting his view to the screen ahead, camera view still locked on you. There was no one else for it to be tracking, after all. Except now, you were on Lamina's beam, lying down with your eyes closed. He wasn't sure if you were awake, or when you had even made your way down into the clearing, but you don't move. He can see the steady rise and fall of your chest as you lay with his scarf bunched up behind your head. Tigris was right, you had survived, but you wouldn't have without him. You looked peaceful- not at all like the girl he had seen crumbling apart on the same screen just a few hours prior.
"I feel as though I should inform you, they'll be going in very soon." Highbottom says, grabbing the boy's attention. "But I'd put my money on those boys being dead in there. Congratulations, Coriolanus. This means almost nothing for you."
He walks away before Coryo is even done processing what he had said. He wouldn't get the prize, most likely, but he would still have you.
You don't stir until you hear the peacekeepers entering the arena, sitting up and seeing them with guns pointed in your direction. "Don't move." One of them spits at you and you nod, eyes wide as you raise your hands. You watch as a designated team in different uniforms make their way up to enter the vents, and others spray something over the piles of snakes, stilling those that were still showing any signs of life.
"Is it over?" You ask, confused.
"Not until we can confirm you are the only remaining tribute." One of them answers and you nod, chewing on your lip as you watch the men disappear into the vents.
"Okay... Thank you."
You know what they would find in there, the bodies of the two boys trapped behind your salt line. You could tell them where the boys would be found, but then you'd be outing yourself. You had only confessed to Coryo. Only he could know. Last night, you didn't care. You have to assume he was the only one who witnessed your breakdown, your confession, because if anyone else had, you'd likely be dead by now. You have to hope your secret is safe with him if you want to go home.
The morning drags on forever as you sit there with guns pointed at you from the ground, and Coryo is pacing in the hall. There were many people around, excited to see if you would be crowned as the victor. People were rooting for you, and he was proud of that, but support didn't mean that you were promised a win.
Vipsania and Domitia were the only other two remaining mentors, whispering to each other across the room after they came back. It was eerily silent.
Then, one of the men emerges from the vent, turning all heads including yours as he just nods toward the peacekeepers watching you.
"Alright. Come on down." The same peacekeeper addresses you and you nod, a tear falling down your cheek.
"She did it." Coryo whispers to himself, realization forcing a grin onto his face.
Lucky laughs, clapping his hands together. "She's won! Y/N Y/L/N from District Twelve!" He calls out, making his way over to Coriolanus. "Coriolanus Snow is the Victor of the Tenth Annual Hunger Games!"
Coryo laughs in shock, smiling as the man pats his shoulder. He catches in the corner of his eye as his two classmates storm out, and he's quickly crowded with congratulations and praise.
"I won?" You ask quietly, feet landing on the ground again.
"Yes, they were found." He nods, and quickly your arms are being grabbed as you're led out of the arena.
"Do you know, did Coriolanus get his prize?" You ask them, but your question is ignored as you walk down the hall toward the exit, looking back over your shoulder as the gate is closed behind you.
Just outside the gates, you don't get much of a taste of freedom before you're being pushed into the back of the same truck. Empty. Bigger. Lonely.
"Empty your pockets." The peacekeeper tells you, standing at the entrance.
You do so hesitantly, holding up the compact on a shaky palm. "I'm sorry to ask, but can I have some water? Please?" You ask, once again ignored as the compact is pulled from your hand. "Please, sir, that was a gift... If you must take it can you return it to my mentor? Coriolanus Snow?"
He opens the cold metal, pulling out the piece of paper and unfolds it, quickly scanning it's contents. "That is for him, too. Though, if I had the chance now I would change it." You explain. You knew you both would be in deep trouble if you were caught for what you convinced yourself was no more than salt, and clarity came to you enough to lie about what the compact had contained all this time.
The peacekeeper hums, closing it up again and shoving both items into his own pocket, pointing the gun at you again. "Clothes off."
"Ex-excuse me?" You reply, taken aback by the request.
"Clothes off. Now." He repeats and you nod, swallowing the lump in your dry throat as you begin to slide off your dress, letting it fall at your feet. He moves the gun again, gesturing for you to continue. With trembling hands you remove your underthings, your shoes, and the scarf, placing them on the floor in front of you. He quickly gathers them, taking a step back and nodding to someone outside.
He moves out of the way and you stand there confused, watching as he shakes out your clothes and searches them, when suddenly you're being sprayed down with a hose. You yelp from the fast contact of the cold water pelting against your skin, but it wakes you up. After the initial shock, it actually feels good to be somewhat clean again.
You pant as the water is shut off, catching your breath and rubbing your arms to try and warm yourself again. Your clothes are tossed back into the truck at you before the door is slammed, and you use the scarf to try and dry yourself off a little bit before tying it around yourself the same way Coryo had. By the time you pull the second strap of your dress back on, the truck is moving and you're lurching forward.
You're driving for a while before the door is opened again, and you're relieved to get some fresh air. It was cold in there, and you were shivering in your small dress that was now also damp from your skin.
Once the doors open you're staring down the barrels of more guns as the peacekeepers usher you out and into the train station, right where you were let off all those days ago. Days... or weeks? You don't even know anymore.
"Lay off, why don't you? She's been through enough." A man in a black suit comes into your view, and they drop their weapons and let you go.
He steps in front of you and you wrap your arms around yourself to try and warm up. "Thank you, Sir." You smile, nodding at him politely.
"Nothing to thank me for..." He sighs. "I'm Dean Highbottom from the academy, it's a pleasure to meet you. Congratulations on your victory." Surprisingly to you, he doesn't seem inconvenienced. Someone other than Coryo and Sejanus seemed to be willing to talk to you, to treat you like a human again. When he congratulates you, he sounds sad.
"Thank you, Sir." You nod again. "Do I... Will I be going home now?"
"Yes. In just a few minutes." He nods, gesturing for you to follow him toward the train. "I am extremely familiar with your mentor, Coriolanus Snow." He tells you as you join his side.
"Oh, wonderful!" You force a smile. "I have some things for him, just a note and something he leant to me. I gave them to that man over there. Would you mind making sure they make it back to him?" You point out the peacekeeper as you follow him toward the train.
"I'll see to it that he gets it back, yes." Dean Highbottom nods with a slight roll of his eyes, stopping next to the stairs that would lead you onto the passenger train. "But... if I may offer you some advice?"
"Please." You nod, urging him on.
"Be grateful you survived him."
You want to ask what he means, but the anger you saw behind your friend's eyes that night in the arena would haunt you and you knew that. Surely, that's what the Dean is talking about.
"Yes." You agree, unsure what else to say when he reaches into his pocket and pulls out a stack of cash.
"Take this, your prize, I suppose." He hands it over to you. It must be hundreds of dollars. Maybe over a thousand. With this, you could do so much for your family. "Oh, and Miss Y/L/N... You wouldn't happen to know anything about the rat poison that was in that compact, would you?"
You tense up, tilting your head at him with a confused smile. "Poison? No... All I had put inside was salt." You reply. "Sejanus Plinth gave it to me, with food from his Ma. Salt is good for protection, you know, so I kept it for later. Keeps you safe from evil and harm." You ramble on, panic and shock in your tone. Sejanus had given you salt to put on some vegetables and sandwiches he brought you, but now that you're trying to piece the story together, you don't remember even opening the compact until you were in that vent. Coryo had told you not to open it, so you wouldn't have. Your own memory is confusing you.
"I've heard that." He nods, eyeing you skeptically.
The train horn makes you jump before you can even thank him.
"Go on, now." He urges you onto the train, deciding to let slide however you had came across the rat poison. Clearly, you didn't know what you had done. Or you were convincing yourself you didn't remember. "Enjoy your freedom."
You nod and step up onto the stairs. You were hoping you would get to see Coryo again, it disappointed you that you never would. Maybe it was a good thing you wrote your goodbye note, even if you had survived. "I give you, upon my knees, a thousand thanks." You smile to the man still standing on the ground below you who just nods in acknowledgment before you close the door behind yourself, Coryo's scarf still wrapped around your waist.
"Y/N?" Coryo calls out, walking into the high biology lab. He was told you had something for him, no doubt the scarf and the compact.
"She's gone." Dean Highbottom cuts in, just before Coryo spots him in the poorly lit room.
"I was told-"
"I know what you were told. Here." The Dean tells him, pointing to the metal compact on the table.
Coryo looks at it only briefly before returning his gaze to the man who offered it to him. "Where is she?"
"I wouldn't worry about that, Coriolanus. Your work is done." He explains vaguely. "Were you aware that she cheated?"
"Cheated?" Coryo asks. "How?" He feigns ignorance.
"The boys in the vents didn't die from snake venom, or violently, or, naturally- for that matter." The Dean tsk's. "It was rat poison. Which, before you argue with me, cannot be found inside the arena or even within reach of the monkey cage at the zoo. I checked. So be honest, you have no idea how she got her hands on such a substance?"
"No, I don't." Coryo lies. "But she did what she could to survive- don't take it out on her because she somehow cheated your games. Next year give them uniforms, or up security or something."
"Just thought I'd ask. She told me she got it from Plinth." He waves him off, and Coryo ticks his head in slight confusion.
"Sejanus? No, he-"
"She really... declined, in there." Highbottom cuts him off, making it evident that he at least believed that Sejanus wouldn't do such a thing. "Told me it was only salt. Genuinely, it seemed like she didn't know. Or, she forced herself to forget. A sweet girl like that, it doesn't surprise me that that's how she would rationalize her actions."
"Is she alive? Because if you killed her for that I-"
"You'll what, Mister Snow? I thought you said you just wanted the prize."
"She deserved better." He states simply, swallowing the anxiety building in his throat.
"She does. I agree." Highbottom nods. "Which is why you won't see her again."
Coryo furrows his brow. "I... I don't understand how that could be relevant."
"Oh, I know you do, Mister Snow." His superior replies, a condescending edge to his words.
Coryo snatches the compact off of the table and quickly pockets it, storming out of the room. At least he hadn't been caught for helping you cheat, though he was sure Highbottom knew better. Now, he didn't have the Plinth Prize, and he didn't have you.
When he finally got home, he couldn't help but slam the door behind himself.
"Coryo?" Tigris calls out, excited as she puts down the project she was working on and rushes to the entranceway to meet him. "I didn't expect you home so soon! Did you get to see Y/N?" Her smile fades when she sees his expression. "What's wrong?"
"They wouldn't let me see her. She's already gone." He explains, pulling off his blazer.
"Oh..." Tigris frowns, taking the blazer from him to hang it up. "I know you really wanted to say goodbye. I'm so sorry."
"She'll never forgive me." He shakes his head slightly. "If she's even still alive! I doubt they would tell me!" He laughs, bringing his hands up to rub his eyes with his palms.
"They wouldn't kill her, Coryo. People loved her too much." She is quickly reassuring, reaching out to rub his shoulders. "You did nothing wrong... You did all you could for her. She'll forgive you."
"Not that." He mutters. "It's what I told you. You didn't see the way she looked at me, Tigris. Like... Like I was a monster."
"She was already scared. She was way out of her element. I think now, that she's safe, she'll find the space to see it reasonably." She tries to soothe his worries as best she can. "You're a good friend to her, and she's a kind person. She'll understand."
"But I'll never know for sure that she does."
"You might one day... Don't beat yourself up about it, and don't give up on her."
After a long, two-day journey curled up on a bench on the train, you recognize the building the train is stopping at. Suddenly, all your energy is returned to you as it slows to a stop, and you're already waiting at the door. You hear the latch unlock and you couldn't get off fast enough.
No one you knew were there, not that you expected any kind of greeting party. You inhale the fresh air, once again surrounded by the trees and your own people. You walk out of the train station and down the street, in the general direction of your home. You tried waving at a few folks you knew on the way, but people just stared, for the most part, jaws slack with surprise. They had already grieved your death. Sometimes you were met with a sad smile, but no one wanted to speak to you. You understood. You were used to that after your time in the Capitol.
"Y/N Y/L/N, is that you?" An excited voice called after you resigned yourself to a quiet walk home, twenty minutes from the bustle of the train station. You turn your head to look up at the back entrance to the Hob, a wide smile taking over your face when you see the speaker.
Your friend is already barrelling toward you, throwing her arms around you as your eyes fill with happy tears. It was refreshing. "I never thought I'd see you again..." You sniff, resting your chin on her shoulder as you hug her back.
Rhythmically, your best friend sways you back and forth. "Oh, I know, I know, sweetheart..." She hums, rubbing your back reassuringly. You can hear her voice crack too. "But you're home now. You're okay..."
She lets you break down as she practically holds you up as you cry in each other's arms. From happiness or trauma, you're not sure. "I did some awful things, I regret it all..."
"Don't regret a thing." She shushes you. "You did what you had to."
"No, no... You don't know... You didn't see..."
"I watched, Hun. When I could." She pulls away, placing her hands on your cheeks to wipe your tears. "You did nothing wrong. All that matters is that you're home now."
You sniff again with a slight nod. "I fear too early, for my mind misgives; Some consequence, yet hanging in the stars, shall bitterly begin."
"No... Y/N/N. You're safe here. You are forgiven." She assures you, rubbing your arms. "Now, let's get you home. A good rest will do you well, your parents have been waitin' on you." She waits for you to nod before stepping to your side, guiding you in the right direction with an arm around your waist.
"Thank you, Lucy Gray." You mumble, allowing yourself to lean into her hold.
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taglist: @soulessjourney , @that-veela-girl ,  @dreamyysouls , @rockstarbfs , @maysileeewrites , @baybieruth , @kitscutie ,  @fratboyharrysgf0201 , @totallynotkaibiased , @stelleduarte , @secretsicanthideanymore , @bejeweledreverie , @drewsandsebastianswife , @niicole-87 , @queenofshinigamis , @innercreationflower , @nallasstuff , @scorpiolystoned , @iovemoonyy , @thatmarvelchick19 , @wearemadeofstardust0 , @regulusblackcore , @puredreamagination , @fantasticchaosthing , @becauseseaotters , @secretsicanthideanymore
okay suddenly tumblr isn't letting me tag more people than this so i just made some cuts unfortunately :') i just left the max amount of people i could whose users i recognized and see in my notifs all the time :) if you're not on here and you should be i'm so sorry!
also this taglist is closed now!! if you’d like to get a notification when i update, turn on my post notifications!! i promise i won’t spam y'all :,)
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heaven4lostgirls · 10 months
promises and dreams (part 3)
pairing: finnick odair x reader
warning: angst, canon typical violence and killing, mentions of finnick being trafficked
summary: finnick odair is your best friend, but somehow you cant find it within yourself to be aanything more. Now that the 75th Hunger Games calls for Victors to be reaped you make it your plan to bring Finnick back home to Annie or you will die trying
word count: 1.5k
a/n: part 3! i hope you guys like this, it might be a bit of a filler chapter but next chapter will be finnick and reader in the arena!
part 1, part 2, part 3
tag list: @l3xi3luv @yaesflorist @asapkyndall @midnowsss @fangirling-galore @marimarvelfan @d0p3ys-delusions @sierravogss @littleshadow17 @carolanns-world @pet1t3 @yourdailymemedelivery @merromimo (if your tags didn’t work pls check you can be tagged on your profile!)
Walking back to your room after the interviews, anxiety flooded your system. You knew that each of the tributes were doing their best to try and get the games cancelled and with Peeta’s sudden announcement, you all were waiting with bated breath in hopes that the games were stopped. However, realistically you all knew that you were all inevitably going to be put in the arena whether you liked it or not.
Finnick watches you with furrowed eyebrows as you try and control your breathing, your anxiety after coming out of the arena was horrible, the constant panic attacks and heart clenching fear that passed through you  at any given moment. “You, okay?” he murmurs as he nudges your side and you2 look up to him with tears lining your vision before you sniff, wipe your eyes, and give him a decisive nod. “Don’t worry about me” you tell him.
I’m always worrying about you. He thinks to himself and whilst in his own head, he realises he’s reached the room, as you unlock the door and walk to your own room, Finnick pauses and watches you walk, he sits on the couch in front of the tv and turns on some trashy Tv. As he hears the shower turn off and you make your way to sit on your bed, he gets up himself to walk to your room.
He pauses before he opens the door, he’s met with the sight of your wet hair as you sit in your pyjama’s as on the bed, looking out the window. “Hey” you mutter as you hear him walk closer. He only sits softly before you turn to look at him curiously. Without saying anything, you arch your eyebrow with urges Finnick to speak.
He looks almost embarrassed to speak and your look at his flushed cheeks before he murmurs softly, “Can I stay with you tonight…please?”  he asks and your throat chokes up in pain, the last time Finnick had ever asked to lay in your bed with you was just after you had found out President Snow had been selling his body.
When you wake, you’re alone on the bed and you can hear Finnick’s shower running on the opposite side of the apartment. You get up with ease as you shower and change into the training clothe provided by the Capitol. You stretch your limbs before you walk into the dining area where your stylist, Knox and mentor, Mags are sitting.
“Don’t you look lovely” Knox drawls as she watches you sit and pile your plate with food to prepare for the day, Mags only smiles kindly at you as she gestures to the time, letting you know that you should eat quickly if you want to be at the training grounds on time. “Lovely to see you too Knox” you say with a playful roll of your eyes.
You had spent majority of your time during your own games, hiding and only killing when necessary, however you knew you couldn’t possibly do that during the quarter quell and you needed to use your skills back at district 4 to your advantage.
You were pretty good with a spear, similarly with Finnick however you were exceptionally good knives, smaller ones that you had used back home gutting fish. That, was your primary focus of today, alongside forming allies. . Your train of thought is interrupted by hurried footsteps and a slammed door, you only catch the back of Finnick’s hair before he’s gone.
As you finish your meal you rush to the training grounds where you see Finnick already sparring a hologram with a trident, he looks focused, so you don’t bother to go up to him. Instead, you find yourself watching Johanna, she’s practicing with knives herself on a sparring mat and as you walk up to her, you see her glaring expression turn into a soft, somewhat still insane smile.
She’s about as angry as all the tributes on the grounds combined, you don’t  blame her because you know just how much she didn’t deserve to be dragged back here, just as much as you did. “Y/N Y/L/N” she says with a smile as you both hug one another, “ready to get your ass beat?” he cocks her eyebrow and you only meet her gaze with a smirk before you mutter, “ you’re on mason”.
Johanna’s strong, you’ll give her that, but her form is sloppy. She keeps her weak spots open too many times and you’re able to kill her far too easily for your liking, you spend your time giving her pointers as she helps you move with harsher movements and cleaner intents. She unsurprisingly enough knows the easiest places to cut that lead to the fastest deaths. ‘Crazy bitch’ you can’t help but think amusedly as you shake your head.
The only time you’re interrupted is when Katniss walks into the shooting range with her bow and arrow, slowly  but surely a crowd forms around her as you all watch  her take down all her targets seamlessly. “She’s going to be a problem” you hear Finnick mutter next to you and you still, you hadn’t even heard him walk up to you. Once composed however, you only look at  him slyly, “not if she’s an ally” you say. He looks impressed and nods before turning his gaze back to Katniss’ shooting which has ended.
 You all turn to carry on training before a bunch of peacekeepers walk up to you, Finnick and Johanna. You freeze in your place as you start thinking about the Capitol requesting Finnick’s presence, however the three of you are marched out of the grounds together. You and Finnick share a look of worry before he reaches across to grab your hand in comfort, before thinking better of it and moving his arm back to his side.
You’re all taken into a room where Plutarch Heavensbee sits in front of you all at a brown mahogany desk. “Welcome” he says with a smile on his face before he gestures to the three chairs laid out perfectly in front of his desk, “sit sit” he urges before you all cautiously take a seat.
“What the fuck is going on here?” Johanna says in an outburst of emotion, and you can only share her sentiment as you look at Plutarch with aa suspicious gaze. He only nods his head as the peacekeepers leave the room and then he turns completely serious as the smile drops off his face.
“I need your help” he says gravely, and you all look at each other in confusion, “District 13 is alive and well, there is a rebellion growing and I need your help in stopping the games and getting Katniss Everdeen out of that arena” he says, and your mouth can only drop open in shock.
You knew, just as everyone did about the riots that had taken place in the districts, but you had never had any way of knowing that it had grown to this stage. “A rebellion?” you can only question in astonishment before Plutarch sighs as he quickly mutters into a small mic before Haymitch walks through the doors behind you.
“This is fucking insane” Johanna cries and you look at Finnick who’s been silent the entire time, he looks at you for a brief second before turning his attention to Plutarch and Haymitch who seems to be swaying on his feet.
“Hey sweetheart” Haymitch says with a wink as he catches you looking at him in shock, you can’t help your smile before you hear Finnick scoff as he sarcastically mumbles the nickname under his breath, you look at him in confusion, but he avoids your gaze.
“You’re in on this?” you ask Haymitch as he looks at you with softness in his gaze, “Yeah,  I am. We need your help Y/N, we could take down Snow” he says and knowing Haymitch, everything he says shouldn’t be taken lightly in a time of seriousness.
You nod as you turn back to Plutarch and let him continue to explain the plan surrounding getting Katniss out of the arena safe and sound. He makes sure to mention that none of you are to die, if one of you are dead, the other two must carry your slack. You realise that even now, fighting for the rebellion. Your life is not your own, it belongs to Katniss, Finnick and even to Johanna. They have to make it out.
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