loveydoveylex · 2 years
my friend, i give you a free pass to gush about any of your f/os <3
BUT!!!! SNOWY!!!!!! HI!!!!!!!!!
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thank you for the gush pass!!!!! my heart is full of LOVE right now so i will be gushing about my latest f/o... R.AYMAN!!!! PRAYING i don't slip up on filtering his name because if this shows up in the main tag i will actually cry
going under a readmore.... because i am shy...... AND BECAUSE THIS GOT WAY LONGER THAN I HAD INTENDED I AM SO SORRY
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as i've mentioned previously on this blog, i've known about this fella's existence for more or less 10 years - i was introduced to the franchise when origins first came out - but never actually took the opportunity to get into any of the games. WELL recently 1 + 2 + 3 + origins went on sale for one euro each and that was when i thought OK. I CAN'T KEEP DRAGGING IT OUT. I HAVE TO SEE WHAT THIS IS ABOUT.
AND OFCOURSE I IMMEDIATELY FELL IN LOVE WITH THIS GOOFBALL. i can't help it i see a character who is just So Sillay and i immediately fall for them. though some people may say that r.ayman doesn't HAVE much of a personality outside of being a #Sillyguy, if he's mostly just a generic hero character that you're supposed to draw your own interpretations for, then draw my own interpretations i WILL!
my idea of r.ayman's character is mostly based around r.ayman 3 and origins/legends (and their trailers) - he's a good guy, absolutely, don't get me wrong, but he's a bit cocky and snarky and doesn't really take himself too seriously. very College-Fratboy-core. boys will be boys. y'know the type. that's my ideal r.ayman :3c
BUT!!! i love all different kinds of ways people choose to interpret his character!!! no matter what his personality is, i love him all the same!!!! it's very fun to have a character that can be projected so much onto by so many different people :D some people like to make him much more of a nice and helpful guy, others like him a bit more snarky and rude LOL one thing they all have in common is that they are EXTREMELY LOVABLE!!!!!
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i've been streaming r.ayman 3 to my friends because they want to see my reactions to some things, and they think i'm literally insane because sometimes i will just stop moving and stand still for a good 20 seconds because i love his idle animations so much LOL IT'S THE LITTLE THINGS... RUNNING HIS HAND THROUGH HIS HAIR... SCRATCHING THE BACK OF HIS HEAD... CHECKING HIMSELF OUT LMAO there's this one specific animation he'll do if you've stood still for long enough, where he'll grab his torso and start bouncing it around like a basketball, my friend thinks it is absolutely disgusting meanwhile i'm just like LOOK AT HIM GO HE'S SO TALENTED!!!!! HE IS BALLIN!!!!!!! i love this sporty lad
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another trait of his that i LOVE is how SLEEPY he is..... he's napping at the beginning of almost every game it is very cute...... i want to nap with him... lazy cuddles....... aw............ i've made this exact joke with me and wander before but i am recycling it: snork mimimimimi bf x honk shoo honk shoo bf
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andy-wm · 25 days
i'm wondering how your thesis of "idols will come out when they want" fits into your insane shadow analysis attempting to prove jimin and jungkook fucked in the middle of their travel show (amongst other things)? like do you get joy out or trying to drag someone out of a closet they might not be in? or is it something else? just curious! 😀
Hey wdcmaxy
Since you have the guts to use your name I'll respond :)
So, you read my thesis?
*Sips whisky*
Cool. And you read my insane shadow analysis too?
Hmmm... do you come here often?
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Let me answer your question then.
I think we both know the shadows analysis isn't really insane - it's based on very basic earth science. Shadows grow longer as the day progresses because of the rotation of the earth on its axis. You sound reasonably literate so i assume you know this already.
I guess your description of my shadow analysis ( I think I'll name my next racehorse 'Shadow Analysis') as insane is an attempt to discredit the idea that a fair bit of time passed while Tae was out of the house? But that was kinda silly on your part. Even children know that shadows change as the day passes.
Nothing insane about it.
He was gone for hours, no debate.
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Now let's move on to the fucking part, and when and how idols choose to come out.
This is actually worth discussing.
As flattered as i am that you think my tiny insignificant blog could be a game changer for anyone, let's be real.
How many people, besides yourself, do you think read my blog?
Serious question.
I'm estimating maybe 100. Double that on a good day. Maybe 300 if i write something REALLY profound which doesn't happen often.
I am way less excited about my impact on the world than you are, because I'm a realist.
BUT if by some strange twist of fate my blog came to the attention of someone whose opinion mattered (I'm not counting you, don't worry) do you think they would take it seriously? Do you REALLY imagine a random tumblr post about shadows could make someone believe that an idol was gay if they didn't already believe it?
Here's a great example of how that wouldn't happen:
You, dear reader.
You're my example.
You came here to tell me I'm speaking shit and that I should pull my head in, correct? My insane shadow analysis hasn't changed your beliefs at all. You're here, throwing a tantrum on my page, because you don't agree with what I'm saying, not because you suddenly believe it.
Or ...
Perhaps you suspect it's true and that scares you. Maybe you can't be absolutely sure I'm wrong and that's why you need to yell at me? Could that be it? Time for a bit of self reflection?
Either way, it's not going to make an iota of difference in the grand scheme of things.
We are all just dust motes floating through time and space, my friend. You dont need to worry so much. The universe is unfolding exactly as intended.
However... There are a couple of things we should agree on:
The fact is that the shadows grew long and therefore, time passed. And Tae was out for several hours. Maybe he went out for a bit of afternoon delight himself? Maybe Jimin and Jungkook played Pokemon Go all afternoon, or prayed, or practiced their English, or braided each other's hair.
Regardless of whether they did or didn't fuck, or how many times, or on what surfaces, the time still passed.
And whether I write my blog or not, people will believe what they believe. And they will be gay or they won't be gay.
And even though I never mentioned anything about them fucking in that post, whether you like it or not Jimin and Jungkook might be fucking right now, as you read this.
One last thing...
Please bear in mind, through all of this, that fucking is not the be all and end all of life. Sure its a lot of fun if you do it right but the notion that it's more meaningful than sharing your innermost thoughts and feelings, or giving someone your time and energy, is bullshit.
You can have a roots-deep love for someone and never even think of fucking them. Or you can meet someone in a public toilet and have at it, and leave without even knowing their name.
Sex does not equal love. Fucking is not that big of a big deal.
Unless you're fucking someone the patriarchy doesn't want you to fuck. Then its a major issue.
Hear me out.
The need to control who we fuck is based a patriarchal need to control material wealth.
To control material wealth, the patriarchy needs to control reproduction (so they can be sure their wealth stays with their bloodline, because wealth is built over many generations) and to do THAT they need to control womens' bodies.... and to do that, of course they need to control who women fuck. And who men fuck too!
Do you know what the ACTUAL issue is with men who like dick? They don't automatically buy into the patriarchal way of life. (where's the solidarity, lads?)
Why don't they?
Because lifelong monogamy and marriage and nuclear families don't matter as much when you're not equating love with sex, and sex with reproduction. When your goal isn't to accumulate wealth and pass it down to your children.
Same thing applies to women who love women. They aren't focused on being demure and pleasing the men in power. They aren't focused on making themselves wife material. They will challenge the status quo and maybe even (shock! horror!) decide not to have children. How the heck do you make sure your money and power stays in the family, how do you build an empire, when the women are perfectly happy having sex with each other and don't want to love, honour and obey??
And whose fault is all this?
Its got to be the damned queers, right? They're making people think there might be other ways to share your life with those you care about! That's why its important to squash down gayness whenever you can, right, wdcmaxy?
Look at them destroying the fabric of society!
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If Jimin and Jungkook ARE fucking every chance they get, good for them. I hope they're balls deep and breathless, hitting all those sweet spots for each other having a really good time.
And if they're not fucking, it actually doesn't matter to me because the way they support each other and share their hearts is beautiful. (I do think they are fucking though)
Truthfully, whatever they're doing, as long as they're happy I'm happy.
Can you say the same, wdcmaxy?
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pinksmonkey · 1 month
Posting my Ultimate Byler Evidence/Analysis List here directly because it probably makes it more convenient and I should have done this a while ago. XD
There is so much proof for Byler being endgame in S5 of Stranger Things. They are so cute together, and so much in the show has been building up to their relationship. I just wanted to share some of my favourite Byler analyses, because they are so cool, detailed, and in-depth. I love reading about all the hints, symbolism, and subtext for Byler, it's amazing how much thought must have been put into all these things. Why go through all the effort of adding these details if they aren't actually going anywhere with them? Mike is so queercoded, and they are truly in love with each other.
🫥 Just gonna leave some good Byler analyses here 🤐
Most of the links go to written Tumblr posts, and a couple of them are Reddit posts. So it's a lot of reading. If you prefer watching videos over reading, I highlighted my Byler YouTube playlist in green so it's easy to find.
And apologies for any of the links that aren't working, I know some of the posts have been deleted now sadly, but there's no way I'm re-numbering all these so I'm just leaving them in. My fellow Bylers, please stop deleting your amazing posts. ;-;
So anyway, here is the list of some of my favourite Byler evidence/analyses of all time (not in any particular order):
1. Mike's Season 4 Monologue To El
2. Camera Roll Byler Proof Part 3
3. Mike's Monologue and Milkvan
4. Mostly Byler Post Index
5. Dawson's Creek Parallel
6. "My Experience With Stranger Things"
7. What Ollie Learned From Film School
8. Byler Music Analysis
9. Why Don't The Duffers Discuss This?
10. ST Theories Masterpost
11. If Byler Isn't Endgame Then Someone Screwed Up
12. Byler Crumbs From The Cast and Crew
13. Favourite Combination of Endgame Byler Proof
14. I Doubt Byler Then I Remember This
15. The Fact That We Have This Interview
16. You Know Your Ship is Endgame When
17. Mostly Byler Post Index 2
18. Losing Hope Of Byler Endgame?
19. Why I Think Byler is Endgame
20. So Many Thoughts on This
21. Mike's Wall Art
22. Painting Miscommunication Leading to Mike's Monologue Coded
23. Yes, That Scene Did Foreshadow Mike's Monologue as Disingenuous
24. Mike's Monologue Didn't Sit Right With Me
25. Blue And Yellow Pen
26. That Tweet Is So Sweet
27. Heart Eyes, Literally
28. "My Process of Realizing Byler is Real"
29. Looking at Will, Not El
30. High School Musical Parallel
31. Said It Before and I'll Say It Again
32. Delusional Milkdud?
33. ST Writers Twitter Analysis 1
34. ST Writers Twitter Analysis 2
35. For When You Are Doubting Byler
36. Is Mike Bi or Gay?
37. Fully Convinced
38. The Ultimate Byler Playlist (my Byler YouTube playlist)
39. 100% Confident
40. Mike in S4 and S2
41. Mike Is Angry With Himself
42. It's Been A Year, Mike
43. Rink-O-Mania Remodel
44. The Development Of Will And Mike's Relationship
45. Mike's Lies
46. El Was Holding So Much In
47. Flickergate + Lettergate
48. Did Mike Ever Like El Romantically?
49. Mike Is Stupid
50. Byler Won't Write Itself
51. What's The Alternative Explanation?
52. Comparing Mileven and Byler
53. It Was Always About Them
54. Mike Is Not Ok
55. He Has A Love Interest
56. Will's Happy Ending
57. Trying To Be Normal
58. It's Not That Milevens Are Homophobic
59. Byler Is Reality
60. A Proper Look At El's Shrine To Mike
61. Mileven Through The Seasons
62. Suspicious
63. I Can't Doubt Byler
64. D&D Soulmates
65. Let's Talk Phones
66. Not Delusional
67. What Do They Want?
68. The Main Character
69. Mike's Mental Health
70. So Close
71. This Look Confirms Byler Isn't One Sided
72. Mileven Is Bones
73. They Don't Care About Mileven?
74. The Airport Hug Will Always Be Famous
75. The Monologue Mystery, Why Did They Lose?
76. The Cabin Scene
77. Why Couldn't Mike Say It For 2 Seasons?
78. He Was Trying To Find Will
79. Mike The Surfer Boy
80. Mike Definitely Shows Attraction To Girls
81. The Cast Knows
82. Mileven Loses On All Fronts
83. The Bouquet
84. 53 Minutes And 5 Seconds
85. Pink Panther
86. El And Choice
87. Will's Spotify Playlist
88. He'll Come Crawling Back To You, Begging For Forgiveness
89. Mike's Character Arc Prediction
90. It's The Same Look
91. Will's Truly Happy Ending
92. That's The Same Look, Right?
93. You're The Heart
94. Mike And El's Relationship In S4 Was Really Weird
95. Fireworks Parallel
96. Mileven Has Been Built Up For 4 Seasons
97. Not Stupid: The Fate of Mileven and Byler
98. This Suddenly Makes So Much Sense
99. Metaphors In Filmmaking
And unfortunately Tumblr will only let me add 100 links per post, so when I've posted part 2 of this list, I'll link it here: Part 2
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romanarose · 6 months
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Banner by @winniethewife
Oscar Issac/Pedro Pascal Fan Art and Fiction Pride Event 2024
Hello friends!
Let's try this again and I'll try to be more clear to not invoke discourse. That being said, it is *my* event and if you'd like to run one a certain way, go nuts. However, this is how I'm doing it.
I had a lot of fun doing Dead Dove December and the Triple Frontier Anniversary Event so I decided I wanted to do an event for pride this year! I know it seems far away right now, especially given how many of us in north America are still cold af, but I wanna give everyone time!
Each week of pride will have a theme to write or draw for (you don't have to do all of them! Think of it like kinktober.) at the end, I will put out a masterlist (or multiple depending how many)so we can all share each other's work.
Oscar Isaac and Pedro Pascal are both allies to LGBT people, Pedro having played multiple queer rolls and having likened his sexuality to that of Prince Oberyn. Despite none of the characters being canon queer, Triple Frontier specifically lends itself to queer stories. Recently, theres been a rise in stories of Oscar characters in relationships or Pedro characters in relationships which I love.
What I'd really like to do is encourage people to think past x fem!reader or canon presentation of characters. I want to encourage gay, lesbian, bisexual relationships, trans readers, trans interpretations of characters etc. More content guidelines will be in the what section.
Primarily tumblr.com, our very own shithole hellsight. However, especially given tumblr's censorship vs. twitter, I am encouraging posting on twitter or wherever you'd like. If you post something elsewhere, send me a link or send me a post you made about it on tumblr and I'll promote the link.
Additionally if you only write on ao3, I'd love for you to participate too! Once again, just send the link!
in order to do the week by week themes and hold all of June, there will be 6 weeks from May 26th-July 6th
Each week will have themes. I won't be policing the weeks and these so if you do the 1st week on july 3rd, that's fine. The themes are keeping in mind both artists and writers. I only got one artist for DDD, a great piece and I've love to see more! Ideas are just for spit balling, do your own take!
May 26th-June 1st: Coming out. Ideas: Coming out to family, lover, friend. Finding gender affirming clothes/hair, first pride
June 2nd-8th: Transitioning Ideas: Surgary, surgery scars, starting T or E, binding (safely!!!)
June 9th-15th: Sex/kissing First time together, first time with certain biology or the same sex, sweet kisses, smut showing scars,
June 16th-22nd: Food, fashion, fun
All things queer culture and culture of different religions, racial or country backgrounds, queer fashion, gender affirming clothes, Keshet (קשת), listening to Lady Gaga or Bruce Springsteen, watching a queer movie
June 23rd-29th: Struggles Rejection, reconciling faith and identity, missing family that rejected one, comfort, candlelight vigil, day of remembrance.
June 30th- July 6th:Strength Asserting ones or a partner/friend/family's pronouns, standing up against hate, being loudly and proudly yourself, pride events
Writers and artists in any form are welcome. I also want to encourage working with each other, writers and artists together!
For characters: Any Oscar Isaac or Pedro Pascal character has to at least be in the relationship. Other characters in universes can be done, such as FishBen.
Reader can be anyone, just properly tag! If you want to come out to Marc Spector as bisexual, do it!!! If you want Joel to take care of you after top surgery, do it!
However! Please do your research if writing or drawing an identity not yours. There are trans, nonbinary, gay, lebian etc bloggers all over tumblr who write about their experience, please divert to first person testimonies rather than assumptions.
A few rules
MUST contain more than male character x fem!reader. Male character x fem!reader x male character does not count unless the two male characters are romantically or sexually involved or one or the reader is trans. Any Q's, dm me!
This is not a dark event. I'm not going to be policing the content matter but I really want to primarily focus on the pride. However, as a bisexual, gender non-conforming person I know a lot of pain can still be involved. What we are not doing is suicide, death, self-harm, or non consensual activity. If you have questions or would like to make a case for something, just dm me!
This is not inherently NSFW, but there is absolutely NSFW allowed. Always tag everything properly.
The usual no's like bestiality, incest, underage nsfw etc
As far as minor characters, SFW MINOR CHARACTERS IS ALLOWED. You can write or draw lgbt themes because being LGBT is not inherently sexual. For example, teenage Santi coming out as trans to Frankie or your own version of Ellie and Joel's talk about Ellie and Dina kiss. That being said, I'd prefer to reserve this to teens. Again, any questions or ideas that don' quite fit into parameters, just ask!
As always, I am allowed to use my discretion. If I do not want to include something, I won't. However, I know that there are rifts in the fandom. I won't be excluding you out of personal bias. As long as I don't have you blocked and you haven't plagerized or done something really bad to people, you'll be included. I'm not letting petty beefs get in the way. Harmful actions will, however. I need to protect my peace and keep
NO REAL PERSON FANFICTION. Do not write about Oscar Isaac or Pedro pascal being gay or trans and do not make any assumptions about their sexuality or gender identity. Oscar is happily married to a woman and Pedro has expressed his sexuality is like that of Oberyn Martell but has not elaborated much further, nor should he have to. Just leave ‘em be. You can speculate elsewhere but that’s not what this event is for.
Simply tag me, @romanarose and use the #OscarPedroPrideEvent2024 please please please use BOTH so it's easier for me to find!!!
When the event is over, much like DDD I will compiled them into a masterlist and posted. This is a chance for every blog, big and small, to get a moment in the sun and to share each others works! Remember, reblogging, comments, and interacting is what makes this a community! I want to create an environment that is welcoming and we all help each other.
Please feel free to reach out to me for any questions or clarification!
However, if you go issues with me writing men kissing, chracters being trans, queer readers etc, I'm not really open to debate.
~A nonbinary bisexual <3
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lemotmo · 15 days
Let's have a good day!
Q. Oh my god it was Ryan's idea! They're liking edits (which Tim has now also mentioned!) They're letting Ryan admit he's behind the mustache. The "insiders" real identity was discovered, as if we didn't all know. This is a good day so far. Thank god because it's way too quiet for a show that premieres in 3 weeks 😳
A. I love that it was Ryan's idea. I love it. He just walked in with it and shot his shot and they told him he could keep it. That's baller. I read that someone guessed that he probably did it to mess with Oliver, if Buddie is in fact a go, because Oliver said last season that when you close your eyes lips are lips. Given the nature of their relationship that's not that hard to believe, and it would be hilarious if that's why he did it. I know Ryan said he was looking like a true firefighter but it looks really gay. He pulls it off incredibly well but I don't think anyone's first thought when they saw it was 'oh my god he looks like such a manly firefighter'. I say that as a fan of the stache, lol. As far as the edits go Oliver and Ryan already admitted that they send things to one another so the both of them being demons is not a surprise. Jennifer reposting it at almost the same time however was a surprise, so I wonder if they were filming together last night or if Oliver or Ryan just sent it in the group chat and they all decided to post it together. Either way it was a nice little surprise. Tim telling people that the 3 of them sent it to him as well was hilarious.
The promo thing is now officially odd. The fact that we don't even have a trailer yet is bizarre. I was talking with a colleague this morning who is also a fan of the show, and we both kind of think something fairly significant must happen in the first 3 episodes and they're just being overly cautious about accidental spoilers. So even if we do get a trailer I wouldn't expect much actual content. They are keeping their cards very close right now. I also don't think the Family Feud episode is going to spoil anything. Although I am still curious to see what charity they're playing for because that could still be interesting. Whatever the reason for the secrecy though they don't seem to be worried about any lack of promos. So they must feel pretty confident that whatever they're hiding won't need a ton of promotion to gain traction. There are very few things I can think of that they wouldn't need to help promote, lol. I guess we shall see.
Lastly absolutely no one should be surprised to find out who their 'insider' really was. We all knew it was nonsense. Tired, boring, completely predictable, and easily disproven nonsense. *Sigh*
Thank you Nonny! Much appreciated.
I agree with this. Ali and I talked a little about this topic earlier and yeah, they are keeping such a close lid on everything that they have to be sitting on something major. And that something major doesn't need any extra promotion, like Ali said.
I'm so curious what they have in store for us. I expect a trailer that will tell us exactly nothing. 😂
As for the moustache? Not going to lie. I hope he keeps it for the entire season. The man looks so good with it.🥸
IMPORTANT! Please don't repost this ask and/or a link that leads straight to my Tumblr account on Twitter or any other social media. Thank you!
Heads up! For anyone who is giving me the shifty eyes for reposting Ali's updates instead of reblogging. Read this.
Remember, no hate in comments, reblogs or inboxes. Let's keep it civil and respectful. Thank you.
If you are interested in more of Ali’s posts, you can find all of her posts so far under the tag: anonymous blog I love.
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tostadamika · 7 months
Daniel Watches She-Ra & The Princesses Of Power
-S1E1- 'The Sword Part 1'
Today's She-Ra Watch Art: This shitty Glimmer doodle.
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Look I promise they won't all be garbage ;-; I promise
Okay I wanna preface: Not every post is gonna be this detailed, I didn't even intend to go on this long with just one episode but I lost track of time. Some posts I'll be short & sweet. Some I'll be long winded to a comical degree. Depends on my feeling.
I think I'll just keep it to one paragraph per episode, & only pull out the long rambles when I finish a season. I think that'll work. Yeah.
Okay so I have no idea who any of these people are because I literally just started but one of these guys is a lizard. I'm a huge sucker for lizard people in anything ever so I immediately like this fucker. He's a lizard, that is all I need. He's just instantly cool because lizards are fucking rad as hell dude.
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So Cat-Ra speaks, that first fucking line of hers.
The fucking "Hey Adora"
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The first fucking thing I said to myself, out loud, was the immediate reaction I had to that line: "Oh so they're gay."
I don't know if it's like canon or not but one of the things I know about this show is people ship them a lot. I have no idea if that's actually like a canon thing in the show or not but I've seen a lot of fanart of them so I know people at the very least WANT them to kiss or hold hands or get married & buy a house in the suburbs & raise like 5 kids & watch Shrek on VHS & talk about doing their taxes or whatever idk.
That being an actual thing in the show itself? Uh I guess I'll see what happens so who the fuck knows man. Maybe they just explode idk.
But like....dude. DUDE. The fucking way Cat-Ra said it was just....
SO fucking extra like that immediately felt fruity to me. I'm already getting that vibe from her. On top of that, the way her & Adora continue to interact in the episode also give off a very distinct vibe, a rather, ahem, 'fruity' vibe. I think I'm already getting the idea of why this ship is popular. I do believe I see the vision.
Also, quick tangent, I LOVE the way the animators animated Cat-Ra like an actual cat. Her hair getting puffed up when she's agitated, her ears moving to reflect her mood. Her eyes dilating like how cat eyes actually do. THEY EVEN ALSO MADE HER PURR LIKE AN ACTUAL CAT, LIKE SHE AUDIBLY CAN BE HEARD PURRING. THAT'S SUCH AN ADORABLE DETAIL & IT MAKES HER IMMEDIATLEY ENDEARING AS FUCK.
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Also I guess it makes sense Cat-Ra would be into women, yeah?
Because it makes sense that CAT-Ra would be interested in PUSSY.
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(Please Laugh) (I'm desperate please think I'm funny I need this)
Now moving on, let me talk about this BITCH.
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One. Compared to the original Shadow Weaver, they sure did make her a way more intimidating villain.
Hi so I immediately love you?? Like instantly my favorite character just from the design alone. Glimmer is so real honestly.
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I also like Bow, like, Bow is just so fucking cool & nice? He's such a real one, I wanna be best friends with him & hang out he's just so lovable like he's just awesome. I love this man immediately. He deserves all the good in the world actually.
Also holy shit the contrast between Bow in the original show vs this reboot design.
It's funny, the original design WAY more gay than the new one.
The new one that a lot of people (and by people I mean homophobic douchenozzles.) complained about, the design for Bow in this supposedly 'woke tumblr sjw cartoon' has a design that is far less homoerotic in it's design & feel.
The original Bow just outright looks like a fucking gay pornstar.
He's got the trademark 'Gay Porno Mustache™' & everything.
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Okay so there's a magic sword or something, etc.
They mentioned Eternia.
Okay so, one of the reasons the original she-ra was lame as fuck compared to He-Man? No Skeletor.
Hordak & literally all the villains in the original show suck ass.
They fucking suck. Hordak is just Skeletor but boring & shitty.
Why the FUCK did they not take the oppurtunity to replace Hordak with Skeletor? You don't even need to add He-Man, I'm fine with that.
But You could have just taken She-Ra & added a better villain because Skeletor fucking rules. He calls people boobs. That's fucking awesome & cool. WHERE IS HE? WHERE THE FUCK IS SKELETOR? LOOK SHOW. HORDAK WAS FUCKING LAME AS FUCK.
I mean, so far they managed to make me actually LIKE Cat-Ra, & the original Cat-Ra fucking sucks. Shadow Weaver sucked & so far at least this reboot Shadow Weaver is actually intimidating. But man, you better fuckin' impress me show, because the lack of Skeletor is felt deep within my soul.
OH wait hold on.
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Okay I see why everyone said this show is gay now.
Anyways I didn't mean to ramble on this long about the show in just one episode, I promise this is gonna be a rare occurrence. I think from now on, I'll keep it shortened to just one paragraph per post. I'll only pull out these long posts when I finish a season or something.
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Anyways uh:
-Glimmer is the best
-I'm sorry but I'm not over the skeletor thing WHY DID YOU NOT USE HIM HE WAS RIGHT THERE-
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pinkyjulien · 1 year
🌈 Queerness in CyberPunk 2077
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I wanted to make this post earlier this month but got caught up in modding shenanigans, as per usual~
BUT! It's still June, still pride, so here it is :>
All of this is my analyses, headcanons, of different characters, some of them not confirmed at all in anyway or form! I'm a queer man myself, but I do not claim to know everything about queerness and being queer, everyone experience the game and interpret the characters differently 🤲 This is only my opinions, based off canon game events, clues, hints, as well as developpers's tweets, streams, files datamining etc etc Please do not see this thread as an attack, or as something invalidating! I'm more than curious to heard what you think about my personal analyses, if you agree, if you don't, and why! If you think other characters also display hints of queerness I'd love to hear it too! 💙
This picture is an update I did in 2022 of lil collage I did back in 2021~
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I posted the first version on Reddit back in 2021 and it created this whole "what do mean JOHNNY is GAY?" (because a rainbow behind a man automatically means he's Gay and nothing else right) and a lot of biphobia over his character in particular (gasp- THE rockerboy?! Biseggsual?? In my viddy game??)
▶ You can look at the thread here and have a lil laugh
SO, NATURALLY, after doing the 2022 collage, I went and uploaded it to reddit once again! Because triggering bigots and seeing them stumble over their own tongues trying to debunk everything is really funny ✨
However, I instantly muted the thread and let it rot in its own sauce for some days, weeks, only coming back to it later and Oh Boy 👀
I did a thread on Twitter last year exploring everything that was said on the thread and explaining why I put certain characters on it
Thought it'd be cool and fun to re-explore that and share my thoughts with y'all here SO LETS GET BACK TO IT 😌🤙
I'll mainly paste screenshots of what I already said on my twitter thread, but I might add some things there and there!
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Damn I was kinda pissed off back then HGHFHGF but yeah, this is also the reason I won't ever make any straight or super straight flags I do not headcanon Delamain as Asexual, as there isn't any confirmation anywhere that he's interest in that kind of interaction or not, but I'll come back to him later!
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Goro being canonly Queer is often missed, and this surprises me, considering he's one of the popular character! He is interested (or not) equally in both Fem and Masc V, giving he's replying to them the exact same ways! This isn't something done randomly by the devs :)
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As said in the tweet, there isn't any direct and clear evidence of Mitch and Scorpion being a couple! Their relationship is heavily queer coded and queer people are more easily picking up on it than non-queer peoeple (and that's normal) Gay men have called their male partner Friend, Best friend and Brother through history maaaany many time, and that's part of my interpretation of their relationship too, especially giving they're both veterans who fought in the same war. The poem Mitch wrotes during "I'll Fly Away" (heavily implied) is romantic and gay coded, the gay novel in Mitch's tent (confirmed to be on purpose) is what we call environnemental story telling, it's subtle but adds to a character's backstory and lore! As for the datamining, I found a Mitch awkwardly explaining to V that no, Saul doesn't have any say in whatever he's doing with Scorpion stuff "because.... because... eh, that's just family stuff"
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Note on Delamain here because I've heard it even caused some drama here on Tumblr that I said that? He uses He/Him to describe himself, the Main Entity, but multiples of his splites entities uses She/Her, meaning he's literally Non-Binary in how his entity is formed (I find it really cool for an AI ngl ngl) However if my headcanon offended anyone, I apologize! and I'd love to hear others interpretation :3
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There isn't any open and visible MLM gay couple in Cyberpunk 2077! Bouncing off ElvenBeard's amazing analyses and thoughts on Kerry's sexuality, he can be seen as Bisexual (confirmed by RTAL themselves) and Homosexual (confirmed by the devs before and after the game released) he can be Both and Both are correct depending on how you view his character and how he grew from his past relationship (Bisexual with a masc preference, Bisexual who have to heal from his marriage, Gay man who realized his sexuality later after a wonky marriage, etc)
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The whole "Responsability=Wife" Takemura take angers me to no end, taking its roots in heteronormativity- We see Goro care for his job above all else, to me that's what his "responsability" is and always was; his job
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Nothing more to add here- Jackie's only relationship we see in game is with Misty, this doesn't confirm nor deny anything! (However with how he react to V pushing him, lip-bitting and all regardless of gender, I can totally see him as being queer)
AND That's about it!
It was interesting to dig into that thread last year and thought I'd share that here, as a refresher that Johnny is Bi, Takemura too, and smaller characters like Mitch and Evelynn still have clear hints of queerness to them ✨
I really like how CP77 touches on queerness, it feels realistic, it doesn't feel forced; which, sadly, create this problem of "UH?? This is pure LIES" if a character's sexuality is not splattered in your face, which then create the "Ugh why does it have to be forced down our throat" complains
Something something, lesson here is that people will always complain about queerness, be it loud, be it subtle, so fuck it! Scream it, go apeshit over small details, over-analyse everything cause chances are: this is intentional!
More Characters
I later noticed that Regina have a naked lady tattooed on her forearm, and since we know nothing is done randomly in CDPR's video games, makes me think that she might be sapphic in some way ✨
Mateo is also one of my fav "potential queer", how he could be a trans man, but there isn't anything really to support that other than that one interaction with V
▶ Link to the updated collage Reddit Thread
▶ Link to my Twitter breakdown
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princesspoll · 1 year
How does this work?:
A bracket of up to sixty-four characters (that's our goal!) will be selected to compete. Each poll will run three days, giving you enough time to promote your faves, but not so long that this takes forever. The final result will decide tumblr's favorite fictional princess!
Why princesses?:
Because even though I'm staunchly anti-monarchy in reality, I do love a good princess character. Also because a lot of my personal favorite characters fall under this category.
Who can be nominated?:
Any fictional character that is or was a princess, or their society's equivalent of... for the most part, or who ends or starts the story as a princess*.
*I thought a lot about this, and I'm going to ask you all to use your discretion. Do you associate this character with being a princess? In my personal view, if we took the characters of Elsa and Anna from Frozen, I would nominate Anna and not Elsa, because although they both start the movies as princesses, and Anna does also end up a queen, she spends 90% of the films as a princess, whereas Elsa spends 90% of them as a queen.
But I'm not going to turn down your nominations because of my personal opinion. If they were or are a princess (and we actually see them as such in canon), they're eligible.
(My reason for using this as an example is because I thought most people would be familiar with it. Nominated media can be aimed at any target audience. I encourage stories of all kinds geared toward all age groups, nationalities, etc.)
Can I nominate real princesses?:
As much as I'd love to see you all write meta on like, Princess Diana's revenge dress, no. Let's leave real people out of this.
What about fictional versions of real princesses?:
HEAVILY fictionalized versions would be accepted (i.e. Anastasia from Fox or from Fate/Grand Order). Again please use your discretion. I'll let you know with plenty of time remaining if I'm unsure if they should be eligible, and you can convince me that I'm wrong.
This male character is called a princess. Can we nominate him?:
No, not in this particular bracket. Women (cis and trans) and femme presenting non-binary characters only, please. Male characters are heavily favored in fandom as is. You can find endless brackets to nominate your faves in already.
Also, I'm gay.
How many characters can I nominate?:
Up to ten. Characters will be decided by who is nominated the most. Don't let this discourage you from nominating obscure faves! You never know who else is out there (plus you can always ask your friends to help. I won't know. xp).
What's the schedule?:
Nominations run a week; 3/26-4/3. Polls will start 4/7. I'll put a detailed schedule in the bracket master post.
Can I promote this on twitter?:
YES, or any other social media site. The more traffic, the merrier.
Can I promo my fave nominees, post meta, etc?:
Yes of course.
Your graphics seem kind of girly:
It's hard to find princess-y clip art and stuff that doesn't look girly. Princesses of all types are encouraged and loved though; femme, butch, gnc, and everything in between.
What's the tag for this event?:
#princess poll
I have other questions:
Ask Box
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Welcome to the Blog!
Hey there, nice to see you here! I'm Onyx, I use he/him pronouns, and I have been hyperfixating on Star Wars for the last couple of years!
This blog is mostly for me to express my love for clones and their respective shows, as well as write about my characters or other scenarios involving said characters. I've loved Star Wars forever but only recently got the idea to make a place for me to let me ramble and talk freely about the characters I love so dearly.
I do take some writing requests, but before submitting one please look at my guidelines or I will delete/ignore it. If I don't answer a request right away it's either because I'm not in the mood to write for requests, I deleted the request because it was out of my comfort zone or made me uncomfortable somehow, or I'm working on it while battling writer's block which can increase the time it takes to finish writing by a lot. So, be patient, yeah?
This blog is mostly SFW, though some more spicy/mature posts will be made from time to time and they will be labelled as such. Minors, please be wary on my blog and stay safe. If I have to in the future, I will make this blog an 18+ blog and minors will no longer be allowed here.
Before you follow
I am autistic and will unapologetically ramble about things. I also might accidentally say something I don't mean or take something the wrong way because of my tone reading difficulties. I promise it's nothing personal!
I am very, very gay, and I use queer to describe myself in most scenarios. If that makes you uncomfortable then do what's best for you. I won't be tagging the word at all in my posts, though
I do not like clonecest and will not write anything for it. At all. I've always seen the clones as brothers and I don't write for incest either. It makes me very uncomfortable to think about it, let alone write or read about it.
I might not know if someone is problematic when reblogging something or talking to said someone, so let me know if someone falls into that category so I can correct my mistake! The same goes with any language I've used or things I've accidentally said! If I'm made aware of my mistake, I will do my damndest to make sure I don't make it again.
I don't really write for female readers/reader inserts. I lean heavily towards masculine/male readers since there's honestly not a ton of it out there for us to read. I also kind of suck at writing female readers and there are other people out there more qualified to write them then me if that's what you're looking for
I don't use y/n for reader inserts. I don't like how choppy it makes the writing so I use nicknames or things similar to it instead
I block blank blogs because of all of the tumblr bots going around. Indicate that you are human somewhere on your blog or else I'll block you without hesitation. I also don't tolerate hatred on my blog so I will block very quickly if someone is being nasty for no reason.
DNI if you are homophobic/transphobic/racist/xenophobic etc.
Tagging Key
(New tags may be added to this list in the future. Feel free to check back here to see what they mean and/or find any new tags I've made during my time here)
>> #Onyx's Oddments - Personal Headcanons/Opinions/Thoughts
>> #Onyx's Ramblings - Random ideas/concepts that are probably semi-shitposty or ranty in nature
>> #Onyx Draws - Art tag
>> #Onyx's OCs - OC tag, whenever my OCs are being spoken about, drawn, or in a fic
>> #Onyx Speaks - Announcements/Blog updates
>> #Onyx's Archives - Any drabble/story pieces that I make; my general writing tag
>> #Onyx's Inbox - General inbox tag that I use for any answered asks
>> #From the Ether - Answered anonymous fic/drabble/headcanon requests
>> #breaking barriers - For hurt/comfort fics. They are my most commonly produced genre/type of fic (hence why I've made a tag for them lol)
>> #behind closed doors - Suggestive/mature/nsfw tag
Below, you'll find my writing request guidelines if that's something you're interested in.
Request Guidelines
Will Write
Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Fluff, Recovery fics, and a ton of other genres
MLM/MLNB ships, Masc/Male readers, FTM readers, ENBY readers
Star Wars: The Clone Wars and Star Wars: The Bad Batch fics, for a bunch of different characters. If I have to in the future I'll specify characters I will/won't write for
Character X Reader, Character X Character, or just general scenarios that aren't ship related like "X character and Y character do this thing and laugh about it." or "FTM reader comes out to X character." So, the scenarios/prompts can be platonic or romantic. If you'd like (once I introduce them) you could also ask for my OCs in the fics too if that's what you want.
One-shots, Short Fics, Drabbles, Headcanons, and Scenarios
Third and/or Second person POVs
Some triggering content such as things like self-harm, though it might take me a while depending on the content. I try my best not to romanticize things so please let me know if any fics in this category are doing that so I can edit them/take them down/rewrite them etc.
Suggestive/Adult Content (Minus NSFW or Smut)
Won't Write
Rape, Incest/Clonecest, Master/Padawan ships, pedophilia, sexual assault, stockholm syndrome, yandere, etc.
Star Wars movie fics. I haven't watched them in years so they would be inaccurate as fuck
Fem/Female readers, or ships that aren't MLM/MLNB
First person POV
Smut or full NSFW (I will be making a second 18+ blog for that)
This is for those who want a sort of direction that they can follow in regards to the formatting of the requests. Without this format it might take me longer to get the request finished or I might have to turn it down altogether.
(Blue means it's highly recommended/suggested, orange means it's optional)
Who: Who do you want to be in the fic? Who is the main pair/group/focus?
Prompt: What do you want to see happen, what do you want people to react to, or what do you want the subject matter to be? The more details you have, the better. You can also use dialogue prompts for these if you found some that you'd like to see appear in the fic
Genre: Hurt/Comfort? Fluff? Or some other genre?
Style: Romantic pairing? Platonic? Do you want it to be more of a Oneshot or something like bullet-point headcanons? Or do you want to see little drabbles of a scenario with multiple pairings reacting to it? Let me know!
Length: A general idea of how long you'd like it to be based on wordcount.
Appearance: If there are elements of the reader (if you want a reader insert) that you want included, put it here! Plus-sized? Long Hair? Short Hair?
POV: I can write in both third or second person, but I won't write first person. You can specify which of them you'd like if you want.
Reader gender: If you don't specify that they are enby, a demiboy, trans FTM/Transmasc, or a cis male (or some other masc/male-aligned gender) I'll default to a cis male and use he/him pronouns for the reader. If you want I can also have the reader using he/they, they/he, or some other pronouns, just let me know and I'll happily do that for you. (I will not be using any fem-aligned pronouns though)
Nickname: If you want a reader insert, giving them a nickname would be a huge help since I don't use Y/N anywhere in fics. If you don't supply one I'll come up with one instead
So, for those who like examples like me, here's a couple of potential requests and what they would look like following this outline. "Hello there! So I'm looking for a fluffy thing of the bad batch (pre-order 66) where [character] has a crush on the male reader (he/they pronouns). I was looking for some headcanons of how the other members would react to learning about the crush? I'd like at least 200ish words per section if that's okay, and the reader can use the nickname Sprocket :)"
You can also do something more detailed, like this:
"Hey! I have a writing request! I was looking for some hurt/comfort for a fic of a transmasc reader (he/him) who is dating [character] and they meet people from the reader's past who purposefully misgenders him and [character] steps in to correct them. Things escalate into a fight and when [character] and the reader get back to their personal quarters they talk about it. Reader is crying and [character] thinks he's upset but then they realize that the reader is just really proud and happy to have them as his partner.
You don't have to include this but I'd love to see the reader have freckles and short hair. He's also kind of short in my head, like 5' 3" ish.
I don't mind the length for the fic, do whatever fits for you! I'd prefer if it was in third person, and you can call the reader Wyatt if you want."
Both of them are fine! I personally like when things are separated more like the second one to make it easier for me to categorize and fit into my brain, but if you don't have a giant detailed idea in your mind then that's fine too!
See you later and happy requesting!
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shinydixon · 2 years
I'm just gonna say it here so you don't have to answer both asks; (filmwntrs here btw - let's have a civilized convo)
I meant what I said in a "I can't wait for them all to move on and leave twitter indefinitely." Why? Because I have yet to see a single steddie be smart enough not to shit on people for their ship preference. I've only had the worst experiences with them, people calling me a p3do for liking the things I do, people bullying me to no end for headcanoning eddie as a different sexuality than gay and not agreeing with their non-canon ship, people mocking other people's headcanons, invalidating them and mocking them because 'my headcanon is the only valid one.'
If you do know some good steddies on twitter who don't spend 3/4 of their time shitting on people's ship or harass them for their opinion then PLEASE redirect me to them. I do want to know the good side of this fandom. I really do. For now, all I've seen from them is bullying, gaslighting and zero respect for Hellcheers.
One of my mutuals literally got a death threat from a steddie just two days ago. And NO ONE batted an eye. No one. This person is still tweeting, unaffected. Their tweet got deleted by twitter but that's IT. All this over a SHIP.
THAT's why I want THOSE very specific steddies to be gone from twitter. THAT's why everything related to them leaves a bad taste in my mouth.
When we stand up for ourselves, we're just a bunch of toxic stans, but when steddies do it's all fine and they get praised for it? Come on now. Aren't we allowed to be mad, too? Aren't we allowed to be sick of being constantly spied on by anons on tumblr who report our every move to people like you and another blog which I won't name? This have been going on for too long.
Now, to your anons, who clearly should start a "keeping up with hellcheers" account at this point; It's been five months, nearly six. Why are y'all still lurking on our accounts? Why are y'all sending OUR tweets to other people on tumblr to gossip? Again, if you have something to say, say it to our face. Twitter is a public space. If you're scared to interact and hide behind anonymity to discuss instead, you're a pussy.
Have a nice day/night
I'm sorry, I didn't know it was you so I also answered the other one; I'll answer this as well because it's correct to post your reasons, and now I'm answering with mine:
I'm sorry that you only got a bad experience with steddies, nobody deserves to be threatened,calling names etc. for liking a ship, because that's what it is, a stupid fictional ship (meaning steddies, hellcheer, byler, lumax, every ship you can think of), I don't know who the anons that sent me your tweet are and I swear I don't follow/lurk around your twitter profile because I'm a fan of "don't like it, scroll it down/block it/ignore it etc." but since it got sent to me I commented because sometimes words hurts and honestly reading about the mass extinction of people just because they ship steddies is something that made some people mad, because it seemed also for people who just ship steddie quietly without giving crap to other shippers.
I usually don't care but when someone send something to me, I like to comment; I also prefer sc because I can censor the username but since the same isn't applied to my blog, with people already posting what I think on twitter without censoring my name and causing a wave of harassment every time I decided that I post links if I get them, for which I am kinda ashamed since I want to be a better person
0 notes
Uchiha Madara's birth chart : Headcanon
The Good, the Bad, and The Ugly
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illustration by @sableraven with kind permission and such a great talent I invite you to follow !
I'm so excited for this post ! It was actually the reason number one why I started this tumblr. What if we had Madara birth chart ? I know that many of you are not familiar with astrology vocabulary so I'm trying to do it as simple as possible. If you have more questions please ask them in comments and I encourage you to do your own researches as well.
So what is a birth chart in astrology? First let's agree that sun's radiation impact your skins tone, your mood, your sleep's cycle. Moon's cycles rise oceans, tremendous mass of water, and it's a bit naive to thing it does not affect little mammal like humans made up of 70% of water and other fluids. The same goes on with all planets of our solar system.
However people are not determinate solely by nature. It's like a DNA, two twins got the same hand of cards at birth but since they are two different souls, they play in two different way. But still people with the same cards tend to have similar strategy in life.
In daily life, when people refer to their signs they actually talking about their Sun sign. While to have a more accurate understanding of a person you need to know where are place the 10 planets, plus moon and sun, asteroids, and other mathematical points ( liliths, north node ect). Then, a birth chart is a simplified photography of the sky at the time of your birth. So sometimes you will heard someone saying : I'm not at all a Virgo, but when you analyse their whole chart, you realize that they have all their planets in Aries for example, putting more dynamic energy into the modest earth sign.
This being said I invent Madara's chart out of fun, based on how I interpret his whole behaviour in Naruto. And I will be more than happy to read your own version of him👀, don't be shy. The only canon fact is his birth chart 24th of December.
In this part I will talk about the personal planets : Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturne and Ascendant.
I may do a second part later if really you are interested on generational planets Uranus, Neptune, Pluto : but it will be more about talk about the Founders era than just Madara. I don't know...let me know in comments what you want.
Disclaimers closed. Let's have a close look at our Devilish Mass Murder King👹
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I was supposed to do it in Photoshop... but gosh nothing more quicker than old school paper and protractor 🥲
☉ Sun : Ego – Branding to the world
♑ Capricorn
Capricorn is the classic OP villain. Just read the description : rigorous, cold, unbothered, disciplined, strategic. Without much effort, everybody recognize him on surface level. I won't go too deep since I have already dig into details in my ask : Madara as an Archetype of Capricorn
Ascendant/Rising Sign : Social personality – Physical Body
We talk about the ascendant as the constellation sign who was ascending (or rising) on the eastern horizon at the time of birth.
Now let's go straight into my headcanon. Contrary to sun where you have to put some will, Ascendant or as well called rising sign are something that you mastered already, it's who you are effortlessly. It has an impact to your physical appearance, health and how socially you naturally behave. In this case, I just compare him to other Capricorns present in the manga : Gaara, Hinata, Danzo, Gai (yes surprisingly!) Contrary to them, Madara embodies physically the toughness of Capricorn who have been thought hell to be who he is. You can read in his body, the wildness of his character. He is not the taller or the bigger muscle but you know by his physical posture that man is unstoppable. Even death is not an obstacle.
A nice opposite to what I just said for example is Kabuto (sun Piscse) maybe ascendant gemini ? even if we know that he is a brilliant villain and gave us the best twist plot...well I'm not scared or fascinated by Kabuto chara design. And that's Pisces' force they look inoffensive so nobody saw them coming... but Pisces is story for an other time !
In Madara it's not the case, what he is, is what you get. In his demeanour you can tell he means what he said, if you don't move from his path he will walk over you, manu militari. And the Capricorn is represent by the G.O.A.T. ( Greatest Of All Time) right ? Definitely yes, that's our man.
☾Moon : Emotion – Comfort zone
Moon by nature is receptive. In astronomy, we know that this satellite of Earth shines by reflecting the sun's light. Moon is about intuition and creativity. A creative acts like a pregnant woman, who receives inspiration from outside, keeps it inside to gestate it and then delivered something else brand new to the world. Moon in western astrology is as well strongly attached to the Woman and the Mother. Woman's cycle and the Moon phase are strangely similar : 28 days divided in 4 part : new moon, moon waxing, full moon, moon waning. Cancer's archetype is the Mother. Not saying all mothers are like this but it's an ideal. The caring one, the unconditional love, the protector, the nurturer, the receiver. This being said Moon is at its strongest in Cancer.
In Naruto univers, the moon is more flagrant in the childhood. Children are more in touch with their emotions, when they grow up their ego (sun) takes over place and you need to be in their intimacy to witness their moon.
Madara's moon is both a challenge and a subversive task. Because he is probably one of the character who hide it the most. It's really hard to reach his intimate thought, or emotion self. And majority of naruto fandom think he doesn't have any, which is rigorously impossible. For a long time I hesitated between leo and cancer, both had solid argument but my final choice was cancer.
Remember I said in my previous post is Madara our Lord and Saviour ? And as well Today is Winter Solstice , Capricorn is associated with darkest part of the year. In contrary Cancer starts with Summer solstice where light prevailed on darkness, isn't it a nice opposition to have a character with very scary outer appearance, but internally moved by the softest heart ?
Hashirama again and again repeated that Madara is kind, more loving that Itachi to Sasuke. And we all shed generous tears for Itachi so how is that even possible to conceive a love stronger that a brother who sacrifice his clan and his own reputation for it ? Everything about Madara's moon is off screen but isn't moon's nature to hide from others ? and for us readers, it's hard to admit his softer side because we were exposed to him in his most wounded version. In Hashirama's memories we just saw a glimpse of it. A moody child but also attentive to Hashirama's sorrow, a kid that back then he barely knows. Still two things kept my attention : the protective almost motherly love towards Izuna (he gave up his army to the ennemy for him, a mistake for a military leader). And his attachment though time for Hashirama's friendship even if all events wants them to hate each other. Cancer never let it go, it clings desperately to the past. Have you ever tried to loosen crab pincers ? You can't. Unless they want it, it's impossible and they hold to you till death and beyond.
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But Crab/Cancer not only hold but they pinch HARD ! We generally have this naive image of cancer, desperately romantic and crybaby which they are to some extend. But cancer in their worst side can be the most terrible manipulator. They will hate you with the same intensity they loved you once unconditionally. They play with your emotional weakness ( Obito). Worst idea to have them as swear enemy. Dark Cancer is the definition of a troll. They hate you so much, but they are more loyal to your page than you own partner, they won't let you go and they are obsessive and irrational in their Vendetta against you. Madara has this ambivalent relationship towards Hashirama, he pretends to hate him but can't stop talking about him every goddamn time.
Wounded Cancers close themselves from the world, and Madara betrayed by all, is known for having spending 50 years in a cave, (allegory of a womb ?), healing his pains, awaiting to reborn again, before coming back stronger than ever. I think it was important in his character's development that he messed up Obito and killed Sasuke. It was really to show how much he renounced his protective nature towards Uchihas, he sacrificed all he was for his dream.
I witnessed real life Cancers who loose their child. It was a long and painful destructive life for themselves and people around them. And it ends up inside three coffins... Cancer's power is not just a concept floating somewhere. Give them a pinch of love they will give you back without moderation, give them a pinch of hate they will unleash Horror and Hell. So please for world's peace, don't break Cancers' heart❤️. By the way, we have a theory with @blessingoflove that Uchiha clan as a whole seems to be a cancer clan. But again story for an other time 😉.
♂ Mars : Action - Desire
♌ Leo
Mars, the red planet, represents, the archetypal Male or Yang energy : Outgoing, confident, dominant, violence, action, desire, bravery, passion, Sexe.
I've always being intrigued by mars' energy, it's all about survivor instinct, life drive, desire for expansion but as well about destruction and death in order to self preservation. This contradiction is a mysterious to me, but that's where resides its attractive appealing.
Since mars is already the planet of war. Naruto's storyline happened during wars. The Shinobi world is a military system. So to simplify, I see mars energy in character's style of fighting. Are their strong defender (earth) ? Tactician(air), intuitive (water), offensive (fire) fighter. And as well since Mars is about war and..hum...sexe...well you know what it's worth under the sheets...
Madara is Mars in Leo, there is no debate in my mind. When he fights he needs to shine, takes all the spotlights to the extend of outshining the main character. Leo is ruled by sun but Mars prospers in the creative sign of Leo. It's the Sun King, the attention-seeker, the love for drama specially if it revolved around himself. Can we have a moment of silence for Obito's plan of world war ? Madara never planned to start the 4th Shinobi war but when he saw this BIG STAGE offered to him he thought : Why not show them how amazing I am, and left them with PTSD memories they will carry to their grandchildren ? Don't invite him to your birthday he will make it about him somehow.
Leo is as well a love for praising, and our sneaky Kabuto (again) feel it immediately with his :
KABUTO : please Madara-sama, show us how big are your legendary b***
MADARA : Say no more.
Sometimes image talks more than words :
- dramatic entrances, from the moment he crushed his coffin, until he interrupted Obito and Naruto. Couldn't he just walk into the fight like everyone else ? Clearly no.
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Flexing muscles for absolutely zero reasons related to Tsukuyomi plan because... hum, why not?
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don't you see Mars in Leo now?🥲
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Lion King vibes😂
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♃ Jupiter : Infinite Expansion – House of wisdom
♌ Leo
Known as the biggest planet of solar system, eleven time bigger that earth. Its massive gravitational mass coupled with its intense magnetic field attract other celestial bodies to itself. Jupiter is associated in astrology with magnificence, excess, spiritual teacher, higher knowledges, wisdom, road of honours .
Jupiter expands generously everything it touches. Since Madara is first notoriously known as a God of War. I thought it suits him to put more emphases on his extraordinary Leo's energy.
Jupiter and Mars in Leo empowered the expression of self in battlefield. When two planets are close to each other, it's called a conjunction. the closer the conjunction the stronger both planets mix their energy together.
That's how from the King of attention, Mars conjunct Jupiter makes him the new Sage of 6 Paths an overpowered and megalomaniac Guru. Intense desire to be admired and feared. But as well having a childish fun sparring with powerful shinobis.
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☿ Mercure : Intellect – Communication
♑ Capricorn
Mercury is about your way to analyse information, explain it. It's factual and fast processing.
To be honest with you I wanted to put mercury in aquarius. But I respect Kishimoto canon Madara is born 24th of december so in the first degree of capricorn, plus mercury never goes further than 25 degrees away from the sun. My choice was then between Capricorn or Sagittarius.
Wake up to reality? hmm...
Mercury in Capricorn seems the most logical way with the choice I got. Madara is taciturn most of the time, He thinks rationally, organises carefuly his next move. His speech is quite dry, efficient without frills. His thoughts had matured for ages like an old wine, in some brilliant moment, it make any of his talk deep and thoughtful. When he deigns share it, they have a lot of multidimensional undertones, his ascetic life gave him a desperate philosophy of life who is not wrong per say but unbalanced. Life is both shadow and light, but at this moment of his existence, he can only perceive the fatalist side.
I add a mercury retrograde which further the introspective aspect and can be a comic relief in him. Madara is often misunderstood, in his intention, and even in his linguistic skills. He got as well an archaic way of speaking.
♀ Venus : Attraction – Seduction
If Moon was the woman in her Motherly side, Venus is the Woman as the Seductress, the idealistic embodiment of Beauty. Goddess of Love. It's as well the lust, a magnetic and carnal desire for pleasure who can be out of control.
It's difficult to grasp what Madara is attracted to since he never showed any romantic attraction to anyone. So I'm going to hold on two things : His desire to achieve his dream and his friendship to Hashirama.
In both, I see in common an attraction to utopia. His crazy desire to reach for the moon and obtain a unified perfect world without darkness, It sounds noble conceptually. In a same manner, what attracts him to befriend Hashirama was the same dream he thought they shared. For him to feel connected to someone else, they need to share a common vision. And in a way that's Venus in Aquarius. More attached to the concept of universal happiness. It's something very abstracted and philosophical. But in in the dark side, Aquarius is also known for his God's complex .
Madara's only hobbies knows from databook is falconry. Does he imagine some kind of freedom in the bird of prey's flight ? Something gliding high above humankind ?
« I want peace, but I also want war » can be his motto. A dream of idealistic Peace for all (Venus in Aquarius) but with the egocentric action of a tyrant (Mars/Jupiter in Leo). And I think that's sum up beautifully Madara's paradox.
when you got a great idea but it backfired😬
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♄ Saturne : Restriction – Time - Enlightenment
Last planet that you can observe with a naked eye, associated with old age, last frontier before death. Saturn is also called the Great Maleficent, an energy usually fear but actually who gives healthy limits and teaches you resilience through hardships. When mastered Saturn is about deep mental refinement.
At first, the optimistic sign of Sagittarius and the dry Saturn seems to not being a good mix. Instead of a passionate adventurer, Saturn tone down its explosive side. Not taming it completely, but adding structure in its original wild nature. Here come the Judge, the dogmatic cleric using the fire of faith to dictate the rule. I saw this in Madara specially in his Rikudo phase when he is thrilled by his own immortality. but also in his old age while talking to Obito. He is the strict daddy teacher who doesn't let you having fun and reminds you how life is hard and how time is passing and you gonna die anyway...
Saturn accentuates conservatism in everything it touches. It puts limitations, difficulties and confronts you with your fears. In Madara's life Saturn is his limitation in his search of higher wisdom. He had been told that power can protect your family, it wasn't the case. Hashirama proposed him to collaborate to his vision of Peace, it ends up being a source of disappointment. He studied the old sources talking about shinobi's origin but find « despair » when he realised everything was the same cycle of violence back from Kaguya's time. His belief's system is always challenged. In real life, people with this tendency ends up either strongly atheist or great spiritual master, no in-between.
After feeling reject from Konoha, his own clan, and ultimately betrayed by Hashirama, he died to the material world. Escaping in research of deep introversion is closely connected to Saturn. At its finest, Saturn is the Monk who finds a mystical experience within himself. Madara reached, in a way, a bitter illumination in the depths of earth.
And if you want to read more about my Madara’s analysis @kosmickash went deeper into analysing Madara's houses placement and Izuna's birthchart based on this headcanon. Enjoy
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vemuabhi · 3 years
Favourite Sanji Outfits
Hii! It´s me popping here again! How are you doing? So, I would like to ask if you have a favorite Sanji moment and outfit (if it´s possible to chose hahaha) <3
So.. as you know tumblr didn't let me add more than 10 photos in the 1st post, I'm making 2nd post.
Now that I'm reading your ask for the second time.... I guess you asked for one scene aand one outfit.... sorry @holykillercake san... i think my simping hoe ass didn't realise it sooner and made 2 bigass posts of it.
I made one for the favourite scenes of Sanji if you wanna read. I'll link it here.
Warnings : Simp alert!
Sit back and listen to a song while you are reading this!
Sanji's Outfits that I love the most!!
Disclaimer : this is purely my opinion and there might be people who can have different opinions. Im not trying to offend aanyone but I'm sorry If I offend you.
Lets move on
1) Coming to Wano!!! Look at him!!!
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Wait... you say its shirtless and not an outfit. And you are saying Im simping way too much. Okay... lets move on :') I'm not guilty though with having that as my favourite outfit. Had a nosebleed attack. But I'm fine.
1) Prince Sanji
Please look at his frills and his attire. His cape, his shirt I'm not even kidding, Sanji is dead ass beautiful here. And I personally love the classic white shirt and black pants combination. Im a sucker for that and here we have it.
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2) Raid suit and Red Suit + Kimono
*ways to insert numerous opinions in one option*
God damn Mr. Prince. I am already getting a head ache and you show me this. How rude mister. You are already too beautiful in just your normal suit now you show me the raid suit. With your different hair style and all...
You know I am a sucker for Kimono and you Mr. Browgoro, hit me with it. I cant explain how rude you are.
Dont get me started on the fanarts of the red suit with him tied up. They made me lose myself.
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3) Pink Dress!!!
You thought I'd skip that... Ahahaha no way. It is so beautiful. Why does like ever outfit suits him. The dress is absolutely gorgeous. I love him in that. He looks too adorable. I'd be gay for him. I'm not guilty saying that this is one of my favourites. He looks amazing in it and he needs to embrace that.
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4) After Thriller Bark
Soft Sanji alert Soft Sanji alert. Look at him. That soft blue hoodie. I just cant. He looks so beautiful here. Please I love him. Tell him that he is the All Blue himself. I am crying. Please...
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5) Wedding suit
Would I a simp... forget the wedding outfit... Please.... he is FREAKING AMAZING. I absolutely love this outfit. He looks ethereal. I adore this so much. Help I need therapy. He looks so elegant, so neat, so pure and handsome. I love this outfit. After seeing him in that attire all I can say is, "I DO!!!!"
Oh marry me please. I am having another nosebleed attack. Help
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Don't tell me anything. He looks so good here. Whenever Sanji just removes his suit I get weak in my knees. And don't get me started when I can see his legs. (Sorry for simping too much. I love this man) his bandages, goggles, his dress shirt. Rolled up sleeves... please. Everything is beautiful.
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Ball man!
Bow down for the Prince of Moronia kingdom!! No words said. I think this is one of the cutest outfits. He looks so adorable Please!!!
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One piece movie Gold : White
Do I need to explain... Do I have to explain... I mean.. this is... just way too beautiful. Please.. i absolutely adore this. That flower that glasses. The shirt is open but I'm totally fine with it. Not at all having a nosebleed attack. Trust me. (I need chopper asap please. I don't even have blood to have a nosebleed.)
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Wait... not over yet... my very very special and close to heart favourites are these.... these are gifted to me by 3 amazing people. Please do check them out if you haven't already.
Every picture here has Sanji in it and they were given to me. I'm ugly crying whenever I look at them. Wait. You ask me who is that black haired person beside Sanji... thats a selfish self insert. I'm not guilty about it. :)
These all arts, are just so precious and close to my heart. I value them so much. Thankyou all the amazing people who gave them to me.
Tumblr won't let me add more than 10 pictures and me being the jerk, wants to add more than that. So... here I am...
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A like, comment, reblog would be really appreciated.
Wait.. you say you didn't read my post on "my favourite scenes" then click here!!!
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thesacredtwink · 3 years
Alright, I'm still not back from hiatus but I have been keeping an eye on Tumblr while I've been gone, and in light of everything that went down this past week I thought I would make an official statement.
I do not tolerate homophobia. I am a trans bi-aromantc asexual. I have faced biphobia, aphobia and transphobia. I do not permit these things into my life.
What I do understand are mistakes.
And this past week has seen the biggest and worst mistake I have ever witnessed in all my years on Tumblr by people who are genuinely trying to be supportive. I also understand that mistake or not, people have been hurt —myself included— and in some cases deeply.
But, after speaking with Ketto and the others involved, I have determined that this was not the intention, and using my personal judgement I have decided to continue interacting with them all. They have expressed to me in private genuine apologies and remorse, and in a few cases the desire to learn.
Before anyone accuses me of perpetuating the very thing that lead to the death of the ace community here on Tumblr, I want to make one thing very clear. I have been on Tumblr in one blog or another since 2012. I ran an ace positive blog back in 2015, and I was one of the casualties of what happened then.
Do not cite the deep magic to me, I was there when it was destroyed. And I have made my decision with the memories of that time firmly in mind.
This being said, I know that others have come to their own judgements and paths forward, and that these include drawing hard boundaries. To everyone who has made these boundaries: I support you 100%. Your anger and hurt are justified, and should your boundaries be crossed for any reason please let me know. I will stand and fight with you. I do not anticipate ever needing to do so, as no one involved has ever given me the impression that they would violate anyone's requests in such a way. But I am only human, and I can only hope that this is not one of the times where I judged people incorrectly.
If anyone feels the need to talk, my dms are open. Asks will remain closed at this time because as much as I love all y'all, this is Tumblr and I know that this post will generate anger, so why bother with anon hate, yeah?
I understand that my personal decision to continue to interact and support all involved won't sit well with everyone. I do not ask for support in my decision, though it would be nice, just that you respect it. If, after reading this, you are not comfortable interacting with me or my blogs, I understand. You will be missed, but I will not stop you.
In addition to this, I have realized just how many baby gays and allies I know. For that reason, I have made a new side blog: @lgbtq-n-a
I intend this blog to be a little slice of the environment I remember Tumblr being back before the aphobia cause a massive retreat of all but the most extreme in the LGBT community blogs. This blog is a place where baby gays and allies and veterans alike can come, ask questions (yes, even the offense ones), learn the history, and be a part of the community. Mistakes are welcome, hate is not and anyone who thinks they will receive a sympathetic ear will have their tongues bitten off if they get too close.
Love you all, so so much. And I hope that together we can get through this.
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musclesandhammering · 3 years
I'm not fond of the pairing but from what I've seen General public actually loves Sylki very much. Even the trade reviews called the relationship "genius" which,,,ok. Someone did a poll on various platforms, yt, reddit, fb, twitter etc comparing which ship is better (Lokius or Sylki) and it was Sylki who won by large margin in the end. I suppose mostly they just don't care because it's sci fi and a pairing in a totally unrealistic show, and after Wandavision I guess weird ships are 'in' but yeah it makes you think. But the writers already said they won't give in to the fan pressure bc they have their own story to tell (which ok, valid, you do you) but idk. I guess we will get even more Sylki in second season. Tom already said Loki won't stop searching for her
Sometimes I think casual fans are the most irritating thing about being in a fandom :/
Just as a disclaimer (bc I don’t want people coming for me): I think lokius is really cute, and I love fics/art/headcanons about them, but I never thought they were canonically romantically interested in each other. I never thought lokius was gonna be canon, and I never wanted it to (because I didn’t want ANY romance in the series), so I don’t even include it in my argument against s*lki.
Ok so….. listen. This is gonna be a long ass post, so I’m putting it under a cut. Sorry, anon, but you’re the one that opened the Worm Can.
The viewing public, in general, tends to heavily skew towards heterosexual-presenting ships. Partially because a portion of the general audiences are homophobic, and partially because a lot of non-tumblr fans are so sick of hearing tumblr stans go on and on and on about how they were queerbaited by certain gay ships not becoming canon, when in reality, said ships are trash.
Listen. I sympathise with that. I get that. I know I’m beating a hornet’s nest with this, but…. D*stiel? J*hnlock? St*cky? None of those were written in any way to invoke queer undertones, they were always supposed to be platonic, and tbfh even as platonic relationships the first two are literally toxic and abusive as hell, anyway.
So I definitely understand how a casual straight fan on Twitter or Instagram would see some of those same crazy “we were queerbaited” tumblr stans ranting about lokius not becoming canon and how much s*lki sucks and……. it makes sense that they’d be like “These people are just pissed that their gay ship isn’t canon, that’s why they hate s*lki.”
But here’s the thing. I don’t think those people realise how callous it is to say something like that when the only reason queer kids are so quick to ship any two male characters who express a modicum of affection for one another, is that they’re so fucking starved for representation in the first place, they’re willing to see queer romance in any same-sex interaction. They’re just that desperate. That’s where the whole crazy gay stan thing comes from. And yeah, it’s annoying that these people put their whole chest into defending gay ships that are total trash, but you have to realise why they do it.
So, what I’m saying is, for s*lki shippers- who are already winning, because their straight ship had the privilege of easily becoming canon despite all its flaws- to look at queer people who are frustrated to the point of tears that they were once again conned out of any form of queer rep (for the mcu’s first canon queer character, for gods sake) after actually genuinely being queerbaited this time (with his bisexuality/genderfluidity)….. and to essentially gloat that their straight ship became canon and taunt queer people by saying “oh you’re just desperate for two men to kiss”………… idk, man. It just seems real cold to me. Reeks of straight privilege and heteronormativity.
Ok, so with that being said.. let me respond to your actual ask lol.
I’m not surprised at all that s*lki won the popularity polls. I think a large reason for that is the fact that it was pitted against lokius, which sorta rubs a lot of casual viewers the wrong way for reasons listed above. I’m also not surprised that casual viewers liked it outside of its opposition to lokius- because, um, casual viewers aren’t very smart.
They tend to analyse exactly nothing, they don’t look any deeper than the surface, and if the writers of a show stick a hot man and woman together under a blanket, they eat it up. Because the narrative tells them it’s sweet. Just like the narrative tells them Loki is a greasy asshole who had no character development up until this point, and they eat that up too. Just like the narrative tells them that sylvie’s the best thing since sliced bread, and they eat that up too. Just like the narrative tells them it’s completely in character for Loki to try to subjugate a group of 3 random Mongolians in the middle of the dessert for absolutely no reason other than his “narcissism”, and they eat that up too. Just like the narrative tells them that one throwaway line about liking “a bit of both” is somehow this groundbreaking example of lgbt representation, and they eat that up too……… See the pattern here?
And as far as being concerned about the pseudo-incest angle, I don’t even think casual fans even dug that deep. They literally just saw two main characters- a pretty white woman and a hot white man- doing cool fight scenes together and giving each other goo goo eyes, and they were automatically sold.
And the writers saying “we won’t give in to fan pressure, we have our own story to tell” is honestly complete bullshit. What the hell is the POINT of working for a corporate film company and telling a story on screen if not to please the fans??? They do what they do to get people to watch their shows to get lots of money. That’s literally what they’re there for. Mike Waldron must have a pretty damn inflated sense of self importance if he thinks his own “artistic vision” or what the hell ever is the priority here lmao.
And I wanna be mad about Season 2, I really do. But at this point Season 1 ruined the character so much for me that I legitimately don’t even care what direction they take him in.
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hxneydreamers · 3 years
Hello dear ! I have read your blogs. You are amazing !!!! (10000x 💞 for you ). I wanted to ask a question . Neville goddard said that time doesn't really exist in manifesting . So actually my sp who is celebrity is very very older than me . Like we have a age gap of 12 years. 😥 as said i am minor. I decided to manifest him when i am 18 . But sometimes i get impatient but then i feel a bit upset and it's not legal to date a minor. Plus he lives in korea . As i have indian parents they never will allow me to even fly to korea. And even if we get in a relationship . They will never like him. Tho my mother is into the group (he is in a group ) she won't ever. As being in india , india is pathetic country with bs Trash . They ( the group is seen as bunch of gays) and most hurting thing is lgbtq is not accepted in this fuking country . Ppl tread them as trash not human. They get so much discrimination ( most of them are transgender ) and hate . Like they have to live together because thier parents disown them and stuff. Makeup is gender less. But in this country men have to be men. like all the fking indian celebrity don't ever wear makeup (males) . (Not gonna lie they all don't even have clear skin like korean ) Skin care is not menly . Men shouldn't do it. The mentally in this country is fucked up.
Now back to the topic.
- how my parents will judge him ? (Most my papa because mom knows a lot about korean cultural but she won't stand with me including some mfs relatives who judgemental af . Relatives ohh my these bishs are hella judgement (most the old one) doesn't matter how they themselves look or personality )
- is he gay ? Why he so feminine ? He is uses makeup damn sure he is gay or somthing he is a girl for sure !!
Doesn't matter how successfully he is and his personality . Doesn't matter how much more he is successful more than you. (Relatives and parent) don't matter if loves your beautiful daughter. doesn't fuken matter if he is caring and financial stable.
- as i minor they won't let me go to even study in korea !
- tbh my plans are to skip 12 or 10 grade (i am in 8 th grade now) and study in korean university as it's one of my dream. Then work as cosmologist here . I want to to have family here.
But but but
My parents hahah never i even asked them they even made fun of my dreams and they said it's gonna take 20 years to reach there .
I am extremely discouraged .
Then on the other hand i also want to desire body before everything happens . Like going to korea and stuff.
I suck at affirming and visualizing . I habe never got results from scripting.
Plus i got my school too. Omg also learning korean too.
Omg i am so done !! 😭 please help me and guide me. And advice me ! i am extremely sorry for my bad english . I am not a native.
Everything is so hard
Hey! Thank you so so so much for reaching out to me! I really appreciate you coming to me for advice! Don’t worry, your English was fine!
*I'm going to begin this post by clarifying that whilst it is possible for you to manifest anything in your reality, I do not encourage you manifesting this person if you are underage and they are much older. You have said in your question that you will not manifest them until you are 18, which is good, however I will just make it clear that this post is to help you manifest the other circumstances in your reality, and not the person or the age gap.*
Let me start by telling you I obviously haven’t experienced this as intensely as you have as I live in a country where people are much more open-minded about sexuality and ideas of masculinity, but I have stories to share with you from my own life that are very similar to what you want to manifest! They might encourage you! (PS, these following stories all took place from when I was at the age of 19 and up.)
(This story is before I knew about manifesting). My parents are very strict and traditional and I always wanted to go overseas to study in a specific country for at least a few months. My parents forbid it and I never would have been allowed to go, but I wanted it so badly that it was all I thought about and dreamed about! I started watching a TV show set in that country every single day. I even learned the language for fun. I somehow manifested it, because the next year, I took a semester off university and I went to that country for 3 months to live. So no matter what your parents say, you can 100% manifest this.
I had a celebrity crush in that country and I wanted to meet him and be with him SO BADLY! I didn’t know about manifesting until afterwards unfortunately, but guess what? I manifested seeing him MULTIPLE TIMES on the street, because I constantly thought about seeing him there and bumping into him! I even messaged him once and he responded. I also had one of his best friends on snapchat because I met him when I was there lol. I never got the celebrity crush because I focused too much on negative things. If I knew about manifesting, I would have gotten what I wanted.
My (specific person) SP who I am currently dating is actually someone who my parents also didn’t approve of for a long time because of sexuality and he is not stereotypically masculine! They also kept telling me negative things. The good news is that now my parents accept him and are happy for us!
Thank you for giving me the background information on your circumstances, it helps me understand your situation much better, and it also shows me how you’re thinking about the situation as well, which is the most important thing.
The beliefs you have are these:
Parents and other people not approving of the kind of people you are interested in.
You don’t think you can go to Korea for a long time
I’m happy to tell you that YOU CAN CHANGE THIS SITUATION!
As I said in the beginning, the age gap is illegal and should not be manifested. So as a result, you should begin with your beliefs about your family's negative opinions and your ability to travel in the future.
You need to stop mentally reacting to what they say when it’s negative about men who are not stereotypically masculine etc, and also when they say negative things about you ever traveling. They are only saying these things because in your mind you believe this to be true. Reality is an illusion and you need to know that if you really push through and persist, even if it feels extremely difficult, you can change this!
You should start by affirming your self-concept, something like this (you can also affirm in your own language if you prefer so it's natural to you :) whatever is comfortable for you!)
I am capable of anything!
I am a master at manifesting!
I always get what I want easily and effortlessly!
Everything always works out how I want!
Then I want you to affirm for your circumstances:
My family is always extremely accepting and encouraging!
I’m so happy that I’m going to Korea!
If you find it hard to visualise you can just affirm. I know you may feel like you’re bad at it, but if you practice it will get easier. Set a timer for 5 minutes and say your affirmations over and over! Make sure you don’t have any distractions. Focus on them. Do this several times a day, every day.
Also, if you can get the app ‘ThinkUp’ record yourself saying your strongest affirmations, and listen to them at night when you sleep. Start with your self-concept affirmations only for maybe 2 weeks! Then you can add your other affirmations.
Your goal is to change the way you feel and think about yourself and what you are able to do, your surroundings and your family’s opinions. Start with these things. Really persist in them.
I hope this helps in some way! If you ever need to reach out to anyone, so many people on Tumblr in the manifesting community are here to listen! We all want each other to succeed and I know that if you put the work in to do this, you will too!!
I also recommend you start binge-watching one of these youtube channels:
Sammy Ingram
Manifesting With Kimberly
Manifesting Secrets
Dylan James
Create Your Future
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they won't let me back in the library because when i read a book as i finish a page i tear it out and eat it
67 notes • Posted 2021-09-08 00:05:02 GMT
all these Shadow and Bone photos...but where’s my son..my little gay boy Wylan,,,16 and never learned how to read.,,
72 notes • Posted 2021-01-28 15:56:05 GMT
i've held onto this for 13 years, but the team edward vs team jacob thing never made any damn sense to me, because the only time bella shows ANY romantic interest for jacob is when edward leaves, and then she immediately is like 'oh no this isn't for me'. like,, why was ANYONE team jacob??? at no point was BELLA team jacob. she doesn't want him!! when did she ever have a hard time choosing between the two??? he was always in the friendzone! i hate this! team jacob is nothing!!!
92 notes • Posted 2021-06-25 20:25:33 GMT
watching the suicide squad and
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an angel appears
181 notes • Posted 2021-08-10 18:29:19 GMT
big titty bitches be like, I have a stain on my shirt
182 notes • Posted 2021-10-14 23:39:08 GMT
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