radykalny-feminizm · 2 months
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No child is born in the wrong body
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classycookiexo · 2 months
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Plus if your kid is telling you that someone is making them feel unsafe or uncomfortable- BELIEVE THEM
Don’t rationalize or minimize it, believe them and act accordingly
PSA !!!!!!!!!
REBLOG !!!!!!!!!!!
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virmochi · 6 months
For the roleplay committee on Tumblr
Enough with the pathetic targeting of roleplayers on Tumblr! It's downright despicable, especially given that the majority of these creative individuals are minors. Get a grip on reality and find something better to do with your time than spewing disrespect.
LISTEN UP, if I catch wind of any more of these toxic comments, I'll make it my mission to unearth your sorry identity and ensure your account is obliterated. Consider this a warning – back off and let people enjoy their space without your mindless aggression. The consequences will be swift and severe.
To those who have been hurt by the senseless targeting on Tumblr, I offer my sincere apologies. Remember, it's not a crime to pursue your passions, including roleplaying. Don't let the negativity of others dictate what brings you joy. Do what you love, stay true to yourself, and embrace your interests without reservation. Your well-being matters, and there are supportive communities out there who appreciate and respect your creative endeavors. Keep shining and doing what makes you happy. 💙
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isawthismeme · 4 months
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marzipanandminutiae · 10 months
The number of children and young teens who put social media handles on public response boards at the museums where I work is genuinely disturbing. Please, please don’t do this if you are a minor, and teach kids in your care about internet safety. We erase them and/or take them down as best we can, but we can’t catch everything, and you don’t know who might see it before a staff member gets to it
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niiwa-angel · 2 months
This is going to sound very bad leftist of me, but I don't care. I think there should be a public violent offender registry. If you've ever been convicted of a violent offense, be it battery, assault, robbery, domestic violence, or any other violent crime, people need to know about it. I also think it should apply if you've ever been court mandated to take anger management classes. People should be able to Google someone's name and if they've ever committed a violent offense, their picture pops up with their record. The picture changed whenever they get new ID or if they get any sort of cosmetic surgery. This should also apply to any and all sex criminals. Child porn? On a public list. Peeping Tom? Public list. Attempted date rape? Public list. I think that would keep people safer.
Think about it, if every woman on a dating app could Google somebody's name and see if they have a history of violence, they could get out before the relationship even begins. It would help keep so many women out of danger. Employers would be able to see if they're considering someone dangerous before they even reach out for an interview.
I also think this list should prevent you from working at any job that requires you to be in a position of trust. Police officer, EMT, anything to do with kids, military, medicine, anything to do with animal care. Again, prevent issues before they arise, don't let dangerous people near vulnerable people. Don't let someone with a history of violence have control over someone who can't defend themselves.
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ijustgotherebro · 7 months
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supernightboy08 · 1 month
Why I left the SML community?
When I first saw SML or SuperMarioLogan as a kid I thought it was a fun parody of the Super Mario Bros. Franchise but when I look back on it now I saw how it brainwashed me in the past and how it got me my IPhone taken away by my parents. It had a lot of dark humor, adult jokes, cussing, suicidal topics, and a lot of child abuse. When I saw The Super Mario Bros. Movie, I realized how poorly they portrayed the Mario characters in the SuperMarioLogan videos and that made me stop watching SuperMarioLogan or SML videos which I’ve discussed in my writing “How Mario and Sonic fans traumatized a generation” and how this and lot of the other parody videos had affected many other children even me and the people at my school. I’m not gonna go into too much detail on that but I’m just reflecting on how badly SML influenced me into doing and talking about inappropriate topics that got my parents and teachers concerned. Listen I don’t hate the SML community but I feel like that someone needs to talk about how SML’s content had effects on me and many other children who don’t know any better. I think that SuperMarioLogan was not aware of the effects that would have on kids. Obviously his content wasn’t made for children but Super Mario Bros. Is a children’s franchise I understand there are adult and teenage fans but the franchise was entirely made for kids he should’ve know that children would be exposed to this. Yeah guys the Internet is not a safe place and I’m very sorry to anyone who is exposed to this I hope all you parents and teachers out there would take action to protect many kids that you know and make sure they don’t stumble upon this type of content as long as there’s awareness and parents of today who know what happened we can prevent all of this stuff from happening. I may be not in the SML community anymore now I’m dealing with Elsagate which is a really big issue that’s happening on YouTube but I know there is a large support group behind us and I know that together we can raise that support.
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solarsunny19 · 13 days
This is a very serious post so tw for topics of sa, and cp.
YouTube is letting bots post literal cp on the website! The ads have gotten out of control and are overly sexual or racist and are allowed to be targeted at minors. Bots have now started saying messed up things like "I like raping little girls to hear them scream".
This is very scary. Please for the love of God call youtube out on it! Every social media platform you have please call them out on it! I think people should boycott youtube. Set up a week where no youtubers post, no people watch. Let them lose money until they fix this issue. It has gone on way too long!
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997yen · 6 months
⚠️Don't post children on social media⚠️
Just came across one video on tiktok...the person posts video of her daughter trying some different foods for the first time. And comments there are disturbing. But what is more disturbing than that is the number of people who saved that video.
I remember one research that said that pedophiles who don't have access to childp*rn usually use videos of minors that their parents posted online.
There are lots of accounts on almost every social media that were created by parents to post videos of their kids. (Especially those parents who are trying to get some money from it, aka influencers 💩)
Protect children!!!! Stop posting their pictures and videos online. This world is a cruel place for young once
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immortalvipers · 3 months
CPS & Emotional Abuse
I have been seeing lots of stories on Reddit from victims of familial emotional abuse in the United States. It seems that not for every situation, but the majority found authorities incompetent with handling their emotionally abusive situations, in specific states and/or counties. This is why I believe emotional abuse is a "hidden" form of abuse. No proper action will be presented unless the victim has physical marks of their abuse. This is very worrying. It's a more secretive way for abusers to succeed in evading consequences, especially since emotional abuse can be a lot harder to prove to authorities. I have personally experienced a range of abuse from different members of my close family. Emotionally, physical, sexual, etc. Every single method of abuse used against me was very damaging to my mental health. Emotional abuse, was by far (in my experience), the worst. It's hidden. It's hard to prove. It's extremely difficult to process and handle. It feels as if your abuser is a parasite that is eating you from the inside out. It is awful. CPS (in some places) will not act in a terrible situation unless the child is physically injured or possibly even dead. This is NOT okay. There needs to be harsher consequences for perpetrating emotional abuse, especially in families. I have never felt so hopeless and so close to ending it all like I did when I was in an emotionally abusive situation, at the hands of someone I was raised to believe loved and cared about me, which I grew up to realize was manipulation. There needs to be pressure for the proper authorities to be more involved and analytical with emotionally abusive families. Many, many children are going to suffer without the help they need, the help they may never get if CPS continues incompetence. Pressure the incompetent.
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kidfirstphone · 3 months
𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐬 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐞𝐝 𝐚𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐚 𝐝𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐛𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐖𝐡𝐚𝐭𝐬𝐀𝐩𝐩 𝐠𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐩 𝐞𝐱𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐠 𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐥𝐝𝐫𝐞𝐧 𝐭𝐨 𝐮𝐩𝐬𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭. 𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐲 𝐯𝐢𝐠𝐢𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐭 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐞𝐧𝐬𝐮𝐫𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐥𝐝'𝐬 𝐬𝐚𝐟𝐞𝐭𝐲 𝐨𝐧𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐞.
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aidenlove · 2 months
My kids have drawn in sharpie and pen and marker and paint all over their walls.
The batten strips have been torn off the corners of the walls in several places from them careening around the house.
The kitchen island is currently held together with black gorilla tape.
The floor is covered in toys and bits of fabric from the 17yr olds sewing projects and half finished drawings and Uno cards.
The bathroom walls have makeup smears on them.
There is a hole in the wall of one bedroom because one of the Littles had some big feels and it has now been turned into the belly of a drawing of a monster on the wall.
I did it. I actually did it. I created a home. My kids are safe and free and able to actually live in and occupy their spaces. They have no fear of making their space theirs, of being loud and rowdy and young. They don't carry the constant paranoia of my life, of "but the resale value!" and "what will guests think?"
They don't live in a model show house. They live in a home. I did it.
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grrrlgutz · 23 days
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ijustgotherebro · 7 months
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everythingseasoning · 2 months
19 year olds are so young— still so naive and have so much development to go through. They might think they’re smart enough to stay out of bad situations (like I had thought when I was 19), but they’re still kids in a number of ways. Brains don’t finish developing until mid-twenties. Just cause somebody isn’t a minor anymore doesn’t mean it’s okay to go after them! So weird to see older people (mid twenties and above) going after younger folks who are naive and inexperienced. So so so not okay. (It happens to so many girls). Like if you’re in your thirties, shouldn’t you want to nurture a younger person?? Like be PARENTAL. Not predatory. (I get why they’d want a younger person because of their own issues— I’m studying psychology— and I do my best to empathize with everyone, but… it’s not excusable). I’m literally 21 and I see anyone younger than me as a child— and arguably, I’m still a kid developmentally— because I’m still so naive and inexperienced and emotionally/mentally didn’t have parental figures…
And on the other hand: Even if somebody who is younger is super emotionally intelligent, they can have less experience within relationships and friendships and life, which makes them vulnerable to so much mistreatment of all kinds— each situation is nuanced. So especially if an older person is going for an emotionally smart 19 year old? God, the power imbalance is icky. The older person does know more about certain things and can manipulate the younger person. There is just a difference in experience man.
Another thing now no longer about age: if you are my age but have had really hard things happen to you when you were way too young/ you were not supported enough to understand it, but now you have been deeply wounded by those awful events, then you deserve to heal. And I wouldn’t take advantage of somebody in that vulnerable position. They need to become their own person first before I’d ever consider romance with them.
It’s so weird to see others chase romance, going for younger folks. Men all over the world go after young girls. They want to mold them to be their perfect little wives. It’s so… disgusting, really. And sad on all ends.
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