#Part 3?
goldenamaranthe-blog · 2 months
Jazzercise 3: Glute Thrust
Vaggie: (grumbling to herself as she makes her way to the hotel gym)
Charlie: What's wrong, Vaggie? You love working out.
Vaggie: It's leg and glute day.....
Charlie: (pretends to know what that means) And???
Vaggie: I hate doing that stupid sex thrust machine....
Charlie: Excuse me. WHAT?!?!?!?!
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wheatnoodle · 2 years
part 2 to⬆️
— wednesday —
there have been more than enough shit people in eddie’s life for him to care when his so-called “friends” don’t turn out to be who he thinks they are.
and honestly, this time, it’s on him. he’s a firm believer in second chances but even he should’ve known that steve harrington would always be steve harrington. he needs to start believing people when they show him who they really are, not try and see, try and find, try and create the good in them.
he’s hurt, he’s embarrassed, but he’s not surprised. so he turns up his music and he strums harder and headbangs faster and drowns out the sound of his brain until his friday show. he channels his feelings, his anger and betrayal, into making it the best damn show indiana has ever seen.
he wasn’t going to let some jock like steve harrington stop him from doing what he loves. steve and his stupid hair, and his stupid moles, and his stupid big brown eyes, and his stupid pouty lips, and his stupid muscles, and his-
great, now he’s blushing. because he was also dumb and he let himself get a stupid fucking crush on a stupid fucking jock who used to be bitch and seemingly still is.
besides, it’s not like he hasn’t seen steve go out of his way to support his friends. he’s at every single one of lucas’s basketball games and will’s art shows and drives robin to her marching band practice. sure, he doesn’t stick around for that last one, but he still drives her. and yet every time eddie asks him to come to his practices, or come to his concerts, or anything related to his band, steve conveniently has to work or has some excuse ready on the tip of his tongue. eddie doesn’t even care if steve likes his music, he just wants him to show up. to pretend he cares even a little bit about eddie’s music.
and the look he gave him! like he couldn’t believe what eddie was saying to him. that was just the icing on the cake. he was done. so he brushed off dustin’s pestering to ask steve to come to the movies with them, he avoided his uncle wayne’s concerned looks, and he was ready to move on with his life.
— friday —
over the years, the party had accepted that being a passenger in steve’s car wasn’t like how it used to be. when they were just in middle school, they’d laugh and bicker and they’d rope steve into their conversations or he’d look at them through the rear view mirror whenever they said something that they probably shouldn’t have.
now, post-freshmen-year, they still laugh and fight in the backseat, but steve doesn’t talk. doesn’t even look at them. robin says he’s just focusing on his driving or blames herself for turning the music up so loud. not at all because he can’t hear them anymore, no no.
so he’s in his driver’s seat, wearing his lovely family video vest, and hauling dustin and robin to the hideout for corroded coffin’s show before he heads to work. robin has her billy idol tape playing and she’s turned around in the front seat, raving with dustin about the latest nerd movie. sometimes steve is glad he can’t hear.
he pulls up outside of the bar, parks near the van where eddie, the band, and his kids are all stood around dragging equipment out of the back. mike and lucas are shoving each other around with smiles on their faces and they all seem to be wearing some kind of handmade corroded coffin tshirts.
they turn at the sound of the gravel crunching under tires. eddie’s jaw sets at the sight of the familiar beemer and he’s rolling his eyes before he can stop himself. steve gets out the car, doesn’t look up as he circles around, opens robin’s door, and grabs dustin’s bag from the backseat.
eddie is making his way over, long, drawn out steps. he’s clapping too, slowly and loud, and the van gang are staring at him, confused and quiet. steve happens to look up just as eddie gets a few feet away and begins to shout for all to hear.
“here ye, here ye! make way, make way!” eddie throws his arms out to the side, a grand gesture as he sweeps a hand across the rest of the group. “he has arrived to grace us with his presence! all hail king steve! would you like us to bow for you, my liege?”
he doesn’t get the reaction he had hoped.
there’s no anger in steve’s eyes. no fire. no promise of a fight. no clenched fists ready to make contact with eddie’s cheekbone the way high school steve would.
instead, he’s met with silence.
and steve’s quickened breathing.
and the glossing of tears building in his tear ducts that he’s trying to blink back.
steve’s eyes flick to the party behind him. they’re all looking at him. nobody is saying anything. he hands dustin’s bag back to its rightful owner. doesn’t say anything as he stumbles to his car door. his hands are shaking trying to get the key in the door. it fits in the hole, it’s made for this door, why don’t not it go in, why cant this just work for him, why him, why now-
he drops the key, spitting a hushed “sh-shit” that his voice breaks in the middle of. robin walks over, picks up the key ring and unlocks his door. her eyes are huge as she looks at him. filled with shock, with worry, with anger. he can only manage a quick glance before he’s in the car and speeding away.
eddie is still standing where he was, rooted to the spot. he stares straight ahead, arms dropping to his sides.
“eddie…what the fuck is your problem.”
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fandomobbsessedb · 3 months
Alastor x F!Overlord! Reader pt2.
~ this is just a continuation of the bottom half of the previous fic!!! I absolutely adored writing this and I’m so glad ya’ll are liking it too!!
Warnings: dead kid, swears, vomit, bullemia, drinking, insane harm to the body, could be kinda mind fucking,weed, mentions of partying and Valentino wanting to gangbang but not actually getting none.
Taglist: @genderlessdude92 @projectdreamwalker @whitewolfsoldat @sirens-and-moonflowers
“Good morning dear!”
“Good morning darling! I have your eggs and bacon ready for you!” I called out to my husband, taking the coffee pot off the stove and pouring two small cups, wiping my hands off on my apron and calling the children down.
“James, Mary! Come down and get your breakfast before you have to get going for school!”
“Coming mama!” I heard from the top of the stairs, I always end up having their father have to drive them anyways, I think they’re doing it on purpose at this point.
“Mmmmm! That smells delicious y/n!” My husband compliments as he walked into the kitchen, coming up behind me he wrapped his hands around my waist and gave my cheek a kiss.
“Oh Vox! Let me go I’m going to spill the coffee!” I giggled out trying to pour our glasses. He took the two cups along with their saucers and set them at the table.
“Well you look nice!” I complimented, his pinstrip suit and sharp neck tie making him look quite dapper. He sent me a smile and whipped out this mornings newspaper from the dogs mouth. “Good boy sparky.” He patted him on the head and gave him a treat.
“Momma momma guess what!!!” Mary ran up to me with her little hands behind her blue sailor dress. James took a seat at the table next to his father pretending to be him. All gotten and sophisticated.
“What is it my darling?” I asked bending down at the waist inspecting her hair to see if it was fit for school.
“I buckled my shoes on all by myself!” She bounced up and down on her red little loafers.
“Oh look at that! You have!” I smiled at her cupping her hands in my cheeks and giving her a kiss on the forehead. “I matched you mama!” She said point to my own red pumps adorning my feet. “Yes darling, now why don’t you go sit and get some breakfast.”
She ran up to the table in excitement, not yet able to reach the chair. Vox picked her up and placed her in the chair, patting her head and serving her some bacon from the plate in the middle of the table.
“Now James, you have little league after school, so you better be going right to practice, if I get another call from Mr.Johnson saying you where out in the field with those “friends” of yours again, your going to be in big trouble mister.” I sternly scolded him, sitting down to eat my own breakfast.
“Yes mom” he looked down embarrassed from our discussion last night.
“Oh cmon dear, let him have some fun occasionally, but James you really should listen to your mother.”
“Okay dad.” He perked up a little and went back to eating.
Playing with the string of pearls around my neck, a bad habit I developed when I became stressed, I tried to not bounce my leg but I couldn’t help but feel this ugly weight on my shoulders.
Standing with my coffee cup in my hand and I walked to where Vox keeps his good liquor, we usually save it for special events but… this feeling… I have a feeling my regular dose of Valium wouldn’t help…
Taking the pristine bottle from the cupboard, I got a flash in my eyes
~ “here you are darling, I got this special blend from a connection of mine on earth, I figured we could celebrate the success of our deal in a more fashioned manor,”
“Oh Alastor that’s wonderful, thank you!” I took the bottle gently from his hands, the heavy glass weighing my hands down.
Popping the cork and pouring a small amount into eachother glass, we cheered then completely disregarded the drink… instead going for each other’s mouths. Missing it like a drug.
Clawed hands grab onto my shoulders and I feel the weight of this bottle taken from me.
“Is everything alright dear?” Vox asked, feigning concern .
“Oh, yes I’m just fine, all the chores I need to get done today just making me think a lot.” I replied leaning on him for support, as his hands go to my waist and my arms wrap around his neck.
“Oh dear, why don’t you let me take over for the day and you just go to the salon and get your nails done, maybe see if you can get some extra time on the massage part.” He suggests, starting to pull me away from the cabinet and sitting me down.
I try to come up with a comprehensive anwser but~ I just feel so…… sleepy. So tired…..
Feeling a soft, plush ground now supporting me, I still struggle to come up with a scentence, my head falls to my pillow and I start to drift off.
“Just relax dearest… I’ll take care of everything… trust me….” I turn over and look into my husbands eyes, feeling the malicious intent behind them, yet not being able to…. Actually move my body…. I can’t turn away—
“Hey y/n did you see Vox staring at you during class?” My hellion friend asked me, closing my bottom locker with her tail.
“What? No he wasn’t.” I respond trying to hide my smile behind my books.
“Did you have a brain tumor for breakfast? Of course he was.” Helga said, not even bothering to make eye contact with me as she applied more of her lipstick, then closed her locker. “Cmon, Heathers waiting for us in the cafeteria.” She said taking my arm and pulling me along.
“Y/n there you are, I need you to forge a hot but horny love note from Valentino to Marta Doonstick.” She said, flipping her hair over her horns, picking up her pencil and paper and handing it to me.
“Shit Heather I don’t have anything against Marta…” I cringed, this high school drama bullshit is so not fetch.
“You don’t have anything for her either, cmon, it’ll gets Vox’s attention too.” She smirked looking over to Hattie. “Hattie bend over, y/n needs something to write on.”
With an exasperated sigh she turned around, mindful to keep the bottom of her skirt held down, as she let me use her back to forge this note. In the most cursive stylish writing I could manage, I wrote out a whole letter to Marta, from Valentino asking her to come to his party this weekend.
Helga slowly made her way to Marta’s lunch spot, as we watched with intent, I quick glanced over to where Vox and Valentino where sitting. Seeing him chuckle made me smile, as I dazed off about him however I failed to notice his eyes shift to me. When I came to I realized we were in the bathroom, Hazel puking her guts up, and Heather and Hattie fixing their makeup in the mirror.
“Y/n did you hear what I asked you?” Heather whipped around the look at me.
“Um… sorry what?” I squinted at her before looking to her lipstick. I blinked and suddenly I’m in a completely different room, a boudoir with a giant vanity set up, I’m sat in front of the mirror with the same shade of lipstick in my hand, and my top lip done, only… it’s sneered over my cheek.
“Y/n deer, we have to go or we’ll be late for Carmillas meeting.” I looked over to the right of me, my surrounding sight no longer being blurry but clear as the morning sky. A man in a red coat with furry ears and a cane stood there fixing his coat in the mirror.
“Sorry I just… zoned out. I nicked some weed off of Angel earlier and I am, whew, I am out of it.” I responded, taking the handkerchief he offered me from his hand and wiping my cheek off. Handing it back to him our hands crossed and he came up behind me, placing his hands on my shoulders, I could see his hands… I could feel myself sitting in the stool, seeing the perfume bottles on my desk… yet I couldn’t feel anything.
“Y/n…..y/n………. Y/N!!” I suddenly DID feel the hands on my shoulders shaking me out of it. Heather was still in the mirror, Hazel was in the stall and Hattie was shaking me.
“Huh?” I replied wearily.
“C’mon Hazel let’s take another look at today’s lunch.” Heather smirked and stormed out of the bathroom.
“Hi Velvette, this is today’s lunchtime poll.” Heather said to the pink haired girl, all she could do was click away at her bag phone before rolling her eyes to look at us.
“The exterminators come down unexpectedly, saying their going to kill off all of hell in the next 48 hours, the same day King Lucifer comes to you and gives you 58 million dollars, what do you plan to do?” She asked giving Velvet the handful of copies she printed for her to hand out.
With a forced smile she goes “I would throw and end of the world fashion show, only inviting Hell’s most sovereign overlords and big shots-“
“AND THEN PAY EVERYONE FOR A HELL WIDE GANGBANG” Valentino cuts her off, throwing his hands in the air excitedly. Making a disgusted face Velvet turns away with the papers and walks out going to post them around the school.
I looked over at Vox, hoping he would see it as an indication to answer and not me totally saying he should use the money to whisk me away and go to make our point.
He met my eyes then took a deep breath sitting up a bit more. “Well I for one would want to maybe… find a pretty girl-“ shifting his eyes back to me, “then rent a boat and, row out to the middle of the sea, get some liquor and just, have at it.” He said putting his hands under his chin and tilting to look at me.
“If I was this girl would you keep me safe from the aliens?”
“As long as I could, trust me… with your safety.” His eyes started to become swirly and, my stomach starts to be all twisted… It’s getting like, really hard to… to breath. I feel a weight hold up my hips as I close my eyes and pass out.
“Oh hello, did Vox show you around the house yet?” I wrapped around his side, seeing his colleagues in our living room for our dinner party. Perm and Jam brought a nice wine and I had just come back from setting it down in the kitchen.
“So shall we head upstairs?” I asked only for my waist to be pulled back down,
“I’ve got it dear why don’t you go finish making dinner?” He asked adjusting his tie and lighting one of my homemade candles.
“Oh are you sure? it’s really no trouble it’s a slow cooking, the ossobuco won’t be done for another 3 hours.” I double check with him.
“Yes of course go get us some wine or something.”
“Trust me dear…. Trust me…. With the tour.” He said holding my face tight and forcing me to look directly into his eyes… from which I can’t look away.
A ballroom, large and golden and grand awaits me when I get to the palace, my dark blue shimmering dress catching the attention of an elegantly dressed man with a yellow and red suit adorning the space below his rectangular head. We danced through the night yet when midnight struck I suddenly remembered my goal, to come and meet the prince.
*clang* *clang* *clang*
“Oh no… oh dear.” I sat away from the gentleman and stared horrifically at the clock.
“What is it?” My gentleman asked trying to reach for my gloved hand again.
“Oh, I have to go, I have yet to meet the Prince..” I trail off.
clang* *clang* *clang*
“No you can’t leave yet.” He begs trying to follow me.
“Oh no please, I must leave.” I rebound and started to leave… I couldn’t let the Prince see me in rags.
I bump into a guard and when I went to apologize I turned to his face and there he was again…
“Alright partner, what are we looking at?” I question putting on some sterile gloves and going to lift the sheet of the stabbed victim when I got pushed away but my asshole of a partner.
“Don’t worry y/n let me handle this.” He said taking the sheet off the body and starting the inspection.
“Ugh, yeah no, last stab case you thought I’d read the neighbor, and Mrs.Santos was an innocent old lady.” I scoffed and shoved him aside only to get elbowed in the ribs. Turning to slap him I looked into his eyes.
“Just trust me….” He spoke lowly, his mouth bleeding just a smidge……..
Why is my stomach queesy-
“Get up you peice of shit,” throwing a glass of water on my husband he shoots up wiping his screen off the look at me.
“Who’s Venice?” I yell ready to refill my glass.
“ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND??” He yells back now fully awake, I came storming back into the bedroom. “I don’t even know who Venice is!!! What the fuck does that even mean!!? Venice?? That’s the stupidest shit I’ve ever heard in my fucking life!!”
“WHOS VENCIE?” I yell again throwing another glass at him.
“Oh, baby…. Baby baby, me and Val we, we’ve been investing in, in Italy.”
“Oh, you were investing in Italy?”
“Yeah baby, yeah.” He says shimmy up the bed to where I am at the foot of it still with a glass of water.
“You know what, you, your a big fucking liar!!” I throw the glass back at him and storm away.
“FUCK YOOOOU!!!” he yells, throwing himself around the bed. Having a tantrum like our toddler.
He leaned in to kiss me with his eyes closed. But I just kinda stood there looking at him.
Quickly sitting his hips back up he looks at me with hearts for eyes on his screen.
“Wow” he laughs out awkwardly.
“You can go now.” I smile at him, my hair bouncing off my shoulders.
“I thought I might stay over tonight.” He smirks.
“Why?” I asked titling my head.
“Cause we’re girlfriend boyfriend.” He shrugs with that smile still on his face.
“To do what?” I ask again still not understanding.
After a pause he shakes his head.
“I’m actually not sure.”
“I don’t want you here.”
“Is it Box?”
“Box is just a really good friend, and this is my dream house, this is y/n’s dream house, this isn’t Vox’s dream house, right?”
“Ah haw haw haw~ right as always”
“Besides its girls night.” I turn to look at the other y/n’s setting up, I see astrophysicist y/n turning on the radio to stream our music when this, earily old love song comes on. I’m meant to turn back to Vox but staring at the radio….. I’m stuck….
“Cmon y/n the presidents here” Hotel owner y/n says going back to brushing bar keeper y/n’s hair.
“She’s right, I am, you’re welcome.” She smiles at me before going back to the hair brushing. I blink out of it and look at my surroundings. I’m standing alone in a dark room… well sitting more like… actually…. I’m tied to a chair. A hanging light turns on and Vox comes into the room.
“Oh Vox there you are, are we in Y/n land anymore?”
“Finally awake y/n.”
“Yeah? I’m so confused where are we?” I ask still smiling at him.
“I want you to tell me where your BOYFRIEND stashes his vault.” He asks swinging a knife around, pulling my hair and nicking my throat.
“OW, what the hell Vox?” I yell at him still struggling against my chair. He pushes my chair down and as I hit the floor, the table to the side of us knocks something over…. It’s my radio!! From y/nland!! It clicks on and as it buzzes through stations my chest starts to feel heavy… wait, where did Vox go? I turn my head to look around for him only to not see him anywhere, sitting up I pick up the radio to try and turn it off.
“Oh hey! How did my ropes come undone?” I ask the air looking around my wrists, not even seeing a red mark. It stopped making noises and just went to static, I saw flashing from the outside of my eyes and turned to look out the window seeing the world flash from a city in the night to …. in between tv stations?
A door to my right creeks open and my curiosity gets the better of me, I leave the radio and make my way to the door, opening it I feel a magnetic pull and fall thro-
“Welcome back we’re here today making a gourmet venison dish, my assistant chef y/n has so graciously prepared all our ingredients.”
I look out to the wall Vox is talking to, I was no longer in my disco outfit, I was in a chef uniform? Looking down my hands were just cutting the vegetables next to me without me even thinking. Vox was preparing the food but I was dazed out… looking past the wall…
“OW!” I yelped, shifting my gaze to my hands when I noticed my hands had been cut…. Multiple times, blinking a bit I realized there were no vegetables…..
“How long has she been in distress?”
“About 22 minutes doctor.”
“Don’t you worry y/n, we’re gonna fix you all up.”
I had blinked again and suddenly I’m being rushed around in a hospital bed, the bright lights flashing above me imparting my vision a bit, but I could still make out two figures, one with big pigtails and one with… a rectangular head…. The only thing really standing out to me was that… I still had my chef clothes on…
I’m wheeled into an operating room where they start to wrap up my hands and….. other stab wounds….
“She’s started on some saline doctor.” I hear a British voice state.
“Good good, let’s get these cleaned out.”
I turn my head over to see a radio in a patients room and suddenly my head goes fuzzy again, I close my eyes trying to drown out the noise, but it starts to grow… and grow… in my head, it feels like my brain is vibrating… I need to get out of here, I… I can’t….
“AHHHHHHH!!!” I sit up, starting to rip the operating sheets that where laying on me off, and running out of the room to the outside of the hospital…. And nobody followed me?
I could feel the stab wounds folding in on my body, like an empty hole all over my insides. I ran, and kept running, not even realizing the scenery changing all around me, all I had was one though, I’m getting the fuck away from here.
Looking behind me I noticed I was quite far from the hospital now, so far I couldn’t even see-
“Ow! What the hell y/n?!” Hazel yelled at me, I had bumped into her on her way out of the cafeteria, her chocolate milk carton spilling out all over her outfit.
“Oh what the fuck.” I yelled to nobody in particular, I looked around seeing I was back at Westbork high school.
“Y/n are you feeling okay? The party you and Heather went to must’ve been a rager. You’ve been off all day.” Hattie comforted, putting my hair up with her scruncci.
“Uhm, I gotta go guys.” I said backing away and trying to run out the door when Heather made eye contact with me.
“YOU! You’re a dead girl walking Y/N!!” She screamed and started chasing me. I booked it towards the door, and tried not to look back but Velvet and Valentino where chasing me too now.
“Y/N darling let’s talk, just stay here at school!” Velvet yelled at me reaching her arm out to try and grab me. I could see the door… it’s right there, so close!
I burst through the door trying to gather my bearings. I reached up to wipe my forehead but my hand was all wet.
I was dripping with water and sitting on my bed,
“Y/n? Baby, are you okay?”
I heard from the other room.
“Oh HELL NO.” I screeched and stood up to try and get out through the balcony in our room. Juuuuuust to trip over something… squishy and hard?
“Hey Mamaaaaaa! You tripped on my baby doll!” Mary scolded me. Sitting up I was now lying face down on our living room floor, Sparky licking at my face… the liquor cabinet open and all the bottles smashed. Sitting up with my hands shaking harder than a washing machine with too many clothes in it, I reached for my baby.
“Mary… sweetie, where’s daddy?” I asked her, scared for the answer but needing to know.
“He’s at James’s game remember?” She said holding onto my chest tight and playing with one of my pin curls.
“He’s there right now?” I inquired holding her head close to my chest. I don’t know what the fuck is going on but I know my babies need me to be there for them. “No he just left a few minutes ago, he said he was going to stop at his office to grab his camera before going to the game. Mrs.Gabole is gonna be here in a few minutes to babysit me.” She responded bouncing up and down in my lap, excited for the sweet elderly neighbor to come and hang out with her.
“Not today baby.” I replied picking her up and scooping Sparky under the other arm, I hurried out to the garage grabbing my purse with my car keys in them.
“Awwww why not?” She whines petting sparky while I buckled her up.
“I’ll tell you later, okay?” I kissed her head and shut the door, jumping into the drivers seat and thinking of the quickest way to get to the baseball field.
In my panic I didn’t even realize how fast I was going through all the stop signs and officers blowing their whistles at me.
“Mommy slow down your scaring me!!” Mary shouted from the back. Snapping out of it I took my foot off the gas and turned to console her.
“I’m sorry baby mama’s just worried for Jam-“
“MOMMY” was the last thing I heard before we were rammed by a large produce truck.
There was smoke clouding my vision, I could feel the blood dripping front my forehead, I couldn’t hear Mary anymore…. But when I turned around she wasn’t in her seat… she was stuck in the back window
Stepping out I saw the damage to my car. I walked over to a field near the intersection and laid down. I feel like I’m in this weird dream, all I can hear is ringing… faint voices of officers and the guy I hit and pedestrians… static…. I could see my vision start to go blurry again, grasping the ground beneath me I tried to stay on this plane… I’m done… I don’t wanna do this anymore….. I want my kids….. I want my bed….. I want…. Alastor……
Closing my eyes I succumbed to the feeling just so that I wouldn’t have to fight it anymore, but when I opened my eyes… I had that. I had a blaring headache, as the feeling came back to my body it felt like I was stuck in a lightning storm and my whole body was electrocuted. But out of all the faces stood above me, painted with worry, there was only one I could pick up on…. His pointy ears and sharp smile standing out amongst the rest.
“Hello deer! How are you feeling?” He questioned, his smile never faltering.
Sitting up I looked around, I was back in the hotel, Husk holding a glass of water for me, Angel dust comforting fat nuggets and the grey one calming the princess.
“You were asleep for a loooong time y/n.” Husk said non-cholantly. “Are you okay?” He got closer to me. Taking a deep breath and not feeling like my chest was duct taped closed, I took another panicked look around…
If you can pick up on any of the Easter eggs, (places y/n was, objects, storyline) within this chapter or the last one, leave a comment and you can get a sneak peek for chapter 3 ;)
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locklyle1kanij · 7 months
Okay it’s time for part two of my Lockwood and Co fic recs, we’re going into the not as known fics and a lot of them are newer and mostly a bit shorter then the other ones i recommend last time.
(and of course they’re all mainly locklyle)
Also spoilers for The Hollow Boy ending if you haven’t read it, bec a lot of these fics have to do with the ending of that book.
Also if you have any trouble finding theses fics just let me know and i can hopefully help you out. ENJOY!!
“A certain step to falling in love” written by: buttonupshirt
Plot Summary:
Lucy reads Lockwood's copy of Pride and Prejudice
“A turn of fate” written by: IndecisiveScribbler
Plot Summary:
Lucy Carlyle has the worst luck. After getting rejected from what seems like every agency in London, it honestly feels like the world is against her. Fate strikes her with a second chance, though, and she is hired by Fittes as the newest member of Quill Kipps' team. She's prepared to show just how powerful her Talent can be. Anthony Lockwood is having an absolutely terrible time finding a new agent. He and George are struggling, and it doesn't help that Kipps keeps tearing cases away from them left and right. Luckily, he has a plan that will solve both of his problems at once.
I’m other words…
An AU in which Lucy doesn't learn about Lockwood & Co. and gets hired by Fittes instead.
“After the fall” written by: Littlelola
Plot Summary:
THB SPOILERS!! a different way the argument about Lucy leaving L&C could have gone.
“Don’t give up on me” written by: dmh23
Plot Summary:
TCS SPOILERS!! What if after their experience with La Belle Dame, Lucy is absolutely furious at Lockwood for following the Visitor? What if the case forces them to confront their feelings for each other, before their emotions end up causing even more issues for them and everyone around them?
“Drag Me Down” written by: buggybugs
Plot Summary:
After the untimely death of his sister, nine year old Anthony Lockwood is sent to live with a family friend who teaches him how to protect himself. But when a mysterious person drops off a pamphlet when he's seventeen, it's going to change everything. Alongside his untrained psychic powers and newfound friends, George Karim and Lucy Carlyle-Fittes, he'll soon discover that not everything is what it seems. Welcome to Whispering Rock Psychic Summer Camp, where you train hard to become international psychic secret agents....otherwise known as Psychonauts.
[Psychonauts AU, but you do NOT have to play the games in order to read this! The setting and some of the plot points are taken from the game, but a majority of it are worldbuilding things I've created myself to make this concept work so that it can be read by all readers.]
“Give me something to believe in” written by: PiningLikeFineDining
Plot Summary:
A royalty AU where Lucy and Lockwood meet as kids.
(my obsession with Royalty AU’s is honestly pretty concerning lol)
“Glowing Dim As An Ember” written by: LeonaBelle
Plot Summary:
Lukia doesn't remember her life before she was taken in by Mrs. Karlova. All she knows is she needs to get out of Russia and go to Paris, where she's sure she'll find the key to her past. A snarky conman, Anton, and his comrade Georgiy are her ticket out, with one catch: she has to pose as the Grand Duchess Ludmila. Along the way she finds herself inexplicably drawn to Anton, who seems somehow familiar. Lukia's journey is sabotaged by sinister shadows from her past, and only time will tell if she loses her heart or her life first.
(It’s an anastasia au, and it’s so perfect for locklyle)
“Gutted” written by: Savoirfaire
Plot Summary:
THB SPOILERS!! Lucy is staying away from Lockwood for his own good. Lockwood is too proud to ask her to come back. It'll take a miracle to get them back together. That, or a foot of steel rebar through the stomach.
“Happy endings” written by: Shenanigans24
Plot Summary:
an AU where, Lucy Carlyle is a frustrated writer working a part time job that's leading nowhere. Her problem, she doesn't believe in happy endings. Anthony Lockwood, journalist, isn't looking for a happy ever after. He's far too busy. Both end up for different reasons, at evening classes for writers. Do they deserve their own happy ending? Well first they might have to work together to solve a shocking mystery that sounds as if it belongs in a fiction book.
“I Can See You” written by: scarlettaylor
Plot Summary:
Lucy Carlyle is one of the top agents in England, a part of the notorious Fittes Agency. Anthony Lockwood is the founder and leader of Lockwood and Co., an Agency rapidly rising to fame. After the two meet on a case, it seems that fate keeps pulling them together. Navigating being in love as an agent is already a challenge. Hiding it from your respective agencies is a whole other issue.
“just business” written by: menina123
Plot Summary:
THB SPOILERS!! Lockwood’s been looking for a way to get Lucy back all winter, and when DEPRAC decides to host a weekend conference, he finally gets his chance. And if there’s a discount on registration fees for couples (excuse me, pairs)? That’s even better.
(I found this one today and i’m already obsessed with it)
“On The Fence” written by: Mercurial_Rain
Plot Summary:
Lucy Carlyle is an art student that stumbles across the Lockwood & Co fencing club while finishing an art assignment. She doesn't expect to see them again, but then, fate will do as it will.
(OMG i can’t believe i forgot about this one!! It’s sooo good!!!)
“The bizarre brink of feelings” written by:
Mirroringdust (MirroringDust)
Plot Summary:
What if Lucy never left after the Hollow Boy and what if her vision became true but in a completely unexpected way?
Lucy and Lockwood face a situation that they can't really understand and a ghost they can't really capture in the usual way. On their final way to fight it, they are trapped in the tunnel, the others already lost. The manifestation pushed them to the brink of their feelings and the only way to not get lost is to admit them.
“The Darkness Beyond The Gates: A Halloween Chronicle” written by: worldofkaeos
Plot Summary:
A day before Halloween, Lockwood and Co. is suddenly tasked with one of the most arduous and dangerous case they had ever encountered. A group of missing agents, an ancient tale of a peculiar girl, and a sudden outbreak of supernatural Visitors in the midst of order, when things seemed to have already calmed down. The stakes are sky-high; will they succeed in their quest and save these agents? Above all: will they make it out alive?
“The Far Side of Paradise” written by: WhimysInkRibbons
Plot Summary:
It's 1930. All around the country, banks are closing their doors as the fallout of Black Tuesday spirals into economic depression. But Hesperide Manor, home of business magnate Marissa Fittes, is a world of glamour set apart. Lucy Carlyle, an aspiring PI, poses as a maid at Hesperide, determined to uncover the secrets of the manor's history in order to trade it for justice for her own. But when her past catches up to her in the form of Anthony Lockwood, the man who betrayed her years ago, she knows a single misstep will cause both their identities to come crashing down. Lockwood has been searching for his parent's and sister's murderer for years, at the cost of his childhood and the girl he once loved. When fate brings them together again in Hesperide, his heart is torn between his growing feelings for Lucy and his desire to put the murderer behind bars. Striking a tentative alliance, Lockwood and Lucy agree to help each other find the answers they seek. But as the days pass, they find themselves both falling for each and becoming more and more entangled in sinister secrets that the wealthy and powerful will do anything to protect.
“the ghosts that we knew will flicker from view” written by: the_one_that_fell
Plot Summary:
Not long after the establishment of DEPRAC, it was ruled that all children over the age of seven who possessed any psychical Talents were to go through government-funded training. The day Lucy turned seven, she was shipped off to London to study at Fittes House. There, she met a boy.
“The Lost Months of the Hollow Boy” written by: PininglikeFineDining
Plot Summary:
OBVIOUSLY TBH SPOILERS!!Lockwood begins to realize what a life without Lucy entails, learns more about her through an unexpected visitor, and receives glimpses into her past. Takes place between books 3 & 4.
(If you don’t want to emotional damaged DON,T READ THIS!)(but you should read it tho…)
“What I Know Now written” by: wawabird
Plot Summary:
Lucy closed her eyes momentarily and took a deep breath. Opening them she looked at the two in front of her. As of right now they were her only hope, Mary's life rested in the hands of a socially awkward occultist and his dandy of a friend who would not stop staring at her. Fantastic.
A fun little pre-problem regency au :)
I might make a part three but your gonna have to give me a couple weeks to find more because i’ve name dropped most of my favs i think lol but i will probably eventually make a part three… Also if any of the authors see this post, Thank You sooo much and keep doing what your doing <33333 and of course let me know your fic recs because I LOVE L&C FICS!!
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mayclairr · 2 years
More lumax headcanons because they’ve been sitting in my notes app for too long:
max loves to feel lucas face so she can try to visualize it because she misses being able to see him ( blind max post season 4 era)
lucas will spend a hour teaching max a long complicated handshake that she’ll forget in the next 30 minutes
they play minecraft. lucas is the fighter and the farmer (he likes fighting so he can “protect her”) while max is the miner and the builder (every time lucas tried to build their house it’s just a square with a door)
before they broke up, lucas made max a mixtape for her birthday and whenever she’s having a bad day she listens to it
whenever lucas notices max getting anxious in a social situation, he starts rubbing his thumb against her hand and it calms her down every time
lucas likes to braid max’s hair sometimes, the braids are terribly messy, but max doesn’t take them out
lucas and max tried going on a double date with mike and el at the movies, but halfway through, mike and el start making out, feeling uncomfortable, they leave the theater and end up joking and laughing on the curb waiting for mike and el to notice they left
when they go to the carnival, lucas would spend all his pocket money trying to win her a big stuff animal, and max would try once and win first try
i have some more, so part 3 maybe?
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camelliakindalove · 11 months
Transmasc tips pt.2
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Some tips for my transmasc and nonbinary friends and followers. Love you all! ❤️
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authorraville · 2 years
Hello can I ask for The question that buried within our heart part 2 please?🥺🙏🙏 I'm dying to know what was happening after the first part
Hi there, it's been a while since I updated anything about my fanfictions. I'm so sorry for ignoring this account my dearest. btw I see alot of people have been requesting the continuation of this fic And I'm so sorry to leave you guys hanging ;;
P/s : I'm glad everyone is enjoying my fanfictions (^∇^)ノ♪ and I'm back with something ig ? ;;;
Second chances ?
Trigger warning : cutting.
Lucifer watch as his little brother cries in agony. He can't help but let out a single tears after a long time ago. The last time he cried was when Lilith leaving them but now he's just repeating the same mistake he made hundred years ago.
He walk closer to where mammon is just to see mammon getting scared of him. Was it always like this? Since when did mammon out of all people are scare of him? Was it because of the punishment?
" i- I'm not going to punish you I promise..so please, I beg you do not look at me like that mammon. " He plea as he looks down on how pathetic he looks through the water reflection. His voice is shaking as he beg for mammon's forgiveness, he cannot bare to even look at the other in the eyes, he's ashamed of himself, he's disgusting. He's just repeating the same cycle that he tried to stop when he took mammon from Michael.
Mammon looked up to Lucifer who seems to be lost in thoughts. He was not mad, nor was he sad. He doesn't know how to respond to the plea that his older brother made after a while. It surprised him to see his older brother,
The avatar or pride, cry for him.
He sobbed as he started to cover his face in shame. Why would you cry Infront of Lucifer damnit. While Lucifer can't help but crouch down to reach mammon who's wet under the heavy rain. He cover the younger one with his jacket while hugging him hoping that it'll soothe his lovely younger brother.
" can you stand up? " They can't be under the rain for too long, who knows what will happen to mammon if they stay like this for hours.
Mammon's unable to look Lucifer in the eyes begin to shake his head sign that he doesn't have the energy to. Lucifer let out a sigh as he gently lift mammon's up in bridal style.
" why're you suddenly being like this. " Mammon finally let out his voice after sobbing silently.
Lucifer who was shocked by the question can't help but being silent. What is he supposed to say? ' I didn't mean to hurt you this way but my pride hold me from saying I'm sorry and I really love you? ' he can't do that.
" I.. " Mammon keep looking down the water reflection while being hold by his older brother.
" I'm sorry mammon. I did- " mammon shush Lucifer up while leaning his head on Lucifer chest. He don't want to hear these things. It wasn't even supposed to end up like this. If anything he wants Lucifer to apologize when everyone soothe out. Not this way. Not this moment.
Mammon ended up having a nap in Lucifer's arm while they were heading home.
" why is he like this? Did you do- " before Satan could finish his sentence he was shush by Lucifer. " He's sleeping. " They let out a relieved sigh.
" I..will bring him to his room. " Without anyone stopping the avatar, he head straight to mammon's room.
As he arrives, he gently put mammon's down on his bed being extra careful to not wake the other's up. Yet he needs to change mammon's clothes so that he won't catches cold. He tried to wake mammon's up yet there's no respond.
He sigh and start undressing the other.
And he saw it.
The bruises, the scars and even worse. Something that he would never imagine his dearest brother would do.
His breathe starts to get shaky as he tries to hold tears coming out from his eyes. Wether he wants it or not he needs to change his little brother clothes or maybe patches his scars up.
Before he catch cold.
Before anything get worse.
He gently patched the scars that was self made by the other, holding on with his tears and finally let it out knowing that he could wake the other up.
" I'm sorry. " He places a kisses all over mammon's arm hoping that he would never do this again. Hoping that he would find something to keep him away from this. Away from him.
He shut the door just to be greeted by his other younger brothers.
" how is he? " Asmodeus ask in a worried tone. They all could see the visible stress that he gets from all of the shock.
" ... " Lucifer couldn't utter a words as he looks at those expectations eyes who's hoping for him to say that there's nothing wrong with their brother. Yet he can't bare to lie anymore.
" His condition is much worser than I thought." He say as he look down on the floor. He can't bare to look at his brothers, knowing that they could be very disappointed on him.
" what did you see Lucifer. " Lucifer looks up to see Satan's face who's still calm than most of his brothers, even himself. Yet he knows him better than everyone, that he himself is stressing out.
As they sit down and talk about what happened, they all can't help but blaming one self. If it weren't for them maybe his mental health would be a lot better than now.
" I'd say we help mammon through this. " Asmodeus let out a heavy sigh as he look down on his feet. He can't help but rewind all the disgusting things that he has said to mammon.
" no that won't do it. What if mammon realize that we're trying to help him because we saw it? Wouldn't that hurt him even more? " Leviathan look at Lucifer straight in the eyes for the first time in his life.
" logically speaking that would be right. Emotionally speaking, I think it would be better if we treat him with a better treatment." Everyone look at Satan while the young demon is speaking, He has grown alot. Emotionally at that.
" I agree. " Lucifer on the other hand can't help but being worried about mammon. What if mammon wakes up and decide to cut himself again?
" until the day where we can earn his trust, please do not mention everything we saw. "
Everyone nod as they can't help but regretted everything that they did in the past. How can they not even realize? Their "harmless" jokes hurt him. Hell sometimes they even take their anger off him.
Mammon wake up with Satan by his side. And, his clothes being changed into something else. he can't help but panicking, did Satan change him? Did he see it? Everything..?
Satan woke up by the sudden movements made by mammon, he can't help but hug the other tightly right after he woke up.
" Satan..? " His rapid breath calmed by the sudden hug.
Sobs could be heard by the blondie, all he could do it slowly pat his brother back.
" why're you crying.. " He sigh as he pat the younger one on the back.
" I thought you would never wake up. " Satan sob into the warm hug.
" Hey , just what do you take me for..I'm the second oldest for a reason ya know? " He scoff.
The hug tightened as the Blondie let out a deep breath.
" do you want some water? " He said as he let go of the hug.
" A warm one please? " Mammon smile awkwardly. He can't help but weirded out by the act of kindness that the avatar of wrath shows to him. And he even cried ?! Not because of some fiction but because of him?! Now what the hell is going on.
But what he didn't know is that , later on he'll see how everyone changes for him.
Part 3 ?
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empresskadia · 3 months
Spartan Relationship Headcanons [Naomi-010] [Part II]
Part I
I know for a fact that Phillips and you bond over the truth that Naomi is a beautiful goddess, after that he’s your bestie. Naomi is just happy you found a friend and doesn’t understand how it happened.
At the end of the day, Naomi has to stop you from bullying the ODSTs with BB, she doesn’t know why but you hit it off with BB right away and she’s worried about it, especially when she has to put BB in her armor because the AI calls her out.
“Well, well, [Y/n], it appears darling Naomi doesn’t appreciate our dynamic duo, how rude.”
In my head, for some reason, Naomi is fascinated by physical touch and this only started when she began dating her partner. It’s the little things she loves about it, you resting your arm in the crook of her elbow, intertwining your pinkie with hers, comparing your hand sizes against one another and she likes resting her head on your stomach or lap.
She’s also a sucker for getting her hair played with, it's such a simple form of affection that means the world to her. Naomi grows her hair out a little longer so you can style it, the current go-to is braids or a ponytail because they fit nicely in her helmet.
She actually gets flustered when you call her any form of Valkyrie but loves it when you call her, ‘your Valkyrie’. She didn’t really care for the nickname until you gave it a personal spin and a smile always tugs at the corner of her lips when you walk into a room, spot her, and say, "Well, well, if it isn't my Valkyrie."
If Mal hadn't witnessed this happen, he would’ve never believed Spartans could get flustered, cause Naomi had the faint pink on her cheeks and her mood visibly brightened. This man seriously stopped drinking his coffee and stared at you with his mouth hung open. 
BB is the snitch that tells the whole ship you two are in a relationship and he didn’t have to do you guys dirty the way he did.
Naomi is slightly upset about it and almost beefs with BB, her relationship has always been her own and yours. It’s the one choice she made herself and it’s sacred to her, especially if this happens early on before she’s had time to bond with everyone, Naomi feels so awkward and is even more upset for you. She’s seen Marines and ODSTs butting into their teams relationships and she doesn’t want that.
Before BB outed the relationship, Naomi likes to poke fun at the time you first heard Mal call her sweetheart and you had to do a double take like you hadn’t heard that right then gave Naomi a look that meant you could possibly throw hands. She had to talk you down before you did anything dumb. 
Naomi still ended up asking Vaz to read over her file, only because she thought you might view her in different light if you found out more than she had already explained to you. When Serin first told her about the Halsey journal, Naomi felt devastated and a sense of loss, she hid away in the Mjolnir compartment and you found her tinkering away at her armor, she didn’t even look in your direction, which was a sign something was wrong.
You sit silently with her until she’s ready to talk or it stops bothering her, which in this case she wants to discuss once she’s gathered her thoughts together and can properly explain to you what Serin told her. Naomi wants your opinion but it will be hard for her to accept if you talk bad about Halsey, so even if you have negative feelings about the Doctor, you need to understand her side and not let it get the best of you. If you don’t have any hard feelings about Halsey, Naomi’s more inclined to listen even if you say, “Yeah, hun um, that sounds kinda messed.”
This does start some fights between you, Vaz, and Mal. They don’t understand why you can be so calm about this whole Halsey thing and you think they are acting like children that need to keep their noses out of things.
Being lowkey upset with Serin for starting this whole spiral of a mess and some unkind truth are said on your part. Naomi had to step in before you crossed a line she knew you were running for. The captain and you did make up a few days later much to everyone’s surprise, Naomi assumed you were going to be salty for longer.
Mal thought Spartans were already terrifying on the field but nothing prepared him for Naomi’s reaction to when you got hurt during a mission. If what he saw was the equivalent of a Spartan losing their shit, he wonders why the Covenant never called them Devils. Serin had to order him and Vaz to bring you back to the ship and leave Naomi to calm down on the lines of them getting caught in the crossfire [if that’s what the captain could call ‘crossfire’ was Mal’s thought], the only thing he could tell Phillips was ‘there is a lot of blood.’
This point is further driven home when Naomi returns covered in a mix of fluids on her armor and chunks of stuff that Phillips doesn’t want to speculate on. He’s left in awe when the first thing she does is check on her partner and the tone of worry in her voice not matching up with the activities left on her.
Naomi is a huge nerd, she loves talking to her partner about her armor and all the upgrades she’s making or thinking about making. Ask her questions about what she’s doing cause it makes her so happy, if you manage to name certain parts or follow her train of thought, she’s in love all over again and you can tell when her eyes are seriously bright, they look like they have stars in them.
Talking about stars, one of your first dates was star gazing, and it continues to be so on anniversaries and other special occasions. Naomi is an astronomy nerd, so this is a perfect way to spend time together especially if you pack a picnic and spend hours outside with her. If you bring up the idea of getting matching star tattoos, she’s sold and she wants to do it right away.
When Kilo-Five finds out Naomi has a tattoo, they are surprised, especially Serin, she never would have imagined a Spartan getting inked.
If you aren’t on the ship, they are extra shook when she tells them it’s a matching constellation with her partner. The whole ship gets quiet and it takes them a few minutes to respond, Serin wants BB to give her a full report on this individual.
Naomi finds this amusing and calls you that night, if you aren’t on a mission or busy, to tell you. This is also how BB tracks you down to pull your records, he honestly listens to the entire conversation because he’s a snoop and marvelous at the tone of Naomi’s voice when she talks to you. It’s more soft and there is a hint of emotion in her tone that he can’t distinguish.
He ends up telling Serin that Naomi was quite taken with you.
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blueseachelle · 2 years
What A Wonderful World. Sanemi x Optimistic (Fem) Reader ~Part 2~
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Y/n ran as fast as she could back to the Butterfly Mansion. As soon as she got there, she immediately disappeared to her room (Shinobu has a designated room for her because she is there enough so, it's convenient for it to always be open for her.)
She sat on her bed and stared at the wall.
'Why did I even say anything? What if I hurt his feelings?'
She was always the person that put everyone's happiness above her own. She cares for everyone and doesn't want to be a downfall to them. Yes, Sanemi may get on her nerves but, she still cares for him and his feelings.
She usually doesn't do her missions like how she performed today. Y/N had a bad feeling about that so-called "Mayor". She asked around and found out the truth and knew that demon wasn't doing what she was doing at of pure evil as others do. She needed freedom. She needed to be recognized and told that everything is okay.
Y/n eyes started to water. She looked up towards the ceiling.
'I know you are okay now. Tell Mom and Dad hello for me.'
*Chirp Chirp*
The slight chirping was coming from the window behind her.
She turned to her Blue jay companion. Her messenger bird wasn't a Raven like the other's. The only other person with something different like her was Zenitsu. That little Sparrow was in the same boat as Aoto. They wanted to help. Every time she gets knocked down, she thinks of their stories. It helps her prevail and succeed. If they can accomplish their goals, what's stopping her?
Aoto flew and landed on the girl's shoulder. He nuzzled her cheek and did a little whistle. She finally smiled and wiped her tears.
"Aoto. I missed you."
*Whistle Chirp*
"I'm okay. Let's just get going on the next mission."
*Chirp Chirp Caw*
Let's get going then! Lead the way!"
Y/n picked herself up and headed out. All you can do is brush it off until it's brought up again so, that's what she did.
_____----______~To Sanemi~_______---_______
After the whole ordeal between them, he went and reported to the Mayor that everyone is safe now. The Mayor wanted to celebrate but, Sanemi cut it off and told him he has Hashira buisness to attend to. The Mayor had to agree because well.... It's Sanemi. He just walked out of his office and (surprisingly) rushed to the Butterfly Mansion. He needed to see her. They need to talk.
Once he arrived, he barged into the kitchen where the girls where.
"Where's Y/n?"
Aoi glared at him.
"She was with you last. She hasn't been back yet."
Sanemi glared back.
"She came back her right after. Where. Is. She."
Aoi put her hands on her hips and looked at him with the same look he was giving her.
"Like I said. She. Was. With. You. Last."
Sanemi growled.
Aoi and Sanemi instantly turned their heads to the door. It was Tanjiro with Zenitsu and Inosuke behind him.
"She was going down the road and we bumped into her. She said she had a mission up the mountain. Something about people disappearing from a small village and that she's gonna love it because it's snowing up there right now."
Sameni didn't even say anything to anyone and walked out. They all just looked at each other and shrugged.
Sanemi ran as fast as he could in the direction of the mountain. She had a 6-hour jump on him. He needed to get to her as soon as possible.
'I need to talk to her. She needs to know how I feel.'
-----------_______-----Back to Y/n-------_________-----------
Once up the mountain, she and Aoto took a deep breath of the wonderfully frozen air.
"Aoto, Come here. You need your scarf and hat. You'll freeze. You know I can handle this weather perfectly. I don't want you to be uncomfortable."
Aoto landed on the fence post that they were walking by. Y/n grabbed out of her pocket a matching dark blue hat and scarf to match her outfit. She gently put the hat on the bird and the scarf around his neck and made sure that the scarf hung out of the way of his wings and the hat was tied under his chin properly.
"There you go! All warm and toasty!"
*Chirp Chirp Whistle*
Aoto landed on her shoulder and they continued to the village. They arrived a couple hours before nightfall. When they got there, they were greeted by the head of the village.
The older man greeted her with a warm smile.
"Why, isn't it The Blue Angel, we finally get to see the the hero everyone has been talking about."
Y/n smiled back at him.
"I'm here to help, Sir."
"No, please. Call me Sora. I'm here to just tell you the situation since I've been here the longest. I guess you can call me the Elder of this village."
"Of course, Sora."
Sora motioned to follow him.
"You see, Angel. We are about 2 hours away from sundown. As you can tell, we live in fear to the point we stay inside for these hours and the night. We live with the lamp always trimmed to have this monster not able to come in because of the light. No shadows in any home. We look baren but, we have many people here that want to stay. If this menace keeps up how it has been for the past month, no one will be here. Either by moving elsewhere or death. No one knows what this thing is because no one has lived to tell the tale. All we know is that it is a demon. Nothing else."
As they were walking the man led her to a small cabin.
"This is our guest cabin. We are giving you this for the night. Make yourself comfortable using this as your base of operation for as long as you need. We all pitched in to keep it clean and supply anything thing we though you may need. Extra wood for the fire, Everything."
"Thank you so much for this. I promise that this will be delt with tonight. I give you my word."
Sora smiled and tears started to stream down his face. He hugged the girl.
"Thank you, Angel. Thank you. We thank you."
Y/n smiled and hugged the elderly man back.
"Don't worry. Everything will be alright."
After the hug, the man handed her the key to the cabin.
"Here you go. I'll will be praying to the higher powers for your success."
He hurried off as fast as he could back to his house. Y/n looked up at the setting sun and the growing shadows.
"I have 45 minutes. Aoto, you will stay in the cabin. I'll leave the window cracked if you need to escape or need to report me.... Ya know."
Aoto shook his head, squawked, and nipped her ear. She sighed.
"I know Aoto but, we have to think the worse just in case. I promise I won't go down without a fight. That demon will know the power of a blizzard. He will fear the cold if I don't make it."
Aoto chirped sadly. He rubbed her cheek as she walked into the hut. She set Aoto on the bed and cracked the nearby window just enough for him to get out. She kissed the bird on the head and smiled.
"I'll be okay. No worries."
With that, exited the cabin, locking the door behind her. Aoto chirped softly and just sat down, there was nothing he could do now except hope for her safety.
_____------______ Back to Sanemi _____ -----________
'Shit. It's almost dark.'
Sanemi snarled to himself.
'I'm almost there. I got to go faster'
He upped his pace once he got to the base of the moutain.
--------________------- To Y/n--------__________---------
Y/n stood in the middle of the village. She just stood there looking around and taking in her terrain. If the demon did attack her, the first thing would to be lead it away from the homes around her.
'I wonder what Sensei is doing. I bet he misses me. I should visit him after this.'
Just after the last thought, she heard a thump and a growl. She closed her eyes. She now knew exactly where the demon was. On top of the building to her Southwest (To her left and a little behind her), the demon's aura was disgusting. No sadness or despair. He chose this path. He wanted to kill people and terrorize everyone.
Y/n took a deep breath. She turned and faced the demon. Her E/c eyes lock with his blood-red ones. She smiled brightly.
"Hello, Mr. Demon. It's nice to meet you!"
The demon then pounced toward her. She dodged every swipe of his long claws. She saw how they are purple, meaning poison on them. She'll have to play her cards carefully. She just kept her hands folded behind her back, slowly backing up, leading him out of the village.
"Y-ou. Y-ou d-die. I-I Eat."
Y/n shook her head and giggled.
"No no, Mr. You see the uniform. Y-ou Y-ou d-die. I-I live. This is my terrain. Speaking of that,"
Y/n pulled out her katanas. They were far enough away from the village to fight now.
"Ice Breathing. First form, Ice Terrain!"
She yelled and the ground under her and the demon turned to ice. The demon lost his balance while Y/n was moving around normally, skating on the ice.
With a howl the demon crawled towards her, using his claws as some form of friction on the ice. Y/n skated around him.
"Ice is fun! Especially in this weather! Ice breathing. Second form, Ice pillar!"
The demon was then launched into the air because of the ice pillar that shot from the terrain under him. Y/n jumped up and sliced his head off midair.
"You shall pay for your sins."
The demon's head fell to the ground and his body kept moving towards her.
"Ice breathing. Forth form, Frozen Kunai!"
Kunai made of ice shot from her sword and hit the body, pinning it to the ground and freezing it in place. She then smiled.
"All done! Easier then I thought. They made it sound scarier than it was."
She then heard a breath behind her. She turned to see Sanemi standing there. Y/n just stared at him and said nothing.
"We need to talk."
She just turned away from him and walked toward her cabin to her waiting birdie. Sanemi just growled and followed her.
"Did you not hear me?"
She continued to ignore him. She got to the cabin and unlocked the door. She opened it to be rushed by her Aoto.
"Hi, Aoto! I'm okay! No more demons anymore. Now, your turn to report the mission completed! Okay, Aoto?"
Aoto nodded, chirped, rubbed her cheek and flew off. Y/n smiled at the direction that her friend went
'Be safe.'
"So. Are we gonna talk or not?"
Y/n just sighed and walked in. Sanemi was expecting here to shut the door in his face. She just stared at him.
"Are you gonna come in or not?"
He just nodded and walked in. He stood there as she locked the door and fully shut the opened window.
"What's so important that you chased me up here?"
"We need to talk."
"About what?"
"I don't hate you."
"You make pretty clear that you do. You always pick on me more than anyone else."
"It's not that I don't like you."
"Oh really?"
Y/n put her hands on her hips. Her face became serious.
"Listen, Sanemi. All that I'm going to say is that I am sorry for blowing up on you. I don't handle most of my missions as I did then. I know you saw this one because you were right behind me when it was over. So, I'm sorry. You are forgiven in my book. No worries there. You can leave with a guilt-free conscious now. Frankly, I just want to cry just looking at you because I haven't got the chance to take a long pause after what happened between us. You are a rough-skinned individual that is out for blood every time you see me. I know why too. I'm not dumb. It's my optimism. Every day is amazing as long as you're alive. No matter how cold, stormy, or windy it is. It's a wonderful world. Even though we have a demon problem. Now, please leave."
Sanemi just looked at the wooden floors of the little cabin. He took a deep breath. He soaked in what she said. He didn't know that she knew and could read him like a book. His past is dark but, who's to say hers wasn't either? He thought about everything. Everything he has done to her, his past, everything in that one split second.
"Y/n. I'm sorry-"
"I forgave you so, please leave."
She started to walk towards the door to open it but, not until he caught her wrist.
"Let me finish... Please."
She sighed and nodded slightly.
"Yes, You are right. I hated your optimism since the being. You are too kind and smiley in a world like this. We have so many issues yet, here you are. Living every day like it's the best thing in your life. I wish I could be like that but, I can't. I'm an asshole. Not to blame my past but, that is the reason I put everyone at arm's length. I'm sorry for hurting you. I'm sorry that I'm such a dumbass."
Y/n's eyes softened. She looked up at him and took a small step towards him.
"Don't call yourself names. You're okay. Everyone has a reason for how they act. You're no different, that's why I always was nice to you. You're okay, I promise."
Sanemi locked eyes with her finally. They looked into each other's eyes for what seemed like an eternity.
"I'm sorry, Y/n. You don't deserve how I treated you."
Y/n got on her tiptoes and kissed him. He was shocked. He stood there for a second before returning the kiss, leaning forward and wrapping his arms around her waist. After they kissed, Sanemi rested his forehead on hers.
"Y/n. I've been thinking about this for a while."
"About what?"
"I don't get feelings for anybody but, I care for you. I'll admit. I'm not the best at this but, I know my heart."
"What does your heart say?"
"It says to keep you close and never let go. I think it's time for me to give into its needs."
"Please do. I feel the same way."
"Well, I have to ask you formally or, I'm not a man."
He cleared his throat and moved his hand to cradle her left cheek, softly running his thumb over her cheek bone.
"Y/n. Will you be mine?"
Y/n smiled, her eyes filled with tears. Finally, she had someone now. Yes, she always had a crush on him and that was mostly why she was so patient with him. She knew he was soft inside. She knew he was a good person somewhere amongst his spiny exterior. Tears of happiness ran down her cheeks,
"Yes, Sanemi. I would love to be yours."
"H-hey. Why are you crying? Did I say something wrong?"
Sanemi's eyes filled with worry as he moved his other hand to cup her face and help wipe the tears. She just smiled and giggled slightly.
"No. You were perfect. These are happy tears."
Sanemi let out a sigh of relief,
"Good. I didn't want out relationship start out worse than it was before."
Y/n just shook her head and kissed him again. Finally. They both can have someone to rely on. Sanemi needs her way more than she needs him but, when the time comes and she needs help, he will be there. Though the emotional or physical turmoil.
'She may use Ice Breathing but, she is my sunshine. A breath of fresh air. I will protect you, Y/n. No matter what. You are precious to me. I won't let you go.'
'Like I thought, everything turned out amazing in the end. Sanemi, I promise to protect you with everything that I can. I will help in all fields. I'll be your nurse when you are sick or injured. I'll be your duo in this war we are fighting. I'll be your light in this darkness that surrounds us. I can't help but thank the heavens to have brought you to me. All I can say is, What a wonderful world.'
*Author's note* Hey! I hope you enjoyed this little read. If you want anything done. I am taking requests. If you want a Part 3 and learn more about yourself (Backstory, etc.) and Sanemi's relationship, leave a comment or message me. I might include steamy time if you want a Part 3. Thank you for your support!
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hangmanstigerlily · 1 year
The Sky, The Shore, and The Sea (Part 2)
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I am a new writer here on Tumblr. I used to write and never post my writings....and here we are. Please let me know what you guys think!
Pairing: Jake ‘Hangman’ Seresin x Named OC (Callsign is TigerLily)
Warnings: Angst, mentions of death, blood
Jake has a serious thing for Bianca, an old friend of Rooster and Maverick. But what will he do about it? Bianca is definitely hiding her past from everyone except Rooster who knows why. Rooster tries to help get them together and of course, may lead to messing up his friendship in the process.
Here is a link to Part One
Bianca was curious about Bradley's text. A surprise for me? She agreed and went to bed, her alarm cutting through her dream with a shrill sound. She shot up, groaning slightly at the early hour, getting dressed in her swimsuit, she used her waterproof makeup to cover the jagged scar running up her left arm and peppered scars on her chest and stomach. Most days she didn't have to cover up the scars because of her shirts, only on beach days. A honk broke her from her thoughts as she grabbed her beach bag and ran outside, hopping in Bradley's bronco. "Hey Bee, good morning" he smiled, wearing his usual Hawaiian shirt over cutoff jeans and a white shirt combo "morning Bradley, looking like it's a vacation all the time as usual" she laughed and got in. "You know it" they drove and sang to the radio, first stopping at her restaurant as she picked up some of Jake's favorite pastries. 
"I…uh promised I would get some for him last week" she blushed as Bradley smirked at her. "Uh huh, sure TigerLily" he stopped, realizing what he had said, glancing at Bianca. She froze, but the moment passed over her face. "So you had a surprise for me?" She changed the topic, pretending that the use of her callsign didn't bug her. She cranked the radio up as Elvis Presley came on, singing loudly to it. "You really love that song" Bradley laughed as "Can't Help Falling In Love"  ended. "What can I say, Bradshaw, I'm a hopeless romantic" she laughed as they pulled up to what looked like an abandoned hangar "uh…well this isn't creepy and far away from civilization. You're not a serial killer are you?" She looked at him. "No no. Come on, we gotta be fast or else we will be late getting back to the Hard Deck" he hopped out and she followed, jogging to the slightly open door.
Wait, wasn't that Mav's motorcycle? Well one of them at least. She stopped dead as the sun glinted on silver and chrome. The Tempest. Written in cursive across the side of the plane. My F-18…but how. "I found her one day, Maverick said it was a surprise for your birthday." Bradley didn't want to see her expression, hearing her sandals calmly hit the ground and echo as he heard her sniffle. Bianca had walked closer, a mix of emotions filling her as she laid a hand on the cool metal. She took a steadying breath as flashbacks moved through her head. "Why…did you…" her voice was only a whisper as she moved her hand away "I thought you would be happy it wasn't lost" he finally looked at her, she was distant and pale. "It happened today…3 years ago today" she teared up and made her way back to the hangar door. Bradley's eyes widened, he had forgotten and really screwed things up. Of course, how could he forget? "Hey wait Bee, I didn't…" he trailed off as she wiped her eyes and glanced back at him "Just…take me to the Hard Deck" she wouldn't look at him or speak to him the whole trip back to the bar. 
"Please Bianca, talk to me" Hangman heard Rooster and two car doors slam as he saw Bianca turn and glare at Rooster, he was holding her arm as they made their way into the bar, she pulled her arm away from him, something about her body language and the look on her face made Hangman want to punch Rooster "Absolutely not, what was the point of showing me that? To hurt me? Especially today. So listen asshole, and I cannot stress this enough, go to hell Rooster" she turned and stormed across the bar, walking up to Hangman, dropping everything on one of the nearby tables and wrapping her arms around him, catching everyone off guard including Hangman, who dropped his cue stick on the pool table and wrapped his arms around her. What was that whole conversation that he had witnessed about? What was today? It clearly had made her very upset. He rested his head on hers. "Hey…." she mumbled into his chest.  “Hey yourself….you okay there darlin’?” He whispered in her ear, his breath making her shiver slightly, she still was thinking, her body felt rigid to Hangman almost clinging to him. “I got you, don’t worry.” He said quietly so only she could hear, her body relaxing and snapping her from her own thoughts. She hummed and breathed in again. There was that dumb cologne again. The smell was  mixed with the smell of salt, suntan lotion and sweat. Jake held her as long as she needed. Breaking the hug first she realized that everyone and she meant everyone was staring at them. "Sorry guys, am I holding up the game? I brought your favorite pastries.…" She said quietly, Hangman had never seen her like this, like her light had been diminished. "Ah no, we are all waiting on Mav to get here" Coyote cleared his throat, answering her question.
Phoenix came over and punched Rooster in the shoulder. “What the hell did you do?” He rubbed his arm, “Doesn’t matter what the hell I did. It pushed her to Hangman, didn’t it? What more did I need to do?” He looked at her and shrugged, trying to not seem like the day hadn’t gone way wrong. Phoenix shook her head and walked off, Bob, Payback, and Fanboy following her. Maverick walked into the bar with Penny and stopped, the room seemed tense. “Okayyyy so what happened in here? Who died?” He tried to crack a joke but went quiet as he looked at Bianca, holding onto Hangman’s arm, anger and sadness flashed across her face as she met his gaze. So that’s new. Rooster looked like he had lost something important  “Well time for dogfight football” He clapped his hands together and walked out onto the beach, the Dagger squad following him.
Hangman started walking out to play, but Bianca stopped him on the deck. “Aren’t you playing sweetheart?” He quirked an eyebrow, she shook her head no, the distant look coming back to her eyes. “Here” he pulled off his black shirt and handed it to her, “You can hold onto that, I know it has my cologne smell on it. I wear it ‘cause I know it’s your favorite smell. Will that keep your pretty blue eyes from being so haunted?” He had tilted her head to look at him, she blinked a couple times and nodded. “Y-yes, Jake…I. It means a lot to me” She stammered out, meeting his gaze. “I’d do anything for you, my tiger.” Her eyes widened slightly at him using the same nickname for her when they first met in such an affectionate tone “anything for me?” she echoed his words as he backed up, giving her a wink and smile, running to meet with the guys. 
Bianca sat in one of the beach chairs, Hangman's shirt was laying across her lap as she messed with the fabric, so far she had remained grounded, not tossed back into the events of three years ago. She waved back at Jake ever so often when he waved at her, smiling her way. Does he actually feel about me how I feel about him? Does he know that I was head over heels for him? She had just relaxed in her beach chair and closed her eyes when she heard someone flop in the chair next to her "Hey Bee, you okay?" It was Maverick, she knew just from hearing his voice. She looked at him, searching for any sign that he knew what Rooster had done. "You almost lost me three years ago Mav." She said quietly. He looked at her, his jaw clenched. "Bee…I.." she held up her hand to stop him.
"Bradley showed me the plane" Maverick took his shades off "he did what?" He looked mad, glancing at Rooster, who was playing. " That's why I was clinging to Hangman when you came in, I feel I'm stuck there sometimes Mav. When you asked if someone had died, I feel like it was part of me on that day, left in the ocean like the others. I was doing well today. I thought I would make it through without being sucked back into the past but Bradley made sure I was still there, anchored to ghosts." She looked towards the game, watching Hangman for a bit. "Bee, I had no idea he would ever do that to you. I was going to give you the plane for your birthday, I worked so hard to restore it for you. But I'm so sorry that you saw it today of all days. I never meant for the plane to cause you so much pain." Maverick said quietly. She looked at him after a few moments, resting her hand on his arm. "It's okay Pete, I know you wouldn't do that intentionally." She leaned over and hugged him tightly. "You think I'll ever be able to fly again?" She whispered quietly after breaking the hug. "I fully believe you can do anything you want Captain" Maverick said quietly, a smile being shared between the two. 
Hangman glanced over at Bianca and Maverick, seeing her smile made his heart leap in his chest. "Hey look out!" Payback yelled too late as Hangman got hit hard by Rooster, the football landing a short distance away. The wind was knocked out of Hangman, he groaned, his arm stinging slightly as he shoved Rooster off, glaring at him. "What's your problem, Bagman?" Rooster asked, putting his hands on his hips. Hangman got up slowly, dusting the sand off his arms "I should punch you in the face, Bradshaw!" He pointed at Rooster "What's the matter? Finally realizing your feelings for someone?" He sneered back. "Watch your mouth, whatever you did to Bianca was uncalled for" Rooster scoffed slightly "like you care about someone other than yourself"
That sent Hangman over the edge, he charged at Rooster. Bianca and Maverick looked up in time to see Hangman charging Rooster. "Hey! Hey! Stop that!" She jumped up and raced over to them, gripping Hangman's arm to stop him before he punched Rooster "Just because you don't give a damn about anything around you Bradshaw doesn't mean you get to hurt someone I care about!" Bianca managed to pull him away. He was going to fight Bradley about me. "Hey, hey. Jake! Look at me" his eyes softened as he looked down at Bianca. "Come on, your arm is bleeding, let me take care of it" she took his hand and led him back into the bar. 
"Go on, sit down" she pushed him onto one of the barstools gently. He finally looked her over, she had his shirt on and boy did that only make him fall more. She watched him for a moment, pulling out a first aid kit and smiling slightly “see something you like there Seresin?” she raised an eyebrow as she applied some antiseptic to the slice, noting the slight jolt in his arm. “Yeah, I would ask for my shirt back, but I like it so much more on you” He hummed, winking at her. She laughed and covered the cut. “Well maybe I want to wear your clothes more often” she winked back and felt her cheeks grow warm from her sudden boldness. He was speechless for a moment, studying her. “Can I…” He asked quietly, looking at her. She stepped closer, between his legs, and put her arms around his neck, his hands wrapping around her waist.
The moment felt more than the usual hugs, it was something more. She leaned back, her breath hitched as his hand ran under his shirt and against her skin, leaving a trail of fire. She had her swimsuit on still, but she felt his hand near the scars marking her stomach and side. “J-jake…” She looked at him as he stopped and dropped his hand “Sorry darlin’, I don’t want you to think badly of me” She shook her head “No it’s not that…I want nothing more than you to touch me” She stopped talking abruptly, looking at him. He flickered a smile, but not the same wolfy grin he would with other women. “Maybe one day…you can tell me about that haunted look you get in your eyes sometimes” His hand brushed her cheek, and she looked at him and nodded. 
A throat-clearing noise broke the moment as they both looked at the door. “Hope I’m not interrupting anything” I heard Penny chuckle softly as she made her way behind the bar. “Hangman here almost started a fight with Rooster in my honor and got cut up by the seashells on the beach” Bianca laughed and nudged Jake. “Well, that’s very white knight of you” Hangman shrugged and smiled brightly “What can I say, ma’am, I hate seeing those I care about being hurt by others” Bianca smiled and looked at Penny, “So where did you go off to?” Penny paused and looked at Bianca “Oh, Maverick asked me to take flowers out to…” she stopped and glanced at Hangman.
He felt Bianca tense up and wrapped his arms around her waist again. She relaxed. “Flowers to their graves” she finished her thought “it’s okay. Jake should know some of why I freeze up all the time and keep my distance from others” Hangman looked quizzically between the two. “Graves? Bianca?” she looked at him “my friends…they died about 3 years ago. They were pilots…Penny and Maverick have been putting flowers on their graves because I can’t bring myself to go visit them.” she looked down and rubbed her eyes, feeling the tears prickle at the edges of her eyes. Jake glanced at Penny, worry, and sadness crossing her face. He pulled Bianca tighter to him, his hand gently resting on the back of her head, he felt the tears on his shoulder.
“Shh, shhh. I've got you tiger” Penny raised an eyebrow this time. Like her callsign. She pulled back after a few minutes and sniffled, wiping her face with the edge of his shirt. “I’m sorry. I didn’t tell you before.” She shook her head, looking at him for any sign of rejection and all she saw was adoration and care, maybe even worry. “I’ll always be here. I care about you. Whenever you are ready to share anything, I’m ready darlin’” He smiled and rubbed her back. “I think I’ll go back home….” she stopped mid-thought and sighed “Bradley brought me here in his Bronco, said he had a surprise for me out at Mav’s old hangar” She trailed off and sighed again “I’ll give you a ride home” Jake spoke up “Really? You don’t have to. I can ask Phoenix or Bob” She motioned to the beach. “You make it hard to sweep you off your feet” He chuckled and grabbed her stuff and his off the table. Penny smiled as she saw Bianca take his outstretched hand and walk out of the bar. 
So there is part 2 of this storyline. Let me know what you guys think!
Tag List (I hope it's cool): @topguncortez @notroosterbradshaw @roosterforme
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somniorumfactus · 2 years
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joemomma01 · 2 years
The new neighbors, a rays christmas series part 2
Tiffany was busy looking out at the front porch as she watched the snow fall sipping on her hot coco that her husband willingly made for her. Tiffany felt a small hand grab the end of her mini skirt as she turned around to see her daughter lottie.
"Mom can we go and make cookies for the new neighbors?" Lottie asked with her smooth 6 year old voice. 'New neighbors?' Tiffany thought to herself. Nobody told Tiffany that there were new neighbors, but seriously who moves houses in the snow?
Tiffany looked down at her little 6 year old tucking lotties hair behind her hair. "Of course sweetface, you go and get the ingredients out while i go see who the new neighbors are." Lottie smiled as she skipped towards the kitchen.
Tiffany looked out the window again to see a little boy about Lotties age carrying 3 boxes stacked ontop of each other. She then looked over to see a much older woman that looked atleast in her mid 40's carrying bags and suitcases inside. "Looks like Lottie might have a new friend." Tiffany smiled as she made her way to the kitchen.
A few hours passed by and the cookies were finished and fully decorated. It also looked like the little boy across the street and looked to be his grandma had settled down inside.
"I'm ready!" Lottie called out to her mother who was carrying a plate of cookies and hot coco. Lottie finished buttoning up her coat as she opened the door "Alright lets go then." Tiffany suggested walking out the door with lottie closing it behind her.
Tiffany and lottie slowly walked across the street to a small beautiful wooden house. Lottie knocked on the door to be greeted by an elderly woman supposed as Michelle.
"Hello! i'm Tiffany and this is my daughter Lottie. Um, earlier she told me that there were new neighbors moving in and we wanted to make cookies for you guys!" Tiffany introduced handing out the cookies and hot coco. Michelle took the cookies and hot coco as she welcomed Lottie and Tiffany inside to sit them down.
"Well Mrs. Tiffany and Ms. Lottie my name is Michelle and this is my 6 year old grandson Sage." Michelle pointed at Sage who peaked out his bedroom door Shyly. Tiffany rubbed Lotties back as a suggestion to go and play with Sage.
Lottie slowly got up making her way to Sages bedroom, Opening his bedroom door as she Shyly waved towards him seeing him all cuddled up with his knees to his chest.
"Hi I'm Lottie! Your Sage right?" Sage nodded smilling a bit.
The rest of the day Lottie and Sage got more comfortable with each others and decided to become friends as they realized they liked hanging out with each other.
Lottie smiled looking back at Sages house waving at him through the window. "Did you have fun sweetface?" Tiffany asked as she hung up her and Lotties Coats up. Lottie nodded, "I like him! Can i go over tommorow?" Lottie begged as she clutched her hands together as she tilted her head.
Tiffany smiled knowing that Lottie just made her very first friend!
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wrestlingoneshot · 2 years
(Ryan & Dylan pairing)
Game: The Quarry
The three arrived to a nice ballroom building to hold the event. The two young couple decided that a Church is too cliche and not needed. Dylan walked in and saw his whole wedding party. His friends he met at Hackett's Quarry. After that terrible night, the nine camp councillors became almost like a small family. Jacob was flexing in his tux, Emma checked her last details of her makeup, Abi waited patiently for the wedding to start, Max and Laura made sure they both were perfect and Nick finished his tie.
"There is the man of the hour!" Jacob finally laid eyes on Dylan and walked over to him. He playfully throws punches at Dylan's shoulder. "So, how does it feel that you're about to be off the market permanently?"
"Don't pressure him, Jake. He doesn't need any more stress as is." Abi said politely.
"It's alright, Abi. I'm as cool as dry ice." Dylan said.
Jacob's mouth opened slightly. "Dude, are you serious? I mean you're about to walk in a ballroom, full of probably close to a hundred people and stand in front of them surrendering your life to Ryan. I would be shitting bricks."
"......Now since you put it like that." Dylan paled in the face. Just the thought of a bunch of people watching him confess his love to Ryan was enough to make his stomach turn. This us why he's more comfortable behind a DJ booth on a radio. "...I feel sick..." Dylan bends to his knees.
Kaitlyn went over and punched Jacob on his arm. "OW!" Jacob rubs his arm and stared at Kaitlyn shocked. "What did I do?!"
"For being a dumbass!" Kaitlyn went over to Dylan and bends next to him. "Dylan, breathe."
Dylan took a few deep breath. "I--I dunno about this Kaitlyn. A-Are we ready? Is this the right step?"
Kaitlyn sighed and rubbed Dylan's back to help him calm down. "Babes, c'mon now. You're panicking again. You know that is right for you." Kaitlyn sighed again as Dylan didn't move. "Christ, are you going to make me spell it out for you? I'm not suppose to do my sickening sappy best woman speech until the reception. Listen to me babes." Kaitlyn watched Dylan lift his head towards her. "Through those doors is the man who you pretty much drooled over since day one. The same man who literally walked through hell to save you. That same man that you wouldn't quit calling me at 2am gushing that the fact he's being perfect and all that crap."
"It wasn't 2am--"
"Whatever." Kaitlyn said. "The fact Ryan asked you to spend his life with you, tells you that he is the one for you. And you are it for him. You two dumbasses complete each other. So what people going to watch you, at the end of the day, you're going to be with who you will spend your life with. Answer yourself this, is Ryan worth enough to ignore all of those eyes?"
Dylan blinked and nods. "Of course he is!" Dylan stood straight up. "That's my mans dammit! I would go through the gates of hell for him. Not even Laura could steal him away from me!"
"It was never my intention to steal him away from you. I said--"
"Yeah we heard you many times." Kaitlyn interrupted Laura.
Max smiled awkwardly. The conversation of hearing his Laura and Ryan had some kind of intimate talk wasn't pleasant the first time and it still isn't.
Dylan ignored them and just stared at the door. "I can do this."
Max smiled. "This is just like our wedding day. We were both nervous. Right, honey?"
Laura smiled at him. "It was like a wonderful dream."
Emma rolled her eyes. "Ok you two, it's not about you two." Emma smiled at Dylan and goes to hug him. "You and Ryan are made for each other. Go get him and claim him, tiger."
Dylan chuckled at Emma and hugs her back. The door opened to reveal Dylan's dad and their wedding coordinator. "It's time"
The wedding march music played. The families and guests turned their heads to the doors as the wedding party made their way down. Max and Laura, Nick and Abi, Jacob and Emma all paired up. Kaitlyn walked down the aisle by herself since she's the best woman to both Dylan and Ryan. The doors closed again as Dylan positioned himself at the center. His parents took each side and they smiled at him.
"My baby's getting married." Dylan's mom teared up with a smile.
"Mom! Please, don't embarrass me." Dylan couldn't stop smiling.
"I'm so proud of you, son." Dylan's dad said.
"Dad, please, I'm trying not to cry before I get in there."
The Lenivy's family took one good family hug before they heard the music change. "That's our cue" Dylan's dad said.
One last breath and takes hold of the small bouquet from his mom, Dylan smiled. "I'm ready."
As on cue, the families and guests stood up and faced the door. The doors opened and revealed Dylan. Dylan with his parents slowly walked down the aisle. Dylan's focused on the decorations first. The Black, White and Silver decorations filled the room. Even there were black and white candles burning setting off a romantic gothic aesthetic. Dylan loved every bit of it. It felt his own fantasy was coming true. He was in his own world until his eyes fell onto a certain pair of eyes staring back at him.
Dylan's gasps a silent inhale as he saw the man of his life. Ryan in his smokey grey suit and black on black tie and shirt. He even wore his glasses that Dylan shockingly found out when they first started dating. Ryan had to wear glasses sometimes but he hated wearing them. But, with Dylan, Ryan felt he could be himself. Dylan couldn't look away from Ryan. The nerves he had? Gone. The people around them watching? Disappeared. It was just them two. Dylan cursed the long walk the is keeping him from Ryan. After what felt like an eternity, Dylan finally arrived at the arch. Dylan and Ryan both took a second to look at each other with full of love. Ryan held out his hand towards Dylan. Dylan smiled as he reached for Ryan's hand.
"Wait. Before you start, we have something to say."
Dylan and Ryan looked at Dylan's parents who was smiling back. "We both wanted to say, we are so proud of you both. And Ryan, I know we already welcomed you into our family, but we both want you to know that, we are so honored to have you in our family. You made our son so happy. He's happy, we're happy. And--" Dylan's dad choked up a bit. "We're be so honored and happy to call you our son in law."
Ryan smiled as he tries to fight back his tears. "Thank you.....Mom. Dad."
Dylan's mom was in full tears, while Dylan's dad goes to shake Ryan's hand. Dylan watched as his own tears threatened to come.
"This is a glorious day." The officiant speak. "This day brought not only two loves together, but their families as well. So, are the two people giving away this lovely groom away, present?"
Dylan's parents nods. "Yes" They said in unison. They stepped away as Dylan goes back to Ryan who smiles. Ryan held out his hand again and Dylan took hold of it. Ryan ushered Dylan in front of him. The sight if Dylan took Ryan's breath away. He was so beautiful. Ryan's voice cracked with emotions.
"...H-Hi." Ryan said as the tears rolled down his face.
Dylan smiled as he too felt his tears escaped his eyes. He reached up to wipe Ryan's tears. "H-Hey now. Why are you crying? I suppose to be crying not you." Dylan whispered smiling.
"I--I'm sorry, Dyl. I can't help it. You're just so beautiful--"
Dylan heard Ryan's voice as he was about to full on cry. Dylan pulled Ryan into a hug. Ryan quickly wrapped his arms around Dylan. The room filled with Awe's from the crowd.
"Ah..dammit. I wasn't going to cry." Emma said to herself as she reached in her small purse for a tissue to stop the tears from ruining her mascara. At the same time, Abi and Laura was already in tears as they wipe their eyes with their tissues. Max tried to play it off from tearing up, but they know he was an emotional man. Jacob and Nick watched proudly. Even Kaitlyn had to throw her head back to keep the tears that was threatening to come out at bay.
The couple pulled away to compose themselves a bit. The officiant smiled as she watched on.
Ryan turned to her. "Oh, sorry about that..."
"No need to be sorry for expressing your love for Mr. Lenivy. This is what we're here for. To celebrate the love of these two, who found each other at a young stage of their lives."
As the officiant continues, Ryan and Dylan smiled back to each other. "Ladies and Gentlemen, we are gathered here today to celebrate Mr. Ryan Erzahler and Mr. Dylan Lenivy in holy matrimony. This is a momentous day. But before we con continue, is there anyone who is present thinks these two who shall not be wed, speak now or forever hold your peace?"
Kaitlyn, Laura and Emma quicky scanned the room to see if anyone had the balls to try and stop this wedding. Dylan and Ryan both didn't stop staring at each other. They knew there wasn't anyone.
The officiant continues. "Well then, since there is no one, lets move on. Now both Mr. Erzahler and Mr. Lenivy both wrote their own vows, I believe?"
Ryan shook his head as his eyes never left his lover's eyes. "No. I rather speak it from the heart."
"Ditto." Dylan replied as he too haven't removed his eyes from Ryan's.
"Ok, then Mr. Erzahler, would you like to start?"
"Where would I begin?" Ryan reached for both of Dylan's hands in his. "Dyl,...god I have no idea what I have done to get your attention, but I'm glad that I did. That first day at camp, I didn't want to be bothered by anybody. I just was there for the kids and wanted to listen to my podcasts. Until, you came along. You changed my whole idea and I got scared. I was afraid that I get too close to you, I wouldn't be able to handle it. I tried my hardest not to let you in, but you just barged in and I'm glad you did. I found myself wanted to be more interested. Even during our....adventure....you kept me levelheaded and made me fight for you more."
Dylan found himself crying again. He felt Ryan's hand cup his cheek as Ryan's thumb wipe the tears.
"After that...bear attack..I almost thought I lost you and I wouldn't be able to live out those feelings that I grew for you. You are my world, Dylan. I would go and fight an army of bears to make sure you are safe. Dylan, since that day, just a shy crush turned into heavy feelings. The more I spend my time with you, the feelings grew. It involved into love that day we broke up the first time. That's when I fell in love with my best friend, someone I trust, someone I can be my true self without judgement. Dylan Lenivy, I will love you until life itself ends. I love you so much, Dylan. I just can't picture you out of my life and I promise that I will do my all to make sure you never leave my side."
The officiant smiles. "Mr. Erzahler, that was beautiful. Just as beautiful as your soul." The officiant turns to Dylan. " Mr. Lenivy?"
"Yeah...yeah." Dylan had to compose himself. He took hold of Ryan's hand and place a soft kiss to it. Ryan inhales softly. Behind his glasses, his eyes grew watery. "...I..um..I'm not good at this. This is almost like presenting a powerpoint on Why Is Ryan Erzahler is the hottest camp councillor?" The room filled with chuckles. Kaitlyn shook her head. But Ryan kept a huge smile on his face as Dylan continued.
"Uh yeah. I seen you one day and and I just knew. Call it a gut feeling. You were different. You didn't care what other people thought of you. That what made me admire about you. You allowed me to be Dylan Dylan and you accepted him with open arms. And I too were scared to lose you that day. So many things that could had ran through my head at that moment, but it was you. All those times I tried to get your phone number...you made me work for it and I hate you for it."
Ryan rolled his eyes playfully at Dylan. "It took me losing a hand to finally get your number. But it was totally worth it!" Dylan chuckled a bit. "But seriously Ry, you are the best thing ever to happen to me. You understood me when others didn't. You were patient with me when I knew I was being a pain. That still didn't stop you for staying by my side. I was miserable when you broke up the first time. It was painful. I never want to experience that again. That's why I'm standing in front of you, marrying you Ryan. There is no one else for me. You're for me. That's why I'm ready to be yours forever."
"That was genuine. I felt the love behind those words. So...now the rings." The officiant said.
Kaitlyn turns and whistled loudly. The doors open and one of the doorman sat a carrier down and opened it. Strolling out the carrier was Dylan's cat that had their rings clipped onto her collar. The room filled with awe's as the cat made her way to Dylan. Dylan picked her up and smiled. He unclipped the rings and passed his cat to Jacob who gladly hold the cat for them so she wouldn't run around or lay in the middle of the aisle. Ryan and Dylan both held a ring each as the smiled at each other.
"Now you both hold a symbol of your love. Remember, this is just a object. This doesn't your live that's in your hearts." The officiant faced Ryan. "Mr. Erzahler, do you take, Dylan Lenivy, to be your lawful wedded husband? To have and to hold, through sickness and in health til death do you part?"
"Even in death, I will never stop loving Dylan. So I do." Ryan said as he slid the ring on the ring finger of Dylan's prosthetic hand. Ryan took hold of it and pressed his lips against Dylan's hand. Even with a prosthetic hand, Dylan was still the most beautiful man on this planet in Ryan's eyes.
Dylan sniffed back the tears as he looked at the ring on his finger. "Mr. Lenivy, do you take, Ryan Erzahler, as your lawful wedded husband? To have and to hold, through sickness and in health, til death do you part?"
"As Ryan said, even in death, I will always love him." Dylan slid the ring on Ryan's finger. "I do."
The officiant smiled. "Now, with the power rest in me, and by the state of New York, I pronounce these two as Mr. And Mr. Ryan and Dylan Erzahler!"
"I love you so much, Dylan." Ryan said.
"I love you too, Ryan. So, so much."
Ryan and Dylan leaned in for their much awaited kiss.
"BOOYAH! WOOO!" Jacob screamed.
The crowd and wedding party cheered loudly at the new newlyweds. Ryan and Dylan broke apart after their long kiss. They walked down the aisle where they were met with raining flower pedals from the crowd. Some of the pedals got caught in Dylan's long hair, but he didn't care. He finally married his best friend, his soulmate. After taking a few wedding pictures with the wedding party and greeting family and friends, it was time to party!
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scoobhead · 28 days
actually hilarious that colin bridgerton returned to london absolutely determined to be in his slut era. he said if there is one thing i am it is a whore. and then one (1) kiss with penelope later he was like neverMIND i am a MARRIED MAN i am MONOGAMOUS life is about LIFELONG PARTNERSHIP ACTUALLY
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cadaverette · 6 months
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vintage cherub trinket box
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kimdokjas · 2 months
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though the movie might be cancelled, yuri on ice will live forever in our hearts. thank you yoi fandom, it's been real ♡
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