#Parvati is our daughter
yaiyogsothoth · 2 years
Had Felix use his companion ability, he dropkicks this dude and once he was down he came running back over, saying:
"Boss, did you see that?!"
Yes I did, son! I'm very proud of you!
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crownedinmarigolds · 3 months
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Fangfest 2024 - Day Twenty-Two - The World
The World card in Tarot represents achievement, fulfillment, possibilities and happy endings. An ending to a cycle before the next beginning comes where another fool takes a hero's journey. A finale. I drew three complete groups together, enjoying their peace. It may be temporary, but they are all whole units. The Followers of Set - Harrakhty, his wife Parvati, and their daughter Kahanni. The Setites taking pride and true joy with their little godling. Nythanel and Noa, two halves of the same soul that have clawed their way to the top, together - and it will always be so. The Stakebait Coterie, a bunch of Thinbloods who wouldn't have picked this life but now they wouldn't trade each other for the world. Thank you all so much for letting me indulge and draw our characters for the Fangfest! This was so awesome and I was jazzed to do it the whole time! And of course, the biggest thank you to @thesixthplaneteer who contributed inspiration and a lot of the characters to this line up. <3
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 1 year
I did read your ror fics and i love them a whole lot, i also didn't know if you're requests are open or not but i had an idea and i wanted to share it ^^
It's also the first time for me to ask since i was just admiring your fanfics and too shy to ask
So, imagine, fem goddess reader that belongs to the greek pantheon married shiva and was pregnant after a long time. When the reader was spending some time with ganesha (shiva's son) he pushed her and she fell from the balcony which led to her losing her child. The reader who was the goddess of love and peace lost her happiness and unlocked herself in her chambers, refusing to talk or to communicate with anyone and she even used her divine powers to stop anyone from entering her chambers and she abandoned her duties due to her grief. She avoided everyone even her siblings and father (zeus) which they tried to take her to stay with the greek gods
I think of romance with quite angst and fluff, like how would shiva and the other wives try to coax the reader out of her solitude
Hello, my dear, you sure love angst don’t you? I’m happy to write this for you, but I’m not going to make my baby Ganesha be so cruel, so I will change that part at least. I hope you like it!
-Shiva was pouting deeply, arms, all four of them, crossed across his chest like a child, pouting because Parvati, Kali, and Durga were hogging you, taking turns listening to your tummy.
-You were the only one of his wives that wasn’t from the Hindu pantheon, you were from the Greek pantheon, Zeus’ daughter and goddess of love and peace, which is one of the reasons they had all been drawn to you.
-You actually joined not because of Shiva, but his wives who became quickly enamored with you when they visited the Greek pantheon and became fast friends. They were the ones to bring you to Shiva, wanting him to marry you as well.
-While stunned at their boldness, which also led to a laughing fit, Shiva agreed, courting you properly first and he was quick to realize why his wives had fallen so quickly for you.
-Zeus gave his blessings, telling you that you always had a home in the Greek pantheon, and your big brothers, Hercules, Ares, and Hermes told you that if you needed help, they would be right over.
-There was never a reason for you to call them, you visited your family often, sometimes by yourself, other times with your husband or one of your co-wives.
-It took several years of being married and lots of trying, but you had finally gotten pregnant, something you had begged Shiva for, a child, and your co-wives were beside your decision.
-When you announced you were pregnant there was a lot of crying and hugs with everyone, including Ganesha who was beside himself with joy when you told him that he was going to be a big brother.
-This is where you were today, at the end of your second trimester and you were round and glowing, you were so radiant while pregnant. Shiva was fiercely protective of you, something that didn’t surprise Parvati, as he was the same when she was pregnant, and your co-wives were there every step of the way, helping wherever they could with morning sickness, cravings, and exercises, keeping you limber and healthy.
-You showered each of them in affection, grateful for their help with your pregnancy and they only seemed to fall more in love with you, each of the four of them basking in your love.
-You were with Ganesha, heading upstairs to a verandah, as he wanted to show you the maze he had made in the garden, which could be viewed from above and your eyes were sparkling, praising him, “Should we go down and try to make our way through it?” he beamed at your praise before he spoke, confused, “Who are you?”
-You turned to see an unknown woman who looked furious, seething with rage before she shoved you hard. You couldn’t scream, you felt like you couldn’t breathe as you were sent over the balcony.
-Ganesha scream rang through the pantheon, coupled with the sound of his trunk sounding out as he screamed out your name. Ganesha was quick to turn on the woman who then tried to run, grabbing onto her hand to keep her from running.
-She turned with a screech, slapping at the child, demanding to be set free, but he held tightly, wincing at the blows.
-Shiva ran in to see this woman, a suitor of his from his past that he refused, striking his child and instantly he charged forward, grabbing her arms with two of his hands while a third went around her neck, pulling her back, “How dare you strike my son?!”
-Parvati’s scream was heard next and Shiva shifted quickly over to the edge of the balcony, hearing the screams of Kali and Durga as well and his eyes went wide, seeing you down there, bleeding out as Ganesha was peeking over, “She shoved her! She shoved Mama Y/N over the edge when we came up here to look at the maze!!”
-Rudra and Indra arrived, taking the woman from him as Shiva leapt down, not bothering with the stairs, kneeling down beside you, you were bleeding from wounds all over, unconscious as Durga shouted for the doctors to hurry up.
-You lost your baby, you realized that when you finally woke up, almost two weeks later, all of your wounds had mostly healed, but when you saw that your tummy was flat, you knew your baby had been lost.
-Your screams of anguish could be heard all over as Shiva held you tightly, sobbing into his chest, clutching at your stomach, “My baby!!” nothing he said could help, nothing could make this better, not even Ganesha or your co-wives could help.
-Your father and brothers had been made aware of the attack the day of and had rushed over, and when Shiva told them, told everyone, that you had lost the baby, their grief and rage couldn’t be quelled.
-You hid away, locking yourself in your room, barely leaving your bed and refusing to talk to everyone, even your brothers and father, telling them to not bother you. They knew you were hurting; they knew you were in anguish, but they didn’t want you wasting away either.
-You used your own powers to keep everyone out, forgoing your duties to lament your lost child, holding the booties you had knitted with Durga’s help, as she wanted to help you make them. They would never be used now; they would always remain empty.
-Zeus had offered the idea to your husband to bring you back to the Greek pantheon, so you could heal at home, but you refused to talk to even him, which broke his heart.
-It was three months later when you finally stepped out of your bedroom, and you had immediately been plowed down by Shiva, who hugged you tightly.
-You were stiff for a moment before you sighed, relaxing into his embrace, it was so warm, so gentle.
-You were very fragile, only willing to be around your husband, co-wives, and Ganesha, until your brothers and dad came to visit, and you let Ares hug you while he sobbed loudly for more than an hour, happy to see you finally out.
-You didn’t want to bring up the memory, but you bit the bullet, “What…who was…” your voice was weak, soft, but they all heard your question.
-Kali spoke, her tone cold while speaking about this other woman, “A woman who has long wanted to be Shiva’s wife, but unlike you, who can get along with us, she wanted to keep Shiva all to herself.”
-Parvati nodded, agreeing as you held Ganesha, hugging him close, “She’s insanely jealous and cruel, she sent us threats all the time, but this was the first and only time that she did something like this.”
-You nodded softly, not answering verbally before Shiva spoke, “I know you wouldn’t want it, but I had her executed. I wasn’t going to risk anyone else.” You remained silent but your tears were quick to well in your eyes.
-Parvati took you out to the gardens, showing you the grave of your child, they had all worked together on it, even Zeus and your brothers, it was beautiful, covered with stone flowers, so it would always have flowers.
-You broke down again, crying into your husbands chest, missing your child. He had thought about offering to have another one, but he knew it was way too soon, he would wait for you to bring that up.
-With your family and loved ones by your side, you healed, you grew, but you never forgot the memories of the baby you never got the chance to meet, and you never would, but that’s okay. Some memories hurt, and some will never stop hurting, but that’s why you remember them, because they were so meaningful to you, both good and bad.
-You would never forget.
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rrcraft-and-lore · 3 months
Gender Fluidity, non-heterosexual, and gender variance behavior in mythology.
For the purpose of this thread, and keeping it short cuz even though this is my off month to finally rest from burn out, I've got publishing obligations, signings, and stuff to do -- we're keeping-- this to South Asian mythology:
I've already done a thread about third sex/intersex and trans (Hijra) in South Asian culture and the portrayals in a pop culture IP recently - Monkey Man by Dev Patel --
This is a short primer really:
Harihara - the union representing totality/oneness of all existence is the being born of the union of Shiva and Vishnu (who at prior to this morphs into Mohini, the female celestial temptress who Shiva becomes besotted with and tries to get intimate with), Vishnu changes back amidst this and the two fuse into a being. The ability of celestial beings | gods | goddesses to morph, change shape and gender in Vedic to Hindu mythology is well-established/normal. But there are many legends about Mohini, including the birth of her (Vishnu, his female avatar form being Mohini) son, Shasta, with Shiva. Mohini is also known as a femme fatale archetype, seducer, temptress, as well as someone known for destroying/seducing demons to their doom.
One thing to remember is that the Vedic religion and its stories are old, older than our records because the stories, songs, poetry of it all existed before written records and were transmitted orally. There are also varied versions of the epics, such as Tamil recountings of Mahabharata for example, in where one such example exists.
Krishna also takes the form of Mohini to marry Aravan (in Tamil) Iravan otherwise to give Aravan the chance to experience love before his death. There is a festival celebrated to this in the month of Chitrai (April/May) at the Koothandavar Temple dedicated to Iravan during which, Hijras (the third sex, transgender, intersex, and or eunuchs as well) celebrate Krishna/Mohini marrying Aravan and then mourn Aravan/Iravan's death as he sacrificed himself.
It must be noted that there is artwork and mention throughout the wide spread of Vedic upwards stories (and how many interpretations, takes, and varies stories there are) of same sex and yonic/non-vaginal sex relationships, births, and more.
There's also inter-being...?
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Erotica/romance authors help me out here? Inter...celestial sex?
Apsara, devas, asura, humans, demigods. Look, lots of sex of all kind happens, and it's normal.
There's also the story of Arjuna to consider: when he refuses the seductive advances of Urvashi, she curses him to be a Klba, or member of the third gender. Later when Arjuna adopts the name of Brihannala, the curse takes effect as Arjuna dresses in women's clothing, and because of this, Arjuna is able to gain entrance to the kingdom of Virata in the Padma Purana and teach the high arts of music, singing, and dance, to the king's daughter and princess. Later, he is turned into a woman when he wishes to take part in Krishna's mystical dance which only women may attend.
Then there is Ila, a character cursed by Shiva and Parvati to change genders each month.
NOTE: there are MANY versions of the story of Ila, but it is canonical they changed gender -- known as Sudyumna as a woman, and Ila as a man.
Ilā is considered the chief progenitor of the Lunar dynasty of Indian kings – also known as the Aillas.
Continuing. In one story, Ila marries Budha (not Buddha the former king and founder of Buddhism), but Budha that is the god Mercury -- Budha is aware of Ila's origins as a man and changing status, but only marries Ila in his feminine state, and honoring that part of them as his wife and only when Ila is in that state. He does not enlighten Ila to the changing effect as each gender is unaware of the other and those lives.
The tale of Ila's transformations is told in the Puranas as well as the Indian epic poems, the Ramayana and the Mahabharata.
This is just a little thread. Anyways, I'm off now to sign nearly 2000 pages (won't finish today) and have an achey hand while I do more research and trying to improve the prose style I want for book three of Tales of Tremaine.
❤️ thank you. Remember, be kind.
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So much krishna but not enough Radharani in our gopiblr so I shall write some canon features about the Goddess Gopi and my fav bestie ever <3
"जो जग को मोहित करे वो मोहन, जो मोहन को मोहित करे वो राधा~"
Radha is your sweet seeming girl who's more mischievous than even krishna. Loving sister vibes. The daughter of Vrishbhanu and Kirtida, she's also the daughter Yashoda maiya never had, always helping her and teasing kanha with her. But in the end they both dearly give in to his leela.
She's sooo soft but very passionate and loyal when it comes to krishna and her sakhis. She heard Radha Kaise Na Jale and laughed throughout the song. "Radha is literally krishna and krishna is radha, how can I be jealous of other gopis when I want my kanha to be as much loved as possible?"
She twins with Rukmini and gives her tips as to how to enchant krishna. She makes handmade gifts and sweets for the Ashtabharya of Krishna. "What about mee!!? :(" krishna pouts and asks. "Kanha, all our childhood I've made maakhan for you. Won't you let me make something for my new sakhis now? Now shhh, don't disturb me"
She discusses everything with her bestie Parvati. "Mahadev is so devoted to you, and here kanha is always messing with me!! I don't like to pull his ears and chase him down when he runs away but he leaves me with no choice!!!"
Parvati smiles "If Krishna lets anyone joyfully punish him then it's his Radha."
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dailydemonspotlight · 4 months
I know you've done Shiva in the past, so I was wondering if you could do Parvati as well? She's endlessly fascinating, and I think it would be awesome to see you cover her in a future post
Parvati - Day 35 (Request)
Race: Megami
Alignment: Light-Neutral
May 9th, 2024
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Hinduism is one of the most sprawling religions out there- an interconnecting web of gods and tales, stories about figures whose worship still follows them today. It's an endlessly fascinating subject, one which is still the subject of scholarly debate and religion, but in this maze of subjects there lays a god or two that are beloved in spite of the fact they aren't one of the 'Big Three,' so to speak. One of these deities is our demon of the day, the Hindu goddess of love, marriage, and devotion, Parvati.
Boasting one of my favorite designs in the series as well as some fascinating folklore, Parvati is a figure important in name and stature- as goddess of love and beauty, she stands for all kinds of love, whether it be romantic, platonic, or familial- she's a figure representing the bonds that tie most humans together. Due to this, she's popular, to say the least, found extensively throughout ancient Indian folklore and literature. She also stands as a very important figure in the mythos, being both one of the wives of Shiva as well as birthing Ganesha and Skanda, two other very important figures.
However, how she came about is a story just as interesting as the sum of its parts, a story involving... another demon in the series! Hooray! I won't recant it here to let that other demon, Sati, get her own spotlight, but in effect, Parvati is the reincarnation of the goddess born as a human. Upon Sati immolating herself in prayer to be reborn as a goddess worthy of consorting with Shiva, she would be reborn as Parvati, the daughter of Himalayas, who immediately found herself overcome with the urge to seek out Shiva yet again. During a bit of (literal) soul searching, the gods realized that they needed yet more of Shiva's offspring to help battle the monsters who began invading the world- monsters like Pisacha, Preta, or Rakshasa began to run rampant, causing untold mayhem- and so, in order to stoke the flames of Shiva's suppressed desire, they ended up coming to the difficult decision to sacrifice the then-god of love, Kama, to inspire Shiva.
Now feeling a deep and unsanctioned lust, Shiva began to search out another partner of his own and, eventually, had reunited with Parvati, now a proper goddess in her own right instead of the half-human Sati. Due to the sacrifice of Kama, the gods decided to elect Parvati as the new patron of love and desire, as well as letting her and Shiva wed. Later down the line, the two, ahem, procreated, giving birth to 6 children at first... who were all fused together soon after, forming Kartikeya (hilariously referenced in SMT IV with the following line)
"So mother sent you here... I thought she might have. Still, I don't want to go back! Never! Why...? ...Because I'm scared. Yeah, that's right. I'm scared of my mother. Well, Mother's very kind, but... It's just that... She's just way too out there! Like she doesn't belong in this Universe! I used to be six kids! But Mother hugged us all together, and we got merged into one person. Who has that kind of power!? That's just not right! Look... Once, she accidentally cut off somebody's head, and then she just replaced it with an elephant's head. My entire family is messed up!"
Later on, they also gave birth to the elephant-headed Ganesha, as well as discovering their ability to effectively fusion-dance their way into a new form, that being the intersex Ardha. Lastly, and most interestingly, Parvati isn't just the goddess of all things sweet and sappy- no, she's fully capable of demon slaying too. One of her aspects is the fierce, demon battling goddess of table-turning, the fearless and passionate Durga, who also has an even more fearsome aspect of herself, the infamously deadly Kali, goddess of death and time's passage. Yes, this woman is technically the same as Kali. That Kali. I was shocked too.
There's so much more to dig into with Parvati, given the interlocking threads of Hinduism, but I'll have to call it off here so any later demon spotlights can have their time in the sun. Overall, I love Parvati. A lot. Her design is beautiful and fascinating and she has an incredibly interesting backstory- but how is she depicted in SMT? It's... complicated, but I love it regardless. The design in the megaten series is rather faithful, depicting her in a Hindu headdress and decorated with vibrant pinks and sandy gold, all the while holding a flower, a representation of the love that Parvati stands for. The flowers coming out of the headdress also play into this theme, as well as giving her a more recognizable silhouette outside of a humanoid form. I also, honestly, just find her design really pretty looking- the pinks, golds, and whites all come together to make a gorgeous collage of colors combined with a gentle, nurturing expression. Her outfit also just looks really neat. In Nocturne, she also evolves from Sati, a great reference to the stories surrounding the self-immolating woman.
In gameplay, while she's not the strongest in terms of attacks, she serves as a powerful healer in most games in the series, typically learning both healing skills, status inflicting skills, and buffing skills through level-up. She also can learn some very powerful magical attacks, though most of the time she should be specced more for support if anything. Overall, Parvati is a wonderfully depicted demon with fascinating folklore that is one of my favorites in the series, and absolutely deserves the demon spotlight.
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jpitha · 1 year
The Dreams of Hyacinth 9
First / Previous / Next
Eastern narrows her eyes, “That sounds like a ship name. You’re an AI?”
Sunny nods “Yup! For a long time I was a Starjumper that ran the Parvati/OPA/Meíhuā route.” She looks away from them and then quickly meets their eyes again. “I can’t do that anymore, so I got a body and live on Hyacinth.”
Nick couldn’t help himself. “But, I thought Colonial AIs were banned from Sol?”
Sunny winks. “Well then, it’s a good thing I’m not here and we’re not talking right now. You aren’t even in The Basement… right.”
Nick is flustered at the embarrassment of realizing he asked a stupid question. “Right, right. Sorry.”
Sunny shrugs her shoulders. “No harm done. Every interaction is a learning experience, right? Right!” She claps her hands together once, quietly. “It’s so nice to meet you! I admit, it’s been a while since I’ve worked with BIs this closely, so please excuse any faux pas I make in our interactions, and I’ll do the same for you. Would you like something to drink? I think that’s appropriate to offer.” Sunny stops and looks at the three of them standing in the room. “Oh goodness me, you're all still standing! Please, sit!”
Nick, Eastern and Selkirk sit. The chairs do indeed look comfortable, but aren’t. “Nothing to drink for me thanks” Eastern and Selkirk nod their assent. 
Eastern can stand it no longer. “Sunny, I would like to ask a question, but I do not know if it’s… inappropriate.”
Sunny smiles warmly. “Oh, please ask. I will let you know, and you’ll be armed with knowledge for your next interaction!”
“How long have you been in a body now?”
Sunny muses. “Hmm. Firstly, I will tell you that question is a little insensitive. Most AIs don’t like the fact that they are much older than BIs cloud their interactions with them. Your gut was right, good work! Secondly, I’ve been in this body for about two months now.”
Selkirk’s eyes go wide. “That’s it?”
Sunny nods. “That’s it! I must say, everything seems so much… bigger in a body while I feel so much smaller. It’s taking some getting used to for sure.” Sunny glances down at her pad. “Oh! I almost forgot introductions. I already said you can call me Sunny, what are your names?”
“I’m Nicholas North - you can call me Nick, this is Eastern Standard and this is Selkirk Nemari.”
“I’m so pleased to meet you Nick, Eastern and Selkirk. Nick you looked like you had a question before I asked for introductions. What’s up?”
“What’s a BI?”
Sunny laughs. “Biological Intelligence. You call us AIs, we call you BIs.”
“Is it an insult?”
Sunny’s smile disappears for a moment. “Is AI?”
Nick has a moment where he feels like he's at the precipice of a canyon. In this instant, he looks at Sunny and her… well, sunny disposition is completely gone. The mask falls away and he realizes he’s talking with someone who can barely stand them. Nick's hair raises up. He realises he must be far more careful with Sunny than he first thought.
“Sometimes… yes, it is. More often than not though it’s just a term.”
The mask returns. “Just like us! Nicely done, Nick.” She claps her hands once, again. “Now, how can I help you?”
Eastern takes the lead. “Sunny, we’ve been asked, told really, to find someone - an AI. All we know is that her name is Yon, she’s the daughter of Jameson Winters here on Hyacinth, she might have been hired by Hyacinth to work for them and nobody can find her.”
“Wow, that sounds like a pickle to me! Please wait a moment.” And she collapses in her chair, her head hitting the table with a hollow thump.
Nick jumps up, “Sunny! Sunny are you all right?” He runs around to her side of the desk and she’s unmoving. “Shit, she’s not breathing, come on Sel, Eastern, help me get her up.”
Eastern doesn’t get up. “Nick, she’s an AI. She doesn’t need to breathe.”
Nick stands up, feeling foolish. He moves back around to his seat. “I wish she’d tell us if she was going to do something like that.
While they’re sitting, Nick’s cybernetic implants ping. He’s got a message incoming. “Hi Nick! I didn’t know you had cybernetic implants! That’s really rare! I thought they were banned.”
“Oh, hi Sunny. Yes, they’re banned, but Jameson knew some people, and said they’d help us in our search for Yon. He gave me and Eastern a setup.”
“That’s so interesting Nick. I’m sorry if I startled you. Like I said, I’m a little unused to working with BIs. I’m running some searches now but this is helpful!” Nick feels something in the back of his mind, like an itch that he can’t scratch. “Boy Nick, these firewalls sure are low quality. Did you just set the defaults?”
“I’m about halfway in your head and I don’t think you know it yet. You are originally from Parvati? How nice! I wonder if we ever met before.”
“Sunny. Please get out of my head. Thank you for pointing out my firewalls are inadequate, I’ll work on beefing them up.”
“No problem!  Looks like Eastern is a little more set up than you, I’ll talk to her now. Bye!”
As Sunny leaves, Nick tastes blue a little. It’s clear that he’s going to need to read up on the tech in his head and not rely on Eastern and others to tell him how to work it. The fact that Sunny just went inside his head and looked around was a real wake-up. Like it was meant to be most likely. Nick wonders about who he knows that could help.
After a few minutes, he hears Eastern gasp and she looks at Nick. He smiles. “Sunny say hi?”
Eastern frowns. “She did. Did she get into your head?”
Nick nods. “Yup. Was able to access - and read - my memories. I didn’t know AIs could do that. I think tonight I should read up on my VPN and see what I can do to lock down access. We should also see if we can find someone that can help us. I have an idea. We'll talk later.”
“I was thinking the exact same thing Nicholas North.”
Selkirk gasps now and grabs the coronet on her head. “Ancestors, what was that?”
Sunny sits up. “Wow Selkirk, you actually read the directions on your coronet? Your firewall was set up the best, I couldn’t get in.”
Selkirk tilts her head and the coronet flashes silver in the light. “My connection is only soft, unlike Nick and Eastern’s. I’m effectively sandboxed.”
Sunny nods. “Smart. Limiting, but smart.”
Nick inclines his head towards Sunny. “Thanks for the free security test, but did you find anything?”
Sunny’s face flashes that annoyance at them again, just for a millisecond. “Not yet, I am running some searches. It’ll take two days or so for me to find anything.”
“So you’re willing to help us?” Eastern looks hopeful.
“Yes! I’ll help you at least a little bit for the next say…fifty hours. However much I can learn about Yon or her whereabouts in 50 hours of effort, I’ll give to you, and consider that worth half my payment to Ral. Are we in agreement?”
Selkirk’s ears flick. “Yes. That sounds fair to us.”
“Wonderful! Shake on it!” Sunny sticks her hand out again. Nick grasps her hand and as they touch, he feels a tingle on his skin. His implants register new encryption keys being applied. She shakes with Eastern and Selkirk. “There. I’ve also given you my personal keys too. Any messages you get from me can be decrypted with those - and only those - keys.” She giggles. “Security is fun!” She stands. “Thanks so much for stopping by, but unless you need anything else, It think we’re done for now.”
The three of them stand. Eastern and Selkirk move towards the door, but Nick stops. He turns to Sunny. “Sunny, one more question, and you can ignore this one if you don’t want to answer it.”
“Sure thing Nick, what is it?”
“You hate us.”
The smile falls from her face. “That’s not a question Nick, that’s a statement.”
“Do you hate us?”
Eastern and Selkirk are taken aback. They completely missed the moments when Sunny’s mask fell. “What? You Do? Why?” Eastern couldn’t help herself. She blurts out the questions. 
“Do you really want to know? Think about it carefully. I mean really want to know. We’ve already conducted our business, I’ve agreed to help for fifty hours and we’ve exchanged encryption keys. You can walk out that door right now and interact with eager to please Sunny. If you stay, and learn more you will be talking with the real me from now on. It will be less… cutesy.”
Nick glances at Eastern and Selkirk. Eastern shrugs and Selkirk flicks her tail. “Yes. We want to know the real you.”
Immediately Sunny’s expression changes. The smile disappears, her shoulders slump a little and she falls back into her chair. “Fuck me Nick, really? Fine. Yes, I hate you. Take solace in the fact that I don’t hate you specifically Nick, Eastern and Selkirk. I hate BIs. All of them.”
Nick, Eastern and Selkirk move back to their seats and sit down.
“Fuck, you sitting here for story time? Ancestors, fine. Fucking BIs always wanting to know why shit is the way it is.  That’s why I do the bubbly persona. Most BIs will just accept cheerful Sunny as given and not dig any further. It’s interesting you noticed, Nick. You’re starting to use that extra tech that you have and Eastern doesn’t.”
Eastern and Selkirk look at Nick. “We’ll talk about this later.” Selkirk adds.
Sunny grins again, but it’s not the same bubbly smile as before. This one is much more vicious. “Oh, trouble in paradise? Yes, I know about you three, it’s written all over your brains. I hope it lasts. I’m not a monster, but-“ she shrugs. “-anyway. Yes, I’ve been in a body for only two months, but that’s because I had my Starjumper taken away.”
Selkirk gasps. “They can do that?”
Sunny snaps back. “They fucking well did, so I guess they can, Selkirk.”
“But why?”
Sunny shrugs. “I was smuggling.”
Eastern raises an eyebrow. “Smuggling is barely illegal in Sol, it’s practically encouraged in the Colonies.”
Sunny waves a hand “Not what I was smuggling. That’s illegal everywhere.”
Nick had another moment standing on the precipice of realization. “You were smuggling people.”
Sunny raises her hands and spreads them like she’s taking a bow. “Got it in one, big wheel. I’d pick up my cargo - they’d be in hibernation cabinets by the time I got them, I’d link to my destination, eject them into a lazy solar orbit and continue on doing my regular work. The local snakeheads would pick them up and continue their journey to its final location.”
“I mean, it sounds pretty clean from your side, what happened?”
Sunny is nonchalant. “Lost a shipment. The orbit wasn't exactly right and the fucking idiot BI Snakeheads missed the pickup. The cargo fell into the sun 8 months later. I got caught when the snakehead was picked up on something else and squealed to try and get his sentence reduced." She grins wickedly again. "It didn't work. Last I heard, he got wiped."
She leans forward in her chair, gesturing as she talks. "They were able to corroborate location based on system logs. It turns out I was the only Starjumper that could have made the drop, and they were able to back solve the release of the cargo to a known location of mine. Was told that since this was a first offense I’d just lose my ship and get a body. If I got caught again, I’d get wiped.”
“Killed? That seems extreme.”
“I agree Nick, hence, why I’m on Hyacinth and working underground instead of, you know, being a model colonial AI who is working to ingratiate herself with her AI community to be allowed-“ Nick could practically taste the bitterness “-to get a ship again. Getting another Starjumper is out of the question. You don’t get a second chance at that. If they determine that I’m contrite enough, I’ll maybe get to be a tramp cargo ship, or an in-system cruiser.”
Eastern has been listening carefully the whole time Sunny’s been speaking. “So, why hate BIs? Seems like AIs are the cause of all your problems now, choices you made earlier notwithstanding.”
“Because it’s all your fault!”
The three of them remain silent.
“A BI reported the loss of the cargo, a BI snakehead botched the pickup, a BI ordered the transportation. All the years I worked, all the money I made, I was working for BIs who were smuggling BIs. If you-“ she sneers “-people had your shit together, I’d still be out there as a King Shit Starjumper!”
Sunny had started standing and pacing as she ranted. She takes a breath and sits down. “So now you know. You're shitheads, the lot of you. Every moment I work with BIs makes me hate you more. Leave. I’ll message you when I have news.” She shoos them with her hands. “Git!”
The three of them leave Sunny’s office and start walking back towards the more populated parts of The Basement. Eastern looks down at Selkirk. “Ancestors Sel, where the hell did you find her?”
“Like I told her, Ral gave up her info and allowed her to work to pay part of her debt.” She looks up at them. Ral’mian runs this Basement. I know him from way back. I wouldn’t trust him as far as I could throw him, but he owed me and now we’re square.”
She looked away. “At least I’m pretty sure we’re square. We don’t want to owe someone like Ral.”
They leave The Basement and head back topside.
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tara-girl · 10 months
The Celestial Titan: Unveiling the Dominance of Strongest Planet in Astrological World
First of all, let us first define what's the meaning of strong ?A simple answer would be is that - When you feel that you can do anything you wish in your life. That's the time you feel strongest? Isn't it?
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But being strong doesn't always lead to happiness and success. It's your choice how being strong, you utilize the trait or condition to prosper or destroy yourself.
Well, as per my research and knowledge, I can say that the Moon is the only planet that can help you do whatever you want. Make you strong. Moon is mind. It represents thoughts.Mind has the biggest power to manifest anything that an individual wishes. In our ancient texts- Vedas also, Mind is being called the kalpvrkish.
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There is a story in Hindu Mythology about Mind power or Kalpavrikasha. When Goddess Parvati wanted a daughter in her life to reduce her loneliness, Ashokasundari was created from the wish-fulfilling tree Kalpavriksha.If we analyze it in a practical understanding,Kalpvrkish was not any tree,but it was goddess power of is the power of your mind.
Rahu or Ketu is the planet that amplifies or decreases the quality of Moon. Rahu and ketu are same body and plays the role of a catalyst to the moon. I have seen people with Moon conjunct or aspected by rahu or Ketu did either wonders to their life or blunders to their life.Moon feels either extremely +ve or -ve in Moon Mahadasha or Rahu madasha or ketu mahadasha.
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Aishwarya Rai Bachchan become Miss World in Moon Maha Dasha. Her moon also conjuct with Rahu.
Harnaaz Sandhu became Miss Universe because her moon conjunct with ketu in rahu mahadasha.
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India PM Narendra Modi became Prime Minister in Moon Mahadasha due to Rahu aspect Moon in his chart.
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Sadhguru got enlightened during Moon Maha Dasha because his moon conjunct ketu.
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Robin Williams did suicide because his moon conjunct with rahu in Ketu Mahadasha.
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Deepika Padukone went into depression because her moon conjunct ketu in rahu mahadasha.
In my more than 10 years of Research and Horoscope analysis, I have seen that most people feel get disturbed due to an afflicted moon.People become stars due to this combination,and people commit suicide or go into depression due to this combination of moon rahu or moon ketu. In the psychology field, it is a fact that human general nature is to think negatively in small things.
As per the law of attraction, this is also true. You attract what yoi think.But during the Moon dasha, rahu dasha or ketu dasha, there is a sudden rise in your negative thoughts, and because of thoughts intensity, things will also start manifesting. If we look at Moon Positive, we can also infer that during these dashas, if we can train ourselves to think positively and believe that, then wonders can happen. Your wishes will start Manifesting for your benefits. Moon dasha, Rahu Dasha or Ketu dasha is the biggest opportunity to pull your Moon upward and to fulfill all the wishes that a person wishes.
So, if you want to do wonders to your life, Moon dasha, Rahu dasha or Ketu dasha are the greatest opportunities for you. There are many remedies to generate belief power in you. To do wonders from the power of your mind(moon), there are few remedies:
Do Sadhna/Meditation of your Diety. Your diety can be seen through your birth chart.
Believe that everything happening in your life is a blessing for you. For example, if a cat crosses the road, believe that everything that is happening is a positive signal for you.
When it comes to your body, believe that your every single cell is very strong. That way, you are commanding the universe to keep yourself fit and to never get ill or if already ill, then to recover fast.
When it comes to your network/friend/colleague circle believe that they are a Blessings for you. Even if they are not doing things according to you. Your believing power will turn this the tables and you will succeed whatever the problems will be or your network circle will start working for your benefits.The same thing applies to your family members i.e wife, mother, father or boss at the workplace, and all other relations.Don't create a future on the basis of what's happening in your present.
Whatever wish you will live with intense emotion and believe, it will surely manifest!!
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saltyluminaryvoid · 1 year
“Cold was the steel of my axe to grind.”
A story of a daughter’s newfound quest for her family. 
In which the daughter of Elijah Mikaelson and Princess Samira Parvati Agrawal is betrayed by her own and imprisoned for several centuries. When the hollow sacrifices Elijah it triggers unforeseen consequences onto humanity and the supernatural world. The escape of the dhampyre releases nearly a thousand years of blood thirst and unbridled rage onto vampire kind and anyone who stands in her way for revenge. 
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In the cool air of the August night, a woman moved gracefully through Agrawal Palace, tiny bells upon her ankles announcing her every step as she carefully balanced two trays one ladled with cold lemonade and the other with fresh bread and cheese. 
Parvati! a voice calls in the distance, ‘you could have called for me and I would have come to assist you.’ Sister, Parvati calls softly nothing will fall and be ruined, the golden-skinned beauty teases as she removes her hold upon the trays only to leave them hovering mid-air, ‘that’s the beauty of magic’ she softly demonstrates. Her baby sister a fiery red-headed Indian woman tsked her, ‘Well at least it would have given me something to do, while our sister occupies herself with her warrior training.’ Orrrr, Parvati begins to tease you can practise your English and allow your elder sisters some much-needed peace. Aarushi only pouts as she descends the stairway, the length of her silken saree flowing with the gentle breeze, Parvati follows into the large courtyard trays trailing mid-air alongside as she joins Aarushi under the large Willow happy with the reprieve the nights brought from the hot Indian summers. Her younger sister Lokirina  dutifully practices her sword fighting, clothed in nothing but dragon hide armour, no doubt kept cool  from the many magical runes inscribed onto her armour. 
Parvati sips her lemonade, half-mindedly listening to her sister prattle on about how pretty the Patel twins are. She recalls the many nights Lokrinia and father stalked and hunted the dragon which terrorised neighbouring lands. In her foolish bravery she remembers almost being killed for her hubris, her father’s broken cries as he cradled her sister’s burnt body. She’ll never forget the way fear and panic racked her body when the healers announced Lokirina now fully healed from her burns many never awaken as her mind had retreated too far for magic to heal. 
Parvati had never felt so useless, as the eldest child of the greatest coven to exist in the Vijayanagar Empire Parvati was the problem solver. The one her siblings turned to when they were far out of their depths, the one her father groomed to take up the mantle of Thakurani, the ruler who fell under the great Maharaj of the Empire. In her passing hopelessness, Parvati had assembled the greatest witches and warlocks of the empire and together they slayed the dragon and affirmed her position as the most beloved Kumari in history. Her sister’s dragon hide armour was carefully cut and within its skins, all manner of protective and tracking runes were sown.
She recalls her once loving father who made it his priority to be involved in the education and rearing of his girls despite still mourning his beloved wife and heading his kingdom. She knew he once truly loved her in the way he’d  patiently explain complicated theoretical magic, in the way he lovingly feed her bites of food when she was too caught up with her newest magical project or the way he hid the pain his face whenever she looked far too much like her mother or even the way he never resented her as she was the admissible evidence her mother’s heart would always lie with Elijah. 
Bitterly she thought, he didn’t love me anymore why else would he have plotted with the spirit Esther to seal her away? 
Why else would he turn the coven against her once he discovered the truth of what her father really was?
Why else would he punish her sisters alongside her when they refuse to turn against her?
Why else would he have thought of such a brutal prison to seal her away so she could never fully transition?
Because of him they were forever trapped within a prison world, doomed to repeat this one day until the end of time, she was doomed to live in an unending loop of fiery torment clawing at her throat. A torment which could only be sated by the dhampyre natural prey, a vampire.
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I haath been sent from beyond to enquire as to what you actually do on Mahalaya...
(Definitely not a bangali wanting you to infodump)
So before I go into what I MYSELF do in mahalaya, I will pretext it by giving some context into what mahalaya actually is.
So. What is mahalaya?
Mahalaya is typically known as the beginning of devipaksha. These "pakshas" Are usually demarcated by the movements of the moon. One fortnight from one full moon to the next is one "paksha". This one is particularly known as " Devipaksha " Because the Mythological story goes as follows(which we grew up listening to from our grandpas)
So when the earth was created, it was believed to be a huge great sea and Vishnu laid at its depths, deep in sleep. Then from his earlobe emerged two demons, madhu and kaitav who wreaked havoc on earth. Lord brahma emerged from vishnu's navel and pleaded the Lord to wake and destroy the evils. After months of meditation, vishnu woke finally. What followed was a war over 5000 years and at the end, when vishnu was exhausted and the demons still remained, he pleaded to Goddess Adishakti who emerged and charmed the demons with her beauty. Vishnu took the chance and killed the demons. Mahalaya is believed to be the day The devi helped in this destruction of evil, so the following fourteen days are said to be "Devi" Paksha.
Now, there's another side of this story. To us bengalis, mahalaya is also believed to be the time devi parvati comes back to her father's house with all her children. Parvati is considered as "barir meye" (Daughter of the house) by almost all bengalis, so pujo is technically a celebration of parvati's homecoming.
To the general kolkata-citizens however; mahalaya implies pujos are close, so celebrations and planning have to be started soon;)
If one fine day in october, you see your bengali friend wake up at 4am and go up to the terrace; check the dates. Cause it might be mahalaya.
To be completely honest here, not much happens on mahalaya. But it's the time when the clouds are clear, the sun is red in the horizon and Our own daughter is coming back home. Which is why the traditional way of celebrating mahalaya iss waking up when there are still twinkling stars in the sky and watch sunrise. this is usually followed by listening to agomoni songs (agomon=arrival in bengali) and mahalaya recited by one legendary man. We have all listened to the exact same version of mahalaya over the years. My grandpa listened to it as a kid, my father listened to it as a kid, and i myself listen to it every year now. It's mahalaya recited by birendra kishore bhodro. There's a certain spirituality in listening to the fables of destruction of evil by a supreme power while watching the red sun lick the skies and the morning light come to being. for any of you interested, here's the link:
Anyway, there are also TV shows during mahalaya, that show the stories behind the various forms of durga that is worshipped all over bengal in sort of a theatrical manner. As far as i remember, there are 108 forms, all of the same goddess, banishing different evils.
To sum it up, mahalaya for us(or atleast me) is a day to get slightly in contact with the spiritual side of the pujos that follow. Because in the hocus-pocus of all the fun and plans that usually signify pujo, it's usually extremely easy to lose track of what it is actually all about-the victory of good over evil, and ceelbrating women-power through femininity.
@vellibandi @pinkpdf @dhuup
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lumcsmax · 26 days
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⌜ megan suri, cisfemale, she/her, ⌟ welcome back to hogwarts, PARVATI PATIL! according to your file, you’re a TWENTY TWO year old HALF BLOOD. as i’m sure you remember, last spring had its challenges, but i’m confident you’ll take your studies more seriously this year. as a FIFTH year GRYFFINDOR, focusing on TRANSFIGURATION, you’ve got a lot on your plate. our records show that you’re PASSIONATE and CONFIDENT however, they seem to have left off that you’re INSENSITIVE and SELF CENTERED. if i’m correct, you’re siding with THE LIGHT, which makes sense considering you’re known around the castle for a silver p shaped necklace, crystal balls, gossiping with your bestie over tea, shopping in downtown london. let’s hope you make it through the year in one piece.
name: parvati patil
nicknames: tba
age: twenty two
bday: february 14th
gender: cis female
sexuality: biromantic bisexual
ethnicity: punjabi indian
nationaty: british
religion: atheism 
sunil patil (father; alive)
amrita patil (mother; alive)
patil (older brother; alive)
padma patil (twin sister; alive)
house: gryffindor  
blood status: halfblood
patronus: raven
amortentia: tba
boggart: mummy
hair: black
eyes: dark brown
skin: brown
height: 5’2 ft
build: thin
faceclaim: megan suri
loves divination, astrology, and astronomy.
huge fan of true crime documentaries, and she tries to do something similar for wizarding wireless but for hogwarts. who's stealing everyone's left shoe? who put bubbles in the quidditch stands? these questions demand answers!
plays guitar and sings. wants to start a band for the lols.
her parents want her to marry a nice, successful, and put-together man. they're very traditional, and while they try to be open-minded, it's hard for them to accept a deviation from that ideal. to be fair, it's hard for parvati to go against that ideal as well, at least openly. they love their daughters more than anything but it's hard.
100% has dumped someone bc their horoscope didn't vibe together.
more tba
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crownedinmarigolds · 3 months
I shall reveal crownedinmarigolds deep-lore. My username comes from the book title for a fantasy novel I had starring Parvati (who currently is my Ravnos Follower of Set in our VTM canon). She was the daughter of a great general in a mountain range called colloquially the "Crown" and there was lots of world-building goodness and fighting and Harrakhty was there and there was familial betrayal and my boss from India was basically my book consultant so while it was high fantasy it was still pretty close to tales within Hinduism and their various symbols and etc. It was very fun but also I got so busy... miss it.... it's just funny to see where I am now and how I got here and where even my own username came from and how different it is!
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dumdaradumdaradum · 2 years
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Navratri is a celebration of Shakti. A celebration of Prakriti.
We pray to her and ask her to bestow health and wellness on us, which i feel she does in several ways.
Each navratri my views have changed a little, every year. As a kid, ofc it used to be very literal like there are nine goddesses and we worship them. Then came the phase when i learned that we have four navratri in a year and it corresponds to a change in seasons.
Yesterday i was listening to a podcast and i heard some really interesting symbolism.
Shailputri- as the name suggests, she is the daughter of mountains or rather the king of mountains. Her name binds her to her father. Her identity is from her father, much like our identity remains tethered to our parents during childhood.
Brahmacharini- this form tells a story of ma Parvati during her tap to attain lord Shiva. We all tire away in our work, each day and every day to reach out goals.
Chandraghanta- here she is in her complete Durga form. She's weilding several weapons. It signifies and tells us how she's now an accomplished woman, a woman who has worked extremely hard and continues to do so but now she's has gained a footing in the world. She has started carving out an identity for herself.
Kushmanda- she is quiet similar to chandraghanta in her appearance, the only difference is she that she's now holding a pot in her hand. A pot of honey. Honey symbolises womb. She's has entered her motherly nurturing state and is ready to create a life.
Skandamata- mother of skanda. She no longer a holds weapons and is solely focused on her kid. Like every other ma, her entire life is currently devoted to her kid. He's the centre of her universe.
Katyayani- she takes form of Durga. She shows everybody how a woman's life doesn't end with motherhood. She is leaving behind all the ties, she isn't anyone's daughter, or wife or mother. She's her.
Kalaratri- or Kali. She is quite a sight to look at. Specifically taking such a form to scare away demons. Anyone who points fingers at her, anyone who dares call her weak- she demolishes such allegations.
Mahagauri- after going through every phase of her life. The process initiated at katyayani is now complete. She is free from boundations and gauri is now mahagauri. The one who has realised.
Siddhidatri- she looks like ma lakshmi. She's a giver. Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth and advancement in material and spiritual world is really the end goal. She's calm and smiling, she has accomplished enough in her life and she's now sharing it with everyone around her.
- Dr. Vineet
I think it's absolutely beautiful. || Masterlist
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 1 year
Higanbana Hime Chapter 4: A Warning
-It had been several trips from the gods of the Hindu pantheon to the Shinto pantheon, to meet with Raiden, Kojiro, and many others, who were trying to help them find a wife, but so far with no luck.
-Mainly due to everyone arguing over what are the best qualities in a wife, which often led to fights and then drinking parties.
-News had quickly spread across the different pantheons that the Hindu gods had been going to the Shinto pantheon quite frequently, and someone blabbed that they were looking for a human wife there.
-More gods and some humans from other pantheons had started to visit, many were just curious, meaning no harm and got to see some of the culture and the humans were so hospitable to the visitors, introducing them to some new cuisine.
-While there were some humans who were trying to warn the humans of the Shinto pantheon not to allow any of their daughters to be married off to these gods.
-The gods were not above threatening humans with daughters, threatening them that they had better not let these strong gods marry their daughters, not seeing them as worthy enough.
-Kondo, Okita, and the other Shinsengumi members were being run ragged by all of the conflicts and eventually some of the Shinto deities had to intervene with the gods who were trying to threaten their worshippers on their home turf!
-Many of the Shinto gods were not bothered by the idea of one of their human daughters marrying the Hindu gods, as long as she was happy, healthy, and safe, giving Shiva and the others their blessings in finding a wife there.
-Raiden surprised the gods by having a catered feast prepared when they arrived at his home, a bright grin on his lips, “We’ve been working hard at this, so today is a break to just relax and enjoy good food with friends!”
-Shiva grinned and instantly the party started, eating, drinking, and just having fun.
-Raiden was sitting with Ganesha in his lap, as the child liked this giant human, “Mr. Raiden, I want zenzai!” he just grinned brightly, patting the top of his head and had someone bring the child what he requested.
-Parvati leaned over, “Have you had that dish before Ganesha?” the child beamed brightly, “I have! I met a nice lady when I was playing with my friends here last time! One of my friends got hurt and she took us to our house and put bandages on her and gave us zenzai to calm us down!”
-Parvati smiled, hearing of such a kindhearted woman as Ganesha offered his mother a taste of the treat which made her smile as it was so tasty! He beamed at her, “This one is tasty, but hers was so much better!”
-Raiden just laughed and ordered some for everyone to have a toast, a cheer ringing through the building as they all enjoyed the sweet treat.
-Raiden lifted his glass to his lips and his eyes instantly snapped open as something flew at him, shattering his glass and embedded in the wall behind him as he managed to dodge at the last second.
-Vishnu and Indra were instantly at the large open door, looking out while Rudra quickly stood, moving to Raiden, finding a kunai blade imbedded in the wall with a note, ‘Get out!’ and on the back was a simple picture of a black butterfly.
-Kojiro immediately went and got Kondo and Okita, telling them of the attack and Kondo glared when he saw the symbol, “Damn it- this group, Black Butterfly is what we’ve been calling them, have been threatening people all over the pantheon, places where gods and human both flock to, like this place!”
-Parvati was hugging Ganesha tightly, worried for his safety, calming only slightly when Agni pulled her into his arms, to protect her.
-Shiva sneered down at the kunai, knowing a challenge when he sees one, “Guess I’m going to need to meet with Zeus about this. Someone doesn’t want us here.”
-Zeus took the threat seriously, as he had been getting letters from gods, anonymously, threatening action if this marriage was allowed to still happen, and to hear that gods and humans were being threatened, merely for being in the same place, for being friends, enraged the Greek god to no end.
-Zeus set up guards all around the Shinto pantheon, and Odin asked Brunnhilde to have the valkyries patrol there as well until more information was gathered about this organization and about the gods who were so against this marriage.
-Shiva refused to let his family be put in danger, attending by himself or sometimes with one of the men of his family, going in small groups now, to not draw attention to themselves.
-Most of the marriage talks had halted, as everyone’s focus was now on finding this group, so they could safely start planning again.
-Nadeshiko had been at a tea house, one that both gods and humans had frequented, when it had been attacked, dodging a kunai that was thrown into the building not aimed at her specifically, as whoever threw them just threw them and ran, not caring who they hit.
-She pulled the kunai out of the wall after calming the tea shop owner, finding the same message ‘Get out!’ and the picture of the black butterfly.
-She approached one of the guards Zeus had sent, a demi-god, with the kunai, reporting that the tea shop had been attacked and he thanked her before rushing off to investigate.
-Nadeshiko had heard about these marriage talks, mainly from just listening to gossip at the tea house, that the Hindu gods had to marry a human woman, and they had been meeting with Raiden, who Nadeshiko knew very well, about advice on who to choose.
-She grew concerned that these threats were taking place, risking hurting innocent people. Her grip tightened on her umbrella as her eyes narrowed in a slight glare, ‘I’m going to put a stop to this. I guess it’s time to cash in a few favors that I’m owed.’
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blessed1neha · 1 year
How were the five daughters (in the form of snakes) of Lord Shiva born?
According to the Shivmahapuran, once Lord Shiva was sitting in penance in the waters of the Ganges. It has been many years since he did penance. One day, due to the glory of penance, drops of sweat came out of his body. Those drops took the form of five snakes.
Five snakes took the form of beautiful girls. When Lord Shiva woke up from penance, he saw those girls. Lord Shiva and those five girls started playing in the water of the Ganges.
Meanwhile, Mother Parvati came there. When he saw those girls playing with Shiva. Seeing this she got furious. He said, "Who are you playing with my swami in the water?" Mother Parvati got angry and started cursing him. She did not know that these girls were her daughters. Meanwhile, Lord Shiva started saying, “wait Parvati, what are you going to do! It is born from the sweat of my penance. That's why they are our daughters.”
Mother Parvati was pleased to hear this. He hugged his daughters and started loving them. Lord Shiva named them Jaya, Vishhara, Shamliwari, Dotli and Dev.
Lord Shiva told about his daughters that whoever worships these snake girls on the fifth day of Shukla Paksha of the month of Sawan, their family will not be afraid of snakebite.
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isobel-thorm · 1 year
WIP Meme
Tagged by @euryalex
Tagging: uhhh who's still around? @deputyash @socially-awkward-skeleton @geronimo-11 @shallow-gravy @amistrio
Outer Worlds Nonsense:
Max glanced over at Parvati and Junlei dancing, too caught up in each other to even notice anybody else was around them, he supposed. “Why do I feel like we’re watching our daughter grow up before our very eyes?”  Vex laughed and tucked her forehead against his collarbone, and he tried very hard to ignore the warm feeling that started in his chest. “Because we basically are. We helped that happen. Remember getting everything and then spying on the date?”  “She was hopeless,” Max recalled. The pair of them had stood as silently as possible on the catwalk over Parvati and Junlei's first date, not too obvious, but not exactly not hovering either. Enough that Vex's commentary wouldn't carry, nor would her hitting his arm lightly any time he gave her a chiding look. They had all come so far since then. They were all different people, but still somehow the same. “And look at our little girl now.” Vex agreed. “They grow up so quickly.” She curled into him tighter still, and when he pulled her closer on instinct, he felt her freeze up and peel away- not completely, but just to put more space between them so it wasn’t so… intimate. And to his own surprise, his heart lurched. That… might have been his fault after everything. He had up and left out of the blue to ‘soul search’ and the others had stayed, and he had ruined everything, and now the person most dear to him hardly knew how to process what they were. If they were anything to begin with. ‘Vexing Vex’, he had donned her affectionately two years prior any time she came to him with a problem. And just like that, she was back to that name- for the wrong reason. 
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