#People still think it's strange and weird that we do that tho
I keep seeing people bringing up Raphael’s line about Mol and are coming out with (in my opinion) a little bit of extreme takes.
“What a lovely specimen she is a blushing Apple begging to be plucked”
Firstly, this is just gross and predatory behaviour regarding Mol, just not in the way people are claiming.
He calls her a blushing apple and what he means by this is that she stands out - he sees potential in her and he’s planning on plucking that and exploiting it to his own whims. Of course blushing seems to have its own connotations but in relation to the apple analogy it makes sense. The sentence in itself is very disgusting and gross, but not because it gives off “pedo” vibes, it’s because he’s being predatory but not in any sexual way, there’s nothing sexual about it, literally nothing.
It’s gross because that’s what devils do, they prey on the weak, sick, elderly and children, the most vulnerable in a society because they’re easy prey (in their minds, etc) he’s also may be planning on grooming her presumably into a future position that would serve him later on (like what Korilla does now), yet might I add there’s nothing sexual about it.
People also bring up Gortash as an example but theres also nothing to add with that either. Gortash was abused by Nubaldin (who is an employee of Raphael’s), who says it himself that he would beat Gortash until he was sobbing, there is no mention of Raphael partaking in this let alone any other sorts of abuse (tho he’s not innocent here either, negligent in the very least)
Also, when looking at Gortash’s design it’s clear he holds some sort of admiration for Raphael, he copies his outfit somewhat with the devil’s accessories and such, which would be strange if any abuse by Raphael happened.
Raphael is a devil and if we even look at his father, who in canon, takes good aligned children/babies and eats them so perhaps the leap to something just as sinister isn’t too crazy to come to. Yet, at the same time there is no evidence of this whatsoever other than vibes which is a weak argument in the first place.
His line about Mol is purposely made to be uncomfortable and weird, Karlach even comments on it being such.
“please let me smack this creep”
The line is supposed to show how predatory and deplorable he is, but where I think people are getting confused is that they think him being predatory automatically means he is a pedo, which just isn’t the case. No where else in the game is it stated he has an affinity for specifically children and especially not in that way.
Karlach I think even says more about it after the conversation on how she sees mol going down the same route she did, as in someone taking advantage of their naïveté but not sexually, just that they’re going to use them to their own ends and screw them over in the long run, I think if Karlach thought he was being sexual about it she would’ve been a bit more pissed or comment about it at the very least (more than just calling him a creep lol)
Like I know I might be crazy for this comparison but this feels like when ppl were saying William Afton is a pedo, on the basis of him being (literally) predatory around kids and vibes - you can be predatory and not a pedo, the two aren’t synonymous.
I also think it’s kinda disingenuous to push away criticism by saying you’re only defending Raphael bc ur attracted to him etc, I can like his character and still think he’s a shitty disgusting person, as well as having critical thoughts on that matter, especially since I love my girl hope (justice for hope fr) and I will most likely always kill Raphael in my playthroughs too since he’s such a lil freak anyway.
I really think it’s just a total lack of media literacy, just because these characters are preying on kids weaknesses/vulnerabilities (luring them into selling their souls or grooming them to work for you in the future) does not equate to them being pedophiles. Is it gross and deplorable behaviour? YES, that was the point, but does that mean they’re pedophiles? NO.
The line is gross, it’s supposed to be, and I understand if someone’s first thought might be is he a yknow, but to stick with that and to boldly claim he’s something that there isn’t any evidence for is wild to me. Call him a predator, a groomer, murderer, a literal devil, all things he literally is lol.
Look maybe I’m crazy, maybe I’m being wild, I’m not trying to defend him, he’s disgusting and literally evil lol, yet I still think it’s a misjudgement of his character, since there’s other evil characters in game but that doesn’t mean you can just add every evil thing a person can be into them, like minthara, even Gortash, orin or ketheric or whatever, they have their limits, (tho orin is probably the one with the fewest limitations lol) but if you’re going to call anyone a pedo have it be Mizora, least she grooms Wyll and follows through with disgusting touching (everytime she’s licking him in the promotion, EW, tho that’s not in game so debatable)
I get that with such a clearly and obviously disgusting line that that might be the conclusion people will automatically come to but at the same time I just ask that you do some more thinking on the matter, like sure he’s just a lil pixel dude but at the same time it’s a bit worrying to see how quick people will confidently jump and claim he’s a pedophile.
Anyway, media literacy is dead and we’ve killed it.
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jupiter-nwn · 1 year
It's almost 1am which means that the "day where people tell me it's weird and strange that my family has different traditions" is finally over!!!
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astrxealis · 2 years
HELP ONE LAST POST B4 I GET BACK TO STUFF FR HELPODJSKDN but i think. hm. so interesting how the world is so big but also such a small place
#⋯ ꒰ა starry thoughts ໒꒱ *·˚#my xiv static b4 this tier dropped uhh i left but kinda am still part but also no but yeah bcs i'm Busy#there is another filipino there who is only a few years older than me (okay it's 5 but they're also a student! except uni KDBWKDJS)#it's is really coincidental bcs we so happen to have been around same prog. they are an all-rounder w the classes they play but one main#dps is rpr which was mine b4 i switched to smn :O they so happen to be interested in vtubing too and KFBSKDK IT IS AN AUS SERVER.#primarily an aus static (group of people who play together at a certain time to clear content btw)#and they so happen to be filipino too and i think whats most interesting is that our accent is incredibly similar#i feel like there's a certain accent filipinos who are good at english have but it's often really like. sharp still#and though i somewhat have that trait the way i speak has a certain fluidity and idk how to explain but they have it too#and. i want to learn more about just why that is. i think it's bcs i was often surrounded by different accents growing up and even now#and it's probably the same for them esp if theyre an xiv player too and used to be in na server and now aus. interesting#i grew up watching a lot of media aside from reading stuff too and i'm reallt glad i did but that's not the point rn help okay so#hmm accents are just really interesting! i think especially if you're the same nationality#i just reallt found it interesting bcs it really is SO similar. sometimes i talk and realize holy fuck i sound just like them#it is so weird. and interesting. esp bcs they're not afab but i am and so hmmm ??#okay i will really go now BYE but i should get to my discord and tumblr stuff soon 🥲 school sucks#but also not reallt bcs. TEAH. yeah. okay i will really stop rambling (for now)#someontimes tho i think it's curious if people naturallt sound the way they do (watching a stream in the back rn)#yk idk what's up w me but it's kinda funny. watching stream thinking a lot and writinf and listening to music in the back and doing hw#hashtag multitasker but strangely it's also not really multitasking and i only really focus on one thing but everythinf helps me concentrate#what does thats ay about me i want to know ... now goodbye#thank god this one didn't reach 30 tags!#okay almost. but yeah.
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suzukiblu · 6 months
currently having EMOTIONS abt your 'Billy adopts kon and it goes p good actually'. Billy's there just like oh man I'm rambling they're gonna think I'm so lame...meanwhile I as a reader (and presumably also Kon and possibly the other characters present??) are actually going 'oh my god. oh my god he's known Kon for like one singular minute and already arranged a flat according to his best predictions of Kon's needs/wants, gave Kon FIRST PICK OF BEDROOM, and has freely offered to learn how to cook AND how to drive for the sole purpose of taking better care of Kon'. like. oh my god. oh my god. Billy is so precious and I want to give him a hug. I hope Kon isn't too overwhelmed or suspicious due to Billy's enthusiasm tho lmao. (pls could there be..more? more Billy adopts kon, if possible?) anyway I love ur writing. thank you. idk how to ask from a sidelong but this is tryingahandinholdingapen btw :D
I gotchu, friend, lol. @tryingahandinholdingapen But yeah I love a good unreliable narrator, one way or the other it's just so fun peppering in all the bits of "the actual situation that the narrator is oblivious to", hahaha.
Rich people are weird, Billy decides, then sets the swiss rolls and zebra cakes and rest of the strawberry shortcakes on the counter in case Kid Flash is still hungry or Superboy wants any of them and closes the pantry. Batman’s just doing his best, he guesses. Though Billy hopes he knows how to coupon, if he’s always buying brand-name. 
Well, he’s Batman. It’d be weirder if he didn’t know how to coupon, Billy figures.
It looks like Superboy ate all of his snack cake while Billy and Kid Flash were in the pantry, at least, which Billy hopes means he liked it. He doesn’t know how much real food Superboy’s had, but Batman’d said he should be fine eating solid stuff and not just whatever he’d been getting in his cloning pod. Though Billy’d still asked if they could get some bottled smoothies and protein shakes and stuff like that to keep in the fridge, just in case. He figured those might be easier for him to eat and digest, if it came up. Or like, maybe appeal to him more, if nothing else? 
Billy has no idea, honestly, he’s just doing his best here. The wisdom of Solomon is pretty useful but it’s not really, like, that much of a parenting guide. 
He is not going to cut Superboy in half. Like, ever. Like he understands the idea of that story but also it is an insane and incredibly freaky story and he is just not invoking it, ever. Just no way.
“If it’s alright, Captain, we should get going. We’ve got a bit of a drive to get home,” Mrs. West says, then sighs as Kid Flash empties the boxes of swiss rolls and zebra cakes in lightning-fast succession, though he leaves the strawberry shortcakes alone. Billy checks in the fridge and offers him a couple of the more filling smoothies–peanut butter and banana should be more filling, anyway, even with a speedster’s appetite. He steals those from convenience stores sometimes, when he can. He can’t be Captain Marvel all the time. 
Well–maybe he could, he guesses. But he does miss being himself, sometimes.
“Thanks, man,” Kid Flash says eagerly, then immediately shotguns both smoothies. 
“Wally,” Mr. West says in exasperation as Mrs. West sighs again. “Don’t eat Captain Marvel out of house and home.” 
“It’s okay, we’ve got lots of food!” Billy promises cheerfully. “I work with Flash, I know how hungry he gets. I bet it’s way worse when you still have growth spurts to get through.” 
“It is so much worse,” Kid Flash mutters vehemently, eyeing the empty smoothie bottles in his hands accusingly. Billy gets him another peanut butter banana one on principle. He really doesn’t want Kid Flash to be that hungry. It’s . . . not a good feeling. 
“We appreciate it, Captain, really, but we’ve got snacks and a cooler in the car,” Mrs. West says. 
“Oh, good,” Billy says, relieved. Mr. and Mrs. West both give him strange, inscrutable looks, then glance back to Superboy. Billy wonders if he likes peanut butter banana smoothies. Though if he liked the snack cakes, there’s strawberry banana ones too, so that might be better? And strawberry kiwi, but that’s probably less filling. “Superboy, do you want a smoothie too?” 
“No,” Superboy says. Billy pauses again, then gets him a strawberry banana one and tosses it over. Superboy catches it, eyes it, and then opens it and takes a sip.
Okay, Billy thinks he’s getting the hang of this. But also they should probably talk about how “no” needs to actually mean “no”. Like, for Superboy he’s sure it’s just like that phase when toddlers want to say “no” to everything no matter what, but it’s still important for him to understand. Billy doesn’t want to accidentally upset him or overstep because Superboy doesn’t know how to really say “no” to something.
Yeah, they definitely need to talk about that, he decides.
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ganondoodle · 7 months
still thinking about how even just the decision to basically act like the shiekah tech never existed is just ... so baffling to me
bc again you could have done all the sonau tech does with shiekah instead, and they were perfect to be explored more in a sequel, why wouldnt you grasp that potential, the literal building blocks for more??
if you are that tired of shiekah tech .. dont make it a fuckign sequel to the game prominently featuring it???? totk doesnt take place generations after botw in which things could have changed drastically, its just a few years afterwards??
you want to reuse the map and get rid of shiekah tech? ok fine take LINK into the past then and the focus is for you to find a way to return; do some neat twist where its revealed that link was the one who sealed gan bc he couldnt defeat him without zelda or something if you dare (they wouldnt)
want less work than that and still reuse the map and get rid of shiekah tech AND reuse characters? ok then make it some alternate universe thingy like majoras mask in which everythign is the same but also isnt, its weird and creepy how characters you thoguht you knew suddendly dont act like themselves, shiekah tech doesnt exist, malice is now miasma, etc, it would give reason to why you feel so much like something about this world is familiar yet also very wrong
as far as im aware every "sequel" we have had so far were either generations apart from the first one, some alternate universe or a different location altogether- in all of which its plausible that things are different, things seem weirdly familiar but also wrong, or that another continent just works different from hyrule
but totk does none of that, its supposedly just a few years after the first game, same world same character, but its BUILT like some strange jumbled mess of stuff from botw and new stuff out of nowhere that just .. doesnt fit, but feeling a strange sense of otherness, a déja vu of something you know but it acts off, like an imposter, thats NOT intentional and it shows, its a mess of botw stuff, from stuff that people missed from the old games and entirely new stuff; i dont doubt it CAN work but the way it turned out is like a mix of 3 different puzzles forced together and being told 'see it fits!' even tho you can clearly see the pieces dont look right in these places
again it feels like a sequel that desperately wants you to forget the first game happened, that anythign from it mattered at all
and that isnt really ... the sense of a sequel? why insist on it being one when it only creates problems? is it marketing?? just like it was marketing to call age of calamity a telling of what happened before botw but then it wasnt that at all and that is still the sole reason why i dislike it? bc i was lied to? totk is like 10000 times worse than that, its a main title and doesnt even have the excuse of yeah its basically an excuse to play all your fav characters in fun ways and the game beign well aware that being its main appeal; what is totk appeal? a toybox with botw aestethic and none of the flavor?
(on a sidenote; the sonau tech doesnt even .. matter? in botw at least calamity ganon was made of shiekah tech parts and him overtaking other tech is a big point, the sonau tech doesnt serve anything but .. idk minerus useless mech? gan doesnt even aknowledge it, he doesnt care, all it is is toys for the player, not link, but the player. the monsters mining the tech materials? what for? gan doesnt give a damn and they dont work for the yiga either??)
i said it before but it gives me the feeling that the way botw invited you to theorize, to look beneath the surface, the way it intrigued you and laid the groundwork for so many interesting things without denying anything.. was accidental? or perhaps put in the game without the directors noticing? i cant stop thinking about them saying sth like "after botw zelda wondered if the kingdom of hyrule needed to keep existing the way it had been before the calamity, but then totk happens" bc it just feels like they realized too late that botw naturally led into questioning the status quo and they scrambled to fit it back into a flat and boring road we have seen so many times before (or even worse really) with totk
zeldas character naturally leads into her questioning and reexamine their history and set of rules? we gotta teach her a lesson of why she is importante god given monarchy girl that has to keep it bc what if evil brown man shows up again for no reason
maybe im grasping at straws here but looking at it this way the sonau .. make more "sense"; the shiekah were a group that was under the rule of the royal family, and misstreated before (oh no look soemthing interesting) so they dont lend themselves well to be used for teaching zelda that lesson- the sonau however are tailored really to be just that; they are a supposedly godly race from the literal sky that founded this version of hyrule, that had tech even more advanced and better than the shiekah, she gets put in the past to meet the perfect god king of goodness personally, also his very fridgy wifey that zelda later replaces in a way, shes put there and treated like family and then gets to see just how evil that evil big man from the desert is, sonia is falcon-punched to death solely so zelda can feel obligated to take over her role, have her new, better 'family' hurt by gan; similarly so raurus sacrifice, look what a noble and good king he is, he payed the ultimate price to lock that evil man away, now zelda you cannot let their sacrifice go to waste, rebuild that divinely good kingdom like it was!!
and even though they go so much out of their way to put the cart back onto the rails of black and white-good and evil in an even flatter way than the old games, it still doesnt feel right, at least to me, it still feels like zelda shouldnt have gone along with all of that, it feels like even her character from botw was walked back entirely, except for the intro, it made her feel like a stranger to me-
because this is a sequel, i know this zelda, she wouldnt act like that after all that shes been through, this feels ... off
and it all just insulting to anyone who cared about botw more than surface level, or the zelda lore in general, i dont even care much about the timeline, but theres alot of lore and themes beyond it that felt ignored, especially so given that .. its a damn sequel, non AU, not generations apart, directly part 2-
but its not.
it even feels very "corporate", put zelda in a dress again, people liked that, put crazy abilities in the game to flashbang people with how insane it is even if its not the best for the gameplay or the story, put a new asthetic into it out of nowhere bc its 'new' and act like its been there the whole time, put gan in there bc people miss him and find him sexy even if his role is just as flat as that of an evil cloud monster-
you know, i saw a post that said aoc was like a bad fanfic (affectionate) and totk was like a bad fanfic (derogatory) and tbh thats like one of the best comparisons/summaries i have seen ..
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galedekarios · 4 months
your tags on my ea gale clip sum up really well something i've been thinking about for a while now! even on full release, it seems to me like a big part of the hate gale gets stems from people's insecurity; he kind of disrupts this power fantasy some people seem to desire where they have to be the most cool and capable person on the team. gale is more knowledgeable than the player about certain magic-related things, was very powerful before being tadpoled, has a close association with a goddess, etc. and he isn't exactly humble or shy about boasting about his magic skills. so then a lot of people instantly get defensive over their own character's capabilities and dislike him because of that. that's what i think, anyway.
i couldn't agree more, really!
it's strange to see just how much larian has toned down this aspect of gale from early access to full release to the point of changing his introduction scene entirely from being extremely capable and saving himself to being a damsel in distress (with the added bonus of adding in even more options to kill him than there were in early access, which is yet another can of worms entirely imo, esp considering that they removed a perfectly valid rp option for a certain companion on a certain beach).
i'm not saying i don't like the new introduction scene. i do! it's sweet, it's very cute, but it's also very, very different and i think we can make a fair assumption as to why it was changed.
it doesn't seem to have helped much tho because even now people have an issue with the fact that a wizard prodigy, graduate of blackstaff academy, mentee of elminster, archwizard of waterdeep and (ex) chosen of mystra knows more about magic and other related academic pursuits than they do/their player character does.
be it asking them if they're versed in magic, which is still clearly done to suss out if he found someone capable of dealing with the orb, or the amount of times i've seen people either peacock or complain about the cleansing of the ritual circle in balthazar's room.
again, it's just so weird to me, personally, considering gale makes it clear that dealing with such dark magic was his bread and butter as a chosen. it's natural he would see himself as most qualified to ensure it's safely rendered inert.
it's not bratty, it's not arrogant, it's not bullying, it's not talking down to you or your character.
it's simply a fact.
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keenzinemugstudent · 1 year
Superman x witch fem black reader x Superboy! Our future? Part 1!
You come back from a mission only to meet a boy who claims to be your son?!
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After your mission with Flash which was an epic win! After going back in time to help stop an ancient Egyptian pharaoh from destroying world you just wanted to turn in your report go home and watch TV and rest but life had another plan for you today!
"When you use that spell on that other guy and had him hallucinating that he was fighting in his underwear was absolutely hilarious Y/H/N! (Your Hero Name)
"Right? Like he didn't see that coming! I do feel bad for the poor guy tho." We entered the Batcave as we got closer we could hear three people talking I saw Batman and Superman an unfamiliar face. It was a boy well more like a teenager he had blue jeans, black combat boots with a black shirt when he turned around I can see the Superman symbol and for some reason you had this pull towards him and he looked strangely familiar?
"Hey guy's! We're back it took a while you know with the whole space-time thing but we're fine, we made it got the job done so uh who's the new guy new face looks pretty young to join the Justice League don't you think?" Flash says. Superman looked at me I gave him a small wave to say hello but he just gave an awkward smile looking pass you. It was weird he usually doesn't do that, something must have happened you turned your attention back to the teenager who was looking at you with his eyes glossing over like he was close to crying?
"Since when do we allow fans into the batcave?" I asked hands on my hips I had got a good look at his face better and to your surprise he looked kind of like Clark? Before you could say anything the boy ran towards you with such speed nearly knocked you over he pulled you into a big bear hug almost like he was too scared to let you go everyone just stood watching the scene Bruce stood with a blank face, Superman stood there with an uneasy look while Flash was just as confused as you were with what was going on.
"Your here! I made it just in time!" The boy says into your shoulder you honestly didn't know what the heck was going on but something in you felt a connection to this unknown boy. You hug him back rubbing his back he pulled back flustered.
"Uh hi?" I say with a confused smile.
"H-hi! I mean I'm sorry for uh hugging you I just got really excited!" The boy said with a nervous smile geez even his smile is like Clark's!
"That's fine hon just uh be careful next time you wanna hug someone. You nearly knocked me off my feet!" You say hitting his shoulder. He smiled but was still flustered, you got a better look he was definitely a spitting image of Clark but only a tad bit kid had some muscle on him that's for sure but what really caught your attention was his eye's they were Y/E/C (your eye color)you put a hand on his cheek making him flinch a bit from your warm touch.
"That's funny your eyes..." Before you could finish Flash cut you off sliding over next to you and the kid.
"Can someone explain what and who this boy is please?" Flash says looking the kid up and down, Batman looked towards Superman who looked back shaking his head Batman looked towards the boy who looked back nodding than turned at you nervous.
"Um so first I'm really happy to meet you and second please don't freak out when I tell you this but I'm Kon-el."
"Oh so you are Kryptonian! Another cousin you failed to tell us about Superman?" I asked jokingly but he just looked at you awkwardly with a tiny blush, okay what the heck is wrong with him? You just turned your attention back to the young man.
"Well it's very nice to meet you Kon-el the minute I saw you I knew you were somehow related to Superman. You are just as handsome as the man of steel himself!" You say with a smile he blushed at your words while Superman also looked flustered by you calling him handsome.
I froze the smile on my face slowly dropping I heard Flash gasped while Bruce and Clark stared at your face waiting for reaction the boy looked at you with a bit of concern but the only thing you could do was just stand in shock looking between the boy and Superman who was still waiting for your reaction but you let out a simple small confused "Huh?" before everything went black.
Clark's POV
Before anyone else could react Y/n eyes rolled in the back of her head luckily I had caught her in time. Conner I mean Superboy started to panic kneeling to the ground along side me.
"I-i'm sorry it just slipped out!" I just gave him a small understandable look.
"It's fine Superboy she's okay just in shock."
Not that you blame her I nearly had the same reaction I was in metropolis when Bruce had gave me the call saying that it was urgent I rushed over only to find Batman holding a teenage boy at gun point (it was a kryptonite gun) at first I was confused and concerned until Batman told me that the boy claimed to be mine and Y/H/N son which of course was hard to believe because I was in a relationship with Lois even though we've been having issues and Y/n had no interest in dating (at least that's what I was told by Diana) and we were only close friends nothing more nothing less. At least that's what I thought until the boy in front of me claimed to be our child and he needed the Justice League's help. Of course me and Bruce had doubts but I could see that he did resembled me a bit only he didn't have my blue eyes but had Y/E/C (your eye color) that's when the boy who called himself Superboy told Bruce to look in his back jean pocket and that there was a picture to prove it of course Batman did in to our surprise it was a picture of me and Y/n who was laying in a hospital bed, a beautiful but tired smile on her face and was holding a newborn baby, at the bottom of the photo it read "Welcome to the world our little miracle child Connor Kent" I had to hold on to something because I felt faint, Bruce held my shoulder trying to help me stand on my feet.
I had a son? the son of Superman and Y/H/N...we had a son?!
it just it sounded so...right??? I shouldn't be saying or thinking such things because I'm in a relationship with Lois but recently we've been having issues especially about how she feels about Y/n which just make this whole situation worse!
Just as Connor was trying to explain how he got here that was when Barry and Y/n entered the cave back from their mission, which brings us back to the present with me holding Y/h/n in my arms and Connor looking very concerned for his future mother.
"She did say she was tired after using so much magic and the shock of meeting Superboy I guess was too much for her body." Barry says arms crossed, I picked Y/n up bridal style then turn to looked at Bruce.
"I'll take care of this you call the other's." I say before walking out with Conner not far behind. Today has been tiring for everyone.
To be continued this and AU where Conner isn't a Clone between Lex and Clark but you and Superman's son idea I had while working 🤷‍♀️
Here part 2!
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Clone wars headcanons that I'm posting just in time for May 4th
Anakin can’t finish a movie or tv show by himself to save his fucking life like something in his brain prevents him from finishing it without someone there to talk about it 
But he’ll try over and over and over again to a point where he will have the first half of the show memorized but still not know how it ends
He needs someone to keep him there and actually pay attention and there’s very few people that actually have the time or determination to do it (Aka Ahsoka) 
Ahsoka and Anakin watching a movie or show together is very different than watching it with the group cause Obi-Wan and Rex need total silence to enjoy a show (they’ve snapped at the duo a couple of times cause they kept asking “Okay so what the kriff does that mean”)
Padme doesn’t mind the talking as much as Rex and Obi-Wan but after a while the constant talking and theorizing and rewinding gets to her as well 
Unfortunately Ahsoka and Anakin need to talk to process media so half the time they just send emotions or questions through their bond to keep everyone happy 
I once saw a post say “do you think Ahsoka remembers how Anakin’s laugh sounded” and that question knocked the wind out of my lungs and made me cry for longer than I’d like to admit  
But it also made me realize that I can’t remember what their laughs sound like cause I don’t think they do so very often which means I get to create new laughs for them 
Anakin’s laugh is a strange and awkward little thing and sometimes people comment that it sounds like it hurts him (because he’s an emo little weirdo who doesn’t like to show he laughs) 
It’s very clunky and sometimes sounds like ill-fitted gears shifting but it’s also weirdly infectious and fills a lot of people with warmth
Ahsoka’s is equally as weird and infectious it’s very animalistic kind of like a fox’s laugh (aka very high-pitched and fucking adorable) she’s very giggly around the people she’s comfortable with 
Anakin would say that Padme’s laugh sounds like a wind chime and that's true for her fake ass senator laugh that’s controlled and most of the time forced 
But her real laugh that she lets out with family is a snorty hiccupy little thing that puts a stupid smile on Anakin’s face 
Obi-Wan’s laugh is breathy sounding sometimes wheezy but otherwise quiet sometimes people will catch him off guard and they get a kinda loud “HA” out of it but that’s the loudest it’ll get 
I know we technically heard Rex’s laugh in the clone wars movie but you can’t tell me this man wouldn’t cackle 
Like fully body doubled over laughter that shakes a damn room Anakin has joked once or twice that Rex has blown out his eardrum which just makes him laugh louder 
There is one person in the whole galaxy that Anakin trusts to fix his prosthetic and that’s Ahsoka 
He didn’t even trust the arm at first which made him take it apart entirely no one asked him questions about how he got the parts to fix it they all just let him fiddle with it because they thought it was his way of coping 
He normally gets pretty twitchy and cagey when people hold his prosthetic (besides Ahsoka obvi) Padme usually gets the best reception and by best reception I mean he doesn’t snatch it out of her hands 
Obi-Wan swears to this day the first time he picked up Anakin’s prosthetic the boy almost dislocated both their shoulders trying to get it back 
The first time Ahsoka fixed his arm was also when Anakin physically couldn’t because he was in too much pain
He talked her through the repair process tho and thanked the universe that he was hyped up on pain meds because he was sure that’s the only reason he was so calm 
Even after he recovered he showed her the proper way to fix the arm and let her take it apart and put it back together a couple of times 
He would never admit it but it is kind of a relief to have someone who can fix it the same way that he does
And everyone else is grateful that it’s kind of given the young togruta something to do when her master is injured because otherwise she’d be restless 
Sometimes when Anakin and Ahsoka want to confuse Obi-Wan they’ll act like he’s their biological father and blame stuff on him and those conversations will go something like this:
“Honestly Soka it’s not your fault you have ADHD” “You’re so right Skyguy the same could be said about you being autistic we both inherited from Obi-Wan”
The first couple of times he didn’t know how to react (because how tf do you react to that) but after a while he would start telling them “You do know we’re not actually related right?”
To which the duo whips out the most overdramatic reactions that entail Ahsoka covering Anakin’s ears and him doing the same to her montrals and they usually take turns to respond with “Master there are younglings present!”
I’m fully convinced that if Tiktok existed in the Star Wars universe Ahsoka would have one and it would be 1. Strangely popular and 2. The weirdest amalgamation of stuff
You’ve got her prank videos (mostly aimed at Anakin), story times (mostly about Anakin Rex and Obi-Wan), get ready with me’s (mostly to hang out with Padme), and her favorite: forcing the boys to dance with her 
The only videos that she has of Obi-Wan dancing are the ones of them dancing at formal events (mostly cause ballroom dancing is the one kind he knows)
Anakin, Rex and the boys are her most frequent victims and my sweet baby angles bless their hearts are stiff as goddamn boards
They’ve got a decent rhythm down and they can all pick up routines pretty fast but Ahsoka has had to train them to let loose a little bit 
It obviously took Anakin the longest to loosen up and that process mostly took place in their shared quarters but it also made me think of a hilarious scenario that goes something like this:
Cody was woken up at 3 am by an unexpected message from Obi-Wan well to be specific it was two messages one video and a text titled “Why are they like this”
When he plays the video he sees Anakin and Ahsoka doing some silly little (obviously choreographed) dance in the kitchen as something is baking in the oven (knowing the duo probably cookies)
Cody’s laughter could be heard throughout the barracks that night
When Ahsoka finally gets her hands on that video (because she does get her hands on that video) she edits the clips of her dancing with Obi-Wan and her dancing with Anakin 
With the caption being something cute and lowkey cheezy like “How I dance with my Dad vs how I dance with my brother” which people eat up because it’s fucking adorable 
There are also a couple of videos that she couldn’t post because it’s Rex her and the boys dancing and goofing off as mission lights and alarms go off in the background
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layraket · 26 days
okay finally the most waited post (of mine (maybe)) since yesterday!!! me rambling in a weird/deep way!!!!
first of all we start strong
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the Wolfie thing was something that i've been wondering when will be adressed, and when i read the word "wolf" i got nuts
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I felt weird here cuz Four just mentioned Time and himself??? im crackling at Leg's face "my guy you forgot someone" now thinking better abt it Legend didn't tell anyone abt the bunny thing appart of Twi and Sky, so it makes sense they not knowing he already found out
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It makes sense that he didn't wanted to show his wolf form to them at the start, he can't just go "hey guys look i can turn into a wolf *cool shadow transformation* AUUUUUUUUUU-" and not freak them out.
and i find a little amusing Wind wanting a confirmation, he wants to make sure that now there's not fractures between each other's trust. They still got their secrets, yeah, but he still wanted to at least hear that theyre cool about this one
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Twi almost died, and the only reason that he's still breathing is because of them, obviously he will trust them now.
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my poor guy has been working so hard, being the emotional support dog in the group together with big brother duty is exhausting
still makes me laugh that nobody really made 2+2 and realised that it was a little suspicious that every time Wolfie was there Twi was patrolling. They really share the name Link huh
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Wolves are beautiful but dangerous animals, they are strong and usually agressive to invasors, makes sense to hide something that makes people run away from you. You might be able to defend them, but they will only pay back with scared glances
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ohhh i would really love to see this! Wild already knew Twilight, well, future Twilight. He saw the giant dog wandering around and thought "hey i know him thats the strange wolf! hey hiii buddyyy" this guy really
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love them trying to explain time shenanigans. keep it up buddy. you know basic math you can do this.
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the rest of them talking abt the wolf thing while here my man fighting with the gps
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Wild you already established your point calm down
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Something that i and a lot of people noticed: Wars seems more relaxed, the past updates he was at the verge of screaming at the void. Now here he is, bothering his brother. Happy Warriors is back!
See the only thing he needed was his emotional support scarf back
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if i had a coin every time a character hide their true identity in the zelda series i would have 16 coins, which is a lot considering that i thought it would be just 5 or 6 times what the hell
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oh i know that look. He has already an idea of what wars menat with that, he has already experienced the same situation
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Four doesn't fully approve the use of shadow magic yet. He remembers someone that because of that lost himself in the power. What if this happends too with Twi? How will they handle that situation? His mind is already too noisy just with thinking it a little
He hopes they will not have to confront the consecuences of dark magic's abuse
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i remember that someone said Wolfie looks weaker, and honestly i agree
im not sure if this is the case, but if it is i wouldn't be surprised. He looks thinner, his fur more tangled and less flat
Still fluffy boy, tho
AND NOW. the panels that made me laugh for some weird reason/i liked a lot without any comments of why
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art at its peak as always
(art credits goes towards @linkeduniverse as always!)
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yesimwriting · 2 years
Time of Need
had to give yall some halloween content (technically it's past midnight but whatever, also it's not really a halloween drabble bc halloween isn't mentioned, it's more just something i've written on halloween)
Summary: i've done drunk reader a lot but tipsy Billy and Stu being all clingy?? territory i've been desperate to play with
warnings: lowkey implies Stu has a bit of a thing for blood (we been knowing tho) but not really detailed (he basically licks a paper cut while tipsy lmao)
On good days you consider the way they make you feel when it's just the three of you in that little world you make silly. On bad days you think that feeling is straight up weird.
There's just something about Billy and Stu. Your two best friends, the only two people you trust in a way that you don't understand, a way that scares you because they're embedded so deeply in your life what is there to keep from them?
As much as it unsettles you when the realization that maybe you do need them catches you off guard, it's even more comforting during moments like this.
You're laying on Stu's bed, somewhat awkwardly pushed against Billy because Stu flopped on the bed with no warning, taking up as much space as possible. He's covering at least half the mattress and still more on top of you than not.
It's as nice as it is physically a little uncomfortable because you aren't sure you're supposed to breathe. You're not sure you're supposed to be in this position. It's been minutes now, and if they've noticed your hesitance, they've made no comment. Actually, they've done nothing to imply that there's anything weird or unusual about the two of them focusing on you silently like you might disappear.
The realization that they're both at the very last pretty tipsy hit you a little too suddenly. It took embarrassingly long for you to realize what about them was off, but in your defense, Stu's bad taste in jokes and touchiness are usual of him even when he's sober. It was Billy's blatant staring and pout when you moved your legs off his lap so you could grab your soda that gave them away.
Your realization that they had been drinking wasn't a big deal. It was noting that they were actually properly tipsy that got to you. At first it was funny, great, a way to get back at them for all the times they teased you about being a lightweight. You were amused and distracted until your thumb scraped against the jagged aluminum that once connected the little tab to the can (Stu ripped it off by accident and nearly choked on a laugh about it).
It was a tiny cut, but the thing about the edges of tinfoil is they always dig a little deeper than you thought it would. Blood bubbled upwards, a perfect bead of crimson that didn't even have the chance to drip down the side of your thumb before Stu grabbed your hand. You couldn't even ask him what he was doing before his lips covered the side of your thumb. You felt something oddly warm, Stu's tongue.
When what he was doing settled, you yanked your hand back instinctually. It was more ridiculous than unsettling and just the kind of strangely gross thing Stu would do for a laugh.
You vaguely registered Billy sitting up a little more before your snorted, an ungraceful, hyper sort of laugh escaping you. Later, thinking back, you'd realize it was the kind of panicked squeak an animal of prey lets out before playing dead. An instinctual attempt to appease. "You're so fucking weird sometimes."
Instead of laughing with you, Stu just held your gaze, something dark shifting behind his eyes openly. Without responding to your words, Stu grabbed your hand and pulled it towards him. He ignored your confusion, pulling your thumb into his mouth and swallowing just enough for you to notice. Like he wanted more blood to come out. The way his eyes watched you while he did it, emotionless, sent a chill straight through your spine.
You pulled your hand back again, a little firmer. Stu let you go with a slight pop, a subtle way of pointing out that you didn't break free. He let you go. You tried laughing it off again despite the way your stomach turned. Billy's hand lazily tracing patterns against bent knee made it a little easier.
After a minute of your heart slamming in your chest in a way you didn't understand, you decided that you needed to get out. To find a subtle, unoffensive way to go. To leave them until they're a little more under control.
Billy, who knows your instincts better than you do, was on the defensive. Instead of reacting in a way that emphasized the unnormalness of what just happened, Billy sat up fully, shoving Stu's shoulder just a little too harshly. A message to Stu, a change of subject to you.
"You're not funny," he mumbles, voice bored like the urge to leave flickering behind your eyes didn't make his stomach twist. To ease himself more than you, Billy reaches out, tugging on your arm. "Stu's an asshole." You almost soften at that, and that window of hesitance is all he needs. "That's why I called you," he pulls on your hand again gently, more of a request than a demand, "Needed you to see what I deal with."
A pinch fo humor twists its way between your caution, and that's all Billy needs. He squeezes your hand, pulling you down so that you're practically on top of him. You let out a sound, more of a laugh than a yelp and that's good enough for now. "You're just as weird sometimes, you know that?"
You're smiling, and that panicky, uncontrollable instinct of his is nearly satiated. It's pathetic, the things your proximity does. His mouth falls open in a mock gasp just long enough to make you fully grin. "As weird as him?" Billy lets his head fall back against the pillow supporting his back, "No way, he's a real freak."
Your small laugh is worth Stu's only somewhat serious, "Fuck you."
Stu's hand finds your other arm. You're tempted to jerk away, but his long fingers trail up your forearm so slowly you take it as a promise, a cease fire. "My girl gets that I'm joking, right, sweetheart?"
Wow. A 'my girl' and a 'sweetheart' in one sentence. Alcohol really does just make Stu more Stu. "You're such a weirdo." It's said too fondly, too easily. It doesn't get rid of all of Stu's uncertainty, a pinprick of rejection settling in his chest. But then you beam like you just can't help it, "But you're my weirdo."
Stu grins, fingers wrapping around your wrist, "Your weirdo?"
"Mhm," you hum, content. "Both of you."
Billy moves his hand, letting his open palm settle against your knee. "What did I do?"
"Besides call me over to Stu's house because you're both drunk?" He frowns, you laugh. "Kidding. I'm glad you called." You don't love admitting it, don't love letting them peak into the well of fondness you feel for them. "Was just starting to miss you guys. It's nice to remember that you're both..." You trail off with a wide smile.
Billy keeps his expression neutral, hand moving off of your leg and reaching forward to squeeze your chin between his thumb and pointer finger. "Be. Nice."
Heat rushes up your neck. You barely manage to blink calmly. "I'm always nice."
He raises an eyebrow at that, enjoying how easy it was to get you flustered.
Stu's hand slides downwards, his fingers loosely making their way between yours. "You've got a bit of a mean streak."
You turn your head, rolling your eyes. "Name one ti--"
"The way you almost bit off poor Randy's head because he said--"
"If he's going to have opinions that are that bad about the best movie of all time, he deserves what he gets."
The return of your attitude makes Stu grin. "See, sweet cheeks? You're just as weird as the rest of us."
You roll your eyes, resting your head against Billy's shoulder. "Passion is not weird."
Billy lets out a breath, the noise is something you can't interpret. "Why do you hang out with him so much if all you two do is bicker?"
Bicker is the polite understatement of the century. You and Randy are fine, practically best friends until you're not. Your fights are weird and brief and petty and all in good humor. "Because he's like the annoying brother I'd never ask for but secretly would never get rid of."
"Ouch," Stu hums, sharp enough to make you cringe, "Brother zone. Harsh. Didn't realize you were such a heartbreaker, babe."
"What?" The genuineness of your question takes a second to settle, and once it does they both laugh once. "What?"
Billy extends his arm, resting comfortably around your shoulders. "He's in love with you."
The comment is so jarring you nearly blank. "What? You guys are--" They're too smug, too in sync. It's messing with your train of thought, your ability to focus. "I think I'd know if a guy was in love with me."
"Apparently you wouldn't."
You roll your eyes, half heartedly bumping your knee against Stu's. "Shut up." It's a weak argument, but you don't think you'll be able to do any better. They're both too stubborn even when sober. "I have to leave soon, but apparently not soon enough to not have to hear theories on stuff I never want to hear theories on."
Neither of them return your joke. Billy's fingers press into your arm. "You're leaving?"
"Homework, parents. You didn't give me a ton of notice."
Billy slumps downwards, pulling you with him slightly. You can't tell how intentional the move was. "Say you're sleeping over at Sid or Tatum's."
"You're drunk." Stu moves your hand, settling it on his lap comfortably. "Both of you are drunk."
"So stay," Stu mumbles easily, not an argument, just a statement, "Take care of us in our time of need."
You roll your eyes despite the way that an awkward feeling settles in your chest. Both Billy and Stu have put in their fair share of time making sure that you were okay after drinking. Even if you're not a danger or feeling particularly sick, they stick around, soothing you, making sure you're okay until you're sober.
Stu drops his head onto your shoulder, and the weight of it is nicer than it should be. All three of you are a tangle of limbs and comfortable warmth. You like when the world is just this, the three of you in your own makeshift web. You'd never admit that out loud, though.
"You two don't seem that in need," you mumble, a final shot at a losing battle. "Fine, I'll call my mom."
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rorynn · 11 months
A strange little human but brave. pt 2
Authors note: here @angrycoffeebean sorry guys i didn’t post pt.2 already. I had too much stuff to deal with.. enyway Enjoy reading. In this part you. (The reader and her older sister are teenagers.)
Reader is trained to as a warrior in their lab (even tho you are human) and your sister is studying to be a sciencist. And Aunt Gigi is my Oc.The firt pic is not mine. Reader is 13-14. And her sister is the same age as Spider.
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When you met Lo’ak and Spider, you think you won’t see them again.
Turns out you were wrong.
When you went out to try to climb a giant tree. You failed.
Then you heard noises coming from the bushes. You took a rock out of your pocket, ready to throw at someone or something.
When it came out you throw at it and threatened it.
Then you stopped when you saw it was just Spider with his hand on his head.
You then scolded him "SPIDER! I'VE COULDEV KILLED YOU WITH THESE!! What are you doing here anyway?"
He said he wanted to see you again after what happened yesterday..
then he asked you what were you doing?
You then told him you were trying to climb a tree like a Na'vi does.
So he teaches you how.
First you failed but it was weird to Spider that you brushed it off like you didn't fall on your butt. (that could hurt).
You said you were fine and tried again.
You then succeed.
Then you and Spider went climbing other trees, literally having fun.
Until your sister interrupted saying you AND Spider needed to come back to labs because other scientists came and are having a discussion.
You and Spider looked at each other confused about what your sister meant.
You two got down from a tree and followed your sister.
When you three ran back to labs you saw some unknown people that are your species and the Na'vis you met yesterday.
You didn't see Lo'ak anywhere. Seems like they didn't bring him.
"What a shame, seems like they didn't bring your friend." your sister said.
You narrowed your eyes and smacked her arm after that whined a little 'ow'. You then mocked her winning like a baby then you felt Spider pulling your arm a little while his facial expression said 'Stop, they are looking at you'.
you then saw Jake and the other scientist looking at you confused while Neytiri glared at you.
You still had narrowed eyes and a group of unknown scientists. Then you see Spider running to a weird guy calling him Norm and asking what's going on.
then you went to your aunt (you call a doctor aunt which your sister tells you not to). and asked.
"Hey Aunt Gigi, what's going on? why are these Na'vis here and who are these people."
then Jake stepped in while you backed a bit.
"You, your sister AND the scientists that stayed here in Pandora are coming to Hell's Gate for safety near High Camp. Out here, deep into the forest is way too dangerous, it would be good idea if you guys come with us."
then this guy 'Norm' came "If you guys w-want to".
Then you looked at Gigi, she smiled warmly. Then you looked at your sister who looked not very happy.
she doesn't want to do anything with the Na'vi people or Pandora. She wants to go to Earth. That's where she thinks she belongs. Where we humans belong.
You brushed that off and nodded.
The next week Lo'ak and Kiri were following Spider because he wanted to show sm.
When they reached Hell's Gate. They noticed that it was larger.
then they heard a voice calling Spider.
Lo'ak recognized that voice a saw a girl running to them. It was you.
Lo'ak was sooo happy.
but Kiri asked who are you.
Then Lo'ak got enoyed and said "The girl that I met days ago, you know? Y/n?".
You and Kiri are strange friends. She sees you as a female version of Lo'ak. That first enoyed you but later growing up getting used to it.
You were terrified when you saw Kiri befriending an ikran. Her ikran when she was ready to have her own banshee.
But you brushed it off saying that you're overreacting too much.
But you also didn't like when she was also bullied by some kids in High Camp.
You came for Kiri needing a defense by telling her bullies that there will be a reason why they will be crying for their parents and why their tails are cut off.
The Na'vi kids were about to mock you for what can you do cuz you are a human. yk?
Then you threw some mud on their faces like a maniac.
They went running for their lives crying for their parents.
then you followed them shortly at threatening them.
you went back to Kiri asking her if she was alright until she quickly hugged you. And thanked you.
then you became her hero.
That's why you are not leaving her side when she is alone. NEVER.
Then.... you've met Neteyam before. The meeting was very short.
you would like to know more about him than being The older brother. Just knowing Neteyam.
Neteyam will feel wrong. His mother will not be happy about it. Not after what happened to her family. Her home.
You understand that. But you tried to invite him to your place but nicely refused. He said that he was busy.
"Okey, maybe next time?"
Then you met Tuktirey.
She is soo adorable.
But you will never admit it.
You know that she is younger. You are protective of her. You don't want her to see things that were not meant to see.
Once when a Thanator approached to harm you.
You hid Tuk behind and warned Lo'ak and Spider not to shoot or call Jake for help. Not now.
If Lo'ak called Jake for help he is going to be blamed and Neytiri will also blame Spider AND you. (What's wrong with that woman.)
The Thanator came closer and closer.
You were facing the Thanator.
you can hear Kiri praying for Eywa.
Spider was trying to calm her.
Lo'ak was whispering to you to run.
you can barely hear him. Tuk was quietly sobbing hugging you tightly, fearing what would happen.
You quietly/softly shushed her and said. "It's a-alright, I won't let it hurt you. Just c-close your eyes and don't open them until I say so, you understand?".
Tuk nodded and closed her eyes hiding her face behind your back.
Your heart was racing right now. You don't know what you're doing. That thing came closer and closer it growled which caused you to look at the ground not facing it anymore.
it was sniffing your face on the left side then the right side. Tuk was whimpering not knowing what was going on.
then the Thanator immediately backed up and ran off to who knows where.
Kiri, Spider, and Lo'ak were relieved. They jumped off the tree that they were hiding.
Tuk hugged Kiri then Lo'ak. Spider rushed to check on you.
You signed that you were alright, it almost caused you a heart attack.
Then Lo'ak hugged you thanking great mother that you were alright.
You guys needed to go to High Camp already because it was Eclipse.
You guys knew that you ALL were in trouble so you said that this whole Thanator thing never happened.
"Listen guys, if someone says where we've been, just say we were catching some fruit but it got stolen. Okay? And that I and Tuk were almost eaten by a Thanator NEVER happened. Okay?"
Everyone nodded. You looked at Tuk.
"Tuk, don't tell you're parents that there was a Thanator. Cuz we are not going to see each other anymore and we don't like it when Jake upsets Lo'ak. Okay? For me do not tell them, especially Jake. You know how he is."
"She is going to tell them anyways" Lo'ak whinned.
"Well.. Kiri, Spider can you distract her. Me and Lo'ak are going to handle them. ok?"
they both nodded.
You all guys went home.
When you all reached High Camp. Nereyam was the first one to approach.
[Fisrt one] [there is NO Pt 3 ...]
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kazperthegh0st · 16 days
RaTing TMA season 1 episodes
001: Angler Fish, the cigarette and disappearance one. Not very memorable. 5/10
002: Do Not Open, the will power this one man contains is greater than God, i swear. I probably would have opened that coffin tbh. 10/10
003: Across the Street, to be Grahm or Not to be Grahm, that is the question. Eating paper is not really my thing but you do you. 8/10
004: Page Turner, kinda boring to me but it introduces important people. 4/10
005: Thrown Away, it reminds me of that one short FNAF story where the girl finds her real body cut up in garbage bags. I liked this episode. 9/10
006: Squirm, I have no memory of this episode. 2/10
007: The Piper, All i remember is rats, a dead dude in a dumb ditch, and The Great War. It was a good read tho. 4/10
008: Burned Out, There was a Spooky Tree, an apple, and a box ( i think it had a necklace in it??). There is also the religious dude— i think hes also the jesuit dude that killed two people in a later episode but i could be wrong. 5/10
009: A Fathers Love, this one was so sad to me ngl. I have two questions: What happened to the mother (i know she died but theres gotta be more)? and also whats the necklace all about ( i might be crazy but wasn’t it in the box in burned out?)? I do think the dad is somehow innocent, like he was possessed or smth. 10/10
010: Vampire Killer, this was a cool, fun episode and I enjoyed the different approach to Vampires. 9/10
011: Dreamer, We hear some new stuff about what happened to Jon’s predecessor, outside of that its an ok episode. Elias is mentioned. 5/10
012: First Aid, don’t remember this episode at all but i looked at the episode tag on here and Gerry is in it so on principle it gets a 5/10
013: Alone, my mind is so blank about this episode. Jon was nice tho. 2/10
014: Piecemeal, i don’t remember it well but Tumblr tells me it was good. 5/10
015: Lost Johns’ Cave, this reminded me of those tiktok videos about idiots who get stuck in caves. But at the same time this episode was deeply unsettling and sad. 10/10
016: Arachnophobia, proof that spiders do not die no matter what you do. Lazy ass cat ( Major Tom, great name, unintended David Bowie reference ) 8/10
***All previous thoughts were made well after the episodes were read so i could be wrong or forgetful regarding some details.***Future thoughts will be made immediately after, or the same day as reading the episodes.***
017: The Boneturners Tale, more of the weird books. I think there was arson in this episode (?) 5/10
018: The Man Upstairs, This one was absolutely disgusting (in a good way?!?!) it made me want to throw up but at the same time was sooo cool. 8/10
019: Confession and 020: Desecrated Host, putting these two together. Why is there such a strong theme of cannibalism and removal of body parts in this podcast? It was really interesting and well written. 8/10
021: Freefall, not that interesting to me ngl. It wasnt bad tho 5/10
022: Colony, MARTIN!!! A real character! He is a sweet innocent baby who can do no wrong. The episode itself was super unsettling. Who is the woman again tho?
023: Schwartzwald, this was boring, sorry. I know i should have found it more interesting cause its a letter for Jonah Magnus but it just wasn’t appealing to me. 2/10
024: Strange Music, I love the aesthetic of Pipe Organs, always have. (Why is it now in the institute?!?!) the creepy dolls and the circus clowns were cool. I love that the movers came back again, kinda odd but thats expected. 10/10
025: Growing Dark, not too memorable but there is now another missing person. (Yay). 4/10
026: A Distortion, SASHA!!! Another Real Character! Nothing had better happen to Jon or Martin or else. I love them too much. Micheal seems interesting too. 8/10
027: A Sturdy Lock, the first episode I listened to while reading the transcript. Is there or is there not a lock on that door? Bro should invest in a pet tho. Average episode but still good. 7/10
028: Skin Tight, wasn’t Cambridge Military Hospital in another episode? Also who is the archivist? The voice ( im listening and reading ) is different from Jon’s and is not female so not Gertrude. Sarah Baldwin is also a familiar name. Skin peeling. Lovely. (Sarcasm) 10/10
029: Cheating Death, reminds me of 007. I think its neat that the person making the statement had the Institute write it for him. This was a cool story. I like how much of it was a folktale and then it took a turn. 10/10
030: The killing floor, oh the delights of the meat industry. What was up with Tom Haan tho? Why did he kill himself? Why is there a living meat pile?!?! 10/10
Shortly after listening to that episode i made steak. While making steak i listened to the next two.
031: First Hunt, I kept thinking of that “Run Rabbit” song. Im glad humans dont have natural predators. But as an American (unfortunately) as soon as I heard where this was and the guy made note of the whistling… I knew he was screwed. Jon is so dissmissive tho. First episode where i only listened to it. 10/10
I have no idea why the previous story made me decide to cook steak.
032: Hive, this wasn’t much of a real statement but proof that Jane is crazy. It was just “insects do be buzzing” the noises in the background were upsetting. (Listened only while cooking a steak) 10/10
033: Boatswain’s Call, We meet Peter Lukas ( who may or may not be Elias’s Husband? I saw it in a Tiktok ) and I think it was slightly unsettling how they all loaded into the lifeboat. Did they vote the dude out or something? (Read and listened) 8/10
034: Anatomy Class, body snatchers named John/Jane Doe traumatize a professor. I love how they’re all trying to pump their hearts to figure out how they’re supposed to beat. Im a big fan of anatomical sciences. (Read only) 10/10
035: Old Passages, It’s Gerry on the hunt for Leitners books! Another dead person and some secret passages. What happened to Jon. Why did the Delivery Duo Dudes show up with a package for him??? (Read only) 10/10
036: Taken Ill, the episode itself was boring to me but the end was interesting. Why is there a lighter, that i assume has connections to The Web? What does Elias want with it? (Read only) 7/10
037: Burnt Offering, boring. Sorry. Could the wicca and voodoo stuff in the woods be related to Jane? (Read only) 5/10
038: Lost and Found, This was Sad. Important things go missing, more so they cease to exist, until eventually its the Husband. Jons fear of spiders returns. And now for the end of Season 1. (Read only) 10/10
039: Infestation, I did find it funny when Jon called himself an idiot. Martin just needs to let my boy Jon be in (SEVERE) denial. Jon is being watched (the eye!) Tim is so excited that he almost died. Its odd. Oooh its Not Sasha! “Archivist.” “Shit.” (I listened to it and then read the transcript) 9/10
040: Human Remains, what did Not Sasha do with the tape… I do know what happened to Gertrude so Elias acting the way he does in this scene is funny. (I listened to it then read the transcript) 9/10
Really good podcast. I liked it.
— are the secret passages from 038 connected in anyway to the tunnels around the archives?
— what was it that got sasha in the end and is real sasha dead?
— does gerard start to pop up more often? As an actual cast member?
— what was Jane looking for in the written files?
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justasussybitch · 2 months
Picturing LFL au where Luke did manage to escape with Shiera that day. Imagining Luke offering to inter Aemond on driftmark rather then have him killed.
Everyone thinking it’s some weird guilt thing or a devotion to the seven he must’ve found in captivity (obviously no one knows the extent and assumes most rumours spread by mushroom are obviously false (side note George making the drunken lecher having more truths versus the oh so pious Septon Eustace is something I can 100% see)).
Luke just enjoys having the say of whatever Aemond eats or wears. The fact that he’s the only person who can decide if the terror of the riverlands lives or dies is something he probably thinks of whenever he’s having some trouble with sexual intimacy ( though no one would know about the extent to his occasional internal struggles with his past not even Rhaena). anytime he remembers his abuse that’s only been shared with (maybe Rhaena??) ,Jace or Daemon (who would have a bit more of an idea of war time practices in Westeros) he remembers that he has Aemond in his hands not the other way around.
Balancing never seeming weak again and being this loving brother/son/heir that once came so easy to him. Then him and Rhaena having her six daughters like canon (for Rhaena) and him making the eldest heir like he fought for but always in the back of his mind that men are not safe from other men in war time but especially not women. Just whole other bucket of trauma for him to deal with. Especially after he started praying to primarily female deity figures during his own s/a and captivity.
Probably spoilers if anyone has ever read my own fic but I quite enjoy Luke claiming Cannibal trope (now a trope, at the time I started publishing my fic in October 2022 there was crumbs to eat but thankfully we’re feasting now as lucemonders!!). Arrax being this pearlescent dragon who was swift and growing every year symbolising Luke himself growing from this unsure boy into someday maybe someone more sure of himself then claiming cannibal a dragon rumoured to be strange enough to devour its own kind, pitch black and monsterously older than the Iron throne itself. Just a very silly and lazy way for me to bring this visual of loss of innocence tho I defend myself in my mind that GRRM probs wanted Arrax to evoke that when he made him Pearl white with golden chest to die when he was 13 along with Luke.
Not even getting into the fun interactions with Aemond. Maybe Luke is still keeping this love act up for some fucked reason in his head and has Aemond convinced he’s alive out of love. Or if history changes yet again and Aemond has the injuries of Rooks Rest instead of Aegon (like the rumours his dick broke) after the war kicks off later, how Luke would manipulate his way into topping him (the thing he’ll think will “cure him” of his nightmares and traumas. Not how that works bookie but I understand even being raised by a polycule in this time would not save him from the patriarchys nonsense lol)
Even better him visiting winterfell with Jace and stumbling upon his brother and Cregan and watching their interactions (Cregans fucking Jace’s “cunt” and still sees him as a man??? Talks about loving Jace’s cock despite being the “man” in their relationship) just completely breaking apart his ideas of what he’s internalised m/m relationships being.
I wouldn’t change a thing of LFLEFE of course, it’s perfection. it’s always fun to read someone’s work and wonder of the “what ifs” (which is what I do between chapters of fanfiction too as you’ve seen from my delirious asks before lol) and how the characters would shift and change when the butterflies wings change to a different direction.
At that point in the story Aemond has already planted this cruelty in Luke (not in general, we see him freely empathise with people even when not knowing them like the servants entering the chambers after shieras death) that Luke has to foster against Aemond in his mind to survive the ordeal. It’s a coping mechanism for him that allows him to continue the charade. The satisfaction of tricking Aemond is probably what kept him alive through much of the uncertainty.
A scene of the new show Mary & George where the main character who usually tops bottoming with his enemy after (falsely) professing love just to fuck with his mind and get one final “I’m the one who won here. Go fuck yourself” literally gave me this vibe and I don’t know where it could possible fit in this “au” lol. Luke taking back his own asshole in a way idk that’s so silly hahah
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Luke taking his own feelings of self loathing and low self esteem and sharpening them into a weapon to use against Aemond? Art, chefs kiss!
Sorry this got so long I was inbetween tasks and kept forgetting how long it was 🤣
some very mild spoilers for the themes/arcs i have planned for the series
a friend had already recommended Mary & George to me, but this definitely confirms i need to watch it also, 100% get it. i constantly have to restrain myself from writing canon divergence fic of my canon divergence fic. to the point that, if i do manage to finish the series in a reasonable time frame, i may very well cave and do just that. (personally, i like to think that if Shiera lived, she would have become a sailor). tbh if anyone, for whatever reason, wrote a 'what if' fic based on any fic of mine... well, i think that's kind of the highest honour a fic writer could receive, isn't it? so it's a practice i fully endorse.
westerosi gender is 100% something i want to explore/am exploring in this series. especially in relation to sexual violence being so gendered in the setting, to the point that being raped is almost feminising in the eyes of many of the characters. lfleye!Luke 100% identifies as and will continue to identify as a man in the series. but his experiences now means he identifies *with* women far more. as you've noted, Luke is a very empathetic character. while not many characters will acknowledge it in-universe, Luke is extremely strong as a character, and thats proven with how his experiences have increased his empathy rather than diminished it. it's so tempting to be 'strong' after being 'weak' by inflicting abuse on others and exploiting whatever societal power you have, especially in a setting like Westeros. but a really big part of Luke's arc is going to be to a refusal to do that, and to continue to identify with the abused (women, lowborn, etc). (some of my interest in Theon as a character actually comes from a similar place)
this is a roundabout way to say that, yes, if he had six daughters he would be Stressed. but those six daughters would be very, very lucky.
at the same time. lucemond in this series is Toxic. with a capital T. and i'm not going to let Aemond have all the fun with that. if Luke ended up in the role of captor, it would be delicious. because he would 100% find comfort and satisfaction in asserting control over Aemond, even as he felt shame for it. or, alternatively, felt shame for *not* feeling shame for it.
and oh. oh boy. Luke being confronted with an actual heathy (for hotd) m/m relationship, not just in the abstract of Laenor but in the this-is-happening-right-now-in-front-of-me of his brother, would also be an experience for him. probably one he needs. in general, Luke is definitely going to try and get a better understanding of sexuality, and his sexuality specifically, in the next fic. whether he succeeds...
and Cannibal!!!! gods, i adore Cannibal. i do remember him being kind of unpopular, at least among some of the more active fan creators, but i saw this analysis about how he represents the dance--black scales, green eyes, eats his own kind, disappears at the end--and i've been obsessed ever since. he's definitely going to make an appearance so he can bring that symbolism (amongst others) to the table, whether Luke claims him or not. (i decided in 2022 whether Luke was going to claim a second dragon or not, and if yes then who, and while it is foreshadowed in the fic, and in some of the comments, i'll at least pretend i'm maintaining the mystery). what's the name of your fic? bc i would love to read some Luke & Cannibal.
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bratshaws · 4 months
through the hourglass 355.brb x oc
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a/n: sorry for not posting guys!! im kinda sick uwu (comments and reblogs are super welcome and encouraged!)
pairing: plus size!oc x rooster
warnings: none uwu
goodness gracious (pls read this one to know more what this fic is about!!)
(pls let me know if you want to be added to the taglist! )
taglist: @mirandastuckinthe80s @roosterschanelslut @wiipes @lcahwriter @novastories @gretagerwigsmuse @frenchtoastix @lizzie-rdj @fanboyluvr @atarmychick007 @comebacktoearthpls
@peachiicherries @mak-32 @lizziespidiepridie @roosterswifey @ollyoxenfrees @piceous21 @sqrlgrl22 @hofficoffi @lexhalstead3 @lorilane33 @legendarydreamersharkparty @luckyladycreator2
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Beatrice wrote some notes about things to get before the ceremony,there was still time, but she just wanted to make sure she got everything needed. She chews on her pen as she sits on the floor, the kids were asleep and Rooster was at the gym - she knew when his nerves got the best of him he’d spend more time there just because he wanted to get rid of the tension- and she had Evelyn and Shells on call, it was early, but her friends would never say no to…communication.
“There’s no way he showed up.”
“He did show up.”
“Why didn’t you  tell me?” Shells asked, almost shrieking, over the call, “Why the hell is Thomas suddenly…I don’t know, acting weird? He’s nothing of you. Or us for that matter.”
Beatrice sighed, her frustration evident in her voice. "I didn't tell you because I didn't want to worry you unnecessarily," she explained, her fingers tapping anxiously on the floor. "And as for Thomas...I have no idea what's gotten into him. He's been acting strange ever since the game. He shouldn't have shown up uninvited like that."
Shells huffed in frustration, "Damn right he shouldn't have! Who does he think he is, just waltzing in? And why? This makes no sense,Ev, throw some sense in this!”
“I don’t know.”
“You don’t know??? You know everything!!”
Evelyn clicked her tongue, “I just think Thomas is…I don’t know, desperate. He probably thinks he has a chance, even if we all have partners. He never grew up from the college years, you remember he slept around a lot.”
Beatrice listened to Evelyn's words, her brows furrowing in concern. "Desperate?" she repeated, the word lingering on her tongue. "But why now? We're all settled in our lives, happily married with kids. Thomas knows that."
Shells chimed in, opening a wrapper and chewing on whatever it was"Maybe he's just delusional. Some people can't handle rejection, especially when it comes to someone they were once close to…but we weren’t close and we…never rejected him…well, he was just an asshole." she could almost see Shells’ shrug, “I dunno what he wants tho– did Rooster scare him off?”
"I don't know if Rooster scared him off," she admitted, then paused. "Well,no, he did scared him off…But I hope he got the message loud and clear. I'm married, happily so, wonderfully so.”
“Disgustingly so.”
“Shut up,Shells.”
"Do you think he'll try to contact you again?" Evelyn asked after a while
Beatrice chewed on her lip, considering the question carefully. "I don't know," she said, her thoughts racing as she taps her pen on the notebook. "I don't know what he wants.”
Shells let out a frustrated sigh. "Well, whatever it is, he better stay away from you. We won't let him mess with our girl, right, Ev?"
“If he tries anything, he'll have to deal with all three of us." oh no, there’s the Simpson voice, “But he won’t, he’s not stupid.”
Beatrice couldn't help but smile at her friends' support. "Thanks, guys," she said gratefully. "I don't know what I'd do without you."
"We've got your back, always,babes. You know it.”
Beatrice finished jotting down her notes and made a mental checklist of the items she needed to get before the promotion ceremony. With Rooster still at the gym and the kids sound asleep, she had some rare moments of quiet to herself.
With a sigh, she stretched her limbs and glanced around the living room, feeling a sense of contentment wash over her. It was just as quiet and as nice as always, with the dogs peacefully asleep…this was good. She brings her knees to her chest then,furrowed her brows, “...why do we always have weird shit happening to us?”
The question comes from both of her friends, she forgot she was still on call, “Oh, uh! Nothing!” Beatrice chuckled nervously, realizing she had accidentally voiced her thoughts out loud. "Sorry, I was just thinking out loud," she replied, trying to brush off her momentary lapse.
"Alright, if you say so," Evelyn said, a hint of skepticism in her tone.
"You know you can tell us anything, right? We've seen enough weird shit together to fill a lifetime."
Beatrice laughed, feeling a weight lift off her shoulders for a second. "Yeah, you're right," she admitted, feeling a sense of relief wash over her. "I guess I'm just feeling a bit overwhelmed with everything lately." she murmurs, “It’s just…well,it seems more shit happened since we got married than before?”
"It does seem like life got a lot more complicated after we all got married," Evelyn agreed, "But you know what they say, with great love comes great chaos."
Shells nodded in agreement, a wry smile playing on her lips. "Ain't that the truth. But hey, at least we're in it together, right?--also did you consider me married too? I’m honored.”
“Surprising that Bob hasn’t gone down one knee for you.”Evelyn says, “You two are glued together.”
"You never know, stranger things have happened."
“What does that have to do with you and Bob?”
A pause.
“...Shells…did he propose?”
More silence.
And now all their focus was on Shells’ silence, Beatrice pushed everything aside to pick up the phone and hold it closer to her face, “Michelle Benjamin you better answer it and yes I’m using your full name Shells! Don’t you even start!!”
Shells remained quiet for a moment, then finally, after what felt like an eternity, Shells let out a resigned sigh. "Fine, you caught me," she admitted, her voice tinged with amusement. "Bob did propose."
Beatrice's eyes widened in surprise, a smile spreading across her face. "Oh my god, Shells, that's incredible! When did this happen? Why didn't you tell us?"
"Well, it happened a couple of hours ago," Shells confessed, her tone sheepish. "And I didn't tell you guys because...well, we were…busy celebrating, you know.”
“Oh my God.”
Beatrice's smile widened at the news, her excitement palpable. "I can't believe it! This is amazing, Shells!" she exclaimed, unable to contain her joy. "Congratulations!"
"Thanks, Bea," Shells replied, her voice filled with warmth. "It still feels surreal, to be honest. I never thought I'd see the day."
Evelyn chimed in, "I'm so happy for you, Shells! Bob is a lucky guy."
Shells chuckled, a hint of pride in her voice. "Thanks, Ev. And I'm the lucky one, trust me."
Beatrice couldn't help but feel a surge of emotion at Shells' words.Oh, she just was so happy! "Have you guys set a date yet?" Beatrice asked, her curiosity pique as she tried to control her tears from falling.
Shells hesitated for a moment before responding. "Hmmm,not yet," she admitted. "We're still basking in the afterglow of the proposal. But we'll definitely keep you guys in the loop once we start planning. And yes, you two are already my bridesmaids."
Beatrice's heart swelled with excitement at the thought of being Shells' bridesmaid and again, the tears dared to fall. "We'd be honored," she replied, her voice brimming with genuine happiness. "Just let us know how we can help with the planning. We'll make sure your special day is absolutely perfect."
Shells laughed, the sound light and carefree. "I have no doubt about that, Bea. You and Ev are the dream team when it comes to planning…better than me honestly." 
"Well, we'll definitely do our best to make sure everything goes smoothly," she replied, "But remember, it'll be your day, Shells. We're just here to support you and make sure you have the wedding of your dreams."
Shells' smile widened at Beatrice's words, a sense of gratitude shining in her eyes. "Thanks, Bea," she said, she sounds so...happy "I don't know what I'd do without you guys. You've always been there for me, through thick and thin."
Beatrice was about to reply but she heard the Bronco’s roaring coming from outside, “Oh! Guys! Gotta go! Rooster’s back!”
As the sound of the Bronco's engine grew louder, Beatrice's heart fluttered with anticipation. She quickly ended the call with Shells and Evelyn, excitement bubbling within her as she rushed to the window to catch a glimpse of Rooster's arrival. With each passing second, her excitement mounted, her pulse quickening with every beat.
And then, like a beacon of light cutting through the darkness, the Bronco came into view, its sleek frame cutting through the night. Beatrice's breath caught in her throat as she watched Rooster maneuver the vehicle with effortless grace, a sense of pride swelling within her at the sight of her husband.
As the Bronco pulled into the driveway, Beatrice couldn't contain her excitement any longer. With a joyful squeal, she dashed out of the house and onto the front porch, her heart racing with anticipation. The door swung open, and there he was, her husband, her Rooster, stepping out of the Bronco with a wide grin on his face.
"Hey there, gorgeous," Rooster greeted, his voice warm as he approached her. "Did you miss me?"
Beatrice laughed, her eyes sparkling with joy as she threw herself into his arms. "More than you'll ever know," she replied, her voice filled with love. "How was the gym?"
Rooster wrapped his arms around her, pulling her close as he pressed a tender kiss to her forehead. "Busy as usual," Rooster answered with a chuckle, his arms tightening around Beatrice in a comforting embrace. "But seeing your face makes it all worth it."
Beatrice smiled up at him, her heart overflowing with love. "I'm just glad you're home," she whispered, pressing a soft kiss to his cheek. "I missed you." and she pouted. 
Rooster's grin widened at her words, his gaze softening as he looked down at her. "I missed you too, gorgeous," he murmured, his voice filled with warmth. "But now that I'm back, I'm all yours."
With a contented sigh, Beatrice leaned into Rooster's embrace, reveling in the comfort of his arms. She smiles, “I was just talking to the girls on the phone.” she whispers, “While writing some stuff down.”
Rooster chuckled, his fingers gently tracing circles on Beatrice's back as they stood in the embrace. "Yeah? What were you guys talking about?"
"Oh, just wedding stuff," 
Rooster raised an eyebrow in surprise, then stopped moving his hand. "Wedding stuff, huh? Whose wedding?"
"Shells'," Beatrice replied, her smile widening at the look of surprise on Rooster's face. "She asked Evelyn and me to be her bridesmaids."
Beatrice nodded, her heart swelling with pride. "Yeah, I'm really honored.”
Beatrice laughed,then tapped his lips to keep his voice down as they walked inside "I know, it's surprising, right?" she replied, her tone light . "But Shells is getting married, and she wants us to be a part of her special day."
Rooster blinked in disbelief, his expression a mixture of shock and amusement. "Wow, that's...unexpected," he admitted, "I never thought Shells would settle down like that."
Beatrice chuckled, her hand reaching up to gently caress Rooster's cheek. "Well, people change, Roos," she said softly, her voice filled with warmth. "And it seems like Shells has found someone who makes her happy."
Rooster's gaze softened at Beatrice's words, his fingers intertwining with hers as he leaned in to press a tender kiss to her lips. "I mean,wow….that’s crazy, truly. So, when's the big day?" 
Beatrice smiled, then shrugged. "She didn't give us a date yet, but she said she'll let us know soon," she replied, "I can't wait to help her! Oh, it’ll be so fun!...and probably loud, very loud.”
Rooster grinned, his eyes sparkling . "Well, you and Evelyn are definitely the dream team," he teased, his tone light and playful. "Anyway,” he steps back to toss his duffel bag to the side, “Are the kids still asleep?”
Beatrice nodded, "Yeah, they're still asleep," she confirmed, glancing towards the stairs leading up to the bedrooms. "I put them down for a nap before you got home."
Rooster's grin grew even wider at the news. "Perfect," he said, rubbing his hands together in anticipation. "That means we have some time to ourselves."
Beatrice raised an eyebrow, a mischievous glint in her eyes. "Oh? And what did you have in mind?"
Rooster stepped closer to her, his gaze smoldering with desire. "Well, I was thinking we could take advantage of this rare moment of peace and quiet," he murmured, his voice husky with longing. "Maybe I could give you a proper welcome home?"
A shiver of anticipation ran down Beatrice's spine at Rooster's words, her cheeks flushing with heat. "I like the sound of that," she admitted, her voice barely above a whisper.
“Hey,babes, we can still hear you.”
Oh God.
Beatrice freezes, looking back at her abandoned cellphone on the floor. She forgot to END THE CALL! “Oh!Oh um!!”
Rooster's eyes widened in realization as he followed Beatrice's gaze to the forgotten phone on the floor. "Oops," he muttered,"Guess we should have been a bit more discreet, huh?"
Beatrice couldn't help but giggle at Rooster's reaction, her cheeks flushed with embarrassment. "Yeah, probably," she admitted, reaching down to pick up the phone. "Sorry about that, girls."
There was a muffled sound of laughter coming from the phone, followed by Evelyn's voice. "No worries, Bea. We've heard worse, considering Shells"
 "But seriously, we'll let you guys have some privacy. Call us later, okay?"
"Will do," Beatrice replied with a smile, her embarrassment fading as she waved at the phone. "Thanks, Ev. Talk to you later. Bye Shells!!”
“You two are the worst!!!...bye babes!”
"Well, that was certainly unexpected," Rooster remarked, his smile lingering on his lips. "But I guess we should be grateful they didn't hear anything too scandalous."
Beatrice chuckled, nodding in agreement. "Yeah, definitely dodged a bullet there," she agreed, her eyes sparkling with amusement. "Anyway, where were we?"
Rooster's grin turned wicked as he stepped closer to Beatrice, his eyes smoldering with desire. "I believe we were about to make the most of our time alone," he murmured, his voice low and husky. "Care to pick up where we left off?"
Beatrice's breath caught in her throat at the intensity in Rooster's gaze, her heart pounding with anticipation. She nodded eagerly, a playful smile tugging at her lips. "Lead the way, handsome."
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mari-lair · 11 months
Idk of u read the new chapter yet BUT these two panels look ODDLY similar...do u think teru and natsuhiko have similar powers or something?
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I have a theory that is very out there, but since you asked my opinion...
Not only do I think there is similarity to their powers, I would go as far as to say Natsuhiko is part exorcist.
Exorcist blood has always been special. We see Teru open a gate between boundaries in chapter 70, and Yorimitsu used his blood to make a contract with No.6, so their blood has influence over the supernatural.
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Natsuhiko is treated as a normal student, a living being: Everyone in Nene’s class can see him, he is part of class 2-D, and acts as if participating in the school festival is normal, unlike Sakura.
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There is also this official art of him with a sword, which so far in the manga only exorcists have 'weapons'.
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Natsuhiko does not exorcise supernaturals though, he lives with them, many of his quirks making him seem inhuman. And I personally don't think exorcists are fully human, they must have some supernatural blood in their lineage, some deep connection.
Minamotos are inclined to like supernaturals despite being tasked to eliminate them. Hanako is basically the personification of supernaturals to Kou but the young exorcist overall sees him as a friend, Tiara got attached to a Mokke, and even Yorimitsu, who had heavily implied there is something wrong with his emotional attachment, took a liking to No.6. He stayed with the demon on his death bed.
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Humans also don’t have fangs, no matter how dramatic the manga paneling can get, only supernaturals and the Minamotos have fangs.
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 Exorcists can eat monster's body parts without needing to make a contract, so while they have spiritual energy that is destructive to supernaturals, and resistance to their power, their body doesn't reject supernaturals and their influence.
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Exorcists are built to give a lot of damage to supernaturals and protect humans, it is heavily implied their spiritual energy can’t hurt humans, but who can they hurt? Half humans, and themselves.
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And Natsuhiko’s blood hurt supernaturals, not humans. Possibly himself too, since it is the first time he actually commented on how it's 'painful' to do this despite being thrown in deadly and hurtful situations a lot. (tho it could just be pain from the cut, I still find it strange he comments it's painful.)
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He is influenced by rumors which is a supernatural trait, not a human one, and Minamotos are not affected by rumors.
...Or are they?
Since i’m already going wild, i’ll throw another out of pocket theory here: Teru does gain powers by rumor, that’s where his astronomical popularity comes from.
The other character we are told to be ‘the peak of beauty’ in this manga is Aoi, who was unnaturally beautiful since young, and attracted attention even as a toddler. While Teru seems isolated, not just from an ‘I'm not normal’ perspective.
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But he got a popularity jump so big at some point that both boys and girls are interested, able to loudly proclaim their love, his beauty is so amazing it overshadows Aoi's, to the point, someone suggested they made a Teru pavilion. A pavilion that has a BIG line.
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His beauty is the first thing we learn about Teru: His introduction is as a ‘handsome and dreamy boy’,  not as an exorcist or any of his main traits, because that’s what Nene, and most of the school, sees him as.
Such hypnotizing beauty mysteriously disappears outside school. He has no fans or stalkers on the streets, and absolutely no one that isn’t from school ever comments on his beauty. Which is not the case with Aoi. 
I know people have always been more respectful to Teru than to Aoi (misogyny is a bitch) but this is not just a change of approach caused by respect, Teru has no admirers at all in the city. Aoi is beautiful outside school too, people can’t help but stare and want her, it is a genuine problem she always had, but Teru, who should make everyone swoon regardless of gender or how weird he acts, is not worth even passing comments, he is treated as a normal guy outside school. A pretty boy, sure, but nothing special.
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fulgurbugs · 1 month
OT 1 & 2 headcanons? Doesn't have to be about the main parties, whatever goes.
ok ok here we go, gonna use yours as the OT2 HC ask bestie
gonna throw up here an OT2 spoilers warning cuz of endgame stuff
First some throné ones because i have throné on the brain.
first off i think after her story is over she never wears a necklace like basically ever again. she does love dressing up, feeling cute, but no matter how well a necklace would go with her outfit she won’t add one. it’s just part of her newfound freedom that she can choose never to have anything around her neck like that ever again. all other jewelry tho… she’s got a lot of options to pick from for earrings, bracelets, and rings etc (that she’s most certainly not paid for)
also, i feel like Hikari and Throné, after everything with vide coming to the conclusion that they are actually distantly related to each other, have some kind of exchange where it’s like. “ok wait so im your like great great how many greats aunt or something” uhhh like a couple times removed or whatever. and at first its like weird to think about but they both have such like. idk. throne found out that her family was actually huge and extensive, and all of them were killing each other. her biological father is a monster. she was born to be a monster herself. her relationship with the concept of “family” is extremely strange; the man she considered closest to her actual father was a horribly abusive person but despite all that she was the closest thing he had, and he was her half-brother. Hikari’s family has a curse upon it directly related to being descended from D’arquest, and it’s been nothing but pain for him as well, causing him to lose control of himself, constantly worried he’ll hurt the people he cares about. his brother was a monster in a whole different way, and his dad, while appointing him rightful successor, spent most of his life as a warmonger as well. His mother is dead. his brother and father are dead. he’s lost ritsu, who at one point was like a brother to him. his own relationship with the idea of his family is not… good, in any case. i think they come to find some sort of solace in each other in that, after realizing they’re actually related. they’ve already come to travel with each other and trust each other… i like to think they decide they should just hand wave all the technicalities of how distantly they’re related and how weird the family tree would look and just go with a catch all “we’re cousins” or something.
Castti, while getting her memories back about what happened immediately prior to the events of the game, still struggles with remembering most of her life. it’s not something she really fully recovers from. she never remembers the faces of her parents, or if she had any siblings, her childhood, things like that. sometimes when she gets a flash of something, a glimmer of a skill she had no idea she was well-practiced in, or a remembered fact she can’t recall where she read it, she still finds herself troubled. she basically has to re-invent herself. still, she gets by with a quiet determination to always do right, with the knowledge that she at the very least, knows who she is now, in the present.
ok sillay ones….
Post game partitio starts picking up the guitar. i like to think once he gets good enough he records a song with agnea for the gramophone :P. also, temenos used to play the piano, but he’s out of practice (that one cleric in flamechurch is much better and actually wants to play it much more). he could pick it up again tho with a little practice
oh also ochette is a chronic unpeeled fruit mucher. she’ll just straight up bite into an orange and be like. “i see why some people don’t like the crust but i don’t mind it.” castti and osvald tails gets trolled face
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