#Personal Statement
margaretcruzemark · 9 hours
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I don't care if you maltreat me or promise to unveil your beauty. I just want something unbearable to test my fortitude: Prada 1998
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spencerreidswhore187 · 10 months
What monster woke up one day and decided to make the UCAS character limit include spaces?
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belle-keys · 3 months
Sharing the Personal Statement that got me into my master’s at Oxford
This is a copy of the Personal Statement I submitted to get into my master’s at the University of Oxford in England. Yes, I got accepted into my dream master’s programme and preferred college at Oxford. No, I will not be attending Oxford in the fall despite receiving an offer for a variety of financial reasons. I recently took up a funded master’s offer elsewhere.
I’m sharing my Personal Statement as a sample for any of you younglings hoping to study at Oxford if you want an idea of what they may be looking for in the Humanities Division for graduate admission. Online resources were a great free help for me during my own application process. Do not plagiarize my shit—they’ll know. Shout out to @amchara for giving me feedback on this document during my writing process!
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audhd-space · 1 year
Okay, I am planning to go back to academia for postgrad after maybe 5-6 years of leaving uni life?
How true is it when they said:
“Just be yourself when you write your personal statement!”
“the admission officer want to get to know you as a person when they are reading your application”
when writing personal statement for university application for a neurodivergent who’s planning to apply for inclusion/disability studies ?
(I’m AuDHD so I have no idea how literal I have to take these statements and whether I should take it at face value or if this is about performing acceptable amount of true self again)
I’ve read about the rank of this university and how great they are at providing support and alternative learning style, which is partly what interests me, but I still worry about being discriminated if I reveal about my disability as a part of my motivation to apply for study.
Please help!
I need opinion, suggestions, tips and support in any kindest and supportive ways you can offer now.
Thank you!
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april-the-fan-girl · 2 years
Hey Tumblr, what are reasons one would want to become a librarian? I'm writing a personal statement for grad school, Masters of Information Science. Thus far my reasons are:
-I'm interested in community services/resources and running helpful programs.
-I fucking love books.
-I have an English degree and I want to put it to use g-ddammit
-When I was younger libraries were a safe space for me. My stepdad used to ground me from going to the library cuz he's a dick and hated my happiness.
-I shadowed a librarian and it was really cool.
This needs to be a decent length tho and idk what else there is to write. Taking any and all suggestions (no guarantees they'll make it into my statement tho)
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shambolic-nerd · 28 days
Personal statement writing to so hard. How do I explain my love for my subject in words alone? Without jumping up and down with glee and whimsy?? How???
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khestuff14 · 1 year
Fuck romanticizing the aesthetics of the elite class and royalty, I wanna find comfort in the experience of only eating cheap convenience store instant noodles for a whole week, almost falling asleep while riding the public bus at evenings, hunt for discounts and sales in supermarkets, discover bizarre but entertaining clothes in thrift shops; I wanna revalue the importance of appreciating the smaller pleasures in life through making ends meet with livable working class wages, but the current economy has made it almost impossible to find glimmers of joy in the experience of the commoner's way of living.
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confusedelulu · 3 months
I need to finish this application. I hate it, omg I hate it so much. I really really dont want to do it like it's so booorrringgg damn. Butt it's in my head like it's all I'm thinking about; I can't relax or open any social media in peace it's constantly nagging me. And I've never submitted an application before, I'm about to cry seriously. Like I just want to submit it and I know I could write it. The content is there in my head but I cant.
I'm so restless. I cant eat in peace or listen to music in peace. Its fucking with me. Pls suggest anything. ANYTHING THAT MIGHT HELP. I just wanna get it written.
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Everyone I've heard advice from says that you should rewrite your personal statement a few times but when you find the right topic, you'll know. I've written it three times now but it just feels slightly more conceited every time I do. I'm worried that the perfectionist side of me will never be happy but my fingers are crossed for something to come out acceptable.
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luv4kokafox · 2 months
Complications - Atul Gawande
Rating : ★★★★ / ★★★★★
Complications is a study of the imperfections of science, taking a deep understanding of what could go wrong in the everyday practice of medicine. Atul Gawande is a well-known author in the sector of medicine, and all of his books and well regarded as must-reads!
Would I recommend a read?
TL;DR : yes! This book takes a stance on medical practices that may not be looked upon or possibly 'hidden' beneath the surface, so it is an amazing and easy to understand read for all.
The 'too-long' section:
Gawande takes an honest view of surgery and medicine, recognising that every doctor shares fallibility though society may perceive them as 'needing to be perfect', which is pressuring and simply untrue. Whilst the book may be difficult to grasp at times, the rare perspective of a surgeon is unforgettable, including not only surgeries but other problems that medical professionals may face. It really enforces the point that we are all human, and we all suffer at times. Even the professionals!
All of Gawande's books are impressive and informative, and if you have an interest in this genre, then I am sure that Complications is a perfect fit for you!
Like mentioned in the last review of Do No Harm, reading books like Complications can give you a slight advantage in medical applications as it demonstrates further reading and compassion / dedication for the subject of medicine and views surrounding it. If you are going to include it I would recommend writing about what you learned or found the most interesting! Overall, it is a great read and will give you an insight into the 'real world' of medicine!
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margaretcruzemark · 9 hours
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Where Beauty and Beauty met earth's still a tremble there and winds are scented yet and memory soft the air, bosoming, folding glints of light and shreds of shadowy laughter not the tears that fill the years after: Diana Helzina by Ania Brudna for Bettter Upcycling System
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needtobemedicated · 1 year
guess who hasn't touched their personal statement over the summer and is applying to uni in January :)))
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amerwitch · 3 months
I ain't changed, but I know I ain't the same
Every year I try to pick a theme, a goal, a life style to hold on. Last year was King based on a song by Florence and the Machine.  It was the lyric “I am no mother, I am no bride, I am king” that really hit me. Late last year, I thought my song of the year was going to be “Delilah” by Florence and the Machine.  It was one lunch hour, listening to random music videos on YouTube, when the voice…
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amitalksalot · 1 year
life is so sad and chaotic😔🙏
why is it we have so much work to do over summer break like isn’t the whole point to have a break.
if cambridge see this i am joking i am spending every second studying
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college-ravings · 1 year
Valedictorian Tips 📚1!
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Hi everyone!
As promised, this post marks the start of the valedictorian ravings series! My hope is to provide some guidance and personal insight on my journey through high school, from a wide-eyed freshman to a relieved-that-I’m-finally-done valedictorian. I’ll be addressing overall study habits as well as the mental, emotional, and physical aspects of going through high school.
My intention with this series isn’t to cause stress or place unrealistic expectations on others, nor is it a checklist to be successful. After all, my definition of contentment and success is drastically different now in comparison to my senior year. Rather, I’d like to use this as an opportunity reflect on my high school career—the mistakes I made, the decisions I took, my mentality towards school—and provide insight to help another student struggling with the same things I did.
I’m also open to requests/asks! College application season is very much happening, and having been through it recently (and worked as a writing TA for quite a while,) I have advice to share if it would interest y’all!
As a side note, I went to high school in the U.S., and am aware that there are big differences between school systems in other countries. Although I can’t speak directly about them, I hope that some of the general advice applies.
As a side side note, this series can be found under #valedictorianings.
Pic: visited a friend’s campus (looooong road trip) and found an amazing bookshop!
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machiattostudy · 2 years
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Vendredi 24 février 2023 
Writing cover letters and updating my CV & cat sitting for my friend. 
So funny how they expect you to come with an amazing personal statement but nobody taught you how to write a proper one. Hopefully I have great company ! 
Hope you guys are doing good ! 
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