#Peter pan’s shadow couldn’t be held down by anyone
zeroseuniverse · 1 year
A New Adventure Awaits
word count: 1,184
genre: Angst, fairytale.
Warnings: Death, neglectful parents.
Pairing: Heeseung X female peter pan
Summary: In which Petra Pan can save the souls of Heeseung and his little brothers, taking them to a land they could only ever dream of
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That pesky shadow does not know how to leave anyone alone, Petra grumbled internally, using a bit more pixie dust to boost her into the direction she needed. 
For some reason her shadow was obsessed with this specific boy, always leading Petra back there, and then a sword fight would happen, leaving the boy with a scene that he thinks is a dream. He was 17 he shouldn’t be seeing them for much longer so Petra had no idea why this was happening.
Tonight; However, it seemed different. Upon climbing into the window she spotted her shadow hovering over the boy alongside his brothers all looking pale and cold to the touch. Petra sighed as she took in the scene, she knew the boys were neglected but she had never known it was to this point, the teeneger looking the worst, presumably from giving his food to his brothers.
Her shadow was cowering away from the scene sadly, it had been trying to warn Petra. “It’s okay, they can come home with us now okay?” Petra cooed to her shadow, the two had been battling for centuries at this point but after her shadow aided her against her battle with captain hook to save her fairy the two decided to team up for good, “We will care for them like they deserve.” and with that the shadow nodded, allowing Petra to sprinkle pixie dust over the three and placing the smallest two in one arm as she simply held the teenager's hand. This process never got easier, And with that thought the five headed back to their land, the land people only heard stories about.
As they entered the land, her shadow eagerly waved to the small boys that were running around and playing. “Petra!!!”  The boys yelled excitedly as they saw her fly overhead to the waterfall that would help them, she of course didn’t take their actual bodies, but their souls that had been stripped after their passing were all hardly hanging on, in so much pain from their awful childhoods.
Mending their souls would be hard, the water from the waterfall held magical healing properties that would do most of the job but the mental pain that they held would be permanent, only able to be fixed with effort from all parties involved.
Her shadow anxiously paced by the boys, Petra had gone to get food and regular water for the three boys hoping to coax themm into trusting them. The oldest was familiar with Petra but he still thought she was but a figment of his imagination. 
The sound of a sharp gasp knocked her shadow out of her pacing, quickly turning to the source and spotting the two little boys peering up at the black mass curiously.
Since the shadow couldn’t talk, the black mass looked up to try and find her counterpart who was thankfully on her way back, an abundance of little boys following her. The small boys on the ground looked up in awe at the scene, Petra descended down to the ground with a gentle smile.
“Ni-Ki, Jungwon, lovely to see you two again. We never officially met, I was always trying to chase the shadow away but I’m Petra, would you like some food?” She introduced, offering the berries and bread to the children who giddily grabbed it. Ready to get the nutrients they needed. As soon as they were half way through their meal, under the careful eyes of Petra, another gasp broke through the air.
“Where am I?” Heeseung panicked, flinching when his brother placed a hand on his shoulder. “Jungwon, Ni-Ki!” he exclaimed, reaching for the two only to get nudged back by the shadow, “What the-”
“Allow them to eat, it’s been a while since they’ve gotten enough nutrients.” Petra explained, passing a bowl of food to the teenager who looked at her oddly, “Don’t worry everything here is safe, I will make sure my boys are taken care of.”
He eyed her face a bit more, glancing at the shadow as well before realization snapped into place, “You’re the lady who saves me from the shadows!” He perked up but looked confused as to why the two stood together like they were friends.
“I used to try to keep her in check, that’s why we would fight in your room. She was trying to tell me about your home situation, but I really couldn’t help much until you entered the spirit realm,” The ginger haired woman explained, before looking over to the boys near her, “This is Jay, Sunghoon, Jake, Kai, Beomgyu, Jeongin and Jongho.” She introduced pointing to each boy so he could match a face to the name.
“Where’s Sunoo, Petra?” Sunghoon wondered, his eyes wide as he tried looking around for the fairy..
“Pouting because I didn’t have the time to see his new trick.” Petra giggled a bit, looking to the side as the glowing ball approached the group.
The chimes filled the air as the fairy yelled his complaints at the lack of attentio, the three newcomers watching  in awe. “Sunoo, don’t be rude, we have guests.”
Soon the three boys were as lively as ever, falling into the dynamics of the group perfectly.
It took about a month in Never land which unfortunately is only a few days in the real world, so as Petra was getting ready to go on her next trip to the regular world, Heeseung jumped at the opportunity, asking to join her.
“I need to see if they care.” was all he said before Petra sprinkled the pixie dust over the two and intertwined their fingers.
 “You might not like what you find.”
“That’s okay.”
And with that the two took off to the mainland, straight to his old home, peering at the elderly couple who seemed to be getting ready for a party. The woman dressed in a fancy dress with heels and gold jewlery while the man stood in front of the mirror tugging his tie just right. “Funeral?” Heeseung questioned Petra who shook her head sadly, pointing over to the envelope sticking out of the woman’s purse.
“I want to go home.” He blurted, making the girl beside him sigh sadly. 
“Okay, but you really can’t interact with the real world as the spirit you are. I’ll look after your brothers if you wish to stay.” She said, getting up to leave only for a hand to latch around her wrist.
“No, I want to go home with you. This never felt like a home, Neverland is home. I want to help you care for all of the lost boys, and fight stupid looking pirates, and annoy Sunoo when you give me attention.” Heeseung clarified, Petra could hardly hide her glee. Bouncing slightly on her heels as she moved to grasp his hand once again in her own.
“We have to go pick up another kid. Soobin. He passed an hour ago, but his soul is still lively.” She explained, tugging the boy with her.
“Well, I guess a new adventure awaits us then.
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amanuensisnessy · 1 year
I wish it was sleep paralysis
My sister’s and I were never afraid of the monsters under the bed.
Partly because there wasn’t enough room to even slide a piece of paper underneath. Our nightly setup was a queen-sized mattress resting on top of the queen-sized boxed spring, and then the carpeted floor. No nice frame holding us up or fancy drapes cascading down. 
My younger sister and I slept on this mattress for years. I slept on the side closest to the wall and my little sister took the side that was open for monster chomping. My older sister, on the other hand, did have a bed frame. A blue metal frame held her bed about a foot high, so if anyone was going to get snatched by monsters it was going to be her. Because everyone knows monsters under the bed are assigned to one bed and one bed alone.
However, just in case there ever was a monster who broke the bed rules, I had my little sister between me and the monster. Suffice to say, I felt safe with the bed arrangements. So did my parents because it meant they didn’t have to wake up every other night when I inevitably fell out of bed. 
Out of the three of us I was the most fearful one. Couldn’t get me to watch a scary movie with a crisp 20 dollar bill, or grab a screwdriver from the garage with my dad’s anger spiking every second he had to wait, or order McDonald’s with the promise of an ice-cream cone at the end of the meal. 
As you can imagine, I got no sympathy from those older than me or younger than me. My parents and older sister kept pushing me to grow out of these irrational fears, while my little sister teased me incessantly. I still refuse to watch scary movies at any time of the day, but at least I can go into the garage for that screw driver my dad needs. 
Anyways, as the quivering, fearful, and cowering child that I was, I dreaded the night. I knew there was no avoiding it. For night was accompanied hand in hand with darkness. A darkness that was patient and inescapable. The solution to fight said darkness was to sleep with the lights on. 
My parents weren’t having any of that and they didn't want to shell out some cash for a pretty plug in moon. The compromise was to have the closet light on. At the time, one of the doors to open the closet door was broken and it was able to block some of the light from shining onto my older sister’s side of the room. My younger sister didn’t mind the light, but she didn’t mind a lot of things back then.
To my delight, I was able to see everything in the room if I were to ever wake up in the middle of the night. From the sponge green walls to the purple blanket my sister and I shared. I could even see the direction my older sister had decided to sleep in (her feet faced the door and her head was in the headboard’s direction).
I slept great for years with the lights on. Until the safety of the light proved to be powerless in keeping the things of the night away. 
I remember my eyes snapping open for absolutely no reason. There was no sound that should’ve woken me and my sister hadn’t jostled the bed while rolling over. Regardless, I was experiencing an unwelcome re-telling of Peter Pan. 
Instead of Peter Pan bouncing off the walls trying to catch his shadow, I was met with my little sister’s shadow, kneeling next to the bed. I knew it was my sister’s shadow because of the long untamed hair she was sporting at the time. I had the same hairstyle, but mine was considerably shorter. 
She didn’t move and neither did I. She continued to stare down at me and I prayed with all the strength my brain could muster for my sister not to wake up or for it to go away. It didn’t work. So I did the next best thing and hid under the covers. I waited a few seconds and took a peek from underneath the covers. It was still there, watching, and creeping. 
I ducked underneath the covers a couple more times and peeked through as many times as I dared. I chanced a glance away from the shadow to the door.
And I saw it was wide open.
Beyond the threshold of the room was the hallway and a conveniently placed bookshelf where a second shadow leaned against it. It seemed like my older sister’s shadow was overlooking whatever effed-up terror this was. 
I should've screamed. There were 7 adults living in the house and a lot of older cousin’s who were filled to the brim with a need for violence. Unfortunately, it was this night that I realized my fear reaction was the equivalent of a deer in headlights.
To this day, I wish it was sleep paralysis because then I would at least be able to explain it. But nay! My limbs moved well enough to lift my blanket over my head as a shield. I don’t know how I went back to sleep that night, but I did. 
I told the story to everyone the next morning, hoping someone would be able to explain what happened that night. No one could, and they were mighty uncomfortable with the tale.
Honestly, I’m surprised it was taken seriously rather than just a child’s nightmare. I'm glad the shadow never came back for round two. 
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revivemyreverie · 2 years
⏰ Keres tea?
Keres’ accomplices (and technically only friends) were a group of older teens who saw the young man’s ability as something to immediately take advantage of. During a lot of their hijinks, Keres acted as both the getaway man and actual robber, but wasn’t given and credit and barely any of the rewards.
Eventually, Keres saw through their silly facade and left them mid-heist. They’re in a juvenile detention center now!
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Only in a Sitcom
Fandom: WandaVision Pairing: Darcy Lewis/Jimmy Woo Rating: T
Summary: Darcy has no idea what the hell’s going on with this WandaVision thing, but neither does Jimmy. It’s kinda fun to have somebody to binge-watch alternate reality TV with.
read ch. 1 one / 2 two / 3 three / 4 four / 5 five 6 six / 7 seven / 8 eight / 9 nine / 10 ten 11 eleven / 12 twelve / 13 thirteen / 14 fourteen 15 fifteen / 16 sixteen / 17 seventeen / 18 eighteen
this fic is now complete!
Darcy, Jimmy, and Monica have been working their way across Westview in as straight a line as possible, knocking on every door in every cute little cul-de-sac in their path. It was Jimmy who asserted they should never put their backs to a dangerous situation, but Monica who overruled that statement, pointing out that they were more likely to stay focused if they didn’t keep staring at the fight in the sky.
Darcy thinks they were both right. There’s a tingle rippling up and down the back of her neck, like she gets when she’s up in the middle of the night, spooked by shadows her anxious, overtired mind is too eager to turn into monsters, but the heebie-jeebies give her the energy to work quickly. She takes on an entire crescent on her own, readying people for a departure she’s certain they’ve been longing for. As she’s coming out the crescent’s other end, she realizes the Hex is getting brighter; the red storm clouds are being sucked back into themselves to leave a thin daylight.
Standing at the corner, she watches Jimmy and Monica emerge from the street opposite. Darcy jogs over, wincing. Wanda could’ve put orthotics in these Escape Artist boots. They’re blistering her feet.
“This has to be a good sign, right?” she asks, motioning to the calm skies.
“Look,” Monica instructs. She jerks her chin and Darcy and Jimmy follow her line of sight to see Wanda, Vision, and the twins coming up the main road.
Darcy gasps.
Wanda’s gone from bumming-around-the-house sweats to battle-ready chic. With her armour-like bodice, gloves that leave those magic fingers free, and an usually-shaped tiara framing her forehead, she’s both intimidating and otherworldly. But she’s smiling. Darcy would call it a sad smile and it hurts her heart to see it, even though she doesn’t understand.
As Wanda passes them with her hand held fast in Vision’s, she turns her head to nod at Monica. It’s in her eyes too, the same thing that’s in her smile. Something tired but present. Gone are the comedically darting glances of her persona as the bumbling new girl in town and the frazzled energy of a mom trying to corral a couple of superkids. It looks like she’s finally letting go of the illusion/delusion.
“Can we do anything for her?” Jimmy asks as the family continues on down the middle of the street.
“No,” Monica says. “The rest is for Wanda to do on her own.”
“We might as well head back towards the center of town,” Darcy says. “We don’t need to waste time at the edges. They’ll be the first to wake up.”
She points to where the Hex is shimmering on the horizon. The seconds pass and the shimmer looks messier, a weave of overlapping wires fritzing with energy. The edge is coming closer, but unlike when Wanda pushed the boundary farther, closing it around Darcy and her S.W.O.R.D. nemeses, this isn’t menacing. Wanda’s powers are no longer looking to consume more territory, they’re contracting. Faster than the incoming wave of the walls, the Hex goes dark. The red glow is intensely magical in the sudden night.
The three of them fan out, hitting the houses in their new route, and make their way back to the town square. They’ve been telling everyone to remain in their homes until they receive further instructions to evacuate, but Darcy spots a figure on the sidewalk by the department story. It’s Agnes, except… not as they saw her lately. No wild hair or billowing, layered outfit. No levitation. Darcy’s wary in the face of the woman who appears so much like her former self, the one supposedly under Wanda’s control. This Agnes has a damn Peter Pan collar poking out of her sweater! She couldn’t look much less threatening.
“What do you think?” she asks Monica when she joins her.
“I don’t know.” Monica peers across the street at Agnes in the dark and when Agnes notices, she flashes a wide smile.
“Well, maybe we should— Hey, no, wait!”
But the Captain strides across to meet Agnes. Darcy almost follows in her idol’s wake, but she quickly remembers that Monica has powers to protect herself that far exceed the right hook Darcy used to drop Agent Handcuffs. Whatever Agnes’s deal is, Darcy knows she’s an entirely different kind of beast from an asshole S.W.O.R.D. agent.
“What’s going on there?” Jimmy wonders, coming up beside her.
Thanks to the stress of trying to speak to as many citizens as possible in a short amount of time, including looking dozens of people still under mind control in the eye and aching for their lack of agency, the fear of and for Wanda as she witnessed that clash in the sky, and, really, the car crash that’s still pretty recent, Darcy reacts to her boyfriend’s presence by wrapping her arms around him tightly. With his tie pressed to her cheek, she feels him hug her back.
“I don’t know,” she says, carrying on the conversation without pulling away an inch, “but Monica’s finding out.”
“Agnes looks like an average Westviewer again. It’s disconcerting.”
“She must’ve been faking right up until she went head-to-head with Wanda.”
“And now she’s one of them for real.”
“Seems like,” Darcy agrees.
When Monica returns to confirm Agnes’s newly mind-controlled status, Darcy peels herself most of the way away from Jimmy, leaving her arm around his back, beneath his FBI jacket. He rests his arm around her shoulders.
“I don’t know what we do with her,” Monica says, hands on her hips. “We can’t undo what Wanda did, but do we leave Agnes here in Westview, trusting that she isn’t able to hurt anyone? Do we bring her in?”
“If it’s beyond our power to help her, maybe we just leave her here,” Jimmy suggests. “Wanda knows where she is, so we let Agnes stay in a place she can be found when or if Wanda decides to release her.”
“It’s tricky,” Darcy says slowly. “Agnes is capable of doing so much damage, and I’m sure she’s going to get good and angry while Wanda has her trapped inside herself. You and I know how that feels,” she says to Monica. “But that Agnes is secure—as far as we know—inside Sitcom Agnes, like little Agnes nesting dolls. I don’t know if this is the kind of punishment she deserves for pushing Wanda to the brink, but I do know it’s not going to be pretty if that inner Agnes is unleashed with nobody around to mitigate the consequences.”
“Sentient Weapon Observation and Response Division,” Monica says softly.
“S.W.O.R.D. That’s what we’re supposed to stand for. I think, without Tyler Hayward around, it’s high time S.W.O.R.D. went back to its roots of trying to understand exceptional people, circumstances, and technology instead of just attacking them.”
“Sounds as though you might have a plan, Captain,” Jimmy says. Darcy glances at his face and catches his small, knowing smile.
Monica beams back.
“The former Director may have kicked me off the base, but I’m still S.W.O.R.D. and I still believe in my mother’s original goals for the organization.”
“Hey, it’s your legacy,” Darcy says. “You have my vote for Director.”
“You want to put Agnes under S.W.O.R.D. observation?” Jimmy asks.
“Not just Agnes. Not if Wanda’s willing to listen.”
With the sky rapidly lightening, Monica roughs out a plan that involves a partnership between S.W.O.R.D. and Wanda Maximoff. A partnership because any other dynamic would surely fail. After what they all witnessed today, it’s obvious that someone as powerful as Wanda can’t be held against her will. In exchange for Wanda making reparations to the people and town of Westview (not the least of which will be repairing all physical damage, which Monica knows Wanda’s capable of, since there’s no longer a Monica-sized hole in her living room wall) and an agreement to be held in the custody of S.W.O.R.D., under the leadership of Director Monica Rambeau, Monica thinks she has plenty to offer Wanda.
“You think she’ll do that deal?” Jimmy asks.
“That’s my question too,” Darcy says. “I mean, without the deal, Wanda can go where she pleases, right?”
“But she’ll be alone,” Monica counters. “We know what her loved ones mean to her. That’s what all this has been about—Wanda doing whatever it takes in order to go through life less alone.”
“What can you give her?”
“Vision,” Jimmy says abruptly. “The other one, the one who left. You think he’ll be back.”
“I think he’ll want answers,” Monica agrees. “Whatever Hayward did to him, he did at S.W.O.R.D. and I’m betting that Wanda will see that’s her best chance to reunite with Vision.”
“Vision will come back,” Darcy says, putting it together, “and Wanda will be there waiting.”
“And in the meantime, we use her expertise as we continue our work in a… more transparent vein. Give her access, keep her busy.”
“Keep her happy,” Jimmy cuts in. Monica nods her acknowledgement.
“Yes. Show her what it’s like to help people again. What better way to remind her there’s more to the world than her artificial paradise than to have her consult on the work we’re doing in space?”
“If you need somebody to sell Wanda on the space angle, I’m your girl,” Darcy volunteers.
“I’ve already had some ideas about that,” Monica promises with a smile.
Her eyes focus beyond Darcy and Jimmy and they turn to see what she’s looking at. Black hood drawn up over her head, Wanda’s walking back into the downtown. Alone. Darcy hopes that the fact that she’s black-hatted doesn’t mean she’s already decided against working to redeem herself to rejoin the good guys.
“You better stay in touch too,” Monica tells Jimmy, shifting as she prepares to intercept Wanda.
“If you reach out to Darcy, I’m sure I won’t be far,” he says. Darcy’s heart performs quick, happy thumps.
With that, Monica walks purposely towards Wanda. Darcy watches her cautious body language and Wanda’s tension in response to being accosted, but there isn’t any visible escalation. When FBI vehicles and the team Darcy assumes belongs to Major Goodner roll up the street, Wanda doesn’t flee. Darcy looks to Jimmy.
“You better go take charge,” she suggests.
He gives her a bashful smile.
“I will in a minute. The evacuation should run like clockwork after all the prep we did. With the Hex removed, everyone’s free.”
“They’re free, I’m free…”
“Are you free Saturday?” The smile’s a little slyer now.
“After all this, I don’t even know what day of the week it is,” Darcy admits, “but yes.”
He laughs.
“What are you thinking?” she asks, twisting to face him as his hand moves from her shoulder to her waist. “Quiet night in watching TV?”
“You know, I think I need a break from TV for a while. How about a movie?”
Darcy grins.
“You buy the tickets, I’ll buy the snacks?”
“Deal,” Jimmy says, and smiles against her mouth when he ducks his head to kiss her.
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darksapphire29 · 4 years
Imagine #6
You give Peter the silent treatment while you try to accept the newly discovered truth.
Warnings: silent treatment, mentions of death, stressed Peter (ya know, this is just a recurring theme that can probably be expected in most (if not ALL) my imagines), tiny OOC Pan (but I don’t think it’s that OOC), crying?? Umm... trigger warning for ppl who are still recovering from season 3 and/or season 5?? (I AM)
Peter was scolding Adam for something when you first left your tent.
“You idiot. You never pick dreamshade without gloves. Do you have a d-death...?” He stuttered a little, losing his trail of thought at the sight of you. You looked awful.
Your skin was pale, your eyes lined with a darkness that hinted at a lack of sleep. You stumbled a little as you wandered off into the forest to gather some fruit for breakfast. You didn’t even look at him as you passed, and his stomach dropped.
All but forgetting his annoyance, he walked briskly after you. You weren’t even following any of the trails. He passed the huts and ignored the confused look Felix sent his way. All he could think about was what was wrong with you. Were you ill? Hurt? Did something happen last night? Yesterday? He didn’t know, and was determined to find out.
When he caught sight of your cloak, he ran right up to you. He grabbed your shoulder, and you stopped. You didn’t turn to look at him.
“(Y/n),” he started, walking around your body with a hesitance that caught you off guard. You had honestly expected him to be mad. When he stood in front of you, his eyes filled with concern, you found you couldn’t look at him another second, so you turned your head away from him.
Peter furrowed his brows. You were never the shy type, always standing up for yourself and speaking out against him. It was one of the both impressive and frustrating traits he loved about you.
“Why aren’t you following the trail?” He searched your face, trying to read your eyes. But just as he was about to catch them, you looked away from him. Somehow, the boring new shades of moss by his feet were more interesting than Peter. It was too peculiar for him to leave alone.
“Is something wrong?” He asked again. The (tall/short) girl before him said nothing, all too lost in her thoughts. Was this a game to him? Or did he seriously have no idea? The most obvious answer was that he was mocking you. That he found your anger towards him amusing and silly. But you wouldn’t retaliate. That was what he wanted. Instead, you walked right past him and continued on your way.
Peter felt as if you had dug out his heart and jumped on it. Twice. His confident stance faltered as he watched your back. You were acting so… different. But then again, it was unnervingly familiar. Only, the last time you had acted so demeaned by his presence was almost a hundred winters ago. When his shadow first brought you to Neverland, and you were still jumpy and untrusting from your past life. Why were you suddenly reverting back to your old self?
When you began to fade into the forest, he chased after you. Peter followed you for a while, calling your name and demanding you talk to him.
You didn’t answer his questions, completely disregarding his presence. You wished he would just leave you alone. After everything you had learnt, all the secrets that had been laid before you, you needed to be alone. You needed time to think. And you especially needed Peter to go away. But no, Peter Pan never fails, and he was more than ready to win this game. Only it wasn’t a game, and if he wanted it to be, you weren’t intending to play.
Annoyance clouded Peter’s mind, and he tried so hard not to let you anger him. So hard. But it wasn’t getting any easier.
“(Y/n), come on!” He tried, throwing up his arm and following you deep into the forest. “Where are you even going?” Luckily for the both of you, he was Peter Pan, not some Lost Boy. Because if he wasn’t literally half demon, neither of you would be able to get back.
You really didn’t know where you were going. But all that mattered right then was the distance between you and the boy who’d broken your trust. Although, deep down, you were grateful he had followed you. Otherwise, you would be completely lost.
You didn’t know how to forgive him, and by the sound of it, Peter hadn’t even realised what he’d done. You chuckled. What a narcissist. Of course, he hadn’t thought it would offend you. But you couldn’t approach him about it, or anyone, really. What a girlish thing it was, to be so hurt by such a thing. Secrets like this one were more damaging than any poison or sword. But how could he have known? This was a grown-up sort of thing, and Peter was still only a child.
“(Y/n)!” He shouted again, and you jumped, having forgotten he was even there. “I can literally feel the rage in my blood.” He threatened, but you were unfazed. Nothing could hurt more than—
“Please, don’t make me force you!” His voice cracked a little on the please. Your heart clenched. He was trying to hide his desperation, but you could sense it. You wanted so much to just turn around, hug him, tell him it wasn’t his fault.
But that would be a lie. Because it was his fault. It was entirely his fault. He should have shared all those damned thoughts with you. If only he’d opened his stupid mouth, confessed, revealed everything. Instead, he’d left you to stumble blindly in the dark. But the idiot forgot to take the oil away from the lamp, and now that you’d shed some light on your life, things would never be the same. And it was this senselessness that kept you away from him. Like two magnets of the same pole—it was all Peter’s doing.
But the most disturbing truth? Your very soul threatened to shatter at the very thought. How could he have kept such a thing from you? How could he have been so careless? You tripped on a few sticks and roots as your blood threatened to boil over with rage. Had he even spared your feelings a thought? You shook your head and quickened your pace.
Peter watched you stumble along, your hands clenching and unclenching like you didn’t want him to know they were shaking. He was near you, now, and he reached out for you again. Wanting so badly to touch you again, even for a second. But then you took longer strides, taking him off guard, and his fingers missed you completely. He growled in frustration. He’d had enough.
“Fine.” His tone darkened. Chills ran down your spine, you skin crawling with goosebumps. He had never spoken to you like that before, and it scared you to no end. “But don’t say I didn’t give you a chance!” With that, he appeared right before you, and you collided with his chest. You leapt back almost immediately, like fire to your skin. Meeting his eyes for a second, you found a hint of pain behind them. But it was replaced with frustration before you could blink.
“Why are you ignoring me?” He was so lost. So hurt. You wouldn’t even look him in the eye long enough for him to see the (e/c) in them. That beautiful (e/c) he would so often lose himself in.
Quickly, he reached for your shoulders. His hands rested there, his grip gentle but firm, not wanting you to leave him behind, again. You still didn’t speak. He missed your voice, your laugh, you eyes, your smile. It had probably been an hour, but that was already too long. He clenched his jaw.
“(Y/n), this isn’t a game. Talk to me.” As much as he didn’t want to, he was losing his patience. He spoke through gritted teeth, his hold on you tightening, his eyes set in a nasty glare. His hands were harsh on your skin, and your eyes glistened with an unholy fire. You didn’t move.
He couldn’t take it anymore.
Breathing through his nose, veins popping out of his neck, he shook you. Hard. Your hair fell over your face, and your cloak would’ve fallen off if Peter wasn’t holding it there. Tears stung at your eyes as your body was thrown around, your shoulders aching.
“TALK TO ME!!” He screamed, fuming. You nearly broke down at his anger. He stopped, but you didn’t do anything. He had hoped you would yell, scream, cry, shove him off, kick him, slap him, run away, anything! You just shivered a little under his hands, but other than that, you held yourself together. His eyes reddened, almost like he might cry, himself. “Why won’t you just look at me, at LEAST?!” A part of him was begging, but the rest of him was infuriated.
In spite of yourself, you looked up at him. Your eyes were probably swollen, your skin whiter than usual, but you hardly cared. You glared at him so hard you might’ve set him aflame.
“Well then, Pan.” You croaked, a single, hot tear falling from your eye. “I’m looking at you. I’m talking to you. I’m even bloody crying. You’ve won. Now get the hell away from me.”
He stepped back, not meaning to look cocky. He was shocked. He had won, but that wasn’t important. The look on your face was important. That angry tear was important.
“I-I—” he stuttered. What could he do? You were obviously upset with him. But why? What had he done? For a short second, he thought hard about everything he could’ve done wrong.
Nothing came to mind.
“What did I do?” It was an innocent question, but when he finished, you were so pale he feared for your life. It came out so wrong. So demeaning. Ridiculing. It sounded exactly like him, and for once, he really didn’t mean for it to sound like that. 
Your usually bright and (e/c) eyes darkened a few shades. He winced.
This was not going to end well.
“What did you do?” You laughed. It wasn’t joyous and contagious like the one he obsessed over. It was maniacal, nearly psychotic. Like his laugh. “Oh, I wonder!”
“(Y/n), please—”
“Oh, no! You don’t get to speak. It’s my turn.” You spat, waving a hand in his face. “Did you think I wouldn’t find out?” Peter was completely taken aback. Fear placed his confusion and he worried for his own sake. So much was happening, now. Who knew what you had discovered?
He had wanted to keep his plans to himself. Everything he was doing, everything he planned to accomplish, he knew you wouldn’t approve. Even to save your own life, his life, everyone’s lives, the whole of Neverland. You would insist on finding a better way until your final breath.
“Kidnapping people? Using some girl? Taking a kid from his family and keeping him against his will?” The colour was quickly returning to your face, but even when you tanned to your normal colour, you continued to redden with every breath. He tried to get a word in, tried to explain himself. But it was no use.
“I can’t believe you, Pan!” He winced again, that familiar pain building up in his chest once more. “What happened to you? Why are you doing this? You used to be fun. You used to really care about everyone.” Your face was wet with tears, tears that wouldn’t stop, and Peter wanted nothing more than to hold you.
He remembered those days. The days where he and the Lost would just play around and joke and tease. When nothing mattered but you and him and Neverland.
But then, he remembered the day he returned to Skull Rock. The day he was reminded of his incoming doom. He knew what was coming. He knew it had to be done.
“(Y/n), please listen to me.” He started, but you weren’t finished.
“But you wanna know why I’m upset?” Peter didn’t say anything, he didn’t even nod. You were suddenly calm, and it scared him more than your angered screams.
“You told Felix you were—” A broken sob hacked at your throat, and you collapsed into Peter’s chest. Pride be damned, you were sick of this. Sick of being angry and scared and alone. You needed Peter, and when he wrapped his arms around you, that was it. You were finished. Your eyes red. Yours cheeks soaked. Your hands shaking. Your hair in more of a mess than usual. Your lips quivering. And just like that, you broke down.
Peter pulled you closer, just holding you. He didn’t say anything. There was nothing to say. You knew everything, and there was no way to assure you that everything would be okay. Because he didn’t know that. And as he held you to his chest, he let out a few tears himself. In minutes you were both huddled together on the ground, dirt and leaves sticking to your clothes. You clung to one another as you cried, his hands stroking your hair while you clutched onto his shirt.
Peter shushed and soothed you, stroking your hair as cries escaped his lips.
“I-I’m s-sorry,” he croaked out between sobs. You just nodded, clutching onto his tunic and gasping out that it didn’t matter. Peter kept apologising anyway, his hair tousled, his face puffy and stained with tears that you feared would never stop.
You sat like that for a long time, your sobs filling one another’s ears and more water leaked from your eyes than you knew you had in you. Because nothing was okay, and as you sat in the dim and cold light of the sun—lost in the middle of the Neverland woods—neither of you knew if it would ever be okay again.
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angeli-marco-writes · 4 years
∘◦ ♥ ◦∘ Peter Parker - Everything Happens for a Reason ∘◦ ♥ ◦∘
A/N - I only wrote it a couple of months ago and due to the close nature of it, I haven’t uploaded it anywhere. I hope you like my first (10k) Peter Parker fic. I know that the timeline doesn’t make sense, but in all honesty, Endgame and FFH messed it up plenty so I just kinda placed this in no-mans-time. And I know the compound was destroyed during Endgame, so just bear with the fact that I’ve made it so that Strange and his wizards rebuilt it for survivors :)
Warnings - making out and shadows to sex, SWEARING, bad parenting, mentions of grief, mentions of injury and disability, angst, death of parents etc. Also, don’t read if you haven’t seen endgame because it’ll be spoiled in the first paragraph of this. 
Summary - Stark!reader x Peter Parker, post endgame. Months after the death of your father, your aunt, and the retirement of your uncle, you find yourself in a sticky situation, and to make it even worse, your childhood crush doesn’t even recognise you now. Then again, doing most of your growing up while half of the population is dead doesn’t exactly bode well for your love life nor your commitment issues. When things finally start to turn around while learning to live with a disability, will you still be taken away to live with your step-mother, or will love pan out at last? After all, everything happens for a reason. 
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IT'S BEEN JUST OVER THREE MONTHS since the final battle, and therefore just over three months since you said goodbye to the only three role models you had for the most important five years of your life. Well, the three are debatable. 
Your dad had died, still holding your hand, after saving humanity like he always did, allowing the burden of the Stark name to fall onto you at long last. Your uncle Steve - tutor extraordinaire - had officially retired and moved away, and you haven’t seen him since the final goodbye, leaving you more and more doubtful every day you’ll ever see him again. And your aunty Nat let herself go, she pushed herself away from that cliff, and let uncle Clint live, to help give you a better life, but what Nat didn’t realise was that you lost them both that day, because Clint hasn’t been back since. He’s never coming back now from the trauma, the man who was more of a father than your dad ever was.
It was quite possibly the worst period of your whole life, but then again, when half of the world is destroyed before you’ve even hit puberty, you don’t really have much to hold it against.
But here you are again, stuck in your room in the semi-rebuilt compound, grounded by FRIDAY while the step monster and child are at the lake house, living happily ever after. What the issue is, you don’t know. All you did was get a piercing... and be rude to Peter. And Sam. And everyone in the building- ok maybe she has a point, but hey, you’re grieving the loss of everyone major in your life, and you can barely do anything for yourself.
It’s like five years ago all over again. Everyone you’d grown accustomed to, your friends, your mom, your idols - even if they weren’t dead, they were lost for a long time - and your crush. The one and only Peter Parker. Much to your surprise, you got over most of the deaths pretty quickly. There wasn’t much to understand - they were gone and they wouldn’t come back no matter what, so what good would worrying and crying do? Obviously, as a young girl, this was the wrong response, so this is when Pepper got her name. “Don’t be so insensitive! Those were your dad's best friends, people he worked with for years. Those people were his family, and mine, and yours.”
You scoffed at her, the way you always seemed to do. “Yeah, ok. But my mum died, and am I making a fuss? No. She died for a reason, they all did,” and under your breath, you added “I still just need to figure that reason out.”
You held back from the obvious “they were my family too” bullshit, because your dad never believed that, even when you spent most of your time at his house with the Avengers instead of him. It wasn’t that you hated your mom or your dad, you loved them both equally and spent time with them both, but when one dies and one goes missing and spirals into lord knows what after going missing in space with a blue alienoid, everything gets a little complicated and stops making sense. Spending more time with your dad was scary too, seeing the intricacies of Avengers life in a capacity which you didn’t understand for a long time growing up. That only lasted for a year before he took off and made you be a tennis ball in a flawed game between him and Rhodey. Every weekend for five years you drove from the compound to the lake house. You lost out on a lot from that, and your dad didn’t even seem phased, because he had Morgan. 
But beneath all of the hatred that had made you so rebellious since you turned fifteen, there was something deeper.
Considering how stone faced and resolute you are and always have been, considering how harsh you are about the realities and never getting caught up in mindless emotions, no matter how much you claim that your grieving time was over the second that you pushed your dad's heart away, mere weeks after feeling his pulse drop as you laced your fingers with his, no one would believe that it was all a lie.
Every night since that snap more than five years ago, you’ve done the same thing. Make a cup of hot chocolate (an iced decaf latte if it was summer), and you’d take it to bed and just cry until you could no more and simply fell asleep. You weren’t even sure why you cried, because after all there wasn’t really any reason to. The world was moving on, albeit slower than before, and your life  was about as much locked into place as it could be with Tony Stark as your father, but the crying just felt obligatory. After ten, FRIDAY always turned off in your room, that was the agreement your mom had with your dad whenever you stayed there, although you weren’t sure why it made a difference, and it just stuck, so no one saw the pointless tears, no one heard, and no one cared. The only one who ever did care enough whenever you cried had been snapped away, and now he was back, you were just another repugnant face in the crowds, or so you’d guess with the way he looked down upon you.
 “It’s ok dad,” you said with a completely straight face, your hard eyes locked onto his, your entire being completely void of emotion, “you can go to sleep.”
He squeezed your hand with his forefinger and middle finger, very lightly, and he just croaked out his final words to you, “my beautiful Sloane, so brave.” So quiet that they were only decipherable to you.
“Life functions critical,” the Irish accent rang in your ears.
Pete had already said his goodbyes, but now it was Pepper’s turn as she wiped your dad's tears away. This time you should’ve been there for each other, a support for one another, after all, they were losing him together and were in the same boat, but sometimes even grief can’t bring people together. 
“Tony, look at me. We’re going to be ok..” she pleaded. 
Your dad's eyes moved from yours to hers, a sluggish movement that took the remaining life from him. He moved his lips to form two words that broke your heart, because you knew that they were directed at all of you, and they meant so much more than anyone else could understand. Those words were his attempt at making up for being such a shit dad. ‘I’m sorry.’ 
Pepper kissed him. “You can rest now.”
You didn’t even look around to see anyone else’s face , especially not Peters or Peppers, because as soon as his pulse stopped and his skin slipped from your grip, his body cold, you knew that the chapter of your life with your father in it was over, so you pulled your mask back over your face, and strutted away, as far as possible. You ignored your limp completely, because with all of the numbness, it was like you couldn’t even feel the pain. Except you didn’t disappear, no way, you couldn’t. You watched as they all knelt for him, for the man who missed all of your firsts in life, who was absent when you needed a father and a friend and a leader, and even though you were chronically broken within, every terrible emotion gnawing at you, screaming at you to just feel something and express it; you didn’t. You suppressed it all, and walked away. And of no surprise to you at all, no one followed, or even noticed you were gone.
After all, Tony Stark died for a reason, and at least this time you knew what that reason was. 
 “Miss?” Someone’s snapping their fingers beside your ear, driving you mental but also snapping you awake from whatever dream that was, reliving the scariest day of your life. “Miss, you fell asleep at the table. We’re clearing it for dinner, please.”
You roll your eyes up at him, instantly recognising Pete’s voice, but you just don’t care. He doesn’t even know who you are. So you scoff, the way you did at Pepper so long ago, and you leave without a second glance.
“Are you a relative of Nat’s? I- I heard someone was coming over to stay...” his voice yells down the corridor.
“You can’t be serious Peter. You don’t recognise me at all?”
And with that, you snatch your water bottle from the edge of the counter with your spare hand and resolutely stamp off down the corridor, your feet loosely wading in your docs with your crutch assisting you along the way.
You’re leaving soon, so you won’t have to deal with him. But you still have another year or two of high school to compete with, and with your tutor gone - your dad refused to send you back to school after the snap, so it was left up to whoever wanted the job, and Cap wanted it a lot more than he did, so you spent your weeks driving from the city to the lake house after finishing the weeks tutoring, to spend time with your ‘family’ - and now, you seriously doubted that anyone else would want the job. Bucky is too hormonal and grieving the loss of his best friend, Banner is freaking you out, Clint is off the grid from another breakdown and it’s like he’s not even human anymore, Wilson is too busy with his new training regime and fighting Buck, and Scott doesn’t know the first thing about what you need to learn thanks to his ditsy persona. Which only leaves Pepper and Rhodey, and which forces you to go back and live in the lake house, away from the shambles of the rebuilt compound, all thanks to Strange and his wizards.
Maybe this is what you need, because now you don’t have to see Pete and get offended every single time he forgets your name and doesn’t have a clue who you are.
That night, you skipped your crying routine, and felt no better nor worse off for doing so. You simply dosed up on your painkillers and drifted off to sleep, filled with irritation and dreams of a mousey hero.
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 For the next couple of days, you’d just gone about your business and avoided the funny looks from all of the other Avengers at your foul demeanour. None of them that were in and out of the rebuilt compound ever really took notice of you anymore, and you weren’t sure that any of them recognised you anymore, not with all of the piercings and hair dye and the crutches. After all, the last time most of them knew you, you were an annoying child who watched them work and ate dinners with them, and your dinners consisted of smiley face waffles and chicken nuggets. And besides, you were perfectly able back then, and you often had little friends over, or your mom would pop in to say hi on your way home. There’s no chance of that happening anymore. Bucky had recognised you, smiled at you, and occasionally made jokes about you being crippled together, so with any issues you could just turn to him, but this Peter thing annoyed you too much to talk about it, and you didn’t know why. 
Speak of the devil-
“Hey, can I sit?” He asks, standing just behind the sofa and hovering awkwardly.
“I don’t care,” you say, all of your words merging and slurring. You signal to the seat beside you yet far enough away for him not to be a bother, and he takes it.
“So h-how are you?” 
You watch him suspiciously out of the corner of your eye, because you can just feel his eyes on you, namely on your tits that had suddenly appeared in the last few years. 
“I’m fine thank you, Peter. It’s not like no one knows who the fuck I am and I’m living in a literal post war, dystopian, apocalyptic world all alone. How are you, Spider-Man?”
He blanches before your eyes, and you can physically see any words die in the back of his throat.
“I-I’m good.”
Everything stills for a little while, and the only sounds are what's playing on TV and Peter’s occasional swallows, making his Adams apple Bob in your peripheral view. He doesn’t dare look at you, and you can just sense his agitation, mainly from the way he fidgets and weighs the sofa cushions down weirdly with his weird spider legs. 
It only takes half an hour for you to wear down and ask him the burning question, his presence beside you enough to make your skin tingle in anticipation and anger bubble within, not to mention the girlish sense that overwhelms you, so contrasting to your dark clothes and self-given bridge piercing. 
“Why don’t you speak to me anymore, Peter? Do you seriously not recognise me?”
His eyes fall and his face turns sallow, and he stammers over a few consonants, unable to form any real words.
“I’m Tony’s daughter.” You announce, facing him head on. “Y/N Stark.”
Only after you’ve said that do you realise that he’ll have absolutely no clue what you’re saying, but you can see the cogs whirring in his head as everything is pieced together. His eyes lock onto yours, and they’re the one feature you haven’t changed about yourself in the years that he was gone.
“I changed my name last year, I used to be-”
“-Sloane Stark.” he finishes with you. 
He doesn’t take his eyes off yours, too lost in them after he’s been without them for so long. Something’s clicked inside, but scepticism overtakes him. You grasp your hair into a makeshift ponytail at the base of your neck, all the loose ringlets in different shades tickling your neck, but it reveals a thin, pale, bumpy scar on your skin; a thin and jagged line that runs from the base of your ear to the start of your clavicle. You’ve had it since you were 11, when Peter first became a regular at the compound and you began to play together, but then an accident happened, and Peter stayed by your side as you got the stitches, holding your hand. 
Finally, he cottons on, and you can see the tears welling up in his chocolate brown orbs.
He virtually leaps from his seat and throws his arms around you, completely overcome with all kinds of inexplicable feelings. Love seeps from his body into yours, he clings to you, and even buries his nose into your hair, taking a deep inhalation before sighing in contentment. Even when the average hug time has passed, he doesn’t release you, and keeps his arms wrapped like a koala around your shoulders, his body slowly getting closer and closer towards you and for some reason making you blush. Your arms remain limp around him, and your forefinger traces figures on his lower back, but you don’t squeeze him as much as you did when the surprise of his cuddle attack first hit you. 
He eases himself away, but still keeps his hand on your arm, a gentle and warm presence. 
It doesn’t hit you for a while that it’s the first hug you’ve received in months, and the first one from Peter in five and a half years.
“I’m guessing that you didn’t snap away like the rest of us then…?” he asks shyly. 
His spare hand immediately retracts and rubs the back of his neck anxiously, just the way he used to, but only now do you understand why.
“Nah, I didn’t,” you say, “Sadly I was stuck here in this shambles of an earth, dealing with everyone else's depression and having a little sister forced upon me. I couldn’t even go to school, it was awful.”
His face falls into a deep frown and he searches your face for any sign of your words being cynical, but he finds nothing.
“W-why did you change your name then?”
You shrug, for what feels like the hundredth time in his presence, “Sloane is an awful name, it means ‘raider’ in bloody Irish. None of my family is Irish, my dad suggested the name when he was drunk, and my mum couldn’t think of anything better. Y/N makes me feel like me.”
He nods understandingly and doesn’t push the matter, so you offer a half smile and move your attention back to the TV.
“Why did you change you?” he asks all of a sudden.
The question instantly ingrains itself into your brain, and makes your heart ache. Why would he ask such a thing? Doesn’t he understand what's happened? Why does he even care? But the last thought makes you sick to your stomach, because you know that he always has cared and he always will, he promised you that the first time he was babysitting you and you got all het up over something on the TV. Maybe a part of him knew that it was you all along but he just couldn’t broach the subject, or maybe he didn’t and he thought you’d been snapped away and you simply hadn’t returned. No matter what it was,you knew that you couldn’t blame him, but as his question bounced around your brain and repeated, you had no idea what happened, but you felt any compassion shrivel up, your heart grew cold, your demeanour turned harsh, and your kind response died in your throat. You look him dead in the face and straighten yourself up, your eyes devoid of all feeling.
“My mom died, all of my idols and my family and school friends died - Scott, Buck, Sam, you - and my dad was never the same again. I was left with him and the step monster who, who for the record doesn't even like me because of my mom, and Morgan came along, so they forgot about me, and I only stayed three days a week because the rest of the time I was stuck here with a depressed Nat and  counsellor Steve, and the latter had to teach me everything I needed for the finish of middle school and my freshman and sophomore years, which was hard in itself. Dad was so depressed, he wouldn’t listen to the words I said about the other Avengers, so apart from Steve tutoring me, I basically raised myself for two years, without friends or anything, and they were two of the most important years of my life . Everyone forgot about me. I was just turned fifteen and more adept at coping in this world than any adult I’ve known. I hated my name and what came with it, and I never really liked myself, that's always been the case. I hated my appearance and I had no one to make me feel nice when you died, because you always told me that I was pretty, just like a princess, and you kept me sane. Fuck, Pete, you held me together, and all of that faded when you died, because as soon as you were gone, everything else around me crumbled.” You inhale a sharp intake of breath, and move to stand, snatching your crutches from the floor. “Long story short, while all of you were gone, I grew up. I’m 17 now, I may be different to how you remember but at least I feel comfortable now. I really did grow up peter, and you need to start doing the same. My dad is never coming back.”
And just like the days before, you scurry off back to your room and bury any inhibitions beneath your pillow, leaving Peter in the living room, completely crushed and left to mull your words over alone while he waits for May to get home.
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 Five days later, and you can’t take the silence anymore. Peter practically hides and runs for shelter each time he hears you approach, you saw the footage on FRIDAY’s cams. It really upset you for the first two days, but with each shy, rushed smile and fleeting glance he takes at you, each one that makes your stomach do little flips, they just remind you how cruel you were to him, how brutally honest, when Peter needs more time to heal than you do most likely, as your dad meant more to Pete than he did to you, and if anything then that's a reflection on Tony. He wanted a son. Maybe Peter feels guilty, mabe he’s sad, maybe he just straight up doesn’t like you, but whatever it is, you don’t fucking like it, so you’re preparing for the move in two days time. Far earlier than planned. 
With each piece of clothing you fold, with each piece of metal shrapnel you toss into your jewellery box, with each eyeliner you tuck away in a bag, you run everything that's happened in the past week through your head. You called Scott up to see how he’s getting on with Hope and Cassie, you spoke to Laura - no longer a secret - who just told you that Barton is in almost as bad a place as before, just without the machetes and with a lot more crying and whiskey, you spoke to Rhodey for an update on the lake house/new home situation and put all of the plans in place, but you did shut down his heartfelt offer to be another father figure, starting with a controversial suggestion to send you to therapy or rehab for your ‘lashing outs’, and you’d made amends with Sam who was surprisingly okay with your whole new thing going on, and he said he loved your vibe and gave hair dye suggestions, making you rethink your decision to leave all over again. Bucky had taken you shopping, hoping for retail to cure both of your depressive episodes, but it didn't really help even if the long, deep conversation over milkshakes at a nearby diner did help, and he cradled your head in his lap as you told him you’d miss him more than the others. He told you that you were being stupid about Peter and that the kid really likes you, but you retorted with a scoff, saying he’d never fancy you the way you fancy him.
Ah, yeah, that revelation, the one which makes you throw a sweater full force into your open trunk, sitting at the base of your bed. With a loud groan, you throw yourself dramatically down onto the bed and savour the soft comforter for one of the last times; after all, the place will probably be gone, along with the remnants of FRIDAY by the time you return, if you ever go. 
“Where are you off to?” Peter asks from the doorway, his voice inquisitive and startling you from your angered daze. 
He must’ve seen your bags half packed in your room, lying out on your bed beside you. You turn your head to look at him, your eyes thin and bullet-like.
“I’m leaving.” You snap rather viciously, and prop yourself up on your elbows. “The Cap’n has gone, and I’ve been out of school too long to go back. The Step-Monster needs to ‘tutor me’, and I need to teach the little brat.” You’re referring to Morgan, but Peter doesn’t seem to pick that up by the looks of his furrowed brows. He certainly looks relaxed though, leaning against your doorframe. 
“Why can’t you stay here?” Peter asks and You shrug, unsure how to respond. “I- I’m sure Mr Falcon would help teach you, or- or Wanda?”
Shit, Wanda. You’d practically forgotten she existed from how much of a recluse she was now. You should probably go and check on her or at the very least have a chat with her. She was dead for five years, just like Vis, but when she comes back she’s still not over him after months? Sounds fake but ok...
“Wanda has even less of an education than I do.” You retaliate with a foul attitude and an even fouler taste in your mouth, turning your back on him when you stand, and going back to your packing. You try your best to ignore his presence, but you can just feel him hovering metres away, itching to do or say something to you.
“Well then you can stay living here and enrol in Midtown High with me. We’d be the same year now and I could show you the ropes.”
Ok now you know he’s fucking with you.
“Peter, I can’t go to midtown.”
“Why not?”
“I’ve been out of co-ed for too long, let alone education, as I haven’t had any since like fucking February, and I’m too traumatised and crippled for them. How would that look eh? Y/N Stark enrolling for junior year after the death of The Tony Stark?” Peter goes quiet. “And anyway, it’s not like I have the brains, at all. I’m not smart like you, Peter. I’m as thick as two short planks. I got my mom’s brains and some of my dad's abilities. I can chuck on suits all I like, I can build shit all day, and I can play sports like no one's business; or at least I could.” Having your one ankle completely useless is a complete bummer, maybe even more so than losing everyone, because now you actually have to live with being this way. They don’t have to live. “But the second you give me a math equation, I’m gone.”
“Couldn’t you live with your mom then? Mr Stark said she doesn’t live too far out of state, nowhere near as far as the lake house.”
“My dads fucking dead Peter, he doesn’t control shit anymore” You find yourself shouting, your eyes burning into his with a fire of fury behind them. “My mom came back after the snap but she hasn’t answered any of my calls, and she fled the house when I turned up on her goddamn doorstep. She ain’t no option anymore, my authority is Potts.”
He gives you a sad smile but slinks away. No surprise there, last time he saw you, you were twelve years old and tugging on his trouser leg to get him to play basketball with you. You didn’t have anywhere near this level of anger, and you’d never have dared scream at him, let alone repeating the words that hit him like daggers mere days ago. 
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 The next day comes too soon, and you’re just chilling , finishing up the last of your packing, and trying to ignore anything pushing you to stay. Why did your chat with Peter compel you to want to stay here instead? What is it about him that always brings you full circle, and makes you feel like that love struck child again?
From your mirror, as you’re adjusting your blouse and switching out your nose stud, you see Peter approaching, steadily advancing down the corridor. Twice he stops, and takes a step back, as well as turning and looking the other way as though doubting his decision to come into your room, but when you see his knuckles come in contact with the wood of your door, as he knocks gently, and the sound floats into your ears, making you turn around to see his meek smile with his head hung low.
“You can come in Pete,” you exhale, “I won’t bite your head off.”
He chuckles lowly and advances towards the bed. He gestures, and you nod, giving him permission and hobbling over to join him moments later. He seems flustered, you can tell me by the way he’s struggling to maintain eye contact and the manner in which his hands are convulsing in his lap. Seeing him like this makes you uncomfortable, and you can even feel bile rising in your throat. 
“Peter, I-”
“No, Y/N, please let me, I mean, I wanna talk.”
You smile and bow out, allowing him space to align his thoughts with his words, after all, you’ve known that it takes him a while to do that, but it’s necessary in any kind of emotional situation with someone as awkward as Petter; just the thought causes butterflies to flutter around in your stomach and windpipe.
“I’m sorry for yesterday, for nagging you and insisting, and for asking you those questions and trying to make you stay. I just, I really just don’t want you to leave. I was insensitive, and I should’ve recognised you beforehand.” You can feel tears pooling behind your eyes, and it takes all of your willpower to not let them fall. “I just want you to do as well as you can, and I wish you all the best, I just wish I could’ve gotten to know you better  before it was too late; ok Stark?”
His lips quirk into a smile, yet his voice breaks as he calls you Stark. It physically hurts to hear him say that, and you want to tell him that it’s okay, and he has every right to be upset and grieving, and you know you shouldn’t have shouted at him and gotten so defensive because after all he’s one of the only people you can let your guard down around. You just want to say that it’s not his fault, except you can’t find the words.
“Why can’t you stay?” He asks sincerely, even a touch of desperation there.
Your heart drops to your feet at his expression, and your next words come out as a hushed, pained whisper, your words slow and detached. “I have no reason to stay.”
He nods dejectedly, almost like he’s giving up on something, and he even moves to stand up while your eyes are glued to the way his muscles ripple with each movement, but halfway to being upright, he changes his mind and turns towards you.
The next thing you know, you feel the soft pressure of his thumb on your chin, followed by the pads of his fingers on the soft skin underneath, tilting your head up to look him in his gorgeous eyes, like molten honey in the soft sunlight of your bedroom. Just the sight of his lips slightly parted causes your mouth to go dry, but you don’t have too long to think about that, because all of your thoughts dissipate with the featherlight pressure and sweet, intoxicating taste of his lips on yours. His nose nudges your cheek ever so gently. It’s barely there, and over far too soon, it still makes your head spin. Christ, you’ve been waiting for that to happen for upwards of five years, and it was just as beautiful as you hoped it would be.
“How about now?” He inquires, a stark contrast of shyness and courage written all over his face.
“Why don’t you kiss me again and we’ll find out?”
You fist the fabric of his t-shirt and pull him towards you, leaving Peter shocked by the strength in just one hand, seeing as he finds his body hovering above yours just seconds later. He looks hungry, already ravishing you with his eyes as you kiss and kitten lick just below his ear. He holds his weight up but leaves no time to press his lips against yours, urgently, passionately. You moan a little at how desperate he is to get his hands on you, the way he knots one hand in your hair, splayed out on the pillow beside you, the way he’s senselessly grinding his crotch onto you. You don’t mind at all, especially not the breathy calls of your name he lets out when you knot your legs around his lower back to pull him closer. It's a primal desire that keeps you moving. His tongue glides across your lower lip, prying its way in, and you just let it happen, too caught up in the moment to do anything else.
“Pete, fuck…”
Your one hand slides under his shirt and runs across the ripples of his abs, you savour the way he tenses beneath your touch, the way the scars feel tenders beneath your hungry touch. You other hand threads into his soft brown locks. You pull gently and elicit the most perfect guttural groan from him.
“Y/N,” he almost pleads, and his lips move to gently suck on your jawline. 
You’re surprised that he isn't calling you Sloane, but you certainly aren't complaining. Your name from his tongue does things to you that you can’t even explain.
You dance your fingers from his hair across to his face, and push his cheek gently. Your eyes are thin, focussed on him, but Peter’s pupils are heavily blown with lust, leaving only a faint rim of golden brown around the edge. 
“You’re so perfect,” he rasps out, and your stomach coils in desire. Your face must look so pouty, so wanton, but you can’t find it within yourself to care.
“Fuck me, Peter.”
He looks like a deer in headlights momentarily, but gets over it quickly, attaching his lips back on yours and allowing his tongue to roam your mouth, savuring and swallowing every whimper and moan that escapes your pretty lips.You let your hand, the one still beneath his shirt, skim over his muscles to where his heart is, beating at a double pace, thrumming gently beneath your hand. It makes your ego inflate tenfold, knowing that you’ve gotten this flustered and needy.
Just as you’re really getting lost in the pleasure, Peter’s hand cupping and massaging your breast as his mouth works wonders on intoxicating you, you hear a rather loud cough from your doorway, and everything stops. You and Peter both freeze at the same moment, and you drop any stance, fully detaching yourselves to glance at who’s there.
“You kids should be careful, and next time, close the door.”
And with that, Bucky’s gone from view as quickly as he appeared, leaving you both with a mere glimpse at him in his sweats with a coffee cup in his hands, no doubt filled with earl grey tea being the old lady he is. 
In the heat of the moment, you’d both forgotten to close the door and turn FRIDAY off. And Rhodey can access all of the footage. Fuck. Oh well, you’ve already been caught once, why stop now?
You wrap an arm around Peter's shoulders and pull yourself up until you’re straddling his lap and upper thighs, eagerly rubbing yourself against the material of his jeans to try and get some kind of friction. He slides an arm around your waist, and you move in to kiss him, only for him to turn his head the other way. 
The moment couldn’t have been lost from Bucky’s playfully snarky comment, could it? You want nothing more than for him to kiss you again, earnestly, fervently, but he doesn’t even spare you a glance, not even when he pushes you from his lip and stands up with his head in his hands.
Apparently he doesn’t feel the same.
“Crap, I’m so sorry, I shouldn’t have done that. Why did I do that? Y/N…”
He even begins to pace, that’s when you know that he thinks he’s fucked up.
“You know why I shouldn’t have done that right, don’t you?” he asks, stuttering random syllables in no specific order, but you do notice that with each pace, he paces his way closer to your open door.
“Yeah,” you lie, but you’ll work that out tonight, “I get it. But it’s fine. And I need to pack…”
He smiles nervously, and with a few careless gestures and no words, he stalks into the corridor and closes your door behind him. You can hear him lettering a long-held breath out. 
All of a sudden, you feel completely sick to your stomach. Why would he do that? It was so God damn cryptic. One second he’s apologising, asking you to stay, pashing you senseless, and the next he’s keeping as much distance from you as possible, apologising, and treating you like a child.
That’s when it hits you.
He feels like he’s kissing the old you. You grew up without him there, and in the space of what was merely a nap to him, you grew five years older, grew tits, matured, changed every aspect about yourself, and developed a sex drive; whereas he didn’t change one bit, he’s still the same peter that he was when you were an aggravating child, crushing on him from afar and trying to be like him. He feels predatory at kissing you, because all he’s ever known you as is a child, and this is all new territory, a territory he’s too scared to broach because he can’t get permission from the man himself.
Maybe that’s why your dad had to die, so that you’d never end up with Peter, and that’s Earth punishing you for some godforsaken reason.
So you just lie there, far salty tears involuntarily dripping down your cheeks as you sit there and think. Will you ever just be fucking happy?
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 Happy’s set to pick you up at noon today, and after a night of scarcely five hours of sleep, you are not in the mood for anyone and their funny business, especially not Peter, and you aren’t exactly peppy for the hour long drive to arrive there with the Bimbo and the Brat. Well, at least everyone has low expectations of you, so it shouldn’t be that much of an issue when you simply scowl at them and flip them off until you chuck yourself into the car and wave them goodbye for the last time. You’re not sure if the gravity of the situation has hit you yet, maybe you’re repressing it, or maybe it simply just does not bother you, the same way that most things don’t.
You don’t even bother with your appearance, and stick to black trackies and a cropped tank top, with a mildly colourful button-down open over the top. Seeing as your docs are packed in the ‘hide from Pepper’ box, you toss on your worn down black converse and begrudgingly throw your hair up in what you hoped would be a messy bun but ends up looking more like a lopsided half-up ponytail, so you snap the hair tie and throw it away. Hey, that’s an easy way to deal with the Peter issue. Snap him in half and chuck him in the trash where he rightfully belongs after yesterday. 
All you have for breakfast is an iced coffee, and justly so, no one dares even make eye contact with you. By ten, all of your bags are out in the hallway, and not a single personal affect is left in your room. You say a quick goodbye to FRIDAY, and hobble out into the living room, where you spend the next almost two hours either staring blankly ahead of you and ignoring what’s on the screen, or picking at your crutches while you analyse the previous day with Peter. No matter how much you want to hate him, you can't refute the way he made you feel, completely under his control, so willing and malleable, so eager and hungry and loved.
 Happy pulls up at 11.55, and you begin to help him load everything into the car, but get refused after two bags and therefore two trips downstairs after you nearly fall face first and your crutches slip from your arms. The rest is down within seconds by Sam and Bucky.
You said goodbye to Wanda a couple of days ago when you popped in for a chat, but she’d still made her way out here, so you give her a quick hug and wish her well, and you see that May has made her way out to see you off, but Peter is nowhere to be found which makes your cheeks burn with anger.
“I’m so sorry for now knowing who you were my love,” she tells you, running a hand through your hair, “Peter told me all about you before it all happened, he said you were such a cutie, and I know that he would’ve made more of an effort had he recognised you.”
You chuckle softly, hug her, and simply don’t reply. What are you supposed to say to something like that? Bucky and Sam appear back at the top of the stairs and advance towards you, knocking each other out of the way in a playful battle to hug you first. Sam wins by tickling Bucky just beneath his ribs, and bear hugs you, making you feel like a baby koala. 
“Use protection next time, and please, God, shut the door.” He whispers in your ear, making you jump away, your jaw slack, utterly aghast, but he just laughs at your expense.
“You told him about that?” you accuse Bucky, shoving a finger at his chest.
He raises his hands in surrender and even lets out a chuckle before cuddling you, his metal arm somehow a comforting presence around you. 
“Of course I did, Doll. It was too good not to tell.”
You swat him gently on his chest, but instead of pulling away just yet, you bury your face in his t-shirt for possibly the last time. 
“You two kids get along, or I might have to come here and whip your asses.” you glance between Bucky and Sam, making them laugh, but they nod nonetheless and step backwards to join May, allowing you to leave. You grasp your crutches and let your arms fall through the rests, your hands slipping around the handles like second nature, and you start to make your way out. Something that resembles hope begins to blossom in your stomach, so you muster all of your courage and take a fleeting glimpse over your shoulder, but much to your disappointment yet not very much surprise, he isn’t there. You feel something within your chest physically break, and with the pain all over your body, emotional above all else, stemming from betrayal, you wouldn’t be surprised if it isn’t your heart strings. Oh well, you tell yourself, and in recovery from bowing your head down in embarrassment, you hold your shoulders high with any remaining pride as you take the few steps to the door, ignoring the tears that begin to fall. Your tears are possibly the most confusing thing about this ordeal, you never cried before, not from emotion at least. 
“Stop- Y/N, wait, please Sloane…” you hear breathless shouts, followed by hurried footsteps on the linoleum. Instantly, you recognise his voice. “Please stop, I’m begging you.”
You halt your steps, and prop your crutches against the wall, but are slow to turn around, and even when you do, it takes you a moment to actually meet his gaze. His eyes hold all of the hurt he’s feeling. He hardly slept, you can tell by the red rims and deep, sallow bags. The warm chocolate colour is slightly murky, something of an anger in them, maybe even a sense of loss.
You can’t track anything more, because you take one step forwards, and he begins to virtually sprint towards you, his hair bouncing as he dashes across the floor and entwines his arms around you like vines, relentlessly squeezing you and ceasing to let go. He simply just stands there, glued to the spot, holding onto you, and once more you feel the tears well in your eyes. You’ve never been hugged this way, not by anyone, so you make the most of it and gently grasp his t-shirt to draw him impossibly closer, his scent enveloping you in a blanket of warmth and adoration. He moves one hand up to knot in your matted hair, and buries your head closer into his shoulder, which you welcome, even if you’re wetting the shoulder of his shirt with your tears. You lose count of the time until you let go, just savouring the way he holds you so lovingly, and you don’t particularly ever want to let go. All of the rest of the world has disappeared. But still, you both detach yourselves just a little, and you find your lips mere inches away from his perfect lips. Without another thought, something otherworldly takes over, and you find your lips planted together in the most intimate way possible. The tip of his tongue barely has to swipe your lower lip before you grant him access, and as you do, your mind and soul proclaim thanks to the gods. He tastes like heaven and cherry pie - his favourite - and he feels even better. The way his tongue dances with yours is like a massage, second nature, and God, you never want it to stop with how crazy he’s making your mind go, let alone the flock of butterflies fluttering around your stomach. His one hand shifts to the small or your back, and you find yourself wrapping your arms even tighter around Peter until your hands touch, and you have him held in place, in the most perfect position, the one where you know he belongs.
You separate, gasping for air and gulping as much down as you can in such a short amount of time before his hands are in your hair again and he’s kissing you just as sweetly, yet hotly, as before. The sensual way he gazes at you makes your insides turn to mush in seconds, and you have to look away even before he kisses you again because you fear you shan’t be able to keep his gaze if you ever want to leave this place with your heart intact. This kiss isn’t as long, you realise that as your hands drop to his waist and stay there lightly, feeling the skin above his hips rippling beneath his tensing muscles. His body shifts, as does his grip on you, and he starts to pepper kisses on your lips and cheeks, just small, precious pecks that keep your heart beating with joy and longing. Just the feeling of his lips kissing away your tears as he hovers above you makes you feel alive at long last, and he makes you feel more cherished than you ever imagined you could.
“You need to go, Happy’ll start honking for you any second.” he breathes, the softness of his breath running your eyelashes and allowing your eyes to flutter clothes, his freckles disappearing from your view for a second. Then, as if on cue, Happy's horn resounds. “I’ll walk you down.”
He looks so crestfallen as he pulls away from your and passes you your crutches, keeping a safe distance. And although you both know that everyone saw, it doesn’t matter, and no one says a word, they all just observe quietly, but you can tell that they’re smiling down on you both. You can still taste your salty tears mingled together pressing on your lips, the taste of just indescribably, distinctly Peter stuck in your mouth, a taste you never want to stop tasting. 
When Peter crushes, you oblige and scramble onto his back as he carries your crutches, and the walk down the stairwell to where Happy’s parked on the sidewalk is a silent one, but it’s still comfortable. There are so many things the two of you want to say to each other, but it’s too hard to express them given that you’re about to be shipped off somewhere that he’ll probably never make your acquaintance again, no matter how much he wants to spend all of his time with you. You’re more conflicted than you’ve ever felt, so stressed, so hurt, but at the same time you’re so happy that you got to make those memories with Peter before you leave, elated that you made up with him, pleased that you got to feel him kiss you one last time. 
When you reach the concrete, Peter gently places you down on your feet, and he puts your crutches into the open door at the back of the car and proceeds to stand nervously beside you, his hands behind his back as he rocks back and forth on the balls of his feet. You have your head down, anxious beyond comparison, just staring at the gravel, until one of Peter's hands comes out from where it was and takes your trembling hand into his palm, his fingers slowly tangling around yours and giving you a gentle squeeze. He switches his gaze over to you and catches your eye. He smiles briefly before bringing your knuckles up to his lips. 
“I’ve fancied you since I was eleven,” you tell him, “That’s almost six years, that’s a long ass time.” a brief hint of humour creeps into your pained, quiet voice.
He just chuckles and rubs his thumb over your knuckles, making you smile, despite the pain of the situation. He speaks to you real soft. “I know.”
Your hand feels like it was meant to fit in his and sends a new sort of warmth shooting through your body, but it doesn’t last long before he’s helping you into the backseat of the car and reluctantly removing his nimble fingers from their grip around yours, and placing a gentle, chaste kiss to your forehead for good measure, a kiss you’ll always treasure.
“Don’t,” you plead, feeling a sob suddenly choke your throat when all that’s left are his fingertips grazing yours. “Don’t let go, Peter, please.”
It’s difficult to remain stoic around Peter now, it’s like everything just completely pivoted the day he kissed you, and if you’re honest, you don’t want to go back. You don’t want to be the hateful girl you once were, just longing for him to come back. Now he is back, you don’t have to wait anymore, and he can help you be your old self again. If only he’d just hold your hand forever, and you could actually be together.
And then it hits you. You need Peter almost as much as you need air to breathe, and if he lets go, you’ll be lost, and it’ll feel like it did for five whole years, you’ll be lonely and isolated, and even in the few days that you’ve had him back in your life, that feeling has completely dissipated and been replaced with an albeit confused elation and a warmth of love. 
“I have to,” he whispers back his eyes already red, “I have to let you go. It’s what Mr Stark would want.”
He pulls away and closes the door in one swift movement, turning his back on you. You see his mop of brunette curls slip down from view when you peer out the window, hot tears burning your cheeks. You know he’s sitting on the side, his head in his hands, but you can’t look that far, so instead you listen to the soft purr of the car as it comes to live, and you let your laboured breath steam up the glass that your hands are placed on. As you begin to pull away, your final glimpse at your old home escaping you, you see Peter waving frantically and beginning to job alongside you, only stopping once you exit the driveway. Thanks to the tinted windows, you know he can’t see you, but you see him anyway and wave back before your pain overwhelms you. That happens the second he’s gone from your peripheral vision, and your chest caves in loud, wrenching sobs that’ll leave you in pain for days. 
Is this what it feels like to have your heartbroken? 
Of course it is, you know this, but all of the times you’ve felt it before, it still hasn’t felt this bad. You know that it’s happening for a reason, that God is punishing you this way for a reason, but no matter how hard you try, it just seems endlessly painful, and all for nothing. What could possibly be the reason for this?
You’re so locked in your thoughts that you barely realise that Happy has slowed the car down, and is looking over his shoulder at you, trying to bring you back down by asking how you are and how you feel. Did he not just see that display?
“If I was allowed to stay,” you slightly pant, your teeth gripping and your first clenching of their own accord, “then it could’ve been me and Peter. Just the two of us, the way it was supposed to be as I was growing up. But everything happens for a fucking reason, right?”
Happy just swallows and mumbles something incoherent before sliding the glass back over and starting up at another steady speed. You don’t know why you’re so... angry all of a sudden; you shouldn’t be angry, you should be upset and almost grieving, crying for the loss of an old home but excited for a new one. But yet, what’s the point in all of that? You’ve felt those emotions plenty of times in your short life, and you always thought you felt them for a reason, but where the ever loving fuck is that reasoning right now when you actually need it? 
Grieving has lost its effect on you by now, and your mind feels hostile from all of the thoughts whirring around. You’ve had the same thoughts every time someone died - every time you thought your dad died, when your mom died, when Peter died, when everyone else just turned to dust. Then you felt them all over again when your dad died, for real this time, but what was the point? Nothing good ever came of it… nothing except grieving for Peter. You felt the same way you do now, only now it's somehow worse, yet he isn’t dead. You grieved for him more than you did your own mother, because he cared, because he actually paid attention, because he told you that you were pretty for the first time in your life. He always treated you like a person, like an equal, even when you were just a clingy child, vying for someone's attention when neglected by both of your parents because they had better things to do. But even now, now he recognises you again, he’s treated you like an equal, maybe even put you on a pedestal after you were extremely terse and treated him horribly. He still kissed you and cared for you and loved you-
You love Peter. Surely that must’ve been obvious for a long time, but now you’re finally admitting it. You really, genuinely, wholeheartedly love the little shit. Your stomach churns with nerves, and your mind tells you that you’re insane, but your heart… your heart has known all along, despite how much you fought it, and it’s now telling you to go along with it. You’re so… overcome with emotions that you don’t even know where to start or how to react or even try to begin to suss them out to deal with them so you do what feels like second nature the past few days, and you begin to cry, unable to choke it down any longer.
“Turn back happy,” you plead, “Shit! I said turn back now Goddammit!”
“I can’t, Sloane, you know I can’t, bosses orders.”
His words just hurt you more, if that was even possible, and pile something new onto the burning pile of emotions battling for territory within your exhausted brain. 
“Happy, turn back right the fuck now, or I will scream until the glass breaks.”
When he does nothing, your sobs become harsher, and something in your throat snaps, forcing you to become hysterical. It’s something primal that takes over your body, a demon's force, because God knows you wouldn’t usually have this in you. You scream. It’s just a shrill sound to begin with, until your heaving chest and tears break through, and make it into a full hysterics game.
“HAPPY! TAKE ME HOME, TAKE ME TO PETER!” you screech, and you repeat the same words until you can’t breathe any longer, but even when your lungs fail you, your hands don’t. 
You clip your seatbelt undone and begin punching the glass. It starts off just to be the dark tinted window separating you from happy and the wheel that would allow you to drive home, but even though the glass begins to wobble, it isn’t enough, so you move to the windows, your knuckles and palms coming in contact with the night shaded glass again and again until they’re rattling and even beginning to crack, but the second you feel you can, you release the most bestial, guttural scream that you can muster, and punctuate it with a rough shove to Happy’s chair.
You want to stop, but with all of the loss you’ve been through, you just need this one thing, this one person, this one place to feel complete, and none of it’s happening. It’s unspeakable, indescribable the way you feel, the turf war that’s occurring all over your body driving you insane. 
“Just take me to Peter,” you finally beg after what seems like an eternity, collapsing completely into your seat, “I need him, Happy. I need Peter, please… please.”
You’re drained, dehydrated, hurt, and it doesn’t seem like that’s going to change any time soon. You’re driving away from the only happiness you’ve ever known to live in the arse end of nowhere with two people you hate, and so a void just takes over everything that previously embodied you, and you succumb to the emptiness, your last thought being of all the tears you’ve cried over one boy, the only one you’ve ever loved, and now you can’t even tell him that. 
It was hard to grieve for someone, only for them to come back, the same way it was hard to grieve for someone who never gave a toss about you. That's what you’re finding so hard about all of this. But now, none of that matters, because he’s gone.
Two months later
The doorbell to the house rings for the third time today, driving you utterly up the wall. First it was the postie with some kind of oversized parcel for Morgan, then it was Happy, here again to help outside and be a ‘watchful eye’ while Pepper is out grocery shopping, apparently since they still don’t trust you rough to take decent care of your own sister.
“MORGAN!” You yell from your place at the back of the house, knowing that from her spot on the sofa in front of paw patrol or whatever shit she’s watching, she’ll hear, “Get the fucking door!”
“Mummy told you not to say bad words, Y/N.” She shouts back, and you can practically hear the signature Stark smirk in her words, although it should be far too early for her to actually be making that face.
That’s one thing they got right with Morgan, though, at least she calls you by your actual name instead of fucking Sloane, even if Pepper does ‘accidentally’ slip up and call you by that awful legacy name from time to time when you really annoy her, say by breaking a vase or some china, or screaming at her using all of the profanities you can think of. She’s really regretting taking you in, now, because you’re simply that much of a handful that she had Happy and Rhodey actually build a quiet room for some respite. You’re still in the rebellious phase, and you don’t seem to be leaving it any time soon, although you have let the dye in your hair grow out and you haven't bleached it… yet, and some of your piercings have naturally closed over, although that was more so that Morgan wouldn’t continually take a metal detector to your face. 
Abrupt, your thoughts escape you, and you can’t catch the thread, because after multiple attempts of Morgan’s to click open the reinforced vibranium locks on the doors (Rhodey’s suggestion), and the shifting of a stool to allow her to climb to it, you hear a shriek and some mess of words that sound like ‘Peter’. But no, that's simply impossible. You’re imagining things in your annoyed state, knowing it would’ve been a lot faster and quieter if you just made your way over there yourself. 
“It’s for you!”
Now this peaks your attention. No one has been to see you in the whole time you’ve been here, nor have you ever gotten mail. No one comes to see you, so maybe your ears didn’t deceive you.
You leap up from your seat and begin charging to the door, running as quickly and carefully as you can over Morgan's toys, but you’re also careful to not aggravate your injury. One good thing that came from your time there - the only good thing - is that you were able to work with your dad's remaining technology and do intensive physio, resulting in your mobility improving tenfold, also meaning that now you can not only walk but kind of run without assistance. But that doesn’t matter as soon as you see the man standing in the doorway, a bunch of flowers in his hand, and an expression of pure delight on his puppy-like features. 
“Y-you can walk?” he blubs, his cheeks red with joy.
The flowers fall from his hands onto the deck, and your eyes fill with tears as your hands fly up to your mouth, only just containing your sobs. Your whole being is overcome with happiness like you’ve never felt before, and it seems like all of your depression since you left him has melted away, and a new you is born.
“You came back for me…” you whisper, just loud enough for him to hear, and in response, he draws his lips into a tight line to contain his smile, and nods his head at you, soft brown curls falling into his soft eyes.
“Why are you sad, Y/N?” Morgan asks, and tugs at your shirt, but you don’t even realise, because the sight of Peter coming towards you is all that you can see and feel, and you begin advancing towards him too, until you collide in a heated kiss. Everything just seems like a tangle of limbs, a clash of teeth, and a battle of tongues. You’re too wrapped up in the feel of him, the passion of the moment, the intimacy of the kiss, that you don’t notice that Peter’s already got you picked up with your whole body tied around him. He tastes utterly delectable, the same as before, and his tongue feels incredible as it sweeps your mouth.
“Morgan-” you pant, “Go find Uncle Happy in the yard, now.” When she doesn’t move, you open your eyes to glare at her, stunned and traumatised into silence with her mouth slightly agape. You can’t bear detaching from Peter’s lips for even a second, so your words are all rushed. “Morgan get out now, I can see him there, in the yard, go!”
The little squirt smiles wryly up at you, but does as she’s told, and scurries off into the mass of flowers and perfectly cut grass. Seeing her gone, you let out a long held breath and smile into Peter’s passionate kiss. All of the love floods back to you, and you feel whole once again. But before you can get too caught up in the sappiness, Peter is already blindly stumbling through the house and kicking the front door closed behind him. Your fingers in his hair, you guide him to the couch.
As he kisses you so tenderly, even in the heated moment, you finally understand what everything was for. Every trial and tribulation in your life was teaching you, helping build you up for this very moment, where it all makes sense.
Everything in life has been for a reason, and that reason is this very moment. The thought makes you smile, but nowhere near as much as Peter’s own smile does.
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Opposites Attract: Part 2
Request: hey may I request a one shot for your Peter Pan story if yes can you, use my real name (Zai) instead of Y/N if you please and can you have me pans total opposite like sweet, shy everything he would hate but in the end he falls for her and becomes really protective
Pairing: Pan x Zai
Warnings: Cliffhangerrrr 
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< Part 1
Heavy, gloomy, and dark atmosphere swept through the camp, the boys quite obviously upset but too afraid to show any grievance in front of their ruthless leader as they held tears back behind their eyes. It had been like this for a week now, but somehow I couldn't seem to share the same sadness with the boys, I didn't feel bad, I hardly knew the boy and what I did know about him I didn't like.
The loud cracks and pops of the fire pulled me from my thoughts, snapping my head up to watch the orange and red flames dance with each other. The golden glow spread across the camp, painting it, contrasting with the dark gloomy sky.
A familiar pair of green eyes were caught staring at me from across the way, meeting my brown ones. I would say it bought a light blush to spread across the King of Neverlands cheeks, but as quickly as it came it left again. It was probably a trick of the light but this wasn't the first time I had noticed him watching me, observing me. Probably wondering if I was worth keeping around or not.
I found myself spending more and more time with the cold leader of the lost boys, not because I wanted to, just because he always seemed to be around me like a phantom slowly stalking me in the night. Never leaving, never straying from the path that I created, always watching, lurking, creeping. It seemed like he kept track of my every word, making notes of where I went and what I would do, who I spoke to.
Sweat trickled down my fare skin, the sudden feeling of grease and muck made my whole body tense up in disgust, I needed a wash and soon. Rising from the makeshift bench I was sat at I began to walk out of camp, I felt his eyes following me.
Stepping over the threshold of the Lost Boys territory I released a breath I didn't know I was holding in.
It was so peaceful walking through the forest at night, there were no animals or birds to be heard as they were all sound asleep by now, there was nothing but me and the trees. They silently watched as I passed them by as if they were guiding the way to the waterfall for me, mapping out the path I would take, making sure I didn't stray, and get myself into trouble.
The sound of rushing water grew louder and louder in my ears, indicating it was a step closer to becoming clean once more.
There it was, the most beautiful thing I had ever seen before. Clear, clean water running down cliff face basking the glory of the pale moonlight causing it to glow with a powerful silver shimmer. Everything surrounded it seemed to glow too, as if this tiny part of the island was untouched by the boy's wicked ways and remained pure, holding the power of a Goddess. The flowers seemed to dance in the moonlight stretching towards the starry night sky to drink up its silver shine. The scene before captured my gaze, refusing my eyes from averting themselves. As if possessed, I stalked forward ever so slowly, scared that the delicate scenery would be ruined by my presence. It was so beautiful, I was terrified I would mess it all up it like throwing a bucket of water over a freshly painted canvas, but it was like the spirits of the water pulled me in closer and closer, beckoning me to come in and be purified by the magic it supplied the island.
Slowly, the top part of my dress slipped off my shoulders, revealing the nape of my neck to the onlooking moon. I had no reason to hide or cover myself, for I was loved, the moon welcomed me, hugging me with its beaming silver light. It continued to fall, showing the beauty of my back which connected to my behind, the cold air was not a problem for the giant in the sky protected me from any harm such as the harsh cold. White cloth that once covered me tumbled down, leaving my entire body exposed to the wilderness. Next to flee my frame were my boots, feeling my feet meeting the grass, letting it rub in between my toes, and grounding me.
I stood, completely naked and free, praising my imperfections. Smiling down at every stretch mark, kissing every scar, appreciating my moles, befriending every freckle that resided on my skin, grasping the love handles at either side of my body and giving out a giggle of happiness.
I felt like I was a child once more, so innocent and carefree. The love that poured into my heart was overwhelming, calming, freeing. As I got closer and closer to the healing water of the waterfall, my appreciation for myself only grew more and more intense. Beautiful roses seemed to empower me, tall trees gave me the courage I needed, the small koi fish which swam around in the clear waters supplied me with the grace I always knew I had.  A single tear slipped down my rosy cheeks soon being washed away by the remedial waters the island gifted to me.
Drops slide over my skin, healing me from the toxicity of my old mindset. I was free, happy, cleansed, and totally whole. There is no reason for me to hide myself anymore, there was no reason to hide myself in the first place for we are all perfect no matter what we look like. Bliss consumed me, bursting into every cell in my body, flowing through my veins as I laughed and smiled, cupping the beautiful water, letting it pour through my fingertips.
I danced and cheered, this was the first time I had felt like this and no words could describe how amazing it is. I had been holding onto society's idea of the "perfect" body for too long and now I see we are all perfect, every single being in the universe is totally and utterly beautiful. All of us, children of the moon, stars, and sun as they lend us their beauty. We are pure. We are whole. We are loved.
It was only then that I caught a glimpse of a familiar figure, perfects poised, leaning against a tree. Vibrant green eyes stood out the most in the dark forest, reminding me of the Cheshire cat lurking in the shadows. His arms crossing over his broad chest, veins almost popping out of them, his shirt hugged his frame nicely as if it were made for him.
I felt proud, not feeling the need to cover up, not like it matter to the king much anyway for his eye didn't scan over me as I had expected them to do. They stared deeply into mine, not moving, a smile played on his lips but there was something about it that was different. It wasn't an act of lust but rather one of amazement, as if I had taken his gaze as a hostage much like the way the waterfall had mesmerized me.
As quickly as the boy appeared in front of me he left again, surrounding himself in a cloud of dark green smoke, leaving nothing but the air in his wake.
Bright stars shimmered in the sky, lighting the way back to camp. I didn't put my shoes back on but carried them in my hands, the dirt and leaves crumbled below my feet. Camp looked more lively upon my return, the boys were finally up on their feet and dancing around the fire, clashing their sticks together and they cheered and hollered.
A small, tired voice sounded, "Zai~" He spoke, pulling on the hem of my dress.
I smiled down at the sleepy little boy, "What's up Daemon?"
"Can you read me a story?" The glimmer in his eyes made it hard to refuse his request, the little boy warmed my heart, giving his place a sense of hope and innocence.
I nodded in reply and with that his little hand grasped mine, guiding me towards his time tent that was lit with nothing but a candle. Hopping up onto the bed he pulled the cute little storybook out from under his pillow, passing it to me.
I ran my thumb over the cover whispering the title into the cold air of the night, "Peter Pan" I almost laughed at how ironic it was, no wonder the small boy had ended up here.
"Once upon a time..." I began.
As time passed the child's eyes grew too heavy for him to keep open and he let sleep consume his body. Silently, I leaned over his, placing a soft kiss upon his forehead.
"You're good with kid's," A British accent whispered, turning to face him he seemed to stand in the exact same position that he had when watching me at the waterfall, like he is a statue.
"You were watching me," I replied in a hushed tone, more as confirmation to myself rather than a question.
"I was, you're good with him," He said, "Daemon needs someone like you to keep him safe, a mother."
"I am no mother," I whispered to the king of Neverland.
"You're more a mother to him than the woman who birthed him," Pan spoke, "She starved him, beat him, and left him for dead in a street alley."
It pained me to know what he had been through, my heart cried for him. He was safe now, here with his family, here with the lost boys. How could anyone do that to someone so pure, someone so innocent and small?
Pan knew that although I didn't respond, I understood. He could see the pain that I was feeling on the boys' behalf.
"You were also watching me at the waterfall," I said.
"That I was, I admired you. Seeing the way that you danced, you were free and happy. You had the power to turn your weaknesses into strength, you're stronger than you look, little one." With that, he gave me a smile before leaving the room.
I felt a sense of pride swell up in my chest, could this be true? Could the ruthless, cold-hearted, cruel, malicious Peter Pan be proud of me? Could I possibly have earned his respect after so long of being here?
As the days passed by the boys seemed to warm up to me, allowing me to hunt with them, dancing with them around the fire, play games with them. They stopped treating me like an outcast and more like part of their family.
"Listen up boys!" Pan's voice boomed, scaring birds from trees and causing animals to sprint away, "We have some visitors."
The smirk on the boy kings face grew causing a shiver to travel up and down my spine, I felt hot all of a sudden.
The lost boys hollard and cheered, we all knew what this meant, pirates.
Excited and eager we all rushed down to the shore, weapons at the ready. The boys were ruthless and bloodthirsty, looking for a fight, I however was on the more cautious side of things. I don't like to fight, I never did, but if I didn't want to be seen as weak again it would be a smart idea for me to join them only if it is for the time being.
By the time my feet met with the sandy beach, the fight was already in full force, the sound of metal clanking with metal and battle cries filled the crisp air. From where I stood the lost boys all looked so small, like ants fighting against another colony.
Silently, I watched the scene before me unfold. People were getting hurt, boys were getting hurt. Thick red blood dyed the golden sand with no remorse and I could do nothing but watch.
So wrapped up in my own thoughts I didn't notice the dirty pirate sneaking up behind me, hand covering my mouth as he attempted to drag me to Hook's ship.
I didn't know what to do, or how to react, but I wasn't going anywhere without putting up some kind of a fight.
Wriggling and struggling against him I tried my hardest to keep my feet planted into the ground, my efforts were useless. I bit down hard at the hand covering my mouth, causing him to yelp out and grasp the attention on the others. A sharp, sneering pain exploded in my side as I let out a muffled scream, trying hard to not look weak in front of the lost boys.
My foot came down hard on his and my elbow swiftly embedded itself into his stomach before he fell to the floor with a groan, in an effort to get as far away from him and possible I stumbled to the tree line. A wet feeling covered my hands, sticking to my shirt and sides. Red, that's all I could see.
"Zai" Pan's voice filled my ears, the look of worry was noticble on his face, it was strange seeing him show any emotion other than angry, "I've got you, don't worry I've got you."
Panic flowed through my veins, who's blood was that? His or mine?
My vision quickly became blurred, it was like I was under a spell, stuck in some trance that I couldn't get out of. The king of Neverlands voice echoed around in my skull, I wanted to reply, I wanted to tell him I was fine, but the words couldn't leave my mouth before everything went black.
"Zai!" the angry shout from the leader was the last thing I heard before falling to the ground.
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snakebites-22 · 4 years
Set Me Free (Pt 2)
A/N: Alright here it is! Part 2 and the end to Set Me Free, requested by @lazydogscatsperson. I hope you guys like it because my fingers are cramping so bad from how much I just typed. 
Warnings: angst, fluff, sword fighting, swearing, your dad is a dick, my bad writing, kidnapping again, comment if there should be any other warning 
Word Count: 3846
Pairing: Peter Pan x Hook!Reader
Summary: Hook finds you and Pan on the beach and takes matters into his own hands, er, hook. 
Part 1 
You woke up to yelling. Your arms were full of sand instead of your new boyfriend. You looked up and quickly grabbed your knife, jumping to your feet. There were pirates everywhere, and you could see Peter struggling in the arms of at least four of them. You were about to lunge at the nearest one when a certain flash of silver caught your eye. A certain hook… 
“Dad?” you cried out when you saw him. You would’ve been happy, except he was pointing a sword at Peter’s chest. 
He spun around quickly and looked at you, eyebrows furrowed. Strange...he looked so much older. Grey hairs speckled through his hair and beard, and his eyes had small wrinkles around them. What?
“Y/n is that you?” Captain Hook asked, lowering his sword slightly. Peter stared at you in shock. Oh, you never did tell him about your father. Oh dear. 
“Dad, what are you doing? Let him go!” you yelled as you stormed over to him. The members of his crew moved to make way for you, and you were surprised to see you didn’t recognize some of them. Hook stared at you in confusion. Peter stared at you in anger. 
“What do you mean ‘let him go’? Y/n, you know how dangerous he is. You know how he held me here against my will. Look, he’s done the same to you! He’s a demon, and I finally have the way to beat him.” Hook gestured towards Peter’s arms that were held in the tight grip of the surrounding pirates, but you also noticed thick leather cuff around one of his forearms that wasn’t there before. 
“What is that?” you asked quietly, starting to reach out for it, to take it off, to hold Peter, to do something. You didn’t get the chance as the boy thrashed away from you, snarling. 
“It blocks magic. He’s nothing more than a boy, now.” The captain waved his hand dismissively and the crew started to drag Peter back onto the Jolly Roger as he thrashed and yelled, trying to get away. It broke your heart and you turned to your father, rage seeping into your features. 
“Let him go. He hasn’t done anything!”
Your father turned to you and barked out a laugh. “Hasn’t done anything? Y/n, you're obviously under one of his spells. He kept you here, away from me. Don’t worry, though. You’re safe now away from him. You’re free from his prison.” You didn’t get the chance to argue as your father turned and walked back onto the Jolly Roger, taking you with him. 
You had no chance to escape. Hook had made sure you were never alone, always having someone from his crew watching you. Some freedom. You couldn’t go anywhere without a stupid babysitter. There was no chance to call for the Lost Boys. You were trapped. Again. 
Once your father had Peter put into a cell he had pulled you into a tight embrace. He had explained to you that what felt like a few weeks had actually been a few years, three years in fact. He had spent the whole time looking for you, and now he was determined to never let you go again. You tried telling him about you and Peter, how you cared about each other, but he laughed and brushed it off. He told you that Pan couldn’t love. That he had brainwashed you. He couldn’t be convinced otherwise. 
You were now standing at the edge of the ship, scowling into the depths of the water. You occasionally could see a mermaid swim by, and you resisted the urge to throw a knife at her. The pirate watching you, his name was Benno or something, was leaning up against the mast. You kept sneaking little glances at him, waiting. Watching. It would happen eventually. You just had to be patient, and...bingo! He got distracted by some of the other crew members yelling at each other. You didn’t waste any time. You ran in the direction of Peter’s cell. 
The cell was just a neglected extra room down in the hold. It didn’t take you very long to get the guards away and to pick the lock. When you opened the door, you felt your stomach drop. Peter was sitting in the corner looking exhausted and very, very angry. 
You slowly stepped in and closed the door behind you, causing the boy to look up at you. His facial features that normally looked at you with such respect and kindness contorted into a look of fury and malice that made you take a slight step back. 
“Don’t ‘Peter’ me,” he snarled, standing up. He was livid. “I knew I shouldn’t have let myself fall for you! Made me soft. Probably just waiting for your father to get here and have his revenge on me, weren’t you?” He was practically screaming at you, and you could feel your own anger bubbling up. How dare he accuse you of that? 
“I”m trying to rescue you, God damn it! I didn’t know my dad was coming!” 
He scoffed and turned away from you. “Why didn’t you tell me that you were a Hook?” 
“I was scared, Pan!” you yelled. “I was scared because ever since I was a kid my dad told me about the evil Peter Pan and how he was a jerk to everyone and then I met you and I didn’t want you to think of my dad when you saw me. For once, just once, I wanted someone to see me as more than Captain Hook’s daughter or the bastard daughter of a whore. I was scared if you knew who I was you would treat me like you did my dad. Now, I realize you’ve done much worse. You treated me with kindness and love, and now you’re taking it all back.” 
You hadn’t realized you had started to cry until Pan started to reach for your cheek, but you wiped the blasted things off yourself. Without another word, you turned and left the cell, locking Pan away inside only to be met by the face of your father. 
“I told you he was bad news, lass,” he said softly. “You should have stayed away.”
“I don’t want to talk to you,” you snarled. He started to walk towards you, but you just shoved past him. “No wonder mom can’t stand you! You won’t listen to anyone that isn’t yourself and you would rather keep me stuck in a tiny little bubble instead of let me be myself and do what I want. You’re insufferable!” You yelled over your shoulder. 
“You don’t know what’s best for you!”
“Oh, I don’t?” You stopped and turned around to look at Hook. “I know that I want better than this,” you waved around the ship, “and I know I don’t want a father who’s going to lock up the people I care about and ignore everything I say!” 
The Captain’s face fell, but he didn’t get the chance to say anything as you stormed off. Little did you know that a green eyed boy who sat pressed against a rough wooden door, had heard every word you said. 
It was late now. The moon hung in the sky, partially full but not quite there. You had feigned sleeping until the pirate assigned to watch you had passed out, then you snuck off to the top deck. There wasn’t anyone up there. The Jolly Roger was anchored a little ways off shore while your dad figured out his next move. You hoped he never would. 
Movement in the trees caught your eye and you watched as a single figure crept out of the shadows. Whoever it was walked slowly, their head bowed slightly. You’d recognize that walk anywhere. 
You stood up straighter and waved your hand a bit. The figure stopped and regarded you for a moment before walking down the shore. Your brow creased in confusion as you watched Felix move further away and seem to disappear into the ground. It was several minutes before he reappeared, and this time he was pulling a small boat with him. It took him a little while, but he eventually rowed himself over to the side of the ship where you were. 
“Where did that come from?” you hissed at him as you pulled him up onto the ship with you. 
He only shrugged before whispering roughly, “Where’s Pan?” 
“You aren’t seriously attempting a rescue mission by yourself are you?” 
“Of course not. You’re here, aren’t you? Besides, Lucas is waiting at the tree line. If something goes wrong he’ll get back up.” 
You were about to protest, but from the look in the blond’s stormy eyes you knew it would be futile. So instead you just sighed and nodded. “He’s this way, but be quiet. I don’t think everyone is asleep yet.” 
Turning on your heel, you led the way back to the hold. The snores of the crew reached your ears and the both of you sidled down the hallway towards the cell. Once you got there, you turned to Felix and sighed. 
“I can get you in, but you’ll be the one getting Pan out.” At his confused look, you continued, “Pan is currently a little on edge with me at the moment. He’s more likely to go if he thinks it’s just you.”
“What happened? I thought you were both all over each other.”
“We were...for the night.” You sighed and rubbed the back of your neck. “Captain Hook is my dad and Pan thinks I led him on just to get captured. Just get him out of here for me.” You ignored the surprised look on Felix’s face as you turned and picked the lock on the door. The lock clicked and you stood back up, walking away before you could be stopped. 
Each step you took away from your best friend and your lover felt heavy, but that didn’t stop you. This was for the best wasn’t it? Pan obviously didn’t want you around anymore. He was so angry at you. It was clearly better this way. Why hadn’t you just told him?
You snuck back up onto the deck and stood around near the mast, keeping an eye out but also keeping out of sight. It was dark and the waves were loud. As long as they were careful Felix and Pan should get away just fine. 
Movement near the hatch caught your eye as you watched the two boys creep out of the hold. They both looked around quickly before moving towards the edge of the ship. You watched sadly as they both glanced in your direction, the shorter one watching you for a moment before disappearing over the side. The taller one stood there for a second, then another, then ten. You furrowed your eyebrows as you watched Felix walk over towards you quickly. 
“What are you doing? You need to get the both of you out of here,” you hissed softly.
“Come with us.” 
“Fe, he doesn’t want me anymore and my father will just find us again. Just go.”
“Please,” he said softly. 
You sighed and glanced around before turning back to him. “There’s no making you leave, is there?”
He smiled slyly and shook his head. You rolled your eyes before moving to the edge. 
“Fine, let’s go then.”
The ride back had been awkward. Pan wouldn’t even look at you and Felix was clearly not enjoying all the tension. Luckily, the shore wasn’t too far from the ship and the trip wasn’t that long. The walk back to camp was, though. 
By the time you got there you were ready to scream. Nobody was talking except when Pan occasionally said something like “this way” or “nearly there.” A couple times you tried to instigate conversation, and every time Pan ignored you and Felix gave you a sad look. Ugh. 
You were watching sadly as Pan tried to pull the cuff off of himself with no luck. It couldn’t be cut or pulled or anything that he and the boys had tried. The Lost Boys were now either in bed or keeping an eye out for Hook, including Felix and Lucas. It was just you and Pan now. 
He yelled out in frustration and kicked at a rock on the ground in front of him, the cuff still perfectly intact. Pan sat back down on the log a few feet from you. You looked at him as he seethed, staring into the fire. The only sound that could be heard were the night birds and the crackling of the flames. 
“I know why you did it.” 
You turned, surprised, and looked at Pan. 
“I know why you didn’t tell me. I think I would have done the same if I was in your position. As you can tell, the Captain and I don’t exactly play well together.” He didn’t look at you. He just stared into the fire, the flames making his green eyes look gold. 
“I didn’t mean to hurt you,” you said quietly. “I still care about you.” 
“I know.” Pan finally turned to you with a sincere expression on his face. “And...I forgive you. I’m still pissed as hell, but I forgive you.”
“You’re serious?”
“You have my word.” 
You smiled softly and gently took his hand. Peter moved along the log until his hip slid next to yours, his free arm wrapping itself around your shoulders. The two of you sat like that for a while, his eyes back on the fire while yours inspected the cuff around his wrist. You were about to grab it when a yell was heard from across the camp. 
Peter jumped up quickly, pushing you slightly behind him as you watched in horror as your father marched into the camp, his band of pirates in tow. Two of the pirates were holding onto Lucas and Felix, both of whom were thrashing around in their grip. 
“You’re getting slow, Pan,” Hook taunted as he strolled forward. “Maybe it’s your old age, or perhaps your lack of magic.”
You stood up and walked over so that you were beside Pan, watching as your father narrowed his eyes. 
“I thought I told you to stay away from him,” he said to you.
“And I thought I made it clear I didn’t give a damn.” Hook scowled a bit and turned away from you, focusing on Pan.
“Let her go.”
“I’m not holding her. You on the other hand, or I guess I should say hook, have two of my boys who I’d like back.” 
“You took Y/n from me so easily, try taking them,” Hook snarled as he drew his sword.
You were about to shout a retort when Pan took a step forward. “Alright, but it’s a little unfair don’t you think? I’m unarmed. Bad form, Captain.”
Hook rolled his eyes and gestured to a particularly large pirate who tossed a sword to Pan. The boy caught it and stood in front of your father. 
“This is ridiculous,” you started to say, but Hook had already swung at Pan who easily blocked and jabbed back. The Captain jumped back slightly to avoid the blow then lunged forward trying to stab at his stomach. Pan sidestepped and cut Hook’s leg with the tip of his sword causing you to wince and your father to yell out slightly. They kept dancing around each other, giving one another small cuts here and there, neither making much progress. It was clear that Pan was starting to tire without his magic to give him that extra push, and it was obvious Hook knew as he doubled his efforts. 
You kept trying to yell at them, get them to stop it, but soon you watched as Pan’s sword was knocked out of his hand. He retreated a bit, trying to grab it as Hook advanced on him. However, the man was stopped as a small blade with a jeweled hilt was pointed at his throat, his daughter at the other end of it. 
“I said enough!” you roared at him. 
“Let me through, Y/n. You don’t know what you’re doing.”
“I think I fucking do, actually. I know that I’m trying to stop you from cutting the boy I love open. I know I’m trying to knock some sense into you. And I sure fucking know that I’m stopping you from being an asshole! Why can’t you just leave us be?” you yelled, keeping your knife at his neck. “All my life you and mom have done nothing but try and control me. I’m finally happy here. You aren’t taking that away from me.” 
He stared at you in astonishment and surprise. You were deadly serious, and he had his fears confirmed that you weren’t actually under a spell. You just finally found your place, and it wasn’t at his side. He slowly sheathed his sword and took a step back from you, a sad sigh leaving his lips. 
“This is really what you want, isn’t it? You want to be here, with him.”
You nodded and hesitantly lowered your blade. “I’m happy here,” you repeated. 
The Captain shook his head a bit as he looked down for a moment, seeming to debate with himself. Slowly, he looked back up at you.
“Then take care of yourself, lass.” 
Your jaw dropped a bit as you looked at him to which he gave you a sad smile. “Don’t look so surprised. You, uh, you clearly know what you want. As long as he takes care of you, then okay.”
Peter’s hand gently laid against your lower back and you looked at him. “I’ll care for her with my life,” he said softly, trying to keep the surprise out of his voice. 
Hook looked like he had to bite back a retort and simply nodded. He snapped his fingers and the two pirates holding Felix and Lucas let them go and the boys walked back over, Lucas making sure to step on the toes of the pirate that had held Felix. 
Your father and his crew were about to leave when you called out, “Wait!” The captain turned around just as you collided into him, wrapping your arms around you tightly. You felt him chuckle a bit as he held you. 
“I know you can hold your own here,” he said quietly as he kissed your head. “And I’m sorry for making you feel so unhappy. Just don’t be mad when I decide to drop by to visit, yeah?” 
“I think I’d like that. As long as you behave.” 
He let out a laugh as he let go of you. “You just keep your boyfriend under control, and I will.”
You smiled at him softly. He started to turn back around as you said, “Wait, one more thing.” 
“Y/n, I swear if you do that one more time I’m just not going to leave.”
“I know I know,” you said with an eye roll. “Just, how do we get the cuff thing off of Peter?”
“Oh, that. It’s blood magic. If you pull it off it’ll work.” 
“Seriously? He’s been trying to get it off for the last two hours and all I had to do was pull it off?” Hook just shrugged with a grin. 
“I’ll see you around, love.”
“Bye dad.” 
With that, the Captain walked away, for real this time. You turned around and walked back towards your new family to free your boyfriend, intending to keep the cuff for whenever he annoyed you. 
“And that is why I live in Neverland and how I became the Mother,” you said with a smile. This was met with two wide eyed stares as Aviva and Elijah looked up at you.
You had the twin four-year-olds curled up in your lap as you sat upon the furs of your’s and Peter’s shared bed. They were the newest addition to the Lost Kids of Neverland. After months of pleading, Peter finally decided to start allowing kids who weren’t boys to join the Lost Kids, the first one being Aviva, an adorable little blonde haired girl who came with her twin brother Elijah. They had gotten here a little less than a year ago and had been demanding the story of you and Peter for weeks. Of course, you made the story a bit more PG for their young ears.
You hardly had any time to yourself now that they were here as they refused to leave your side except to go play with Cassie, Thomas, and Parker. However, they were absolutely adorable so you didn’t complain much. Peter did, though. 
“Love, there you are!” You looked up as he strolled into the cabin. You smiled at him as he walked over and pecked your lips causing Elijah to make a face. 
“I’ve been looking for you for ages.”
“I was just telling these little guys a story,” you said as you gave the twins a little squeeze. 
“Did you really lost a fight to Captain Hook?” Elijah asked curiously.
“It’s lose,” Peter corrected gently as he ruffled the boy's blond hair. “And no, of course not. I let him win.”
You snorted and he pushed you playfully. “You shush it,” he muttered with a playful glare to which you just giggled. 
“Come on,” Peter said as he lifted Aviva into his arms. “Lucas said he saw the Jolly Roger a few paces out. Shouldn’t be long now.” He turned to Aviva and smiled. “You wanna go see Grandpa Hook?” She giggled and nodded quickly. 
Elijah climbed out of your lap and looked up at Pan. “Do you- do you think he will give me a map again?” the young boy stuttered. 
“He just might, bub.” You smiled and watched as your boyfriend took the smaller boy’s hand before turning back to look at you. 
“We’ll see you down at the beach?”
“Yeah, of course.”
It had been a few years since that day when your father chose to let you live on Neverland. He came and visited every few months and the boys all learned to love him. The younger kids all called him Grandpa Hook and they all hoped to get little trinkets from him. Elijah had a map collection starting and Aviva always got some shells and rocks whenever Hook came by. Sometimes he would even bring things from your mother. It wasn’t often, but when it did happen you smiled a bit despite the bitterness you felt towards her. Maybe one day you would see her again. Maybe. 
You stood up from the bed and stretched, preparing to walk out the door. Neverland really had become your home within the last few years, and as you left your cozy cabin, you made a decision: you never wanted to be anywhere else. Here was your love, your life. Here, you were totally and completely free. 
Taglist: @tommysparker @soft-petey @bebbeb @stixnstripesworld @orowit @dreamerinthesun @ididntseeurbag @lazydogscatsperson
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atomic-taco-muffin · 3 years
The Lost Princess Chapter 20
Warnings: fluff/angst
Rating: SFW
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Sora and the others left Halloween Town and flew through space in the gummi ship.
"Uh, a big ship is catching up to us," Goofy said. The ship flew past them, its sails clearly visible.
"Quit gawking! That’s a pirate ship!" Donald said. The Jolly Roger turned and headed straight for them.
"It’s going to ram us! Hold tight!" Sora said. The gummi ship was taken aboard the Jolly Roger. Sora walked along the deck and turned around.
"I didn’t think you’d come, Sora," Riku said. Sora gasped, looking up at Riku on the main deck.
"Good to see you again," he said.
"Where are Donald and Goofy?" Sora asked.
"Are they that important to you? More important than old friends? Instead of worrying about them, you should be asking…" Riku moved over.
"…about her," he said. Sora saw Kairi, sitting on the floor beside Riku. She was breathing but making no reactions to anything around her.
"Kairi!" Sora said. 
"That’s right. While you were off goofing around, I finally found her," Riku said.
"But what about (Y/N)? Have you found her?" 
"Maybe I did maybe I didn't. I won't tell." Sora started to run towards them, when a hook blocked his path.
"Not so fast. No shenanigans aboard my vessel, boy," the man said. Sora looked up to see the pirate captain smirking as he was surrounded by Pirate Heartless.
"Riku, why are you siding with the Heartless?" Sora asked. 
"The Heartless obey me now, Sora. Now I have nothing to fear," Riku said. Sora glared at Riku and his careless eyes.
"You're stupid. Sooner or later they’ll swallow your heart," Sora said. 
"Not a chance. My heart’s too strong," Riku said. 
"I’ve picked up a few other tricks as well. Like this, for instance." Riku raised his hand and Sora's shadow lifted out of the ground. Sora stared at it in astonishment.
"You can go see your friends now," Riku said. A trapdoor opened underneath Sora and he fell through.
"Let’s get under way, already. And keep Sora away from Kairi until we’re ready to land," Riku said to the Captain as he walked towards the Captain’s Hold.
"That scurvy brat thinks he can order me around!" the Captain said to his First Mate. 
"What should we do, Captain Hook?" 
"Nothing! The hold is crawling with Heartless," Hook said, frustrated. He made flourished movements as he spoke.
"Let them keep an eye on the brats," he said.
"But, Captain, you-know-who is also down—"
"Shh… Did you hear that, Smee? Oh, that dreadful sound!" Smee looked around.
“No, Captain,” he said.
“Are you quite sure? Did I imagine it? Oh, my poor nerves…” Hook said as he shook smee. Down in the Hold, Sora told Donald and Goofy about Kairi.
“You don’t say?” Goofy asked. 
“Yeah, it was definitely Kairi. I’ve finally found her,” Sora said. 
“All right! A-hyuck! Then let’s go up and talk to her.”
“Sounds great. But what about (Y/N) and how are we gonna get out of here?” Donald said. 
“Riku won’t tell me anything about her which makes be believe that he did something to her like he did to Kairi,” Sora said. 
“Don’t worry, Sora. We’ll find her. Now, let’s look for a way out of here,” Goofy said. They started looking around and Sora peered through a window. 
“Ahem!” someone said. Sora jumped down from the window and they stared at the barrels in the corner of the room.
“How ya doin’ there? Looking for a way out?” the person asked. Out jumped a young boy in green tights, carrying a dagger in a scabbard at his waist. He wore a green cap over his fiery hair that had a red feather in it.
“Who are you?” Goofy asked. 
“I’m the answer to your prayers,” the boy said with a smile on his face. Donald tapped his foot, giving off a squawk in disbelief.
“Okay, then. Fine. Have it your way,” the boy said. 
“But you’re stuck in here too, aren’t you?” Sora asked.
“No. I’m just waiting for someone,” the boy said as he crossed his arms. 
“Who?” A bright light flew into the room and swirled around Sora, giving off magical dust. It flew up to the boy.
“Tinker Bell, what took you so long?” the boy asked. The bright light faded and revealed a tiny pixie in a small leaf-like dress. Her wings fluttered softly behind her blond updo as she spoke to him through light and sound.
“Great job. So you found Wendy?” he asked. She continued making sounds that Sora couldn’t understand.
“Hold on. There was another girl there, too?” the boy said. Tinker Bell crossed her arms.
“Are you crazy? There’s no way I’m gonna leave Wendy there!” he said. 
“Aha. She must be pretty jealous,” Donald said. Donald laughed and Tinker Bell turned around, stamping her foot in the air and glaring at him. She flew over to him and kicked him on the beak, making him dizzy. She flew out of the room in a huff.
“Wait! Did this girl happen to have (H/L) (H/C) and had a dagger with her?” Sora asked. Tinker Bell looked at Sora and shook her head. 
“Oh. Sorry for bothering you,” he said. She flew over to Sora and patted his head with her hand as if saying that it would be alright. 
“Come on, Tink! Open up the door!” the boy said. 
“Ahem!” Donald smirked, much to the boy’s chagrin.
“ I’m Peter Pan,” the boy said as he held out his hand. 
“I’m Sora.” He held out his hand to shake Peter’s but the boy pulls back.
“Okay, we’re in this together, but only ‘til we find Wendy,” he said. He put his hands on his hips petulantly. They left the room thanks to Sora’s Keyblade and were attacked by a swarm of Heartless. Sora’s Shadow appeared in front of them, taunting them while floating in the air. Sora struck it and they defeated the Heartless, making their way through the ship undetected. They walked through another hold as Peter Pan flew above them.
“So, uh, how come you can fly?” Goofy asked. 
“Anyone can fly. You wanna try?” Peter said. He whistled and Tinker Bell flew into the room.
“Aw, haven’t you cooled off yet, Tink?” Peter teased. He took her by the wings and held her over Sora, Donald, and Goofy, sprinkling magical dust on them
“Just a little bit of pixie dust. There. Now you can fly,” he said. Donald jumped into the air, swinging his arms up and down, but he fell to the floor. Tinker Bell flew down and laughed at him, as he tapped his finger on the floor. Meanwhile, Riku was in the Captain’s Hold talking to Captain Hook.
“What? So Wendy’s not one of the chosen ones?” Hook asked. 
“There are seven, supposedly, and Maleficent says she’s not one of them,” Riku said as he faced the door.
“Hoist anchor as soon as possible. Leave all the dead weight behind, including her,” he said. 
“After the trouble of capturing her? And why those seven? What is Maleficent planning, anyway?” Hook asked.
“Who knows? As long as it means getting Kairi’s heart back and having (Y/N) all to myself, I couldn’t care less.”
“You’re wasting your time! The Heartless has devoured that girl’s heart. And that spirit is full of light! She’ll never side with you! I’ll stake me other hand it’s lost forever.”
“I will find it no matter what.” 
“Uh, Captain...” Smee said. Captain Hook walked over to a speaking tube, where Smee’s voice was coming from.
“What?” he asked. 
“The prisoners have escaped. What’s more, Peter Pan is with them,” Smee said.
“Blast that Peter Pan! All right, then! Bring the hostage to me cabin, Smee! Hop to it!” Hook said, annoyed. In the Galley, Tinker Bell was flying up near the ceiling, getting Peter Pan’s attention.
“What is it, Tink?” he asked. A young girl in a blue dress was sitting on her cot in the room above. There was a grate in the floor with which to see and hear through. She turned her head towards the sound.
“Peter? Peter Pan?” she asked. She stood up cordially and rushed to the grate in the floor, kneeling.
“Wendy!” Peter said. 
“Please hurry! The pirates are coming!” she said. 
“What! I’ll be right up there! Just hold on!” 
“Wendy?” Sora asked. She turned her head to look at him. 
“Yes?” she asked. 
“Are there two girls over there with you?” he asked. 
“There is one girl here. I didn’t see another one come in. But the girl in here seems to be asleep. She hasn’t budged an inch.” 
“Kairi? Kairi!” Sora could see part of Kairi’s leg through the grate. Her arm fell next to her with the movement of the ship. He held out a hand with a sad, but hopeful face. Wendy stood up and grabbed hold of a dresser. Kairi’s fingers twitch, putting a smile on Sora’s face. The door opened and Kairi was dragged away. Wendy cried out as she was taken away and the door shut.
“Wendy! Hey, let’s get up there!” Peter said. They reached a higher level of the ship in the hall where Wendy’s cabin was. Peter Pan banged on the locked door.
“Wendy, are you in there?” he asked. They entered another door into a room with a ladder. They climbed up to the Captain’s Hold. Sora ran ahead and saw Riku.
“Riku, wait!” he said. Riku held Kairi in his arms as a shadow flowed in from under the door behind him. Riku backed away towards the door and the shadow leapt out of the floor. It looked just like Sora, staring eerily with glowing eyes. Riku escaped and the shadow crawled along the floor underfoot. Jumping up at Sora, striking him with a dark duplicate of the Keyblade. It moved like Sora, attacking and deflecting blows just the same. Sora went after it, but it sunk back into the floor, splitting into three copies. The room crowded, Peter Pan flew forward striking them with his shadow and giving a loud crow. He destroyed two of the shadows, leaving the real one at the mercy of his blade. Anti-Sora vanished into a burst of darkness and turned invisible. Catching Sora off guard, he swiped at him in the air, visible for only a second, before disappearing. Anti-Sora made no sound due to its status as a shadow, so they didn’t have the help of following its footfalls. Donald attempted to bring it out with Thunder spells, but it wore him out and came up empty. Without you, it was hard for Donald to regenerate spells. It struck at Peter Pan, but Goofy’s shield blocked it. Sora used Strike Raid, tossing his Keyblade through the room. It flew through the air, spinning wildly until it made contact with Anti-Sora, who freezed on the spot, it’s darkness dripping to the floor. It stood there motionless like a statue before falling into the dark pool. Sora’s shadow returned to him and they dropped down through the floor into Wendy’s room. They found her lying on the floor with her eyes closed. Peter Pan floated down next to her and picked her head up.
“Wendy!” he said. Tinker Bell flew around in the air above him.
“Come on, Tink! Not now!” Peter said as he waved her off and she flew away.
“Well, this is as far as I can go. I’ve gotta help Wendy,” he said. He picked her up and flew out of the room, leaving Sora, Donald, and Goofy by themselves. They returned to the Captain’s Hold and took the doorway to the Main Deck, where they found Captain Hook and his army of Heartless.
“Quite a codfish, that Riku—running off with that girl without even saying goodbye,” Hook said as he waved in the air.
“Run off where? Tell me, where did he go?” Sora asked as he swept at the air with his Keyblade.
“To the ruins of Hollow Bastion, where Maleficent resides. But you won’t be going there,” Hook said. He took an unlit lantern from Mr. Smee, holding it up. Tinker Bell was trapped inside with her hands on the glass and Sora gasped.
“Unless you intend to leave your little pixie friend behind?” Hook asked. He held his hook up to the lantern scraping the glass with it, scaring Tinker Bell. Sora sighed in exasperation, dispelling the Keyblade. The Pirate Heartless surrounded them, knives bared.
“Hand over the Keyblade and I’ll spare your lives. Be glad I’m merciful, unlike the Heartless. So, which will it be? The Keyblade, or the plank?” Hook said. He pointed his hook in the direction of the plank, a wooden board hoisted off the side of the deck. He heard a sound in the air and looked to see a sharp-toothed crocodile in the water, the clock inside its belly ticking away.
“It’s him! The crocodile that took me hand! Oh, Smee! He’s after me other hand! I can’t stay here!” Hook said, terrified as the crocodile stared up at him, hungrily.
“Go away! Oh, I can’t stand the sight of him!” Hook said as he retreated to his cabin.
“Smee, you take care of them!” he said. The Pirate Heartless forced Sora onto the plank, who backed slowly towards the ocean. When he reached the edge of the plank, the crocodile opened its wide mouth and Sora heard Peter Pan’s voice.
“Fly, Sora! Just believe, and you can do it!” he said. Sora closed his eyes and leapt backwards off the plank. He descended toward the crocodile, who jumped at him, but at the last second he flew into the air over the deck. Peter Pan swooped down and took Tinker Bell from Smee, who was distracted by Sora. Sora and Peter Pan landed on the deck in front of the flabbergasted first mate. Peter Pan opened the lantern, setting Tinker Bell free.
“Thanks, Peter,” Sora said. 
“Hey, don’t mention it. You didn’t think I’d leave you and Tink behind, did you?” Peter said. Tinker Bell floated down next to them and Smee ran away, leaving them to deal with the Heartless swarming the deck.
“You’re all going down!” Sora said. They started attacking the Heartless on the ship and in the air. Sora held a hand to his chest and the Keyblade flashed. He threw it into the air and caught it. Magic sparks burst out of the tip of the blade uncontrollably and he lost his grip on it. In a final burst of magic, it created blue smoke which billowed upward. Genie appeared inside the smoke with a huge grin on his face. He yelled and flexed his muscles, spinning around and giving Sora a high five. Genie targeted the surrounding Heartless and shot them with several magic spells.
“Toodle-oo!” he said as he waved and disappeared. Once the Heartless were taken care of, Sora and Peter Pan waited outside the Captain’s Hold. Peter knocked on the door with a devilish grin.
“Is that you, Smee? Did you finish them off?” Hook asked. Peter laughed silently to himself and pinched his nose to sound like Smee.
“Aye, Captain. They walked the plank, every last one of them,” he said. Captain Hook ran out past them and looked around, seeing nobody there, before Peter Pan poked him with his dagger. Hook shouted and jumped into the air, stumbling over his words.
“P-Peter Pa—blast you!” he said as he glared at the boy.
“Ready to make a splash, you codfish? Now it’s your turn to talk the plank!” Peter said as he pointed toward Hook. Battleship Heartless appeared in the air, raining down cannon fire on them. Donald and Goofy flew in the air after the Heartless while Sora and Peter Pan went after Hook, who slashed in the air frantically at them.
“Fire!” Hook said. Hook threw a box at Sora, which exploded in his face as Peter Pan charged at him with his dagger. Hook blocked and knocked Peter back.
“Come and get me!” Hook mocked. Sora slid towards him and attempted to strike with the Keyblade, but Hook jumped back near the rudder. Sora flew up and after him. He sent a Fira spell at the Captain, which set his trousers on fire, causing him to run around hysterically. He ran over the guardrail of the top deck, and Peter Pan knocked him into the water, making a big splash. He surfaces in front of the crocodile, who opened his mouth happily, his tongue lolling about as he pounced at Captain Hook. The captain ran on the water, screaming, as the crocodile chased him out of sight. Later, Sora stood at the guardrail away from Donald, Goofy, and Peter.
“Uh, Kairi couldn’t wake up, so maybe she’s really lost her—” Goofy said as he put his hands over his chest.
“Shh!” Donald interrupted. Goofy made a gulping sound.
“Sora,” Peter said.
“I still can’t believe it,” Sora said as he looked into the night sky, smiling.
“I really flew. Wait ‘til I tell Kairi. And (Y/N). I wonder if they’ll believe me. Probably not,” he said.
“You can bring them to Never Land sometime. Then they can try it herself,” Peter said. 
“ If you believe, you can do anything, right? I’ll find them. I know I will. There’s so much I want to tell them—about flying, the pirates, and everything else that’s happened.” Tinker Bell flew in and spoke to Peter.
“What’s that, Tink? What about the clock tower? You say there’s something there?” he asked. They flew off the ship away from Never Land to a quaint city where the moon was shining brightly over the large clock tower. The tower had four faces, a clock on each side. As they approached, a cloaked Heartless flew alongside them. Sora looked over and it stared at him beneath its hood, darkness trailing in the air behind it. They stopped and it faced them in front of the tower, gathering magic in its fingers. The numbers of the clock started to glow and the minute hand began to move forward. Donald saw this and quickly casted stop on the clock. The Phantom Heartless swooped forward and attempted to claw at Sora with its sharp fingers. A bright orb of magical energy appeared at the base of the Heartless’s cloak. Sora struck it with his Keyblade and it turned red in color. Donald shot a Fira spell at it and it turned blue. Smiling, Donald aimed a Blizzara spell, and the orb disappeared. The Phantom recoiled, enraged. It spun around and released a dark fireball. Sora tried to fly away but it struck him in the back. Goofy tossed him a Potion and they continued their magic strategy until the Phantom began to falter in the air. Its hands covered its stomach, bending over in front of the clock. From beneath its cloak, a heart floated out, and the Phantom fell and faded away. Wendy sa at the clock tower as they flew towards her. She stood up as they landed. Soon, the clock struck midnight and the Keyhole appeared, shining bright enough to be seen from a distance, flashing between the 2 and 3 on the clock. Sora aimed his Keyblade at it and locked it. It glowed and disappeared, releasing a gummi block. Meanwhile in Hollow Bastion, Riku’s memories flashed through his mind. He recalled the day nearly 9 years ago when he, you, and Sora discovered the Secret Place.
“Hey, Sora. (Y/N),” he said. You and Sora turned to look at him.
“When we grow up, let’s get off this island. We’ll go on real adventures, not this kid stuff!” he said as his eyes grew wide with anticipation. 
“Sure. But isn’t there anything fun to do now? Hey, you know the new girl at the mayor’s house? She arrived on the night of the meteor shower!” Sora said. 
“Yeah. I heard that she’s kind of like me,” you said. You and Sora exited the cave, and Riku followed you two, before stopping to look back at the wooden door. A golden Keyhole had appeared on the door and he stared at it in fascination. Riku snapped back into reality, a light from the ceiling casting its glow on him. He was kneeling on the floor, entirely out of breath. He breathed heavily as green torches burn on the walls. Maleficent stood over him, holding her staff strongly, looking down on him with dominating eyes.
“It was reckless to bring her here without at least using a vessel. Remember, relying too heavily on the dark powers could cost you your heart. And let’s not forget about the spirit. Her power could be dangerous if you can’t control it the right way,” she derided. A booming roar resounded from outside the castle, causing Riku to stand and look toward the source of the noise. Maleficent smiled.
“A castaway,” she said. Riku narrowed his eyes at her.
“Though his world perished, his heart did not. When we took the princess from his castle, he apparently followed her here through sheer force of will. But fear not. No harm will come to you. He is no match for your power. Or the spirits,” she said. 
“My power?” Riku asked. 
“Yes, the untapped power that lies within you. Now, child, it’s time you awakened that power and realized your true potential.” A green aura surrounded Riku and he felt stronger. Meanwhile, Wendy walked along the clock tower as Peter floated near her.
“Peter, are you really going back to Neverland?” she asked. 
“Afraid so. But we can see each other any time. As long as you don’t forget about Never Land, that is,” he said. He floated closer and they held hands. Tinker Bell saw this and crossed her arms in jealousy. Donald laughed at her until she turned around and glared at him. He clamped his beak shut and the pixie flew over to Peter and Wendy, spinning angry circles around them. Then she does the same to Sora.
“Oh, boy. She’s getting’ steamed again. Do me a favor. Look after her for me, will ya?” Peter said. Tink floated up to Sora and spun around.
“What?” he asked. He walked up to Wendy and started talking to her.
“Peter remains with me as long as I remember him. You will find Kairi and (Y/N) if they remain in your heart. You’ll find them Sora. Just don’t give up,” she said. 
“Thank you,” Sora said. 
You felt your power radiating off of you to the point that it hurt. You had a hard time staying conscious because of how much pain you were in. Not only that, but you felt like you had a fever. You felt so hot that you were afraid that you might explode. You heard someone walk in and glared at them when you saw that it was Riku and Maleficent. 
“Don’t make that face, spirit. Ladies are supposed to have kind faces,” she said. 
“Unlike your face,” you said, tiredly. She growled and squished your cheeks together with one hand to make you look at her. 
“Just wait till the door opens. Then you’ll see,” she said. She let go of your face and told Riku to keep watch over you. She left the room and you heard Riku sigh. 
“Before you ask, no I didn’t do this because of you,” he said. 
“Then why are you doing this?” you asked. 
“She promised that I would see the worlds. She wasn’t wrong. It just wasn’t how I pictured it.”
“You can still change. There’s still time.” 
“No. I need to do this. But don’t worry. It’ll be over soon.” The two of you stopped talking and you closed your eyes and fell asleep.
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imaginesmai · 5 years
Peter Parker - See the light (4)
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I present you to cute Peter Parker, protective Peter Parker and the whole heart of this fic. The first chapters were more of an introduction to the real him, and they only showed the armour around the character. But now we can see the sweet boy! Prepare yourself for this, cuteness and angst ahead!
Small sneak peek
First part
Second part
Third part
Plot: Peter has made a mistake, taking you to the wrong place. After a short conversation and a huge persecution, things only get worse for the both of you; but maybe you’re begging to understand each other.
Lights flickered along the cavern walls threateningly, and Peter wondered to himself how long those torches had been burning. The tavern itself looked old, but those tunnels were falling apart. He didn’t let himself stop, and kept urging you to walk forwards. You could have been walking for an hour, two or even three; they didn’t seem to end.
After the whole speech about dreams and life where everyone seemed to be happy, the guards had come with the scrawny teenager; and you had had to run away from one of the tunnels. Peter was aware of you falling back every now and then, and felt just a little bad for it. If he waited for you and carried your hair sometimes, there was no bad in it. He just wanted his crown back.
Nothing more, he promised himself. It wasn’t becuase he wanted to help you.
But truth was, there was something about the way you had stood up for him back there, that made his heart warm. It had been ages since someone was so nice to him, since all of his loved-ones died. And until now, he had been okay without them, doing what he wanted and not caring about what people thought about him. However, what you had done had awoken something in him. So he made his best to keep your grounded, and not scared.
“So” Peter started, quickly searching for his next words. “What you did back there… guess you saved me. Didn’t think you could, honestly.”
You grinned so wide, it looked though it might hurt.
“I know! If only mother were here, she would finally see how much I can handle myself”
Peter felt that, if he had met you in other circumstances, things would be different.
“Right, so, your mother. What’s her deal?”
“We shouldn’t talk about her” you chuckled, but it was deprived of humour.
“Definitely not. She’s not exactly a light topic of conversation”
“Okay, so your mother is out of topic. I know I shouldn’t bring up the hair, either” Peter smiled softly at you, as if he wanted to prove he meant no harm. “I’m also kind too scared to talk about the… animal”
“Pascal is a chameleon” you scoffed, smiling too. Pascal emerged from out of your shoulder and glared at Peter. He shook his head disapprovingly, and Peter chuckled.
“Next question, then. This one has been bugging me for a while” Peter shrugged, trying not to make it a big deal. “If you wanted to see the lanterns so badly… why didn’t you just go before?”
Your smile fell, and you seemed to shrink into yourself. Your eyes darted to the ground, panic starting to colour your features. Before you had time to answer, or Peter to retreat with some sass, vibrations started running through the floor, and the rocks decorating the dirt jumped up and down as the whole tunnel started to shake. Peter whipped around to see the new shadows appearing on the wall, and his heart rose into his throat.
“Parker!” the captain of the guard screamed as a whole hoard of guards ran towards him and you.
Without a second thought, Peter grabbed your arm and took off in the opposite direction. Distantly, he could hear you muttering something to Pascal breathlessly. Questions upon questions falling from your mouth to him. Blood pumping, heart pounding, he spotted a light at the end of the tunnel, and then you were racing into the world flushed with daylight.
Peter only allowed a second to adjust, because you were standing on a cliff at the edge of an abandoned mining site. Cavern walls stretched high above you, and bellow, was a drop that not even Peter could stomach. He felt you pulling back slowly, but he resisted the urge of doing the same and pushed you forwards; in the worst scenario, he was shielding you.
Peter’s head turned to you. You were staring at him with frightened eyes; and at that exact moment, he could see how wrong he had been. He shouldn’t have brought you there, he shouldn’t have been so selfish and he shouldn’t have gotten involved with you, because people who were with him ended up dead. His heart twisted.
“Peter!” you woke him up from his daydreaming. “What do we do?”
Peter opened his mouth, but no words came out. His eyes darted around the cavern a, few tall pillars of rock, a couple of algae-filled puddles littering the ground bellow. And a cave opening at the other side of the cavern, at the base of one of the walls. If you could get into that, he might just have found a second tunnel that led somewhere safe.
“Y/N” Peter said, grabbing your shoulders. “I have a plan, but you’re not gonna like it”
“Parker!” the voice was closer, roaring, as the entire guard squadron poured out of the tunnel.
“Who is that?” you asked.
“Someone who doesn’t like me”
Then, in a matter of seconds, two other figures were jumping from the top of the caver wall and landing on the cliff alongside the guards. The brothers Stabbington sneered at Peter.
“A-and they?”
“They don’t like me neither”
Finally, a loud neighing rang out above it all, and the horse from the captain barrelled through the crowd like a ball bowling over pins. The animal snarled, totally un-horse-like in nature, and Peter took a timid step back.
“I assume he doesn’t like you too?” you muttered.
Peter just nodded.
They had you cornered. Unless you were going to take a leap to your deaths, Peter knew he would have to hand himself over to the guard, unless the brothers got him first. Either way, he wouldn’t be walking out of there; and he just hoped you could. In a sudden act of courage that you surely didn’t feel, you shoved your pan into Peter’s chest, making him take a step backwards.
“Just trust me” you said, smiling at him before he nodded.
Peter grabbed the tool quickly, and instantly held it out in front of him in a way that should have looked threatening; if it wasn’t a pan. Almost everyone else drew a weapon of their own in response, and even the horse had a long stick on his mouth.
Out of the corner of his eye, Peter noticed you reeling in your hair and holding it like a lasso. You swung it a few quick times before throwing it in a wide arch, Peter breathed in relief when he finally lost sight of you.
“I’ve waiting a long time for this” the captain said, with the faintest hint of a laugh.
He lunged, his sword immediately making contact with Peter’s pan, as the boy cringed back. The guard swung once more, and Peter blocked once again.
“I need – wow, I need one of this” Peter chuckled, tossing the pan in the air.
Peter didn’t get much time to savour in his victory, though, because the horse suddenly jumped on him and started attacking with the pointed stick he had been given. Peter started to fight back, practically cackling the whole time. The pan fell to the ground, and when Peter got back up, one of the brothers was in front of him, knife raised.
He didn’t get far, because he felt his waist being wrapped with something, and in the blink of an eye, he was being swung from the cliff. Peter couldn’t help the non-male scream that rose up from his chest. He tumbled onto the ground as soon as his boots made contact with dirt. You stood beside him, pulling off your hair into your arms as Pascal stared at Peter.
“You can thank me later” you said, shy smile on your face. “We gotta go”
Peter pushed himself to his feet, keeping pace with you as he realized that you were running towards the cave he had spotted. It looked a whole lot bigger. Then, the ground was shaking. It was a lot more forceful than when the tunnel shook earlier. While keeping stride, Peter stole a glance behind you and realized with wide eyes what was about to happen.
Under the cliff where you had originally entered, there was a dam. Behind that dam was thousands and thousands of gallons of water; the captain standing, smiling, and his men breaking the dam down.
They’re gonna flood us out.
“Run!” Peter shouted at you, taking your hand and running ahead. “Run faster!”
You didn’t need to be told twice, and quickly stepped beside him. You were close to the mouth fo the cave when Peter felt it. The dam broke, and the cavern flooded with water, taking out anyone close to it.
Peter’s heart was on his mouth.
“In here!” you screamed over the waves behind you.
You and Peter both dive headfirst into a cave, just as the water knocked over the closest rocky pillar, blocking the entrance.
Water streamed in steadily, but for the most part, you were standing in complete darkness. You ran to the farthest corner and started trying to chip away at the wall with the pan. Peter’s boot were wet, and with alarm, he realized that it was then almost up to mid-shin. He sloshed over and helped to dig at the walls.
Beside him, he could hear as you held back sobs, choking on your own breath as you uselessly scrapped the stone. Peter frowned and walked-swam towards you, until he could hug you close. There wasn’t much space, and he hadn’t been the nicest, but you hugged him by the middle and hid your face on his shoulder. By then, he couldn’t see his feet.
“I’m sorry, Y/N” he said, not bothering to keep scrapping. “If I knew this was where we would end… I never would have agreed to drag you into this”
You supressed another sob, and rubbed your head against his shoulder. Pascal was sitting sadly against your shoulder, looking at his owner with wide eyes. Peter felt bad for the chameleon. The water was at your thighs then.
No response.
“Darling, listen to –“
“No!” you sobbed, and broke the embrace, trying to dry your tears. “This – this is my fault. I should have listened to her! If I didn’t disobey – I’m, I’m sorry, Peter”
Water up to your waists
“I’m sorry too” Peter sighed, and let the words spill from his mouth. “I thought that if I showed you the tavern you would back down and give me back the crown. People – people are not so bad”
Up to your navels.
“I’m sorry I knocked you off” you admitted, bottom lip quivering. “I just, mother says that people might steal my hair. It glows when I sign.”
There a second of silence, where Peter let his brows almost touch his hair line. The humidity was by then making his hair wet, so it reached his eyes, and with the darkness he couldn’t see much; but he couldn’t have heard you well.
You seemed to realize something, and actually laughed a bit. Pascal hit the side of your neck until he caught your attention; and then you started to sing. The water filled the cave, and Peter could only get one big gulp of air before you were completely submerged. Then, the water was filled with a gold light; and Peter actually lost a bit of air by opening his mouth, and swam away from you out of freight.
Your hair moved around for a bit, until it reached a part of the cave that had been obviously covered to look closer up. The hair got sucked up, and Peter quickly swam towards the small opening. His hands ached when he started digging, and his lungs screamed for air. Preservation coursed through his veins, and he powered through. The last thing he saw was a faint light peeking through the rocks, and then, darkness met him with a cool relief.
Weirdly, the only thing that weighted on his consciousness was you.
Tom Holland and Peter Parker Taglist
Peter Parker Tangled
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stahlop · 4 years
Once Upon a Time 3x07 “Dark Hollow” Review
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Reviews 1x01 1x02 1x03 1x04 1x05 1x06 1x07 1x08 1x09 1x10 1x11 1x12 1x13 1x14 1x15 1x16 1x17 1x18 1x19 1x20 1x21 1x22 2x01 2x02 2x03 2x04 2x05 2x06 2x07 2x08 2x09 2x10 2x11 2x12 2x13 2x14 2x15 2x16 2x17 2x18 2x19 2x20 2x21 2x22 3x01 3x02 3x03 3x04 3x05 3x06
Well, we officially have a love triangle going on, although Emma seems to want no part of it. Ariel and Belle make quite the plucky duo. And who would have guessed that Peter Pan was keeping John and Michael Darling alive for his own nefarious plan? On the plus side, Rumple now has ammo to capture Pan, thus ensuring he can come home to Belle.
Summary: Neal tells the group how he used the coconut to get off of Neverland the first time, which leads himself, Hook, and Emma into Dark Hollow to capture a shadow. Ariel and Belle search for Pandora’s Box for Ariel to bring back to Neverland, but are held up by an unlikely pair.
Opening: Clock Tower
New Characters: 
John and Michael Darling: We really don’t find out too much about them. Basically, Pan has kidnapped their sister, Wendy, presumably allowed them to grow up enough to be able to do things for him, and now they need to get and destroy Pandora’s Box in order to get Wendy back. They are obviously very loyal to Wendy, and blame themselves for her predicament. Fortunately, Belle convinces them (after setting a coal cart on them), that they are the winning side and they can beat Pan with Pandora’s Box.
Character Observations:
Henry: He is convinced that Pan is hiding his family from him. Henry wants to know where Pan goes when he disappears from camp if it’s not to see his family hidden somewhere. Henry tells Pan he’s going to find out what it is. Oh, Henry. The first rule of trying to find out if someone’s hiding something, is not to tell them that you think they’re hiding something. Pan sends Felix to get ‘supplies’ and so Henry follows him, in the least stealthy way possible. He’s practically breathing down Felix’s neck he’s so close. He even does the classic step on a twig and hide move so Felix doesn’t catch him. Henry eventually finds the tree house(?) that Pan has put Wendy into (Felix drops a bag of apples in front of the ladder). He wonders why she’s so far away from camp and she tells him that she’s sick and Pan doesn’t want anyone else to catch it. Wendy also tells him she’s sick because the magic of Neverland is fading. Then she tells him how much he looks like his father, and that she knew him when he was a boy. Wendy then tells him he needs to leave so he doesn’t get sick and he promises to come back for her. He ‘runs’ into Pan on the way back to camp and confronts him about Wendy. Pan pretends he hid Wendy from him because he didn’t want Henry to know that because magic is dying, so is a young girl. Henry buys this hook, line, and sinker, and now wants to know how he can help save magic. Pan tells him it’s not how but where and leads him to Skull Rock, where the heart of the truest believer will be their salvation. Pan feeds into Henry’s wannabe hero complex by telling him saving magic will require heroism and sacrifice, and if Henry doesn’t realize that by sacrifice that means him, then I don’t know if he’s worth saving.
Belle: She’s obviously upset about Rumple leaving and going to sacrifice himself, even if it is for his grandson. Archie, the Blue Fairy, and the dwarfs see that she is upset and discover that Rumple left her with a cloaking spell to protect the spell. It’s the first spell she’s ever cast so she’s nervous. Blue Fairy tells her she needs to believe in herself (do spells not work if you don’t believe in them?), and it looks like it won’t work for a hot second, but then it does, and a huge cloaking dome encapsulates Storybrooke. Five days and four rejected cheeseburgers later, Archie is trying to psychoanalyze Belle in Granny’s (with his first question being ‘You miss him, don’t you?’ Well, duh!) Belle is upset because Rumple has gone off to his death and she feels like she can’t do anything to help him. Archie reminds her that she helped put up the cloaking spell, but pouring a potion over rocks apparently isn’t that big of a deal in her eyes. Archie tells her that she’s protecting the town from outsiders, but she thinks that was just a distraction because he doesn’t really need her. Which is when Leroy brings Ariel over with the news that Rumple needs her. Ariel hands her the sand dollar Rumple gave her and Belle is confused about what she’s supposed to do with it. She finally figures out that it holds a message from Rumple that gives clues as to how to find Pandora’s Box. Belle’s just excited that Rumple wants her help. I have to roll my eyes over this whole thing. The Belle that we saw in the Enchanted Forest knew her worth. She used books and her smarts to find the Yaoguai and figure out that he was the enchanted Prince Phillip in The Outsider. Yet here she has self-doubt because the man she loves didn’t take him with her to find his grandson? And she only gets her mojo back because he needs her? Ugh! Belle finally figures out that placing the chipped tea cup in it’s normal place in the cupboard activates a secret panel on the floor which is where he keeps Pandora’s Box. Which is, of course, when John and Michael come in with their guns, tie up Belle and Ariel , and take the box. Belle tries to convince them that they don’t know who they’re working for, but they are quite aware that Pan is their boss and that Greg and Tamara were patsies for their plan, which confuses her even more. They leave with the box. Belle laments about how every time she tries to be a hero she fails (I’m sure Prince Phillip would disagree). Belle figures out that they can get out of the ropes if Ariel gets her fins back, and somehow this words (not sure how considering they were mainly tied up around their chests, but okay). Belle figures out the men went to the mines to destroy the box with one of the dwarfs' pick axes. Belle tries to play on their sympathies by telling them that people they care about will die if they destroy the box, but they tell her they have the same issue if they don’t destroy the box. At least Belle is smart enough to send a coal cart careening their way to stop them from destroying the box.  Belle finally convinces them that Rumple will be able to stop Pan, thus freeing their sister, and that’s when we find out, officially, that they are John and Michael Darling. Belle says goodbye to Ariel at the shore and is happy that Rumple will be able to defeat Pan and come home to her.
Neal/Emma/Hook: Oh look, the love triangle no one asked for. Anyway, Neal informs them that he escaped with Pan’s Shadow, but Emma doesn’t think they’ll be able to get it because they can’t get near Pan. Hook informs her his shadow is an entity unto itself, so they don’t actually need to get anywhere near Pan. Neal is actually thankful that Hook is going with them to find the shadow, since he knows the island just as well as Neal. Emma asks Mary Margaret when she’s going to forgive David since she’s still giving him the cold shoulder. Emma understands where David is coming from, not wanting to jeopardize the mission with his problems. Mary Margaret tells her to be careful with Neal and Hook since they both have feelings for her. Emma doesn’t want to deal with that. All she cares about is Henry. The trio head back to Neal’s cave to find the coconut. Emma goes to find where it’s hidden and Hook has a really awkward conversation with Neal about his and Emma’s kiss, assuming that Emma had told him. Neal tries to play it off as Emma being too focused on getting their son back (and also throwing in his face the fact that they have a son together), but you can see the hurt in his eyes that Emma kissed Hook and didn’t tell him, especially after he told her he’d fight for them. Emma brings the coconut to them and Neal says it’s not a star map but a way to trap Pan’s Shadow. Neal tells them they have to go to Dark Hollow. Hook looks frightened, Emma wonders why it couldn’t have a happier name. Hook tells her that it’s basically where the Shadows live and all light is snuffed out. They get to a particularly dense piece of jungle and Emma takes out Neal’s cutlass that Hook gave her in The Heart of the Truest Believer, almost slicing Hook who is behind her. Neal thinks she found it in the cave, but she tells him Hook gave it to her. Hook says he thought Emma might want something to remember him by, but Neal reminds him that he’s there now and goes off to hack the jungle brush. Emma wants to know what that was all about and he tells her he accidentally told Neal about their kiss. Emma wants to know why he would assume she’d told him, and Hook thought that maybe it meant something to her. Poor Hook. He’s really looking for some validation that it wasn’t a one time thing. She tells him that it meant a lot that he told them Neal was alive. He tells her it was a test from Pan, to see if he’d choose an old friend over the woman they both wanted. She’s impressed because he’s a pirate. For the first time, Hook looks upset over being called a pirate, or that Emma only sees him as one. He tells her that when he wins her heart, and he will win her heart, it won’t involve any trickery. It will be because she wants him. And I’m just going to cry in the corner now, because that is the most romantic thing I’ve ever heard. Emma takes a minute to catch her breath over that confession, and tells him that it’s not a contest. Hook tells her she’ll have to choose and she says she only has to choose how to save her son. Hook tells her she’ll get him back because he’s never seen her fail, and Emma is just glowing from all the faith he has in her, because, let’s face it, no one, especially Neal, has ever had this much faith in her. Neal interrupts their little moment when he’s finally found Dark Hollow. Neal explains that they’ll light the candle in the coconut and the Shadows will be drawn to it. Once in the coconut, they put the lid on and they have a trapped Shadow. Neal tries to light the candle with a Zippo, but it’s too windy. Hook gets impatient and tries to steal the lighter, and then he and Neal start fighting over it like children. Yep, that’s definitely the way to impress Emma. Even Emma calls them out over it. They lose the lighter in the scuffle and then the Shadows come and take the men and try to rip out their shadows. Emma is hunched in a corner of some logs freaking the eff out. Eventually she remembers that she has magic, and after a few false starts, manages to light the candle and catch Pan’s Shadow. She is very impressed with herself. Neal wants to know how she managed to do it and is not happy that Regina is teaching Emma magic. Emma has now gone from impressed to stunned. I find it pretty ironic that Neal left the Enchanted Forest to get away from magic, and now the girl he’s fighting for has it. Emma is pissed off at both Neal and Hook for their behavior. Hook feels the need to tell her that it wasn’t the lighter they were fighting over and she just looks at him like he’s the biggest idiot in the world. She tells them the only person she is choosing is Henry (this always reminds me of the 90210 moment where Kelly chooses herself, rather than choose between Brandon or Dylan). At least both Hook and Neal look properly chagrined. When they get to Tink’s place, Neal comes in like the conquering hero, like he did all the work when all he did was almost get himself killed. Neal and Tink have a lot of chemistry going on there. Maybe he can forget Emma and get with Tink instead. Problem solved. Anyway, Hook angrily states that they did it, and wonders if Tink will now help them (you can tell he’s angry because he’s popping all the letters when he speaks). Tink finally agrees to work with them now that they have an exit plan. Neal apologizes again to Emma and agrees that they need to put Henry first. 
Mary Margaret/David: Mary Margaret is not speaking to David and he’s not happy about it, but he knows he’s in the dog house, so he doesn’t push it. While the love triangle goes off to find Pan’s Shadow, Mary Margaret and David head to Tink’s tree house to let her know about the plan. David tried to get her to talk to him, but she’s not ready. He tries to defend his decision not to tell her, but she just keeps heading to Tink’s. David changes tactics by pointing out the nice places in the jungle that he could build a hut. Mary Margaret just gets annoyed by that. She just continues on. David actually calls her Snow to get her attention, and eventually tells her that she needs to say something, anything. That gets Mary Margaret going. She wants to know why she needs to say something when he didn’t say a word to her about his being poisoned. He wanted to find a cure and then he wouldn’t have to say anything and worry anyone. Mary Margaret points out that he was cured and he still didn’t say anything. David finally tells her he was scared. Mary Margaret thinks he was scared that she wouldn’t stay with him, but David was actually scared that she would. He didn’t want to force her to stay with him. Mary Margaret says love means staying together, but David says it also means sacrifice. Mary Margaret says she’ll happily stay and dodge poison arrows and Lost Boys with him, as long as they’re together.  She tells him he didn’t believe in them, and he needs to believe. David apologizes. And this is a really sweet scene between these two. It’s no wonder they’re married in real life. They pull off being a married couple so well. It seems these two lovebirds have finally made up.
Regina/Rumple: Rumple has drawn some kind of map to get Ariel to Storybrooke. She says she would have to cross several realms, but she can do it. He enchants a sand dollar for her to give to Belle with instructions. Ariel asks Regina where she’ll find Eric, but Regina tells her she needs to bring the box first, and then she’ll tell her that information. She tells Ariel incentives are important. Ugh! She’s a grown mermaid, not a kid Henry’s age. That was very condescending. Ariel wonders how she’ll know Regina will uphold her end of the bargain, and Regina says she’ll just have to trust her. Considering what Regina did to her last time, I’m surprised Ariel took the deal. Regina and Rumple discuss whether Rumple truly believes Belle will come through for them. Regina realizes Rumple truly loves Belle. She seems shocked that he could love someone. Rumple takes her tone to mean she’s jealous. Regina scoffs at being jealous of Belle, but Rumple accuses her of being jealous that he has someone and she doesn’t. Luckily, Ariel arrives before Regina can either ruminate on her feelings or send a fireball at him. Rumple seems shocked that they actually managed to get the box to him. Regina magicks Ariel’s bracelet so she can have legs whenever she wants. Ariel tells them about Wendy and the Darlings and that Belle wants them to try and rescue Wendy. Regina doesn’t want to stray from the mission to save Henry, but Ariel reminds her that without her and Belle, they wouldn’t have the box to save Henry. Rumple says they’ll do their best and Regina isn’t happy about another side mission interfering with her trying to save her son. Rumple tells Ariel to tell Belle he loves her and will see her again. Regina looks like she isn’t too sure about that last part.
Pan/Wendy: Pan basically manipulates Henry into believing magic is dying and he’s the only one who can save it by making Wendy lie about being sick because of magic dying. Wendy doesn’t like lying to Henry (especially since he’s Bae’s son). Pan finally has Henry right where he wants him.
Did Rumple give Belle a spell or a potion? Or was it instructions as to what to do with the potion? Because a spell usually involves some chanting or saying of instructions, and all Belle did was pour the potion into the vein of fairy dust.
Is Rumple drawing a portal map to Storybrooke? How would he know how the mermaid portals work?
Does Ariel normally live in Neverland waters? How does Pan know when she leaves? Is it because she was sitting on the rock?
Ok, seriously, how does Pan communicate with people not in Neverland?
When did Rumple ‘record’ the sand dollar message for Belle? Or is it just a magic message?
When did Rumple have time to set up the hiding of Pandora’s Box and the teacup to activate it? Did he think that Belle would be the only person to have access to it, or was it just a sweet reminder for himself?
Why is it so light in Dark Hollow? When the lanterns went out it didn’t change the lighting level at all.
Why is the Shadow attracted to light? In Second Star to the Right Bae used a match to scare the Shadow into dropping him in the water. 
What are the holes for in the coconut? To let the shadow breathe?
How the hell does Belle walk in the mines in 6 inch stiletto heels? I get that they didn’t have a lot of time, but she couldn’t have found a pair of flats or some boots?
Why is Belle always so confused when villains have personal stakes in the game? She had no idea about Milah’s true death in The Outsider with Hook, and now she’s completely stunned that Pan is forcing the Darlings to help him because he has their sister.
How has Pan kept the Darling boys alive all this time? Were they in Neverland until the time was right for them to ‘grow up’?
Why did Pan take Wendy? What purpose does she serve him? He obviously doesn’t care for her like in the books and movies.
Does Wendy really think Henry looks like Bae, or did she just tell him that to help believe?
It has been five days since Emma and crew went to Neverland.
I don’t know why, but Belle’s blue nailpolish bugs me. It doesn’t seem in character for her to have blue nailpoilsh.
There’s a teddy bear keychain hanging from the dash of the Darling’s car.
What luck that the Darlings just happened to be trying to get into Storybrooke at the exact time that Belle was casting the cloaking spell.
The Darling’s license plate is from Minnesota.
Ariel’s bracelet is only enchanted for 24 hours.
Pan senses when Ariel leaves Neverland.
There’s a No Shirt, No Shoes, No Service policy at Granny’s.
Emma and crew rescued Neal from the Echo Caves the day before according to David.
Pandora’s Box contains the World’s Greatest Evil.
Emma only yells Hook’s name when the Shadows take him and Neal.
I’m going to assume that it took longer to rip Hook and Neal’s shadows from their bodies because they’re from the Enchanted Forest, whereas when they just ripped Greg’s from his body in a few seconds, it was because he was from The Land Without Magic.
John uses Happy’s axe when he attempts to destroy Pandora’s Box.
Wendy looks pretty good considering she’s been in a box for over a century.
It looks like Pan finally has his plan moving into place, now that he has Henry believing, Emma is not playing into the love triangle at the moment, and both David and Mary Margaret will be staying in Neverland once this is all over. Rumple now has Pandora’s Box, so let’s hope he is able to use it and actually defeat Pan.
Please leave comments and reblog! Let me know if you’d like to be tagged in future reviews.
@searchingwardrobes​​​​​ @thisonesatellite​​​​ @justbecauseyoubelievesomething​​​​​ @laschatzi​​​​​ @profdanglaisstuff​​​​​ @mariakov81​​​​​ @lfh1226-linda​
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swiss-cheeze · 5 years
Harry Hook || Maddening Future
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This is a MALE X MALE insert.
Harry x MALE! Reader.
Okay now we got that out of the way, please enjoy and remember requests are always open.
“Have you any idea why a raven is like a writing desk?” where the only words etched into Harry's wrist that Harry had not chosen to be there; the words your soulmate and true love would say to you where written on every prince, princess, king, queen, villian and villians child somewhere on their body. The thought that Harry even had a soulmate baffled the pirate every day, who could love a thief, pirate, criminal, betrayer and every other word you could think of, the sentence plagued Harry like a shadow over his shoulders with every minute he didn't have his soulmate with him, it felt empty but he didn't know why. Evie snapped her fingers in front of Harry's face to get his attention again.
“Harry! Hook!” Evie exclaimed, each words pronounced with a clap of her hands, Harry finally looked at the girl in front of him with wide eyes, “oh good, you're back” the girl said with a tight smile. Harry cleared his throat.
“Well lass, me thinks it’d be a good moment to take a breather dontcha say?” Harry said with a grin, hoping it would charm the blue haired girl, she only smiled tightly before moving to the front of the class. That was a no, Harry sighed as he wrapped his arms around his head on the desk.
“You get into a sword fight,” Evie started, Harry's head popped up quickly at the mention of a sword fight, “do you A, give up, B, try to work out the problem like civil people, or C, kill the person you are fighting.” Evie asked, Harry knew what answer the girl wanted.
“How about D?” Harry said rhetorically with a grin, “where you gut them with your hook and feed their insides to the crocodile!” Harry said a little too enthusiastically even for himself, Evie let out a soft sigh.
“Come on Har, what's got you like this?” Evie asked, the girl put down the pointer stick she had and walked over to Harry, pulling up a chair the girl sat in front of the desk as Harry put his head in his hands.
“Got me like what?” Harry mumbled into his hand, covering most of his words.
“You’re dissociating, you aren't paying attention, daydreaming.” the girl paused, “is...is it your soulmate?” Evie asked softly, the topic of soulmate was dangerous on the isle and for the isle kids even as most of them never believed they were ever going to find their soulmate or ‘true love’. Harry took a moment to consider his options before nodding softly.
“I just…” the pirate paused as he didnt know how to tell his feelings, “it’s so vague and I never know if ill ever be able to find ‘em,” Harry looked to Evie, “don't get me wrong i don't care who they are, daughter of Peter Pan or son of Pocahontas ,” Harry shrugged, Evie didn't want to seem fazed at Harry's swift coming out about dating a boy, she should have been used to it or at least known. Gil and Harry where always close, the same as Carlos and Jay, they had always been vocal that they would get together if they ended up falling for each other or the other was their soulmate and yadda yadda but Carlos found Jane, his soulmate as Jay was still searching but the pair is never one to shy away from a little bromance or male affection.
“May i ask what it says?” Evie said aloud, she saw Harry took a moment, almost taken aback by the fact that she wanted to see but nodded none-the-less as he gripped his right hand sleeve and pulled it off, his hook had been discarded to his left as he did this, trusting Evie not to go for it. Harry sighed softly as he saw the ink on his skin, it was a soft sigh that didn't go unnoticed by Evie, a sigh of content, almost like he couldn't wait for the day he found the one for him.
“I always wonder what it means to them,” Harry wondered out loud, Evie didn't stop him as she didnt want to ruin the perfect moment, “is it a motto? Something they live by? A lyric? Song? Title?” Harry sighed as he drifted his thumb over the words before he reeled his head from the place it was, tugging the sleeve back on as Evie quickly stood back up with a smile.
“Get this right and I'll let you out five minutes early,” the girl said as she turned back to the blackboard, Harry let out a bored sigh as he looked to Evie with a ‘you really want me to answer this?’ look, Evie grinned wider knowing exactly what was going through Harry's head. The pirate groaned.
“Fine! B! There, happy, can I leave now?” the pirate asked as he grabbed his hook and pointed to the door, Evie sighed softly but nodded.
“Go on, enjoy the woods and have a stroll Harry, clear your mind of seagulls” the girl called out to the retreating pirate.
“Only thing on my mind little lady is the one on my wrist!” the pirate called back before exiting the room and making his way to the enchanted forest; maybe a leisurely stroll won't be too bad to clear one's head, a berry bush along the way to keep up his needs and he’s set.
A few people tried to stop Harry along his way simply to ask for him to sign their petition or to ask for an interview they needed for a class but Harry declined (surprising himself and the other as he declined with a ‘no thank you darling, maybe later’, before quickly realising and walking away). Harry sighed softly as he felt a wave of relief and calmness over take his body as he entered the enchanted forest, the forest always had a spell cast upon it that it would help anyone who entered it any bit it could, in Harry's case it was to just be calm and not worry so much. The leaves on the trees blew in the wind as the birds got carried through the sky, the leaves and sticks crunched under Harry's feet as he walked, his hook glittering when it hit the rays of sun poking through the leaves, a soft humming came from Harry, “as the world falls downnnnn” the pirate sung softly, “Are you, are you coming to the tree, where they strung up a man they say murdered three. Strange things did happen here, no stranger would it be, if we met at midnight, in the hanging tree.” Harry sang his lullaby softly before continuing his humming of the song, that was until a soft tune caught the pirates ears, a high tune that was upbeat and lively, one that wanted the pirate to dance. A smile made its way to Harry's face as he walked closer to the music, a small blue gate stood in the way between Harry and the place he desperately wanted to be, the pirate unlatched the gate and stepped in as the dirt twisted beneath his shoes, lively music was something that always got Harry going. A long table faced Harry as he was at the end with no one around besides the voices he heard on the opposing end, a lovely voice filled with hope and cheeriness, it enchanted Harry as the pirate stepped forward.
“Would you like some more tea my dear?” a voice asked, a grin evident in the sound.
“Of course by dear but only half!” another voice answered followed by loud cackling, the air was soon filled with breaking china and a clinking of sorts, Harry cocked an eyebrow as he finally got close enough to see everyone occupying the table. A boy sat in the biggest chair at the head of the table, his hat reminded Harry of the Mad Hatter it looked almost identical, the boys coat had a large collar with one side sticking up to the brim of his hat while the other was laid down, his hands were encased in white lace gloves while a sewing pillow laid across the back of his hand, held on by a strap. The boys eyes had a brilliant blue to them that Harry could see from his place as his red painted lips and crazy eye makeup didn't do enough to accentuate his features, but from far away Harry couldn't tell all that much, around the boy was broken china, spoons, teapots, saucers, cups and all different types of cakes and desserts scattered on the table, ground and the boys own clothing and hat including his disheveled hair that poked out from under his hat. Next to the boy stood a small girl on a chair holding a sword, in front of her was another girl with a crazed look in her eyes, tattered clothing and large bunny ears plastered onto a headband. This crazy bunch intrigued Harry to no end.
“Darlings!” the girl with the sword yelled out, “we have company!” every pair of eyes turned to Harry as the boy paled for a moment before a grin overcame his features.
“Couldn't help meself love, heard such a beautiful sound and couldn't resist” Harry said as he bowed down, “‘arry Hook, at your service” the pirate grinned as he looked up, but his grin soon faltered as the group in front of him burst out laughing.
“ELLO GOV!” the girl with bunny ears yelled at as she stood on top of her chair and did a silly pose, “WELCEME TO OUR UN’BIRFDAY” she yelled in a weird accent.
“Unbirthday?” Harry asked softly as he took a seat next to the girl with ears.
“An Unbirthday is whenever your birthday, ISNT!” the girl cackled next to Harry.
“Ye a pirate aint ye?” the girl with the sword asked in a fake ‘pirate’ accent as she kept one eye closed and a weird grin on her mouth, Harry grinned as he held up his hook.
“On of the best lass” Harry said with a grin, at this point Harry realised the boy at the head of the table hadn't said anything and was simply sitting with his hands in front of him, fingertips against the opposing hand, looking through the brim of his hat gave Harry a demeaning look.
“Ain't ye meant ta be in scool?” the bunny eared girl continued the accent as she cackled, the girl with the sword threw a cup to the bunny girl who quickly dodged the china before cackling again.
“Could ask ye the same question” Harry mumbled as he looked around the table with a cocked eyebrow, the girl with bunny ears cackled softly as she held out a tea cup before pouring the tea from above before grabbing a spoon and dumping as much sugar as she could into the liquid.
“Spoon…” the girl gasped softly as she looked to the spoon in mesmerisation. The one with the sword rolled her eyes before walking across the table to Harry and holding her hand out.
“I’m Molly Mouse! Me mum is Mallymkun Dormouse, Mally for short” the girl said as she shook Harry's hand, the pirate had a soft grin on his face as Molly let go of his hand and the girl with ears turned to him holding out her hand as a teacup dangled from one of her fingers.
“Tussle Earwicket! Daughter of Thackery Earwicket the March ‘air!” the girl exclaimed as Harry took the girls hand cautiously before she ripped it away two seconds into the shake to throw the teacup to the boy at the head of the table who simply caught it with his hand, still in his position Harry saw him in; staring past the brim of his hat, this silenced the table as both girls seemed to almost cower into their seats and their eyes drifted anywhere but the boy.
“And ‘o may you be my dear?” Harry asked moving forward on his elbows with a grin as he chin rest on his knuckles. The hatted boy twirled the china around his finger before throwing it back to Tussle who dodged it yet again before cackling loudly, so loudly and full heartedly she fell off the back of her seat, this had not seemed to faze anyone as Molly went back to sipping her tea, however the boy caught Harry off guard. Standing on his chair the hatted boy stood on top of the wobbling table and walked to Harry's direction, kicking plates, cakes, tea sets, pots, spoons and anything else in his way as he finally stood still in front of Harry, the pirate was about to look up to the boy but before he could the hatted boy swooped down and leant on the balls of his feet, knees bent. His head was bent down and only his mouth could be seen, a dark demeanor seemed to cloud the table as Tussle slowly brought herself back to the table.
“Have you any idea why a raven is like a writing desk?" the boy whispered softly, Harry's eyes widened as his breathing quickened and his throat closed in on itself all at the same time, the pirate was at a loss for words for a moment before getting pulled back into reality.
“Now why would someone like you, be asking someone like me why a raven is like a writing desk?” the pirate whispered softly, he had gotten closer to the boy and was now face to face. The boy wore brilliant eye makeup of blues, whites, yellow, orange and red as white and black mascara and eyeliner accentuated his features even more so then the white paint around his face, the boys red painted lips curled into a smile as he tipped his hat up with a flick of his finger to fully look at Harry.
“Terrence Hightopp, son of Tarrant Hightopp,” the boy paused as he took in all of Harry's face, the sharp jawbone, beautiful eyes, cheekbones and glorious black eyeliner, “also known as the Mad Hatter, the Hatter or just, Hatter” the boy spoke in a soft voice drizzled in caramel, “you, Harry Hook, have a very strange, unexpected and…” the boy paused as his smirk almost grew bigger as his eyes drifted over what felt like every inch of Harry's face and body, “mad” the boys eyebrows lifted as his eyes widened, “life ahead of you,” Terrence paused for a moment again, “since you are my soulmate” the boy whispered, Harry grinned as his eyes sparkled with mischief. Terrence grinned as he stood up to his full height, holding one hand on his shoulder as the other stretched out in front of him, he was about to declare something before a raspy voice cut through the air, it was at this moment Harry realised that the air had changed, the sky looked a little dimmer and Terrence had orange hair peeking out from under his hat.
“Down With the Bloody Big Head” the voice rasped softly, Terrence changed in that one fleeting moment as a body appeared at the opposite end of the table the hatter boy had previously sat at. Another beautiful boy with soft blue hair, large blue cat-slit eyes, black stripes, ears and a tail, his clothing seemed almost royal thought it had its rips and tears, the clothing seemed almost tiger like besides the blue and black accents. The new boy was looking at his nails in a poised femimine way, “I wouldn't suggest i ever got an invite now would i?” the new boy said softly, though he was a little ways away his voice came out as if he were in Harry's lap.
“We would suggest no invite, as you had just invited yourself” Terrence said raspily, as Harry looked up to Terrence the pirate realised his makeup had darkened to almost completely black and his eyes turned a bright vibrant orange, deranged.
“I always invite myself, you used to be the life of the party Hatter” the new boy grinned wickedly, he seemed to know the buttons he was pushing on Terrence, that was until the new boy seemed to finally realise it wasn't just the four of them and instead was five, “my my my Terrence, keeping a jewel like this to yourself; how selfish” the boy said before disappearing for a moment, a soft laughter floated through the air as Molly, Terrence and Tussle looked around hoping to spot the cat-like boy, that was before the boy appeared on Harry's lap, straddling the pirate to which his hands flew into the air and was almost terrified to touch the new boy, “‘ello lovely” the boy said softly as a finger made its way down Harry's jaw, a growl came from Terrence.
“You get your grimmy cat hands off my Harry, you guddler's scuttish pilgar-lickering, shukm-juggling sluking urpal. Bar lom muck egg brimni-!” Terrence started.
“HATTER!” Molly yelled, Harry quickly looked to the smaller girl who was standing on the table, from the distance she was at (which wasn't much compared to Terrence) she was only up to the hatters waist. Terrence turned to Molly as his eyes and makeup changed back to their original colours.
“Thank you” the hatter said in a strained voice, the cat-boy chuckled softly as he made his way off of Harry.
“You know im only ever teasing you Hightopp” the cat-boy said as he made his way to Terrences chair, he pointed a finger as an asking of ‘can I sit?’ to which Hatter nodded.
“Not this time Cess, our new guest here is son of Captain Hook from Neverland and is my soulmate, this is one you don't mess with” Terrence said, the hatter jumped down from the table and stood next to Harry, the pirate took this time to stand up, soon releasing his new boyfriend towered over him just the tiniest bit. ‘Chess’, or cat-boy Harry now dubbed the new boy nodded solemnly in understanding.
“Understood Terrence” Chess said before his eyes slid to Terrence’s hat, “you do know how much i love your hat” the cat-boy grinned with wicked sharp teeth.
“Not even if the Jabberwock killed me and my hat was the only thing that is left of me” Terrence said with a mad grin, Chess sighed softly before nodded.
“Yeah yeah” the cat-boy said sadly as he slumped in the chair, Molly and Tussle then began throwing more china at each other as Chess soon joined in; Terrence bent down ever so slightly to Harry's ear.
“Let's leave them as we get to know each other, hmm?” Terrence asked, Harry turned to the Hatter.
“Tell me about the hat” Harry said quickly, “then we walk” the pirate grinned as he knew the smile charmed the hatter.
“Fathers, family heirloom. Chess’ dad loved it and then the obsession got passed down to his kid” Terrence said with a shrug, “now let's go, the moon is out” Terrence pointed out. Harry looked to the sky and there in the middle was the biggest moon he ever saw.
“But...it was only midday when I left Auradon” Harry said as he and Terrence started walking, the hatter grinned and chuckled.
“You’re in Underland now darling,” Hatter said as he walked backwards with his arms over Harry's shoulders, Harry seemed a little scared at Terraces words but the hatter soon backtracked, “Hook, im kidding,” the Hatter said with a grin, “we get out of the forest and it'll only be like one, it a little part of Underland we have to ourselves without leaving the country” Terrence said, Harry nodded as he maneuvered the Hatter boy to his side, Terrence putting his arm over Harry's shoulder as Harry had his arm around the Hatters waist.
“I never thought I'd find my soulmate” Harry said absentmindedly, the stroll had only just started but he felt as if he knew Terrence his whole life.
“Neither did i,” Terrence said softly, “my father always loved soulmates and was thrilled when he found my mother, I was thrilled when I first read the words on my hip but I always thought I was too mad to be loved, i was a simple hat makers kid,” Terrence shrugged, “i didnt realise my dad was really famous until i was like ten, but I still believed I was too mad of a person to be loved” Terrence sighed softly as Harry turned the boy around and held the Hatters shoulders.
“Love you are amazing, i only just met you but i want to spend the rest of my life with you; im a lowlife criminal, thief, swordfighter, barfighter and chippe shoppe waiter. You are my soulmate and I am yours, i want to get to know you and I want to fall in love with you every day of my life and wake up to find your face next to mine in the same bed, holding you softly and making sure you’re okay” Harry took a breath as he looked into Hatters eyes with full generosity and honesty.
“Go on a date with me” Terrence said with a grin, “anywhere”
“I would be delighted darling” Harry said with a grin before bowing, his hooked hand was high in the air as Terrence curtsied with his coat, both grinning widely at the maddening future ahead of them.
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themadlostgirl · 5 years
*Hello! I am back and I have requests!*
Prompt: Shy Y/N has been pining after Peter for a long time without saying anything. Until one night he stumbles into her tent drunk as a skunk.
Requested by: anon
Warnings: none
I’ve never given much thought on my relationships with the opposite sex. Growing up I didn’t know a lot of boys and those that I did were barely acquaintances. So when I started living on an island that almost completely consisted of them I found myself a little nervous. After some stressful accommodation I grew to really like all the lost Boys. To a degree that is. One out of all of them though held my interest the most.
The leader Peter Pan.
I couldn’t quite explain why. He was unlike anyone I had ever known in both personality and actions. I found myself watching him when I had nothing else to keep my focus. When he fought he was scary, so quick and sure in every movement. The intensity in his gaze chilling. But when he was playing games he was more relaxed but still focused. Like he didn’t want to let on how much thought he putting into his next move.
Then there was the time I found him on the beach. He was in the shallows where the waves met the shore. Shoes long forgotten as he splashed his feet in the water. The pipes he kept on his person at all times played a simple calming tune. A small smile on his face as he went about. It was the only time I saw him completely at ease. There was no mask. No role to play. This was the boy behind the name.
I almost felt like I was intruding on his privacy. As if this were a moment not meant to be seen. Yet I couldn’t look away.
I smiled and watched him disappear down the beach splashing his toes in the water and playing his simple tune. Then my heart missed a beat as a realization came to me. I was in love with Peter Pan.
I never told a soul of course. How could I? If anyone knew they would laugh at me. What was I but a silly girl with her silly emotions wrapped up in her head. If Peter knew...I didn’t want to imagine how he would react.
Not to say it stopped me from daydreaming. Wondering what it felt like to be held by him and to dance with him. Imagining him confessing his undying love for me and kissing me softly. Most of all I imagined that night I realized I loved him. I imagined being there with him as we strolled down the beach. Our hands intertwined and sweet nothings whispered in my ear.
Some days I even let myself believe it could be a reality. Moments I searched for more meaning in. Like when he assisted me in my training, taking extra care to make sure I was doing everything right and well. Or when I flippantly mentioned how much I missed reading and he showed up with a couple books the next day. The one night he asked me for a dance and I was so nervous I missed a step and made us fall over. I was a mess but he gazed at me softly and asked if I was alright.
Dumb little moments he probably didn’t think twice about.
It was the one night that it all came to a head though. Peter was missing from the camp again as was pretty normal. There would be days at a time when Peter had just gone from the island with no explanation. It put me in a dower mood but if anyone noticed they didn’t say anything.
I turned into bed early and ran my finger of the spine of books next to my cot. At least one good thing that came with Peter’s trips off the island was that he always returned with trinkets for me and the boys. At least I assumed the boys also got something. Peter couldn’t just be getting me books and knick knacks and not the others.
I let out a sigh and blew out the lantern near me. Hopefully Peter would be back in the morning.
I had just closed my eyes when I heard someone shuffling around outside my tent. Who was here? Usually the boys are decent enough to not come harassing me when I was trying to sleep.
“Anybody home?” my eyes snapped open. That was Peter’s voice.
“Peter?” my heart started to beat faster. He was home!
“Y/N!” Peter stumbled into my tent and fell face first into my lap.
“What are you doing?” I pushed him off with a laugh.
“Wanted to see you,” Peter mumbled as he struggled to right himself. “Couldn’t remember which tent was yours though.”
“Are you okay?” He was acting really weird, “Are you sick?”
“Yes.” he leaned in closer towards me, “I am very sick.”
The smell of booze hit my nose. “Peter, did you raid Hook’s rum supply again?”
“He sucks at hiding it. It’s his own fault.” Peter pouted. “You gotta help me. I am super sick.”
“No, you’re drunk.” I sighed and started to pull him up, “Let’s get you back to your tent, buddy.”
“I don’t wanna! I wanna stay here.”
“In my tent?”
“Nope.” I tried to pull him up but he wouldn’t budge. “Peter, come on! Get up!”
“No, I wanna stay!” he collapsed onto his back and I stopped trying to get him standing.
“Why?” I groaned as I sat down next to him, “Why can’t you go rest in your own tent?”
“You’re not there,” he rolled over so he was facing me. Even inebriated this boy was able to give me butterflies.
“Why does it matter if I’m there?” I asked him.
“Cause I like you.” He reached out a hand and placed it on my thigh, rubbing his thumb back and forth, “I’ve always liked you.”
“We are good friends…” I mutter not wanting to get my hopes up.
“No!” he snapped and pinched my leg, “Not friends!”
“We’re not friends?” my heart started to break.
“I don’t wanna be your friend. I want to be more.”
“Oh…” my heart started racing again, “When you say more, what do you mean?”
He looked at me with a dopey little smile on his face. “I wanna be able to kiss you.” he whispered, “I want to hug you and fall asleep next to you. I wanna tell you stuff that I can’t say when we’re friends.”
Peter’s confession had shaken me to my core. He wants...oh my god.
It may just be the alcohol talking. I’ve seen him intoxicated enough times to know he probably won’t remember any of this come morning. It is only for that reason that I pry further.
“Peter,” I cradled his head in my lap, “What are your feelings for me exactly?”
He stared up at me with those big green eyes and poked my nose, “I love you. I love you! I love Y/N!” he got increasingly louder until I was forced to cover his mouth. “I wanna tell the world! I love you, Y/N!”
“Yes. Yes. I heard you.” I shushed him. I didn’t want the boys to hear and come eavesdropping if they weren’t already.
Peter just said he loves me. Peter loves me. Peter loves me! Okay. Remain calm. We can’t rely on this information. He is severely intoxicated. He could just be spouting nonsense. The thought made me sad but it only lasted a moment.
All I had wanted. Everything I had wanted to hear and it was becoming a reality. Even if the confession was soured some by his drunken state. I could hold the memory of Peter Pan saying he is in love with me in my heart.
“So?” he stuck out his bottom lip.
“Does Y/N love me?” he asked.
And here I thought that his drunken declaration of love would be the most shocking thing I heard tonight.
“Do I love you?” I could barely keep myself from shaking. I couldn’t even look at him I was so nervous. “Well...um…”
“It’s okay if you don’t.” Peter whispered in the saddest voice ever. He sounded devastated. “I just wanted you to know how I felt.”
“Wait, Peter,” I took a deep breath to try and steady myself. There can’t be any real harm can there? He’s drunk and won’t remember any of this when he wakes up. At least if I said something now I could get it off my chest with no repercussions.
“I love you too.” I traced his cheek with my thumb, “I’ve loved you for a long time now but I was just too shy to say anything. I didn’t want you to think I was clingy and I wasn’t even sure you thought of me that way. But I do. I love you, Peter.”
“Good,” he yawned, his face stretching into a big dorky smile, “I guess that means we’re in love.”
“For as long as the rum is in your system.” I nestled myself back into my sleeping position, “Sure, we’re in love.”
“Can I stay here then?” he asked.
“Yeah.” I wrapped his arms around me, “You can stay.” If only to pretend that this was real for just a minute longer. “Now go to sleep.”
The pair of us fell asleep in love. In the morning it would be just me in love with my leader again and Peter probably wondering why he was snuggled against me with a huge hangover. I knew it would hurt but I got my heart broken every day. What was one more day?
Peter woke up first. Y/N was still fast asleep in his arms.
He was so glad that last night had worked out.
Acting like he was drunk and confessing to his shy little Lost Girl that he was in love with her had been the easy part. She didn’t take any of it seriously, safe in the thought that none of it would be remembered by him, which made saying it a whole lot easier.
He was in love with his Lost Girl.
He wasn’t sure how it happened. One day he was lounging in a hammock as the boys danced and hooted around the bonfire. Then he looked across the way and saw Y/N sitting on a log. Her gaze lost to the flames that lit her features and made shadows dance across her face. Fire burned in her daydreaming eyes.
Peter’s heart froze and he couldn’t tear his eyes away from her. She wasn’t doing anything. She was just sitting there with a contemplative smile, completely unaware of the world around her. In that moment he had nothing but the intensest need to join her by her side and lay her head on his shoulder.
He tried to forget about the moment but in the subsequent days that followed it only solidified. Her wide smile when she laughed, her focus when she was training, the happy melodies she hummed to herself all the time. Every little bit of her ingrained itself on him until he was forced to accept it.
He loved her.
Of course Peter didn’t want to scare her away with his feelings, especially if she didn’t feel the same way. So he did little things to put her at ease and hopefully convey what he felt. Bringing her books, helping her at training, offering her interesting trinkets he found in his travels that he thought she’d enjoy. He tried asking her to dance once but he could tell she was uncomfortable with it so didn’t ask again.
Finally it became too much. He needed to know if she felt the same way. But he couldn’t say anything that would put him in a compromising position so devised a plan to get to the truth. Act drunk and then confess. Not his most elegant ruse but it had worked.
Now came the hard part though. Telling her he was pretending and that he does in fact remember everything he said and what she said.
“Y/N,” he whispered, “Y/N, wake up darling.”
“Hmm?” she peered at him through squinted eyes. “Peter?”
“Mm,” she closed her eyes again, “Nice dream…”
He pressed a finger against her lips and smirked. “Not a dream, Lost Girl.”
She bolted up right, brushing the last of the sleep from her eyes. “Peter--you--what are you--”
“Calm down,” he chuckled, “Don’t you remember last night?”
“Last night?” she took a moment to think, “Yeah. You were drunk and decided to sleep in my tent.”
“Yes, about that…”
“Wait,” she inspected him closer, “Why aren’t you hungover?”
“I have a small confession.” he reached for her hands, “Last night I wasn’t actually drunk. I was only pretending to be so that I could confess to you and see if you felt the same way about me.”
“You were pretending to…” a look of horror passed over her face, “Oh my god. Please tell me you’re joking.”
“Afraid not, darling,” he pulled her just the tiniest bit closer, “I meant what I said last night. And if you meant what you said then there’s nothing to be embarrassed about.”
“I still think there is plenty to be embarrassed about.” she pouted. “I didn’t think you liked me that way.”
“I do. I have for a long time now. When did you start liking me?”
“Forever ago. I can’t even remember anymore.”
“Well, I guess there’s only one other thing to do.”
“Which is?”
“We confessed to being in love with each other and I am really liking this just woke up look so I am going to kiss you now.” he closed the distance between them and left a long soft kiss on her mouth. He’d be lying if he said a little thrill didn’t go up his spine when she started to kiss him back.
This was a new adventure he couldn’t wait to start.
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nothingeverlost · 5 years
Fic: Company for Dinner (Little Miss verse)
The day before her birthday Belle invites Ariel, Eric and Neal to dinner.  her father invites Gus Aston.  Nothing turns out as expected.
He spent the evening polishing the silver.  It was a job he should have assigned to one of the maids, but he needed something to do with his hands that didn’t take any focus.  He couldn’t stop his mind from wandering.
Belle was back.  The two weeks she’d been gone had been a reprieve, the first time he’d actually been glad of her absence from the house.  And yet he walked around every corner half expecting to see her.  Half wanting to see her.  Belle’s absence meant two weeks without Mr. Aston and Gold felt no confusion about that subject.  If he never saw the man again it would be too soon.  It was unfortunate that he was at the same house party as his young miss.  Damn the man.  And damn Maurice French while he was at it.  Belle deserved so much more than being pushed into a marriage with a lout of a man that didn’t understand the point of a book unless it had pictures, a man that enjoyed killing animals for sport, a man who had no appreciation for her interests, intelligence, or imagination.  She deserved so much better.
Perhaps she had found it.  There was a new gentleman upstairs for dinner.  Belle had glowed when she’d spoken of meeting Mr. Cassidy at the party.  She spoke of books they had both read and places they both wanted to travel.  He was good friends with a prince, certainly an important man in his own right.  Gold hoped he was kinder than Mr. Aston.  Hoped he was more worthy.  Wished he was on the bottom of the ocean.  Belle was a day away from her 20th birthday, she didn’t need to marry.  There was still time.
“Damn it.”  He’d been working on the same spoon for more than five minutes.  The only one around was the scullery maid, at least, who was doing her best to avoid pulling his attention towards her.  He’d been more short-tempered than usual in the last few weeks, and the staff were all doing their best to avoid his notice.
Caught up in his brooding he almost missed the sound of steps on the stairs.  The maids should be upstairs getting the rooms ready for the evening.  No one else had a reason to come down to the kitchen.  He heard someone talking to themselves in a whisper, and closed his eyes for a moment to fortify himself.
“Miss Belle?”  He could see her shadow, long and thin on the stone floor.
“I just needed a moment.”  She came down the last few steps but hesitated at the doorway.  “I didn’t mean to bother anyone.”
“You’re never a bother, miss.”  Her father was trying to push her out of her home; he was not going to make her feel any less welcome.  Since she’d returned she only wound up downstairs when she was upset.
“You might be the only person that feels that way.”  She wore a dress of emerald green, the beads catching all the light in the room and making her sparkles as if nothing else had any color.  The shoes were too tall, catching on the uneven patches on the floor.  It was concern for her, and nothing else, that had his staring at her legs.  They were bare from the knee down. 
“You can take a break, Cindy.  Please find someplace else to be right now.”  Rum dismissed the maid, who seemed more than happy to find something that didn’t involve scalding water and soiled pots.  For the minute it took her to leave he was silent.  “Anyone that finds you to be a bother isn’t worth your time.”
“I suppose it’s less about finding me bothersome and more about seeing me as odd.  Papa would rather I was more like other girls.  And Gus too.”  She wrapped her arms around herself, hands clamping around her bare arms.  It was warm enough in the kitchen that he knew it wasn’t about warmth.
“What of your guests?  I hear we’re entertaining royalty this evening.”  The household had been in a flutter for days, knowing a prince was coming.  Gold hadn’t given him a thought.  It was the other guest that had occupied his mind.
“Eric is besotted with Ariel, and Neal doesn’t mind my peculiarities.  He knows so many of the same stories we do, Rum.  The Odyssey, Peter Pan, so many of our favorite adventures.”  For the first time since coming below stairs she looked something other than miserable.  She liked the young man.  “Gus wishes to speak with me.  My father ushered everyone else to the drawing room so we could be alone.  I thought I had more time, Rum.”
She dropped her gaze, trying without success to hide the tears that gathered in the corners of her eyes.  He had a clean handkerchief and for just a moment thought about drying her eyes himself.  A foolish thought that he rejected when he handed her the cloth.  “He’s not worth your tears.”
“It’s the first birthday I’ve had at home in three years.  He’ll want to make an announcement and then it won’t be about my birthday anymore, it will be about the future Belle Aston.  I’m losing myself already.”  She held the handkerchief but didn’t use it, a single tear falling down her cheek.   He’d seen her cry before but not since she’d returned home.  The tears of a child had made him want to comfort her.  The tears of a woman, the woman he loved with all of his heart, made him want to thump someone with his cane and then comfort her in ways that were completely inappropriate. “I thought I’d come up with a way to at least slow this all down but my father ambushed me with this tonight.  He’s so eager to finally get the son he’s always wanted.”
“If he’s so eager for Mr. Aston to join the family it’s not too late for adoption,” Gold huffed.  It earned at least a small smile from Belle.  
“It would be a better addition than that horrid Mrs. Mills he’s had over lately.”  She made a face he understood completely.  For a man that spent most of his time working and was still, after a decade, trying to prove his value it wasn’t hard to see why Maurice French was taken in by a woman like Regina Mills.  As for Regina, her interest had nothing to do with the man and everything to do with his bank account.  He’d heard whispers about her, two mysterious deaths, and a fortune that was being spent far too quickly to last.
“Some people have standards.”  Rum limped over to the sink and filled a teakettle and a glass of water, leaving the kettle on the stove and bringing the cup back to the table.  “Drink up.  We’ll have tea shortly but the cool water will soothe your throat.”
“I can’t stay down here.”  She looked over at the stairs that led to the upper hall and wherever Mr. Aston was waiting.  Gold wished he could set that room, whichever it was, on fire.
“You can stay for a little while.”  It wasn’t much of a reprieve, what he could offer.  A cup of tea and a few minutes of safety.  At best Aston would be annoyed enough to leave but he’d be back tomorrow.  He couldn’t just let her leave, though.  “No one would think to look for you here.”
“It’s not too late to run away and become pirates,” she said, slightly in jest but mostly with wistfulness.  “I could though, couldn’t I?  Not the pirate part, but I could leave.  Run off somewhere.  My father isn’t going to just accept me refusing Gus.”
His heart all but stopped at the idea of her leaving.  Being alone in the world with no one to look after her.  A lifetime of not knowing where she was, if she was safe, if she was happy.  “I don’t...”
“Belle?”  Despite his assurance someone, apparently, had thought to look for her below stairs.  Not Maurice; the voice wasn’t deep enough and the steps were too light.  It was a man, though, and not Aston which left one of the evening’s other guests.  Gold’s hand tightened on the handle of his cane. 
“I can make them leave,” he offered, looking at the still visible tear stain on Belle’s cheek.  
“It’s alright.”  Belle shook her head.
A moment later a young man came down the last few steps.  He was, perhaps, a few years older than Belle, his skin tanned and healthy looking, his body whole.  He smiled when he saw Belle.  “Ariel said she thought she say you come this way.”
“I just needed…” She frowned a little, probably at a loss to explain why she was in the kitchen, speaking with the butler.  She picked up her glass of water, taking a sip.  “Were you sent to find me?”
“No, I was worried.  I made an excuse to your father and doubled back to the dining room but you weren’t there.  That Aston cad was pacing, doesn’t seem to be a patient sort.  I don’t trust him, Belle.”  He wasn’t predisposed to like the young man speaking so informally to his Belle, but at least they shared the same opinion of Aston.  That was a point in the boy’s favor.
“My father expects us to announce an engagement tomorrow.”  A pained expression flickered across her face.  Gold’s hand fluttered at his side.  He wanted to touch her but even without the stranger it would be a bad idea.
“Then we beat him to it.  I’ll tell everyone tomorrow we’re engaged.”  The stranger spoke so glibly, so easily about an engagement.  He’d never even heard of the lad until a few days ago and he thought he was worth Miss Belle’s hand?  
“Engaged?”  He spoke louder than he should.  He shouldn’t have spoken at all, not in front of the other man.  He was the butler, a servant.  He didn’t care.  “Belle?” 
“Neal’s helping me,” she tried to explain, turning towards him and pressing a hand to his elbow.  Her touch was warm, almost uncomfortably so.  It was rare that anyone touched him, other than her, and it had been weeks since she’d had a reason to do so.  “It’s not real, but he’s my friend and we thought...”
“Papa?”  He’d all but forgotten the man in the room, his focus on Belle and her hand on his elbow.  The news that she was engaged, and the explanation that she wasn’t made him dizzy and for a moment he didn’t understand the word.  Not until the sound of the voice penetrated his heart.  The voice was deeper, the accent all wrong, but in that moment he could hear an echo of that same word.  It had been twenty years but it was still the most precious sound he’d ever heard.  He turned to the stranger, hair less curly, but almost the same shade, taller, a man grown.  The eyes were the same.  How had he missed that?
“Bae?”  He stumbled a little, catching himself on Belle’s shoulder without thinking about right or wrong or formality.  He barely thought about anything but the fact that he couldn’t stand on his own and she was the only person he could trust to be at his side.  He wasn’t aware of how tight his fingers dug into her muscles or the marks he was leaving on her skin.  
“Rum?” He could feel Belle looking at him even though he couldn’t pull his gaze away from the man apparently going by Neal now.  The man with an easy smile and a straight back, looking healthy and whole.  
“My boy.”  He couldn’t stop staring at him, just a few steps away.  A minute ago his stomach had tightened in pain when the stranger had entered the kitchen and spoken of an engagement to Belle.  A stranger who he had no reason to accept as any more worthy than Mr. Aston.  Now his stomach was just as tense but for a whole other reason.  His son.  Twenty years of grieving, of fear, of not even knowing if his Bae was still alive and through some miracle they stood in the same room.  
“How is this possible?”  Bae - Neal - took a step forward, eyes squinting in the low light of the kitchen as if he couldn’t trust his senses.  “You were in Scotland.”
“I couldn’t bare to stay there after, not without you.”  They had been gone.  He’d sent Bae off to school one day, Milah still abed  When he’d returned from work the cottage had been dark.  Milah’s things had been gone and most of Bae’s clothes, though most of his toys had remained.  He still had them, the ball and the stuffed rabbit, the blanket that was almost worn from so many washings.  For twenty years they’d been all he had of his boy.
“He’s been here since I was ten.”  Belle spoke for him, her voice seeming farther away than was possible considering he still used her shoulder rather than his forgotten cane for support.  It wasn’t fair of him.  He tried to move away but she leaned closer, their sides almost touching.  It seemed like the only warmth he felt was from her closeness.  
“Milah said you didn’t want us.”  He didn’t miss that his son called his mother by her name.  Didn’t miss the sound of pain in his voice either.
“I always wanted you, Bae.  Always.”  He almost couldn’t breathe to imagine his boy thinking that he was unwanted.  He would rather his son hated him than thought himself abandoned.  “I looked for you.  I paid a detective but after a year there were no leads and my money was running out.”
“She said it was an adventure.  We went to Germany, Spain, France, Greece.  Lived on a ship for a while and an island.  She married a man named Cassidy, and changed our names.  It wasn’t the last time she married but I stopped changing my name.”  Neal spoke without emotion for a minute, a recitation of facts no different than giving a report in front of a class.  Afterwards he seemed to find the floor very interesting.  He didn’t look up before asking, “You really searched for me?”
“I did, Bae.  I swear I did.”  He took two steps closer to his boy, letting go of Belle for the first time, his steps uneven.  It was all he needed, Neal meeting him more than halfway.  His boy didn’t vanish like smoke this time when he reached to touch him, not like he had a thousand times in dreams.  Instead warm arms wrapped around him.  His son was taller than he was.
He didn’t realize Belle had moved until he heard her steps on the stairs.  He had a thousand questions to ask his boy and a desire to just stare.  Belle mattered just as much, though, and she was trying to face the lions alone.  “Belle you can’t.”
“You need time alone, just the two of you.”  Tears brimmed in her eyes.  “It’s amazing, Rum.  Your son.”
“It’s a miracle, and it’s because of you.  Stay, have some tea.”  He was scared to watch her leave, knowing what waited above stairs for her.  He was scared, too, to be alone with his boy.  What if he was a complete disappointment and his boy left?  What if he said the wrong thing and lost him all over again?  “Please?”
“I’ll come see you before I retire for the evening, Rum.”  When she touched his hand she was trembling.  Or maybe it was him.
“Belle?”  His boy was only a step behind him.
“I’ll see you at the ball tomorrow, Neal.  For my birthday.”  She smiled at him, genuine but not happy.  “I’m so glad for you both.”
And then she was gone, up the stairs with barely a sound.
“She won’t really marry him, will she?”  Even though he couldn’t see Belle Gold found it hard to look away.  It was only the fact that it was his son asking that he finally turned.
“I don’t know.”  The teakettle was boiling, and had been for the last few minutes.  He limped over to the stove and took it off the heat.  “She doesn’t like to disappoint her father.”
“What kind of father is he?”  Bae sounded angry.  Gold was too tired for anger tonight.
“Very opinionated and full of bluster when he’s around. An absentee father, much of the time.”  Gold winced, remembering how much he had to miss of his son’s life even before he’d lost him.  It had taken long hours of work to keep a roof over their head and food on the table.  “Never the father she deserved.”
“You love her.”  His boy stared at him as he mechanically made two cups of tea.  The honey pot slipped from his grasp when Bae spoke, smashing to the ground in a sticky mess.  No one knew how he felt, not even Belle.  No one could know.
“She was a wee lass when we met, not much older than you were before I lost you.  Of course I care about her.”  It wasn’t wrong to admit to that much.
“Papa, I saw the way you looked at her.”  His son’s hand was strong, when it wrapped around his wrist, keeping him from bending down to clean up the mess he’d made.  “Let me clean this up.”
“She won’t be happy with him.”  He took the tea to the table, hoping that sugar was an acceptable sweetener.  His boy had loved honey as a child, but he didn’t have any more.  “She deserves to be happy.”
“We’ll figure something out.”  His boy sounded certain when he came to the table, sitting across from him.  He wished he had half as much faith.
Gold’s smile was unconvincing, but he didn’t argue.  “Tell me about you, Bae.  Tell me everything.”
“Everything?  It’s been twenty years, papa.”  His boy’s grin was achingly familiar.
“Tell me anything you want.”  It was the only good thing he had right now, his boy sitting across from him, speaking to him.  He wanted two things in the world, and by some miracle he had one of them.
“Remember how I used to dream of being a pirate?  I was as sick as a dog my first week at sea, when Eric taught me how to sail.”  His Bae began his story and Gold did his best to focus completely, and not think about what was happening above stairs.
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Opposites Attract
Request: hey may I request a one shot for your Peter Pan story if yes can you, use my real name (Zai) instead of Y/N if you please and can you have me pans total opposite like sweet, shy everything he would hate but in the end he falls for her and becomes really protective
Pairing: Pan x Zai
Warning: None
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Part 2 >
It was so surreal, everything around me seemed to move in slow motion as if I were a character stuck inside of a movie, high pitched ringing pierced through my ears and stung my brain like a thousand tiny knives pricking it. An uncontrollable tremble grabbed a hold of my body refusing to let go, toying with my muscles as though I were nothing but a puppet on a string dancing for the demon that now had possession of my tiny frame.
The air was cold, so very cold, nipping and scratching at my fare skin as I silently sat on the leaf-covered floor. So many questions ran through my mind, too many to count, too many to keep ahold of. What was this dark place I had found myself in?
Dirt and pinecones filled my nostrils as I took heavy, deep breaths in and out, in and out, in and out.
A pair of eye's shot daggers at the back of my head, sending shivers to travel up and down my spine. The knotting in my stomach became apparent, growing tighter and higher by the second. I tried my hardest to fight off the fear which coursed through my veins and stole my heart, but I couldn't. There was no power in the world, no bribe was big enough, and no prize was worthy enough to get me to turn around and meet the eyes staring at me.
As time passed I felt more and more eyes creep up behind me, taking their place and just silently watching. That's when I heard them, footsteps, shuffling, whispers in the night running through to cold air from person to person, or perhaps from monster to monster.
"What have we got here boys?" A jovial voice sounded, too old to be a child's but it held the power and wisdom of a thousand lifetimes.
"We-we think it's a girl, Pan." Another said.
Pan, so that was the creature's name. In any normal circumstance, someone might jump for joy at the sign of another person, but this was no normal circumstance and the confirmation of other people only made my skin crawl. Every red flag was waving and alarm bell ringing, I was not safe, not one bit.
"She might be dead, or unconscious," Someone sounded, "she hasn't moved in a while."
Whoever this Pan was leant down close to me, so close I could feel his breath travel down the nape of my neck. He placed two gentle fingers on my pulse, paying for a second.
"She's not dead," He confirmed, "James and Dan set up a tent for her, Felix see if she has any wounds and take care f them if she does."
It was Clear Pan had authority over everyone else there as if he were some kind of mayor or leader, the boys named did nothing to displease him as their footsteps grew quieter and quieter.
"Where are you going, Pan?" A rather deep, husky voice spoke, curiosity dripping off every word yet he was confident in his ways. Maybe he was somewhere higher up on the food chain in this strange land that he had to power to question and possibly even disobey.
"To ask the shadows why they bought a bloody girl to the island." His tone had changed, sounding more aggravated than intrigued.
There were no other words exchanged between the two and I could feel myself being lifted off the cold ground, I felt weightless in the arms of this stranger that I was too afraid to look at.
Perhaps I would become a burden to the boy, but I had no energy left to think about that, I had no energy left to think about anything. I wanted nothing more than to drift off into a peaceful sleep but my body would not allow it for the danger had not yet passed, it kept trying to fight and fight but finally lost the battle and sleep had won out.
I woke up, my head pounding like there was no tomorrow. I found myself in a white tent, laying upon a mattress, only a thin blanket keeping the cold from consuming me. Swinging my legs over the side of the make-shift bed I walked towards the fabric flaps, sunlight poured into the room as I pulled them back, almost blinding me.
A tall figure hovered over me, blocking out the sun. For a split second, he looked like a dark, black giant but once my eyes adjusted I took a closer look at his face. Is pale blue eyes stared at mine for what seemed like a few minutes, becoming familiar with my brown ones. I noted down the scar that ran down his cheek, how did he get it?
"Pan," He called, "she's awake."
My eyes averted to the boy, who looked no older than seventeen, quickly stalking towards us. Panic flashed through my body enduring my paralyzed, there was nothing I could do but watch as they got closer and closer despite the urge of wanting to run and flee.
His eyes stood out to me the most, the vibrant green colour seemed to radiate off him, capturing and gaze and holding it there. This boy had power, that much was obvious, what scared me was how he used it. There's no doubt in my mind that he could mortally wound or even kill me if I looked at him the wrong way, the safest route is to be obedient otherwise I could end up dead.
"Follow me." He said sternly, I didn't dare speak, I didn't dare to even breathe I just nodded my head in his direction before silently following after him like a little lost puppy.
One step after another I felt more and more eyes scanning over my body, however, I would never meet anyone's gaze. I wouldn't dare give any of these people the satisfaction, after all, they still need to tell me how I got here in the first place. I felt like an animal caged up in the zoo, just a pretty and unusual thing for them to stare and gawk at, all the meanwhile missing my home.
A pain shot through my chest, a deep aching at the thought of my family and friends, at the thought of everything I had left behind.
"Sit." The leader spoke, snapping me from my thoughts.
I complied without any issues, placing myself onto the wooden stump poking its head out of the ground to say hello to the golden, glowing sun beaming down on everything below it. I hadn't noticed just how beautiful this place was in the day time, the lush green trees, the birds tweeting, the odd deer walking by before scattering and running off from the wild people whom they shared the land with.
I felt his strange green eyes watching me, finally, I had worked up enough courage to look into them. They were filled with wonder and amazement, much like a child seeing snow for the first time.
"You can start by telling me your name," The boy's thick British accent becoming prominent.
"Zai," I whispered, nearly audible but he heard it and so did the forest.
"Zai," He repeated as if he were testing out how my name sounded on his tongue, "Cute. Now, what are you doing on my island?"
Oh, so it was his island.
"I don't know," I said, my tone sickly sweet but the boy in front of me could tell I was being genuine.
"You're a strange one aren't you?" He claimed, tucking a piece of hair behind my ear an act that made my cheeks turn a deep shade of red as I desperately tried to hide my face from his view.
I should be afraid, I should be terrified, running for the hills and never looking back. There was danger behind those vibrant green orbs, so much danged but for some reason that only drew me in more. The very thing that should make me leave is the same exact thing compelling me to stay, how can that be?
I had never been one for diving into the deep end or taking risks, I liked to be in control of my fate and how everything played out, I know this boy could never give me security so why am I being pulled closer and closer t him?
He's attractive yes, as if he were chiseled by the God's themselves, but it's more than that, it's deeper than that. The risk, the excitement of it all is what drew me in and managed to hold me there. Maybe staying here wasn't as big of a heartache as I previously thought.
"Well I guess that's irrelevant, I'll be sending you home now." He announced.
"What makes you think I want to go home?" I asked, standing up defensively.
He raised a single eyebrow at me, the expression on his face caused me to shiver, "So you want to stay little one?"
I could feel a smile creeping its way onto my face at his words, "Perhaps to do, I could be of use to you,"
I desperately tried to come up with a list of jobs I could do just so he could let me stay, although I was still scared I had this feeling deep inside on me. Way down in my bones as if I were meant to be here as if my soul belonged here.
"I can cook." I blurted out.
Only to be met with a smirk, "My boys can cook too."
"I can clean," I said.
"So can my boys." The leader retaliated.
"Can they?" I asked, raising my eyebrow to him, mimicking his previous actions, he gave a low husky chuckle to my somewhat sassy comment.
"Oh, I'm sorry princess, is it not up to your standard?" The boy smirked in return, toying with me a little. He could sense when I was on edge, I knew he could, maybe a skill he had picked up in the years that he had been alive.
"Please, I'll do anything, anything you ask of me!" I pleaded, hoping and praying that he would allow me to reside here with him.
"It doesn't matter what you want." His demeanor suddenly turning nasty at the flip of a switch, the green eyed boy stalked closer and closer to me until my back had been pressed against a tree, leaning down he whispered, "I don't have girls on my island, you're weak I have no need for your kind."
I felt my blood being to boil, this misogynistic-
I held myself back from doing something that I regret, out of the fear that I could possibly end up dead at any second.
"Maybe they are where you're from," I said in a low yet innocent tone, my words sounding like a smooth lullaby slipping into his mind, "But I am different."
"Fine, I'll be interested to see how long you last around here." He stated, "I'll get Felix to show you around."
He took a few steps back, giving me the space that I craved. I let out a breath that I didn't know I was holding in until now. Pan's comment not only sprinkled fear and dread into me once more but also seemed to excite me as if I had something to prove to these people. One thing was apparent, they were not people I wanted to play with or tourment. I was better off just seeing how this plays out and trying not to end up dead in the process.
Within the day I had circled around the island twice seeing all the beautiful sights and scenery as Felix, who is the second in command around here, told me what was what. His explanations were only met with a nod as I was far too shy and nervous to open my mouth around him or any of the boys for that matter. Luckily for me, Felix wasn't much of a talker either, we spent most of our little adventure in awkward silence.
The more I explored the more I wanted, no longed to stay here. The crystal blue seas, the majestic waterfalls, the tall towering trees, and the white sandy beaches. This place seemed like paradise, shame the people who inhabited it didn't radiate the same energy.
The once pale blue sky turn to a dark navy as tiny, white sparkling dots hang high in the sky, a roaring fire was situated in the middle of the camp the boys all sat around eating, laughing, and having a good time. They all seemed so happy, yet the damage behind their eyes was apparent, they all had the same look behind them.
I felt a presence sit down beside me, "Zai," they spoke, to which I said nothing. I didn't turn my head to look at the person whose voice I had heard not hours before.
Before I knew what was happening a hand was placed under my chin, forcing me to look in their direction, "It's not a wise idea to ignore me, little one."
"Sorry," I whispered, I knew he heard my faint words but I wasn't entirely sure they made that much of a difference.
"Funny, just hours ago we were having a perfectly fluent conversation and now you seem so shaken up you're hardly getting your words out, tell me, why is that?" He knew what he was doing, it was apparent, he knew he had the upper hand, he knew I was still scared.
I shrugged at their so-called king, not giving him the satisfaction he craved, he wanted me to squirm, but I wouldn't allow that to happen.
As the days went by my shyness didn't disappear or get easier, in fact, it seemed to get worse. I was on edge, especially around Pan, it wasn't hard to tell that the boy was ruthless.
It was hot, the sun beaming down on the island. We all slowly walk deeper and deeper into the forest the boys not only thankful for the shade but excited for the activities ahead. Pan had promised us a game of target practice, something that I had learned I was terrible at.
Silently, I watched from afar as the boys took turns shooting apples off one another head. Of course, there were many injuries but they loved the thrill of it. I got many stares, none of which I paid any attention to, but what riled me up the most were to comments.
"What's she even doing here?"
"Why would Pan allow a girl into the camp?"
"Look at her she wouldn't even hurt a fly."
"She doesn't have what it takes to be one of us, she's too sweet."
"I wish she would just go back to where she came from."
Biting my tongue, I tried not to let their words get to me. Sometimes I fantasize about those boys tied to a tree, no means of escape or survival, I would pull the arrow back tight, stretching the string of the bow before letting go. The arrow would soar through the air before landing deep into their skulls with a satisfying think, bullseye.
I could feel the wicked smile on my face grow as my heart became that little bit darker. What was wrong with me? I had never wished ill will upon anyone before, so why was I starting to know. Maybe it was the island, supplying me with anger as if it were some kind of git, some means for survival if in a wretched yet beautiful place.
Suddenly, everything stopped and silence grabbed hold of everyone around. My interest was peaked, I rose from my makeshift seat to see what was going on. There the leader of the lost boys had one of his very own pinned to a tree by an invisible force, choking and spluttering as his legs kicked and kicked.
I wasn't sure what had brought this on, but my gaze was held hostage by the scene unfolding before me, the boy begged and begged apologizing relentlessly, but none of that mattered to Pan. We all stood there and watched, some boys with tears in their eyes as their friend asked for mercy and was not given it, I almost felt bad for the boy until I had realized who it was.
Adam, the little ring leader of the group of boys who liked to push my buttons.
We all looked on as the light slowly left his eyes, his cold body slumped to the floor, no one dared to move.
"Fun's over boys," His powerful voice boomed, echoing all over the forest, "Get back to work."
One by one the boys went back to camp, they were shaken up, but not as bad as I was. I still felt a sense of remorse for the poor boy, but the more I reminded myself of all the things he said the sad about it I felt. I still wasn't able to take my eyes off his lifeless body until there was no one else around apart from Pan.
I looked up at him, but no words left my mouth, they were all choked up in my throat. The smirk on his face let me know he was proud of what he had accomplished a minute ago, what kind of a monster was he?
He left, leaving a wink as his parting gift to me.
A cold shiver ran down my spine, I didn't like what he had done and worst of all I didn't like how he had just made me feel.
I hope you guys like part 1!!
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melyaliz · 5 years
Canary 7
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Canary Masterlist  
Fandom: Marvel / MCU
Summary: No walls, no boundaries, just two people trying to figure each other out. 
Pairing: Loki x Reader 
Notes: What do you guys think of the progression? do we want to speed things up or slow them down? Is there enough tension or not enough? 
Because the next chapter is going to be kind of... interesting 
All Masterlists @melyalizarchive​
Connect with me! AO3 / Instagram / Pinterest
“Why my son, why do you do these things.”
“Maybe because I love disappointing you so.”
“I’m not disappointed I’m concerned.”
“As always I have gotten out of trouble, no need to be worried mother.”
“Always chasing after the wrong ones, will you ever let your heart breath?” 
She was avoiding him. Of all the things he had done this was the one that made her avoid him. 
Which made little to no sense seeing as he had said and done worse. 
Was it because Tony had been there? Loki knew that she held Tony in high regard. Why he had no idea, but it was evident by the way she acted around him. Always spoke with respect and even did what Loki couldn’t get out of her. 
A laugh. 
Regardless of what it was, she was avoiding him. 
And he hated it. 
If there was one thing Loki hated it was being avoided, being left out. Sure, he was being a bit of an ass but why couldn’t she just yell at him like everyone else? Why did she always have to hide, run away? Put up those walls. 
It was infuriating. 
Besides, it was undignified for royalty to be like this. Searching for a present. A mere mortal. 
“Maybe try the library” Wanda’s voice cut into his mumblings as he was about to storm out of the kitchen again not seeing the little canary. Her words halted him causing him to turn slightly, casting a wary glance at the small witch. 
The brunette didn’t acknowledge him going back to her bowl of soup that Vision had made for them all the night before. Her spoon slowly stirring as the liquid-cooled. It was clear that Wanda wasn’t his biggest fan but he was getting desperate at this point. 
Well, maybe not desperate. Lokie never gets desperate. More like frustrated,
Yes, frustrated. 
The witch was right. 
Among the large shelves and plush couches by the large bay window was his canary. 
Her legs were tucked up under a fluffy blanket that was drabbed around her. Nose deep in a book so caught up in its pages the world around her was nothing but a backdrop. A quite lovely backdrop. The light of the noon sun seemed to cast a beautiful glow around her catching her in the right way that seemed to make her almost glow. 
No shields or bubbles. Just her and that book. 
He could hear the sound of the pages softly turning and her breath as her lips gently played silently over the words. He had seen her reading before but due to her powers, he never knew if she read aloud or just moved her mouth. 
Maybe it was just the soft means of sunlight but her eyes seemed to glow as she sat there swept up in the world of the book she was reading. 
Peter Pan
For a moment he saw something he had never seen in her.
Total peace. 
He craved it. That comfort with oneself. No airs no boundaries. Just pure bliss and comfort. As an outsider looking it, at that very moment he had never seen anything so pure and beautiful. 
Had he ever felt that way? 
For a moment he considered just leaving. Letting her live in that moment. No one deserved that peace like she did. 
Then the moment passed. 
“She emerges.” 
Her eyes lifted from the book to him meeting his green eyes with a look that made him feel slightly sick. He wasn’t sure why his stomach clenched that way as if the ground had shifted slightly and everything felt slightly off balance. For a moment he felt like a child caught in the cookie jar mixed with the feeling of excitement of getting to ride a horse for the first time. 
“I wasn’t hiding”
“Well, I couldn't find you.”
“I guess you weren’t looking in the right places.” 
With a slightly flourish Loki took a seat on the footrest in front of the large plush chair she was sitting on. Legs spread slightly hands resting between them he watched him, she met his gaze with the same curiously.
“What?” it was her simple question, her voice pure and raw. No filters, no hidden pitches. 
“Can I not sit here?” he asked back. A slight edge to his voice, testing the waters. Seeing if that same anger that had resided previously was still there. How did she feel about him at that moment? 
“I’m just surprised you are not invading my space.”
“I can if you so desire.” now he was teasing, a light lick of the lips and a flicker of mischief in his eyes told her that. 
“This is actually nice” a simple smile, “I get to actually look at you.” 
“I am a sight to behold.”
It was gentle, like a morning breeze, refreshing and cool. Waking him up and lighting up his senses. 
Her chuckle.
“Where is your bubble?” 
“I thought you didn’t want it around.” 
“This is true but you know what I really want.” he was leaning forward watching her mimic his actions. Both of them being pulled to the other by some invisible force. Trapped in a tide that could not be fought off. 
“What?” her voice slightly breathy, 
“I want to hear your laugh.” 
He could hear her smile, the breath being pushed out of her as it played on her lips but that was all. He knew it wasn’t her laugh. That her laugh was something else. The way he had seen her body shake as her eyes would scrunch up. 
He wanted to hear that. 
“Why do you care so much?” 
“Because you don’t want it to be heard.” 
“Maybe it’s not worth being heard.”
“I doubt that.” 
“Well good luck with that” her voice rang with a bit of amusement. And like that Loki knew he was forgiven for what he had done. He knew they were back to their games of back and forth. Watching each other keeping their own secrets. 
He knew he was so close to getting what he wanted he could almost taste it. 
“Where are you going?” he asked as I stood pulling my sunflower blanket up folding it over my arm.
“I need to change into real clothes,” I said trying to keep my voice flat, normal. No powers just my own will. He knew when I used them, for some reason he always knew when I was faking my pitch. When I was putting up my walls. 
What I couldn’t figure out was why? 
Why did he care so much? 
And why did he want to hear my laugh? 
Part of me wondered as I walked down to my room, his words still flying around me. Did he know? How could he? 
How could anyone know much I hated my laugh. 
Tagging: @royslittleharper​​  @the-shadow-of-atlantis​​ @coffee-randomness​​ @daisyboobear​​ @nilthanious​​  @jason-redhood​ @hello-i-lovespiderman-blr @ocelysium @pinkwitch21 @tomhncharliep
Loki: @wayward-hell​
Canary: @baybay123455 @rizanendoza808 @dragonrosegardens @6-daughter-of-a-witch-6 @califorina-grown @2s0uls @oh-no-a-whovian
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