#Pining kirishima eijirou
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"Give me back my hoodie and I'll give you back your panties." He said.
"Do you promise?" The both of you said with fingers crossed behind your backs.
Both of you at the same time ::: "YES."
You walk to your respective rooms. He sits on the edge of his bed with your pretty lacy panties wrapped around his dripping cock and you curl up with the hoodie that still smells deliciously like him, rubbing your favorite vibrator over your clit at the most painfully slow setting so you can make it last longer and envelop yourself in his smell.
Both of you at the same time ::: Saying each other's names, cumming across the hall from the person you're fanticizing about.
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@arlerts-angel @viburnt @darkstarlight82 @dreamcastgirl99
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punkeropercyjackson · 5 months
A lot of y'all are WAY too comfortable and too often associating underaged characters with sex.I actually don't care that teens irl fuck and often have dirty senses of humor,i know they do because i have two teen siblings and a bunch of friends who're also teenagers who i'm close enough to that i see them as my siblings too and i've politely told them i don't want them to make dirty jokes to me because it makes me uncomfortable as an adult and obviously i didn't need to tell them to not talk about the shit of that nature irl.I support Sex Ed being taught in schools so kids don't slutshame themselves or others or think something's wrong with them or get taken advantage of but i really don't think they're gonna get that from 11k pwp smut of characters who're canonically in high school or nsfw memes about popular young love ships and ESPECIALLY not oversexualized redesigns of characters their age.Can you be normal about minors?Can you be fucking normal about minors,especially ones involving pg media either as in-universe aspects or the irl fans expressing discomfort over it as you invade their safe spaces?CAN YOU!!!!!!!!AWNSER THE QUESTION
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eggsdrawings · 2 years
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heart eyes
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Incoming doodle dump YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED
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I actually had time to draw today, yayyyy. It’s getting harder and harder to make time for relaxing art and not school art.
Poor Kirishima, I feel ya bud.
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writerswho · 7 months
Bakugou: Deku completes me.
Kirishima: Um, hello?
Bakugou: You’re nice too.
Kirishima: I’m your boyfriend!
Bakugou: Yeah, but Deku is my soulmate.
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scarlet-traveler · 1 year
Whenever Katsuki came to Izuku’s door waving his Switch with an invitation to play a game long after his bedtime, it was always clear that something was bothering the blond. He worked through whatever was causing him duress by kicking Izuku’s butt at a video game of his choosing—better than the alternative of literally kicking his butt and risking them both having house arrest again, or worse.
Sometimes they would even talk about it. Not always; sometimes Katsuki would just stew in his feelings, and over time they would dissipate as he got lost in the game, but other times the thoughts would be too much and he would end up venting to Izuku about whatever was on his mind. He was proud, knowing that their relationship was at a point where Katsuki trusted him with his innermost thoughts.
So when his rival/friend showed up at his doorstep with a challenge of Puyo Puyo Tetris of all things, Izuku didn’t pry. He just let him in, grabbed his own console, and waited to see what Katsuki had to say this time.
“What do you think of Kirishima?”
Except that wasn’t what Izuku had been expecting at all. A random student who had particularly annoyed him during the day, poking fun at his past? Sure. An assignment he was nervous about? Maybe. But this?
His thumbs fumbled over the joystick, and the long piece he’d been about to place slammed down on the wrong spot, not getting the Tetris he wanted and also blocking up his next few moves. Next to him on the bed, Katsuku gave a derisive snort before sending several rows of garbage to Izuku’s screen.
“Aw man…” Izuku worked to clear some of it away before addressing the previous question. “What do you mean, what do I think of Kirishima?”
“I mean, what do you think of him?”
Izuku gave him a look. “That doesn’t clear anything up, Kacchan.”
“Just answer the damn question, nerd.”
“Well…” He ruminated on the question for a moment, the only sound between them the click of tetriminos slamming down and their characters’ battle cries. “...he’s a really nice person, and an amazing hero. I’ve noticed he’s been getting better in terms of his self-esteem in regards to his quirk, so he’s been able to push himself farther than he has before when he’s creating new ultimate moves—there was one I saw him trying out in training the other day and it was so cool! I forgot to ask him about it, I should do that tomorrow-”
“Deku,” Katsuki cut in, voice dripping with exasperation. Better than the fury he’d often aimed at him at the start of the year.
Still, Izuku flushed in embarrassment and muttered out a “sorry” before continuing. “But yeah, he’s a very capable hero, he’ll make it into the top ten for sure, especially since he’s so compassionate and gets along with pretty much anybody…but what do you think of him?”
Katsuki didn’t immediately answer. He also started making mistakes as he played, ones he usually wouldn’t. Izuku snuck a glance over; Katsuki’s eyes were locked onto the screen, but he looked distracted, his thumbs fumbling over the controls. What was most damning though was the bright red blush that stained his cheeks, illuminated by the flashing lights of the game.
Izuku paused the game, and that got Katsuki to snap out of his daze as he glared at the younger boy. “Oi, what the-”
“Kacchan, do you like Kirishima?”
Katsuki sputtered, “The fuck? Why the hell would I like that shitty-haired bastard?”
Izuku might have believed him if not for the flush spreading to the rest of Katsuki face and ears. Izuku cocked an eyebrow, looking at Katsuki in disbelief.
“I don’t!” Katsuki said, his voice rising a pitch in defense. “He’s a dumbass and a fucking himbo that I gotta help with class every goddamn day, and he always calls me ‘manly’ and shit whenever I do anything, which doesn’t make sense because all I did was explain basic fucking trig or some shit! And he’s always obsessing over his shitty hair and making sure his roots don’t show, and he makes me check them to make sure they’re not—which I do, otherwise I’m gonna hear his whining for the rest of the day. And he’s fucking smiley at anything that movies, like at the dogs he sees on patrol and when I make him something he likes for dinner and it’s fucking annoying! So no, for you information Deku, I don’t like that bastard.”
Katsuki’s chest was heaving from exertion after his miniature tirade, the red still ever present on his cheeks. Izuku just hummed, nodded, and with complete confidence said, “You know, that’s a lot of stuff to note about somebody you don’t like.”
Katsuki balked, opened his mouth, closed it, glared at Izuku with the power of a 100% Detroit Smash, before averting his gaze with a frown that looked more like a pout. “Fuck you.”
Izuku held back a snort, instead turning to fully face Katsuki. “I think it’s okay if you like Kirishima, you know. And I think you two would be a good match for each other! You’re already really good friends, and you balance each other out.”
While a small part of Izuku was a little envious of the friendship Katsuki had with Kirishima when their own had been shaky for the better part of ten years and was only starting to get better recently, the rest of him was glad that Katsuki had somebody like the redhead. Somebody who cared for him wholly, not for his quirk or his intelligence, but for him, rough edges and curse-riddled sentences and all.
“Whatever,” Katsuki mumbled shortly, but Izuku didn’t miss the soft look in his red gaze as he stared down at his lap, the small smile tugging at his lips. It only lasted for a brief moment before he was snatching his Switch back up, competitive smirk back on his face. “C’mon, lemme beat your ass real quick so I can go to bed.”
Izuku rolled his eyes but complied anyway. “You can’t beat me that easily, I’m good at this game t- how did you already send trash over?!”
Katsuki’s cackling could probably be heard across the entire second floor of the dorms. But he seemed better, so Izuku didn’t complain about the absolutely insane amount of garbage he had to clean up now. Not much, anyway.
“Hey, Midoriya!”
Izuku looked back, pausing in his walk back to the dorms as he saw Kirishima jogging up to him. “Hi Kirishima! Is everything okay?”
The redhead stopped next to him, slightly panting. Still, he had his usual bright smile as he nodded. “Yeah, everything’s fine! But um-” His smile turned sheepish then, his hand going up to scratch the back of his neck like he tended to do when he was nervous. “Is it cool if I talk to you for a minute? Alone…?”
His eyes flicked up to look over Izuku’s shoulder, and he looked back as well; Uraraka, Iida, Todoroki, and Tsuyu, who he had been walking with, were all still there, watching the exchange unfold. “Oh, sure. I”ll meet you guys back at the dorms.” He waved after his friends as they continued walking, and Izuku and Kirishima fell into step a ways back, trailing behind the rest of the class. “So, what’s going on?” It was a little strange for Kirishima to be coming to Izuku for help with something. Not that he minded, of course not! He was honored that his classmates felt that they could come to him in times of need, a far cry from middle school. But usually Kirishima would go to Katsuki, or Kaminari, or any of the rest of his own friend group.
“Nothing much.” Kirishima still looked nervous, and there was also a light pink tint to his cheeks now. “I just wanted to ask you something about Bakugou, since you’ve known him the longest and all.”
Ah. That made a lot more sense. It made Izuku more curious, though. “Okay…what about him? I don’t think he’d be very happy if I gave you embarrassing stories from our childhood.”
“Nah, it’s not that!” Kirishima laughed, before gaining a thoughtful expression. “I wouldn’t mind getting some of those, though, just between the two of us. But no, uh, I-I wanted to know how to impress him.”
Izuku blinked up at him. “Impress Kacchan?”
“Y-Yeah! Just, y’know, out of curiosity.” By his darkening face and the skin visible between his fingers that were still over the back of his neck, Izuku could deduce that Kirishima wanted to know for more than curiosity’s sake.
Izuku’s gaze drifted ahead, finding Katsuki near the front of the group. He was with Kaminari and Ashido, and even from this distance Izuku could tell that they were purposefully annoying him, Katsuki’s shouts heard several feet away, though the words were indecipherable. It wouldn’t have been as bad if Kirishima were up there with him instead of back here with Izuku, the redhead possessing a gift to mollify even the loudest Baku-rages without making Katsuki feel like he was in the wrong.
And that was the thing. Throughout their first year Izuku has seen the depth of Kirishima’s influence on Katsuki, their influence on each other. There was a hard-earned trust formed early on, an understanding of each other that Katsuki might not have initially noticed but it was still there. It was how they got along so well, how Kamino had ended in the best outcome imaginable. They just got each other. And after his talk with Katsuki the other night…
Kirishima was wanting to impress Katsuki, but he was the last person who needed to. Because he already had.
“Why don’t you try being yourself?” Izuku said aloud.
“Myself?” Kirishima’s head tilted, confusion evident on his face. “Why would he be impressed with just myself?”
Kacchan was right, he really is a himbo, Izuku thought.
“Well, Kacchan already likes you enough to call you his friend—not that he would use those exact words since he still acts like he’s allergic to friendship—and he seems closer to you than everybody else, so…” Izuku shrugged. “Yeah.”
Kirishima stared at Izuku with wide eyes like he’d told him the secrets of the universe—or maybe even those aforementioned embarrassing Katsuki stories—his mouth slightly agape, before his gaze was drawn to the boy in question. Katsuki had finally managed to fend off Kaminari and Ashido, and he was stomping up the stairs to the doors of Heights Alliance. Before he went inside his gaze turned out to the school grounds, narrowed eyes sweeping the class before they landed on the redhead. They held each other’s gaze for a brief moment, but it was long enough for Izuku to see the happy grin on Kirishima’s face as he waved, the softening of Katsuki’s eyes and the reddening of his cheeks as he gave a little wave back before hurrying inside.
Kirishima lowered his hand, staring after the closing door with a look Izuku could only describe as positively lovesick, drooping eyes, dopey smile and all. “Yeah…maybe you’re right.” He turned a giddy smile Izuku’s way. “Thanks, man! I really appreciate it!” And with a hard clap of a hand on Izuku shoulder Kirishima was running off toward Heights Alliance. Chasing Katsuki down, no doubt.
Izuku shook his head as he watched him go, but he couldn’t help but smile. Katsuki and Kirishima really would be good for each other. Izuku just hoped that their conversations with him would help them confess their feelings for the other sooner rather than later.
Fic written for @krbkevents KRBK Month 2023 Day 29: Mutual Pining! Also on AO3, let me know what you think!
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hyuge · 9 months
Cold Hands, Kind Hearts
Kirishima has never considered himself a “hand kink” kind of guy, but when he looks at Bakugou’s hands, with their years of calluses and the slender digits, he thinks he might be. They fascinate him in a way no other set of hands has ever before. He knows, he’s compared them, taken notes on his former classmates and friends. He held them in his hands, the warmth permeating his skin, but it was never quite right. And Bakugou’s hands, despite how they radiate explosive energy, are always slightly cold. He keeps his hands tucked in his pockets to keep them warm. His posture usually comes off as defensive, like he’s putting up a wall to keep others out (he is, but not all the time), but in reality, he just needs to feel warmth on his hands.
And Kirishima, he likes the slight chill in Bakugou’s hands, the way they cool his heated skin. He likes interlocking their fingers and breathing warm air on Bakugou’s cold digits until their temperatures match. What’s the saying? People with cold hands have kind hearts? Bakugou has a kind heart, it’s just not always clear for everyone to see. Kirishima though, he knows. He knows exactly how kind Bakugou really is.
There’s a little bump on Bakugou’s middle finger from the way he holds a pencil. Kirishima has to resist the urge to kiss it. It sticks out quite noticeably with how long and slender Bakugou’s fingers are. It calls to him like a siren’s song, luring him into the depths of the ocean. He would gladly drown.
Kirishima’s mind has also wandered to less reputable places. The shape of Bakugou’s hands is dainty, and he can’t help but think how he might enjoy having them wrapped around his throat or his—well, you know. The marks they would leave on his body if Bakugou squeezed a little too hard or activated his Quirk could fuel his desires for weeks. It would be hard for him to leave his bedroom after that. So yes, he’s thought about it a lot. He had never considered himself a pervert, but the way he gets lost in thought when he sees Bakugou hold something perfectly poised between his fingers has him thinking otherwise. He must be a pervert. Who else would think about their best friend’s hands in such a way?
Admittedly, this wasn’t a recent development. Bakugou’s hands have always been strong and powerful, they must be, given the nature of his Quirk, but Kirishima hadn’t realized how soft they were too; not until the first time they held hands. When the adrenaline wore off, he was left with this tingling sensation in his palm where Bakugou’s hand had been. Nothing he had ever held before felt more perfectly fitted to be there than Bakugou’s hand.
It wasn’t until much later that he realized how bad he had it—when their hands would occasionally bump while studying, the way Bakugou’s wrist flexed when he’d go to hit Kirishima on the head (sue him, it was worth seeing those slender wrists even if it meant getting whapped with a notebook), or the way he looked when he would absently bite down on one of his fingers while thinking. Gods, Kirishima wanted to bite those fingers. He wanted to put them in his mouth and feel them on his tongue. Kirishima wanted to taste that dangerous sweat that secreted from his palms.
But he couldn’t voice these thoughts and desires. To do so would be paramount and would shatter the relationship they have carefully built over the years. Kirishima would just have to hold it together, try not to think about it, move past it, anything to keep from letting his desires be known.
It was too damn hard though, especially when Bakugou would rest a hand on Kirishima’s shoulder and lean in close, his lips but a breath away from the shell of Kirishima’s ear and say, “are you ready to go?” Kirishima gulps and nods his head. The weight of Bakugou’s hand on his shoulder leaves a lingering heat as he blasts himself into the sky, with nothing but smoke and wanton desire left in his wake.
A #12DaysofFicmas gift for Gar, @animlcrisscross, @drabblethrough, and Britt. Merry Christmas.
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vlendi · 2 years
Help. Trying to find a fic I read a long time ago where it was a bakugou x reader and I remember that reader worked at a cafe shop and they had a week where they dressed as different characters like one day they were different princess and one day they dressed as their favorite pro hero? It’s a fic it was SUPER long and I really wanna read it again
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pleathewrites · 7 months
bellow the fire into my deadened lungs
chapter 4: i am the antichrist to you
(summary) | dabihawks, todoroki family, seroroki, kiribaku, aizawa & class of 1a, ua traitor
Bakugou Katsuki kicks the seventh rock that’s encountered his path in this hell of a street. He’s never been to this part of town, his cell service has never been so shit, and he’s convinced the last three people who’ve bumped into him haven’t showered in weeks.
He’s about to give up until he spots a vaguely familiar pair of blue sneakers. They’re torn, dirtied down into a shade of dull navy, but the four written initials still stretch across the midsole.
KH. NT. AT. 
The shoes are right, but the skin-wrapped skeleton of the body who wears them is someone Katsuki does not recognize. 
Dabi’s horrible rasp rings loud in Katsuki’s ears — ‘I’ve heard about you, it’s pretty easy to get info from hungry delinquents.’
Kemuri Hashiga and Nagai Tesaki, once bright and plump juniors, sit outside the worst halfway house Katsuki has ever fucking seen, passing around either a cigarette or a joint. 
The same boys who used to complain of their fathers’ smoking habits. 
‘Really? You don’t even keep up with the very kids that followed you around everywhere? Your ‘extras’? Man, maybe you are the perfect pick, huh. A little bully to quirk-less kids, you’ll fit in here just fine.’
Katsuki takes a deep breath, adjusts the hold of his wrapped bento, and stomps forward for answers. 
Kemuri’s black hair is wild as ever, but it’s the resigned look in his eyes that falters Katsuki’s step. 
“Long time, no see, Bakugou.”
And, Katsuki, well, he’s never been one to beat around the bush. He drops the towered bento between the two kids — ‘according to that patchwork son-of-a-bitch, they need to eat.’ — and demands, “What the fuck happened to you? You guys were rich.”
Long, spindly fingers snake around the bento like pale garden snakes. Katsuki suppresses a shiver, he never did like Nagai’s quirk — the sound his fingers would make when extending always reminded him of those overly-gory horror movies. 
Nagai doesn’t say anything. He won’t even look up, his face shadowed by greasy strings of hair that droop past his shoulders. 
Katsuki used to like his hair, it was always shiny and thick. Brown, with the most subtle highlights one could only see when it was spring and sunlight would beam from the classroom windows right over his seat. He used to complain of overheating during these times. Katsuki used to send small explosions around his chair to make him sweat.
‘I’m not like that anymore,’ Katsuki begs of himself. 
He squats down to their level and watches as the two tear into the bento like hungry wolves. 
He waits until they’ve had a few pieces of meat and some rice, “Where’s Akairo? I can’t find anything on him.”
Katsuki whips his head to Kemuri, “What?”
“Yeah,” grains of rice dot the boy’s cheeks. Kemuri brings the bowl up to his face and licks the bowl clean, “Thought you knew. Dumbass made a deal to be some old fucker’s experiment — thought he’d get stronger, or something. He never got into a hero school, and he liked flying.”
Katsuki remembers. Akairo Tsubasa was a dragon-like mutant — ‘heteromorph, you can’t call ‘em that’ — who spent 90% of his day above ground. His favorite hero was Ryukyu, to which Katuski used to roll his eyes over and tell him, ‘There’s no use in idolizing a hero that can do the same thing as you. No one’s interested in what the world already has.’  
To his credit, Akairo usually would just laugh and respond with, ‘I don’t care about charts. I just want the license so I can fly without having to worry about getting fined or arrested!’
Katsuki latches onto the word, ‘experiment’. He can’t help but immediately think of the Nomus. 
“Was he killed?”
Kemuri nods, “Stain.”
‘Gods, no,’ Katsuki couldn’t explain it to himself, he couldn’t logicalize the cold feeling in his chest. If he were to be completely honest with himself, he wasn’t really friends with those three. He was their fucked-up cult leader and they were dumb enough, impressionable enough, hell, maybe insecure enough to have followed him around like loyal puppies. Half the time, he barely remembered their names — admittedly, that’s why it took him so long just to find them.
Katsuki sighs and looks at the building the two boys lean on. He studied the dilapidated state of the wood — not rotted, but splintered and discolored. Mismatched tree bark nailed hastily throughout like bandaids, the temporary last-minute fixes of an oozing, wounded thing. 
Katsuki clears his throat, “Why’re you two here, though. Did you run away from your homes?”
‘Were their homes as hostile as mine?’
The two have been scarfing down the contents of each bento bowl since the minute Katsuki arrived, but at this question, they both freeze. The knuckles of Nagai’s unstretched fingers turn white with the strength of his grip around the bowl.  
“We’re orphans,” Kemuri starts, and his voice is so low and strained, that Katsuki has to lean in closer, “Our parents died in a hero fight. Building caught on fire, there were no survivors.”
‘Gods,’ Katsuki rubs his eye, ‘It just keeps getting worse. How did I not hear any of this?’
“Why this place? One bad rainstorm and it’s going to fucking collapse.” 
Nagai hasn’t moved a single inch, and Kemuri shrugs, “Used to be one of the best, till heroes just kept flingin’ rocks and fuck-knows what else at it. A rainstorm taking this place down would be a blessing, at this point — insurance might then cover something.”  
Kemuri’s tone, for the first time since Katsuki’s heard, turns bitter and his mouth tips into an ugly snarl — one Katsuki doesn’t think he’s ever seen, not even when they were bullying kids in their middle school homeroom. “Fuckin’ heroes,” he spits, literally, over his shoulder, and down the concrete they sit on with a frothy splat, “Never watching where they fucking aim.”
And, Katsuki — well, he’s a boy with the worst kind of anger issues and there is an undying need to defend his line of work, defend the concept of, ‘the ends justify the means,’ because — “These villains never stop, heroes have to make last minute decisions and they can’t — ”
“ — You think I care?” 
Nagai’s voice has never been so loud. 
He’s finally looked up and those eyes immediately shame every defense to die in Katsuki’s throat. 
They’re angry, Nagai’s eyes — they’re pissed, but the set of his furrowed eyebrows speaks volumes of loss. 
The loss of his family, the loss of his home — of warm food in his belly and the mundanity of watching Sunday quirk-sports with his father on a worn suede couch. 
‘Yeah,’ Katsuki is right to be shamed. He’s never known loss, and though his house had never been warm, he cannot deny that the closest thing he might have to ‘a home’ awaits for him with the comradery of a hundred other kids, with the guarantee of a bright-eyed boy with too short eyebrows and too sharp teeth. 
Katsuki admits he’s never cared much for these two boys, a thing he wishes he had the capacity to change, but he is striving to be a hero, and justice must be served.
With his unending resolve, Katsuki asks, “Who was the villain responsible for your parents’ death? I swear, I’ll fuckin’ get ‘em.”
Nagai’s burning eyes turn cold and a hopeless tear escapes to trail down his sunken cheek,  “Endeavor.”
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amberss · 2 years
"You know," Katsuki says over his menu, glaring across the table, "I think you're a secret pervert. Why else would you pick Hooters for lunch?"
Shouto doesn't look up from the menu, dragging his thumb down the list of drinks. "I like their wings, not the breasts."
Katsuki turns, ready to bark out his order to the waiter, and comes face to face with the biggest chest he’s ever seen in his life, attached to the biggest guy he’s ever seen in his life. He tilts his chin and makes eye contact with a tanned, beaming redhead, and can’t help his whimper.
Boy (Bakugou Katsuki) meets Hooters waiter (Kirishima Eijirou).
Rated: T, Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply, Words: 8,842
Ugh, so what to say and where to start? Do you want some helpless pining Bakugou Katsuki? You have it here.
This is so good! Honestly, the bad part is that is short, it certainly left me wishing for more.
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punkeropercyjackson · 4 months
All too often characters are autistic-coded but get branded as adhd only so y'all don't gotta feel bad about calling them stupid or incapable or other insults that're targeted at autistic people.This post was made by the undiagnosed audhd kids who fought their bullies gang
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queen-ofsunflowers · 2 years
RWBY In My Hero: Shie Hassaikai Arc Preview
I’ll be doing this in text rather than in screenshots like I have done previously. It’s taken a while, but this arc is finally scripted out and so far is the longest one at sixteen chapters. I apologize for the major delay with the fic, but we’re halfway through the scripting process right now. Once I get through the next arc, things should be easier.
Chapter 1
Midoriya: Nothing, it’s just that this whole thing reminded me of something. Do you remember when we were little and we tried to catch a stray cat using sardines as bait? (Bakugo clicks his tongue, unamused.) That was the day we discovered your Quirk. All because the cat tried to scratch you and—
Bakugo: Okay, that’s enough! Shut up! (Ruby bits her lip as she tries not to laugh.) It’s not funny, Red!
Ruby: Honestly, it’s a lot better than what happened to me and Midoriya. (Midoriya raises a brow.)
Midoriya: Okay, you saying that about me, I get it. I broke both my legs and an arm. But what happened to you? (Ruby sheepishly chuckles.)
Ruby: I um… I sneezed? And ended up halfway across the backyard… Actually, it might’ve been a good thing. I developed Petal Burst pretty late, so my dad was kind of getting worried that I was Quirk—
Bakugo: So, you found out about your Quirk the same way you made a crater in the courtyard on the first day of school?
Ruby: ...Hey, it was your fault that I caused Snow-splosion in the first place!
Bakugo: It was not!
Ruby: Yes it was!
Midoriya: Wait, what happened on the first day of school? (Ruby and Bakugo fall quiet.) Guys, what happened on the first day of school?! What’s Snow-splosion!?
Bakugo: Just get back to work, Deku.
Chapter 2
Pyrrha: This should be interesting… (She says, sounding a bit nervous.)
Yang: You're not gonna fight, Shouto?
Todoroki: Huh? No… I didn’t get my provisional license. (Okay, so that’s why he’s standing on the sidelines with the others…)
Sero: Is he… for real? (Considering the fact that he’s already stretching, then yes.)
Mirio: Oh yeah. Totes real!
Tamaki: Mirio, you’re impossible. (He says, standing behind Yang like she’s his human shield.) It would’ve been simple enough for us just to tell them. ‘This is what it’s like, here’s what we learned from it.’ Not everyone has your level of drive. Plus, think about how bad it’ll look if some of them can’t recover after fighting you. No one wants to spend the next few years in a hospital bed.
Yang: You haven’t met these kids.
Tamaki: But you’ve met Mirio.
Yang: What’s that supposed to mean?
Tamaki: It means that I don’t think they can take the same level that you and Mirio like to brawl at.
Yang: …hold on a minute.
Mirio: Nope! Can’t stop me now! I’m doin’ this!
Yang: Mirio!
Chapter 3
Tomura: Another time. …Shie Hassaikai… you’ll pay for what you’ve done today. (Cinder sighs.)
Cinder: For once, Tomura... it appears as if we're in agreement on something. 
Tomura: What?
Cinder: Forgive me if I don't shake on it... but why don't you and I accept Chisaki's offer?
Shigaraki: ...You have one minute.
Cinder: They killed one of yours, as well as took the arm of the street magician. If you're clever enough, you'll find the perfect way to destroy them from the inside. Personally, I think that bull will do quite the damage to their china shop. (It’s rather easy to pull his strings now that she knows what makes him tick. So long as he didn’t get distracted by his… infatuation, just thinking about that made Cinder gag, he’d do exactly what he was supposed to.) It’s all up to you in the end. But if you want the Hassaikai to pay for the damage, it’s best to do it from the inside.
Tomura: …why? (Cinder glances over at him.) Why are you doing this?
Cinder: That should be plenty obvious to you by now… Tomura Shigaraki. Emerald, Mercury. We have plans to make. (And they leave without another word. This was going to be fun to watch.)
Chapter 4
Yang: What’s going on?
Tamaki: Please help.
Yang: …what’s going on…?
Kirishima: I-I um… (This is a complete 180 from how he was just acting before.) Amajiki-senpai asked to see me about work studies so I came over as soon as possible! Sorry, I’ll get going! (Tamaki seems to sigh, tension melting from his shoulders. Really weird, but…)
Yang: Oh yeah, we work at the same agency. (Kirishima stops.) I think I could help out. Fat's always lookin' for kids like you.
Kirishima: Y-You mean it?
Yang: Yeah.
Kirishima: Thank you, senpai! Good night! (Kirishima quickly walks off before Yang can get out another word. She sighs. Seriously, what was that about? Looking to Tamaki for an answer, all she gets is a shrug. And she wasn’t able to give him any more information. Oh well, she can always pass it on through Ruby.)
Chapter 5
Ruby: Hey, Midoriya! Didn’t you start your work study yesterday, too? How did it go? Pretty good, right?
Midoriya: Yeah, sure… (He doesn’t sound like he means it.)
Bakugo: (turning his hearing aids off) I don’t wanna hear about you getting ahead of me!
Ruby: Bakugo… (He’ll have to turn them back on eventually. She sighs.) Midoriya? Are you okay?
Midoriya: I um… (He sighs, burying his face into his arms. As the day went on, it became apparent that evidently, Midoriya was not okay. He got distracted during classes and ended up getting hit in the head with a book. That afternoon, he nearly drowned while they were performing mock rescues and had to be fished out by Mr. Aizawa. When Ruby tried to confront him about it as classes ended, he was already gone.)
Chapter 6
Oscar: Eri… (She sniffles, looking up at him.)
Eri: You came back.
Oscar: Of course I did. Nothing Overhaul says is going to get me to leave.
Eri: But you're going to get hurt...
Oscar: I won't. Not if he doesn't catch me. I'm not going to leave you here alone, Eri. I promise. I'll make sure you're safe. (Eri hiccups. Oscar remembers what Amber would do when he'd cry. He holds his arms out to the girl, who shrinks away.) You won't hurt me, Eri. Remember my Quirk?
Eri: *hic*... (She takes Oscar's hands and presses them to hers. Oscar activates his Quirk the moment their hands meet, sending a rippling green aura over Eri.)
Oscar: There we— (Eri launches herself into his arms, holding on tight as she muffles her sobs with his shirt. He holds her back.)
(Oscar thinks back to their encounter with Lemillion and Deku... he thinks about his father, and his grip tightens on Eri's clothes.)
Chapter 7
Ryukyu: Could he really do something so horrific?
Ozpin: Yes.
Nighteye: In addition to his daughter, Mirio and Midoriya also encountered a young boy who had been kidnapped a few months ago back in July — Oscar Pine.
Ozpin: My son. (Ruby’s eyes widen. She didn’t even know that Ozpin had any kids.)
Ghira: If you don't mind me asking, why would they have reason to want your son? It doesn't make sense.
Ozpin: I can only assume that he was... (swallowing something, disgusted) That my son is there because of his Quirk. It's called Nullification. (To Aizawa) It's similar to your Erasure. When Oscar makes skin-to-skin contact with someone, he can temporarily nullify the effect of their Quirk, as well as usage of it for a short amount of time. I can only imagine that some of the blood and cells found in the bullet belonged to him.
Gran Torino: In a world of superhumans, if you can dream it, you can do it.
Kirishima: Hold on. What are you talking about?
Rock Lock: Once again, why do we have children in this meeting? I’ll say this one time. We’re wondering if this Chisaki bastard is turning those kids’ bodies into bullets and selling them on the black market. (Glynda looks like she’s about to be sick, and those Pro Heroes who are parents at the table look deeply disturbed and disgusted.)
Ruby: No way…
Jaune: I think I’m gonna be sick… (Ruby can see a few embers briefly flicker to life in her father’s hair.)
Chapter 8
Detective: Now, heroes! Things could get violent quickly out there. If you encounter even a hint of suspicious behavior or resistance, call for help immediately!
Yang: Here.
Tamaki: Swordfish? Where did you even get this?
Yang: I thought you could use it at some point.
Tamaki: That doesn’t answer my question.
Chapter 9
(Whatever it is, it gets Tamaki to quiet down and let Jaune do his work. He must’ve hit the yakuza guys pretty hard if they’re still out cold. Once the bones in his face are set back into place, Jaune takes care to try and wipe off some of the blood sticking to the side of Tamaki’s face to keep his hair from sticking to it. Suddenly, Tamaki grabs him by the wrist.)
Jaune: Too much?
Tamaki: We need to go.
Jaune: But I’m not done—
Tamaki: We need to go now! Something’s wrong! Something’s wrong with Mirio, I can just feel that it is!
Jaune: Is this—
Tamaki: I’m being serious! Something’s wrong… I don’t know what, but something’s wrong! (This is a whole new level on Tamaki’s Worked-Up scale. Jaune’s pretty sure it’s off the scale. Oh no…)
Jaune: Can you stand? (Tamaki swiftly nods.) Then come on. Let’s go.
Chapter 10
Yang: Blake, it's okay to be scared. We're only fifteen, and what he did to you wasn't right. Anyone would be scared after that. Wanna know a secret? Even the strongest Pros are scared whenever they go into a fight. But the thing is... they forget their fear because they have their friends fighting beside them. Other Pro Heroes. You can be scared. But no matter how scared you get, I promise I'll be with you, okay? 
Blake: You don't have to protect me, Xiao Long. I can do that myself.
Yang: Didn't say that I was. You can count on me, alright? I won't leave you to face your fears alone. And you can call me Yang if you want. I don’t mind. (Blake swallows something down and nods.)
(She didn’t realize then, but that little act would be enough to set things in motion that brought them to today. Hearing Yang’s name come out of her mouth, using ‘Yang’ and ‘Blake’ for each other, slowly becoming friends and allies, Yang being the person that Blake began to think of to call when she was home alone and couldn’t handle it, how much she thought about her friend…)
Chapter 11
Ruby: Deku? What’s up?
Midoriya: It was just like at the exam…
Ruby: What?
Midoriya: That transformation and the way her body melted. I think… Do you remember how that Shiketsu girl said that her friend was acting strange?
Ruby: You mean Penny? (Midoriya nods.) Yeah, I do. She told me later that they had found her friend passed out in an alley a few days later—! …! You mean that girl was…!?
Midoriya: Toga. (Seriously, what was the League up to…?)
Chapter 12
Oscar: NO!! (He jumps onto Overhaul from behind, pressing his hand onto Chisaki's face, and the other onto his arm. The villain’s body ripples with a green glow. His eyes widened.)
Overhaul: You... You BRAT!! (Overhaul grabs Oscar, throwing him towards a set of spikes. Mirio acts quickly, grabbing the boy before he can get hurt.) 
Lemillion: Your dad's on his way with the other heroes. (Oscar's eyes widened. His dad? Something twists his heart. He remembers the last time he saw his dad. That day when he left for work at U.A. He said that ...Oscar remembers screaming for his dad when he was attacked by that woman and her crew. He remembers crying himself to sleep every night, hoping and praying to any god that was listening for his father to come and save him like he always promised he would. He would protect him. He would keep him from danger... He was a Hero. That's what they did. But...)
Oscar: My dad's... (He shakes.) He doesn't...
Overhaul: That's right! Dear old daddy... he's not coming for you. If he wanted you, he would've saved you long ago! But no, he didn't, did he!? He left you to suffer and forgot all about you! HE LEFT YOU BEHIND!! (Lemillion's grip on Oscar tightens.)
Chapter 13
Midoriya: C’mon, let’s go.
Oscar: But—!
Ozpin: Go with Lemillion. I'm going to have a little chat with Chisaki...
Oscar: Dad—
Ozpin: Go! (There’s a barrier that pushes them back before Ozpin dives into the fight to help Qrow and Nighteye. Midoriya passes Mirio over to Ruby, who struggles a bit to keep him upright while her friend busts another hole in the wall. Oscar is holding tight onto Eri, even after the barrier falls. He watches his father fight.)
Midoriya: I’m pretty sure this will lead us back. We need to get away from Chisaki! (As Midoriya goes to get Ruby back, Ruby sees that the palm of her glove is darker than what it should be. That’s blood. That’s Mirio’s blood. Eri squirms in Oscar’s arms, trying to get free.)
Oscar: Eri—
Eri: No! That’s enough. (There are tears running down the little girl’s face.) I’m so sorry. (They stare at her. Eri…)
(And then… the worst happens.)
Chapter 14
Ozpin: Oscar! What are you doing? I thought I told you to go with Lemillion.
Oscar: But Dad—
Ozpin: It’s dangerous for you to be here!
Jaune: If you have to yell at anyone, yell at me! I let him!
North: Oz, lecture the kids later. We got more serious things to worry about. 
Ozpin: *sigh* “Where’s Togata?”
Jaune: With Suneater. I healed him up a bit, but there’s still something not right so he’s taking him up to get help.
Ruby: Mirio’s Quirk…
Jaune: His Quirk? Wait, what happened to his Quirk?
Qrow: We can talk later.
Ozpin: Right. For now, let’s work on getting you children and Nighteye out of here.
Jaune: (upon seeing the state that Nighteye is in, pulling Oscar back and covering his eyes though the kid has probably seen worse) Oh my gosh!
Chapter 15
Tamaki: Rose!
Jaune: Ruby!
Ruby: Amaji— Uh, Suneater! Chevalier! (She rushes over to them.) Are you guys okay?
Tamaki: Don't worry about me. I'm fine.
Jaune: Could be better.
Ruby: What about Yang? A-And Kiri— Red Riot and Lemillion and—? (Unsure of what to say, Tamaki lowers his gaze sadly.) Guys?
(Suneater steps aside, giving Ruby a clear view of Blake Belladonna and Yang Xiao Long with the paramedics. Both girls have bandages wrapped around their wounds, and the latter is unconscious. Behind them are Mirio Togata, who is unconscious and being loaded into an ambulance, and Eijirou Kirishima who is worse for wear with whom Ruby could only guess was Fatgum by his side. Uravity and Froppy rush to his side while Ruby stands there, shocked. Midoriya smothers a gasp. Blake reaches over and places her hand on Yang's.)
Blake: I'm sorry... (She gets tears in her eyes as she gets into the ambulance with Yang. Ghira Belladonna isn’t that far behind her. Ruby sees Yang's missing arm. Ruby reaches out and opens her mouth to say something, but in her emotional state, she doesn't know what to say.)
Chapter 16
Aizawa: Are you sure that being in a hospital is the best place for you? (Ruby comes to a stop. She peers around the corner, seeing Mr. Aizawa talking with her uncle. Her uncle… he would know where Yang’s room was, right? But before Ruby can confront him about the matter…)
Qrow: Not now, Shouta.
Aizawa: I’m only asking you a question. With your bad luck, who knows what damage you could do.
Qrow: I said not now.
Aizawa: Harbinger. (He’s being serious.) Someone like you in a place like this isn’t the best idea. We’ve already had enough bad luck today. We don’t need any—
Qrow: Don’t you think I know that?! (Aizawa takes a step back, and Ruby’s breath catches in her throat. She… had never heard her uncle snap like that.) But if you haven’t noticed, I’m well aware of all the bullshit that I caused today just by being present! …fuck…
Aizawa: Harbinger, get a hold of yourself.
Qrow: Don’t you think I’m trying, Shouta?!
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me and my friend are doing a thing.
Um we put our comfort characters together into the sims and now it spread into making clay trinkets. Katsuki and Eijirou have already been made.
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writerswho · 7 months
Kirishima: You know what your problem is, Bakugou? You're really cute so no one ever told you to shut the fuck up.
Bakugou: You think I'm cute?
Kirishima: Shut the fuck up!
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traineatingbabies · 2 years
Ok so I found this song the other day and I've been listening to it on repeat when the kiribaku brain rot took over. If you have never heard tunnel vision by egg I recommend you do because it is LITERALLY JUST BAKUGUO PINING FOR KIRISHIMA!!! I AM LOSING MY MIND OVER THIS!
Please if someone could draw this it would be great bc I can't draw for shit
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raverin-2 · 1 year
Years Later We Fit Together
Summary: Squad Nights are held at Shouto and Hanta’s house, emotions get high as they play game after game, truth or dare spilling admissions off liquid heady tongues. Izuku and Hitoshi have talked about it often enough that a dare to kiss an old crush only has them feeling giddy, but they hadn’t expected the reasoning to be the same for Eijirou and Katsuki when the same dare falls onto them. It’s been years of feeling these things for more than their significant others, and Hitoshi, Izuku, Eijirou, and Kats finally do something about it.
Sidenote: This is a polyfic and ends with ShinDekuKiriBaku getting together!
It’s squad night at Shouto and Hanta’s house, and Izuku and Hitoshi are cuddled together as some of their friends come join them and form a circle on the floor. Eijirou and Katsuki plop across from them, and Katsuki’s hand lays on Eijirou’s thigh, thumb rubbing in the same rhythm as the thumb on Izuku’s waist.
Mina starts them off, daring Kyoka to send a TikTok video about how her soulmate’s name starts with M to Momo who is at home because she has an early patrol. Kyoka’s cheeks are red when she pulls Denki into telling them that he has a crush on TetsuTetsu. They go round and round until Izuku finally chooses dare.
“Holy shit, you meant to say dare, right?” asks Denki in a giddy way before a smirk curls his lips at Izuku’s nod. “I dare you to kiss one of your old crushes, from UA, if they’re here, but it can’t be Hitoshi.”
Izuku hums, tilting his head back to meet the eyes of his boyfriend of three years, and he asks, “Which one should I kiss? One or two?”
“Go for two, bunny.” replies Hitoshi with a knowing grin as Izu pouts at him for a moment.
“Wait-Hitoshi, y-you- Are you actually gonna let him kiss an old crush?” asks Denki in shock as he looks at Hitoshi, drawing their friends’ attention.
“Of course, I am. We’ve talked about it before, and that’s all I have to say about it. Go on, bunny.” replies Hitoshi as he gives everyone a half-glare, daring them to test him, before nodding at Izuku.
“Hey, Eiji, can I kiss you?” asks Izuku as he switches to his knees, leaning back on his legs as he talks to Eijirou, looking solely at Eijirou despite knowing he and Katsuki have been dating going on five years.
“What’re you waiting for, Izu? I’d love a kiss.” replies Eijirou with a wide grin before he winks at Izuku.
Izuku crawls across the circle until his knees meet Eijirou’s crossed legs, then he brings his hands up to cup Eijirou’s cheeks lightly. Eijirou’s hands settle at his waist, and he leans up to meet Izuku in the middle. Their lips slot together easily after a moment, and Izuku melts into the warmth of Eijirou, hands slipping back until they sit in strands of red hair. The kiss stays innocent, only hesitant brushes of tongues over lips, as their heads tilt, and their lips move together lightly. It’s slow and sweet, completely unhurried.
“Alright, I’m pretty sure your boyfriends are jealous enough.” comes Mina’s voice loud, and a bit panicked.
“Not jealous, pinky.” sneers Katsuki with a knowing look, a smirk appears as Izuku and Eijirou pull apart.
“Definitely not jealous. How was he, bunny?” asks Hitoshi as he leans back on his hands, smirking as Izuku crawls back over to him, plopping in his lap happily.
“As amazing as we thought it’d be. Ei is an amazing kisser, Kacchan’s bragging was as it usually is. Impeccable spot on.” replies Izuku in a giddy tone, bright smile pointed at Katsuki before it goes devious. “Denki, truth or dare? No reverse takes.”
“Wait, you can’t… I swear I said-” argues Denki as his brows scrunch together.
“Sparky, you forgot to say no reverse takes. Hanta was right, that’s a fun rule for revenge.” says Katsuki with a smirk that matches Izuku and Hitoshi’s grins.
“Ah, don’t forget Sho’s addition, it’s fun too. The target who forgets to say no reverse takes has to pick the choice of the one asking.” says Hanta as he passes his blunt over to Katsuki.
“Wha-? We didn’t agree on that.” says Denki in a high-pitched voice that tapers off as everyone turns to give him the look, “Don’t lie to us.” Denki visibly deflates in his place between Mina and Kyoka. “Alright, alright. Dare it is.”
“I dare you to put on a blindfold and try whatever concoction Kacchan and Hanta come up with. Drinks only, of course.” replies Izuku innocently as his head lolls back almost into Mina’s lap so he can look at Denki.
“And if I choose the punishment?” asks Denki suspiciously yet curious as he narrows his eyes at Izuku while Mina’s hands run through green curls.
“Then you’ve gotta call and tell Pops that you short-circuited the station in the middle of his serenade to Dad on his birthday.” says Hitoshi with a devilish grin while Izuku giggles.
Izuku guides Hitoshi’s face to his, leaning up for a slow kiss, and when he pulls back, his pride shines in his eyes as he says, “And that’s my kitten. All up to you now, Denki.”
“Fine, I’ll- I’ll do the dare.” grumbles Denki with a petulant pout that has Kyoka and Mina cuddling up to him.
“Don’t worry, Denks, I won’t let him disintegrate your tastebuds through a drink.” says Hanta with a cheeky grin as he and Katsuki stand.
“I’m never gonna taste again.” whines Denki pitifully and Izuku can’t help his giggles. “Oh, I’ll get you back for this, Izu.”
Ten minutes later, Denki’s got a jug of milk and heated cheeks while Izuku’s giggling and Katsuki’s smirking like he won the lottery, or number one hero maybe. It’s Hanta’s turn after he chose dare and had to do the spiderman kiss with Shouto per Mina’s dare request.
“While it would be fun to go after Mina simply because she didn’t say not to, Katsuki hasn’t been in the spotlight yet. So, bro, truth or dare?” asks Hanta with a sharp grin that has Katsuki smirking for some reason.
“Glad to have a chance, tape arms, I’ll do dare.” replies Katsuki with that same smirk and a knowing tone as Eijirou snorts.
“I’ll take a page out of Kami’s book for you. I dare you to kiss one of your old crushes, but it can’t be Kiri. And no reverse questions.” says Hanta as he grins wide and lifts his cup up to his mouth.
“Hey! Why am I in trouble?” whines Eijirou as he leans forward to pout at Hanta.
“Because you were on drink duty tonight, and you forgot the whiskey!” huffs Hanta as he scowls playfully at Eijirou.
“I told him no because Mina can’t handle it, yet somehow she never manages to stay away from it. Now, babes, who should I kiss?” asks Katsuki as he nudges Eijirou with a curious tone and an excited smirk.
“I’d say the other one since I kissed him.” replies Eijirou brightly as he leans up to lightly kiss Katsuki on the cheek, excitement brimming in his red eyes.
“Yo, eyebags, you good for a kiss?” calls Katsuki as he tilts his head at Hitoshi, an arched brow daring Hitoshi.
“Sure, Blasty, I’m down. But are you coming over here or do I gotta come to you?” asks Hitoshi with a smirk as he leans back on his hands.
Katsuki chuckles before he unwraps himself from around Eijirou, and he’s moving across the circle until his knees hit Hitoshi’s crisscrossed legs. He’s in a similar position as Izuku was in, but he takes it a single step further by bringing Hitoshi’s legs out flat and straddling his knees.
“Does that answer your question, Mindfreak?” asks Katsuki, smirking as he sits on his lap and pulls him closer by the hand he’s wrapped in his shirt.
“Seems to answer it perfectly, Explosion Murder.” replies Hitoshi with a smirk as his hands come up and rest on Katsuki’s hips.
Katsuki rolls his eyes before slipping his hands up to cup Hitoshi’s face and leaning in to press their lips together a bit harshly at first before Hitoshi tilts his head and slackens his mouth to ease the kiss. It becomes a delicate thing. Their lips are slotting together lightly as Hitoshi’s hands slide up his back, and the only difference between the kiss between their significant others and this one, is the innocence of it.
It’s like just pressing their lips together is everything they need, and Katsuki makes a needy little mewl, almost silent enough to be ignored, as he presses closer and wraps his arms around Hitoshi’s neck, leaning up until he’s just slightly taller than Hitoshi. Katsuki forces himself back, but his eyes stay closed as his chest moves with the almost panting breaths leaving his lungs.
“Well, damn Blasty, that was one hell of a kiss.” says Hitoshi sweetly, and Katsuki’s eyes flutter open as he half-heartedly moves to glare at the purple haired man.
Only, Katsuki’s caught off guard by the softness in those eyes, this ease that Katsuki only sees pointed at Izuku from those amethyst eyes. One of those warm hands that are still resting on his back skims around to the front and reaches up to cup one of Katsuki’s cheeks, making him feel like melting.
“Fucking mindfreak… you aren’t that bad, I guess.” mutters Katsuki as he tries to growl at the man, feeling too soft to make it a real threat.
“Eiji, I think you’re gonna have to come get Kacchan. He wasn’t ready for my kitten’s kisses.” giggles Izuku from where he’s leaning over onto Hitoshi’s arm, fondness in his eyes that Katsuki almost mistakes as being meant for him.
“Fuck you, Deku.” growls Katsuki as he pushes himself off of Hitoshi’s lap, and Eijirou comes up behind him as he pouts grouchily.
“Well, hot damn… That was almost as hot as Eiji and Izu’s kiss… And that’s saying something.” says Denki loudly enough to break up the weird tension between the four of them, pulling everyone’s attention to him.
“I can’t believe you four are actually okay with your partner kissing somebody else. Couldn’t be me.” calls Mina, sounding faraway almost like she’s in the kitchen, which is highly likely.
“We’re secure in our relationships, and what we want is our business, nobody else’s. Anyways, I think it’s time for movies and sleep. Who’s with me?” asks Izuku brightly as he changes the conversation focus to their last plans for the night, a sleepover.
“The guest rooms are where they always are, but Izu and I gathered blankets and pillows for everybody as well. They’re stacked over by the archway for everybody to choose what they want!” announces Shouto as he takes the bait and helps Izuku move things along, pointing over at the two large stacks of sleep necessities.
“I still can’t believe your dad bought us this house as an engagement present. But it makes squad nights so much easier. We’ll stay out here for a movie or two, but then we’re so retiring to our rooms. I’m feeling exhausted already.” says Hanta softly from his side, looking blissed out and absolutely stoned.
“You are toasted tape-arms.” chuckles Katsuki as he falls to lay on his back, head tilting back against the floor to look at his friend, ignoring the fond smile he sees on Eijirou’s face before he goes to get them some blankets and a pillow or two. “I’m down for at least one movie, but I am not dealing with all of you idiots staying in the living room when there are like six guest rooms in this fuckin’ place.”
“Don’t worry! Me and Kyo decided we were taking a guest room already, and Denks is coming with us because we all want cuddles when we drink.” calls Mina happily as she skips into the room with a bottle that looks suspiciously like whiskey.
“Who the fuck brought whiskey?” yells Katsuki as he rolls to his stomach and glares at Hanta.
“I didn’t do it, I swear! And we didn’t have any here, that’s why I asked for some.” says Hanta in a panic, hands raised in surrender as he looks at Katsuki.
“It’s not whiskey, you buzzkill. It’s rum, and I’m drinking it. But I’m heading to the room, not really in the mood for movies.” replies Mina as she sticks her tongue out at Katsuki.
“We’ll come with you!” exclaims Denki after a moment as he interrupts Katsuki and Mina’s stare down.
“Yay! We’re gonna have a mini party while you guys enjoy your movies!” cheers Mina as she turns with a wide smile on her lips, and she, Denki, and Kyoka escape down the hall giggling as per usual.
“We’re definitely taking a guest bed, but only because we both have to go to the Comic-Con tomorrow.” says Ochako with a roll of her neck before she lets Tenya pull her up, slightly stumbling into him before she flings her arms around his neck. “Our panel is at noon, and I have to go to UA before it for a sparring session with dadzawa’s class. They decided to talk shit, so he told me I could come handle it.”
“You gonna rock their shit, cheeks?” calls Katsuki with a snort as he sits up on his knees.
“Damn straight I am. Don’t worry, I’ll save some for you Blasty.” replies Ochako with a smirk that matches Katsuki’s terrifyingly well.
“Good, ‘cause I’m coming for ‘em in two days, and I’m going to make ‘em cry.” huffs Katsuki proudly as he pushes himself into a standing position.
“Alright, anyone else planning to take a bedroom, or are you four staying out here?” asks Hanta as he interrupts their little smirky stare-down.
“We can take the pull-out couch, as long as Kacchan and Eiji are okay with sharing so none of us have to be on the floor.” calls Izuku from where he and Hitoshi had already migrated over to the couch, his chin hooked over the edge of the couch.
“Sharing a bed with you and Toshi will be fine so long as y’all aren’t afraid of being hot. Kats runs hot, and I do too.” replies Eijirou with a grin as he lightly nudges Katsuki with his knee, blanket and two pillows stacked in his arms.
“Hey, we’re both cold individuals. Trust me, I used to love sharing a bed with Kacchan for that exact reason. Heat is just what we’ll need, otherwise we have to have at least three thick blankets over us both.” says Izuku cheerily as he holds up a corner of the blanket that’s covering him and Hitoshi.
“Well, shit, we should sleep on the outside then. We always end up with space between us anyways, this way we won’t also be drenched in sweat. The nerd always feels like a fuckin’ ice cube, and you and I both know that Eyebags is just as bad.” says Katsuki as he takes a pillow from Eijirou and shakes his head in amusement.
“You’re definitely right, KitKat, then we can all be the perfect temp!” exclaims Eijirou brightly as he turns and heads over to the couch. “Who’s sleeping by who though?”
“Well, you and I cuddled and fell asleep together pretty regularly at UA. So, maybe it’d be smart for tonight to do something we’re used to?” offers Hitoshi thoughtfully as he kills his head back to look at them, tired smile curving his lips.
“Sounds fucking perfect. So, who’s staying out here for the fuckin’ movie?” asks Katsuki with a raised brow as he moves over to the couch as well, slotting himself on the outside of the Hitoshi and Izuku cuddle pile on the pulled-out bed as Eijirou plops down next to Hitoshi.
“Mmm, warm.” murmurs Izuku with a soft, almost silent, moan as he snuggles closer to Katsuki to soak up the warmth bleeding through his grey tee.
“It’s heaven.” whimpers Hitoshi as he pouts conflictedly, looking between Izuku and Eijirou. “Now, hold on a minute. I want Eiji and bunny, what’s with the moving?”
His whine has Katsuki snorting before he’s slightly scooping Izuku up, hand under those thick thighs and around his back. He shuffles over so that Izuku is pressed tightly against Hitoshi, and Katsuki pulls his hands back to himself. He lays one arm along the back of the couch, so he can play with Eijirou’s hair. His other arm rests on his bent right knee, fingers tapping against his kneecap to avoid touching Izuku.
“You realize everybody left, right? Do we still wanna watch a movie or do we wanna sleep?” asks Eijirou with a chuckle as he reaches his own arm to lay over Katsuki’s, fingertips playing with his tee shirt.
“I figured those losers would fuck off to have their alone time. Assholes.” grumbles Katsuki, rolling his eyes before he breathes in sharply through his nose.
There’s a hand on his thigh, on top of the blanket, and it’s slowly moving until it tugs at his forearm. Katsuki’s brows scrunch together as he lets his arm fall over his right leg to lay on his left, and that hand is quick to lay over his. That hand curls around until fingers interlace with his, and Katsuki turns wide eyes on Izuku only to soften at the sight of that smile that Izuku is hiding in purple hair.
“So, I’m thinking no movie.” starts Izuku nervously as he stares at the hair his nose is buried in.
“Because we definitely need to talk about what happened here tonight.” finishes Hitoshi as he carefully lifts his head to unearth Izuku’s blushing face, showing that his own cheeks are burning red.
“W-Who wants to- umm- to start?” stutters Eijirou as he turns to look at all of them before those slightly panicked red orbs lock on Katsuki’s.
“Well, I’ll lay out the facts cause Eiji babes is nervous.” says Katsuki in a low tone before he turns to stare at the TV, his nerves getting the best of him as he lets himself ramble like he does with Eijirou. Katsuki lets himself be comfortable with the other two men that he’s wanted. “According to the dares we had tonight… Izuku had a crush on Eijirou back at UA. I had a crush on Eyebags back at UA. I also had a crush on Eijirou then too, which is why I said yes when he asked me out after graduation. Of course, stupidly, I had feelings for the damn nerd too, but our whole thing was too complicated then for me to even entertain the idea of being good enough for him at the time. Anyone else want to fess up anything?”
“Well, since Kats went first. I’ll follow him, especially since he slightly called me out.” says Eijirou lightly, his nerves raking through his deep voice as he swallows hard and continues. “I definitely had a crush on Izuku back then, which is why I didn’t say no to the kiss offer. I liked Kats from the first day at UA, I was just drawn to him. And Hitoshi, well, I realized I was beginning to gain a crush on you when we started our late-night cuddle sessions after the war.”
“I liked Izuku first, but then I had a study session with Katsuki.” starts Hitoshi as he turns, and Katsuki can feel his eyes on the side of his face before a slender, cool hand comes and forces him to meet those eyes dead on. “Those kinda made it easy for me to realize I was attracted to you. It didn’t take long after joining the Bakusquad for me to start to like you too. And Eijirou, you came out of left field for me. I didn’t think I could like more than the two idiots who were too competitive for their own good. And then I managed to actually fall asleep with you that first night, and it happened more. Realized I liked you too, and that was a messy conversation with dad and pops.”
Hitoshi snuggled backwards into Eijirou as he finished talking, leaning his head back against Eijirou’s shoulder. Katsuki watches those soft lips brush over Eijirou’s jaw, and he chuckles at the wide, red, eyes that meet his.
“Don’t laugh at me KitKat.” whines Eijirou as he pouts at Katsuki.
“It’s hilarious seeing you all wide-eyed about Hitoshi showing you affection because I haven’t seen you like this since the first time I held your hand. Well, aside from after you and Izuku kissed and while he was moving back to his place, you couldn’t stop smiling.” chuckles Katsuki as Eijirou’s face goes red before he hides it in Hitoshi’s shoulder.
“Well, I have a feeling you’ll be in the same predicament when Izuku gets his mouth to work again.” says Hitoshi slyly, a knowing smirk on his lips that has Katsuki narrowing his eyes at him.
“I highly doubt tha-” starts Katsuki lowly before Izuku clears his throat and shuts him up, drawing their attention to him.
“I liked Hitoshi from the sports festival too, that’s I asked him out when he got back from his undercover assignment. But I realized I liked Eiji not long after that, we’d been at the heroes museum, and he was the only one who kept up with my Crimson Riot facts.” rambles Izuku brightly, skimming over his love for Hitoshi because he knew he’d be coming back to it. His thoughts were finally in order, and his hopes for what might come next was building more and more. “It was nice, and we talked for the entire trip, just sitting against a wall in the Crimson Riot hall while everyone else roamed the museum. But Kacchan… I loved Kacchan before I knew what love was. Kacchan was my first love, and I was going to ask him out after the war. But then I overheard Eijirou talking about wanting to ask him out, and I always thought you’d be adorable together. It sucked, knowing two of the people I’d fallen for were going to be together, and I looked into it after that. Then Hitoshi came to me like two weeks before graduation because at some point he’d heard about Eijirou’s plans too, and I knew he’d liked Eijirou, he knew I liked Kacchan. We actually kissed that night, and things got tense, and awkward, before we talked at graduation. We didn’t get together until a year and a half later because he went under.”
“Wait a damn second, babes, why didn’t you tell me you wanted to ask me out after the war?” asks Katsuki quickly, sounding indignant because why the hell didn’t he know that. “Don’t worry, Deku, I’m coming back to you in a second, but this asshole knew I wanted to ask him out then too. He was holding out on me!”
“Same old Kacchan.” giggles Izuku as Katsuki glares at Eijirou who looks like a deer caught in the headlights.
“I-I thought I did tell you that! I swear I told you after you told me! Did I really not tell you?” argues Eijirou weakly, confused at himself as he looks down with scrunched eyebrows.
“No, babes, you didn’t. But I’ll forgive it because Deku told me.” replies Katsuki with a snort before he turns to Izuku with narrow eyes and insecurities welling in his head. “Now, Deku, you’re insane. Eiji’s great, love him, okay, and Eyebags is good too, attractive as all hell. So those two being on your, I love ‘em, list makes perfect sense. However, I treated you like shit for practically our whole lives. And I’m a dick to you still to this day, so like… why?”
“So, you accept that he has feelings, but you don’t understand why he does?” asks Hitoshi softly, head tilting to lean against Eijirou’s.
“That would be it, yeah. I’m an asshole. I still have a hard time understanding why it is that Eijirou loves me, but I’m so fucking grateful for it.” explains Katsuki as he lightly scoots back, crossing his arms around his body, holding himself as he lets himself be honest. “I don’t get why you do either, but it’s Izuku that has me confused as all hell because I don’t think I’ve ever been nice to him. You’ve at least been on the other end of my niceness once or twice.”
“Kacchan, you know you’re a nice guy. You just have an asshole exterior. But you’re nice!” argues Izuku quickly as he turns around and pokes a finger into Katsuki’s chest. “You get me in a way our friends don’t, the same way Toshi is learning too, and you protect me and let me protect you when we patrol together. We have a messy history, sure, but you’ve changed a lot since then. And you care, Kacchan. Who else is gonna make me lunch when I forget about it? Who else is gonna sit with me and help me deal with the stupid paperwork? And who else is going to deal with my stupid nightmare sparring? Toshi does really well, but he’s usually gone when they hit. He handles the comfort afterwards, but you- Kacchan, you help me break it down and get that fear out. You remind me that you’re still here, we’re still here.”
“I knew those fucking nightmares were about the war. The fuck did I tell you about talking to the goddamn counsellor about this? Talking to Eyebags is good too, but Cheri has been there since the war too. She isn’t going to judge you for remembering that bullshit.” growls Katsuki as he poke Izuku in the forehead turning it back on him.
“I do talk to Cheri, I told you I would!” whines Izuku with a pout as he rubs at his forehead lightly.
“I’m gonna kiss Hitoshi while you two work this out, okay?” asks Eijirou loud enough to draw their attention, but quiet enough that it’s only for the four of them.
“Enjoy it!” replies Katsuki as he looks just slightly past Izuku’s curls to smirk at his boyfriend.
“Wait, only if we agree to go on dates when we can this week.” says Izuku quickly, brightly as he turns to look at Eijirou and Hitoshi.
“Well, I guess it’s a good thing I have three days off this week. All of us can have dinner one night too and really talk about this.” replies Hitoshi easily, seeming surprised by the outcome of this situation.
“We can talk more after Kats and Izuku talk this situation out. I’d like to at least figure out what all of this means before we go to bed.” suggests Eijirou shyly as he rubs a hand over his neck.
“We’ll absolutely do that, Eiji. I’m going to talk to Kacchan while you two enjoy yourselves!” exclaims Izuku happily before Hitoshi turns around to look at Eijirou.
Katsuki and Izuku watch as Eijirou leans down to press their lips together, and there’s a heat of arousal spreading through them at the sight. Rather than jealousy, it’s excitement and attraction because those feelings they’d had back then, they never went away.
“Kacchan, I love you a lot.” rambles Izuku as he turns and straddles Katsuki’s hips, cupping his face as he forces their eyes to meet, holding Katsuki’s attention as he talks. “I love how competitive you are in everything you do, the way you make me want to do better just so I can stand on the same level as you. I love how you stand up for us, especially when the media runs with hate. You’re crass and stubborn, but you’re honest and brave. And I love that about you.”
“Why do you always know what to say to make me melt? Like I can’t call myself an asshole without you trying to ease my words.” grumbles Katsuki as he averts his eyes, unable to twist his head out of the hold. It only lasts a second before his sight is filled with flushed, freckled cheeks and shining emerald eyes. “Makes me wanna kiss you, wanna hide you from the fuckin’ world. How does Eyebags let you go out into the world knowing you see the good in people no matter what they might have done or even have done in my case.”
“You wanna kiss me, Kacchan? I really wanna kiss you, but only if you wanna kiss me.” says Izuku softly, the want shining in his eyes as he gets shy, tilting his own head down.
“Always wanna kiss you, don’t know how I managed not to for this fuckin’ long. But I don’t wanna overstep anymore tonight than I already have.” grumbles Katsuki as he averts his eyes again, locking them on their boyfriends as Eijirou kisses down Hitoshi’s neck.
“Not overstepping for me, so if he wants a kiss, I’d say give him one.” groans Hitoshi as his hand latches in red hair, slightly panting as he looks up and meets Katsuki’s eyes.
“KitKat, it’s not overstepping if you’re being given permission and enthusiastic consent.” says Eijirou as he twists to look at his boyfriend, smiling understandingly and nodding encouragingly.
“Enthusiastic consent given, Kacchan, please kiss me.” whines Izuku as he tries to pull Katsuki’s attention back to him, his wanting unable to be ignored.
Katsuki takes a minute, tearing his eyes away from his boyfriend and one of the other men he’s fallen for to look at the vision in front of him. Izuku’s eyes are glossy, his lips are bitten red, and the want shines as he cups Katsuki’s face tightly, a single hand reaching back to thread through spiked blonde hair. Izuku who is looking at him and seeing him, seeing a person he wants as much as he wants Hitoshi, seeing a person he loves.
Katsuki leans forward, nudging Izuku’s nose with his own before slowly brushing their lips together. He pulls back after a moment, eyes flashing open to look at green eyes that fill with more want. Izuku’s diving back in to kiss him again, and Katsuki lets him slot their lips together, his hands falling to hold Izuku’s waist as Izuku sucks on his bottom lip, pulling a groan from Katsuki. It feels right, the feel of Izuku pressing his chest against Katsuki’s, the light tugging of Izuku’s hands in Katsuki’s hair, the heat of Izuku’s back against Katsuki’s hands through his thin t-shirt. Izuku’s letting out quiet mewls, and Katsuki can feel the want surging through him way faster than it should as their tongues meet, as he bullies his way into Izuku’s mouth to memorize the feeling of his mouth. Izuku pulls back this time, only to slip his lips down to Katsuki’s chin, trailing barely there kisses down his neck.
“I don’t want to rush us, especially because we haven’t talked about anything really, and we’re at our friends’ place. But you’re so fucking hot, Kacchan.” murmurs Izuku against his skin, pulling a quiet whine out of Katsuki as he zones back into the heated room, hearing the panting next to them from their boyfriends’.
“We- uh- We stopped for the same reason but fuck you two are hot.” breathes Eijirou from his place around Hitoshi, and Katsuki lolls his head around to look at his boyfriend, smirking at the arousal he sees shining in those eyes.
“Oh trust me, Eiji, Kitten, you two were hot as hell too.” says Izuku as he grins against Katsuki’s neck, his green eyes locking on the image they make just sitting together, chests moving rapidly as they practically pant.
“Can’t get enough of you three, fuck this has to be a dream.” mutters Hitoshi almost too quietly to hear, but Katsuki catches it and sees the way Eijirou’s eyes go wide with worry as Izuku tenses in his lap.
“You three are mine, and I don’t fucking share. So, you’d better realize this isn’t a dream, it’s our reality, Hitoshi.” growls Katsuki seriously as he locks eyes with Hitoshi, trying to convey his honesty through the stare down.
“Are we all going to do this, for real?” asks Izuku as he pulls away from Katsuki’s neck, settling a bit more comfortably on Katsuki’s lap, the distance seeming to ease some of the heated tension in the room. “Are we really going to be together, all four of us?”
“I’d rather like that, if I’m being completely honest, I’d hate to not have this if we all want it.” says Eijirou almost shyly as he answers Izuku quickly.
“Izu and I have been talking about this for ages, so of course, I want it too if we’re all on the same page.” adds Hitoshi vulnerably as he meets each of their eyes before looking down at his lap.
“It sounds like we’re all on the same page because I want all of those things too. We can discuss more over breakfast because we have to talk about boundaries and expectations. For now, we should get some sleep because it’s late, and you know cheeks and speedy aren’t going to be quiet when they leave.” replies Katsuki quietly, a somber tone of sincerity speaking volumes around his nervous words.
“Sleep sounds like a good idea, and we can go to one of our apartments to talk everything out and have breakfast.” cheers Izuku happily as he slips off of Katsuki’s lap to get comfortable on the bed, moving down until he’s lying on his side, back to Katsuki.
Hitoshi and Eijirou hum in agreement before laying down as well, Hitoshi curling into Izuku, their foreheads pressing together a moment before Izuku murmurs, “Go ahead, I know you need it, kitten.”
Hitoshi’s smile is tense and nervous before he exhales harshly through his nose and gives in to Izuku’s encouraging murmurs. Hitoshi rolls to press his back to Izuku’s chest, fitting them together like puzzle pieces as Izuku’s arms wrap around Hitoshi’s body to hug him tightly. Katsuki watches Eijirou lay down next to Hitoshi, curling closer to him, their legs easily getting intertwined as Eijirou cuddles close and lays his long arm across both Izuku and Hitoshi’s waist, hand reaching for Katsuki. Eijirou’s looking at Katsuki expectantly, and Izuku and Hitoshi turn to side-eye Katsuki as well until Katsuki curses under his breath and grabs blankets to cover them up. After they’re all covered, Katsuki fits himself against Izuku’s back, breathing hotly against his neck as he reaches his arm across to hold all of them as best as he can, fingertips lightly gripping Eijirou’s elbow the same way Eijirou’s fingertips are digging into his own. They fall asleep curled together like a perfect puzzle finally pieced together in the right way, it’s easy and comfortable, warm in the best way as they hold each other.
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