#Pop culture magick
pureresplendence · 28 days
☁️ ⋆ magical girl concept advice .ᐣ.ᐟ
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NOTES 。this is NOT a roleplaying account, nor is this a form of delusion. the owner of this account is a practitioner of witchcraft, and IRL magical girls fall under the chaos magic and pop culture magic aspect of witchcraft.
at the beginning of our journey as magical girls, or magical girl to-be's, we often pick for ourselves whether we want to be a magical girl from a pre-existing magical system or if we want to branch off into something that is more original.
although some of us may struggle with choosing and can be faced with a crossroad of magical possibilities, oftentimes called a concept crisis or a concept dilemma. this may cause some people who are new to their magical girl journey to feel lost and lacking direction, this is because a concept determines what kind of magical girl will you live as.
personally, i've encountered plenty of magical heroes who had been in a concept dilemma at least once in their journey, and myself including albeit it was just me bouncing between two concepts before i settled on a concept that i think fits me; i used to be debating with myself whether it's good to be a puella magi or a dreamcatcher cue to kyubey who still visits me sometimes. although it is not entirely impossible for you to find a concept that fits just right.
but how can one do it? how can someone figure out what kind of magical girl they should be or what they want to be? for that, we should take a few steps backwards and observe ourselves, taking on introspection and getting to know ourselves better.
this is the advice that i recommend the most because i've seen some magical heroes, and myself as well, force themselves into concepts that may feel uncomfortable or they may feel out of place in.
why do you want to become a magical girl and what type of goal do you want to achieve with it? what are you fighting for, or what are you willing to fight for? what made the idea of being and living as a magical girl fascinating for you? are you willing to go through great lengths to work towards being a magical girl?
what are your personality strengths and weaknesses, and how can you use this to your advantage when picking a concept? do you think or are you confident that you'll be able to handle and endure the responsibility of balancing civilian life and magical life despite your personality? will you be uncomfortable with your future as a magical girl? what resonates the most with you?
what kind of life do you want to lead as a magical girl, and will you be loyal to it? will it be something that is lighthearted or healing, would you like to strengthen and encourage yourself through it? do you want it to be peaceful with a life focused on helping with earthly matters, or do you want to engage in combat? do you want it to have rules? do you want to have a sense of orderliness through setting up a magical system of your own, or do you want it to be vague so that you'll find out about it as you go?
what kind of motifs do you think best represents you, or what kind of motifs can inspire you? what symbolisms feel close to your heart, what are you psychologically connected to? what themes that are recurring in your life and personality can be used as an inspiration for your motifs and magical life? what things do you want people to associate you and your concept with?
is there a way you can integrate your hobbies and interests into your concept? in what way can your hobbies and interests influence the way that you visualize the type of magical life that you want? do you want to personalize it to your own comforts and wishes or keep a magical system that is open for everyone?
considering your physical and psychological abilities, how can you apply these to your training, whether that is a physical training or magical training? what are your physical or psychological weak spots, do you have any physical disabilities that you want to improve on through magic? how can you use being a magical girl to your advantage in reinforcing your own physical and psychological weaknesses? do you want to highlight certain aspects of these as magical abilities?
overall, this can be interpreted as a self-evaluation in order to understand your desires better and know how to fit them in a better, more efficient, or personalized magical framework.
this is important in my opinion because there may be some magical girls who have forgotten why they wanted to be a magical girl in the first place due to getting lost in concept dilemmas abd trying to fit in certain systems, and i think that it can be significantly helpful to the person if they were to pause and rethink for themselves.
if you feel like you don't belong or fit into any concepts, there is definitely no harm in creating one from scratch or modifying a pre-existing concept. there are plenty of materials to work with and you can piece together the ideas that you want from the concepts you like, and your number one tool for finding a good concept, of course, is yourself.
– may 08, 2024 | wednesday
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jasper-pagan-witch · 16 days
hi! sorry to bother you, but i would like to get into pop culture paganism and am intimidated by all the.. everything people are talking about that i dont understand. do you have the most basic, "explain it like im four" crash course for learning PCP? [i feel the need to specify, i dont think im interested in being a witch at this time, i just have a pop culture deity id like to venerate] [i think thats the right word? worship? work with? idk]
thank you very much!
I'll happily help, anon.
WARNING! This post is a very, very basic introduction to Pop Culture Paganism, and I'm writing from my own perspective. There's no way I can cover everything. Please let me rest.
Let's start with some abbreviations:
PCM = Pop Culture Magic, the usage of elements of pop culture in one's magical or spiritual practice
PCP = Pop Culture Paganism, the usage of elements of pop culture (including but not limited to pop culture deities or characters-as-deities) in or as one's religious practice
PCD = Pop Culture Deity, an entity who is worshiped as or is a deity in their source material
PCE = Pop Culture Entity, any entity from a pop culture source (any PCD is a PCE, but not all PCEs are PCDs)
And some of my own definitions (yours may not be the same!):
Veneration/worship = including a figure in your religious practice
Work = creating an agreement with a figure in a magical or spiritual practice, which may or may not be religious in nature
Devotion = worshiping one deity above all others, that deity becoming your patron
All of these have been greatly simplified for ease of use in this guide.
PCP can be done in addition to or in place of other religions. Due to the nature of the phrase "paganism", a polytheist approach is implied but ultimately isn't necessary - there are plenty of pop culture pagans who only worship one PCD/PCE. I practice both PCP and """mainstream""" polytheism.
PCP can be done in addition to PCM, but the two can also be mutually exclusive. I, personally, practice both PCP and PCM.
The primary appeal of PCP is that it is deeply personal. Many people who engage in PCP find that starting their religious practice from the ground up, or in using familiar religious practices from their culture that they're used to, is a lot of fun. Others love the source material(s) that they're drawing from so much that practicing PCP is just a natural way to continue expressing their love for it. There are a thousand reasons to practice PCP.
Some of the """mainstream""" polytheism issues appear in PCP, too. Gatekeeping, cliques, the insistence that deities have to "choose" you...a lot of toxic ideas tend to show up, just because of how online spaces work nowadays.
"That's great, Jasper, but how do we actually do this?" I'm getting there, dear readers, I promise.
Decide your approach. What pop culture source are you drawing from? A video game? Music? A book series, or even a standalone book?
Outreach. Do you build an altar or shrine? Make an offering? Write a poem or invitation? Pray? Wait for the PCD/PCE to reach out first? Do you create them yourself?
Set expectations. What are you going to do? What do you expect? Do you want to communicate back and forth, or just pray and not expect a direct answer? Figure out what you want.
Continue developing. Your PCP practice will likely not remain the same as time goes on. Let it grow, and let yourself grow with it.
Hopefully this is a very beginner-friendly 101 style post! For further resources, please check out my Pop Culture Magic/Paganism Resources Masterpost.
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teriel · 2 months
I discuss how game creation can teach us principles of magic that can be applied to pop culture magic workings as well as magical workings in general. I also share a couple of ideas on how to use game creation to construct magical workings that are executed when a game is played.
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warmth-and-wonder · 1 year
Hinterland Rhyme Curse
A curse, done by either incantation or spell jar, to inflict a target with the consuming paranoia that they are being hunted. Directly inspired by Melissa Albert’s the Hazelwood and the Night Country.
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If preformed via incantation, do so in a pitch black place. As you say the rhyme, shine a light on a taglock for your target (their name on a piece of paper, a photo, etc) so it is the only thing you can see.
If preformed via spelljar, write down the rhyme and read aloud each line as you finish writing it. Place it in the jar with a taglock, then add whatever you associate with hunting to fill the rest of the jar. Such as bones, teeth, bullets/bullet shells, the colors red and green, soil for earth and other earth elemental objects.
Once done, keep the spelljar/taglock in a dark place, discard it in the woods, or bury it beneath a gate. Always use biodegradable materials if disposed of outside.
Little mouse, Scratch scratch
Hasten to your home
Lock and latch, do up the catch
And pray that your alone
Little spider, Twitch twitch
Run to seal the gate
Weave and sew, stitch stitch
Pray it’s not too late
-the Night Country, Melissa Albert.
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schrodingersdragon · 1 year
Thank you to all the witchcraft blogs out there with those really big master posts with other resources and everything is really organized and some are on really niche kinds of crafts like tech and pop culture magic and there are even blogs dedicated to their focus within pop culture and tech magic (their particular video game for instance) they really make my life so much easier as a closeted witch
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thehazeldruid · 1 year
Katara's Ice Trap
A binding spell to trap someone’s rage and aggression in ice and then melt it away based on Azula and Katara’s fight
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What You Need
A taglock to tie the magic to your target.
As the spell’s inspiration is Katara and Azula, I used a bit of the person’s hair (since you know, Azula snipped her hair wrong in her descent into madness) But any taglock will do. A picture, hair, something belonging to them. Etc.
A Blue candle to promote peace and calm within yourself and in the target.
A binding incense. I used Sandalwood, but anything associated with binding will work.
A small container for the taglock to be frozen in. A glass of water, to pour over the taglock, to freeze it in
A black string, ribbon, or cord to tie around the taglock before freezing it, to further bind it.
What To Do
Prepare yourself and your workspace however you see fit. Ground, center, call the powers you’ll be working with, meditate, cast a circle etc.
Before you begin, sit in your workspace and relax. Keep yourself calm and centered during this spell. Find happiness, and peace, and focus before you start. When you are ready light the candle and then the incense.
Pick up your taglock, visualizing the target and the anger and aggression they are full of. Hold it in the incense smoke for a moment, watching the smoke swirl around the object, visualizing the same smoke enveloping the target.
Hold it (SAFELY) over the candle and say “Fire’s rage burns hot and strong, let it be soothe by water’s song”
Take your cord or string and tie it around the taglock, visualizing the rage and aggression within your target being held at bay. Say “By cord entwined your rage be bound, kept in check, wrapped around”
Place the cord-bound taglock in the container it will be frozen in. Say “Bright embers cooled by water’s kiss, know no more anger, only peaceful bliss”- Pour the water over the object and prepare it to be frozen. Visualize the person calming, their anger subsiding bit by bit.
Take the container to the freezer. Say “In cold ice now encased, let your anger be erased”
Return to your candle and incense, relax your mind and body. Find again the calm you felt before. Visualizing that cool, calmness spreading across the target as well. Repeat as necessary, encasing in more water and freezing again.
To Melt Away the remnants of their rage/ aggression
Remove the frozen object either in or out of its container.
Place it in a large enough bowl to melt safely and without making a mess.
Allow it to melt naturally, and when you dispose of the taglock (properly, no matter what the item is) visualize that the target is indeed calmer and less aggressive.
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Good luck and happy casting witches!
The Hazell Druid
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starlights-thoughts · 1 month
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pls tell me there’s ppl who work/communicate w/ bill cipher cuz i’m DESPERATE. I NEED TO KNOW IF YALL EXIST PLEASE 😭😭😭😭😭😭😣😭
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brizobituin · 1 month
Imagine being an avid user of tech magic and not believing the existence of entities and divinity forming via the same concept of magic.
Anyway, where are my fellow pop-culture magic practitioners at? 🙈
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queer-tech-seer · 1 year
Using the Alethiometer as a Tool of Divination
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About the Alethiometer
The Alethiometer is a divinatory tool from Phillip Pullman's His Dark Materials series. The word 'alethiometer' is a compound of Greek root aletheia- (truth) and suffix -meter (measure), literally meaning 'truth measure'. It resembles a compass or pocket-watch in appearance, with four needle-like hands anchored to the center and a golden casing -- giving rise to its alternative name, The Golden Compass. The Alethiometer has thirty six symbols painted around the rim of the dial, each with meanings on multiple different levels (referred to by Lyra in the book as a 'ladder' that one had to travel up and down) that are contextually and subjectively dependent.
To use it, an Alethiometrist uses the dials on the sides of the device to move three of the four hands to point at three symbols representing the question they wish to ask. The Alethiometrist must hold this question in their mind and enter a loose, almost meditative state, during which the fourth dial shifts from symbol to symbol to indicate the answer. The querant must not only note which symbols the needle stops at and the order it does so, but also how many times it may have stopped at the same symbol, which could (but not always!) indicate which 'rung' of the 'ladder' the meaning may be found at. The symbols must then be taken together as a whole to translate and interpret the full meaning. The Alethiometer moves quickly, and so the Alethiometrist must be quick-witted and pay close attention to what it is trying to say lest they miss parts of the answer.
The Alethiometer was invented in Lyra Silvertongue's world in the 17th century by Pavel Khunrath, an experimental theologian who had originally intended to use it for astrological purposes, but expanded his research once he realized the device could answer questions beyond those dealing with the zodiac. In much the same way people of our world use tools such as tarot cards and runes, the Alethiometer was used to 'learn the truth' via communication with Dust, the elementary particle responsible for the consciousness of sentient species across the multiverse. Only six of these devices were ever created, and each of them had a somewhat unique appearance beyond the common resemblance to a compass.
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Using the Alethiometer
As with any divinatory tool, reading and interpreting an Alethiometer is a deeply personal process that requires no small amount of intuition. It is for this reason that learning the symbols must go beyond mere rote memorization. Each of the 36 symbols on the dial has a primary 'surface' denotation and multiple, more abstract subsidiary connotations. Similar to tarot cards, each symbol can also have a multitude of different meanings beyond those that are commonly held due to the Alethiometrist's personal beliefs, views, culture, and life experiences. No symbolic meaning is universal! The Alethiometer may add to the multiplicity of the symbols by revealing new meanings to the querant relevant to the question at hand.
Additionally, Alethiometrists should look in to academic topics such as the study of semiotics (the study of signs and symbols and their use or interpretations), lexical semantics (the study of word meanings and word relations), and pragmatics (the study of how context contributes to meaning), especially in linguistic, anthropological, and sociological contexts.  By combining these epistemologies, an Alethiometrist will have a firm foundation upon which to expand their knowledge and understanding not only of the symbols and meanings of the device itself, but how they might fit together in a syncretic and holistic manner.
Using an Alethiometer is a co-constructive exercise between yourself and the device. When posing a question to the Alethiometer, one should be calm, relaxed, loose in both body and mind, and open to whatever answers will be revealed to you. Remember: It can only the truth, but, depending on the question and context, your device may omit certain details or present information in an alternative light, and so each answer should be carefully examined and alternative interpretations should be considered. Discernment and the ability to read between the lines is important when using an Alethiometer. The Alethiometer is also sensitive to the moods of its reader and may become reluctant to answer questions when you aren't in the right state of mind, especially when it knows you might not like the answer it has to offer.
As with any divination practice, you should always keep a detailed journal to record your observations and take notes upon any impressions you get from your Alethiometer during readings. With patience and practice, reading the Alethiometer will become quicker and easier as you become familiar with your device's individual personality and moods and learn how to intuit the answers to your questions.
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Alethiometer Simulacra:
Unfortunately, we do not have access to Lyra's world and thus do not have access to any of the Alethiometers that exist there there. Unless you have thousands of dollars to spare to commission a custom Alethiometer from a jeweler or watchmaker, or are able to buy one of the Limited Edition replicas of the 2007 film version produced by the Noble Collection that occasionally appear for resale online, access to the physical Alethiometers of our world is similarly restricted.
Luckily, I have found a handful of working substitutes in the form of web-based apps, computer programs, phone apps, and other alternatives. Any of these Alethiometers are viable to use, though some might work better for you than others. In addition to links, I've included my own notes and thoughts on each below.
The Emojicompass/The Emoji Alethiometer (Web & ios App)
The Emojicompass has to be my favorite Alethiometer of the bunch, mainly due to its charming presentation (I mean, come on, it uses emojis) and the inclusion of three dials/needles for user input. When moving your dials by click-and-drag to each symbol, a brief blurb will pop up to remind you of its meaning(s). Each answer returns three symbols, and will list one of the three associated meanings included with the app (which may be a bane or a boon depending on your reading style). It can also be accessed through mobile internet browsers, meaning Android users can also make use of it through bookmarking it and accessing it through said mobile browser, or adding the webpage to their home screens.
This is the version I personally use the most. The use of emojis as substitutes for the symbols upon the dial further contributes to the technomagickal nature of this particular iteration, which I think is particularly fitting. Because it exists as an app on my phone, it travels everywhere with me like a real Alethiometer would, and I feel more 'bonded' to it than any of the other versions on this list.
The NeonAvis Alethiometer (Windows & MacOS & Linux)
Retrieved via Wayback Machine from a site last logged in 2008, the NeonAvis Alethiometer is possibly the oldest Alethiometer on the list. The hands are moved by clicking and dragging the dials, and the question is posed by clicking the center of the compass. Each answer returns a whopping six symbols, and lists one of the meanings included with the app. This particular version is my second favorite because it actually gives you the ability to edit the meanings of each symbol yourself (with each symbol having up to six meanings). You can increase and decrease the window size using +/-. This version also has an Italian translation.
Because this version had to be recovered with Wayback and it took a rather considerable effort to download it, I have decided to host a copy of it myself and others via Google Drive, which is linked above. Along with the three OS versions, I have also managed to retrieve an Italian translation of the app as well as the source code. The creator of this app, Wendell M Jr. (aka NeonAvis), has listed it as freeware and open source, so if anyone has the knowledge to tinker with it, you are open to do so.
Note: If you try to add more than six meanings to a symbol in the .txt file containing said meanings, the program will read it as corrupt and stop working properly. Resetting the meanings file to default returns it to proper operation.
The Artemis-Beta Alethiometer  (Windows & Mac OS)
This version of the Alethiometer has a very simple presentation compared to others on this list but is no less effective. It too has three dials/needles for user input, but requires a scroll-wheel on a mouse to move the dials. Laptop users may run into the issues here; I managed to get it to work by pinching my fingers in the traditional 'zoom in' gesture. This version moves very quickly and requires you to pay close attention to the fourth needle. Each answer returns three symbols, but offers no meanings, leaving it up to the reader to discern and interpret the level of meaning for each symbol.
Because of this, I feel that this version is actually the closest simulation of a real Alethiometer.
Alethiometer: Magical Oracle/The Magical Oracle Alethiometer (Android App)
The Alethiometer: Magical Oracle app features a 3D rendered Golden Compass clearly based upon the BBC show's version. It is my least favorite of the apps because of two reasons: there is only one dial/needle for user input, severely limiting the questions you can ask, and the app itself never seems to remember any settings customization, meaning you have to reset it to your preferred specifications each time you open it. However, each answer returns five symbols, and will list one of the three associated meanings included in the app. It also includes a meanings glossary within the app menu that you can consult. I am unsure if there is an iOS version.
The Chartomancy Alethiometer (Gyromancy-based)
This iteration is a printable PDF adapted for gyromancy-based chartomancy, though I suppose it could just as easily be used as a pendulum board. It's pretty straightforward to use -- you spin a top and take note of where it comes to rest. What I like most about this one, however, is the helpful journal/interpretation template the author has included for recording your questions & answers, which also encourages you to think about alternative meanings to the answer you've been given. They also include an extensive personal glossary of interpretations of each symbol, which is an excellent example of an Alethiometrist discovering new meanings beyond the few we were provided with in His Dark Materials.
The 3d6 Alethiometer System (Dice-based)
I kind've adore this version mainly due to the clever usage of the dice in place of a watch-like object with hands and symbols. Two of the dice give you the number corresponding to a specific symbol, and the (optional) third gives you the meaning. While it isn't exactly a 'traditional' Alethiometer, it could work just as well, as you still have to hold your question in your mind while rolling the dice to divine your answer. The linked post also includes three or more levels of meanings for each symbol, with some meanings added or tweaked by the author. Major kudos to @hillbillyoracle for coming up with it!
The Alethiometer Oracle Cards by Eva Deverell (Printable Oracle Deck)
Finally, we come to the Alethiometer Oracle Cards. The author provides a link to download a printable deck of 36 cards based upon the symbols of the Alethiometer (it's advised you print these off on thicker paper like cardstock) as well as a custom deck box. The deck can then be consulted as a traditional oracle deck. The author also helpfully provides a few different ways to help memorize the symbols and their meanings. Nevertheless, despite my personal feelings, this iteration could still prove useful to some aspiring Alethiometrists.
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Symbol Meanings:
Here are the 36 symbols of the Alethiometer and the meanings they are canonically associated with, according to the books and material provided by the author and publisher, and are unfortunately very Western and Christian-centric, mainly due to the subject nature of the books in question. Please remember that these are meant only to be starting points for you in your journey as an Alethiometrist. As I explained above, everyone's understanding of the meanings of each symbol is contextual and subjective, and no two Alethiometrists will interpret the symbols the same exact way.
Hourglass - Time, Death, change ... Sun -  Day, Authority, truth ... Alpha and Omega - Finality, Process, inevitability ... Marionette - Obedience, Submission, grace ... Serpent - Evil, Guile, natural wisdom ... Cauldron (crucible) - Alchemy, Craft, achieved wisdom ... Anchor - Hope, Steadfastness, prevention ... Angel - Messages, hierarchy, disobedience… Helmet - War, Protection, narrow vision ... Beehive - Productive work, Sweetness, light ... Moon - Chastity, Mystery, the uncanny ... Madonna - Motherhood, The feminine, worship ... Apple - Sin, Knowledge, vanity ... Bird - The soul (the dæmon), Spring, marriage ... Bread - Nourishment, Christ, sacrifice ... Ant - Mechanical work, Diligence, tedium ... Bull - Earth, Power, honesty ... Candle - Fire, Faith, learning ... Cornucopia - Wealth, Autumn, hospitality ... Chameleon - Air, Greed, patience ... Thunderbolt - Inspiration, Fate, chance ... Dolphin - Water, Resurrection, succor ... Walled garden - Nature, Innocence, order ... Globe - Politics, Sovereignty, fame ... Sword - Justice, Fortitude, the Church ... Griffin - Treasure, Watchfulness, courage ... Horse - Europe, Journeys, fidelity ... Camel - Asia, Summer, perseverance ... Elephant - Africa, Charity, continence ... Crocodile (caiman) - America, Rapacity, enterprise ... Baby - The future, Malleability, helplessness ... Compass - Measurement, Mathematics, science ... Lute - Poetry, Rhetoric, philosophy ... Tree - Firmness, Shelter, fertility ... Wild man - Wild man, The masculine, lust ... Owl - Night, Winter, fear ...
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"Definitions of Symbols of the Alethiometer." Archived by Wayback Machine. 20 March 2015. [https://web.archive.org/web/20150320073134/http://www.randomhouse.com/features/pullman/materials/definitions.php] Accessed 24 December 2022.
"History of the Alethiometer." Archived by Wayback Machine. 20 March 2015. [https://web.archive.org/web/20150320072443/http://www.randomhouse.com/features/pullman/materials/history.php] Accessed 24 December 2022.
"How to Read the Alethiometer." Archived by Wayback Machine. 20 March 2015. [https://web.archive.org/web/20150320072448/http://www.randomhouse.com/features/pullman/materials/materials.php]. Accessed 24 December 2022.
Pullman, Phillip. The Golden Compass. Alfred A. Knopf Books. 1995.
Pullman, Phillip. The Subtle Knife. Alfred A. Knopf Books. 1997.
Pullman, Phillip. The Amber Spyglass. Alfred A. Knopf Books. 2000.
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teamwitch2-blog · 1 year
Morning thoughts about tech and magic
There is a lot to be said about using tech to amplify magical workings. However, this morning, I was going through one of my books for an rpg that has a school of magic for cybermancy. This got me thinking about the way magic and tech works. For example, I have learned that by typing spells out onto a page, I can think of it as a programming language and it enacts the spell without me saying anything. Another thing I have noticed is that since humans are constantly connected to their devices, drawing energy from technology is a great way to restore magical power when casting a spell. It is almost as if using tech is the new method of drawing from nature. I was also thinking about the potential of psychic abilities related to tech. If a practitioner uses tech to cast spells, there could the possibility of psychic abilities linked to electricity and spells that don’t use tech in the working, but create the effect of the desired program. A firewall shield spell for example.
Please don’t hate me, I’m still half asleep and having these thoughts.
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pureresplendence · 1 month
꒰🎐꒱ the resplendent dream in the dark, the guiding star that burns brightly amidst adversity! dreamcatcher polaris!
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NOTES 。this is NOT a roleplaying account, nor is this a form of delusion. the owner of this account is a practitioner of witchcraft, and IRL magical girls fall under the chaos magic and pop culture magic aspect of witchcraft.
💭 – information 。
hello, everyone. you may refer to me as polaris. i'm 16, i do use they/them pronouns however i don't mind any as well.
this blog is for things related to IRL magical girls and witchcraft. i might as well reblog posts from other magical girls here on tumblr, and also witchcraft / pcp / chaos magic in general. aside from that, i also do dream work, astral work, and reality shifting, hence i might post about that as well.
the type of magical girl i am is of an original concept and original magical system (dreamcatcher), but i also have knowledge about puella magis in general as someone who had been a former puella magi (non-contracted) for a long time and had performed research. i also have made acquaintances and friends with other magical heroes on and off tumblr.
sending asks are more than welcome, especially if the intention is to learn more about magical girls and witchcraft. i'm willing to explain certain things related to the questions, however i won't tolerate hateful or passive-aggressive asks.
💭 – do not interact if 。
you fit the basic DNI criteria, supports/tolerates/justifies/participates in any form of discriminatory acts such as homophobia, transphobia, aphobia, ableism, sexism, etc., romanticizes mental illnesses, promotes the uses of underground and unsafe forms of subliminals and manifesting.
if the intentions of your visit to this account is to spread negativity about pop culture practices and IRL magical girls, then you are not welcome here and you can simply filter out the magical girl tumblr tags in order to not stumble upon them again. or you can also just block me.
💭 – miscellaneous 。
don't forget your daily clicks !!
💭 – blog tags 。
♡ . a star's monologues — blogs that are mainly about my own thoughts, or could just be casual and mundane things.
♡ . magical girls — blogs that are mainly about magical girls such as information i know about them, guides and how-to's on things related to magic and magical girls.
♡ . mahou reblogs — reblog of other magical girl's posts.
♡ . magick reblogs — reblog of other witchcraft posts.
♡ . messages from the stars — blogs that are mainly for responding to asks.
♡ . dreamy fragments wish revival — blogs that are mainly about my little rambles on my magical girl concept.
♡ . wake up polaris just posted ! — all blogs
– may 4, 2024 | saturday
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jasper-pagan-witch · 5 months
🔥pop culture spells?
It's even harder to use someone else's pop culture spell than it is if the spell weren't tied to pop culture. Even if you share the source media with the spell's creator, the two of you will inevitably read into it differently and stress different parts. This is completely normal and also cool, but makes engaging with other people's spells a bit more difficult.
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anthologiemystika · 1 year
Pop Culture Magic | Fight the Darkness Charm
"My heart is strong. I'll prove it!"
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This spell is inspired by Kingdom Hearts, a well loved Square Enix video game series. More specifically inspired by a character from the Series, Aqua - one who constantly fought the darkness, won many times, and managed to claw her way back out when she was lost... with a little help from her friends.
This spell is to help fight the Darkness in your life. Be that stress, anxiety, or just plain old sadness. Everyone can use a little uplifting.
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What you'll need:
• Mesquite incense I use this for protection, healing, and cleansing, though you may substitute for whichever incense you prefer. Or none at all if incense bothers you.
• Aqua blue candle Esoteric meaning of aqua includes happiness, harmony, healing and peace
• A small Star shaped jar I am a sucker for spell jars. The star in this case represents the Wayfinder charm Aqua made for Ventus and Terra. Also acceptable is a regular bottle with a star shaped charm to wrap around or attach to the jar. Ideally the jar will be small enough to make a necklace out of to wear this as a ward.
• Obsidian chips Used for protection, and elimination of negative energy from the self and environment
• Dried Lavender buds Soothing for anxiety, plus smells nice while adding to your jar.
• Dried Green tea leaves These improve your focus and help reduce stress in a spell.
• Pink Himalayan salt Calming, self love
• Fluorite chips These help create order from chaos, relieve stress, aid in focus, and cleanse
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As this spell bottle is for cleansing yourself of stress, anxiety, and sadness the best place to start is grounding and centering yourself. There are many ways to do so, and I always recommend choosing your favorite method. I personally like to meditate and visualize for about 10 to 15 minutes before a spell if time allows for it.
Once you've prepared yourself and your work space, light your incense and repeat these words three times:
I can feel the Light May my Heart be my Guiding Key The Darkness Doesn't Interest me
After repeating the rhyme, use the smoke from the incense to cleanse the bottle you're using. Pass the opening over the smoke a few times to catch some in the bottle. Once you've felt you have done this enough times (I usually recommend 3 to 7) turn the jar right side up and let the smoke clear from the inside.
Light your aqua blue candle, and then you can start layering your spell ingredients. The order only matters to the spell caster, but this is the order I would use:
First, a layer of black obsidian chips for eliminating negative energy from yourself and the environment around you.
Then a layer of pink Himalayan salt to cleanse yourself and promote self love.
Followed by a layer of green tea and lavender buds (you can mix the two together) for focus, reduced stress, and soothing anxiety.
Last but not least, a layer of fluorite chips to create order from the chaos causing your darkness.
Place the cork in the bottles opening, and use the wax from the aqua blue candle to seal it. If you used a star shaped bottle, this will be one of your last steps. But if you used a bottle that was a regular shape, then you would attach the star shaped charm and secure it with the wax as well. As you're doing this, you can repeat the rhyme from above three more times.
If the bottle is small enough to wear, you should attach the necklace it will be on after the wax has dried enough to do so, but before you snuff out the candle. Let the candle burn as the wax dries and take that time to visualize and focus on the results you desire from this charm.
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chaoticpiglinwitch · 9 months
Pronouns: Any, She/they works but also seen used he/they
Domains: Agriculture, Nature, Pentiful crops, Protector of Farms/earth, Abundance, Knowledge, Flowers, Water/Rainfall, Farm Animals, Child Birth/Protector of children, Herbalism, Protector of small settlements, homes and wanderers. Baking, small parties/gatherings. Morning sunrises
Depictions: Has 2 different forms, more Bull/Cow form and more human. Has mid-dark brown curly long hair in a flowy long dress with off the shoulder sleeves (made with flower petals). Taller in height, wearing some jewellery (ring, bangles, and simple necklace. Cow bull ring in cow form). Holding a basket of flowers, has flowers blooming her hair, and it changes with the seasons.
Consorts: has spouse
Family Members: Syren (raised not birth)
Attendants: Syren, Prime,
Epithets: "Mother Herd" She would help farmers in flocks and farming. Being a protective mothering figure, she would be followed by herds of animals and children.
"Hearty Hearth" Terran would help bake and cook food and offerings would be left in kitchen or at the doorways of farm houses.
"Lady Horn with tea leaves" She would have tea parties and small gatherings with other gods and spirits, they would be offered a cup of tea at tea parties of villagers or morning tea drinkers. Leaving them tea is said to be good luck, allowing you to have more abundant community living and having their protection.
"Iron Bull", "Bull of the Home" and "Ringing Bell of Lady Bull" These are her titles for she was invoked for protection of the home and settlements. It was believed that ringing bells at sunset would inshore that Terran would stand guard of doorways, barns. Sometimes it was believed that she helped Iron golems protect towns and helped them heal.
Mobs/Symbols: Sunflowers, Fish, Cows, dogs, short haired cats, sunrise,
Colors: Brown, Green, Yellow, Pale pink
Herbs/Incense: Sunflower, Cinnamon, any floral, tulips, roses, earthy scents, rosemary, lily of valley, thyme, frankincense, lavender, garden sage, Basil,
Tea/tea parties. love fruit and floral tea
Cow imagery
Flowers, vases with flowers , sunflowers, and tulips are her favourites.
Any music or piece of art
Children's books, toys, stuffies, educational studies
Baking goods
Reading books
Honouring her wife, syren, prime
Spending time outside
Collect rain water
Watching the sunrise
Pressed or dried flowers
Animal and Earth activism, earth education, learning about recycling. Spending with animals or pets.
Watching movies and documentaries with them
Doing your homework, studying anything lol, learning herbalism.
Teaching, going to class, and supporting your local teachers and schools.
Baking cookies, bread, and more.
Supporting your physical and mental health
Supporting children and their rights. Working in childcare, child programs, or child protection
Going to tea shops, hosting tea parties, and small gatherings with friends and family.
Joining your local community farm/gardens or school gardens. Looking after bees
Dancing in the rain, drink water
Making playlists, playing music with her, and singing songs.
Looking after a plant or garden
Playing minecraft, farming for her. Farming simulators in general
Volunteering at shelters
Wearing sun screen, sun glasses, picking up trash outside.
Favours: Herbalists, adventurers/explorers, Nature lovers, Herdpeople, dog lovers, teachers, students, gardeners, farmers, child workers, bakers, librarians.
Don't eat cows or honor/give thanks to animal after eating.
Pick up trash/rubbish outside pls
Be helpful with animals (if you can and are financially able to do so)
Take care of the earth
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magicalboynormz · 2 months
Hello everyone >!!!<! My name is Norman. I am an osdd system and this is just my digital grimoire! Im mostly just gonna reblog stuff here,,,yay! I practice pop culture witchcraft so if you don’t like that please DNI!!
Current deities I work with/look into:
• Hades (Greek pantheon)
• Aphrodite (Greek pantheon)
• Asmodeus (Ars Goetia)
• Snape (HP)
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dgyum · 5 months
hymn to Dialga
offspring of shining Almighty Arceus, much-nam'd, draw near o Weaver of Destinies and listen to my invocation; Who in the plain(where gears blue turn upon a tower hid in between moments), abide; From whence, wide coursing round the boundless earth, your pow'r extends to those of mortal birth To men with hope elated, trifling, gay, a race presumptuous, born but to decay; Whose life 'tis your's in darkness to conceal to sense impervious, in a purple veil, When thro' the fatal plain they joyful ride in one great car, Opinion for their guide; 'Till each completes his heav'n-appointed round at Justice, Hope, and Care's concluding bound, The terms absolv'd, prescrib'd by ancient law of pow'r immense, and just without a flaw; For the Lord of Time alone with vision unconfin'd, surveys the conduct of the mortal kind. Dialga is Arceus's perfect and eternal eye, for Arceus and time's weaver our ev'ry deed descry. Come, gentle pow'er, well-born, benignant, famed, Unchang'd, aerial, wand'ring in the night, restless, invisible to mortal fight; Time, all-producing all-destroying hear, regard the incense and the invocation hear; Propitious listen and come bringing gentle news
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