#curse magick
warmth-and-wonder · 1 year
Hinterland Rhyme Curse
A curse, done by either incantation or spell jar, to inflict a target with the consuming paranoia that they are being hunted. Directly inspired by Melissa Albert’s the Hazelwood and the Night Country.
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If preformed via incantation, do so in a pitch black place. As you say the rhyme, shine a light on a taglock for your target (their name on a piece of paper, a photo, etc) so it is the only thing you can see.
If preformed via spelljar, write down the rhyme and read aloud each line as you finish writing it. Place it in the jar with a taglock, then add whatever you associate with hunting to fill the rest of the jar. Such as bones, teeth, bullets/bullet shells, the colors red and green, soil for earth and other earth elemental objects.
Once done, keep the spelljar/taglock in a dark place, discard it in the woods, or bury it beneath a gate. Always use biodegradable materials if disposed of outside.
Little mouse, Scratch scratch
Hasten to your home
Lock and latch, do up the catch
And pray that your alone
Little spider, Twitch twitch
Run to seal the gate
Weave and sew, stitch stitch
Pray it’s not too late
-the Night Country, Melissa Albert.
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lilithslovewitch · 2 years
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My name is May, and I’m a professional spellcaster who has been studying the occult and magick for 10+ years. I’m also a lilith devotee.
I just started an etsy shop as a platform for my spell work, and I thought I’d start a brand new tumblr to meet more mutual occultists/spellcasters and spread the word. I specialize in love and domination magick.
My etsy is: https://etsy.me/3AZVw5A
Feel free to message me if you need any help, if you’re another occultist/spellcaster.
I’d love to meet mutuals as well, so like or reblog if you’re into similar content so I can meet more people. ❤️
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fallbabylon · 1 month
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Hex! Museum of Witchcraft-Ribe, Denmark
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remington-the-witch · 20 days
Reminder that intentions are important in spellwork! A generic intention won't give you exactly what you desire. Be sure to be specific about what you want from your spells! 🌱
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drawfee-quot3s · 2 months
i'm just gonna cook a beautiful dinner and then give it like a spritz of windex and then give it to someone i'm not like that happy about
- karina
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wizardsaur · 1 year
Baneful Spellwork positive post
There are so many valid, reasonable, understandable things that would warrant a practitioner casting a baneful spell against someone else.
Your biggest ally in a baneful working: GIVE YOUR SUBJECT AN "OUT"
a change in behavior, a sincere apology, returned items. Whatever your reason is for your working, give them a way to break it themselves.
Pavlov that fucker into righting their own wrongs. "If you're honest, genuine, & kind, things will start to go your way again. If you continue in your malice, your life will fall apart."
In my personal practice, I don't follow any bastardized karmic retribution, or a rule of three. I believe that the Universe is a perfect balance of positive & negative forces, and it isn't fond of anything throwing that balance too far off kilter.
Without a "breaker" built in, your spell will eventually start to backfire. And it will backfire in the direction it came from.
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A Warning to new witches
Reading makes you smarter. But reading does not mean you are smart. This applies to those who read occult texts as well. Just because it is about magic and witchcraft, does not mean you are smart to read it. Be discerning of authors, publishers, and wording. You should not judge a book by its cover but you SHOULD judge a book by its title. be cautious of books using words like ____ Magic(k). The overuse of adjectives to describe types of witchcraft are purely used to make books attract crowds who follow trends. An example would be "Lunar Magick" which is a title to over 200+ books on amazon. They use these names to get your money for very little information. Most of these self published books are plagiarized or just watered down versions of actual grimoires with a historical basis. Be perceptive. And if you struggle to discern if a book will be good or not, ask me! I try to read the shitty throw away books just so I can help educate my mentees on what to NOT do. Know your enemies including bad authors. (Matt auryn is one of these bad authors. No matter how popular "psychic witch" is.
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lucidpast · 8 months
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Hand Curse
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lunavenefica · 2 years
⛤Evil Eye and Protection⛤
Many cultures around the world believe that through our thoughts or through an envious look, a person can harm another person by causing illness, injury or even death. 
There are many different names for this phenomenon, and the most common one is “the evil eye”.
What is the Evil Eye?
This word describes the process during which a person is affected by the negative energy of another person that hurts us intentionally or unintentionally.
In Islam:
“The Evil Eye” (ar. el-ajn) is a "poisonous arrow" that comes out of the envious person or the cause of the spell and goes towards the person who is envied and who wants to be cursed.
Sometimes this arrow works on a person, and sometimes it doesn't. If a man has no protection, then it affects him, and if he protects himself from it, then it has no effect on him.
The spell that affects people is the result of envy or too much admiration for something.”
Although we have our first testimonies of the evil eye in Islamic culture, it is deeply present in other cultures and traditions under different names.
Many people consider this to be pure superstition and a phenomenon for which there are no rational explanations but still partake in some of the methods used against it (such as knocking 3 times on wood) during situations in which they feel like their luck could turn bad.
⛤How to protect yourself
There are a lot of ways to check whether in a period when only bad luck follows us, the cause is someone's magic or the evil eye. 
Some of the oldest and very simple methods offer us the possibility to find out easily.
⛤Spot The Evil Eye with Olive Leaves
Olive oil, olive leaves and water should be prepared for this ritual. 
Fill the pot with water and pour three drops of olive oil. 
Then add the olive leaves.
If the oil separates from the leaves, it is an indication that there is an influence of the evil eye.
⛤Spot Negativity With Lemons
Lemons are used in this ritual, it is best if it is an odd number, three, five or seven. 
They should be placed in the corner of every room. 
After a few days, see if there are any changes on them. 
If black spots appear on them, spots of unclear shape, this is a sure sign of present negativity.
⛤A Magical Ritual to Remove Spells and Negative Influences
This simple and old method is considered very effective for removing spells and negative energy. 
It is done during the full moon. 
This ritual requires a little help from someone you trust.
What should be prepared for the ritual is:
one new white plate
one new white candle
fresh water
olive oil.
First, find a place where you will sit during the ritual and light a candle so that it is close to you. 
In the plate that the person is holding above your head, they should pour water, and then you should touch the water with your left hand. 
After that, the person pours three drops of olive oil into the water, saying:
"The evil eye was sent with envy and left with love."
Then it is observed on the plate how the oil drops have formed. 
If they have not separated, it is a sign that there is no presence of the evil eye, but if they have separated into countless small droplets, then the influence of negative energy is present. 
This method allows us to find out whether the evil energy was sent by a man or a woman. Namely, if the drops of oil are formed in the form of a line, it means that the influences were sent by a man. 
Oil droplets formed in the form of a circle mean that the negativity was sent by a female person.
At the end, the water is thrown into the ground, which should be illuminated by the light of the Moon, and on that occasion it is said:
 "May the spell and evil return to where they came from and to the one who sent them."
⛤Isidora ⛤
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essektheylyss · 5 months
I'm sorry, that's the FUNNIEST effect of a magic(k)al object. Here, have some fake visions of shagging a nun.
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warmth-and-wonder · 2 years
(A Skyrim inspired spell/curse to forcibly get rid of toxic people and hurt them)
-Bones -Black candle -Athame, rhythmically stabbed against the ground
I bring forth this end,
Leave me! Go away!
I kill this relationship,
I can’t let you stay,
Back off leech!
You’ve drained me enough,
Away with thee!
You’ve had enough of my time and energy,
It is now I banish thee!
Suffer still!
Retribution from a witches hand,
You’ve harmed and you’ve harmed,
Now you are to feel that suffering,
Begone, be punished!
Krii! Lun! Aus!
Thus my will so mote it be!”
This spell, like any other, is subject to change. Such as rearranging words or rhymes, tools at hand, with who the target is, and if you are preforming this spell on another’s behalf
(Translation: Krii- kill Lun- leech Aus- suffer)
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spirit-amplified · 2 months
Poppet Retribution Magick: Unleashing A Bellyful of Misfortune To Bring Financial Ruin
Update 5/7/24: My friend contacted me last night to let me know that Father has reached out and told them they could feel their pain and it has been weighing on him. 😁 He also wants to reconcile! This is exciting news for them and a new opportunity for them to build a relationship and heal together. Once I get the "Ok" from my friend I will release Father from his poppet.
Reader’s Notes: This working was originally constructed for a friend who wanted retribution against their father who abandoned and neglected them during childhood. They opted to hit their father where it would hurt him the most... his pockets... by any means necessary! We decided to go with a less intense sickness working and a working that reflected the weight of my friend's pain and sadness they have carried over the years. Also, if baneful, retribution or justice magick isn’t your jam…just quietly scroll on!! As always, feel free to take what resonates and leave the rest!
I did this working in alignment with the Solar Eclipse for more energy.
Please use safety as always with any working. This working uses fire, a sharp knife, and spicy pepper flakes.
Lastly, I am a "Words" witch... I love words of power (Mercury in my 10th house). You can always opt for no-words or you can record the sayings beforehand and play them on repeat at that step that requires that saying so that you can focus on the actions and energy.
When a father walks out on his family, it can feel like the ultimate betrayal. The pain and trauma caused by his abandonment can have lasting effects on everyone involved. But for those who believe in the powers of witchcraft, there may be a way to not only cope with the misfortune of a father's abandonment but also to seek justice for his greed and neglect. This is where witchcraft comes in.
Mix all the ingredients from the 1st group in a bowl (except the roaches, snakeskin, and thorns) before stuffing. Be aware that the pepper flakes can and will burn your eyes, possibly your skin, and make your nose run.
Thorns – cursing & hexing, pain, discomfort
Stones – pain & discomfort.. I went with 9
Spiderwebs – ensnaring, halting, binding
Ash – suffocation
Wormwood – strife & misfortune
Stagnant Water – rut, stagnate, failed plans
Snakeskin – inhibits growth
Helter Skelter/Cursing Oil – destruction
Dead/Rotting Roaches – causes hardship, strife, infestation of sickness
Poppy Seed – confusion
Mustard Seed -disruption, prevent help
Hot Pepper/Red Pepper Flakes – accelerates, burns
Boneset – cursing
Apple of Peru/Shoo-Fly Plant – Reversing Wealth & Money
1 Poppet - I sewed a picture of "Father's" face to it... thanks FB! When making your poppet, make sure you place a piece of paper with the target's name and DOB inside beforehand.
1 Red Candle
1 Craft knife
1 Needle with Red String
Poppet Stuffing - In folk magick stuffing was quite literally anything that could be used. I choose polyfill... however, feel free to use whatever you like.
Black Cord or String - Binding
Optional: 1 Plant or Something "Alive" to Tether To
Optional: Pictures, Taglocks, Sigils, Petitions - You need at least a full name and date of birth.
Optional: Orange Candles and Road-Opener Oil - To be done beforehand to remove any protections and help with the working hitting harder.
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Activate the Poppet: “Poppet, I name you _. Your limbs are their limbs. Your flesh is their flesh. Your life is their life. As you suffer, so shall they suffer.”
Then thinking about the life force within... take a deep breath and blow life into the poppet. Think breathing for CPR.
The next step I did was a road opener & path-clearing. I used 5 candles to represent the elements, roads, and planes. Each candle had "Father's" name written on it and then anointed with a road opener oil. You can use whatever method of road opener you want here.
Once the road opener finished I then tethered the poppet to a plant. I did this by tying a vine from the plant to the poppet's arm and energetically tethered them together. Just remember to choose a plant or something that is easily taken care of after.
Tethered to this plant, my work shall be
Bound by nature's energy, I decree
All blow back shall fall upon the tether
For this spell, my power shall weather
With hands held high, I cast my charm
As the plant's roots dig deep, my magic is armed
From earth to sky, the tether extends
My working and this plant, now forever blend
The energy flows, from me to thee
As this plant, my spell's vessel be
Each leaf, each stem, a conduit of power
Growing stronger with each passing hour
No force of nature can break this bond
For my magic and this plant, forever correspond
Together they thrive, in harmony
Tethered as one, for all eternity
So let the winds howl and the storms rage
My spell shall stand strong, in this earthly cage
For all the energy of this spell
Is now tethered to this plant, with magic compel
So mote it be, this working is done
Tethered to this plant, this working is one
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Then taking the craft knife cut the poppet's belly open. You will have to more than likely remove some stuffing to make some room for your stuffing. Stuff the poppet with your bowl mixture, stones, dead roaches, snakeskin, thorns, sigils, and what-not.
Swallow your greed with a belly full of stones
For it will bring you nothing but a life full of moans
Chasing after wealth, blind to the harm
Leaves you with a bitter taste, like a snake's charm
Choke on the lies you told yourself
That money and power were the only true wealth
But as you suffocate, reality sets in
Your failure and greed, now it's time to begin
Financial ruin, your once thriving business now failed
Your ego and pride, too great to be bailed
You mistreated your (daughter/son/Pronoun), a soul so pure
Abandoning & neglecting (pronoun), now it's your time to endure
So, Swallow your greed, let it be consumed With each stone, let your finances be doomed.
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Then take the needle and thread and sew the belly closed. Once finished, take a red candle and seal the stitches.
Then take your black cord and bind the poppet. I chose to bind "Father" in a pentagram/elemental binding. The binding is started by being tied off at the neck, then the cord is wrapped around the left leg, then the right arm, then the left arm, then the right leg, and then back up to the neck. You can wrap this as many times as you like and you can certainly just bind your poppet however you like.
In the midst of chaos, in the midst of strife,
There lies a number, 5, that brings unexpected life.
It holds the power to shake things up, to make you lose control,
And in its grip, you are left to pay the ultimate toll.
Earth, air, fire, water, and the spirit within,
These 5 elements, a force to reckon and herein.
They bind you to this spell, a spell you cannot break,
And with each passing moment, your foundations start to shake.
The earth beneath your feet, solid and strong,
Yet when it quakes, you realize you were wrong.
The air you breathe, so vital to your existence,
But in a chaotic storm, it shows its true persistence.
Fire, the element of passion and desire,
But when it rages, it leaves you in dire.
Water, so calm and serene in its flow,
But in a flood, it can cause you to let go.
The spirit, the 5th element, unseen yet ever-present,
It binds you to this spell, a force so incessant.
It connects you all in ways you cannot comprehend,
And in its grasp, you are unable to defend.
And as these 5 elements collide and intertwine,
Your finances, too, fall victim to this bind.
For in the midst of chaos, your finances are unable to thrive,
And as your finances crumble, you are left with nothing to revive.
So by the power of 5, you descend,
For it holds a chaotic force that has no end.
And by the elements I bind you to this spell,
Remember, it is not a fight you can ever win or quell.
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Once bound, then I untethered the plant and placed "Father" in a bucket of stagnant stormwater to drown in (this is symbolic of all the tears my friend has cried over the years) at the height of totality during the eclipse. I placed a cover over "Father" and there he will stay until the night of the full moon. Then I will take him out and bury him deep in the woods off my property to slowly rot.
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magickkate · 3 months
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So, you’ve dipped your toes into the magical waters, and now you’re curious about jinxes. What are they? How do they work? And most importantly, should you use them? Let’s unravel the mystery of jinxes:
What’s a Jinx? 🌟
A jinx is like the mischievous cousin of spells. It’s not as intense as a curse, but it’s more than a playful flick of the wand.
Imagine casting a spell to make someone’s coffee perpetually lukewarm. That’s a jinx!
Jinxes vs. Hexes vs. Curses 🌚
Jinxes: These are minor annoyances. Think of them as magical pranks. You cast a jinx, and your target spills their tea or steps on a Lego.
Hexes: A step up from jinxes. Hexes pack a bit more punch. They’re like the magical equivalent of side-eyeing someone.
Curses: Now we’re getting serious. Curses are long-lasting and harmful. They’re like the magical equivalent of a cosmic slap.
When to Jinx? 🌈
Jinxes are for those moments when you want to send a little cosmic side-eye. Maybe your neighbor keeps stealing your parking spot, or your ex won’t stop texting you.
Cast a jinx to make their shoelaces perpetually untie or their phone autocorrect everything to “banana.”
Ethics and Intentions 🌿
Remember, magic reflects your intentions. If you’re feeling vengeful, pause and reconsider.
Ask yourself: Is this jinx necessary? Will it harm anyone? Is it worth the magical energy?
Release the Jinx 🌟
Set an expiration date for your jinx. Maybe a week, a month, or until they apologize for stealing your lunch from the office fridge.
Remember, magic is a tool. Use it wisely.
So, beginner witch, go forth and use this baneful magic responsibly! May your spells be sassy and your intentions kind. ✨🔮🌙
Learn More:
1. A great explanation video for beginners of baneful magic -> “Beginning Baneful Work” by Chaotic Witch Aunt ft The Witch of Wonderlust on YT
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enchanting-jewel · 2 years
Warning Spell
This spell is a good substitute for a Hex when your emotions of fear and anger are taking over. This spell will work more on you than the other person. It will allow you to build strength and take charge of your emotions to find a way to calm down and seek a solution.
Light one black candle and one blue candle after cleansing yourself and space. Speak this spell out loud and then end your spell by blowing out your candles.
"My blood turns black, and flesh turns blue. I will curse you if you force me to. From left with sighs and negative ties, I clear your eyes and curse your lies. I'll call the strength of a plague of flies with the blood gone black and flesh of blue, the evil is sent back to you. My soul now clean and yours on fire, you mess with a witch you get burned you liar. With harm to none nor return unto me, as I will it so mote it be."
Don't forget to set your intention. Be clear of the warning you want to send. This is not to harm anyone, but to simply remind them not to fuck with a witch!
Love and light
Enchanting - Jewel
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sage-eclectic-witch · 2 years
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Some differences to be aware of ✨💜✨
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