#Post-Canon Frozen II
Love can see beyond
Part II Frozen canon-divergence post F2 / Moana (2016) crossover fanfiction Pairing: Kristanna Rated M for angst/hurt/comfort (see tags on AO3)
Thanks to my two absolute amazing beta-readers, @hiptoff and @reconciledviolence729!
After their visit to the Southern Isles, King Kristoff and Queen Anna have returned to Arendelle. A new quest will test their faith and courage as they face an unexpected fate….
Chapter 16/42
Anna shook her head inwardly and told herself to concentrate on the things that required her attention. Since they had returned from the Southern Isles, there had been many requests, matters to discuss with Council members, or dignitaries seeking audience. So, in the quiet hours of the evening, she found time to relax and let her mind wander to nice and pleasant things, like their discussion a few weeks ago, shortly after their return.
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mayakern · 2 years
as a long time fan of supergiant games and as someone who was obsessed with greek mythology as a child, i am EXTREMELY pumped about hades II. but also very curious about the new main character’s design. i feel like sgg (really, jen zee specifically) usually does a really good job of telegraphing their designs so that if you know the most basic things about a god, you can recognize them on site based on their design.
from the shape language to the posing to specific visual elements, they make sure that even at a quick glance the characters are not only distinct from one another, but have enough references to their domain and mythology that they are very recognizable.
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i think demeter is one of my favorite indicators of this and one of my favorite hades designs over all. she’s not interpreted in the way a classic demeter is, and that’s part of what’s perfect. she’s been built at with little hints and references in other characters’ dialogue that paint her as critical, overbearing and not exactly trustworthy. and when you see her you’re like, “what, this is the goddess of the harvest?” with the absence of persephone and her casting the earth into famine, it makes sense that she doesn’t look bountiful, that her cornucopia (still the classic visual reference to demeter) is empty, her wheat frozen.
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but melinoë is different. melinoë is a bringer of nightmares, a goddess of ghosts. her mingled heavenly and infernal heritage manifests in her primary physical trait: a body that is split down the middle, half white and half black. this is basically her most defining physical characteristic (the other being that she wears saffron, which is bougie as hell but not the point), but here is her design from the hades II trailer:
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i see the saffron, see reference to her ghostly/undead connections, and there is an element of her half-and-half complexion with those black moon armor (maybe?) coverings on her right arm and leg. but when i first saw this design i thought she was an original creation (like zagreus*), not an existing god. i’m interested to see if this means they’ll be changing core parts of her mythology (and to see if that’s reflected in her design) and to see what direction she’s headed in but really this whole long post has just been building up to me saying
almost every visual interpretation of melinoë, even if they don’t split her body into white and black halves like a white and black cookie, gives her a split dye. and maybe they wanted to avoid what everyone else was doing, but i feel like melinoë is unknown enough that that isn’t really a big deal. idk. i just think it would be neat. that’s all.
(*yes i know there is a zagreus in greek canon that is the first iteration of dionysus and is the son of persephone and zeus but i feel like game zagreus resembles his mythological counterpart so little that he’s basically an original creation, and maybe they’re doing the same with melinoe! since she is also technically the child of zeus and persephone**)
(**depending on the canon it’s either zeus disguised as hades or zeus and hades are two aspects of the same being)
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virtual-winter · 24 days
We finally know the full layout of the canon Frozenverse!
Thanks to this post (requires an account) by twitter-user ann_mochi and this tumblr-post by @sparebutton , we FINALLY have a full map of the known Fozen movie-universe!
Previously, we've seen glimpses of the general geography of Arendelle and the surrounding lands from Frozen Fever, Frozen II and in books and promotion material surrounding the movies and I even wrote a 3-part series about Frozen's geography back in 2021, but never before has there been a source showing Anna and Elsa's world to its full extent and in such detail!
Original image.
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Thanks to this image being framed and hung on a wall, the process of aligning it correctly was very easy! I used my ancient copy of SketchUp to edit and match the photo to a flat surface and with the help of Gigapixel upscaling, this is the result!
Note: north is to the left.
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It looks awesome IMO 😍
For future installments, what we're missing are labels for other adjacent kingdoms, but it appears Disney never seems to bother with such trivial worldbuilding details.
Below, I've put together a quick overview of the areas visible on previous Frozen maps.
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The Frozen Fever map mostly covers ocean. The northern half of the continent was changed in Frozen II.
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Iduna's map from Frozen II map was the most detailed version we had for a long time and it added things like borders and names for the Arenfjord and the Dark Sea. It covers 3/4 the full map.
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Technically, the whole map was also featured in the books "Frozen: The Saga - Anna and Elsa's Journey" and "Frozen II: Spirits of the Enchanted Forest" but it was impossible to attempt any sort of aligning because of the distorted perspective.
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There is one more piece of the worldbuilding-puzzle (Weselton) that could be added, but I'll save that for another time.
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generalsdiary · 1 month
there is no rain without clouds
rain deity!Dr. Ratio x nonbeliever human!Aventurine
warnings: kissing (?)
word count: 6.5k
a/n: the intro will be the og post reframed- jump to keep reading to get to the added writing, one cannot escape Ratio being tsundere wherever you go (it’s literally canon), not beta read Firefly you better come home
description: an au, sorta soulmate vibe of a rain deity Ratio and human Aventurine falling in love (with an alternative ending), a smidge of angst; mostly fluff
What if Ratio is a type of deity with control over the rain/sky and Aventurine is a nonbeliever except for his immense luck given by the Mother Gaiathra Triclops.
And what if every time before it rains, he feels a drop on his shoulder or person much earlier than the rainfall actually begins- like a warning to seek shelter. And when he realizes that others don't notice the rain that early on, he feels somewhat special.
And on one day he is walking below a gray sky and a drop, tiny, smaller than any other, falls on his lips. And he smirks to himself and says to the sky, why do you kiss me in the form of rain?, he wipes it off with his thumb like there's an intimacy between him and the oncoming rain, a lingering feeling on his lips. A minute passes and another tiny drop falls to his nose, he assumes the rain will fall down any second now.
But in all actuality, the deity of rain, Veritas, is blushed and looking away, frozen, not making the rain fall because he is shocked and flustered from being called out on his very obvious bias.
And what if when he swims in a body of water, Aventurine feels light and free, comforted by the waves of the sea or the current of a river. But almost every time he is swimming the rain starts to fall. It is a gentle, soft one and he feels even more in tune with himself. Like he is being hugged, held. Veritas can't help but be obvious with his preferences in every universe.
Ratio would curse the deity of the sea, because why doesn't he hold those powers so he may feel Aventurine in his embrace, he'd beg the nymph of the river to take their place for a moment only to be denied. So he caresses him in the form of rain, from which Aventurine seeks cover. He curses the sage of the wind, because why can't he dance across the blond's skin, feeling the softness of his cheeks. Cursed to bring rain. Bold to make a drop fall on his lips, and now have his feelings revealed.
It won't rain for days, he is hiding, out of fear of being rejected, ignored... Vulnerable.
So when the rain does fall, weeks later, the great deity of rain is on his knees in the sky upon the sight of Aventurine sitting down on the ground in the downpour with a smile on his face.
“I am not.”
“I want to kiss you, hold you, hug you, have you- just-” he sighs, “and I know love and relationships can be much more than physical-“Aventurine exhales, looking up to the sky, his voice turning lower, “Why do you touch me like this?... Why does the water make me imagine your lips in their place- when I have never even seen you, why is it your hand which I wish to hold when I feel raindrops on mine... Why do you caress me,... Why do you touch me- it feels so personal every goddamn time and so… teasing.” When the skies bring no answer except the soft occasional raindrop, he turns and goes back inside.
About a week later the rain came again. Aventurine is standing behind a casino, catching a break from the heavy air inside. Veritas decides this is the right moment, the rainfall shifting to act as a waterfall and merely showcase an invisible silhouette like a ghostly figure, creating his shape.
“It is not easy to take a physical form.” There's no sound, Aventurine cannot hear his voice with his ears, but with his mind. His eyes widen upon seeing the elemental shape, he walks closer. This is the confirmation of everything- he isn't insane- well, that's still debatable, for some reason he doesn't feel shocked, surprised would be the better word. Aventurine reaches out with his hand, fingers moving through the rain which shapes a cheek. It is just water. Feels less real than the same drops that warn him. “I don't think you can call this a physical form.”
“Why me?”
“Indeed, why you?”
“I do not have to.” With a small wave of his hand, a larger raindrop falls on Aventurine's bottom lip, making him close his eyes. It isn't just the water, it gives him this feeling, this image of being kissed- of lips pressing into his own.
Aventurine ponders, a rain person, and his shape- it is a tall shape that much he can conclude.
“I wish to see you partake a physical form.”
“I can feel you, through the water- don't you wish to do it yourself?”
The elemental shape is quiet. “Things are more complicated than you know, Aventurine.”
Aventurine raises his eyebrows in small surprise from hearing his own name, “Introductions are due?”
“You know my name.”
“How could I possibly know your name, Veritas?” There it is. He stops, shocked, how do I know that name?
“Did you really think I'd make droplets fall to your lips without leaving my name there? It would've been rude.”
“This feels right- but I know it is wrong- I don't know anything about you.”
“Yes, you do, you just need to think- we have been communicating this whole time.” Within a blink of an eye he leaves, nothing left behind to mark his existence.
The facts list on in Aventurine's mind like pretty organized bullet points, Veritas is a rain deity, cold in nature, knowledgeable, etc.- and the list turns into... Memories? Or perhaps future memories; his mind fills with images, a fact of Veritas' dark blue hair showcased by Aventurine pulling his fingers through it, the high cheekbones shown with his lips on it... Aventurine feels dizzy, leaning back onto the wall of the building for support. What is this? It feels like he left a list, he wouldn't leave the second part as is. What is going on?
Veritas’ eyebrows furrow whilst observing the human. Why is he stumbling over a list- I didn't leave anything of such a mark on it. He didn't drink... Is he feeling ill? He moves past his worry when Aventurine goes inside.
One could ask the rain deity when it began, and how it started, this is what he would say.
„Darling… you ask a difficult question,“ Veritas says softly. His gaze shifts lower, and with soft eyes and a small smile he continues, „Allow me to quote a book…I cannot fix on the hour, or the spot, or the look or the words, which laid the foundation. It is too long ago. I was in the middle before I knew that I had begun.“
With a sharp inhale Aventurine wakes up from the dream. He cannot remember what the man looked like and his voice is even fading from his memory. What was this dream- it didn’t feel like a dream. It felt like a memory that hadn’t happened yet. The dizziness he knows from the first time is there again. Luckily he is still lying in bed. From all the given information, he concludes this isn’t the doing of the deity… Veritas. This is something else entirely, frightening and eerie.
Aventurine is now aware of the rain deity, and his strange preference… and whatever they have together. Opening his phone he checks the weather forecast- it will rain. When leaving the apartment building, he leaves his umbrella by the door on purpose.
Aventurine ponders his…memories, visions? under the warm water of the shower head. They feel amazing and real and genuine- and overwhelming, exposing. Why is he seeing them- feeling them… living them?
Going about his day and obligations to the IPC, Aventurine ultimately forgets about today’s forecast until he feels the soft raindrop on his hand. It feels like putting on noise-canceling headphones, everything quiets down and slows down for him. He can feel the lingering touch, “Why don’t you hold my hand yourself?” Aventurine decides to call Veritas out early on; he has grown used to the water hitting his shoulder or shoes, and the rain deity is getting bolder by the day.
Out of the gambler’s sight, Veritas has his hand over his mouth, dumbfounded and astounded at the younger man’s forwardness. The second raindrop meaning to hit Aventurine’s shoe misses and falls beside him- out of pure lack of focus from Veritas, once again frozen and… one would dare say blushed. Much like the previous time the rain falters and falls later than the deity originally planned. Veritas can only observe from the sky as Aventurine smirks and walks cheerfully along; the happy feeling he has clears the sky of its clouds.
When Aventurine decides to go home, he is met with gentle rain outside. He somewhat regrets leaving his umbrella at home. The knowledge of how this communication works puzzles him, for a moment it is there and for a moment it isn’t. He speaks aloud, “Must we dance around like giggling teenagers? I will warn you, I am not a patient man. especially when teased like this.” He regrets saying the last sentence as soon as it leaves his mouth, I am so fucking touch deprived, I should keep my mouth shut.
The same elemental shape, that even if anyone saw would brush it off as nothing, shows up and walks beside Aventurine. “No umbrella?”
This is his moment, he will go all out. It is all or nothing. “I wanted to feel you on my skin.”
Unfortunately for him, Veritas came prepared, “Why don’t you walk naked then?” he asked with a snicker in his soundless tone.
Aventurine tilts his head, “Good one… maybe I should.” He teases, turning his head to look at the shape beside him.
Fortunately for him, Veritas isn’t that well prepared. With a silent cough, he quickly tries to think of something. “You could get ill.”
Aventurine stops in his steps, “Then take a physical form. I may then relish in your warmth” he pretentiously declares.
“Is this really something you want?” Veritas softly asks, or at least it seems soft in Aventurine’s mind. Another memory fills his sight and overwhelms him; his hand on the man’s cheek, breaths mingling- standing together- he can almost make out his eye color, the one of dawn? He can feel the warmth radiating from Veritas’ skin, the frequent how does he know it is frequent? blush in the man’s cheeks warm under his fingertips… Light-headed again. Aventurine blinks a few times, stabilizing in the present again.
There it was again, he almost fainted. Is he alright? “Are you okay? You seem unwell.” Veritas mumbles.
“I’m fine, don’t stress about it” Another typical hand wave from the blond. “Yes, I- I’m sorry, I..” The dizzy feeling threw him off his game, “Can we continue this conversation another time, I have to get home.”
Of course, the rain deity leaves silently.
Veritas is a deity who loves rationalization, thereby he is confused as to why he is so drawn to the human, so defensive over him. What made him make an actual move after a couple of years of silent appreciation passed? It would’ve not been an actual move hadn’t Aventurine called him out on it. Veritas feels like he knows him, like he knew him before… well, before anything he knows at this moment. Like they knew each other elsewhere, spent time together. Why must there be history here and now; to justify his feelings? It is not a crime to love what you cannot explain. I am one with the water and it too flows through me as do the affections I feel.
What can you expect from a gambler than to gamble? And this one uses his life as a chip.
Aventurine exits the worn-down building, made of brown moss-covered bricks, through the side door into an empty alley. A dead end one. He had fun, getting all the hard-earned and well-needed information from the players at the poker table and quite a bit of money.
One of the men followed him out, asking for another round, which Aventurine dismissed with a wave of his hand. They chat along, the man making different suggestions regarding other gambling businesses and potential scams.
“As intrigued as I might be, I prefer to work alone- and, you know, stick to what I know,” Aventurine says with a thousand credit smile.
“Yeah, yeah, understandable- but listen I got this gig- you will love it, it is made for you…” The man’s tone suggests hidden intentions, his body betraying him- the shaky hands, his eyes jumping all over the place… Maybe it is due to the strong smell of cigars and heavy alcohol that clouds Aventurine’s perception, or perhaps the few drinks he had (he isn’t actually drunk, not even tipsy), maybe he is tired or maybe he is just feeling so cocky at that moment that he doesn’t notice the imminent threat.
The rain knows, he- Veritas knows. He recognized the man’s intentions early on and tried to warn Aventurine, to no effect. The time ran out, the man gnarling his teeth and hitting Aventurine’s head, making him lose consciousness and fall limp on the concrete. A heavy downpour with sharp raindrops starts, and those sharp ones of course avoid the blond’s body. As if someone emptied a bucket of water, a curtain forms between Aventurine and the man. He appears surprised, but it doesn’t stop him from taking a step forward before a flash of lightning spooks him for a second. The lightning flash blinds him for another moment, Veritas tries his best to protect the young gambler, but it will not be enough and he knows it. Another flash of white and the curtain of heavy water normalizes, the man’s vision clearing up to see a tall man standing menacingly before him, practically towering above him. He has dark violet hair which is dripping with water, long dark indigo, and blue robes that flow to the ground, and a white shirt that is sticking to his torso. The arm which isn’t under the cover of the robes reveals a well-defined muscular shape. It is strange, the way the tall man appears to be soaked and completely dry at the same time. The water sliding off of his robes like off of a duck’s back, meanwhile, his shirt is stained and his hair drenched. There is power in his presence, the unnatural way he appeared already sent fear down the other man’s spine. Veritas raises his head, the sharp amber dawn-like eyes flashing a light blue when he in a deep voice with a sharp tone commands, “Leave.”
A heavy raindrop falls onto his shoulders, the prior blue sky turning a silvery shade of gray, almost purple. He knows this, what it means, even in his mind he disregards it, waving his hand around; seek shelter, yeah, yeah, it will rain. I’ll live. The conversation continues and a few more heavy raindrops fall onto his frame, unusual. The overblown self-confidence makes him ignore it, ignore the obvious warnings he doesn’t even see. It’s just rain, nothing more. It was never used for anything else except for a sign it would rain. Well except that one time…
Aventurine keeps talking, more raindrops fall- showing the rain is getting impatient, he even feels annoyed with the way it only keeps falling on him and not in the general area.
The man scours away in a blink of an eye. Veritas doesn’t turn back to look at Aventurine, he can hear him inhaling sharply and he disintegrates with the rain, leaving as quickly as he came.
When Aventurine comes to, there’s an ache in his head and his clothes are wet. He is disoriented, confused as to where the man left. His eyes drift to his jewelry and his personal belongings- all safe, all still here. He frowns. What happened? Slowly he stands on his feet, walking away to get a cab. While he stands in the heavy rain he ponders what went on. Was he really warned? It isn’t real, it can’t be real. Rain is just rain. And after all, he is a deity, why would he trouble himself over a mortal? Aventurine enters the vehicle and goes home.
With a yellow soft towel, he is patting his hair dry and looking out the window to the white sky. That man would not leave without robbing him or beating him up, he should’ve been more careful. A deity wouldn’t help. Why would they? They never did in the past.
Despite his thoughts, he doesn’t yell at the sky for explanations or behave like an angry toddler. For some reason, there is a certain amount of respect there. He can’t find it in him to converse in a rude way, even when he doesn’t believe in any of it. At the end of the day, it is just rain, and it isn’t anything special. Aventurine simply writes it off to his luck.
Veritas isn’t observing him at this moment. He lets the rain fall heavily down, not caring for it. How dare he be so careless with his life? He scoffs to himself, arms crossed and pacing around. Veritas feels angry and the masked emotion washes off of the rain deity to reveal the worried god underneath it. Thus, when Aventurine walks out on the balcony to grab a jacket left there before the weather changes, a raindrop falls on his cheek caressing it as if to say, don’t do that again.
And it is those simple, intimate moments where Aventurine feels like he is going crazy. How could he possibly explain all of it- or any of it? He felt water on his lips before so why did it that day feel like a kiss? A kiss he wants more of… why did this drop on his cheek feel comforting? No, he is losing it. I am not falling for rain- I cannot ‘fall in love’ with rain, what is going on? The rain stops and he finds himself drawing his fingers to the lingering drops on the outer side of his balcony door. If it isn’t real, why does this feel… like that? Cold droplets turning warm under his fingers, he sighs and leans his forehead on the glass door. Would the rain be able to hug? Maybe I’m just touch deprived… with that he goes back inside and ends his day.
“… if you’ll let me.” Veritas notices the way Aventurine wavers, losing balance as his eyes turn back into focus. “You worry me.” He whispers.
Aventurine is standing under a red umbrella and conversing with Veritas. Both gravitate to each other with slight confusion as to why it feels right- good. They are trying to have a normal conversation, and sort of get to know each other, yet the more they talk the more they realize that they already do know each other.
“I could show you so much, my favorite places; food, music…” Veritas’ voice fades off in Aventurine’s ears- another one of his visions…before the sound switches to normal inside this memory. “I will show you so much, my favorite places; food, music, art, culture- history of the world,” Veritas utters the sentence between kisses he places on Aventurine’s knuckles, looking up at him with a smile. Aventurine laughs, “And I will show you how to have fun- you will learn poker and so many fun, fun games and how to dance-“, Veritas jumps in, “I do know how to dance, and I am incredibly clever I will pick up poker easily for you, my love.” In a cloud of smoke, he loses focus and falls back into reality.
The hand wave every time, “It is jamais vu* from what I managed to find out.”
“From my knowledge, that doesn’t cause dizziness.”
“It is often related to migraines”
“You are not experiencing migraines.”
“How would you know my lack of pain?”
A sigh, “The same way you know things about me.” Veritas prettily forms the sentence to avoid the question he has no answer to. He simply knows, how could he not know?
Aventurine tries not to think about the intimate scenes the memories show him, he doesn’t want to spiral down the rabbit hole. And when he does try to recall how Veritas looked in them, it melts away from his mind like chocolate in the summer sun. The memory stays, with the visual and audible facts fading if he focuses on them too hard. He isn’t allowed to see them yet, is what he believes. The touch, the warmth- that doesn’t go away, it stays, lingering like the raindrops on his fingertips. It feels exactly like Veritas.
An hour later, Aventurine is back at his home, he takes off his jacket- staying in a white button-up shirt. He walks over to the glass doors to the balcony, sliding them open and his fingers drift to the unmoving raindrops on the glass, it takes his full attention… giving him comfort and he closes his eyes, turning the tables as to who is touching who through the raindrops.
Weeks pass with them having conversations and confused thoughts, shifting between yearning, flirting, and curiosity. The air around them stops for a millisecond when Aventurine makes a suggestion, “I want to show you my apartment.” He expressed with a smile, with no ulterior motive, but to show a more private part of himself which is his home. The elemental form, expressionless as ever is silent.
“I am certain you’ve noticed we only converse while it is raining and I take this shape, how would I go inside as this?” Veritas makes an excuse.
“Come in through the balcony- you can stay there if you must drip like that- but there is a way, don’t play dumb with me, oh great rain deity~” He flails his arms about and rolls his eyes with a big smile while he teases Veritas.
The shape disappears due to Veritas losing his concentration and falling to his knees once more from the teasing use of his title.
In his waterfall shape, Veritas appears in front of Aventurine- the gambler didn’t even have to call him, he felt his touch. What a strange feeling…
He stands still as ever, no emotion readable off of his figure, no voice able to be heard. He felt the… teasing way the phantom touch is, and felt a tad impatient- he would have great use of a few breathing exercises at that moment. To reframe his thoughts and ground- instead, he is on the balcony, in a distant form, as he said he would be.
“Why?” Aventurine asks.
“Ah, Veritas. You came! Allow me to show you my home~” Aventurine cheerfully exclaims and steps backward into the apartment, “Unless you plan on bringing the water inside- in which case you can observe through the glass…” Aventurine’s voice fades off exactly when the elemental shape shifts and Veritas takes his actual physical form, taking a step forward into the building, towards Aventurine. His eyes are the colors of dawn… The tall, attractive man steps closer until Aventurine’s back meets the wall behind him. Memories become clearer- the indigo hair, the dark blue robes, the deep baritone voice that soothes his ears- “Is this the form you wished so hard to see?” Veritas tilts his head and raises his eyebrows.
Aventurine is speechless upon the sight of a literal god in front of him. He did expect him to look good, he is attracted to him, but oh dear gods, this is… wow. Why is he standing so close? Aventurine can feel the change in the room’s temperature, turning slightly warmer.
“…yes…uhm, it is good you… changed and now you can get a tour of the place.” It took Aventurine a few moments before he softly answered. His eyes shift around, surprised by the moment, despite it all, his thoughts calmed down since Veritas is physically here. Aventurine feels at peace, safe, and content. Until his eyes fall to Veritas’ lips and everything is out of the window, his head filling with thoughts of how it would feel to actually kiss him. Their breaths are mingling, why is he standing so close? he barely notices his hand moving the Veritas’ side to pull him even closer. The air feels heavy, filled with electricity and the scent of another man which is entirely new, but then again it is a scent he knows all too well from his memories- focus allowing only now to remember it clearly.
To Aventurine’s surprise, he isn’t the only one feeling like this. He watches Veritas summon a raindrop between his fingers and drop it onto his bottom lip. Veritas eyes trained on the way it falls, then closing them relishing in the feeling. It also makes Aventurine close his eyes, and he holds on to not just crash his lips against his.
“I… don’t know,” Veritas admits.
With the droplet still on his bottom lip, Aventurine raises his chin and presses his lips onto Veritas’. The heavy air, frozen, flows again when they connect. Lips opening to get closer, hands hesitant and shaking to bring the other closer, fearing to not get overwhelmed, minds connecting to ask the same question, why does it feel so good… why does it feel right? Aventurine’s hands travel up, one rests on Veritas’ chest and the other one cups his cheek, it is as soft as he recalls. Veritas embraces Aventurine, his arms wrapping around the shorter man’s torso and pulling him closer. Clouds fill the sky and no rain falls. The moment is theirs and it is hidden. It felt like the built-up pressure in the atmosphere right before a storm, was released. The tension loosens up when they finally feel each other’s touch and not through water.
When the kiss ends Aventurine’s head fills with questions such as, how dare he gatekeep this form- why?
Veritas, still close, quietly points out an observation, “Your eyes glow in the dim light.”
“So do yours.” Silence. They spend the next few minutes staring into each other’s eyes, Veritas is the one to break the silence and ask for a tour of the place that was promised.
“You will outlive me. I will die. I am…” he sighs, “just a human. I have, what, maybe 50 years left at best?”
They fit together like puzzle pieces, perfect in every way. Veritas takes his physical form much more often and spends most of his time beside Aventurine, going on walks, dinners, and spending simple time together. Veritas still sends the raindrops to his lips, embracing him through the rain. Their physical affection turns simpler and is shown through occasional lingering fingers and short-lived hand-holding. They find solace in each other’s company much more than anything else. It is another one of the simple days, both sitting on the couch, Aventurine is fidgeting with Veritas’ hands when he asks, “Are you immortal?”
“Hm… what a strange question. I am not immortal in the true sense of the word, I am meant to live forever- well as long as there is rain.” He explains in a gentle tone, causally watching the man caress his fingers.
“I will be by your side through every day then- and after, I will find a way, I will not leave you and you will not leave me- do not worry, dear gambler.”
Beat. Aventurine ever so slightly slumps, leaning back and looking up. “Are you sure?” he presses on in a shaky voice which he desperately tries to hide.
“I promise. I will do my best to make it happen.” Somewhat reassured by his words, Aventurine moves to rest his head on Veritas’ shoulder.
It can’t be all sunshine and rainbows- or in this case, clouds and rain. There’s turmoil happening inside the rain deity. Doubts fill him, guilt poisons his head, and self-consciousness traps him in a spiral of negative thoughts regarding his feelings and actions. He knows all emotions flow through him, water takes on any shape, and therefore at some point in time, it will take the shape of a whirlpool. The rain deity feels chained by his thoughts, trying to solve them- work them out, only for the bounds to get tighter. The days turn into weeks, the rain no longer warning Aventurine- he cannot focus, and the sky turns a shade of dark purple, calling thunder and lightning at times, it is loud, terrifying. Aventurine can’t help but worry, is someone punishing him? Every loud snap and whip sound burns his ears, Aventurine mumbles his name sometimes in distress- to no avail.
Months later, he stands on his balcony. Uninvited, he waits for Aventurine to return home. When he does, most part of the conversation is silent, Aventurine opens the door- sees him, and stares. Thoughts are exchanged without a sound, of Veritas’ pain and regrets, and of Aventurine’s anxiety. Am I even human anymore, why can I do this? He ignores that thought.
“Talk to me next time- let me help-“
“This isn’t something that would be safe to have you around for.”
“I agree, since when do you have control over the thunder and lightning?”
“I do not… When a deity, a sage, a nymph, or whichever being; goes through strong emotional turmoils- their power expands because they lose control over it. I apologize for making you worry.”
“Don’t do that again.”
“I cannot promise it won’t happen again.”
“I’ll make you promise” With furrowed eyebrows and a firm step he walks over, looking up at the rain deity with a frown. He shall put it in words even Veritas will understand, “Lack of your well-being leads to me not feeling good. If you care about me as much as I do about you, you will do better. I expect of you to do better- no better yet- I demand it.” Aventurine stands tall, chin raised and proud, putting a god in his place- equal to him, right by his side. His eyes focused on the man in front of him.
Veritas is weak, too weak to say no- to deny anything Aventurine may wish… He is the air I breathe, how could I ever reject him? His eyes scan his face, not a single tread of fear in the shorter man. Veritas nods, “I will have you near me, next time such a thing occurs. I promise.”
Aventurine’s shoulders relax, he nods to himself and steps back in, “Come inside, you’re cooking tonight.” Veritas politely follows with a shy smile on his face, his eyes looking down at where Aventurine’s fingers are pulling him and leading him inside.
A century passes. Aventurine passed away years ago, and not a day nor night has gone by without Veritas building up his power to summon him here. Until he succeeded. A bright light blinds him, making him turn his head and look elsewhere in the plush, warm-toned clouds he was sitting in. Turning his head back he is met with a smiley Aventurine who immediately jumps and embraces Veritas- making him lie on his back.
“You did it- you actually did it! Took you long enough!” Through warm laughter he greets.
“It was no easy feat. It, indeed, took too long.” Veritas’ arms tighten around Aventurine’s frame, inhaling the scent of the perfume he missed so much, “I missed you- it feels so good to actually feel you- the human realm cannot convey the feeling of touch the way it does here.”
“It does feel different.” Aventurine props his elbow to look at the rain deity better.
“Now, it is a tad more complicated than I… originally explained. You are a… cloud deity now.”
Aventurine tilts his head and narrows his eyes, “A what now?” He laughs softly, “Aren’t you in control of that?”
Veritas slowly explains, “No, I am in control of the rain- and yes while clouds are water- they are not rain. By controlling the rain, I pull also the clouds indeed, but for example- I could never pull a cloud over a desert area where it won’t rain. Whereas, you can. Clouds are timeless and everywhere- you are free to manipulate them- all across the space and time.” He ends it with a smile, “There is no rain without clouds, my dear.”
The pieces all fall into space, their connection, his memories of the future- they have yet to happen right here in these clouds- he saw them happen, the way he felt less and less natural and more supernatural, the way they communicate- he knew Veritas wasn’t controlling that. It is also obvious that the rain deity did not plan for this, it is simply the way it all worked out. He provided them a… forever. The visions made so much sense now- clouds are timeless. It flows for him, time flows- he smiles and kisses Veritas’ cheek. “I knew this would- I- thank you, I am overjoyed to be here with you.”
All the memories become, soon enough, memories. Now, they spend their time almost always in some time of physical contact- hands never separating. They float around and smile at nature, Aventurine very excitedly leads Veritas through old games he had won, teaching him poker and blackjack, they laugh and enjoy this powerful life to the fullest.
On one of those countless days, Veritas takes him to the waterfall and the river, where he had previously begged the nymph to borrow their powers to hold him.
“Ah, Lord of the rain… and Lord of the clouds, what can I do for you today?” The nymph of the river smiles, their hair, the color of a cherry tree, flows with the wind, sending a scent of strawberries. The easygoing smile relaxes both men.
“We were passing by- how did you know about Aventurine?” Veritas is surprised, they do all know each other in the end- maybe it has something to do with his partner’s time-related affinities.
“It is written, the Lord of the rain will bring forth the Lord of the clouds. And no matter when he is brought forth, he shall be gifted the control of time so he has always been with us.” They say without a tremor in their voice like it is a well-known fact.
“I have not read this in the writing, Ro.” Veritas crosses his arms, mentally recalling every line in the very long text.
“You cannot know the lines which refer to you. Just as I didn’t know the ones that were related to me and my Lady of the Flower lotus.” Ro nods, the smile unmoving from their face, they seem at peace, content… happy. The beings of nature live pleasurable lives, and Aventurine feels fond of it.
“Wait- you have told me the previous time I was here that you loved a human and no one as well had borrowed you their powers to come closer- is this the same Lady? You didn’t tell me of this.” Veritas continues, Aventurine floats off to the familiar beach and jumps in the water, partaking in his old physical form. “I mean, I was aware of what was written… The nymph of the river will love the flower lotus.”
“Veritas, we have been over this, do not fret- enjoy the Lord of the clouds- and I shall go have tea with my Lady, it is late afternoon and I refuse to keep them waiting. I’d be more than happy to have you two join us, but I am afraid we won’t have enough biscuits for today- how does tomorrow sound?”
Veritas nods. “Enjoy your time, Ro. Tomorrow is fine.” Veritas leaps out of the clouds, taking his physical form as well and diving into the water. Aventurine is quick to swim over and put his arms on Veritas’ shoulders, “The water feels amazing, and you look good like this- we should go swimming more often~”
“Don’t belittle me, you just like the sight of me shirtless,” Veritas smirks, and Aventurine chuckles. Veritas moves his arms to his lower back.
“Mhm~ Yes I do, doctor” Aventurine moves closer to kiss him, there are drops of water on their lips and they mix along with the kiss, the sun shines brightly illuminating the water's surface and the wind blows over their shoulders. What a perfect world they got so lucky to exist in- together and in love.
VIII (alternative ending)
Aventurine’s eyes suddenly open, with a hollow chest and faster breathing than normal. He turns to his side to see Veritas already awake, his hand on Aventurine’s cheek wiping away… tears?
“Bad dream, darling?” He whispers.
“No- I… a lovely dream. I don’t know why I am crying…” He moves closer to Veritas, seeking his warmth, “You were a rain deity and I suppose the tears might be happy ones?... It feels like a beautiful world was ripped away from me… It was so real.”
“A rain deity? You truly have creative dreams…” Ratio pulls his head into his chest, hand in the blond locks soothing his partner. “You have me here, I am not going anywhere.” A soft kiss is placed on the crown of his head.
“I love you… thank you for being here. It was a nice dream, maybe somewhere utopian where it is all perfect and where we could be happy… it was a bit unrealistic but comforting. Although I could feel you were missing something, you also were human before you became a deity so perhaps you didn’t recall what drove you. Your motivation for knowledge and spreading it- I missed it in the dream.” Aventurine draws small circles on Veritas’ chest. The digital clock shows 3 am, they should go back to sleep.
“I love you too,” He whispers.
“When did you… when did you realize it? That you… ‘loved’?” Aventurine inquires, a sleepy mind asks strange questions.
“What a strenuous question…” Veritas answers softly, his eyes travel lower to meet the colorful ones of his partner, his own softening when they meet. With a small smile, he goes on, “To quote a wonderful writer; I was in the middle before I knew that I had begun.”
Tiredly, Ratio nods and freezes once the words register in his head, “Mhm, yes, wait what- excuse me? That I will do what now?” The surprise is evident in his voice.
Aventurine’s eyes widen, dreams spill over into reality and every scene flashes before his eyes, he feels overwhelmed, his head running around with so many thoughts…
“I hope you will even in this reality kiss me in the form of rain.”
“Hush, go to sleep- I have an interview in the morning.” With a quiet grumble he listens to Aventurine and goes back to sleep.
a/n: s/o to J. Austen for being an amazing author; the quote is from the book called Pride and Prejudice, *jamais vu - a French loanword meaning "never seen", is the phenomenon of experiencing a situation that one recognizes in some fashion, but that nonetheless seems novel and unfamiliar
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duskandcobalt · 8 months
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Hi! I'm a Virgo so organisation is the name of the game - here's all my writing in one place <3
This is all currently Elriel based but I may branch out in the future ;)
You can also find me on AO3
**contains smut
Ice Cream **- Modern AU, Note - No actual smut, just very sexual in nature
Azriel takes Elain to a movie and gets a bit of a show.
For His Eyes Only ** - Modern AU
Azriel takes up photography and has an impromptu photoshoot with a certain Archeron Sister.
Bloodlust** - Modern AU
Azriel is covered in blood and Elain has an awakening of sorts.
Comfort Crowd - Azriel Appreciation Week 2023, Day 1: The Family You Make
Nesta talks to Azriel about her fears surrounding motherhood.
Spa Day - Azriel Appreciate Week 2023, Day 4: Domestic Life
Elain discovers the secret behind Azriel's perfect skin.
Strawberry Kisses - Note: this is an accompanying bonus chapter to Echoes in the Hallway but it can be read as a stand alone.
While searching the River House for her sisters, Nesta accidentally stumbles upon Elain sharing an intimate moment in the garden with a certain Spymaster.
Under the Weeping Willow**
Emboldened by the light of a full moon, Elain lures Azriel out to the garden for a late night rendezvous.
Multi-Chapter Fics
Echoes in the Hallway ** - Canon compliant-ish, completed.
Part II**
Part III **
Azriel plays chaperone but this time for the girl he's been avoiding for months. Post-solstice angst.
Everywhere, Everything** - A Friends to Lovers modern AU. In progress.
After a decade of friendship, Azriel and Elain cross a line into unexplored territory.
Inspired by Music Series
Lover, Please Stay
Elain cares for a very weary Azriel. Hurt/Comfort.
Dress **
Elain buys a dress, Azriel takes it off.
Stargirl **
Elain has a vision featuring a certain Shadowsinger.
Stargirl: Part Two **
Elain's vision from Stargirl comes to life.
Stargirl: Part Three **
Elain has another vision, this time it involves a black ribbon and a slice of cake.
Stargirl: Part Four **
Following her last vision, Elain and Azriel navigate the surprise revelation and the frenzy that comes along with it.
Time Will Be Frozen for Us
Azriel acquires a cabin where he and Elain enjoy the quiet domesticities of life.
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Frozen re watch notes | Analysis
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Cover created by me
Since Frozen 3 is official, I thought I'd re-watch Frozen, Frozen Olaf's Frozen Adventure, Frozen Fever and Frozen 2, all in order in terms of canon. All the things that may not seem right I'll put the pieces together for you. An example being Frozen 2's highly controversial ending.
Warning - This is a long post given the notes from the main canon movies and things story wise, so do read in your own time if not now :)
Frozen II - the beginning:
• If you didn't know already, the flashback in Frozen 2 featuring young Elsa and Anna takes place the night before the incident in Frozen. They go to bed after a bedtime story from Agnarr and a lullaby from Iduna, but Anna gets up very early in the Morning while it's still dark and builds a snowman with Elsa. Just before Agnarr tells him about the story, Anna whispers to Elsa, “Let's make a big snowman later.”
• Most of you would probably know this by now, but I'm just going to say it anyways, Elsa making a fairy queen on a horse foreshadows herself in 12 years time, when she becomes the fifth spirit and rides in the Nøkk, but also to the title we, the fans know her as, the Snow Queen (which I hope the title will be actually be given to her or said in Frozen 3).
• The monster in the play scene is another foreshadow to Marshmallow, the giant snowman monster Elsa created in Frozen.
• The scene Elsa and Anna play with their snow figures, “The lost fairies cry out.. They wake the fairy queen who breaks the spell and saves everyone!”, also slightly foreshadow the events of Frozen 2 with the other spirits ("the lost fairies") crying out and causing Elsa to become the fifth spirit (or as young Elsa refers to as the “fairy queen”), saving everyone from her kingdom.
• (Young) Anna after says “... And they all get married!”, which is a foreshadow to Frozen 2 and possibly Frozen 3. After saving the forest and being reunited, Kristoff finally proposes to Anna. Their wedding, which is a must, will be in Frozen 3. Elsa could also find a love interest (which I prefer as Hans) and perhaps gets married in the same movie.
• Hate to break it to you guys but the story telling scene was the original family's last happy, normal moment together.
• The chant/ song at the very beginning of Frozen and when Elsa thaws Arendelle from the eternal winter, is actually from Northuldra as we see the Northuldrinas sing it in Frozen 2. Seeing Frozen after Frozen 2 is actually so cool!
• Kristoff was originally with mountain men, and from there we assumed his father is one too. But as he gets adopted by the trolls soon, it's unlikely Kristoff would just abandon his father for Trolls. But though it makes total sense for his father to be a mountain man, it could be that his father died while he was around Anna's age while his mother died sooner so he thought to stick with those he's familiar with, the mountain men, his father's friends. But the trolls adopted him and took care of him since the incident.
• This is the first time that the royal family has met the trolls. With how Grand Pabbie was asking if she was born or cursed and how Agnarr got out a book in the Trolls before visiting them, it seems it's the first interaction. That means Elsa, Anna and Kristoff and Sven have known the Trolls for the same amount of time.
• As we know that Elsa gets her powers and the spirits get their magical form from Ahotohallan, being the source of all magic, I wonder if the trolls are aware about Ahotohallan or even got their magic from there too.
• The line Pabbie uses to warn Elsa of the extent of her powers, “Fear will be your enemy”, is used as a lyric in another solo, 'Monster', for Elsa in the Broadway adaptation of Frozen. Elsa references the trolls as she sings “ "Fear will be your enemy and death its consequence", that's what they once said to me and it's starting to make sense”. It's such an amazing song to show Elsa's fear of her powers.
• Though the trolls erased the incident turning it into fun memories from Anna's mind, it was Agnarr who decided to keep Elsa from the outside world. But this was for her one benefit thinking she would be more able to focus on controlling her powers and not cause anymore accidents. Though I will agree that the isolation may have gotten to her making her want to be alone but that's solely so she herself can focus on controlling her powers and avoid hurting others unintentionally or even the very least, making them fear her.
• To Anna it seems Elsa hid away suddenly. Anna only remembers the happy memories they've shared. She doesn't remember the incident or her powers. And also because her parents are focused on Elsa, it gets Anna to make her own ways in life which is why she's so naive and wants to marry Hans the day they met.
• "Do you want to build a snowman?" shows Elsa and Anna being separated for 9 years. Another 3 years later, making it 12 years since the incident, their coronation is their reunion (not reconciliation).
• Now we know that Iduna and Agnarr actually crossed the dark sea and not the southern sea to go to Ahotohallan in search for answers to Elsa's powers, not knowing the risks it would bring to them.
• Moments before their death Iduna confesses that she was the one who saved her when they were younger. Their parents had closures from the mysteries in the life that were unsolved excluding that of Elsa's powers. Which is both heartwarming and heart breaking.
• Why didn't the Nøkk save them? I don't think Nøkk knew who they were parents too or even recognized Iduna. Besides, after the most sealed Northuldra, the spirits went quiet or you could say in hibernation. When Elsa hears the voice and ends up waking them up, that's when they go wild. Elsa had the power to tame and bond with him. Though Iduna had the bond with him and the other spirits, they were aware of her and weren't aware of what was going on anywhere. It could've been that actually the Nøkk did try though but all he managed to do was to bring their bodies to Arendelle so they could be buried, otherwise they would've have been missing.
• I'm not going into detail here about How Hans isn't faking the good side. @a13thprincefora13thprincess has such an incredible mind blowing analysis of it pinned on her blog profile! But what I will say is that let's remember that before "Let it go", Dela was going to be the villain and Hans was just another protagonist. It was after the song that Disney swapped the roles. So the point is he definitely wasn't faking the good act.
• The bishop knows about Elsa's powers. All the palace staff do too and they have worked at the castle for many years and since the gate closed no one has gone in or out of the castle so no one can retire or gain new staff. And the way he tells Elsa about the gloves and the way he looks at the sceptre and the orb then back at Elsa further proves he knows.
• I never really put this to mind but Elsa has been seen by Arendelle before when she was younger along with Anna, but they didn't tell the people about her powers. They kept that private way before the incident happened. Perhaps Agnarr and Iduna feared the people's reaction just like Elsa does.
• From what we know about Hans from other media around the franchise, we learn his brothers and father abuse him and look done on him because he's the youngest and last in line to the throne hence to them useless. So coming to Arendelle seeking room for love, room to fit in somewhere. Anna putting him in charge is his moment to prove to the citizens that he can treat them well. Then once he's king he can show the men in his family that he's capable of respect.
• Elsa didn't want to become Queen yet because the pressures of her powers are enough for her to focus on and control. Ruling a kingdom makes it 10 x harder for her to control herself.
• All Elsa thought she needed was to be alone so she can embrace her powers and learn to control it. That way she won't fear hurting anyone. That was her main motive behind being alone in her room and in the North mountain after the death of their parents. Elsa was just doing what she thought her father would want her to do.
• Kristoff saw Elsa's let it go sequence! He tells her yes to when she asks did it seem magical! And in the sledge he asks Anna what made the Queen go all ice crazy. These little things I didn't even notice the first plenty full of times we watched it!
• The way Kristoff says to Anna, “You almost set me on fire!”, and Anna replies “But I didn't”, a sweet hilarious parallel would be Elsa saying, “You almost killed me!”, and Hans replies “But I didn't.”
• Seeing how the horse ran back to Hans gets him believing that Anna's in danger when actually the horse is scared from falling snow (lol). And so Hans could've in theory let Anna hang in trouble and Elsa leave her kingdom but what does he do? He goes after Anna to save her.
• When Anna knocks on Elsa's ice palace door, it immediately opens making it a first to Anna. That's because the palace is built and acts on Elsa's subconscious. Elsa has longed to open the door but her powers and her trauma wouldn't allow her to do so but now learning it controls them, she has the freedom to do so.
• Elsa living in the North and Anna in Arendelle was a foreshadow in itself for their status after Frozen 2.
• I want another troll song in Frozen 3. They deserve more screen time, more story
• Okay so some might say Hans was indirectly trying to kill her moving the arrow upwards to hit the chandelier. But naturally that would be someone's quick act to save Elsa. You won't have time to think. Hans did specifically tell those two Weselton guards not to attack the Queen. Not because he wanted to kill himself. He just came here to talk and reason with her.
• But the key and most precious thing to notice after this scene is that in the dungeon while Elsa is unconscious, a blanket is put over her. Why would anyone put a blanket on the Queen of snow and ice and to one who froze her own kingdom? The Weselton guards definitely didn't put it on her. Doubt they Arendellian guards would either. Hans however would. Why would he do that? Well it's his act of kindness that even though she appears cold, inside lies warmth and I guess that's what he's trying to bring back by asking her to restore Arendelle's summer.
• Everyone thinks Elsa is capable of bringing back summer believing she has control over it but they don't know that Elsa doesn't and can't which gets Hans eventually seeing that death is the only way to save the lives of the innocent. Hans tried to reason with her talking to her twice but upon hearing Elsa hurt Anna when she told him she wouldn't and seeing her ability to break out of the chains got him to that ultimate decision which cost him the reputation and respect he was planning for.
• The Duke of Weselton doesn't believe Elsa can control it or doesn't think if anything really he just immediately judges her calling her a monster and having the first thought of killing her and he puts it more into Hans mind to kill her. So really the Duke is the real villain of Frozen.
• Hans marked Anna's words “She's my sister, she'd never hurt me”. He knows first hand what brothers love is like but he thought sisters were different. Seeing that it's not, surprises him but enrages him on the inside too.
• Hans takes those words personally, “If anything happens to the Princess, you are all Arendelle has left”. He goes into thinking mode and sighs seconds before Anna enters. From looking after the people, to looking for Anna, to reasoning twice with Elsa, to keeping the responsibility of just being in charge (thrown or no throne) all piles up for Hans.
• The moment he refuses the kiss and says his no sense original plan, he is thinking Anna deserves to die because she was the one who caused this mess in the first place (as Anna herself admitted when she left to search for Elsa), and he takes that as an opportunity to further prove his loyalty to the Kingdom and being in the spotlight.
• Or what if Hans refused the kiss fearing that Anna would not want to marry him anymore seeing the kiss not working not being her true love and knowing she was going to die anyways meaning his plan on being the king and making respect for himself would fail. Elsa is different to Anna and much more difficult to love.
• As the in the song "fixer upper", it says “People make bad choice if they're mad or scared or stressed", Hans is an example of this. He was stressed and user pressure which led to him doing bad things. Don't we often make mistakes feeling mad or scared or stressed?
• I don't know if you noticed or if it's just me but when Hans says death upon saying he has to sentence Elsa to death, his voice cracked. Proof enough he does not wish to be doing so and feels he has no choice.
• Elsa loves Arendelle. Yes I know she ran away from her home but that doesn't mean she doesn't love it. She ran away fearing the worst for it but stayed confronting the best for it - love. That's why she was able to thaw Arendelle.
• When Hans gets back in the boat, Elsa looks at him in a neutral way and when she sees Kristoff and Anna's reaction to them she seems confused. It just confirms that Anna was the one who told Elsa about Hans bad deeds and made her despise him.
Olaf's Frozen Adventure:
• This is their first Christmas together so it's 5 months after the events of Frozen. Not too long.
• "Ring in the season Season" has lyrics “It's the first Christmas in forever since we opened up the gates and it's the first Christmas I remember to date and it's already worth the wait”, which is a nod to Elsa and Anna's parts in "For the first time in forever" in Frozen.
• 5 months isn't too long so the trauma still hits Elsa which is why she feels guilty of stripping away Anna's many years of what could have been amazing memories. You could say this reflects Elsa's stages of closure from all of what has happened. This is her guilt stage. At times there will be acceptance.
• Olaf being the tradition is so cute! It's perfect. It's genius!
• As much as there are more scenes with Anna and Olaf then with Elsa and Olaf, in the franchise so far, in this short you can clearly see the mother son bond Elsa and Olaf have. It's so precious and I wish to see more of it in Frozen 3.
Frozen Fever:
• Now a month under a year since the events of Frozen and 6 months since their first Christmas. Elsa here hits the final stages of her grief from the years of being behind a locked door, going lengths to rectify it/ making it up and acceptance.
• I love how Elsa uses her magic to put colour and puffiness on Anna's dress and I really really hope she does it for her wedding dress!
• Anna's growth of love from assuming love happens within hours to learning it happens over a certain amount of time, such a year or so.
• And the big giant snowball that flies across the sea to the Southern Isles? Confidence? I think NOT! I'll explain soon.
World of Frozen Disney Park Storyline:
• With the recently announced World of Frozen announcement at Disney Parks, we have gotten to know what went down after Frozen Fever and before Frozen 2 thanks to a snippet of a newspaper in the promo videos. It states that it is set a year after the events of Frozen and a month after Frozen Fever and so to celebrate Anna's sacrifice/ act of true love, Elsa and Anna call this Summer Snow Day. For this event, Elsa decided to call the Southern Isles to reconcile with them with trading and stuff. They sisters had no clue about the giant snowball reaching the Southern Isles until rumours were in that it caused Hans some injuries. So I guess you could say the sisters took advantage of Hans not being able to come to make amends with the Isle. I guess this is what gives Elsa the idea to make fun of Hans every time he is mentioned or seen.
Frozen II - The present:
• It has now been 15 years since the incident that had them separated, 6 years since their parents death and 3 years since they reunited and reconciled.
• After the 3 year leap to the coronation in Frozen, a woman tells her son, “The Queen has come of age”. This means much more when you watch Frozen 2. 21 is the youngest legal age to be crowned. 3 years later now, Anna is Queen. Is it really a coincidence that Anna was going to be Queen so soon (excluding the whole it's the writers decision excuse) ? In - universe, it's fate. That's why Elsa hasn't heard the voice before. If Elsa went through what she did, then Elsa would have to leave the throne in order to protect and provide Northuldra after its freedom is restored. Anna isn't old enough to be crowned yet. That would lead to others trying to get the crown while it's available.
• The phrase the next right thing didn't actually come from Mattias which inspires Anna but actually Grand Pabbie who says it first. I don't know why I didn't notice that.
• Again even though at the end of all, she lives in the forest, Elsa still deeply cares about Arendelle and not just for Anna. When Pabbie shows her the images of Arendelle in chaos, she takes a step closer and has fear in her eyes. So upon seeing this she urged to go to the forest to fix things.
• As Olaf says the enchanted forest is a place of transformation. It makes Kristoff a prince in waiting or a king consort rather, Anna a Queen, Elsa the fifth spirit, Sven a royal reindeer (?) and Olaf literally gets reborn.
• Grand Pabbie's advice to Anna gets Anna to be more sensitive about how Elsa is, making sure she's okay all the time. Elsa however, wants Anna to be safe fearing the consequences of her journey into the unknown.
• Originally the “That's my sister” line from the Frozen trailer was going to be in the movie but it got cut, but because it was so iconic they included it in the sequel.
• I think that Ryader and Honeymaren act as best friends for Elsa, Anna and Kristoff. We all know why Kristoff and Ryder get along. Honeymaren and Elsa share the knowledge seeking and sharing skills and Anna probably too.
• I love Kristoff's ballad and if Hans returns redeemed in Frozen 3 and I would love for him to have one too.
• People who say Kristoff was treated horribly in Frozen 2, chasing after love but I have to disagree. It would have been a problem if we didn't know much about Kristoff and who is without love, but we do as seen in Frozen. He loves Anna and is crazy to marry her and I don't blame him if he is seizing the moment to marry her because the same way the sisters worry for each other as they fear the unknown, the same way Kristoff does. Being after love isn't bad at all. He bonded with a Northuldrian who loves reindeers as much as him so that's also something.
• I love how Elsa steps in the middle of the four spirits symbol and it creates her Fifth Spirit symbol. Love it!
• Elsa saving Arendelle from the flood is so big for herself and for the people of Arendelle. Again when she regained consciousness, she went straight to Arendelle and saved it from the flood. If you look at it in a way, she did all this for Arendelle. She loves Arendelle. It's her home no matter where else she stays or goes.
• And grand Pabbie gives her a little nod. I love the roles madly and their bond with Frohana. I want to see more of it in Frozen 3!
• I have a theory that just like they marked the day Elsa thawed Arendelle/ Anna saved Elsa, Arendelle and Northuldra this time will mark the day Anna broke the damn and Elsa prevented the flood. Definitely big moments in history
• While Anna becomes Queen of Arendelle and Elsa lives in the Enchanted Forest, it's Anna who saves Northuldra, Elsa who saves Arendelle, symbolising their Arendellian and Northuldran background.
• Another similarity between both sides is that Northuldra and Arendelle both have magical beings. Arendelle has the Trolls and Northuldra has the spirits.
• Ever since day 1, Elsa has been focusing on two primary things to her, the mystery behind and growth of her powers and family or Anna specifically. This is most likely why Elsa hasn't been seen falling in love with anyone yet and why she didn't want to be Queen. Sometimes you need yourself to grow to that certain level, then love finds its way to you. Now that Anna's safe with Kristoff and she knows who she is, love might come to her in Frozen 3 if theories are to become real.
• Frozen focused in and about Arendelle while Frozen 2 was set in and about Northuldra. Perhaps Frozen 3 balances the two themes or goes somewhere else.
And that's that! All the things that went through my mind during the rewatch! I'll re-post these when I do a podcast re listen and Frozen 3 rewatch when they're out.
I have so many theories about Hans and I did promise posts on him - so don't worry they're coming!
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alovelyburn · 1 year
Rambles About the Golden Age Arc Addendum: The Lost Chapter
This is what I was going to post two weeks ago but I ended up rushing the Hill of Swords for Vday instead. So here we go!
I meant to do this months ago, but I’m lazy—uh I mean I didn’t For Some Reason. But after reading about Miura’s thoughts on the Lost Chapter I decided look at it again and, well, the pages were out of order on all the sites. So I tried to track down the correct order and ended up reading about it and blah blah anyway whatever who cares here we go.
Rambles About the Golden Age Arc Addendum – The Lost Chapter
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So for those who don’t know (not a lot of people, but hey there may be newbies), the Lost Chapter is the original Berserk Chapter 83, God of the Abyss Part II. It follows directly from the pages where Griffith’s soul or astral form or whatever departs the physical plane and goes forth to become Femto. So okay here’s some of the leadin for context:
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Griffith’s spirit departs the physical plane by traveling through a water-like abyss (which is very reminiscent of what’s going on with Guts in the current chapters, I might note). This is actually especially interesting because later in the series Schierke remarks that the ocean supposedly leads to the astral plane - the actual ocean, that is. This one I assume is more of a metaphorical/spiritual ocean.
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Anyway, there, he is confronted by the reality of the Sacrifice he chose, and is shocked at the horror of it. This is kind of a sidenote but there is some question as to exactly what he thought would happen when he took that deal, because he doesn’t appear to have known it would be that.
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He’s also surprised that he doesn’t feel anything about it. At this point, as Griffith’s last tear falls, an off-panel voice chimes in to explain his lack of emotional response....
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“When suffering so profound as to make someone rip himself apart is confronted, a heart is frozen.”
I think I said this way back in Golden Age Rambles 16, but this is one of my favorite (and imo one of the most important) lines as far as Griffith’s character is concerned. Because it suggests that his emotional suppression is at least in part a trauma response - it also confirms that this emotional deadening, which is a result of the trauma response/his confrontation of his suffering, is the reason he doesn’t feel anything - as opposed to it being, for example, because he’s a sociopath. Sigh.
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We are given an explanation for the existence of behelits, which Miura later clarified in interviews as being solidified souls whose faces are skewed due to their fragmentation and lack of ... being a person as yet. Love that for them.
Finally, Griiffith encounters...
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A pile of flesh that he refers to as God.
And that’s where we transition into the Lost Chapter.
So originally the chapter I am about to discuss was the chapter after this, but when the chapters were collected, Miura had it removed. There’s been some discussion as to why that was, but officially his explanation was that it gave away too much too early and that something as extreme as an on-panel appearance by God should be saved for the end of the series.  He also said that he didn’t like to nail down the limits of the world and wanted to keep things flexible in case he needed to change something.
From there, a lot of discussion has been had about whether the story “counts” or not. My position is basically that it’s fairly safe to assume that this or something like this happened during Griffith’s ascension, because it seems like the main reason he didn’t include it was more because it was too revealing than because he changed his mind. And while he did want to have the option of changing his mind, ultimately nothing he did ever contradicted it, and there were references and minor cameos that seem to confirm it.
So I personally consider it to be pseudo-canon, like broadstrokes canon, but with the understanding that details may be inaccurate. Nonetheless, I also consider it an extremely interesting and informative chapter when one wants to try and unlock the secrets of what the series is trying to say.
So here we go. I’m putting the entire chapter up. The pages are presented in their correct order – most websites post some of the pages out of sequence. It doesn’t really make a huge difference to the meaning, but it does change the flow a little bit. The order that follows is confirmed based on raw scans.
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Okay so this is pretty basic – Griffith recognizes this as probably God, and its confirmed. One nitpick I do have is um, literally the NAME “Idea of Evil.”
Normal disclaimers apply - I’m not fluent, correct me if wrong, etc etc I proceed in good faith.
So this is a little weird because it’s another case of the Kanji saying one thing and the furigana saying something else. The name is given as 魔の源形  - something like “the form of the source of malevolence.”  with furigana over 源形 being the katakana for “idea.” So what it’s actually saying is Ma no Idea - fairly translated as Idea of Evil, but what it means is that it is the physical form of the source of malevolence/evil/etc.
...I mean it basically means the same thing, but I think for me when I see 魔の源形 I think of something like the Endless from the Sandman, which follows from some of the later dialogue, because as much as people assume that having “ma” in its name means it is, itself, malevolent it’s more like the spinner of malevolence, which brings me back to the Sandman, because while Dream embodies dreams, he isn’t, himself, a dream. He’s the thing that makes dreams, see what I mean? Well I’ll probably get more into it later.
In the meantime, Idea of Evil is fine but it does seem to be a descriptor rather than a name, and I do find the longer and more awkward translation a bit more useful in understanding what this deity is.
Moving on!
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It’s saying “that” is God not “this” is god which I guess sounds nitpicky but for me if it says “this” it’s more up close - I’m the idea of evil, i am god! vibes. Whereas “that,” to me, feels more of a neutral, “the source of evil is god/" kind of vibe.
It’s kind of like the flame/making mistake thing I went on about with Guts before, like it doesn’t change the fact that he’s talking about Casca, but it changes what the fact that he’s talking about Casca means.
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One of the interesting things from the twitter festival of Miura quotes was this thing about how the faces that overrun the landscape during the eclipse represent that this is the collective will of humanity. And I’m bringing this up because its the same faces that are visible in the ocean of souls. Its also a similar face to what comes out when the behelit rights itself. So that all tracks.
The most important thing here, though, is this concept of the common consciousness beyond individuality - humanity’s collective consciousness or, as Griffith eventually says, “where they will become one.”
It’s this collective will that is really the most powerful force in Berserk - even IoE serves this will, and it is this will that seemingly reshapes and controls the nature of reality - like splitting the astral from the physical worlds when humans lost their faith in supernatural things.
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So I talked about this before, but one thing that I notice people tripping over a lot with the whole “Griffith is the desired savior” thing is that people have a hard time I guess divorcing themselves from assumptions that are rooted in the real world, whereas Miura specifically and explicitly rejected those assumptions within the framework of Berserk’s world.
What I mean is, when people see Griffith – who is a demon with some nasty crimes to his name – presented as humanity’s chosen savior they assume this must be a farce, right? Because how could someone like that be humanity’s chosen one, it must be a big act and hes actually just the fake savior and someone else is the real savior.
The problem with this is that Humanity’s will within Berserk is extremely ambiguous of intent right, like it’ll get into this later, but the great desire of humanity was not to be protected or saved from harm, it was to have reasons for the harm they experience and thus their will gave birth to a God who did not stop their suffering but rather provided a purpose behind their suffering. Similarly when Griffith restores the world to the shape desired by humanity, that world is exponentially more dangerous than the world before his return.
But this isn’t really presented as being awful as such – it’s just the nature of humanity to have dark feelings and to experience and inflict suffering. That doesn’t mean it’s all they do, but it’s a strain that runs through mankind and that duality is what gives rise to someone like Griffith, who encompasses both sides of the species.
Also another reason to bear in mind that IoE isn’t a name - it just makes Griffith’s question make more sense - “why did humans give birth to this will called God” is appropriate because it is the embodiment of the concept of a kind of intent.
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Which also creates the ambiguity of “hell.” I keep going back to the archangel/demon lord thing with the Godhand, because it’s not just lipservice, it’s a genuine part of the worldbuilding of Berserk. Griffith looks down at the will of man and says it looks like Hell – he’s shocked that humanity’s will could be so cruel, but at the same time he recognizes that same cruelty inside himself, as well.
And God responds with, some people call it Hell, but it’s just part of the larger whole, and it’s a place that reflects human nature.
As I’ve said before, when Griffith says he feels that evil inside himself, it isn’t Miura telling us he’s a sadistic psychopath who was evil all along, it’s Miura telling us that every human contains the capacity for evil, including Griffith (because he’s human).
I feel like a lot of (western, again) fandom struggles with this stuff (and by struggles I mean doesn’t notice) because we’re so used to... “human” being synonymous with good but you kind of have to shed that to ‘get’ Berserk.
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And again, it is IoE that serves the will of man, not the other way around. Or controls destiny to create what humanity desires.
And here’s where I’m going to talk about the Sandman, haha.
I kind of struggled with how to conceptualize the Idea of Evil, because this is a deity born to dispense pain and cruelty, but it does not, itself, appear to be particularly malevolent. It’s just kind of doing its job.
And that’s when I started thinking about the Endless.
This rundown might not be as necessary as it once would have been due tot he Netflix show, but suffice to say Sandman is about Dream, who is the  anthropomorphic personification of dreams, but also the king of dreams, and one of a family of anthropomorphic personifications that each embody, control, and dispense a certain thing. Destiny, Death, Despair, Desire, Delirium, and [omitted for spoilers].
Anyway the thing is, the Endless embody a concept, but they are also created by the need for that concept. As the lore goes, Destiny is the oldest because he is integral to the existence of life. Death came next, because all living things die. Dream was born to give form to dreams. But the thing is, even though they control and create those things, they are not, themselves, those things. Death isn’t dead, she’s the person who collects souls. Dream isn’t a dream, he’s the one who makes dreams. But most significantly, and this is why it sticks in my head as hard as it does, if one of them dies, another incarnation of the same concept appears, because the job of being and dispensing that thing has to be done.
Now, I’m not saying IoE will die, I have no idea, and I’m not saying that if someone stabbed it, another heart or a brain or something would turn up - I’m not even sure IoE can die since it states that the world itself is its body but the point is, cruelty and pain and suffering, those things all existed before IoE did, and in fact it was the existence of those things in a chaotic and pointless state that created IoE to begin with. It came into existence to create meaning and order to what already existed, and to give it a reason for existing.
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“It was established that you would be here since a distant past. By influencing the lower levels of human consciousness and merging blood with blood I created the lineage that would give birth to the man you are. To pave the way for the times you would be born in, I manipulated history. and created an appropriate context for you. All the encounters you have had so far were all a part of the destiny that led you here as well.”
Now, going into the Griffith specific stuff. This is has always fascinated me because if you think about it, basically IoE is saying that everything in Berserk to date (and presumably everything that follows) is arranged to create the circumstances under which the specific person that Griffith has been designed to be will make the choice that brings him here.
One of the things I learned in psychology yars and yars ago is about this concept of psychological free will vs. like I guess religious or spiritual free will? Because ok there are multiple was to conceptualize what it means to have free will, right? We have the more standard version: are our lives planned out for is in advance by an outside force (typically a deity), or are we free to do whatever we wish to do? Free will vs. Predestination.
Is there such a thing as being destined to die tomorrow or does whether you die tomorrow or not rest entirely on what you choose to do? And if there is such a thing as being destined to die tomorrow, are there ways to prevent that from happening or is trying to fight it just hubris in the face of powers beyond your comprehension?
But there’s also the psychological concept of free will: given the interaction of your personality and your experiences and your capabilities and this Thing that Happened, is there really more than one thing that you could do, or is it inevitable that you will make the choice that you made because its who you are?
If Person A is rushing to work and comes across someone having a medical emergency on the sidewalk,  is their decision about what to do (stop, ignore it, call 911 and keep going, etc) determined wholly by the kind of person they are, or can they just do whatever? And more to the point, even though there is nothing stopping them from doing any of those things, are they themselves, being who they are, able to do anything other than the thing they end up doing?
Berserk is interesting because its take on fate is something like a combination - the end is set by IoE, but the way you get to that point is by IoE setting up your life in order to shape you into being a person who would make the choices necessary to arrive at that point. Unlike traditional predestination - that greek tragedy stuff - there’s your destiny and fighting it is hubris, because that fate comes for you rather than you necessarily arriving at it - the only thing that makes an endpoint inevitable is how perfectly maneuvered people are so that when you arrive at every crossroad, even if you theoretically could go left or right, because of who you are, there’s really no way you would go anywhere except the way IoE wants you to go.
This is why I often say Griffith was designed to be strong but also designed to shatter when hit in the right spots. He has to be strong to get to where he went, but he also needs to be fragile so that when the time comes, IoE can put the right things in his path to push his specific buttons and get him to do what he has to do. This is one reason I struggle with the idea of blaming Griffith - on one hand there’s the argument that individuals have to take responsibility for their actions regardless of why they’re undertaken. But at the same time, I can’t help thinking... there’s no person in existence who wouldn’t break if they literally had God arranging the entire world into the specific configuration needed to break them.
More than that, though! If you think further into it, it also means Guts was designed to be someone who Griffith would desperately love and then be abandoned by.  And that means Guts’ life was designed to create a person with all these insecurities and strengths and weaknesses that makes him the person he is. It’s all very interesting to me, these questions of free will and predestination.
It does, however, lead me to wondering about the edict he gives Griffith at the end of this chapter.
More on that in a minute!
(boy do I hope that was all coherent)
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So, here’s the thing that explicitly curbstomps the idea that Griffith was specifically sent with the rule that he must destroy things and ruin humanity. I mean break it down, right – IoE is a servant of the will of humanity, ergo its desires are humanity’s desires. Griffith, being human, therefore is a part of IoE just as IoE is a part of him, and thus his desires are also IoE’s desires...
So that’s the original Japanese line.
Which, as far as I can tell (and anyone better with Japanese than I am please do feel free to correct me, and I’ll fix it) means something like:
“Your actions in themselves will be appropriate to humanity as a species even if it means hardship/pain or rescue/salvation for humanity.”
As a pretty interesting sidenote, the word used for salvation, 救い, specifically references religious salvation. So there you go. Antimessiah/Messiah.
In any case it does put the lie to the idea that Griffith was given the instructions to destroy things or ruin things or make people miserable, like his instructions are literally just “do whatever, and whatever happens will be appropriate.” That said, remember “Your desire is my desire as well.”
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I really think Griffith is at his prettiest during this chapter despite being half-formed for most of it. But anyway.
Ever think about what this encounter must mean to him? Half of Griffith’s motivation is the desire to see what he’s capable of and where destiny will lead him.
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So okay now we get back to psychological free will. Because obviously Griffith wasn’t sent with the instructions to do a specific thing, just to do whatever he likes with the assurance that whatever he wants is also what IoE wants by the nature of Griffith’s own humanity.
But okay, that does raise the question of whether GRIFFITH has free will (in the psychological sense), right like... at the end of the Eclipse, the other Godhand seem to indicate that they already know how this will turn out – Griffith will bring an age of darkness on the world, at least for a while. Similarly, before he’s even incarnated, Slan is sending priests visions that say he’s going to unite all of humanity into one nation.
So like, inasmuch as the IoE is part of humanity’s will and vice versa, it seems like it knew where this was going even as it told Griffith to do whatever. And this may be difficult and abstract to convey and I hope I can phrase it properly, but what it says to me is something like... Griffith acts freely on his desires, but his desires are in line with IoE’s desires (which are in line with humanity’s desires) specifically because he was designed to be a person who would have those desires. As such he does what he wants, but what he wants to do will inevitably result in ending up where IoE is trying to get, whether he is or is not specifically choosing to try to create that effect... because the outcome of our actions isn’t always what we intended.
And this isn’t me trying to let Griffith off the hook for the age of darkness - I’m not even convinced the age of darkness is a bad thing in the long term. I’m more saying that regardless of what his intentions are, the outcome of his actions will inevitably be in accordance with the destiny woven by IoE and desired by mankind’s collective will... regardless of whether or not that outcome is what he was aiming for.
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Sidenote: Griffith chooses his own form, which makes me wonder what was going on with Ubik.
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And then he heads into the world at large.The swirling of the ocean of souls echoes his reincarnation at the end of Conviction.
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And the end.
Okay so like, what I get from this is basically... Griffith was created to be the person needed to fill the role he’s filling, and God designed the world around creating him (and presumably did the same to create say Void or Slan). Whatever his intentions are, the actions he takes and their outcomes will ultimately align with humanity’s desire, which is also IoE’s desire.  
This is kind of what I mean when, for example, someone suggests that Femto raped Casca in order to create the demon baby that would ultimately become his vessel and I say... I don’t think that’s why FEMTO did it, but it may well be why it was done.
But what really strikes me about this chapter is how it sets the stage for ... the stage that is the Berserk world. What I mean is, and I’ve talked about this before, the way the Godhand behave and especially the way NeoGriffith behaves, is very performative right like they want an outcome and they move things around like pieces on a chessboard and then they do the things needed to nudge humanity in the “right” direction which is something I’m sure to talk about a lot once I get farther into Millennium Falcon. Which isn’t unusual in itself, but because of who and what they are, they can move massive pieces, like... plague outbreaks or the merging of the astral and physical worlds. The Godhand’s manipulation of human history is epic, but then of course their creator goes a step beyond and manipulates centuries or millennia in advance and on a much larger scale. But in the end it’s all the same thing it’s just a matter of degree, and...
It kind of makes sense that Griffith is one of them, because that’s really what he was doing on a human scale even when he was human.
Anyway, that’s it, back to Millennium Falcon next, thank you for listening.
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kickedshins · 8 months
readalong riverdale playlist guide
songs have been added in no particular order. sometimes songs tie to broader visions of a musical episode, but some are just “they should have shoehorned this in somewhere in that classic riverdale way”. all songs are musical theater songs. yes i know they did superboy and the invisible girl but they did it wrong (sorry cami, you were great). this is an eternally updating playlist and guide. enjoy!
Corner of the Sky, from Pippin: Archie!!! This literally could happen anywhere at any point in time. What is this song if not Pippin going left Pippin going right. Put this wherever your heart desires. I want to come up with a Pippin musical episode plot because it’s so good. Jughead singing "Simple Joys" over a montage of Archie not dealing with his problems… I’m getting carried away.
Kind of Woman, from Pippin: Veronica would sing this in an entirely unselfaware way. I’m thinking early season two. Isn’t it a beautiful vision?
Superboy and the Invisible Girl, from Next to Normal: THIS SHOULD HAVE BEEN A COOPERS SONG. I’m mentally rewriting the n2n episode with this being a Coopers song.
Could I Leave You?, from Follies: A timeskip Veronica and Hermione duet at their respective shitty husbands. It ends with Hermione resignedly going back to the minutiae of marriage and with Ronnie shooting Chad in the face. Don’t worry about how this messes with plot this isn’t about that.
Your Fault, from Into the Woods: Read this post and envision a beautiful ITW episode.
I’ve Never Been in Love Before, from Guys and Dolls: Okay honestly? Archie and Josie duet. Cuter than "Fight For Me", imo.
Mother Knows Best, from Tangled: Alice, duh. Season one or season seven.
Do You Hear the People Sing?, from Les Mis: Season six union stuff baybee! Hand in hand with "Bread and Roses". It also would be really funny to have KJ and Vanessa, who in my opinion suffer the most from iPhone Voice in the cast, to do such a grand musical-y song. It would not be very good but boy would it be entertaining.
Therapy, from Tick, Tick… Boom!: BUGHEAD DYSFUNCTION DUET YES PLEASE. Let’s say season four. "Exquisite Corpse" vibe, but suppress it all. Maybe the problem’s simply codependency!
Get This Right, from Frozen II: Okay hear me out this is one of the most stupidly romantic songs I have ever heard. An Archie song, obviously. Timeskip Varchie. Maybe he’s actually about to propose, maybe not, doesn’t matter. All that matters is how much I genuinely think KJ could have slayed this song.
Being Alive, from Company: Obviously go read Jughead’s Weird Fantasy right now if you haven’t already. But even in Riverdale canon I would want Jughead to sing this in timeskip. If we’re getting specific it feels very Tabby tucking him in after he gets too drunk at the key party. Sorry for nixing the gay subtext by putting it next to a Jabitha moment jail for a million years for me I know. It could also be after Archie calls him when he’s in NYC. There you go, gay people.
Something’s Coming, from West Side Story: Season one or seven Archie. Just feels very wholesome. I think it would be cute. Could be performed on stage if season one.
How Did We Come to This?, from The Wild Party (Lippa): A Veronica La Bonne Nuit performance that somehow becomes a group number (she’s the only one singing on stage though). Season three. No "Queenie Was A Blonde" tag. I could make an AMV to this song. I should not do that I already have three in the works. But I could.
Run Away with Me, from The Mad Ones: This is purely self-indulgent because I like on-the-road Jarchie and I have a soft spot for this mediocre musical for personal reasons. 
Suddenly Seymour, from Little Shop of Horrors: Choni! Choni forever and ever amen. Season seven, I think, when Cheryl finally accepts that she’s a lesbian and is facing homophobia from her family/society/etc. Cheryl is Audrey which is funny because “mama was poor” lol no she wasn’t. They should go all the way and get the rights to change the lyrics to Suddenly Toni. Neither Madelaine nor Vanessa has the right voice for this song even a little bit. I do not care. 
Partner in Crime, from Tuck Everlasting: Betty and Archie. In my wildest fantasies this is like a season four flashback to them as kids and we have kid Barchie sing this song but other than that I think this could be a number when they’re hooking up in timeskip. Even though I don’t approve of Barchie hooking up in timeskip because I hate straight people I do think they would slay this. KJ specifically I think would sound great on this, it’s not really a Lili song but oh well. Another version that would be incredibly funny but not as good would be having timeskip Veronica and Reggie sing it about, like, actual crime.
Totally Fucked, from Spring Awakening: Kevin-centric group number in the style of "In" or "Beautiful". Could be anywhere from seasons two to four. Maybe we include the “did you write this?” thing with Betty and Jughead as Melchior. They did some expose for some paper. You know how it is. I wish the Riverdale characters were allowed to say fuck so bad.
Moving Too Fast, from The Last Five Years: Timeskip Jughead. It almost fits but doesn’t in a way that’s oh-so-Riverdale.
The I Love You Song, from The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee: Sad. Shared between Betty, Veronica, and Cheryl, but Veronica-centric (could be an unhinged La Bonne Nuit performance from her with cutaways to the other two, actually). Whenever the most amount of parents in this group are in jail. There’s at least one meaningful shot of Jughead reacting.
I’m Breaking Down, from Falsettos: Okay this one is sort of cheating because I don’t necessarily want to fit it into the actual canon of Riverdale I just think if Archie had come out in high school Veronica would have pulled a "The Ladies Who Lunch" and done this at La Bonne Nuit. I think Cami would body that.
What Is This Feeling?, from Wicked: Hear me out. Bret/Jughead duet.
For Good, from Wicked: Betty and Veronica, season seven. Or quad number in late s4/early s5 before the timeskip. I think Lili would sound gorgeous on this, especially the bridge.
Two-Player Game, from Be More Chill: Look Joe Iconis wrote music that was used in Archie: The Musical let me have this okay. Season one Jarchie. Jughead as Michael obviously even though he’s nothing like Michael and Archie is nothing like Jeremy. I just want to make Cole Sprouse say “favowite”.
Mother’s Gonna Make Things Fine, from A New Brain: I have a whole beautiful vision for an A New Brain musical episode that takes place in season four. It’s too long to get into right now but just know it’s there and it’s gorgeous and I’m going to fully flesh it out soon. Once again this is obviously an Alice song, except instead of well-meaning Jewish mom it’s overbearing evil (albeit MILFy) WASP. She’s fretting over Betty because Betty’s fretting about college or Jughead or something who cares. I just need Mädchen to do this.
Change, from A New Brain: This would happen about three quarters of the way through the episode. In classic Riverdale fashion they’d get a little insensitive with it and this would be a Ronnie La Bonne Nuit performance. Change the government kill the mayor! Say that! Even if the mayor is your parent! Especially if the mayor is your parent!
Brain Dead, from A New Brain: This is my favorite part of my A New Brain musical episode. It’s once again a Bughead repression duet. Just imagine the lavender marriage dream sequence anger tango they would do. I also think Cole Sprouse wouldn’t sound too horrible on this song. High praise. No lyric changes Jughead is saying “as the MD lifts me in his cruisy chiseled arms”. I’m getting angry about the fact that I will never get to see this on my screen I’m going to do some breathing exercises to calm down.
Take Me or Leave Me, from RENT: We’re gonna split this up among couples in classic Riverdale fashion. Timeskip, our Maureens are Kevin and Veronica, and our Joannes are Fangs and Archie. The Joannes don’t really work so maybe we’ll pull another classic Riverdale and cut their verses. Unfortunately the best line of the song (“Women, what is it about them? Can’t live with them or without them!”) has to be cut. I wish Choni could also sing this but alas it can’t work in this. Mostly this is an excuse to give Casey Cott more stuff to sing and I think it would be hilarious if he sung this.
Tango: Maureen, from RENT: Honestly, Riverdale both could and would do a really messy RENT episode. I should ruminate further on that. Anyway. I don’t actually know where or how this could work but I want it to be a weirdly sexually charged Vughead duet. But that makes Betty or Archie Maureen, and they are not Maureen… I don’t know. This one’s just in here because I like imagining Cole Sprouse dancing, and because I think Jughead is Jewish and it would be really funny to hear him say “Riverdale Jewish Community Center”. Let’s go with timeskip. She cheated! She cheated! Betty cheated! Fucking cheated! Oh, shit, could this be a Jarchie song in timeskip when Betty and Archie are hooking up? I think it could! Wow. Good work gang.
Razzle Dazzle, from Chicago: I’m also creating a beautiful Chicago musical episode that I don’t have time to detail right now but trust me it’s awesome. It’s in season four, Hermosa is relevant to it. Anyway this is another Kevin-centric group number where everyone is lying to different people about different things. Crucially, Cole Sprouse says the line “they’ll never know you’re just a bagel”.
I Can’t Do It Alone, from Chicago: Veronica’s asking someone to help her scheme!
Mister Cellophane, from Chicago: GAY KEVIN. NEED I SAY MORE.
My Own Best Friend, from Chicago: Beronica duet. Lives would be changed. They’re sort of fighting at this point in the episode so there would be an underlying current of potential hatefucking. But that’s sort of always the case with this song tbh. Also this isn’t on this playlist but imagine Reggie singing "Roxie". So bad. So good.
American Idiot, by Green Day/from American Idiot: Songs from jukebox musicals count too, right? Archie-led group number obviously. Let’s go with season six, but it could be season one or five, too. Maybe he is the faggot America. Jughead says the line “now everybody do the propaganda”. There’s a coordinated dance thing a la "Random Number Generation".
A Cockeyed Optimist, from South Pacific: Archie, duh. Season one, six, or seven. Probably sung directly to a Lodge.
Watch What Happens, from Newsies: Betty, season four. She's doing a piece on the community center that Archie and Mad Dog co-run. I think Lili would slay this honestly. I debated adding the reprise largely so that I could have Cole sing the snake line and to have an iconic "the poor guy's head is spinning" thing side note how can I make Davey and Jack about Jughead and Archie someone needs to shoot me. Anyway we'd cut the stuff about Katherine being into Jack in this song obviously because Betty is unhappily hetero with Jughead. Hashtag women in journalism.
Matchmaker, from Fiddler on the Roof: 50sdale girls. Really strong fun gay visuals exist in my brain for this one.
Anything You Can Do, from Annie Get Your Gun: Vughead. Neither can I!
Let Me Entertain You, from Gypsy: Ronnie duh. Season three-ish La Bonne Nuit Era. Or Polly Amorous.
I Cain't Say No, from Oklahoma!: 50sdale Betty sexual awakening era. I can SEE a beautiful beautiful dream sequence vision where she dances around flirting with Archie and Jughead and Reggie and Veronica can't you.
Tribulation, from Schmigadoon!: Yes this is a TV show not a staged live musical who cares. I don't like Music Man I'm not putting "Ya Got Trouble" on here. Alice gets a patter I don't think Mädchen would be particularly good at it but it would be extremely fun. Season seven most likely, but let's be real it could come at any point in the show.
Naughty Baby, from Crazy for You: You think I'm about to say Veronica or perhaps Cheryl don't you. WRONG Dark Betty. Oh it would be so cringe so painful so bad so terrible. It must happen. I don't know when in the show it happens it could literally be any time in s1-6.
With One Look, from Sunset Boulevard: Ronnie... I'm thinking s5 Riverbucks era.
that's all i have for now but there's more to come :]
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cinematicnomad · 1 year
the terror fitzier fic recs below the cut for @skylessnights
this far from heaven by 5runner5 (1/1 | 10k+ | Ex) fitzier; slow burn; missing scenes; masturbation; hurt/comfort; getting together
this man—this irritable drunk who apparently saw nothing of worth whatsoever in james—was a sad, far cry from the man he had imagined, when he’d first thrilled at reading the name crozier in dispatches.
forged in the ice by captaincrozier (28/28 | 97k+ | M) fitzier; canon divergence; fix-it (of sorts); secret relationship; canon typical violence
something was forged in that arctic ice, something crozier will carry with him always, something that gave him hope, and the strength to get home. it was love... but the moment of its existence was cruelly brief.... and what is he without it now? haunted by and faithful to its memory, he tries to carry on, but how does one continue when faced with its ghost, every day?
mirror, mirror by palpalou (2/2 | 26k+ | Ex) fitzier; canon divergence; sick fic; misunderstandings; getting together
in which francis flatters james back to health, without noticing how hard he's flirting, actually. [for the terror own language fest, english in chapter II]
sunset and evening star, and one clear call for me. by gwerfel, kt_fairy (19/19 | 85k+ | M) fitzier; past francis/sir james; canon divergence; post-canon fix it; slow burn
they came upon a furrow in the landscape, too shallow to be called anything but a scrape, and all stopped in their tracks. there were indeed men. a crowd of them, walking and talking or sprawled upon the ground, not raving or twitching or gurgling foul smelling blood. they were in appalling condition though, ross could tell even from this distance, but they were still men. a figure stepped towards ross' party, and he would recognize that damned hat and the way hands were tucked up high into greatcoat pockets anywhere. he scrambled with the harness, throwing it off and taking off in a stumbling, inelegant dash across the shingle. "ross!" he heard francis gasp just before he collided with him, holding his dear friend in an embrace that nearly sent them both crashing to the ground. OR ross arrives in time, wounds are still open, and the risky business of having survived is navigated. the arctic does not let you out of its grasp with a wave and a goodbye.
untitled (perfect lovers), 2019, mixed media, london by caravaggiosbrushes (8/8 | 70k+ | Ex) fitzier; au–modern setting; au–artists; enemies to lovers; self-inflicted wounds 
sometimes there is nothing pretty in art. when francis crozier, a conceptual artist with a long and successful career, is invited to the franklin art gallery to put up a solo exhibition of his artworks, the last thing he expects is to find james fitzjames, performer artist and Instagram phenomenon, there, ready to work with him.
penumbra by crafterofwords (23/23 | 84k+ | Ex) fitzier; francis/sophia; canon divergence; period typical homophobia; angst with a happy ending
captain francis rawdon moira crozier and commander james fitzjames, of the royal navy, have survived their harrowing experience in the frozen wasteland of the arctic circle. a safe return to london has been these men's only desire through the very long nights in the arctic, so it is with confusion and discouragement that they find their homecoming has left them wanting. haunted by the memories and knowledge of horrors beyond the scope of what most men can bear, will they be able to find happiness, despite being given all they thought they'd ever wanted?
till human voices wake us by ktula (1/1 | 14k+ | Ex) fitzier; canon divergence; flatmates; repression; trauma recovery; tenderness
“thank you for last night,” james says, because it’s easier to say that than it is to say what he’s actually thinking. “i wasn’t…you’re welcome,” francis says, his gaze going to the sideboard a moment before re-focusing on james. “did it help?” “yes,” james lies. the second batch of nightmares, after all, hadn’t been francis’ fault any more than the first ones had been.
when all the world shall melt by neverfaraway (8/8 | 49k+ | Ex) fitzier; canon divergence; somebody lives/not everyone dies; fix-it; pining 
i’ll not have a picture, he thinks, gazing grimly at james’ drawn, damaged face. i’ll not have a miniature to tuck inside my breast pocket, or a sketch made on a winter’s evening by the fireside. it will be my own burden to remember him, until such a time as this cursed land takes me, too. twenty five men return to england. for francis, this means making a poor job of keeping james from scuttling his career, and working out what a sea captain might do with himself in the absence of a ship.
de remedio amoris by crownlessliestheking (1/1 | 14k+ | Ex) fitzier; past/background francis/sir james; canon divergence; introspection; pining
francis has always been a grasping thing. covetous to the last, drenched in vice, and gripping tight to whoever—whatever—is closest, be it james ross or sophia or the the neck of a bottle. or all three. now, there is james fitzjames.
a moon-blanched land by wildcard_47 (10/10 | 44k+ | Ex) fitzier; canon divergence; sharing a bed; hurt/comfort; retirement; pining
almost a year after their return to england, francis crozier is tired of london society and tired of fighting an inexplicable restlessness. when given the chance to move to a seaside cottage with his former second, james fitzjames, how can he refuse?
so much spring by icicaille (1/1 | 17k+ | Ex) fitzier; canon divergence; emotional hurt/comfort; angst with a happy ending; pining 
in the half-year since their return, francis had become aloof, impassive, withdrawn. there was no logic to this strange metamorphosis. at greenhithe, francis had promised to look after him. had told james: come find me. yet francis had never been further out of reach. on a cold spring day in 1849, francis drops everything and flees london for his sister's farm in ireland. james, hurt and hungry for answers, gives chase.
what ice does by what_alchemy (4/4 | 44k+ | Ex) fitzier; canon divergence; internalized homophobia; sharing a room; slow burn
captain parry’s third arctic expedition takes a year longer to prepare than planned. it leaves in 1825 with ship’s boy james fitzjames aboard HMS hecla. master's mate francis crozier takes him under his wing. this changes everything.
a pair of finches in a brass cage by fiendlikequeen (1/1 | 5k+ | M) fitzier; unrequited francis/sir james; canon divergence; POV sir james; accidental voyeurism
james clark ross brought francis crozier back from the arctic, but he finds francis a changed man—perhaps the most striking change being francis's constant companion, james fitzjames. james discovers, only partly by accident, the true nature of the relationship between francis and fitzjames.
i'll describe the way i feel, weeping wounds that never heal by velocity_owl87 (8/8 | 26k+ | T)  fitzier; canon divergence; hurt/comfort; career ending injuries; recovery; introspection
by sheer blind luck ross manages to find the remaining members of the franklin expedition, many of whom are at death's door. one of these being commander fitzjames and the main concern of crozier, whom ross judges far changed in ways he can't begin to understand. he offers his friend and fitzjames a place to recover while francis faces both external conflicts and comes to realisations about his life, his ambitions...And the person he wants to have with him for the rest of his life. all the while fitzjames struggles with coming to terms with lingering injuries, the ordeal of being known, and the possibility of finally getting his heart's desire.
trafalgar, happier by fiendlikequeen (1/1 | 17k+ | Ex) fitzier; francis/sir james; canon divergence; jealousy; accidental voyeurism; angst with a happy ending
james fitzjames has decided that he is perfectly ambivalent about death— provided he may die with francis crozier by his side. but when james clark ross arrives with both a rescue party and competing affections for francis, things change.
the devils before us by masterofallimagination (6/6 | 42k+ | T)  fitzier; canon divergence; somebody lives/not everyone dies; slow burn; pining
after five years in the arctic, francis and james return to england and begin the long journey home.
starcross by reinetta (1/1 | 17k+ | Ex)  fitzier; au–historical; au–regency; misunderstandings; enemies to friends to lovers
“there is barely a ribbon or a feather or a scrap of silk left this side of exeter.” “no woman under thirty is left unmoved,” tom said, grinning around the stem of his pipe. “even our essie is taken up with the idea!” esther’s dark eyes were dancing in the firelight. “though she is far too young to think of marrying at present—least of all to mr. james fitzjames.”
sleeping felt like lies by the_ocean_weekender (2/2 | 41k+ | T) fitzier; canon divergence; flatmates; depression; angst with a happy ending
escaping the ice is more down to sheer dumb luck than any happenstance of sight, divine intervention, or the not-insignificant amount of skill their crews bring to the occasion, but they all get out alive (bar unfortunate souls sir john and cornelius hickey, whose deaths are viewed by many as, contrarily, rather fortunate.) now, in london, pressed by commander fitzjames to saving their navy half-pay by sharing rooms together, crozier is struggling to return to normality. it would help, he admits begrudgingly, if he could tell the difference between dreams blessed/cursed by the sight and just good old trauma-induced nightmares. and if he hadn’t started to develop feelings for the man who, even ridden with scurvy, still deserved the title ‘handsomest man in the royal navy’.
never seek him, defiantly, at night by veganthranduil (1/1 | 17k+ | M) fitzier; canon divergence; slow burn; bunkmates; recovery; pining; alcoholism 
“the loss of a ship is a small price to pay for the completion of the passage, wouldn’t you say?” james said, employing his best smile. make it look easy, make it look painless, and people would gladly follow you—he’d learnt that early on. “well i’d not thought to see it,” said sir john, looking between the two of them. “if both of you are of one mind, there must be some truth to it. very well.” he clapped his hands together. “francis, james, the two of you can figure out the logistics. i’ll inform the men after david young’s funeral service. begin preparations immediately.”
to be made whole again by 5runner5 (10/10 | 29k+ | Ex) fitzier; canon divergence; eating disorder; survivor guilt; recovery; nightmares
james bit into a laden slice of toast with the undamaged side of his mouth. “i thought we agreed that thinking was very dangerous,” he said, and though his voice was light francis could feel a weight behind it. it was a weight made up of sleepless nights and crying jags; of francis punching a solid wall and of james shouting himself hoarse; of the unbearable social calls and wrenching letters and pitying looks which they could not avoid. they carried a great many heavy things with them, now. london, 1848: francis and james try to put themselves back together.
each mortal thing by jouissant (6/6 | 26k+ | M) fitzier; canon divergence; friends to lovers; gender identity; the dress
truth is a concept with which james fitzjames has been variously acquainted.
pressure ridge by alitneroon (8/8 | 18k+ | Ex) fitzier; canon divergence; missing scenes; POV alternating; happy ending 
here, so far away from the world, it felt as though consequences didn’t exist. he’d already been through so much with the men, he almost imagined that they could know about this too and understand, that it wouldn’t matter. despite everything, the bleakness of the landscape and the food that was slowly killing them, francis managed to find a moment or two of happiness when he was with james.
SWIPE RIGHT (or: THE TINDER AU) by caravaggiosbrushes (2/2 | 29k+ | Ex) fitzier; au–modern setting; POV francis; falling in love; author james; fluff
francis is 51, single, almost two years sober. he has a nice job, a dog, and a tinder profile he doesn’t use that much. one night, he decides to give the app another try. the rest is, as they say, history.
between the pain and the treasure by mysleepyrambles (2/2 | 22k+ | M) fitzier; canon divergence; hopeful ending; slow burn; mutual pining; fix-it
with sir john wilfully blind to the danger they are in, francis takes matters into his own hands.
death is a sailing ship by maleann (7/7 | 27k+ | M) fitzier; canon compliant; canon-typical violence; afterlife; POV james; body horror
james had died knowing that his heart, the core of his very being that no biographer would ever know, would carry on in francis crozier. would be protected, cherished even, because francis deemed him worthy of such care. oh, how he had loved francis then. he had been at peace with this being his last living thought. it’s his only thought now. in this undead life, his love has nowhere to go. james fitzjames wakes up in the afterlife. it looks strangely similar to his cabin on erebus.
one fast move or i’m gone by cosmogram (3/3 | 25k+ | Ex) fitzier; unrequited james/dundy; POV dundy; au–modern setting; au–academia
in a lifetime of unsubtleties, the affair with crozier is james’s worst. crozier’s hand resting on james’s lower back, there for all to see. crozier’s fingers nudging gently at james’s shirtcuffs when they stood around at receptions; crozier’s pale eyes going soft and foolish when james entered the room. sometimes simply crozier’s nod, sharp and proprietary, as though to say get upstairs, get in my office, close the door—as if the rest of them were not right there. or, the one where james and dundy are bright young things (baby post-docs) in english literature, and there’s a cranky new professor in town...
let the river rush in, not wash away by kt_fairy (4/4 | 27k+ | Ex) fitzier; canon divergence; established relationship; crossdressing; internalized homophobia
“it’s not something you wish known when you look like i do, i have learnt. ‘handsomest man in the royal navy’ feeling…” he shot a look at francis before bowing his face towards his teacup. “i had enough on the line, with my parentage, without everyone guessing how...how fine i felt in that dress. how soft and light and bright i felt, playing the very opposite of all i try to be.” or most people come home, boundaries are set, james (eventually) gets a dress.
let us live now / only this by furiously, ilcardinalecheballa (5/5 | 25k+ | T)  fitzier; canon divergence; slow burn; mutual pining; flatmates; friends to lovers
“i've put in for another commission.” james' voice was perfectly ordinary: so much so, in fact, that francis was sure, for the space of two blissful seconds, that he must have misheard. francis crozier and james fitzjames are alive. they are home. so are most of their men. but coming home—coming home together—is a more complicated proposition than it had at first glance appeared. then james' career comes to call.
'tis past, and so am i by glassessay (1/1 | 26k+ | T) fitzier; time travel fix-it; everyone lives/nobody dies (eventually); POV james
james fitzjames dies as francis cries above him, bleeding out of too-old wounds and thinking if only we had known. he opens his eyes in his cabin.
seen by ktula (9/9 | 97k+ | Ex) fitzier; au–modern setting; BDSM; slow burn; author francis; explicit sexual content
against his better judgement, francis crozier goes to a kink convention in canada to promote his new book. it's the dead of winter, and he has a vague suspicion he should have stayed home. then he meets james fitzjames, and confirms his suspicion is correct.
paper boats by Kt_fairy (4/4 | 25k+ | M) fitzier; pre-canon; canon divergence; gender identity; period typical attitudes; the dress
james did not feel quite like himself, dressed up like a sailor. and, strangely, feeling unlike himself was rather satisfying. he supposed it was all the change going on. in a few days he would step onto the pyramus and begin his life at sea, in the hope it was vast and varied enough that it contained a place where someone like him might be able to be honest about themselves, and still live a good life. or james fitzjames goes to sea, finds a place for himself, then finds a way to be himself.
rotten work by for_autumn_i_am (1/1 | 26k+ | Ex) fitzier; au–modern setting; coworkers; pining; misunderstandings; enemies to friends to lovers
james fitzjames, COO of erebus voyages, has a tragic crush on his straight colleague, francis crozier. (well. he thinks francis is straight.) there’s no way his tender feelings will ever be returned, is there?
don’t you (forget about me) by soft_october (1/1 | 6k+ | G) fitzier; canon divergence; POV sir james; outsider POV; misunderstandings; secret relationship
all oddities were temporary anyway! they were going home, francis would be well again, the enterprise would soon return to england, and there would be a farce of a court martial before a knighthood for francis and an easy retirement. and as for fitzjames…well, fitzjames would be reassigned, of course, continue his meteoric rise within the ranks of the navy. he would send a suitable number of letters to francis from somewhere exotic and warm before the draw of newer company turned his thoughts away from the arctic, and those who came with it. after rescuing the remnants of the franklin expedition from the ice, ross would prefer everything go back to normal. it doesn't.
some unknown tropical bird by hauntinghouses (1/1 | 4k+ | T) fitzier; canon divergence; ghosts; supernatural elements; fix-it; angst w/ a happy ending
even after returning to england, francis crozier is haunted by the past.
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Descendants Headcanons/Wickedverse Guide
Some of these aren't so much "headcanons" as things I'm using in my post-canon universe, named the Wickedverse. Me and my sister share this universe, so she has a lot of influence with some of these. Will get updated as I add/change ideas.
Centuries before Auradon was formed, there was a great war between the kingdoms. After years of fighting, they made an agreement on territory and everyone closed their borders. This lead to kingdoms/cities to develop at different rates, due to different resources. Many years later, all the fairytales/stories happen over the course of seven years or so. Then, Auradon is formed.
The formation of Auradon (and the Isle) created the Age of Goodness (AOG). Upon it's creation, was year 1.
Since Descendants takes place twenty years after the AOG, it is year twenty
The first Isle book takes place in the July before Descendants. Descendants occurs in September-October (as Ben's birthday is in October), and Wicked World happens in November. The second and third Isle books take place in January of year 21. Since D2 takes place six months after D1 it occurs in March of 21. The fourth Isle book takes place in May of 22. D3, taking place after the older have graduated, occurs in June of year 22.
Some other Disney properties are included that aren't specifically mention in canon: Frozen, Frozen II, Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure (TV series), Encanto, Big Hero 6, Raya, and definitely more.
Mal and Ben's wedding is on the 13th of April, almost a year after D3.
Sometime after D3, the Isle of the Lost is renamed the Isle of the Found.
Uma and Freddie are twin sisters, having been separated after Dr. Facilier and Ursula broke up. Freddie and Uma were unaware of this, and found out in the events of Never Knew I Lost You (coming soon).
In addition, Celia has a different mother, an OC named Lauren.
This is also why Facilier seemed to dislike Freddie (though, her abuse portrayed in the Wickedverse is probably worse than it is in canon), as he dislikes her mother. Whereas he favored Celia, since he likes her mother. Also why Ursula didn't care much about Uma, having become despondent after losing her partner and daughter.
King Philip has three sisters, Brigitte, Bianca, and Marya, taken from the book A Twisted Tale: Once Upon a Dream by Liz Braswell. Bianca is Ariana's mother and Marya has a daughter named Naomi.
Lumiere is married to Fairy Godmother, and is Jane's father.
Evie and Dizzy have the same father, Hans, making them half-sisters.
Doug's mother, named Clarita in this universe, is from Encanto. Agustin is her maternal uncle, making him Doug's great uncle.
Jay's mother was a woman from Agrabah named Lulu. She dealt in some shady business, thus why she was sent to the Isle. She died from an illness when Jay was five.
The sea witches mentioned in the first Isle book are Morgana's daughter, and Uma's cousins, instead of sisters.
Hadie's mother is an OC named Lian Teng. She is the sister of one of the Huns that survived the avalanche. He was all she had, so she followed him to the Isle. She worked in Hades's Souvlaki and her and Hades had a brief relationship a while after his break up with Maleficent. Hadie is three years younger than Mal.
Harriet, Harry, and CJ's mother is a woman named Red Jessica from Jake and the Neverland Pirates TV series. However, she is only the same character; her role and relationship with Hook is different in the Wickedverse than the cartoon.
Carlos's father is Bruno Madrigal from Encanto (inspired by @silverloreley 's headcanon and discussions). Bruno had a bad vision about Cruella and went to warn her about it. They had an unexpected connection, and one thing led to another.
Melody (from the Little Mermaid sequel) and Zephyr (from the Hunchback of Notre Dame sequel) are married and have a (currently unamed) child.
Prior to the events of Wicked World, and possibly D1, Jordan and Ally become best friends after Jordan helps Ally out of a bad relationship.
Jane and Freddie become best friends during the events of Wicked World.
Likewise, Uma and Audrey become best friends sometime after the events of Descendants 3.
Because of the discovery of Uma and Freddie being twins, they start spending time together. To not leave Jane and Audrey out, the four of them hang out together often, forming a friend group similar to the Core Four.
A few months before the Bal wedding, Lonnie and CJ meet and become best friends.
As a reason for why Carlos was not at Mal and Ben's wedding (and why the rest of the Core Four were sad about it), he develops COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease) and goes into a coma a couple weeks before the wedding. He wakes up a few weeks afterwards.
Some last name headcanons:
Dwarf last names are from gems and the Seven Dwarves' last name is Lazuli, from lapis lazuli. This makes Doug's full name Doug Lazuli.
Maleficent and Mal's last name is Dragonheart, making Mal's full name Maleficent "Mal" Bertha Dragonheart.
Ben's last name is Leroi, meaning "the king" in French (taken from @hitchell-mope)
Evie's last name is Grimhilde, mostly taken from the fandom.
Jane's last name is Faery, and Fairy Godmother's real name is Joan.
Audrey gives up her birthright to rule Auroria, deciding that isn't the path for her. Naomi will rule Auroria instead. (Which was also what they were planning to do when they thought Audrey would be queen of Auradon).
Uma becomes leader of the Isle after D3, with Harry, Gil, and her crew acting as her advisors/council/soldiers.
Varian and Cassandra (from the Tangles series) are married and have two kids, Caelan and Valeria.
Anna and Kristoff are married and two sons, Alaric and Kade.
Raya has a son named River.
Maleficent has a younger brother named Kaveh, who comes to Auradon a few years after D3 to help stop a new threat. He previously lived in the Moorlands, the ancestral home of dark fairies and Maleficent's homeland.
Ally has a (currently unnamed) older brother.
Snow White and Prince Florian have a (currently unnamed) child.
Scar (who was turned into a human before being put on the Isle) has a daughter named Safiya.
Mirabel is married to a man named Rico and they have two kids, Anabel and Matteo. Others from Encanto also have kids, but most are currently unnamed.
Ben X Mal -- also known as Bal
Doug X Evie -- also known as Devie
Jane X Carlos -- also known as Jarlos
Jay X Lonnie -- also known as Jonnie
Harry X Uma -- also known as Huma
Chad X Freddie -- also known as Chaddie
Gil X Ally -- also known as Gilly
Hadie X Audrey -- also known as Hadrey
Zevon X CJ -- also known as Zelista
Maleficent X Hades (after Maleficent's redemption) also known as Mades
Some other ships that aren't as focused on:
Anthony X Harriet (Anthoniet)
Jade X Diego (Jadiego)
Li'l Shang, Celia, and Dizzy are shipped with OCs:
Li'l Shang is shipped with Safiya
Dizzy is shipped with Alaric
Celia is shipped with Caelan
We also refer to (some) best friend pairs with combined names:
Jordan and Ally are Jolly
Mal and Evie are Mevie
Jane and Freddie are Jaddie
Uma and Audrey are Umdrey
Lonnie CJ are Lonista
Not a name combination, but Uma and Freddie are Shell Sisters
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Love can see beyond
Part II Frozen canon-divergence post F2 / Moana (2016) crossover fanfiction Pairing: Kristanna Rated M for angst/hurt/comfort (see tags on AO3)
Thanks to my two absolute amazing beta-readers, @hiptoff and @reconciledviolence729!
After their visit to the Southern Isles, King Kristoff and Queen Anna have returned to Arendelle. A new quest will test their faith and courage as they face an unexpected fate….
Chapter 17/42
Now they all stood to say goodbye and watched their sister ride off on Nokk towards home. Sven and Fiona grunted piteously, while Olaf waved until the ice horse disappeared behind the cliffs.
Tumblr media
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🍓 ⇢ how did you get into writing fanfiction?  So, the pre-history of my involvement in writing fanfiction basically starts when I was a grad student 20-some years ago, and one of the other grad students was writing a master's thesis on fan communities, so I got to learn a lot about early 21st century online fan culture from an academic perspective. During this time, on and off, I'd try to write novels, but always petered out after a bit, though I did "finish" nanowrimo in 2008, but never did anything with what I produced. At one point, I read the complete works of Jane Austen, and took advantage of my Netflix subscription to watch every single adaptation I could get my hands on. In terms of fandom spaces, around this time, I was also really into CSI, and was somewhat involved in a discussion board mostly talking about Grissom/Sara, but fanfiction wasn't really on my personal radar, and I was also starting to watch Downton Abbey and Mad Men and even though I had some (what I'd now call) post-canon headcanons, it never occurred to me to write those down or turn them into stories.
Anyhow, fast forward to 7 years ago or so, and my oldest had gotten obsessed with Frozen, and we had watched both Frozen and Frozen Fever. While babysitting a friend's kids at bedtime, the oldest had some decorations leftover from his birthday party, which were Frozen Fever themed, so I mentioned something about it, but he hadn't seen the short yet, so he asked me to tell the story. Anyhow, after the part with Hans being hit with the snowball, he asked me if Hans then went back to Arendelle. I said I didn't think so, but he insisted, so I started telling a story about Elsa sending him to the island of Elba after he tried taking over again. "And then he escapes?" Umm... well, it worked for Napoleon, so sure... then he returned to Arendelle, and then he got sent to St. Helena. "And he escaped there?" Um, sure, he got on a pirate ship, but first they sailed to the South Pacific, and he ended up ruling the island of Pitcairn...
So, after this, I realized that I had basically made a fanfiction, which I hadn't really thought about doing before, and it wasn't even for a character I liked, so I started thinking about Anna and Kristoff. I didn't really get very far because I wasn't involved in any fandom spaces yet, but fast forward to 2019, and I started seeing trailers for Frozen II, and by the fall, once I had burned through all the plausible spoilers on reddit, I had gotten on Tumblr and started reading kristanna fanfiction, and by November of that year, I had started writing a few different fics, one of which became The Young Diplomat, which I started posting around the end of the year. The rest is history (plus, um, writing was a very good hobby for the following year, let's be honest...)
Oh, and at some point I will rework my 2008 nanowrimo project into a kristanna modern coffeeshop AU. Because it really fits.
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azerothtravel · 1 year
Secret Origin
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I'm just an old time Warcraft nerd who's too dumb to quit. My first WC game was Warcraft II, when I was in high school. I gravitated toward the Horde because they were funnier. I liked the game, but wasn't too good at it. Jump ahead to the release of Warcraft III, it's a whole other thing. I read all the lore in the huge manual. I was completely taken with the concept of orcs as once noble, tragic victims trying to make their way in the world and atone for their crimes. A friend of mine had me read some of the novels. I was suddenly way, way into the setting. Plus, I knew a lot of people who played WC3. I enjoyed the Orgrimmar campaign in Frozen Throne with no idea it was more or less a test run for WoW.
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But I didn't like MMOs. I wasn't sure about WoW. Then I got into the beta. I hauled my whole-ass desktop over to the house of the same friend who loaned me those books, and we were up til 4am downloading the client and then getting started. Gormorash the orc warrior was born that night (And so was Skarsnik the troll hunter, but he lost interest after BC). I was immediately sold. Running around Azeroth at ground level, full of detail from the RTS games, was a ton of fun. Gormorash went on many strange adventures in beta, like a hilariously inept "raid" on Westfall where half our group died before we got there and none of us were even level 60.
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Then Gormorash was rebooted on Argent Dawn US when the game launched, a member of <Flaming Skull Clan> with several other friends of mine.
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By middle 2005, almost literally everyone I knew played WoW. My oldest friends, friends from college, friends from the internet, relatives. Basically 2 friends and my parents were the only people not playing. Friends of mine who didn't know each other met and bonded through WoW. It was a glorious time.
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By the end of 2006, I'd been through 2 guild collapses and one server move, as they opened up free transfers to Eitrigg and my friends all took it. I wasn't sure I'd keep playing. The novelty had worn off for most of my friends. I wasn't that into raiding, and doing Arathi Basin over and over was only so interesting (Gormorash just lived in Hammerfall for like a year). I was maybe gonna quit. And then, in early 2007, my brother found 2 Collector's Editions of BC just sitting on a shelf in a store, and asked if I wanted one. I had the vanilla CE, but I'd missed BC when they were released, and didn't buy BC at all. He bought them and shipped me one, and we leveled 60-70 together. It was a lot of fun.
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Along the way, I started a new guild with some online friends, and Gormorash is still in it. He's never missed an expansion. Most people have fallen off the wagon. Our guild typically only has 3 active members at any given time these days, but that's fine with me. Sometimes a couple people come back for major content. It was lore that got me into all this, and that remains my primary motivator for playing. My endgame is more PvP and leveling alts than raiding, but the game has literally never supported those 2 things better than right now (2023), so that's pretty good. I still have a good time. And that's why I have hundreds of screenshots to choose from stretching from the 2004 open beta to just a few days ago to post on this blog. With the sad exception of most of 2006, lost in a hard drive failure, I have a comprehensive collection of every screenshot I ever took, and that's what this blog is all about.
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I've made a few other Gormorashes on other servers, but rarely leveled them very far. Someone out there made a Gormorash that isn't me, a fact that shocked me when I found out. Who stole my name? Was it you? I have characters of every race on both factions, but still tend to prefer Horde. If you see me, say hello!
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Gormorash is an orc warrior who came of age in the camps. With his brother, Rugurrash, he's led a guild of adventures for many years, with trusty allies Snarfner, Vallkillmore and Canon rounding out the core group. His hair's started to gray after saving the world 8 or 9 times, traveling through space and time and the realms of death, but he's still out there, still exploring, still getting into trouble and mostly getting back out of it. He's an alchemist and herbalist in his spare time, and has a completely unmanageable collection of pets. He is really, really tired of being forced to fight his own Warchief, and really hopes the gods don't lean on that already very tired trope again in the future.
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wordsandrobots · 20 days
This is a pinned post
I thought it might be useful, for me and for you, dear reader, to have some sort of index for everything that's populated this blog over the past few years. Thus, here is a list of links to the musings and ramblings of one bi Englishman.
(I am of the generation taught to be extremely leery about sharing personal details on the internet but I fear the cat is out of the bag on at least these aspects of my positionality.)
This may be spun off into multiple posts because I think I have discovered where Tumblr's limit on 'number of links in a post' lies.
Wishing on Space Hardware
I started posting on Tumblr primarily to host the header art accompanying my Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans fanfic series Wishing on Space Hardware. So let's start with that.
Fic header posts
A Handful of Rusted Petals
The Grandmaster
To Catch a Falling Star
Fragments of You/Pieces of Me
Let Sleeping Angels Lie
Between Family
The Ares Affair
The Haunting of Takaki Uno
Frozen Sunlight
Of Obsessions and Erotemes
Revolution for Beginners and Polyamory for Dumbasses
Under a Crescent Moon
Eugene Sevenstark and the Hesperus Treasure
Hope Against Hope
Love, Death and Cannoli
Fata Morgana
We Three Kings
History of a Catastrophe
Ragnarök in G Minor
A Day in the Light (forthcoming)
Ancillary material
IBO reference notes on … original(ish) characters
IBO reference notes on … actual, proper original characters
Section breaks master-list
The Wishing on Space Hardware playlist (story edition) v1.0
The Riden-Go II
Iron-Blooded Orphans
My obsession with this show is extremely deep and I have written a lot of words about it.
Fanfic and visual poetry
System error
I've been thinking about smiles
Why are you crying?
Falling for a fool (20 part post series, link is to part 1; Afterword)
Meta and analysis
Concerning Mika and Orga
Concerning Mika/Orga
Concerning the Bauduins
Concerning pilot strengths
Concerning character consistency
Concerning the Dort pilots
Concerning Barbatos
IBO reference notes on … Gjallarhorn (Part 1)
IBO reference notes on … Gjallarhorn (Part 2)
IBO reference notes on … Gjallarhorn (corrigendum)
IBO reference notes on … three key Yamagi scenes
IBO reference notes on … three key Shino scenes
IBO reference notes on … three key Eugene scenes
IBO reference notes on … three key Ride scenes
IBO reference notes on … the tone of the setting
IBO reference notes on … character parallels and counterpoints
IBO reference notes on … a perfect villain
IBO reference notes on … Iron-Blooded Orphans: Gekko
IBO reference notes on … an act of unspeakable cruelty
IBO reference notes on … Kudelia’s decisions
IBO reference notes on … the aesthetics of the mobile frame
IBO reference notes on … mobile suit designations
IBO reference notes on … the Gundams (part 1)
IBO reference notes on … the Gundams (part 2)
IBO reference notes on … the Gundams (part 3)
IBO reference notes on … the Gundams (Addendum 1)
IBO reference notes on … the Turbines, or ‘Tekkadan done right’
IBO reference notes on … deals with the devil
IBO reference notes on … odds and ends
IBO reference notes on … pilot ability
IBO reference notes on … queerness
Other stuff
An Iron-Blooded Orphans playlist
An off-the-cuff McGillis Fareed playlist
IBO reference notes on … assorted head-canons
Gjallarhorn logo replicated
Index for Iron-Blooded Orphans G summaries and analysis
Gundam franchise stuff
Managing multiple Gundams (conversation with @gremoria411)
Why I really like Gundam X
Definitive Gundam rankings (per my enjoyment levels)
My opinion on Witch From Mercury (extends above)
Detailed and accurate summary of the Gundam protagonists
Doctor Who
A short essay about Cybermen
Why I'm not currently active in Who fandom
Writing and fandom
Me vs romance (conversation with @caparrucia)
On silliness
20 years writing fanfic
The 'not your pub' approach to entitlement
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bigfrozenfan · 1 year
Actually, I wanted to leave Tumblr in a few days and haven't been active for months, with the exception of my big project, the fanfic blog. The Frozen fandom was unfortunately almost dying due to a lack of new Disney content and many moved on to new shores, such as Arcane or Encanto etc., which strengthened my decision. But now the third part of Frozen has officially been announced and I'm more or less back on Tumblr as long as my time allows.
Guys, the Frozen hype is back and I'm totally happy about it. I still remember the beginning when the first leaked image of Frozen II surfaced, a photo of a Russian Disney calendar. That was the beginning for me to get into international fandom and it was a really good decision. All the speculations and discussions about the possible plot of Frozen II was really exciting and I met a lot of people on Tumblr because of it.
As you all know, unfortunately the fandom split after the release of Frozen II because Disney completely screwed up the ending in the eyes of many. There have been pretty drastic new movements within the fandom, such as BEH and the likes. Many fans have blocked each other on social media platforms because of this and new hatred has arisen. The worry that Disney will now screw it up again is still pervasive today and some, including myself, now fear the worst for the third part. Why? Because Disney has so far always targeted the kids between 3 and 12 and completely ignored us older, adult fans (hence the hasty change in Frozen II, ordered by a person of a higher pay grade than Jen Lee, Chris Buck & Co). It is questionable what would have happened if the original plans had been realised, but such speculation is pointless. So what can we expect from the third part in a few years? And unfortunately we will have to wait that long! The same disaster? Quite possible! In any case, I have drastically lowered my expectations this time. I will definitely watch Frozen III, but possibly not as often as the previous films.
For this reason, my activity on this platform will certainly be somewhat different in the future and I won't be reblogging as many posts, mainly due to a lack of private time. But nevertheless I still have a lot of old posts in my drafts, which I will now post bit by bit.
Thanks to all of you who, despite my long absence, still follow me on my various blogs!
Well, since there are still a few years to go before Frozen III is released and the fears about a bad plot are quite justified, I would like to draw your attention to a new Frozen book. It's nothing official and definitely wouldn't be sanctioned by Disney, but it's already 342,000 words, so it's bigger than any of the previous official Frozen books, written for the adult fans (18+ in places!) and free too!
I'm talking about my big fanfiction project, written by a big Frozen fan for all the other Frozen fans. I'm writing on my novel since May 24, 2020 and started it again on my new blog on June 19, 2021, so i'm working on my Frozen III novel since nearly 4 years now. A few months more for part V and the ending and it will be exactly 4 years! And that's my plan, to finish my book before any news about the plot of Frozen III will be available.
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I already have a lot of followers on my blog, so if you get bored waiting so long for the new movie, I recommend you give my epic FIII story a try. The title is "The Broken Bridge" and it includes nearly all known characters of the Frozen verse plus a bunch of my own OCs. I can promise you an exiting story full of twists and surprises plus an extended view of the Northuldra, based on the real Sámi people. I did a lot of research to keep my story as realistic as possible and included as much canon facts as possible too. But be warned, it also includes some erotic moments (Kristanna, Elsamaren), violence and brutality near the end of part VI, plus a real evil Villain. My heroes are not who or are as you expect and the Northuldra (plus other families) play a very big role in my book.
Here is the link to my fanfic blog: LINK Plus the link to my chapter overview: LINK2 Link to my character and location list: LINK3
The rest ist linked in each chapter. All chapters contain handselected music tracks to underline the mood of the scenes, many commissioned fanarts by HARU (xlayers) and own edits. Please feel free to leave likes, critics and comments to my now 69 chapters!
Please note, i wrote this story not only for myself, but for YOU and i poured all my energy into it. It's my masterpiece and waits for your approval. Please give me a chance as a new writer in the Frozen franchise from fan to fan. I got readers on Tumblr, reddit, Twitter, Discord and who knows where else, from countries all over the world and my slogan is “If Disney can’t do it right, i’ll do it! Including “Bring Elsa home”, if you want :-)
One of the comments of a reader on reddit, 4 months ago: “Greetings, I started reading an amazing story about Queen Anna and her sister Elsa some months ago. It's a long but terrific story. Tbh, This level of work and details in the narration is worth to be considered a sequel to Frozen2 “
Another one on Tumblr was: ”... Finally, my dream is about to come true. You know, we never saw a worth scene of combat in F2. I mean, the sisters together fighting the main villain in the story. Great work.”
and one more:  "Arendelle was beautiful to behold at this time of year; she found, but no comparison to the extensive birch forests, the wide areas for reindeer husbandry and the winding rivers of the far north. Not to mention the silence, interrupted only by the sounds of nature. There was no place where she felt more at home than there." Beautiful. and another one; “@bigfrozenfan no, it wasn’t too much. A little bit of dark things makes the story serious in that areas when the canon only allow itself to hint. Like Agnarr said “The battle was brutal” and that’s all.“
one more: “Very intense - in all senses - agreeing with [...] I can vision of things coming closer though I am sure you still have more surprises at hand! I liked the descripiton of all parts in this chapter. Good job! And yes, Honey is a curageous woman and I love her feisty spirit! And of course, there is one thing left to compliment you for - the intimate kristanna night - that was a well deserved treat for them (and the reader ??) - thank you
I’m so thankful to get such comments and there are so many more i got on my chapters from my own fandom readers!
When the story, my book is finished this year i will post it on AO3 too, maybe also in my mother language, German. Idk yet, time will tell.
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rp-partnerfinder · 3 months
Age: 21+ seeking 21+
Fandom: Frozen (Disney)
Character(s): (Prince) Hans (blog name: @former-westergaard) [A plethora of OCs/fancharacters are also options, if that interests anyone. I just didn't want to list every OC here.]
Pairings: none or MxF (CCxCC, CCxOC, OCxCC, OCxOC)
Timelines: post-Frozen, post- Frozen Fever, post- Frozen II, or canon divergent
Looking for: Frozen franchise canon characters (incl. Hans if I play an OC), Frozen OCs, Disney canons/OCs that loosely align to Frozen's setting, or generalized canons/OCs that can fit in a Disney-adjacent, not-historically-accurate, mid-1800s Europe
Platforms: Tumblr DMs, Tumblr reblogs, Discord DMs, Discord private server, open to suggestions
Literacy: semi-lit to lit
Other: Please contact through @former-westergaard
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