#Precision eye diagnostics
tatumeyecare5 · 11 months
Exploring Advanced Eye Exam Technologies: What's New in Vision Care
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A. The Evolution of Eye Exams B. Significance of Advanced Technologies in Vision Care
Traditional Eye Exams vs. Advanced Technologies
A. Overview of Traditional Eye Exams B. Limitations of Traditional Methods C. Transition to Advanced Technologies
Cutting-Edge Devices in Eye Exams
A. Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) 1. How OCT Works 2. Applications in Diagnosing Eye Conditions
B. Wavefront Technology 1. Understanding Wavefront Mapping 2. Customized Vision Correction with Wavefront Technology
C. Retinal Imaging 1. Importance of Retinal Imaging 2. Detecting and Monitoring Eye Diseases
Artificial Intelligence in Vision Care
Integration of AI in Eye Exams B. AI-driven Diagnostics 1. Enhancing Accuracy in Prescription 2. Early Detection of Eye Diseases
Smart Contact Lenses
A. Overview of Smart Contact Lens Technology B. Real-time Monitoring of Eye Health C. Future Implications and Innovations
Virtual Reality Eye Exams
A. Immersive Experiences in Vision Testing B. Benefits of Virtual Reality for Patients C. Challenges and Future Developments
3D Printing in Eyewear
A. Customized Eyeglasses with 3D Printing B. Advantages for Patients with Unique Prescription Needs C. Sustainability in Eyewear Production
Telemedicine in Vision Care
A. Remote Eye Exams and Consultations B. Accessibility and Convenience for Patients C. Ensuring the Quality of Telemedicine Eye Care
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
A. What is Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT)? B. How does Wavefront Technology improve vision correction? C. Can AI accurately diagnose eye conditions? D. What are the benefits of smart contact lenses? E. How does virtual reality enhance the eye exam experience? F. Is 3D printing a sustainable option for eyewear? G. Are remote eye exams as effective as in-person exams?
A. The Future of Eye Exams: A Blend of Technology and Expertise B. Encouraging Regular Eye Check-ups in the Technological Era
Exploring Ethical Considerations
A. Privacy Concerns in AI-driven Eye Exams 1. Data Security and Patient Confidentiality 2. Striking a Balance between Innovation and Privacy
B. Informed Consent in Telemedicine 1. Ensuring Patients Understand Remote Examination Risks 2. Legal Implications for Informed Consent in Virtual Eye Care
User Experience in Advanced Eye Exams
A. Designing Patient-Friendly Interfaces 1. Importance of User Experience in Eye Care 2. Minimizing Anxiety and Maximizing Engagement
 The Role of Healthcare Professionals
A. Adapting to Technological Changes 1. Training Healthcare Providers on New Technologies 2. Collaboration between Technological Innovators and Optometrists
Regulatory Landscape of Advanced Eye Exam Technologies
FDA Approvals and Regulations 1. Ensuring Safety and Efficacy 2. Challenges in Regulating Rapidly Evolving Technologies
Future Innovations on the Horizon
A. Exploring Research and Development in Vision Care 1. Nanotechnology in Eye Exams 2. Potential Breakthroughs in Vision Restoration
Global Perspectives on Advanced Eye Care
A. Disparities in Access to Advanced Technologies 1. Bridging the Gap in Technological Accessibility 2. Initiatives for Global Vision Health
Cost Considerations for Patients
A. Affordability of Advanced Eye Exams 1. Insurance Coverage for Technologically Advanced Eye Care 2. Balancing Cost and Quality of Vision Services
Public Perception of Advanced Eye Exam Technologies
A. Addressing Misconceptions about New Technologies 1. Building Trust in AI and Virtual Eye Exams 2. Communicating Benefits to Skeptical Patients
Collaborations and Partnerships in Vision Care
A. Industry Collaboration for Technological Advancements 1. Partnerships between Tech Companies and Eye Care Professionals 2. Mutual Benefits of Collaboration in Advancing Eye Care
Advocacy for Technological Equity in Eye Health
A. Promoting Inclusivity in Vision Care 1. Advocacy for Equal Access to Advanced Eye Technologies 2. Ensuring Technological Equity in Eye Health Initiatives
This extensive outline covers a wide range of aspects related to advanced eye exam technologies, ensuring a comprehensive and engaging exploration of the topic.
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innonurse · 2 years
US: According to a Carta Healthcare survey, a majority of patients supply duplicate health information
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- By InnoNurse Staff -
According to a new Carta Healthcare survey, 80% of respondents stated healthcare workers spend more than half of their time during the visit staring at screens rather than at the patient in front of them. Patients were also dissatisfied that their health data was not being used to their benefit.
Read more at Fierce Healthcare
Other recent news and insights
Precision Neuroscience is making brain implants more safe, intelligent, and reversible (TechCrunch)
CVS Health goes live with virtual care service focused on primary care and mental health (Fierce Healthcare)
Proof of concept: A smart contact lens that detects and treats glaucoma (Pohang University of Science & Technology/Medical Xpress)
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all-pacas · 2 months
one random and irrelevant skill for each fellow:
Foreman is a very good baker and cook. He used to help his mother in the kitchen — she always liked to bake something to bring to church Sundays —and he found the precision that goes into baking relaxing and deeply satisfying. Sometimes he still will bake some cookies or a coffee cake from scratch, but he also finds this skill vaguely embarrassing and so has never shared the results or his ability with any of his coworkers.
Cameron was on the track team in high school and has run several 5ks. She's thought about training for a marathon, but she likes being able to not just run but go fast: the physical strength and skill of a marathon does appeal to her, but her event was always short distance sprints, going so fast you feel like you're flying. She does still make it a point to go running. She vaguely looks down on joggers, although she knows it's irrational.
Chase is pretty good at drawing. Like, not was going to art school good, he's never tried painting or picked up a set of pencils, but he'd draw all over his papers and tests growing up, he's got a good eye for sketching, has to put in effort not to doodle on his paperwork even now. It's really just one more way he fidgets.
Taub is a big reader. He is capable of reading and enjoying Literature, he likes nonfiction, he likes novels, he isn't just someone who says he likes to read but never really does, he actually does do it. He and his wife dipped in and out of book clubs over the years. He's capable of having very smart conversations about books and themes and narration. This never ever comes up at work.
13 is really good at video games. She's not even a huge gamer. She played with her brother growing up, she likes games, but she doesn't own a (checks dates) PS3 or anything. But she is uncannily good at fighting games, racing games, anything that involves reflexes and competition. She is unbeatable at Super Smash Bros, and competitive enough that she wants to kick everyone's ass at it. She finds RPGs and story-driven games interesting in theory and boring in practice. When she plays Sim City, she turns disaster intensity all the way up.
Kutner has an uncanny memory for TV shows and movies and trivia. He's a Fandom Nerd, although without the fandom. He remembers the details of things he watched years ago, he can and will argue character motivation and who portrayed what best. This does not really apply to doctor stuff. He struggles to keep the millions of diseases and progressions he's expected to know in diagnostics straight. But ask him the synopsis of an episode to a show he loves and he's there.
Adams is lowkey a Horse Girl. She had a horse growing up. She rode competitively. She is absolutely aware that bringing this up around House or Chase, who would tell House, or Taub, who would tell House, etc., would be absolute social suicide. She is saving up to buy not just a house, but one with a stable.
Park is really, really good at poker. All card games, really. She's played a lot with her grandmother and her old lady friends, and knows how to count cards, and is basically unbeatable and can rake in money. She'd give House a run for his, although she's a little 'over' it, since basically her entire childhood was spent playing cards and board games with her grandmother, who she loves and all, but, you know. Enough is a enough. She's also aware it's a useful hidden skill to have, in case she ever needs to take her boss to the cleaner's.
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Eddie's palms were sweating like crazy. There used to be moments when he was gratetul for this less obvious sign of nervousness, but at times like this it was bloody inconvenient. The chalk dust clung to his fingertips as he worked on his summoning circle under the archmage's watchful eye, an eye that was waiting for a single mistake that would warrant another disqualification. A third one in the last three years.
It was all bullshit as his best friends Nancy and Chrissy had told him. They both were younger and had the same skill. Sure, Nancy's intellect was through the roof and Chrissy studied with a rigid motivation of someone who wanted to leave their stifling family behind, but Eddie wasn't bad at all. Hell, he grasped the intricacies of magic almost naturally and in another world, he would have been praised, supported by all his peers and professors.
Yeah, right. That would be a world where he wasn't a filthy commoner.
Sure, magic didn't choose blood or status or a full set of silver cutlery in one's mouth, but oh did the upper class love to pretend. "We have magic in our bloodline," they lied through their teeth. And so when a kid of a petty thief showed magic potential surpassing the one of their coddled kids, they were aghast. They scoffed at his long unruly hair, at his cheap dark clothes, at the extra shifts his uncle had to take to keep him in the academy. They tried to get rid of him so many times, unfair test questions, discriminatory behavior, bullying...Eddie saw it all and guess what, he didn't care. As his wise uncle told him "they see you as a cockroach, boy. So become one. Show them how persistent you can be, make them wish they let you graduate."
Eddie adored his uncle, if that wasn't clear. That man was hard working and smart. If the world was worth anything, he would have been an alchemist, with his precise mind and nimble hands. But since world was shit and unfair, he was just a helper for one, although a great and kind one, Scott Clarke. Eddie was happy for his uncle, for the companionship he found in Scott, but there was inherent bitterness in him that wouldn't leave.
See, the issue with Eddie was - he had no clear goal, no illuminated path in his future. He wanted to explore magic, see what it had to offer. Where others had a clear destination, like Nancy with her passion for magical channels of communication or Chrissy and her focus on healing magic and diagnostics, Eddie was...untethered. He wanted to do anything and everything and he worried that this would be his downfall this time too. Because that's exactly what the whole summoning ritual hinged on.
Eddie wiped his hands on his pants, earning a disapproving scoff from the archmage. "Magic demands grace and dignity," that's what the asshole always said before elegantly wiping his mouth with a napkin or drying his sweaty brow with a white handkerchief. Eddie wanted to kick him in the shin and see how elegant he looked toppling over.
Just a few more chalk lines, no use in delaying the inevitable. This was the final exam of the senior year, but also a crucial skill that Eddie simply had to master. Because each mage needed a companion from the other side, that was the law. It didn't matter if you summoned a fae, a zephyr, a demon or even a wailing ghost of your grandma who decided to stay in the world beyond instead of moving on, you needed a companion to help with channeling of magic, amplifying it. Some mages kept the same companions for decades, other went through a series of brief companionships to find what they needed.
If Eddie only knew what he needed. That's what he was supposed to do - enter the circle, open a gate to the other world and project his ambitions, his desires. Which were, as usual, all over the place.
"I'm ready," he told the archmage as he stood up and dusted off his hands, creating more white smears on his pants.
The older man just rolled his eyes. He seemed to be in his fifties, with thick hair and just one or two strands of grey. But who knew, magic didn't really make aging normal. "I will believe it when I see it, Mr. Munson. You have yet to surprise me."
Eddie bit back a scorching remark and cracked his fingers, getting ready. He forced on a wide smile and waved at his friends who had, as expected, aced the exam. Nancy was chatting with her companion, a storm elemental (her name was Robin, as he would learn later, and she could speak so fast only Nancy was able to understand). Chrissy stood next to a tall dryad, Barbara, and gave Eddie a thumbs up, beaming at him. "You got this!" she mouthed at him and, with a brief whisper, made Barbara join in a very awkward cheer.
"Okay, here I go," muttered Eddie and entered the circle. His fingertips sparkled as he touched the prepared runes, activating them. He had one brief moment to take it all in, the scowl on the archmage's face, Nancy's quiet and confident smile and Chrissy's radiance, before the runes rose in a circle around him and obscured everything.
He blinked at the swirling colors around him, whispered voices. "Hello?" he called out, hearing the echo of his own voice. "My name is Eddie...um. I mean, Edward Munson and I am searching for a companion."
The voices sounded closer, but not close enough. He hadn't offered anything yet, so he wasn't too discouraged. "Um. I am looking for someone who would like to explore the world of magic with me. The possibilities it has and who is maybe looking to find themselves too..."
His voice trailed off. He sounded silly even to himself, not to mention to the creatures, spirits and demons in the realm. But just as he was about to quickly make up a goal, just to attract someone, he heard whispering in his ear. It sounded both melodic and dissonant, single and split. "You're intriguing. Intriguing enough to consider your offer. Say, Eddie. You seem open to everything, but...is there something that you really, really want? A desire you have? Something a companion could help you accomplish?"
Had Eddie been someone with a milder temperament, he would have explained how he hoped his success would open the door for more people like him, to change how elitist magic was. But he wasn't that, he was Eddie and he didn't feel like starting his first companionship with a lie.
"I want to succeed so much that the archmage will lose all of that fucking powdered hair," he grinned into the swirling void. "I want him to look at me, the first trash commoner mage, and know that despite being way more powerful and influential and whatever else, he couldn't get that scrawny kid to quit, no matter how many times he unfairly failed me. I want to make him feel like he's sucking on a lemon whenever he sees me. I want to become a living proof that he was wrong."
There was laughter in his ears and this time he realized - it wasn't one voice but two. One seductive and feminine, the other amused and slightly bitchy, belonging to a man.
"Well, Eddie," whispered the woman and Eddie shivered from her warm breath.
The man leaned in too, into his other ear. "We can help you with that."
And just like that, the magical void dissolved and two warm hands found their way into his.
Eddie emerged into the great hall to a series of gasps, cheers and curses. Chrissy was jumping up and down on her toes, clapping. Nancy seemed to be stuck between shock and serious amusement. And the archmage...well. That was something else.
But Eddie had manners so instead of reacting to any of them, he turned towads his companions. Two beings at once wasn't exactly common and Eddie had to understand who exactly he invited into his life.
He didn't have to recall much of his lectures on the other world to realize that his companions were demons. And not just any type, no. He gulped as he offered his hand again. "Thank you for answering my call. As I said before, I'm Eddie. Human, obviously."
The female demon was almost as tall as him, but unlike him she was gorgeous. Her thick brown hair fell to her strong shoulders in gentle waves and her amber eyes sparkled with mischief. She had moles and beauty marks all over her beautiful face. "Pleasure to join you, Eddie. Stevie, a succubus." She winked at him and shook his hand. "Obviously," she whispered.
She nudged him to the male demon, eerily similar to her, but where she was seductive he was snarky. Which...was doing equal things to Eddie's insides. Not only. "Steve," he said and squeezed his hand with a deliciously calloused hand. "Not a succubus, obviously, but an incubus. Pleasure indeed."
Eddie felt a bit manic. The wide smile on his face was starting to hurt but he couldn't bring himself to care and when Stevie used her tail to examine the chains on his belt, he wondered if the butterflies in his stomach weren't actually a stomach infection. "Uh...sorry if that's a stupid question, but are you...are you twins?"
He expected a scoff or a simple yes, but the look that Stevie and Steve exchanged wasn't clear at all. He wondered if he might have offended them, but Steve ended up throwing his arm around Eddie's shoulders and pulled him close. Yep, definitely a stomach bug because the butterflies were off the charts. "That's a bit complicated. We'll explain in a bit, but now..." The bitchy smirk on Steve's face was everything and as he whispered into Eddie's ear, Eddie couldn't help but snort. This was pure gold.
Standing between his companions and wrapping each arm around their waists, Eddie smiled at the archmage, pale and looking like he was ready to vomit all over his summoning circle.
"So, archmage Harrington," drawled Eddie and Stevie snickered next to him, "have I finally managed to surprise you?"
As Steve and Stevie raised their hands and, in a single voice, said sweetly "hi dad!", Eddie felt like his goal of giving the old pompous fart a heart attack was just within reach.
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sev-on-kamino · 11 months
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Show & Tell - Kinktober 2023 vol. 2
Pairing: Commander Thorn x afab!Reader
Warnings: teasing, dirty talk, fingering, unprotected piv sex (be safe irl), the armor stays on, public sex, competency kink, authority kink, lil voice kink, breathplay if you squint, marking, if I missed anything lemme know
Summary: You think you can get away with teasing Thorn because you’re at work, and he’s on duty. He proves you wrong.
Word count: 1599
A/N: this isn’t proofread or edited. if you see an error, no you don’t 🥰
Dividers by the GOAT @dystopicjumpsuit
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Teasing Thorn was an art, and you were an artist. Choosing the proper venue was just as, if not more, important than your methods.
Letting him catch you, as your eyes trailed hungrily up and down his armored form. Making sure he saw you squeeze your thighs together, squirming slightly in your seat. Making eye contact while you licked the icing off of your spoon.
All guaranteed winners.
Your greatest hits.
But you’d learned quickly that Thorn rarely had any reservations about fucking you wherever you chose to tease him. Restaurants, 79’s, Corrie HQ. The higher the chance you could get caught, the harder he took you. He’d watched you come undone for him through the mirror of so many refreshers you’d both lost count. And you felt so bad about defiling Fox’s desk that you’d bought him some really expensive chocolates for his decant day, and forbade Thorn from eating any.
Yet you still felt exceptionally confident that you could easily rile him up, and successfully make him wait that day. Your team was setting up new computers, datapads, and protocol droids in the senate building, and Thorn, along with a squad of his men, were accompanying you and your team through the higher security areas.
You’d drawn the short straw that morning which meant updating and testing the viewing platforms in the rotunda. The longest and most tedious of all the tasks, but it required precision because even Grizzer wouldn’t be able to find every piece of you, if a senator fell out of the air during session.
Thorn naturally agreed to stay with you while you worked in the center of the room at the Chancellor’s podium. You plugged in your holopad, and began running your diagnostic report.
“This all for you today?” Thorn asked, as he watched your fingers flying across the screen with interest.
“Mmhmm,” you replied, not taking your eyes off of your screen. “What about you? Fox cracking the whip as hard as usual, or shall I make dinner for two?”
“Make it for three,” Thorn commanded playfully. “I’m starving.”
“Ok, Commander Bottomless Pit,” you said, laughing, as you bent over to access the control panel in the podium.
You heard a slow exhale through Thorn’s vocoder, and wiggled your hips.
“See something you like?”
“I see something that belongs to me.”
“Easy, Commander, we’re on duty,” you replied, straightening up, and popping open the top button of your shirt.
“I know exactly where we are,” Thorn said with a short laugh, as he folded his arms, and regarded you through his visor. “Now get back to work.”
You were used to Thorn using his command voice at random times. You liked hearing it, and he liked the effect it had on you. But at that moment, you decided you just didn’t want to comply…not fully anyway.
“Yes, sir,” you said, abandoning your work voice in favor of the bedroom tones that made Thorn squirm.
“You’re playing a dangerous game,” Thorn warned.
“See, I don’t think I am,” you replied, popping another button before resuming your work.
Thorn released another short laugh followed by an amused hum. He watched you work, your face the picture of concentration, as platforms detached from the wall and you moved them about before replacing them.
You bit your lip, and hummed softly, as you shifted in your seat. To anyone else it would simply look like you wanted to get comfortable, but to Thorn it meant war. He stepped up behind your seat, reaching around to grip your throat just beneath your jaw.
“You don’t know when to quit, do you?” He growled into your ear.
“This little display meant to stop me?” You asked with a little smirk, even as you squeezed your thighs together in earnest.
“Stand up,” Thorn commanded, releasing you and backing up to give you room.
Your stomach lurched with excitement and anxiety.
“You wouldn’t,” you whispered even as you complied, standing up and gazing up into his visor.
“Watch me,” he said, removing his codpiece. “Or don’t. You have work to do.”
With that he grabbed you by the hips and turned you around. You heard the light hiss as his helmet was unsealed and the soft tap as he sat it in your abandoned chair. You glanced at your chrono and realized you really did have work to do, if you wanted to finish before anyone came looking for you.
Your fingers began moving again, your eyes racing across the screen, as the platforms once again detached from the wall one by one before returning to their bases.
You felt Thorn’s hands at your hips, pushing your pants midway down your thighs.
“No panties?” He mused, a gloved finger swirling around your entrance. “You make it so easy for me, cyar’ika.”
Your movements paused, a platform hung in the air above you, the servos whirring quietly in the empty, cavernous space.
“Keep going,” Thorn ordered, pressing his finger inside you, causing your hips to jerk, as you bit the inside of your cheek.
Taking a deep breath, you resumed your task. The platforms continued their smooth waltz in the air around you even while Thorn pressed his fingers inside you, preparing you to take him like you were at home making dinner.
He ran his free hand up the outside of your thigh, giving your hip a squeeze before continuing up your side and sliding around to your stomach. His fingers continued to pump in and out of you, as his other hand slid up your body to palm your breast through your shirt.
“Look at you go, baby. I’m barely even distracting you. That’s my brilliant girl,” he purred, leaning forward to bite down on the sensitive juncture between your neck and shoulder.
At that your fingers ceased their race across the keys, balling into fists, as an obscene moan rose out of your throat. The sound danced along the walls, ringing clearly in the cavernous space while he sucked and licked at the spot, making you squirm and attempt to fuck yourself on his fingers.
“Do you know how good you sound?” Thorn asked, brushing his lips over the shell of your ear. “I wanna hear my name bouncing off these walls.”
“Fuck, Thorn, please,” you swore under your breath, as he pulled his fingers away.
He grabbed your hips with both hands, tugging you back towards his body, before sliding one hand up your back between your shoulder blades and pushing down.
You let him position your body as he liked, took a deep breath and resumed your task. You cried out, typing faster, as you felt his cock sliding into you. You clenched around him with a desperate whine.
“Thorn, please,” you begged softly.
“Ask me to fuck you while you work,” He ordered. “I know my brilliant cyare can do both, so ask me.”
“Baby, please,” you whined.
He pulled back and snapped his hips forward, drawing another moan from you.
“Please, Thorn,” you relented. “Fuck me while I work.”
“With pleasure,” he replied, rolling his hips, as he found a rhythm that brushed that delicious spot inside that made stars flash in your vision.
The obscene sound of his cock sliding in and out of your wet cunt, mixed with the soft hum of the servos created your own little chorus. The platforms moved smoothly in a pleasing pattern that traveled around the rotunda. Normally, the pattern would have been satisfying in and of itself, but the sight took a backseat to Thorn’s thigh plates snacking against your bare thighs.
“So wet for me. You’d love it if my squad walked in right now, wouldn’t you?” Thorn teased, as he continued to enjoy your body, reaching around to play with your clit.
You clenched around him, hesitating just a second before resuming.
“Oh, fuck, I felt that, baby. You wanna fuck in front of my men? Want them to see what a perfect little slut you can be?”
“Thorn, please, I’m so close,” you moaned, relieved that you were almost finished.
“I know you are, cyar’ika,” Thorn purred into your ear before nipping at it sharply. “Think you can finish before I make you come?”
You didn’t reply, you simply worked faster, which only triggered Thorn’s competitive instinct. His fingers moved more deliberately against your clit. Firm, smooth circles that had his name floating through the room amongst the platforms.
15 platforms to go.
Thorn shifted the two of you, to thrust into you at a new angle, and you bit the inside of your cheek to stay focused.
10 platforms to go.
His hand left your hip to wrap firmly around your throat again.
5 platforms to go.
“Come for me, baby,” he commanded.
You felt the edge of your bliss, you just had to let go, and give in, but you resisted.
“Now, love,” he said firmly. “Be a good girl, and you can have my cum dripping out of your pretty little pussy the rest of the day.”
You couldn’t hold back. You reached back to bury your fingers in his curls, moaning his name, as your orgasm swept through you. A wave of white hot pleasure that had your thighs shaking.
“That’s it baby,” Thorn encouraged, as his own climax caused him to regain his hold on your hips to keep you in place, as he fulfilled his promise. You’d finish your task with his cum filling your cunt, and he’d escort you and your team out of the senate building as it dripped down your thighs.
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taglist: @secondaryrealm @dystopicjumpsuit @sunshinesdaydream @dukeoftheblackstar @wolffegirlsunite @808tsuika @sleepingsun501 @starrylothcat @ladyzirkonia @wings-and-beskar @pb-jellybeans @clio3kantarella @staycalmandhugaclone @stardusthuntress @idontgetanysleep @lune-de-miel-au-paradis @anxiouspineapple99 @littlemissmanga @mandos-mind-trick @amorfista @kimiheartblade @freesia-writes @sinfulsalutations @523rdrebel @clonemedickix @multi-fan-dom-madness @mooncommlink @1vlouds @moonlightwarriorqueen @starqueensthings @dangraccoon @idoubleswearimawriter @wizardofrozz @trixie2023 @dreamie411 @nunanuggets @foodmoneyandcats @cdbkake1565
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yaut-jaknowit · 2 years
BRO I LOVED THE SIZE KINK YOU WROTE BASED OFF OF MY POST😩🙏🙏 literally been constantly reading it i’m so obsessed. I literally have so many mlm ideas from angst to nsfw so I can spam your inbox if you want (or dm’s if you wanna be moots)💀✋
BUT LIKE- imagine male reader soldier x male yautja where the reader had been off radar for a few months with their mate worrying only for the reader to return with new scars and a mechanical arm because he lost his real one during war😩
And then on god the yautja would be pissed asf because he was worried the reader was dead 😭✋
Return to Him
Pairing: Mai'tuiudh (Male Yautja) x Male Reader
Word Count: 2063
Summary: Four months isn't a long time to be away from home. Yet, everything that has occured during that time made it seem like years. Years since you last saw Mai, your beloved. You wished to see him, to ensure to him you were alright. Just a bit beaten up and newly scarred. This Yautja isn't liking the unfamiliar feeling of worry. That doesn't stop him from feeling that way. Nothing would.
Author Note: This one made me think a bit. I'm not used to these kinds of requests or prompts, not complaining though! Loving the prompts! Also, to those who requested something. It's going to take a little bit to get to those. Christmas time is very busy. I have three families to visit and my brother came into town after moving away four months ago.
I'm so glad you enjoyed that! I was a little worried since it was out of my knowledge. You can do whatever you want. I don't mind being mutuals. I will let you know that I'm bad a responding though, lol. I'm up to anything you want within reason, of course! Throw them at me.
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!
A ding behind him made the Yautja whip around in his chair to find a disappointing screen. Mai snarled lowly to himself and banged a fist against the armrest. He had set up a diagnostic to search through your government’s database for anything on you. It came up empty handed, nothing new about your location.
He felt his spine bristle at the thought. Where were you? A few buttons were harshly pressed on his dashboard. The ship you sometimes called home hummed louder before changing directions. Mai abruptly stood up and marched out of the room.
If your government doesn’t know where you were then, he was going to search for you personally. Earth may be large, though not as massive as Yautja Prime, that wouldn’t stop him. This Yautja wasn’t going to coward away at a challenge. It was in his blood to hunt. That’s what made him, well, him. He was a fighter and would never think about backing down from a challenge.
Though, it would take time to reach earth without eating up his low fuel reserves. To hide away from detection from your government’s space program, he flew into Neptune’s gravitational pull. His ship was pulled in and forced to orbit. Mai had to play smart, be a hunter without distraction. That’s the only way he would be able to find you without getting caught. That would ruin the double life you live. One Mai’tuiudh will never understand. The Yautja shook his head, tresses swaying as he passed through the short hall to the sparing room.
To pass the time, Mai’s going to work off some pent-up steam. Your time away from the brute has caused some unnecessary stress on his weary bones. He needed to relieve himself of it.
His muscles rippled, fist meeting reenforced leather. Mai’s mandibles pulled close. A hunter’s focus craved into his face. Eyes keen and moves precise. The hit was probably harsher than it needed to be against an unalive object. Yet, Mai’tuiudh didn’t care. If that’s what helped relieve the stress within his bones. Then, that’s what needed to be done. He needs to a take stop at his mother ship anyhow for supplies and whatnot. Check in so no one thinks he’s dead.
That would mean he’ll have to leave for about two weeks. Space travel wasn’t always the quickest, especially with low reserves. Plus, Mai will be forced to make rounds around the ship. He may not be an important figure; it was customary to check in hunting brothers and sisters. Find out who’s dead and who lives. Everything that make’s living as a Yautja, Yautja.
When your feet hit dry, dusty soil, you cringed. Dust from the vehicles stopping behind you blew over to you. It forced you to close your eyes and hope for its quick pass.
Once it had left, you carefully made your way to the back of the unsuspecting black SUV. The driver was swift to hop out, scrambling after you. “Sir! I can-can get th-hat for you,” the rookie stated and attempted to move past you. Your uninjured arm shot out and stopped him taking another step.
Without a single sound, you stepped up to the tailgate and simply opened it. The rookie shifted his weight frequently and arms straight at his side. His eyes were on you though, flickering all over the place on the view before him.
On the other hand, you slung the mildly heavy bag on your shoulder. It pulled at the muscles on your other… arm. Your face scrunched up at the sudden pain but not a noise made it past your lips. Years of training and all make a fine soldier. You just got to beat the human out of him.
The rookie stood there, eyes watching as your tired, used body limbed past him. One of his arms hesitantly reached to grasp at you but one side stepped easily dodged the rookie. He just stared at your leaving form, gaze dipping down at the unmatched color on your right hand. Then they were locked onto the back of your camouflaged jacket molded to your shape.
Your apartment’s door slammed heavy behind you, the noise causing you no disturbance. Even the headache swallowing you barely increased at the sound. Instead, you let your bag slide off of your shoulder and on the ground. It made a soft noise, the only one in your quiet apartment.
It hadn’t been that long since you’ve last stepped foot in here. Not longer than four months. Yet, with all that has occurred within that time frame, it felt like years.
One thing after another happened out there, facing the enemies your country makes you fight. The demons. All for what? Losing amazing people or causing unnecessary trauma and bodily harm on the soldiers that defend this nation. You sighed, shoulders sagging before shuffling into your room and flicked on the light.
Nothing had been moved. Light dust had settled on everything you owned. The room was still in the state as long before. Clothes thrown haphazardly on the floor; bed unmade; empty glass of water on your nightstand; one curtain open will the other was drawn to the halfway point.
Wait a minute. You rubbed at your eyes with an uninjured fist. The bed. It was in a different position than you last remember. What you remembered was the long body pillow was across the top of the bed, against the headboard. It had been moved to be parallel with the long part of the bed. At first, you were on verge of freaking out. Your brain taking a few extra seconds to realize what that could mean.
One: someone broke into his apartment, acted like a complete fool, and slept in your bed. Or two: Mai slept in your bed, to probably smell your scent. You did leave without much of an explanation. The base called and you were shipped off that same day. A single message of you being safe was all you could get out to him. Mai’s probably searching for you or waiting close by. It all depends on if he found out what you were doing and where you were.
With a heavy sigh, you stripped yourself down to just your underwear. A chilling breeze washed over your skin, causing you to shiver. You simple tipped over and landed face first on the bed. The sheets were cool to the touch. A deep breath brought a faint scent of Mai to your noise. Your body relaxed completely at the scent. Next, you were out like a light bulb.
Through deadened sleep, the slamming of your porch sliding glass door snapped you groggily away. Your head shook to rid away some of the tiredness still within your bones. The blankets that once covered you had been kicked off sometime during sleep. You were on the verge of getting to check what had made that noise. That something had different plans.
The door to your bedroom was forced open, crashing into the wall. It probably left a mark that you could worry about later. Military or not, you were exhausted and currently in pain. You just stared through the darkness at what had made that noise.
Heavy, familiar pants could be heard before you. It took a long moment for you brain to realize what that could mean. In the meantime, the blob form standing in your doorway launched at you.
Large, calloused hands wrapped around your wrist from what you could feel. The heavy frame pinned you on your back, arms pinned above your head. Heat rolled over you. The calming smell of him filled your lungs. Something warm and felt like fingertips grazed over the naked skin of your chest. You didn’t fight, not just because of the exhaustion. No, it was due to the fact you knew who it was.
As you longed to bring the Yautja into a kiss, your arms were trapped. That’s when you finally noticed the pain burning in your right shoulder. “Mai, let go please. You’re hurting me,” you demanded and started to wiggle underneath the fully armored male. An extra added fifty pounds from his armor and biomask.
The Yautja reeled back his mighty head, tresses slapping against his armored chest. Then, Mai quickly lifted his body weight off of you. The air around you tasted strange. Not in a bad way. It unnerved him nevertheless though. Mai tilted his head, biomask scanning over your frame.
Multiple new injures, most fully healed. Where had you gone?! Then, Mai caught sight of something that wasn’t normal, that wasn’t there before. His hand grasped at the metal attached to your right arm.
It was cool in hold. The gears inside pitched a high noise as they moved within. Mai brought his face close and took in its smell. The skin on upper, inner mouth crinkled at the horrible smell. Not that you could see though with his biomask.
Since he had released you, you brought a hand up to his face and shivered at cold metal. “Take it off,” you ordered of him. Mai listened without hesitancy. The tubes connected to his biomask hissed as they were disconnected. It was ripped from his alien face thrown off to the side on the bed.
Without another second apart, you wrapped both of your arms around him. All of your strength was used to keep him like that. Not that Mai’tuiudh was complaining. Not with you in his arms. Instead, he buried his mandibles in the crook of your neck and licked. Mai groaned at your missed taste. Your last message to him had him… worried. A feeling that wasn’t very Yautja. That didn’t stop him from feeling that way without you being at his side.
To be honest, it felt like the fullest of hunting grounds with you in his arms. Your warmth against him; hearing your heartbeat; smelling you. He wouldn’t let you go, even if this position was making his back due to the strange angle and added weight.
Mai pulled his head back to stare you in the eye through the darkness. “What happened to you?” You knew immediately what he was reference towards and turned on the light on your nightstand. This lit up your newly marred skin to him. The scars were a fresh pink. Mai’s pupils narrowed down and scanned over them, hands coming up to stroke them.
“Careful, they’re still sensitive,” you said, sounding distant. The memories were still fresh but you didn’t want to think about them. Your hand carefully caressed a tress as a distraction.
Next, he motioned with his head towards your metal right arm. Before he could ask about that one, you beat him to it. “I’d rather not go into detail. Let’s just say I lost a fight,” is what you told him. You still couldn’t believe what had happened. Your arm gone. Missing. Replaced by metal.
Anger dribbled into Mai’s system as he stared down at you. “Why did you leave?” he hissed out and forced himself all the closer. You sighed, head falling to the side.
“I was summoned for an operation. It was sudden. I had little time to get ready, let alone send that message to you,” you explained and relaxed your sore arms. Mai changed his position. He forced your legs apart and shuffle closer, bottom of your thighs resting on top of his. His chest to yours, face reburied into the crook of your neck. A growl vibrated your ribcage.
Sharp claws bit into the flesh of your skin. The pain barely noticeable over the already existing one. “Worry isn’t something a Yautja feels.” Mai paused to somehow shift even closer into your body. “You made me worry if you were dead or alive. Don’t do that again.” He stopped again, the gears inside of his mind working. “You know what, you won’t be given an opportunity. You’re staying with me, all the time.”
“What?!” you shouted and wiggled against him, but unable to escape. “You can’t do that Mai! I have a life here, a job, all that stuff.”
It was like he wasn’t listening to you. “Mine,” he snarled into your skin and tightened his hold. There was a chance of freedom at the moment. You were stuck for better or worse.
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sailtomarina · 1 year
“I am perfectly fine and capable of returning to work!”
Draco frowned as he picked up the clipboard and reviewed the patient sheet, which revealed that, yes, his ears had not deceived him. Hermione Granger was on the premises. As if anyone could mistake that shrill voice for someone else. As if anyone else would consider a mild concussion, broken wrist, and several abrasions inconsequential in the face of an open work case.
He rotated his shoulders and cracked his neck before stepping into the room.
“Miss Granger.”
She went mute, mouth hanging open and eyes wide in astonishment at the sight of Draco Malfoy dressed in light green healer robes, a St. Mungo’s badge with his credentials pinned to his chest. If he had known his presence was all it would take to silence her, he would’ve entered sooner.
“It appears you have several injuries stemming from moderate to mild, but I’d still like to do a few scans of my own. Will that be alright with you?” Draco kept his voice as professional as possible in the soothing tone all staff had been trained to use. Rather than calm her, his voice seemed to snap her back to life, as she stiffened her back and squared her shoulders in what might have been preparation to attack. He would have none of that.
The instant she opened her mouth, Draco whipped up one hand to insert a tongue depressor while the other waved a wand for the first diagnostic scan. He didn’t really need to see down her throat, but the tool served its purpose in keeping her indignation at bay for a few moments longer. His spell confirmed the patient sheet’s findings.
“Mild concussion confirmed.”
He removed the depressor and moved the wand downward slowly, muttering his second spell. She dutifully shut her mouth and allowed him to continue uninterrupted.
“Broken wrist confirmed. A few sprained finger joints, as well.”
Draco took a step back and ran a final scan far larger and more detailed than the previous. Hermione’s eyes darted back and forth over the information from where she sat, but kept her silence. Other than the broken and sprained injuries which pulsated a warm orange, most of the findings were a solid green indicating good health and a promising recovery.
He dismissed the scan with a flick and leveled her with his most reassuring smile. “Good news, Miss Granger. Everything looks to be in good order and we’ll have you all fixed up  in today’s visit. I do recommend keeping you here overnight for observation due to the concussion, but then you should be ready to return home tomorrow morning after a final check up.”
Her initial relief as the start of his speech transformed into surprise, then quickly to alarm. “Wait, you want me to stay here overnight?”
“That is what I recommend, yes,” he affirmed.
“Whatever for? I am perfectly capable of taking care of myself and I assure you I can just as easily Floo here if I do feel any continued side effects.” The speed and volume at which she spoke increased exponentially as she blurted out the words seemingly without taking a single breath. Draco watched in fascination as her loose hair seemed to grow in size with her agitation.
“Do you live alone?” He scanned her sheet looking for any mention of a partner or family member upon check in.
“Excuse me?” she gasped. “I hardly see how that is any of your business, Malfoy! I’m not some delicate flower in need of a partner or guardian–”
She was apoplectic, shrugging off the hands of his fellow healers as they mended her surface injuries. She spat the words out in a perfect imitation of her familiar, whom he now remembered storming the castle when they were students as if the fluffy beast owned it.
He inserted his explanation in the middle of her tirade with practiced precision. “Please do not take offense at my question. I was merely making the same inquiry we make for similar cases. If you take a turn for the worse while asleep, you will likely be unable to ask for help.”
She fumed silently, unable to argue with his logic.
“So I ask again: do you live alone? Do you have anyone who can attend to you tonight?” He half expected her to name one of her infamous friends, or perhaps one of the string of hopeful suitors reported about in The Prophet. He motioned to his coworkers to continue treating her injuries.
“Yes, I live alone. No, there is no one available to watch me tonight.” She bit out the words with venom, and Draco had the sudden instinct to put up a shield. With her fingers and wrist now mended, she gripped the flat sheet over her lap fiercely. “I’d still feel more comfortable in my home, unless–” Her eyes darted around at the others in the room, before returning to his, chewing at her lip with enough force to make it bleed.
“Give us the room, please.” At his curt command, the others immediately left.
The only unfinished task was her head injury, and he stepped forward slowly with his palms held out in a placating manner. “I’m going to treat your concussion now, and you’ll feel a bit of a strange tingle, nothing to worry about.”
She watched him as he stepped into her space, only shutting her eyes once his fingers gently tilted her chin upward as if preparing for a kiss. He obliged her.
The softest brush of skin to skin, then a nibble to her bottom lip, and she parted them willingly to allow him entrance. She tasted like coffee and cinnamon and just a hint of chocolate. His free hand slowly rotated his wand where it pointed at her temple, as if he regularly snogged and treated his patients simultaneously. He knew the spell worked when she gasped at the telltale tingle.
“See? All better now.” He pulled back with a smirk fighting its way forward, an expression he usually suppressed while at work.
Her eyes opened and she blinked a few times to clear away the daze. “Is this how you treat all your patients?”
“Only my favorite ones.”
She snorted at his quick response. “Since when am I a favorite of yours?”
“I don’t take just any witch home overnight for a shag and then make her breakfast the next morning.”
“So is this hospital stay your attempt at a second date?” Hermione stared at him in that piercing way of hers. 
Draco was transported back to their recent reunion after several years of just missing one another at public functions and spaces. It was her eyes and that mouth of hers that reeled him in as an adult just as strongly as they had irritated him as a child. Going head to head with her about her work in the Ministry had turned him on far more than any of his arranged dates with Narcissa-approved socialites. Several drinks and arguments later, they stumbled through the Floo straight into his flat where clothes were stripped off and all misgivings about their past and present were shoved into a dark corner to be worried about another day. He still had dreams about the way she breathed his name every time she climaxed, and wished the nail marks she had left on his back would magically reappear.
“Technically, we still have yet to schedule a first date, unless you always include one-night stands. Also, I fail to see how keeping you bedside company in a hospital qualifies as a date.”
She fixated on the second part of his sentencing, ignoring the comment on one-night stands. “You’ll stay with me here?”
“I was planning on it unless you’d prefer otherwise. I might even be convinced to sneak you something better than the standard hospital fare of gruel and green peas,” he teased. “Contrary to popular opinion, I am quite well liked here.”
She studied him with obvious interest. “Alright then. I will stay, and you will keep me company, and then we will see where we go from there.” She held her hand out like she meant to shake on some kind of business deal.
He instead brought her hand to his lips, pressing a chaste kiss to the knuckles. Hermione’s eyes widened for a fraction of a second before her mask of cool professionalism dropped into place once more. Draco fully intended to rip that facade off of her so forcefully, she’d forget to ever use one with him again.
But until then…
“Miss Granger, if you’d please follow me.”
WC 1443
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storyofmychoices · 9 months
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Holiday Cheer 🎄 ❤️ 💚
My loveliest @jerzwriter and @lilyoffandoms, I adore you both so very much! I am grateful to this fandom for bring you both into my life! You both make this fandom a better place by being your amazing selves. Love you both!!!
I hope you enjoy this holiday art of our Open Heart babies by the always lovely, @weetlebeetle!
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Holiday Cheer 🎄 ❤️ 💚
Prompts: Christmas: @choicesdecember2023, @choicesficwriterscreations, @choicesholidays, @choicesflashfics (holiday prompt, in bold)
Pairing: Bryce x Olivia , Ethan x Merida (@lilyoffandoms), Tobias x Casey (@jerzwriter)
Book: Open Heart
Word Count: >700
Rating/Warnings: general
Synopsis: Olivia, Merida, and Casey decide to decorate the Diagnostic Office.
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The Diagnostic Office buzzed with festive energy as Olivia, Casey, and Merida decorated Ethan's office with holiday cheer. The trio, wearing holiday sweaters and festive headbands, worked diligently, preparing a surprise for their significant others. Boxes of decorations lay scattered across the room. In the center of the space lay a jumbled mess of tangled lights. 
Casey grappled with the relentless knots in the string lights, muttering under her breath. The more of the knots she freed, the more the lights seemed to conspire, weaving her into their tangled web.
Merida offered her assistance, teasing her friend playfully. "Making friends with the lights, Casey? Or are they plotting a holiday takeover?"
"They seem a formidable foe," Olivia chimed in, giggling as she watched Casey try to unravel a particularly tangled section.
"Ugh! I feel like neurosurgery would be easier than this," Casey joked, tediously separating the stubbornly intertwined wires.
Olivia added miniature ornaments to the long strands of garlands strewn around the rooms, her eyes sparkling with joy. "I can't wait to see their faces when they walk in." She clapped her hands enthusiastically, unable to contain her excitement. 
"Finally!" Casey jumped up, pumping her hands in the air in victory. She quickly gathered the lights, placing them in Olivia's arms. "They're all yours!" 
"My pleasure!" Olivia took the lights, holding them up in front of her, deciding on their perfect placement. 
A mischievous spark flickered in Casey's eyes as she caught Merida's attention. "Let's add a little extra surprise." She produced a small sprig of mistletoe from her bag.
Merida's brow arched. "Do you and Tobias really need another reason to be all over each other?"
"Oh, it's not for me," Casey teased, winking toward Merida. "I think we can all agree that a certain diagnostician would benefit from letting loose a little bit." 
"I'm not sure he'll share your sentiment, but I'm willing to risk it. Who knows, maybe we'll see our own Christmas miracle," Merida retorted. 
With stealthy precision, they positioned the mistletoe above the office doorway, chuckling at the playful addition to the festive decor.
The two stood beneath it, making sure it was safely secured, and somewhat out of sight. 
Merida's gaze shifted between the decor and Casey. "If this doesn't get Ethan's attention, I'm sure I could find someone else to take advantage of it with?" 
Casey shrugged coyly, curious by the prospect, "And, perhaps also even if he does!"
As the three friends finished up, the room transformed into a cozy haven adorned with twinkling lights and festive cheer.
Just then, the door swung open, and Bryce, Ethan, and Tobias entered, greeted by the sight of the dazzlingly decorated office. Their eyes widened in surprise and appreciation, well, at least for two of them.
“It looks like Santa threw up in here," Ethan grumbled. 
"It's festive," Tobias quickly defended, admiring the decorations. "You gotta lighten up, Scrooge."
"I wish someone would decorate the O.R. like this," Bryce added gleefully.
"You do realize that none of this is sterile," Ethan interrupted. “So unless you plan to risk your patients lives, you do not wish someone to decorate the O.R.”
"Ignore him," Bryce wrapped his arms around Olivia, pressing a kiss to the top of her head. "It's beautiful." 
Ethan sighed, rubbing the space between his brows. He was truly outnumbered. He always was, but sometimes he had Olivia on his side. Not this time. “...It can stay," he mumbled reluctantly.
"It really wasn't an option," Casey smirked. 
Ethan stepped further into his office, but his movements were halted.
"Not so fast—" Merida sauntered forward, pressing Ethan back under the doorway once more. "I believe you owe me a kiss." 
"That's a juvenile tradition," he protested.
"Are you refusing? You know that's bad luck."
"You know I don't believe in luck."
Merida shook her head; she wanted to scold him but this was who he was, and she loved him for it. Her fingers flirted with his tie a moment, before she pulled him down to her, her lips crashing against his.
Their embrace was met by whistles and howls from their friends. The pair ignored them, their lingering kiss enduring.
Casey turned to Tobias, her voice soft, "Merry Christmas." Her lips met his tenderly. 
Olivia leaned further into Bryce, letting the warmth and comfort of his embrace engulf her as she marveled at the beautiful lights and displays surrounding them. 
Their jobs weren't always easy, and sometimes things could seem bleak, but right now, surrounded by their friends and such a cheerful display, everything seemed just right.
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Tumblr generated prompt number 50! This is a short one, and verging on cracky, but hopefully it makes you laugh!
Patch Notes: Fixed Wall Solidity Issues This Time For Sure
“Gregory! There you are!” Freddy slowed to a stop beside the boy, who was staring up at a clock on the wall. The tracker in his Faz-Watch had not shown any movement in the past five minutes. “What are you doing?”
“Is that clock broken?” Gregory asked.
Freddy examined it. The thin seconds arm ticked steadily around the face. “No, it seems to be working as it should.”
“Cool cool cool. Just. The minute hand hasn’t moved since I started staring at it.”
With a frown, Freddy turned his attention inwards. Hm. He could have sworn he had first noticed Gregory’s uncharacteristic stillness at 2:30 a.m. precisely. But even though he knew it had been more than five minutes since then, his internal clock still read as 2:30 a.m.
He said as much, and then they both watched as the seconds hand passed the twelve at the top and began a new revolution. The minute hand still did not move, and this clock also read as exactly 2:30 a.m. Gregory checked his watch to find it was similarly frozen.
“Strange,” Freddy said. And then they sat there for another few minutes, to no avail. All three time-keepers never progressed past 2:30 a.m.
“I noticed time felt really weird,” Gregory said after a while. “Sometimes, I felt like I was running around for hours, but only fifteen minutes had passed. Or the other way around. Like, I barely did anything, but an hour had gone by.”
Freddy wished he could say he had not experienced such a strange phenomenon. Instead, he admitted, “No matter how much distance is between us when you call for me, it never takes longer than thirty seconds for me to arrive. I am fast, superstar, but not that fast.”
“Huh. Huh.” Gregory began to pace restlessly. “Now that you mention it, when the stupid STAFF bots catch me, one of the others is almost always suddenly right there. But I know they weren’t before that.”
“I… cannot explain this.”
“Yeah,” Gregory said with a sigh. He stopped to slump back against the wall. “Neither can—ah!”
Freddy blinked rapidly as Gregory appeared to fall through the wall, flailing as he vanished and leaving Freddy alone. In the span of five seconds, he ran a systems diagnostic check, refreshed his memory, and examined the code in his eyes for any anomalies that would lead to “hallucinations.” But no, there was nothing.
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cosmiccannibalcamille · 2 months
How to Survive 2024 Mercury Retrograde in Virgo & Leo
What: Mercury Retrograde in Virgo & Leo
When: Aug. 4 - Aug. 28, 2024
Who’s Impacted: EVERYONE, but esp. Virgo, Leo, Gemini, and Aquarius
Takeaway: A forced slow down and reassessment of your writing projects, travel plans, and everyday communications. Subscribe
     There’s a decision every astrologer must make in their forecasts: to be real, to be Pollyanna, or to be doom-and-gloom. I aim to be real and proactive, with a tinge of Pollyanna optimism about astrological transits, because I don’t believe astrology is here to ruin or run your life. In fact, I believe that when armed with the themes and potential struggles of planetary transits, you can better work with them, you can use them to better your life. But above all else, I believe YOU have power over your own life. I don’t believe the “stars” dictate your decisions anymore than your Mom does (unless you’re a Cancer, of course). 
     That said, I don’t want you to fear this (or any) Mercury Retrograde. This is a transit that happens three times a year; which means it’s a normal part of the astrological cycle. That also means that it isn’t something to fear, fret over, or fuss about. (I mean, it’s happening in Virgo, so there will likely be some fussing—but you know what I mean.) Will it be a little messy? Probably. Is it still an opportunity? Abso-fucking-lutely. So, let’s unpack why this is, shall we?
Mercury Retrograde in Virgo: An OS Overhaul
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     Virgo is the sign of precision, detail, and efficiency. It’s like that diligent system admin who’s always optimizing, debugging, and fine-tuning every aspect of the operating system of your life. When Mercury is in Virgo, it’s like having a high-speed processor that makes everything run seamlessly. But during Mercury retrograde? It can feel like your OS decides to install a series of untested updates. They can wreak havoc on your once-flawless system—if you ignore the notifications blaring in your face about upgrading. (That’s mostly for me, because I’m the WORST at upgrading my apps.) 
     How to avoid havoc? First, run a diagnostic check. Just as you would run a diagnostic on a glitchy OS, take time to assess where things are going haywire. Identify areas of your life that need extra attention and care. If things feel overwhelming or convoluted, it’s probably because you’re trying to run too many programs. So, close all those browser windows and clear the cache. Your mind can quickly get bogged down with too many details, too many projects, too many thoughts. Clear the mental cache by taking breaks, slowing down, or simply stepping away from overwhelming tasks. Fresh eyes can solve many problems. 
   When Mercury Retrograde hits Virgo, perfectionism panic is practically inevitable. Your inner critic might go into overdrive, spotting flaws everywhere, even where none exist. (Olympian Caeleb Dressel, who has natal Moon & Mercury in Virgo, talked about his OWN experience with this inner critic.) This hyper-awareness can lead to analysis paralysis, where decisions you usually make in a snap suddenly feel like life-or-death scenarios. And don’t even get me started on tech tantrums—your meticulously planned schedules and lists could go haywire thanks to those pesky tech glitches. But remember: it’s not all doom and gloom. This is a cosmic nudge to let go of the need for everything to be perfect. Because spoiler alert: it never will be.
Mercury Retrograde in Leo: Star Power
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     Mercury in Leo is all about bold self-expression, confidence, and a flair for the dramatic. But when it goes retrograde, expect the drama to hit a new high. Your inner diva might rear its head, leading to ego clashes and misunderstandings. Everyone wants to be the star, but there’s only one spotlight, and it’s flickering! Public missteps and foot-in-mouth moments become almost inevitable, making you feel like you’re trapped in a never-ending blooper reel.
     Indeed, Mercury Retrograde in Leo can feel like an unscripted reality show where everyone’s vying for the spotlight. Ego clashes are probable. Misunderstandings fueled by pride will be the main act. And that brilliant creative idea / creative project you’ve been nursing? It might feel stuck in your head, leading to frustrating creative blocks. The likelihood of having public missteps (or metldown) is higher than average, so beware of saying something cringe-worthy in the heat of the moment—or worse, on social media! With Mercury Retrograde in Leo, it can seem like you’ve been handed a microphone with a faulty connection, and your words aren’t coming out as intended.
     So, how do you survive this two-week cosmic drama without becoming a meme-worthy disaster? First, think before you speak. Save yourself from unnecessary drama and embarrassing slip-ups by pausing before you open your mouth (or penning that post). Next, channel your creativity and mental heat constructively. Leo is a fire sign, and fire signs can get overheated FAST. Meltdowns, either mental or technological, could happen; but they can also be avoided when you channel your frustration, anger, and/or irritation into creative / playful / performative acts. Sing. Dance. Play tennis. Do SOMETHING physical. Oh, and be sure to revisit and refine your creative projects. That stuck idea? It’s a chance to polish it to perfection. That frustration? It’s a sign you’re not expressing yourself the way you’d like.
This is a condensed excerpt. Get the FULL SCOOP on Mercury Retrograde in Virgo & Leo on The Cosmic Almanac:
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Do you realise how bad this is for Verena herself? You're not just hurting Alastor or Lucifer. She has grown up knowing Alastor and Lucifer as her parents and has her siblings. You can't just rip her out of her familiar environment like that! The only reason she was in their custody is because you threw a hissy fit! Because you abandoned her! And now you gambled her life for custody!
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Note from Bunny: holy moly there are so many comments I cannot post all of them!
Vox: *carrying Verena* Computer, initiate emergency medical protocol. Prepare the surgical table.
The workshop lights dimmed, and a sterile white light illuminated the surgical table. Vox laid Verena down carefully, her small form looking even more fragile under the harsh light.
Verena: I’m scared...where’s my Papa and Daddy?
Vox: I know, Verena. But don’t worry, you’ll be better in no time…
He stroked her hair gently before turning to the array of tools laid out beside him. He took a deep breath, steadying his hands. This was not just a mechanical repair; this was his daughter’s life on the line.
Vox: Alright, Verena. I need to put you to sleep for a little while so I can fix you. You’ll wake up soon, I promise.
He injected a sedative into her arm, watching as her eyes slowly closed, her breathing becoming even and regular. Once she was asleep, he turned to the holographic display that showed a detailed scan of her body.
Vox: I need to stabilize her vitals before we start. Computer! Activate the neural stasis field to keep her consciousness safe during the procedure.
Computer: Neural stasis field activated. Verena’s neural activity is now isolated from the rest of her body. Beginning body diagnostics… multiple organ failures detected due to short circuiting in hybrid organic-inorganic systems.
Vox: *muttering* Damn it, why didn’t I see this flaw earlier? Alright, let’s start with her heart. We need to replace the damaged circuitry and install the new hybrid pump we’ve been working on.
Vox selects a micro-scalpel and makes a precise incision in Verena’s chest. He uses a robotic arm to hold the incision open while he carefully exposes her heart, a combination of organic tissue and metallic components.
Computer: Heart rate is fluctuating. I recommend immediate removal of the faulty pump.
Vox: *delicately disconnects the damaged pump, a small electrical discharge sparking as he does.* Computer, initiate the transfer of the new hybrid pump.
A robotic arm hands Vox the new hybrid pump, a sleek device designed to integrate seamlessly with both organic and inorganic tissues. Vox aligns it carefully and begins the installation process, connecting tiny wires and blood vessels with precision.
Computer: New pump is in place. Running diagnostics… Pump is functioning within optimal parameters. Heart rate stabilizing.
Vox: *sighs in relief* Good, that’s one down. Next, we need to address her respiratory system. The synthetic lung tissue has suffered severe degradation.
Vox moves to Verena’s lungs, using a combination of laser tools and nano-sutures to replace the damaged synthetic tissue with an improved, more resilient version. He works meticulously, ensuring that the new tissue bonds properly with her organic lung cells.
Computer: Lung function improving. Oxygen levels stabilizing.
Vox: We’re getting there. Now, for the neural interface. It’s the most delicate part… one wrong move and she might never wake up the same.
Vox prepares to operate on Verena’s brain, where a sophisticated neural interface connects her thoughts to her body’s artificial components. He uses a fine-tuned laser scalpel to access the interface, then carefully begins to replace the faulty connections.
Computer: Neural interface replacement is critical. Ensure all connections are secure and synchronized with her neural patterns.
Vox: *hands steady, voice calm* I know, Computer. I’m almost done… Just need to realign these last few connections…
Vox completes the neural interface replacement, taking extra care to test each connection for stability. He closes the incision and steps back, monitoring the readouts on the holographic interface.
Computer: All systems functioning within normal parameters. Verena’s vitals are stable. Neural activity is synchronized.
Vox: *exhales deeply* We did it… She’s going to be okay. Computer, initiate recovery protocols. Let’s monitor her closely until she wakes up.
Computer: Recovery protocols initiated. Verena is stable and showing signs of improvement.
Vox: *moves Verena to a more private room to rest…her old bedroom he had remade after the V-Tower had been destroy some years ago* Here you go princess. The best room in the house. *gently moves her to the bed and covers her up*
Vox*walks out looked exhausted*
Alastor and Lucifer: VOX!
Alastor: How is she?!
Vox: *looking dead tired* She’ll be fine. It was a massive surgery. She maybe resting for a while. As for our deal Alastor, forget about it. She’s good, that’s all that matters. You two are her parents after all. I don’t want to take that away from her.
Alastor: Vox…
Vox: Excuse me…that surgery took a lot of me, I think I’m gonna *shuts down before finishing sentence*
Lucifer and Alastor: *catches him before he falls to the ground*
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airplanned · 2 years
Table of Contents....Chapter 1...Chapter 22
Since the sword, Link had said.  Since the sword.
She reached for it over her shoulder, then paused, uncertain if she should touch it.  She dropped her hand and hurried through the trees to the nearest beam of moonlight. Once she could see, she clenched her jaw and grabbed the sword off her back.
The wrappings felt strange in her palm, and her fingers twitched until she picked at one of the thin leather straps, pulling it loose enough that the leather came free and the fabric beneath held its shape only through habit.  She couldn't see the colors of the hilt as she peeled the fabric away, but she knew the shape of the crossbar.  Its wings spanned over the covers of ancient tomes.  She'd seen them in stained glass at the temple and in tapestries in the castle.  She'd drawn them herself a few times to decorate her illustrations in the scriptorium.  
The Master Sword.
Her eyes were too wide, her heart beating too fast. The Master Sword meant the Calamity was upon them.  In fear, she nearly tossed the sword away.  
Link was the chosen hero.  The thought filled her with a fear so buzzing that she wanted to laugh.  Everyone thought the hero was crazy and the princess was worthless.  The kingdom probably had no hope at all.
(At least this solved the mystery of why Link was hearing her prayers.  Or did it?  No, it definitely did not.)
Analysis would indicate that Master Link has no mental illness.
"Obviously."  Even though her voice cracked from disuse, it was easier to speak out lout.  It was quieter.  "Did you tell him that?" 
I have informed him 48 times, and have run five diagnostics on his behavior, mental processing, and endorphin levels.  He does not believe me.
Zelda could understand that.  She was having a hard time believing she was speaking to a sword herself.  It felt more like she was talking to herself and making up the sword's half of the conversation.  Forty-eight times?  What kind of number was that?  One she would make up.
"Why do you sound like me?"
There are measurable differences in our cadences, sentence structure, and diction.
Zelda nearly scoffed.  "You honestly believe that we don't sound exactly the same?"
My analysis of audible input is 804% more precise than yours.
It still sounded like a number she would make up.
She thought for a moment, the reality of the situation settling over her, along with some of the ramifications that could come with it.
"Link started to hear your voice when he drew you.  And at the same time, he started to hear my prayers.  Does that mean now that I can hear your voice, I can hear Link's prayers?"  It would be less invasive if this was not a one-way communication.
Doubtful.  Master Link does not possess the gift of thought projection, and your pleading thoughts are aimed at the entire world, so he is able to receive them.  Master Link addresses his prayers only to the Great Deku Tree.
"What?!  That's..."  She didn’t know where to start with this.
"He's in the Goddess' temple.  Why is he praying tot he Deku Tree?"
"What is thought projection?"
A gift from the Goddess.
Some gift!  "What do you mean I send my thoughts to the entire world?"
Your grievances are with the people of Hyrule who doubt you and not with Hylia.
Her face flamed in the darkness.  "That's...I...Has everyone been hearing my thoughts?!  Have I been projecting them out to everybody?!"  
Few are sensitive enough to receive your messages.
Was that relieving?  Who was included in "few?"  
She swallowed hard and closed her eyes to refocus.  Refocus.  "Does that mean if I can learn to better direct my prayers, then I can pray solely to Hylia?"
The sword was silent a moment, as if thinking, then said, There is an 82% chance you can learn to hone your prayers.
That seemed low.  No, but, that meant she could do it!  There was a chance!  She just had to do better!
She would need to do better if she ever wanted to be alone with her thoughts again.  (Could Link hear her now?  No, he was asleep.) She dragged back through all the things he must have heard.  All the pleading.  All the math.
He was always able to pull her from her prayers, and he would look so relieved when he did.  (He'd taken on her weaknesses as his own.  How could she have done that to him?  How could she have doomed Hyrule even more?)
He'd said that the voices were getting better recently.  Because she had been lax in her praying.
He'd said that the voice had even encouraged him.
Zelda blinked.  She hadn't prayed anything encouraging.
"What were you encouraging Link about recently?"
That was not me.
"Well, it wasn't me."
Those words are from Hylia.
Chapter 24
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shiorihyuga · 6 days
Steadfast Hearts
Levi x OC
In the aftermath of global war, alliances are forged, and new bonds are tested. Dr. Tiana Belrose, a brilliant Androsian engineer, arrives in Paradis with cutting-edge technology, her country's hopes on her shoulders, and a guarded heart. Her brilliant inventions are the reason why Marley invaded and ravaged her country, but Tiana refuses to sit back and do nothing.
Assigned to be her personal guard, the stoic and battle-hardened Captain Levi Ackerman is known for his discipline, but as they spend countless hours together, he finds himself drawn to the woman he’s sworn to protect.
In the midst of battles against Marley, political intrigue, and the weight of their responsibilities, an unexpected romance begins to blossom between two unlikely hearts. As tensions rise on the battlefield and within their own ranks, Levi and Tiana must navigate their feelings in a world that doesn’t allow for weakness.
Love was the last thing either of them expected to find in the midst of war, but it may be the only thing that saves them.
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Chapter Eleven:
The workshop buzzed with the sound of tools and machinery. Tiana was in her element, her hands moving deftly as she adjusted the valves on a piece of ODM gear, her eyes focused, her mind sharp. Demetri stood beside her, his sensors scanning the equipment, providing precise feedback as she worked. Across the room, Isaac watched her closely, his gaze filled with admiration and a hint of concern. He was always near, always ready to assist, though today he seemed more vigilant than usual.
Levi, on the other hand, was a silent presence, leaning against the wall near the door. His arms were crossed over his chest, his gaze sharp and unyielding as he watched over the workshop like a hawk. His eyes missed nothing; every movement, every sound, every slight change in the room was noted and analyzed. He was always on high alert, especially when it came to Tiana. She was, after all, a valuable asset, and they couldn’t afford to let their guard down.
Tiana adjusted a final screw on the valve, wiping her brow with the back of her hand. “Alright, Demetri,” she said, her voice calm but focused. “Run the diagnostic. Let’s see if we’ve improved the gas efficiency.”
Demetri nodded, his eyes glowing as he initiated the diagnostic sequence. “Running diagnostic now, Dr. Belrose,” he replied, his voice steady. “Calculating optimal gas flow efficiency…”
Isaac stepped closer, leaning over her shoulder to get a better look at the gear. “You’re really something, Tiana,” he said with a grin. “I don’t know how you keep all these calculations straight in your head.”
Tiana chuckled softly, glancing up at him. “It’s just practice,” she replied modestly. “And a lot of late nights with equations and coffee.”
Isaac was about to respond when Levi’s posture suddenly shifted. His body tensed, and his hand moved to the hilt of one of his blades, his eyes narrowing as he scanned the room. Tiana noticed the change immediately, her heart rate quickening. “Captain?” she asked, her voice filled with concern. “What is it?”
But Levi didn’t answer. His senses were on high alert, every muscle in his body ready to spring into action. He felt it—a faint, almost imperceptible shift in the air, a presence that didn’t belong. He drew his blades with a swift, practiced motion, the sound of metal ringing out sharply in the enclosed space. 
“Get down!” Levi barked, his voice cold and commanding.
Before anyone could react, the door to the workshop burst open, and three figures in dark clothing lunged into the room. Marleyan spies—Levi recognized them immediately. Everything happened in a blur. The first spy made a move toward Tiana, but Levi was faster. He closed the distance in an instant, his blades slicing through the air with lethal precision. The spy barely had time to react before Levi’s blade cut through his neck, a clean, efficient kill. 
The second spy was on Levi’s left, aiming to flank him. Levi spun on his heel, his movements a fluid blur of speed and precision. He slashed downward, cutting through the second spy’s arm, severing it at the elbow. The spy screamed, but Levi didn’t hesitate—he followed through with a swift, merciless thrust, driving his blade through the spy’s chest. Blood spattered across the floor as the spy crumpled to the ground.
Isaac, reacting to Levi’s shout, had immediately pulled Tiana behind him, his eyes wide with shock. “Stay behind me!” he ordered, his voice tense.
Tiana’s heart pounded in her chest, her breath coming in quick, shallow gasps. She had never seen violence like this before—never seen someone killed right in front of her. The blood, the screams, the sudden, brutal efficiency of Levi’s actions—it was terrifying, overwhelming. She clutched Isaac’s arm, her knuckles white, her mind struggling to process what was happening.
The third spy, seeing his comrades fall, hesitated, his eyes wide with fear. But before he could even think of retreating, Levi was on him. He knocked the spy’s weapon from his hand with a swift kick and followed it up with a brutal knee to the gut. The spy doubled over, gasping for air, and Levi grabbed him by the collar, slamming him against the wall with bone-jarring force.
“Who sent you?” Levi demanded, his voice low and deadly calm.
The spy coughed, blood trickling from his mouth, but he didn’t answer. Levi’s eyes narrowed, and without hesitation, he brought one of his blades to the man’s thigh, pressing the cold steel against his skin. “I won’t ask again,” Levi said, his tone icy. “Who sent you?”
When the spy still didn’t respond, Levi’s patience snapped. With a swift, controlled motion, he drew his blade across the man’s thigh, a shallow but painful cut. The spy screamed, his body jerking against the wall. Tiana’s eyes widened, her breath catching in her throat. She had never seen this side of Levi—the ruthless, uncompromising soldier who would do whatever it took to get answers.
“Talk,” Levi ordered, his voice like steel. “Or the next cut will be deeper.”
The spy, his face pale with pain and fear, finally broke. “Alright, alright!” he gasped, his voice ragged. “I’ll talk, I’ll talk! We… we were sent by Marley. They wanted us to take her—take Dr. Belrose.”
“Why?” Levi pressed, his blade still poised for another strike.
“Because… because they know she’s valuable,” the spy stammered. “They know she’s smart—too smart. They think… they think she’ll create something dangerous, something that could be a threat to Marley. They wanted to take her before she could… before she could—”
Levi’s eyes were cold as he stared down at the spy, processing the information. He nodded once, then glanced back at Tiana and Isaac. Isaac’s face was a mask of shock and anger, his hands still protectively in front of Tiana, but his eyes were wide, his breath unsteady. Tiana, meanwhile, looked pale, her expression a mix of fear and disbelief.
Levi turned back to the spy, his gaze narrowing. “Is there anyone else?” he demanded. “Any more of you?”
The spy shook his head frantically. “No, no, it’s just us—just the three of us. I swear!”
Levi studied the man for a moment longer, then nodded again. “Good,” he said quietly. Without warning, he slammed the spy’s head against the wall, knocking him out cold. The spy slumped to the ground, unconscious but alive.
Levi turned to face Tiana and Isaac, his expression serious. “Are you both alright?” he asked, his voice steady.
Tiana nodded slowly, though her hands were still trembling. “I… I think so,” she whispered, her eyes still wide with shock. “I’ve just… never seen anything like that before.”
Isaac, his protective stance still rigid, looked at Levi with a mix of resentment and begrudging respect. “I didn’t even sense them,” he admitted, his voice low. “But you did.”
Levi sheathed his blades, his expression remaining stoic. “That’s why I’m here,” he said simply. “To keep her safe.”
Tiana swallowed hard, trying to calm her racing heart. She looked at Levi, her mind still reeling from the violence, from the swift, brutal efficiency with which he had handled the situation. “Thank you, Captain,” she said softly, her voice still shaking. “I… I don’t know what would have happened if you hadn’t been here.”
Levi nodded, his gaze softening just a fraction. “That’s my job,” he said. “To protect you, no matter what.”
Isaac’s jaw tightened, but he said nothing. He knew Levi was right, knew that without him, things could have gone very differently. But it didn’t make it any easier to accept.
Tiana glanced between the two men, sensing the tension, the unspoken challenge between them. She took a deep breath, trying to steady herself. “Let’s… let’s secure the workshop,” she said finally, trying to regain some sense of control. “And figure out what to do next.”
Levi nodded, his expression serious. “Agreed,” he said. “We need to make sure this place is secure. We can’t take any more chances.”
As they moved to secure the workshop, Tiana couldn’t help but feel a strange mix of emotions—fear, relief, and a new, profound respect for the man who had just saved her life. She wasn’t sure what the future held, but one thing was clear: with Levi by her side, she knew she was in good hands.
The tension in the room was palpable as Levi pushed open the heavy wooden doors to the debriefing room. The scouts were already gathered inside, their faces a mix of concern and curiosity. Commander Erwin stood at the head of the room, his expression calm but alert, his sharp blue eyes fixed on Levi as he entered, Tiana close behind him. She was still shaken, her face pale, but she held her head high, trying to maintain her composure.
“Levi,” Erwin greeted, his tone serious. “What happened?”
Levi wasted no time. “Marleyan spies,” he said bluntly, his voice steady and cold. “Three of them tried to infiltrate the workshop and kidnap Dr. Belrose. Two are dead. The third is unconscious.”
A ripple of shock passed through the room. Eren, sitting near the front, leaned forward, his eyes wide with intensity. “Marleyan spies?” he repeated. “Here? Inside the Scout Headquarters?”
Levi nodded. “They were after Dr. Belrose,” he continued, glancing at Tiana, who stood beside him. “Marley knows she’s valuable. They think she’ll create something dangerous to them. They wanted to take her before she could do that.”
Mikasa’s eyes flicked to Tiana, her expression a mix of surprise and concern. “Are you okay?” she asked softly, her voice carrying a rare gentleness.
Tiana nodded, though her hands were still trembling slightly. “I… I’m fine,” she replied, trying to keep her voice steady. “Thanks to Captain Levi.”
Erwin’s gaze shifted to Isaac, who was standing a few steps behind Tiana, his face still pale with shock and anger. “Isaac,” Erwin said, his voice commanding, “take the unconscious spy to a prison cell. Make sure he’s secured. We’ll interrogate him further once he wakes up.”
Isaac nodded, his jaw clenched, his eyes still burning with frustration. “Understood, Commander,” he replied. He moved forward, giving Tiana a brief, concerned glance. “I’ll be back soon,” he said softly, trying to offer her some comfort before turning to leave.
Levi watched him go, his expression unreadable. “We need to tighten security,” he said, turning back to Erwin. “If they got this close, they could try again. We can’t take any chances.”
Erwin nodded, his expression thoughtful. “Agreed,” he said. “I’ll issue orders to increase patrols around the perimeter. We need to know how they got in and if there are any more of them lurking nearby.”
Hange, who had been standing near the back, stepped forward, her eyes alight with a mix of curiosity and concern. “Marley’s getting bolder,” she said. “Sending spies directly into our headquarters… they must be getting desperate. Or they know something we don’t.”
Armin, seated beside Eren, nodded, his expression serious. “They’re scared,” he said quietly. “Scared of what we might be capable of. And of what Tiana might create.”
Jean crossed his arms, his brow furrowed in thought. “What kind of thing do they think she’d make?” he asked, looking directly at Tiana. “Do they really think one person could change the tide of this war?”
Tiana shifted uncomfortably, aware of all the eyes on her. “I’m… not sure,” she admitted, her voice soft. “I’ve developed some advanced technologies back in Androsia, but I haven’t shared everything with them yet. They might be worried I could do the same here.”
Levi’s eyes never left Tiana, his gaze steady and protective. “Whatever they think,” he said firmly, “they’re not getting their hands on her. Not while I’m around.”
Eren nodded in agreement, his expression intense. “We won’t let them take you, Tiana,” he said, his voice filled with determination. “You’re one of us now.”
Erwin looked between Tiana and Levi, his expression thoughtful. “Dr. Belrose,” he said, his voice calm but commanding, “you’re going to stay with Captain Levi at all times for now. He’ll keep you safe. We can’t risk you being alone, not with the threat of more spies. Is that understood?”
Tiana nodded, feeling a mix of relief and apprehension. “Understood, Commander,” she replied, glancing at Levi. She felt safer with him, despite the cold, calculating efficiency with which he had handled the situation earlier. She knew he would do whatever it took to protect her, even if it meant being ruthless.
Erwin turned back to the rest of the scouts. “We need to be on high alert,” he said, his tone firm. “Everyone needs to be vigilant. If you see anything suspicious, report it immediately. We can’t afford any more surprises.”
The scouts nodded, their faces set with determination. Levi turned back to Tiana, his expression softer now, though still focused. “Stay close,” he said quietly. “Don’t wander off.”
Tiana nodded again, feeling the weight of the situation settle over her. She wasn’t used to feeling this vulnerable, this exposed. But with Levi by her side, she felt a little more grounded, a little more secure.
Isaac returned then, his face tight with frustration but his posture firm. “The spy’s secured, Commander,” he reported. “He won’t be going anywhere.”
Erwin nodded in approval. “Good,” he said. “We’ll need to question him thoroughly. Find out how they got in, who else might be involved.”
Isaac’s eyes flicked to Tiana, a flicker of guilt crossing his face. “I’m sorry, Tiana,” he said softly, his voice filled with regret. “I should have been more alert. I should have seen them coming.”
Tiana shook her head, offering him a small, reassuring smile. “It’s okay, Isaac,” she said gently. “You couldn’t have known. And we’re safe now. That’s what matters.”
Isaac nodded, though his expression remained troubled. He looked over at Levi, a mixture of respect and resentment in his gaze. “Thank you, Captain,” he said, his tone begrudging but sincere. “For protecting her.”
Levi nodded, his expression calm. “Just doing my job,” he replied. “But we all need to be better prepared next time.”
Tiana glanced between the two men, sensing the underlying tension. She took a deep breath, trying to steady herself. “Thank you,” she said softly, her voice carrying a weight of sincerity. “Both of you. I… I know this isn’t easy, but I appreciate everything you’re doing.”
Erwin stepped forward, his expression firm but encouraging. “We’re all in this together,” he said. “And we’ll get through it together. Stay alert, stay focused. And most importantly, stay safe.”
The scouts nodded, their resolve clear in their faces. Levi glanced at Tiana, his gaze softening just a bit. “Come on,” he said quietly. “Let’s get you out of here.”
Tiana nodded, following him as he led her out of the room. She could feel the weight of their eyes on her, the concern, the curiosity, the unspoken questions. But she knew one thing for certain: with Levi by her side, she felt a little stronger, a little more prepared to face whatever came next. And perhaps, just perhaps, she was beginning to understand the man behind the stoic mask—a man who was more than just a soldier, but a protector, a guardian, and maybe even… a friend.
As Levi and Tiana left the room, a heavy silence settled over the scouts. For a moment, no one spoke, the weight of what had just happened hanging in the air. The reality of Marleyan spies infiltrating their headquarters was a stark reminder of the danger they were all in—a reminder that no place was truly safe, not even within their own walls.
Finally, Jean broke the silence, his voice low and tense. “So, Marley’s coming after our allies now,” he said, shaking his head. “They must be desperate.”
Eren, still seated near the front, nodded, his expression grim. “Desperate or smart,” he replied. “They know how valuable Tiana is. They know what she could do. They’re scared of what we might accomplish with her help.”
Mikasa crossed her arms, her gaze focused on the door through which Levi and Tiana had just exited. “They won’t stop coming,” she said quietly. “Not as long as they see her as a threat.”
Hange, leaning against the wall, tapped her chin thoughtfully. “And she is a threat,” she mused. “A brilliant mind like hers, with the right resources behind her… she could change the game. I can see why Marley’s worried.”
Armin, always the strategist, nodded in agreement. “We have to be smarter,” he said. “We need to protect our assets—Tiana, our technology, everything. If Marley thinks they can just walk in and take what they want, we need to show them they’re wrong.”
As the conversation continued, Isaac stood near the back of the room, his face tight with frustration. He was furious, a deep, simmering anger that he was struggling to contain. He clenched his fists, his knuckles white, his jaw set in a hard line. He couldn’t shake the image of Levi cutting down those spies with ruthless efficiency, the way he had stepped in and protected Tiana without hesitation. 
He hated to admit it, but Levi had proven himself. He had done exactly what Isaac had failed to do—sense the danger, act swiftly, and protect Tiana without a second thought. Isaac’s heart burned with jealousy, a mix of resentment and inadequacy swirling in his chest.
“I should have been the one to protect her,” Isaac muttered under his breath, his voice low but filled with frustration.
Jean, overhearing him, glanced over with a frown. “What are you talking about, Isaac?” he asked. “You didn’t even see them coming. Captain did. He’s the reason Tiana’s safe right now.”
Isaac’s scowl deepened, and he shot Jean a glare. “I know that,” he snapped. “I just… I should have been more alert. I should have been the one to step in, not him.”
Connie, standing nearby, shook his head, his expression serious. “Look, Isaac, I get it,” he said. “You care about Tiana. But Captain Levi’s the best at what he does. We all know that. You should be glad he was there. I mean, he saved her life.”
Isaac gritted his teeth, his frustration only growing. “I know,” he repeated, his voice tight. “But… it doesn’t mean I have to like it.”
Sasha, ever the peacemaker, tried to offer some comfort. “Hey, you did your best,” she said gently. “And you did protect her, in your own way. You pulled her back, kept her out of harm’s way.”
Isaac glanced at her, his expression softening slightly. “Yeah, I guess,” he muttered. “But it doesn’t feel like enough.”
Eren, always direct, spoke up, his tone firm. “Captain Levi’s not doing this because he wants to show off or make anyone look bad,” he said. “He’s doing it because it’s his job. Because he’s the best at it. And right now, we need the best.”
Mikasa nodded in agreement. “We need to focus on what’s important,” she said. “Keeping Tiana safe, keeping ourselves safe. Captain’s proven he can do that. We should be grateful.”
Isaac let out a frustrated sigh, rubbing a hand over his face. He knew they were right. He knew Levi was the best person to protect Tiana, that he had done exactly what needed to be done. But it didn’t make it any easier to accept. He cared about Tiana deeply—more than he cared to admit—and seeing someone else step in, someone else be the hero, it stung.
Armin, noticing Isaac’s turmoil, approached him with a calm, understanding expression. “Isaac,” he said gently, “we’re all on the same side here. We all want to protect Tiana, to protect each other. Levi’s not your enemy. He’s just doing what he’s always done—what he’s best at. And right now, that’s what we need.”
Isaac nodded slowly, letting out a breath he hadn’t realized he’d been holding. “I know,” he said quietly. “I know he’s not the enemy. I just… I just wish I could do more. Be more.”
Jean clapped Isaac on the back, offering a reassuring smile. “Hey, we all do,” he said. “But you’re doing fine, Isaac. We’re all in this together. And right now, that means trusting Levi to do what he does best.”
Isaac managed a small nod, though the frustration still lingered in his eyes. He glanced at the door again, his thoughts turning back to Tiana, to the way she had looked at Levi, the way she had relied on him, trusted him. He wanted to be that for her, to be the one she turned to, the one she trusted most. But maybe, for now, it was enough just to be by her side, to support her in any way he could.
As the scouts continued to discuss their next steps, Isaac took a deep breath, trying to push his jealousy aside. He knew he had a role to play, just like everyone else. And maybe, just maybe, he could find a way to prove himself, to show that he was just as capable, just as dedicated as Levi.
For now, he would wait. He would watch. And he would be ready, just like the rest of them, for whatever came next.
Levi escorted Tiana through the corridors back toward her room, his eyes constantly scanning their surroundings. The events in the workshop had put him on high alert, and he wasn’t about to let his guard down. Not with Marleyan spies sneaking into their headquarters. Not with Tiana as their target.
Tiana walked beside him, still trying to process everything that had happened. The sudden attack, the swift, brutal efficiency with which Levi had dispatched the spies—it was all so overwhelming. And now, as she followed Levi back to her quarters, she felt a mix of emotions: gratitude for his protection, a lingering fear of what might happen next, and a strange, nervous anticipation.
When they reached her door, Levi stopped and turned to her, his expression serious. “Wait here,” he said, his voice low but firm. “I need to check your room. Make sure it’s secure.”
Tiana nodded, understanding his concern. “Okay,” she agreed softly, stepping aside to let him enter first.
Levi pushed the door open and stepped inside, his eyes immediately scanning the space for any signs of intrusion or danger. The room was as he expected—small, with just a bed, a desk, a few shelves and Tiana’s personal decorations. But as his gaze moved over the room, he noticed something that made him pause.
Tiana’s room was… messy. Her bed was unmade, the blankets tangled in a heap. Her makeup was sprawled out across her desk, tubes and brushes scattered haphazardly. Blueprints were strewn across the floor, a chaotic mess of papers and sketches. And on her nightstand, glaringly obvious, was a book with a rather provocative cover—a spicy romance novel with a title that left little to the imagination.
Tiana, following Levi into the room, saw his eyes land on the book, and her heart sank. Her face flushed with embarrassment as she realized what he was looking at. “Oh, no,” she muttered under her breath, feeling mortified. She had been in such a rush that morning, she hadn’t even thought about tidying up, and now Levi—Captain Levi, the cleanest, most fastidious person she’d ever met—was seeing her room in this state.
Levi’s expression remained neutral, but Tiana could see the slight twitch in his eye, the way his hand flexed at his side. His gaze moved from the book to the makeup on the desk, then to the blueprints on the floor. She could practically see the gears turning in his head, his instinctual need for order and cleanliness kicking into overdrive.
Without a word, Levi moved to the desk, starting to tidy up the scattered makeup. He picked up a tube of mascara, carefully placing it back in its spot, then moved on to the brushes, lining them up neatly. Tiana stood frozen, watching him with a mix of disbelief and horror.
“Captain, you don’t have to—” she began, but Levi cut her off with a quick, efficient motion.
“It’s fine,” he said curtly, his tone brooking no argument. “I can’t focus if things are out of order.”
Tiana blinked, still flabbergasted. “But… this is my room,” she said, trying to sound reasonable. “I mean, it doesn’t have to be perfect…”
Levi glanced at her, his eyes narrowing slightly. “A clean environment is a safe environment,” he said firmly. “We don’t know how they got in, or if there’s more of them. I need to be sure there’s no place for anything—or anyone—to hide.”
He moved to the blueprints on the floor, kneeling down to gather them into a neat stack. Tiana’s cheeks burned with embarrassment. She couldn’t believe this was happening. Not only had Levi seen her room in this state, but he was actually cleaning it for her. And then there was the book…
She glanced at the romance novel on her nightstand, feeling a fresh wave of mortification. The cover was bold, depicting a shirtless man holding a swooning woman in a rather dramatic pose. The title, “Passions of the Midnight Marquis,” was emblazoned in a flamboyant script, leaving no doubt about the book’s contents.
Tiana hurried over, snatching the book off the nightstand and trying to hide it behind her back. “I, um… I didn’t have time to put things away this morning,” she said quickly, her voice a bit higher than usual. “I was in a rush.”
Levi looked up from the floor, his eyes briefly flicking to the book she was trying to hide, then back to her face. “You should make time,” he said, his tone calm but firm. “A cluttered room is a distraction.”
Tiana swallowed hard, trying to keep her composure. “Right, of course,” she murmured, feeling like a chastised child. She could feel her face burning, and she wished she could just disappear.
Levi stood, the blueprints now neatly stacked in his hand. He placed them on her desk, then turned to face her fully. “Anything that could cause a distraction should be put away,” he said, his eyes briefly glancing at the book she was still clutching behind her back.
Tiana nodded quickly, desperate to change the subject. “I’ll… I’ll take care of it,” she promised, her voice barely above a whisper. “Thank you, Captain.”
Levi nodded, his expression softening just a fraction. “I’ll be outside,” he said. “Make sure you lock the door when you’re inside. And if you need anything, call me. I’ll be right here.”
Tiana nodded again, grateful for his concern, even if it was wrapped in his usual blunt, no-nonsense manner. “I will,” she said softly. “Thank you, Captain.”
Levi gave her a final nod, then turned and left the room, closing the door behind him. Tiana let out a breath she hadn’t realized she’d been holding, her heart still racing. She looked around her now-tidy room, feeling a strange mix of embarrassment and relief.
She glanced down at the book in her hand, the cover now half-creased from her tight grip. She sighed, placing it back on the nightstand, this time face down. “Well,” she muttered to herself, “that was… something.”
She moved to the desk, straightening the remaining items Levi hadn’t gotten to, her mind still buzzing with the events of the day. Levi had been so focused, so intense, yet there had been a softness in his eyes when he’d looked at her, a hint of something she couldn’t quite name.
As she began to tidy up the last of her things, she couldn’t help but wonder what it was that made Levi so protective, so driven to keep her safe. She wasn’t used to someone being so… attentive. And while it was sometimes overwhelming, there was also a comfort in knowing he was there, watching over her.
She glanced at the door, half-expecting him to burst back in with another order or observation. But the hallway remained quiet, the heavy wood door firmly closed. She took a deep breath, trying to calm her racing thoughts. Whatever else happened, she knew one thing for certain: Captain Levi Ackerman was unlike anyone she had ever met. And that, more than anything, left her feeling both intrigued and oddly reassured.
Tiana lay in her bed, staring up at the ceiling, the events of the day playing over and over in her mind like a relentless reel. The room was dimly lit by the soft glow of a lantern on her desk, casting faint, flickering shadows across the walls. She had pulled the blankets up to her chin, trying to find some comfort in their warmth, but her thoughts were too chaotic, too tangled to allow her any real rest.
She had seen death before—the aftermath of battles, the injuries of soldiers—but today had been different. Today, she had seen Levi kill two people right in front of her. It had happened so quickly, so efficiently, that she barely had time to register it until it was over. The memory was vivid in her mind: the swift arc of Levi’s blades, the sudden spray of blood, the sharp, finality of the two spies crumpling to the ground.
She should have been horrified. She should have been terrified. But instead, she couldn’t stop thinking about how… hot Levi had looked. The intensity in his eyes, the precision of his movements, the way he seemed so completely in control of everything around him—it was both terrifying and undeniably attractive. She felt a blush creeping up her cheeks just thinking about it.
“What is wrong with me?” she whispered to herself, rolling over onto her side, her face half-buried in her pillow. Here she was, lying in bed, after one of the most intense, dangerous days of her life, and all she could think about was how good Levi had looked while fighting. How his muscles had tensed under his shirt, how his eyes had burned with a fierce determination that sent shivers down her spine.
She was down so bad for him. It was embarrassing. He probably didn’t even see her as a woman. To him, she was just a mission—someone he had to protect, like a child who needed babysitting. She could almost hear his voice in her head, calm and commanding: *“Stay close. Don’t wander off. Keep yourself safe.”* 
She sighed, rolling onto her back again, staring up at the ceiling. “He probably sees me as some little girl he has to look after,” she muttered. “Someone who needs protecting, not… not someone he could actually be interested in.”
But the truth was, Tiana had never felt more alive than when Levi was near. He made her feel… something. She wasn’t even sure what it was. A strange mix of safety and excitement, a thrill that coursed through her whenever he was around. She had always been focused on her work, on her inventions, her ideas. Romance had been a distant thought, something she’d read about in her books but never really experienced herself. She had a few short flings here and there but never anything serious. But now… now she found herself thinking about it more and more.
She couldn’t help but wonder what Levi thought of her. Did he see her as just another person he had to protect? Or was there something more? She had seen a hint of softness in his eyes today, a brief moment where his usual stoic expression seemed to soften, to become almost… tender. But maybe she was just imagining it. Maybe it was just wishful thinking.
She sighed again, closing her eyes, trying to push the thoughts away. “I need to stop thinking about this,” she told herself firmly. “He’s my bodyguard. That’s all. Nothing more.”
But even as she said it, she couldn’t quite convince herself. There was something about him that drew her in, something that made her heart race and her thoughts whirl. She wasn’t sure what it was, but she knew one thing for certain: Captain Levi was more than just a guard. He was a mystery, a challenge, and perhaps, just perhaps, something more.
As she drifted between wakefulness and sleep, her thoughts kept returning to him, to the way he had looked at her, the way he had moved, the way he had fought. She couldn’t help but smile, a small, secret smile, as she finally began to drift off to sleep, her last thought a quiet, hopeful whisper in the back of her mind: Maybe, just maybe… he sees me too.
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techytoolzataclick · 17 days
Top Futuristic AI Based Applications by 2024
2024 with Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the backdrop of what seems to be another revolutionary iteration across industries. AI has matured over the past year to provide novel use cases and innovative solutions in several industries. This article explores most exciting AI applications that are driving the future.
1. Customized Chatbots
The next year, 2024 is seeing the upward trajectory of bespoke chatbots. Google, and OpenAI are creating accessible user-friendly platforms that enable people to build their own small-scale chatbots for particular use cases. These are the most advanced Chatbots available in the market — Capable of not just processing text but also Images and Videos, giving a plethora of interactive applications. For example, estate agents can now automatically create property descriptions by adding the text and images of listings thatsurgent.
2. AI in Healthcare
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AI has found numerous applications in the healthcare industry, from diagnostics to personalized treatment plans. After all, AI-driven devices can analyze medical imaging material more accurately than humans and thus among other things help to detect diseases such as cancer at an early stage. They will also describe how AI algorithms are used to create tailored treatment strategies personalized for each patient's genetics and clinical past, which helps enable more precise treatments.
3. Edge AI
A major trend in 2024 is Edge AI It enables computer processing to be done at the edge of a network, rather than in large data centers. Because of its reduced latency and added data privacy, Edge AI can be used in applications like autonomous vehicles transportations, smart cities as well as industrial automation. Example, edge AI in autonomous vehicles is able to get and process real-time data, increasing security by allowing faster decision-making.
4. AI in Finance
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Today, the financial sector is using AI to make better decisions and provide an even stronger customer experience. Fraud detection, risk assessment and customised financial advice have introduced insurance into the AI algorithm. AI-powered chatbots and virtual assistants are now common enough to be in use by 2024, greatly assisting customers stay on top of their financial well-being. Those tools will review your spending behavior, write feedback to you and even help with some investment advices.
5. AI in Education
AI is revolutionizing education with individualized learning. These AI-powered adaptive learning platforms use data analytics to understand how students fare and produces a customised educational content (Hoos, 2017). This way, students get a tailored experience and realize better outcomes. Not only that, AI enabled tools are also in use for automating administrative tasks which shortens the time required by educators on teaching.
6. AI in Job Hunting
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This is also reverberating in the job sector, where AI technology has been trending. With tools like Canyon AI Resume Builder, you can spin the best resumé that might catch something eye catchy recruiter among a dozen others applications he receives in-between his zoom meeting. Using AI based tools to analyze Job Descriptions and match it with the required skills, experience in different job roles help accelerating the chances of a right fit JOB.
7. Artificial Intelligence in Memory & Storage Solutions
Leading AI solutions provider Innodisk presents its own line of memory and storage with added in-house designed AI at the recent Future of Memory & Storage (FMS) 2024 event. Very typically these are solutions to make AI applications easier, faster and better by improving performance scalability as well on the quality. This has huge implications on sectors with substantial data processing and storage demands (healthcare, finance, self-driving cars).
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2024 — Even at the edge of possible, AI is revolutionizing across many industries. AI is changing our lives from tailored chatbots and edge AI to healthcare, finance solutions or education and job search. This will not only improve your business profile as a freelancer who create SEO optimized content and write copies but also give your clients in the writing for business niche some very useful tips.
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transandersrights · 1 year
happy Friday :D for DADWC this week, perhaps some modern AU Anders? 😊
(I take prompts! See info here)
Ty for the prompt!! I took this as an excuse to write ~850 words of Anders in my big DA modern AU for @dadrunkwriting. Content warning for a discussion of an injured child (injured in an accident) and emotional abuse (by a templar).
“Welcome to my pride and joy!” Anders span a full circle, arms outstretched as he indicated the room. “I’d call it cheap and cheerful, but it’s free and we’re based in Darktown, so…”
“Skint and simple,” Lirene surmised. Anders laughed. “Illegal and impoverished?”
Lirene blinked. “Dubiously legal, then. But you’re just… offering this?”
“Of course.” He said it so simply. Like it was obvious; like people weren’t, two blocks over, being forced to pay hundreds for treatment or wait three months. “There’s a lot I can’t do, of course, with no equipment and no authority to prescribe anything, but if there’s anyone you think I might be able to help…”
“I’ll send them your way,” Lirene confirmed. “What can you do?”
“Emergency healing,” Anders said. “Injuries, mostly. I can give advice or instructions, and there are a few diagnostic tests you can run with magic even if machines are more precise. I can ease symptoms of illnesses, too — but I can’t cure them. Infections still need antibiotics, but if a kid can’t breathe with a chest infection I can ease that, if you want an example.”
“Right.” She wrote as he spoke, but honestly she was most of the way to convinced already. He was a persuasive young man, clearly sure of himself, and clearly should have been qualified, but… “One last thing, so I know what to tell people. Why aren’t you in one of the Lowtown or Hightown clinics or hospitals, charging more than most can afford for a hybrid approach that heals faster than a traditional doctor?”
Anders grimaced. “They’ll leave as soon as they come in if you don’t warn them in advance, right?”
“Depends on how desperate they are,” Lirene said. She saw a lot of desperate people, these days — including people who would go to quacks just if there was a chance of fixing something. All she could do was inform them as to what they were getting into. “But if you can give me something to tell them, I’d hear it now.”
“Alright.” Anders sighed. “I worked emergency care in Central, and I was earmarked for all mage patients that came in. You get cases where kids have been hurt for or because of their magic, so seeing someone like me— meant to be good, right?”
“Of course.” Lirene didn’t need to be told twice when it came to what mage kids had to deal with in Kirkwall, even now. She saw it in the news plenty, and from experience she imagined actually living it was worse. “So, something happened?”
“A lot of somethings.” There was a hard edge to his voice when he spoke, something that just hadn’t been there when he was showing her the clinic earlier. “Sometimes there were kids who’d injured other people as well as themselves. Didn’t matter how injured the other party was — if someone else got hurt, then when the mage kid came into the room, they had to have a Templar escort.
“They were always brutes — nasty when they thought no one was looking. Even when they were meant to be looking after a kid in one of the most difficult experiences of their life so far. These kids are being rushed in to see urgently, and one of them that night? It was past midnight. Poor kid was crying his eyes out, electricity burns all up his arms. He’d zapped his mum hard enough that she was out cold, so he was unaccompanied other than this Templar. Six years old. Could barely get a word out, and the Templar shouted at him to speak up.”
Anders chuckled darkly. “I’m glad someone agrees. Anyway, I told the woman to fuck off, get out of my examination room. Legally, the kid had to be accompanied by a Templar, but the woman was so heated I had to— well. I called someone from security I could trust, and he removed her anyway. Boy stopped crying, all the healing was done in five minutes, and I returned him to his lovely handler. I lost my license for breaking the law; endangering the hospital by removing the confessed perpetrator of a magical crime from Templar custody.”
He looked furious, and Lirene was sure her expression mirrored his own. It was patently unfair, and… well, she knew it couldn’t have been the whole story, but it was enough of one that she knew what to tell anyone who came looking for her advice.
A free clinic for anyone willing to seek out a mage healer, manned by a doctor who lost his license in a miscarriage of justice for protecting a child. It certainly wouldn’t earn him any enemies in the kinds of people she saw on a daily basis.
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Why Palpatine is autistic (headcanon)
Listen if I was diagnosed as autistic in 15 minutes without diagnostic assessment and by answering "eh, kind of" to 2/10 questions, then this man should be diagnosed ten times over
You can only disagree with me once you've read the whole thing <3
Part 1: DSM-5 official diagnostic criteria
Deficits in social-emotional reciprocity, ranging, for example, from abnormal social approach and failure of normal back-and-forth conversation; to reduced sharing of interests, emotions, or affect; to failure to initiate or respond to social interactions.
This criterium can include a lack of affective/emotional empathy. Also, when is Palpatine interested in the emotions of others beyond how it serves him?
Yes, he does seem socially adept. But this is something you can learn, literally. He's had a lot of training in how politicians act, how to convince people, etc. It's all an act. It's just a more severe form of masking.
And let's not forget: how much easier is social interaction when you can sense the other person's thoughts and feelings through the Force? No need to read their body language at all. You can feel what's going on and what they want to hear
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Deficits in nonverbal communicative behaviors used for social interaction, ranging, for example, from poorly integrated verbal and nonverbal communication; to abnormalities in eye contact and body language or deficits in understanding and use of gestures; to a total lack of facial expressions and nonverbal communication.
Masking!! There are many moments with Palpatine where I'm like "ah, that there is very much a conscious expression, deliberately pulling those precise facial muscles, rather than something naturally happening". Same with a lot of moments of intonation.
Also, how often do you see him talk with his hands? When talking, his arms are usually rigidly at his side (or in T-Rex position).
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Deficits in developing, maintaining, and understanding relationships, ranging, for example, from difficulties adjusting behavior to suit various social contexts; to difficulties in sharing imaginative play or in making friends; to absence of interest in peers.
This is specifically about equal peer relationships. Yes, Palpatine knows how to do official/business relations. You can learn that in political school or by copying others. There are rules & tactics & etiquette/protocols. But close, personal relationships?
You often see autistics in relationships with power differences, like master-apprentice/dom-sub relationships (in either role). That's a lot easier to navigate than equal peer relationships, which are a lot muddier.
Also, "absence of interest in peers". When have we seen him yearning for close personal relationships?
Stereotyped or repetitive motor movements, use of objects, or speech (e.g., simple motor stereotypes, lining up toys or flipping objects, echolalia, idiosyncratic phrases).
Palpatine does have some frequent finger tapping going on and he "worm walks" (swaying with either legs or upper body, unless focusing on walking straight and/or looking at the ground, like in the third image).
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Insistence on sameness, inflexible adherence to routines, or ritualized patterns of verbal or nonverbal behavior (e.g., extreme distress at small changes, difficulties with transitions, rigid thinking patterns, greeting rituals, need to take same route or eat same food every day).
I don't think he has this one.
Highly restricted, fixated interests that are abnormal in intensity or focus (e.g., strong attachment to or preoccupation with unusual objects, excessively circumscribed or perseverative interests).
This is the big one. What neurotypical person would be able to spend every waking moment working on one singular interest (Sith Grand Plan/Dark Side), forsaking social relationships and such? Even passionate allistics wouldn't be so entirely consumed by one thing for years on end.
Palpatine also collects objects related to that interest (the Sith artifacts/artworks).
Once he's emperor he doesn't show himself much anymore but instead spends all day alone studying his special interest.
Hyper- or hyporeactivity to sensory input or unusual interest in sensory aspects of the environment (e.g. apparent indifference to pain/temperature, adverse response to specific sounds or textures, excessive smelling or touching of objects, visual fascination with lights or movement).
First of all, the depression robes from the original trilogy. That's all.
Second, I think in the Star Wars universe "sensory aspects of the environment" could apply to the Force too, in line with hyper-empathy & hypersensitivity. And guess who was born super sensitive to the Force?
Third, no neurotypical person has that kind of interior design. I'm talking about all the red. My guess is chronic under-stimulation, thus needing to be surrounded by a bright color.
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Part 2: Miscellaneous/Non-diagnostic autistic traits
Gender non-conformity (always wears dresses and gives off such princess energy)
He often has T-Rex arms and when he doesn't, his arms are stiff by his side (stiff posture in general). When relaxed, the T-Rex comes out.
His father thought he was different from birth, something about Palpatine didn't appear "normal" to him
Autism & pattern recognition + seeing the inner mechanics of systems. This includes social/societal structures. Add in years of analyzing humans and their behavior/psychology. It makes it possible to see relations, predict actions, etc., either on an individual scale or a larger one.
In the same vein, good at analyzing (situations & people)
His father was said to be cruel and violent (in this house the Darth Plagueis novel is still canon, fight me). Autism + childhood trauma can turn quite intense, to put it mildly. In this case: no empathy + no attachment to other humans + learning to read people and situations very well to stay safe + tendency to rigid thinking/intense preoccupation + seeing everyone as an enemy + special interest that involves hurting others, combined with running into a Sith Lord during his formative years? Yeah, all the pieces are there.
Anyway, this headcanon is locked into my brain now and I simply can't unsee it anymore.
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