#Premature infant care
Infant Incubator
An infant incubator is a specialized medical device designed to provide a controlled environment for premature or critically ill newborn infants, also known as neonates or preterm babies. These devices create a warm, humidified, and oxygen-rich atmosphere to mimic the conditions of the mother's womb, helping to support the baby's growth and development while providing essential medical care.
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lingering-nomad · 3 months
Okay let's try this. Are there perhaps any pediatricians/social workers/any kind of person with knowledge of the impact of serious underfeeding on a preterm infant for 2 months after birth?
I'm volunteering at a baby haven and there are 2 little boys I'm considering taking into foster care. They were taken off the streets during the last week of April. I AM IN SOUTH AFRICA, NOT THE UNITED STATES, so support for foster carers is... limited to say the least. Both kids have gained weight rapidly. The two-year-old is doing remarkably well, he didn't speak or really move much when he arrived, but he's starting to imitate words and can follow instructions. His motor skills are also catching up quickly. I'm worried about the 4 month old, though. I don't have experience with small babies. He was very close to dying of starvation when he and his brother were taken in by welfare services and he had to spend a week in hospital. He does feed well now, but he's very quiet. He does cry, but it's like a little sniffle, not a proper "waaaaah" and it's easy to miss. He keeps very still, except for arching his back pretty strongly, almost like a spasm. He doesn't look at my face when I feed him or speak to him and he doesn't track movement with his eyes when I show him a brightly a brightly coloured toy.
As a volunteer I can't take him for a proper neurological assessment and the public health services don't have the expertise/resources to do a thorough examination.
I'll take this baby no matter what, I just want to be prepared. I looked online and everything is aimed at kids with normal backgrounds. If by some miracle anyone who knows anything about the effects of severe malnutrition in early life happens to see this post and is willing to talk to me, that would be friggin awesome 🙏💖
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childrensmedical · 18 days
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joga-blog · 1 year
Dr K. Siva Kumar: Trusted pediatric care and neonatal specialist offering comprehensive medical attention for infants, children, and adolescents. From routine check-ups to specialized treatments, ensure your child's health and well-being with expert care.
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Preterm Birth Treatment in Coimbatore | Sri Ramakrishna Hospital
"Understanding Extreme Prematurity: Discover the challenges and medical considerations associated with extreme prematurity, and find valuable resources for parents and caregivers."
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intersectionalpraxis · 7 months
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Defend and Protect Black Women!!
Misogynoir medical bias is KILLING Black women disproportionately. If you know even a little history of how Black women have been systematically dehumanized and objectified in the medical industrial complex -you'd know this is FAR too common and it's despicable. These medical professionals should be losing their licenses to practice medicine.
"Black women are three to four times more likely to experience complications during pregnancy and childbirth and die from these complications compared with white women. Additionally, infants born to Black women are two times more likely to be born premature (<37 weeks of gestation) compared with infants born to white women."
"In the 19th century, J. Marion Sims performed experimental surgery on enslaved Black women without their consent to develop a cure for vesicovaginal fistula. These experiments facilitated the generations of two key health care scripts about Black women in the context of reproductive health care: (1) it is acceptable to perform procedures on Black women without their consent; and (2) Black women have a high tolerance for pain."
"Although there is a plethora of research documenting Black women's experiences of racism and discrimination while navigating perinatal care, much less has been reported regarding the relationship between racism and clinical care through the lens of clinicians' caring for Black women during pregnancy and childbirth."
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prolifeproliberty · 1 month
Doctors Can Now Save Very Premature Babies. Most Hospitals Don’t Try.
From the Wall Street Journal
After her water broke early, doctors told Fatima Goines to prepare for her newborn’s death.
Goines was 22 weeks into her pregnancy, just past the halfway mark. Doctors at Methodist Hospital in suburban Minneapolis said they couldn’t save such a premature baby and that no hospital could. They told her that once the baby girl was born, Goines could hold her until the infant died.
Goines didn’t want to give up. She checked herself out of Methodist Hospital and, on the recommendation of a fellow mom on Facebook, went to a birthing center connected to Children’s Minnesota hospital, 7 miles away from Methodist. After Goines gave birth, doctors there immediately intubated the baby to help her breathe and placed her in an incubator.
Me’Lonii is now a healthy 4-year-old, and has surpassed all the developmental milestones for her age. “She’s doing wonderfully well,” said Dr. Thomas George, who directs the Children’s Minnesota neonatal intensive care unit.
How many babies have died because doctors don’t try?
If you or someone you know is pregnant and likely to give birth prematurely, check the policies of your local hospitals. This map, compiled by the parents of 21-22 week babies that survived, can give you a starting point with hospitals that have been willing to save these tiny babies.
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sayruq · 10 months
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That's why there were conflicting reports on the number of premature infants and intensive care unit patients who died after electricity got shut down.
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bats-and-birds-24 · 24 days
Daughter of a Dark Angel:
It was the first thing he felt when he first held his daughter.
Primarch Guilliman and Lion' El Johnson had just recently agreed to allow the astartes to reproduce, so that it would be easier to get neophytes who were compatible with their Primarch's geneseed.
Even if they weren't compatible, or were girls, they would have an iron will of an astartes, and would bolster the Imperium's numbers against Chaos.
Yet, most marines still preferred to have a strong son, one who will one day join their ranks as a battle brother. So when his assigned partner passed away, delivering only a tiny, premature girl, his hopes for an heir were dashed.
He could not simply be assigned another concubine right after one had just died, that would be callous. As dictated by the Codex Astartes. Not that he believed in any of it, he held no love for his now deceased partner. He only wanted a son.
He sighed. With her dead, the burden of raising the infant fell on him. As though he didn't have enough to worry about. This was also deemed necessary by the Codex, to encourage a 'parental bond'. He tutted in annoyance, he was an astartes, he was beyond such baseline emotions.
At first, he only cared for her out of duty, but as she grew older, he began to see her potential. Her mind was quick, even for a child sired by a space marine. She grasped concepts that would have been beyond most children her age.
If only she had been born male, he lamented.
One day his little daughter came up to him when he was on break and asked him what her job in the Imperium would be. He managed to give her a vague answer which seemed to satisfy her for the time being.
However, the question still lingered in his mind. What would she do, now that she was here? She had a quick mind, and once her body's development catches up to that of a normal child, maybe she could join the Sisters of Battle.
He mind balked at the thought, his daughter ending up as one of those shrill harpies worshipping a man who never wanted to be a god revulsed him. She deserved better than that.
He then thought of the mechanicus. This too, disgusted him. They too worshipped a god, their omnissiah. And the thought of having to witness his little girl cutting of pieces of her own flesh, only to replace them with sterile metal made him want to vomit.
Any other options such as being a serf, or a remembrancer were so laughably beneath her station as a child of an astartes that he didn't even bother thinking about them.
He grumbled in dissatisfaction as he glanced over at the little cot his daughter slept in.
There were no good roles for women in this Imperium, the best life he could provide for a woman of her standing was marrying her off to a wealthy planetary governer, or beneath that, a fellow astartes. If she proved her mettle in political affairs, she could then join the ranks of the Inquisitors.
Satisfied in his decision for her future he drifted off to sleep.
The next few years were filled with stacks of books he had borrowed from the ship's library and papers that he personally corrected as he attended to his daughter's education.
As she became a young woman, almost in the blink of an eye, (he chided himself, normal baselines aged faster than enhanced transhumans, he cannot forget that) the proposals started to roll in.
Most were from fellow battle brothers looking for a concubine. They were Dark Angels, so they didn't think to ask the girl herself, asking her father would be good enough.
He went through, and declined them at an astonishing speed. Most were too old for his little girl, and the younger ones were too brash. The last thing he wanted was for his daughter to be left a widow as her reckless husband ran straight to his death.
Until that message came.
A new planetary governer had been selected, and after going through his child's credentials, they had decided that she would make the perfect wife and First Lady of the planet.
It was a great honor that she had been selected.
That was what he told himself as he met the man who was to become his son in law. He was childish, naive, and handsy towards her. He disliked him immediately. But he grit his teeth as he repeated the mantra in his head; 'it is a great honor'.
He stoically saw her off to her planet. He remembered as she continued to wave at him even after their ship had left the ground.
He remembered when he only returned to her side decades later, him having only gained a few scars, while his child looked as though she was on death's doorstep.
This was why he didn't want a daughter, he wouldn't be able to stay by her side, he would lose her too soon. He despaired at the short amount of time he still had left with her.
The two talked of her life, how the bastard he had married her off to, was an irresponsible and cruel leader. Going so far as to try to get rid of her, so that he could replace her with his mistress.
By the time the mess had been dealt with, she had lost three of her fingers on her right hand, only the thumb and pinky finger still being intact.
He raged at the injustice, if only he could've gotten his hands on that imbecile, he would have been nothing more than a fine red mist by the time he finished.
Nevertheless, she had proved her mettle, and became the planetary governor in his stead.
This led to a huge quality of life improvement for the citizens.
Resources that had originally been extracted by a constantly abused, destitute workforce were replaced by a respectable, dutiful, healthy population renowned for their inventions and craftsmanship.
She had built schools and hospitals, and homes and libraries. She had taken a backwater people and turned them into proud, productive members of the Imperium.
By the end of her story, she had only one request to make of him;
"Hold my hand while I sleep, just for tonight Da'."
She made him pinky promise, as though she were a child again. Her wrinkled hand with three stubs, contrasting his own strong, muscled one.
She passed away that night.
When he returned to his quarters the next day, the mask cracked. He wept in despair at the loss of his Daughter.
Why didn't he love her more? Why did he have to marry her away to that scum? Why was he ever disappointed in having such a brilliant woman as his child?
When he came back to attend her funeral, he saw that the entire planet was in mourning. She had changed the lives of everyone around her.
He listened to the stories of baselines as they regaled him with tales of her selflessness and valor.
By the end of the event, he had no more tears to shed, his anger at himself and at the injustices of her life had dissipated. There was only one emotion left.
So this whole story was written because I couldn't get the thought of a Dark Angel having to come to terms with having a Daughter instead of a son in the astartes can take concubines au we had going on a while back.
@kit-williams @moodymisty @mothiir @the-raven-lady @bispecsual
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Writing Notes: Health
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Health - a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity (WHO, 2019).
This definition has been subject to controversy, as it may have limited value for implementation.
Generally, the context in which we live our lives is critical for our health and quality of life.
It is increasingly recognized that health is maintained and improved not only through the advancement and application of health science, but also through intelligent lifestyle choices and efforts of the individual, as well as larger society.
Main Determinants of Health According to WHO
Social environment
Economic environment
Physical environment
Individual characteristics and behavior
Global Indicators of Health
Health indicators - quantifiable characteristics of a population which researchers use for describing the health of a population.
Adopting a standard system with reliable measures for defining health is important for global monitoring of changes in health.
Researchers using data collected from around the world look for patterns in identifying, preventing, and treating disease.
There are 3 common global health indicators identified by The World Health Organization (WHO) that directly and indirectly measure and monitor global health:
Life expectancy
Infant mortality
Subjective well-being
These 3 indicators serve as standard measures to assist health professionals working in both developed and developing countries. 
A statistical measure of the average time an organism (in our case human) is expected to live, based on the year of its birth, its current age and other demographic factors including gender.
There are great variations in life expectancy between different parts of the world, mostly caused by differences in public health, medical care, and diet.
Comparing life expectancies from birth across countries can be problematic.
There are differing definitions of live birth versus stillbirth even among more developed countries, and less developed countries often have poor reporting.
Refers to the the death of young children under the age of 1.
Infant mortality rate (IMR) - the number of deaths of children under one year of age per 1000 live births.
IMR - is used to standardize infant deaths for global comparisons (WHO, 2019).
Premature birth is the largest contributor to the IMR.
Other leading causes of infant mortality are birth asphyxia, pneumonia, congenital malformations, diseases and malnutrition.
Many factors contribute to infant mortality, such as the mother’s level of education, environmental conditions, and political and medical infrastructure.
Improving sanitation, access to clean drinking water, immunization against infectious diseases, and other public health measures can help reduce high rates of infant mortality.
Is the scientific term for happiness and life satisfaction—thinking and feeling that your life is going well, rather than badly.
Levels of subjective well-being are influenced by both internal factors, such as personality and outlook, and external factors, such as the society in which they live.
Some of the major determinants of SWB are:
A person’s inborn temperament, the quality of their social relationships, the societies they live in, and their ability to meet their basic needs.
Sources: 1 2 3 4
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fictionadventurer · 1 month
The ruling stating 24 weeks had less to do with whether life begins and more when life is medically viable. Like for premature births, 25 weeks is the point at which we can consistently help and care for premature infants. 22 weeks or less and it’s incredibly difficult/practically impossible to maintain the life of premature infants. The space between those weeks is really nebulous, and care can be very hit and miss for effectiveness depending on the infants condition. So the 24 weeks thing has more to do with viability of life outside of the mother.
Thing is though, anyone getting a later term abortion usually wanted to keep their baby, yknow? Theyre not getting an abortion that late for fun or because they couldnt be bothered to earlier. Rare occasion you might have someone who doesnt find out they’re pregnant until later, and chooses to terminate, but usually its for protecting the life of the mother or because the fetus would be born dead/only live for hours/days in excruciating pain. Its a horrible choice to have to make, and its not one that anybody but doctors and the involved parent(s) need to make.
Life only means something based on the value we give it. Whose life is worth more to you? Your mother’s, your sisters, your friends? Or the child that could maybe exist, either in agony or at the expense of the person you love?
This post does an excellent job outlining why "life of the mother" never requires an abortion.
Hospice care exists for neonates. It's a beautiful thing that gives the child as much and as comfortable a life as possible. Even if the child can live only a few hours, hospice care allows that child to experience the love of their parents, and the parents to get to know their child, for as long as possible. Abortion takes even that small amount of life away from them.
All lives have value. Every single one. Which is why we should do all we can to give medical treatment to everyone, even fetuses.
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spockanalia-archive · 2 months
Spockanalia #1: Excerpt from the Young Vulcan's Handbook of Emotional Control
By Shirley Meech
Art by DEA
Excerpt from The Young Vulcan's Handbook of Emotional Control
translated by Shirley Meech
(The following is an excerpt from a Vulcan book-tape, obtained via the Baggins method, from the possessions of Commander Spock, on his recent visit to Earth. The tape is well worn, and sensor readings show that it is nearly as old as the subject himself, suggesting that he made frequent use of it from an early age.)
Historical fact: Actions based on primitive emotion nearly destroyed our race, our culture, and even our planet. Actions based on reason and logic prevented this catastrophe.
Sociological fact: The preservation of our civilization depends upon the suppression by every individual of all emotions. One uncontrolled emotion leads to another as a spark leads to a roaring inferno, and one person's unrestrained emotion can lead to the breakdown of control in many others. Therefore, it is expected that every person shall do his duty in upholding logic and eradicating emotion.
The standard instruction in logical behavior will teach you many techniques useful for developing and maintaining the controlled personality. The following instructions have been found useful in the acquisition of these skills.
When at all possible, avoid or withdraw from situations which will place your emotional control in jeopardy. When this is not possible:
Keep in mind these Basic Ideas
You are not an infant.
You are not a savage or a predator.
To give in to emotion never improves a situation; it can only create greater difficulties.
Each instance of successful control makes the practice easier; any lapse makes future control more difficult.
Civilization depends upon your logic and emotional control. You must not fail.
Use these Basic Techniques
Check first impulse to emotional action.
Control physical reactions such as tears, laughter, trembling, etc. Breathe deeply; keep your hands at your sides or behind your back, or turn away; use pain control when necessary.
Mentally repeat the Basic Ideas.
Concentrate on positive action which will improve the situation.
If no positive action can be taken, divert the mind from dwelling upon thoughts which will produce undesirable reactions. Count to ten, repeat the multiplication table, verbalize your personal strength, etc.
Emotions cause premature, uncontrolled release of physical energy, which must be suppressed until it can be channeled into constructive activity or released in an acceptable manner, such as extra calisthenics.
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Specific Emotions
In addition to the Basic Ideas and Basic Techniques, the following specific dangers must be remembered in dealing with emotions.
Anger—Those who succumb to this most illogical of behaviors often injure persons or objects. They may be so gauche as to shout or use abusive language. Therefore, confine your words to statements of fact and do not raise your voice.
Grief—You must not give in to tears. Remember your age, your responsibilities, and your duties.
Fear—Remember that you are a Vulcan. There is never any cause to demonstrate such a weakness.
Love—Care must be taken to avoid showing this emotion by words, and especially by touch. It is best to avoid touching other persons entirely except for specific, acceptable reasons.
Happiness—This is a much overrated emotional state, which leads to such unsophisticated behavior as laughter. This is undignified and unacceptable. A silent smile may be permitted on rare occasion, but never laughter. However, when you are engaged in subduing all the emotions, the temptation to indulge in this state will greatly diminish.
(TRANSLATOR'S NOTE: You bet your pointed ears, it will.)
Mr. Spock's ears meet the requirements set by the Cat Fanciers Society of America for the Abyssinian breed of feline. The Abyssinian cat is said to be a direct descendent of the Kaffir cat of Egypt, one of the first cats on this planet.
Courtesy of Sandy Deckinger
Note: With the help and guidance of Open Doors, we digitized the first volume of Spockanalia and imported it to AO3, which you can view here. In order to meet AO3's terms of service, some of the content was edited or removed. The full version of the zine is preserved on this blog. The masterpost is here.
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childrensmedical · 5 months
Expert Infant Care In Fresno For Newborns
During the early months and years of life, babies undergo rapid physical, cognitive, and emotional development. The care they receive during this critical period profoundly influences their overall health and well-being throughout childhood and into adulthood. From ensuring proper nutrition and growth to fostering secure attachments and providing a safe environment, infant care in Fresno plays a vital role in setting the stage for a lifetime of health and happiness. In this blog, we'll explore the importance of expert infant care. Our purpose is to present unprecedented access to exceptional pediatric care for the children of Fresno. Welcome to Children's Medical Centers of Fresno. We understand that welcoming a newborn into your family is a time filled with joy, excitement, and, understandably, a touch of anxiety. That's why we're here to offer expert infant care services designed to support both you and your baby every step of the way.
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Our Comprehensive Services :
We encompass a wide range of needs, ensuring that your newborn receives the best possible care from the very beginning. Here's what we offer:
Sick Visits and Routine Wellness Checkups: Whether it's a routine checkup or your little one isn't feeling well, our team is here to provide compassionate care and expert guidance.
Newborn Preemie Care: Fresno medical center specialize in caring for premature babies, offering tailored support to ensure their healthy development and growth.
COVID-19 Vaccination Program: Protecting your baby against COVID-19 is crucial, and we provide vaccinations as part of our commitment to their well-being.
CHDP (Child Health and Disability Prevention): Our CHDP services focus on preventative care, ensuring that your child receives regular checkups and screenings to detect any potential health issues early on.
Sports Physicals: As your child grows, they may become involved in sports activities. Infant care in Fresno sports physicals ensure they're healthy and ready to participate safely.
Development, Growth, Behavior, and Nutrition: We offer comprehensive assessments and guidance to support your child's development, growth, behavior, and nutrition needs.
WIC Referrals: We assist families in accessing the Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) program helps in premature newborn care, providing valuable resources for nutrition and support.
Benefits Of Infant Care:
Expert Pediatric Care: Pediatricians specialize in the unique needs of newborns and preemies, offering expert care and support during this critical phase of life.
Healthy Growth and Development: Pediatricians monitor your newborn or preemie's growth and development, making sure that they are thriving and getting the appropriate nutrition.
Support for Parents: Pediatric care for newborns and preemies includes support for parents, offering guidance and assistance in navigating the challenges of caring for their little ones. Pm pediatrics telemedicine is there for you, you can get help that you require.
Management of Chronic Conditions: In cases of chronic conditions like heart defects or respiratory problems, pediatricians provide specialized management and monitoring to ensure optimal care and well-being.
Children’s Medical Centers of Fresno is the best place for your child and we take good care of them. From ensuring healthy development to fostering strong bonds and providing essential guidance to parents, infant care sets the stage for a lifetime of optimal health and happiness. For any inquiries or to schedule an appointment, please don't hesitate to contact us at Phone: (559) 455-1500. You can email us at [email protected] more updates and valuable information about infant care in Fresno you can surely follow us on social networks. We're dedicated to providing exceptional care for your little ones, ensuring they have the healthiest start in life.
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ceruleanwhore · 1 year
So I’ve seen a lot of headcanons and fics floating around the Cybird/Ikemen fandom spaces about pregnancy or having children, but I have yet to see any childfree content at all, as @sevenai pointed out in a post they made about ikevamp. As such, I’ve put together a list of childfree headcanons for all the ikevamp men for those of us who want such things.
Napoleon — After the tragedy of his only legitimate son’s premature death during his life, I think it’s perfectly plausible that he would not want to try to produce another child of his own. Besides, the children he teaches with Isaac do more than enough to fill the void and warm his heart. I imagine that, at some point, the topic of children would come up and, when his partner would nervously disclose that she doesn’t actually want to have any of their own, he would feel relief.
Leo — Being in a relationship with anyone at all (especially a human) is already more than enough heartbreak, I don’t think he could handle producing a child of his own that he would then have to watch die someday even though no parent should ever outlive their child.
Mozart — This man is obsessive about cleanliness and absolutely cannot tolerate noise. There’s no way in hell he’s ever having a kid.
Arthur — He had five children in his life and so I feel like, for him, he’s already done that and sufficiently fulfilled that desire, so now he doesn’t feel the need to do it over again in this second life. I think he’d be willing to give it a go if that’s what his partner wanted, but I also think he’d be just as content not to.
Vincent — I get that in ikevamp he’s a sweet boy, but he has a past full of tremendous mental health struggles, and I think he’d be afraid of passing that to any potential children. I also think he would be worried about his ability to care for a child.
Isaac — Dude’s already worried he’s going to snack on Comte’s ferret or something, like being in a relationship with a human is PLENTY for him to worry about. Also, he’s a good person who views himself as a dangerous monster, which means he definitely won’t be having kids any time soon. Plus, like Napoleon, he has their little gaggle that they teach and that is genuinely plenty for him. Yeah, I think he’d be perfectly happy to have his partner tell him that there is no desire for children on their part.
Theo — I think he’d be more apathetic about children, where he doesn’t really have a desire for them but he would be willing to have kids if that’s what his partner wanted. He already has his partner, his bother, and his career, and that is more than enough for him to be happy.
Jean — First off, Jean is 19. Secondly, he hates himself and what he is, like Carlisle from Twilight. Maybe he would’ve wanted kids in life, but there is no way in hell he’d want to create half vampire spawn.
Will — Given that he was always running away from his wife and kids in his life, I think it’s safe to assume he never wanted them, even before he died. I think, given the context of his real marriage with Anne, he would be grateful to discover that his partner doesn’t want to have kids with him and it would be another indicator to him that this relationship is actually a good match.
Comte — I think he has no desire of his own for children and I also think he is hella devoted to whoever he chooses to be in a relationship with and will do anything to make them happy, so even if he did want kids he still would 100% fold to a childfree partner. There’s also that element of tragedy like with Leonardo that we’ll also see with Vlad.
Dazai — He’s either actively suicidal or very recently got better and definitely does not feel like he has the capacity to care for a child. Also, someone who hates themselves so much they’d choose to become a vampire solely so they could live long enough to kill their infant self is definitely not going to want to reproduce. Like Isaac, he sees himself as dangerous and I don’t think he would trust himself with something like having kids and I think that being in a relationship is already massively stressful for him.
Sebastian — He has a terminal illness, so there could be concern about passing whatever it is to any future children. He also probably would just not want to have to subject children to dealing with his inevitable, premature death. Even without all that, like if he can get magically cured by Faust or something, I don’t really see him actively wanting to have children, like I think he’d be more of a “travel the world with your partner in a delightfully comfortable DINK arrangement” kind of guy.
Vlad  — Yeah I think he’d 100% just be a “whatever you want” guy who values his partner above all else, including potential people who don’t exist yet.
Faust  — He’s kinda weird with kids tbh in a way that reminds me of myself — uncomfortable but kind of nice and gives in easily to whatever they want — which makes me think he doesn’t really like them and doesn’t really want them. I could see him kind of wanting to reproduce with a human as an experiment, but I really don’t see him genuinely desiring to have children.
Charles  — I get the vibe that he’ll be a very possessive yandere once he’s in a relationship and won’t want to share his partner with anyone at all, including potential children of their own. He actually gives me the impression that even if his partner came to him and shared that they genuinely wanted to have children with him, he might insist they not because of this trait of his.
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Extreme prematurity can have a significant impact on a child's development across multiple domains. Want to read more about The Impact of Extreme Prematurity on Child Development, Please pick the blogger link.
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The pictures of premature infants at al-Shifa hospital wrapped in foil and blankets after their incubators lost power during the siege. The babies at al-Nasr hospital whose bodies were found decomposing on hospital beds after a forced evacuation. The emaciated figure and wide eyes of Yazan al-Kafarna, a Palestinian child with cerebral palsy who died of hunger and malnutrition in Rafah. And just as haunting, the pictures of life in Gaza before October 7 that capture just how much has been lost: stretches of highway running along the beach at sunset, beautiful buildings lit up at night, couples dancing, libraries, cafés, frescoes, kitchen interiors, people smiling in restaurants, flowers, trees. “The memories brought up on your smartphone return you for a moment to your past life, to its atmosphere of ease and the embrace of friends,” writes Sarah Aziza’s cousin Nabil S. in a letter from Gaza, published in Mizna, describing what it’s like to look at photos from before the bombardment. “It is as if this forgotten life now presses itself upon us against our will — for these pictures are all that remain of our family and loved ones. Only photos, for us to weep and lament over, for we locked the doors tightly when we left our homes. We left with the keys in our hands.” We are not used to this — not to the gruesomeness, the ceaselessness, the direct address. Thirteen-year-old Nadin Abdullatif asks the camera in English, “Does no one care about the two million people here in Gaza? Does no one care about us? I don’t know. What is happening here? What has happened to the world? I’m suffering, and every other child is suffering. So please, notice us!” Speaking with a quivering voice over footage of people fleeing al-Shifa, Yara Eid begs, “Guys, please. Let’s stop this now. Like talk about it, share. I don’t know. Call — anyone. Try to do something. I never imagined this would happen, this is another Nakba.” Motaz Azaiza posts on X and Instagram, “You are all useless. Without shame watching us get killed one by one. Will wait my turn to be killed by Israel. And believe me you are gonna do nothing.” People in the comments say don’t give up, we need you, the world sees you, we are trying to speak up, but it’s true, we are useless, we’re ashamed of ourselves, God forgive us, we’ve failed you. This is what images on social media can do — activate an intense, genuine parasocial attachment, the same kind of attachment we feel toward strangers online who invite us to follow their motherhood journeys, their sobriety journeys, their cancer journeys. Nobody expected to follow someone’s genocide journey, their famine journey. Yet here we are.
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