#Present Mic as a homeroom teacher
thatnewweeb · 2 months
Childhood Sweethearts | Bakugo Katsuki
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Summary | You moved to America when you were young, having to leave behind your childhood sweetheart. After moving back to Japan, you'll find out if things have changed between you two
Content | Fluff, honestly I can't think of any warnings for this so let me know if you see anything that needs a warning
Word Count | 1.7k+
A/N | I love the idea of Bakugo being in love with someone through his whole life, I have no idea why. At the time of posting, I wrote this forever ago
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It had been almost 5 whole years since you moved away. You missed home. It wasn't like you'd wanted to move away in the first place, but your dad's job took you away from Japan all the way to America.
Finally, at 18 years old, you finally convinced your parents to allow you to move home. Having attended an elite hero school for the past 2 years, you managed to have some special arrangements made for your return home.
And so, that is how you got to where you are now, nervously walking down the halls of UA next to Principal Nezu. He had spent the first half hour of the morning before classes began showing you around and explaining a few things to you.
At the start of homeroom at 8:25AM, he walks you to the classroom of Class 3-A, the class you will be joining, starting today.
Everyone looks over as the door opens, the principal strolling in and standing at the front of the class. You follow nervously. These people have had nearly 3 whole years to get to know each other, and here you are, the new girl joining in the final year, not knowing anyone.
At least, you didn't think you knew anyone, until you force yourself to look at the class properly.
Your eyes immediately fall on a blond boy in the second row. His own eyes are widened, locked onto you. A moment later, you rip your eyes away from him, prompting him to look away also.
When you realise Nezu has stopped speaking and is now looking at you, you snap out of it and look at the whole class.
"My name is Y/N. I have two Quirks, which I am sure I will have more time sometime soon to explain. I look forward to spending this year with you." You say and bow slightly to the class.
Your homeroom teacher, Aizawa, points you to your assigned seat, so you sit down quietly, not saying another word.
It isn't until lunch, almost four hours later, that you say anything else, besides answering questions in class. Your fourth period was English with Present Mic. Having lived in an English-speaking country for almost 5 years, it was quite an easy class for you.
Almost as soon as you are dismissed from class, you're surrounded by people, wanting to talk to you, get to know you. You're fine with that, but you did have someone else you wanted to talk to. They already walked out the door though.
"Y/N!" Someone says, popping up in front of you out of nowhere.
"Izuku!" You smile, excitedly throwing your arms around your old friend.
You see a brown-haired girl blushing as she watches you hugging Midoriya.
"I can't believe you're here! I didn't know you were coming back!"
You nod. "I know, I'm sorry I didn't say anything."
He shakes his head, wanting to reassure you. "It's okay! We fell out of touch, that's not anyone's fault."
Izuku invites you to spend lunch break with him and his friends, being introduced to them all, him explaining a little about how he got into UA at all.
After classes have finished for the day, you don't give Bakugo the chance to run. As soon as you're dismissed from class, you walk over to his desk, standing in front of it and resting your hands on the surface.
"It's nice to see you again, Katsuki." You smirk.
He looks up at you from his chair briefly, quickly looking away. “Yeah, it is.”
You lean down so you’re closer to his height, him still avoiding eye contact. “Would you mind walking me back to the dorm? I haven’t actually been there yet, Nezu didn’t have time to take me.”
He tuts but stands up, picking up his bag and slinging it over your shoulder. Not saying a thing, he leaves the classroom, you following him. You know what he’s like, you know to follow.
As soon as you're out of the halls and outside, he decides to say something. "I didn't know you were coming back." He mutters.
You're just happy to hear him say something to you. "Yeah. I know."
He takes a deep breath. "I'm sorry."
You pause where you are, stunned. You hadn't expected him to apologise to you.
When you don't say anything, he sighs and turns to you, also stopping walking. "I shouldn't have stopped responding. I was upset you were gone, and I went about things in the stupidest way. I... I regret it."
It takes a moment for you to say anything, blinking in shock. "It's okay." You smile brightly up at him. "I understand. It was hard on both of us, after all."
"Yeah, but I ghosted you. I shouldn't have done that. Not to you, you don't deserve that."
"I agree you shouldn't have done it, dummy. But I'm saying I understand, okay?"
He smiles a little, looking down at you. "Come on, let's go to the dorms." He tugs on your backpack, indicating that you should take it off. When you do, he slings one strap over his shoulder, carrying it for you.
"Since when did you become a gentleman?" You ask with a small laugh, making him grunt a 'shut up' to you, his cheeks going slightly pink.
Finally reaching the dorms, Bakugo opens the door for you, letting you into the large building.
Everyone else is already there, the people in the communal area looking at you as you enter. Other than Izuku, people seem a little surprised to see you with Bakugo, and even more surprised that he doesn't look as annoyed as he typically does.
With everyone staring, Katsuki shoves your bag back into your arms before walking over to the stairs to go to his room.
You smile a little as you watch him, shaking your head.
Izuku is the first person to come up to you, smiling. "Everyone wants to get to know you a little. If you have some time, come sit with us?"
You do what he says, walking over and taking a seat between him and a boy with a black streak in mostly blond hair.
You end up spending a couple hours with them, telling them about your Quirk and what it's like to live in America. When they ask about you seemingly already knowing both Izuku and Katsuki, you tell them that you grew up with them.
A girl with pink skin, who you learn is Mina, asks you for some stupid stories about them as kids, Izuku going red and telling you that you don't have to talk about anything you don't want to, trying to save himself the embarrassment.
Even though you're unsure if Bakugo will be annoyed at you for telling them this, you also tell them a few stories from when you and him were dating before you left for America.
Everyone seems surprised, a small uproar coming from the class. No one had ever even seen an indication that he had ever been interested in anyone, yet alone had a girlfriend. It appeared to be a ludicrous idea to most of them.
Kaminari seems to deflate a little upon realising you dated one of his best friends. Guess he thought you were pretty.
Not long after, you go find your room, needing to unpack. Right before you close the door, a foot stops it from closing. A second later, Bakugo comes into view.
"Well, hello there." You smirk a little, looking up at him.
He smirks back, placing a hand on the doorframe, standing in front of you. "Hey. Care if I come in?"
You move out the way for him to come in but tell him it's a little messy because you're still unpacking.
He doesn't even look at the room, closing the door as soon as he's inside and standing close to you, essentially pinning you between him and the door.
That's when you really realise how much he's changed. He's so much taller now than when you last saw him, his shoulders broader, entire body more muscular, a few visible scars now. The whole thing makes you a little flustered.
"So, do you have a little American boyfriend now?" He asks with a slight snarl, expression turning into a smirk as soon as you shake your head. "No? Then, would you mind if I kissed you?" He whispers in your ear.
You don't verbally respond, but the look on your face gives him the answer he needs. He keeps one hand on the wall, the other coming to rest on your waist, leaning in and pressing his lips against yours. Your own hands find your way to his chest, gripping onto his shirt.
A moment later, he pulls away a little, smirking. "Guess we haven't missed a beat, huh?"
You laugh, not letting go of his shirt. "Suki, you're an ass." You say, making him laugh too.
"Yeah, but you love it." He whispers, leaning in to kiss you again. "It's starting to get late, and you haven't finished unpacking yet. If you wanted to stay in my room tonight, you're welcome to."
You look up at him, a little surprised by the proposal. When he sees the look on your face, he panics a small amount. "I didn't mean it like that! I meant we can spend the night sleeping together- no, not sleeping together! Not like that! I just meant- we- we can- I meant-"
You giggle at his nervousness, making him look a little angry. You move your hands to rest on his cheeks, standing on your tiptoes and smashing your lips against his.
When you finally break the kiss again, both a little breathless, he stares at you, mouth open slightly.
"Sorry, I had to find a way to shut you up." You smile. "I'd love to cuddle tonight, Suki."
He looks relieved, taking your hand. "Come on, let's go."
You spend the rest of the night in Bakugo's dorm, cuddling and eventually falling asleep in his bed.
Before he falls asleep, he spends a few moments just watching you, barely being able to believe that he got lucky enough to get you back into his life. He gives you a soft kiss on the forehead, holding you tighter, closing his own eyes and falling asleep.
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angel-sweets666 · 3 months
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making out with mr aizawa
shouta aizawa x reader one shot
aizawas never had a crush on a ex student, never. That’s inappropriate. But when you reach your 3rd year at UA and turn 18/19/20, his drunken self manages to blurt out his longing for you.
mentions of katsuki bakugo x reader
Warning: alchohol ,making out, Mentions of sex. age gap (ur 18-20 years old and he’s around 33
You nervously waited for your name to be called, heart pounding as you anticipated your moment on stage. Three long years at UA High School were finally paying off; soon, you would be a pro hero. "Mina Ashido," Present Mic's voice boomed through the auditorium, snapping you out of your thoughts. You watched as your pink-haired friend happily skipped up to the stage, her carefree demeanor hiding the same nervousness you felt about graduating and stepping into the world of pro heroes.
Mina shook hands with Principal Nezu, who, to be frank, looked like a knock-off, whitewashed Mickey Mouse. The sight brought a small, nervous smile to your face. Then, she turned to Mr. Aizawa, your homeroom teacher. To everyone's surprise, he looked quite presentable for once! His usual shaggy hair was tied into a neat half-up, half-down style, and he wore a sharp red and black suit. His genuine smile for Mina was a rare and touching sight, sending a wave of warmth through the audience.
Mina, grinning from ear to ear, skipped down the stage steps after receiving her diploma. As soon as she reached the bottom, she dropped her act and yelled excitedly, "I GRADUATED! I ACTUALLY GRADUATED!" Her happiness was infectious, and the crowd erupted in applause and cheers.
Your nerves momentarily eased, you couldn't help but smile wider. Watching your friends achieve this milestone was both heartening and exhilarating. Soon, your name would be called, and you would join them in this monumental step toward becoming a pro hero.
you looked up at mr aizawa, he was always an attractive man but seeing him like this. Cleaned up and neat, made you feel something for him. Was this a crush? Little did you know he’s had the same feelings for you since your 18th/19th/20th birthday despite you being his student.
Present Mic's booming voice filled the auditorium, "Name Last Name!" His quirk negated the need for a microphone, causing your breath to catch in your throat. Slowly, you rose from your seat, feeling the weight of everyone's eyes upon you. Yet, amid the sea of faces, a particular gaze from the stage seemed to linger longer than the rest.
With measured steps, you made your way toward the stage, nerves and excitement swirling within you. You approached Principal Nezu, who greeted you with a warm smile that didn't quite reach his eyes. "Congratulations," his soft but oddly unsettling voice praised, "I see you will be a fantastic hero. Will you come to the after party?"
"Yeah, I will," you replied with a smile, trying to shake off the unease his demeanor had stirred within you. Moving on, you approached Mr. Aizawa, towering over Principal Nezu at his impressive 6'1" height. His usually disheveled appearance was surprisingly neat today, accentuated by a red and black suit that seemed out of character but fitting for the occasion.
You extended your hand, which he clasped in a firm grip that lingered longer than with the other students. "See you later, kid," he said, his usual stoic expression softening into a genuine smile that held a hint of affection. It was a rare sight from the usually gruff teacher, and you couldn't help but feel a surge of gratitude.
"Yeah, see you," you replied, returning his smile as you stepped away from him. Walking off the stage, it finally began to sink in. You had graduated from UA High School, marking a significant milestone on your path to becoming a pro hero. The applause and cheers from the crowd washed over you, your face lit up as you stared at all the people who were once your classmates and you began
You slowly made your way back to sit next to Mina, noticing her cheeks were even pinker than usual. "Did you see the way Mr. Aizawa looked at you!? He's so into you!" she squealed excitedly.
"Eugh, he's our teacher!" you gagged playfully, though a part of you secretly liked the idea of your former teacher having a crush on you now that you were no longer his student.
"Well, former teacher, actually," Mina corrected with a mischievous grin. "We graduated, and some of us are 20 years old. It doesn't matter! He's so into you, babe," she added, nudging your shoulder playfully.
You chuckled nervously, unsure how to process Mina's teasing. Mr. Aizawa had always been a supportive mentor, but you never imagined there could be anything more between you. Still, Mina's insistence and playful encouragement sparked a flutter of excitement in your chest. As you glanced back at Mr. Aizawa across the room, you caught his eye briefly, and for a moment, you wondered if there might be some truth to Mina's teasing after all.
some time later at the after party
As the evening unfolded after the graduation ceremony, you found yourself at the after-party, surrounded by your friends and fellow graduates. The venue was lively, with upbeat music filling the air and colorful lights dancing across the walls. Mina, true to form, was the life of the party, dragging you onto the dance floor while laughing and cheering.
The atmosphere was surprisingly relaxed, with even the former teachers joining in the festivities. Mr. Aizawa, now dressed casually and looking more approachable than ever, was engaged in conversation with some other graduates near the bar. You couldn't help but smile at the sight of him letting loose, a stark contrast to his usual stoic demeanor in class.
You grabbed a drink from the bar and joined the circle of your friends, exchanging stories and jokes about your time at UA High School. Denki was showing off his dance moves, much to everyone's amusement, while Bakugo, surprisingly relaxed, recounted a particularly explosive training session.
Amid the laughter and chatter, you caught Mr. Aizawa glancing over at you from time to time, a small smile playing on his lips. It was a side of him you hadn't seen before, and it made you realize just how much he had cared about each of his students.
As you looked back at bakugo you tilted your head to the side “I’ve never seen you so relaxed, how much did you have to drink?” You giggled “I’m on my 3rd vodka!” He chuckled and leaned on kirishimas shoulder, the red head laughed and and pushed bakugo “get off me man!” He said with a raspy voice and happy tone. However you just could not get peace with the idea of aizawa, he seemed so calm for once, so happy.. maybe even attractive? You leaned over to Mina who was busy flirting with kirishima “should I go flirt with mr aizawa?” You asked the lively girl “OH MY GOD YES. GO GO GO, but after that you gotta go out with bakugo so we can go on double dates” she insisted “yeah alright, don’t go making me an aunt with kirishima Mkay?” You grinned at her while kirishima blushed and began making out with Mina.
you walked over to the bar and sat next to aizawa, looking over at him “so what are you gonna do now that we’re graduating?” You asked the 33 year old “ahh.. start over, teach first years and watch them graduate too.” He grins to you, alchohol on his breath. “Right yeah.. that makes sense” you nodded and grabbed a bottle of vodka “shit.. can’t believe i actually grad-” you were interrupted by aizawa placing his arm around your waist and pulling you closer to him “you know since your birthday I’ve been thinking about you” he cooed, getting close to your face. He’s obviously saying this because he’s drunk, but drunk words are sober thoughts right?
you gulped “you have..?” You asked him, going from between his eyes to his lips “yeah.. you look so kissable..” he chuckled, leaning to kiss the corner of your lips. You let him peck your lips and cheek, blushing deeply.. his deep voice grumbled in your ear “let’s go somewhere more private yeah pretty girl?”
And that’s how you ended up here, behind the building making out with your high school teacher. Aizawa pushed you against the wall as he held your face, kissing you deeper. Your tongue swirled with his, he pulled back with a wet noise “god your good at this..” he grumbled and grabbed a handful of fat from your thigh and smashed his lips against yours again, using his other hand to twirl with your hair. You two kept this up for a while, only parting for air when needed then going back in for a passionate make out, he leaned down to kiss at your neck and play with your hair. Leaving deep purple hickeys across his neck “god I wanna fuck you dumb…” he mumbled against the skin on your neck
“then do it”
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lizzy06 · 2 months
Shouta Aizawa Fics Recs!!(Tumblr/Ao3/Wattpad)
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My Hero Academia Fic Rec Masterlist
Shouta Aizawa x Reader
FIVE TIMES ✨by @damnzawa (oneshot, fluff) In which the faculty at U.A. — ehem Present Mic and Midnight — and 1-A tried to get the two of them together, only to find out they were together all along.
How Convenient by mighty-mighty-man (Pair_Up)(oneshot, humor(?))The night shift at the convenience store was going so well. You got to hear some good tunes, you made a sale, you made conversation with a handsome hero. But then a robber shows up. [COMPLETED]
Lazy Egg ✨✨by mighty-mighty-man (Pair_Up) (slice of life, fluff)You work at an animal shelter.When Aizawa Shouta adopts your favorite cat, your lives become inexplicably intertwined. And strangely enough, it all seems to be for the better.[COMPLETED]
“did he steal two babies?”✨ by @bakugohoex (oneshot, fluff)in which you’re aizawa’s secret wife, aizawa gets a call in the middle of class that you’re going into labor and eventually leaves, the class being noisy pricks follows him to a hospital, feeling worried they continue to follow until they see him holding two babies with a smile at his new family. [COMPLETED]
Victory by @bnhascribbles (oneshot, fluff) Just a fluffy story about you and your husband. [COMPLETED]
Chocolate hearts✨ by LetheSomething  (fluff, sloeburn, angst, serial killers)A group of villains calling themselves the Valentine Killers are going around murdering people.Their target? Pro hero loved ones. Aizawa Shouta is utterly convinced he has nothing to worry about. He's wrong. [COMPLETED]
Stray Cats. Aizawa Shouta x fem!reader ✨by http_vanished (kinda enemies to lovers , fluff, angst)A man under the alias ‘Eraserhead’ is your favourite author of all timeAs part of your bucket list, you write him a letter expressing your admiration. Never in a thousand years did you expect a rely, inviting you over for dinner to meet him, all-expense paid for. However things don’t go exactly as you planned as the man you idolised for years turns out to be grumpy, scruffy man with an appalling attitude.[COMPLETED]
Lucky Cat ✨by kalpa (oneshot, fluff, humor, slice of life, smut)You're utterly convinced your quirk is having shit luck and attracting trouble everywhere you go. Thankfully, a certain underground hero is always there to save the day.[COMPLETED]
Hurting Together by  @dira333 /Fogfire(oneshot, sorta humor(?))You meet in the waiting room of a Clinic, but opening up about your respective illnesses isn't as easy as you might have thought. Or how Aizawa makes an ass of himself because he tries to flirt on painkillers.[COMPLETED]
Caught in Love by @mooncademia (oneshot, fluff, kinda secret relationship)After getting a job offer at U.A, your love life w/ Aizawa has officially transferred to school. And you loved it.
The Cat and the Key (Aizawa x Reader) by EVoDanger (oneshot, fluff, slowburn)The most wanted woman in town has announced that she'll only marry the one who can open her front door with the key around her cat's neck. Many men try to hunt the cat down, chase and trap it, but to no avail. The cat is simply too quick, smart and clever, and always finds a way to evade and avoid them.[COMPLETED]
suffer the signs ✨by advantagetexas (oneshot, hanahaki au, angst with happy ending)You begin coughing up petals soon after beginning work as the new UA nurse. You know what they are, you know why they're afflicting you, but you refuse to let them control you.[COMPLETED]
Quirk Smirk by Meldy_Writes (fluff, humor)Quirkless Female Reader moves to Musutafu to reconnect with her estranged sister, Inko, and her newfound nephew, Izuku. everything is going fine until she learns that her kind-of-attractive-kind-of-a-dick neighbor is a pro-hero… and also her nephew's homeroom teacher.[COMPLETED]
But they're soft... by coffee_dessert (fluff, humor)When a black cat is found unconscious in the pouring rain, what's a good samaritan to do? In which the reader takes care of Aizawa after he's been affected by a transformation Quirk.[COMPLETED]
What a Cliché by kingyohna (flowershop au, fluff, slowburn, mutual pinning)Aizawa doesn't know much about pop culture, but he knows it's a definite cliché to fall for someone working in a flower shop.[COMPLETED]
Together, Always. by kalpa (oneshot, soulmate au, enemies to lovers, fluff, angst)Ever since you were young, you've done what's expected of you. But after a chance meeting with a hero and after saving two cats, you begin to wonder just what you truly want out of life.[COMPLETED]
Fill my little world (right up) by tsumoo  (single parent aizawa, nanny! reader, fluff, family feels)you are employed by aizawa shouta to nanny for his vulnerable adoptive daughter eri while he’s at work. as time passes you find yourself equally smitten with them both, longing for a more permanent place in their family.[COMPLETED]
Breathless by Mishme(oneshot, fluff, hurt/comfort) In which you experience the different types of kisses from the pro hero, Eraserhead.[COMPLETED]
Chocolate Milk by MariaTheBrave(oneshot, fluff)“Mr. Aizawa,” Mina broke from the others and made a beeline to her teacher, “why didn’t you tell us you have a kid?!”[COMPLETED]
The Reaper (Aizawa x female reader) by Emltar (fluff, smut, enemies to lovers, trauma)You're a teacher at UA with a tragic past trying to keep some semblance of peace in your shattered life. Can a grumpy caterpillar break through your defenses or will you lose yourself completely?[COMPLETED]
Newfound by mysoftestecho (strangers to friends to lovers, smut, fluff)You move to a new town to start teaching at UA. It's a new life for you and you're excited to see what it brings.[COMPLETED]
Home is where you are by speia(oneshot, fluff, comfort)Just a casual Valentine's Day[COMPLETED]
Puzzle Pieces ✨by iimber(fluff, angst, mutual pinning, stalker)Years of piecing together your life to the point were it's near perfect come crashing down when you gain an extremely dedicated stalker. After coming to a head, you leave your life in Tokyo to seek safety back in Musutafu. [ONGOING<idk could be discontinued too😭>]
Shouta Aizawa x Emi Fukukado(Ms. Joke)
But I remember you✨✨ by JackieMoonshine (oneshot, fluff, humor)A fun EraserJoke one-shot that struggles with whether it wants to be a comedy or drama. Either way, I like it.[COMPLETED]
A Happy Family with Never-Ending Laughter ✨by Yojimbra (domestic fluff, humor, smut)In order to raise Eri properly, Eraserhead seeks help from the one person he can trust. Ms. Joke.Eri is so screwed.[COMPLETED]
Nature, Nurture, and Chocolate Milk  by  Nuclear_Equipped_ Walking _ Battle_Tank (oneshot, fluff, humor, izuku and shinsou are brothers)The Aizawa family goes shopping . An appropriate amount of tomfoolery ensues. [COMPLETED]
this sudden burst of sunlight, and me with my umbrella  by  lettersfromnowhere (fluff, angst, family feels)the one where Eri gets a mom, Aizawa gets a headache, Emi adopts half of UA, and laughter really is the best medicine.[COMPLETED]
he hadn't the time by ohmytheon (oneshot, friends to lovers, bad at feelings)Over the ten years that Shota has known Emi Fukukado, she has been far too loud, bubbly, bright, and positive for his taste. She's probably one of the most annoying people he knows. She is also an extremely capable hero and an excellent teacher. There has to be a reason that their paths keep meeting and it has to be more than just to drive him crazy.[COMPLETED] he took the time by ohmytheon (oneshot, smut, fluff)If Emi keeps joking about Shouta taking her home, one of these nights he's going to take her up on that offer. Turns out, it's not a joke at all, not one bit.[COMPLETED]
Bursting with Laughter, Blooming in Flowers✨ by dracula420 (hanahaki au, angst with happy ending, fluff)Emi Fukukado loves jokes. She’s got a million of ‘em. You ever heard the one about the girl that repressed her unrequited love until it turned into a disease? That ones a classic.[COMPLETED]
The Last Laugh ✨✨by FeralPen (friends to lovers, temp. unrequited love, fluff, light angst) Emi Fukukado had two goals in life: become the hero who makes everyone smile, and crack Eraserhead's shell to make him laugh. Getting a date along the way would just be a bonus.[COMPLETED]
Sands and eyelashes by Iamanormalperson(misunderstanding, pinning) Eraserhead and Ms. Jokes had taken down a villain. That's it, but the others saw something else.[COMPLETED]
Inside Joke by Huinari  (oneshot, fluff)Five times Ms. Joke asked Eraserhead to marry her, and one time she didn’t.[COMPLETED]
Subtle Like a Lion’s Cage by aactionjohnny(fluff, mutual pinning, hurt/comfort)Ketsubutsu is under construction, so the students are staying at UA. Unfortunately for Aizawa, that also means Ms. Joke will be around.[COMPLETED]
Never Again (but maybe I'll give you a chance) by SplashingInPonds (oneshot, feels)After a disastrous mess of emotions and a big joke at his expense in high school, Shouta Aizawa decided that he was never going to let himself feel that way again. That is until he meets a persistent woman with sea green hair that seems to actually hold something genuine underneath her overly jovial hero persona.[COMPLETED]
I’m Ms. Joke: Ask Me Anything! by dracula420(oneshot, humor) Aizawa lurks the internet and finds a rather interesting topic on a very famous forum site.[COMPLETED]
make your move by velvari (smut)Mr. Aizawa finally makes a move on Ms. Joke.[COMPLETED]
Drinking Makes the Truth Come Out by The_Sensei_Simp (oneshot, jealousy, fluff) Two years after the war, the Pro-Hero teachers of U.A. High School go out for drinks to celebrate their summer vacation, since they had not in a while. What happens when Shouta Aizawa runs into Ms. Joke the Smile Hero AKA Emi Fukakado, who catches his attention when a coworker of hers is too friendly with her and it makes him jealous?[COMPLETED]
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plusultraetc · 2 months
not to make everything about them again but like. "To Midoriya, there was apparently some sort of subtle, nuanced difference between Aizawa Sensei the homeroom teacher and Eraserhead the hero, whether the man himself understood it or not" (x) vs "No no no--not Yamada. Please call me Mic. My name is Present Mic" (x) like. omg. omg????
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hey-hamlet · 8 months
BNHA AU Idea - Let's Kill Sensei!
I just got reminded assassination classroom is a show that existed so im shamelessly cribbing the premise.
Midoriya Izuku didn't make it into the hero course. Without a quirk and only 10 rescue points - it just wasn't enough. Still, his score in the written exam saw him placed in gen ed - class 1C - with all of the other failed hero students. The classroom has an uncomfortable vibe - the recent and abrupt retirement of All Might after a villain attack on his home left him badly injured, coupled with their own failures, leave them all on edge.
To say they were expecting the man who walked into their classroom would be a mistake, but the gut wrenching fear that followed was almost expected.
All for One, the man they'd all seen nearly murder All Might 3 months ago, grinned - red eyes squinted in real mirth. "Hello, students. What on earth shall I teach you today?"
1C has 1 year to kill their homeroom teacher, or he takes over Japan. 1 year to kill a 200 year old villain with more quirks than UA has students. The student who kills AfO will be given 1 billion yen and moved to the course of their choosing.
What AfO hasn't told anyone is that he has a special gift for the student who manages to off him - if any of them do.
this is a deal with UA and the HPSC - UA wanted him with 3rd year heroics students while the HPSC insisted on gen ed - UA thinks the students have a chance, while the HPSC wants cannon fodder they can throw at AFO so they have extra time to plan.
the only person aware of this deal on UA staff other than Nezu is Present Mic - the man who was supposed to be gen ed's homeroom teacher. Nezu wanted to tell Eraserhead as well, but AfO argued that that was an unfair advantage to UA
gen!ed uraraka - without her rescue of Izuku, she didn't get enough points for the hero course
Dad for One - but Izuku doesn't recognize him (its been like 10 years, plus 'Hisashi Midoriya' had black hair). It's pretty clear Izuku is AfO's favourite student. but given that just means hes even tougher and like. Also a murderer. No one is particularly jealous.
Izuku, Shinso and Uraraka friendship - none of them really have anything to lose - either they are the ones to kill AfO or their lives are over.
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bakugosworld · 3 months
Bitter not sweet
Endeavor x f! reader
platonic shoto x reader
Enji Todoroki and Y/N used to be a power couple. They used to be the most applauded couple at UA. Key words, used to be. Something disturbing happened to destroy their relationship, and now years later Y/N (a pro hero) is now helping teach and support her ex’s son in the same school she met his father.
Warnings: slight angst? Endeavor being Endeavor, trauma dumping, personal grudges
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Endeavor could hear nothing but his own boots walking through the halls of his own agency. The place is empty due to the major villain attack that had happened earlier that day, and many of his sidekicks stayed to clean up the fight while Endeavor went to file some important paperwork due that day.
He shuffled inside his office and slowly shuts the door. As he makes his way to his desk his cell phone begins to ring. He quickly fishes it out of his pocket, recognizing the tune to be Fyumi calling. Thinking that there was an emergency he tenses up as he answers it. “Fyumi, what’s going on?” His voice alert. He hears her laugh from the other end of the line, his shoulders relaxed a bit. “Hey dad, I just wanted to know what you wanted for dinner? Shoto just finished his first day of UA and I want us all to eat together to celebrate tonight!” She seems excited as per usual.
Endeavor wraps up the conversation and stuffs his phone back into his pocket. Sighing as he sits down.
*earlier that day, Y/Ns perspective*
I had been hired as a new Heroics and Law teacher at UA high this year. I walked into the building for the first day of school and had passed a few familiar pros along the way. Once I reach my classroom I set down my bag and log into my computer. I had gotten the class environment set up during my orientation with Nezu who had provided me all the safety protocols and instructions. Once my computer is loaded I pull up my seating chart that EraserHead had provided and projected it to the wall, not even bothering to look at it.
I didn’t have a class untill an hour or two later considering I’m not a homeroom teacher, so I had decided to sit in the Faculty Room while I waited and caught up with a few long term friends. Once the bell went off I started walking to my classroom with Present Mic whose class is right next to mine. We stand outside the door chatting while watching the students trickle in one by one.
Eventually I had walked in to begin class. “Hello class my name is (pro hero name) but you can all me miss (last name)” I greet as I stand at the podium in the front of their seats. The class greets me back and I hear a few students talking amongst themselves quietly. “I going to call attendance so when I call your name just say a simple ‘here’. And if I mispronounce your name, please inform me right away. Understood?”
The students mutter words of acknowledgment. Going through the list, I seen a few surnames that are recognizable. “Next is shoto todo…roki…?” My jaw slightly agape as the last name rings in my head like a steel drum. The name Todoroki repeating itself over and over again. “Here” a monotone voice rings from the back of the classroom. I slowly turn my head up to look at the boy with split dyed hair. There’s no way. He looks exactly like him. Like her too. My heart squeezes in my chest. I thought I was over it.
I break myself out of the thought. I’ll just look into it after class. “Katsuki Bakugou?” I continue with roll call despite being shaken. I hear an angry grumble “here” from the opposing side of the classroom. I sigh and continue with class as normal despite me screaming internally.
A few students came to talk to me after class, some of them wanted to know more about my pro hero life *cough midoria cough* while others wanted to know more about the subject I would be teaching them this year. One student in particular left the class without a word to anyone. Yep. That’s his kid alright.
*back to the todoroki household*
“So shoto.. how was your first day?” Endeavor asks before shoving food into his mouth. Shoto sighs “it was fine..” Endeavor looks up to his youngest son. “What about your teachers? What teachers do you have, I want to make sure you have the best of the best so you can reach your goal” endeavor shoves more food into his mouth while waiting for his son’s response.
“My homeroom teacher is Mr. Aizawa. Then I have Miss (L/N) for Heroics and Law. Then I have Present Mic for English.” Shoto muttered quietly but it was loud enough for Endeavor to hear. Endeavor choked on his rice and slammed one hand on the table to stabilize himself while the other beat at his chest to dislodge the food from his throat.
Fyumi panicked and started to pat her father on the back, while asking him if he’s okay. Natsuo held back a very slight smile and kept eating. Endeavor finally cleared his throat and started down at the table in disbelief. ‘…y/n??’
After that incident he had finished his food and left to his room muttering a small ‘thank you’ to Fyumi for the dinner. Endeavor sat on the edge of his bed, looking towards the ground and his hands cupped around his mouth to help calm him down. He sat there for hours, thinking back on memories of you two in your high school days. It had been a long time since he had thought of you, he tried to suppress the memories due to the guilt that ate him alive.
“Enji!” Your voice rang through the halls of UA, he can hear your footsteps grow increasingly louder. He glanced over his shoulder to see you running his way. He smirked slightly and faced away from you, unsurprisingly, you jumped onto his back, like you always did, and wrapped your arms around his neck, and legs around his waist. He chuckled a bit “Hey hun, have a good day?” He asked while pushing you up his back by your thighs and holding you there. You nod into his neck. “It was good, Toshinori helped me push even harder with my quirk today during training” you say smiling. Enji slightly frowned at the name but was still happy for you. The truth is Enji never cared for Toshinori but didn’t absolutely hate him either. “That’s great darling, I’m happy for you” Enji bounced you on his back jokingly. You laugh as he spins you both around. “Thank you beef cake” you tease, and plant a sweet kiss on his cheek.
—End of flashback—
Enji sighed and sat up a bit more. He looked around his room, seeing pictures of his kids and a few with Rei. He walks to his closet and grabs out a small box. He sits down on his bed again and opens the box that contains photos. Sifting through a few, he finally found what he was searching for. It was a picture of you and him together outside of UA on the first day of your third year. You were wrapped in his arms standing infront of him, both of you smiling widely.
He set the photo on his bedside table and threw the box under his bed. Finally deciding to go to bed since he had to leave early for work tomorrow morning. He lays down and stares at his ceiling. Little did he know, his dreams will be filled with memories of you that night.
A week later
You were sitting in your empty classroom, it was half hour before first period started when you heard a knock on your door. You looked up from your computer, wondering why anyone would be here so early to talk to you. “Come in” you project your voice so they can hear you. Slowly the door opened to reveal Shoto Todoroki himself. “Sorry to bother you so early Miss (L/N)” he gave a small bow to you. “You’re not bothering me at all Todoroki. Is there something I can do for you?” I say turning towards him to give him my undivided attention.
He looks sort of puzzled. “Yeah actually, I wanted to talk to you about something” he says still standing at the door. You pull up a chair next to you and pat it, signaling for him to sit down. “What’s on your mind kid?” You say as he sits down.
“I guess I’m just confused.” He says tilting his head slightly. “How so?” You asked him, slightly mirroring his actions. “I found this in my dad’s room.” He says lifting up the photo of you and Enji together. You sucked in a breath and felt your heart drop, now understanding what this is about.
“What is this about? Clearly you and my father know each other. Very well. So what exactly happened?” He says looking up to you. noticing your shocked face he immediately felt bad. “I apologize if I had made you uncomfortable Miss (L/N).”
Finally, you shake out of your shocked state. “No, no. Don’t worry about it Todoroki. And to answer your question, your father and I.. well.. we used to be together.. but that was a long time ago.” You say quietly. Todoroki nodded.
Todoroki had asked a few more questions to which you were happy to answer them. He then left to go to his first class, leaving you completely alone to think about Enji.
Aizawas class had a field trip today, so the only classes you had to teacher were 1-B and 1-C. Which was relatively easy considering they are both calm classes. For the most part. That was untill you were getting ready for your next class when Mrs. Midnight burst into your room. “(Hero name)!! we need you to help immediately!! Class 1-A has been attacked by villains at one of our training centers! Your class is getting covered by nezu, please hurry!!”
Chills ran cold down your spine. You immediately bolted out the door and ran as fast as you could to your car. Breaking the speeding limit as a hero looked bad, but your students were in danger. You were doing 80 in a 30. The only thing you can think of was how scared your students must be, but you know they can handle themselves.
You were, unsurprisingly, the first hero on scene. Bursting through the doors, you took in the battle before you. Immediately jumping into action, you protect your students with your life. You hold off the villains untill the rest of the pros show up.
—a sort few days later—
(I’m not good at writing fighting scenes sorry)
You thought it was a horrible idea. Anything can go wrong. It was absurd. Hosting the sports festival directly after a villain attack?? That’s just disrespectful to the students who fought hard to stay alive during the attack.
You angrily grumbled to yourself. You were walking around the stadium to ease your mind. The first task just finished, Midoria taking first place which shocked everyone. You huffed and leaned your back against a wall. “Enjoying the festival so far?” You heard a voice ask.
You peak up to see nezu approaching you. “Yeah I guess so” you mumble. “What seems to be on your mind (y/n)?” Nezu asked while sitting on the ledge next to you. “Is this the right thing nezu? Having the festival right after the attack? Won’t it put everyone on edge? What about the villains? Wouldn’t they show up here if they really wanted to?”
Nezus face never changed. “I see why you’re concerned (Y/N), but this festival is supposed to take the students minds off of what happened. And for the safety, we have plenty of pros here incase anything does go wrong. It would be the villains downfall to prey on the kids now”
You relaxed a bit more with that statement. “Yeah you’re right” Nezu nods. “I am, well I do have to go now. If you need anything else you know where to find me” nezu says as he wanders away.
You once again are alone. You stand up and start walking down the hall. “So. You’re a teacher now?” You shiver at the deep voice and you stop in your tracks. “Yeah. What about it?” You snap back. You turn around to see endeavor who had just turned the corner. “You’re teaching my son.” He replied with his casual RBF.
Scoffing, you cross your arms over your chest. “Really? I had no idea.” Your voice dripping with sarcasm. He didn’t seem to appreciate that but he stayed quiet for a moment. “Is that all you wanted? If so, I’ll be on my way.” You turn around to leave once again.
“It wasn’t my choice”
“What the hell enji?!” You screamed at him. His eyes dropping from your face down to the floor. “Did you have this planned the whole time??” You you yelled a bit louder once more, tears brimming your eyes. He, too, teared up. Feeling ashamed of himself.
It was the day before your graduation from UA, and Enji was here before you telling you, after three years, that things won’t work out. “Was I a joke to you?” He didn’t respond..
What was worse. Is he had proposed to Rei, your best friend of thirteen years. “How long were you together for?” Your voice filled with venom and tears. You weren’t even sure if you wanted to know the truth. Was this even real? Who would propose to your girlfriend’s best friend and not the girlfriend?
Even after all the talks of ‘I can’t wait to marry you’ ‘we should have kids’ ‘I’m gonna grow old with you’. You had foolishly believed it all.
He wanted to say something to soothe you, he wanted to hug you, to kiss you, to tell you everything is gonna be okay. He wanted to make the whole situation go away. He felt a deep hatred for himself, and for his father.
—flashback ends—
“The hell do you mean ‘it wasn’t your choice’” you mock, growing more irritated. He sighs. “I didn’t want to marry her” you scoff “yeah right. Now you’re just wasting my time.”
Enji grows agitated now, but still hurt. “It was my father. He forced me into the marriage. For benefits of the quirks. He threatened to ‘get rid’ of you if I didn’t cooperate. I knew you’d be safer staying away from me, so I left. I did as he said. Because I loved you. And truth is, I believe I still do.” He mumbled the last part. Sure, you’ve seen him several times throughout the years. You kinda had to considering he’s the number two pro hero. He’s at your meetings, on the same patrol route sometimes, on the scene of a crime. He’s everywhere. But this is the first time he’s addressed you since the break up.
Hearing his words though… you wanted to believe him. You had found the piece of yourself that still loved him too. It that didn’t change the fact that he was married with several kids. And you couldn’t do that to them. Especially shoto as you’ve grown fond of the boy.
“I’d love to believe you. Truly. I still care for you Enji, dare I say I love you. If I could, I’d be with you right now. But we can’t be together. Never again. As much as I do love you, you must think of your family first.” You say as you turn away and walk down the hall, heading towards the stands to watch the rest of the festival. Enji watched her walk away for what felt like the hundredth time, and his heart shattered.
But little did either of them know, shoto was standing just around the corner, listening to the conversation. He too, had grown fond of you. He had even started looking up to you as if you were the mother that he never really had. Needless to say, he was just as disappointed in his dad as his dad was with himself.
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heronoegg · 4 months
I think its interesting that Present Mic isnt as forgiving as Aizawa, the mundane way Mic's brain works on "if somebody does something bad they should be punished no mercy doesnt matter what it is, if it's a crime no matter how they did it they deserve punishment" contrasting with Aizawa wanting to give everyone a chance I honestly think it rubbed off from all his students and since Mic isnt their homeroom teacher he thinks differently cause he didnt spend as much time going through things with them so he isnt open minded in that since. Hes mad hes tired and he just wants hurt to end, while Aizawa is sad tired and wants hurt to end.
I think that's interesting
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dee-writes-smut · 3 months
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The Cold Hands Of Death (Chapter Three)
SUMMARY the USJ, a place meant to teach you rescue and recovery quickly becomes a place of pain, suffering, and loss.
CONTENT WARNINGS violence, graphic descriptions of violence, descriptions of injuries, kidnapping, angst, and grief. For the sake of the series (and my conscience), all characters are aged up while still following the plot of MHA. In other words, think of UA as a college rather a high school.
AUTHORS NOTE for those of you who have watched the anime, you may know that this isn't exactly how the USJ battle went down. I have taken some creative liberties for the sake of the story and considering the fact that they're all college-age in this story, it makes more sense that Aizawa would be more lenient with adults joining the fight than children.
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It’s been weeks since you’ve started attending UA, and you can confidently say that you are part of a group of friends. Even as a child, it was just you and Tenko, as neither of you were particularly outgoing, and many kids tended to stay away from Tenko naturally. You thought it might be because of his constant itching, but it had never bothered you before, so you didn’t quite understand why anyone else would be bothered by it.
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Your time at UA had brought new connections. During your first days, you and Todoroki got particularly close through your daily lunch meetups, learning more about each other until you were familiar enough to be on a first-name basis. Shoto was stoic and a little aloof, sure, but he carried so much pain that it seemed to physically weigh him down. He was an enigma to you, one that you felt a primal urge to uncover.
Today was a somewhat normal school day for your class. You went through your common core subjects before meeting with All Might for hero training. However, instead of meeting with the renowned hero, your class was confronted by your homeroom teacher, Mr. Aizawa, who had news of rescue training that would be held in the USJ building with Pro Hero Thirteen, known for their search and rescue capabilities. The class buzzed with excitement, eager to show off their abilities and don their hero costumes again.
You found yourself seated next to Todoroki on the bus, behind Mina and Aoyama, and across from Midoriya and Tsu. The bus hummed with chatter and the anticipation of the upcoming training.
“How are you feeling about natural disaster training?” you asked your new friend—or at least you thought you were friends. Neither of you had really confirmed it, so you were just going with the flow.
Todoroki turned his gaze to you, his mismatched eyes reflecting a moment of contemplation. "It's important," he finally said, his voice measured. "Disasters are unpredictable, and being prepared is essential for a hero."
You nodded, appreciating his straightforwardness. "True. I think it's going to be intense, but it's also a good opportunity to see how we handle real-life scenarios."
He gave a slight nod, his expression softening just a bit. "It will be a challenge, but that's why we're here, right? To become the best heroes we can be."
You nod, choosing not to continue the conversation as you get lost in your own thoughts. Your brows furrow as your mind strays back to Tenko once again. Your heart aches as you think about that night—the night when everything changed. The natural disasters you might face today could resemble that night: crumbled buildings, lost families. You couldn't afford to get lost in flashbacks and fail the people you had been working so hard to impress.
You had even convinced Aizawa to work with you on the side, helping you adapt your ability in the same way he had seen his friend, whom you knew as Present Mic, do. From those lessons, you had learned that your voice was more effective from a distance, making your close combat skills weak and difficult to improve. Your ability might even be useless against villains who could use their quirks during close combat. Aizawa had discussed finding you a tool, similar to his own, to give you an edge in those situations. You had agreed, and since then, you had been waiting for him to bring something to teach you during your one-on-one sessions.
Before long, the bus came to a stop outside the USJ building. Everyone bumped and pushed their way out in excitement. You were grateful for Todoroki, who kept a firm and respectful hand on your side to keep you from falling after watching Midoriya trip. Once everyone was out, Thirteen started her introduction, sharing some helpful words of encouragement along with her instructions. During the mini lecture, Aizawa gave you a look that had you walking off to the side toward the back of the bus, where he met you.
“I thought of something that I could show you to use during close combat scenarios,” he spoke quietly, his hair hiding the blush of embarrassment he was angrily trying to suppress.
“What?” you asked hopefully, your eyes alight with excitement.
In place of a response, Aizawa fiddled with his “scarf,” holding a part of it in his hand. Your eyes widened in realization, a small gasp escaping your lips. “Your scarf?” you asked softly.
“It would make the most sense. I’m the only other person proficient in it, so I’ll be able to teach you firsthand, and I’m sure I could convince the support course to make a close replica of mine. It’s just a thought. If you don’t want to—”
“No!” you quickly interrupted. “T-that would be amazing! Thank you, sensei.” You bowed, your voice holding nothing but reverence and deep gratitude.
Aizawa simply grunted and nodded in response, gesturing for you to rejoin your class, which was walking toward their assigned areas. Suddenly, a low rumbling sound echoed through the chamber, and the air began to warp and distort at the central plaza. Everyone’s attention snapped to the source, eyes widening in shock and confusion. Dark, swirling portals began to materialize, and from them, figures emerged—villains, dozens of them, led by a menacing man with hands covering his body and face.
Aizawa’s voice cut through the rising panic. “Villains! Everyone, stay together and be ready to fight!”
You exchanged a quick glance with Todoroki. His expression was unreadable, but his eyes burned with a fierce determination. He stepped forward slightly, placing himself protectively between you and the approaching villains.
“This is not a drill,” he said, his voice calm but firm. “We need to stay focused.”
You nodded, feeling a surge of resolve. The training you had undergone with Aizawa and the countless hours of practice flashed through your mind. You had worked too hard to falter now.
As the villains advanced, chaos erupted. Aizawa launched himself at the enemies, his scarf whipping through the air as he activated his Quirk to nullify their powers. Thirteen moved to defend the students, using her Black Hole Quirk to suck in and disintegrate debris and attackers alike.
Todoroki’s voice brought you back to the immediate danger. “We need to secure a safe position and plan our counterattack,” he said, his tone steady.
You nodded again, steeling yourself. “Right. I’ll follow your lead.”
Without hesitation, Todoroki extended his right hand, creating a massive wall of ice that blocked the villains’ path, buying you and your classmates precious time. He then turned to you, his eyes intense.
“Use your voice to disrupt their coordination,” he instructed. “We need every advantage we can get.”
You took a deep breath, your heart pounding. Channeling the training you had received, you began to sing, your voice rising and falling in pitch and frequency. The sound waves rippled through the air, causing the villains to stumble and clutch their heads in confusion and pain. Your quirk, Dissonance, was doing its job, disrupting their thoughts and actions.
Todoroki watched your back, ensuring no enemy could approach unnoticed. He glanced at you, admiration flickering in his eyes for a moment before he turned his attention back to the battle. “Good job. Keep it up,” he said, his voice a steady anchor amidst the chaos.
The other students, inspired by the leadership and bravery of their peers, joined the fray. Midoriya charged forward with his powerful punches, while Bakugo’s explosive attacks sent shockwaves through the enemy ranks. Mina’s acid melted obstacles in your path, and Tsu used her agility to maneuver around the battlefield, providing support where needed.
Despite the overwhelming odds, you and your classmates held your ground. Todoroki continued to create barriers and launch strategic attacks, his ice abilities devastating the enemy forces. You maintained your song, each note a weapon in the battle, your throat starting to ache from the strain but your determination unwavering.
As the battle raged on, you and Todoroki found yourselves back-to-back, surrounded by a group of particularly tenacious villains. “Ready?” he asked, glancing over his shoulder at you.
“Always,” you replied, your voice hoarse but resolute.
With a nod, Todoroki unleashed a torrent of ice, and you sang a powerful, disorienting note, the combined force of your quirks driving the villains back. For a moment, amidst the chaos and the danger, you felt a surge of pride and unity. Here, in the heart of the battle, you were not alone. You had friends, allies, and the strength to face whatever came your way.
The chaotic skirmish at the USJ escalated quickly, sending shockwaves through your class as villains poured through the portals. Amid the frenzy, the group was split apart, each student forced to confront threats on their own. You found yourself separated from Todoroki and the others, dodging attacks and desperately trying to regroup.
Suddenly, a massive figure emerged from the chaos—a Nomu, its grotesque appearance and monstrous strength making it a formidable opponent. Before you could react, its powerful grip closed around you, lifting you off your feet and carrying you toward the center of the battle.
Panic gripped you as you struggled against the Nomu’s grasp, trying to break free. Through the haze of fear, you caught glimpses of your classmates fighting valiantly, their shouts and powers blending into a chaotic symphony of battle.
As the Nomu carried you closer to the heart of the villain’s side, a figure stepped forward—a man with disheveled hair and a hauntingly familiar air. His gaze locked onto you with chilling recognition, his lips curling into a twisted grin.
“Well, well, what do we have here?” Shigaraki’s voice sent a chill down your spine, but his face triggered no recognition in your mind. You were too focused on the immediate danger to grasp the significance of the encounter.
Your heart pounded as Shigaraki’s gloved hand reached out, his expression a mix of amusement and malice. “You look lost,” he taunted, his voice low and mocking.
Struggling against the Nomu’s iron grip, you managed to summon enough strength to shout for help, hoping your quirk might have any effect on the monster squeezing the life out of you. But the chaos of battle drowned out your voice to anyone nearby, the Nomu continuing to hold you in a crushing grip unaffected by your qurik.
Shigaraki leaned closer, his eyes narrowing with predatory interest. “Don’t worry,” he whispered, his breath chilling against your ear. “I’ll make sure you remember me.”
His words sent a shiver down your spine, but your mind raced with thoughts of survival, focusing on escaping rather than on the cryptic threat of the villain before you.
The USJ building reverberated with the chaos of battle as heroes and villains clashed in a cataclysmic struggle. Ida escaping had led to All Might's arrival which had initially brought a surge of hope, his towering form casting a momentary calm over the frantic scene. But that calm was shattered as the Nomu, a grotesque amalgamation of muscle and malice, set you down beside Shigaraki and burst into the central plaza, its very presence sending a chill down your spine.
All Might was quick to approach Shigaraki and the Nomu who had achieved its mission in grabbing Aizawa. You let out a gut wrenching scream as you watched your beloved teachers face get pummeled into the concrete, collapsing to the ground in sobs at your failure. All Might had been too late in his arrival, only approaching after Aizawa’s defeat.
“You were a secondary trophy among my mission to defeat the final boss, I am so glad he finally decided to show,” his voice was gratingly calm as he reached out a hand to grip your arm. “Make a move to leave my side and I will kill you,” he warned, four slim fingers wrapping around your bicep, sending a fridgid shiver down your spine in response. “I wasn’t expecting to find your name among those enrolled in the hero program, though any flashes of you always include you talking about heroics, so I shouldn’t be that surprised.”
Your heart sank at his words, tears threatening to spill down your cheeks from fear, your brows furrowed in confusion at his words. The only person you shared dreams of heroics with was Tenko and he was dead, so how the hell did this villian know about it?
“Unhand my student, villian!” All Might called, his smile beaming as he looked to you, “stay strong, kid,” he nodded purposefully.
You turned your head to meet the wide, fearful eyes of your classmates as they watched you closely. It was Todoroki’s eyes that caught yours, holding your gaze as you both silently communicated, his reserve strengthening you from afar. You weren’t sure of the villians quirk, but you knew it activated when he touched something with all five fingers, so you obeyed, not wanting to test your luck.
In the midst of your silent moment with Todoroki, the villian had send that huge beast called the Nomu after All Might, the two of them matched punch for punch in a battle of sheer strength. Most of your classmates had collected Aizawa and stood by the doors to the exit with the injured thirteen as well, leaving only Midoriya, Bakugou, and Todoroki to whitness the big battle first hand with you. The portal guy had seemed to appear at the villians side, encouraging him to return to his base with you when the fight between the Nomu and All Might seemed to be swaying in the winning direction of your teacher.
The villian argued a while, but was eventually convinced, tugging you along with him as a portal appeared at his side.
Panic surged through you as you began to fight against his grip. “No!” you cried out, voice barely audible over the battle, but seemingly to catch Shoto’s attention, his heterochomic eyes widening when he realized the situation.
As if acting on fear alone, he shot a powerful wave of freezing ice at Shigaraki, shouting at you to “hold on!” as the ice berg shot rapidly across the battlefeild, growing in size, but untimately grumbling when the villian raised his hand, touching it and watching it simply collapse into ash.
"Shoto!" you shouted, your voice raw with desperation as you struggled against his hold. But Shigaraki's grip remained firm, his expression a mix of determination and a haunting sadness that you couldn't comprehend amidst the chaos and the weightless feeling of the portal surrounding you.
Meanwhile, All Might's battle with the Nomu reached its climax, the sound of thunderous blows echoing through the chamber. With a final, devastating punch, All Might defeated the monstrous villain, his victory resonating through the building as he stood triumphant amidst the wreckage.
As the dust settled and the heroes began to regroup, the gravity of what had transpired sank in. Todoroki stood frozen in place, guilt and frustration etched on his face as he realized he had been unable to save you. The sense of failure weighed heavily on him, a stark reminder of the harsh realities of heroism.
For you, caught in the clutches of Shigaraki and thrust into a world of uncertainty, questions lingered. Who was this man who claimed to remember you? And what did his cryptic words mean for your future? As you were whisked away into the unknown, the events of that fateful day at the USJ left an indelible mark on your journey as a hero in training.
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fandomofhappiness · 19 days
So, I know it’s kind of nerdy for My Hero Academia to make this research but I’m being very curious about UA Teaching Staff. According to translations of class 1-A school schedule (made by aitaikimochi) we have at least 7 lessons of English at one studying week (6 days) for only one class.
So, if we consider Yamada Hizashi aka Present Mic working as an only teacher for only HERO COURSE which are 6 classes with 120 students (more or less depending on how many students Aizawa or other teacher expelled) with DIFFERENT types of difficulty (English and English 1), and plus, we assume that he teaches all 6 classes for 7 lessons a week, it means 42 lessons at week. The lessons long for 50 minutes (50 mins x 7 lessons = 350 mins or ~5,8 hours a day). It results that he works for 35 hours per week. But okey, teachers need to have lunch, so he takes a 50 mins to eat. But do not forget hours to check students’ works, mark them, write reports on all his students, add out-of-school schoolwork and etc. Approximately, he works for 38-40 hours at week. That all means he practically lives at UA for 6 days.
The question is how he works at Radio Station at Friday (if he works there only at Friday!) and patrolling as limelight hero, having interviews, podcasts and other media activities?
All these calculations cover his job as an ONLY and ONLY English teacher for ONLY Hero Course. He physically cannot work as English teacher for other Courses.
So it means we have a LOT more staff at UA. And if we assume that we need like 4 teachers (1 for each course), it still too much because Hizashi teaches for only 6 classes, and there like 9 classes each other Course (and it’s like 53 hours per week) — it’s fucking impossible. So we need at least 6 teachers only to teach ENGLISH. Did you count Mathematics? It’s 8 classes for class 1-A on week. And I don’t think that Ectoplasm really teaches that much. And do not forget about Homeroom teachers (we need 33 Homeroom teachers, but ok they are working as subject teachers too).
So let’s count together how many teachers are actually working at UA. And do not forget to add teacher’s assistants. It’s so crazy.
(There’s no way UA is a private school without any government help, because school would go broke only on teachers :D )
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underratedmhapoll · 1 year
Bonus Poll! - UA Teacher of the Year
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kitthepurplepotato · 9 months
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Chapter 17 (The End) - Forever and after.
Summary: Aizawa sensei shares his thoughts with his old class. Y/N decides on her hero name. Steven the pigeon reveals their big secret.
This is the last official chapter of this series. (except the extra I’ll eventually post.) This potato is really emotional.
Warnings: There is one really small sex scene in there but there is a warning by the beginning and a note at the end! Otherwise, swear words.
First Chapter Master List
“Problem child.” The sensei, whose name is Aizawa by the way, Katsuki’s old homeroom teacher - sighs dramatically as he pinches his nose to calm himself. “I’m really sorry for my language, but what the actual fuck was that?!”
The whole gang gawks.
You heard it right; the whole gang is here to listen to the evaluation.
It’s actually quite cute; Midoriya, Todoroki and you are sitting in the middle of the battlefield while the others are scattered around the sides, basically having a picnic while they are listening to their old sensei’s wise words. They have brownies. Like fuck them, how dare they eat that shit in front of you?! It’s not like you can just go over and have a few in the middle of the sensei’s speech!
Katsuki somehow senses your inner turmoil; he’s also sitting on the side but he’s sitting quite close to you, close enough to cheekily hand you a beautiful piece, a chunky one full of chocolate bits. You look at him like he’s the fucking savior of the whole world and he can barely conceal his beautiful smile as he looks at you sneakily taking a bite of the desert while Aizawa speaks.
“Sensei, I…” Midoriya starts to mutter right away, completely ashamed of himself but Aizawa doesn’t let him finish his sentence.
“I know this wasn’t a serious fight. I know there was nothing at stake for you. But I also know that not being able to keep your feelings at bay was one of your biggest flaws when you were just a student and seeing you make such a mistake even if it’s just mock battle is really concerning.” He sighs and moves towards Todoroki. “On the other hand, I am absolutely impressed with you, Todoroki. If someone had all the right to loose their composure during this fight, it was you, yet you turned your trauma upside down and made it into a challenge, you broke out of your cage and finished the job. Not a lot of people can do that. Well done.”
“Sorry to interrupt and I know I have no right to ask this, but… what have I done exactly?” You ask Todoroki sheepishly. For your surprise, he answers you with a straight poker face.
“My older brother was born with a body that was sensitive to fire. He burned to death in a forest due to his own quirk when he was a kid then came back to life a few years after, killed several people out of spite, almost killed my whole family and now he’s rotting in Tartarus.”
“How did she not know that?” Present Mic chimes in from the side, still chewing on a piece of brownie.
“She’s a foreigner, why would she fucking know that?!” Katsuki comes to your rescue but gets shushed by Kirishima.
“Once the war was over no one even talked about that shit anymore. They had better things to do, like… rebuilding the whole fucking country. Staying alive without a roof above their heads. The Todoroki drama was the least of their concern.” Mina also chimes in.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to… make you go through that. And I would never do such a cruel thing to you on purpose, I hope you know that.”
Instead of answering, Todoroki gives you a small smile and as you said before, Pro Hero Shouto is a real treasure of a man underneath his resting bitch face.
“Now back to Y/N… I really don’t know what to say.” Aizawa ignores the emotional mood and goes back to the topic at hand. “You are a power to recon with anyway but you are also clever, quick and efficient. If that’s not enough you also have a kind heart; you stopped in the middle of the fight and changed your strategy to keep the battle less emotionally straining on the other person. That could have been a big disadvantage but you still came out victorious. If you can do at least 10% of what you just did today, you are more than capable to fight alongside our top heroes. Actually, they should be happy to have you because with you in your team, they’ll be indestructible. You can take any roles in a team, support, front, back, healing… you are a wild card, Y/N.”
“Now you just need to choose a new, cool hero name!” Mina looks at you with a proud smile. “Or you can keep your original one! That’s cool too!”
“Nah, fuck my old persona.” You smile, deep in thought. “I know what I want to be called.”
“You have a name already?” Katsuki scoots closer to you. “What is it?”
“Isn’t it obvious?” You look into your boyfriend’s eyes lovingly. “I’m The Menace.”
Warning: cheeky sexy time (really short)
“The Menace?! Really?!” Katsuki thrusts into you relentlessly. “That’s my nickname for you. Mine.”
“If this is suppose to be a punishment, you are doing a really shitty job… oh my god, Katsuki!” You almost scream as he finds that perfect spot and pounds into it several more times. You see stars. Literally. Oh fuck, this is amazing.
“I’ll… uhm… ahh, fuck, just like that… tell everyone it’s your… katshmf… idea. Jesus, I love you.”
All it takes after this is one of Katsuki’s childish giggles right by your ear; you come with Katsuki’s name on your lips, for the third time today.
“Yeah, tell everyone you are mine. Let them all be jealous. Jesus I’ll never get bored of your stupid face when you look all blissed out like that. Fuck, I’m… ahhh…”
“Did you just come from my stupid blissed out face? Again?” You giggle as Katsuki falls on your chest like a sack of potatoes.
“It works every time.”
Cheekiness over!
“Fucking hell, Steven!” Katsuki yells on a Sunday morning. It’s barely 6AM. “What is this mess?!”
Katsuki has been a bit aggravated by his “flatmate” for the last few days. He’s been bringing all kind of random shit to Katsuki’s balcony and spent a lot of time hiding inside his little house. He doesn’t look sick or anything, so there is nothing to worry about but somehow, Steven’s laziness really irks him.
“Katsuki, shut the fuck up, it’s too soon for your annoying whining!” You yell back, just as loud because… well… yelling at each other kinda became your love language in the past few weeks. Oh, also! You are officially living at Katsuki’s place now. You had a little bit of a fight about how much furniture you can bring over because Katsuki is an absolute maniac when it comes to cleanliness and minimalism but eventually you managed to compromise with him to be able to have enough space for your stuff without making the flat look too lived in.
“Come and take a fucking look and tell me I’m overreacting!” You can see Katsuki pointing at the bird house dramatically with both arms through the window and you can’t help but laugh at how adorable he is sometimes.
“Okay, okay, I’m coming!” You giggle to yourself as you begrudgingly leave the warm bed to investigate the situation.
Indeed, there are twigs poking out of the opening of the bird house. There are some leaves as well, all scattered without any kind of logic behind them, leaving the place look messy and untidy and we all know Katsuki hates both of these things with passion.
Okay, you can kinda understand that though; this mess makes no sense at all . It’s just a few sticks thrown into the hole. He certainly can do better.
“Get out, you lazy fuck, I’ll clean the shit out of this house. I can not, I repeat, I can NOT live in the same building as this mess. No.”
While you are certain Steven can not understand human language and he’s quite used to Katsuki’s yelling at this point, once Katsuki touches a single twig in the house Steven makes a terrified noise that makes Katsuki jump back a few steps. For your surprise, Steven doesn’t try to leave the house at all; he’s laying on the twigs, trying to cover as much of it as he can with his little body.
“The fuck?!”
“I’ll use x-ray vision.” You mumble with a serious face and the whole situation feels like a mission now. Katsuki is silent, nudging you to do your thing, concentrating on the house as though he could also see through it if he tries hard enough. And maybe… he can.
“Don’t freak out.” You mumble under your nose and concentrate on Katsuki; he jumps back another few steps as his vision changes into an X-ray one. “How…?!”
“Quirk sharing. I just came up with it.” You grin at him and the amount of adoration on the blond’s face says more than a thousand words.
“I’ll marry the shit out of you one day.” Is all Katsuki says as he comes closer to Steven’s home to investigate it in detail. “There is something roundish under him. Looks like…”
Haha, uhm, wait a fucking minute.
“Katsuki, that a fucking egg. And if you look through Steven’s body with my quirk… there is another one on the way out.”
This… is a groundbreaking revelation.
Because even though Steven was a part of this family for more than a year, none of you realized that Steven… is actually a girl.
“We are grandparents, Y/N. What the fuck. And Steven is a fucking girl.”
Katsuki looks broken. Genuinely fucking broken.
“Okay, honey, let’s go back to bed.” You tap the blond’s back a few times supportively as you usher him away from the poor pigeon. “Let him… I mean her… finish her thing.”
“I should have had a sex talk with her.” Katsuki mutters under his nose. “It’s my fault. I’m a terrible father.”
“She’s a fucking pigeon, Kats.”
“Should we call her Stephanie now?”
Oh boy.
“I genuinely don’t think she’ll mind being called Steven.” You sigh as you pull the covers over his shivering body.
“Calling her on her deadname is really fucking rude. Even I know that.”
You have no heart to tell him off again, so you just sigh and cuddle up next to him; Katsuki puts his arms around you and pulls you close right away, basking in the warmth your bodies generate together.
“Sure, honey. Let’s call her Stephanie.”
Katsuki called over all his friends over for a “baby shower” that day. The confusion on their faces when Katsuki led them to the bird house was worth every penny.
“I’m so glad to finally have a chance to interview you, pro hero Menace!” The interviewer, Misaki, says with a smile. Katsuki’s office is set up with several lights and cameras now. There is also a microphone hanging in the air right above you. This is it. Your first ever interview in Japan. Damn. ”It has been a few weeks since you started working alongside our top heroes but this is the first time you actually agreed to do an interview. Was there a reason behind that?”
“Uhm… yeah.” You mumble with a shy smile. “I wanted people to respect me for my work and not for my personal traits as I do feel like there are a lot of heroes being over-idolized or misinterpreted and judged because of their character. We also live in a world where looks and certain family names mean more than the work behind the person and I did not want to be a hero like that.”
You can see Katsuki smiling proudly by the door as you continue your rambling. It has been ages since you did an interview and needless to say you are extremely scared to say something inappropriate but Katsuki made sure the place you say yes to is the most trustworthy one in the country.
“That’s… true.” She admits sheepishly. ”I know you can’t say too much about about your quirk for obvious reasons and I also got the memo that you would not like to talk about your past so I’m not going to lie, I had a hard time coming up with appropriate questions so I asked the public! The most asked question was about your hero name.”
“Oh, yes.” You giggle as you make an eye contact with your boyfriend. “The name itself isn’t too hero-like, I’m aware of it, and I would really like to say that there is a deep meaning behind it like being a nuisance to all the villains as they can’t escape from me yaadayaada but the truth is… The Menace is a nickname my partner used to call me before we got together. I wanted to use this name because I wouldn’t be a hero right now if it’s not for him. I wanted him to be a part of my brand in some way.”
You can see the utter surprise on the lady’s face and you can’t help the grin blooming on your face as she asks her next question.
“Uhm… wow. That’s really… cute? Is it okay if I ask what kind of person is he? Or she?”
“Hmm…” You give the lady another manic grin. You can’t wait to see her face when you drop a name. Oh my god, this will be hilarious. “He’s… really caring, super sweet, always by my side. He comes off as really abrasive at the first glance, but behind all the fake rudeness he’s just… the perfect, loving boyfriend kinda guy.” You are quite sure your whole face looks lovesick as fuck right now, but hell if you care. Katsuki’s face is so hot you could cook an egg on it. You are a little bit disappointed that you can’t try that out. “He makes me a caramel latte every morning even though he hates sweet stuff. He’s an amazing cook. He’s handsome. Good at everything. Kicks an ass with such confidence I want to kiss him after every mission and to be honest? I do kiss him after every mission.” You giggle with a red face. The lady is blushing vehemently but she can’t hide the little smile on her face.
“You are really lucky! I want to have that too!” She sighs. “The other frequent question was… you work really closely with Dynamight and Red Riot. How close are you to the two? I can see both of them lurking in the hallway, so I guess that’s an answer itself but…” Misaki mutters, scratching her head shyly.
“Red Riot is one of my best friends. He also helps me a lot with training and we have dinners together at my place. And that guy there…” You point at the blonde poking his head into the office - You don’t need to tell him to come in because he knows what you want anyway. He plops his little butt down next to you, arms stretching behind you on the sofa flirtatiously. The lady blushes right away.
“… is the guy who first called her a Menace.” Katsuki grins, his face right in your personal space.
“… is the love of my life. And an asshole. That’s what he is.” You leave a tiny peck on your boyfriend’s lips who can’t help but beam under your praise. The lady chokes on her saliva. You are quite sure this is the the first time anyone have ever seen Katsuki smiling and you are quite sure the internet will be full of screenshots by tomorrow because Katsuki is a handsome guy even when he’s grumpy but when he smiles… he looks downright sinful.
“So to everyone who’s watching this thinking about approaching her in any way… don’t. Unless you want to die.”
“Katsuki…” You giggle and suddenly, Misaki jumps off her chair and starts walking in circles.
“Oh my god, I’m totally gonna get promoted. Oh my god, this is happening. Oh my god, they are so fucking cute why can’t I have what they have, I’ll die alone with my five cats.”
“Would you like a tea, miss?” Eijirou comes in with a tray full of different tea types. “I know, it’s a lot to take in but… let’s finish this interview, yeah? We have a meeting in 15 minutes.” He smiles, barely concealing his shit eating grin as he stares at the dumbstruck, distressed lady.
“We also have a pet, you know. Her name is Stephanie. Her name was Steven before but then we realized he’s a she…”
“Yes.” Katsuki adds. “We also have two grandchildren from her. They are fucking ugly but we love them. I named them Deku and Shouto because they look the same.”
“No, their name is Deku and Kacchan because you were an ugly fucking baby like them.” You retort angrily. “We had a deal, Katsuki!”
“Fuck your deal! And I wasn’t ugly! I was just… done with life!”
“You were one day old!” You yell and needless to say the interview never gets properly finished.
The next day, the media is full of your banter and pictures of Katsuki smiling. There are memes and fan arts all over the internet and the world got a little bit more brighter as people had something to talk about, other than villain fights or evil deeds.
You were the topic of the month until Todoroki and Midoriya came out to the public. Katsuki will never forgive them for “shitting on his parade.”
You have no idea how you ended up here; if someone would have told you a year ago that you’ll be laying in Katsuki’s bed sharing a plate of fruits while you talk about your future after a successful mission, you would have laughed in their face.
You back in business?
You living with Katsuki, arguing over things only married people do?
Katsuki looking at you with nothing but love and fondness, walls down and vulnerable as he mumbles about his plans and secret dreams?
But somehow… Being here right now, basking in the after-glow of your cheeky deeds just a few minutes ago… it all makes sense now.
You ending up in Katsuki’s agency was the work of fate.
“Kats?” You mumble into your boyfriend’s chest as you nibble on a grape, half asleep in his arms.
“I love you.”
Katsuki looks at you with those bright, happy eyes, a tiny smile decorating his handsome face as he pulls you even closer.
“No shit. Me too.”
The End.
“Oi, Menace!” Katsuki randomly speaks up while changing into his hero suit.
Hmm… that peach is really juicy in that tight underwear. Damn.
“Oi, what.”
“You can literally do whatever you want, right…” Katsuki mumbles and you look at him questioningly - that’s really fucking random, but okay.
“Well… I can do almost everything, yes.” You answer.
“Uhum… so technically… can you go back to that other dimension you went into last year?”
Wow, you’ve never thought about that before.
“Technically… yes? I think?”
“Can you… bring people with you?”
You know where this is going and fuck if you are not excited.
“Wanna go on an adventure, baby?” You grin like a madman and you get the same grin back from him.
“With you? Always.”
-> Click here for the extra chapter!
Potato Ramble:
- Can we talk about the fact that somehow, in Katsuki’s head Steven is a trans pigeon? Because I found that really funny and sweet. Also, Katsuki is clearly a supporter and I love that for him.
- Oh my god, I want to cry. This story will forever be one of my favorites. I still remember the day I wrote the first chapter - I had no plans to finish it or to post it, I was just sitting on the train, on my way to London and I had this random idea so I wrote it down but I laughed so much after reading it through the day after that I decided to post it, hoping I’ll have enough ideas for it to make it into a series. Well, needless to say, I did have a shit load of ideas and honestly, half of them weren’t even used in this story. I’m not going to tell you what they were because eventually, I want to use them in my other series and I don’t wanna spoil the fun, but… yeah.
It was a few weeks ago that I started to feel like it’s time to say goodbye to this series; I had so many stories in my head and not being able to write them out because I had to post something else every week was making me really frustrated, plus this story had so many chapters already and I felt like you guys were also ready to move on from it. So yeah, it hurts like hell but I’m also really excited to have time to write something new!
- Speaking about new stuff; there is a new Katsuki x Reader on the way! It’s about to ex-lovers finding their way back to each other after being forced to worked together again. It’s a deeper story with less gag but please give it a try when the first chapter comes out! I want to make it half funny and half really serious so there is something for everyone. It will be a few weeks before I actually start posting that one but it’s on the way! I have five chapters written already!
- If you don’t wanna say goodbye to this story yet, there is an extra coming soon (1 or 2 chapters) + a Kirishima x Reader spin-off which will be between 5-10 chapters. If you want to be added to the taglist for the Kirishima one just send me a comment! I’ll probably start posting that after I’m done with the extra! Or before? Well, it depends on you guys, if you want to have the first chapter out as a teaser, just let me know and I’ll post that first (you’ll need to wait a whole month for the next chapter though), then the extra. It depends on you 💜
- Thank you for reading this story and commenting! I wouldn’t have finished this if it’s not for you, guys! I’m so thankful for all the support and I really hope I’ll see you soon! Love you 💜
- Also, thank you, Tag List Folks!!! Seeing the list grow overtime made me so happy and so motivated it’s downright ridiculous. 💥🥹
@sixxze @iwannahaveaprettyaesthetic @hanatsuki-hime @cloroxisadelectabletreat @cheesenmax @coffeent @smolsleepybat @therealpotatobish @qardasngan @canarystwin @unofficialmuilover @nanamomo1 @mikestuffffs @p4ndawrites @yao-ai @porusuniverse 💜💜💜💜
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karvroom · 2 months
hi guys !
in my intro i mentioned how i write on wattpad and wanted to give you all a taste of a fanfic i’ve been writing. it’s a todoroki x reader called ‘I Will’ (title is still in the works).
"An 'anti-ability'? We already have one of those."
A meeting had been called at the famous U.A High School; the school where heroes are made and dreams of young individuals come true. Of course, there are so many other schools out there like U.A, but they aren't the same. Only the best students make it into U.A, those who know what it takes to be hero and who will do anything to protect their city, country, even the world. Within those school walls were well-known heroes dedicating their time to helping young adults better use their abilities—and that's exactly what this meeting was about.
"Yes, I understand we have Eraser Head, but this girl has serious potential." Spoke Mirko. Front and center of the room stood three heroes, one of them being the English teacher at U.A; Present Mic, accompanied by Mirko and Hawks. They faced the school board and other pro-heroes who wanted to join the meeting. A range of 50 to 80 people were present watching this discussion unravel. "Her quirk allows her to cancel out another's quirk with a single touch."
"That's less dependable than Eraser Head's. She has to come in contact with her opponent? All he has to do is look at them and not blink. If anything, it's more dangerous for her." Said by Vlad King, the homeroom teacher of class 1-B. Next to him was Eraser Head himself, wearing his usual grimace.
"Well, yes, but her quirk is sort of like a two-in-one." Present Mic explained with his booming voice. He smiled seeing the faces of his friends upon the school staff.
"Once she cancels out the opponents quirk, she can use it for herself. Pretty cool, huh?" Hawks added.
Principal Nezu hummed at the thought of your powers, intrigued by the potential you may have. He cleared his throat, using his calm voice he said, "Is she here now? It wouldn't hurt to have a demonstration."
Present Mic, Mirko, and Hawks all looked at each other then back at the crowd. Present Mic laughed, "Alright, (Y/N), you can come out now."
Then, the hero and Modern Hero Art History teacher Midnight stood up from the crowd, walking down the aisle for all to lay their eyes on. Once she reached the front of the room, she transformed—and there you were between Hawks and Present Mic. You used your quirk on a random person from the street who so happened to have shapeshifting abilities, which is what led you to display that certain ability.
Mirko clapped with excitement at your theatrics, sure that you had impressed everyone by now with that trick. You decided to take a bow as everyone else joined Mirko in amusement. She then placed a hand on your shoulder, "Introduce yourself, don't be shy."
"My name is (F/N) (L/N), I'm a first year, and I would like to join U.A to become a hero."
Principal Nezu stood in his chair, hoping to appear much more taller than he really was. He clapped his paws together and started, "Well, (Y/N), it's nice to meet you—"
"Why not do one more demonstration?" A much louder voice boomed from the back of the room. A large figure walked down the steps of the aisle, revealing himself. You heard Hawks scoff— and rightfully so. Endeavor, the prideful and ambitious man, had a smug look on his face; almost like he wanted to see you fail. His physique compared to yours was just a little intimidating, heck who wouldn't find it intimidating? He held out his arm to you, urging you to use your quirk, "Use my power, go on."
"Endeavor, this isn't necess—" Hawks started, Present Mic quickly hushed him, fascinated to see what would happen.
Reaching out your hand, you made contact, and in almost an instant, Endeavor's flames disappeared from his frame. He scowled in defeat, seeing your body be surrounded by the flames which were once his.
"Need I establish anymore of what I can do with your power, or are we done here?" You said with slight sass in your tone—you've heard of this man (given it's impossible not to know of him unless you live under a rock), and you didn't want to be associated with him more than you needed to be.
Endeavor let out a grunt, "Right, now how does she give me my power back?" You could tell he was avoiding you by not asking you directly or referring to you by your name.
"(Y/N), may you?"
You sighed, allowing your body to give back the quirk. Once you did, the hero's flames were restored to their natural state: engulfing majority of his face as his eyebrows and facial hair. You watched as he waltzed back to his seat and sat down with a thump, causing the person he sat by to jump out of their seat. He was quite the character, crude, ignorant, narcissistic; it was painfully obvious he's only high in the ranks because of his power—not his passion for helping others. He was only driven by his goal to beat All Might (the current number 1 hero).
"Well done, Young (Y/N)." All Might applauded, he then look to his right at Nezu, seeking for his reaction. "What do you think Nezu?"
"In all fairness, her abilities are great, and it seems she has full control over her quirk." Everyone smiled, waiting for his say, hoping he would accept you. "However—"
All the heroes sighed, awaiting his catch. "I feel it would be best to see how she would do taking the Entrance Exam for recommended students. It will only be helpful to us to gain knowledge of what
(Y/N) knows and what she could improve on. Although it is late in the year, I will gladly welcome (F/N) (L/N) into U.A High."
All except a few cheered, walking down the stairs to congratulate you and your accomplishment, then leaving the room to the comfort of their homes. To you, it felt great, finally putting your quirk to some use. You may not have had the same reaction as everyone else, but you were actually excited.
"Hey, kid, look who's coming their way to you." Present Mic whispered excitedly, pushing you forward a bit. He was the most eager for you, which was odd since he barely met you.
The principal made his way to you eventually, on the shoulder of Aizawa—wrapped in his cloth of warmth. Followed by a large figure, that being the number one hero. "(Y/N), this is Eraser Head...a.k.a Mr. Aizawa; he could possibly be your teacher this year. And this here behind us is All Might."
"Nice to meet you." You shook each of their hands, hoping to make a good first impression—hell you even bowed. You said in the most genuine tone, "I appreciate the opportunity you have given me and I'm excited to show you what I'm capable of."
"I love your enthusiasm, kiddo!" All Might cheered. He nudged Aizawa, silently encouraging to say something to you instead of coming off as rude.
"Yes, nice to meet you as well, (Y/N)." Aizawa said rather roughly, which is expected—it was a random meeting called at the strike of 7PM, so you don't blame the guy. You honestly felt bad for taking up the heroes' time just for them to meet you.
"Seeing that you and Aizawa have similar quirks, he may not only be your home room teacher, but definitely your mentor for the rest of the year." Nezu informed.
"I have high expectations for you (Y/N)." As he said this, it was the most expressive you had ever seen this man in the past 20 minutes of this gathering. His eyes wide and his tone was noticeably mischievous, it kind of scary to see him like this. "So, don't fail me."
"Yes, sir."
"I think it's about time I be getting this pumpkin home." Mirko smiled, placing both of her hands on your shoulders. "She's had a long day, I'm sure she's tired—plus she has that exam to take!"
"Of course, my apologies for keeping you." The small creature spoke. "Off you go then, good night, (Y/N)."
"Good night." All Might and Aizawa said at the same time, except in two way different tones.
"You guys, too!" Mirko said as she and Present Mic led you outside of the building, Hawks swiftly following.
"So, how did I do?" You asked the three of them. You had hoped you didn't come off as too showy with your quirk, but at the same time you felt like you didn't do enough to ensure your spot in the academy.
"Oh, you blew them away, little lady!" Hawks encouraged, holding up a fist bump for you to engage in. "And the way you stood up to Endeavor? Crazy."
"That takes some guts, even I wouldn't challenge Endeavor to such a thing." Present Mic added.
"Don't encourage the behavior, it could lead to something reckless." Mirko heeded to the fact of your demeanor towards the flame hero. "Egging on a dangerous being is something serious."
"If he's so dangerous, then why is he even a hero?" You rhetorically asked, quickly following up with an answer of your own. "He's only in it to show off his power."
"Hey, now, let's not—" You cut off Present Mic, having the attention of all three heroes on you as you walked to the large gates of U.A High School, the route of leaving the premises.
"And let's not forget his shitty attitude to those around him, even civilians. He only cares for the fame and competition—it gives him an ego boost."
"Oh, honey, I'm sure it's not just that." Mirko said, trying to defend the number two hero. She looked around quickly, trying to change the subject before you become to deep in your passionate hate towards Endeavor. "Are any of you guys able to take her home? I have to work late tonight."
"Can't. My show is on in about...right now!" Present Mic exclaimed, dashing back to the dorms to find himself the nearest device for his viewing. However, you knew it was just his excuse to not take some kid home.
Mirko sighed, "Hawks?"
"No problem." Hawks beamed, showing off his pearly whites. "Let's rock and roll, kid."
word count: 1746
if you’re interested in reading the rest of the story check out my wattpad !! (starslvtlol)
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betabravo · 5 months
Snippet: Homeroom Miruko x Red Flag (Deus MHA AU) Part 3
Something was wrong. Something was VERY wrong.
Rumi was in the viewer booth during the Recommendation Exam. She initially wanted to be on the ground to have a closer look on how the teachers (Present Mic in this case) manage the students. However, Nezu had overruled her (damn tyrant), saying that he wanted her employment to be a surprise to everyone.
At least Eraserhead had pulled her aside before this and just told her that Nezu was basically a chaotic deity who signs their paycheck and does what he wants. (Again, damn tyrant) But to be fair, if she’d been down there with Mic, she’d probably have to kiss her hearing goodbye. Damn, did he have to yell out his commentary on full blast?
So she was now sitting on a couch with her soon-to-be co-workers surrounding her, staring at the recording of the Recommendation Exam. The finish line to be exact. The part where the kids who took first and second place (by over 2 minutes faster than third place who had a fucking SPEED Quirk) seem to be having a one-sided conversation.
However, the wind kid suddenly stopped with his gestures and mannerisms, before changing into a look of hate(?). Especially after seeing the ice boy’s look of pure ANGER which he had throughout the whole exam.
"Something wrong, Miruko?" Aizawa asked. Being an Underground Hero, he was good at situational awareness. Which was how he noticed how Rumi had gone quiet, unlike her usual actions.
Rumi ignored him, switching her tablet to the live feed of the waiting room for their interviews with Nezu, she saw that that Endeavor’s kid (who used ice? Not fire like his father?) still had that angry look on his face. In fact, he seemed to radiate a “Don’t talk to me” aura.
At least Inasa (he got first place, so remembering his name was the least she could do) was actually socializing with some of the others. Although he’d still look somewhat pissed whenever he’d look in Todoroki’s direction.
…Maybe she should tell Aizawa and Nezu about this. They'd know what to make of this.
And here's part 3. Also, this is now officially a crossover, adding Red Flag AU (vers. Shoto)! Again, any advice and comments will be appreciated!
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fallenaphelion · 4 days
Greetings Demon Slayer fandom! I will preface this by saying I’ve never watched the show or read the manga, but I’m obsessed with the characters and thus my brain has produced Ideas™️!
And thus, I give you an unholy combination of Demon Slayer and specifically the universe of Kimetsu Gakuen! I’ve been given the thumbs up by people who have watched the anime, so I think I’m doing good! Maybe. Possibly. There’s a chance.
Class 1-A and Aizawa and All Might (And Present Mic for reasons) take a field trip to Shiri Island to visit Kimetsu Academy for a bit, because Headmaster Ubuyashiki and Principal Nezu have struck a deal. There, they meet Class 1-1, who they are supposed to train with, and their homeroom teacher, Tomioka Giyuu.
Class 1-1 Roster (Hero Names subject to change)
Tanjiro: Sunfire
Zenitsu: Lightning Rod
Inosuke: Boar King
Aoi: TBD
Kanao: Serendipity
Genya: Buckshot
Muichiro: Mistwalker
Yuichiro: Moonshadow
Sabito: Jackrabbit
Makomo: TBD
Senjuro: Blaze
Hakuji: Frostfist
Rui: Threadmaster
Gyutaro: Mantis
Ume: Futodama
Gyomei: Stoneheart: Ethics Teacher
Sanemi: Zephyr: Math Teacher
Giyuu: Wavebreaker: Homeroom Teacher
Obanai: Serpentine: Science Teacher
Kanae: Gossamer: English Teacher
Uzui: Flashbang: Art Teacher
Rengoku: Inferno: History Teacher
Mitsuri is not yet a teacher, as she only just graduated, but her Hero Name is Heartstring.
As for Shinobu, she’s part of Kimetsu’s Big Three, alongside Murata and Yushiro.
Now, onto the storyline so far!
So, classes meet, and apparently Giyuu and Aizawa have the exact same teaching style. It’s honestly a little disconcerting for their students, seeing basically a clone of their homeroom teacher from another school.
Now, I am a fan of Erasermic, so obviously that a thing here, and it’s 100% the reason why Yamada is present, but I also have plans. See, Class 1-1 has been on a mission since the start of the semester, and they are not giving up easily. Their mission, you may ask?
Getting Mr. Tomioka and Mr. Rengoku together. (Rengiyuu shippers rejoice)
It’s been… Less than successful thus far, unfortunately.
What about the villains, I hear you asking. What are they up to?
Demon abilities aren’t actually the same as quirks. One of them is a result of experimentation in an effort to cure a genetic condition, and the other is a result of evolution. Not that All for One is aware of this. He’s been hunting after Muzan’s “quirk” for the past few centuries, and is the whole reason demons haven’t expanded beyond Shiri Island.
They’ve been taking potshots at each other since the dawn of quirks, and while the heroes are getting their slice of life parent trapping experience, the villains are in an all-out war with each other. So much so that they don’t even have time to deal with the heroes.
I’ll post more about this AU if ppl are interested in hearing more.
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tayshifts · 6 months
Extra things I scripted into my MHA DR
Some are safety related and some are for my convenience as i was worried about them
Mosquitoes, lice, ticks, fleas, cockroaches, silverfish, and bed bugs don’t exist.
There is no rape in my DR.
There is no racism or racial prejudice.
There is no homophobia and no transphobia. There are no surgical requirements for transgender people to be able to change their gender legally. No ban on same sex marriage or same sex adoption. Equal fucking rights. LOVE IS LOVE BITCH
I take Mineta’s place in Class 1-A. Mineta is not in my DR.
UA has always had the dorms.
I have enough money to always live comfortably. UA provides all students with stipends
No one in my Class or Class B will die.
Midnight will not die
Present Mic will not die
All Might will not die
Eraserhead will not die
There is no hero licensing exam. We are given our licenses at the discretion of our teachers at our school, based on when they think we are ready for them. Class 1-A and 1-B all receive hero licenses after the events at the Training Camp and Kamino.
TikTok exists in my DR, younger heroes often have their own TikTok accounts to gain popularity.
Current music exists in my DR
We speak English at school but everyone is fluent in both english and japanese
I cannot be expelled
The Hero Support course develops a fabric for Hagakure so that she can wear something during hero work and still retain her invisibility. AKA used her hair as a base like they did for Mirio
Hagakure can also control when she is invisible and since her hero quirk will be similar to Mirio’s in concept, it will turn invisible with her
I do not know the plot as it will play out beyond where I enter my DR. For example, I will not know about the attack on the Camp prior to the attack starting
There is no Covid-19 in my DR
We have the same homeroom teacher for all three years at UA.
UA has professional therapists to help hero students cope with stress and emotions that come with hero training. These therapists can make sure students in need of mental health counseling and medication receive the proper care. (Amajiki)
UA is a college and all students are 20 upon entering their first year at UA, no matter the program.
Eri is not aged up, despite all other characters being aged up. She is still a child.
I will always remember my classmates and their hero names
Spotify Premium is just how spotify works in my DR, for free
UA gives students access to all streaming platforms. Netflix, Disney, HBO, Hulu, etc
Squishmallows has ProHero squishmallows
Sir Nighteye doesn’t die. He is injured but he and All Might will reconcile and All Might will finally explain why he couldn’t give the quirk to Mirio
The War Arc doesn’t happen, there is a better solution
Instead of the Licensing Exam, we do interschool training exercises to promote working together in the future and being exposed to other future heroes, not just our class or school’s.
I have the right adaptors/chargers/etc for outlets used in Japan
The zombie ova doesn’t happen
I understand the metric system
I understand the yen to US dollar conversion and my banking is set up when I arrive, so I don’t need to worry about it
We have the same dorm building all three years, they just change the signage to signify what year we’re in
Each dorm room has its own private bathroom. There are still the communal baths
Fatphobia is a no <3
Hidden cameras in public and nonpublic spaces aren't a thing.
The toilets are like the ones in America
ADHD/stimulant drugs are legal. I have no issues getting any of my needed medications in Japan and can get them easily from local pharmacies
Stronger Western deodorants are available in Japan, easy to find
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barid-bel-medar · 8 months
For Sticks and Stones, I am very curious to know the in-universe reasoning for the HPSC to choose Mt. Lady to teach at UA and for Mt. Lady to agree. I would think that the HPSC would choose a more experienced and reputable (and in their pocket) hero for the job, and that Mt. Lady would want to do fieldwork so soon after her debut to gain money and ranking. I would love to know their thought processes for these decisions.
She's got absolutely no connections to UA.
She's not a UA graduate, she doesn't closely work with UA graduates. If anything she's got a bit of a rivalry with a UA graduate (who happens to be one of Aizawa's best friends).
She's also easy to control because she needs two things; a steady income stream (like say, a teacher's paycheck) and the HPSC can offer to cover her insurance costs (which is canonically one of the reasons she's constantly in the red). Heroes pretty much work on commission and sponsorship, so a steady income stream is definitely helpful.
There's also no real sign teaching at UA really effects someones ability to do fieldwork. All of the teachers pretty clearly are still doing active fieldwork. Hell, Present Mic is juggling three jobs (active hero, English teacher, and radio host; man must not be sleeping at all and we've seen he's got bloodshot eyes under those sunglasses of his). So she'd still be able to create a reputation, and you can even spin her taking to the UA job as her 'being trusted to guide future heroes after what UA has done to them'.
Since she's not really in the HPSC's pockets, and thus potentially aware of HPSC secrets, she's also not a security risk to them, the way say, Hawks would be. If Nedzu for example goes poking around he's going to find jack all because at the end of the day all the Commission is really doing with her is covering insurance costs and earning good will from her that way. The Commission also doesn't exactly need an on-site hero agent to poke around UA. The mess with Aizawa has already given them leave to do that since it's such a spectacular fuck up.
And from a meta standpoint I just wanted her to be the homeroom teacher to do something unique.
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