#Protected purr
play-my-game · 11 months
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frownyalfred · 1 month
omegaverse batfamily is great and I've read so many of those platonic fics, but imagine a universe where it's just omega!Bruce wandering around screaming "NO!" every time a random pup pops up and tries to follow him home. he doesn't want to nest with them. he has 0 maternal instincts. he growls when they come near him. that doesn't seem to matter, they still want to nest with him. lonely pups see this energy from far away and say oh yeah, that's who I want to live with. that omega over there who knocked out all of that guy's teeth with one hit. he looks strong.
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That Dragon Legacy ask gave me the mental image of FL picking up his crush and putting them on top of his hoard. Prettiest jewel :)
he lets you sort through his hoard, rearranging it however you wish while he proudly watches, curled up at your side. if you enjoy small, meticulous tasks, Legacy would be delighted if you wanted to polish the glittery crystals and shiny metal bits, rumbling in satisfaction when you hold up each piece for him to inspect. this is your hoard too, after all! it became so the moment you wove the bond your share together, lacing your fingers with his claws- so you are more than welcome to place anything anywhere, as long as you take care of it. one of his favorite things is watching you, sitting between his claws as you carefully examine each and every item in his hoard- anything you seem particularly pleased with is pressed into your hands, a silent offer although you usually just laugh kindly and gently place it to the side
you're examining a small chunk of noctilucous jade when there's a soft tug on the back of your coat, and suddenly you're lifted into the air with a surprised yelp. Foul Legacy carries you a couple meters before setting you down gently on the largest pile of sparkly objects, admiring you with a soft, happy growl. he nuzzles his face against yours, scaled tail thumping contently against the floor as he silently declares you his greatest, most wonderful treasure. you blink, then grin, urging for him to join you at the top of this little world you've created together, and Legacy hurries up and curls around you before burying his face into the crook of your neck with a joyful purr
you'll have to come down, eventually. but for now you're content with being Legacy's favorite gemstone
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escelia · 2 years
Happy Valentine's Day, everyone! Here's part 3 (or chapter 4) of my fic Not So Normal. After this installment, I'm planning on uploading the series to ao3 as well as Tumblr so stay tuned for that link to drop!
Prologue | Part 1 | Part 2 | Masterpost
Not So Normal pt3
TW: vague, brief descriptions/mentions of violence, vivisection, and panic attacks
It had been a total accident. His parents were supposed to be halfway to a science convention by then. When Danny floated through the floor and into the kitchen he hadn't expected his mothe- he hadn't expected Maddie to be there. He should have expected the gun in his face a moment later, but definitely not the hole she'd put in his chest before he'd even gotten a word out. It happened so fast. The shouting and shooting, the thermos…
He'd come to on the exam table in the lab, wrists bound, bright light in his face. He could barely make out the figures just beyond it, though he knew exactly who they were. He'd begged and screamed and cried, anything to get them to listen. Jack had gotten Maddie to take a breath and listen for a moment as Danny tried to get it through to them that he was their son!
"I'm Danny, it's me! I'm still me! Please, mom, you've gotta believe me!"
They believed him. He never thought that would make it worse. They became curious in a way they weren't before. Less angry about the dastardly spook they thought had been impersonating their son and more eager to tear into the science experiment they believed legally belonged to them. They called him an abomination that was no longer human and gripped their scalpels with cruel excitement on their faces. He remembered screaming for hours.
Only Clockwork would be able to say how long he'd been like that. All Danny had known was that he was tired and weak, his throat was dry and his entire body ached. He'd been in human form for the whole thing, and though it was much more painful that way, it kept them from getting to his core. He would only ever be grateful for that.
Eventually it was Jazz that had released him. Jack and Maddie had stepped out for dinner believing his restraints would hold his weakened body. They'd been right, he couldn't have escaped on his own, but Jazz had snuck down to the basement right after they'd left and shoved him through the portal, telling him not to come back, it wasn't safe, but to contact her when he knew he was okay. She'd locked the portal's blast door behind him. There, drifting in the vast green of the Realms, he cried and cried until he felt himself fall through a natural portal.
He'd dropped into a dirty alley with a painful thud and couldn't suppress the cry of pain as rocks and dirt pressed into his wounds.
"Oh my god, are you okay?" He'd heard a man call. Gentle but firm hands helped him sit up, his own hands busy keeping his chest closed and smearing the blood and dirt that already covered him. The man gasped in horror as Danny begged for help.
Turns out the man that found him was none other than Bruce Wayne. He was alright as far as billionaires went; far more sane than Vlad at the very least. When Bruce asked what happened all he could get out was that his parents hurt him and he never wanted to go back there. Bruce had decided then and there that he would keep Danny. They'd taken pictures of the damage for court, thinking they would need to build a solid case since Danny was healing up well. He even called in a few favors with his lawyers. The Fentons, though, oh they helped plenty.
"Dr's Fenton, how do you plead?"
"Guilty! That thing is a monster! It belongs to us! That's our experiment! It's fooled you all! You'll see, just wait!"
Several of the officers around the courtroom had to restrain them as Maddie screamed and flailed. Jack was fuming. But much more docile than his wife. The pictures and testimonies had been enough to prove them guilty of child abuse and neglect, but their outburst all but sealed their fate as unsuitable parents. That day, Danny found a new place to call home, and a new family he was ready to die for.
Today was the day! Er- night! Tonight was the night! Danny was finally going out on patrol with the bat clan officially. After the events at the warehouse and his family finally learning about his past as Fenton and Phantom, Bruce has asked Danny if he was interested in patrolling with them. Damian had vouched for Danny, doling out thinly veiled compliments about his fighting prowess. Bruce decidedly kept that info to himself. The enthusiasm with which Danny responded had Bruce regretting asking, but it was clear that Danny had been itching to get out there and fight some crime.
Due to his experience, he'd been paired with Nightwing for the night. Dick had cheered at finally getting some one on one time with Danny, pulling him in for the kind of suffocating hug only an older sibling could provide. They had an absolute blast that night. Dick would show off, doing fun, dangerous looking flips off of buildings before firing his grappling hook at the last minute. And Danny could keep up, even as he swung through the air. It made Dick cackle in delight. Quietly of course, they were very stealthy, thank you! (Dick had to be shushed over the coms several times, and Danny was able to keep his laughter to a quiet snicker.)
They'd been on a roll with Danny being able to cover so much ground from so high up. In just the first few hours they'd stopped at least three muggings, recovered a stolen car, and prevented a bank robbery before it had even begun. Hearing his father commend him for a job well done over the coms made him glow with pride. He'd never had so much fun on patrol before. It made his core vibrate with glee.
"Danny, are you… purring?" Dick asked. He heard the others gasp over the coms.
"No! No, now way, I'm absolutely not purring! What gave you that idea?"
"He purrs?" Tim guffawed over the line, and Steph began to giggle uncontrollably.
"Absolutely not!"
"I've found he purrs when he's incredibly happy or content, just like a cat," Damian explained. He could hear the smirk in his voice.
"Aaawwwwwww! I'm happy spending time with you too, baby ghost!" Danny was smothered with another hug.
"Betrayed. By my baby brother! I cannot believe this."
"Settle down everyone! We're still on the clock," came the gruff, authoritative voice of Batman.
Sobering up from the moment, Danny and Dick went back to patrolling. It was starting to get quiet in their area, the others reporting incidents in their own sections of the city. It gave them time to grab a snack before something new popped up.
"You seem to be enjoying yourself," Nightwing began, taking a bite of his granola bar.
"I am," Danny replied. His snack of choice was a pack of fruit snacks. "Patrolling in my old haunt was exhausting. It was just me and my two friends out there most nights. Fight after fight after fight… I have a sense that lets me detect the presence of other ghosts, and it seemed to go off nonstop there. I was lucky if I got eight hours of sleep in a week, let alone a night." He paused to pop a few snacks in his mouth. Dick was quietly attentive, munching on his granola bar.
"Here, I know I've got someone to watch my back. And it helps that humans are much easier to handle non-violently than ghosts."
"I'm glad you like it here, Phantom," Nightwing said with a smile, using his codename. Danny smiled back, getting ready to toss a few fruit snacks into his mouth but stopping short when a chill unfurled on his chest. He gasped, dropping his snacks. Seemed like their break was over.
"What's wrong?" Nightwing asked alert now, eyes flicking around the area to perceive the threat.
"Get behind me."
"Just do it! You're not equipped to fight ghosts!"
At the word ghost, the coms erupted in chaos. Danny shouted at them to stay clear, he could handle it just fine, it was probably a small fry anyways. Dick followed his directions, getting behind Danny but not cowering. No, his big brother was covering his back. Sure enough, about a minute later, three large glowing vultures rose over the edge of the rooftop.
"Awe great, it's the birds with the hats! What do you want?"
"Good evening to you, too, King Phantom," one of them snickered. Danny just scowled.
"Plasmius sent us to, and I quote, 'knock some sense inta ya.'" another one said, making air quotations with the tips of his wings.
"I'll have you know I've got a thermos here with your names on it and no access to a portal. How does an extended stay in Soupland sound?" Danny waved his thermos threateningly at them, a sarcastic smile on his face.
"How does taking your little friend here hostage sound?" The last one threatened, perching his claws on Dick's shoulders. Faster than Dick could blink, Danny had spun around, ice shooting out to freeze the two other two birds, thermos pointed like a gun, while clawed fingers wrapped around the third one's neck. The bird squawked in fear.
Frost swirled dangerously around his aura, and Dick swallowed nervously in the face of its intensity. Danny's eyes were glowing a furious, toxic green, and even though the glare wasn't directed at him, he could feel its anger. Dick had seen him like this at the warehouse, sure. But now, this close, Dick truly understood the sheer power that Danny possessed, the majesty that was this eldritch creature in front of him. Somehow, all he felt in his presence was safe.
Danny growled at the ghost clutching at Nightwing, squeezing until the talons loosened.
"Why did Vlad send you?" He questioned. Absently, Dick thought he reminded him of Bruce in interrogation mode.
"He's mad some other guy adopted you or something, the same usual psycho spiel!"
"What's he planning!"
"I don't know! He was going on about how you're supposed to be his son and was throwing things. He wanted us to come rough up you and your new family. He's real mad, but that's all we know, I swear!"
It was silent for a moment while Danny absorbed the information. He regarded the vulture with cold eyes but didn't release him. He should have known Vlad would try something like this. His adoption wasn't super public but it wasn't like it was a secret either, so he'd been bound to find out. Most ghosts respected him too much as King now to threaten anyone Danny considered family, but Vlad always had his ways. He'd have to take care of it without getting the others involved.
Making up his mind, he hit the button on his thermos, sucking up the frozen ghosts and the ice along with it before swinging it around and shoving the end on the last one's beak, trapping him too. Dick sagged in relief once they were gone and Danny made a fuss about checking his shoulders to make sure he wasn't injured.
"Phantom, what was that about!" Bruce's voice was strained over the coms, likely because he didn't know what to do or how to help. Damn, Danny had forgotten that the others could hear them. At the time it had been a brilliant idea; Danny infusing the coms with ectoplasm meant that not only could Danny use them without causing interference, but they were now some of the most secure lines of communication on earth. There went his plan to keep his family out of it.
"Just some unfinished business," Danny replied, trying to sound unbothered. "The hostiles have been apprehended, and there are no injuries. We're good to continue patrolling."
Dick eyed him skeptically.
"Absolutely not. Turn in for the night you two, we'll debrief at the end of patrol," was Batman's stern order.
"No way, more are bound to show up-"
"Which is why you'll need to teach us how to fight them. We'll need you level headed for that, Phantom. Head back to the cave. We'll talk later."
Danny pouted. He could be level headed and still finish patrol! He could! At least that's what he told himself while he clenched his fists to stop them from shaking. Dick put a comforting hand on his shoulder. It was cold.
"Why don't we have Agent A make us some hot chocolate and we'll tuck in for a movie while we wait for the others," he suggested. The ghost searched his brother's face, seeing concern even underneath his domino.
"Fine," Danny conceded. "But I get to pick the movie."
By the time the others had gotten back to the manor Danny was curled up on the couch, chilly toes tucked underneath his brother's thigh and hands curled around a warm mug while the credits for James Cameron's Avatar rolled on the TV. Damian reached over the back of the couch and gave Danny's shoulder a squeeze, pulling him from his post hot coco daze. They had a meeting to get started.
As everyone settled around the meeting table in the cave, Damian made a beeline to the seat next to Danny. He would never admit to anyone that he'd been jealous that Danny had been sent out with Richard. Logically, he knew there was no real reason for Brother to come with Father and himself. He wasn't getting dethroned as Robin, and he had enough experience that Father could trust Danny out with a patrol partner. Still, he'd wanted to be there for his first experience patrolling as a member of the family. After the events of the evening, he wished even more he'd been there.
He'd heard of this Vlad before, and never in a good light, though he knew nothing more than that Danny did not like him. It was clear he'd been a source of great stress before he had come to them. Damian was frustrated that he couldn't be there to put their assailants in their place. It looked as though Danny had never mentioned Vlad to anyone else. Damian didn't know if he was proud or concerned by that. Instead of voicing his thoughts on the matter, he leaned in close to Danny's ear to whisper.
"Are you sure we're not blood related?" Damian asked with a smirk.
"What?" Danny whispered back, confused.
"When you were questioning the, what were they, birds? You sounded like Father." Danny turned to blink at him, trying to process the comment. "It is a compliment, Danny."
"What are you two whispering about?" Tim asked from across the table. He'd leaned one hand onto the table with the other on his hip like an amused mother who'd caught her children conspiring.
"It's none of your concern, Drake." Danny chuckled and shrugged at him, miming zipping his lips shut.
"Alright, mission report, Phantom," Bruce interrupted, approaching the table and throwing a folder down. "What was tonight about?" Danny took a deep breath to keep himself calm.
"An old thorn in my side. The vulture ghosts were sent by a guy who used to bother me back in Amity Park. Had this crazy idea that if he killed my family, he could have me all to himself as some little heir to his evil empire. Seems he heard about my adoption."
Bruce frowned deep at that. So he was a threat to be concerned about. Good thing he'd done some research on ghost weapons then. He tapped the folder.
"If he'll be sending more ghosts to attack us, then we need to know how to fight them. I've taken the liberty of doing some research on weaponry. DalvCo is willing-"
"Absolutely not!" Danny stopped him short. Bruce barely stopped himself from groaning. It had been a long night, and now was not the time to be argumentative.
"We need weapons. This isn't up for discussion."
"That wasn't a request, Bruce. As High King of the Infinite Realms, I forbid my family from doing business with DalvCo and, subsequently, Vlad 'Plasmius' Masters, who owns it." Bruce's face contorted with understanding after his words. The others were quick to catch on. He heard Dick grumble about how the name wasn't even clever, and it made Danny smirk.
"Besides," Danny continued, a sly grin overtaking his face. His teeth were a little too sharp in his mouth. "I have a much better plan. Tim, how do you feel about mad science?"
Tim's eyes gleamed, and his grin, teeth less sharp and far more human, matched Danny's.
"You can build weapons?" Damian guessed next to him. Danny glowed with pride.
"Of course I can, I'm Daniel Fenton-Wayne, after all!"
Meanwhile, in Soupland
"I told you we shoulda just told him what was up, then got outta there."
"How was I supposed to know he was gonna ice you two?"
"Oh, please, the ice was tame. He souped us! He said he doesn't have access to a portal and he souped us!"
"That's what we get for threatening someone close to our King."
"Exactly, we shouldn'ta done that. We're too old for this!"
"I may be old, but I'm not deaf. Stop shouting in my ear, loud mouth!"
"Well, then get your wing outta my face, flabby feathers!"
"In case you haven't noticed, IT'S FROZEN!"
"We coulda been on a tropical southern island by now if it weren't for that Plasmius jerk pitting us against Phantom."
"We should work for the King from now on."
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nombitenary · 2 months
keep forgetting i made shifters into like a species and not just a description for what chris can do. wild. they are like a type of predator animal in my universe and if anyone has questions i am Very inclined to answer!
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crimeronan · 9 months
thinking about the princess AU kiddos properly being kiddos. like elementary-school-aged. the thing about hunter is that you'd EXPECT him to harbor at least Some resentment toward luz for being the favorite and for being naive and for always needing protection as a kid, especially since he is also a kid who is never afforded the same kindness. but the other thing about hunter is that luz was his painkiller WAYYY before he ever needed to be hers.
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aidanandaxel · 8 months
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Braxel growls btw :)
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janamensch · 1 year
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They may hate each other but they’re also best friends!! This one shot is so important to me
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fadeintoyou1993 · 7 months
one of the best parts of having a cat is that every morning u have a. lil guy making a big deal out of u waking up
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escape-cube5 · 2 years
I love naga preds that after eating someone have to get all cozy in their nest and purr. they r treating the prey like eggs
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thisonesock · 8 months
Pet Lucifer and he‘ll purr. That’s not just a headcanon for me, it’s fucking canon!
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widowshill · 3 months
burke is a dog and vicki is a dog and roger is a cat. if you care
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pepprs · 1 year
ive been wearing my n95 mask outside (like i usually do) and actually haven’t been outside since the smoke came except walking in / out of the house and the building where i work and ive been inside most of the day and home for the last hour ish but i still feel like the smoke particles are in my system and making my throat scratchy. like im breathing pepper :(
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medicus-felini · 1 year
" I'm sure you're going to get many marrys or.. the other ones! Missy Linn!" Not from him, he can't even bring himself to imagine sending those, yet he will leave her a little maneki neko made of wax. "Hope not many kills, ga ne!"
fuck, marry, kill meme
❝ Mister Galdino! You didn't have to- Thank you so much! ❞
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Her tail is wagging almost like a dog's rather than a cat's, absolutely smitten by the little sculpture. This one would definitely have a special place on her desk!
Fuck: 0
Marry: 0
Kill: 0
Wax Sculpture: 1
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doebt · 2 years
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Idk how i missed these
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transformedyt · 1 year
This is Harleen.
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Harleen is a gremlin.
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Harleen knows how to open my bathroom door when it is closed.
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And how to walk through.
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So please explain to me why she insists on DIGGING AT THE DOOR EVERY TIME I NEED TO TAKE A SHIT! She can get out! I have seen her do it! Why is she LIKE THIS?! I was using the bathroom at six in the fucking morning because i had to get up to feed her, and she went diggy dig so loud that it fully woke me up and i can’t get back to sleep! Why, Harleen?! WHY?!
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