#Protective!Jensen is terrifying
lightofraye · 3 months
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Hi there!
Per your request, I cropped out your name. (See? I am nice! 😉)
Anyway… I hope you’re wrong when you say the children are terrified of her. As a human being, as a parent, the thought of a child being terrified stirs me up and makes me worried. I will always act if I can to protect children—my own (be they adult or child) or even strangers.
That said, two possible reasons as to why the Ackles’ children are often described as “polite and well-behaves”. One is they were/are well-parented or frightened of their parents. Given they were/are nannied most of the time, I’m going with (sadly) theory number 2: they’re frightened.
Danneel has a history of screaming and yelling when she’s mad. There were a few anonymous accounts of her acting that way. So I can, tragically, believe her yelling at the kids to behave. Not to mention how she is with Jensen, possibly emotionally abusing the kids as well.
I truly hope that this situation is resolved soon and that the children are well-cared for.
More, that all are in safer, happier places.
Thanks for your input. It’s much appreciated.
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dotthings · 5 months
That new promo photo of the Shaw brothers sure had some spn vibes--the animal skulls on the wall, the candelight, the dried flowers, the lighting, the wardrobe. Also, episode 9 fyi was filmed in a very familiar location that's been on spn...3 times? 4 times? And often gets used in shows filmed in Vancouver when a spooky location is needed. And the plot involved talk of ghosts and demons and had some atmospheric spookiness no one from spn would be ashamed of (Tracker still isn't a supernatural genre show). And because Tracker is filmed in Vancouver, there's a lot of familiar locations, not just that one.
Colter saves people, and connects with the people he meets in each city or town where he saves someone, similar to spn only not monsters or ghosts as the culprits. The Shaw family backstory is full of generational trauma and an abusive father who is terrified of something, it's all very mysterious so far, and wants to protect his loved ones but goes about it in a way that isn't greatest dad ever. The mom is still alive in this one. Her name is Mary. Given the producer on Tracker, Ellwood Reid, worked on Big Sky and custom wrote Beau Arlen for Jensen, at this point I'm assuming the guy is a fan of spn and is having the time of his life. Not particularly into linear broadcast procedural dramas, I prefer genre, so I'm having fun with the spn touches of it, but I do enjoy thrillers and mysteries. Caught up on Tracker a few weeks ago when I saw the speculation about Jensen being cast and it seemed inevitable so I watched and wound up enjoying it. (No slight on Justin Hartley who is a gift to TV, it's just that I don't usually watch this style of show). Tracker's more to the thriller end of things rather than alphabet soup spinoff style and I am liking the gestalt--the cinematography is also very pretty.
Also fun is that Colter, the lone wolf who lives in an airstream and travels from town to town saving people, hunting finding things, yet he has this collection of people he works with that he cares about and who care about him. Colter tries to keep himself emotionally distanced due to reasons, and yet his empathy and big heart keeps showing. It's pretty much Batman. He works alone! He's a loner! He is the night! Except for all these people he obviously cares about in his life. It's actually very soft and has an ensemble cast, along with the rugged "lone wolf fights crime" label and format.
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wormy-armageddon · 10 months
I’ve been rewatching supernatural, so here,
Similarities between Dean Winchester and Jason Todd:
- Jensen Ackles
- Dug themselves out of their own graves
- Came back Wrong and tried to murder their little brothers
- Able to be terrifying and also adorable
- Just a Silly Little Guy
- Scars from their resurrections
- Guns
- Both daddy and mommy issues
- Dying
- Leather jacket
- Uses humor to try and cover up their massive amounts of trauma and various other issues
- Every single thing they say is quotable
- Same sense of humor
- Fiercely protective of loved ones
- Huge nerd
- Doesn't seem like the type to love reading
- Not afraid to Do Crime
- Killed a man
- Good cook
- Fun socks under combat boots
- Red and black
- Has almost no value for their own life
- Pretty
- Kind and caring after no longer contemplating your murder
- In love with their best friends (Cas/Roy)
- Abusive bio fathers
- (Pretty much) adopted by gruff but kind and compassionate father figure when they were troubled youths
- That whole thing with Dean being happy that he’s positively recognized as a warrior at the Ren faire thing also applies to Jason
Thank you for listening
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hologramcowboy · 4 months
Regarding this post: https://www.tumblr.com/hologramcowboy/750004576545128448/i-just-need-to-vent-for-a-second-more-and-more?
I confess, at times, I slide into protectiveness when it comes to Jensen (and a couple other celebrities), but I'm working on it. It's why I've been reading anti-Jensen as well as others, to temper my view point and to open my eyes. Are all of them accurate? Probably not.
That said... I have noticed a downswing regarding Jensen. I'd say it started right around season 15 of Supernatural. Or rather, when everything locked down because of COVID. Being forced to stay with Danneel definitely didn't help Jensen's mental, emotional, nor physical health.
After that, well, we can see that the whole prequel didn't work, and everything else after that. Oh, there were periods where he seemed okay--better, even--and that could be related to his being away from Danneel every time.
I can't say it's solely on everyone outside of Jensen, of course. While it is very hard for abuse victims to escape their abusers--I speak from experience as a survivor--it is possible for Jensen to leave. Unless he's staying for the kids (which is a very valid reason) and perhaps is doing all these cons and attempts to get jobs to keep Danneel happy, especially with the money pit of a mansion in CT.
My heart aches for him. He's made some really bad decisions, and is likely surrounded by people who are either in the dark and/or won't/can't speak up against him because they're yes men or terrified of losing their jobs. (Good god, that's a run-on, sorry.)
I really hope he gets the help he needs. I hope he wakes up to the pain he's putting himself in, people around him, and realize that his name will only take him so far before the bad stuff catch up to him.
I adore him. I do. But not enough to turn a blind eye to all the bad stuff he's continuing. I guess it's not so much a question as sharing my perspective.
Thank you for sharing your perspective, anon.
I think both Jensen and Danneel have toxic traits that clearly feed into each other. It's no wonder Jensen is almost always drunk.
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evas-spn-thoughts · 2 months
When Dean is scared, he gets angry - a rant.
Okay, I'm listening to a supernatural podcast. Now, don't get me wrong, I truly love this podcast and it's been so great to listen to and I have a great time - but my god do I feel like they don't know Dean Winchester.
However, it is fair to say that they don't dive into the characters as much as I do or maybe they just see the characters different to me, which is fine but it doesn't detract from my annoyance. This podcast is also over, so I can't send in any post season feedback on my thoughts, so instead I am gonna rant on here about my thoughts on Dean Winchester and his fear.
So to paint the picture... I'm listening to their coverage of the final episodes of s14 and they are talking about Dean and how angry he gets in those episodes. Now I am a Dean girl and he is my favourite character but also the way he reacts to his emotions is very obvious to me and I see myself in him, especially in him not functioning well when he is scared.
So to get to the crux of what I'm trying to say - Dean Winchester is emotional, he cries a lot more than Sam or any other character - and that is partly because Jensen gets a lot of the emotional moments - but also because Dean feels his emotions obviously and outwardly compared to a lot of the Supernatural characters. He feels so much that he actually cannot contain it, and that's why he's so loveable and loved - but also why he can be so frantic and feel stretched thin in certain storylines.
Something that is core to Dean Winchester is that when he gets scared he transforms that fear into anger. The majority of the time Dean is angry, it's actually because he is so scared of what is happening to him, or to a loved one, or just scared of what he is feeling and how much he cares.
This is key to understanding Dean Winchester, it is a fact of his character, but it's not stated obviously, you need to just watch and get it. Which is why some people do not see it, they only see the anger.
He does explain it in 12x10, he states clearly to Cas - "I'm not mad. I'm worried" - and this is one of the few times it's told and not shown, but unless you tie this fact into your fundamental knowledge of Dean Winchester it's easy to overlook. Even Sam and Cas assume that for the whole of 12x10 Dean is angry, so I do get how the audience can see it as purely anger, even though it isn't.
But I get annoyed when situations like the end of season 14 happen, and people on a podcast that I love read it as 'oh Dean is just so angry', it grinds my gears because to me, Dean is so clearly terrified that something has happened to his mom.
He is running on fear for that whole season tbh, he's just been possessed by Michael - and Dean doesn't like feeling out of control. He then moves into finding out his kid has potentially killed his mom and his best friend has known Jack hasn't been 100% right but hasn't told anyone, so how is he supposed to react rationally to all of this - Dean is all about trust and protecting his family, but to do so, he needs the whole picture.
Dean Winchester has 1 fundamental rule and that is to protect his family, and that is how he goes through life. In season 14, his mom is missing and his son is murdering people he loves, and his best friend kept information from him that got his mom killed. There is no clear good or bad guy for Dean to kill, so he gets scared and then get's angry - at everything.
Now this carries into season 15, and I think you need to see Dean as a man scared for the first like 5 episodes to understand how he's acting, and why he's so cold to Castiel, I think you also need to remember that this isn't the first time Cas has lied to Dean, and these lies have always led to some form of loss for Dean. So this isn't anger and fear about one action, but a build up of numerous examples of where keeping secrets has failed them.
Now yes Dean has lied to his family as well, but this is a tv show and these characters are human beings - and an angel - so they aren't going to be keeping score or thinking rationally about these things.
My general point is just that Dean is constantly scared, this stems from his childhood and his feeling of responsibility over everyone. So his anger is not just anger, it's a lot more complex. So when people dumb it down to Dean being angry and aggressive for no reason it feels unfair to who Dean is as a character.
Anyway, that's the end of my rant about Dean Winchester and how his anger isn't actually anger.
I hope it made some kind of sense, and if not, welcome to how my head works.
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abbatoirablaze · 11 months
Locked Up, Chapter 11
Word Count: 1.7k
Warnings:  violence, attempted sexual assault, murder, mentions of blood and bodily fluids.
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Your door was darkened by the shadow of a man. 
The red hue lit up his frame from behind, making the entire moment feel even more terrifying and surreal.  You could feel your own heart kicking in your chest like a bass drum.  It felt so heavy that your entire body shook, and the vibrations trailed up into your throat until you felt like you couldn’t breathe.  Your heart pulsed so loud in your ears, that it only added to the nauseating feeling of dread that encased you.   
His already villainous demeanor was only enhanced by the murderous glow the red held behind him.  It took you a moment to get over the initial fear, and a new one filled you when you realized that his sandy blonde hair was tinged red as well, but it wasn’t because of the light. 
And that’s when you noticed how his orange jumpsuit wasn’t clean either.  It held the same tinge as his hair in some areas. 
The heavy beating of your own heart felt even heavier as his blue green eyes stared through you.  You felt like you were a gazelle in the Serengeti, and he was a lion, waiting to pounce and make you his next meal.
Every single impulse told you to run, sending shocks up and down your body until you felt like the adrenaline was going to send you into a heart attack.  But in your head, you knew that despite the adrenaline, the inmate was blocking your only exit. 
The next moments felt slowed down to an obscene point where you wondered if it was real life, or if you were in a horror film.  It felt like you were about to be the latest victim as he took a few steps into your office, the baton tapping against his thigh with each step. 
“Hey doc!” he purred in a deadly tone.  A shiver ran down your spine, but and your eyes shifted away from his, towards the weapon in his hands. Suddenly you noticed how the baton was wet, and the area that he was tapping had the same tinge. 
And that’s when it hit you.
The metallic smell that made a new shiver run down your spine. 
He must have killed at least one guard. 
The way that his hair and uniform was messed up. It was blood that made his hair slick. It was another man’s life force marrying into the fabric of his jumpsuit.  Your stomach turned and you knew you had paled at your own realization. 
It only caused his smirk to grow as he spoke to you, “well would you look at that, doc...looks like there’s a riot going on out there!  You’re mighty lucky that I’m here to protect ya…ain’t ya?”
You felt a whimper leaving your throat as he turned partially, enough to close the door behind himself so that you were trapped inside the room with him. 
“I-inmate Rogers…please go back to your cell!”
Steve smirked a little bit more, shaking his head at you, “what?  And leave a pretty little thing like you all alone in the middle of something like this?  What kind of prince charming would I be if I let those animals get to you, hmm?  We’re in the middle of a riot after all…I can’t possibly leave you alone to fend for yourself.  What if someone dangerous got to you and tried to harm you?  What kind of gentleman would I be then?  Hmm?  Really, you should be thanking me on how I got to you first!” 
“Inmate Rogers…”
“After all, doc, you’re mine!” he finished swiftly.  Your heart felt like it turned to ice as you realized that it was him who had written the letter.  He was the one that Ransom Drysdale was worried about.  The one that was responsible for making sure inmate Jensen had received a shiv for tasting your sweet nectar, “so…what do you say we take advantage of our alone time together, hmm doc?  I’ve been craving a taste of that sweet little pussy since the first day I laid eyes on you!  I think getting a little taste would be more than nice don’t you?  Generous enough to do that, doc?  You let Jensen taste you for far less…”
As those words fell from his lips, your fight or flight response kicked in and you turned, running towards your bathroom.  But he caught you before you managed to make it to the door, tackling you to your floor. 
“Come on, princess.  Be good for me,” Steve taunted as he crawled up your body.  You screamed, thrashing around; kicking and trying to push him away as you scrambled towards the door, “if you’re good I’ll be so nice to you…I might even let you cum on more than just my mouth.  I’ll fuck that pretty little pussy so good you won’t know what to do with yourself.  You might even make it so that’s all we do on our appointments…come on, doc!”
You screamed, feeling the fabric of your skirt tearing. 
You kicked him hard in the shin and he cursed, your heel hitting him hard. 
“You bitch!” he spat, backhanding you. 
Your head hit the floor hard, nearly knocking you unconscious momentarily. 
Everything felt blurry as you attempted to lift your head a few moments later.   
The world felt all too dark as you shifted, flopping over to feel the weight of Steve against your own body gone. 
You felt around on the ground, trying to find your balance as you scrambled up to your hands and knees.  As your head lifted you saw Steve fighting with another inmate.  With the world still a little fuzzy, you screwed your eyes together, trying to focus on the opposing shapes.  The words prior to now were all just white noise, sounding all too far off from you, despite the close proximity.
“I’ll fucking kill you!” the inmate promised, his fists furiously pounding into Steve’s face. 
Your stomach lurched when you saw the glint of silver mixed with blood and bone.  The sickening crunch of more bones breaking and brain matter splattering against the carpet close to you making your stomach lurch again until you threw up beside yourself. 
The gurgles from a few feet away stopped, and suddenly you found yourself being lifted up bridal style.  You wanted to fight it, especially when you saw the mess of blood that he was wrapped in, but you found yourself frozen as your eyes met his.
His metallic arm was tinged a deep scarlet.  His jumpsuit was only halfway zipped and you saw the mottled, exposed flesh of where the flesh met the mechanics.  He watched you curiously, but you said nothing, instead focusing on the rest of his exposed, firm chest. 
You couldn’t meet his eyes as you whimpered out his name, “B-Barnes…I didn’t-I don’t…he came after me…he-he thinks I belong to him.  He’ll kill you for what you just did.  He-”
“You’re okay, doll…” he grunted huskily as he made his way to you and pulled you into his lap, “he isn’t getting up from what I did.  You’re okay.”
“He-he’ll hurt me, Barnes…”
Bucky sighed as held you close to himself, “Steve won’t hurt you.  I promise!”
You felt the tears sliding down your cheeks, and the sadness in his own eyes.
“He won’t hurt you, doll!” he promised with finality, “he’ll never come after you again!”
“I-is he dead?” Barnes didn’t answer, and you felt the anxiety building in the pit of your stomach as you found the courage to repeat your question, “is he dead?”
“Yes!” You didn’t know whether to be more afraid of the answer, or the fact that he had no issue in telling you it.  You found yourself wanting to look, but his Vibranium hand angled your face away from the body, “don’t look at him.”
“You got sick when you saw me bashing his brains in,” he said matter-of-factly, “I doubt that you could handle the way that he looks now.”
You didn’t remember throwing up.
You didn’t remember seeing Bucky before he stopped beating Steve’s head in. 
“Is it worse?” you asked nervously, your eyes meeting his once more.
“Yes…but now…I have to get you out of here!” he said firmly, “your office isn’t safe.  You are not safe here!  The inmates are going to start coming for anyone who wasn’t locked up to use in negotiations.  You…guards…administration!”
Just as he turned, you screamed, seeing yet another figure in the doorway.  Barnes’ arms tightened around you and you felt yourself tucking your face into his chest.  You looked up when no one tore you from his arms.  Bucky was glaring at the man as he stepped into the office. 
That’s when Curtis noticed Steves crumpled, mutilated form on the floor, “he come after her?”
“Yeah…” Barnes nodded shortly, “found him trying to tear her skirt off!”
“Put her down!”
“Not a shot in hell, Everett!”
“Don’t get any ideas, Barnes.  I wouldn’t take advantage of the doc.  I’m not an animal,” the mountain of a man grumbled as he undid his jumpsuit and took off the undershirt he’d been wearing beneath it.  He held it out to the pair, “wear this…should cover you well enough.  You’re small!”
“Th-thank you!” you whimpered softly, reaching out to take the shirt from Curtis.  Barnes released you and you slipped the scratchy fabric over yourself.  It reached past your thighs.  Curtis was right.  It did cover you.
“You okay, doc?” Curtis asked softly.  You nodded, unsure on how to answer the question. 
“We have to hole up somewhere safe…” he admitted, his attention turning back to Bucky once he realized that you were safe between the two of them, “now…”
“I think I know just the spot!” Barnes said quickly to the other man.  He looked at you and held out his flesh hand, “think you can trust me and Everett, doc?”
You nodded, taking his hand, “I just don’t want to be hurt!  I-I trust you two…protect me…please.”
“Trust us doc,” Curtis grumbled as he spared you another look, “no one is going to hurt you…not while you’re with us.  We’ll keep you safe!”
Chapter 12
Tag List:  @lohnes16, @prokey16, @tenaciousperfectionunknown, @teambarnes72, @cjand10
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deanstudies101 · 4 months
4x10, Heaven and Hell
[mid-season finale]
Critical theory: Doubt, disobedience. Fathers. Secrets and confessions pt. 2 [Dean]. The handprint <3 Perfectly normal reactions. 
Discussion point/question(s): What do we think about the heaven/hell positioning of Sam and Dean? 
Key quotes: Dean, “How I feel… This… inside me… I wish I couldn’t feel anything, Sammy. I wish I couldn’t feel a damn thing.” 
Further reading: 
Perfectly normal reaction to seeing your buddy kiss a girl (@bloodydeanwinchester)
[I love the one perfect tear as much as the next man, but. Damn I love to see Dean sobbing.]
John is God confirmed. 
Dean wants to be an angel—Anna says angels can’t feel anything. She wants to be human, to feel. He wishes he couldn’t feel anything. 
Dean/Anna, the handprint, destiel. Iga, “This is just a loaf of bread.” Me, “Buddy, this is nothing. We’re just preheating the oven.”* 
[I looked up when Cas was supposed to leave.] [They gave a lot of Anna’s stuff to Cas. Dean and Anna just fucked on screen. So.] So obviously Dean and Anna would’ve had significant romance. And they took her out of the show and replaced her with Cas. And then… Well. [I think certain plotlines, ie. the finale, would’ve been less impactful if it had been Anna. We’ll discuss.] Did Jensen have a say in this character switch, was it partially because of their chemistry? 
[We’ve discussed that demons are camp. I mentioned in the episode that angels are homophobic.] It’s giving disney villain. Was flamboyant demons an acting or writing choice? Was homophobic angels a response to this? Iga, always imagined demons as very emotional, very chaotic (Vampire Diaries vampires, bpd), and angels as stoic, not giving a shit about humans etc. And this… is kinda that? [I’m talking about Paradise Lost, of course. Lucifer is emotional, emotionally driven, persuasive etc. He convinced a whole chunk of the host of heaven to fall.] They have to be like that for it to make sense! 
We’re seeing how humans become demons. They get tortured until they break and start to torture, and we can assume that leads them to becoming demons… so what happened with Lucifer? Did he fall, become human, and then go through this process? Or did he go straight to hell, and go insane because he was alone? [I just read them Paradise Lost Book 1 242-263 aka my favourite bit.] 
Ruby is a real one. She literally put herself through torture for that plan. They love the alliance, the relationship between her and Dean. A lot of feelings
Ruby understands Dean in a way that Sam doesn't. They exchange looks that Sam doesn’t get. He doesn’t feel the need to put up the protective wall, to protect her. He doesn’t need to parent her. And she sees him. And maybe Dean sees her in a way Sam doesn’t, they’ve both had the hell experience, and maybe he respects the fact that she would’ve been in hell much longer than he was. Iga, “Sam doesn’t see Dean and never will, because Dean is his mummy.” And this isn’t an attack on Sam, he’s religious and has a lot of guilt about himself and him and Ruby, and now he knows the angels kinda sucks maybe he’s looking for something to fight for. He sees demons as evil—he trusts her and doesn’t consciously see her as evil—but he does see demons this way, so he has a lot of shame. 
Re: the sex scene. Dean is intimate and soft and… always on the bottom. 
Julio, maybe I’m jumping to conclusions, but if Sam is the antichrist, Dean is the new Jesus. He’s destined to go to heaven. He masks it in his dedication to his job, but he is sad at the state of the world, and mourns what is going on. Ying to Sam’s yang, which makes him the new Jesus, which is why he has to be kept alive, because that is his purpose. Kai’s addition, Jesus doesn’t have a good time on earth. He suffers. He dies on a cross because God told him to. Deancore. Julio again, Dean has all the elements to be Jesus. 
Anna, even as a two-year old human, was terrified of God. She was convinced he would kill her—and eventually the angel’s orders were to kill her. The demons love Lucifer, they’re excited for him to rise, they worship him in a “chill Christian kinda way.” That’s embarrassing for the angels actually. How is God the good guy? He’s not. He’s a dick. Even outside of the ~they just obey, they follow orders, kill humans, kill their own kind. This child was so scared of her father. [I would like to add, though. A lot of demons didn’t believe Lucifer really existed, he was ~just a story told in demon Sunday school. Whereas the angels truly believe all their orders are coming from God. Does that change things? Is it not easier to love something whose presence you don’t feel as much?] If you know someone better, you see their flaws more.  If Lucifer is just an ideal in their minds, they can project on him. However, it seems like Lilith knows Lucifer in some way? And she’s terrifying. So. Not a good reflection on Lucifer.
Re: heaven/hell positioning. Kind of on the nose. Can’t infer much from it literally, Sam having demon blood, Dean saved from hell, Dena is Sam’s guardian, he fucked an angel. Julio, “angels have an affinity for Dean.” Demons have plans for Sam, angels have plans for Dean. But, before the angels and demons got this involved, Sam was the pious one, Dean was the ‘sinful’ one. So a nice reverse. 
[Cas is autistic. He just stands there like (does the Kubrick stare)] Julio, I feel like he’s not really looking in the eyes though. [The thing is, often when he’s talking to people he’s like. Looking around. But with Dean it’s. Full on intense eye contact. Obsessed.]
Mid-season finale—finale predictions. Iga, Angels will be in the finale. Something about Dean’s time in hell, losing touch with his humanity, he doesn’t want to feel anything, he was transitioning into a demon. Kai, Big clash between heaven and hell. Lucifer is gonna get out, and now God is back too. Lucifer and God have some kind of face off. Julio, Sam and Dean need some time apart, they’re going in different directions. Kai, ohh, maybe Sam and Dean fight each other. Iga, Sam, or someone, comes up with a plan to make both sides fight each other again. Maybe Dean has to choose between his brother and someone else to save. Kai, Dean 1v1 Lucifer. Iga, Ruby gets in a predicament, and they have to sacrifice something to save her. Kai, maybe Dean has to die again… following the Jesus route. Iga, no, it’s Sam’s turn, he’s demon Jesus, and he gets reborn slightly more demon. But we’ve already done ‘came back wrong’. 
Star student: Julio, antichrist/Jesus analysis. Also commented mid-episode that maybe Sam’s powers come from drinking Ruby’s blood. This was ignored by everyone. Good job king. [Iga is annoyed by this because apaprently she knew but didn't say it because it felt too obvious.]
Notes: Visiting student Julio. 
*the trail of breadcrumbs is just entire loaves of bread / "the bread we made on supernatural" post (@tiktaalic), which I reference almost daily with lines such as "there's no such thing as bread" and "wouldn't it be crazy if bread was real" etc. etc. a very common tag on my main
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Legitimate Question: Demon Sam and Soulless Dean, what would that be like?
To Start, let’s take a look at what we did get on Supernatural. First, Soulless Sam is frigging terrifying. This character is executed so well and the build-up leading to how dangerous he is is done greatl. At first, once we know he’s soulless, Sam is actually kind of amusing. He’s a dick, but a funny dick (kind of like Dean, but with a harder edge). This is especially jarring when Sam is usually the more empathetic of the brothers, or at least the more restrained one. This peaks, of course, in "Clap Your Hands if You Believe" when he basically steals the show (for me at least … "Safe room…"). We also see that he’s clever and not squeamish (his bloody smile in "Caged Heat" anyone?). But then we see that strong survival instinct and just how far he’ll go to protect himself. Killing Bobby so he can’t have his soul forced back inside him (and the potential danger of it) is … a lot. He isn’t maliciously going after Bobby, it’s just a means that will be justified in the end (for him), and that’s scarier than if he was just angry. He just. Does. Not. Care. And it’s amazing. Later, and in "Clap your Hands." We also see that he bangs every attractive woman that moves in his general vicinity, which is also very unlike our regular, more caring, Sam.
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Secondly, we have Demon Dean. This guy is a little more hit and miss for me. When we are introduced to this version of Dean, I have to be honest, my first reaction was, "So, he's basically just a loser, doichebag?" I get the intention of a Dean who doesn’t care and is just out to have fun, free of responsibility or guilt. Whereas Soulless Sam just literally can not give a fuck and ends up being a dick because of it, Demon Dean revels in being a dick. The Demon element in him enjoys being mean and hurting people just because he can. But he doesn’t feel scary at first, just shitty. In the second and third episodes of Season 10, Demon Dean is much more intimidating, the fight with annoying military guy is excellent in showing the scary side of this Dean. He is literally just toying with the man, like a cat playing with a mouse until it’s heart gives out from fear, and the cat just wanders off, now bored. I’ve seen some fans say Dean letting what’s his face (I legitimately can’t remember his name, but I didn’t like the character so I don’t care to look it up) live was an act of mercy, even though Dean himself says it will torment him more knowing he failed to kill Dean, after spending most of his life training for it, than if he had died fighting to avenge his father. I’m inclined to take Dean's word on that. So, yes, this Dean is scary and vindictive. However, the biggest difference in Demon Dean is that he doesn’t care about keeping Baby clean. No, but seriously, he enjoys mocking Sam and their family, and then he tries to kill him. Would he have succeeded if Castiel hadn’t stepped in, as in, would he have actually killed Sam? I’m not sure. But the fact that he wanted to is the polar opposite if the real Dean. For me, Demon Dean had some weak moments and some amazing moments, but he’s definitely not our Dean.
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So, if we use these two as a templates for soullessness and becoming a demon, it gives a bit if a template to start with. First, when you’re soulless, you still have instincts and seem to feel certain things like amusement, sexual pleasure, satisfaction (in being successful in a hunt), and a survival instinct. However, you lack the deeper emotions like love, your morality, concern for others, empathy. Jared once described soulless Sam as just being incredibly logical. However, we have also seen throughout the series that soullessness doesn’t affect everybody in the same way (a lot of people seem to do terrible things just because they were curious or are very impulsive). Second, Jensen once described Demon Dean as feeling lighter than regular Dean because he didn’t care about anyone or his responsibilities. So we know, similar to being soulless, demons just don’t care about people (though Azazel seemed to care about Meg in a way). We also see that they enjoy toying with people, inflicting pain (mental even more than physical, for the most part), and they are pretty much also all about their own survival. The biggest difference is, I guess, that they are more actively vindictive and have more true emotion than a soulless person. Also, like with soulless people, demons are somewhat different depending on who they were before becoming demons.
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So, if Sam was a demon, say if he kept hitting the demon blood and crossed over, what would he be like? I’m inclined to believe he has the potential to be scarier than Dean, in that he would likely be more focused and goal oriented as a demon. So, would he be pretty much just like soulless Sam, having a lot of sex and killing a lot (people instead of monsters). Would he enjoy toying with people like Dean did, or would he just ruthlessly kill anyone that got in his way. Would he not be all that different because he spent most (or all) of his life with some demon blood running through his veins already? Would he become the new king of hell, leading like he was supposed to as one of the psychic kids? Would he kill Dean for all the times he tried to control his life or because he made Sam feel human in some way, or would he stay away knowing the unknown would make Dean crazy? We saw him threaten Cass when he was soulless. Would he just kill him as a demon for the times he’s screwed the boys over or just because he’s an angel, or would he just be indifferent to him?
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What about Dean, if he was soulless, would he act the same as when he was a demon, mostly drinking and having sex, but without the "fun" of messing with people because soulless people don’t seem to feel enjoyment in that way? Or would he go the Sam route and become a monster killing machine, but even more so? I think Dean is more of a fighter/killer than Sam, so it’s possible that while Sam went methodical hunter, Dean would lean into the killeing machine side of things. How would he react to Sam if he couldn’t feel love for him anymore? Would he still have that instinctual drive to protect him, but he just like locks him in the dungeon to keep him safe so he can go out and get stuff done without looking out for him? Or would a Dean who doesn’t love Sam just say screw it, and leave? Would Dean even be an enjoyable character if he didn’t care about Sam, or go fanboy over various different things? How would he treat Cass, like an occasionally useful tool that he’d summon if he needed him (which, let’s be honest, he does even as his normal self at times) on a hunt or something, or would he just ignore him altogether? Would soulless Dean be more similar to MOC Dean, just less angry?
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I think I’ll ponder this more and do a follow up post later, but in the meantime …
I really don’t know the answers to my dozens of questions, so if anyone has thought about this in some detail, please do comment, reblog or shoot me an ask with your ideas. I’d love to hear people’s thoughts on Demon!Sam and Soulless!Dean.
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Big Sky S3 E12
Omg! This episode!!
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First of all, Jensen killed it in this episode. The way he's so worried about Emily in the beginning, calling her to check in, as though he can just feel the spectre of something bad coming. You can see it in his eyes!
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Then his desperation when he finds out she's gone:
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Every moment is played perfectly. As always.
I can appreciate that Avery probably does think he loves Emily, but when you truly love a child with your entire soul, you'd never CONSIDER getting them mixed up in something so shady just to save your own, embezzling ass.
And while I'm sure he really doesn't want anything to happen to her, he's still acting like a fucking moron, who thinks he has any idea what he's doing, exactly as Beau says:
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He agrees to listen to what Beau says, follow his instructions,
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And then he brings in a gun without telling him! 🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️
Such an idiot. I think he's dead (though he may have been wearing a vest.) and I can not be sad about it.
And then, we find out that Buck had them all the time!! 😯😯 Why? How and why did he take them? I mean, obviously he's psychotic, but I'm curious why he chose Emily and Denise!
Oh my poor babies in the back of that truck! 😭 Emily's screams actually made me tear up, she's so terrified.😭
Now, I'd like to close by showcasing, once again, my "today reason" for hating Carla.
So, she KNOWS people are likely out to get her and/or Emily. Then she sees and confronts some weirdo who's following her, and yet, she doesn't think to call Emily that very second to even to check in? Like, at that point, I'd be immediately driving over there, calling Beau from the road to get him to meet us, and not letting my daughter out of my sight.
Like, as SOON as Beau hears someone's following Carla, he's like, "Where's Em?" Because he's an incredible Dad. Meanwhile Carla runs to Beau in person, cause she's scared and wants the man she walked away from to protect her. When if she was any kind of mother, she would have just called him on her way to protect her child - but she is JUST that self-centered. 😤😤
Sorry, it's just that, if I haven't been clear, #i hate carla. 😠
Anyway, this was a great episode, even if it does still feel like they have way too much story to wrap up in one episode next week!!
Lastly, as an end to my post I'd like to present you with the staggering beauty of Beau Arlen!
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Look at these fucking thighs!! JFC!! 😭😭
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Dead. 😵😵
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I feel like we all get so caught up with the humor of Mystery Spot (3x11) that we collectively gloss over the crushing tragic horror of the episode. Sam having to watch Dean die, over and over, sometimes bloody and gasping in his arms, is horrific. Like, the episode is simultaneously hilarious and horrifying because it's a really good episode, complex and all that, with the whole Groundhog Day thing going on, but Dean taking a shotgun blast to the chest in the Mystery Spot is the first (of many) on screen deaths for the character. But I think we too often choose not to focus on the fact that it's not a quick, clean death. And watching Sam get hollowed out from losing his brother, his only real connection point with the world, is heartbreaking. Jensen's comedic timing is turned up to 11, which I think is part of why it is so easy to walk away from the end of the episode thinking, "that's was great!" rather than really analyzing Sam's reaction to it all. Because while the episode does give us one of the greatest subtitle stage directions of all time...
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I think we need to talk about how dead inside Sam gets. Not only do we get to see, for the first time, how obsessive Sam really is, but we are given a look into how dark a place he goes to internally without his brother, and it's kind of terrifying. We know that Dean's "real" death is coming like a freight train down the tracks towards them, and we are shown what that is going to do to Sam.
There was a post that talked about Sam & Dean being soulmates (I'm not going to get all schmoopy wincesty on this so settle down) that I keep thinking back to while watching this episode. Where they theorized that Sam and Dean shared a soul that had been ripped in half, but it wasn't a clean, straight down the middle tear, it was more like the soul had been gutted. The inside part of it had been put into Dean who lacks boundaries, lacks that protective outer shell, while the outside part had been put into Sam. We see support to that theory in this episode, because without Dean, Sam is at risk, serious risk, of becoming a hollow shell of a person, devoid of the ability to care about anything else. It's not that Sam lacks emotions, he obviously is feeling them so strongly that he burns himself out. Up until this point in the series we've only been given brief glimpses into how utterly badass Sam Winchester is, moments here or there, like when he killed Gordon by garroting him with razor wire. But he practically turns into the Terminator in Mystery Spot after they finally make it to Wednesday and Dean is killed again. Now, one thing this episode could never be called is subtle, Sam's reaction is heavily played here and painfully obvious, it is entirely the point of the episode as the Trickster points out. But what we are really seeing, beneath all the dark humor of Dean dying, and the disturbingly psychotic obsession of Sam trying to stop/undo it, is Sam Winchester mourning the loss of his only real connection with the world. We're only in season 3 and Sam's life is already just Dean.
And so it goes.
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x-ceirios-x · 7 months
family reunion
the new york institute makes the trip to alicante, where rowan runs into family they haven't seen since they were eight.
cw: blood mention, canon typical violence
The moment they crossed through the Portal, Rowan felt a sigh of relief—it had been over five years since they’d been to Alicante, but the air was completely different than that in New York. It was a strange feeling—not quite like home, but it was familiar. When the Forsaken attacked, they did everything they could to protect the kids. They shoved Jensen and Max behind them, telling them to stay put and brandishing the seraph blade that was previously attached to their belt. The Forsaken coming near them swung wildly, with much strength but little aim, but they were able to take it down without being hit too badly. Their arm was bleeding a little, but the monster looked much worse.
The second the Portal opened, they knew it was smarter to get through and live to see another day. Once they saw Maryse pick up Max, they knew he was safe, and they did the same with Jensen. Surprisingly to them, he didn’t fight back—too shocked at the horde of monsters coming at them through hellmist to even think about it. They picked him up, carrying him through the Portal, a knife in their opposite hand in case one tried to attack them. 
They came out the other side, Jensen clinging to their arms in a white-knuckled grip. He was gasping, almost sobbing—he’d never been on a mission before and seen a demon, let alone the terrifying beings Forsaken became. They dropped his legs, letting him stand, but didn’t let go. They kept one hand on his head, cradling him, and wrapped their other arm around his back protectively. The two of them turned, keeping him facing away from the Portal. 
“It’s okay,” they said, squeezing him a little tighter as they watched the fight from the other side—Maryse came through next, Max clinging to her like Jensen was to them. The kids were safe. Next was Alec, then Isabelle, but they stopped paying attention to that and more attention to their brother when he started shaking. 
“What was that?” he asked, words gasping. He pulled away and tried to look back at the Portal, but they turned his chin away from it before he had the chance. 
“Don’t look,” they said, letting him go enough to kneel in front of him—they noticed, lately, that he was getting taller and they didn’t need to lean down too far to talk on his level and they hated it. He was growing up. “Those were Forsaken. They can’t think on their own anymore—they don’t control their actions, okay? We don’t put Marks on mundanes so we can stop them from going through that.”
He nodded and they pulled him in again, letting him rest against their shoulder. He was still a little shaky, obviously terrified, but he was out of the worst of it. They tried so hard to protect him from the darker things of the shadow world—the more disgusting demons, Forsaken, some fae practices, and some dark warlock magic—but they knew there was only so much they could do. They still blamed themselves for not being able to get him out of there faster. 
“I’ve got you, kiddo,” they muttered into his hair. “You’re okay. Nothing’s gonna get you.”
The next ten minutes were a whirlwind. Jace came through the Portal with Simon in his arms, bleeding all over him, and the last thing they saw through it was Magnus, staggering to close it and get away from the Forsaken. Their aunt and uncle met them outside, wondering what all the commotion was—they hurried off to help Simon, barely sparing them a second glance. There were more important things to worry about and they knew that, but they didn’t miss the confused look Patrick sent them before he realized who it was. Maybe eight years without seeing him confused him. 
They slowly let Jensen go, standing upright again; Max joined him shortly after, taking ahold of the hem of his shirt. Rowan ruffled his hair. “You alright, Max?”
He gave them a silent nod and Jensen wrapped his arm around him protectively. It made them smile. 
“Alice? Oh my god!” They turned to face the front porch, looking for the source of the voice. At the top of the stairs, now speedwalking towards the three of them, was Aline Penhallow, their cousin they grew up with in Alicante before they left for New York. They had mixed feelings about being back here, but seeing their extended family again was always a plus. 
Aline made a beeline for them and hugged them tightly—she surprised them by picking them up slightly when she hugged them. It made them screech in surprise, which, in turn, made her laugh. “It’s so good to see you again!” she said, holding them out at arm’s reach. “It’s been so long, I—” she paused and turned to see Jensen. “You were such a baby the last time I saw you—Jensen, oh my goodness—” She hugged him, too; Jensen shot them a look that screamed someone help me. They had no doubt he barely remembered Aline—granted, they didn’t remember a lot fo their time in Idris either. It was so long ago. 
She turned away from the two of them and called to the house, “Sebastian! Come see who’s here!”
Jensen took the opportunity to slide into the house, brushing past the person who appeared in the doorway. Rowan looked—tall, thin with long limbs, and dark hair like themselves. He looked much different than the last time they saw each other, but they chalked that up to growing pains. Sebastian Verlac walked through the door, to the two of them, and smiled at them. 
While they didn’t remember all of it, they knew the bond between the three of them growing up was something to rival even Jace, Alec, and themselves when they were twelve and thick as thieves. They hugged Sebastian as well, arms around his shoulders for a moment before pulling away. “It’s great to see you both,” they said, sounding more genuine than they expected to. It was good to see them, though. 
Sebastian nodded in agreement. “I wish it was on better terms, but agreed,” he said, words rather formal—he sounded so incredibly European it was painful—then again, that was them until they were eight. 
They looked past him as another face appeared in the front doorway—their father. His hair was cut short, clean-shaven, the first button of his shirt was undone but he was otherwise well together. He looked pale and thin compared to what they were used to seeing—then again, what they were used to was three years ago, when he was tanned and his hair was longer, with his arms covered in Marks and mundane tattoos they remembered coloring with markers. He looked like a shell of himself, seeing him in the doorway like that. The shadows made his cheeks look sunken and his eyes looked…well, dead. Like he wasn’t happy they were there. He tried to smile at them but they didn’t believe him; they didn’t smile back. 
Aline noticed the tension and sighed. “I’ve heard one side of the story,” she said. “I won’t pry. But I am nosy, so if you want to get drunk and bitch about your dad later, I’m totally down.”
Rowan scoffed, looking between the two of them. “I might take you up on that, A.” 
Their father had disappeared back into the house when they looked for him again. He could have his small, happy family with Jensen and live with it. They didn’t want to see him right now. 
“There’s dinner inside,” Sebastian spoke up, clearing the air. “Anyone hungry?”
Rowan nodded, shrugging off their hoodie as they realized it was sticking to their arm. There was a small gash from the Forsaken there, but it looked like it already stopped bleeding. The hoodie got the worst of it. “How’s your runes?” they asked. 
He chuckled. “Pretty good. Let’s get you inside.”
Aline cheered. “Family’s back together!” she said excitedly. Rowan almost smiled at her, but there was too much history in this house for them to be truly happy about it all. They wondered if their room was the same, if they still kept their family photo from when Jensen was born on the fireplace, or if the treehouse was still there. Luckily, she changed the topic quickly. “I need you to meet my parabatai, Alice. Lian. He’s awesome.” 
They paused in their tracks—it was time to rip the bandaid off, they realized. Their tiny family in New York respected them and used their middle name when referring to them, but the world outside was unaware. They had a split decision to make and they felt the tension in their chest tighten as they spoke. “I, uh…” they said awkwardly, watching as the two stopped a foot or so ahead of them. “I go by my middle name these days. Rowan.”
Aline raised an eyebrow. “How come? Alice is such a pretty name. And Rowan is so…unisex.”
Sebastian rolled his eyes at her question–he looked like he understood that was the point. They remembered Aline being a little dense, but it was mostly in social settings. They related and didn’t get mad about it. “I think Rowan suits you. Alice is a little too…” he trailed off. “Well, it’s not you.”
“I appreciate that,” they said, a smile playing at the corner of their lips. “Now it’s just a matter of convincing your parents.”
Aline chuckled. “I don’t think that’ll be a problem. You’re always my mom’s favorite, anyway. So responsible, as she says.”
They let out an involuntary laugh—one that almost sounded like a cough. In recent years, responsible wasn’t the best word to describe them, especially not lately. They bent (or broke) every rule given to them simply because they could. Or spite—the problem with authority started in New York, too. Sebastian smirked at their reaction and opened the door, allowing them to enter their childhood home that now looked unrecognizable from the pieces they remembered. 
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the-moose-says-j3rk · 2 years
Fanfic Rec - J2 - Creature Fuc
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A Hole Straight Up to the Sky by phoenix1966
Captured by scientists determined to save the human race from impending extinction, two weres - seemingly strangers - are caged together. What happens between them is unprecedented and changes the course of both their races forever. You need an AO3 account to access this.
Changes by anonymous
werewolf!Jensen was Jared’s best friend and co-star for the last nine years. One night of drunken sex totally changed their relationship and entire life - Jensen accidentally turned him into a omega werewolf. At first when Jared’s body and behaviour begin changes this is a little strange and unpleasant for him, but Jared is really terrified when he finds out that he’s pregnant (for him this is unnatural for a man to become pregnant, also he fears that this can destroy his and Jensen’s career…). I want that Jensen was very protective over Jared , tries to reassure and ease him into his new role, convinced Jared that being an omega and carry Jensen’s child isn’t a bad thing…
Executive Privilege by anonymous
Ever since Jared became President, he has been learning all the secrets that the general population just can’t know yet, but that the President needs to be aware of to effectively run the country (the Stargate was kind of wicked awesome). Today he gets to meet a real live werewolf - Alpha Wolf of the United States. He’s been briefed on all the protocol for meeting an un-mated Alpha wolf and he’s looking forward to meeting Jensen. Jensen on the other hand is not really looking forward to meeting another President, it’s a pain and time consuming. He’s never been fond of the parlor-tricks that “prove” he’s were. Jensen has been mated for a long time, and he certainly never expected to meet his mate in the White House, let alone have it be the current President of the United States.
In the Company of Wolves by insane_songbird
A war as old as time… A warrior with great honor and a young Alpha on his way to become a leader… … with no love lost between wolf and man, will they be able to unite their strength for peace between their people? For you never know whom you can trust… in the company of wolves.
In the Flesh by bewaretheides15
Jared’s one of the few people who can pass through the woods unharmed by the fierce wolves that roam there - has been able to ever since he was a little boy and befriended a wolf pup. But there’s a lot more to the story than Jared knows and when it comes time to make a choice, which life will he want? This is one of my all time favorites. 10/10 would recommend.
Green Eyes of Mine by GiGi87
Jared was taken by rogue wolves, and used for their entertainment. Then dumped. Jensen found him and brought him to his pack to heal. During his recovery there are many new things to adjust to, but with Jensen’s help, Jared might be able to do this.
Oh, When You Love It by soulmatecest
Wanting love is not exactly part of Jensen’s Siren nature, but there’s a reason why he’s a half-blood after all. He has human DNA mixed up with the murderous, mythical blood pumping through his body.
There’s the part of himself that doesn’t mean to kill. The other side of the coin, the good part of himself. The other half that wants to be normal, a part that wants to stay far away from the mythical section of the library in his head and act like a human, have a job like a human, date like a human and fall in love like a human. But after some hundred years of trying to do that romance nonsense, life has proven that Jensen should probably give up on that idea. Finding love when he’s half of a mythical monster doesn’t seem very promising.
That’s until Jared walks into the bar he’s working in on a Thursday night, proving Jensen that Siren or not, there’s an exception for everything. And Jared is his exception.
To Smile with Amber Eyes by Cozy_coffee
A fill for the spnkink_meme prompt
Stranger Wings by ashtraythief
Jared is on a mission for his queen when he’s attacked by a bunch of outlaw robbers. Just as he thinks he’s done for, another outlaw shows up in the sky, and this one’s apparently on his side.
Take Anything You Want From Me by AmyPond45
Jared is a newly-made guardian angel, Jensen’s his charge. Jensen is reckless and prone to accidents, so Jared has his work cut out for him, saving Jensen from burning buildings, dangerous falls, near-miss car accidents. Jensen just wants to see Jared, to hear his voice, to feel his touch. He might be a little in love.
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The Last Town - Blake Crouch
(Wayward Pines #3/3)
Welcome to Wayward Pines, the last town. Secret Service agent Ethan Burke arrived in Wayward Pines, Idaho, three weeks ago. In this town, people are told who to marry, where to live, where to work. Their children are taught that David Pilcher, the town’s creator, is god. No one is allowed to leave; even asking questions can get you killed. But Ethan has discovered the astonishing secret of what lies beyond the electrified fence that surrounds Wayward Pines and protects it from the terrifying world beyond. It is a secret that has the entire population completely under the control of a madman and his army of followers, a secret that is about to come storming through the fence to wipe out this last, fragile remnant of humanity.
Read if You Like:
Science Fiction
Dystopian Fiction
Post Apocalyptic Fiction
Suspenseful Stories
Recommended if You Enjoy:
Paul Tremblay (Survivor Song)
Hugh Howey (Wool Omnibus)
Blake Crouch (Run)
Jeremy Robert Johnson (The Loop)
Supernatural (T. V. Series, 2005)
10 Cloverfield Lane (Movie, 2016)
First Book in Series:
Previous Book in Series:
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abbatoirablaze · 1 year
Hidden Sisters, Chapter 20
Word Count: 1.6k
Warnings:  angst, mentions of abandonment/abandonment issues, hints of violence/assassins, dark OC, threats of murder.
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Annalise stared, bewildered at her older brother and his husband, “wh-what are you two saying?”
“We are here to help,” Ransom smiled softly, “we have seen what you have done for your people.  What Lance has done to help his subjects, and it is not in my nature to just stand by while an injustice happens…not if I can help.”
“We are truly grateful for you and your husband’s assistance to our kingdom, King Ransom!” Lance offered, looking blissfully at the hidden entrance to the new water kingdom, “we are few in number, but-“
“It’s enchanted!  Or well, the enchantments will be finished in a week,” Ransom said, cutting him off, “no one that should not be here, will not be.  Your kingdom will not be able to be reached unless they are a water nymph or have been granted access by one of your own.”
Lance nodded, tears lining his eyes, “my people will love it…thank you.”
“We just want you to be safe!” Jake sighed from beside his husband.  Ransom put his arm around Jake’s waist, and the wolf whimpered ever so slightly, “I-I’m sorry for how I reacted when you left, Annalise…I just-“
“You were scared!”
Jake nodded, terrified to be talking to his little sister about his concerns.  But Ransom squeezed Jake’s hip gently, reminding him that he was still there and on his side, “I thought that he wasn’t right for you and that you would end up hurt…”
“I’ve done everything in my power to protect her!” Lance replied, slightly angered by the insinuation that he wouldn’t try to protect his mate. 
“I jus-I just started getting to know you and Sam though!” Jake whimpered, still looking at his sister, “and you were both so wrapped up in finding your mates…and I get it…I do!”
Ransom gave his husband a soft look, knowing just how much pain he was in and how alone he’d felt when he’d first met him.
“I think Jake is trying to say that he reacted poorly because Jennifer rushed off to be with Nick…and they don’t have that much of a relationship…and then you ran off with Lance…and Samantha was infatuated with Jefferson, and after you ran off, she did to…he just felt abandoned…”
Annalise felt her heart breaking for her older brother as she looked at him, “J-Jake…I didn’t abandon you…”
“i-I know…Ransom and I talked about it a lot…you were just following your heart…” Jake replied softly, “I would have done the same thing…I just-you never kept in touch…so I-“
Jake’s words stopped when his younger sister charged him, wrapping her arms around him, “I’m sorry, Jake…”
He sighed again, slumping against his sister’s arms, “Annie….I-“
“I’m sorry!” she repeated, this time nuzzling against him as well.  Jake felt a rumble in his chest as he accepted the comfort that he knew he was craving. 
“It’s okay…I just-don’t disappear on me…okay?  I-I can’t handle it when people just disappear on me…”
“I won’t, Jake…never again.”
He sighed against her, his rumbles lulling both of the siblings as they held one another.  Ransom smiled and rested his arm over Lance’s shoulders, “so good that they’re making up…”
“While I appreciate what you’re doing for us…get your hands off me, Ransom.  You’re still a dick to the rest of the free world.”
“So are you buddy!” Ransom said with a knowing grin, “but we’re soft for our Jensen mates…”
“Yeah!” Lance sighed, lovingly looking at the woman that he loved, “I’d take on the world if I needed to…but only for her.”
“Wait until you two have kids together…I’d do anything for our girls…”
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“I had to,” Nick said defensively, crossing his arms over his chest, “things were getting too quiet over there, and it’s not like the assassin did their job.  So-“
Nick felt the color draining for his face, and his throat dry up as he admitted to his wife and mate what he’d been doing behind her back. 
“Lance was trying to take our child…”
“He sent Lloyd…once…and then he made that speech about allowing water nymphs to come and go as they pleased…he wasn’t going to take our child!”
“That was a trick!”
“Really?” she scoffed, “you had nymphs coming to us, saying that they chose to see you as the king because you’re a dual nymph and you thought it was some sort of trap?”
“Wouldn’t you?”
But he was promptly cut off when Jennifer slapped him hard across the face. 
“You don’t have to like him, you ass, but you don’t go burning down his kingdom because you’re feeling threatened.”
Nick’s jaw tensed as he glared at his wife, “I’m not threatened…”
“Listen to yourself,” she scoffed again, “you brought in an assassin to go after him.  You attacked his village and burned it to the ground.  You’re the one starting a war here, not him!”
“No…no…it is all a ploy…he’ll come after us!” Nick said wildly, “we have to think of our kingdom, Jennifer.  Of the boys.  It’ll only be a matter of time until Jefferson joins in.  We have to hit them too!”
“You’re insane…”
“I’m thinking about you and the boys, Jennifer.”
“You’re thinking about yourself…and your paranoia.  And your own ambitions!” she answered, “and we’re not here for it.”
“My lord…”
“Not now!” Nick growled, glaring at the guard who had shown up at the door to his chambers.
“We’ve found a spy, my lord!” the guard replied, not bothered by the fact that he was interrupting the conversation between Jennifer and Nick.  He tossed down a woodland dagger that was fitted with intricate detailing on the wooden handle and ivy etchings along the blade, “the woodland nymphs aren’t hiding in the shadows now that news is out about the water kingdom.”
Nick’s nostrils flared as he stared at the weaponry, “where did you find this?”
“Deep within the mountain…Antara and Vulcani found it on their patrols…”
Nick turned towards his wife, a wild look in his eyes, “do you wish to discredit me now, wife?  Because we have either a traitor or infiltrator somewhere in this mountain.”
Jennifer felt worry creeping into her bones as she stared at the blade.  Her gaze turned back to the two bassinets where her hatchlings were sleeping. 
“My lord?”
“Well?” Nick asked teasingly to his wife, “what is it that you’ll have me do, my queen?”
“This war is your fault, Nick,” she spat, tears lining her eyes as she tore them away from her boys and looked towards her husband, “you started it…so you take care of it…but if anyone from my family dies…it’s because of you and you alone.  That blood is on your hands.”
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“I don’t care!  Turn them away!”
Jefferson’s throat tightened as he looked at the disheveled looking water nymphs who stood in front of his guards.
“Have any of them committed any crimes?” he asked, over the microphone, ignoring his wife’s disapproving comments.
The guards turned back to the nymphs and began to question them once more.  Jefferson looked back to his pregnant wife. 
“Don’t touch me,” she spat, pushing herself away from him.  Jefferson frowned, feeling the anger across their bond.  She held her stomach and turned towards him after a minute, “you don’t care about us at all, do you?”
“Wh-what?  How could you say that?” he asked, “I’ve done everything that you’ve asked of me.  I made sure our walls were fortified once you found out you were pregnant.  We’re married and mated per your customs and mine.  You’re the queen of the woodland nymphs.  I made sure our home is bigger and more well-equipped to handle our future children-“
“But you let those…things in.”
Jefferson frowned, “they are our subjects, Sa-“
“They aren’t!” she hissed, “you’re spreading the kingdom too thin by letting every refugee that wants to come in have a seat at the table.”
“They are still nymphs and beings that are alive!” he justified, “and I will not turn someone away who has done no wrong so that I-“
“We are suffering because of you!” she spat, glaring at him. 
“No crimes my king!”
“What would you have me do then, my love?” he asked painfully, not daring to look back to the guards or the camera until his wife let him, “say it and I’ll do it…”
“Shut down the kingdom!” she said firmly.  “our subjects are not free to traipse about anymore…not until this war is over.”
“And I want these refugees heads on spikes!” she continued, cutting him off with a deathly glare, “I want everyone to know that we aren’t to be played, Jefferson!”
“But Samanth-“
“You said…whatever I wanted.”
Jefferson looked nervously back to the camera that showed his guard who was awaiting his instructions.  Behind the guard he could see them.  Only about eight or so people, but they didn’t look like a threat.  They had come to his gates for help.
“There are children…”he said helplessly, looking back to his wife.
“I want their heads…show me that you can protect me, mate…” she said slowly, “show me that you can protect our future children…”
Chapter 21
Tag List:  @lohnes16, @dontbescaredtosingalong, @teambarnes72
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Bless Rob - AHBL8 2017 - Free Falling : X
Jensen stop singing 'cause he think that Rob would when it's appear that it's his idea.
The moment :
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I love how Rob assume that it's just Jensen being protective and wants Rich to let his Jared breath.
I love more the realisation on the face of Rob when Rich tell him that's not Jensen being too protective.
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Cute little thing Rob, i like you more and more 🤩
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homielander · 3 years
initial reactions to the boys season 3 teaser:
BILLY HAS POWERS! i guess this is how they get around the blackmail problem that was so pervasive in the second season
it looks like vought is putting out an advertisement with a-train that's a clear parallel to kendall jenner's pepsi-gate. tell me why this show will go to any lengths to parody pop culture
okay maybe this is just a me thing but i'm so tired of there being musicals in shows where they obviously don't belong. it looks like we're getting songs with supersonic and frenchie/kimiko. i'll reserve judgement until we see it on screen but i don't feel too good about this
ashley and marketing guy... ew
homelander continuing to intimidate his fellow members of the seven... the paycheck cannot be worth it you guys just quit
it looks like neuman blew up a dude in which case... why did his whole body explode and not just his head (like last season)? can she target which areas she wants to blow up? colour me confused
cameron coleman will actually be in season 3!!
crimson countess looks so promising! i wonder how her powers compare to the rest of the seven if she's meant to be a scarlet witch/phoenix parody
what is the deep doing........... i just know chace crawford is tired of reading these scripts
jensen's soldier boy costume is VERY captain america-esque... will he whip out the green one we've already seen in combat situations?
MAEVE HAS HER SWORD!! LIKE IN THE COMICS!! she ate up her two seconds of screen time as usual😌
ryan is back! and he looks distressed. let this poor child be happy i will protect him with my life
starlight looks like she is having a crisis, probably brought on by having to continue working with vought. interested to see how they will explore that this season. how far should someone go in the spirit of not jumping ship?
why is homelander doing that. why is there a cow at vought tower in the first place. did he have it specially requested? why did i have to see that. why-
from a storytelling perspective i'm very excited to see how billy deals with his new powers. from a sane perspective i'm terrified for everyone
anyway the trailer is a bit edgy for my tastes (but i feel like that's just the marketing because the last seasons' trailers were the same and did not really reflect the content of the show). i'm still cautiously optimistic. june 3 can't come soon enough!!
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