#Psychological Conditions
Embracing diversity is crucial in our world, and it’s important to acknowledge and appreciate the distinct strengths found in individuals with autism. Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) encompasses a range of neurodevelopmental differences, contributing a diverse array of abilities, viewpoints, and talents to our communities.
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When it comes to anxiety and depression, lifestyle changes are seemingly simple but effective tools for managing their symptoms. Along with medication and psychiatric services in Prince George’s County, Maryland, they are a vital component of an integrated approach to treatment. Likewise, here are a few lifestyle changes that can help you overcome anxiety and depression:
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angstingantlers · 3 months
Perfectly Clean Mind Control
Whump: psychological abuse, mind control, manipulation, identity altering, (de)conditioning, paranoia.
Mind control that doesn't dominate your thoughts, it just... is your thoughts. Perfectly rewriting your will and everything it embodies. Not a single trace of resistance because this is just what you want. Why would you resist your own thoughts? Why would you disagree with your own motivations, your own desires?
Mind control that doesn't shatter once it's done, it just disappears. You don't snap back into awareness. You barely even notice. You just continue as if nothing ever happened. Maybe one moment you look back and you frown, because thinking on it, you remember when you happily followed that person out of town, and you remember what you did, you remember wanting to... but that's crazy. Why did you think that was okay? Why did you want to do that?
Or maybe you were under this mind control for so long that even once it's over you look back and say, "Oh, of course I did that." As far as you're concerned you've always held the beliefs you do now. You've always wanted to do these things. You don't remember why, but you've never had to think of why, and it doesn't matter anyway when you've always been so confident that you're right. It isn't until you're challenged on it all and reminded that you never used to be like this, that you were different before, that something has changed that you finally falter. And you try to think of where this all started, try to figure out why things changed -- and all you can really remember is an entrancing pair of eyes, and a gentle suggestion, and then your own mouth responding, "That's a great idea. Let's go."
And suddenly, you realise that you have no idea how much of what you are, what you were, and what you believed you always have been is just a lie. You don't know whether any thought you have now is really yours or just another preciously placed prompt. You don't trust your impulses, you don't trust your desires, you definitely don't trust your judgement.
You don't trust yourself. And you never can again.
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call-me-strega · 9 months
Dc x Dp Prompt #7: Pavlov’s Ghost Would be so Proud
In which Jazz tries to play matchmaker and accidentally classically conditions her new friend, Jason, into liking her brother.
Basically, Jazz is a college student at Gotham U when she shares a Lit class with Jason Peterson and they bond over deeply analyzing the characters. Jazz isn’t looking for a relationship (maybe she has a partner? Maybe she wants to focus on her studies? I’m low key considering aro-spec Jazz but who knows?) but she thinks Jason would get along great with her brother Danny and decides she wants to set them up.
She bribes Jason into coming over to study or hang out with the promise of fudge and take out and incidentally observes him deeply enjoying said food. She decides that since eating food puts Jason in a good mood that’s when it would be best to talk up her brother. So the next time Jason came over she casually steered the conversation toward her brother’s recent endeavors to transfer to Gotham in order to be closer to her because he’s so sweet and protective. She then offers Jason a slice of cheesecake she had leftover from a lunch out with the some friends which he graciously accepts. Then, just as he starts eating Jazz goes “oh here let me show you a picture of Danny!” and shows off her cute younger brother to her friend.
She doesn’t do it every time she and Jason meet because she figures that’s be too obvious but every time he comes over she offers him food knowing it puts him in a good mood so she can talk up her brother. It’s just that she says his name or shows him a picture of whatever Danny’s been up to recently while he’s eating.
Jazz just genuinely believes she’s just doing her best to be a good wing woman. It’s not until Danny actually moves to Gotham and Jazz decides to introduce them that she realizes what she’s done. She invites Jason over to come meet her brother and watches her how when he sees Danny he gives him an actual genuine smile, not a polite smile you give strangers, but one with actual joy. This is followed quickly by a sense of visible confusion in Jason‘s eyes and Jazz starts to connect the dots.
She excuses herself to the kitchen to go get the snacks she was planning to serve as she looks down at the tray she realizes ‘Oh my gosh I’ve been classically conditioning Jason to associate joy with my brother’! She puts together that an unconditioned stimulus = food (specifically served in her apartment) -> unconditoned response = Jason feels happy/good and that by talking about and showing off her brother every time Jason eats she made her brother a conditioned stimulus for Jason to associate with happiness.
She mentally groans realizing what she’s done but then looks back over at Danny and Jason hitting it off and can’t bring herself to fully regret it. This kinda was her goal as a wingwoman after all. She brings that snacks over to see a flush on her brother’s face and the tips of Jason’s ears red and thinks with a big grin ‘Hey! Maybe if this goes really well it’ll be a fun story to tell at their hypothetical wedding!’
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abhainnwhump · 1 year
Been obsessing over the idea of a Whumper who wants to live out a stereotypical family fantasy so they kidnap a few Whumpees to do it.
One Whumpee is their spouse. Whumpee is beautiful and caught Whumper's eye. They had a promising future before, but now they're stuck in this housewife role and have to suck up to their captor. They feel worse because they already have someone they love.
Another Whumpee is the kid. Whumper chose this one because of their small size and/or cute features. They have a cute bedroom, childish clothes, and limited access to information so they don't get too smart. They're also drugged most of the time so enjoy naps.
The last Whumpee is the pet. This one gets treated the worst. They have to act like a dog 24/7 and play fetch with the kid. Bonus points if this Whumpee was super cocky before and are now treated like an animal.
Whumper is the head of the household and makes sure everyone else stays in line. They want their family to be perfect, but they aren't against violence. They'll torture the Whumpees until "they love them again".
The Whumpees all befriend each other and plan to escape. They have to be careful so Whumper doesn't catch them, but they can't stay here.
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gee i wonder if the issue could be at all related to the fact that the current treatment plan for his chronic pain consists solely of FUCKING IBUPROFEN
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tazmiilly · 1 month
it is always nice to find another abuse survivor who also felt like ford's story resonated with them. it's nice to feel like there's other people who know what I'm talking about
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furiousgoldfish · 1 year
Abusive parents will convince you that you're incapable of being independent, when all your life you were nothing but independent. You were growing up and figuring it out and resolving issues and solving problems all on your own because you had no goddamn parents because nobody filled that role for you. You were on your own from the start. Nobody ever enabled you to be anything but independent.
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abuzd · 4 months
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bardic-irritation · 3 months
maybe unpopular opinion but I'm kinda loving Elias so far? like as a Person I would hate him but as a Character? kicking my feet and giggling everytime he makes a stupid joke or menaces someone. slayyyy old man. terrorizing your employees is so good for the Plot.
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In the realm of medical advancements, the world of brain stimulation therapy has taken center stage with innovative treatments like MeRT (Magnetic e-Resonance Therapy). As a non-invasive brain stimulation technique, MeRT stands at the forefront of neuroscience, promising hope and potential for individuals facing various neurological and psychological conditions.
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Schizophrenia is a serious chronic brain disorder that impacts the way people interpret reality. This mental disorder usually involves hallucinations, delusions, disorganized thinking, and unusual behavior. People with schizophrenia tend to experience psychotic episodes that are confusing and incredibly isolating. Hence, psychiatric services in Prince George’s County, Maryland are necessary to manage its symptoms.
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risariba · 2 years
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abhainnwhump · 8 months
Defiant Whumpee with the ability to see the future is stuck in captivity. They see their future self broken and conditioned without any fight left in them. No matter what they choose, they will always end up as Whumper's pet. The question is just when and what will do the trick.
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theoddvet · 1 year
I will always reward my dog for good behaviour and following commands for the rest of her life, because:
a) why the hell should she work for me for free
b) it is literally the easiest thing to keep doing and takes nearly nothing out of my day
c) it helps her continue to build more positive associations even in situations where she is uncertain or even frightened as she understands the Protocol and what behaviours get the Reward.
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whump-queen · 1 year
whumper pretending to be mad just to see whumpee squirming and groveling and apologizing within a second because they don’t know what they did wrong but fuck they’re so so sorry and they’ll do anything to make it better—
“sir please—please let me make it up to you—I promise I’ll be better I swear—just please—”
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