#Quick Typing
moneymaker250 · 1 year
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crybaby-bkg · 9 months
I think Deku has a bit of a mean streak, actually. he’s no Bakugou—that’s for sure—but he’s not this innocent, sweet angel baby that the media has painted him out to be. but you only catch it when you least expect it, when you’re pushing his nerves, when the stakes to everything around him are high, when he’s tired of endless sleepless nights and just—snaps.
“Oh?” you go, grin unfurling like some grinch, chin resting on your hands as you leer at him from across his expansive desk. “You’re mean.” your words are teasing, a snarl that curls your mouth up. Deku stutters, eyes going wide, jaw snapping shut in surprise as he tries to think back on how rude he just sounded.
“No, I’m not—I mean, you wouldn’t stop and I just—there’s a lot on my plate right now—and you just—you keep on—I’m not—I’m not mean.” He’s sputtering, hands all over the place, the glasses perched on the bridge of his nose falling even lower with how he jabbers on and on. it’s endearing really, to see how he tries to upkeep his image of being so kind and understanding, even though his nostrils just flared at you. and his eyebrows turned down and he gritted at you, his hands were balled into fists, his words were so nasty, so ugly, so unbecoming for Deku.
you liked it. loved it even—vowed to get him like this every single fucking second that you could.
you pick and poke at him whenever you see him, teasing him and pulling at him. pushing him around even though the hero is so much stronger than you, so much bigger. and he lets you, tries to defend himself but—that’s not what you want. you want the ugliness, the snark, the mean.
he snaps, eventually, when you least expect it. grabs you up in black whip when you go to push him against the wall for the third time in only a minute, his eyes suddenly dark, the aura of the room suddenly charged.
“That’s what I was looking for.” you whisper to him, the grin spreading your face quickly dissipating in only seconds when you become the prey. when you become the one pushed up against the wall with teeth at your neck, a hand in your underwear, bullying your hole with too thick fingers.
“Why do you want me to act like this? Be so mean to you, huh?” he sounds so frustrated with himself, with you, growling and nipping and licking when you don’t answer quick enough. but your breath is caught in your lungs because finally—finally, did you get what you wanted. it just took a little bit of pushing, you suppose.
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catastrothy · 5 months
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went to the game store today and had a bad experience
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the-lesbian-orpheus · 5 months
Babysitting is great because the kids I babysit asked me if I like Minecraft and we talked about it and I ended up briefly explaining GeminiTay and these 6 and 9 year old boys now think this fantasy princess that hunts down her friends heads for fun is one of the top 15 coolest people
Gotta say I agree
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myuminji · 1 month
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9 days, 12 dead.
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hajihiko · 1 year
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two shorties getting along 🤭
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arcanegifs · 10 months
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canisalbus · 7 months
You’ve most likely answered this before but what breed exactly is Machete? I’ve been trying to figure it out for a while I’ve thought maybe a saluki but the ears arnt right.
In theory his breed is fictional Podenco Siciliano, but he's not a purebred example. Out of existing dog breeds he looks closest to (and is related to) Ibizan Hound.
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But sometimes I see Silken Windhounds that also kind of remind me of him. They just don't have the characteristic bat ears.
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The Ultimate YANDERE TYPES List | Extensive Graph and List
So I was doing research for my writing and I found a really good Yandere Types chart!
Full sources and links to further reading will be below in the notes!
And before getting into it, remember to read the trigger warnings and content warnings. This is Yandere fiction we’re talking about, so it’s going to get messed up.
Themes + Trigger Warnings + Content Warnings:
Possessiveness, Obsessiveness, Unhealthy relationships, Religious themes, themes of sociopathy, themes of mental illness, hallucinations, delusions, hallucinations and delusions due to drugs, mentions of: physical abuse, sexual abuse, brainwashing, murder, suicide, murder-suicide, self-harm, stalking, panic attacks, cannibalism, necrophilia.   
{click to open and zoom in to see the details! I'm so sorry, mobile app users :(}
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Broad types. Click them to see more information!
Possessive Type
Shackling Type
"Denpa" Delusional Type
Love and Hate Type
Intoxicated Type
Stalker Type
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This does not belong to me. I only gave a summary of what I read. ORIGINAL SOURCE LINKED HERE.
It's an English translation of material from an upcoming game called Yandere Town. UNTRANSLATED, ORIGINAL JAPANESE SOURCE LINKED HERE. I do not know when this game is coming out, but darn the details that went into this is crazy! It might help you out if you're writing anything yandere!
(Original translators, I have no problem with taking this down if you don't want me reposting your translation to my blog! ^_^)
♡If you want to see more content like this check out the Writing and Yandere Masterlist and if you want to learn about this blog check out all things sketchprincess02!♡
♡Please consider REBLOGGING and COMMENTING if this helps you!♡
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churomo · 1 year
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assorted “what if” designs
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aimseytv · 30 days
sorry, but of a stupid question, but are marceline and princess bubblegum in love in the show, or is it one of those things that are heavily implied?
they are in love. despite peoples strange complaints and "criticisms" that say it was a rushed romance, you can see the signs and hints from the first episode they are introduced which is "go with me". evident bitterness between the pair and its the *first* time the audience is introduced to them, and their dynamic, and the entire episode is about marceline "helping" finn ask bubblegum out on a date, despite her purposely meddeling and telling him to complete tasks that are the opposite of what bubblegum would want. then we fast forward to season 3, and we see the pair in the episode "what was missing" which is an episode where a door-lord as stolen each of the characters most prized possesions, and the item stolen from bubblegum is a rock t-shirt marceline gave her years and years ago that bubblegum admits she still sleeps in.. which causes marceline to blush. you may think im joking but no, marcy blushes which is followed with bubblegum then blushing about it. we move a few episodes down the line and marcy asks bonnie for help with a task in retrieving her teddybear, hambo, which was given to her by her father figure simon before he abandoned her (ouch). in the start of this episode however, we have scenes of bonnie waking up wearing the t-shirt marcy gave her years ago, her sniffing it as she wakes up (???) then moving to her CLOSET which REVEALS a POLAROID of MARCY AND BONNIE in the CLOSET that is STUCK THERE hidden AWAY only for BONNIE TO SEE.... anyway back to the teddy bear hambo, to retrieve it bubblegum had to give away the t-shirt i just mentioned, which according to maja the skywitch had more meaning and "sentimenal value" than the LITERALLY TEDDY BEAR GIVEN TO MARCY BEFORE SHE WAS ABANDONENDED!! CONTEXT CLUES BABY!! anyway then we move forward to season 7, specifcally the episode varmints, which is an episode very clear in healing the pair through their past as bonnie finally apologises for the problems and issues the pair had, as well as them both opening up to each other about the things neither one of them wanted to bring up in fear of being either rejected or the fear the other would just shoot them down. its an episode of healing, and in the end of it bonnie falls asleep on marcy, a clear sign of returning to comfort and what they used to know. then we have the stakes mini-series which is all about marcy going back to what she thinks she wants (humanity), and gives us the gorgeous amazing and talented scene of marcy not understanding these new human feelings, and thinking her being hungry is her being in love.. as shes with bonnie.. which causes bonnie to blush hard. gay people right? and then we have the finale, which is where the pair finally make up in the midst of a war where marcy thought bonnie had died, and marcy reveals the gorgeous quote of "even when we werent talking i was always scared something bad would happen to you and id not be there to protect you, and i guess i didnt want to lose you again". they then both kiss. so to answer your question, yes, there are clear signs throughout the show. sorry i am not normal about this okay goodnight
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midnottart · 1 year
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🐍 • Always the scholar
Time-lapse on TikTok
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meggn · 5 months
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itaogo · 2 months
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quick tennant 💗
i've always wanted to see her in action hehe
no text version:
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pickingupmymercedes · 14 days
It's always Lewis who has to let it go and move on, isn't it?!
Let go of the racial comments dressed as jokes, let go of the racial bias, let go of how they doubted and still doubt him.
Let go of the abuse, let go of how different he's been treated.
He is the one who needs to let go of what happened in 21' and move on.
A huge part of why his fan base is as closed in on itself is because they are 24/7 trying to validate his place in a sport where he's not allowed to feel and be human without backlash.
His story in f1 is a cycle of: when he's snappy he should be more level headed, when he answers on track it's mind games, when he talks he should take it on the chin, when he keeps quiet it's all pr agenda.
So yeah, Newey, we get you'd deal with what happened differently, but you weren't in that car. You didn't go through what he did. He doesn't need to let it go like you'd have supposedly done so.
His feelings, and however long it took for him to process them, are valid.
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futuristichedge · 11 months
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How I look when you send me out of your garden. If you even care
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