#Rachelle rogers
cassidyjaneart · 9 months
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For the LOVE of GOD will someone tell me if they read this series so I know that I am not the literal only one???
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shesaysrodriguez · 4 months
My favourite notes I've written on The Reckoning by Kelley Armstrong.
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Part 2?
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lets-steal-an-archive · 6 months
" ... Leverage creator John Rogers himself is coming on board as Season 3’s new showrunner*."
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*Serving as EPs alongside Rogers and Devlin are Redemption co-creator Chris Downey, Marc Roskin and Rachel Olschan-Wilson. (TV Line)
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youronebraincell · 6 months
Natasha while Steve and Peggy have a reunion
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Natasha when her mother told her girlfriend that she wanted to kiss, kill or dissect her
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Melina squaring up with her daughter after she knocked out all the other widows
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The watcher when The watcher when
Peggy and Nat Peggy disappears
have a moment out of thin air
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madmensideblog · 1 year
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Mad Men + The Major Arcana (Part 1)
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foxgloveprincess · 2 months
Good moaning. 😇
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Sweet Jesus, moaning is right. 🫠 I love him, Navy. Thanks for sending this in!
Warning: Suggestive, Smutty Thoughts. Minors do not interact (18+).
Can you imagine waking up to that???
Rolling over, your mind drifting to consciousness. You know it’s too early.
But your eyes peek open anyway when you hear a shuffle in your room.
Steve’s sitting there looking all cute and innocent.
Waiting for you to wake up cause he’s been on his run at the crack of dawn—because of course he did.
He’s just out of the shower and dressing in his sweats and tank because that’s the rule.
It’s a lazy Sunday and you will not hear of real clothes.
It’s a small movement but you lift the covers just the tiniest bit. It lets in the cold morning air and you shiver for a second. Steve’s already there to wrap you up in his arms.
You’re still sleepy and a little slower in your thinking and when you tilt your head to give him a kiss, you miss his lips.
He chuckles softly and cups your cheek to direct you right to where you wanna be.
You purr into his lips, mind still hazy enough to lack its normal filter to keep that enjoyment to yourself
Which is why Steve loves you like this. Comfy in your jammies and way too sleepy to be self conscious.
It’s his favorite time to take you. In the morning, when you’re the most vocal. When the smallest little spark sets off a blaze.
He’ll take you again and again and wring you dry just to hear every sweet sound that falls past your lips.
And when it’s over and you both stand under the stream of water in the shower or in the kitchen making breakfast or going about the rest of your lazy day, he’ll sneak them in. The little comments, the compliments, the praise and reminiscence of your morning romp. Just to make you squirm with that slightest bit of playful teasing.
Cause he loves being under your skin and getting that close to you. When all your reservations are miles away and he gets to see you.
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To celebrate Barbie coming out in the USA ( In Italy already came out yesterday) here's me totally abusing this meme :) <3
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mansionfreaks · 26 days
What do u guys usually eat at the mansion? or does anyone take it upon themselves to cook something that isnt KD?
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hi its eeeeejay . have the blog password now on my phone. asked for it bc u keep asking abt food. Love to cook honestly know thags crazy but its awesome
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stovetuna · 4 months
Steve gets caught attempting to take his first-ever dick pics. It's a struggle, he explains, because it brings up a whole host of lingering body image issues. Tony, very gallantly and not at all because he is in love with Steve, offers to take the photos for him.
[Cue: "Careless Whisper."]
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nitpickrider · 10 months
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Diamondback I cannot stress enough how he is NOT trying to make you swoon right now!
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gyavaforradalmar · 23 days
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the numerous love affairs of don draper
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ruewrote · 2 months
my inbox is so empty and im bored rn so send in requests for any of the characters i write for :)
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annabeth "velma dinkley" chase and percy "shaggy rogers" jackson
jason "fred jones" grace
piper "daphne blake" mclean
rachel "shaggy rogers" dare
blackjack "scooby doo" the pegasus (courtesy of @supersaiyanjedi14)
will "fred jones" solace and nico "real estate masked villain" di angelo
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Scenario the DC and Marvel universe collide which Marvel hero would get along best with the following DC heroes and what would their friendship be like
Robin either Tim or Damian
Green Arrow
Wonder Woman
Donna Troy
Wonder Girl Cassie Sandsmark
Green Lantern either Hal Jordan or John Stewart
And Beast Boy
Thank You! 😃
Oh Ho a Big One
Okey Dokey let’s see what I can think up ;-)
Clark Kent - Steve Rogers
Bruce Wayne - Both Tony Stark and Matt Murdock
Dick Grayson - Both Peter Parker (adult) and Kurt Wagner
Tim(my) Drake - Either Peter Parker (Teen/Ultimate Universe) or Miles Morales
Oliver Queen - Clint Barton though more like friendly rivals
Roy Harper - I can see him be a teacher figure to Kate Bishop
Diana Prince - Maybe she can befriend the Jane Foster Thor, maybe even try out lifting her hammer by herself…she did make it jiggle a little bit
Donna Troy - I can see her actually getting along with either Natasha or Gamora, as the type of the friend that can connect with them and encourage them in taking it easy every once in a while
Cassie Sandsmark - Kamala Khan, plain and simple
John Stewart - I see him being on good terms with Carol Danvers given how the both of them are familiar with differing branches of the military, the former a Marine and the latter an Air Force pilot
Koriand’r - Oh There are so many that can get along very well with her given Kory’s legendary friendliness but keeping in theme with Dick befriending an adult Peter Parker, I see Kory totally hanging out with Mary Jane Watson. Bonus points if MJ has some of Peter’s spider powers as Spinneret
Rachel Roth - Probably I see her sympathizers and talking with Wanda Maximoff. While Magneto is nowhere near a bad of a father as Trigon is, they still can both relate to having less than ideal fathers and how their friends are their real family. Oh And yeah I see Rae getting along well with Wanda’s kids Tommy and especially Billy
Victor Stone - I can see him no doubt fawning and being utterly amazed by the tech at Stark Industries especially all those various Iron Suits. Rhodey is the one giving him the extensive tour and they’d have so much to talk about
Garfield Logan - For him, I can see him paling around with all the Wolvies, in particular Laura and Logan themselves. He looks up to Logan no doubt for the latter’s coolness factor and in turn Logan looks at this green fella with some uncertainty for how overtly excited he is but he finds it charming. Also no doubt Gar can shift into an actual Wolverine if Jonathan the Wolverine needs anything
One things for certain everyone here; they are all very uncomfortable with both Frank Castle and Wade Wilson. For differing reasons but still
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foxgloveprincess · 2 months
Hi! I'm obsessed with your Avengers Pantheon stuff... I thought I'd check on Steve and Bucky today... How are they and their captive lil pet doing?
Thank you so much! Steve and Bucky are doing quite well. Their pet? She’s adapting.
A Little Ficlet for Another Taste of Devouring Rush
Warnings: Dark (Soft Dark Stucky), Medieval(ish) AU, Polytheistic/Pagan Beliefs, Mythology, Yandere Behavior, Obsession, Possessiveness, Endless Hallways, Invisible Servants, Captivity (she calls them her masters), Dubious Consent, Smut (Vaginal Penetration, Nipple Play, suggestion of Somnophilia), Innocence Kink, Pet Names (sweet, blossom). Minors do not interact (18+).
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What is morning when the sun and moon don’t rise upon the horizon? Without time, I cannot know for how long I’ve been kept. From the moment I wake to the moment I sleep, my life stretches endlessly. 
I rise from the cushion of my bed. No ache, no pain. Only memories illuminated in my mind’s eye, finding their brethren in previous passions. My masters, the Righteous Captain and the Freed Soldier, meticulous in their endeavor of pleasure. Three bodies joining over and over in writhing lust and satisfaction. My purity plundered. Drunk on joy, lust, bliss. A divine communion of worship and reverence shared between mouths and tongues and bodies. Until I succumb to exhaustion and the cycle begins again like the seasons. 
My feet weave a path about columns, naked body no shame. My previous life in The Broken Beast dispelled me of such notions long ago. But now, as I wander, phantom hands drape silk over my frame. A luxurious fabric unblemished by the touch of mortal man. 
The servants covering my modesty spirits upon the breeze. Invisible to the eye, yet attentive to my every step, providing anything required by my whims or their judgement. They clothe me in fine garments, a protection of my virtue. They provide a tray of food and drink upon a small table, an offering for my strength. My indulgence their design. 
I sigh and turn down another corridor. However time passes in the Land Beyond, I spend it wandering the halls of the vast castle of my masters. Every inch of space bedecked in opulence, art and offerings dazzling the eye. To think of my attempt to appeal to them, a simple sachet full of herbs, a shard of glass and a pebble, so paltry in comparison. When true masterpieces line their walls and stretch to the highest heights. Beyond what the eye can see and hidden by clouds. No ceiling to limit the display of grandeur and beauty. 
My fingers pluck a morsel from a tray, a bite of boar dripping with black sauce. Another bite passes my lips before I continue on, weaving through familiar passageways and exploring my grand prison. Kept inside, I do not even know whether anything exists without. The crash of the river upon its shore my only indication of something beyond these walls. 
With a turn down another passage and another, I pick up a new piece of boar to consume. My fingers stick with the sweet, spiced sauce left by my grazing. An echo of my name floats upon a breeze. A kiss of wind brushes against my cheek as I turn to greet my caller. A hand wraps about my wrist and draws me back. 
I fall against a sturdy chest. Plush lips wrap about my sticky fingers. A hum rumbles in their throat. 
“Hello, my sweet,” Steve greets from behind. My head turns to return the address, his shoulder leaning against the wall. A smile tilts his lips, his form relaxed and hands upon his belt. My other master, James, holds me in the cradle of his arms, tongue dancing over my fingertips. 
The Soldier pulls back, releasing my wrist to let my hand fall limp at my side. “We missed you.” 
“Did you miss us?” Steve asks, prompting a reply in their favor. 
“Of course,” I demure. My bones engrained with the graces of my training. I spin to greet James readily, wrapping my arms about his neck and cooing sweetly as he buries his face in the crook of mine. “I was trying to bide my time by searching for the gardens.”
The affection borne of our lingering connection, unable to stifle my true feelings toward the lords behind the curtain, the men before me now. Still my captors, murderers. Swept away by them, forced to abandon my family for their safety. Everything falling to their feet, nothing restrained. A mistake, Melinda once said, not to keep something for myself. I thought myself unable to forgive them their many crimes. Until I did.
Steve stalks forward, pushing away from the wall, and tucks a finger beneath my chin to meet my eye. 
“Or perhaps the riverside?” I continue on smooth, dulcet tones, “with all the beauty surrounding you here, I only thought it might be just as lovely.”
“There’s nothing for you outside our walls,” James grumbles against my skin. His arms pressing tighter, a remonstrance. 
“What he means,” Steve says at the mournful tilt of my brow and the hitch of my breath, “is that outside our home, we cannot protect you. You would be vulnerable to any passing beast.” 
“Oh.” The sound whooshes past my lips on a disappointed sigh. “I understand.” 
Steve’s lips capture mine, an indulgent kiss. I sink into him, knees weak from his attentions. He pulls a breath away to suggest, “Let us take your mind away from such distracting thoughts.” 
His whisper shivers down my spine and ignites fiery passion between my thighs. The lick of temptation leaving me defenseless against them. I meet the Captain’s piercing gaze and nod. Ready, as ever, to yield to their insatiable appetites. 
James entwines his fingers with mine, palms kissing as he leads me down the hallway. Around only one corner, and we stand before my room. The corridors twisting and reforming to hasten our trek. Miraculous and astounding.
The door stands open. Just as I left it. Lace and the thinnest gossamer draped from the ceiling. Cushions line the floor. Colorful lanterns sparkle above. A fanciful world imitating the nights I sat behind my curtain enticing the eye of suitors, my virginity Aida’s prized gem. 
Kisses trail over my neck and shoulders. Two sets of lips forging their own paths across my flesh. I seek their touches in turn. Fingers carding through hair and soft sounds spilling past my lips. The fabric covering my frame puddling on the floor. Whisked away from my feet by phantom hands. 
My masters lead me to my bed, guiding my body to recline upon the plush cushion. Their devotion floods my body until I drown. The pinching pain of my deflowering forgotten in the heady rush that consumes. Their love an endless wave that does not recede. Their touch a scorching fire. 
Sweat dots my skin. Lips parted on hungry breaths. Eyelids fluttering with euphoria. Steve parts me around his glorious cock and fills me to my limit. James’s hands plucking at the tender buds of my breasts. I moan and writhe between their bodies. Flush with their warmth. Defiled and debauched, exhaustion tickles at the border of my consciousness. My nails bite into their flesh, dragging myself away from the tempting precipice of slumber. 
“Rest,” Steve croons into my ear, a kiss trailing my cheekbone to my lips. His hips continuing their exquisite drive. 
My head tips back, another wave of ecstasy rushing through my veins. I choke on a gasping cry. Hips bucking in tandem with those plundering my body. 
“We will tend to you as you sleep, dear blossom,” James promises. 
His sweet words lull me deep into the darkness. My eyes close and I nestle into their embrace. Their hands and lips and pleasure continuing, even as I am lost to them. A new cycle dawning in my eternal existence.
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