churrout · 11 months
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is this anything
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Ultimate Word Tournament!
regicide (English) [ˈɹed͡ʒəsaɪd] The killing or assassination of a monarch.
косатка (Russian) [kɐˈsatkə] a killer whale; an orca.
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baronboar · 1 month
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Was in the mood to draw a lil' scene, so here's a pair of Lapine bards paying for protection from some Pantheran dragon slayers by putting on a show!
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roguespodcast · 9 months
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inkeyjay · 1 year
Dnd time! The wheel of fortune 🍊
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This Sunday's session, Claudia Nerón, rightful heir of Izael's crown and princess of Qhar offered her helping hand to the city of Arca, ravaged by a drought. She shared boxes upon boxes of fresh fruit, just picked from the trees up in the gardens of the palace. She also promised to help with the drought, starting to build a branch in Arca's aqueduct that would provide water to all the city and not just the palaces.
This was received by cheers and ovations, and panicked screams when the princess's lady in waiting and dear friend fell to the ground, greenish hue of her dress turning red, a dagger on her stomach. A dagger that miraculously flew through the Colosseum, only to fail its mark.
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pratchettquotes · 1 year
Suffer-Not-Injustice Vimes wasn't a pillar of the community. He killed a king with his own hands. It needed doing but the community, whatever that was, didn't always like the people who did what needed to be done or said what had to be said. He put some other people to death as well, that was true, but the city had been lousy, there'd been a lot of stupid wars. We were practically part of the Klatchian empire. Sometimes you needed a bastard. History had wanted surgery. Sometimes Dr. Chopper is the only surgeon to hand. There's something final about an axe. But kill one wretched king and everyone calls you a regicide. It wasn't as if it was a habit or anything...
Vimes had found Old Stoneface's journal in the Unseen University library. The man had been hard no doubt about that. But they were hard times. He'd written: "In the Fyres of Struggle let us bake New Men, who Will Notte heed the Old Lies." But the old lies had won out in the end.
He said to people: you're free. And they said hooray, and then he showed them what freedom costs and they called him a tyrant and, as soon as he'd been betrayed, they milled around a bit like barn-bred chickens who've seen the big world outside for the first time, and then they went back into the warm and shut the door--
Terry Pratchett, Feet of Clay
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nessisevaporating · 8 months
Rainworld doodles
sluggos and ships
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ayy-junipei · 9 months
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stanford-photography · 5 months
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Lady Macbeth Sketch 01 By Jeff Stanford, 2024 Buy prints at: https://jeff-stanford.pixels.com/
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bluebooks1 · 3 months
I love calling Regulus Reggie because it sounds good, it's something James and Sirius would use, he would probably hate it and it could be short for anything, my personal favourite is regicide.
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braxiations · 11 months
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Gibbulus the Radiant and the Slain Sage of Sonnets "The crowd stirred impatiently as The Sage of Sonnets waxed lyrical, speaking of summer’s days and cloud covers. The full crowds beneath him stirred with disdain as the pompous Sage droned and gloated. Then Gibbulus, radiant, passing first unnoticed behind the Sage, ascended the pedestal on which their throne was positioned. With a swift, golden motion, the Sage was silenced, and their empire began to wane."
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Ultimate Word Tournament!
perchance (English) [pɜː(ɹ)ˈtʃɑːns] perhaps; mayhaps; maybe; by chance.
regicide (English) [ˈɹed͡ʒəsaɪd] The killing or assassination of a monarch.
Perchance Propaganda
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futurebird · 4 months
I should be sent to jail.
I feel like such an idiot. A klutz, a total jerk. I killed my Dorymyrmex queen while changing the tube to their nest. Sometimes I feel like they do much better when I just don't mess with them at all. Every bad thing that's happened has been because *I* did something.  I was trying to connect an additional nest since they have been growing so well, and all of them were on the other side of the little box, but the queen spazed out and ran over to the tube and got hurt. 
They have a massive pile of brood. A beautiful outworld that I at last got right. And then I murdered their queen. I should be sent to jail.
She was such a lovely queen. Kept her wings for three years.  I'm going to miss her and I'm devastated that I won't get to see the colony grow. 
At first I didn't even want to say anything about this, but that's silly. The lesson here is that changing nests and tubing is always dangerous to your colony. And I KNOW that. But, yeah. It's the worst part of this hobby how fragile they are and how responsible I will always be for what happens to them. I feel like such a monster. Like I shouldn't even be near any ants.
Why didn't I find a different way to change that tube?
Am I too sensitive?
IDK. I really love my ants. I try to be good to them in exchange for the strange way they have to live. I try to be grateful for the things I learn from them and the joy I get from watching them. But, maybe that queen would have had a much better life in a sidewalk crack in a quiet corner of the park. Poor girl. Poor colony. I'm so so sorry little ones. I really ruined it for all of you.
They will keep going for months, when my Pogonomyrmex queen died... it was a whole year until they were all gone. They even laid male eggs. So, many male alates. Then I had to figure out what to do with those boys. 
I wonder if the Dorymyrmex will do that. That would be nice.
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saltyermilk · 11 months
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marchocochoco · 6 months
If Edward and Jonathan meet again in season 7 of Rogues! the podcast it can possibly only go these two ways:
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butchhatred · 6 months
Ok but artificer x scavenger king would be so insane from pebbles's pov like imagine sending this genocidal slugcat to kill the scavengers that have been stealing parts from your structure and they START DATING THE LEADER OF THE SCAVENGERS😭😭😭😭😭I WOULD DIE
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