#Reiki Energy In Head
serenityreikiclinic · 11 months
One easy way to remove stuck, negative energy.
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pastel-peach-writes · 2 months
Attracted | KorrAsami x Reader
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╰┈➤ PLOT: After a close call of losing the two girls who mean the most to you, you decide it's time to cut the crap and face the music, your feelings.
╰┈➤ WARNINGS: Not Proofread, No Use of Y/N, 3500+ Words
Part One | Part Three
⍣ ೋ Enjoy!⍣ ೋ
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Their stares dug into your soul and pulled out every sense of hiding and masking you've held in for the last few years. Their slight frowns, and disappointment in their colored eyes; it was too much for you to bear.
Were you so prideful in keeping your feelings secret that you'd risk losing Korra and Asami? Was it really that serious to let them think you didn't support their relationship?
You didn't know. You had no way to know.
Now the three of you were staring at each other in the courtyard of Air Temple Island. All parties eager for an answer from you.
However, just because they were eager to get an answer from you doesn't mean you had an answer ready for them.
Just now, in this very moment, you realized you had a crush on the two bisexuals. You just realized that going to bed thinking about kissing the both of them, holding their hands, and making them laugh wasn't as platonic as you thought.
You hated to admit it but Bolin was right. You hated when he was right, especially since you're often so stubborn. He was never going to let you live this down now.
But that's something to worry about in the future. Right now you needed to worry about the present. Korra and Asami are staring at you with hurt and almost distant eyes. The longer you let the silencer linger, the deeper you hurt them.
What could you even say or do in this moment? Make up some silly lie? Confess to them right on the spot? Make them think you're not accepting of their love? All three options were terrible. It was a lose-lose-lose situation.
"Uh," you nervously chuckled, scratching the back of your neck. The bright sun on Air Temple island shone into your eyes, nearly blinding you from the sight of the red-and-blue-coded girlfriends. You wondered what color you would be if you were added to the pair. "You know, I think I need to attend one of Tenzin's meditation classes. Learn how to ease up and become one with my chi."
"One with your chi?" Asami echoed.
"Yeah. If I'm so tense all the time and not noticing, obviously something is off. Maybe even wrong with me." You gave them another shrug. "I can't be one of the best members on the Krew and not be one with my chi."
Korra let out a chuckle. "'One of the best members'?" You nodded at her statement, a cocky smile growing on your lips. Korra shook her head, her smile from her chuckle staying on her face as she crossed her arms. "Who said you were one of the best?"
"Oh, isn't it obvious, Avatar?" You mimicked her stance and Asami did the same, matching the teasing smiles on your faces.
"Must not have been," Korra rebutted. "Sounds like you still got some work to do."
You could only laugh at her playful words. Although her statement was true, it was for the wrong situation. You did have some work to do. You had to work through and process your growing crushes on Asami and Korra in hopes you can get over them and have them never find out about your crush.
That should be easy. What's a little crush going to do to you?
"You're right," Tenzin said as he waved his palms over your torso. You were serious about taking meditation classes from him. You were too tense, hyper-focused on the sapphic pair. You needed mental clarity and hopefully with mental clarity comes a way to get over them.
The Airbender was using reiki, some form of spiritual healing that used energy and intention to ease the human mind and body. He decided to use the technique on you when you came to him about your stress problem. He said he rarely used this technique but given that you're a new student of his, he decided why not?
The man had his eyes closed and waved his arms and body around as if he were airbending. The only difference is that he wasn't airbending at all and in fact was getting a feel of your stress and anxiety levels. "You are very tense," he continued. "The tension lies within your shoulders and sits in your gut. Your chest, too, is tight. If you were an Airbender, you'd be blocked from your ability entirely. It would take months, maybe even years to remove this type of stress."
You heaved a sigh as the monk opened his eyes and returned to his natural standing stance. "Months"? "Maybe even years"? By the time you mastered your chi or removed most of the stress in your body, Korra and Asami could very well be married. Or even worse, forgotten about you.
It was extreme to think of those two scenarios but it's what your mind went to. You're doing this to be better for them, not to risk losing your friendship. If it's going to take years to return to the person you were before you started having feelings for them, they were gone for good.
"Well," you said as another sigh escaped your body. "We better get started."
Because of your circumstance, Tenzin decided to add airbender training to your "Stress Relief Regimen". Like he mentioned, you would be blocked if you were an Airbender but in addition to the spiritual and worldly connection, Airbenders also have a physical outlet. They use their body to navigate through the winds and courses of life. It acts as another way to release whatever your body is holding in.
It's been a few weeks since you started training with Tenzin and you can admit things are a lot better now. Well, physically. You're still blocked mentally and spiritually, but the airbending training traditions were getting easier for you. You ran into the equipment less and stayed on the balls of your feet more often. Even Jinora was impressed.
You practiced day and night while leaving space to meditate and to connect with nature in between. But the cause of your vigorous schedule to train and relax, you've pulled yourself away from the Krew. You rarely hung out with them outside of work and only said hello to them during meals. Day in and day out, you were training.
It was ironic though. You were training and practicing these techniques to become one with your emotions and get clarity on the KorrAsasmi situation but all the training seemed to be doing was making you avoid them.
You were actively running away and towards your emotions at the same time. How you mastered that skill, not even Tenzin knew.
He watched you prance and elegantly move around the spinning panels on the Airbending arena with your eyes closed and your arms in the offensive position he taught you. While you were physically correct, he could still feel a weight of heaviness and emotion rest on your shoulders and sink into your body.
Korra saw it too. That's why she was here standing next to Tenzin and monitoring your training. She knew Tenzin to be a good teacher so she didn't understand why his training kept you away from the Krew so long.
She already went through that teenage rebellion phase with him so she figured he eased up on allowing you to go out and such. Especially since you're not under his care and a grown adult. And as she watched your practice, she knew Tenzin's methods had changed for the better and the pressure lessened. So, if it wasn't Tenzin keeping you away from her. What was?
When practice was over, there was a meditation session immediately after. It wasn't a one-on-one session like you usually had with Tenzin, but actually an open session for the new Airbenders and anyone who wants to learn more about the art. In fact, it was taught by Jinora. Tenzin wasn't a part of it at all.
Korra assumed you kept your schedule busy with not only Tenzin's agenda but the other Airbenders too. To her it made sense. You're pretty much training to be an Airbender just without the bending. So to her surprise when she walked into the class and saw you weren't there, something was up.
"And you're sure they weren't there?" Asami asked as she unmade the bed for the night. She and Korra were in their room, the midnight moon shone through the window and provided natural light for the girls. Korra, just slipping on her white tank, nodded.
"Yup. Now we know Tenzin isn't keeping them away from us. I think it's them who wants to stay away from us." Korra's feet shuffled across the wooden floor, her tush melting into the mattress after she plopped.
"Come on." Asami frowned. "They're not like that. I'm sure it's something else." The paler woman sat beside Korra and placed a well-manicured hand on her shoulder. Korra only sighed again with her head hung low. "They haven't even spoke to Mako and Bolin and they're like brothers to them."
Korra shrugged. What Asami was saying made sense but there was something deeper going on. There was something you weren't telling them and Korra was killing herself trying to find out. "Does it not bother you either?" Korra's sad blue eyes struck Asami's green. "Don't you miss them? Their laugh and how they used to look at us with those eyes? Like we were the world to them. Now we barely get a glance when we pass each other in the halls or in the street."
Asami sighed. Of course, she did. She missed all of it and how you used to compliment them or poke fun. She missed watching you interact with Mako and Bolin and playing with them like they were your blood kin. She missed so much and more. She only placed a kiss on Korra's cheek and moved some hair behind the Avatar's ear. "Come on. Let's get to bed." -
"Good, now breathe while you lift your leg. Your opposite arm follows." You followed Tenzin's notes, lifting your leg and doing a fan kick while your opposite arm follows. When your arm follows, the momentum carried you throughout the move and when your leg landed on the ground, you spun around and nearly womble to the floor.
"Good," Tenzin said walking through the plush grass. "When you use that move, your weight shifts between your standing leg and then the led that lands on the ground. Because of your arm and force of the air, you spin around and when mastered, it's a great move to switch the play on your opponent." Tenzin then cleared his throat, the tops of his ears going red. "You know. If you airbent."
You gave him a slight chuckle. Almost four months into training and Tenzin still forgets you're not an Airbender sometimes.
"Sorry, force of habit." You waved him off and repeated the move, still stumbling when your lifted leg hits the ground. Tenzin instructed ways to land and poses to land into but no matter the note or correction, you continued to wobble.
"Ugh, I don't get it. I'm doing everything right. I'm making sure I'm light on my toes and transferring my weight between my legs," you complained to Tenzin as you took a swig of water.
The Airbending master interlaced his fingers and held them near his diaphragm. "Well, are you emotionally light? Spirtually, mentally?" You nodded as you wipe excess water from the corner of your mouth.
"Yeah. I mean, I think so? I mediate in the morning, evenings, and join some classes at the other Air Temple. I don't know what I'm doing wrong." You walked over to the cemented benches which were really short walls of concrete painted beige. You took a seat, crossing your legs and placing your heels at the edge of the wall.
"Hm," pondered Tenzin as he followed you to the wall. While he can admit your dedication is impressive, he can't help but feel there's something else blocking you, stopping you from achieving your greatest.
It was similar to what he experienced when training with Korra or his failed attempts at connecting to the spirit world but heavier. Almost as if you were avoiding the emotions that kept you planted deep into the ground. If you were an Earthbender, he predicted you would be one of the best.
"Tell me, young one. Is it possible there's something else bothering you? Perhaps problems with family, friends, work even?" He took a seat by you as you contemplated your answer to him.
You've felt good. The feeling of jealousy or even anxiety changed to what some would call a rock. It was as if a flat rock sheet lay on your chest and stomach. Some had a heart of gold and steel, yours wore stone armor.
You gave him a shrug and sipped your water out of avoidance. Your lack of eye contact, expression, and words told Tenzin everything he needed to know.
You were stuck emotionally and he had a hunch it was about the Avatar and her girlfriend. And perhaps the fact that they weren't your girlfriends. Tenzin wouldn't have come to that conclusion if it wasn't for his older sister, Kya.
One day, Kya came to visit and Tenzin told her all about your training and dedication to the craft despite not being an Airbender. When Kya observed your practicing, she could tell immediately you were struck with something emotionally tolling. Something you took Airbending techniques to work through but ended up avoiding.
She did the same thing with Waterbending when it came to a crush of hers.
Also, Kya overheard the Krew express concern and longing for you. More specifically, she saw the faces of Asami and Korra and how their eyebrows knitted together in hurt and confusion. It was the same face she wore when she found out Lin liked Tenzin.
"You need to talk to them," Tenzin spoke. "Avoidance or whatever you call this dance of yours isn't going to better your ability to meditate or to perform such exercises. In fact, it'll stifle your chances and ruin whatever you have left of your friendships." With a deep sigh, Tenzin put a hand on your shoulder. "Take this from someone who focused so hard on training that he almost lost his family. Isolation is not the key to working through hard emotions. You have to work and realize it's not going to be easy."
When your eyes met Tenzin's, you could see his brows downturned as if he was frowning with them. His eyes glossy yet held this certain look in his eye, as if he saw you as his own. His family.
The look stirred a certain guilt in your stomach. It was the same guilt you felt when you watched the Krew interact while you purposely lingered in the shadows. In hopes of bettering yourself, you ended up self-sabotaging.
"Hey!" Bolin chirped as he strode over to you and Tenzin. You quickly blinked away tears and looked at him with a smile, responding with a greeting. "We're going out to dinner tonight. You coming?"
Dinner was nearly normal. The five of you, the Krew and yourself, went to this fancy-ish restaurant where they served everything from Water Tribe food to Fire Nation goods. They also included the more modern dishes that Republic City had to offer.
It was like nothing had changed when you first ate. Everyone was chipper, happily munching on their meals, and cracking jokes like no time had passed between your group.
But then, just as you were almost done with your meal, the mood switched. A metaphorical cloud full of darkness and heavy rain washed over your booth and wind dared to blow you away from your seat.
Korra sighed, putting down her eating utensil and putting her hands on the table in an interlaced fist. "Okay, we have something we need to talk to you about." You barely looked at her to continue. "You've been kinda distant lately and we know it's not because of your training. Tenzin was adamant in easing the intensity of his training schedule, especially now with the new addition to the family and the new Airbenders."
You shrugged for what felt like the fiftieth time today. "I'm taking my craft really seriously. Is that a crime?"
"No," Asami said in a calmer tone that Korra could've given the sass you had in your sentence. "But it worries us. Especially now that you're not even attending Avatar duties anymore. We're a group and we need you. We're empty without you."
You threatened to scoff but instead shoved down the urge with another bite of your food. "I don't know what you want from me."
"Your training was supposed to help you ease up and not be as stressed but it looks like it's doing the opposite," Mako spoke. "You're distant, eat meals alone, and I've never seen someone train so hard for Airbending when you're not even an Airbender."
"Okay, so what? Look, it's my training, my schedule. You guys don't have a clue of what's going on with me so just drop it. Okay?"
Bolin glanced around his table of friends. Nervously picking at his pants, his eyes landed on you and gazed into your eyes. With a tone soft and gentle, he spoke. "So, something is going on."
You sat up a little straighter, eyes on the brown wooden table in front of you. You didn't realize you said that out loud. All that work of being alone and trying not to talk about your feelings nearly came undone with one measly slip-up. "No. Drop it."
"No, we don't want to drop it. What's going on? We can help you." Asami reached a hand out to you but you just snatched your hand away.
The Earthbender at the table sunk down in his seat. He knew what was going on now. He doesn't know why he forgot the last genuine conversation you had just a few months ago.
Your crush on Korra and Asami were eating you alive. What was supposed to be an outlet became a distraction. A distraction from the possibility of hurt, rejection, and loss. If he remembered this earlier, he wouldn't have suggested this confrontation dinner.
The only person who could help you in this situation is yourself and Bolin could see you didn't want that. Not anymore at least. You were perfectly fine losing your friends if it meant the protection of your relationship and feelings.
Although, it's a bit counteractive letting your friends slip away just to avoid a blowup over emotions you couldn't control. Bolin wasn't going to let that slide.
The Krew's been in messy romance drama before. What's a little more? They've prevailed over three times and they could do it again.
"I'm sorry," you took money from your pants and placed enough to cover your meal on the table, "but you can't help me with this. I'm sorry."
Following your departure, Bolin followed you out of the restaurant. Your friends exclaimed and called out for the both of you, but you were too far to hear and well Bolin, he was on a mission.
You stumbled behind yourself as Bolin took hold of your wrist and snatched you back. Your eyes met his, the orange-yellow lighting of the restaurant shining through the windows and making the sidewalk glow.
"You don't have to do this," Bolin spoke in a whisper. "You don't have to hide and pretend you're something you're not just to avoid rejection."
You pull your wrist out of his grip, your brows knitted defensively. "I don't know what you're talking about. I'm not avoiding anything."
"Please, I've seen it multiple times before. I lived it. The crushes you have on Korra and Asami won't change anything. They won't be weirded out or throw you out of the friendship if that's what you're worried about." The green in Bolin's eyes sought out to comfort you. As before, he kept his voice gentle and nurturing. "Crushes are scary and can leave you vulnerable but you shouldn't avoid your feelings because of it. You'll end up holding things in, the hurt turning into resentment, and the resentment turning into hate."
The Earthbender's palm found its place on top of your shoulder. Like his eyes, voice, and now touch, Bolin comforted you. His words, though similar to Tenzin's, had more meaning. You've seen Bolin get rejected before and heard horrific stories but he never let the embarrassment get to him. He learned, grew, and eventually got the partner of his dreams.
You patted his hand. "That means a lot. I'll try, okay? I can't promise it's going to be a good try, but I'll try and face my feelings instead of avoiding them and letting them turn into something ugly."
Bolin smiled, the joyous expression reaching his eyes. "Good. You won't regret it and you'll always have me to lean on. Don't forget that." Before you could say anything else, he pulled you in for a bear hug and lifted you off the ground.
Maybe Bolin was right. Facing your feelings head-on would make them less scary and who knows, maybe Korra and Asami would get a confession out of it.
To Be Continued. (Last part coming soon!) | Part One
WC: 3,569
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sirfrogsworth · 6 months
I'm watching the Halo show.
And it doesn't feel like Halo a lot of the time, but if you excuse that, it isn't a terrible sci-fi show.
Reminds me of shows like Dark Matter and Killjoys that used to be on cable. Like, they scratched your science fiction itch, but you had to overlook a lot of stuff to get that sweet future dystopian escapism.
Halo has some cool characters (Kai is a giant woman and Steven Universe would totally be singing about her), fun action, decent effects (mostly), but they have issues with keeping the quality consistent. And they had to make sacrifices to scale due to budget constraints.
To make a Halo TV show without sacrifices, the budget would probably have to be Marvel sized. And if you factor that in to your judgement like with old "SyFy" shows... it's pretty okay.
A few ticks past mediocre.
They probably should have made a movie, but this is what we got.
There was just a scene where someone healed chronic pain from a grenade blast with fucking reiki.
I can't overlook that.
I don't care if this show has implied magic and fantasy sci fi elements.
Reiki makes no sense in the Halo universe.
Not to mention promoting it as a legit pain relief solution is problematic.
Also, and this isn't really a criticism as much as an observation, but Halo is partaking in a recent phenomenon I have been noticing.
In my head I call it "Space Grimes."
It's when they cast a petite 20-something woman with very weird and mysterious energy.
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Maybe I need a better name for it.
But I really like Kai! And how she towers over everyone.
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esoteriamaya · 2 years
Venus in the 8th: More Observations & Tips
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Venus 8th House - Their sensuality is potent & is very magnetic. Their allure is contagious, and they tend to have others wanting to worship then. They could understand the dark side of money and how to make it. I see something about sex work being a thing for a few people with this house placement, but most of all it could be that you are aware of how money works in society and dont look it at from a good or bad perspective. You know that money can be made in all ways and its truly what you do with it is what counts. Hidden secrets around relationships and lovers. You might be able to spot when your lovers are walking out on you, you just know. When it comes to everyone else relationships you can see through them, something you learned during your adolescent years. Youre able to pick up on the energies of people very easy, so it is no wonder you're able to pick up things from others relationships.
I notice if you're a woman with this placement others tend to 'hide their wives/husbands' from you. They think you'll steal them, your sex appeal is extremely high so no matter what people will think youre some 'slut'. Sugar daddies may come out of no where for you guys, the 'streets' chose you not the other way around.
For some of you, you could know some pretty successful people in high places. They gravitate to your aura because it is very dark and powerful, so this can be used as opportunity. You can see into their lives and they trust you with what you know. The more higher youre up on the ladder the more hidden knowledge you tend to come across.
Gifted in the occult, you can be healers in areas that have to do with the sexual organs. Can heal others with your hands (reiki) and could also make money off this if you choose.
Last thing I wasnt to say is that you guys can have a lot of jealous women around you. Girl, guy, non binary. Doesnt matter. Its because since youre personal power comes from your sensuality it can shine light on other peoples darkness.
'Like why is this person so pretty?' 'why does everyone gravitate to them and not me?' like... they cant seem to understand what it is about you. You dont have to be some ig model or extremely attractive to be 'sexy' with this placement you ARE it. You are the embodiment of sex appeal.
Tips I would have these placement holders is to hold on to their sex appeal as long as they can because as they mature in life they'll be individuals that will try to make you turn it down. Hold your head up high & never let them see you sweat because trust me they're waiting it on it. If you have any moment where you are vulnerable thats when the vultures come through and try to attack so privacy over your self & your feelings is necessary.
If you are an artist you can sell your art and can get a lot of vendors and sponsors who want to see your stuff. I say this because people some of you with this placement may be prone to insecurity around your artwork however your passion is noticed in your work. So it should be seen in the spotlight because it gives us a chance to feel the passion and hard work in what you've created.
Another thing I will say before I end this, is that love for yourself & the world at large creates more energy for you to live off of and makes your aura stand out from the rest. You guys are actually work really well with community and you should use your magnetism for the workspaces of helping groups that need your compassion and grace.
thank you for reading <3
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daskolas · 1 year
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(this picture does not belong to me. Credits to the rightful owner)
Ashwini is ruled by ketu (or south node)
People who have Ashwini nakshatra are born under mula
These individuals love to travel and they also have tons of energy for it
They can be good reiki healers
They have a lot of energy and can walk post
They are hardworking people who try to complete their work on time
It is symbolised by horse so they have the qualities of a horse like they can run fast
They are considered attractive and have sharp features
They are calm headed and can manage their stress effectively when undergoing stress.
They do their best to their ability so they don't take criticism well and can lash out when giving unnecessary advice
They are intelligent and are skilled in their work.
They can be involved in career where they can help other people like doctor, therapist or a work where they require to use their physical strength or mental strength (like critical thinking)
People born under this nakshtra are impulsive and take actions quickly. Which is both a pro and con. If they do something which requires these skills, it can help them in personal growth.
They are patient but if they lose their patience then they can harm themselves or people around them.
Four padas of nakshtra
1st pada: Aries navamsha; ruled by mars
People born in 1st pada have mars like quality like quick to anger, less patience, quick to make decisions
2nd pada: Taurus navamsha; ruled by venus
People born under 2nd pada have venus like qualities like an eye for beauty, creative
3rd pada: Gemini navamsha; ruled by mercury
People born under 3rd pada have good communication skills, possibly have good relationship with their younger siblings
4th pada: cancer navamsha; ruled by moon
People born under 4th pada are nurturing, and caring. They have motherly vibes to them.
These are some of the qualities of Ashwini born people.
My asks are open, you can ask questions related to Vedic and western astrology
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thexsanctuaryx · 3 days
{ King of Calm }
Summary: Steven takes ridiculously good care of Emma while she's having a rough mental health moment. Pairing: Original Character { Emma Harper } x Steven Grant, mentions of Emma Harper x Marc Spector && Emma Harper x Jake Lockley Contents: fluff, psychic connection, energy healing, hurt/comfort esque, happy ending Warnings: severe mental illness { hallucinations, overwhelm, overstimulation, anxiety, instability } didn't super go into detail in the piece but it's kinda the main part of this one. nothing else really I don't think? Author's Note: Was gonna do some more angst and then I just couldn't last night. This piece had been sitting in my wip drafts for a bit. This one does again, tap on the psychic connection between Emma and the boys that is prevalent in most of my works. They are deeply connected and can communicate telepathically, empathetically, etc. You'll notice Emma is able to hear everything in their minds and vice versa. Word Count: 771
She can feel her mind’s instability, her brain seeming to be sore and weak. As the overstimulation begins to take over more, her breath begins to get more shallow.
Everything is too loud, too bright even as she puts in her earbuds and turns on some music known for its nervous system regulatory effects. She hides her face beneath a pillow to get away from the light.
“You’re up, Steven,” Marc says quietly as he makes his way down the hallway, relinquishing control of the body.
Steven freezes for a moment as he adjusts, mumbling, “Cheers, mate...” He doesn’t pause again until he slides up behind her in the bed, kissing her shoulder firmly.
‘Hello, love…’ he murmurs in her mind softly.
Emma’s quick to scoot back into him, settling into his arms as she tries to focus on any one thing.
He tightens his arms around her, giving another slow kiss to the nape of her neck. He breathes deeply against her, settling a hand onto her abdomen as if silently encouraging her to breathe with him.
She follows suit almost immediately, taking in each inhale with him and releasing it on his exhale.
She squeezes her eyes shut tighter, clutching the pillow over her eyes more snugly.
Steven’s thumb gently grazes over her stomach, releasing a soft sympathetic sound as he attunes himself to her presently chaotic mind.
‘You’re alright, angel—we’ll pull through just like we always do…’ His warm voice resonates through her mind, not wanting to overwhelm her even more.
At his words, she shifts to face him, hugging herself tightly to his front and hiding her face in his neck. One of her earbuds falls out and he’s quick to retrieve it and return it to its place.
He then begins rhythmically stroking his fingers up and down her spine, tucking his head over hers protectively.
Minutes pass as he continues to do what he can to soothe her overstimulation. Truthfully, he’s not sure it’s as effective as he hopes but he doesn’t stop.
She takes what seems to be a much deeper breath on her own, as well that her body seems to unwind a little.
He's relieved to say the least as she continues to slow down, her thoughts quieting.
Emma can feel a low buzz resonating out through her spine into the rest of her body, likewise traveling up into her brain. It feels so nice and so peaceful—not to mention familiar, that she starts to wonder.
She frowns lightly, shifting back away from him just enough to face him.
“Are you—…did you just—”
His scowl of concentration matches her own, suddenly more worried again, “what is it? Are you alright?”
“Yeah,” She murmurs, a little stunned, “it just felt like you were—…performing reiki…on me…”
“Oh bollocks, did I do it wrong? I was just—I mean—I thought it might ‘elp ya know—take the edge off and—bugger, I didn’t ask for consent first and—”
“Steven—Steven!” She calls gently to him, shaking her head and putting a hand to his cheek. “You didn’t do it wrong…and it did help…” She reassures him, giving him a soft smile.
“When did you learn how to do that?”
“Well, I just—y’know—I find so much of well—what you do, absolutely fascinating and I figured—‘f one ‘ve us knew how to do some of the healing bits it might help, what with y’know your conditions…’course Marc could do with some bloody healing t—”
She can’t help but beam at him as he rambles, silencing him before he can finish by rushing forward to catch his lips.
Steven’s eyebrows shoot up, his lips forming to hers in surprise but quickly moving firmly against them.
His eyes squeeze shut tighter as he shifts to pull her closer, almost completely forgetting everything else for a split second before retreating. Stumbling quietly, “maybe we shouldn’t, ya know…--I mean you aren’t feeling well…”
Emma rolls her lips in, the dimples dipping into her cheeks, her lashes fluttering shyly as she tells him softly, “thank you…”
When she gives him that look, he all but short circuits, getting stuck on her with a lopsided grin at his mouth, half in a daze, “For what, love?”
She pokes him in the chest a few times, timidly, “you know what…”
Quietly in their minds they can both hear a smug, ‘Steven Grant, King of Calm…’
Emma’s eyes flash down, trying to conceal a smile and failing as her cheeks begin to heat.
‘Oh yeah—overstimulation doesn’t stand a chance…’
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yogafitacademy · 4 months
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Title: Understanding the 7 Chakras: A Path to Inner Peace
In the journey of self-discovery and spiritual enlightenment, understanding the concept of the 7 chakras plays a vital role. Chakras, the energy centers in our body, are interconnected and play a significant role in our physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being.
Eachakra is associated with specific aspects of our life and body, starting from the root chakra located at the base of spine, moving up to the crown chakra at the top of our head. Balancing and aligning these chakras can lead to a harmonious flow of energy throughout our body, promoting a sense of inner peace and well-being.
The root chakra, also known as Muladhara, is linked to our basic survival instincts and grounding. It governs our sense of security and stability. Moving upwards, the sacral chakra (Svadhisthana) is associated with creativity and sexuality, promoting emotional balance and passion in life.
The solar plexus chakra (Manipura) is connected to our personal power and self-esteem, influencing our confidence and motivation. The heart chakra (Anahata) is the center of love and compassion, fostering emotional healing and forgiveness.
The throat chakra (Vishuddha) governs communication and self-expression, enabling us to speak our truth with clarity and authenticity. The third-eye chakra (Ajna) is linked to intuition and inner wisdom, opening up our psychic abilities and higher consciousness.
Finally, the crown chakra (Sahasrara) is the gateway to spiritual enlightenment and connection to the divine. When all 7 chakras are balanced and aligned, we experience a deep sense of peace, harmony, and wholeness.
By incorporating practices such as meditation, yoga, Reiki, and energy healing, we can cleanse and activate our chakras, promoting overall well-being and inner peace. It is essential to listen to our body, mind, and spirit, and honor the divine energy flowing through us to achieve a state of balance and enlightenment. Embrace the journey of exploring and nurturing your 7 chakras for a life filled with inner peace and harmony.
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ladywisteriatarot · 2 months
dear lady wisteria, HIIIII I know ur a tarot reader but do u have any advice on how to cleanse and support crown chakra. tank you ;3
hi :)
as a tarot reader, fortunately i do know things around the crown chakra, its necessary to me so i can do readings. even though youre not a tarot reader, regular people can do it too, its recommende
im not a full on professional at this so i will list what works for me
id recommend purchasing a journal if you don't already, it doesnt really matter but i like one that resonates with me as if it was me if i was a journal. makes it feel more real and absorbable with the affirmations. mine is brown leather with a gold lining, it was $7 so pretty inexpensive
practice mindfulness and meditation i recommend to do this outside so your body doesn't feel claustrophobic. your feet and hands should be uncovered and i recommend having either or both in grass or bodies of water. connecting with nature is a big deal for me. i also like to use crystals like selenite, white topaz, and clear quartz and balance them on my head during meditation
healing your own energy this is also known as reiki. if you cannot afford or do not feel like going to a reiki specialist, have your hands on top of your head, close your eyes, take deep breaths in and out of your nose and mouth for the first three to five minutes and breathe softly for the rest of the session. this could go on for fifteen minutes
yoga. you can actually research this online that specifically deal with crown chakra
stay hydrated and eat cleanly.
happy healing!
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elisabethbabarci · 1 month
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Perpetrators come in many forms and use various calculated abusive methods to control and exert their power over victims therefore, abuse is cyclical in nature but does not take a linear route to heal. Healing involves community and understanding that support is needed on all levels i.e. Family , friends, professionals, volunteers, and community engagement.
Giving survivors their voice enhances their power to recover, and it enables them to reclaim their sovereignty. Victims often suffer in silence but when they awaken to their power to reclaim their life, it is a powerful moment. May my story of recovery empower those who feel dismantled, broken, or are embarking on their recovery trajectory.
“You wanted this.”
“No one will believe you.”
“It is for your own good.”
The escalation of priming can range from degradation, control, erosion of self, dismantling of support networks, paradox of carrot and stick approach, terrorism, violation, and inflicting fear in their victims. Within this article, I will delve into the complexities of sexual misconduct, abuse, and a near attempt to break my spirit.
More than a decade ago, after my fiancé had passed away, I was diagnosed with an extreme rare case of immune system malfunction, where my body rejected or perceived food as a threat, and as a result my neck would develop inflammation from the inside within seconds, resulting in my family members having to rush me to the emergency room. Seeking several medical opinions, there was an inconclusive question of why it was occurring. Finally, after 10 visits to the hospital, an emergency room doctor took a firm proactive approach, ran several tests, and concluded it was chronic inflammation and a narrowing of the esophagus. While seeking council from medical specialists from nutritionists, cardiologists, immunologists, gastroenterologists, allergists, pulmonologists, to rheumatologists, I decided to seek assistance from spiritual leaders within the community which enabled me to examine what was the root spiritual cause of these issues. Along my spiritual journey, I had a few that restored me back to health and aligned me on my path. What was the spiritual message? “What can you not swallow about life?” Suddenly, I was able to start the internal examination of where I stood with my self care, self respect, authority, safety, and autonomy over my own existence, and what I had allowed within my existence perpetrated by others. Over time, the medical condition still persisted which resulted in my Mother asking friends, neighbours, strangers, doctors, and clients if they were aware of anyone that specialized in this further? Unfortunately, within a panic of fear, she trusted a woman who was a loyal devotee of my future perpetrator who enthusiastically stated “I know a spiritual leader that would be able to restore your daughter’s health — he takes a non linear approach and works out of his apartment for comfort.” With blind trust for what this woman said, my Mother instructed me to drop my current reiki practitioner because she was not helping, and suggested that I visit this new individual.
Upon meeting this individual, there was an aura and energy of instant dislike and mistrust for him. He was abrupt, rude, abrasive, and contradictory. “You do not trust me because I represent a father figure, and I am a man, which I feel is the root of all your issues — you just do not trust, do you understand? Do not listen within — it will misguide you.” Not correct — within my life, I formed trusted, secure, and loyal friendships with paternal figures within society and my social network that demonstrated safety, honesty, trust, and compassion. However, unconsciously, I questioned my own judgment over time as he continuously made cases how men should not be trusted and how I had a trusting naive nature, “Could he be right?” …. In hindsight — no! My inner radar was setting the alarms off in my head. During our first encounter he assured me that it would take a few sessions to delve into what was causing the issues as he mentioned we need to peel the onion to get to the core root. Little did I know, this step would become my nightmare as this individual was sent into my life to erode my confidence, metaphysically peel my layers of trust and security, and teach me the fundamental lesson about not giving away my power and to learn, recognize and comprehend how important discernment is for our human existence.
Within the three years I was under his care, I was sexually abused within his bedroom and massage room, administered food and drinks which resulted in me feeling numb, calmer, which resulted in trips to the hospital due to unknown pains around my appendix, ovaries, and sacred parts. Once the trust eroded, threats, priming, disassociation with life, internal emotional pain, stagnation, physical / mental / emotional / verbal / financial abuse, and even worse, a sense of powerlessness succumbed me — I was paralyzed.
My perpetrator’s distortion of reality — He constructed a lie that he was being “Stalked” by his “Older — neighbour — female — widow — friend”, who was as he claimed “Extremely obsessed with him”, and “Would not leave him in peace.” He stated that she was “Dangerous,” “A client that was not getting better,” “Always showing up at his apartment uninvited”, “Wanting to date, and eventually get married to him, with a white house,” “Texting and phoning him non stop,” “Getting into physical altercations with him in his apartment,” “Spying on him,” “Controlling his every movement,” “Getting close to his parents and now his daughter who does not like her,” and that he was “Seeking council from clients and friends as to how to escape from her,” when he “Had enough money.” I felt scared for him at the beginning, as he told me that he was in a “Dangerous situation,” and he further went on to tell me, “She wants to know everything about you, she does this with every client, if she talks to you, do not trust her, avoid her, and ignore her.” Truth revealed — He lied about his entire life. This woman was a high ranking professional, who did not live in his apartment but adjacent to it, was supporting his business in all aspects as a silent investor, she promoted his business to everyone within reach, as he was healing her, healing members of her family and close friends. The woman was funding his entire existence from lifestyle, raising his child along with her own as by his request, paying for his child’s tuition, paying for his food / clothing / vehicle / and apartment where he “treated” clients. It was later disclosed to me, that supposedly he was a man that experienced severe abuse from his previous marriages, had severe relations with his siblings, was married once where he abandoned his child and wife, ran away from his long time partner (second marriage), to become homeless, and then rescued by this woman who enabled him to have a second chance at life. My main questions that always remained in my mind about her were, “Why did she try to get close to me?,” “Was she intentionally profiting from the distress he was causing to others?,” “Did he harm her younger children or even worse his daughter?.” Near the end, she verbally threatened my Mother and myself to scare us at his request, relocated her children out of the country and remained there for a while with him, temporarily left behind my perpetrators ill child that was mysteriously getting sick under both of their care — alone. Why did they both do this? One will never know. After I was under another’s care during my recovery, her cousin — that was my Mother’s old client that recommended him in the first place, tried with her husband to reconcile with my Mother and myself, asking, “How I was?,” “What happened?,” “Did you know he extorted money from both of us?,” “We will be seeing him less,” “Not to drag their name into it,” “That I was in danger,” “That her cousin was always mentally ill, abusing her position and those around her” and that “He changed once she got closer to him and his daughter.” With mistrust, we did not accept their apology as I was skeptical … I was suffering from PTSD — No amount of words could account for the torture one had to endure under his care.
Priming begins with entrusting an individual that you feel has superior abilities or knowledge to actively help, cure, or creates an illusionary atmosphere of safety. Priming then starts with gaining the victims trust, asking several questions about their lifestyle, friends and family network, gaining any information that can be used against them. It then leads to control, “What are you wearing,” “Express yourself like this,” “Do not go near these individuals,” “Do not tell your family,” “Schedule appointments later in the day so I can drive you home,” “Lets start with one appointment a month,” “Lets begin with 2 appointments a month, “Let me schedule you every week,” “Tell your Mom to stop driving you and come on the train and subway,” “Gain independence from your family,” “Quit your current job,” “Don’t travel,” “Do not trust police,” “Wear clothing like this, not that,” “Become part of “our” family,” to “You can not escape.” My perpetrator regularly stated “You can come to me with anything,” “Give me your phone,” or abruptly taking my phone away from me to a) encourage “technological detox” or would take it without my knowledge — gaslighting me that he did not know where it was, to “Give me all of your passwords to your e-mail accounts, so I can help you tell your friends to lightly give you space.” The most severe infraction was he was creating a false illusion and construct that I was in perpetual danger and that I should fear every element of my life. It then escalates to light touching, hugging, “Let me try this …”, “Stand against the wall and allow me to walk close to you — we will see if you have any residual hesitation for intimacy”, “Oh you are sore? Let me massage that,” to escalating to “Take off your clothes” … and more.
My perpetrator controlled nearly every aspect of my existence. The problem was, I enabled him to take away my voice, power, and I felt as I was on autopilot. There were times when he would tell me “No one will believe you,” “Look who I am dating, she will use every method to discredit you because I control her,” and “I only take on women because men do not understand me,” and “You wanted this, you deserve this, you deserve to be punished.” The worst comment was “If I did not return, he would harm my family or knew a network of individuals that would cause harm to those I loved.” For many years I questioned, “Why did I not leave?” … fear. When you enable your oppressor to become a force beyond yourself or authority, you place and characterize them into an omnipotent position of dominance and control. Abuse is not the natural state of our existence, it is brutal force to compel those that they perceive as weak into subordination to align with their motives, plan, or cohesive goals. Perpetrators lack empathy, accountability for their actions, and have no remorse for the damage and destruction they cause. As a society, we must examine the root of what fosters and creates these individuals rather than questioning the victim as to “Why did you stay?.” Logically, rationally, and proactively there needs to be a firm examination of what are the fundamental core roots that enable those who seek domination to feel they are above authority of the law.
Why am I writing this? After years of recovery in silence with the assistance from the legal realm and abuse and trauma recovery specialists, I learned from these professionals how to recover, awareness, education, and how to establish a safe nurturing environment— within my healing recovery I discovered that I was a victim of priming. The psychological, ethical, and moral implications of this form of violation can cause one to question their existence, their worth, their value, and recovery. Priming is a form of psychological violation and manipulation to lure the victim into subordination, till you effectively break the spirit to allow incremental abuse, violation, degradation, rejection then acceptance, sexual violence or misconduct, and to have the end goal of being a broken shell of yourself that is malleable for their pleasure or means.
Once I had become aware that my perpetrator was impersonating me by sending e-mails and text messages to my family, friends, and himself I began to feel helpless and trapped — He even refused to give me my phone back insisting that he buy me a phone that only could reach him. He then proceeded to create an illusion of a distorted reality of safety, asking for financial assistance from myself to seek a new home, and after a certain amount of time was suggesting that I “Date one of his clients,” and further added, “But you will still permit me to touch you as I please.” I decided to reveal to those closest to me my experience. Near the end, I was terrified of my perpetrator from all of his threats, I could not mitigate the impact of the abuse, and I was becoming broken— once you are in the gyre of sexual abuse — your whole perception on life shifts and you truly do not recognize yourself — you are no longer the strong, confident, courageous woman, you become paralyzed in fear.
After having several medical issues with my body as a response, feeling numb and broken, and weighing 100 pounds with my body giving out due to all the stress and abuse, I ended up in the hospital again, which was my wake up call that I needed to get assistance to recover. During my recovery, I reported my experience and was finally in an environment where I could heal my internal and physical wounds. I was not mentally or physically stable to withstand trial and was encouraged to recover and move forward as many individuals that experience rape have a high risk of suicide after they confront their perpetrator. Along my journey, I was under the care of specialists that enabled me to foster growth, evolve, and gain my strength back and examine the core roots of why I may have allowed this to infiltrate within my existence and most importantly learn inner peace, self forgiveness, and the ability to vocalize my experience to help others. No one deserves to be perpetrated, abused, silenced, degraded, violated, sacrificed, broken, demoralized, or to question their worth or existence. I learned that I am no longer a victim but a survivor. He might have broken me sexually but he does not have my power.
I understand the importance of recovery from destruction. My recovery fostered within me strength and resilience when I learned the importance of forgiveness, and that my self-worth and value was not diminished by the acts of another. It is fundamental for a survivor to learn that we are not our circumstances, and that we can overcome all challenges within our life. I believe when we work together as a community we can transcend trauma.
As a survivor, I understand the complexities of recovery, and I want to help others.
When we face our fears and challenges we become resilient. Violence at any level is significant and impactful as it causes fragmentation. It is essential that support is administered to victims who have experienced any traumatic event. Victim safety, wellbeing and recovery are essential in the rehabilitation process. To give survivors a voice in a safe environment helps rehabilitate and stabilize their equilibrium and mind. When one is dedicated to learning structured recovery and safety methods, courageous and flexible to delve into stressful situations that caused deterioration, and within time accept insight, enables one to regain their strength and balance.
It is paramount that a community comes together to help survivors overcome challenges. By helping survivors extract only the lessons and wisdom it will help them transcend the pain and injury and foster forgiveness to take their power back. Most importantly, any victim of trauma needs to learn to trust themselves again. Giving back to the community and assisting those in need enhances the comprehension of the multifaceted nature of trauma recovery, and the wisdom assists in learning how to help individuals in critical emergency situations. Unity consciousness helps the victim recover faster by acknowledging that they are not alone, free to express themselves in a safe environment, and have access to support networks with resources. Having a network that is strong, discrete and that provides the victim advocacy during their transition to safety and healing is paramount because we are stronger together than we could ever be apart.
Self forgiveness and forgiveness of others liberates. It is important that survivors understand that there is more light than darkness in the world. Survivors need to comprehend that their self worth is not dependant on what happened to them in the past and that recovery is possible. You are the light.
As a survivor, I comprehend and understand the complexities of the healing process, and I hope to be a representation for others that recovery is possible for anyone that experiences the devastating impact of sexual abuse.
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💕 More goodies for our lovely Patrons! Join us today and grab this other great perks including monthly long distance Reiki
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deathblossomed · 4 months
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𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐁𝐎𝐎𝐊 𝐎𝐅 𝐋𝐈𝐅𝐄 & 𝐃𝐄𝐀𝐓𝐇 𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐃𝐒 ( @thuganomxcs. )
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❝ turn around. you don’t need to see this part. ❞
( Protective Violence. )
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𝐈𝐍 𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐌𝐒 𝐎𝐅 𝐑𝐀𝐍𝐊𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐏𝐎𝐖𝐄𝐑, shinigami aren't worth much. They're powers don't draw from combat, nor can they rend the earth in two with sheer will. They grow stronger with age, some more than others but Botan is still young in the grand scheme of things, still blossoming and learning to forge her powers. She slips between realms so easily because she known to them and because a shinigami flying overhead is hardly interesting.
Unless of course, you're looking for a key.
Reikei is protected by the Sanzu, which drowns trespassers and floods to protect it's own. Only those born of it may cross, escorts for the dead and the living alike. But there are some who seek a way across, who think that if only they could get through the waters, they could seize Reikai as their own. They just need a key, a shinigami broken to their will to ferry them across. And what an easy catch she was, Koenma's envoy to the other realms, someone who lets down her guard as soon as she's crossed into Ningenkai. Her disappearance noticed only when she failed to report to work the next day, her oar laying abandoned a few blocks from Yusuke's house, a crumb she'd left in hopes it would lead them to her.
And it had, eventually. She put up a good fight, kicking and biting until they bound and caged her, a beating not strong enough to kill her but enough to keep her reiki low, to keep her from escaping or signaling for help. She's been slowly draining it just to keep herself conscious and stable, not enough to heal completely, not anymore. If she runs out, she knows her core will take over, siphoning life energy from her captors. But that's a last resort. She won't risk hurting Yusuke when he comes for her.
And when he does arrive, he's angry like she's rarely seen. He looses his temper, sure, but not like this with his teeth bared. Her vision's blurry and she feels cold, but there's heat radiating off him, yoki spilling out like a solar flare, a warmth she'd recognize anywhere. She hates pushing him to this point, doesn't want to keep dragging him into these messes. But she'll always trust that he'll come for her.
When he tells her to turn around, she complies, tucking her head to her chest and closing her eyes. She knows he'll kill them, imagines it will be brutal. But for now, she feels safe enough to turn her attention away. She'll make it up to him later.
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kazimakuwabara · 1 year
Summary: A demon out for Hiei's life finds himself at the mercy of one... old, knitting, man.
When Tallo burst into the front of the human shrine, he had been expecting many sights, but not the one he was greeted with.
He had expected to find Hiei, who he had tracked here, and engage with him in battle. If he could kill him, he would present his head to that damned Mukuro. Perhaps the shock of her general's head would make her easier to kill. If not Hiei, Tallo has expected at least some meandering humans. Didn't humans visit temples like these? If there were humans, he was going to eat his fill, and face Hiei with a full stomach, and fully charged reserves.
Instead, the sight that waited for him, was an elder human in a soft powder blue sweater, with fly-away white hair, and large glasses.
The human was knitting, or maybe it was crocheting. Tallo wasn't one to be able to tell which thing he was doing... but the human was sitting on the porch of his temple, his eyes cast down as he worked on weaving some purple and gray yarns together. A long stretch of silence passed between the two, Tallo waiting for some sort of reaction, and the human just... quietly sitting there. Not caring for Tallo's presence.
Tallo opened his mouth to speak, but the human heaved a dramatic sigh, "Damn! This is so fussy!"
"Don't shout!" the old man interrupted again, "I know you're there. But I was trying to get this done before I had to deal with you." The elder set down his knitted things, and flexed old boney fingers that were surprisingly steady.
"The scarf is becoming triangular... I'll have to ask Kurama where I messed up... he'll know. He's better at knitting than me," the human announced, lifting up his other hand and flexing his fingers.
Tallo took a step forward, his hackles raised, and his teeth bared as he prepared to roar at the foolish old pest who didn't seem bothered by him. But after that step, a ripple of intense energy poured out from the human. Like a slow heat, a wave of human Reiki washed over him, and Tallo winced at the might of it.
"You know I started crocheting first, but I thought I'd try knitting. I don't get why I'm struggling more with it. I began to practice to help keep my hands limber and steady... it's good if you're a doctor you know," the human rambled.
The bespectacled man looked at Tallo, his eyes slightly obscured behind his glasses, "Not that I'm sure you care for that. But I'm sure you'd like to know, you've stepped into my territory... and you can't leave until I let you. This is my space... and there are rules within it."
A chill was running up and down Tallo's spine as the human's aura continued to spike. He needed to get out of here... or at least he needed to step back, and give himself room to charge. Tallo took a step backward, and the human smiled, his sagging flesh stretching with his grin.
"Ah... gotcha."
The human's hands, still flexing in front of him glowed, and too late Tallo realized around every finger was a thread of energy. The thread stretched out, all the way to Tallo, to just beneath his feet. And beneath his feet was a loosely knit weave of Reiki. The human closed his hands into fists, and tugged.
The net at his feet closed around Tallo, and he screamed as he was hauled off his feet. At first, he struggled, but the thread cut too easily through him as he moved. He lost a few fingers, and half a foot before he had enough sense to stop. With effort, he remained still, caught and helpless within a glowing orange net of Reiki that was biting into him like the sharpest of blades.
Breathing hard, the old man approached Tallo, staring at him with a scolding look. Like he was a child.
"What is this?!" Tallo demanded, recoiling at the own terror in his voice.
"Well, this is a trap," the elder explained, shrugging a little. "A friend of mine warned me he planned to lead you through here so I could finish you off. You're a small fry he doesn't have time for."
Tallo felt a consuming rage burn like acid in his stomach, "I, am a small fry?! I, the breaker of human spirits? The terror to even demons! I am Tallo, the one who will be the next king of Makai, and with my kingship, I'll end pathetic little lives like yours!"
The old man grinned, suddenly looking boyish as he stifled a chuckle, "You? The next king? Please. You're not even in my league. Well... anyway. Goodbye. I promise it's quick. I don't like to make others suffer."
"Wait!" Tallo shrieked as the old man raised his fists, "Who the hell even are you!?"
"Kazuma Kuwabara," the elder answered patiently, "Someone before your time. Goodbye."
He pulled his hands over his shoulders, and as Kuwabara promised, it was quick. Tallo was gone before he was aware of pain.
As a mess slopped on the ground, Kuwabara released his threads of energy. It was a nice little trick... his own special ability he'd figured out some thirty years ago. He shuddered and tutted at the pile of Tallo on the ground, "Diced meat. Gross."
Tucking his hands behind his back, Kuwabara stared at the bloody mess for a few seconds longer and shook his head. Perhaps if could make the net, while also slicing up another dimension with his Jigen To, he wouldn't have to worry about cleanup. Maybe he could test that at another time. Turning over his shoulder he called out, "Hiei... will you clean this up? I'm too old to do this!"
Hiei appeared, flitting in front of Kuwabara like a shadow. Hiei smirked a little, "Your spiritual awareness is as good as ever I see... you knew I was here."
"Of course! Only my hearing is going, thank you very much!" Kuwabara sniffed, nose stuck in the air.
Hiei pointed at Kuwabara's glasses without a word.
"...Okay so my eyes are bad too. Be a friend, and help with this mess!" Kuwabara pleaded, his voice pitched in a way that made Hiei remember a young teen in a blue school uniform.
"You took care of the nuisance for me, so fine. Though you should just get a dog. Or a demonic beast. They could clean up the scraps," Hiei advised.
Kuwabara turned back towards the shrine calling over his shoulder, "If it's not a cat, I don't want it!"
"What are you knitting anyway?" Hiei asked, fire curling around his arm as he prepared to obliterate what was left of Tallo into ashes.
Kuwabara picked up his knitting, and held up a long stretch of woven together black and purple yarn. Kuwabara smiled, "A scarf. For you... But I think I missed a row."
Hiei wrinkled his nose and muttered, "If you think I'll wear that..."
"Oh, you will, spiteful little thing! You will!" Kuwabara grumbled, and then sat back down on the porch to resume his knitting.
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madamlaydebug · 6 months
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Once the seven chakras have been purified ~ where 51% of our divine spiritual energy is able to flow through our system ~ the divine energy from the kundalini will rise, breaking the seven seals that have been placed over our seven chakras that have kept us veiled and bound by the duality of the 3rd dimension. Once the veils of amnesia/blocks are removed our higher/spiritual chakras will be activated, and we will continue to open and expand our being based on our commitment and level of dedication to our "spiritual practice". There are many, many chakras beyond the 7 ~ but it is the 7 primary chakras that are the rainbow bridge that connect our physical body to our Divine Spirit.
The best way to open and purify the seven chakras is through:
2. Meditation and Visualization
3. Energy work such as Pranic Healing, Reiki, DNA Theta, Cranial Sacral or any other energetic modality
4. Yoga, Qi Gong, Tai Chi or any kind of exercise will increase energy circulation through our chakra system and break up old stagnant blocks.
5. Allowing yourself to process through your emotions and feelings by "FEELING" them. Stored unprocessed feelings create blocks in the chakras that block the flow of divine energy.
6. Practicing Self Love and Oneness
7. Living an AUTHENTIC life.
8. Speaking Our Truth with words of LOVE.
9. Expressing Gratitude.
10. Channeling Creative Energies through art, dance, cooking, writing, singing etc....
11. Energy activations such as a Reiki Attunement, Deeksha, DNA Activation etc.....
I have read several teachings where people are saying ~ if you do not focus on your higher chakras, those above the seven ~ you will be limited and holding yourself back. However, from my perspective, the only way you could hold yourself back is if you don't do any spiritual work at all, and you choose to keep your self stuck in shadow and ego consciousness. In addition, the higher spiritual chakras simply will not open until the lower seven have been purified. Each chakra is a doorway or portal into higher consciousness and once they are understood, opened and cleared we move into a state of wholeness bringing our Spirit down into matter. Once this occurs, then we can focus on the higher ones and our spiritual self will continue to open and expand those that we are ready to have activated ~ based on our level of vibration.
If we get over zealous in our spiritual practice thinking we can skip over the building blocks of our spiritual expansion we may run into problems. It is kind of like a baby learning how to walk. First we must build up our muscles to lift ourselves up, then we begin to crawl, then we begin to walk and then we begin to run! We don't just come out of the womb ready to run....there are prerequisites and stages to our development and we want our spiritual expansion to be safe and GROUNDED. Too much too soon can be overwhelming.
During meditations and visualizations, AFTER you have spent time with the intention to clear your 7 chakras, you can connect with your HEART and CROWN space directly above your head. Send love to these areas and know that you are deeply loved and fully supported. The raising of divine spiritual energy from the root chakra ~ all the way up the spine ~ to the crown chakra requires PATIENCE, TRUST, FAITH and SELF PURIFICATION. Divine energy will rise at exactly the right time for each soul's journey. Your focused attention on meditation and the clearing of your chakras/energy fields, as well as, your desire to live a life of "good will" will activate your dormant kundalini energy to rise when your system has been adequately prepared. Please do not force the process.
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kayleightarot · 1 year
It’s Woo Wednesday, folx! Today, I offer Reiki to support you in grounding and releasing, as you navigate the transformational energy of the week. 
We can thank the planetary dance for the extra feels of the week, as well as for the assist in making changes for our highest good.  It may feel chaotic, and tiring. It may even be tempting to relax into old patterns so, try to focus on where you are heading, and why you are leaving those things behind.  Whatever you were working toward, you did it with patience, skill, and Universal support so you know it’s all going to work out right. You rock!  Gus an ath thuras (Until next time), Lovelies Namasté  
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shikonstar · 11 months
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I was paired with the amazing @kalcia, whose work was truly an inspiration.
Here is your snippet; is it out of context? Yes.
Is it definably Inu/Kag? Also yes.
Kagome knelt down, her spine straight as she folded her hands to her chest. She closed her eyes to better help her concentrate on a few calming exercises before attempting the first spell. As her reiki flared around her, she heard Inuyasha back up a few paces, although it was unnecessary. He should be safe, although she amended that thought when she felt her energy clash with that of the previous caster. She frowned in concentration, focusing all of her effort on the barrier.
“Try going through now,” she told him, cracking one eye open.
Inuyasha responded by moving as he always did; quickly and with force. He didn't even have time to make a sound before he was being slammed into the wall of the cave, just as he had the first time he attempted to leave.
“Dammit!” he growled, falling to the ground.
Kagome winced sympathetically. He could take more physical abuse than a human, but that didn't make it any more pleasant.
“Sorry! I knew it was too much to hope for--let me try another.”
Inuyasha stalked back to his original position, his pride not allowing him to rub the lump he could feel forming on the back of his head.
Sending him an apologetic smile before closing her eyes once more, Kagome redoubled her efforts, hoping that at the very least, she was weakening the spell.
“Try it again.”
Once more, Inuyasha sprang forward, this time bracing himself as he was flung back.
“This is one case where I’m not happy that I was right,” she sighed, slumping slightly at her failure.
Inuyasha sat up, but wasn't as quick to move across the cave. “This spell has been in place for a long time, and we can't be sure how many people have recast and altered it. It would have been nice, but I guess I couldn't expect you to break it in one go,” he said grudgingly. The last thing he wanted was for her to give up.
“Maybe not, but I won't let this get the best of me!” Kagome replied, her jaw jutting out stubbornly. “There are still plenty of things to try, and I have a friend with scrolls that might help if I run out of options.”
Inuyasha raised an eyebrow. Bold words for the person that wasn't being slammed into the wall at every attempt, but he had to admit, she had guts.
“Let’s go, then. I can take more hits than that.”
Although most of his Marks were now hidden by his clothing, Kagome had an excellent memory, and knew very well just how battered he must have been to earn each one.
“If you don't mind using a human, I know someone who add your Mark for this,” she offered quietly, hoping he wouldn't be offended.
Inuyasha froze, hardly able to believe what she was saying. Most humans thought that Marks were barbaric, and nothing more than a way to brag about the atrocities the youkai had committed against humans. While he couldn't deny that was the case for some, the Marks held a much deeper meaning, and in most cases did not involve humans at all. It was clear that Kagome had an understanding of their significance, but he couldn't help but wonder if her offer wasn't connected to the possible bond between them. He glanced away, unable to meet her eyes.
“Not sure if this is worth a Mark--or one that I wanna remember,” he finally answered.
Kagome gave a light shrug, not wanting to pressure him. “Maybe not, but I didn't think you would be able to resist getting one to rub in Sesshomaru’s face.” She grinned as his eyes jerked in her direction, an answering expression curling his lips.
“Damn, you're vindictive. I might have to take you up on that.”
“The offer is always open. Now,” she sighed, resisting the urge to rub the muscles in her legs that were beginning to protest her position, “Let’s try this again.”
They continued throughout the morning, and then into the afternoon. Each time her efforts failed and Inuyasha went sailing through the air to smack into what was becoming a sizable dent in the cave wall, Kagome felt a horrible sense of guilt.
“Dammit, Kagome!” Inuyasha howled, brushing tiny bits of stone out of his hair, one eye clenched shut while the other glared at her balefully, “Are ya tryin’ to kill me, or get me outta here by tunnling through the other side of the damn cave?”
Abruptly, the feeling passed.
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caribwitch · 1 month
Sunday self-care. Meditated. Cried. Affirmed. Stretched. Washed my curls. Styled my curls. Energy cleansed my space and body. Slathered in serums and moisturizer. Ate left over tacos and plantains. Saw my grandma. Taking a five before heading to a market in the city to explore and network. Reiki this afternoon.
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